Just Released New Books March 2013 All Titles, All Languages

Sorted by author and title within the main subject Architektur & Design 2

Architektur & Design Biomedizin H. Vančik, University of Zagreb, Croatia Aromatic C-nitroso Compounds

C. Reicher, Technische Universität Dortmund E.F. Fang, National Institute on Aging, Bethesda, MD, USA; T.B. Ng, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China (Eds.) This book is designed to collect and review the Städtebauliches Entwerfen research covering main directions in investigations Antitumor Potential and other of aromatic nitroso compounds in last decades, and to present both, the academic aspects of this chem- Das Lehr- und Grundlagenbuch „Städtebauliches Emerging Medicinal Properties of istry, as well as the open field of its applicability. Entwerfen“ gibt angehenden Architekten, Stadt- und Natural Compounds The book is divided in five chapters. The basic struc- Landschaftsplanern Hilfestellung bei der Bearbeitung tural properties of the nitroso aromatic molecules von städtebaulichen Projekten und Entwürfen. Die are described in the first chapter. The second chap- dargestellten Inhalte und deren Aufbereitung ori- The modern unhealthy diet and lifestyle in conjunc- ter is an overview of the methods of preparations entieren sich an dem Entwurfsprozess in der Praxis tion with pathogens, environmental carcinogens and of aromatic nitroso and polynitroso compounds, und betten diesen in ein theoretisches Gerüst aus multiple other risk factors increase humans’ suscep- including classical synthetic methods and some new notwendigem Hintergrundwissen ein. Als Ein- tibility to different diseases exemplified by elevated preparative approaches. The third part deals with the stieg wird ein Überblick über das Verständnis von levels of cancers, cardiovascular and communicable physico-chemical properties of nitroso aromates and Stadt, von städtischen Strukturen und den hierin diseases. Screening of potential drugs from medic- azodioxides, its structure,[...] herrschenden Gesetzmäßigkeiten gegeben. Um das inal plants and animals provides a promising strat- vielschichtige Gebilde der Stadt verständlicher zu egy for the alleviation of the impact of these diseases. Features machen, wird dieses in unterschiedliche Layer und Components with potential medicinal applications This volume will present the reader with an update Bausteine zerlegt. Die Vorgehensweise beim[...] include RIPs, RNases, lectins, protease inhibitors and on the scientific research on organic chemistry of numerous small compounds. These compounds have nitroso compounds that was performed in the last Features shown both preventive and therapeutic effects for two decades. The overview will include the original Das Lehr- und Grundlagenbuch „Städtebauliches humans. This book is a compilation of articles writ- synthetic applications of nitroso compounds, but Entwerfen“ gibt angehenden Architekten, Stadt- und ten by internationally[...] will also cover the discovery of novel physico-chem- Landschaftsplanern Hilfestellung bei der Bearbeitung ical phenomena and their potential future uses. The von städtebaulichen Projekten und Entwürfen. Die Features properties that form the basis for this technological dargestellten Inhalte und deren Aufbereitung ori- The modern unhealthy diet and lifestyle in conjunc- [..] entieren sich an dem Entwurfsprozess in der Praxis tion with pathogens, environmental carcinogens and und betten diesen in ein theoretisches Gerüst aus multiple other risk factors increase humans’ suscep- Contents notwendigem Hintergrundwissen ein. Als Einstieg tibility to different diseases exemplified by elevated Molecular structures.- An overview of synthetic wird ein [..] levels of cancers, cardiovascular and communicable methods for preparation of nitrosoaromatic com- diseases. Screening of potential drugs from medicinal pounds.- Molecular properties and spectroscopy.- Contents plants and animals provides a promising strategy for Organometallic compounds.- Bilological systems. Einführung.- Zum Verständnis der Grundbegriffe.- the alleviation of the impact of these diseases. [..] Ein Streifzug: von der Geschichte zur Theorie.- Die Fields of interest "Grammatik" der Stadt.- Bausteine der Stadt.- Das Contents Biomedizin (allgemein); Organische Chemie; Lesen der Stadt.- Städtebauliches Entwerfen.- Stadt- PREFACE.- PART I. Lectins: From biological recog- Physikalische Chemie; Spektroskopie / Spektrome- gestaltung und Haltung.- Städtebau als Prozess.- nition molecules to variable medicinal applica- trie; Organometallische Chemie; Elektrochemie Ausgewählte Aufgabenfelder. tions.- Lectins: Personal Comments of Nathan Sharon Taken from His Memoirs (Translation from Target groups Fields of interest Hebrew) .-The History of Lectinology.- Animal and Research Grundlagen der Konstruktion; Städte, Länder und Human Lectins.- Lectins of Marine Origin and their Type of publication Regionen; Bauwesen und Bautechnik Clinical Applications.- Medicinal applications of plant lectins.- PART II Structural and functional Monograph Target groups insights into medicinal ribonucleases.- Plant nucle- More on Upper undergraduate ases from nuclease I family: their properties and anti- Hardcover tumor potential.- Bovine Seminal Ribonuclease and 2013. XII, 156 p. 234 illus., 5 in color. Type of publication its special features: when two is better than[...] 149,79 € German textbook ISBN 978-94-007-6336-4 More on Fields of interest Krebsforschung; Apoptose; Biomedizin (allgemein); Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Hardcover Molekulare Medizin; Pharmakologie / Toxikologie 2013. X, 288 S. 339 Abb., 288 in Farbe. 39,99 € Target groups ISBN 978-3-8348-2645-9 Research Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Type of publication Handbook More on Hardcover 2013. XIX, 423 p. 37 illus., 26 in color. 160,49 € ISBN 978-94-007-6213-8 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Biomedizin 3

D. Banerjee, British Columbia Cancer Agency, Vancouver, BC, L.O. Narhi, Amgen, Inc., Thousand Oaks, CA, USA (Ed.) U. Pfeffer, National Cancer Research Institute, Genova, Italy (Ed.) Canada; S.P. Shah, BC Cancer Research Centre, Vancouver, BC, Canada (Eds.) Biophysics for Therapeutic Protein Cancer Genomics

Array Comparative Genomic Development Molecular Classification, Prognosis and Response Prediction

Hybridization The combination of molecular biology, engineering This book can be used to provide insight into this and bioinformatics has revolutionized our under- Protocols and Applications important application of biophysics for those who standing of cancer revealing a tight correlation of the are planning a career in protein therapeutic develop- The earliest descriptions of human chromosomes molecular characteristics of the primary tumor in ment, and for those outside this area who are inter- initiated the genomics revolution that is now upon terms of gene expression, structural alterations of the ested in understanding it better. The initial chapters us. Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization: Pro- genome, epigenetics and mutations with its propen- describe the underlying theory, and strengths and tocols and Applications explores the scope of what sity to metastasize and to respond to therapy. It is weaknesses of the different techniques commonly is now possible as far as documenting abnormali- not just one or a few genes, it is the complex alter- used during therapeutic development. The majority ties associated with several human cancers. While ation of the genome that determines cancer develop- of the chapters discuss the applications of these tech- the technology for interrogating the human genome ment and progression. Future management of cancer niques, including case studies, across the product continues to evolve, refinement of comparative patients will therefore rely on thorough molecular lifecycle from early discovery, where the focus is on genomic hybridization (CGH) using array CGH and analyses of each single case. Through this book, stu- identifying targets, and screening for potential drug related technologies have provided enormous insight dents, researchers and oncologists will obtain a com- product candidates, through expression and purifica- into human cancers at an affordable scale. Written prehensive picture of[...] tion, large scale[...] in the successful Methods in Molecular Biology™ Features series format, chapters include introductions to their Features The combination of molecular biology, engineering respective topics, lists of the necessary[...] The last few decades have seen the genesis of pro- and bioinformatics has revolutionized our under- tein therapeutics, such that these large molecule Features standing of cancer revealing a tight correlation of the based drugs comprise an increasingly larger part of The earliest descriptions of human chromosomes molecular characteristics of the primary tumor in the commercial market. The conformation (overall initiated the genomics revolution that is now upon terms of gene expression, structural alterations of the global fold or three-dimensional structure) of these us. Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization: Pro- genome, epigenetics and mutations with its propen- molecules is important for maintaining biological tocols and Applications explores the scope of what sity to metastasize and to respond to therapy. It is activity, stability during long term storage, and can is now possible as far as documenting abnormali- not just one or a few genes, it is the complex [..] impact the safety profile and biological consequences ties associated with several human cancers. While [..] the technology for interrogating the human genome Contents Preface.- Genomic Pathology of Lung Cancer.- continues to evolve, refinement of comparative [..] Contents Understanding Melanoma Progression by Gene Introduction.- High Throughput Biophysical Contents Expression Signatures.- Prognostic testing in uveal Approaches to Therapeutic Protein Development.- Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization: An melanoma.- Capturing and Deciphering the Molecu- Techniques for Higher Order Structure Determi- Overview of Protocols, Applications and Technology lar Signatures of Head and Neck Cancer.- Predictive nation.- Biophysical Techniques for Protein Size Trends.- Ultra Dense Array CGH and Discovery of and Prognostic Biomarkers for Colorectal Cancer.- Distribution Analysis.- Qualification of biophysical Micro-Copy Number Alterations and Gene Fusions Expression Profiling of Hepatocellular Carcinoma.- methods for the analysis of protein therapeutics.- in the Cancer Genome.- Epigenomics: Sequencing Kidney Cancer Genomics: Paving the Road to a Application of Biophysics to the Early Developabil- the Methylome.- Application of Array Compara- New Paradigm of Personalized Medicine.- 8 Pan- ity Assessment of Therapeutic Candidates and its tive Genomic Hybridization in Chronic Myeloid creatic cancer genomics.- Breast Cancer Genomics: Application to Enhance Developability Properties.- Leukemia.- The Use of Cytogenetic Microarrays From Portraits to Landscapes.- Genomic landscape Application of Biophysics in Formulation, Process in Myelodysplastic Syndrome Characterization.- of ovarian cancer.- Genetics of Endometrial Carci- and Product Characterization: Selected Case Stud- CGH Protocols - Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia.- noma.-[...] ies.- Biophysical Analysis in Support of Development Analysis of Acquire Genomic Copy Number Aberra- of[...] tions and Regions of Loss of Heterozygosity in Acute Fields of interest Krebsforschung; Genexpression; Microarrays; Myelogenous Leukemia[...] Fields of interest Molekulare Medizin; Biomedizin (allgemein) Pharmakologie / Toxikologie; Medizinische Bio- Fields of interest chemie; Proteinforschung ; Protein-Ligand-Interak- Humangenetik; Labormedizin Target groups tionen; Biophysik und biologische Physik Research Target groups Target groups Professional/practitioner Type of publication Research Contributed volume Type of publication Type of publication More on Contributed volume Contributed volume Hardcover More on More on 2013. VI, 588 p. 65 illus., 61 in color. Hardcover 160,45 € Hardcover 2013. XII, 382 p. 33 illus., 16 in color. (Methods in Molec- ISBN 978-94-007-5841-4 2013. IX, 293 p. 76 illus., 31 in color. (Biophysics for the ular Biology, Band 973) Life Sciences, Band 4) Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 117,65 € 149,75 € ISBN 978-1-62703-280-3 ISBN 978-1-4614-4315-5 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 4 Biomedizin

M.R. Banghart, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA (Ed.) P.D. Katsikis, Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia, J. Coelho, University of Coimbra, Portugal (Ed.) PA, USA; S.P. Schoenberger, La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology, CA, USA; B. Pulendran, Emory University, Atlanta, Chemical Neurobiology GA, USA (Eds.) Drug Delivery Systems: Advanced

Methods and Protocols Technologies Potentially Applicable Crossroads Between Innate and in Personalised Treatment Many advances in modern neuroscience are enabled Adaptive Immunity IV by the availability of chemical tools that allow sensi- tive, precise, and quantitative measurements of, and This book is part of a series dedicated to recent control over, biological processes. These powerful This volume presents a collection of reviews derived advances on preventive, predictive and personalised reagents are widely used for investigating the ner- from work presented at the Aegean Conference: medicine (PPPM). It focuses on the theme of “Drug vous system at levels of detail ranging from ion chan- “4th Crossroads between innate and adaptive delivery systems: advanced technologies potentially nel structure to neural network dynamics. Recent immunity”. This meeting was the fourth in a series, applicable in personalised treatments”. The critical advances in photochemistry, microscopy, and pro- and assembled a team of scientists working on mech- topics involving the development and preparation tein engineering have triggered a surge in the devel- anisms by which the innate immune system of the of effective drug delivery systems, such as: polymers opment and application of these interdisciplinary host senses pathogens, the cellular and signaling available, self-assembly, nanotechnology, pharma- techniques. Chemical Neurobiology: Methods and networks that orchestrate the innate response and ceutical formulations, three dimensional structures, Protocols assists with the design, characterization antigen presentation and adaptive immunity. The molecular modeling, tailor-made solutions and tech- and validation of new chemical tools for neurobiol- importance of the crosstalk between innate immu- nological tendencies, are carefully discussed. The ogy by providing detailed protocols[...] nity and the adaptive immune response has only understanding of these areas constitutes a para- recently started to be appreciated. Although it is well mount route to establish personalised and effective Features recognized that dendritic cells, NK cells, NK-T cells solutions for specific diseases[...] Many advances in modern neuroscience are enabled and T cells are all critical for the host[...] by the availability of chemical tools that allow sensi- Features tive, precise, and quantitative measurements of, and Features This book is part of a series dedicated to recent control over, biological processes. These powerful This volume presents a collection of reviews derived advances on preventive, predictive and person- reagents are widely used for investigating the ner- from work presented at the Aegean Conference: alised medicine (APPPM). It focuses on the theme vous system at levels of detail ranging from ion chan- “4th Crossroads between innate and adaptive of “Drug delivery systems: advanced technologies nel structure to neural network dynamics. Recent immunity”. This meeting was the fourth in a series, potentially applicable in personalised treatments”. advances in photochemistry, microscopy, and pro- and assembled a team of scientists working on mech- The critical topics involving the development and tein [..] anisms by which the innate immune system of the preparation of effective drug delivery systems, such host senses pathogens, the cellular and signaling net- as: polymers available, self-assembly, nanotechnol- Contents works that orchestrate the innate response and anti- ogy, [..] Engineering K+ Channels using Semisynthesis.- gen [..] Chemical Derivatization and Purification of Pep- Contents tide-Toxins for Probing Ion Channel Complexes.- Contents Polymers in Drug Delivery: Concepts, Developments Using Yeast to Study Potassium Channel Function Is Transcription the Dominant Force during and Potential.- Amphiphilic Molecules in Drug and Interactions with Small Molecules.- A FLIPR Dynamic Changes in Gene Expression?.- MicroR- Delivery Systems.- Sizing nanoparticles in liquids: an Assay for Evaluating Agonists and Antagonists of NAs: Key Components of Immune Regulation.- overview of methods.- Nanoparticles for oral deliv- GPCR Heterodimers.- Characterizing Caged Mol- KIR/HLA: Genetic Clues for a Role of NK cells in ery of insulin.- Bioartificial pancreas: in the road to ecules Through Flash Photolysis and Transient the Control of HIV.- Natural Killer cell Licensing clinical application.- Cationic liposome-based sys- Absorption Spectroscopy.- Characterization of One- during Viral Infection.- Bridging Innate NK cell tems for nucleic acid delivery: from the formulation and Two- Photon Photochemical Uncaging Effi- Functions with Adaptive Immunity.- Control of development to therapeutic applications.- Bioma- ciency.- Photochromic Potassium Channel Blockers: Innate Immunity by Memory CD4 T cells.- Strate- terial-based vectors for targeted delivery of nucleic Design and Electrophysiological Characterization.- gies and Implications for Prime-Boost Vaccinations acids to the nervous system.- Three-dimensional A 1H NMR Assay for[...] to Generate Memory CD8 T Cells.- Blimp1: Driving (3D) scaffolds as drug delivery devices for Tissue Terminal Differentiation to a T.- A new Role for engineering applications.- The[...] Fields of interest Myeloid HO-1 in the Innate to Adaptive Crosstalk Neurowissenschaften; Neurobiologie and Immune[...] Fields of interest Biomedizin (allgemein); Diabetologie; Medizinische Target groups Fields of interest Chemie; Polymerwissenschaften Professional/practitioner Immunologie; Mikrobiologie; Virologie; Infektiolo- gie; Pharmakologie / Toxikologie Target groups Type of publication Research Contributed volume Target groups More on Research Type of publication Contributed volume Hardcover Type of publication More on 2013. X, 202 p. 70 illus., 1 in color. (Methods in Molecu- Contributed volume lar Biology, Band 995) Hardcover 101,64 € More on 2013. XVII, 421 p. 124 illus., 67 in color. (Advances in ISBN 978-1-62703-344-2 Hardcover Predictive, Preventive and Personalised Medicine, Band Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 2013. XII, 136 p. 15 illus., 3 in color. (Advances in Experi- 4) mental Medicine and Biology, Band 785) 149,75 € 149,79 € ISBN 978-94-007-6009-7 ISBN 978-1-4614-6216-3 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Biomedizin 5

H.G. Vogel, J. Maas, Aventis Pharma, Frankfurt, Germany; F.J. M. Bina, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA (Ed.) A. Beck, Centre d'Immunologie Pierre Fabre, St. Julien-en- Hock, Dieburg, Germany; D. Mayer, Idstein, Germany (Eds.) Genevois, France (Ed.) Gene Regulation Drug Discovery and Evaluation: Glycosylation Engineering of Safety and Pharmacokinetic Assays Methods and Protocols Biopharmaceuticals

Features Methods and Protocols Safety aspects have become an outstanding issue In this volume of Methods in Molecular Biology™, Glyco-engineering is being developed as a method in the process of drug discovery and development. expert investigators offer comprehensive, comple- to control the composition of carbohydrates and to Until 15 years ago safety aspects were addressed by mentary, and cutting-edge technologies for studies enhance the pharmacological properties of mon- pharmacological testing of the selected compound of gene regulation. The chapters of Gene Regulation: oclonal antibodies (mAbs) and other proteins. In in high doses in tests directed at indications other Methods and Protocols are organized to provide an Glycosylation Engineering of Biopharmaceuticals: than the intended indication of the new compound. integrated and a coherent view of control systems Methods and Protocols, experts in the field provide These tests were followed by pharmacokinetic stud- and their associated components. The protocols are readers with production and characterization proto- ies, which were mainly aimed at confirming of a suit- broad in their scope. They include [..] able half-life time and at oral activity. Safety aspects cols of glycoproteins and glyco-engineered biophar- relied mostly on toxicity studies, which however gave Contents maceuticals with a focus on mAbs. The volume is information on changes of organ structure rather Gene Regulation.- Isolation of Nuclei for use in divided in four complementary parts dealing with than on organ function. Toxicological and pharma- Genome-wide DNase Hypersensitivity Assays to glyco-engineering of therapeutic proteins, glycoana- cokinetic studies were adapted to the progress of Probe Chromatin Structure.- DNase I Digestion lytics, glycoprotein complexes characterization, and studies in clinical pharmacology[...] of Isolated Nulcei for Genome-Wide Mapping of PK/PD assays for therapeutic antibodies. Written in DNase Hypersensitivity Sites in Chromatin.- Iso- the highly successful Methods in Molecular[...] Features lation and Analysis of DNA Derived from Nucleo- Features Safety aspects have become an outstanding issue in some-Free Regions.- Acquisition of High Quality Glyco-engineering is being developed as a method the process of drug discovery and development and DNA for Massive Parallel Sequencing by in vivo to control the composition of carbohydrates and to there is furthermore a clear tendency of a continu- Chromatin Immunoprecipitation.- Luciferase Assay enhance the pharmacological properties of mon- ously increasing importance of safety. Until 15 years to Study the Activity of a Cloned Promoter DNA oclonal antibodies (mAbs) and other proteins. In ago, drug discovery and evaluation was a sequential Fragment.- Promoter Deletion Analysis using a Glycosylation Engineering of Biopharmaceuticals: process starting with the selection of the most active Dual-luciferase Reporter System.- Application of Methods and Protocols, experts in the field provide compound from a series of newly synthesized com- mRNA Display for in vitro[...] pounds by means of special pharmacological assays. readers with production and characterization proto- [..] Fields of interest cols of glycoproteins and glyco-engineered [..] Humangenetik; Genexpression Contents Contents From the contents:General Introduction: Safety Target groups Engineering of Therapeutic and Diagnostic O-Gly- Pharmacology.- Safety Pharmacokinetics.- Safety Professional/practitioner cans on Recombinant Mucin-Type Immunoglobulin Toxicology. Fusion Proteins Expressed in CHO Cells.- Engi- Type of publication neering a Human-Like Glycosylation to Produce Fields of interest Contributed volume Therapeutic Glycoproteins Based on 6-Linked Sialy- Pharmakologie / Toxikologie lation in CHO Cells.- Glycoengineered Pichia-Based More on Expression of Monoclonal Antibodies.- N-Glycosy- Target groups Hardcover lation Humanization for Production of Therapeu- Research 2013. XV, 401 p. 80 illus., 19 in color. (Methods in Mole- tic Recombinant Glycoproteins in Saccharomyces cular Biology, Band 977) cerevisiae.- Engineering the Baculovirus Genome to Type of publication 117,65 € Produce Galactosylated Antibodies in Lepidopteran Handbook ISBN 978-1-62703-283-4 Cells.- Nano LC Chips MS/MS for the Characteriza- More on Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. tion of[...] 2013. XXIV, 1404 p. 243 illus. eReference. Fields of interest 593,81 € Pharmakologie / Toxikologie; Biochemische Technik ISBN 978-3-642-25240-2 Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Target groups Professional/practitioner Hardcover 2013. XXIV, 1404 p. 243 illus. Print + eReference. Type of publication 667,68 € Contributed volume ISBN 978-3-642-25241-9 More on Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Hardcover 2013. XV, 355 p. 111 illus., 45 in color. (Methods in Mol- ecular Biology, Band 988) 117,65 € ISBN 978-1-62703-326-8 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 6 Biomedizin

R. Bartenschlager, University of Heidelberg, Germany (Ed.) G.S. Chhatwal, Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Braun- N. Aptsiauri, Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves, Granada, schweig, Germany (Ed.) Spain; A.M. Garcia-Lora, Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves, Granada, Spain; T. Cabrera, Hospital Universitario Virgen Hepatitis C Virus: From Molecular de las Nieves, Granada, Spain Virology to Antiviral Therapy Host-Pathogen Interactions in Streptococcal Diseases MHC Class I Antigens In Malignant Hepatitis C virus (HCV), a major causative agent Cells of chronic liver disease, is spread throughout the Streptococci are Gram-positive bacteria that cause world and around 170 million people are persistently a wide spectrum of diseases, such as pharyngitis, Immune Escape And Response To Immunotherapy infected. In this volume, world-leading experts in the necrotizing fasciitis and streptococcal toxic shock Abnormal expression of MHC class I molecules in field of HCV research have compiled the most recent syndrome, as well as rheumatic fever and rheumatic malignant cells is a frequent occurrence that ranges scientific advances to provide a comprehensive and heart disease as sequelae. Antibiotics alone have not from total loss of all class I antigens to partial loss of very timely overview of the various facets of HCV. been able to control the disease and in spite of many MHC specific haplotypes or alleles. Different mecha- The book starts with a discussion of the possible ori- efforts an effective vaccine is not yet available. A nisms are described to be responsible for these alter- gin of HCV and its spread among the human pop- prerequisite for novel and successful strategies for ations, requiring different therapeutic approaches. A ulation. The focus of the subsequent chapters is on combating these bacteria is a complete understand- complete characterization of these molecular defects available cell culture and in vivo models before shift- ing of the highly complex pathogenic mechanisms is important for improvement of the strategies for ing to the molecular and cellular principles under- involved, which are analyzed in this volume. In ten the selection and follow-up of patients undergo- lying the viral replication cycle. These chapters are chapters, prominent authors cover various aspects ing T-cell based cancer immunotherapy. Precise complemented by[...] including streptococcal diseases and global burden, identification of the mechanism leading to MHC epidemiology, adaptation[...] Features class I defects will help to develop new personalized Hepatitis C virus (HCV), a major causative agent Features patient-tailored treatment protocols. There is signifi- of chronic liver disease, is spread throughout the Streptococci are Gram-positive bacteria that cause cant new research on[...] world and around 170 million people are persistently a wide spectrum of diseases, such as pharyngitis, Features infected. In this volume, world-leading experts in the necrotizing fasciitis and streptococcal toxic shock Abnormal expression of MHC class I molecules in field of HCV research have compiled the most recent syndrome, as well as rheumatic fever and rheumatic malignant cells is a frequent occurrence that ranges scientific advances to provide a comprehensive and heart disease as sequelae. Antibiotics alone have not from total loss of all class I antigens to partial loss of very timely overview of the various facets of HCV. been able to control the disease and in spite of many MHC specific haplotypes or alleles. Different mecha- The book starts with a discussion of the [..] efforts an effective vaccine is not yet available. A pre- nisms are described to be responsible for these alter- requisite for novel and successful strategies [..] Contents ations, requiring different therapeutic approaches. A The Origin of Hepatitis C Virus.- Cell Culture Sys- Contents complete characterization of these molecular defects tems for Hepatitis C Virus.- Animal Models for Group A Streptococcal Diseases and Their Global is important for improvement of the [..] Hepatitis C.- Hepatitis C Virus Entry.- Hepatitis C Burden.- Molecular Markers for the Study of Strep- Contents Virus Proteins: From Structure to Function.- Hepati- tococcal Epidemiology.- Epidemiology and Patho- Overview of MHC Class I Antigens.- HLA Class tis C Virus RNA Translation.- Hepatitis C Virus genicity of Zoonotic Streptococci.- Adherence and I Expression In Human Cancer.- MHC Class I RNA Replication.- Virion Assembly and Release.- Invasion of Streptococci to Eukaryotic Cells and Expression In Experimental Mouse Models Of Can- Innate Immune Responses to Hepatitis C Virus.- Their Role in Disease Pathogenesis.- Common Regu- cer: Immunotherapy Of Tumors With Different Adaptive Immune Responses in Hepatitis C Virus lators of Virulence in Streptococci.- Host-Pathogen MHC-I Expression Patterns.- Potential Therapeutic Infection.- Liver Injury and Disease Pathogenesis Interactions in Streptococcal Immune Sequelae.- Approaches For Increasing Tumor Immunogenicity in Chronic Hepatitis C.- Hepatitis C Virus-Spe- Immunopathogenesis of Streptococcal Deep Tis- By Upregulation Of Tumor HLA Class I Expression.- cific Directly Acting Antiviral Drugs.- Treatment of sue Infections.- Modulation of the Coagulation Sys- Conclusion. Chronic Hepatitis C: Current and Future. tem During Severe Streptococcal Disease.- Group A Streptococcal Vaccine Candidates: Potential for Fields of interest Fields of interest the[...] Krebsforschung; Immunologie; Molekulare Medizin Virologie; Immunologie; Arzneimittelresistenz; Hepatologie Fields of interest Target groups Medizinische Mikrobiologie; Immunologie; Impf- Research Target groups stoffe; Molekulare Medizin; Gesundheitswesen; Bak- Research teriology Type of publication Brief Type of publication Target groups Contributed volume Research More on More on Softcover Type of publication 2013. VIII, 51 p. 17 illus., 14 in color. (SpringerBriefs in Hardcover Contributed volume Cancer Research, Band 1) 2013. VIII, 346 p. 34 illus., 20 in color. (Current Topics in More on 53,49 € Microbiology and Immunology, Band 369) ISBN 978-1-4614-6542-3 149,79 € Hardcover ISBN 978-3-642-27339-1 2013. VIII, 255 p. 17 illus., 11 in color. (Current Topics in Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Microbiology and Immunology, Band 368) 149,79 € ISBN 978-3-642-36339-9 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Biomedizin 7

D.W. Pfaff, Y. Christen (Eds.) S. Mandel, Eve Topf Center, Haifa, Israel (Ed.) M.S. Mozaffari, Georgia Regents University, Augusta, GA, USA (Ed.) Multiple Origins of Sex Differences Neurodegenerative Diseases: in Brain Integrative PPPM Approach as the New Strategies to Advance Medicine of the Future Pre/Diabetes Care: Integrative Neuroendocrine Functions and their Pathologies Approach by PPPM In theoretical terms, sex differences in brains and This book will compile a collection of chapters dedi- behaviors of laboratory animals offer the possibil- cated to varied aspects of PPPM in neuropsychiatric This book is intended to provide up-to-date and ity of fascinating scientific studies on a range of mol- and neurodegenerative diseases. Among the topics emerging information in the field of diabetes melli- ecular phenomena such as genomic imprinting, to be covered are:Recent advances in ALS research tus with a focus on preventive, predictive and per- DNA methylation, chromatin protein modification, News about Clinical aspects and advanced therapy sonalized medicine. non-coding DNA, potentially resulting in impor- approaches in personalized treatment of ALS Schiz- tant neuroanatomical and neurochemical sex differ- ophrenia: New treatments and clinical aspects Pre- Features ences in the brain. Such sex differences could arise dictive, Preventive and Personalised Medicine in The writings of earliest civilizations reveal that dia- consequent to exposures to testosterone early in aging macular degeneration Advances in Multiple betes mellitus has afflicted man for a very long time. development, or to other effects deriving from the Y Sclerosis Pharmacogenetics, Tailoring Treatment Unfortunately, however, we are now experiencing a chromosome. However, this general subject has been Efficacy, Safety and Regimen Selection Multiple scle- world-wide pandemic of the disease which has not treated with much hyperbole. Historically, sex differ- rosis related biomarkers: perspectives for clinical been adequately addressed. Available evidence sug- ences were assumed to be present where they did not application Preventive clinical trials in brain aging: gests that worldwide every 10 seconds one patient really exist, e.g. with respect to[...] new trends & the need of guidelines[...] dies of diabetes and its severe complications. The outlook is even more bleak with the prediction of [..] Features Features In theoretical terms, sex differences in brain and The economic burden of dementia was estimated Contents behavior offer the possibility of fascinating scien- as being US$ 604 billion in 2010. Now it is time Global Figures Argue in Favour of Preventive Mea- tific studies on a range of molecular phenomena for new guidelines in handling of neurodegenera- sures and Personalised Treatment to Optimise Dia- such as DNA methylation, chromatin protein mod- tive disorders. Optimistic versus Pessimistic Prog- betes Care.- Three Levels of Prediction, Prevention ification, non-coding DNA, resulting in important nosis depends much on diagnostic and treatment & Individualised Treatment Algorithms to Advance neuroanatomical and neurochemical effects. How- approaches which healthcare will preferably adopt Diabetes Care: Integrative Approach.- Diabetes ever, this general subject has been treated with much in the near future. Current dramatic situation can mellitus: new challenges and innovative therapies.- hyperbole. Historically, sex differences were assumed be significantly improved by the implementation of Identification of Biomarkers for beta cell failure as to be [..] appropriate [..] detection tools for predictive screening in type 2 pre- Diabetes.- Endothelial dysfunction in diabetes: role Contents Contents of circulating biomarkers as potential diagnostic and Donald PFAFF (The Rockefeller University, 1. What is this book series about?- 2. Preface.- 3. prognostic tolls.- Endothelial progenitor dysfunction New York, USA) Hormone-dependent chromatin Introductory chapter.- 4. Individual predisposi- in the pathogenesis of[...] modifications regulating sexually differentiated ani- tions in healthy vasospastic individuals: Patient pro- mal behaviour.- Eric B. KEVERNE (Univer- filing for targeted prevention of “down-stream” Fields of interest sity of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK) Importance pathologies as cost-effective personalised med- Biomedizin (allgemein); Oxidativer Stress; Dia- of genomic imprinting in the evolution and devel- icine.- 5. Idiopathic REM sleep behavior disor- betologie; Stoffwechselerkrankungen; Endokrinolo- opment of the maternal brain.- Catherine der as a long-term predictor of neurodegenerative gie; Nephrologie DULAC (Harvard University & Howard Hughes disorders.- 6. New animal models of progressive Medical Institute, Cambridge, USA) Sex battles in Target groups neurodegeneration: tools for developing predictive the brain: genomic imprinting in the developing and Research diagnostics and identifying presymptomatic thera- adult CNS.- Javier DE FELIPE (Universidad peutic targets.- 7. Tau pathology: A selected view on Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain) Gender[...] Type of publication the current status.- 8. The Use of Biomarkers for[...] Contributed volume Fields of interest Fields of interest More on Neurowissenschaften; Endokrinologie; Human- Biomedizin (allgemein); Gesundheitsförderung genetik Hardcover und Krankheitsvorbeugung; Neurologie; Neurowis- 2013. XVII, 538 p. 146 illus., 116 in color. (Advances in Target groups senschaften Predictive, Preventive and Personalised Medicine, Band Research 3) Target groups 160,45 € Research Type of publication ISBN 978-94-007-5970-1 Contributed volume Type of publication Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. More on Contributed volume Hardcover More on 2013. XIII, 181 p. 37 illus., 17 in color. (Research and Per- Hardcover spectives in Endocrine Interactions) 2013. XVII, 396 p. 39 illus., 32 in color. (Advances in Pre- 149,75 € dictive, Preventive and Personalised Medicine, Band 2) ISBN 978-3-642-33720-8 149,75 € Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. ISBN 978-94-007-5865-0 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 8 Biomedizin

J. Basu, Tengion, Inc., Winston-Salem, NC, USA; J.W. Ludlow, Zen- M.S. Ritsner, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, D.A. Dougan, La Trobe University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (Ed.) Bio, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA (Eds.) Israel (Ed.) Regulated Proteolysis in Organ Regeneration Polypharmacy in Psychiatry Microorganisms Methods and Protocols Practice, Volume II

Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine rep- Use of Polypharmacy in the "Real World" This book contains an extensive collection of critical resents a wide array of cell, biomaterial and cell/bio- reviews, from leading researchers in the field of reg- Although monotherapy is generally recommended material based approaches focusing on the repair, ulated protein degradation. It covers the role of regu- as the treatment of choice, treatment resistance of augmentation, and regeneration of diseases tissues lated proteolysis in a range of microorganisms (from patients with psychosis, cognitive, mood and anxi- and organs. Organ Regeneration: Methods and Pro- Gram positive, Gram negative and pathogenic bacte- ety disorders represents a significant clinical prob- tocols has been assembled in response to the grow- ria to Archaea and the Baker’s yeast Saccharomyces lem. In this context, augmentation and combination ing interest in organ and tissue regeneration as a cerevisiae). strategies are commonly employed to address this means to treat disease. Topics cover methods such as problem. Although multiple medication use com- Features isolation and characterization of cells from selected mon in psychiatric practice, reasons, efficacy and This book contains an extensive collection of critical soft tissues and solid organs, preparation and evalu- safety for polypharmacy, and augmentative strate- reviews, from leading researchers in the field of reg- ation of natural and synthetic biomaterial scaffold- gies have remained unclear. It remains unclear if ulated protein degradation. It covers the role of regu- ing, implantation of regenerative constructs within there is an evidence base to support polypharmacy. lated proteolysis in a range of microorganisms (from experimental animals, and evaluation of regenerative Furthermore, excessive and inappropriate use of Gram positive, Gram negative and pathogenic bacte- outcomes by molecular and[...] psychotropic medications has been recognized as a ria to Archaea and the Baker’s yeast Saccharomyces Features public health problem. This volume is the first[...] cerevisiae). For many years, intracellular [..] Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine rep- Features Contents resents a wide array of cell, biomaterial and cell/bio- Despite the large number of psychotropic med- Machines of destruction - AAA+ proteases and the material based approaches focusing on the repair, ications currently available, effective management adaptors that control them.- The AAA+ protease augmentation, and regeneration of diseases tissues of mental disorders continues to be a challenging Lon.- FtsH protease-mediated regulation of various and organs. Organ Regeneration: Methods and Pro- task. Although monotherapy may be desirable, most cellular functions.- Regulated proteolysis in Bacillus tocols has been assembled in response to the growing patients require combinations of two or more psy- subtilis.- Regulation of stress response pathways in interest in organ and tissue regeneration as a means chotropic drugs. Polypharmacy aims to address dif- Escherichia coli by proteolysis.- Regulation of the to treat disease. Topics cover methods such as [..] ferent aspects of treatment resistance, especially SigmaE stress response.- Pathogenic bacteria: pro- Contents insufficient response of positive and negative symp- tein degradation and virulence.- Roles of Cdc48 in Isolation and Characterization of Human Adi- toms, cognitive [..] regulated protein degradation in yeast.- The role of pose-Derived Stem Cells for Use in Tissue Engineer- AAA+ proteases in mitochondrial protein biogene- Contents ing.- Isolation of Smooth Muscle Cells from Bladder sis, homeostasis & activity control.- PUPylation and 1. Antipsychotic polypharmacy for schizophrenia: for Generation of Engineered Urologic Organs.- Mycobacteria.- Archea proteasomes[...] 'Secret sauce' or 'wild abandon'?.- Antipsychotic Isolation of Urothelial Cells from Bladder Tissue.- polypharmacy in USA.- Antipsychotic polypharmacy Fields of interest Isolation of Pulsatile Cell Bodies from Esophageal in Czech Republic and in Ukraine.- Antipsychotic Biomedizin (allgemein); Mikrobiologie; Protein- Tissue.- Cell Isolation Through Whole Liver Perfu- polypharmacy in residential facilities in Italy: the gap struktur; Proteinforschung ; Wissenschaft sion and Preparation of Hepatocytes for Cytochrome between recommendations and real world practice.- P450 Analysis.- Ex Vivo Culture and Separation of Antipsychotic polypharmacy and associated phe- Target groups Functional Renal Cells.- Isolation and Myogenic Dif- nomena in patients with schizophrenia: Rational or Research ferentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC) for irrational?.- Antipsychotic polypharmacy in schizo- Urologic Tissue Engineering.- Xeno-Free[...] phrenia. How to counteract this common practice?.- Type of publication Contributed volume Fields of interest Clozapine combinations in treatment-resistant schiz- Molekulare Medizin; Regenerative Medicine/Tissue ophrenia patients.- Metabolic syndrome[...] More on Engineering Fields of interest Hardcover Biomedizin (allgemein); Psychiatrie; Pharmazie; 2013. XIV, 333 p. 65 illus., 62 in color. (Subcellular Bio- Target groups chemistry, Band 66) Professional/practitioner Klinische Psychologie; Medizinische Bildung; Psy- chopharmakologie 149,75 € ISBN 978-94-007-5939-8 Type of publication Contributed volume Target groups Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Professional/practitioner More on Hardcover Type of publication 2013. XIII, 377 p. 103 illus., 44 in color. (Methods in Mol- Contributed volume ecular Biology, Band 1001) More on 117,69 € Hardcover ISBN 978-1-62703-362-6 2013. XVII, 321 p. 2 illus., 1 in color. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 160,45 € ISBN 978-94-007-5798-1 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Biomedizin 9

D. Mittelman, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA (Ed.) J. Moll, Boehringer Ingelheim; R. Colombo, Nerviano Medical M. Divangahi (Ed.) Sciences, Nerviano Italy (Eds.) Stress-Induced Mutagenesis The New Paradigm of Immunity to Target Identification and Validation Tuberculosis The discovery of stress-induced mutagenesis has in Drug Discovery changed ideas about mutation and evolution, and Methods and Protocols This book illustrates the intimate relationship revealed mutagenic programs that differ from stan- between alveolar macrophages and Mycobacterium dard spontaneous mutagenesis in rapidly prolif- The major reason for the elevated costs of drug tuberculosis (M.tb.), and the former’s role in both erating cells. The stress-induced mutations occur development in the pharmaceutical industry is the innate and adaptive immunity against M.tb. It during growth-limiting stress, and can include adap- high attrition rate. In Target Identification and Val- covers research done over the last decade. It also tive mutations that allow growth in the otherwise idation in Drug Discovery: Methods and Protocols, explores the role of macrophage death following growth-limiting environment. The stress responses expert researchers in the field detail many of the infection with M.tb. in determining whether suc- increase mutagenesis specifically when cells are methods which are now commonly used to identify cessful immunity is stimulated, or whether clinical maladapted to their environments, i.e. are stressed, and validate new target. These include methods and disease develops; furthermore, the function of host potentially accelerating evolution then. The mutation approaches covering biochemical, cell based, in vivo lipid mediators in macrophage death modality are mechanism also includes temporary suspension of models and translational methods. Chapters also addressed.The book also illustrates how the balance post-synthesis mismatch repair, resembling mutage- include selected case reports that demonstrate the between prostaglandins and lipoxins determines nesis characteristic of some cancers.[...] integration of these technologies to real life experi- whether infected macrophages undergo apoptosis or ences and to demonstrate the multiple use of more necrosis, which is the ultimate factor in the[...] Features than one technology to increase knowledge on a spe- The discoveries of stress-induced mutation and epi- cific target. These Written in the[...] Features genetic inheritance have challenged the claim of This book illustrates the intimate relationship independence between the evolutionary forces of Features between alveolar macrophages and Mycobacterium mutation and selection. In “Stress-Induced Mutage- The major reason for the elevated costs of drug tuberculosis (M.tb.), and the former’s role in both nesis”, leading experts provide the key evidence for development in the pharmaceutical industry is the innate and adaptive immunity against M.tb. It covers and the molecular details of stress-induced genetic high attrition rate. In Target Identification and Val- research done over the last decade. It also explores and epigenetic mutation, integrating cross-discipli- idation in Drug Discovery: Methods and Protocols, the role of macrophage death following infection nary observations from a number of species and bio- expert researchers in the field detail many of the with M.tb. in determining whether successful immu- logical [..] methods which are now commonly used to identify nity is stimulated, or whether clinical disease devel- and validate new target. These include methods and ops; [..] Contents approaches covering biochemical, cell based, in vivo Preface.- Stress-induced mutagenesis in bacte- [..] Fields of interest ria.- Mutagenesis Associated with Repair of DNA Immunologie; Medizinische Mikrobiologie; Antikör- Double-Strand Breaks Under Stress.- Transcrip- Contents per; Impfstoffe tion-mediated mutagenic processes.- Transposon The Path to Oncology Drug Target Validation – an mutagenesis in disease, drug discovery and bacter- Industry Perspective.- Identification of Aptamers Target groups ial evolution.- Hsp90 as a capacitor of both genetic as Specific Binders and Modulators of Cell-Surface Research and epigenetic changes in the genome during can- Receptor Activity.- The Design and Structure-func- cer progression and evolution.- Inheritance of tional Properties of DNA-based Immunomodu- Type of publication stress-induced epigenetic changes mediated by the latory Sequences.- siRNA Design Principles and Contributed volume ATF-2 family of transcription factors.- Microsatellite Off-target Effects.- Western Blot Evaluation of More on Repeats: Canaries in the Coalmine.- Genetic instabil- siRNA Delivery by pH Responsive Peptides.- High ity Induced by hypoxic stress.- Radiation-induced[...] Throughput RNAi Screening for the Identification of Hardcover Novel Targets.- Integration of RNAi and Small Mol- 2013. VI, 292 p. 20 illus., 17 in color. (Advances in Exper- Fields of interest ecule Screens to Identify Targets for Drug Develop- imental Medicine and Biology, Band 783) Humangenetik; Biochemie; Biomedizin (allgemein) ment.- CellProfiler and KNIME: Open Source Tools 149,75 € for High[...] ISBN 978-1-4614-6110-4 Target groups Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Research Fields of interest Pharmakologie / Toxikologie; Medizinische Chemie Type of publication Contributed volume Target groups More on Professional/practitioner

Hardcover Type of publication 2013. XV, 275 p. 48 illus., 31 in color. Contributed volume 160,49 € ISBN 978-1-4614-6279-8 More on Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Hardcover 2013. XV, 371 p. 62 illus., 19 in color. (Methods in Mole- cular Biology, Band 986) 117,65 € ISBN 978-1-62703-310-7 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 10 Chemie

