Not the Internet, but This Internet
Not The Internet, but This Internet: How Othernets Illuminate Our Feudal Internet Paul Dourish Department of Informatics University of California, Irvine Irvine, CA 92697-3440, USA ABSTRACT built – the Internet, this Internet, our Internet, the one to What is the Internet like, and how do we know? Less which I’m connected right now? tendentiously, how can we make general statements about the Internet without reference to alternatives that help us to I ask these questions in the context of a burgeoning recent understand what the space of network design possibilities interest in examining digital technologies as materially, might be? This paper presents a series of cases of network socially, historically and geographically specific [e.g. 13, alternatives which provide a vantage point from which to 15, 36, 37]. There is no denying the central role that “the reflect upon the ways that the Internet does or does not digital,” broadly construed, plays as part of contemporary uphold both its own design goals and our collective everyday life. Wireless connectivity, broadband imaginings of what it does and how. The goal is to provide communications, and computational devices may be a framework for understanding how technologies embody concentrated in the urban centers of economically promises, and how these both come to evolve. privileged nations, but even in the most “remote” corners of the globe, much of everyday life is structured, organized, Author Keywords and governed by databases and algorithms, and “the digital” Network protocols; network topology; naming routing; still operates even in the central fact of its occasional media infrastructures.
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