SSSIIINNNGGGLLLEEE TTTEEENNNAAANNNTTT SSSTTTAAAPPPLLLEEESSS CCCOOORRRPPPOOORRRAAATTTEEEBradenton LLLEEEAAASSSEEE 888000555999 WWWeeesssttt PPPrrreeeeeeccceee DDDrrriiivvveee ||| BBBoooiiissseee,,, IIIdddaaahhhooo For more information on the sale, please contact: Jeff Solomon Major League Properties Inc. (619) 813-6488-cell PO Box 1490
[email protected] Eagle, ID 83616 Licensed in California and Idaho BRE# 00836105 Idaho # DB43583 PROPERTY DETAILS INVESTMENT OFFERING Year built: 1998 Gross Square Feet: 24,500 NOI: $220,500 CAP Rate: 7.0% Lot Size: 1.8 acres Parking stalls: 87 Loading doors: 2 wells plus grade level Lease Type: NNN * Lease Expiration: 4/30/2022 Rental Rate: $9.00 per SF on an annual basis Next Rental Increase: $9.50 beginning 5/1/2021 Options: $11.86 1st option 5/1/2022-4/20/2027 2nd option 5/1/2027-4/30-2032 Offered at $3,150,000 (2nd option based on market rents of either 90% of the current market The subject property is a single tenant or 110% of the Base Rent per the terms in the lease.) NNN Staples, located in Boise Idaho’s major retail market. Surrounding national Landlord responsibilities: chains include Home Depot, Target, Old Repairs as to Roof, structure, parking lot & HVAC per the terms of the Navy, Dave’s Bridal and the Boise Town lease. Center Mall. Conveniently located off I-184 *Landlord has spent less than $1000 in total repairs over the last five between Milwaukee and Cole. Traffic counts years. are 22,716 per the ACHD. The immediate trade area incorporates 3.5 million square feet of retail with a low vacancy rate. The information listed above has been obtained from sources we believe to be reliable, however, we accept no responsibility for its correctness.