T.A. Martin, Cardiff University, UK; W.G. Jiang, Cardiff University, M.A. Hayat, Kean University, NJ, USA (Ed.) UK (Eds.) Chemie Tumor Dormancy, Quiescence, and Tight Junctions in Cancer Senescence, Volume 1 Metastasis M. Schlesinger, University of Windsor, ON, Canada (Ed.) Aging, Cancer, and Noncancer Pathologies Applications of Electrochemistry in There has been a dramatic increase in knowledge With a particular emphasis on tumor dormancy in of tight junctions in the past decade. The molecular breast, lung, prostate, and liver cancers, as well as in Medicine structure of tight junctions, cellular functions and melanoma, this first volume of a new Springer series the pathophysiological roles of tight junctions are focuses on the interrelationship between biologi- Medical Applications of Electrochemistry, a volume becoming clear. Of the most important functions, cal processes of aging and tumors—both dormant of the series Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry, the role of the cellular structure in cancer spread and and quiescent. With detail supplied by numerous illustrates the interdisciplinary nature of modern drug delivery are increasingly realised. It is now clear international researchers at the forefront of can- science by indicating the many current issues in that there are fundamental changes to tight junctions cer research, the book examines a host of differ- medicine that are susceptible to solution by electro- during the process of cancer development. Tight ing aspects of the topic. Featured contributions chemical methods. This book also suggests how per- junctions are also critical to the metastatic process analyze the role of the quiescent state in regulat- sonalized medicine can develop. of cancer cells. The cellular structure is also cru- ing hematopoietic and muscle stem cells. They also cial in drug therapies, namely, the permeability and explore the mediation, by the kinase, in the reversible Features bioavailability of the drugs, penetration of barriers quiescent state of a subset of ovarian, pancreatic, and Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry Number such as the[...] colon cancers. The book includes[...] 56 contains chapters covering the following top- ics related to the use of electrochemistry in med- Features Features icine.· Electrochemistry in the design and There has been a dramatic increase in knowledge With a particular emphasis on tumor dormancy in development of medical technologies and devices· of tight junctions in the past decade. The molecular breast, lung, prostate, and liver cancers, as well as in Medical devices at the interface of biology and elec- structure of tight junctions, cellular functions and melanoma, this first volume of a new Springer series trochemistry· Sensing by screen printed elec- the pathophysiological roles of tight junctions are focuses on the interrelationship between biologi- trodes for medical [..] becoming clear. Of the most important functions, cal processes of aging and tumors—both dormant the role of the cellular structure in cancer spread and and quiescent. With detail supplied by numerous Contents drug delivery are increasingly realised. It is now clear international researchers at the forefront of can- Applications of electrochemistry in medicine.- that there are fundamental changes to [..] cer research, the book examines a host of differing Applications of electrochemistry in the design and aspects [..] development of medical technologies and devices.- Contents Intracoronary stents: Medical devices at the inter- Preface.- The molecular aspects of Tight junctions.- Contents face of biology and electrochemistry.- Screen printed The distribution of tight junctions and junctional Preface.-I. Tumor dormancy.- Is tumor dormancy electrodes open new vistas in sensing: Application proteins in the body.- Methodologies in investiga- clinically relevant?- Microenvironmental influence to medical diagnosis.- Electrochemical glucose sen- tion tight junctions.- Vascular permeability and drug on breast cancer Dormancy and metastasis.- Deter- sors and their application in diabetes management.- delivery.- Tight junctions, BBB and brain metasta- mination of breast cancer dormancy: analysis of Electrochemistry of adhesion and spreading of lipid sis.- Tight junctions and bladder cancer metastasis.- Circulating free dna using snp 6.0 arrays.- Clono- vesicles on electrodes.- Bio-electrochemistry and Tight Junctions and colorectal cancer therapies.- genicity of cultured prostate cancer cells is controlled chalcogens. Tight junctions in breast cancer.- Regulation of tight by dormancy : significance and comparison with cell junctions for therapeutic advantages.- Overcoming culture models of breast cancer cell dormancy.- Dor- Fields of interest tight junctional permeability in cerebral metastasis.- mancy and metastasis of melanoma cells to lymph Elektrochemie; Medizin (allgemein); Analytische CL-5 and cancer metastasis.- Intracellular signalling Nodes, lung, and liver.- Late recurrence is a sign of Chemie; Angiologie; Diabetologie; Innere Medizin in TJ and AJ.- ROCK[...] melanoma dormancy: need of Life-long follow-up of elanoma patients. II. Quiescence.-[...] Target groups Fields of interest Research Biomedizin (allgemein); Krebsforschung; Onkologie; Fields of interest Zellbiologie; Membranbiologie Krebsforschung; Stammzellen; Gesundheitswesen Type of publication Monograph Target groups Target groups More on Graduate Professional/practitioner Hardcover Type of publication Type of publication 2013. XI, 452 p. 121 illus., 55 in color. (Modern Aspects Contributed volume Contributed volume of Electrochemistry, Band 56) More on More on 139,05 € ISBN 978-1-4614-6147-0 Hardcover Hardcover Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 2013. VIII, 313 p. 46 illus., 40 in color. (Cancer Metastasis 2013. XXIV, 324 p. 54 illus., 35 in color. (Tumor Dor- - Biology and Treatment, Band 19) mancy and Cellular Quiescence and Senescence, Band 149,75 € 1) ISBN 978-94-007-6027-1 181,85 € Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. ISBN 978-94-007-5957-2 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Chemie 11

Z. Cai, HongKong Baptist University, China; S. Liu, Chinese Acad- D. Filippini, Linköping University, Sweden (Ed.) J.-J. Zhong, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China (Ed.) emy of Science, Changchun, China (Eds.) Autonomous Sensor Networks Future Trends in Biotechnology Applications of MALDI-TOF Collective Sensing Strategies for Analytical Purposes Spectroscopy Systems Metabolic Engineering: The Creation of This volume surveys recent research on autonomous Microbial Cell Factories by Rational Metabolic sensor networks from the perspective of enabling MALDI-ToF Mass Spectrometry for Studying Design and Evolution, by Chikara Furusawa, Takaaki technologies that support medical, environmental Noncovalent Complexes of Biomolecules, by Ste- Horinouchi, Takashi Hirasawa, Hiroshi Shimizu and military applications.State of the art, as well as fanie Mädler, Elisabetta Boeri Erba, Renato Zenobi Impacts of Quorum Sensing on Microbial Metab- emerging concepts in wireless sensor networks, body Application of MALDI-TOF-Mass Spectrometry olism and Human Health, by Yang-Chun Yong, area networks and ambient assisted living introduce to Proteome Analysis Using Stain-Free Gel Elec- Jian-Jiang Zhong CHO Glycosylation Mutants as the reader to the field, while subsequent chapters trophoresis, by Iuliana Susnea, Bogdan Bernevic, Potential Host Cells to Produce Therapeutic Pro- deal in depth with established and related technolo- Michael Wicke, Li Ma, Shuying Liu, Karl Schellan- teins with Enhanced Efficacy, by Peiqing Zhang, gies, which render their implementation possible. der, Michael Przybylski MALDI Mass Spectrome- Kah Fai Chan, Ryan Haryadi, Muriel Bardor, Zhiwei These range from smart textiles and printed elec- try for Nucleic Acid Analysis, by Xiang Gao, Boon- Song Cell-Free Biosystems for Biomanufacturing, by tronic devices to implanted devices and specialized Huan Tan, Richard J. Sugrue, Kai Tang Determi- Chun You, Y.-H. Percival Zhang Lipid Bilayer Mem- packaging, including the most relevant technologi- nation of Peptide and Protein Disulfide Linkages brane Arrays: Fabrication and Applications, by Xiao- cal features.The last four chapters are devoted to cus- by MALDI Mass Spectrometry, by Hongmei Yang, jun Han, Guodong Qi, Xingtao Xu, Lei Wang RNA tomization, implementation[...] Ning Liu, Shuying Liu MALDI In-Source Decay, Aptamers: A Review of Recent[...] from Sequencing to Imaging, by Delphine Debois, Features Features Nicolas Smargiasso, Kevin Demeure,[...] This volume surveys recent research on autonomous Systems Metabolic Engineering: The Creation of sensor networks from the perspective of enabling Features Microbial Cell Factories by Rational Metabolic technologies that support medical, environmental Stefanie Mädler Elisabetta Boeri ErbaRenato Zeno- Design and Evolution, by Chikara Furusawa, Takaaki and military applications.State of the art, as well as biMALDI-ToF Mass Spectrometry for Studying Horinouchi, Takashi Hirasawa, Hiroshi Shimizu emerging concepts in wireless sensor networks, body Noncovalent Complexes of BiomoleculesIuliana Sus- Impacts of Quorum Sensing on Microbial Metabo- area networks and ambient assisted living introduce neaBogdan BernevicMichael WickeLi MaShuying lism and Human Health, by Yang-Chun Yong, Jian- the reader to the field, while subsequent chapters LiuKarl SchellanderMichael Przybylski Application Jiang Zhong CHO Glycosylation Mutants as Poten- deal in depth with established and related [..] of MALDI-TOF-Mass Spectrometry to Proteome tial Host Cells to Produce Therapeutic Proteins with Enhanced [..] Analysis Using Stain-Free Gel ElectrophoresisXiang Contents GaoBoon-Huan [..] Wireless Sensor and Actuator Network Applica- Contents tions and Challenges.- Body Area Networks.- Sen- Contents Systems Metabolic Engineering: The Creation of sors for Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) and Smart MALDI-ToF Mass Spectrometry for Studying Non- Microbial Cell Factories by Rational Metabolic Homes.- Research in Energy Harvesting Wireless covalent Complexes of Biomolecules, by Stefanie Design and Evolution, by Chikara Furusawa, Takaaki Sensor Networks and the Challenges Ahead.- Wear- Mädler, Elisabetta Boeri Erba, Renato Zenobi.- Horinouchi, Takashi Hirasawa, Hiroshi Shimizu.- able Sensors.- Smart Textiles: Technology and WSN Application of MALDI-TOF-Mass Spectrometry Impacts of Quorum Sensing on Microbial Metabo- Applications.- Implanted Sensors.- Printed Organic to Proteome Analysis Using Stain-Free Gel Elec- lism and Human Health, by Yang-Chun Yong, Jian- Electronic Sensors.- Autonomous Lab-on-a-Chip trophoresis, by Iuliana Susnea, Bogdan Bernevic, Jiang Zhong.- CHO Glycosylation Mutants as Poten- Technologies.- Ubiquitous Devices for Chemical Michael Wicke, Li Ma, Shuying Liu, Karl Schellan- tial Host Cells to Produce Therapeutic Proteins with Sensing.- Packaging Technology for Devices in der, Michael Przybylski.- MALDI Mass Spectrome- Enhanced Efficacy, by Peiqing Zhang, Kah Fai Chan, Autonomous Sensor Networks.- Collective Sensing try for Nucleic Acid Analysis, by Xiang Gao, Boon- Ryan Haryadi, Muriel Bardor, Zhiwei Song.- Cell- for Health Care.- Distributed Environmental Moni- Huan Tan, Richard J. Sugrue, Kai Tang.- Determi- Free Biosystems for Biomanufacturing, by Chun toring.- Wireless[...] nation of Peptide and Protein Disulfide Linkages You, Y.-H. Percival Zhang.- Lipid Bilayer Membrane Arrays:[...] by MALDI Mass Spectrometry, by Hongmei Yang, Fields of interest Ning Liu, Shuying Liu.- MALDI[...] Industriechemie; Signal-, Bild- und Sprachverar- Fields of interest beitung ; Spezielle Anwendersysteme; Medizinische Fields of interest Biotechnologie; Zellbiologie; Biomedizinische Tech- Chemie; Messmethoden und -instrumente ; Bio- Massenspektrometrie; Biochemie; Bioorganische nik chemische Technik Chemie Target groups Target groups Target groups Research Research Research Type of publication Type of publication Type of publication Reviews Reviews Reviews More on More on More on Hardcover Hardcover Hardcover 2013. IX, 172 p. 59 illus., 34 in color. (Advances in Bio- 2013. X, 428 p. 168 illus., 105 in color. (Springer Series 2013. VII, 215 p. 53 illus., 11 in color. (Topics in Current chemical Engineering/Biotechnology, Band 131) on Chemical Sensors and Biosensors, Band 13) Chemistry, Band 331) 203,29 € 266,43 € 203,29 € ISBN 978-3-642-36507-2 ISBN 978-3-642-34647-7 ISBN 978-3-642-35664-3 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 12 Chemie

G. Hommel (Ed.) A.A. Andriiko, National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv, R. Matyáš, Univ. of Pardubice, Czech Republic; J. Pachman, Univ. Ukraine; Y.O. Andriyko, Centre of Electrochemical Surface Tech- of Pardubice, Czech Republic nology, Vienna, Austria; G.E. Nauer, Vienna University, Austria Handbuch der gefährlichen Güter. Primary Explosives Gesamtwerk: Merkblätter 1-2900. Many-electron Electrochemical Erläuterungen und Synonymliste. Processes Transport- und Gefahrenklassen This is the first comprehensive overview of this Reactions in Molten Salts, Room-Temperature Ionic Liquids topic. It serves as a single source for information Neu. Hommel Interaktiv - CD-ROM V and Ionic Solutions about the properties, preparation, and uses of all rel- evant primary explosives. The first chapter provides 12.0 Einzelplatzversion Here, the authors provide a unified concept for background such as the basics of initiation and dif- understanding multi-electron processes in electro- ferences between requirements on primary explo- Der Hommel ist seit langen Jahren die Standard- chemical systems such as molten salts, ionic liquids, sives used in detonators and igniters. The authors quelle für Gefahrgut-Information. Fast jede Sub- or ionic solutions. A major advantage of this con- then clarify the influence of physical characteristics stanz, fast jede für den Einsatz nötige Information cept is its independence of assumptions like one- on explosive properties, focusing on those proper- finden Sie schnell, präzise und zuverlässig in diesem step many-electron transfers or ‘discrete’ discharge ties required for primary explosives. Furthermore, Nachschlagewerk. Das gibt Ihnen die Sicherheit, of complex species. Therefore this monograph is a the issue of sensitivity is discussed. All the chapters die Sie für Ihre Arbeit brauchen: Mit dem Hom- unique resource for basic electrochemical research on particular groups of primary explosives are struc- mel können Sie auch kritische Situationen in den but also for many important applications such as tured in the same way, including introduction, phys- Griff bekommen! Bei jedem Gefahrgut-Transport electrodeposition, electrorefining, or electrowinning ical and chemical[...] geht es um Sicherheits- und Haftungsfragen. Die of polyvalent metals from molten salts and other Features beste Strategie: Risiken vermeiden und die richti- ionic media. This is the first comprehensive overview of this gen Handlungsrichtlinien für die Maßnahmen z.B. Features topic. It serves as a single source for information nach Verkehrs- und Betriebsunfällen. „So steht’s im Here, the authors provide a unified concept for about the properties, preparation, and uses of all rel- Hommel“: Wer sich dort informiert, ist im Ernstfall understanding multi-electron processes in electro- evant primary explosives. The first chapter provides optimal auf den Einsatz vorbereitet und abgesichert. chemical systems such as molten salts, ionic liquids, background such as the basics of initiation and dif- In[...] or ionic solutions. A major advantage of this con- ferences between requirements on primary explo- Features cept is its independence of assumptions like one- sives used in detonators and igniters. The authors Der Hommel ist seit langen Jahren die Standard- step many-electron transfers or ‘discrete’ discharge then clarify the influence of physical characteristics quelle für Gefahrgut-Information. Fast jede Sub- of complex species. Therefore this monograph is a on [..] stanz, fast jede für den Einsatz nötige Information unique resource for basic electrochemical research Contents finden Sie schnell, präzise und zuverlässig in diesem but also [..] Introduction to Initiating Substances.- Explosive Nachschlagewerk. Das gibt Ihnen die Sicherheit, Contents Properties of Primary Explosives.- Fulminates.- die Sie für Ihre Arbeit brauchen: Mit dem Hommel Many-Electron Electrochemical Systems: Concepts Azides.- Salts of Polynitrophenoles.- Diazodini- können Sie auch kritische Situationen in den Griff and Definitions.- Many-electron Systems at Equilib- trophenol.- Salts of Benzofuroxan.-Tetrazoles.- bekommen! Bei jedem Gefahrgut-Transport geht es rium.- Phenomenology of Electrochemical Kinetics.- Tetrazole Ring Containing Complexes.- Organic um Sicherheits- [..] Electrode Film Systems: Experimental Evidences.- Peroxides.- Nitrogen Halides.- Acetylides.- Other Fields of interest Dynamics of a Non-Equilibrium Electrochemical Substances. Sicherheit in der Chemie / Gefährliche Güter; Not- System.- Electrochemistry of Ti(IV) in Ionic Liquids. Fields of interest fallmedizin; Öffentliches Recht Fields of interest Physikalische Chemie; Industriechemie; Organische Target groups Elektrochemie; Energiespeicher; Oberflächen und Chemie Professional/practitioner Verbindungen, Dünnschichten Target groups Type of publication Target groups Research Reference work Research Type of publication More on Type of publication Monograph 2013. 5000 S. Mit CD-ROM. 9 Bände. (Gesamtwerk) Monograph More on 2.099,00 € More on Hardcover ISBN 978-3-642-34570-8 Hardcover 2013. XIX, 338 p. 242 illus., 164 in color. Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. 2013. XIX, 167 p. 99 illus., 6 in color. (Monographs in 106,95 € Electrochemistry) ISBN 978-3-642-28435-9 106,99 € Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. ISBN 978-3-642-35769-5 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Erziehungswissenschaft 13

J.B. Chaires, University of Louisville, KY, USA; D. Graves, The Uni- S. Leone, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy versity of Alabama, Birmingham, AL, USA (Eds.) Erziehungswissenschaft Characterisation of a Personal Quadruplex Nucleic Acids S. Offen, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Deutschland Learning Environment as a Lifelong Learning Tool Gaining Insights into the Small Molecule Target- ing of the G-Quadruplex in the c-MYC Promoter Achsen adoleszenter Using NMR and an Allele-Specific Transcrip- Zugehörigkeitsarbeit This work focuses on the characterization of tional Assay, by Christine E. Kaiser, Vijay Gokhale, adult lifelong learners’ Personal Learning Envi- Danzhou Yang and Laurence H. Hurley.- Higher- Geschlecht und sexuelle Orientierung im Blick politischer Bil- ronments (PLEs) by implicit and explicit tools of Order Quadruplex Structures, by Luigi Petrac- dung personalization. It aims aims toward creating a cone.- Investigation of Quadruplex Structure Under system for the development of a learning path for Wie verhandeln Jugendliche in alltäglichen Leben- Physiological Conditions Using In-Cell NMR, by the characterisation of PLE for adult life learners. szusammenhängen das Verhältnis von Geschlecht Robert Hänsel, Silvie Foldynová-Trantírková, Volker The synergy of formal and informal learning in the und sexueller Orientierung? Unter dieser zentralen Dötsch and Lukás Trantírek.- Circular Dichroism of dynamic construction of a lifelong learner’s PLE is Fragestellung werden in der Studie empirische Quadruplex Structures, by Antonio Randazzo, Gian fully explored, with the recognition that the major- Ergebnisse vorgestellt, die Gender/Queer Studies, Piero Spada and Mateus Webba da Silva.- Molecular ity of learning, especially for life long learners, occurs bildungswissenschaftliche Perspektiven und poli- Crowding and Hydration Regulating of G-Quadru- outside traditional learning formats.Specifically, this tische Bildungspraxis verbinden. Die Analyse der plex Formation, by Daisuke Miyoshi, Takeshi Fuji- volume discusses the design, implementation, and Mikropolitiken adoleszenter Zugehörigkeitsar- moto and Naoki[...] validation of the SSW4LL (Social Semantic Web for beit entlang der Achsen Geschlecht und sexuelle Lifelong Learners) format, and[...] Features Orientierung wird dabei als grundlegend für die Gaining Insights into the Small Molecule Targeting Weiterentwicklung von Professionalität in einer teil- Features of the G-Quadruplex in the c-MYC Promoter Using habeorientierten geschlechtersensiblen politischen Over the last years, increasing attention has been NMR and an Allele-Specific Transcriptional Assay, Bildung ausbuchstabiert. paid to Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) by Christine E. Kaiser, Vijay Gokhale, Danzhou as an effective framework for lifelong learners, and Features Yang and Laurence H. Hurley.- Higher-Order to the need for a smooth integration of formal and Wie verhandeln Jugendliche in alltäglichen Leben- Quadruplex Structures, by Luigi Petraccone.- Inves- informal learning. A wider and wider range of open szusammenhängen das Verhältnis von Geschlecht tigation of Quadruplex Structure Under Physio- source and free learning applications on the web are und sexueller Orientierung? Unter dieser zentralen logical Conditions Using In-Cell NMR, by Robert offering lifelong learners powerful tools to construct Fragestellung werden in der Studie empirische Hänsel, Silvie [..] and characterise their own PLEs. [..] Ergebnisse vorgestellt, die Gender/Queer Studies, Contents bildungswissenschaftliche Perspektiven und poli- Contents Gaining Insights into the Small Molecule Target- tische Bildungspraxis verbinden. Die Analyse der Introduction.- From Formal to Informal Learning: ing of the G-Quadruplex in the c-MYC Promoter Mikropolitiken adoleszenter Zugehörigkeitsarbeit Scenario, Conditioning Elements and Evolutionary Using NMR and an Allele-Specific Transcrip- entlang der Achsen [..] Steps.- The SSW4LL Format.- Case Study: SSW4LL tional Assay, by Christine E. Kaiser, Vijay Gokhale, 2011.- Concluding Remarks. Contents Danzhou Yang and Laurence H. Hurley.- Higher- Wissenschaftliche Bezüge politischer Bildung Order Quadruplex Structures, by Luigi Petrac- Fields of interest im Kontext von Geschlecht und sexueller cone.- Investigation of Quadruplex Structure Under Bildungstechnologie; Erwachsenenbildung / Orientierung.- Orientierung und Geschlecht im Physiological Conditions Using In-Cell NMR, by Lebenslanges Lernen; Computer und Ausbildung Blick von Gender Studies, Bildungswissenschaften Robert Hänsel, Silvie Foldynová-Trantírková, Volker und politischer Bildung.- "Was wäre, wenn du Dötsch and Lukás Trantírek.- Circular Dichroism of Target groups morgen als Mädchen/als Junge aufwachst?".- Ord- Quadruplex Structures, by Antonio Randazzo, Gian Research nung von Geschlecht und sexueller Orientieruing als Piero Spada and Mateus Webba da Silva.- Molecular Zugehörigkeitsarbeit.- Differenz und Performance.- Type of publication Crowding and[...] Mikropolitiken der Zugehörigkeit.- Genderkom- Brief petenz für eine geschlechtersensible politische Bil- Fields of interest More on Bioorganische Chemie; Nukleinsäurenchemie; Medi- dung.- Narrative, Lebensweisen und Dimensionen Softcover zinische Biochemie; Biophysik und biologische des Politischen. 2013. XIV, 88 p. 18 illus., 17 in color. (SpringerBriefs in Physik Fields of interest Education) Target groups Erziehungswissenschaft (allgemein); Bildungssozi- 53,45 € Research ologie ISBN 978-1-4614-6273-6 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Type of publication Target groups Reviews Research More on Type of publication Hardcover Monograph 2013. X, 278 p. 70 illus., 47 in color. (Topics in Current More on Chemistry, Band 330) Softcover 245,03 € 2013. VII, 231 S. 1 Abb. (Adoleszenzforschung, Band 2) ISBN 978-3-642-34742-9 29,99 € Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. ISBN 978-3-658-01393-6 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 14 Erziehungswissenschaft

S. Dollinger, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Deutsch- U. Baumheier, Stadt Osterholz-Scharmbeck, Deutschland; C. K. Jurczyk, Deutsches Jugendinstitut e.V., München, Deutsch- land Fortmann, Die Senatorin für Bildung und Wissenschaft, Bremen, land; S. Walper, Deutsches Jugendinstitut e.V., München, Deutschland; G. Warsewa, Universität Bremen, Deutschland Deutschland (Eds.) Diagnosegenauigkeit von ErzieherInnen und LehrerInnen Ganztagsschulen in lokalen Gemeinsames Sorgerecht nicht Bildungsnetzwerken miteinander verheirateter Eltern Einschätzung schulrelevanter Kompetenzen in der Über- gangsphase Empirische Studien und juristische Expertisen Mit der Einrichtung von Ganztagsschulen verbindet Zum professionellen Lehrer- und Erzieherhandeln sich ein enormes Potenzial: Schulen könnten mit Wie passen rechtliche Regelungen, individuelles gehört es, den Kindern adaptive Lernangebote zur ihren Kompetenzen und Kapazitäten zur Aufw- Verhalten sowie gesellschaftliches Verständnis von Verfügung zu stellen. Dies setzt jedoch eine präzise ertung von Stadtteilen beitragen, könnten Bil- 'elterlicher Sorge' zusammen? Vor dem Hinter- Kenntnis der Lernausgangslagen voraus. Sonja dungsverständnis und soziales Kapital verstärken grund der aktuellen juristischen Debatte um das Dollinger untersucht, wie exakt die Pädagogen aus und moderne Lebensstile und Lebensformen unter- gemeinsame Sorgerecht nicht miteinander ver- Kindergarten und Grundschule die Kompetenzen stützen. Umgekehrt könnten die Öffnung für die heirateter Eltern dokumentiert dieses Buch neueste der Kinder in verschiedenen Bereichen einschätzen. Nachbarschaft und die Vernetzung mit anderen wissenschaftliche Befunde. Vorgestellt werden unter Sie zeigt, dass sowohl Erzieher als auch Lehrer über Institutionen die Schule von erdrückender Über- anderem Auswertungen der amtlichen Statistik, eine nicht sehr ausgeprägte Diagnosegenauigkeit ver- forderung entlasten und dazu beitragen, dass sie insbesondere Ergebnisse eigener quantitativer und fügen und verschiedene Kompetenzbereiche unter- ihrem Bildungsauftrag wieder gerecht werden kann. qualitativer Befragungen von Eltern, die zum Zeit- schiedlich exakt eingeschätzt werden. Zahlreiche Probleme verhindern jedoch in der Praxis punkt der Geburt eines gemeinsamen Kindes nicht die Ausschöpfung dieses Potentials. Die AutorIn- miteinander verheiratet waren, sowie von einschlägi- Features nen haben an sechs verschiedenen Schulstandorten gen Fachkräften aus Standes- und Jugendämtern. Zum professionellen Lehrer- und Erzieherhandeln untersucht, welche[...] Diese Ergebnisse werden im Kontext juristischer gehört es, Kindern adaptive Lernangebote zur Verfü- Analysen[...] gung zu stellen. Dies setzt eine präzise Kenntnis der Features Lernausgangslagen voraus. Sonja Dollinger unter- Mit der Einrichtung von Ganztagsschulen verbindet Features sucht, wie exakt die Pädagogen aus Kindergarten sich ein enormes Potenzial: Schulen könnten mit Wie passen rechtliche Regelungen, individuelles und Grundschule die Kompetenzen der Kinder in ihren Kompetenzen und Kapazitäten zur Aufw- Verhalten sowie gesellschaftliches Verständnis von verschiedenen Bereichen einschätzen und welche ertung von Stadtteilen beitragen, könnten Bil- 'elterlicher Sorge' zusammen? Vor dem Hinter- Faktoren auf Kinder- und Pädagogen-Ebene die dungsverständnis und soziales Kapital verstärken grund der aktuellen juristischen Debatte um das Genauigkeit beeinflussen. [..] und moderne Lebensstile und Lebensformen unter- gemeinsame Sorgerecht nicht miteinander ver- stützen. Umgekehrt könnten die Öffnung für die heirateter Eltern dokumentiert dieses Buch neueste Contents Nachbarschaft und die Vernetzung mit anderen wissenschaftliche Befunde. Vorgestellt werden unter Diagnosegenauigkeit und Institutionen die Schule von [..] anderem Auswertungen der amtlichen Statistik, ins- Diagnosekompetenz.- Professionelles besondere Ergebnisse [..] Lehrerhandeln.- Anschlussfähigkeit und Contents Schulfähigkeit.- Diagnosegenauigkeit im Übergang. Schulen im Stadtteil.- Institutionelle Rahmenbe- Contents dingungen für Ganztagsschulen und ihre Partner.- Nichteheliche Geburten in Deutschland.- Sorg- Fields of interest Kooperation und Vernetzung von Ganztagsschulen erechtsregelungen bei nichtehelicher Geburt.- Erziehungswissenschaft (allgemein); Sozialwis- und Partnern im Stadtteil.- Stadtteilvernetzung von Analyse der Rechtsprechung und Rechtsvergleich senschaften (allgemein) Ganztagsschulen: Potenziale und Probleme.- Schu- zur gemeinsamen elterlichen Sorge.- Ergebnisse lentwicklung und Stadtteilvernetzung: Aussichten der Befragung von Eltern nichtehelich geborener Target groups und Perspektiven. Kinder.- Befunde aus Interviews mit Fachkräften.- Upper undergraduate Zusammenfassung und Fazit Fields of interest Type of publication Erziehungswissenschaft (allgemein); Verwaltung, Fields of interest Monograph Organisation und Führung; Bildungspolitik Erziehungswissenschaft (allgemein); Bildungspolitik; More on Bildungssoziologie Target groups Softcover Professional/practitioner Target groups 2013. I, 216 S. 14 Abb., 12 in Farbe. Professional/practitioner 34,99 € Type of publication ISBN 978-3-658-01659-3 Professional book Type of publication Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Professional book More on More on Softcover 2013. XXII, 218 S. 17 Abb. (Educational Governance, Softcover Band 19) 2013. XIX, 365 S. 45 Abb. (Deutsches Jugendinstitut 34,99 € e.V., Band 1) ISBN 978-3-531-19595-7 34,99 € Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. ISBN 978-3-658-00349-4 Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Erziehungswissenschaft 15

L. Smith, University of New England, Armidale, NSW, Australia; A. M. Windzio, University of Bremen, Germany (Ed.) R. Lesh, Indiana University Bloomington, IN, USA; P.L. Galbraith, Abouammoh, Centre for Higher Education Research and Studies, University of Queensland, St. Lucia, QLD, Australia; C.R. Haines, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Eds.) City University, London, UK; A. Hurford, University of Utah, Salt Integration and Inequality in Lake City, UT, USA (Eds.) Higher Education in Saudi Arabia Educational Institutions Modeling Students' Mathematical Achievements, Challenges and Opportunities This volume addresses questions that lie at the core Modeling Competencies This book provides the first academically rigorous of research into education. It examines the way in ICTMA 13 description and critical analysis of the Higher Edu- which the institutional embeddedness and the social and ethnic composition of students affect educa- cation system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and Modeling Students’ Mathematical Modeling Compe- tional performance, skill formation, and behavioral of the vision, strategies and policy imperatives for tencies offers welcome clarity and focus to the inter- outcomes. It discusses the manner in which edu- the future development of Saudi universities. The national research and professional community in cational institutions accomplish social integration. government of Saudi Arabia has recognized in both mathematics, science, and engineering education, as It poses the question of whether they can reduce policy and practice the necessity of developing its well as those involved in the sciences of teaching and social inequality, – or whether they even facilitate the university system to world-class standard. Signifi- learning these subjects. cantly increasing access and participation in Higher transformation of heterogeneity into social inequal- Education across a range of traditional and non-tra- ity. Divided into five parts, the volume offers new Features ditional disciplines is directly relevant to the future insights into the many factors, processes and policies As we enter the 21st century, there is an urgent social and economic growth of the country. This that affect performance levels and social inequality in need for new approaches to mathematics education book addresses the way in which Saudi Arabia is educational[...] emphasizing its relevance in young learners’ futures. moving to develop a quality[...] Modeling Students’ Mathematical Modeling Com- Features petencies explores the vital trend toward using real- This volume addresses questions that lie at the core Features world problems as a basis for teaching mathematics of research into education. It examines the way in This book provides the first academically rigorous skills, competencies, and applications. Blending the- which the institutional embeddedness and the social description and critical analysis of the Higher Edu- oretical constructs and practical considerations, [..] cation system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and and ethnic composition of students affect educa- of the vision, strategies and policy imperatives for tional performance, skill formation, and behavioral Contents the future development of Saudi universities. The outcomes. It discusses the manner in which educa- Modeling and Design Research and Assessment government of Saudi Arabia has recognized in both tional institutions accomplish social integration. It Methodologies.- Modeling in High School and Col- policy and practice the necessity of developing its poses the question of whether they can reduce social lege.- Modeling in Middle Schools.- Modeling in the university system to world-class standard. [..] [..] Primary Grades.- Modeling and Teacher Develop- ment.- Modeling vs. Traditional Problem Solving.- Contents Contents Modeling in Engineering and in Other 21st Cen- Foreword .- Introduction 1. Integration and Inequal- Foreword.- 1. Higher Education in Saudi Arabia: tury Design Sciences.- Technological Tools and Data ity in Educational Institutions: An Institutional Reforms, Challenges and Priorities.- 2. Dreams and Modeling.- Modeling and Socio-Cultural Perspec- Perspective by Michael Windzio .- Education and Realities: The World-class Idea and Saudi Arabian tives.- Directions for the Future. Higher Education.- 3. Governance in Saudi Higher Society 2. Integration and the Education State. Insti- Education.- 4. The Learning Experiences of Saudi tutional History and Public Discourse in England, Fields of interest Arabian Higher Education Leadership: Characteris- France, Germany, and the US by Ansgar Wey- Mathematische Bildung; Mathematische Modeller- tics for Global Success.- 5. Delivering High Quality mann .- Institutions and educational outcomes in a stellung und industrielle Mathematik Teaching and Learning for University Students in comparative perspective 3. The School Performance Saudi Arabia.- 6. Assessment of Student Learning.- of the Russian-Speaking Minority in Linguistically Target groups 7. The Role of Information Technology in Support- Divided Educational Systems: A Comparison of Research ing Quality Teaching and Learning.- 8. Selecting and Estonia and Latvia by Kristina Lindemann .- 4. Posi- Developing High Quality University Staff .-[...] tive but also negative effects of ethnic diversity[...] Type of publication Contributed volume Fields of interest Fields of interest More on Hochschulwesen; Bildungspolitik; Internationale Bildungssoziologie; Bildungspolitik; Kinderpsy- und vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft chologie Hardcover 2013. XIV, 651 p. 134 illus. (International Perspectives Target groups Target groups on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Model- Research Research ling) 181,89 € Type of publication Type of publication ISBN 978-94-007-6270-1 Contributed volume Contributed volume Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. More on More on Hardcover Hardcover 2013. XIII, 190 p. 6 illus. (Higher Education Dynamics, 2013. IX, 310 p. 21 illus. Band 40) 139,09 € 106,99 € ISBN 978-94-007-6118-6 ISBN 978-94-007-6320-3 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 16 Erziehungswissenschaft

F. Landriscina, Florence University, Italy U. Teichler, University of Kassel, Germany; A. Arimoto, Kurashiki L. Moos, Aarhus University, Copenhagen, Denmark (Ed.) Sakuyo University, Okayama, Japan; W.K. Cummings, George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA Simulation and Learning Transnational Influences on Values

A Model-Centered Approach The Changing Academic Profession and Practices in Nordic Educational Leadership The main idea of this book is that to comprehend the Major Findings of a Comparative Survey instructional potential of simulation and to design Is there a Nordic Model? effective simulation-based learning environments, This book provides an overview on the major find- one has to consider both what happens inside the ings of a questionnaire survey of academic profes- This book explores to what extent transnational computer and inside the students' minds. The frame- sion in international perspective. More than 25,000 influences change national/local values and practices work adopted to do this is model-centered learning, professors and junior staff at universities and other in the Nordic educational systems. It provides coun- in which simulation is seen as particularly effec- institutions of higher education at almost 20 coun- try cases and thematic chapters that give nuanced tive when learning requires a restructuring of the tries from all over the world provide information on insights into the influence of transnational agencies individual mental models of the students, as in con- their working situation, their views and activities. on national governance and discourses. It describes ceptual change. Mental models are by themeselves The study “The Changing Academic Profession” is how national discourses and regulation influences simulations, and thus simulation models can extend the second major study of its kind, and changes of school leadership values, culture and practice, in our biological capacity to carry out simulative rea- views and activities are presented through a compar- competition with traditional values. The transna- soning. For this reason, recent approaches in cogni- ison of the findings with those of the earlier study tional and global discourse on educational leader- tive science like embodied[...] undertaken in the early 1990s. Major themes are the ship is mostly formed according to Anglo-American academics’ perception of their societal and institu- thinking and tradition. Pivotal foundations of this Features tional environments, the[...] discourse are strong hierarchical societies/class soci- This book conveys the incredible instructional eties with liberal[...] potential of simulation as a modality of education Features and provides guidelines for the design of effec- This book provides an overview on the major find- Features tive simulation-based learning environments. The ings of a questionnaire survey of academic profes- This book explores to what extent transnational framework of the book consists of model-centered sion in international perspective. More than 25,000 influences change national/local values and practices learning---learning that requires a restructuring professors and junior staff at universities and other in the Nordic educational systems. It provides coun- of individual mental models utilized by both stu- institutions of higher education at almost 20 coun- try cases and thematic chapters that give nuanced dents and teachers.Simulation models extend our tries from all over the world provide information on insights into the influence of transnational agencies biological [..] their working situation, their views and activities. on national governance and discourses. It describes The study “The Changing Academic Profession” is how national discourses and regulation influences Contents the [..] school leadership values, culture and practice, [..] -The Simulation Paradox: If Simulations are Good for Learning, where are they?, The Epistemic Sta- Contents Contents tus of Simulation, Simulation Myths and Fads. -An About the Authors.- 1. Introduction.- 2. The Design Contributors.- Forewords by John MacBeath, Peter Introduction to Simulation for Learning: What is and Methods of the Comparative Study.- 3. The Mortimore, Jim Spillane and Philip Woods.- 1. Pre- Simulation for Learning, The Need for a General- Variety of Countries Participating in the Compar- lude – Tuning the Instrument; Lejf Moos.- Part 1. ist Approach, Differences between Simulation and ative Study.- 4. The Academic Career.- 5. Research Country Cases. 2. Denmark: New Links between Games, Simulation and Cognition. – Models Every- and Teaching: The Changing Views and Activities of Education and Economics; Lejf Moos, Klaus Kasper where: A Concept at the Crossroads of Different the Academic Profession.- 6. Faculty Perceptions of Kofod, Katrin Hjort & Peter Henrik Raae.- 3. Educa- Disciplines, Types of Models, The Representational the Efficacy of Higher Educational Governance and tional Leadership in Finland – or Building a Nation Issue, Functions of Models, Model-Based Learn- Management.- Appendix.- The Changing Academic with Bildung; Michael Uljens and Cilla Nyman.- ing. -The Epistemic Cycle: A Model of Modeling, Profession: Questionnaire. 4. Transnational Influence and Educational Policy The Reality-System Loop, The System-Model Loop, in Iceland; Börkur Hansen.- 5. Norway: Centralisa- Fields of interest The[...] tion and Decentralisation as Twin Reform Strategies; Internationale und vergleichende Erziehungswis- Jorunn Møller and Guri Skedsmo.- 6. Sweden:[...] Fields of interest senschaft; Hochschulwesen Lernen; Kognitive Psychologie; Bildungstechnologie; Fields of interest Target groups Simulation and Modellierung Verwaltung, Organisation und Führung; Bil- Research dungspolitik; Internationale und vergleichende Target groups Erziehungswissenschaft Type of publication Research Monograph Target groups Type of publication More on Research Monograph Hardcover Type of publication More on 2013. X, 260 p. 25 illus. (The Changing Academy – The Contributed volume Hardcover Changing Academic Profession in International Com- More on 2013. XVII, 235 p. 73 illus., 28 in color. parative Perspective, Band 1) 106,99 € 106,99 € Hardcover ISBN 978-1-4614-1953-2 ISBN 978-94-007-6154-4 2013. XX, 228 p. 7 illus. (Studies in Educational Leader- Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. ship, Band 19) 106,99 € ISBN 978-94-007-6225-1 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Erziehungswissenschaft 17

T. Jones, University of New England, Armidale, NSW, Australia J. Budde, Universität Flensburg, Deutschland (Ed.) K. Kuhnke, Dortmund

Understanding Education Policy Unscharfe Einsätze: Vorgehensweisen von

The ‘Four Education Orientations’ Framework (Re-)Produktion von Heterogenität Grundschulkindern beim im schulischen Feld Darstellungswechsel Analysis of education policy often follows a particu- lar orientation, such as conservative or neo-liberal. Eine Untersuchung am Beispiel der Multiplikation im 2. Schul- Yet, readers are often left to wonder the true mean- Heterogentität wird zunehmend als zentrales Thema jahr ing and conceptual framing behind these orienta- für die Schul- und Unterrichtsforschung benannt, tions. Without this knowledge, the policy analysis wobei der Begriff auf sehr unterschiedliche Weise Die Fähigkeit, verschiedene Darstellungsformen zu lacks true rigor, its value is diminished as the results verstanden und eingesetzt wird. Ziel dieses Buches nutzen und zwischen ihnen zu wechseln, ist in den may prove difficult to reproduce.Understanding ist es, Beiträge zu theoretischen und empirischen Bildungsstandards und Lehrplänen der Grundschule Education Policy provides an overarching frame- Konzeptionierungen von Heterogenität zu sammeln, fest verankert. Katharina Kuhnke untersucht mith- work of four key orientations that lie beneath much die sich jenseits von affirmativer Verwendung oder ilfe von 15 Einzelfallstudien den Prozess des Darstel- policy analysis, yet are rarely used with accuracy: Praxisorientierung grundlegend mit Konstruktionen lungswechsels, indem sie das Vorgehen von Kindern conservative, liberal, critical and post-modern. It des Begriffs im schulischen Umfeld beschäftigen. beim Wechsel zwischen verschiedenen multiplika- details each orientation's application to policy mak- tiven Darstellungen betrachtet. Sie analysiert diesen ing, implementation and overall impact. The book Features Prozess aus epistemologischer Perspektive, rekon- also argues the value of[...] Heterogentität wird zunehmend als zentrales Thema struiert ihn als komplexes Gefüge und arbeitet ver- für die Schul- und Unterrichtsforschung benannt, schiedene Kriterien heraus, auf die Kinder beim Features wobei der Begriff auf sehr unterschiedliche Weise dieser Tätigkeit fokussieren. Analysis of education policy often follows a particu- verstanden und eingesetzt wird. Ziel dieses Buches lar orientation, such as conservative or neo-liberal. ist es, Beiträge zu theoretischen und empirischen Features Yet, readers are often left to wonder the true mean- Konzeptionierungen von Heterogenität zu sammeln, Die Fähigkeit, verschiedene Darstellungsformen zu ing and conceptual framing behind these orienta- die sich jenseits von affirmativer Verwendung oder nutzen und zwischen ihnen zu wechseln, ist in den tions. Without this knowledge, the policy analysis Praxisorientierung grundlegend mit Konstruktionen Bildungsstandards und Lehrplänen der Grundschule lacks true rigor, its value is diminished as the results des [..] fest verankert. Katharina Kuhnke untersucht mith- may prove difficult to reproduce. Understanding ilfe von 15 Einzelfallstudien den Prozess des Darstel- Education Policy provides an [..] Contents lungswechsels, indem sie das Vorgehen von Kindern Theoretische Perspektiven.- Empirische Perspek- beim Wechsel zwischen verschiedenen multiplika- Contents tiven.- Exkurs: Internationale Perspektive. tiven Darstellungen betrachtet. Sie analysiert diesen 1. Introduction.- 2. Perceptions of Policy.- 3. Policy Prozess [..] Paradigms Frameworks: Gaps Within Research.- 4. Fields of interest The Four Orientations to Education Framework. Erziehungswissenschaft (allgemein) Contents Darstellungswechsel als Fields of interest Target groups Übersetzungsprozess.- Darstellungswechsel als Bildungspolitik; Philosophie der Erziehung; Philoso- Professional/practitioner Lernprozess.- Vorgehensweisen.- Epistemologisches phie der Erziehung Dreieck.- Fokussierungen.- Variation. Type of publication Target groups Professional book Fields of interest Research More on Mathematische Bildung; Lehreraus- und -fortbil- dung Type of publication Softcover Brief 2013. VI, 310 S. 4 Abb. (Studien zur Schul- und Bil- Target groups dungsforschung, Band 42) Research More on 39,99 € Softcover ISBN 978-3-531-18415-9 Type of publication 2013. IX, 71 p. 2 illus. (SpringerBriefs in Education) Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Monograph 53,49 € More on ISBN 978-94-007-6264-0 Softcover Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 2013. XXII, 294 S. 109 Abb. (Dortmunder Beiträge zur Entwicklung und Erforschung des Mathematikunter- richts, Band 10) 69,99 € ISBN 978-3-658-01508-4 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 18 Geisteswissenschaften & Kunst

