Newsletter Vol. XXXVIII No. 3—Winter 2017 Strengthening Libraries in Oklahoma through Friends of Libraries FOLIO Officers President—Karen Neu- LUNCHEON SPEAKER rohr 1st V-P—Sharon Speaker for Saulmon the FOLIO Luncheon 2nd V-P—Eugene Ear- is Alton Carter, author som Sec.– Jeannine Spencer of The Boy Who Treasurer-Gerry Hen- Carried Bricks, don winner of the Asst. Treas-Candice Oklahoma Book Baird Award for Young Past Pres - Judy Neale FOLIO Annual Meeting Cecilia Brown Adults, and Aging Jane Bryant Wednesday, April 26 Out. Carter’s first Jon Douthitt Sharon Douthitt The 2017 OLA Annual Conference book describes his Cindy Friedemann will be held at the National Center for difficult childhood, and experiences as a Carla Garrison Employee Development (on Highway 9 in foster kid. His second book describes his Wayne Hanway southeast Norman). Registration for Judy Haught college and career journeys, and joy at FOLIO members is $50 and includes full becoming a husband and father of two Carolyn Klepper conference registration for 1 day, the Carol McReynolds sons. Joe McReynolds awards luncheon, programs, exhibits and Diane Pennington the FOLIO Annual Meeting. OLA members He started the Alton Carter Inspire Barbara Pickthorn who register for the conference may pay Foundation to assist young people who Laurie Sundborg an extra $15 for the FOLIO luncheon. See have lived in foster care, group homes, or the FOLIO schedule on the next page. DHS facilities with securing a college Advisory Board degree. Alton is director of youth ministries Connie Armstrong Dr. Bob Blackburn for the First United Methodist Church in Kay Boies Stillwater. Books will be available for Oliver Delaney purchase and signing. You will enjoy Hannibal B. Johnson hearing his inspiring story and be Melody Kellogg Susan McVey motivated by his accomplishments. Vicki Mohr Dr. Anne Morgan FOLIO will also recognize our OLA Judy Randle Plan to attend the morning FOLIO Scholarship winners and our Best Friends Bruce Stone Michael Wallis program at 11 a.m. to find ideas for Awards recipients. (See page 8 for Tora Williamsen-Berry providing financial literacy programs in information on how to apply.) your community. According to FINRA’s statistics, The Best Friends awards recognize Emeritus Board Oklahomans do more non-bank borrowing Friends groups who demonstrate Beverly Dieterlen than people in many other states, and that exemplary success in support of their local Jennifer Greenstreet libraries. The John Harkey Best Friends Robert Greenstreet behavior comes with really high interest Mary Harkey rates. We are also less likely to have a Award recognizes a Friends group in a city Julia Brady Ratliff personal rainy day fund, and we have with a population of less than 10,000, and Tom Terry more overdue medical bills than those in the Oklahoma Best Friends Award other states. recognizes a Friends group in a city with a Libraries CAN make a difference in population of more than 10,000. the lives of your customers. —Karen Neurohr This newsletter is the official bulletin of the Friends of Libraries in Oklahoma, Inc., a non-profit organization whose purpose is to provide information and assistance to strengthen libraries in Oklahoma through Friends of Libraries. It is published quarterly and mailed to members, public libraries and Friends of Libraries groups. Editors: Sharon Saulmon and Gerry Hendon A Message from the President Dear Friends, Plan to join us April 26 during the Oklahoma Library Association Annual Conference at the National Center for Employee Development Conference Center, Norman, OK. Your one-day registration fee of $50.00 includes the FOLIO luncheon featuring author Alton Carter and presentation of FOLIO awards, and access to other programs and exhibits. Be sure to stop by the FOLIO Booth and register for door prizes from FOLIO. Wednesday, April 26, 2017: 9:00 a.m. Registration and Visit Exhibits 11:00 a.m. “Smart Investing at Your Library: Developing Programs for Your Patrons” presented by Sharon Saulmon, FOLIO First Vice-President and Dean Emeritus, Rose State College Library and the Smart Investing grant team 12:00 noon FOLIO Awards Luncheon with Guest Speaker, Alton Carter, author of The Boy Who Carried Bricks and Aging Out. Awards will include Best Friends and Scholarships. 