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link AUGUST 2014 NO 10 – SECOND PERIOD INTERVIEWS Elena Pisonero, Hispasat chairman P. 12 Irina Bokova, UNESCO Director-General P. 50 REPORT Abertis launches new corporate image P. 40 Back to growth VISIT THE ON LINE EDITION OF THE LINK ABERTIS MAGAZINE. AND YOU WILL FIND AN IMPROVED VERSION WITH AUDIOVISUAL CONTENT AND MORE DETAILED INFORMATION SO YOU CAN FIND OUT THE LATEST NEWS REGARDING WHAT’S HAPPENING IN THE ABERTIS GROUP. EDITORIAL Towards a consistent model In recent weeks, with different A transport network that faces impor- approaches, nuances and degrees of tant maintenance problems is unquestion- precision in their proposals, we have seen ably a liability that negatively impacts the diverse European countries make headway competitiveness, appeal and economic in the implementation and extension of user- growth of countries and territories. Through THERE IS A GREAT pay models on their road networks. instruments such as the Eurovignette direc- OPPORTUNITY The French government has finally tive, which regulates user-pays for heavy announced the pricing model that will bind goods vehicles, and the directive regulating TO USE PRIVATE heavy goods vehicles on 4,000 km of the coun- and fostering the implementation of pay RESOURCES FOR try’s leading highway networks starting from technologies that are interoperable in differ- PUBLIC PURPOSES, 1 January 2015. Roads that were free until now ent member states, Europe is providing the FREEING UP will be added to the extensive network of toll framework and instruments which will ena- roads already operating in the country. ble the different governments to advance in COSTS FOR For its part, the German federal govern- setting up a harmonious and consistent user- ADMINISTRATIONS ment has specified its plans for the applica- pays model of their road networks. SO THEY CAN tion of a vignette which will regulate pay-to- Decisions such as those now being BE ALLOCATED use for all light vehicles travelling on Ger- adopted by Germany and France, and the ones many’s road network, a measure that builds that Austria, Portugal, Slovakia and Netherlands TO BASIC POLICIES” on the pricing system in place since 2005 have taken in the past, are steps in the right which charges heavy goods vehicles that use direction which will not only make it possible the German road network. to guarantee the financial flows needed to Let’s take this on board in Spain instead address the maintenance and improvement of specific measures, announcements and of infrastructures but also set the ground rules statements from different government spokes- – the consistent model that is needed – so people from the central and regional admin- that the private sector, collaborating with istrations. Let’s accept the inevitability of public administrations, can assume the role of adopting and extending pay-to-use to the funding and managing a good part of assets whole of the high-capacity road network and which, while still publicly owned, generate put an end to the dual system of free motor- additional resources for administrations, in ways versus toll roads. Statements that must addition to budgetary savings. also be put in the context of the call for aware- Public-private collaboration based on ness from the European Commission in its understanding the roles the public partner recommendations of June 2014, in application and private partner play – the former in terms of Spain’s Reform Programme, which stressed of planning and regulation and the latter in SALVADOR the need to “address the structural low profit- provision and management – which facilitates ALEMANY ability and underutilisation of the toll motor- the rollout of an economic stimulus policy PRESIDENT OF ABERTIS way network (in reference to the problems based on fostering projects which, from the some concessionaires have been accumulat- viewpoint of social justification and economic ing partly due to the lack of consistency in the reasoning, can be undertaken by the private model), compared with toll-free motorways sector. and high-capacity roads running in parallel”. This is a great opportunity to use private This points the way towards the introduction resources for public purposes, freeing up costs of charges for use of the network. for administrations so they can be allocated What is the common denominator in all to covering basic policies with a major social of these movements? Clearly, the confirma- impact (as they affect equal opportunities, tion of a maintenance shortfall, rather than social cohesion and, at the end of the day, a a shortage of endowments and stocks among country’s appeal both as a country and a the transport infrastructures which make up market) in the spheres of education and the major European networks and the struc- health or in boosting R&D, which must also tural limitations of financial resources on the have the decisive help of the private sector. part of administrations, derived from compli- The