Geisteswissenschaften & Geowissenschaften J. Weiss, University of Grenoble, Saint-Martin d’Hères, France Kunst Drift, Deformation, and Fracture of F. Agnolin, Fundación de Historia Natural “Félix de Azara”, Sea Ice Buenos Aires, Argentina; F.E. Novas, Museo Argentino de Cien- A Perspective Across Scales S.M. Liang, Beijing, P.R. China; G.S. Alitto, The University of cias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia", Buenos Aires, Argentina Chicago, IL, USA Sea ice is a major component of polar environments, Avian Ancestors especially in the Arctic where it covers the entire Has Man a Future? Arctic Ocean throughout most of the year. However, A Review of the Phylogenetic Relationships of the Theropods in the context of climate change, the Arctic sea ice Dialogues with the Last Confucian Unenlagiidae, Microraptoria, Anchiornis and Scansorioptery- gidae cover has been declining significantly over the last decades, either in terms of its concentration or thick- Liang Shu-ming (October 18, 1893 – June 23, 1988), ness. The sea ice cover evolution and climate change was a legendary philosopher, teacher, and leader in Although consensus exists among researchers that are strongly coupled through the albedo positive the Rural Reconstruction Movement in the late Qing birds evolved from coelurosaurian theropods, pale- feedback, thus possibly explaining the Arctic ampli- Dynasty and early Republican eras of Chinese his- ontologists still debate the identification of the group fication of climate warming. In addition to thermo- tory. Liang was also one of the early representatives of coelurosaurians that most closely approaches dynamics, sea ice kinematics (drift, deformation) of modern Neo-Confucianism. Guy S. Alitto, asso- the common ancestor of birds. The last 20 years appears as an essential factor in the evolution of the ciate Professor in the Department of East Asian Lan- witnessed the discovery of a wide array of avian- ice cover through a reduction of the average ice age guages and Civilizations (EALC) at The University like theropods that has considerably amplified (and consequently[...] of Chicago, is author of, among other things, The the anatomical disparity among deinonychosauri- Last Confucian: Liang Shu-ming and the Chinese ans, some of which resemble Archaeopteryx more than Deinonychus. Among these newly discovered Features Dilemma of Modernity, and is one of the most active Sea ice is a major component of polar environments, and influential Sinologists in America. In 1980 and theropods that show remarkable bird-like charac- teristics are the four-winged theropods Microrap- especially in the Arctic where it covers the entire again in 1984, at Liang Shu-ming’s invitation, he Arctic Ocean during most of the year. However, in conducted a series of interviews with[...] tor and Anchiornis, and the unenlagiids Unenlagia, Buitreraptor, and Rahonavis. A bizarre group of a context of climate change, the Arctic sea ice cover has been declining significantly over the last decades, Features minute-sized[...] either in terms of concentration or thickness. The sea Liang Shu-ming (October 18, 1893 – June 23, 1988), ice cover evolution and climate change are strongly was a legendary philosopher, teacher, and leader in Features coupled through the albedo positive [..] the Rural Reconstruction Movement in the late Qing Although consensus exists among researchers that birds evolved from coelurosaurian theropods, pale- Dynasty and early Republican eras of Chinese his- Contents tory. Liang was also one of the early representatives ontologists still debate the identification of the group of coelurosaurians that most closely approaches Sea ice drift.- Sea ice deformation.- Sea ice fractur- of modern Neo-Confucianism. Guy S. Alitto, asso- ing.- Recent evolution of sea ice kinematics and ciate Professor in the Department of East Asian Lan- the common ancestor of birds. The last 20 years witnessed the discovery of a wide array of avian- rheology.- Modeling of sea ice rheology and defor- guages and Civilizations (EALC) at The University mation. of [..] like theropods that has considerably amplified the anatomical disparity among deinonychosaurians, Fields of interest some of which [..] Contents Geophysik / Geodäsie; Ozeanographie; Umwelt- Preface.- Introduction.- Chapter 1: August 12, 1980.- physik ; Erdsystemwissenschaften Chapter 2: August 13, 1980.- Chapter 3: August Contents Introduction.-Institutional abbreviations.-Com- 14,1980.- Chapter 4: August 15, 1980.- Chapter Target groups parison: general information about the main taxa 5: August 16, 1980.- Chapter 6: August 17, 1980.- Research Chapter 7: August 18, 1980.- Chapter 8: August 19, to be compared in the present paper.-Phylogenetic 1980.- Chapter 9: August 20, 1980.- Chapter 10: analysis: review of available phylogenetic hypothe- Type of publication August 21, 1980.- Chapter 11: August 22, 1980.- ses about the origin of birds, discussing their respec- Brief Chapter 12: August 24, 1980.- Chapter 13: August tive logical bases and discussion of characters used More on 25, 1980. for their support.-Systematic Paleontology: system- atic arrangement.-Discussion.-Evolution of feathers Softcover Fields of interest and wings among basal paravians.-Osteological and 2013. XVI, 83 p. 34 illus., 19 in color. (SpringerBriefs in Geisteswissenschaften; Geschichte integumental modifications related to the origin of Earth Sciences) flight.-Body size increase and loss of flying capabili- 53,49 € Target groups ties among paravians.-Independent[...] ISBN 978-94-007-6201-5 Research Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Fields of interest Type of publication Paläontologie; Tiersystematik / -taxonomie, Biogeog- Monograph raphy; Evolutionsbiologie; Tieranatomie / -entwick- More on lung, Histologie Hardcover Target groups 2013. XI, 252 p. (China Academic Library) Research 139,09 € ISBN 978-3-642-35815-9 Type of publication Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Brief More on Softcover 2013. IX, 96 p. 18 illus., 6 in color. (SpringerBriefs in Earth System Sciences) 53,45 € ISBN 978-94-007-5636-6 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Geowissenschaften 19

E. Fukuyama, National Research Institute for Earth Science and A. Dewan, Curtin University, Bentley, WA, Australia R.H. Tedford, American Museum of Natural History, NY, USA; Z.- Disaster Prevention, Tsukuba, Japan; J.B. Rundle, University of X. Qiu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China; L.J. Flynn, California, Davis, CA, USA; K.F. Tiampo, University of Western Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA (Eds.) Ontario, London, ON, Canada (Eds.) Floods in a Megacity

Geospatial Techniques in Assessing Hazards, Risk and Vulner- Late Cenozoic Yushe Basin, Shanxi Earthquake Hazard Evaluation ability Province, China: Geology and Fossil Flooding is one of the most devastating natural haz- Mammals This book presents a series of numerical simulation ards in the world. Available records suggest that studies of the earthquake generation process and both flood frequency and severity are on the rise Volume I:History, Geology, and Magnetostratigraphy the evaluation of the hazards caused by large earth- and this is likely to worsen in the context of climate quakes and tsunamis, drawn from three distinct topi- change. As population, infrastructure and poverty The Late Cenozoic Yushe Basin, Shanxi Province, cal areas. First, recent research results on earthquake grow rapidly in developing countries, particularly in China embodies the bulk of our knowledge on suc- source physics are introduced, which can be used as urban agglomerations of 10 million people or more, cessions of terrestrial vertebrates in the northern part input for hazard evaluation studies. Then, propaga- floods could cause widespread devastation, economic of East Asia. Everything we know about Asian mam- tion of seismic waves and tsunamis is discussed, con- damage and loss of life. Assessment of vulnerabil- mals of the last 6 million years has a historical basis necting what happens at the source with the resulting ity and risk from naturally occurring phenomena is in the documentation of the geology of Yushe. This damage. Finally, earthquake statistics for forecasting therefore imperative in order to achieve urban sus- volume introduces the basin in its geological set- are discussed, a practical application of our knowl- tainability. This book uses geospatial techniques to ting, describes the succession of fossiliferous strata, edge for the mitigation of earthquake and tsunami evaluate hazards, risk and vulnerability at a metro- and shows how it is dated. It develops an unsur- disasters. This book is suitable for graduate students politan scale in a[...] passed level of precision for its age control. Geo- who are[...] logical maps and stratigraphic sections provide the Features backbone for individual studies to follow on varied Features Flooding is one of the most devastating natural haz- fossil groups. The volume explores the history of This book presents a series of numerical simulation ards in the world. Available records suggest that exploration of the last[...] studies of the earthquake generation process and both flood frequency and severity are on the rise the evaluation of the hazards caused by large earth- and this is likely to worsen in the context of climate Features quakes and tsunamis, drawn from three distinct topi- change. As population, infrastructure and poverty The Late Cenozoic Yushe Basin, Shanxi Province, cal areas. First, recent research results on earthquake grow rapidly in developing countries, particularly in China embodies the bulk of our knowledge on suc- source physics are introduced, which can be used as urban agglomerations of 10 million people or more, cessions of terrestrial vertebrates in the northern part input for hazard evaluation studies. Then, propaga- floods could cause widespread devastation, [..] of East Asia. Everything we know about Asian mam- tion of seismic waves and tsunamis is discussed, [..] mals of the last 6 million years has a historical basis Contents in the documentation of the geology of Yushe. This Contents Hazards, Risk and Vulnerability.- Floods in megac- volume introduces the basin in its geological setting, Preface.- Origin of the Velocity-Strengthening ity: a case of Dhaka.- Spatial and temporal dis- describes the succession of fossiliferous [..] Nature of Granular Friction.- Shear Band Forma- tribution of floods.- Modelling flood hazards.- tion in Numerical Simulations Applying a Contin- Vulnerability and risk assessment. Contents uum Damage Rheology Model.- Scale Effects in 1. Yushe Basin, Shanxi Province.- 2. History of Sci- Simple Models for the Dynamics of Faults.- Finite Fields of interest entific Exploration of Yushe Basin.- 3. Cenozoic Difference Simulations of Seismic Wave Propaga- Naturkatastrophen; Landschafts-, Raum-, und Stadt- Geology of the Yushe Basin.- 4. The Paleomagnetism tion for the 2007 Mw 6.6 Niigata-ken Chuetsu-Oki planung; Geographische Informationssysteme / Kar- and Magnetic Stratigraphy of the Late Cenozoic sed- Earthquake: Validity of Models and Reliable Input tographie iments of the Yushe Basin, Shanxi Province, China.- Ground Motion in the Near-Field.- High-Frequency 5. Biostratigraphy and the Yushe Basin. Radiation from an Earthquake Fault: A Review and Target groups a Hypothesis of Fractal Rupture Front Geometry.- Research Fields of interest FDM Simulation of an Anomalous Later Phase from Paläontologie; Geologie ; Vertebraten; Tiersystem- the Japan Trench[...] Type of publication atik / -taxonomie, Biogeography; Evolutionsbiologie; Monograph Biodiversität Fields of interest More on Naturkatastrophen; Geophysics and Envi- Target groups Hardcover ronmental Physics; Geophysik / Geodäsie; Professional/practitioner 2013. XXV, 199 p. 50 illus., 27 in color. (Springer Geogra- Umweltüberwachung / -analytik; Geoökologie / phy) Type of publication Natürliche Prozesse; Wissenschaftliches Rechnen 106,95 € Contributed volume und Numerische Mathematik ISBN 978-94-007-5874-2 More on Target groups Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Hardcover Research 2013. XIII, 109 p. 50 illus., 11 in color. (Vertebrate Paleo- Type of publication biology and Paleoanthropology) Contributed volume 53,45 € ISBN 978-90-481-8713-3 More on Zur Zeit nicht lieferbar; versandfertig innerhalb Softcover von 4-6 Wochen. 2013. VI, 246 p. (Pageoph Topical Volumes) 53,49 € ISBN 978-3-0348-0587-2 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 20 Geowissenschaften

H. Farfán González, Parque Nacional Vinales, Pinar del Rio, Cuba; P. Censi, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italy; Th. Darrah, Uni- V. Zepf, Augsburg University, Germany J.L. Corvea Porras, Parque Nacional Vinales, Pinar del Rio, Cuba; versity of Massachusetts-Boston, MA, USA; Y. Erel, The Hebrew I. de Bustamente Gutiérrez, IMDEA Water Institute, Madrid, University, Jerusalem, Israel (Eds.) Spain; J.W. LaMoreaux, PELA GeoEnvironmental,Inc, Tuscaloosa, Rare Earth Elements Alabama, USA (Eds.) Medical Geochemistry A New Approach to the Nexus of Supply, Demand and Use: Exemplified along the Use of Neodymium in Permanent Mag- Management of Water Resources in Geological Materials and Health nets

Protected Areas This book includes a collection of chapters illustrat- This thesis deals with Rare Earth Elements (REE), ing the application of geochemical methods to inves- especially with neodymium used in permanent mag- Natural ecosystems are heavily dependent on water, tigate the interactions between geological materials nets, from a very scientific basis by providing basic as it is essential to the development of life. The ecol- and fluids with humans. Examples include the incor- research data. Despite the fact that REE are news- ogy and landscape play an important role in the poration and human health effects of inhaling lith- worthy and very important elements for a consider- quality and availability of water. It is no coincidence ogenic materials, the reactivity of biological fluids able bandwidth of todays’ technologies, accompanied that exceptional hydrological phenomena are found with geological materials, and the impact on nascent by the monopolistic supply-situation and Chinese in protected areas. Such is the case with, for exam- biomineral formation. Biomineralization is inves- politics, there are inexplicable data discrepancies ple, the geothermic occurrences (principally, geysers) tigated in terms of mineralogy, morphology, bone about REE which have been recognized frequently in America's Yellowstone National Park , the old- chemistry, and pathological significance with a focus but usually have not been addressed accordingly. So est park in the world. The Ramsar wetlands (where on the health impacts of "foreign" geological/envi- this analysis started with the hypothesis that the four the ecosystem’s dependency on water is strongly evi- ronmental trace element incorporation. One of the application areas, namely computer hard disk drives dent), The Iguaçu Falls (on the border of Argentina contribution is devoted to particulate matter, the (HDD), mobile phones, wind turbines and e-mobil- and Brazil), or the Zapata Swamp (the largest of its presence of metals and[...] ity (automotive traction), account[...] kind on the Caribbean island of Cuba) further exem- Features Features plify this point.[...] This book includes a collection of chapters illustrat- This thesis deals with Rare Earth Elements (REE), Features ing the application of geochemical methods to inves- especially with neodymium used in permanent mag- Natural ecosystems are heavily dependent on water, tigate the interactions between geological materials nets, from a very scientific basis by providing basic as it is essential to the development of life. The ecol- and fluids with humans. Examples include the incor- research data. Despite the fact that REE are news- ogy and landscape play an important role in the poration and human health effects of inhaling lith- worthy and very important elements for a consider- quality and availability of water. It is no coincidence ogenic materials, the reactivity of biological fluids able bandwidth of todays’ technologies, accompanied that exceptional hydrological phenomena are found with geological materials, and the impact on nascent by the monopolistic supply-situation and Chinese in protected areas. Such is the case with, for example, biomineral formation. Biomineralization [..] politics, there are inexplicable data discrepancies the geothermic occurrences (principally, geysers) in about REE [..] Contents America's Yellowstone National Park , the [..] Preface.- How trace element contents in bron- Contents Contents choalveolar lavages can probe the human exposure Rare Earth Elements (REE) – what and where they 1. Purification and reuse of wastewaters in rural to inhaled particulates.- Geochemistry and Bio- are.- The way to the Chinese predominance – a key communities.- 2. Impact of public use on water chemistry - insights into the fate and transport of for understanding the REE issue.- Numbers about resourcs.- 3. Vulnerability and risk of aquifers.- 4. Pt-based chemotherapy drugs.- Atmospheric Par- Rare Earth Elements in the (scientific) literature.- Design and management of water resources in pro- ticulate Matter (PM) in the Middle East: Toxicity, Rare Earth Elements in the magnets application tected areas.- 5. Research and monitoring of water trans-boundary transport and influence of synop- field.- Scales and Relations: analysis of REPM use resources in protected areas.- 6. Information, popu- tic conditions.- Reaction path modeling: theoret- with emphasis on the years from 2000 – 2010.- The larization and training. ical aspects and applications.- An observation on geography of the REE. the composition of urinary calculi: environment Fields of interest influence.- Magnetite minerals in the human brain: Fields of interest Hydrogeologie; Wasserpolitik/Wasserverwal- what’s their role?.- Chemometrics and Medical Geo- Lagerstättenkunde; Wirtschaftsgeographie; Emerg- tung/Wasserwirtschaft; Abwassertechnik / Gewässer- chemistry: A[...] ing Markets/Globalization; Metallische Werkstoffe schutz / Wasserwirtschaft; Geo-Engineering, Target groups Tiefbau, Wasserbau Fields of interest Geochemie; Umwelthygiene; Medizinische Chemie; Research Target groups Ökotoxikologie Type of publication Research Target groups Monograph Type of publication Research More on Contributed volume Type of publication Hardcover More on Monograph 2013. XIV, 157 p. 32 illus., 17 in color. (Springer Theses) 106,99 € Hardcover More on 2013. XVII, 363 p. 87 illus., 76 in color. (Environmental ISBN 978-3-642-35457-1 Earth Sciences) Hardcover Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 139,09 € 2013. VIII, 194 p. 58 illus., 27 in color. ISBN 978-3-642-16329-6 106,95 € ISBN 978-94-007-4371-7 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Geowissenschaften 21

Z. Altamimi, National Institute for Geographical Information, A. Navarra, National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, A. Navarra, National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, Champs-sur-Marne, France; X. Collilieux, National Institute for Rome, Italy; L. Tubiana, IDDRI SciencesPo, Paris, France (Eds.) Rome, Italy; L. Tubiana, IDDRI SciencesPo, Paris, France (Eds.) Geographical Information, Champs-sur-Marne, France (Eds.) Regional Assessment of Climate Regional Assessment of Climate Reference Frames for Applications Change in the Mediterranean Change in the Mediterranean in Geosciences Volume 1: Air, Sea and Precipitation and Water Volume 2: Agriculture, Forests and Ecosystem Services and People Reference systems and frames are of primary impor- Volume 1 of a three-volume final report describes, tance for many Earth science applications, satel- synthesizes and analyzes the results of the four- Volume 2 of a three-volume final report thoroughly lite navigation as well as for practical applications year Integrated Research Project CIRCE – Cli- describes, synthesizes and analyzes the results of the in geo-information. A precisely defined reference mate Change and Impact Research: Mediterranean four-year Integrated Research Project CIRCE – Cli- frame is needed for the quantification of, e.g. Earth Environment, funded by the EU 6th Framework mate Change and Impact Research: Mediterranean rotation and its gravity field, global and regional sea Programme. Conducted under the auspices of the Environment, funded by the EU 6th Framework level variation, tectonic motion and deformation, National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology Programme. Conducted under the auspices of the post-glacial rebound, geocenter motion, large scale in Rome, Italy, CIRCE was designed to predict and National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology deformation due to Earthquakes, local subsidence to quantify the physical impacts of climate change in Rome, Italy, CIRCE was designed to predict and and other ruptures and crustal dislocations. All of in the Mediterranean, and to assess the most influen- to quantify the physical impacts of climate change in these important scientific applications fundamentally tial consequences for the region’s population. This the Mediterranean, and to assess the most influential depend on a truly global reference system that only volume incorporates the first two parts of the report, consequences for the region’s population. This vol- space geodesy can realize. This volume details the reviewing current knowledge of observed climate ume incorporates Parts 3 and 4 of the report, review- proceedigns of the IAG[...] variability and trends in the Mediterranean, and[...] ing current knowledge of observed climate variability and trends in the Mediterranean, and[...] Features Features Reference systems and frames are of primary impor- This is volume 1 of a three-volume final report which Features tance for many Earth science applications, satellite thoroughly describes, synthesizes and analyzes the This is volume 2 of a three-volume final report which navigation as well as for practical applications in geo- results of the four-year Integrated Research Project thoroughly describes, synthesizes and analyzes the information. A precisely defined reference frame CIRCE – Climate Change and Impact Research: results of the four-year Integrated Research Project is needed for the quantification of, e.g. Earth rota- Mediterranean Environment, funded by the EU 6th CIRCE – Climate Change and Impact Research: tion and its gravity field, global and regional sea level Framework Programme. Conducted under the aus- Mediterranean Environment, funded by the EU 6th variation, tectonic motion and deformation, post- pices of the National Institute of Geophysics and Framework Programme. Conducted under the aus- glacial rebound, geocenter motion, large scale [..] Volcanology in Rome, Italy, CIRCE was designed to pices of the National Institute of Geophysics and predict and to [..] Volcanology in Rome, Italy, CIRCE was designed to Contents predict and to [..] Session I Theory and realization of global terres- Contents trial reference systems.- Session II Strengths, weak- PART I: Air, Sea and Precipitation.- Introduction.- Contents nesses, modelling standards and processing strategies 1. Past and Current Climate Changes in the Mediter- PART III: Agriculture, Forests and Ecosystem Ser- of space geodetic techniques.- Session III Defini- ranean Region.- 2. Future Climate Projections.- vices.- Introduction.- 1. Vulnerability of Ecosystem tion, establishment, maintenance and integration 3. Mechanisms of Climate Variability, Air Qual- Services in the Mediterranean Region to Climate of regional reference Frames.- Session IV Interac- ity and Impacts of Atmospheric Constituents in Changes in Combination with Other Pressures.- 2. tion between the celestial and the terrestrial reference the Mediterranean Region.- 4. Detection and Attri- Impact of Climate Variability and Extremes on the frames.- Session V Definition and establishment of bution.- Summary and Major Findings.- PART II: Carbon Cycle of the Mediterranean Region.- 3. Cli- vertical reference systems.- Session VI Usage and Water.- Introduction.- 5. The Hydrological Cycle of mate Change Impacts on Typical Mediterranean applications of reference frames in Geosciences.- the Mediterranean.- 6. Impacts of Climate Change Crops and Evaluation of Adaptation Strategies to Session VI Usage and applications of reference on Freshwater Bodies: Quantitative Aspects.- 7. Cope With.- 4. Climate Change Impacts on Forests frames in Geosciences. Impacts of Climate Change on Water Quality.- Sum- and Forest Products in the Mediterranean Area.- 5. mary and Major Findings.- Index. Effects of Climate and Extreme Events on Wildfire Fields of interest Regime and Their Ecological Impacts.- 6. Climate[...] Geowissenschaften (allgemein); Geographische Fields of interest Informationssysteme / Kartographie; Mathematical Erdsystemwissenschaften; Klimawandelfolgen; Fields of interest Applications in the Physical Sciences; Geophysik / Nachhaltige Entwicklung; Umweltwirtschaft; Sozial- Erdsystemwissenschaften; Klimawandelfolgen; Geodäsie wissenschaften (allgemein) Nachhaltige Entwicklung; Umweltwirtschaft; Sozial- wissenschaften (allgemein) Target groups Target groups Research Professional/practitioner Target groups Professional/practitioner Type of publication Type of publication Proceedings Contributed volume Type of publication Contributed volume More on More on More on Hardcover Hardcover 2013. XIII, 284 p. 180 illus., 10 in color. (International 2013. XXXIII, 338 p. 136 illus., 68 in color. (Advances in Hardcover Association of Geodesy Symposia, Band 138) Global Change Research, Band 50) 2013. XXVI, 404 p. 79 illus., 29 in color. (Advances in 149,75 € 139,05 € Global Change Research, Band 51) ISBN 978-3-642-32997-5 ISBN 978-94-007-5780-6 139,05 € Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. ISBN 978-94-007-5771-4 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 22 Informatik

A. Navarra, Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change M. Detyniecki, Université Paris 6, France; A. García-Serrano, Uni- (CMCC), Lecce, Italy; L. Tubiana, IDDRI SciencesPo, Paris, France Informatik versidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid, Spain; A. (Eds.) Nürnberger, Otto-von Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Ger- many; S. Stober, Otto-von Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Ger- many (Eds.) Regional Assessment of Climate J. Ciliberti Change in the Mediterranean Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval. ASP.NET MVC 4 Recipes Volume 3: Case Studies Large-Scale Multimedia Retrieval A Problem-Solution Approach This is the third volume of a three-volume final and Evaluation report, which thoroughly describes, synthesizes ASP.NET MVC 4 Recipes is a practical guide for 9th International Workshop, AMR 2011, Barcelona, Spain, July and analyzes the results of the four-year Integrated developers creating modern web applications, cut- 18-19, 2011, Revised Selected Papers Research Project CIRCE – Climate Change and ting through the complexities of ASP.NET, jQuery, Impact Research: Mediterranean Environment, Knockout.js and HTML 5 to provide straightfor- This book constitutes the refereed post-proceedings funded by the EU 6th Framework Programme. Con- ward solutions to common web development prob- of the 9th International Conference on Adaptive ducted under the auspices of the National Institute lems using proven methods based on best practices. Multimedia Retrieval, AMR 2011, held in Barcelona, of Geophysics and Volcanology in Rome, Italy, the The problem-solution approach gets you in, out, and Spain, in July 2011. The 9 revised full papers and study was designed to predict and to quantify the back to work quickly while deepening your under- the invited contribution presented were carefully physical impacts of climate change in the Mediter- standing of the underlying platform and how to reviewed and selected from numerous submissions. ranean, and to assess the most influential conse- develop with it. Author John Ciliberti guides you The papers cover topics ranging from theoretical quences for the population of the region. through the framework and development tools, pre- work to practical implementations and its evalu- senting typical challenges, along with code solutions ation, most of them dealing with audio or music Features and clear, concise explanations, to accelerate applica- media. They are organized in topical sections on This is the third volume of a three-volume final tion development. Inside you will find recipes deal- evaluation and user studies, audio and music, image report, which thoroughly describes, synthesizes ing[...] retrieval, and similarity and music. and analyzes the results of the four-year Integrated Research Project CIRCE – Climate Change and Features Features Impact Research: Mediterranean Environment, ASP.NET MVC 4 Recipes is a practical guide for This book constitutes the refereed post-proceedings funded by the EU 6th Framework Programme. Con- developers creating modern web applications, cut- of the 9th International Conference on Adaptive ducted under the auspices of the National Institute ting through the complexities of ASP.NET, jQuery, Multimedia Retrieval, AMR 2011, held in Barcelona, of Geophysics and Volcanology in Rome, Italy, the Knockout.js and HTML 5 to provide straightfor- Spain, in July 2011. The 9 revised full papers and study was designed to [..] ward solutions to common web development prob- the invited contribution presented were carefully lems using proven methods based on best practices. reviewed and selected from numerous submissions. Contents The problem-solution approach gets you in, out, and The papers cover topics ranging from theoretical PART V: Case Studies.- Introduction.- 1. Stakehold- back to work quickly while deepening your under- work to practical implementations and its evalua- ers.- 2. Physical and Socio-Economic Indicators.- 3. standing of the [..] tion, most of [..] Climate Impact Assessments.- 4. Integration of the Climate Impact Assessments With Future Projec- Fields of interest Contents tions.- 5. Synthesis and the Assessment of Adapta- Informatik (allgemein) Learning-Based Interactive Retrieval in Large-Scale tion Measures.- Executive Summary.- Appendix.- Multimedia.- A User Study of Visual Search Perfor- Index. Target groups mance with Interactive 2D and 3D Storyboards.- Popular/general An Illustrated Methodology for Evaluating ASR Sys- Fields of interest tems.- Context-Aware Features for Singing Voice Erdsystemwissenschaften; Klimawandelfolgen; Type of publication Detection in Polyphonic Music.- Personalization in Nachhaltige Entwicklung; Umweltwirtschaft; Sozial- Professional book Multimodal Music Retrieval.- Classifying Images at wissenschaften (allgemein) More on Scene Level: Comparing Global and Local Descrip- tors.- Effectiveness of ICF Features for Collec- Softcover Target groups tion-Specific CBIR.- An Experimental Comparison 2013. XXIX, 601 p. Professional/practitioner of Similarity Adaptation Approaches.- Combining 40,61 € Sources of Description for Approximating Music[...] Type of publication ISBN 978-1-4302-4773-9 Contributed volume Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Fields of interest More on Informationsspeicherung und -bereitstellung; Mul- timedia-Informationssysteme; Data Mining und Hardcover Wissensgewinnung; Benutzerschnittstellen und 2013. XXVI, 225 p. 67 illus., 52 in color. (Advances in Mensch-Computer-Interaktion; Datenbankmanage- Global Change Research, Band 52) ment; Anwendung von Informationssystemen (ein- 139,05 € schl. Internet) ISBN 978-94-007-5768-4 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Target groups Research

Type of publication Proceedings More on Softcover 2013. X, 141 p. 43 illus. (Information Systems and Appli- cations, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI, Band 7836) 49,22 € ISBN 978-3-642-37424-1 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. March 15, 2013 Informatik 23

M. Tomassini, Université de , Switzerland; A. Antonioni, P. Serdyukov, Yandex, Moscow, Russia; P. Braslavski, Ural Federal J. Pei, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada; V.S. Tseng, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland; F. Daolio, Université de Lau- University, Yekaterinburg, Russia; S.O. Kuznetsov, Higher School National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan; L. Cao, Uni- sanne, Switzerland; P. Buesser, Université de Lausanne, Switzer- of Economics, Moscow, Russia; J. Kamps, University of Amster- versity of Technology Sydney, NSW, Australia; H. Motoda, Asian land (Eds.) dam, The Netherlands; S. Rüger, The Open University, Amster- Office of Aerospace Research and Development, Tokyo, Japan; G. dam, The Netherlands; E. Agichtein, Emory University, Atlanta, Xu, University of Technology Sydney, NSW, Australia (Eds.) GA, USA; I. Segalovich, Yandex, Moscow, Russia; E. Yilmaz, Uni- Adaptive and Natural Computing versity College London, UK (Eds.) Algorithms Advances in Knowledge Discovery Advances in Information Retrieval and Data Mining 11th International Conference, ICANNGA 2013, Lausanne, Switzerland, April 4-6, 2013, Proceedings 35th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2013, 17th Pacific-Asia Conference, PAKDD 2013, Gold Coast, Aus- Moscow, Russia, March 24-27, 2013, Proceedings tralia, April 14-17, 2013, Proceedings, Part I The book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Adaptive and This book constitutes the proceedings of the 35th The two-volume set LNAI 7818 + LNAI 7819 con- Natural Computing Algorithms, ICANNGA 2013, European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2013, stitutes the refereed proceedings of the 17th Pacific- held in Lausanne, Switzerland, in April 2013. The 51 held in Moscow, Russia, in March 2013. The 55 full Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed papers, 38 poster papers and 10 demonstrations pre- Mining, PAKDD 2013, held in Gold Coast, Aus- and selected from a total of 91 submissions. The sented in this volume were carefully reviewed and tralia, in April 2013. The total of 98 papers pre- papers are organized in topical sections on neural selected from 287 submissions. The papers are orga- sented in these proceedings was carefully reviewed networks, evolutionary computation, soft comput- nized in the following topical sections: user aspects; and selected from 363 submissions. They cover the ing, bioinformatics and computational biology, multimedia and cross-media IR; data mining; IR the- general fields of data mining and KDD extensively, advanced computing, and applications. ory and formal models; IR system architectures; clas- including pattern mining, classification, graph min- sification; Web; event detection; temporal IR, and ing, applications, machine learning, feature selection Features microblog search. Also included are 4 tutorial and 2 and dimensionality reduction, multiple informa- The book constitutes the refereed proceedings of workshop presentations. tion sources mining, social networks, clustering, the 11th International Conference on Adaptive and text mining, text classification, imbalanced data, pri- Natural Computing Algorithms, ICANNGA 2013, Features vacy-preserving data mining, recommendation,[...] held in Lausanne, Switzerland, in April 2013. The 51 This book constitutes the proceedings of the 35th revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2013, Features and selected from a total of 91 submissions. The held in Moscow, Russia, in March 2013. The 55 full The two-volume set LNAI 7818 + LNAI 7819 con- papers are organized in topical sections on neural papers, 38 poster papers and 10 demonstrations pre- stitutes the refereed proceedings of the 17th Pacific- networks, evolutionary computation, soft comput- sented in this volume were carefully reviewed and Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data ing, [..] selected from 287 submissions. The papers are orga- Mining, PAKDD 2013, held in Gold Coast, Aus- nized in the following topical sections: user aspects; tralia, in April 2013. The total of 98 papers pre- Contents multimedia and cross-media IR; data mining; IR the- sented in these proceedings was carefully reviewed On Appropriate Refractoriness and Weight Incre- ory and [..] and selected from 363 submissions. They cover the ment in Incremental Learning.- Vector Gen- general fields of data mining and KDD extensively, eration and Operations in Neural Networks Contents including pattern [..] Computations.- Synaptic Scaling Balances Learn- User Aspects.- Multimedia and Cross-Media IR.- ing in a Spiking Model of Neocortex.- Can Two Data Mining.- IR Theory and Formal Models.- IR Contents Hidden Layers Make a Difference.- Time Series System Architectures.- Classification.- Web.- Event Discovering Local Subgroups, with an Application to Visualization Using Asymmetric Self-Organizing Detection.- Temporal IR.- Microblog Search. Fraud Detection.- PUF-Tree: A Compact Tree Struc- Map.- Intelligence Approaches Based Direct Torque ture for Frequent Pattern Mining of Uncertain Data.- Control of Induction Motor.- Classifier Ensembles Fields of interest Frequent Pattern Mining in Attributed Trees.- Min- Integration with Self-configuring Genetic Program- Informationsspeicherung und -bereitstellung; Daten- ing Frequent Patterns from Human Interactions in ming Algorithm.- A Multi-objective Proposal Based bankmanagement; Data Mining und Wissens- Meetings Using Directed Acyclic Graphs.- ClaSP: on Firefly Behaviour for Green Scheduling in Grid gewinnung; Multimedia-Informationssysteme; An Efficient Algorithm for Mining Frequent Closed Systems.- A Framework for[...] Anwendung von Informationssystemen (einschl. Sequences.- Efficient Mining of Contrast Patterns Internet); Benutzerschnittstellen und Mensch-Com- on Large Scale Imbalanced Real-Life Data.- Online Fields of interest puter-Interaktion Cross-Lingual PLSI for Evolutionary Theme Patterns Virtuelle Maschinen; Analyse von Algorithmen und Analysis.- F-Trail: Finding Patterns in Taxi Trajecto- Komplexität; Mustererkennung; Rechnergestützte Target groups ries.- Mining Appliance Usage Patterns[...] Biologie / Bioinformatik; Künstliche Intelligenz (ein- Research schl. Roboter) Fields of interest Type of publication Data Mining und Wissensgewinnung; Künstliche Target groups Proceedings Intelligenz (einschl. Roboter); Informationsspe- Research More on icherung und -bereitstellung Type of publication Softcover Target groups Proceedings 2013. XXVI, 894 p. 198 illus. (Information Systems and Research Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI, Band 7814) More on 110,21 € Type of publication Softcover ISBN 978-3-642-36972-8 Proceedings 2013. XIV, 506 p. 154 illus. (Theoretical Computer Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. More on Science and General Issues, Band 7824) 74,90 € Softcover ISBN 978-3-642-37212-4 2013. XXII, 610 p. 199 illus. (Lecture Notes in Artificial Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Intelligence, Band 7818) 84,53 € ISBN 978-3-642-37452-4 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 24 Informatik

J. Pei, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada; V.S. Tseng, D. Clarke, Katholieke Universiteit, Heverlee, Belgium; T. Wrigstad, J. Lu, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China. National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan; L. Cao, Univer- Uppsala University, Sweden; J. Noble, Victoria University of sity of Technology, Sydney, NSW, Australia; H. Motoda, Asian Wellington, New Zealand (Eds.) Office of Aerospace Research and Development, Tokyo, Japan; G. An Introduction to XML Query Xu, University of Technology Sydney, NSW, Australia (Eds.) Aliasing in Object-Oriented Processing and Keyword Search Advances in Knowledge Discovery Programming "An Introduction to XML Query Processing and and Data Mining Types, Analysis and Verification Keyword Search" systematically and comprehen- sively covers the latest advances in XML data search- 17th Pacific-Asia Conference, PAKDD 2013, Gold Coast, Aus- This book presents a survey of the state-of-the-art ing. It presents an extensive overview of the current tralia, April 14-17, 2013, Proceedings, Part II on techniques for dealing with aliasing in object- query processing and keyword search techniques on oriented programming. It marks the 20th anniver- The two-volume set LNAI 7818 + LNAI 7819 con- XML data, including XML labeling schemes, index- sary of the paper The Geneva Convention On The stitutes the refereed proceedings of the 17th Pacific- ing, processing on order and un-order XML tree Treatment of Object Aliasing by John Hogg, Doug Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data patterns, XML query optimization, results estima- Lea, Alan Wills, Dennis de Champeaux and Richard Mining, PAKDD 2013, held in Gold Coast, Aus- tion, and XML keyword searches, which are elabo- Holt. The 22 revised papers were carefully reviewed tralia, in April 2013. The total of 98 papers pre- rated in separate chapters. Graduate students and to ensure the highest quality.The contributions are sented in these proceedings was carefully reviewed researchers in the field of XML data searching will organized in topical sections on the Geneva conven- and selected from 363 submissions. They cover the find this book an invaluable resource. Prof. Jiaheng tion, ownership, concurrency, alias analysis, control- general fields of data mining and KDD extensively, Lu is an associate professor at Renmin University of ling effects, verification, programming languages, including pattern mining, classification, graph min- China’s School of Information. and visions. ing, applications, machine learning, feature selection Features and dimensionality reduction, multiple informa- Features "An Introduction to XML Query Processing and tion sources mining, social networks, clustering, This book presents a survey of the state-of-the-art Keyword Search" systematically and comprehen- text mining, text classification, imbalanced data, pri- on techniques for dealing with aliasing in object- sively covers the latest advances in XML data search- vacy-preserving data mining, recommendation,[...] oriented programming. It marks the 20th anniver- ing. It presents an extensive overview of the current sary of the paper The Geneva Convention On The Features query processing and keyword search techniques on Treatment of Object Aliasing by John Hogg, Doug The two-volume set LNAI 7818 + LNAI 7819 con- XML data, including XML labeling schemes, index- Lea, Alan Wills, Dennis de Champeaux and Richard stitutes the refereed proceedings of the 17th Pacific- ing, processing on order and un-order XML tree pat- Holt. The 22 revised papers were carefully reviewed Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data terns, XML query optimization, results estimation, to ensure the highest quality.The contributions are Mining, PAKDD 2013, held in Gold Coast, Aus- and XML keyword [..] organized in [..] tralia, in April 2013. The total of 98 papers pre- Contents sented in these proceedings was carefully reviewed Contents Introduction.- XML labeling scheme.- XML data and selected from 363 submissions. They cover the Beyond the Geneva Convention on the Treatment indexing.- XML tree pattern processing.- Ordered general fields of data mining and KDD extensively, of Object Aliasing.- The Geneva Convention on and Generalized XML Tree Pattern Processing.- including pattern [..] the Treatment of Object Aliasing.- Ownership Effective XML Keyword Search.- XML Keyword Types: A Survey.- Notions of Aliasing and Contents Pattern Refinement.- LCRA: XML Keyword Search Ownership.- Understanding Ownership Types with ProCF: Probabilistic Collaborative Filtering for Reci- System and Lotusx: Graphical Query Processing Sys- Dependent Types.- Object Graphs with Ownership procal Recommendation.- Product and User Depen- tem.- Summary and The Road Ahead. Domains: An Empirical Study.- Alias Control for dent Social Network Models for Recommender Deterministic Parallelism.- Alias Analysis for Object- Systems.- Learning Representative Nodes in Social Fields of interest Oriented Programs.- Immutability.- Fractional Networks.- Tracing Influential Nodes in a Social Datenbankmanagement; Informationsspeicherung Permissions.- Object Ownership in Program Network with Competing Information.- ViStruclizer: und -bereitstellung; Anwendung von Information- Verification.- State Based Encapsulation for A Structural Visualizer for Multi-dimensional Social ssystemen (einschl. Internet) Modular Reasoning about Behavior-Preserving Networks.- Influential Nodes in a One-Wave Dif- Refactorings.- Separation Logic for[...] Target groups fusion Model for Location-Based Social Networks.- Research Modeling Social Information Learning among Taxi Fields of interest Drivers.- Mining User Interests from Information Programmiertechniken; Betriebssysteme; Software Type of publication Sharing Behaviors in Social Media.- Anonymization Engineering; Programmiersprachen und Interpreter; Monograph for[...] Geschichte der Informatik More on Fields of interest Target groups Hardcover Data Mining und Wissensgewinnung; Künstliche Research 2013. XII, 291 p. 113 illus., 5 in color. Intelligenz (einschl. Roboter); Informationsspe- 106,99 € icherung und -bereitstellung Type of publication ISBN 978-3-642-34554-8 Contributed volume Target groups Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Research More on Softcover Type of publication 2013. VIII, 515 p. 134 illus. (Programming and Software Proceedings Engineering, Band 7850) More on 74,90 € ISBN 978-3-642-36945-2 Softcover 2013. XXII, 586 p. 157 illus. (Lecture Notes in Artificial Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Intelligence, Band 7819) 84,53 € ISBN 978-3-642-37455-5 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Informatik 25

A.I. Esparcia-Alcázar, S2 Grupo, Valencia, Spain (Ed.) M.P. Bonacina, Università degli Studi di Verona, Italy; M.E. Stickel, I. Horton SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, USA (Eds.) Applications of Evolutionary Beginning C, 5th Edition Computing Automated Reasoning and Mathematics Beginning C, 5th Edition teaches you how to pro- 16th European Conference, EvoApplications 2013, Vienna, Austria, April 3-5, 2013, Proceedings Essays in Memory of William W. McCune gram using the widely-available C language. You'll begin from first-principles and progress through This book constitutes the refereed proceedings This Festschrift volume is published in memory step-by-step examples to become a competent, C- of the International Conference on the Applica- of William W. McCune who passed away in 2011. language programmer. All you need are this book tions of Evolutionary Computation, EvoApplica- William W. McCune was an accomplished computer and any of the widely available free or commer- tions 2013, held in Vienna, Austria, in April 2013, scientist all around but especially a fantastic system cial C or C++ compilers, and you'll soon be writing colocated with the Evo* 2013 events EuroGP, Evo- builder and software engineer. The volume includes real C programs. C is a foundational language that COP, EvoBIO, and EvoMUSART. The 65 revised 13 full papers, which are presenting research in all every programmer ought to know. C is the basis for full papers presented were carefully reviewed and aspects of automated reasoning and its applications C# used in Microsoft .NET programming. It is the selected from 119 submissions. EvoApplications to mathematics. These papers have been thoroughly basis for Objective-C used in programming for the 2013 consisted of the following 12 tracks: EvoCOM- reviewed and selected out of 15 submissions received iPhone, the iPad, and other Apple devices. It is the NET (nature-inspired techniques for telecommuni- in response to the call for paper issued in September basis for the C++ that is widely used in a great many cation networks and other parallel and distributed 2011. The topics covered are: strategies, indexing, contexts, including the GNU Project. It[...] systems), EvoCOMPLEX (evolutionary algorithms superposition-based theorem proving, model build- and complex systems), EvoENERGY (evolutionary ing, application of automated reasoning to mathe- Features computation in energy applications), EvoFIN (evolu- matics, as well as to program[...] Beginning C, 5th Edition teaches you how to pro- tionary and natural[...] gram using the widely-available C language. You'll Features begin from first-principles and progress through Features This Festschrift volume is published in memory step-by-step examples to become a competent, C- This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of William W. McCune who passed away in 2011. language programmer. All you need are this book of the International Conference on the Applica- William W. McCune was an accomplished computer and any of the widely available free or commercial C tions of Evolutionary Computation, EvoApplica- scientist all around but especially a fantastic system or C++ compilers, and you'll soon be writing real C tions 2013, held in Vienna, Austria, in April 2013, builder and software engineer. The volume includes programs. C is a foundational language that [..] colocated with the Evo* 2013 events EuroGP, Evo- 13 full papers, which are presenting research in all COP, EvoBIO, and EvoMUSART. The 65 revised aspects of automated reasoning and its applications Fields of interest full papers presented were carefully reviewed and to mathematics. These papers have been thoroughly Informatik (allgemein); Programmiertechniken selected from 119 submissions. EvoApplications reviewed [..] Target groups 2013 consisted of the following 12 [..] Contents Popular/general Contents The Legacy of a Great Researcher.- The Strat- Type of publication An Evolutionary Framework for Routing Proto- egy Challenge in SMT Solving.- Simple and Professional book col Analysis in Wireless Sensor Networks.- Rout- Efficient Clause Subsumption with Feature ing Low-Speed Traffic Requests onto High-Speed Vector Indexing.- Superposition for Bounded More on Lightpaths by Using a Multiobjective Firefly Algo- Domains.- MACE4 and SEM: A Comparison Softcover rithm.- Pareto-optimal Glowworm Swarms Opti- of Finite Model Generators.- Group Embed- 2013. XXIX, 658 p. mization for Smart Grids Management.- An Overlay ding of the Projective Plane PG(2, 3).- A Geo- 48,10 € Approach for Optimising Small-World Properties metric Procedure with Prover9.- Loops with ISBN 978-1-4302-4881-1 in VANETs.- Impact of the Number of Beacons in Abelian Inner Mapping Groups: An Application Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. PSO-Based Auto-localization in UWB Networks.- of Automated Deduction.- (Dual) Hoops Have Load Balancing in Distributed Applications Based on Unique Halving.- Gibbard’s Collapse Theorem Extremal Optimization.- A Framework for Modeling for the Indicative Conditional: An Axiomatic Automatic Offloading of Mobile Applications Using Approach.- Geometric Quantifier Elimination Genetic Programming.-[...] Heuristics for Automatically[...]