1:30-2:30 p.m. FOLIO Annual Membership Meeting. The agenda will include a business meeting, and a roll call of FOLIO Friends groups with reports of their activities. Registration will open soon at the Oklahoma Library Association conference website: The Oklahoma legislature is now in session. One of our roles as members of Friends of Libraries is to help advocate for our libraries. We need to help everyone understand the important role of libraries as an arm of democracy. As social and intellectual centers in communities, libraries support equitable access to information, lifelong learning, and literacy through access to technology and resources, meeting spaces, innovation, and programming. Karen Neurohr, FOLIO President, 2016-18 Children’s Wing at Stilwell Allie Beth Martin Scholarship The Allie Beth Martin Scholarship is an annual monetary award funded through the Tulsa Library Trust. Named for the former TCCL library director, the award is open to residents of Oklahoma who are pursuing advanced degrees in library science. This year's recipient is April Hardin-Akbas. She is currently enrolled in her fourth semester at Oklahoma University in the Masters of Library and Groundbreaking for the new children’s wing at the Information Studies program. April grew up in Ponca Stilwell Public Library was held on January 12. The City and received a Bachelor's degree in History from $505,112 addition is a community-wide project with Oklahoma Baptist University. She is president of the generous donations from the FOL President, Grace Oklahoma Library and Information Studies Student Ferris, Kiwanis Club, other organizations and Association, working to bring more learning and individuals as well as proceeds from a book sale, a social activities to fellow students. April is currently a garage sale, grant writing, other fund raisers, and an customer service assistant at Central Library, Tulsa. arts and craft fair. The project has taken ten years, since the FOL caught a glimpse of an expanded Find out more information at http://www.tulsalibrary library. There have been ups and downs, but the addition is underway with expected completion in Wayne Hardy, Tulsa Library Trust May. Sayre Library Resurgence Breakfast at Elgin a Success Mariana Comacho-Martinez used the Sayre Library to The Friends of the Elgin Community Library held their complete her goal for the Thunder Reading Challenge. In 4th annual January Fundraiser Breakfast. The November and December she read 7,645 minutes. Friends group supplies the breakfast items and paper products while the Masons of Pilot Lodge 367 do all Positive changes are taking place at the Sayre the cooking. This is their way of helping a local Library. As library assistant Nancy Reed says, “We community organization. are experiencing a resurgence.” The breakfast was a great success, bringing in about Topping the list of new things at the library is the $2600 which includes some matching funds from the purchase of some much-needed equipment. Sayre Masons. Friends of the Library is providing funds for a new —Leslie Durham, Librarian, Elgin Community Library copier, and money from a patron’s estate will go toward four new computers. Legos Popular in Elk City Of course, the most significant changes in the library come from new patrons and programs. On Elk City Carnegie Library hosted the first Lego Day at December 23, the library held a “Meet and Eat” to the Library on acquaint people with the various programs and January 12. benefits of the public library. One very popular Over 30 children program has been the Author of the Month. Patrons were in submit their preferences for the author of the month, attendance with fun had by all. and one name is randomly chosen. The library then focuses on that author for the entire month. Patrons Each Lego Day have remarked that they have broadened their starts with a reading by trying the featured authors. Movie nights building theme. are also a favorite among families, and a Star Wars For this first marathon is in the works. event the Like the library, coloring is regaining popularity and children built not just among children. The library featured a Space Aliens. Youth Librarian Donna McNaught said pumpkin coloring contest for all ages. Library staff “I was so impressed with the level of creativity shown distributed age-appropriate coloring pages to three by the kids. They all shared and helped each other to different age groups: three to seven, eight to twelve, build their creations.” and teenager to adult. Winning pages were displayed The day ended with several rounds of Lego Bingo. in the library. A Valentine coloring contest is planned. The minimum age to participate was 5 years old due The library is focusing on attracting more children to to the choking hazard of the small Lego pieces. Lego the library. The staff has ordered new child-friendly coloring pages were provided in the Youth Library for shelves and furniture to make young patrons feel at younger children. home. In addition, they are setting up a junior “The number of kids that turned out for this program advisory board comprised of teens, ages 13-18. was fantastic. What a great way to bring in new kids Looking toward a bright future, the library staff is to the Library!” Director DeAun Ivester said. “We want gearing up for the summer reading program and to thank our Friends of the Library group and Wal- preparing for e-rate.