margin exists and is relatively wide. I ance with budget stability objectives (deficit hope we can also count on a determined and public debt as key indicators). political will. Q AUGUST 2014 Q LINK abertis Q 3 NO 10 SUMMARY 08 REPORT Bases for speeding up the economic recovery 24 34 42 REPORT REPORT NEWS link abertis ‘Towering’ Sanef Road safety 42 Abertis purchases Comprehensive toll revamp Abertis and Zurich cell sites in Italy join forces for 35 safer driving REPORT Toll systems 43 06 26 New free-fl ow toll OPINION TRAVEL Arteris on the AP-7 at Eladio Gutiérrez Vancouver Works in the La Roca What is the future of DTT? The most cosmopolitan Florianopolis area Satellites 44 city in Canada 36 Hispasat, principal 08 bridge between REPORT REPORT 30 Europe and America REPORT Dalí Retrospective Economic analysis BIT! Broadcast 2014 47 AP-7 toll road Arteris takes the work Bases for speeding up the Abertis presents Figueres North and Vilademuls of the Empordà-born economic recovery the DTT of the future junctions completed painter to Brazil Smart cities 48 12 Abertis awarded INTERVIEW 32 38 integrated Elena Pisonero NEWS REPORT management “Hispasat has the clear Infrastructures Chile of Barcelona’s ambition of becoming New connection between Abertis boosts its presence municipal networks a global player” the C-33 and C-17 40 49 18 33 REPORT FOUNDATION TEAM NEWS Branding Environment 49 Investor Relations Latin America Abertis launches Castellet Castle, A sure value Investing in Puerto Rico new corporate image Opened as a UNESCO 4 Q LINK abertis Q AUGUST 2014 12 40 26 33 24 link abertis is a publication of Abertis Infraestructuras, SA Av. del Parc Logístic, 12-20. 30 08040 Barcelona. Tel. 93 230 50 00. Fax: 93 230 50 02. EDITED AND COORDINATED BY: Abertis Corporate Communication Management. Interview 50 EDITORIAL BOARD: Salvador Alemany, Francisco Irina Bokova, UNESCO Reynés, José Aljaro, Josep Maria Coronas, Director-General 18 Toni Brunet, Juan María Hernández Puértolas, Sergi Loughney and Joan Rafel. El Mèdol 53 CORPORATE IMAGE AND PRODUCTION: Abertis opens the Erik Ribé, Berta Riera and Laura Serra. CONTENT COORDINATION: restored Roman quarry Alícia Cobeña. to the public EDITORIAL: Alícia Cobeña, Gemma Gazulla, Marc Gómez, Leticia Gonzálvez Foundation 54 and Marta Maxenchs. Initiative to accompany CONTRIBUTORS: Christine Allard, the elderly in Barcelona Claudio Carvalho, Sergio Castilla, Jorge Chamizo, Muriel Lázaro, Anna-Sophie Leber, Enric Pérez, Reina Sofía Museum 56 Mercedes Pérez-Cruz, Marc Ribó, Berta Riera, Andrea Yametti, Abertis sponsors Abertis, Abertis Autopistas, the major Richard Abertis Telecom and Abertis Foundation. Hamilton retrospective 70 PRODUCTION: Ediciones Reunidas, SA (Grupo Zeta). 2014 GENERAL MEETING Revistas Corporativas Barcelona. Investor’s link Future strategy Consell de Cent, 425. 08009 Barcelona. 58 Growing to create Tel.: 93 265 53 53. ABERTIS Manager: Òscar Voltas. Editorial coordinator: more value for the Abertis Chair Nuria González. Chief reporter: Toni Sarrià. shareholder Editorial: Marta Carrera, Gemma Figueras, 11th Abertis Prize Paco Martínez and Toni Capilla. 66 Layout: Cristina Vilaplana, Xavier Julià RESULTS 74 and Samuel Vergés. Corrector: Ana Carrión. Legal deposit: B-16430-2010. 2014 fi rst-half ASSETS Abertis shareholder hotline: 902 30 10 15. 60 Abertis’s net profi t Historical offer NEWS IN BRIEF Abertis bonds at Abertis accepts no responsibility for the opinion grows by 5% to of its employees in the works published, nor does abertis news reach €306Mn lowest-ever interest rate it necessarily identify with their opinions. AUGUST 2014 Q LINK abertis Q 5 OPINION By Eladio Gutiérrez Director of RTVE Digital What is the future from 2004 to 2008 and chairman of Impulsa TDT between 2007 and 2012, as well as the RTVE of DTT? representative for the Association for the After four years of digital television, most users are Promotion of DTT since its creation in 2005. not aware of the technological transformations that have occurred. Neither do they know the challenges Professor of the master’s course ‘Telecommunications they will face in their home from now on and ICT Law’ at Carlos III University and professor TEXT AND PHOTOS ABERTIS of the fi rst master’s course in Comprehensive Advanced Communication DTT defi nitively replaced the old ana- But digital television technology has also at Next Business School. logue television model on 3 April 2010. made spectacular progress in these four years. Member of the Spanish This indelible date in history for those of us The DVB consortium that began in Academy of Television directly involved in the transition process cor- Europe has completed the second-generation Science and Arts. Named responded with the start of a new television developments of digital terrestrial (DVB-T2), Engineer of the Year era in Spain, as Impulsa TDT emphasised in its satellite (DVB-S2) and cable television (DVB- by the Offi cial Association fi nal report from May 2010, headlined “DTT C2).