Fields of interest Fields of interest Analyse von Algorithmen und Komplexität; Kün- Künstliche Intelligenz (einschl. Roboter); Mathe- stliche Intelligenz (einschl. Roboter); Muster- matische Logik und Formale Sprachen; Logik und erkennung; Rechnernetze; Virtuelle Maschinen; Semantik von Programmen; Mathematische Anwen- Datenverarbeitung dungen in der Informatik

Target groups Target groups Research Research

Type of publication Type of publication Proceedings Contributed volume More on More on Softcover Softcover 2013. XXVIII, 639 p. 210 illus. (Theoretical Computer 2013. XX, 259 p. 27 illus. (Lecture Notes in Artificial Science and General Issues, Band 7835) Intelligence, Band 7788) 84,53 € 49,22 € ISBN 978-3-642-37191-2 ISBN 978-3-642-36674-1 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 26 Informatik

H.-P. Meinzer, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum Heidelberg; A. Gelbukh, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico City, Mexico A. Gelbukh, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico City, Mexico Th.M. Deserno, RWTH Aachen; H. Handels, Universität zu Lübeck; (Ed.) (Ed.) Th. Tolxdorff, Charité - Universitätsmedizin (Eds.) Computational Linguistics and Computational Linguistics and Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin Intelligent Text Processing Intelligent Text Processing 2013 14th International Conference, CICLing 2013, Karlovasi, 14th International Conference, CICLing 2013, Samos, Greece, Algorithmen - Systeme - Anwendungen. Proceedings des Samos, Greece, March 24-30, 2013, Proceedings, Part II March 24-30, 2013, Proceedings, Part I Workshops vom 3. bis 5. März 2013 in Heidelberg This two-volume set, consisting of LNCS 7816 and This two-volume set, consisting of LNCS 7816 and In den letzten Jahren hat sich der Workshop "Bild- LNCS 7817, constitutes the thoroughly refereed pro- LNCS 7817, constitutes the thoroughly refereed pro- verarbeitung für die Medizin" durch erfolgre- ceedings of the 13th International Conference on ceedings of the 13th International Conference on iche Veranstaltungen etabliert. Ziel ist auch 2013 Computer Linguistics and Intelligent Processing, Computer Linguistics and Intelligent Processing, wieder die Darstellung aktueller Forschungsergeb- CICLING 2013, held on Samos, Greece, in March CICLING 2013, held on Samos, Greece, in March nisse und die Vertiefung der Gespräche zwischen 2013. The total of 91 contributions presented was 2013. The total of 91 contributions presented was Wissenschaftlern, Industrie und Anwendern. Die carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the Beiträge dieses Bandes - einige davon in englischer proceedings. The papers are organized in topical sec- proceedings. The papers are organized in topical sec- Sprache - umfassen alle Bereiche der medizinischen tions named: general techniques; lexical resources; tions named: general techniques; lexical resources; Bildverarbeitung, insbesondere Algorithmen, Hard- morphology and tokenization; syntax and named morphology and tokenization; syntax and named und Softwaresysteme soei deren klinische Anwen- entity recognition; word sense disambiguation and entity recognition; word sense disambiguation and dung, u.a.: Bildgebung und -akquisition, Sichtbares coreference resolution; semantics and discourse; sen- coreference resolution; semantics and discourse; sen- Licht, Endoskopie, Mikroskopie, Visualisierung und timent, polarity, subjectivity, and opinion; machine timent, polarity, subjectivity, and opinion; machine Animation, Patientenindividuelle Simulaltion und translation and multilingualism; text[...] translation and multilingualism; text[...] Planung, Computerunterstützte Diagnose, Biomech- anische[...] Features Features This two-volume set, consisting of LNCS 7816 and This two-volume set, consisting of LNCS 7816 and Features LNCS 7817, constitutes the thoroughly refereed pro- LNCS 7817, constitutes the thoroughly refereed pro- In den letzten Jahren hat sich der Workshop "Bild- ceedings of the 13th International Conference on ceedings of the 13th International Conference on verarbeitung für die Medizin" durch erfolgre- Computer Linguistics and Intelligent Processing, Computer Linguistics and Intelligent Processing, iche Veranstaltungen etabliert. Ziel ist auch 2013 CICLING 2013, held on Samos, Greece, in March CICLING 2013, held on Samos, Greece, in March wieder die Darstellung aktueller Forschungsergeb- 2013. The total of 91 contributions presented was 2013. The total of 91 contributions presented was nisse und die Vertiefung der Gespräche zwischen carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the Wissenschaftlern, Industrie und Anwendern. Die proceedings. The papers are organized in topical sec- proceedings. The papers are organized in topical sec- Beiträge dieses Bandes - einige davon in englischer tions named: [..] tions named: [..] Sprache - umfassen alle Bereiche der medizinischen Bildverarbeitung, [..] Contents Contents Sentiment, Polarity, Emotion, Subjectivity, and General Techniques.- Unsupervised Feature Adap- Contents Opinion.- Damping Sentiment Analysis in Online tation for Cross-Domain NLP with an Application Eingeladene Vorträge.- Navigation.- Bildanalyse Communication: Discussions, Monologs and to Compositionality Grading.- Syntactic Depen- 1.- Segmentierung 1.- Methoden.- Registrierung Dialogs (Invited paper).- Optimal Feature Selec- dency-Based N-grams: More Evidence of Useful- und Simulation.- Bildanalyse 2.- Poster Bildanalyse tion for Sentiment Analysis.- Measuring the Effect ness in Classification.- Lexical Resources.- A Quick und Bildgebung.- Poster Registrierung und Simula- of Discourse Structure on Sentiment Analysis.- Tour of BabelNet 1.1 (Invited paper).- Automatic tion.- Poster Segmentierung.- Softwaredemos.- Seg- Lost in Translation: Viability of Machine Trans- Pipeline Construction for Real-Time Annotation.- A mentierung 2.- Bildgebung.- Kategorisierung der lation for Cross Language Sentiment Analysis.- Multilingual GRUG Treebank for Underresourced Beiträge.- Autorenverzeichnis.- Stichwortverzeich- An Enhanced Semantic Tree Kernel for Sentiment Languages.- Creating an Annotated Corpus for nis. Polarity Classification.- Combining Supervised and Extracting Canonical Citations from Classics-Related Unsupervised Polarity Classification for non-English Texts by Using Active Annotation.- Approaches of Fields of interest Reviews.- Word Polarity Detection Using a Multilin- Anonymisation of an SMS Corpus.- A Corpus Based Bildverarbeitung und Computer Vision; Bildverar- gual Approach.-[...] Approach for the[...] beitung, Vision, Mustererkennung und Computer- grafik; Mustererkennung; Computeranwendungen Fields of interest Fields of interest in der Medizin Anwendung von Informationssystemen (einschl. Anwendung von Informationssystemen (einschl. Internet); Data Mining und Wissensgewinnung; Internet); Data Mining und Wissensgewinnung; Target groups Informationsspeicherung und -bereitstellung; Informationsspeicherung und -bereitstellung; Research Künstliche Intelligenz (einschl. Roboter); Daten- Künstliche Intelligenz (einschl. Roboter); Daten- bankmanagement; Computerlinguistik bankmanagement; Computerlinguistik Type of publication Proceedings Target groups Target groups More on Research Research

Softcover Type of publication Type of publication 2013. XXI, 376 S. 190 Abb. (Informatik aktuell) Proceedings Proceedings 79,99 € ISBN 978-3-642-36479-2 More on More on Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Softcover Softcover 2013. XXVI, 576 p. 106 illus. (Theoretical Computer 2013. XXV, 576 p. 117 illus. (Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues, Band 7817) Science and General Issues, Band 7816) 84,53 € 84,53 € ISBN 978-3-642-37255-1 ISBN 978-3-642-37246-9 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Informatik 27

J.-I. Park, Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea; J. Kim, KAIST, E. Biersack, Eurécom, Biot, France; C. Callegari, University of Pisa, W. Meng, Binghamton University, NY, USA; L. Feng, Tsinghua Daejeon, South Korea (Eds.) Italy; M. Matijasevic, University of Zagreb, Croatia (Eds.) University, Beijing, China; S. Bressan, National University, Sin- gapore; W. Winiwarter, University of Vienna, Austria; W. Song, Wuhan University, China (Eds.) Computer Vision - ACCV 2012 Data Traffic Monitoring and Workshops Analysis Database Systems for Advanced ACCV 2012 International Workshops, Daejeon, Korea, Novem- From Measurement, Classification, and Anomaly Detection to Applications ber 5-6, 2012. Revised Selected Papers, Part II Quality of Experience 18th International Conference, DASFAA 2013, Wuhan, China, The two volume set, consisting of LNCS 7728 and This book was prepared as the Final Publication April 22-25, 2013. Proceedings, Part II 7729, contains the carefully reviewed and selected of COST Action IC0703 "Data Traffic Monitoring papers presented at the nine workshops that were and Analysis: theory, techniques, tools and applica- This two volume set LNCS 7825 and LNCS 7826 held in conjunction with the 11th Asian Confer- tions for the future networks". It contains 14 chap- constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 18th ence on Computer Vision, ACCV 2012, in Daejeon, ters which demonstrate the results, quality,and the International Conference on Database Systems for South Korea, in November 2012. From a total of impact of European research in the field of TMA Advanced Applications, DASFAA 2013, held in 310 papers submitted, 78 were selected for presenta- in line with the scientific objective of the Action. Wuhan, China, in April 2013. The 51 revised full tion. LNCS 7728 contains the papers selected for the The book is structured into three parts: network and papers and 10 short papers presented together with International Workshop on Computer Vision with topology measurement and modelling, traffic clas- 2 invited keynote talks, 1 invited paper, 3 industrial Local Binary Pattern Variants, the Workshop on sification and anomaly detection, quality of experi- papers, 9 demo presentations, 4 tutorials and 1 panel Computational Photography and Low-Level Vision, ence. paper were carefully reviewed and selected from a the Workshop on Developer-Centered Computer total of 227 submissions. The topics covered in part 1 Vision, and the Workshop on Background Models Features are social networks; query processing; nearest neigh- Challenge. LNCS 7729 contains the papers selected This book was prepared as the Final Publication bor search; index; query analysis; XML data man- for the Workshop[...] of COST Action IC0703 "Data Traffic Monitoring agement; privacy protection; and uncertain data and Analysis: theory, techniques, tools and applica- management; and in part 2: graph data[...] Features tions for the future networks". It contains 14 chap- The two volume set, consisting of LNCS 7728 and ters which demonstrate the results, quality,and the Features 7729, contains the carefully reviewed and selected impact of European research in the field of TMA This two volume set LNCS 7825 and LNCS 7826 papers presented at the nine workshops that were in line with the scientific objective of the Action. constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 18th held in conjunction with the 11th Asian Conference The book is structured into three parts: network and International Conference on Database Systems for on Computer Vision, ACCV 2012, in Daejeon, South topology [..] Advanced Applications, DASFAA 2013, held in Korea, in November 2012. From a total of 310 papers Wuhan, China, in April 2013. The 51 revised full submitted, 78 were selected for presentation. LNCS Contents papers and 10 short papers presented together with 7728 contains the papers selected for the Interna- High-Performance Network Traffic Processing 2 invited keynote talks, 1 invited paper, 3 industrial tional [..] Systems Using Commodity Hardware.- Active papers, 9 demo presentations, 4 tutorials and 1 panel Techniques for Available Bandwidth Estimation: paper were [..] Contents Comparison and Application.- Internet Topology Historical Document Binarization Based on Phase Discovery.- Internet PoP Level Maps.- Analysis of Contents Information of Images.- Can Modern Technologies Packet Transmission Processes in Peer-to-Peer Net- Shortest Path Computation over Disk.- Resident Defeat Nazi Censorship?.- Coarse-to-Fine Corre- works by Statistical Inference Methods.- Reviewing Large Graphs Based on Extended Bulk Synchro- spondence Search for Classifying Ancient Coins.- Traffic Classification.- A Methodological Overview nous Parallel Methods.- Fast SimRank Computa- Archiving Mural Paintings Using an Ontology Based on Anomaly Detection.- Changepoint Detection tion over Disk-Resident Graphs.- S-store: An Engine Approach.- Robust Image Deblurring Using Hyper Techniques for VoIP Traffic.- Distribution-Based for Large RDF Graph Integrating Spatial Informa- Laplacian Model.- SVD Based Automatic Detection Anomaly Detection in Network Traffic.- From Pack- tion.- Physical Column Organization in In-Mem- of Target Regions for Image Inpainting.- Presenta- ets to People: Quality of Experience as a New Mea- ory Column Stores.- A Specific Encryption Solution tion of Japanese Cultural Event Using Virtual Real- surement Challenge.-[...] for Data Warehouses.- NameNode and DataNode ity.- High-Resolution and Multi-spectral Capturing Coupling for a Power-Proportional Hadoop Distrib- for Digital Archiving of Large 3D Woven Cultural Fields of interest uted File System.- Mapping Entity-Attribute Web Artifacts.- Exploring High-Level Plane Primitives Rechnernetze; Leistungsmessung und -bewertung Tables to Web-Scale Knowledge Bases.- On Leverag- for[...] von Systemen; Anwendung von Informationssyste- ing Crowdsourcing Techniques for Schema Match- men (einschl. Internet) ing Networks.- A Mechanism for[...] Fields of interest Bildverarbeitung, Vision, Mustererkennung und Target groups Fields of interest Computergrafik; Benutzerschnittstellen und Men- Research Datenbankmanagement; Data Mining und Wissens- sch-Computer-Interaktion; Mediendesign; Geome- gewinnung; Informationsspeicherung und -bereit- trie Type of publication stellung; Anwendung von Informationssystemen Contributed volume (einschl. Internet); Multimedia-Informationssys- Target groups More on teme; Benutzerschnittstellen und Mensch-Com- Research puter-Interaktion Softcover Type of publication 2013. XVI, 359 p. 121 illus. (Computer Communication Target groups Proceedings Networks and Telecommunications, Band 7754) Research 57,78 € More on ISBN 978-3-642-36783-0 Type of publication Softcover Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Proceedings 2013. XXXIV, 609 p. 318 illus. (Image Processing, Com- More on puter Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Graphics, Band 7729) Softcover 84,53 € 2013. XX, 487 p. 208 illus. (Information Systems and ISBN 978-3-642-37483-8 Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI, Band 7826) 74,90 € Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. ISBN 978-3-642-37449-4 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 28 Informatik

B. Schooley U. Flegel, Hochschule für Technik, , Germany; E. M. Middendorf, University of Leipzig, Germany; C. Blum, Univer- Markatos, FORTH, Heraklion, Greece; W. Robertson, Northeastern sity of the Basque Country, Donostia, Spain (Eds.) University, Boston, MA, USA (Eds.) Designing for Windows 8 Evolutionary Computation in Fundamentals of Great Design in Windows Store Apps Detection of Intrusions and Combinatorial Optimization Designing for Windows 8 is a fast-paced, 150-page Malware, and Vulnerability 13th European Conference, EvoCOP 2013, Vienna, Austria, primer on the key design concepts you need to cre- Assessment April 3-5, 2013, Proceedings ate successful Windows 8 apps. This book will help you design a user interface that is both delightful 9th International Conference, DIMVA 2012, Heraklion, Crete, This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Greece, July 26-27, 2012, Revised Selected Papers and effective, feels #right# to your users, and encap- 13th European Conference on Evolutionary Com- sulates a great Windows 8 experience. In this book, This book constitutes the refereed post-proceed- putation in Combinatorial Optimization, EvoCOP you will: Meet the building blocks of solid Windows ings of the 9th International Conference on Detec- 2013, held in Vienna, Austria, in April 2013, colo- 8 UI design in a well-designed sample app. Learn tion of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability cated with the Evo* 2013 events EuroGP, EvoBIO, how to incorporate key design elements into your Assessment, DIMVA 2012, held in Heraklion, Crete, EvoMUSART, and EvoApplications. The 23 revised apps, such as the app bar, charms and subtle anima- Greece, in July 2012. The 10 revised full papers pre- full papers presented were carefully reviewed and tions from the animation library. Find out how to sented together with 4 short papers were carefully selected from 50 submissions. The papers present deliver the core experience that your users expect reviewed and selected from 44 submissions. The the latest research and discuss current developments from Windows 8. Learn how to make your app stand papers are organized in topical sections on malware, and applications in metaheuristics - a paradigm to out from[...] mobile security, secure design, and intrusion detec- effectively solve difficult combinatorial optimiza- tion systems (IDS). tion problems appearing in various industrial, eco- Features nomic, and scientific domains. Prominent examples Designing for Windows 8 is a fast-paced, 150-page Features of metaheuristics are ant colony optimization,[...] primer on the key design concepts you need to cre- This book constitutes the refereed post-proceed- ate successful Windows 8 apps. This book will help ings of the 9th International Conference on Detec- Features you design a user interface that is both delightful and tion of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the effective, feels #right# to your users, and encapsulates Assessment, DIMVA 2012, held in Heraklion, Crete, 13th European Conference on Evolutionary Com- a great Windows 8 experience. In this book, you will: Greece, in July 2012. The 10 revised full papers pre- putation in Combinatorial Optimization, EvoCOP Meet the building blocks of solid Windows 8 [..] sented together with 4 short papers were carefully 2013, held in Vienna, Austria, in April 2013, colo- reviewed and selected from 44 submissions. The cated with the Evo* 2013 events EuroGP, EvoBIO, Fields of interest EvoMUSART, and EvoApplications. The 23 revised Benutzerschnittstellen und Mensch-Com- papers are organized in topical sections on malware, mobile [..] full papers presented were carefully reviewed and puter-Interaktion selected from 50 submissions. The papers present the latest research and [..] Target groups Contents Popular/general Using File Relationships in Malware.- Understand- ing DMA Malware.- Large-Scale Analysis of Mal- Contents A Hyper-heuristic with a Round Robin Neighbour- Type of publication ware Downloaders.- Juxtapp: A Scalable System for hood.- A Multiobjective Approach Based on the Professional book Detecting Code Reuse among Android Applica- tions.- ADAM: An Automatic and Extensible Plat- Law of Gravity and Mass Interactions for Optimiz- More on form to Stress Test Android Anti-virus Systems.- A ing Networks.- A Multi-objective Feature Selection Softcover Static, Packer-Agnostic Filter to Detect Similar Mal- Approach Based on Binary PSO and Rough Set The- 2013. XIII, 152 p. ware Samples.- Experiments with Malware Visu- ory.- A New Crossover for Solving Constraint Sat- 16,00 € alization.- Tracking Memory Writes for Malware isfaction Problems.- A Population-Based Strategic ISBN 978-1-4302-4959-7 Classification and Code Reuse Identification.- Sys- Oscillation Algorithm for Linear Ordering Problem with Cumulative Costs.- A Study of Adaptive Pertur- Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. tem-Level Support for Intrusion Recovery.- NetGa- tor: Malware Detection Using Program Interactive bation Strategy for Iterated Local Search.- Adaptive Challenges.-[...] MOEA/D for QoS-Based Web Service Composition.- An Analysis of Local Search for the Bi-objective[...] Fields of interest System- und Datensicherheit; E-Commerce / E-Busi- Fields of interest ness; Rechnernetze; Implementierung von Rechner- Numerische Datenverarbeitung; Analyse von Algo- systemen rithmen und Komplexität; Diskrete Mathematik in der Informatik; Virtuelle Maschinen Target groups Research Target groups Research Type of publication Proceedings Type of publication Proceedings More on More on Softcover 2013. X, 243 p. 86 illus. (Security and Cryptology, Band Softcover 7591) 2013. XII, 275 p. 57 illus. (Theoretical Computer Science 49,22 € and General Issues, Band 7832) ISBN 978-3-642-37299-5 49,22 € ISBN 978-3-642-37197-4 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. March 19, 2013 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Informatik 29

L. Vanneschi, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal; W.S. Bush, P. Machado, University of Coimbra, Portugal; J. McDermott, M. Dumas, University of Tartu, Estonia; M. La Rosa, Queensland Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA; M. Giacobini, University University College Dublin, Ireland; A. Carballal, University of A University of Technology, Brisbane, QLD, Australia; J. Mendling, of Torino, Italy (Eds.) Coruna, Spain (Eds.) Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria; H.A. Rei- jers, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands Evolutionary Computation, Evolutionary and Biologically Machine Learning and Data Mining Inspired Music, Sound, Art and Fundamentals of Business Process in Bioinformatics Design Management

11th European Conference, EvoBIO 2013, Vienna, Austria, Second International Conference, EvoMUSART 2013, Vienna, Business Process Management (BPM) is the art and April 3-5, 2013, Proceedings Austria, April 3-5, 2013, Proceedings science of how work should be performed in an This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of organization in order to ensure consistent outputs 11th European Conference on Evolutionary Compu- the Second International Conference on Biologi- and to take advantage of improvement opportuni- tation, Machine Learning and Data Mining in Bioin- cally Inspired Music, Sound, Art and Design, Evo- ties, e.g. reducing costs, execution times or error formatics, EvoBIO 2013, held in Vienna, Austria, MUSART 2013, held in Vienna, Austria, in March rates. Importantly, BPM is not about improving the in April 2013, colocated with the Evo* 2013 events 2013, colocated with the Evo* 2013 events EuroGP, way individual activities are performed, but rather EuroGP, EvoCOP, EvoMUSART and EvoApplica- EvoCOP, EvoBIO, and EvoApplications. The 11 about managing entire chains of events, activities tions. The 10 revised full papers presented together revised full papers and 5 poster papers presented and decisions that ultimately produce added value with 9 poster papers were carefully reviewed and were carefully reviewed and selected from 36 sub- for an organization and its customers.This textbook selected from numerous submissions. The papers missions. They cover a wide range of topics and encompasses the entire BPM lifecycle, from process cover a wide range of topics in the field of biologi- application areas, including: generative approaches identification to process monitoring, covering along cal data analysis and computational biology. They to music, graphics, game content, and narrative; the way process modelling, analysis, redesign and address important problems in biology, from the robot gait creation; music information retrieval; automation. Concepts, methods and tools[...] molecular and genomic dimension to the individ- computational aesthetics; the mechanics of interac- Features ual and population level, often drawing inspiration tive evolutionary computation; and the art theory Business Process Management (BPM) is the art and from[...] of[...] science of how work should be performed in an Features Features organization in order to ensure consistent outputs This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of and to take advantage of improvement opportuni- 11th European Conference on Evolutionary Compu- the Second International Conference on Biologi- ties, e.g. reducing costs, execution times or error tation, Machine Learning and Data Mining in Bioin- cally Inspired Music, Sound, Art and Design, Evo- rates. Importantly, BPM is not about improving the formatics, EvoBIO 2013, held in Vienna, Austria, MUSART 2013, held in Vienna, Austria, in March way individual activities are performed, but rather in April 2013, colocated with the Evo* 2013 events 2013, colocated with the Evo* 2013 events EuroGP, about managing entire chains of events, activities EuroGP, EvoCOP, EvoMUSART and EvoApplica- EvoCOP, EvoBIO, and EvoApplications. The 11 and [..] tions. The 10 revised full papers presented together revised full papers and 5 poster papers presented Contents with 9 poster papers were carefully reviewed and were carefully reviewed and selected from 36 sub- Introduction to Business Process Management.- selected from numerous [..] missions. They cover a [..] Process Identification.- Essential Process Modeling.- Contents Contents Advanced Process Modeling.- Process Discovery.- Multiple Threshold Spatially Uniform ReliefF for Aesthetics, Art, Evolution.- Application of an Qualitative Process Analysis.- Quantitative Process the Genetic Analysis of Complex Human Diseases.- Island Model Genetic Algorithm for a Multi-track Analysis.- Process Redesign.- Process Automation.- Time-Point Specific Weighting Improves Coex- Music Segmentation Problem.- evoDrummer: Process Intelligence. pression Networks from Time-Course Experi- Deriving Rhythmic Patterns through Interac- Fields of interest ments.- Inferring Human Phenotype Networks from tive Genetic Algorithms.- Darwinian Pianos: Administrative Datenverarbeitung; Wirtschaftsinfor- Genome-Wide Genetic.- Knowledge-Constrained Realtime Composition Based on Competitive matik; Anwendung von Informationssystemen (ein- K-Medoids Clustering of Regulatory Rare Alleles for Evolutionary Process.- Finding Image Features schl. Internet); Software Engineering Burden Tests.- Feature Selection and Classification Associated with High Aesthetic Value by Machine of High Dimensional Mass Spectrometry Data: A Learning.- Aesthetic Measures for Evolution- Target groups Genetic Programming Approach.- Structured Pop- ary Vase Design.- Inverse Mapping with Sensi- Graduate ulations and the Maintenance of Sex.- Hybrid Mul- tivity Analysis for Partial Selection in Interactive tiobjective Artificial Bee Colony with Differential Evolution.- Swarmic Sketches and Attention Type of publication Evolution Applied to[...] Mechanism.- Swarmic Paintings and Colour[...] Graduate/advanced undergraduate textbook Fields of interest Fields of interest More on Rechnergestützte Biologie / Bioinformatik; Data Benutzerschnittstellen und Mensch-Com- Hardcover Mining und Wissensgewinnung; Analyse von Algo- puter-Interaktion; Analyse von Algorithmen und 2013. XXVII, 399 p. 161 illus., 7 in color. rithmen und Komplexität; Virtuelle Maschinen Komplexität; Künstliche Intelligenz (einschl. 64,15 € Roboter); Datenverarbeitung in Kunst und Geis- ISBN 978-3-642-33142-8 Target groups teswissenschaften Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Research Target groups Type of publication Research Proceedings More on Type of publication Proceedings Softcover 2013. XII, 217 p. 64 illus. (Theoretical Computer Science More on and General Issues, Band 7833) Softcover 49,22 € 2013. X, 193 p. 87 illus. (Theoretical Computer Science ISBN 978-3-642-37188-2 and General Issues, Band 7834) Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 49,22 € ISBN 978-3-642-36954-4 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 30 Informatik

K. Krawiec, Poznan University of Technology, Poland; A. S. Kleuker, Hochschule Osnabrück H.-P. Königs, Olsberg, Schweiz Moraglio, The University of Birmingham, UK; T. Hu, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, USA; A.S. Etaner-Uyar, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey; B. Hu, Vienna University of Technology, Aus- Grundkurs Datenbankentwicklung IT-Risikomanagement mit System tria (Eds.) Von der Anforderungsanalyse zur komplexen Datenbankan- Praxisorientiertes Management von Informationssicherheits- frage und IT-Risiken Genetic Programming Ein kompakter und praxisorientierter Einstieg, Der praxisbezogene Leitfaden für Information- 16th European Conference, EuroGP 2013, Vienna, Austria, mit dem Studierende bereits früh im Studium ssicherheits- und IT-Risikomanagement im April 3-5, 2013, Proceedings sehr gut zurechtkommen. Die verschiedenen Unternehmen – branchenneutral und angepasst Phasen einer Datenbankentwicklung werden an die aktuelle Situation der Standardisierung, der This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of mit ihren Vorgehensweisen, Konzepten und IT- Governance mit Bezug auf relevante Rahmen- the 16th European Conference on Genetic Program- möglichen Problemquellen vorgestellt. Gerade die werke (z. B. COSO und CobiT). Systematisch wer- ming, EuroGP 2013, held in Vienna, Austria, in Anforderungsanalyse und die Möglichkeit zur Erstel- den die Risiken rund um die Informationen, IT- April 2013 co-located with the Evo* 2013 events, lung mächtiger SQL-Anfragen werden als beson- Systeme und IT-Dienstleistungen behandelt. Der EvoMUSART, EvoCOP, EvoBIO, and EvoApplica- ders praxisrelevante Aspekte betont. Studierende Leser erhält alles, was zur Analyse und Bewältigung tions. The 18 revised full papers presented together sind nach der Lektüre in der Lage, in Praxisprojek- dieser Risiken methodisch erforderlich ist, um es in with 5 poster papers were carefully reviewed and ten erfolgreich mitzuarbeiten und das Buch deckt der Praxis sicher umsetzen zu können. Ein beispiel- selected from 47 submissions. The wide range of eine Einführungsvorlesung vollständig ab. In der hafter Risikomanagement-Prozess zeigt auf, wie topics in this volume reflects the current state of dritten Auflage wurden automatisierbare Test- die Informations-Risiken zusammen mit anderen research in the field, including different genres of GP möglichkeiten ergänzt. Neben vielen kleinen Beispie- wichtigen Risiken in die Management-Prozesse des (tree-based, linear, grammar-based, Cartesian), the- len zur Verdeutlichung einzelner Aspekte[...] Unternehmens einbezogen werden.[...] ory, novel operators, and applications. Features Features Features Ein kompakter und praxisorientierter Einstieg, Der praxisbezogene Leitfaden für Information- This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of mit dem Studierende bereits früh im Studium sehr ssicherheits- und IT-Risikomanagement im the 16th European Conference on Genetic Program- gut zurechtkommen. Die verschiedenen Phasen Unternehmen – branchenneutral und angepasst an ming, EuroGP 2013, held in Vienna, Austria, in einer Datenbankentwicklung werden mit ihren die aktuelle Situation der Standardisierung, der IT- April 2013 co-located with the Evo* 2013 events, Vorgehensweisen, Konzepten und möglichen Prob- Governance mit Bezug auf relevante Rahmenwerke EvoMUSART, EvoCOP, EvoBIO, and EvoApplica- lemquellen vorgestellt. Gerade die Anforderungs- (z. B. COSO und CobiT). Systematisch werden die tions. The 18 revised full papers presented together analyse und die Möglichkeit zur Erstellung Risiken rund um die Informationen, IT-Systeme with 5 poster papers were carefully reviewed and mächtiger SQL-Anfragen werden als besonders prax- und IT-Dienstleistungen behandelt. Der Leser erhält selected from 47 submissions. The wide range of top- isrelevante Aspekte betont. Studierende [..] alles, was zur Analyse [..] ics in this volume [..] Contents Contents Contents Datenbankgrundlagen.- Ermittlung der Anforderun- Grundlagen erarbeiten.- Anforderungen aus Adaptive Distance Metrics for Nearest gen an Datenbanken.- Datenmodellierung.- Tabel- Unternehmenssicht berücksichtigen.- Infor- Neighbour Classification Based on Genetic lendefinition in SQL.- Einfache Anfragen in SQL.- mations-Risiken erkennen und bewältigen.- Programming.- Controlling Bloat through Verschachtelte Anfragen in SQL.- Transaktionen.- Unternehmensprozesse meistern. Parsimonious Elitist Replacement and Spa- Stored Procedures und Trigger.- JDBC. tial Structure.- Generation of VNS Compo- Fields of interest nents with Grammatical Evolution for Vehicle Fields of interest System- und Datensicherheit Routing.- Understanding Expansion Order and Phe- Datenbankmanagement; Software Engineering, Pro- notypic Connectivity in πGE.- PhenoGP: Combin- grammierung und Betriebssysteme; Angewandte Target groups ing Programs to Avoid Code Disruption.- Reducing Mathematik und Informatik für Ingenieure Professional/practitioner Wasted Evaluations in Cartesian Genetic Programming.- Balancing Learning and Overfitting Target groups Type of publication in Genetic Programming with Interleaved Sampling Upper undergraduate Professional book of Training Data.- Automated Design of Probability More on Distributions as[...] Type of publication German textbook Hardcover Fields of interest 2013. XVIII, 454 S. 115 Abb. Mit online files/update. (Edi- Analyse von Algorithmen und Komplexität; More on tion ) Virtuelle Maschinen; Künstliche Intelligenz (einschl. Softcover 54,95 € Roboter); Datenverarbeitung 2013. XIV, 335 S. 103 Abb. ISBN 978-3-8348-1687-0 34,99 € Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Target groups ISBN 978-3-658-01587-9 Research Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Type of publication Proceedings More on Softcover 2013. XII, 277 p. 99 illus. (Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues, Band 7831) 49,22 € ISBN 978-3-642-37206-3 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Informatik 31

H. Aydinian, University of Bielefeld, Germany; F. Cicalese, Univer- M. Hölzl, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München; A. Raed, M. Grana, University of the Basque Country, San Sebastian, Spain; sity of Salerno, Fisciano, Italy; C. Deppe, University of Bielefeld, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München; M. Wirsing, Lud- C. Toro, Vicomtech-IK4, San Sebastian, Spain; R.J. Howlett, KES Germany (Eds.) wig-Maximilians-Universität München International, Shoreham-by-Sea, UK; L.C. Jain, University of South Australia, Mawson Lakes, SA, Australia (Eds.) Information Theory, Combinatorics, Java kompakt and Search Theory Knowledge Engineering, Machine Eine Einführung in die Software-Entwicklung mit Java Learning and Lattice Computing In Memory of Rudolf Ahlswede Das Buch bietet eine knappe, praxisorientierte with Applications Einfu#hrung in die Programmierung mit Java, die This volume is dedicated to the memory of Rudolf den Stoff einer Erstsemestervorlesung oder einer 16th International Conference, KES 2012, San Sebastian, Ahlswede, who passed away in December 2010. The Java-Umschulung abdeckt ohne u#berflu#ssiges Spain, September 10-12, 2012, Revised Selected Papers Festschrift contains 36 thoroughly refereed research Material zu enthalten. Im Gegensatz zu vielen papers from a memorial symposium, which took This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the anderen Bu#chern, die eine enzyklopa#dische place in July 2011. The four macro-topics of this 16th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Abhandlung von Java anstreben, soll der Leser workshop: theory of games and strategic planning; and Intelligent Information and Engineering Sys- unseres Buchs schnell in die Lage versetzt wer- combinatorial group testing and database mining; tems, KES 2012, held in San Sebastian, Spain, in den, Java Programme zu schreiben und zu verste- computational biology and string matching; infor- September 2012. The 20 revised full papers presented hen. Das Buch vermittelt alle Grundlagen, die fu#r mation coding and spreading and patrolling on net- were carefully reviewed and selected from 130 sub- einen effektiven Einstieg als Java-Programmierer works; provide a comprehensive picture of the vision missions. The papers are organized in topical sec- ins Berufsleben oder die akademische Ausbildung Rudolf Ahlswede put forward of a broad and system- tions on bioinspired and machine learning methods, beno#tigt werden. Das Buch basiert auf Vorlesungen, atic theory of search. machine learning applications, semantics and ontol- Kursen und Praktika, die an der Ludwig-Maximil- ogy based techniques, and lattice computing and ians-Universita#t Mu#nchen[...] Features games. This volume is dedicated to the memory of Rudolf Features Ahlswede, who passed away in December 2010. The Features Das Buch bietet eine knappe, praxisorientierte Festschrift contains 36 thoroughly refereed research This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Einfu#hrung in die Programmierung mit Java, die papers from a memorial symposium, which took 16th International Conference on Knowledge-Based den Stoff einer Erstsemestervorlesung oder einer place in July 2011. The four macro-topics of this and Intelligent Information and Engineering Sys- Java-Umschulung abdeckt ohne u#berflu#ssiges workshop: theory of games and strategic planning; tems, KES 2012, held in San Sebastian, Spain, in Material zu enthalten. Im Gegensatz zu vielen combinatorial group testing and database mining; September 2012. The 20 revised full papers presented anderen Bu#chern, die eine enzyklopa#dische computational biology and string matching; infor- were carefully reviewed and selected from 130 sub- Abhandlung von Java anstreben, soll der Leser mation [..] missions. The papers are organized in topical sec- unseres Buchs schnell in die Lage versetzt werden, tions on bioinspired and machine learning methods, Java Programme zu schreiben und zu [..] Contents machine [..] I. Information Theory.- 1 Two New Results for Contents Identification for Sources.- 2 L-Identification for Contents Die Java Umgebung.- Ein Schnelleinstieg in Java.- Uniformly Distributed Sources and the q-ary Identi- Investigation of Random Subspace and Random Klassen und Objekte.- Methoden in Java.- Prim- fication Entropy of Second Order.- 3 Optimal Rate Forest Regression Models Using Data with Injected itive Datentypen.- Komplexe Datentypen.- Kon- Region of Two-Hop Multiple Access Channel via Noise.- A Genetic Algorithm vs. Local Search trollfluss.- Vererbung und Polymorphie.- Innere Amplify-and-Forward Scheme.- 4 Strong Secrecy for Methods for Solving the Orienteering Problem in Klassen, abstrakte Klassen und Interfaces.- Ein- Multiple Access Channels.- 5 Capacity Results for Large Networks.- Dynamic Structure of Volterra- führung in Datenstrukturen.- Ausnahmebehandlung Arbitrarily Varying Wiretap Channels.- 6 On Obliv- Wiener Filter for Reference Signal Cancellation und Debugging.- Einführung in die objektorientierte ious Transfer Capacity.- 7 Achieving Net Feedback in Passive Radar.- A Web Browsing Cognitive Softwareenwicklung. Gain in the Linear-Deterministic Butterfly Network Model.- Optimization of Approximate Decision with a Full-Duplex Relay.- 8 Uniformly Generating Fields of interest Rules Relative to Number of Misclassifications: Origin Destination Tables.- 9 Identification via[...] Programmiertechniken; Software Engineering; Pro- Comparison of Greedy and Dynamic Programming grammiersprachen und Interpreter Approaches.- Set-Based Detection and Isolation of Fields of interest Intersampled Delays and Pocket Dropouts in Net- Kodierungs- und Informationstheorie; Diskrete Target groups worked Control.- Analysis and[...] Mathematik in der Informatik; Combinatorics; Lower undergraduate Analyse von Algorithmen und Komplexität Fields of interest Type of publication Künstliche Intelligenz (einschl. Roboter); Anwen- Target groups Undergraduate textbook dung von Informationssystemen (einschl. Internet); Research Data Mining und Wissensgewinnung; Information- More on sspeicherung und -bereitstellung Type of publication Softcover Contributed volume 2013. X, 252 S. 54 Abb. ( Target groups More on 29,99 € Research ISBN 978-3-642-28503-5 Softcover Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Type of publication 2013. XL, 773 p. 58 illus. (Theoretical Computer Science Contributed volume and General Issues, Band 7777) 101,65 € More on ISBN 978-3-642-36898-1 Softcover Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 2013. VIII, 207 p. 68 illus. (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Band 7828) 49,22 € ISBN 978-3-642-37342-8 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 32 Informatik

K. Alexander, Hochschule Merseburg J. Friesen G. Rehm, DFKI GmbH, Berlin, Germany; H. Uszkoreit, DFKI GmbH, Berlin, Germany (Eds.) Kompendium der visuellen Learn Java for Android Information und Kommunikation Development META-NET Strategic Research Agenda for Multilingual Europe

Wie gestalte ich Handlungsabläufe, Datenmen- Android development is hot, and many program- 2020 gen, Prozesse, Animationen, Perspektiven, Pik- mers are interested in joining the fun. However, togramme, Schnitte, Bedienoberflächen von Software because this technology is based on Java, you should In everyday communication, Europe’s citizens, busi- oder das Interface von Automaten? Wie kann ich first obtain a solid grasp of the Java language and ness partners and politicians are inevitably con- Bilder für abstrakte Zusammenhänge finden? Was its foundational APIs to improve your chances of fronted with language barriers. Language technology muss ich über Layout wissen? Welche Anforderun- succeeding as an Android app developer. After all, has the potential to overcome these barriers and gen haben technische Grafiken? Wie kann ich sie you will be busy learning the architecture of an to provide innovative interfaces to technologies effektiv aus 3D-Konstruktionsdaten erstellen? Das Android app, the various Android-specific APIs, and knowledge. This document presents a Strategic „Kompendium der visuellen Information und Kom- and Android-specific tools. If you do not already Research Agenda for Multilingual Europe 2020. The munikation“ ist ein Buch, das von Machern für know Java fundamentals, you will probably end up agenda was prepared by META-NET, a European Macher geschrieben wurde. Step by Step werden with a massive headache from also having to quickly Network of Excellence. META-NET consists of 60 in Wort und Bild Illustrationswege und Methoden cram those fundamentals into your knowledge base. research centres in 34 countries, who cooperate with der grafischen Ideenfindung vorgestellt. Checklis- Learn Java for Android Development, Second Edi- stakeholders from economy, government agencies, ten ermöglichen eine Qualitätskontrolle. Die neue tion teaches programmers of any skill level the[...] research organisations, non-governmental organisa- Auflage geht intensiv auf die[...] tions, language communities and European universi- Features ties. META-NET’s vision is high-quality language[...] Features Android development is hot, and many program- Wie gestalte ich Handlungsabläufe, Datenmengen, mers are interested in joining the fun. However, Features Prozesse, Animationen, Perspektiven, Piktogramme, because this technology is based on Java, you should In everyday communication, Europe’s citizens, busi- Schnitte, Bedienoberflächen von Software oder first obtain a solid grasp of the Java language and its ness partners and politicians are inevitably con- das Interface von Automaten? Wie kann ich Bilder foundational APIs to improve your chances of suc- fronted with language barriers. Language technology für abstrakte Zusammenhänge finden? Was muss ceeding as an Android app developer. After all, you has the potential to overcome these barriers and ich über Layout wissen? Welche Anforderungen will be busy learning the architecture of an Android to provide innovative interfaces to technologies haben technische Grafiken? Wie kann ich sie effek- app, the various Android-specific APIs, and [..] and knowledge. This document presents a Strategic tiv aus 3D-Konstruktionsdaten erstellen? Das „Kom- Research Agenda for Multilingual Europe 2020. The Fields of interest pendium der visuellen [..] agenda was prepared by META-NET, a European Informatik (allgemein) Network of [..] Contents Target groups Vor Inbetriebnahme bitte lesen.- Der Einflussfak- Contents Popular/general tor Mensch.- Am Anfang steht das weisse Blatt.- Key Messages.- Executive Summary.- 1.Introduc- Qualität ist keine Geschmacksache.- Traumpaar tion.- 2.Multilingual Europe: Facts, Challenges, Text und Bild.- Auf die Mischung kommt es an - Type of publication Professional book Opportunities.- 3.Major Trends in Information Designkonzepte.- Das visuelle Abbild der Sprache.- and Communication Technologies.- 4.Language Information hat viele Gesichter.- Erst drücken, dann More on Technology 2012: Current State and Opportuni- drehen.- Von 3D-Daten zur technischen Illustra- Softcover ties.- 5.Language Technology 2020: The META- tion.- Interface Design.- Antworten eröffnen neue 2013. XXVI, 751 p. NET Technology Vision.- 6.Language Technol- Fragen.- Quellenverzeichnis.- Abbildungsverzeich- 36,33 € ogy 2020: Priority Research Themes.- 7.Towards nis.- Index.- Zur Autorin. ISBN 978-1-4302-5722-6 a Shared European Programme for Multilingual Europe 2020: Next Steps.- A.References.- B.List of Fields of interest Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Key Contributors.- C.Milestones and History of the Mediendesign; Dokumentenaufbereitung und Strategic Research Agenda.- D.About META-NET.- Textverarbeitung; Computergrafik E.Members of META-NET.-[...] Target groups Fields of interest Professional/practitioner Sprachübersetzung und Linguistik; Computerlin- Type of publication guistik Professional book Target groups More on Professional/practitioner Hardcover Type of publication 2013. XII, 279 S. 150 Abb. in Farbe. ( Contributed volume 44,99 € ISBN 978-3-642-35449-6 More on Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Softcover 2013. VIII, 87 p. 22 illus. in color. (White Paper Series) 53,49 € ISBN 978-3-642-36348-1 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Informatik 33