ILLINOIS~ UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN PRODUCTION NOTE University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Large-scale Digitization Project, 2007. Library Trends VOLUME 28 NUMBER 4 SPRING 1980 ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ University of Illinois ‘Graduate School of Library Science This Page Intentionally Left Blank Current Trends in Rural Public Library Service JOHN M. HOULAHAN Issue Editor CONTENTS John M. Houlahan 489 INTRODUCTION Ann Drennan 493 RURAL POPULATIONS IN Henry Drennan THE 1970s Lisa deGruyter 513 THE HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL PUBLIC LIBRARIES Norma J. McCallan 525 DELIVERY SYSTEMS AND PROGRAMS Bernard Vavrek 563 INFORMATION SERVICES AND THE RURAL LIBRARY James W. Fry 579 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND CENTRALIZED PROCESSING FOR THE RURAL PUBLIC LIBRARY: AN OVERVIEW Clifford E. Lange 589 THE RURAL PUBLIC LIBRARY TRIJSTEE: A PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT Terry L. Weech 599 PUBLIC LIBRARY STANDARDS AND RURAL LIBRARY SERVICE CONTENTS - Continued Daniel Barron 619 ASSESSING THE INFORMA- Charles Curran TION NEEDS OF RURAL PEOPLE: THE DEVELOP- MENT OF AN ACTION STRATEGY FOR RIJRAL LIBRARIANS Wil!iam T. DeJohn 633 THE IMPACT OF TECHNOL- OGY AND NETWORKS ON THE FUTURE OF RURAL PUBLIC LIBRARY SERVICE 649 ACRONYMS i INDEX TO VOLUME 28 Introduction JOHN M. HOULAHAN RURALPUBLIC LIBRARY SERVICE is a distinct, important, and complex problem that affects large segments of the United States population but has lacked the attention and examination of the library community. Allie Beth Martin wrote in 1972, “Rural public library service has been largely overshadowed by urban-suburban crises in recent years.”’ Three-quarters of a decade later, rural libraires and rural public library service are still being neglected and overlooked by scholars and decision- makers, and the national library press and literature.
June 2002 Vol. 12 No. 6 MORE GUIDELINES for PUBLIC
MORE GUIDELINES FOR PUBLIC LIBRARY TRUSTEES By Philip Ritter Now that I have completed all of my visits with the various Boards of Trustees in the Upper Hudson Library System, I would like to comment further on how public library trustees should conduct their library’s business. You may recall that I addressed this subject in the October 2001 newsletter when I suggested that all library boards and trustees should adhere to the following guidelines: • A trustee should never act alone. • A trustee should always agree publicly with all board decisions. • A trustee should not be involved in the daily operation of the library. • A trustee should deal with the issue instead of the individual. • The library director should be present at each board meeting. The Latest Edition is a regularly published newsletter for the I encourage you to review that article and to consider these additional and public libraries in Albany and equally important guidelines which all library boards and trustees should Rensselaer Counties. follow: • A trustee should promote a high level of library service while observing EDITOR high ethical standards. A trustee especially must avoid situations in Rachel Baum which personal interests might be served or financial benefits gained at the expense of the library, other trustees, and library users. MANAGING EDITOR • A trustee should monitor the financial condition and management Heidi Fuge practices of the library. This would include the diligent review of all Upper Hudson Library System financial reports, the verification that reserve funds are being used for 28 Essex St. their intended purposes, and the assurance that all records are complete Albany, NY 12206 and accurate.
Developments in the Planning of Main Library Buildings
Developments in the Planning of Main Library Buildings HA!RRY N. PETERSON THEREQUIREMENTS for a main library building are determined by the nature and scope of the public library service to be performed. This, in turn, depends upon such factors as population served-its size, distribution and growth trends; educational level of the library’s clientele and its future potential; geographic characteristics- location, topography, and natural and man-made barriers; other educa- tional and cultural facilities available; and business, industrial or other economic activity. These elements help shape the objectives, scope, and organization of the service and thus influence the size and design of the main library and other facilities required to meet present and future needs. As stated in the ALA Minimum Standards for Public Library System, 1966,“Fundamentally, a library is not a building but a service organization. The pattern of service to be rendered in a specific com- munity will determine the nature of its physical facilities; there is no standard building plan for public library operation.”1 Continuing urbanization represents both an opportunity and a chaI- lenge for large public libraries. The changes that have taken place within the core cities in recent years have created new demands and necessitated modifications in programs which have often increased work loads even though the population may have declined. At the same time, the growing area population looks to the central library of the core city for specialized services and materials to supplement those available in their local libraries. In this connection, an observation made by Ralph Shaw over ten years ago still applies today: While it is possible and necessary to provide some of the services pro- vided by libraries close to and 8s an integral part of each neighborhood, Harry N.
Continuing Education for Library Staffs in the Southwest; a Survey and Recommendations
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 119 621 IR 003 080 AUTHOR Martin, Allie Beth; Duggan, Maryann TITLE Continuing Education for Library Staffs in the Southwest; A Survey and Recommendations. INSTITUTION Texas Univ., Austin. Graduate School of Library Science. SPONS AGENCY Southwestern Library Association, Stillwater, Okla. PUB DATE 75 NOTE 157p. EDRS PRICE MF-$0.83 HC-$8.69 Plus Postage DESCRIPTORS Interinstitutional Cooperation; *Librarians; Library Cooperation; *Library Education; Library Surveys; Library Technicians; *Professional Continuing Education; Program Planning; Questionnaires; Regional Programs IDENTIFIERS CELS; Continuing Education for Library Staffs Southwest ABSTRACT In 1973 a study was made to determine needs and objectives for Continuing Education for Library Staffs in the Southwest (CELS). First background information was gathered on the expressed needs for the study and on activities at the national and regional levels as well as in library schools and other professions. Then a questionnaire was administered to a sampling of state library agencies, library associations, library schools, and individual libraries. The questionnaire was designed to help determine patterns of existing continuing education activities, identify major needs, and develop a program to meet regional needs. Analysis of the data showed that continuing library education programs were fragmented and without coordination. Specific needs were identified, along with some barriers to effective coordinated programs. The major recommendation growing from the study was that the Southwest Library Association assume responsibility for developing a continuing education program for the library community in the Southwest cooperatively with state, regional, and national groups; library schools; employing institutions; and individuals. This program was developed in great detail and many of its components have been put into operation.
Virtue Ethics and the Narrative Identity of American Librarianship 1876 To
VIRTUE ETHICS AND THE NARRATIVE IDENTITY OF AMERICAN LIBRARIANSHIP 1876 TO PRESENT by JOHN TIMOTHY FREEDOM BURGESS BETH S. BENNETT, COMMITTEE CHAIR HEIDI E. JULIEN STEVEN L. MACCALL UTZ L. MCKNIGHT CHARLES B. OSBURN A DISSERTATION Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the College of Communication and Information Sciences in the Graduate School of The University of Alabama TUSCALOOSA, ALABAMA 2013 Copyright John Timothy Freedom Burgess 2013 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to propose a means of reconciling the competing ideas of library and information science's identity, thereby strengthening professional autonomy. I make the case that developing a system of virtue ethics for librarianship would be an effective way to promote that reconciliation. The first step in developing virtue ethics is uncovering librarianship's function. Standard approaches to virtue ethics rely on classical Greek ideas about the nature of being to determine function. Since classical ideas of being may no longer be persuasive, I introduce another approach to uncover librarianship's function that still meets all of the criteria needed to establish a foundation for a system of virtue ethics. This approach is hermeneutical phenomenology, the philosophical discipline of interpreting the meaning given to historical events. Hans-Georg Gadamer's hermeneutic circle technique and Paul Ricoeur's theory of narrative intelligence are used to engage in a dialogue with three crises in the history of American librarianship. These pivotal events are the fiction question, librarian nationalism during World War I, and the dispute between supporters of the "Library Bill of Rights" and social responsibility.
.., News Release: American Library Association Public Information Office American Library Association 50 East Huron Street Chicago, Illinois 60611 312 944-6780 From: Peggy Barber, Director Public Infonnation Office FOR IMvffiDIATE RELEASE April 1976 Allie Beth Martin, President of the .American Library Association (ALA) and a major figure in the library profession, died Sunday (April 11) of cancer in Tulsa, Oklahoma. A librarian for 41 years, Mrs. Martin served since 1963 as Director of the Tulsa-City-County Library System. As ALA President she was to have presided over the Association's conference this July, marking the organization's centennial year. A well-known and respected librarian, Mrs. Martin also served as President of the Arkansas, Oklahana and Southwest Library Associations. She held both bachelor's and master's degrees in library science from the George Peabody College for Teachers (1939) and the ColtDTibia University School of Library Service (1949), respectively. Mrs. Martin who was a frequ~nt contributor to the library press, also served as editor of the ARKANSAS LIBRARIAN. She was the author in 1972 of TI-IE PUBLIC LIBRARY': A STRATEGY FOR a-IANGa, a far-reaching national study of the public library's current condition and its role in serving .Americans during the last quarter of this century. Robert Wedgeworth, Executive Director of the ALA, called Mrs. Martin "one of the most dynamic and influential librarians in our nation's history" and characterized her contribution to library service as "invaluable. Under her leadership the Tulsa City County Public Library became a true center for educational and.cultural - more - add 1.