B.H. Menze, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, K. Sycara, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA; M. S. Holland, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK; K. Wilkie, The Switzerland; G. Langs, Medical University of Vienna, Austria; L. Lu, Gelfand, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD, USA; A. Abbe, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK; P. Mulholland, The Open Siemens Corporate Research, Princeton, NJ, USA; A. Montillo, GE U.S. Army Research Institute, Arlington, VA, USA (Eds.) University, Milton Keynes, UK; A. Seago, London Metropolitan Global Research, Niskayuna, NY, USA; Z. Tu, University of Califor- University, UK (Eds.) nia, Los Angeles, CA, USA; A. Criminisi, Microsoft Research, Cam- bridge, UK (Eds.) Models for Intercultural Collaboration and Negotiation Music and Human-Computer Medical Computer Vision: Interaction Recognition Techniques and This book is the first to bring together research Applications in Medical Imaging material from different communities, Computer This agenda-setting book presents state of the art Science and especially Artificial Intelligence, and research in Music and Human-Computer Inter- Second International MICCAI Workshop, MCV 2012, Nice, Social Sciences, e.g. Anthropology, Social Psy- action (also known as ‘Music Interaction’). Music France, October 5, 2012, Revised Selected Papers chology, Political Science that present ideas and Interaction research is at an exciting and formative viewpoints, methods and models on inter-cultural stage. Topics discussed include interactive music sys- This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed work- collaboration and negotiation.With increasing glob- tems, digital and virtual musical instruments, the- shop proceedings of the Second International Work- alization of business and science, cultural differences ories, methodologies and technologies for Music shop on Medical Computer Vision, MCV 2012, held of the parties are an important factor that affects the Interaction. Musical activities covered include com- in Nice, France, October 2012 in conjunction with process and outcomes of collaborative and self-inter- position, performance, improvisation, analysis, live the 15th International Conference on Medical Image ested interactions. The social science literature on coding, and collaborative music making. Innova- Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, culture as well as human collaboration and negotia- tive approaches to existing musical activities are MICCAI 2012. The 24 papers have been selected out tion is vast. Most of this literature is devoted to work explored, as well as tools that make new kinds of of 42 submissions. At MCV 2012, 12 papers were within the same culture.[...] musical activity possible. Music and Human-Com- presented as a poster and 12 as a poster together with puter Interaction is stimulating reading for[...] a plenary talk. The book also features four selected Features papers which were presented at the previous CVPR With increasing globalization of business and sci- Features Medical Computer Vision workshop held in con- ence, cultural differences of the parties are an impor- This agenda-setting book presents state of the art junction with the International Conference on Com- tant factor that affects the process and outcomes of research in Music and Human-Computer Inter- puter Vision and Pattern Recognition on June 21 collaborative and self-interested interactions. The action (also known as ‘Music Interaction’). Music 2012[...] social science literature on culture, human collab- Interaction research is at an exciting and formative oration and negotiation is mostly devoted to work stage. Topics discussed include interactive music sys- Features within the same culture. Computer science and Arti- tems, digital and virtual musical instruments, the- This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed work- ficial intelligence researchers have developed [..] ories, methodologies and technologies for Music shop proceedings of the Second International Work- Interaction. Musical activities covered include com- shop on Medical Computer Vision, MCV 2012, held Contents position, [..] in Nice, France, October 2012 in conjunction with Gerald F. Goodwin: Forword to the Vol- the 15th International Conference on Medical Image ume.- Birukou, A., Blanzieri, E., Giorgini, P., & Contents Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, Giunchiglia, F. A: Formal Definition of Culture.- Music Interaction: Understanding Music and MICCAI 2012. The 24 papers have been selected out Salazar, M. R., Shuffler, M. L., Bedwell, W. L., and Human-Computer Interaction.- Should Music Inter- of 42 submissions. At MCV 2012, 12 papers were Salas, E.: Toward A Contextualized Cultural Frame- action Be Easy?.- Amateur Musicians, Long-term presented as a [..] work.- Turan, N., Dai, T., Sycara, K., Weingart, L.: Engagement, and HCI.- Affective Musical Inter- Toward a Unified Negotiation Framework: Lever- action: Influencing Users’ Behaviour and Experi- Contents aging Strengths in Behavioral and Computational ences with Music.- Chasing a Feeling: Experience in Real-Time 2D/3D Deformable Registration Using Communities.- Hofstede, G. J., Jonker, C., Werwaart, Computer Support Jamming.- The Haptic Bracelets: Metric Learning.- Groupwise Spectral Log-Demons T. A: Model of Culture in Trading Agents.- Ful- Learning Multi-limb Rhythm Skills from Haptic Framework for Atlas Construction.- Robust mer, C. A., & Gelfand, M. J.: How Do I Trust Thee? Stimuli whilst Reading.- Piano Technique as a Case Anatomical Correspondence Detection by Graph Dynamic Trust Patterns and Their Individual and Study in Expressive Gestural Interaction.- Live Matching with Sparsity Constraint.- Semi-super- Social[...] Music-making: A Rich Open Task Requires a Rich vised Segmentation Using Multiple Segmentation Open Interface.- A New Interaction Strategy for Hypotheses from a Single Atlas.- Carotid Artery Fields of interest Musical Timbre Design.-[...] Wall Segmentation by Coupled Surface Graph Datenverarbeitung in Sozial- und Verhaltenswis- Cuts.- Graph Cut Segmentation Using a Constrained senschaften; Psychologie (allgemein); Maschinelle Fields of interest Statistical Model with Non-linear and Sparse Shape Intelligenz; Regionen und Kulturen Benutzerschnittstellen und Mensch-Com- Optimization.- Novel Context Rich LoCo and GloCo puter-Interaktion; Datenverarbeitung in Kunst und Features with Local and Global Shape Constraints Target groups Geisteswissenschaften; Computer und Ausbildung; for Segmentation of 3D[...] Research Spezielle Anwendersysteme; Personal Computing; Computer und Gesellschaft Fields of interest Type of publication Bildverarbeitung und Computer Vision; Health Contributed volume Target groups Informatics; Mustererkennung; Datenverarbeitung More on Research Target groups Hardcover Type of publication Research 2013. VIII, 202 p. 28 illus. (Advances in Group Decision Contributed volume and Negotiation, Band 6) More on Type of publication 90,90 € Proceedings ISBN 978-94-007-5573-4 Hardcover 2013. VIII, 292 p. 60 illus. (Springer Series on Cultural More on Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Computing) Softcover 101,60 € 2013. XI, 294 p. 136 illus. (Image Processing, Computer ISBN 978-1-4471-2989-9 Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Graphics, Band 7766) Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 57,78 € ISBN 978-3-642-36619-2 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 34 Informatik

S.G. Ganesh, T. Sharma P. Pillai, University of Bradford, UK; R. Shorey, NIIT University, Q. Zu, Wuhan University of Technology, China; B. Hu, Fujitsu Lab- Rajasthan, India; E. Ferro, ISTI Institute, Pisa, Italy (Eds.) oratories of Europe, Hayes, UK; A. Elci, Aksaray University, Turkey (Eds.) Oracle Certified Professional Java Personal Satellite Services SE 7 Programmer Exams 1Z0-804 Pervasive Computing and the and 1Z0-805 4th International ICST Conference, PSATS 2012, Bradford, UK, March 22-23, 2012. Revised Selected Papers Networked World A Comprehensive OCPJP 7 Certification Guide This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post- Joint International Conference, ICPCA-SWS 2012, Istanbul, Turkey, November 28-30, 2012, Revised Selected Papers Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 7 Programmer conference proceedings of the 4th International Exams 1Z0-804 and 1Z0-805 is a concise, compre- ICST Conference on Personal Satellite Services, This book constitutes the refereed post-proceed- hensive, step-by-step, and one-stop guide for the PSATS 2012, held in Bradford, UK, in March 2012. ings of the Joint International Conference on Perva- Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 7 Programmer The 22 revised full papers presented together with 4 sive Computing and the Networked World, ICPCA- Exam. The first two chapters set the stage for exam poster sessions were carefully reviewed and selected SWS 2012, held in Istanbul, Turkey, in November preparation and let the reader get started quickly. from various submissions. The papers cover topics 2012. This conference is a merger of the 7th Inter- The first chapter answers frequently asked questions such as radio resource management; spectrum/inter- national Conference on Pervasive Computing and about the OCPJP exam. This book assumes that ference management and antenna design; mobility Applications (ICPCA) and the 4th Symposium on the reader is already familiar with Java fundamen- and security; and protocol performance in satellite Web Society (SWS). The 53 revised full papers and tals which is in line with the prerequisite of having a networks. 26 short papers presented were carefully reviewed OCAJP certification. The book sports considerable and selected from 143 submissions. The papers cover Features supportive material to help the reader in effective a wide range of topics from different research com- This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post- exam preparation in the form of appendices: 2 mock munities such as computer science, sociology and conference proceedings of the 4th International tests to give the reader[...] psychology and explore both theoretical and practi- ICST Conference on Personal Satellite Services, cal issues in and around the emerging computing[...] Features PSATS 2012, held in Bradford, UK, in March 2012. Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 7 Programmer The 22 revised full papers presented together with 4 Features Exams 1Z0-804 and 1Z0-805 is a concise, compre- poster sessions were carefully reviewed and selected This book constitutes the refereed post-proceedings hensive, step-by-step, and one-stop guide for the from various submissions. The papers cover topics of the Joint International Conference on Pervasive Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 7 Programmer such as radio resource management; spectrum/inter- Computing and the Networked World, ICPCA-SWS Exam. The first two chapters set the stage for exam ference [..] 2012, held in Istanbul, Turkey, in November 2012. preparation and let the reader get started quickly. This conference is a merger of the 7th International Contents The first chapter answers frequently asked questions Conference on Pervasive Computing and Applica- Radio resource management.- Spectrum/interfer- about the OCPJP exam. [..] tions (ICPCA) and the 4th Symposium on Web Soci- ence management and antenna design.- Mobility and ety (SWS). The 53 revised full papers and 26 short security.- Protocol performance in satellite networks. Fields of interest papers presented [..] Informatik (allgemein) Fields of interest Contents Rechnernetze; Anwendung von Informationssys- Target groups Online and Offline Determination of QT and PR temen (einschl. Internet); Administrative Daten- Popular/general Interval and QRS Duration in Electrocardiogra- verarbeitung; Kommunikationstechnik und -netze; phy.- Predicting Reader’s Emotion on Chinese Type of publication Datenverarbeitung; System- und Datensicherheit Web News.- Clustering Algorithm Based on Triple- Professional book Target groups Stranded and 3-armed DNA Model.- Synthesis of More on Research Real-Time Applications for Internet of Things.- Softcover iScope – Viewing Biosignals on Mobile Devices.- 2013. 656 p. Type of publication CloudSVM: Training an SVM Classifier in Cloud 37,40 € Proceedings Computing Systems.- A Document-Based Data ISBN 978-1-4302-4764-7 Warehousing Approach for Large Scale Data Min- More on ing.- Smart Navigation for Firefighters in Hazardous Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Softcover Environments: A Ban-Based Approach.- Personal- 2013. XIV, 197 p. 107 illus. (Lecture Notes of the Insti- ized Recommendation Based on[...] tute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Band 52) Fields of interest 49,22 € Rechnernetze; Spezielle Anwendersysteme; Analyse ISBN 978-3-642-36786-1 von Algorithmen und Komplexität; Information- Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. sspeicherung und -bereitstellung Target groups Research

Type of publication Proceedings More on Softcover 2013. XXII, 921 p. 434 illus. (Computer Communication Networks and Telecommunications, Band 7719) 110,21 € ISBN 978-3-642-37014-4 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Informatik 35

H. Wen, University of Electronic Science and Technology of M. Bramer, University of Portsmouth, UK Z. Zheng, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; M.R. Lyu, The China, Chengdu, China Chinese University of Hong Kong Principles of Data Mining Physical Layer Approaches for QoS Management of Web Services

Securing Wireless Communication Data Mining, the automatic extraction of implicit Systems and potentially useful information from data, is Quality-of-Service (QoS) is normally used to increasingly used in commercial, scientific and other describe the non-functional characteristics of Web application areas.Principles of Data Mining explains services and as a criterion for evaluating different This book surveys the outstanding work of phys- and explores the principal techniques of Data Min- Web services. QoS Management of Web Services ical-layer (PHY) security, including the recent ing: for classification, association rule mining and presents a new distributed QoS evaluation frame- achievements of confidentiality and authentica- clustering. Each topic is clearly explained and illus- work for these services. Moreover, three QoS predic- tion for wireless communication systems by chan- trated by detailed worked examples, with a focus on tion methods and two methods for creating fault- nel identification. A practical approach to building algorithms rather than mathematical formalism. It tolerant Web services are also proposed in this book. unconditional confidentiality for Wireless Commu- is written for readers without a strong background It not only provides the latest research results, but nication security by feedback and error correcting in mathematics or statistics, and any formulae used also presents an excellent overview of QoS manage- code is introduced and a framework of PHY secu- are explained in detail.This second edition has been ment of Web sciences, making it a valuable resource rity based on space time block code (STBC) MIMO expanded to include additional chapters on using for researchers and graduate students in service com- system is demonstrated. Also discussed is a scheme frequent pattern trees[...] puting. Zibin Zheng is an associate research fellow at which combines cryptographic techniques imple- the Shenzhen Research Institute, The[...] mented in the higher layer with the physical layer Features security approach using redundant antennas of Data Mining, the automatic extraction of implicit Features MIMO systems to provide stronger security for wire- and potentially useful information from data, is Quality-of-Service (QoS) is normally used to less networks.[...] increasingly used in commercial, scientific and other describe the non-functional characteristics of Web application areas.Principles of Data Mining explains services and as a criterion for evaluating different Features and explores the principal techniques of Data Min- Web services. QoS Management of Web Services This book surveys the outstanding work of phys- ing: for classification, association rule mining and presents an innovative QoS evaluation framework ical-layer (PHY) security, including the recent clustering. Each topic is clearly explained and illus- for these services. Moreover, three QoS prediction achievements of confidentiality and authentica- trated by detailed worked examples, [..] methods and two methods for creating fault-tolerant tion for wireless communication systems by chan- Web services are also proposed in this book. It not nel identification. A practical approach to building Contents [..] unconditional confidentiality for Wireless Commu- Introduction to Data Mining.- Data for Data Min- nication security by feedback and error correcting ing.- Introduction to Classification: Naïve Bayes and Contents code is introduced and a framework of PHY security Nearest Neighbour.- Using Decision Trees for Clas- Introduction.- Background Review.- QoS Evaluation based on space time [..] sification.- Decision Tree Induction: Using Entropy of Web Services.- Neighborhood-based QoS Predic- for Attribute Selection.- Decision Tree Induction: tion of Web Services.- Model-based QoS Prediction Contents Using Frequency Tables for Attribute Selection.- of Web Services.- Ranking-based QoS Prediction of Introduction for PHY Security.- Unconditional Estimating the Predictive Accuracy of a Classifier.- Web Services.- QoS-aware Fault Tolerance for Web Security Wireless Communication.- MIMO Based Continuous Attributes.- Avoiding Overfitting of Services.- QoS-aware Selection Framework for Web Enhancement for Wireless Communication Secu- Decision Trees.- More About Entropy.- Inducing Services.- Conclusion and Future Work. rity.- Physical Layer Assisted Authentication for Modular Rules for Classification.- Measuring the Wireless Sensor Networks.- Detection of Node Clone Performance of a Classifier.- Dealing with Large Vol- Fields of interest and Sybil Attack Based on CI Approach. umes of Data.- Ensemble Classification.-[...] Software Engineering; Anwendung von Information- ssystemen (einschl. Internet); Wirtschaftsinformatik; Fields of interest Fields of interest Verwaltung von Rechner- und Informationssyste- Rechnernetze; Kommunikationstechnik und -netze; Informationsspeicherung und -bereitstellung; Daten- men; Rechnernetze System- und Datensicherheit bankmanagement; Künstliche Intelligenz (einschl. Roboter); Programmiertechniken Target groups Target groups Research Research Target groups Lower undergraduate Type of publication Type of publication Monograph Brief Type of publication More on More on Undergraduate textbook Hardcover Softcover More on 2013. XII, 150 p. 51 illus. (Advanced Topics in Science 2013. X, 83 p. 53 illus. (SpringerBriefs in Computer Softcover and Technology in China) Science) 2013. XIV, 440 p. 101 illus. (Undergraduate Topics in 85,59 € 42,79 € Computer Science) ISBN 978-3-642-34206-6 ISBN 978-1-4614-6509-6 48,10 € Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. ISBN 978-1-4471-4883-8 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 36 Informatik

M. Homeister, FH Brandenburg J.-H. Hoepman, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands; C.M. Kormanyos, Reutlingen, Germany I. Verbauwhede, KU Leuven, Heverlee, Belgium (Eds.) Quantum Computing verstehen Real-Time C++ Radio Frequency Identification: Grundlagen - Anwendungen - Perspektiven Efficient Object-Oriented and Template Microcontroller Pro- Security and Privacy Issues gramming Quantenrechner versprechen ungeahnte Rechen- 8th International Workshop, RFIDSec 2012, Nijmegen, The The C++ language has powerful object-oriented and leistung. Quantenverschlüsselungs-Systeme sind Netherlands, July 2-3, 2012, Revised Selected Papers sicherer als alle Alternativen. Theoretische Infor- template features that can improve software design matiker überdenken die Grundlagen des Rech- This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post- and portability while simultaneously reducing code nens neu - die Forschungen zum Quantencomputer worksop proceedings of the 8th International Work- complexity and the risk of error. Furthermore, C+ haben die Informatik verändert. Dieses Buch shop Radio Frequency Identification: Security and + compiles highly efficient native code. This unique führt anschaulich und auf Beispiele gestützt in die Privacy Issues, RFIDSec 2012, held in Nijmegen, The and effective combination makes C++ well-suited for Grundlagen des Quantum Computing ein. Alle Netherlands, in July 2012. The 12 revised full papers programming microcontroller systems that require wesentlichen Ergebnisse werden detailliert und intu- presented were carefully reviewed and selected from compact size, high performance and safety-critical itiv dargestellt. Der Leser erfährt, was er von dieser 29 submissions for inclusion in the book. The papers reliability.With this book, Chris Kormanyos deliv- Technologie erwarten kann und wo ihre Grenzen focus on approaches to solve security and data pro- ers a highly practical guide to programming real- liegen. Das Besondere an dieser Einführung ist, dass tection issues in advanced contactless technologies. time embedded microcontroller systems in C++. It is keine speziellen Kenntnisse vorausgesetzt werden. divided into three parts plus several appendices. Part Alle wichtigen Begriffe werden umfassend einge- Features I provides a foundation for real-time C++ by cover- führt, ein[...] This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post- ing language technologies,[...] worksop proceedings of the 8th International Work- Features shop Radio Frequency Identification: Security and Features Quantenrechner versprechen ungeahnte Rechen- Privacy Issues, RFIDSec 2012, held in Nijmegen, The The C++ language has powerful object-oriented and leistung. Quantenverschlüsselungs-Systeme sind Netherlands, in July 2012. The 12 revised full papers template features that can improve software design sicherer als alle Alternativen. Theoretische Infor- presented were carefully reviewed and selected from and portability while simultaneously reducing code matiker überdenken die Grundlagen des Rech- 29 submissions for inclusion in the book. The papers complexity and the risk of error. Furthermore, C+ nens neu - die Forschungen zum Quantencomputer focus on approaches to solve security and data [..] + compiles highly efficient native code. This unique haben die Informatik verändert. Dieses Buch and effective combination makes C++ well-suited for führt anschaulich und auf Beispiele gestützt in die Contents programming microcontroller systems that require Grundlagen des Quantum Computing ein. Alle On the Security of Tan et al. Serverless RFID compact size, high performance and safety-critical wesentlichen Ergebnisse werden [..] Authentication and Search Protocols.- Yet Another [..] Ultralightweight Authentication Protocol That Contents Is Broken.- Improved Anonymity for Key- Contents Vom Bit zum Quantenschaltkreis.- Schnellkurs Trees- Hidden Bits Approach for Authentication in Part I Language Technologies for Real-Time C++.- Theoretische Informatik.- Teleportation und RFID Systems.- Designated Attribute-Based Proofs Getting Started with Real-Time C++.- Working with Kodierung.- Schnelle Datenbanksuche.- Quan- for RFID Applications.- T-Match: Privacy-Pre- a Real-Time C++ Program on a Board.- An Easy tenkryptographie.- Verschlüsselungen knacken: serving Item Matching for Storage-Only RFID Jump-Start in Real-Time C++.- Object-Oriented Shors Algorithmus.- Wie steht es um die Real- Tags.- Private Yoking Proofs: Attacks, Models and Techniques for Microcontrollers.- C++ Templates isierung des Quantencomputers?.- Geschichte der New Provable Constructions.- Privacy Preserv- for Microcontrollers.- Optimized C++ Programming Quantenmechanik. ing Payments on Computational RFID Devices for Microcontrollers.- Part II Components for Real- with Application in Intelligent Transportation Time C++.- The Right Start.- Low-Level Hardware Fields of interest Systems.- Weakening Passports through[...] Drivers in C++.- Custom Memory Management.- C Diskrete Mathematik in der Informatik; Quantum ++ Multitasking.- Part III Mathematics and Utilities Computing; Mathematical Applications in Com- Fields of interest for Real-Time C++.- Floating-Point Mathematics.- puter Science; Informatik (allgemein) System- und Datensicherheit; Datenverschlüsselung; Fixed-Point Mathematics.- High-Performance Digi- Administrative Datenverarbeitung; E-Commerce / tal Filters.-[...] Target groups E-Business; Rechnernetze; Spezielle Anwendersys- Upper undergraduate teme Fields of interest Spezielle Anwendersysteme; Leistungsmessung und Type of publication Target groups -bewertung von Systemen; Implementierung von German textbook Research Rechnersystemen; Software Engineering; Kontroll- More on strukturen und Mikroprogrammierung Type of publication Softcover Proceedings Target groups 2013. XII, 305 S. 93 Abb. (Computational Intelligence) Professional/practitioner 34,99 € More on ISBN 978-3-8348-1868-3 Softcover Type of publication Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. 2013. X, 181 p. 37 illus. (Security and Cryptology, Band Monograph 7739) More on 49,22 € ISBN 978-3-642-36139-5 Hardcover 2013. XXIII, 357 p. 20 illus., 3 in color. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 53,45 € ISBN 978-3-642-34687-3 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Informatik 37

M. Deng, Peking University, Beijing, China; R. Jiang, Tsinghua S. Mangard, Infineon Technologies, Neubiberg, Germany (Ed.) A.M. Greenberg, Johns Hopkins University, Laurel, MD, USA; W.G. University, Beijing, China; F. Sun, University of Southern Califor- Kennedy, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA; N.D. Bos, nia, Los Angeles, CA, USA; X. Zhang, Tsinghua University, Beijing, Johns Hopkins University, Laurel, MD, USA (Eds.) China (Eds.) Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications Social Computing, Behavioral- Research in Computational 11th International Conference, CARDIS 2012, Graz, Austria, Cultural Modeling and Prediction Molecular Biology November 28-30, 2012, Revised Selected Papers 6th International Conference, SBP 2013, Washington, DC, USA, 17th Annual International Conference, RECOMB 2013, Beijing, This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post- April 2-5, 2013, Proceedings China, April 7-10, 2013. Proceedings conference proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Smart Card Research and Advanced This book constitutes the proceedings of the 6th This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Applications, CARDIS 2012, held in Graz, Aus- International Conference on Social Computing, 17th Annual International Conference on Research tria, in November 2012. The 18 revised full papers Behavioral-Cultural Modeling and Prediction, SBP in Computational Molecular Biology, RECOMB presented together with an invited talk were care- 2013, held in Washington, DC, USA in April 2013. 2013, held in Beijing, China, in April 2013. The fully reviewed and selected from 48 submissions. The total of 57 contributions, which consists of 32 revised full papers were carefully reviewed and The papers are organized in topical sections on Java papers and posters, included in this volume was selected from 167 submissions. The papers cover a card security, protocols, side-channel attacks, imple- carefully reviewed and selected from 137 submis- wide range of topics including molecular sequence mentations, and implementations for resource-con- sions. This conference is strongly committed to analysis; genes and regulatory elements; molecu- strained devices. multidisciplinarity, consistent with recent trends lar evolution; gene expression; biological networks; in computational social science and related fields. sequencing and genotyping technologies; genomics; Features The topics covered are: behavioral science, health epigenomics; metagenomics; population, statistical This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post- sciences, military science and information science. genetics; systems biology; computational proteomics; conference proceedings of the 11th International There are also many papers that provide method- computational structural biology; imaging; large- Conference on Smart Card Research and Advanced ological innovation as well as new domain-specific scale data management. Applications, CARDIS 2012, held in Graz, Austria, in findings. November 2012. The 18 revised full papers presented Features together with an invited talk were carefully reviewed Features This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the and selected from 48 submissions. The papers are This book constitutes the proceedings of the 6th 17th Annual International Conference on Research organized in topical sections on Java card security, International Conference on Social Computing, in Computational Molecular Biology, RECOMB [..] Behavioral-Cultural Modeling and Prediction, SBP 2013, held in Beijing, China, in April 2013. The 2013, held in Washington, DC, USA in April 2013. 32 revised full papers were carefully reviewed and Contents The total of 57 contributions, which consists of selected from 167 submissions. The papers cover a Towards the Hardware Accelerated Defensive papers and posters, included in this volume was wide range of topics including molecular sequence Virtual Machine – Type and Bound Protection.- carefully reviewed and selected from 137 submis- analysis; genes and regulatory elements; molecular Dynamic Fault Injection Countermeasure: A New sions. This conference is strongly committed to mul- evolution; [..] Conception of Java Card Security.- Java Card Com- tidisciplinarity, [..] bined Attacks with Localization-Agnostic Fault.- Fields of interest Improved (and Practical) Public-Key Authentica- Contents Rechnergestützte Biologie / Bioinformatik; Mathe- tion for UHF RFID. Unlinkable Attribute-Based Cre- Behavioral Science.- The Evolution of Paternal matical and Computational Biology; Data Mining dentials with Practical Revocation on Smart-Cards.- Care.- Parent Training Resource Allocation Opti- und Wissensgewinnung; Analyse von Algorithmen On the Use of Shamir’s Secret Sharing against Side- mization Using an Agent-Based Model of Child und Komplexität Channel Analysis.- Secure Multiple SBoxes Imple- Maltreatment.- Influence and Power in Group Inter- mentation with Arithmetically Masked Input.- actions.- The Marketcast Method for Aggregating Target groups Prediction Market Forecasts.- Peer Nominations and Research Low-Cost Countermeasure against RPA.- Efficient Removal of Random[...] Its Relation to Interactions in a Computer Game.- Predicting People Personality Using Novel Mobile Type of publication Phone-Based Metrics.- Moral Values from Simple Proceedings Fields of interest Rechnernetze; Datenverschlüsselung; Verwaltung Game Play.- An Agent-Based Model for Simulta- More on von Rechner- und Informationssystemen; Analyse neous Phone and SMS Traffic over Time.- Recon- Softcover von Algorithmen und Komplexität; Software Engi- structing Online Behaviors by Effort Minimization.- 2013. XVI, 346 p. 92 illus. (Lecture Notes in Bioinformat- neering; System- und Datensicherheit “Copping” in Heroin[...] ics, Band 7821) Fields of interest 57,78 € Target groups Computer und Gesellschaft; Datenverarbeitung in ISBN 978-3-642-37194-3 Research Sozial- und Verhaltenswissenschaften; Verwaltung Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Type of publication von Rechner- und Informationssystemen; Data Min- Proceedings ing und Wissensgewinnung; Rechnernetze; Anwen- More on dung von Informationssystemen (einschl. Internet) Softcover Target groups 2013. XII, 297 p. 98 illus. (Security and Cryptology, Band Research 7771) 57,78 € Type of publication ISBN 978-3-642-37287-2 Proceedings Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. More on Softcover 2013. XVI, 535 p. 166 illus. (Information Systems and Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI, Band 7812) 74,90 € ISBN 978-3-642-37209-4 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 38 Informatik

T. Özyer, TOBB University, Sogutozu Ankara, Turkey; J. Rokne, Z. Pan, Hangzhou Normal University, China; A.D. Cheok, Keio Uni- Y. Ishikawa, Nagoya University, Japan; J. Li, Harbin Institute of University of Calgary, AB, Canada; G. Wagner, European Commis- versity, Kanagawa, Japan; W. Mueller, University of Education, Technology, China; W. Wang, University of New South Wales, sion Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy; A.H.P. Reuser, Leiden, The Weingarten, Germany; F. Liarokapis, Coventry University, UK Sydney, NSW, Australia; R. Zhang, University of Melbourne, VIC, Netherlands (Eds.) (Eds.) Australia; W. Zhang, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia (Eds.) The Influence of Technology on Transactions on Edutainment IX Social Network Analysis and Mining Web Technologies and Applications This journal subline serves as a forum for stimulating 15th Asia-Pacific Web Conference, APWeb 2013, Sydney, Aus- and disseminating innovative research ideas, theo- tralia, April 4-6, 2013, Proceedings The study of social networks was originated in social ries, emerging technologies, empirical investigations, and business communities. In recent years, social This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of state-of-the-art methods, and tools in all different network research has advanced significantly; the the 15th Asia-Pacific Conference APWeb 2013 held genres of edutainment, such as game-based learning development of sophisticated techniques for Social in Sydney, Australia, in April 2013. The 80 papers and serious games, interactive storytelling, virtual Network Analysis and Mining (SNAM) has been presented were carefully reviewed and selected from learning environments, VR-based education, and highly influenced by the online social Web sites, numerous submissions. The papers are organized in related fields. It covers aspects from educational and email logs, phone logs and instant messaging sys- topical sections on distributed processing; graphs; game theories, human-computer interaction, com- tems, which are widely analyzed using graph theory Web search and Web mining; XML, RDF data and puter graphics, artificial intelligence, and systems and machine learning techniques. People perceive query processing; social networks; probabilistic design. This issue contains a special section on seri- the Web increasingly as a social medium that fosters queries; multimedia and visualization; spatial-tem- ous games with 8 outstanding contributions from the interaction among people, sharing of experiences poral databases; data mining and knowledge dis- VS-Games 2011 conference; furthermore, there are and knowledge, group activities, community forma- covery; privacy and security; performance, query 13 regular papers.[...] tion and evolution. This has led to a rising promi- processing and optimization. There are also sections nence of SNAM in academia, politics, homeland[...] Features summarizing the tutorials and containing the papers This journal subline serves as a forum for stimulating from the following workshops: second[...] Features and disseminating innovative research ideas, theo- The study of social networks was originated in social Features ries, emerging technologies, empirical investigations, and business communities. In recent years, social This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of state-of-the-art methods, and tools in all different network research has advanced significantly; the the 15th Asia-Pacific Conference APWeb 2013 held genres of edutainment, such as game-based learning development of sophisticated techniques for Social in Sydney, Australia, in April 2013. The 80 papers and serious games, interactive storytelling, virtual Network Analysis and Mining (SNAM) has been presented were carefully reviewed and selected from learning environments, VR-based education, and highly influenced by the online social Web sites, numerous submissions. The papers are organized in related fields. It covers aspects from educational [..] email logs, phone logs and instant messaging sys- topical sections on distributed processing; graphs; tems, which are widely analyzed using graph theory Contents Web search and Web mining; XML, RDF data and and machine [..] The Periodic Table of Elements via an XNA-Pow- query processing; social networks; probabilistic ered Serious Game.- Digital Storytelling within Vir- queries; [..] Contents tual Environments: “The Battle of Thermopylae”.- EgoClustering: Overlapping Community Detec- Contents Games on Prescription! Evaluation of the Elinor tion via Merged Friendship-Groups.- Optimization Tutorials.- Distributed Processing.- Graphs.- Console for Home-Based Stroke Rehabilitation.- An Techniques for Multiple Centrality Computations.- Web Search and Web Mining.- XML, RDF Data Analysis of the Potential to Utilize Virtual Worlds Application of social network metrics to a trust- and Query Processing.- Social Networks.- Prob- to Enhance Edutainment and Improve the Well- aware collaborative model for generating personal- abilistic Queries.- Multimedia and Visualiza- being of the Ageing Population.- Course Lectures ized user recommendations.- TweCoM: topic and tion.- Spatial-Temporal Databases.- Data Mining as Problem-Based Learning Interventions in Vir- context mining from Twitter.- Pixel-Oriented Net- and Knowledge Discovery.- Privacy and Secu- tual Worlds.- Virtual Customers in a Multiagent work Visualization. Static Visualization of Change in rity.- Performance.- Query Processing and Opti- Training Application.- Game Based Early Program- Social Networks.- Building Expert Recommenders mization.- The Second International Workshop ming Education: The More You Play, the More You from Email-Based Personal Social Networks.- A on Data Management for Emerging Network Learn.- Story[...] local structure-based method for nodes clustering. Infrastructure.- International Workshop on Social Application to a large mobile phone social network.- Fields of interest Media Analytics and Recommendation Technolo- Virus[...] Personal Computing; Computer und Gesellschaft; gies.- International Workshop on Management of Computer und Ausbildung; Benutzerschnittstellen Spatial Temporal Data. Fields of interest und Mensch-Computer-Interaktion Informatik (allgemein) Fields of interest Target groups Data Mining und Wissensgewinnung; Daten- Target groups Research bankmanagement; Informationsspeicherung und - Research bereitstellung; Multimedia-Informationssysteme Type of publication Type of publication Contributed volume Target groups Monograph Research More on More on Softcover Type of publication Hardcover 2013. XII, 297 p. 142 illus. (Transactions on Edutain- Proceedings 2013. XXIII, 643 p. 262 illus., 130 in color. (Lecture Notes ment, Band 7544) in Social Networks) More on 78,11 € 117,65 € Softcover ISBN 978-3-642-37041-0 ISBN 978-3-7091-1345-5 2013. XXVI, 845 p. 375 illus. (Information Systems and Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI, Band 7808) 101,65 € ISBN 978-3-642-37400-5 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Informatik 39

S. Liang, University of Calgary, AB, Canada; X. Wang, University N. Vermeir R. Trappl, Austrian Research Institute for AI, Vienna, Austria (Ed.) of Calgary, AB, Canada; C. Claramunt, Naval Academy Research Institute, Lanvéon-Poulmic, France (Eds.) Windows 8 App Projects - XAML and Your Virtual Butler

Web and Wireless Geographical C# Edition The Making-of

Information Systems In most scenarios of the future a personalized virtual Become a leading Windows 8 app developer by butler appears. This butler not only performs com- 12th International Symposium, W2GIS 2013, Banff, Canada, using Windows 8 App Projects - XAML and C# Edi- munication and coordination tasks but also gives April 4-5, 2013, Proceedings tion to learn techniques, tools, and ideas to create recommendations on how to handle everyday prob- successful, 5-star apps. Windows 8 App Projects This book constitutes the refereed conference pro- lems. The aim of this book is to explore the prerequi- - XAML and C# Edition shows you the nuts and ceedings of the 12th International Symposium, sites of such a personalized virtual butler by asking: bolts of the Windows 8 development ecosystem. W2GIS 2013, held in Banff, Canada, in April 2013. what is known about the capacities and the needs of Then, through a series of example driven chap- The 11 revised full papers and 5 short papers pre- aging people; which information and communica- ters, you'll discover how to leverage the platform#s sented were carefully selected from 28 submissions. tion technologies have been used in assisting/con- unique features. With each project, you'll be one The program covers a wide range of topics includ- versing with persons, especially older ones, and what step closer to building full-featured, responsive, ing Spatial Semantics and Databases, Location-based were the results; what are the advantages/disadvan- and well designed apps that feel like they#re a part Services and Applications, Trajectory Representation tages of virtual butlers as mainly software programs of the operating system. Windows 8 App Projects - and Sensor Web, Spatial Analysis and Systems and compared robots as butlers; and which methods, XAML and C# Edition is a great book for developers Map Generation and Modeling. especially in artificial[...] that already know their way around the .net frame- Features work[...] Features This book constitutes the refereed conference pro- In most scenarios of the future a personalized vir- Features ceedings of the 12th International Symposium, tual butler appears. This butler not only performs Become a leading Windows 8 app developer by using W2GIS 2013, held in Banff, Canada, in April 2013. communication and coordination tasks but also Windows 8 App Projects - XAML and C# Edition to The 11 revised full papers and 5 short papers pre- gives recommendations on how to handle everyday learn techniques, tools, and ideas to create success- sented were carefully selected from 28 submissions. problems.The aim of this book is to explore the pre- ful, 5-star apps. Windows 8 App Projects - XAML The program covers a wide range of topics includ- requisites of such a personalized virtual butler by and C# Edition shows you the nuts and bolts of the ing Spatial Semantics and Databases, Location-based asking: what is known about the capacities and the Windows 8 development ecosystem. Then, through Services and Applications, Trajectory Representation needs of aging people; which information and [..] a series of example driven chapters, you'll discover- and Sensor [..] how to leverage the platform#s [..] Contents Contents From Jeeves to Jeannie to Siri, and Then?.- Part I: Fields of interest Grounding Linked Open Data in WordNet: The Psychological and Social Considerations.- Would a Informatik (allgemein) Case of the OSM Semantic Network.- A Strategy for Virtual Butler Do a Good Job for Old People? Psy- Optimizing a Multi-Site Query in a Distributed Spa- Target groups chological Considerations about Benefits and Risks tial Database.- The Impact of Spatial Resolution and Popular/general of Technological Assistance.- Framing the Invisible Representation on Human Mobility Predictability.- – The Social Background of Trust.- Part II: Experi- A Data-driven Approach for Convergence Predic- Type of publication ences with/Prerequisites for Virtual or Robotic Com- tion on Road Network.- Tour Suggestion for Out- Professional book panions.- Virtual Butler: What Can We Learn from door Activities.- Interpreting Pedestrian Bahaviour Adaptive User Interfaces?.- Towards Affect Sensitive by Visualising and Clustering Movement Data.- A More on and Socially Perceptive Companions.- Before We Multi-Modal Communication Approach to Describ- Softcover Get There, Where Are We Going?.- Virtual Helper ing the Surroundings to Mobile Users.- An Adaptive 2013. XV, 210 p. or Virtual Card Player? Contrasting[...] Context Acquisition Framework to Support Mobile 40,61 € Spatial and[...] ISBN 978-1-4302-5065-4 Fields of interest Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Künstliche Intelligenz (einschl. Roboter); Benutzer- Fields of interest schnittstellen und Mensch-Computer-Interaktion; Datenbankmanagement; Informationsspeicherung Computer und Gesellschaft und -bereitstellung; Anwendung von Information- ssystemen (einschl. Internet); Multimedia-Informa- Target groups tionssysteme; Rechnernetze; Benutzerschnittstellen Research und Mensch-Computer-Interaktion Type of publication Target groups Contributed volume Professional/practitioner More on Type of publication Softcover Proceedings 2013. XVI, 187 p. 42 illus. (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Band 7407) More on 49,22 € Softcover ISBN 978-3-642-37345-9 2013. X, 223 p. 103 illus. (Information Systems and Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI, Band 7820) 49,22 € ISBN 978-3-642-37086-1 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 40 Life Sciences

D. Richard, Universität Toulouse III, Toulouse, France; P. Chevalet, A. Sigel, University of Basel, Switzerland; H. Sigel, University of Life Sciences Universität Toulouse II, Toulouse, France; T. Soubaya, Lycée Basel, Switzerland; R.K. Sigel, University of Zürich, Switzerland Pierre de Fermat, Toulouse, France (Eds.)