Downloads Including a Calendar to Assist in Creating Year-Round Took a Redesign of the Advocacy Tools on the Site
March/April 2019 THE MAGAZINE OF THE AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION - REACTION Libraries and the future of secure, distributed databases p. 26 Top Tech Trends p. 34 LC’s New Digital Direction p. 38 PLUS: Melinda Gates, VR for Seniors, Game of Thrones Ephemera WHAT IS BLOCKCHAIN? What does it have to do with libraries? BLOCKCHAIN Edited by Susan Alman and Sandra Hirsh Technology experts and editors Alman and Hirsh build on their ongoing research to discuss how blockchain’s potential use as a convenient sys- tem for recordkeeping could lead to more government documents, histor- ical records, and other pieces of information migrating to such a system. They and their contributors also examine its possible consequences for academic, public, school, and special libraries, as well as the information professionals who sustain those institutions, making this book an excit- ing read for everyone interested in the future of librarianship. ---- | so cover | pp | ” x ” . | Members: . LIBRARY FUTURES SERIES , , The Library Futures Series brings together library experts and innovators to explore the profession’s many futures by focusing on emerging trends. ) Additional trends in the LIBRARY FUTURES SERIES ANONYMITY RESILIENCE DESIGN THINKING Alison Macrina Rebekkah Smith Rachel Ivy Clarke and Talya Cooper Aldrich ---- ---- ---- | so cover 2019 | so cover | so cover pp | ” x ” 64 pp | 5” x 7” pp | ” x ” . $24.99 . Members: . Members: $22.49 Members: . March/April 2019 American Libraries | Volume 50 #3/4
News Release: American Library Association Public Information Office American Library Association 50 East Huron Street Chicago, Illinois 60611 312 944-6780 Fran: Peggy Barber, Director Centennial Conference Public Information Office .American Library Association July 18 - 24, 1976 FOR IM1EDIATE RELEASE Clara Stanton Jones, Director of the Detroit Public Library, will be installed as President of the .American Library Association in Cnicago on July 23 during the AfA's Centennial Conference. She has been serving as Acting-President since the death last April 11 of ALA President Allie Beth Martin. Mrs. Jones has long been an active ALA menber and has served on Council, the Canmittee on Legislation, the Committee on Committees, and the Budget Assembly. She has also served on various oornrnittees of the Young Adult Services Division, the Library Administration Division, and the Public Library Association. Highly respected both in and outside the library profession, Mrs. Jones has been awarded two honorary degrees--this year a Ibctor of Laws Degree from Ball State University in Mnncie, Indiana and in 1975 a Ibctor of Humane letters from Shaw College of Detroit. She was the recipient m 1970 of the first Award for Distinguished Service to Librarianship from the Black Caucus of the ALA, in 1971 of the Distinguished AllilllI1us Award frcm the University of Michigan Smool of Library Science, and in 1975 of the Athena Award from the Alumnae Council of the University of Michigan Alurrmi Association for "unique humanitarian, career and service contributions by a distinguished alumna ." - more - add 1. Clara Stanton Jones Although her professional travels have been extensive--most recently, Mainland China, Germany, and eight West African oountries--rrost of her activities focus on Detroit and the revitalization and cultural development of that city.