K. Martin, University of Hohenheim, Germany; J. Sauerborn, Uni- Biologie in Farbtafeln Cadmium: From Toxicity to versity of Hohenheim, Germany Essentiality Der Aufbau des Buches folgt den grundlegenden Agroecology Funktions-Prinzipien der Lebewesen: 1) Von der Volume 11 provides in an authoritative and timely Zelle zum Organismus, 2) Die Physiologie der manner in 16 stimulating chapters, written by 40 Ernährung, 3) Die Reaktion auf äußere Reize, 4) This book represents an interdisciplinary approach internationally recognized experts from 11 nations, Fortpflanzung und Entwicklung. Die Gesamtheit to the relevant aspects of agricultural production and supported by more than 2600 references, 35 der biologischen Aspekte wird in Form von gut 200 related to the interactions between natural processes, tables, and over 100 illustrations, many in color, a Farbtafeln mit insgesamt 600 Farbschemata und human activities and the environment. It provides most up-to-date view on the role of cadmium for life, Farbfotos behandelt. Auf diese Weise können die condensed and comprehensive knowledge on the presently a vibrant research area. MILS-11 covers the wesentlichen Grundkenntnisse der Biologie einfach functions of various agroecosystems at the field, bioinorganic chemistry of Cd(II), its biogeochem- wiederholt werden. Die Abbildungen stehen im Mit- landscape and global scale. Understanding and inte- istry, anthropogenic release into the environment, telpunkt, der begleitende Text fasst die wesentlichen grating complex ecological processes into field pro- and speciation in the atmosphere, waters, soils, and Ideen zusammen. Eine wichtige Basislektüre für alle duction, land management and food systems is sediments. The analytical tools for Cd determination, Bachelor- und Lehramtsstudierenden essential in order to deal with the challenges of mod- its imaging in cells, and the use of 113Cd NMR to ern crop and livestock production: the need for food Features probe Zn(II) and Ca(II) proteins are summarized, as security for the growing human population, and the Das Grundlagenwissen der Biologie hat in den let- are Cd(II) interactions[...] necessity to combat the detrimental effects of food zten Jahrzehnten rasant zugenommen, was ein production on the environment. The[...] Features tieferes Verständnis der Lebewesen auf moleku- Cadmium: From Toxicity to Essentiality, MILS-11 larer und systematischer Ebene ermöglichte. Features provides in an authoritative and timely manner in Dieser Bildtafelband basiert auf diesen neuesten This book represents an interdisciplinary approach 16 stimulating chapters, written by 40 internation- Erkenntnissen.Gliederung:Teil 1: Von der Zelle zum to the relevant aspects of agricultural production ally recognized experts from 11 nations, and sup- OrganismusDie ZelleDer Gewebeaufbau und die related to the interactions between natural processes, ported by more than 2600 references, 35 tables, and interzelluläre KommunikationDer OrganismusDie human activities and the environment. It provides over 100 illustrations, many in color, a most up-to- [..] condensed and comprehensive knowledge on the date view on the role of cadmium for life, presently a functions of various agroecosystems at the field, Contents vibrant research area. MILS-11 covers the [..] landscape and global scale. Understanding and inte- Die Zelle.- Der Gewebeaufbau und die interzelluläre grating complex ecological processes into field [..] Contents Kommunikation.- Der Organismus.- Die genetische 1. The Bioinorganic Chemistry of Cadmium in Information und ihre Umsetzung.- Der Flüssigkeit- Contents the Context of Its Toxicity. - 2. Biogeochemistry shaushalt und –transport. Die Homöostase.- Die 1. Introduction.- 2. Origin and development of agri- of Cadmium and Its Release to the Environment. Ernährung.- Die Atmung.- Die Ausscheidung.- Die culture.- 3. Patterns and processes in ecosystems.- - 3. Speciation of Cadmium in the Environment. - Wahrnehmung.- Die Bewegung.- Das Abwehrsys- 4. Crops and their environment.- 5. Management of 4. Determination of Cadmium in Biological Sam- tem.- Das Ökosystem und seine Populationen.- Die unwanted organisms.- 6. Production and manage- ples. - 5. Imaging and Sensing of Cadmium in Cells. Fortpflanzung.- Das Wachstum und die Entwick- ment of livestock resources.- 7. Climate zones and - 6. Use of 113Cd NMR to Probe the Native Metal lung. land use.- 8. Agroecological aspects of global change. Binding Sites in Metalloproteins: An Overview. - Fields of interest 7. Solid State Structures of Cadmium Complexes Fields of interest with Relevance for Biological Systems. - 8. Complex Agrarwissenschaften; Ökologie; Ökosysteme; Land- Biologie (allgemein); Botanik; Zoologie; Zellbiologie; Entwicklungsbiologie; Ökologie Formation of Cadmium(II) with Sugar Residues, schaftsökologie; Geographie (allgemein); Biogeowis- Nucleobases, Phosphates, Nucleotides, and Nucleic senschaften Target groups Acids. - 9.[...] Lower undergraduate Target groups Fields of interest Upper undergraduate Type of publication Proteinforschung ; Biomedizin (allgemein); Analytis- che Chemie; Anorganische Chemie; Wissenschaft Type of publication German textbook Undergraduate textbook More on Target groups More on Softcover Research Hardcover 2013. XVII, 249 S. 495 Abb. in Farbe. 24,95 € Type of publication 2013. X, 330 p. 201 illus. Contributed volume 74,85 € ISBN 978-3-642-32983-8 ISBN 978-94-007-5916-9 Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. More on Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Hardcover 2013. XXXVI, 560 p. 128 illus., 43 in color. (Metal Ions in Life Sciences, Band 11) 181,85 € ISBN 978-94-007-5178-1 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Life Sciences 41

T. de Saussure M.L. East, Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, Berlin, Ger- I.R. Phillips, University of London, UK; E.A. Shephard, University many; M. Dehnhard, Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, College London, UK; P.R. Ortiz de Montellano, University of Cali- Berlin, Germany (Eds.) fornia, San Francisco, CA, USA (Eds.) Chemical Research on Plant Growth

A translation of Théodore de Saussure's Recherches chimiques Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 12 Cytochrome P450 Protocols sur la Végétation

Recherches Chimiques sur la Végétation was a sem- Three invited international experts present Cytochromes P450 (CYPs) comprise a large super- inal work in the development of the understanding overviews of recent developments in key fields and family of proteins that are of central importance of photosythesis and plant chemistry. The origi- will submit chapters for the book. Jane Hurst from in the detoxification or activation of a tremendous nal publication, which was the first concise summa- Liverpool University in the UK presents an overview number of natural and synthetic hydrophobic xeno- tion of the basics of plant nutrition, was a landmark on the function, mechanisms and evolution of chem- biotics, including many therapeutic drugs, chemi- in plant science. It was twice translated into Ger- ical signals, Penelope Hawkins from the University cal carcinogens and environmental pollutants. CYPs man during the nineteenth century, but no English of Western Australia will detail the importance of are important in mediating interactions between an translation has been published. This translation will male odors in female mate-choice and the priming organism and its chemical environment and in the interest those in the plant, chemical, agricultural, of female reproduction, and Francesco Bonadonna regulation of physiological processes. Cytochrome and soil sciences, and the history of science, who find from CNRS-CEFE, Montpellier in France presents P450 Protocols, Third Edition focuses on high- English more accessible than French or German and an overview of the importance of chemical signals throughput methods for the simultaneous analysis of who wish to learn more about the early research on for the formation and maintenance of pair-bonds, multiple CYPs, substrates or ligands. Although the photosynthesis and plant science. Nicholas- parent – offspring recognition and navigation in emphasis is on CYPs of mammalian origin, it reflects Théodore de[...] seabirds. Select submissions are invited by the[...] an increasing interest in CYPs of bacterial[...]

Features Features Features Nicholas-Théodore de Saussure, a Swiss plant phys- This volume presents the proceedings of “Chemi- Cytochromes P450 (CYPs) comprise a large super- iologist and plant chemist, was the last of the early cal Signals in Vertebrates 12”, hosted by the Leib- family of proteins that are of central importance pioneers of photosynthesis research. His most niz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research and held in the detoxification or activation of a tremendous important contributions were the demonstration between 28th – 31st August, 2011 at the Schloss number of natural and synthetic hydrophobic xeno- that water is a component of plant dry matter; that Friedrichsfelde and the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and biotics, including many therapeutic drugs, chemi- plants obtain their carbon from the carbon dioxide Wildlife Research, Berlin, Germany. Chemical Sig- cal carcinogens and environmental pollutants. CYPs of the air, not from carbonic acid dissolved in the soil nals in Vertebrates 12 contains the latest research on are important in mediating interactions between an water, as most of his contemporaries believed; and chemical [..] organism and its chemical environment and in the [..] regulation of [..] Contents Contents Part 1. Olfaction: Receptors and Neural Process- Contents Foreword.- Acknowledgments.- About the Trans- ing.- 1. Neural Substrate to Associate Odorants and Bioluminescent Assays for Cytochrome P450 lator.- Brief Biography of Théodore de Saus- Pheromones: Convergence of Projections from the Enzymes. In Vitro Drug-Drug Interaction Assay.- sure.- 1.Introduction.- A. Plant nutrition concepts Main and Accessory Olfactory Bulbs in Mice.- 2. High-Throughput Mass Spectrometric Cytochrome before the pioneering research on photosynthesis.- Acceleration of Puberty Onset in Female Mice by P450 Inhibition Screening.- The Synthesis, Char- B. Contributions to knowledge of plant nutrition Male Urinary Odours: Chemosensory, Physiological acterization and Application of 13C-Methyl Iso- and physiology by the photosynthesis pioneers who and Neuroendocrine Mechanisms.- 3. The Recessus cyanide as an NMR Probe of Heme Protein Active preceded Théodore de Saussure.- C. De Saussure Olfactorius: A Cryptic Olfactory Organ of Anuran Sites.- High-Throughput Fluorescence Assay for provides extensive quantitative data to address the Amphibians.- Part 2 Mother-Offspring Communi- Cytochrome P450 Mechanism-Based Inactivators.- important questions.- D. De Saussure’s work enables cation.- 4. Smell, Suck, Survive: Chemical Signals and Identification of Endogenous Substrates of Orphan completion of the overall chemical equation for pho- Suckling in the Rabbit, Cat and Dog.- 5. Neonatal Cytochrome P450 Enzymes Through the Use of tosynthesis.- E. Critical reception of Recherches Recognition in Sheep.- 6. Suckling Odours in Rats Untargeted Metabolomics Approaches.- Genetic and chimiques sur la Végétation, its legacy, and[...] and[...] Mass Spectrometric Tools for Elucidating the Physi- ological Function(s) of[...] Fields of interest Fields of interest Botanik; Pflanzenbiochemie; Pflanzenanatomie / - Tierökologie; Tierbiochemie; Ökologie Fields of interest entwicklung; Pflanzenphysiologie Proteinforschung ; Protein-Ligand-Interaktionen Target groups Target groups Graduate Target groups Research Professional/practitioner Type of publication Type of publication Contributed volume Type of publication Monograph More on Contributed volume More on Hardcover More on Hardcover 2013. XVII, 466 p. 99 illus., 26 in color. Hardcover 2013. LIX, 192 p. 7 illus. 160,45 € 2013. XII, 319 p. 53 illus., 31 in color. (Methods in Molec- 160,45 € ISBN 978-1-4614-5926-2 ular Biology, Band 987) ISBN 978-1-4614-4135-9 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 117,65 € Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. ISBN 978-1-62703-320-6 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 42 Life Sciences

Th. Lübberstedt, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA; R.K. Varsh- L. Eichinger, University of Cologne, Germany; F. Rivero (Eds.) M.H. Cassini, National Scientific and Technical Research Council & ney, ICRISAT, Patancheru, India (Eds.) Luján University, Argentina Dictyostelium discoideum Protocols Diagnostics in Plant Breeding Distribution Ecology

Dictyostelium discoideum is a well-establish eukary- From Individual Habitat Use to Species Biogeographical “Diagnostics in Plant Breeding” is systematically otic model organism that offers unique advantages Range organizing cutting-edge research reviews on the for studying fundamental cellular processes, includ- This book brings together a set of approaches to the development and application of molecular tools for ing signal transduction, random and directed cell study of individual-species ecology based on the the prediction of plant performance. Given its sig- motility, cytokinesis, endocytosis and vesicle trans- analysis of spatial variations of abundance. Distribu- nificance for mankind and the available research port and development. Dictyostelium is also increas- tion ecology assumes that ecological phenomena can resources, medical sciences are leading the area of ingly used for the investigation of human disease be understood when analyzing the extrinsic (envi- molecular diagnostics, where DNA-based risk assess- genes and the crosstalk between host and pathogen. ronmental) or intrinsic (physiological constraints, ments for various diseases and biomarkers to deter- The availability of the genome sequence at a mouse population mechanisms) that correlate with this spa- mine their onset become increasingly available. click together with a whole range of supporting tial variation. Ecological processes depend on geo- So far, most research in plant genomics has been information and resources along with a powerful graphical scales, so their analysis requires following directed towards understanding the molecular basis armoury of molecular genetics techniques have con- environmental heterogeneity. At small scales, the of biological processes or phenotypic traits. From a siderably enhanced the experimental attractiveness effects of biotic factors of ecosystems are strong, plant breeding perspective, however, the main inter- of D. discoideum in recent years. The[...] est is in predicting optimal genotypes[...] while at large scales, abiotic factors such as climate, Features govern ecological functioning. Responses of organ- Features Dictyostelium discoideum is a well-establish eukary- isms also depend on[...] “Diagnostics in Plant Breeding” is systematically otic model organism that offers unique advantages Features organizing cutting-edge research reviews on the for studying fundamental cellular processes, includ- . development and application of molecular tools for ing signal transduction, random and directed cell the prediction of plant performance. Given its sig- motility, cytokinesis, endocytosis and vesicle trans- Contents nificance for mankind and the available research port and development. Dictyostelium is also increas- Part I: Concepts and definitions.- 1. Concepts and resources, medical sciences are leading the area of ingly used for the investigation of human disease Definitions Part II: Levels within species.- 2. Distri- molecular diagnostics, where DNA-based risk assess- genes and the crosstalk between host and [..] bution of individuals.- 3. Distribution of aggrega- ments for various diseases and biomarkers to deter- tions.- 4 Distribution of societies.- 5. Distribution mine their [..] Contents of subpopulations .- 6 Distribution of populations.- The Amoebozoa.- The Model Organism Dic- 7. Distribution of species.- Part III: Levels outside Contents tyostelium discoideum.-Comparative Genomics of species.- 8. Distribution of species assemblages.- Section 1. Introduction.- Chapter 1. Diagnostics in the Dictyostelids.- One Stop Shop for Everything Part IV: Applications.- 10. Distribution ecology plants; T. Lübberstedt.- Chapter 2. Non-DNA bio- Dictyostelium: DictyBase and the Dicty Stock Cen- in conservation biology.- 11. Distribution ecology markers; Christin Falke.- Section 2. Identification ter in 2012.- Fluorescent Reporters and Methods to in animal production.- Part V: Conclusions and of quantitative trait polymorphisms (QTPs).- Chap- Analyze Fluorescent Signals.-Collection and Cul- prospects.- 12. Conclusions. ter 3. Gene identification: forward genetics; Qing tivation of Dictyostelids from the Wild.-Identifi- Ji.- Chapter 4. Gene identification: reverse genetics; cation and Verification of microRNAs by High- Fields of interest George Haughn.- Chapter 5. Allele re-sequencing throughput Sequencing.- Transcriptional Profiling Tierökologie; Landschaftsökologie; Gesellschafts- technologies; Torben Asp.- Chapter 6. Association of Dictyostelium with RNA Sequencing.- Analysis of und Populationsökologie; Ökosysteme; Biodiversität studies; Yongsheng Chen.- Section 3. Validation of Chromatin Organization by Deep Sequencing Tech- QTPs.- Chapter 7. TILLING; Gunter Backes.- Chap- nologies.- Pharmacogenetics of Resistance to Cis- Target groups ter 8. Gene Replacement; Paul Hooykaas, Sylvia de platin and Other[...] Graduate Pater.- Section 4. Conversion of QTPs[...] Fields of interest Type of publication Fields of interest Mikrobiologie; Eukaryonten-Mikrobiologie Monograph Pflanzenzucht / Biotechnologie; Pflanzengenetik und Genomik; Botanik; Agrarwissenschaften; Biologie Target groups More on (allgemein); Biodiversität Professional/practitioner Hardcover 2013. XII, 219 p. 74 illus., 1 in color. Target groups Type of publication 160,49 € Research Contributed volume ISBN 978-1-4614-6414-3 More on Type of publication Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Contributed volume Hardcover 2013. XII, 479 p. 110 illus., 55 in color. (Methods in Mol- More on ecular Biology, Band 983) Hardcover 117,65 € 2013. XV, 521 p. 45 illus., 32 in color. ISBN 978-1-62703-301-5 160,45 € Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. ISBN 978-94-007-5686-1 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Life Sciences 43

T.K. Lim J.C. Samuelson, New England Biolabs, Inc., Ipswich, MA, USA (Ed.) F.W. Keeley, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON, Canada; R.P. Mecham, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA (Eds.) Edible Medicinal And Non- Enzyme Engineering Evolution of Extracellular Matrix Medicinal Plants Methods and Protocols

Volume 6, Fruits Whether the pursuit is commercially motivated or The evolution of single cells into multicellular organ- purely academic, engineering a novel biological cat- isms was mediated, in large part, by the extracellu- This book continues as volume 6 of a multi-com- alyst is an enticing challenge. High-resolution pro- lar matrix. The proteins and glycoconjugates that pendium on Edible Medicinal and Non-Medici- tein structure analysis allows for rational alteration make up the extracellular matrix provide structural nal Plants. It covers edible fruits/seeds used fresh, of enzyme function, yet many useful enzyme variants support to cellular complexes, facilitate cell adhe- cooked or processed into other by-products, or as are the product of well-designed selection schemes sion and migration, and impart mechanical proper- vegetables, cereals, spices, stimulant, edible oils and or screening strategies. Enzyme Engineering: Meth- ties that are important for tissue function. Each class beverages. It covers selected species from the fol- ods and Protocols provides guidance to investigators of ECM macromolecule has evolved to incorporate lowing families: Sapindaceae, Sapotaceae, Schisan- wishing to create enzyme variants with desired prop- distinctive properties that are defined by conserved draceae, Solanaceae, Thymelaeaceae, Urticaceae, erties. This detailed volume covers such topics as a modules that are mixed together to achieve appro- Vitaceae and Winteraceae. This work will be of simple method for generating site-specific mutations priate function. This volume provides a compre- significant interest to scientists, researchers, med- within bacterial chromosomes. It also highlights the hensive analysis of how the major ECM components ical practitioners, pharmacologists, ethnobotanists, engineering of two difference types of rare-cutting evolved over time in order to fill their specific roles horticulturists, food nutritionists, agriculturists, endonucleases that[...] found in modern organisms. The[...] botanists, conservationists, lecturers, students and the general public. Topics covered[...] Features Features Whether the pursuit is commercially motivated or The evolution of single cells into multicellular organ- Features purely academic, engineering a novel biological cat- isms was mediated, in large part, by the extracellu- This book continues as volume 6 of a multi-com- alyst is an enticing challenge. High-resolution pro- lar matrix. The proteins and glycoconjugates that pendium on Edible Medicinal and Non-Medici- tein structure analysis allows for rational alteration make up the extracellular matrix provide structural nal Plants. It covers edible fruits/seeds used fresh, of enzyme function, yet many useful enzyme variants support to cellular complexes, facilitate cell adhesion cooked or processed into other food products, or are the product of well-designed selection schemes and migration, and impart mechanical properties used as vegetables, spices, stimulants, edible oils and or screening strategies. Enzyme Engineering: Meth- that are important for tissue function. Each class of beverages. It covers selected species from the fol- ods and Protocols provides guidance to [..] ECM macromolecule has evolved to incorporate [..] lowing families: Sapindaceae, Sapotaceae, Schisan- draceae, Solanaceae, Thymelaeaceae, Urticaceae, Contents Contents Vitaceae [..] A Tripartite Fusion System for the Selection of Pro- Josephine C. Adams: Extracellular Matrix Evolution: tein Variants with Increased Stability in vivo.- Deter- An Overview.- Hiroshi Wada: Domain Shuffling and Contents mining Enzyme Kinetics via Isothermal Titration the Evolution of Vertebrate Extracellular Matrix.- Introduction.- Sapindaceae.- Sapotaceae.- Schisan- Calorimetry.- GFP Reporter Screens for the Engi- Jean-Yves Exposito, Claire Lethias: Invertebrate and draceae.- Solanaceae.-Thymelaeaceae.- Urticaceae.- neering of Amino Acid Degrading Enzymes from Vertebrate Collagens.- Fred. W. Keeley: The Evo- Vitaceae.- Winteraceae.- Medical Glossary.- Scien- Libraries Expressed in Bacteria.- Flow Cytometric lution of Elastin.- Sacha Jensen, David Yadin, Ian tific Glossary.- Common Name Index.- Scientific Assays for Interrogating LAGLIDADG Homing Robertson, Penny Handford: Evolutionary Insights Name Index. Endonuclease DNA Binding and Cleavage Proper- into Fibrillin Structure and Function in the Extracel- Fields of interest ties.- TAL Effector Nuclease (TALEN) Engineering.- lular Matrix.- Fernando Segade: Molecular Evolution Botanik; Agrarwissenschaften; Biomedizin (allge- In vitro Evolution of Enzymes.- Residue-Specific of the Microfibril-associated Proteins: The Fibulins mein); Medizin (allgemein); Biodiversität; Chemie Incorporation of Unnatural Amino Acids into Pro- and the MAGPs.- Cristina A. Baratta, Theodore J. (allgemein) teins In vitro and In vivo.- Reconstructing Evolu- Brown, Fahd Al-Dhalaan, Maurice J.[...] tionary Adaptive[...] Target groups Fields of interest Research Fields of interest Zellbiologie; Evolutionsbiologie; Zellphysiologie Biochemie; Enzymologie Type of publication Target groups Monograph Target groups Research Professional/practitioner More on Type of publication Hardcover Type of publication Monograph 2013. XI, 606 p. 255 illus., 89 in color. Contributed volume More on 181,85 € More on Hardcover ISBN 978-94-007-5627-4 Hardcover 2013. IX, 290 p. 50 illus., 23 in color. (Biology of Extracel- Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 2013. XI, 252 p. 52 illus., 19 in color. (Methods in Molec- lular Matrix) ular Biology, Band 978) 149,79 € 101,60 € ISBN 978-3-642-36001-5 ISBN 978-1-62703-292-6 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 44 Life Sciences

D.W. DeSimone, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA; A. Malik, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India; E. Grohmann, R.K. Velu, Bharathidasan University, Tamil Nadu, India (Ed.) R.P. Mecham, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA (Eds.) University Medical Center Freiburg, Germany; M. Alves, Univer- sity of Minho, Braga, Portugal (Eds.) Microbiological Research In Extracellular Matrix in Agroecosystem Management Development Management of Microbial Resources in the Environment Agroecosystem is an ideal dynamic functional sys- Cells in the developing embryo depend on signals tem with a set of chemical and biological interaction from the extracellular environment to help guide This volume details the exploration, collection, taking place in plant surface either below or above their differentiation. An important mediator in this characterization, evaluation and conservation of the ground levels. These levels of interaction activ- process is the extracellular matrix – secreted macro- microbes for sustainable utilization in the develop- ities fundamentally with microorganism-plant-soil molecules that interact to form large protein net- ment of the global as well as national economies, e.g. systems are extended upto the level of entire agri- works outside the cell. During development, the in agriculture, ecosystems, environments, industry cultural economy. Greatly simplified, the agroe- extracellular matrix serves to separate adjacent cell and medicine. Many research institutes and univer- cosystems control the various range of energy flux, groups, participates in establishing morphogenic sities all over the world carry out microbiological resources exchange, organic and inorganic nutrient gradients, and, through its ability to interact directly and biotechnological research, which generates sub- budgets and population dynamics. The main aim of will cell-surface receptors, provides developmental stantial genomic resources such as cDNA libraries, this edited volume is to provide a broad spectrum of clocks and positional information. This volume dis- gene constructs, promoter regions, transgenes and agroecosystems structure, function and maintenance cusses how the extracellular matrix influences fun- more valuable assets for gene discovery and trans- involved in microbial research. This book consists of damental developmental processes and how model genic product development. This work provides up- 20 full length[...] systems can be used to elucidate[...] to-date information on the management of microbial resources in the environment. It[...] Features Features Agroecosystem is an ideal dynamic functional sys- Cells in the developing embryo depend on signals Features tem with a set of chemical and biological interaction from the extracellular environment to help guide This volume details the exploration, collection, taking place in plant surface either below or above their differentiation. An important mediator in this characterization, evaluation and conservation of the ground levels. These levels of interaction activ- process is the extracellular matrix – secreted macro- microbes for sustainable utilization in the develop- ities fundamentally with microorganism-plant-soil molecules that interact to form large protein net- ment of the global as well as national economies, e.g. systems are extended upto the level of entire agricul- works outside the cell. During development, the in agriculture, ecosystems, environments, industry tural economy. Greatly simplified, the agroecosys- extracellular matrix serves to separate adjacent cell and medicine. Many research institutes and universi- tems control the various range of energy flux, [..] groups, participates in establishing morphogenic [..] ties all over the world carry out microbiological and biotechnological research, which generates [..] Contents Contents 1.A Probe on the Status of Microorganisms in the Part I Informational signals in extracellular matrix Contents Air, Soil and Solid Waste Samples of Ariyaman- and matrix influences on cell movement in the 1. Management of Microbial Resources in the Envi- galam Dumping Site at Tiruchirappalli District, developing embryo.- Part II Extracellular matrix- ronment: A Broad Perspective.- 2. Recent devel- South India.- 2.Antifouling Activity of Prodi- direct morphogenesis, growth factor signaling, and opment in the methods of studying microbial giosin Extracted from Estuarine Isolate of Serratia maintenance of the stem cell niche.- Part III Model diversity.- 3. Microbial resource centres towards har- marcescens CMST 07.- 3. Application of Plack- organisms and the lexicon of developmental signals nessing microbial diversity for human welfare.- 4. ett–Burman Design to Optimize Bioprocess Vari- associated with the extracellular matrix. Fungal Biodiversity: A potential tool in plant dis- ables for Decolorization of Reactive red 195 by a ease management.- 5. Polyphasic identification and Termite Associated Bacterial Consortium BUTC7.- Fields of interest preservation of fungal diversity: concepts and appli- 4. 4.Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Strains and Soil Entwicklungsbiologie; Zellbiologie; Regenerative cations.- 6. Bioinformatics approaches in studying Type Influences Growth, Nodulation and Nutrient Medicine/Tissue Engineering; Cytokine und Wachs- microbial diversity.- 7. Recent advantages in metage- Uptake of Casuarina equisetifolia.- 5. Biodegradation tumsfaktoren; Stammzellen nomic studies of soil microbial communities.- 8. of Direct[...] Mobile genetic elements (MGEs) carrying[...] Target groups Fields of interest Research Fields of interest Agrarwissenschaften; Mikrobiologie; Ver- Mikrobielle Ökologie; Biotechnologie; Angewandte schmutzung; Mikrobielle Ökologie; Abwassertech- Type of publication Mikrobiologie; Mikrobengenetik, Genomics; Agrar- nik / Gewässerschutz / Wasserwirtschaft Monograph wissenschaften; Umweltmanagement More on Target groups Target groups Research Hardcover Research 2013. X, 253 p. 41 illus., 37 in color. (Biology of Extracel- Type of publication lular Matrix) Type of publication Contributed volume 149,79 € Contributed volume ISBN 978-3-642-35934-7 More on More on Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Hardcover Hardcover 2013. XVI, 326 p. 135 illus., 67 in color. 2013. XII, 530 p. 34 illus. 160,49 € 160,45 € ISBN 978-81-322-1086-3 ISBN 978-94-007-5930-5 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Life Sciences 45

U. Jakob, University of Michigan; Ann Arbor; MI; USA; D. Reich- D.K. Gupta, Belgian Nuclear Research Centre, Mol, Belgium (Ed.) J.A. Gerrard, Biomolecular Interaction Centre, and School of Bio- mann, University of Michigan;Ann Arbor;MI;USA (Eds.) logical Sciences, University of Canterbury MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology Riddet Institute, Plant-Based Remediation Processes Christchurch, New Zealand (Ed.) Oxidative Stress and Redox

Regulation Phytoremediation is an emerging technology that Protein Nanotechnology employs higher plants for the clean-up of contam- Protocols, Instrumentation, and Applications, Second Edition Many physiological conditions such as host defense inated environments. Basic and applied research have unequivocally demonstrated that selected plant or aging and pathological conditions such as neu- Since the first edition of Protein Nanotechnology species possess the genetic potential to accumulate, rodegenerative diseases, and diabetes are associated Protocols Instruments and Applications the inter- degrade, metabolize and immobilize a wide range with the accumulation of high levels of reactive oxy- section of protein science and nanotechnology has of contaminants.The main focus of this volume is gen species and reactive nitrogen species. This gener- become an exciting frontier in interdisciplinary sci- on the recent advances of technologies using green ates a condition called oxidative stress. Low levels of ences. The second edition of Protein Nanotechnol- plants for remediation of various metals and metal- reactive oxygen species, however, which are continu- ogy Protocols Instruments and Applications expands loids. Topics include biomonitoring of heavy metal ously produced during aerobic metabolism, function upon the previous editions with current, detailed pollution, amendments of higher uptake of toxic as important signaling molecules, setting the meta- chapters that provide examples of proteins which metals, transport of heavy metals in plants, and toxi- bolic pace of cells and regulating processes ranging are now being harnessed for a wide range of appli- city mechanisms. Further chapters discuss agro-tech- from gene expression to apoptosis. For this book we cations, some more developed than others. This nological methods for minimizing pollution[...] would like to recruit the experts in the field of redox book also delves into engineering proteins and an chemistry, bioinformatics and proteomics, redox sig- Features overview of the sorts of tools that are now readily naling and[...] Phytoremediation is an emerging technology that available to manipulate the structure and function of proteins, both rationally and using methods[...] Features employs higher plants for the clean-up of contam- inated environments. Basic and applied research Many physiological conditions such as host defense Features have unequivocally demonstrated that selected plant or aging and pathological conditions such as neu- Since the first edition of Protein Nanotechnology species possess the genetic potential to accumulate, rodegenerative diseases, and diabetes are associated Protocols Instruments and Applications the inter- degrade, metabolize and immobilize a wide range with the accumulation of high levels of reactive oxy- section of protein science and nanotechnology has of contaminants.The main focus of this volume is gen species and reactive nitrogen species. This gener- become an exciting frontier in interdisciplinary sci- on the recent advances of technologies using green ates a condition called oxidative stress. Low levels of ences. The second edition of Protein Nanotechnol- plants [..] reactive oxygen species, however, which are continu- ogy Protocols Instruments and Applications expands ously produced during aerobic metabolism, [..] Contents upon the previous editions with current, detailed chapters that provide examples of proteins [..] Contents Phytoremediation protocols: An overview.- Proto- cols for applying phytotechnologies in metal conta- Chapter 1 The Chemistry of Thiol Oxidation and Contents minated soils.- Metal/metalloid phytoremediation: Detection.- Chapter 2 Radical Scavenging by Thi- Protein Nanotechnology – What is it?.- Bioengi- Ideas and future.- Remediation mechanisms of trop- ols and the Fate of Thiyl Radicals.- Chapter 3 Redox neered Silk Proteins to Control Cell and Tissue ical plants for lead contaminated environment.- Homeostasis.- Chapter 4 Sulfenic Acids and Per- Functions.- Aqueous-based Spinning of Fibers from Impact of metal/metalloid contaminated areas on oxiredoxins in Oxidant Defense and Signaling.- Self-Assembling Structural Proteins.- Fibrous Pro- plant growth.- Metal remediation via in vitro root Chapter 5 Fluorescent imaging of redox species tein Nanofibres.- Self-assembling Nanomaterials: cultures.- Use of wetland plants in bioaccumulation in multicellular organisms.- Chapter 6 Redox Pro- Monitoring the Formation of Amyloid Fibrils, with of heavy metals.- A multi-disciplinary challenge for teomics.- Chapter 7 Computational redox biology: a Focus on Small Angle X-ray Scattering.- Amy- phytoremediation of metal-polluted pyrite waste.- methods and applications.- Chapter 8 Redox regu- loid Fibrils from Readily Available Sources: Milk Phyto-transport and assimilation of selenium.- Phy- lation in plants: Glutathione and “Redoxin” related Casein and Lens Crystallin Proteins.- Formation tostabilization as soil remediation[...] families.- Chapter 9 Prokaryotic Redox Switches.- of Amphipathic Amyloid Monolayers from Fungal Chapter 10 Combating Oxidative/Nitrosative Stress Fields of interest Hydrophobin Proteins.- Proteins and Peptides as with[...] Pflanzenphysiologie; Bodenschutz ; Umweltver- Biological Nanowires: Towards Biosensing Devices.- [...] Fields of interest schmutzung; Agrarwissenschaften; Pflanzenbio- chemie Oxidativer Stress; Medizinische Biochemie; Zellphys- Fields of interest iologie; Posttranslationale Modifikation; Systembi- Target groups Proteinforschung ; Nanotechnologie ologie Research Target groups Target groups Type of publication Professional/practitioner Research Contributed volume Type of publication Type of publication More on Contributed volume Contributed volume Hardcover More on More on 2013. XII, 299 p. 62 illus., 14 in color. (Soil Biology, Band Hardcover 35) Hardcover 2013. XV, 371 p. 106 illus., 53 in color. (Methods in Mol- 149,79 € 2013. X, 483 p. 72 illus., 44 in color. ecular Biology, Band 996) ISBN 978-3-642-35563-9 160,45 € 117,69 € ISBN 978-94-007-5786-8 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. ISBN 978-1-62703-353-4 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 46 Life Sciences

D.H. O'Day, University of Toronto at Mississauga, ON, Canada; A. P. Ahmad, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, India; M.M. Azooz, K. Turksen, Ottawa Hospital Research, Ottawa, ON Canada (Ed.) Catalano, University of Toronto at Mississauga, ON, Canada (Eds.) South Valley University, Qena, Egypt; M.N.V. Prasad, University of Hydrabad, Hydrabad, India (Eds.) Skin Stem Cells Proteins of the Nucleolus Salt Stress in Plants Methods and Protocols Regulation, Translocation, & Biomedical Functions Signalling, Omics and Adaptations During the last decade, an increased interest in This book contains 14 original review chapters each somatic stem cells has led to a flurry of research on yielding new, exciting and intriguing data about the Environmental conditions and changes, irrespec- one of the most accessible tissues of the body: skin. emerging understanding of nucleolar structure and tive of source, cause a variety of stresses, one of the Much effort has focused on such topics as under- function in normal, stressed and diseased cells. The most prevalent of which is salt stress. Excess amount standing the heterogeneity of stem cell pools within goal of this work is to provide special insight into of salt in the soil adversely affects plant growth and the epidermis and dermis, and their comparative the nucleolus of the past, present and future, as well development, and impairs production. Nearly 20% utility in regenerative medicine applications. In its regulation, translocation, and biomedical func- of the world’s cultivated area and nearly half of Skin Stem Cells: Methods and Protocols, expert tion. A multitude of topics are introduced and dis- the world’s irrigated lands are affected by salinity. researchers in the field detail many of the methods cussed in detail, including nucleologenesis, nucleolar Processes such as seed germination, seedling growth which are now commonly used to study skin stem architecture, nucleolar targeting, retention, anchor- and vigour, vegetative growth, flowering and fruit cells. These include methods and techniques for the ing, translocation, and the relationship between the set are adversely affected by high salt concentration, isolation, maintenance and characterization of stem nucleolus and cancer. This book also brings together ultimately causing diminished economic yield and cell populations from skin. Written in the highly suc- work from several different species, from human to also quality of produce. Most plants cannot toler- cessful Methods in Molecular[...] Drosophila to[...] ate salt-stress. High salt concentrations decrease the osmotic potential[...] Features Features During the last decade, an increased interest in This book contains 14 original review chapters each Features somatic stem cells has led to a flurry of research on yielding new, exciting and intriguing data about the Among abiotic stresses, soil salinity and sodality are one of the most accessible tissues of the body: skin. emerging understanding of nucleolar structure and major problems limiting plant growth and produc- Much effort has focused on such topics as under- function in normal, stressed and diseased cells. The tivity. These problems are of great concern for coun- standing the heterogeneity of stem cell pools within goal of this work is to provide special insight into the tries whose economies rely on agriculture. Currently the epidermis and dermis, and their comparative nucleolus of the past, present and future, as well its more than 100 countries are adversely affected by utility in regenerative medicine applications. In Skin regulation, translocation, and biomedical function. A salinity and sodality and in many of these regions Stem Cells: Methods and Protocols, expert [..] multitude of topics are introduced and [..] salinization is caused due to irrigation. . The produc- tion of crop is low in saline soil due to salt [..] Contents Contents Interfollicular Epidermal Stem Cells: Boosting and Part I Introduction.- Ch 1 Proteins of the nucleolus.- Contents Rescuing from Adult Skin.- Isolation and Culti- Part II The nucleolus and nucleolar proteins.- Ch Chapter 1: Recent Advances of Metabolomics to vation of Human Scalp Interfollicular Epidermal 2 Functional consequences of nuclear and nucleolar Reveal Plant Response During Salt Stress.- Chapter Stem Cells.- Isolation of Hair Follicle Bulge Stem architecture.- Ch 3 rDNA and nucleologenesis in 2: MicroRNAs and Their Role in Salt Stress Response Cells From YFP-Expressing Reporting Mice.- Analy- Drosophila.- Ch 4 The nucleolus of Dictyostelium in Plants.- Chapter 3: Unravelling Salt Stress in sis of Bulge Stem Cells from the Epidermis using and other lower eukaryotes.- Ch 5 Human rDNA Plants Through Proteomics.- Chapter 4: Genetic Flow Cytometry.- Lineage Tracing of Hair Follicle genes.- Ch 6 Chromatin organization and the mam- Approaches to Improve Salinity Tolerance in Plants.- Stem Cells in Epidermal Whole Mounts.- Isolation malian nucleolus.- Ch 7 Chaperones and multi- Chapter 5: LEA Proteins in Salt Stress Tolerance.- and Characterization of Cutaneous Epithelial Stem tasking proteins in the nucleolus.- Ch 8 Nucleolar Chapter 6: Enhancing Plant Productivity Under Salt Cells.- Identification and Analysis of Epidermal Stem localization/retention signals.- Ch 9 Nucleolar trans- Stress – Relevance of Poly-omics.- Chapter 7: Salt Cells from Primary Mouse Keratinocytes.- Monitor- port of putative GTPase GNL1 and related proteins.- Stress and MAPK Signaling in Plants.- Chapter 8: ing the Cycling Activity of Cultured Human[...] Ch 10 Nucleolar protein anchoring and[...] ABA: Role in Plant Signaling Under Salt Stress.- Chapter 9: Calcium Signaling and Its[...] Fields of interest Fields of interest Zellbiologie; Stammzellen Proteinforschung ; Krebsforschung; Biomedizin (all- Fields of interest gemein); Biologische Mikroskopie Botanik; Pflanzenphysiologie; Pflanzenzucht / Target groups Biotechnologie; Pflanzengenetik und Genomik Professional/practitioner Target groups Research Target groups Type of publication Research Contributed volume Type of publication More on Contributed volume Type of publication Contributed volume Hardcover More on More on 2013. XII, 321 p. 56 illus., 43 in color. (Methods in Molec- Hardcover ular Biology, Band 989) 2013. VI, 371 p. 53 illus., 22 in color. Hardcover 117,69 € 160,45 € 2013. XIII, 509 p. 48 illus., 26 in color. ISBN 978-1-62703-329-9 160,45 € ISBN 978-94-007-5817-9 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. ISBN 978-1-4614-6107-4 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Life Sciences 47

E. Voland, Universität Gießen M. Kawakami, Kanazawa University, Japan; Z.-j. Shen, Kanazawa K. Turksen, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, ON, Canada (Ed.) University, Japan; J.-t. Pai, Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan; X.-l. Gao, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China; M. Zhang, Soziobiologie University of Texas at Austin, TX, USA (Eds.) Stem Cells and Aging

Die Evolution von Kooperation und Konkurrenz Methods and Protocols Spatial Planning and Sustainable ooist den evolutionsbiologischen Ursprüngen und Development Over time, it has become clear that changes in stem Gründen tierlichen und menschlichen Sozialverhal- cells do occur during aging, not only in their num- tens auf der Spur. In diesem Buch werden Strate- Approaches for Achieving Sustainable Urban Form in Asian ber but also in their relationship to their microen- gien sozialer Konkurrenz, also Gewalt, Kampf Cities vironment and their functionality as reflected in und Dominanz behandelt, aber auch Koopera- changes to their metabolome. Stem Cells and Aging: tion, Altruismus und Solidarität. Die Interessen This book attempts to provide insights into the Methods and Protocols brings together chapters der beiden Geschlechtern sind Treibstoff der sex- achievement of a sustainable urban form, through from expert contributors with protocols critical for uellen Selektion. Kooperation ist also immer auch spatial planning and implementation; here, we focus exploring the biology of stem cell aging, all of which brüchiger Kompromiss im Kampf der Geschlechter on planning experiences at the levels of local cities is key for understanding these age-related stem cell zu verstehen. Außerdem geht es um die neuesten and some metropolitan areas in Asian countries. changes at a basic biology level and at the level of Erkenntnisse zur Evolution der Eltern/Kind-Ver- This book investigates the impact of planning policy their impacts for regenerative medicine. Written in hältnisses und um ein Brutpflegeverhalten, das on spatial planning implementation, from multidis- the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology™ Kindesvernachlässigung und zugleich auch tief emp- ciplinary viewpoints encompassing land-use pat- series format, chapters include introductions to their fundene elterliche Zuneigung und Fürsorge möglich terns, housing development, transportation, green respective[...] macht. Beschrieben wird, wie[...] design, and agricultural and ecological systems in the urbanization process. We seek to learn from Features Features researchers in an integrated multidisciplinary plat- Over time, it has become clear that changes in stem Soziobiologie ist den evolutionsbiologischen form that reflects a variety of perspectives, such as cells do occur during aging, not only in their number Ursprüngen und Gründen tierlichen und men- economic development, social equality,[...] but also in their relationship to their microenviron- schlichen Sozialverhaltens auf der Spur. Kosten und ment and their functionality as reflected in changes Nutzen des Soziallebens werden in diesem Buch Features to their metabolome. Stem Cells and Aging: Meth- genauso behandelt wie Strategien sozialer Konkur- This book attempts to provide insights into the ods and Protocols brings together chapters from renz, also Gewalt, Kampf und Dominanz, aber auch achievement of a sustainable urban form, through expert contributors with protocols critical for explor- Kooperation, Altruismus und Solidarität. Die grund- spatial planning and implementation; here, we focus ing the biology of stem cell aging, all of [..] sätzlich in Konflikt miteinander stehenden Inter- on planning experiences at the levels of local cities essen zwischen dem männlichen [..] and some metropolitan areas in Asian countries. Contents This book investigates the impact of planning policy Comprehensive Hematopoietic Stem Cell Isolation Contents on spatial planning implementation, from multidis- Methods.- Serial Transplantation of Bone Marrow 1 Paradigma, Konzepte und Modelle der Soziobi- ciplinary viewpoints encompassing land-use pat- to Test Self-Renewal Capacity of Hematopoietic ologie.- 2 Kooperation und Konflikt in sozialen terns, housing [..] Stem Cells In Vivo.- Mouse Hematopoietic Stem Gruppen.- 3 Geschlechterbeziehungen.- 4 Cell Transplantation.- Isolation, Characterization, Fortpflanzungsstrategien.- 5 Soziobiologie, Anthro- Contents and Transplantation of Adult Liver Progenitor pologie und menschliche Kultur. Part 1 Urbanization and Sustainable Society - Section Cells.- Isolation of Muscle-Derived Stem/Progeni- Urbanization and planning approach.- Part 2 Urban- tor Cells Based on Adhesion Characteristics to Col- Fields of interest ization and Sustainable Society - Section Housing lagen-Coated Surfaces.- Human Myoblasts from Biologie (allgemein); Verhaltenswissenschaften; and Transportation.- Part 3 Landscape and Ecologi- Skeletal Muscle Biopsies: In Vitro Culture Prepara- Zoologie; Sexualkunde; Gesellschafts- und cal System, Sustainable Development - Section Green tions for Morphological and Cytochemical Analy- Umweltpsychologie; Philosophie der Biologie design and landscape.- Part 4 Landscape and Ecolog- ses at Light and Electron Microscopy.- Cardiac Stem ical System, Sustainable Development - Section Agri- Cell[...] Target groups culture and ecological system.- Part 5 Landscape and Upper undergraduate Ecological System, Sustainable Development - Sec- Fields of interest tion Vulnerability of urban system. Zellbiologie; Stammzellen; Regenerative Medi- Type of publication cine/Tissue Engineering German textbook Fields of interest More on Landschaftsökologie; Nachhaltige Entwicklung; Target groups Humangeographie; Umweltmanagement Professional/practitioner Softcover 2013. VIII, 260 S. Target groups Type of publication 24,99 € Professional/practitioner Contributed volume ISBN 978-3-642-34540-1 More on Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Type of publication Contributed volume Hardcover 2013. XI, 179 p. 30 illus., 21 in color. (Methods in Molec- More on ular Biology, Band 976) Hardcover 101,60 € 2013. XXIV, 459 p. 185 illus. (Strategies for Sustainabil- ISBN 978-1-62703-316-9 ity) Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 149,75 € ISBN 978-94-007-5921-3 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 48 Life Sciences

M.J. Alcaraz, University of Valencia, Spain; O. Gualillo, Santiago E.F. DeLong, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, E.F. DeLong, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA; S. Lory, Harvard Med- University Clinical Hospital, Santiago de Compostela, Spain; O. MA, USA; S. Lory, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA; E. ical School, Boston, MA, USA; E. Stackebrandt, Paris, France; F. Sánchez-Pernaute, Autonoma University, Madrid, Spain (Eds.) Stackebrandt, Paris, France; F. Thompson, Federal University of Thompson, Federal Univ of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Eds.) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Eds.) Studies on Arthritis and Joint The Prokaryotes The Prokaryotes Disorders Human Microbiology Applied Bacteriology and Biotechnology The Prokaryotes is a comprehensive, multi-authored, This next volume in our established series proposes The Prokaryotes is a comprehensive, multi-authored, peer reviewed reference work on Bacteria and to systematically review the basic science and clini- peer reviewed reference work on Bacteria and Achaea. This fourth edition of The Prokaryotes is cal knowledge of the role of free radicals and antioxi- Achaea. This fourth edition of The Prokaryotes is organized to cover all taxonomic diversity, using dants, collectively known as “oxidative stress”, in the organized to cover all taxonomic diversity, using the family level to delineate chapters.Different from pathology of arthritis and other joint diseases. It will the family level to delineate chapters.Different from other resources, this new Springer product includes describe the most current diagnostic tools , labora- other resources, this new Springer product includes not only taxonomy, but also prokaryotic biology and tory methods and technology, to suggest ways of pre- not only taxonomy, but also prokaryotic biology and technology of taxa in a broad context. Technologi- vention and treatment and to emphasize the concept technology of taxa in a broad context. Technologi- cal aspects highlight the usefulness of prokaryotes in of the bench-to-bedside approach. The book will also cal aspects highlight the usefulness of prokaryotes in processes and products, including biocontrol agents provide specific coverage on emerging technology processes and products, including biocontrol agents and as genetics tools.The content of the expanded and medical applications including discussions of and as genetics tools.The content of the expanded fourth edition is divided into two parts: Part 1 con- biomarkers and antioxidants as therapeutic agents fourth edition is divided into two parts: Part 1 con- tains review chapters dealing with the most impor- and several more relevant aspects. In addition, the tains review chapters dealing with the most impor- tant general concepts in[...] book will[...] tant general concepts in[...] Features Features Features The Prokaryotes is a comprehensive, multi-authored, Joint diseases are a major public health concern. The Prokaryotes is a comprehensive, multi-authored, peer reviewed reference work on Bacteria and Reactive oxygen species are mediators in pathways peer reviewed reference work on Bacteria and Achaea. This fourth edition of The Prokaryotes is associated with joint tissue injury. Oxidative Stress in Achaea. This fourth edition of The Prokaryotes is organized to cover all taxonomic diversity, using Applied Basic Research and Clinical Practice: Stud- organized to cover all taxonomic diversity, using the family level to delineate chapters.Different from ies on Arthritis and Joint Disorders provides back- the family level to delineate chapters.Different from other resources, this new Springer product includes ground to understanding the role of reactive oxygen other resources, this new Springer product includes not only taxonomy, but also prokaryotic biology and species in joint diseases, as well as therapeutic strate- not only taxonomy, but also prokaryotic biology and technology of taxa in a broad context. [..] gies for their regulation. [..] technology of taxa in a broad context. [..] Contents Contents Contents Preface.- Foreword.- About the Editors.- List of Con- Biomarkers of oxidative stress in joint diseases.- Reg- Preface.- Foreword.- About the Editors.- List of Con- tributors.- The gut microbiota.- Prebiotics.- Pro- ulation of T-cell functions by oxidative stress.- Nitric tributors.- Organic Acid and Solvent Production: biotics.- Identification of pathogens by classical oxide and the respiratory chain in synovial cells and Acetic, Lactic, Gluconic, Succinic and Polyhydrox- clinical tests.- Identification of pathogens by noncul- chondrocytes.- Adipokines, molecular players at yalkanoic Acids.- Organic Acid and Solvent Produc- turing molecular techniques.- Bacterial Adhesion.- the crossroad between inflammation and oxidative tion: Butanol, Acetone and Isopropanol; 1,3- and Cholera.- Tuberculosis.- Legionnaires' Disease.- Lis- stress. Role in arthropathies.- Regulation of carti- 1,2-Propanediol Production; and 2,3-Butanediol teria.- Diphtheria.- Botulism and tetanus.- Whoop- lage and bone metabolism by oxidative stress.- Role Production.- Organic Acid and Solvent Production: ing cough.- Dysentery.- Urinary tract infections.- of oxidative stress in bone aging.- Genetic Compo- Propionic and Butyric Acids and Ethanol.- Amino Burn infections.- Typhoid.- Meningitis.- Rickettsiia nent of Oxidative Stress in Rheumatoid Arthritis.- Acid Production.- Microbial Exopolysaccharides.- diseases.- Syphilis.- Chlamydial diseases.- Bacterial Oxidative stress in rheumatoid arthritis.- Oxidative Bacterial Enzymes.- Diversity and Biotechnological Toxins. stress and premature atherosclerosis in RA.- Role of Applications of Prokaryotic Enzymes.- Bacteria in Oxidative Stress and[...] Food and Beverage Production.- Bacterial[...] Fields of interest Mikrobiologie Fields of interest Fields of interest Oxidativer Stress; Zellbiologie; Rheumatologie Mikrobiologie Target groups Professional/practitioner Target groups Target groups Professional/practitioner Professional/practitioner Type of publication Handbook Type of publication Type of publication More on Contributed volume Handbook 2013. XX, 556 p. 178 illus., 146 in color. eReference. More on More on 678,30 € Hardcover Hardcover ISBN 978-3-642-30144-5 2013. XII, 411 p. 45 illus., 14 in color. (Oxidative Stress in 2013. XVIII, 394 p. 139 illus., 40 in color. Print + eRefer- Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Applied Basic Research and Clinical Practice) ence. 160,45 € 762,91 € ISBN 978-1-4614-6165-4 ISBN 978-3-642-31332-5 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Life Sciences 49

E.F. DeLong, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA; S. Lory, Harvard Med- E.F. DeLong, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA; S. Lory, Harvard Medical P. Ghezzi, Brighton and Sussex Medical School, Falmer, UK; A. ical School, Boston, MA, USA; E. Stackebrandt, Paris, France; F. School, Boston, MA, USA; E. Stackebrandt, DSMZ, Braunschweig, Cerami, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Nether- Thompson, Federal Univ of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Eds.) Germany; F. Thompson, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, lands (Eds.) Brazil (Eds.) The Prokaryotes Tissue-Protective Cytokines The Prokaryotes Human Microbiology Methods and Protocols Prokaryotic Physiology and Biochemistry The Prokaryotes is a comprehensive, multi-authored, While many cytokines are known for their inflam- peer reviewed reference work on Bacteria and The Prokaryotes is a comprehensive, multi-authored, matory action, there is a growing interest in the Achaea. This fourth edition of The Prokaryotes is peer reviewed reference work on Bacteria and tissue-protective effects of some cytokines. The pro- organized to cover all taxonomic diversity, using Achaea. This fourth edition of The Prokaryotes is totypic tissue-protective cytokine is EPO. Initially the family level to delineate chapters.Different from organized to cover all taxonomic diversity, using described as neuro-protective, it is beneficial in ani- other resources, this new Springer product includes the family level to delineate chapters.Different from mal models of ischemic and other types of injury. not only taxonomy, but also prokaryotic biology and other resources, this new Springer product includes Scientists had to overcome the notion that EPO had technology of taxa in a broad context. Technologi- not only taxonomy, but also prokaryotic biology and only erythropoietic actions, was only produced by cal aspects highlight the usefulness of prokaryotes in technology of taxa in a broad context. Technologi- the kidney, and that its receptor was only present in processes and products, including biocontrol agents cal aspects highlight the usefulness of prokaryotes in erythroid progenitor cells. The use of in vitro and in and as genetics tools.The content of the expanded processes and products, including biocontrol agents vivo disease models was essential to demonstrate the fourth edition is divided into two parts: Part 1 con- and as genetics tools.The content of the expanded protective effects of EPO. Reproducible models will tains review chapters dealing with the most impor- fourth edition is divided into two parts: Part 1 con- be needed for the further study of the mechanism of tant general concepts in[...] tains review chapters dealing with the most impor- action of EPO and[...] tant general concepts in[...] Features Features The Prokaryotes is a comprehensive, multi-authored, Features While many cytokines are known for their inflam- peer reviewed reference work on Bacteria and The Prokaryotes is a comprehensive, multi-authored, matory action, there is a growing interest in the Achaea. This fourth edition of The Prokaryotes is peer reviewed reference work on Bacteria and tissue-protective effects of some cytokines. The pro- organized to cover all taxonomic diversity, using Achaea. This fourth edition of The Prokaryotes is totypic tissue-protective cytokine is EPO. Initially the family level to delineate chapters.Different from organized to cover all taxonomic diversity, using described as neuro-protective, it is beneficial in ani- other resources, this new Springer product includes the family level to delineate chapters.Different from mal models of ischemic and other types of injury. not only taxonomy, but also prokaryotic biology and other resources, this new Springer product includes Scientists had to overcome the notion that EPO had technology of taxa in a broad context. [..] not only taxonomy, but also prokaryotic biology and only erythropoietic actions, was only produced by technology of taxa in a broad context. [..] the [..] Contents Preface.- Foreword.- About the Editors.- List of Con- Contents Contents tributors.- The gut microbiota.- Prebiotics.- Pro- Volume 3: Human Microbiology.- Intestinal Tract Erythropoietin and Engineered Innate Repair Acti- biotics.- Identification of pathogens by classical Bacteria.- Oral Microbiology.- Prebiotics.- Pro- vators.- Epo and Non-hematopoietic Cells: What Do clinical tests.- Identification of pathogens by noncul- biotics.- Skin Bacteria.- Bacterial Pathogenesis.- We Know?.- Tissue Protective Cytokines: Structure turing molecular techniques.- Bacterial Adhesion.- Biotoxin.- Botulism and Tetanus.- Bubonic Plague.- and Evolution.- The Regenerative Activity of Inter- Cholera.- Tuberculosis.- Legionnaires' Disease.- Lis- Burn Infections.- Chlamydial Diseases.- Cholera.- leukin-6.- Brain Ischemic Injury in Rodents: The teria.- Diphtheria.- Botulism and tetanus.- Whoop- Diarrhea.- Diphtheria.- Dysentery.- Gonorrhea.- Protective Effect of EPO.- Experımental Traumatıc ing cough.- Dysentery.- Urinary tract infections.- Identification of Pathogens by Classical Clinical Spınal Cord Injury.- Erythropoietin as a Neuropro- Burn infections.- Typhoid.- Meningitis.- Rickettsiia Tests.- Identification of Pathogens by Noncultur- tectant for Neonatal Brain Injury: Animal Mod- diseases.- Syphilis.- Chlamydial diseases.- Bacterial ing Molecular Techniques.- Legionnaires' Dis- els.- Evaluating Effects of EPO in Rodent Behavioral Toxins. ease.- Listeria.- Meningitis.- Plague.- Pneumonia.- Assays Related to Depression.- Erythropoietin and Pseudomonas and Cystic Fibrosis.- Syphilis.- Tuber- Cytoprotective Cytokines in Experimental Traumatic Fields of interest culosis.- Typhoid.- Urinary Tract Infections.-[...] Brain Injury.- Therapeutic Efficacy of[...] Mikrobiologie Fields of interest Fields of interest Target groups Mikrobiologie Biochemie; Humanphysiologie Professional/practitioner Target groups Target groups Type of publication Professional/practitioner Professional/practitioner Handbook Type of publication More on Type of publication Handbook Contributed volume Hardcover More on 2013. XX, 556 p. 178 illus., 146 in color. Print + eRefer- More on ence. Hardcover Hardcover 762,91 € 2013. XIX, 665 p. 236 illus., 151 in color. Print + eRefer- 2013. XI, 328 p. 55 illus., 18 in color. (Methods in Molec- ISBN 978-3-642-30145-2 ence. ular Biology, Band 982) Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. 762,91 € 117,69 € ISBN 978-3-642-30142-1 ISBN 978-1-62703-307-7 Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 50 Materialwissenschaften

G. Gstraunthaler, Medizinische Universität Innsbruck; T. Lindl, C. Fan, Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, China (Ed.) Institut für angewandte Zellkultur, München Materialwissenschaften DNA Nanotechnology Zell- und Gewebekultur P.K. Giri, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India; D.K. From Structure to Function Allgemeine Grundlagen und spezielle Anwendungen Goswami, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India; A. Perumal, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India (Eds.) DNA nanotechnology: From structure to function Dieses Lehr- und Methodenbuch soll Studieren- presents an overview of various facets of DNA nan- den und Wissenschaftlern der Biologie, Medizin, Advanced Nanomaterials and otechnology, with a particular focus on their promis- Pharmazie oder Biotechnologie sowie technischen ing applications. This book is composed of three Assistenten einen Einblick in die Zell- und Gewe- Nanotechnology parts. Part I, Elements of DNA Nanotechnology, bekultur vermitteln. Die leicht nachvollziehbaren provides extensive basic information on DNA nan- "Man-nehme"-Vorschriften machen den praktis- Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology, Dec 8-10, otechnology. Part II, Static and Dynamic DNA Nan- chen Wert des Buches aus. Exemplarisch werden 2011, Guwahati, India otechnology, describes the design and fabrication die wichtigsten Grundoperationen in der tierischen of static and dynamic DNA nanostructures. Recent und pflanzlichen Zellkultur behandelt. Der Info- Nanoscale science and technology have occupied advances in DNA origami, DNA walkers and DNA Anhang enthält stöchiometrische Rechenbeispiele, centre stage globally in modern scientific research nanodevices are all covered in this part. Part III, ein Glossar und Lieferfirmen-Adressen. Gliederung: and discourses in the early twenty first century. The Applications of DNA Nanotechnology, introduces Grundlagen der Zell- und Gewebekultur - Die Zelle enabling nature of the technology makes it impor- a variety of applications of DNA nanotechnology, und ihre Umgebung - Routinemethoden zur Hand- tant in modern electronics, computing, materials, including biosensing, computation, drug delivery, habung kultivierter Zellen - Spezielle Methoden - healthcare, energy and the environment. This vol- etc.[...] Pflanzenzellkultur.Die[...] ume contains selected articles presented (as Invited/ Oral/Poster presentations) at the 2nd international Features Features conference on advanced materials and nanotech- DNA nanotechnology: From structure to function Dieses Lehr- und Methodenbuch soll Studenten nology (ICANN-2011) held recently at the Indian presents an overview of various facets of DNA nan- der Biologie, Medizin, Pharmazie oder Biotech- Institute of Technology Guwahati, during Dec 8-10, otechnology, with a particular focus on their promis- nologie wie auch Wissenschaftlern und technischen 2011. The list of topics covered in this proceedings ing applications. This book is composed of three Assistenten einen umfassenden Einblick in die Zell- include: Synthesis and self assembly of nanomaterials parts. Part I, Elements of DNA Nanotechnology, und Gewebekultur vermitteln. Die theoretischen Nanoscale characterisation[...] provides extensive basic information on DNA nan- Grundlagen wurden verstärkt herausgearbeitet und otechnology. Part II, Static and Dynamic DNA Nan- relevante Gesetzesvorschriften aktualisiert. Praktis- Features otechnology, describes the design and fabrication of che Tipps und Tricks in einer labor- und leserfre- Nanoscale science and technology have occupied static and [..] undlichen Aufmachung [..] centre stage globally in modern scientific research and discourses in the early twenty first century. The Contents Contents enabling nature of the technology makes it impor- Part I Elements of DNA Nanotechnology.-Brief I Allgemeine Grundlagen der Zell- und Gewe- tant in modern electronics, computing, materials, History of DNA Nanotechnology.- Functional bekultur.- 1 Das Zellkulturlabor Räumliche und healthcare, energy and the environment. This vol- Nucleic Acids for DNA Nanotechnology.- Sele- apparative Voraussetzungen.- 2 Steriltechnik – Kon- ume contains selected articles presented (as Invited/ nium Atom-Specific Mutagenesis (SAM) for Crys- taminationen.- 3 Sicherheit in der Zellkultur.- II Die Oral/Poster presentations) at the 2nd international tallography, DNA Nanostructure Design, and Other Zelle und ihre Umgebung.- 4 Zellbiologische Grund- [..] Applications.- Liposomes for DNA Nanotechnol- lagen der Zell- und Gewebekultur.- 5 Kulturge- ogy: Preparation, Properties and Applications.- fäße und ihre Behandlung.- 6 Zellkulturmedien.- Contents Manipulation and Isolation Individual DNA Mole- 7 Serumfreie Zellkultur.- 8 Physiologische Zellkul- Synthesis And Self Assembly Of Nanomaterials.- cules with Atomic Force Microscope.- Single Mol- turparameter.- 9 Reinstwasser für Zell- und Gewe- Nanoscale Characterisation.- Nanophotonics & ecule Mechanics of DNA.- Microfluidic Tools for bekulturen.- III Routinemethoden zur allgemeinen Nanoelectronics.- Nanobiotechnology.- Nanocom- DNA Analysis.-Part II Static and Dynamic DNA Handhabung kultivierter Zellen.-10 Mediumwech- posites.- Nanomagnetism.- Nanomaterials For Nanotechnology.-DNA-Directed Assembly of sel und Fütterungszyklen.- 11 Subkultivierung/Pas- Energy.- Computational Nanotechnology.- Com- Nanophase Materials: An Updated Review.-[...] sagieren.- 12[...] mercialization Of Nanotechnology. Fields of interest Fields of interest Fields of interest Nanotechnologie; Biotechnologie; Nukleinsäuren- Zellbiologie; Biologische Techniken; Labormedizin; Nanotechnologie; Nanobereichwissenschaft und - chemie; Nanobereichwissenschaft und -technologie Pharmazie technologie; Nanochemie Target groups Target groups Target groups Research Upper undergraduate Research Type of publication Type of publication Type of publication Contributed volume German textbook Proceedings More on More on More on Hardcover Special Cover Type Hardcover 2013. VIII, 362 p. 180 illus., 72 in color. 2013. XIV, 340 S. 131 Abb. in Farbe. 2013. XI, 608 p. 347 illus. (Springer Proceedings in 139,09 € 44,95 € Physics, Band 143) ISBN 978-3-642-36076-3 ISBN 978-3-642-33112-1 203,25 € Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. ISBN 978-3-642-34215-8 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Mathematik 51

H. Sitter, Johannes Kepler Universität, Linz, Austria; C. Draxl, H. Altenbach, Universität Magdeburg, Deutschland; N.F. Moro- Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria; M. Ramsey, Karl-Franzens- zov, St. Petersburg State University, Russia (Eds.) Mathematik Universität, Graz, Austria (Eds.) Surface Effects in Solid Mechanics Small Organic Molecules on E. Meinrenken, University of Toronto, ON, Canada Surfaces Models, Simulations and Applications This book summarizes the actual state of the art Clifford Algebras and Lie Theory Fundamentals and Applications and future trends of surface effects in solid mechan- ics. Surface effects are more and more important in This book deals with basic aspects of polymer elec- This monograph provides an introduction to the the precise description of the behavior of advanced tronics and optoelectronics. There is an enormous theory of Clifford algebras, with an emphasis on its materials. One of the reasons for this is the well- world-wide effort both in basic scientific research connections with the theory of Lie groups and Lie known from the experiments fact that the mechan- as well as in industrial development in the area of algebras. The book starts with a detailed presenta- ical properties are significantly influenced if the organic electronics. It is becoming increasingly clear tion of the main results on symmetric bilinear forms structural size is very small like, for example, nanos- that, if devices based on organic materials are ever and Clifford algebras. It develops the spin groups tructures. In this book, various authors study the going to have a significant relevance beyond being and the spin representation, culminating in Cartan’s influence of surface effects in the elasticity, plastic- a cheap replacement for inorganic semiconductors, famous triality automorphism for the group Spin(8). ity, viscoelasticity. In addition, the authors discuss there will be a need to understand interface forma- The discussion of enveloping algebras includes a pre- all important different approaches to model such tion, film growth and functionality. A control of sentation of Petracci’s proof of the Poincaré–Birk- effects. These are based on various theoretical frame- these aspects will allow the realisation of totally new hoff–Witt theorem. This is followed by discussions works such as[...] device concepts exploiting the enormous flexibility of Weil algebras, Chern--Weil theory, the quan- inherent in organic chemistry. In this book we focus Features tum Weil algebra, and the cubic Dirac operator. The on[...] This book summarizes the actual state of the art applications to Lie theory[...] and future trends of surface effects in solid mechan- Features Features ics. Surface effects are more and more important in This book deals with basic aspects of polymer elec- This monograph provides an introduction to the the precise description of the behavior of advanced tronics and optoelectronics. There is an enormous theory of Clifford algebras, with an emphasis on its materials. One of the reasons for this is the well- world-wide effort both in basic scientific research connections with the theory of Lie groups and Lie known from the experiments fact that the mechani- as well as in industrial development in the area of algebras. The book starts with a detailed presentation cal properties are significantly influenced if the struc- organic electronics. It is becoming increasingly clear of the main results on symmetric bilinear forms and tural size is very small like, for example, [..] that, if devices based on organic materials are ever Clifford algebras. It develops the spin groups and the going to have a significant relevance beyond being a Contents spin representation, culminating in Cartan’s famous cheap replacement for inorganic semiconductors, [..] Mathematical Study of Boundary-Value Problems triality automorphism for the group Spin(8). [..] of Linear Elasticity with Surface Stresses.- On the Contents Contents Influence of Residual Surface Stresses on the Proper- Tunable surfaces based upon photoreactive mole- Preface.- Conventions.- List of Symbols.- 1 Sym- ties of Structures at the Nanoscale.- On the Isotropic cular layers and photopolymers.- Reconstruction metric bilinear forms.- 2 Clifford algebras.- 3 The Elastic Properties of Graphene Crystal Lattice.- A of molecule orbitals.- Growth and structural analy- spin representation.- 4 Covariant and contravariant Comparison of Atomistic and Surface Enhanced sis of organic nanofiber.- Transport in OFETs and spinors.- 5 Enveloping algebras.- 6 Weil algebras.- 7 Continuum Approaches at Finite Temperature.- Sur- diodes, a comparison.- Ehrlich Schwoebel barriers Quantum Weil algebras.- 8 Applications to reductive face Mechanics and Full-Field Measurements: Inves- and mound formation in organic thin film growth.- Lie algebras.- 9 D(g; k) as a geometric Dirac opera- tigation of the Electro-Elastic Coupling.- Effect of a Interface engineering in organic field effect tran- tor.- 10 The Hopf–Koszul–Samelson Theorem.- 11 Type of Loading on Stresses at a Planar Boundary of sistors.- Edible electronics.- Optical properties of The Clifford algebra of a reductive Lie algebra.- A a Nanomaterial.- Surface Stress in an Elastic Plane organic nanofibers.- Theoretical description of elec- Graded and filtered super spaces.- B Reductive Lie with a Nearly Circular Hole.- Glass[...] trical transport in disordered systems.- In-situ obser- algebras.- C Background on Lie groups.- References.- vation of organic thin film growth on grapheme.- Fields of interest Index. Optical spectroscopy on organic nanostructures. Oberflächen und Verbindungen, Dünnschichten; Fields of interest Kontinuums- und Werkstoffmechanik ; Ober- Fields of interest Topologische Gruppen, Lie-Gruppen; Assoziative flächen- und Grenzflächenforschung, dünne Optische und elektronische Werkstoffe; Ober- Ringe und Algebren; Mathematical Applications in Schichten flächen- und Grenzflächenforschung, dünne the Physical Sciences; Differentialgeometrie ; Mathe- Schichten; Polymerwissenschaften; Angewandte und Target groups matische Mehoden in der Physik technische Physik; Halbleiter; Angewandte Optik, Research Optoelektronik Target groups Type of publication Graduate Target groups Monograph Research Type of publication More on Graduate/advanced undergraduate textbook Type of publication Hardcover Monograph More on 2013. XI, 194 p. 96 illus., 20 in color. (Advanced Struc- Hardcover More on tured Materials, Band 30) 2013. XX, 321 p. (Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer 106,99 € Hardcover Grenzgebiete. 3. Folge / A Series of Modern Surveys in ISBN 978-3-642-35782-4 2013. XV, 323 p. 184 illus., 106 in color. (Springer Series Mathematics, Band 58) in Materials Science, Band 173) Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 101,64 € 106,95 € ISBN 978-3-642-36215-6 ISBN 978-3-642-33847-2 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 52 Mathematik

M. Efendiev, Helmholtz Center Munich, Neuherberg, Germany J. Barral, Université Paris 13, Villetaneuse, France; S. Seuret, Uni- W.E. Nagel, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany; D.H. versité Paris-Est Créteil, France (Eds.) Kröner, Universität Freiburg, Germany; M.M. Resch, Universität Stuttgart, Germany (Eds.) Evolution Equations Arising in the Modelling of Life Sciences Further Developments in Fractals and Related Fields High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ‘12 This book deals with the modeling, analysis and Mathematical Foundations and Connections simulation of problems arising in the life sciences, Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, and especially in biological processes. The models This volume, following in the tradition of a simi- Stuttgart (HLRS) 2012 and findings presented result from intensive dis- lar 2010 publication by the same editors, is an out- This book presents the state-of-the-art in simula- cussions with microbiologists, doctors and medical growth of an international conference, “Fractals and tion on supercomputers. Leading researchers present staff, physicists, chemists and industrial engineers Related Fields II,” held in June 2011. The book pro- results achieved on systems of the High Performance and are based on experimental data. They lead to a vides readers with an overview of developments in Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) for the year new class of degenerate density-dependent nonlinear the mathematical fields related to fractals, includ- 2012. The reports cover all fields of computational reaction-diffusion convective equations that simulta- ing original research contributions as well as sur- science and engineering ranging from CFD via com- neously comprise two kinds of degeneracy: porous- veys from many of the leading experts on modern putational physics and chemistry to computer sci- medium and fast-diffusion type degeneracy. To date, fractal theory and applications. The chapters cover ence with a special emphasis on industrially relevant this class is still not clearly understood in the mathe- fields related to fractals such as:*geometric measure applications. Presenting results for both vector-sys- matical literature and thus especially interesting. The theory*ergodic theory*dynamical systems*harmonic tems and micro-processor based systems the book author both derives[...] and functional analysis*number theory*probability theoryFurther Developments in Fractals and Related allows to compare performance levels and usability Features Fields is aimed at pure and[...] of various architectures. As HLRS operates not only This book deals with the modeling, analysis and a large cluster system but also one of the largest NEC simulation of problems arising in the life sciences, Features vector systems in the world this[...] and especially in biological processes. The models This volume, following in the tradition of a simi- Features and findings presented result from intensive discus- lar 2010 publication by the same editors, is an out- This book presents the state-of-the-art in simula- sions with microbiologists, doctors and medical staff, growth of an international conference, “Fractals and tion on supercomputers. Leading researchers present physicists, chemists and industrial engineers and are Related Fields II,” held in June 2011. The book pro- results achieved on systems of the High Performance based on experimental data. They lead to a new class vides readers with an overview of developments in Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) for the year of degenerate density-dependent nonlinear [..] the mathematical fields related to fractals, includ- ing original research contributions as well as surveys 2012. The reports cover all fields of computational Contents from many of the leading experts on modern fractal science and engineering ranging from CFD via com- Preface.- 1 Auxiliary Materials.- 2 Global attractors [..] putational physics and chemistry to computer sci- for autonomous evolution equations.- 3 Verifying ence with a special emphasis on industrially relevant life science models containing diffusion, transport Contents [..] and interaction of species.- 4 Positivity criterion for The Rauzy Gasket.- On the Hausdorff Dimension of Contents systems of stochastic PDEs.- Existence and longtime Graphs of Prevalent Continuous Functions on Com- 1. Physics.- 2. Solid State Physics.- 3. Reacting behaviour of a biofilm model.- 6 The blood coagu- pact Sets.- Hausdorff Dimension and Diophantine Flows.- 4. Computational Fluid Dynamics.- 5. Trans- lation cascade in a perfusion experiment: example Approximation.- Singular Integrals on Self-Simi- port and Climate.- 6. Miscellaneous Topics. from pharmaceutical industry.- Index. lar Subsets of Metric Groups.- Multivariate Daven- port Series.- Dimensions of Self-Affine Sets.- The Fields of interest Fields of interest Multifractal Spectra of V-Statistics.- Projections of Wissenschaftliches Rechnen; Theoretische, mathe- Mathematical and Computational Biology; Physio- Measures Invariant Under the Geodesic Flow.- Mul- matische und Computerphysik; Angewandte Mathe- logical, Cellular and Medical Topics; Partielle Differ- tifractal Tubes.- The Multiplicative Golden Mean matik und Informatik für Ingenieure; Theoretische entialgleichungen; Theoretische Ökologie / Statistik; Shift has Infinite Hausdorff Measure.- The Law of und rechnergestützte Chemie Systembiologie Iterated Logarithm and Equilibrium Measures Ver- sus Hausdorff Measures For Dynamically Semi-Reg- Target groups Target groups ular[...] Research Research Fields of interest Type of publication Type of publication Geometrie; Abstrakte Harmonische Analysis; Proceedings Monograph Funktionalanalysis; Partielle Differentialgleichun- More on More on gen; Dynamische Systeme und Ergodentheorie; Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Stochastische Hardcover Hardcover Prozesse 2013. IX, 596 p. 306 illus., 223 in color. 2013. XII, 217 p. 30 illus., 15 in color. (International 149,75 € Series of Numerical Mathematics, Band 163) Target groups ISBN 978-3-642-33373-6 90,94 € Research ISBN 978-3-0348-0614-5 Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Type of publication Contributed volume More on Hardcover 2013. XIII, 288 p. 28 illus., 12 in color. (Trends in Mathe- matics) 74,85 € ISBN 978-0-8176-8399-3 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Mathematik 53

M. Emmer, Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy (Ed.) I. Beyna, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Germany J. Hilgert, Universität Paderborn

Imagine Math 2 Interest Rate Derivatives Lesebuch Mathematik für das erste

Between Culture and Mathematics Valuation, Calibration and Sensitivity Analysis Studienjahr

Imagine mathematics, imagine with the help of The class of interest rate models introduced by O. Dieses Buch ist eine Begleitlektüre zum ersten Jahr mathematics, imagine new worlds, new geometries, Cheyette in 1994 is a subclass of the general HJM des Mathematikstudiums und darüber hinaus. Im new forms. The new volume in the series “Imag- framework with a time dependent volatility parame- Mittelpunkt stehen Motivation und Erläuterung der ine Math” is intended to contribute to grasping terization. This book addresses the above mentioned zentralen Begriffsbildungen anhand von Beispielen how much that is interesting and new is happening class of interest rate models and concentrates on the und exemplarischen Resultaten. Ausgehend von den in the relationships between mathematics, imagi- calibration, valuation and sensitivity analysis in mul- elementarsten und historisch frühesten mathema- nation and culture. The present book begins with tifactor models. It derives analytical pricing formulas tischen Konzepten des Messens und Zählens wer- the connections between mathematics, numbers, for bonds and caplets and applies several numerical den Sie zu modernen Begriffen wie Metriken, Maßen poetry and music, with the latest opera by Italian valuation techniques in the class of Cheyette model, und Vektorräumen geführt, die dann zur Lösung composer Claudio Ambrosini. Literature and nar- i.e. Monte Carlo simulation, characteristic functions konkreter Probleme einsetzt werden. Die Stof- rative also play an important role here. There is cin- and PDE valuation based on sparse grids. Finally it fauswahl ist so angelegt, dass die Querverbindungen ema too, with the “erotic” mathematics films by focuses on the sensitivity analysis of Cheyette models zwischen den unterschiedlichen Anfängervorlesun- Edward Frenkel, and the new short “Arithmétique “ and derives Model- and Market Greeks. To the best gen, die im regulären Studienbetrieb oft eher aus- by Munari and Rovazzani. The section on applica- of our[...] geblendet werden, deutlich hervortreten.Das Buch tions of[...] Features richtet sich an[...] Features The class of interest rate models introduced by O. Features Imagine mathematics, imagine with the help of Cheyette in 1994 is a subclass of the general HJM Dieses Buch ist eine Begleitlektüre zum ersten Jahr mathematics, imagine new worlds, new geometries, framework with a time dependent volatility parame- des Mathematikstudiums und darüber hinaus. Im new forms. The new volume in the series “Imag- terization. This book addresses the above mentioned Mittelpunkt stehen Motivation und Erläuterung der ine Math” is intended to contribute to grasping how class of interest rate models and concentrates on the zentralen Begriffsbildungen anhand von Beispielen much that is interesting and new is happening in the calibration, valuation and sensitivity analysis in mul- und exemplarischen Resultaten. Ausgehend von den relationships between mathematics, imagination and tifactor models. It derives analytical pricing formulas elementarsten und historisch frühesten mathematis- culture. The present book begins with the connec- for bonds and caplets and applies several [..] chen Konzepten des Messens und Zählens werden tions between mathematics, numbers, poetry and Sie zu modernen Begriffen wie Metriken, Maßen und music, with [..] Contents Preface.- 1.Literature Review.- 2.The Cheyette Model [..] Contents Class.- 3.Analytical Pricing Formulas.- 4.Calibra- Contents Exotic Spheres and John Milnor by M. Abate.- tion.- 5.Monte Carlo Methods.- 6.Characteristic Vorwort.- 1 Vom Abstand zur Topologie.- 2 Von der The Solitude of Last Words by C. Ambrosini.- Function Method.- 7.PDE Valuation.- 8.Compari- linearen Gleichung zur Geometrie.- 3 Vom Volumen From Pollock’s Summertime to Jacksontime by D. son of Valuation Techniques for Interest Rate Deriv- zum Integral.- 4 Von der Linearisierung zum Gle- Amodio.- Spatial Rhythms in Cinema between the atives.- 9.Greeks.- 10.Conclusion.-Appendices: ichungslösen.- 5 Von der Struktur zur Rechnung.- Avant-Garde and Entertainment by G.P. Brunetta.- A.Additional Calculus in the Class of Cheyette Mod- Anhang: Mengentheorie.- Literaturverzeichnis.- Myrmedrome: Simulating the life of an Ant Colony els.- B.Mathematical Tools.- C.Market Data.- Refer- Mathematische Symbole und Index. by S. Cacace, E. Cristiani, D. D’Eustacchio.- From ences.- Index. Canvas to Music: Mathematics as a Tool for the Fields of interest Fields of interest Composition of Jackson Time by C. de Fabritiis.- Mathematik (allgemein) Gödel’s Childhood and Other Algorithms by V. Quantitative Finanzmathematik; Angewandte Math- Della Mea.- Lessons in Mathematics, at the Cin- ematik; Numerische Mathematik Target groups ema by M. Emmer.- The Fascination of Numbers, Lower undergraduate between Music and Poetry by[...] Target groups Graduate Type of publication Fields of interest German textbook Mathematics in the Humanities and Social Sciences; Type of publication Sachbuch Mathematik / Naturwissenschaften / Tech- Monograph More on nik ; Geisteswissenschaften More on Softcover 2013. XI, 328 S. 20 Abb. Softcover Target groups 19,99 € 2013. XVIII, 209 p. 33 illus. (Lecture Notes in Economics Popular/general ISBN 978-3-642-34754-2 and Mathematical Systems, Band 666) Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Type of publication 74,85 € Contributed volume ISBN 978-3-642-34924-9 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. More on Hardcover 2013. VIII, 242 p. 60 illus., 10 in color. 64,19 € ISBN 978-88-470-2888-3 Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. 54 Mathematik

F. Viens, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA; J. Feng, Uni- L. Rüschendorf, University of Freiburg, Germany R.C. Mittelhammer, Washington State University versity of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, USA; Y. Hu, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, USA; E. Nualart , Department of Economics and Business, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain (Eds.) Mathematical Risk Analysis Mathematical Statistics for

Dependence, Risk Bounds, Optimal Allocations and Portfolios Economics and Business Malliavin Calculus and Stochastic The author's particular interest in the area of risk Analysis Mathematical Statistics for Economics and Business, measures is to combine this theory with the analy- Second Edition, provides a comprehensive intro- sis of dependence properties. The present volume A Festschrift in Honor of David Nualart duction to the principles of mathematical statistics gives an introduction of basic concepts and meth- which underpin statistical analyses in the fields of The stochastic calculus of variations of Paul Malli- ods in mathematical risk analysis, in particular of economics, business, and econometrics. The selec- avin (1925 - 2010), known today as the Malliavin those parts of risk theory that are of special relevance tion of topics in this textbook is designed to pro- Calculus, has found many applications, within and to finance and insurance. Describing the influence vide students with a conceptual foundation that will beyond the core mathematical discipline. Stochas- of dependence in multivariate stochastic models on facilitate a substantial understanding of statistical tic analysis provides a fruitful interpretation of this risk vectors is the main focus of the text that presents applications in these subjects. This new edition has calculus, particularly as described by David Nualart main ideas and methods as well as their relevance been updated throughout and now also includes a and the scores of mathematicians he influences and to practical applications. The first part introduces downloadable Student Answer Manual containing with whom he collaborates. Many of these, including basic probabilistic tools and methods of distribu- detailed solutions to half of the over 300 end-of- leading stochastic analysts and junior researchers, tional analysis, and describes their use to the model- chapter problems. After introducing the concepts of presented their cutting-edge research at an interna- ing of dependence[...] probability, random variables,[...] tional conference in honor of David Nualart's career, Features on March 19-21, 2011, at the University of Kansas, Features The author's particular interest in the area of risk USA. These scholars and other top-level mathemati- Mathematical Statistics for Economics and Business, measures is to combine this theory with the analy- cians have kindly[...] Second Edition, provides a comprehensive intro- sis of dependence properties. The present volume duction to the principles of mathematical statistics Features gives an introduction of basic concepts and methods which underpin statistical analyses in the fields of The stochastic calculus of variations of Paul Malli- in mathematical risk analysis, in particular of those economics, business, and econometrics. The selec- avin (1925 - 2010), known today as the Malliavin parts of risk theory that are of special relevance to tion of topics in this textbook is designed to provide Calculus, has found many applications, within and finance and insurance. Describing the influence of students with a conceptual foundation that will facil- beyond the core mathematical discipline. Stochastic dependence in multivariate stochastic models on [..] itate a substantial understanding of [..] analysis provides a fruitful interpretation of this cal- Contents culus, particularly as described by David Nualart and Contents Preface.-Part I: Stochastic Dependence and Extremal the scores of mathematicians he influences and with Elements of Probability Theory.- Random Vari- Risk.-1 Copulas, Sklar's Theorem, and Distributional whom he collaborates. Many of these, including [..] ables, Densities, and Cumulative Distribution Transform.- 2 Fréchet Classes, Risk Bounds, and Functions.- Expectations and Moments of Ran- Contents Duality Theory.- 3 Convex Order, Excess of Loss, dom Variables.- Parametric Families of Density An Application of Gaussian Measures to Func- and Comonotonicity.- 4 Bounds for the Distribution Functions.- Basic Asymptotics.- Sampling, Sample tional Analysis.- Stochastic Taylor Formulas and Rie- Function and Value at Risk of the Joint Portfolio.- 5 Moments, Sampling Distributions, and Simulation.- mannian Geometry.- Local invertibility of adapted Restrictions on the Dependence Structure.- 6 Depen- Point Estimation Theory.- Point Estimation Meth- shifts on Wiener Space and related topics.- Dila- dence Orderings of Risk Vectors and Portfolios.- ods.- Hypothesis Testing Theory.- Hypothesis Test- tion vector field on Wiener space.- The calculus of Part II: Risk Measures and Worst Case Portfolios.- ing Methods and Confidence Regions.- Appendix. differentials for the weak Stratonovich integral.- 7 Risk Measures for Real Risks.- 8 Risk Measures Large deviations for Hilbert space valued Wiener for Portfolio Vectors.- 9 Law Invariant Convex Risk Fields of interest processes: a sequence space approach.- Stationary Measures on L_d^p and Optimal Mass[...] Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Stochastis- distributions for jump processes with inert drift.- che Prozesse; Statistik (allgemein); Statistik in Fields of interest An Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type process which satisfies Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Finanzmathematik, Ver- Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Stochastische sufficient conditions for a simulation based filtering sicherungen ; Ökonometrie procedure.- Escape probability for[...] Prozesse; Quantitative Finanzmathematik; Actuar- ial Sciences; Angewandte Mathematik; Planungsthe- Target groups Fields of interest orie, Mathematisches Programmieren; Statistik in Graduate Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Stochastische Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Finanzmathematik, Ver- Prozesse; Quantitative Finanzmathematik; Ange- sicherungen Type of publication wandte Mathematik Graduate/advanced undergraduate textbook Target groups Target groups Professional/practitioner More on Research Hardcover Type of publication 2013. XXIX, 742 p. 93 illus. Type of publication Monograph 85,55 € Proceedings More on ISBN 978-1-4614-5021-4 More on Hardcover Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Hardcover 2013. XII, 408 p. 12 illus. (Springer Series in Operations 2013. XI, 583 p. 13 illus. (Springer Proceedings in Math- Research and Financial Engineering) ematics & Statistics, Band 34) 101,60 € 149,75 € ISBN 978-3-642-33589-1 ISBN 978-1-4614-5905-7 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Mathematik 55

H.G. Bock, University of Heidelberg, Germany; Th. Carraro, Uni- U. Böhm, Darmstadt K. Williams, Kim Williams Books, Torino, Italy (Ed.) versity of Heidelberg, Germany; W. Jäger, University of Heidel- berg, Germany; S. Körkel, University of Heidelberg, Germany; R. Rannacher, University of Heidelberg, Germany; J.P. Schlöder, Uni- Modellierungskompetenzen Nexus Network Journal 14,3 versity of Heidelberg, Germany (Eds.) langfristig und kumulativ fördern Architecture and Mathematics