99/1/019 Photographic, Audio-Visual, and Graphic Materials General Collections ALA 100Th Anniversary Slide Show
99/1/019 Photographic, Audio-Visual, and Graphic Materials General Collections ALA 100th Anniversary Slide Show Box 1: consists of slides and film loop with two manual viewer, and 16 page script (includes more detailed descriptions for most slides; some are copies of photographs in ALA archives) 1. Title Slide 2. 1853 New York City Map: The site of conference where librarians from all over the country gathered. 3. Charles Norton: publisher, suggested and called for conference in the May 15th edition of Norton’s Literary Gazette 4. New York University Chapel: The place where the conference was held. Eighty-two delegates gathered in the Smaller Chapel in the fortress-like Gothic Tower of New York University. 5. 1853 United States map: Eighty-two delegates gathered for the conference from September 15th to 17th, 1853, representing forty-seven different libraries located in twelve of the thirty-one states. 6. Edward Everett Hale: A prominent clergyman and author in attendance. 7. Henry Barnard: An educational reformer, another prominent person at the conference 8. Charles Coffin Jewett: Librarian of the Smithsonian Institution, was elected chairmen of the conference. Other delegates included the organizers and founders of some of the great libraries in the United States 9. Reuben Guild: attended conference from Brown University, opened book stacks to readers 10. William Frederick Poole: Another innovator, who began the forerunner of the Index to Periodical Literature at Yale University. 11. Seth Hastings Grant: Grant was elected secretary of the conference. Responsible for changing the method of recording book withdrawals at the New York Mercantile Library, 12.
Public Library Association Board of Directors Meeting ALA Annual Conference Saturday, June 25, 2016 1:00‐5:00 PM
Public Library Association Board of Directors Meeting ALA Annual Conference Saturday, June 25, 2016 1:00‐5:00 PM Location: Rosen Centre, Salon 11 Logistics: Catering – Lunch will be in the room at 12:30. The open meeting begins at 1 pm and continues in the same room until 5 pm or a motion to adjourn. Agenda 1:00‐1:05 pm Welcome and Introductions, Vailey Oehlke Action Item: Adoption of the agenda Additional items may be added to the agenda prior to the adoption of the agenda. Items may also be removed from the consent agenda and moved to a discussion item. The PLA policies related to Board service, the strategic plan and a Board roster have been included in ALA Connect as reference materials. These are not agenda items. Consent agenda Document Number a. 2016 Spring Board Draft Actions 2016.62 b. Awards Report 2016.63 c. Digital Learning Center‐( 2016.64 d. Family Engagement Project Update 2016.65 e. Membership Report 2016.66 f. PLA 2016 Report 2016.67 g. PLA Continuing Education Report 2016.68 h. “Public Libraries” Magazine Report 2016.69 i. Publications Report 2016.70 j. Project Outcome Report 2016.71 k. Leadership Academy Report 2016.72 l. Technology Report 2016.73 a,b,c,d m. ALA Washington Office Report 2016.74 n. ALA TF on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion 2016.75 o. Partners Report 2016.76 p. Emerging Leaders Update 2016.77 Page 1 of 3 Rev. 5/24/2016 q. PLA Board Fall Meeting Information 2016.78 Action/Discussion/Decision Items 1:05‐1:15 pm President’s Report, Vailey Oehlke 2016.79 1:15‐1:25 pm LC National and International
News Release: American Library Association P1.,;,i1ic Information Office Ar1erican Library Association 50 East Huron Street Chicago, Illinois 60611 312 944-6780 From: Peggy Barber, Director Public Information Office FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 1978 ALA AWARDS, CITATIONS; SCHOLARSHIPS, AND GRANTS FOR 1978 AWARDS AASL PRESIDENT'S AWARD An annual award of $2000 presented to the individual who has demonstrated excellence and provided an outstanding national or international contribution to school librarianship and school library development. Donated by Baker and Taylor. Administered by the American Association of School Librarians. Deadline for nominations is December 1, 1978, Nominations should be made on forms available from AASL or the jury ch., Bernard Franckowiak, University of Washington, School of Librarianship, FM-30, Seattle, WA 98195. Staff liaison, Alice Fite. MSL/EB SCHOOL LIBRARY MEDIA PROGRAM OF TIIE YEAR AWA.11.D A $5000 cash award presented annually to the one school system which displays outstanding achievement in providing exemplary library media programs in its elementary schools. Up to five school systems can receive national finalist awards and be awarded citations of achievement. Donated by Encyclopaedia Britannica. Administered by the American Association of School Librarians. Deadline for nominations is December 4, 1978. Nominations should be made on forms available from AASL or the jury ch., Allan Quick, 819 S. Boca Raton Drive~ Lake Oswego, OR 97034. Staff liaison, Alice Fite. ACRL ACADEMIC/RESEARCH LIBRARIJ\N OF TIIE YEAR AWARD .Ar1 annual award of $2000 presented to the individual who has made an outstanding national or international contribution to academic and research librarianship and library development.