Model Based Parameter Estimation Tätigkeitstheoretische Analyse des mathematischen Model- The Winter 2012 (vol. 14 no. 3) issue of the Nexus lierens in der Sekundarstufe I Network Journal features seven original papers ded- Theory and Applications Das mathematische Modellieren sollte auf Grund icated to the theme “Digital Fabrication”. Digital fabrication is changing architecture in fundamen- This judicious selection of articles combines mathe- seiner Verankerung in zahlreichen Rahmen- und tal ways in every phase, from concept to artifact. matical and numerical methods to apply parameter Lehrplänen Gegenstand des Mathematikunterrichts Projects growing out of research in digital fabri- estimation and optimum experimental design in a sein. Jedoch ist bislang unklar, wie die Entwick- cation are dependent on software that is entirely range of contexts. These include fields as diverse as lung von Modellierungskompetenzen über mehrere surface-oriented in its underlying mathematics. biology, medicine, chemistry, environmental physics, Schuljahre hinweg systematisch gefördert werden Decisions made during design, prototyping, fabrica- image processing and computer vision. The mate- kann. In der vorliegenden Arbeit stellt Ulrich Böhm tion and assembly rely on codes, scripts, parameters, rial chosen was presented at a multidisciplinary ein Konzept mit drei aufeinander aufbauenden operating systems and software, creating the need for workshop on parameter estimation held in 2009 in Stufen zur Förderung von Modellierungskompeten- teams with multidisciplinary expertise and different Heidelberg. The contributions show how indispens- zen innerhalb der Sekundarstufe I vor. Grundlage skills, from IT to architecture, design, material engi- able efficient methods of applied mathematics and ist eine tätigkeitstheoretische Analyse ausgewählter neering, and mathematics,[...] computer-based modeling can be to enhancing the Modellierungsaufgaben. quality of interdisciplinary research. The use of sci- Features Features entific computing to model, simulate, and optimize The Winter 2012 (vol. 14 no. 3) issue of the Nexus complex processes has become a standard[...] Das mathematische Modellieren sollte auf Grund seiner Verankerung in zahlreichen Rahmen- und Network Journal features seven original papers ded- icated to the theme “Digital Fabrication”. Digital Features Lehrplänen Gegenstand des Mathematikunterrichts fabrication is changing architecture in fundamen- This judicious selection of articles combines mathe- sein. Ulrich Böhm greift in seiner Arbeit dieses nor- tal ways in every phase, from concept to artifact. matical and numerical methods to apply parameter mativ gesetzte Ziel auf, um einen Vorschlag zur Projects growing out of research in digital fabri- estimation and optimum experimental design in a bislang offenen Frage nach einer langfristigen und cation are dependent on software that is entirely range of contexts. These include fields as diverse as kumulativen Entwicklung von Modellierungskompe- surface-oriented in its underlying mathematics. biology, medicine, chemistry, environmental physics, tenzen innerhalb der Sekundarstufe I zu entwickeln. Decisions made [..] image processing and computer vision. The mate- Er nutzt die [..] rial chosen was presented at a multidisciplinary Contents Contents workshop on parameter estimation held in 2009 in Letter from the Guest Editor.- Kim Williams: Digital Heidelberg. [..] Mathematisches Modellieren.- Tätigkeitstheorie.- Langfristige Fabrication.- Alexandra Paio, Sara Eloy, Vasco Mor- eira Rato, Ricardo Resende Maria João de Oliveira: Contents Kompetenzförderung.- Sekundarstufe I. Prototyping Vitruvius, New Challenges: Digital Edu- Parameter Estimation and Optimum Experimen- cation, Research and Practice.- Kevin R. Klinger: tal Design for Differential Equation Models: H.G. Fields of interest Design-Through-Production Formulations.- Bob Bock, St. Körkel, J.P. Schlöder.- Adaptive Finite Ele- Mathematik (allgemein); Mathematische Bildung Sheil: Manufacturing Bespoke Architecture.- Tomas ment Methods for Parameter Identification Prob- Target groups Diez: Personal Fabrication: Fab Labs as Platforms for lems: B. Vexler.- Gauss-Newton Methods for Robust Research Citizen-Based Innovation, from Microcontrollers to Parameter Estimation: T. Binder, E. Kostina.- An Cities.- Gabriela Celani: Digital Fabrication Labora- Optimal Scanning Sensor Activation Policy for Para- Type of publication tories: Pedagogy and Impacts on Architectural Edu- meter Estimation of Distributed Systems: D. Ucín- Monograph cation.- Tobias Bonwetsch: Robotic[...] ski.- Interaction between Experiment, Modeling and More on Simulation of Spatial Aspects in the JAK2/STAT5 Fields of interest Signaling Pathway: E. Friedmann, A. C. Pfeifer, R. Softcover Mathematik (allgemein); Architektur Neumann, U. Klingmüller , R. Rannacher.- The 2013. XV, 345 S. 40 Abb. (Perspektiven der Mathematik- Importance[...] didaktik) Target groups 69,99 € Research Fields of interest ISBN 978-3-658-01820-7 Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen; Partielle Dif- Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Type of publication ferentialgleichungen; Numerische Mathematik; Contributed volume Wissenschaftliches Rechnen; Mathematische Mod- ellerstellung und industrielle Mathematik; Variation- More on srechnung und Optimale Steuerung, Optimierung Softcover 2013. IV, 176 p. (Nexus Network Journal, Band 14, 3) Target groups 85,55 € Research ISBN 978-3-0348-0581-0 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Type of publication Contributed volume More on Hardcover 2013. X, 334 p. 85 illus., 46 in color. (Contributions in Mathematical and Computational Sciences, Band 4) 101,60 € ISBN 978-3-642-30366-1 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 56 Mathematik

I. Reider, Université d'Angers, France A. Hinkis, Tel Aviv University, Israel S. Molahajloo, Queen's University, Kingston, ON, Canada; S. Pilipović, University of Novi Sad, Serbia; J. Toft, Linnæus Univer- sity, Växjö, Sweden; M.W. Wong, York University, Toronto, ON, Nonabelian Jacobian of Projective Proofs of the Cantor-Bernstein Canada (Eds.) Surfaces Theorem Pseudo-Differential Operators, Geometry and Representation Theory A Mathematical Excursion Generalized Functions and The Jacobian of a smooth projective curve is This book offers an excursion through the devel- Asymptotics undoubtedly one of the most remarkable and beau- opmental area of research mathematics. It presents tiful objects in algebraic geometry. This work is an some 40 papers, published between the 1870s and the attempt to develop an analogous theory for smooth 1970s, on proofs of the Cantor-Bernstein theorem This volume consists of twenty peer-reviewed papers projective surfaces - a theory of the nonabelian Jaco- and the related Bernstein division theorem. While from the special session on pseudodifferential opera- bian of smooth projective surfaces. Just like its clas- the emphasis is placed on providing accurate proofs, tors and the special session on generalized functions sical counterpart, our nonabelian Jacobian relates to similar to the originals, the discussion is broadened and asymptotics at the Eighth Congress of ISAAC vector bundles (of rank 2) on a surface as well as its to include aspects that pertain to the methodology held at the Peoples’ Friendship University of Rus- Hilbert scheme of points. But it also comes equipped of the development of mathematics and to the phi- sia in Moscow on August 22‒27, 2011. The category with the variation of Hodge-like structures, which losophy of mathematics. Works of prominent math- of papers on pseudo-differential operators contains produces a sheaf of reductive Lie algebras naturally ematicians and logicians are reviewed, including such topics as elliptic operators assigned to diffeo- attached to our Jacobian. This constitutes a non- Cantor, Dedekind, Schröder, Bernstein, Borel, Zer- morphisms of smooth manifolds, analysis on sin- abelian analogue of the (abelian) Lie algebra struc- melo, Poincaré, Russell, Peano, the Königs, Haus- gular manifolds with edges, heat kernels and Green ture of the classical[...] dorff, Sierpinski, Tarski, Banach, Brouwer[...] functions of sub-Laplacians on the Heisenberg group and Lie groups with more complexities than but Features Features closely related to the Heisenberg group, Lp-bound- The Jacobian of a smooth projective curve is This book offers an excursion through the devel- edness of pseudo-differential operators[...] undoubtedly one of the most remarkable and beau- opmental area of research mathematics. It presents tiful objects in algebraic geometry. This work is an some 40 papers, published between the 1870s and the Features attempt to develop an analogous theory for smooth 1970s, on proofs of the Cantor-Bernstein theorem This volume consists of twenty peer-reviewed papers projective surfaces - a theory of the nonabelian Jaco- and the related Bernstein division theorem. While from the special sessions on pseudodifferential oper- bian of smooth projective surfaces.Just like its classi- the emphasis is placed on providing accurate proofs, ators and on generalized functions and asymptotics cal counterpart, our nonabelian Jacobian relates to similar to the originals, the discussion is broadened at the Eighth Congress of ISAAC held at the Peo- vector bundles (of rank 2) on a surface as well as its to include aspects that pertain to the methodology of ples’ Friendship University of Russia in Moscow [..] [..] on August 22‒27, 2011. The category of papers on pseudo-differential operators contains such topics Contents Contents as elliptic operators assigned to diffeomorphisms of 1 Introduction.- 2 Nonabelian Jacobian J(X; L; d): Preface. - Part I: Cantor and Dedekind.- Cantor's smooth [..] main properties.- 3 Some properties of the filtration CBT proof for sets of the power of (II).- General- H.- 4 The sheaf of Lie algebras G.- 5 Period maps izing Cantor's CBT proof.- CBT in Cantor's 1878 Contents and Torelli problems.- 6 sl2-structures on F.- 7 sl2- Beitrag.- The theory of inconsistent sets.- Compa- Preface.- Elliptic Theory for Operators Associated structures on G.- 8 Involution on G.- 9 Stratification rability in Cantor's writings.- The scheme of com- with Diffeomorphisms of Smooth Manifolds.- The of T.- 10 Configurations and theirs equations.- 11 plete disjunction.- Ruptures in the Cantor-Dedekind Singular Functions of Branching Edge Asymptotics.- Representation theoretic constructions.- 12 J(X; L; d) correspondence.- The inconsistency of Dedekind's The Heat Kernel and Green Function of the Sub- and the Langlands Duality. infinite set.- Dedekind's proof of CBT.- Part II: The Laplacian on the Heisenberg Group.- Metaplectic early proofs.- Schröder's Proof of CBT.- Bernstein, Equivalence of the Hierarchical Twisted Laplacian.- Fields of interest Borel and CBT.- Schoenflies' 1900 proof of CBT.- The Heat Kernel and Green Function of a Sub-Lapla- Algebraische Geometrie; Lineare und Multilineare Zermelo's 1901 proof of CBT.- Bernstein's Division cian on the Hierarchical Heisenberg Group.- Lp- Algebra, Matrizentheorie Theorem.- Part III: Under the logicist[...] Bounds for Pseudo-Differential Operators on the Torus.- Multiplication Properties in Gelfand-Shilov Target groups Fields of interest Pseudo-Differential Calculus.- Operator Invariance.- Research Geschichte der Mathematik; Mathematische Logik Initial Value Problems in the Time-Frequency[...] und Mengenlehre; Kategorientheorie und Homolo- Type of publication gische Algebra Fields of interest Monograph Mehrere komplexe Veränderliche und analytische More on Target groups Räume; Partielle Differentialgleichungen; Opera- Research Softcover tortheorie; Globale Analysis und Analysis auf Man- nigfaltigkeiten; Topologische Gruppen, Lie-Gruppen 2013. VIII, 227 p. (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Band Type of publication 2072) Monograph Target groups 48,14 € Research ISBN 978-3-642-35661-2 More on Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Hardcover Type of publication 2013. XXIII, 429 p. 29 illus., 3 in color. (Science Net- Proceedings works. Historical Studies, Band 45) 101,60 € More on ISBN 978-3-0348-0223-9 Hardcover Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 2013. VIII, 369 p. (Operator Theory: Advances and Appli- cations, Band 231) 128,39 € ISBN 978-3-0348-0584-1 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Mathematik 57

M. Cicognani, Università di Bologna, Italy; F. Colombini, Univer- D. Panchenko, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, US B. Duplantier, CEA Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France (Ed.) sità di Pisa, Italy; D. Del Santo, Università di Trieste, Italy (Eds.) The Sherrington-Kirkpatrick Model Time Studies in Phase Space Analysis Poincaré Seminar 2010 with Applications to PDEs The celebrated Parisi solution of the Sherring- ton-Kirkpatrick model for spin glasses is one of the This eleventh volume in the Poincaré Seminar Series presents an interdisciplinary perspective on the con- This collection of original articles and surveys, most important achievements in the field of disor- cept of Time, which poses some of the most chal- emerging from a 2011 conference in Bertinoro, Italy, dered systems. Over the last three decades, through lenging questions in science. Five articles, written addresses recent advances in linear and nonlinear the efforts of theoretical physicists and mathemati- by the Fields medalist C. Villani, the two outstand- aspects of the theory of partial differential equations cians, the essential aspects of the Parisi solution ing theoretical physicists T. Damour and C. Jarzyn- (PDEs). Phase space analysis methods, also known were clarified and proved mathematically. The core ski, the leading experimentalist C. Salomon, and the as microlocal analysis, have continued to yield strik- ideas of the theory that emerged are the subject of famous philosopher of science H. Price, describe ing results over the past years and are now one of this book, including the recent solution of the Parisi recent developments related to the mathematical, the main tools of investigation of PDEs. Their role ultrametricity conjecture and a conceptually simple physical, experimental, and philosophical facets in many applications to physics, including quan- proof of the Parisi formula for the free energy. The of this fascinating concept. These articles are also tum and spectral theory, is equally important.Key treatment is self-contained and should be accessible highly pedagogical, as befits their origin in lectures topics addressed in this volume include:*general to graduate students with a background in probabil- to a broad scientific audience. Highlights include a theory of pseudodifferential operators*Hardy-type ity theory, with no[...] description of the manifold[...] inequalities*linear and non-linear hyperbolic equa- Features tions and systems*Schrödinger[...] The celebrated Parisi solution of the Sherring- Features This eleventh volume in the Poincaré Seminar Series Features ton-Kirkpatrick model for spin glasses is one of the presents an interdisciplinary perspective on the con- This collection of original articles and surveys, most important achievements in the field of disor- cept of Time, which poses some of the most chal- emerging from a 2011 conference in Bertinoro, dered systems. Over the last three decades, through lenging questions in science. Five articles, written Italy, addresses recent advances in linear and nonlin- the efforts of theoretical physicists and mathemati- by the Fields medalist C. Villani, the two outstand- ear aspects of the theory of partial differential equa- cians, the essential aspects of the Parisi solution were ing theoretical physicists T. Damour and C. Jarzyn- tions (PDEs). Phase space analysis methods, also clarified and proved mathematically. The core ideas ski, the leading experimentalist C. Salomon, and the known as microlocal analysis, have continued to of the theory that emerged are the subject of this [..] famous philosopher of science H. Price, describe [..] yield striking results over the past years and are now Contents one of the main tools of investigation of PDEs. Their Preface.- 1 The Free Energy and Gibbs Measure.- 2 Contents [..] The Ruelle Probability Cascades.- 3 The Parisi For- Foreword.- Time and Relativity, Thibault Damour.- (Ir)reversibility and Entropy, Cédric Villani.- Contents mula.- 4 Toward a Generalized Parisi Ansatz.- A (Ir)réversibilité et entropie, Cédric Villani.- Equali- Preface.- The water-waves equations: from Zakharov Appendix.- Bibliography.- Notes and Comments.- ties and Inequalities: Irreversibility and the Second to Euler.- On the characterization of pseudodifferen- References.- Index. Law of Thermodynamics at the Nanoscale, Christo- tial operators (old and new).- Improved multipolar Fields of interest pher Jarzynski.- Time Measurement in the XXIst Hardy inequalities.- The role of spectral anisotropy Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Stochastische Century, Christophe Salomon.- Time’s Arrow in the resolution of the three-dimensional Navier- Prozesse; Mathematical Physics; Mathematis- and Eddington’s Challenge, Huw Price.- Image of Stokes equations.- Schrödinger equations in modula- che Mehoden in der Physik ; Statistische Physik, Time’s Irreversibility, Catherine de Mitry.- Image de tion spaces.- New maximal regularity results for the dynamische Systeme und Komplexität l'irréversibilité du Temps, Catherine de Mitry. heat equation in exterior domains, and applications.- Cauchy problem for some 22 hyperbolic systems of Target groups Fields of interest pseudo-differential equations with nondiagonalis- Research Dynamische Systeme und Ergodentheorie; Math- able principal part.- Scattering problem for quadratic ematical Physics; Statistische Physik, dynamis- nonlinear Klein-Gordon[...] Type of publication che Systeme und Komplexität; Quantenphysik; Monograph Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Stochastische Fields of interest Prozesse; Mechanik Partielle Differentialgleichungen; Dynamische Sys- More on teme und Ergodentheorie; Mathematical Physics; Hardcover Target groups Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen; Analysis; 2013. XII, 156 p. (Springer Monographs in Mathematics) Research Angewandte Mathematik 90,94 € ISBN 978-1-4614-6288-0 Type of publication Target groups Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Contributed volume Research More on Type of publication Hardcover Contributed volume 2013. XII, 219 p. 29 illus., 16 in color. (Progress in Mathe- More on matical Physics, Band 63) 90,94 € Hardcover ISBN 978-3-0348-0358-8 2013. XVII, 379 p. 4 illus., 1 in color. (Progress in Nonlin- ear Differential Equations and Their Applications, Band Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 84) 128,39 € ISBN 978-1-4614-6347-4 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 58 Medizin

H.-J. Vollrath, Universität Würzburg A. Klenke, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz Medizin Verborgene Ideen Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie

Historische mathematische Instrumente M.-J. Bot Seit seinem Erscheinen hat sich das Buch umge- Zählen, Rechnen, Messen und Konstruieren sind hend als Standardwerk für eine umfassende und Abord Clinique en Ophtalmologie die Wurzeln, aus denen die Mathematik erwach- moderne Einführung in die Wahrscheinlichkeit- sen ist. Zwar spielt sich das Wesentliche dabei im stheorie und ihre maßtheoretischen Grundlagen Denken des Menschen ab, doch im praktischen etabliert. Themenschwerpunkte sind: Maß- und Il ne s’agit pas d’un ouvrage exhaustif, ni d’un Vollzug werden Hilfen beim Rechnen verwendet, Integrationstheorie, Grenzwertsätze für Summen atlas agrémenté d’iconographies couvrant toute wird mit Instrumenten gemessen und mit Werkzeu- von Zufallsvariablen (Gesetze der Großen Zahl, Zen- l’ophtalmologie, mais d’un guide concis, péda- gen gezeichnet. Das gilt vor allem für die Anwen- traler Grenzwertsatz, Ergodensätze, Gesetz vom gogique et facile à consulter au vu et à l’écoute du dungsbereiche: Handel, Handwerk, Baukunst, iterierten Logarithmus, Invarianzprinzipien, unbe- patient. L’objectif de cet ouvrage est de permettre au Landvermessung, Seefahrt, Naturwissenschaften grenzt teilbare Verteilungen), Martingale, Perko- praticien de cibler, en un temps record, l’approche und Himmelskunde. Dieses Buch handelt von his- lation, Markovketten und elektrische Netzwerke, diagnostique d’un symptôme ophtalmologique, de torischen mathematischen Instrumenten. Viele von Konstruktion stochastischer Prozesse, Poisson'scher le traiter ou de savoir le diriger, sans tarder, vers un ihnen sind heute durch den Computer als Univer- Punktprozess, Brown'sche Bewegung, stochastisches spécialiste ou même directement vers un service hos- salinstrument ersetzt. Doch einige haben in beson- Integral und stochastische Differentialgleichungen. pitalier ophtalmologique ou neurologique. Certains deren Anwendungsbereichen überlebt. Zudem Bei der Bearbeitung der[...] diagnostics qui paraissent faciles, peuvent néan- finden sich ausgewählte historische Instrumente[...] moins cacher une atteinte plus profonde qu’un exa- Features men clinique simple et un bon interrogatoire sont Features Seit seinem Erscheinen hat sich das Buch umge- souvent à même de suggérer. Zählen, Rechnen, Messen und Konstruieren sind hend als Standardwerk für eine umfassende und die Wurzeln, aus denen die Mathematik erwach- moderne Einführung in die Wahrscheinlichkeit- Features sen ist. Zwar spielt sich das Wesentliche dabei im stheorie und ihre maßtheoretischen Grundlagen Ce manuel, léger, simple à consulter, se veut au plus Denken des Menschen ab, doch im praktischen Vol- etabliert. Themenschwerpunkte sind: Maß- und proche de la pratique quotidienne du médecin, du lzug werden Hilfen beim Rechnen verwendet, wird Integrationstheorie, Grenzwertsätze für Summen remplaçant ou des auxiliaires médicaux.Son but est mit Instrumenten gemessen und mit Werkzeugen von Zufallsvariablen (Gesetze der Großen Zahl, Zen- de permettre au praticien de cibler, en un temps gezeichnet. Das gilt vor allem für die Anwendungs- traler Grenzwertsatz, Ergodensätze, Gesetz vom record, l’approche diagnostique d’un symptôme bereiche: Handel, Handwerk, Baukunst, Landver- iterierten Logarithmus, [..] ophtalmologique, de le traiter ou de savoir le diriger messung, Seefahrt, [..] sans tarder vers un spécialiste ou même directement Contents vers un service hospitalier ophtalmologique ou [..] Contents Grundlagen der Maßtheorie.- Unabhängigkeit.- Instrumente zum Zeichnen: Lineale, Zirkel, Erzeugendenfunktion.- Das Integra.- Momente Fields of interest Kurvenzirkel, Pantographen.- Instrumente und Gesetze der Großen Zahl.- Konvergenzsätze.- Allgemeinmedizin; Neurologie; Ophthalmologie zum Messen: Längenmesser, Inhaltsmesser, L^p-Räume und Satz von Radon-Nikodym.- Bed- Winkelmesser, Winkelmessung im Freien.- Instru- ingte Erwartungen.- Martingale.- Optional Sampling Target groups mente zum Rechnen: Analogrechner, Handgefertigte Sätze.- Martingalkomvergenzsätze und Anwendun- Professional/practitioner Digitalrechner, Industriell gefertigte gen.- Rückwärtsmartingale und Austauschbarkeit.- Digitalrechner, Ausklang. Konvergenz von Maßen.- W-Maße auf Produkträu- Type of publication men.- Charakteristische Funktion und Zentraler Monograph Fields of interest Grenzwertsatz.- Unbegrenzt teilbare Verteilungen.- More on Mathematik (allgemein); Sachbuch Mathematik / Markovketten.- Konvergenz von Markovketten.- Naturwissenschaften / Technik ; Mathematische Bil- Markovketten und elektrische Netzwerke.- Ergoden- Softcover dung theorie.- Brown´sche Bewegung.-[...] 2013. 240 p. (Abord clinique) 24,34 € Target groups Fields of interest ISBN 978-2-8178-0090-5 Popular/general Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Stochastische Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Prozesse Type of publication Popular science Target groups More on Upper undergraduate

Softcover Type of publication 2013. XII, 148 S. 201 Abb., 151 in Farbe. German textbook 19,99 € ISBN 978-3-658-01429-2 More on Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Softcover 2013. XIV, 650 S. 20 Abb., 18 in Farbe. (Springer- Lehrbuch Masterclass) 39,99 € ISBN 978-3-642-36017-6 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Medizin 59

P. Perlot, Polyclinique Vauban, Valenciennes, France Y. Rouxeville, Faculté de Médecine de Sfax , Tunisie (Ed.) P. Brice, Hôpital Saint-Louis, Paris, France; C. Thieblemont, Hôpi- tal Saint-Louis, Paris, France (Eds.) Abord clinique du patient Abrégé de Physiologie coronarien Actualités thérapeutiques dans les À l'usage des acupuncteurs et des réflexothérapeutes lymphomes La physiologie, à savoir le fonctionnement du corps Cet ouvrage répond à l’objectif principal de l’auteur : humain, implique les métabolismes classiques, accroître les compétences pratiques du lecteur. Il Dans les années 1980, le traitement des lymphomes l’étude des organes et des systèmes. Les praticiens fournit les clés pour comprendre et appliquer aussi reposait sur la chimiothérapie de type CHOP pour effectuant les réflexothérapies (acupuncture et bien les notions classiques que les recommandations les lymphomes non hodgkiniens (LNH) et de type auriculothérapie) utilisent les systèmes du corps (sys- des instances officielles, issues d’une médecine sci- MOPP pour les lymphomes de hodgkin (LH). tème nerveux, système d’adaptation au stress, sys- entifique fondée sur les preuves, et met également à La première ne permettait pas plus de 30 % de tème immunitaire, système postural), cet ouvrage la portée du lecteur les explorations technologiques guérison pour les LNH et si la seconde thérapie répondra à leurs besoins de connaissance en matière les plus récentes.L’auteur a transmis dans ce guide s’accompagnait de 60 à 70 % de guérison pour les de physiologie. pratique son expérience clinique et humaniste, adap- LH, elle entraînait des risques d’infertilité et de tée au rôle primordial que tient le médecin général- Features second cancer avec au premier plan le risque de iste. En effet, celui-ci se trouve en première ligne Destiné avant tout aux membres du corps médi- leucémies aiguës myéloïdes.Les thérapeutiques ont pour établir un diagnostic basé sur l’interrogatoire et cal ainsi qu’aux étudiants en réflexothérapies considérablement évolué depuis cette époque. Dans l’électrocardiogramme, et pour reconnaître les situa- (l’acupuncture d’origine chinoise, l’auriculothérapie les lymphomes non hodgkiniens, la distinction entre tions[...] d’origine française et d’autres techniques), cet les lymphomes B et T pour les lymphomes agres- ouvrage, à travers une approche résolument facile sifs, puis les différentes sous-entités de LNH B à Features d’accès, présente les rappels de physiologie indis- petites[...] Cet ouvrage répond à l’objectif principal de l’auteur : pensables pour la pratique de ces disciplines accroître les compétences pratiques du lecteur. Il Features thérapeutiques. Traiter à partir de la peau implique fournit les clés pour comprendre et appliquer aussi Dans les années 1980, le traitement des lymphomes de la [..] bien les notions classiques que les recommandations reposait sur la chimiothérapie de type CHOP pour des instances officielles, issues d’une médecine scien- Fields of interest les lymphomes non hodgkiniens (LNH) et de type tifique fondée sur les preuves, et met également à la Medizin (allgemein); Naturheilverfahren; Akupunk- MOPP pour les lymphomes de hodgkin (LH). portée du lecteur les explorations technologiques les tur; Schmerztherapie La première ne permettait pas plus de 30 % de plus récentes.L’auteur a [..] guérison pour les LNH et si la seconde thérapie Target groups s’accompagnait de 60 à 70 % de guérison pour les Contents Professional/practitioner LH, elle entraînait des risques d’infertilité et de sec- Préface.- Introduction.- De l’interrogatoire à ond cancer avec au [..] l’électrocardiogramme.- L’avis cardiologique.- Bilan Type of publication vasculaire.- Cas particulier des syndromes coro- Contributed volume Fields of interest naires aigus.- Abord clinique du patient coronar- Hematologie; Onkologie; Strahlentherapie; Trans- More on ien.- Revascularisation myocardique du coronarien plantationschirurgie; Pharmakologie / Toxikologie stable.- Réadaptation cardiaque.- Ordonnance du Softcover coronarien stable.- Traitement électrique des car- 2013. Env. 230 p. 5 ill. (Médecines d'Asie: Savoirs et Pra- Target groups diopathies ischémiques.- Suivi précoce après un tiques) Professional/practitioner événement aigu.- Suivi trimestriel.- Conseils pour la 45,64 € Type of publication vie quotidienne.- Problèmes thérapeutiques partic- ISBN 978-2-8178-0360-9 Contributed volume uliers.- Conclusion.- Lexique.- Annexes.- Index. Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. More on Fields of interest Softcover Kardiologie; Herzchirurgie; Intensivmedizin 2013. Env. 150 p. 10 ill. Target groups 50,71 € Professional/practitioner ISBN 978-2-8178-0370-8 Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Type of publication Monograph More on Softcover 2013. IV, 96 p. (Abord clinique) 24,34 € ISBN 978-2-8178-0401-9 Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. 60 Medizin

J.-L. Vincent, Erasme Hospital, Brussels, Belgium (Ed.) A.M. Bach, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, NY, USA; J. S. Peer, CTI GesmbH, Innsbruck, Austria; H. Gruber, Innsbruck Zhang, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, NY, USA (Eds.) Medical University, Austria (Eds.) Annual Update in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 2013 Atlas of Genitourinary Oncological Atlas of Peripheral Nerve Imaging Ultrasound

The Yearbook compiles the most recent develop- With Anatomic and MRI Correlation ments in experimental andclinical research and The Atlas of Genitourinary Oncological Imaging practice in one comprehensive reference book. presents a comprehensive visual review of appear- In recent years, sonography of the peripheral ner- Thechapters are written by well recognized experts ances for normal anatomy and oncological diseases vous system has gained widespread acceptance. New in the field of intensive care and emergency medi- in the genitourinary system using over 900 radio- diagnostic applications have emerged, and the field cine. It is addressed to everyone involved in internal logical images and illustrations. The book presents of ultrasound-guided interventions has expanded medicine, anesthesia, surgery, pediatrics, intensive current imaging techniques and discusses the role significantly: regional anesthesia, peripheral nerve care and emergency medicine. of imaging in pre-treatment staging and post-treat- blocks, and similar techniques are now frequently ment follow-up. Diseases discussed include kid- performed under ultrasound guidance by anesthe- Features ney, adrenal gland, upper tract, bladder, prostate, siologists and pain physicians alike. This atlas of The Yearbook compiles the most recent develop- testes, and pediatric malignancies. Individual chap- peripheral nerve ultrasound is designed to meet the ments in experimental andclinical research and ters include normal anatomy, imaging techniques, daily needs of both radiologists and clinicians by practice in one comprehensive reference book. and pathology of each cancer type. The staging of allowing rapid review of typical features, knowledge Thechapters are written by well recognized experts the malignancy and what to include in the radiology of which is important for successful diagnosis and in the field of intensive care and emergency medi- report are discussed, and expected and[...] intervention. The side by side presentation of ultra- cine. It is addressed to everyone involved in internal sound images with anatomical[...] medicine, anesthesia, surgery, pediatrics, intensive Features care and emergency medicine. The Atlas of Genitourinary Oncological Imaging Features presents a comprehensive visual review of appear- In recent years, sonography of the peripheral ner- Contents ances for normal anatomy and oncological diseases vous system has gained widespread acceptance. New Emergencies.- Infections.- Antimicrobials.- Sep- in the genitourinary system using over 900 radio- diagnostic applications have emerged, and the field sis therapies.- Adjunct therapies.- Hemodynamic logical images and illustrations. The book presents of ultrasound-guided interventions has expanded optimization.- The peripheral circulation.- Cardiac current imaging techniques and discusses the role significantly: regional anesthesia, peripheral nerve arrest.- Monitoring.- Transthoracic monitoring.- of imaging in pre-treatment staging and post-treat- blocks, and similar techniques are now frequently Lung cells.- Intravenous fluids.- Perioperative prob- ment follow-up. Diseases discussed include kidney, performed under ultrasound guidance by anesthesi- lems.- Mechanical ventilation.- Renal failure.- Renal adrenal [..] ologists and pain physicians alike. This atlas of [..] replacement therapies.- Neurological issues.- Physio- therapy and ICU weakness.- Organization and out- Contents Contents comes. Renal Parenchymal Tumor Imaging.- Upper Tract Introduction to High Resolution Sonography of the Oncologic Imaging.- Bladder Cancer Imaging.- Peripheral Nervous System: General Considerations Fields of interest Prostate Cancer Imaging.- Imaging of Adrenal and Examination Technique.- Introduction to Mag- Medizin (allgemein); Intensivmedizin; Notfallmedi- Neoplasms.- Testicular Cancer Imaging.- General netic Resonance Imaging of the Peripheral Nervous zin; Innere Medizin Chemotherapy Imaging.- Genitourinary Interven- System: General Considerations and Examination tions.-Nuclear Medicine Imaging in Genitourinary Technique.- Nerves in the Head and Neck.- Upper Target groups Oncology.- Pediatric Genitourinary Tumor Imaging. Extremity Nerves.- Lower Extremity Nerves.- Nerves Professional/practitioner in the Trunk and Abdominal Wall. Fields of interest Type of publication Bildgebende Verfahren / Radiologie; Urologie / Fields of interest Professional book Andrologie; Diagnostische Radiologie; Onkologie; Bildgebende Verfahren / Radiologie; Neuroradiolo- More on Chirurgische Onkologie gie; Sonographie Softcover Target groups Target groups 2013. Approx. 910 p. 150 illus., 10 in color. (Annual Professional/practitioner Professional/practitioner Update in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, Jahrgang 2013) Type of publication Type of publication 128,39 € Atlas Atlas ISBN 978-3-642-35108-2 More on More on Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Hardcover Hardcover 2013. XIV, 343 p. 301 illus., 60 in color. (Atlas of Oncol- 2013. XI, 127 p. 113 illus., 98 in color. ogy Imaging, Band 1) 74,89 € 149,75 € ISBN 978-3-642-25593-9 ISBN 978-1-4614-4871-6 Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Medizin 61

J. Flammer, University of Basel, Switzerland; M. Mozaffarieh, P.P. Lin, The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, M.K. Shetty, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA (Ed.) University of Basel, Switzerland; H. Bebie, University of Basel, Houston, TX, USA; S. Patel, The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Switzerland Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA (Eds.) Breast and Gynecological Cancers

Basic Sciences in Ophthalmology Bone Sarcoma An Integrated Approach for Screening and Early Diagnosis in Developing Countries Physics and Chemistry Bone Sarcoma is a succinct volume within the Low- and middle-income countries have seen a dra- Basic Sciences in Ophthalmology aims to link clini- M.D. Anderson Cancer Care Series that summa- matic rise in the incidence of breast and gynecolog- cal ophthalmology directly to its basic science roots. rizes the key elements of different specialties as they ical cancers in the past decade. Organized cancer This first volume describes the physics and chem- pertain to these cancers. It is a vital resource for screening programs are not widely available in devel- istry required for a sound understanding of modern physicians working with these uncommon yet fas- oping countries, leading to disproportionately higher ophthalmology. The book opens with an extensive cinating bone sarcomas and uses a multidiscipli- mortality rates compared to those in the developed discussion of the interaction of light with matter and nary team approach that is essential to maximizing world. This book addresses cost-effective strategies the way in which light is used in ophthalmic exami- a patient’s chances of a successful outcome. Written for implementing programs aimed at screening for nations and treatments. After describing traditional for physicians who have an interest in how the entire the early detection of breast, cervical, endometrial, methods of imaging, particular emphasis is placed treatment process works and how their efforts are and ovarian cancers. A well woman clinic concept on modern instrumentation such as OCT. The inter- intertwined with those of their colleagues, Bone Sar- providing such services as part of women’s health action between light and tissues in different types of coma covers topics such as diagnostic techniques, examinations is proposed, aiming to ensure patient laser treatment is also addressed. The chemistry sec- treatment modalities, reconstruction and function, compliance by limiting clinic visits required for ini- tion focuses on compounds particularly relevant to and a more globally oriented chapter[...] tial testing and diagnosis[...] the eye, such as oxygen and[...] Features Features Features Bone Sarcoma is a succinct volume within the M.D. Women in developing nations experience higher Basic Sciences in Ophthalmology aims to link clini- Anderson Cancer Care Series that summarizes the incidence rates and higher mortality rates of breast cal ophthalmology directly to its basic science roots. key elements of different specialties as they per- and gynecological cancers, creating a critical need for This first volume describes the physics and chem- tain to these cancers. It is a vital resource for physi- cancer control programs that can use available, often istry required for a sound understanding of mod- cians working with these uncommon yet fascinating scant, resources to match the existing disease bur- ern ophthalmology. The text guides the reader from bone sarcomas and uses a multidisciplinary team den. This book promotes integrating screening and short descriptions of historical background and basic approach that is essential to maximizing a patient’s early detection of breast and gynecological cancers introductions to recent aspects that are relevant in chances of a successful outcome. Written for [..] through cost effective modalities like single [..] daily clinical practice. The [..] Contents Contents Contents Foreword.- Preface.- 1.A Multidisciplinary Approach Burden of breast and gynecological cancers in low- What is light?- The interaction between light and to the Management of Sarcomas of Bone.- 2.Bone resource communities.- Breast cancer: pathology, matter.- Light sources.- Examinations with light.- Sarcoma Imaging.- 3.Percutaneous Image-Guided cytology, and core needle biopsy methods for diag- Ultrasound diagnostics.- Further imaging proce- Biopsy for Diagnosis of Bone Sarcomas.- 4.Orthope- nosis.- Gynecological cancers: pathology and cyto- dures.- Interventions with laser light.- Some history dic Oncologic Surgical Specimen Management and logical methods for diagnosis of gynecological of chemistry.- Oxygen.- Water.- Carbon dioxide Surgical Pathology.- 5.Osteosarcoma.- 6.Ewing Sar- cancers.- Screening and early diagnosis of breast can- (CO2).- Nitric oxide.- Redox reactions.- DNA.- coma.- 7.Chondrosarcoma.- 8.Rare Bone Sarcomas.- cer: proven methodology and an optimized strategy RNA.- Proteins.- Lipids.- Matter: using water as an 9.Skeletal Reconstruction after Bone Sarcoma Resec- for developing countries.- HPV and cervical can- example.- If you are interested in more.- Appendix: tion.- 10.Soft Tissue Reconstruction after Bone Sar- cer.- Screening for cervical cancer in low-resource Units and constants. coma Resection.- 11.Bone Sarcomas in the Growing communities.- Ovarian cancer screening and early Child.- 12.Perioperative Management of Patients detection in low- and middle-income countries.- Fields of interest with Bone Sarcomas.- 13.Rehabilitation in Orthope- Endometrial cancer: risk factors and early[...] Ophthalmologie; Chemie (allgemein); Physik (allge- dic[...] mein) Fields of interest Fields of interest Bildgebende Verfahren / Radiologie; Diagnostis- Target groups Onkologie; Orthopädie che Radiologie; Onkologie; Gesundheitswesen; Professional/practitioner Gynäkologie Target groups Type of publication Professional/practitioner Target groups Monograph Professional/practitioner More on Type of publication Contributed volume Type of publication Hardcover Professional book 2013. XV, 250 p. 441 illus., 396 in color. More on 149,75 € Softcover More on ISBN 978-3-642-32260-0 2013. XIV, 270 p. 72 illus., 25 in color. (MD Anderson Hardcover Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Cancer Care Series) 2013. XV, 360 p. 107 illus., 82 in color. 53,45 € 181,89 € ISBN 978-1-4614-5193-8 ISBN 978-1-4614-1875-7 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 62 Medizin

M.G. Jeschke, University of Toronto, ON, Canada; L.-P. Kamolz, I. Damjanov, The University of Kansas School of Medicine, Kansas E. Camus, Polyclinique du Val de Sambre, Maubeuge, France; L. Medical University, Graz, Austria; S. Shahrokhi, University of City, KS, USA; F. Fan, The University of Kansas School of Medicine, Van Overstraeten, HFSU, Tournai, Belguim (Eds.) Toronto, ON, Canada (Eds.) Kansas City, KS, USA (Eds.) Carpal Ligament Surgery Burn Care and Treatment Cancer Grading Manual Before Arthritis A Practical Guide This is the second edition of a practice-oriented, It has by now been established that carpal ligamen- This practical guide offers a comprehensive sum- well-illustrated manual on the microscopic grad- tary lesions may lead to instability and ultimately mary of the most important and most immedi- ing of tumors. After an introduction on the history to carpal arthritis. However, the variety of anato- ate therapeutic approaches in the assessment and and basic tenets of tumor grading, subsequent chap- mopathological classifications and the multiplicity treatment of burn injuries. Taking into account ters focus on specific organ systems. In each case, of surgical repair techniques reflect the difficulty of age-specific needs in pediatric, adult, and elderly the most widely used system for grading common grasping this ligamentary pathology.Clinical analy- burn patients, the book discusses key issues such tumors is presented and discussed. Throughout, sis and traditional investigation techniques must suc- as pre-hospital treatment, wound care and infec- careful attention is paid to the principles of micro- cessfully address the complexity of the wrist, which tion control, burn nursing, and critical care. In scopic tumor grading, ancillary methods to improve is largely due to the number of synchronized bones addition, burn reconstructive surgery and rehabili- grading, and the latest techniques used in evaluat- involved in every movement of the hand. The clin- tation for burn victims are described. Written in a ing tumors and formulating prognosis. Since the ical analysis of the wrist is insufficient to precisely concise manner, Burn Care and Treatment provides first edition, all chapters have been updated to reflect measure the mobility of each carpal bone, making guidelines for the optimal care in order to improve revisions in the clinical practice of pathology and to paraclinical examinations also significant for clinical patient outcome, and thus will be a valuable ref- explain the role of novel[...] diagnosis. The[...] erence for physicians, surgeons, residents, nurses, and[...] Features Features This is the second edition of a practice-oriented, Nowadays, it is established that carpal ligamentary Features well-illustrated manual on the microscopic grading lesions may lead to instability and then to carpal This practical guide offers a comprehensive sum- of tumors that addresses all relevant histopathologic arthritis. However, the variety of anatomopatholog- mary of the most important and most immediate aspects of tumor pathology. After an introduction on ical classifications and the multiplicity of surgical therapeutic approaches in the assessment and treat- the history and basic tenets of tumor grading, subse- repair techniques reflect the difficulty of conceiving ment of burn injuries. Taking into account age- quent chapters focus on specific organ systems. In this ligamentary pathology. The clinical analysis and specific needs in pediatric, adult, and elderly burn each case, the most widely used system for grading traditional investigation techniques face the com- patients, the book discusses key issues such as pre- common tumors is presented and discussed. [..] plexity of the wrist. Its mechanical [..] hospital treatment, wound care and infection con- trol, burn nursing, and critical care. In [..] Contents Contents Tumors of the Mouth, Pharynx, Nose and Paranasal PART 1: FUNDAMENTALS.- Anatomy of the Contents Sinuses.- Tumors of the Salivary Glands.- Tumors carpal ligaments.- Biomechanics of the carpus. Pre-hospital, fluid and early management, burn of the Larynx and Hypopharynx.- Tumors of the Application to the ligamentary lesions.- Clinical wound evaluation.- Pathophysiology of Brun Injury.- Lungs and Pleura.- Tumors of the Thymus.- Tumors examination of the wrist.- Imaging of the carpal Anaesthesia and Pain Management.- Wound Heal- of the Digestive System.- Tumors of the Endocrine traumatic instabilities.- MRI Normal Anatomy and ing and Wound Care.- Infection Control.- Acute System.- Tumors of the Kidney and Male Urogeni- lesion of the extrinsic ligaments.- Definition and Burn Surgery.- Critical Care of Burn Victims Includ- tal System.- Tumors of the Female Genital Organs.- classification of carpal instabilities.- Radio-carpal ing Inhalation Injury.- Nutrition of the Burned Tumors of the Breast.- Tumors of the Lymphoid rotary instability.- Vertical Instability of the carpus. Patient and Treatment of the Hypermetabolic and Hematopoietic Systems.- Tumors of the Muscu- Axial dislocation and fracture-dislocation: Review Response.- Nursing Management of the Burn- loskeletal System.- Tumors of the Skin.- Tumors of of the literature.- Normal arthroscopy of the wrist.- injured Person.- Electrical Injury, Chemical Burns, the Central Nervous System. Wrist arthroscopy to study intrinsic ligaments.- and cold Injury "Frostbite".- Long-term Patho- Arthroscopic anatomy and lesions of the[...] physiology and Consequences of Burns Including Fields of interest Scarring, HTS, Keloids and Scar Treatment, Rehabil- Pathologie; Onkologie Fields of interest itation, Exercise.-[...] Chirurgische Orthopädie; Unfallchirurgie; Plastische Target groups Chirurgie Fields of interest Professional/practitioner Chirurgie; Dermatologie; Notfallmedizin; Anästhesi- Target groups ologie; Krankenpflege Type of publication Professional/practitioner Manual Target groups More on Type of publication Professional/practitioner Contributed volume Hardcover More on Type of publication 2013. XII, 220 p. 166 illus., 161 in color. Professional book 106,95 € Hardcover ISBN 978-3-642-34515-9 2013. XXIII, 306 p. 205 illus., 132 in color. More on Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. 160,49 € Hardcover ISBN 978-2-8178-0378-4 2013. V, 188 p. 50 illus., 43 in color. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 74,89 € ISBN 978-3-7091-1132-1 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Medizin 63

M.A. El-Darouti, Cairo University, Egypt S. Berkowitz, Coral Gables, FL, USA (Ed.) L.J. Moore, The University of Texas Health Science Center, Hous- ton, TX, USA; K.L. Turner, Weill Cornell Medical College, Houston, TX, USA; S.R. Todd, New York University, NY, USA (Eds.) Challenging Cases in Dermatology Cleft Lip and Palate

Diagnosis and Management Common Problems in Acute Care The cases presented in this book will guide the Surgery reader through the process of making a diag- Cleft Lip and Palate: Diagnosis and Management nosis based on logical thinking. The book pro- is an unparalleled review of treatment concepts in vides a wealth of knowledge regarding diagnostic all areas of cleft involvement presented by an inter- The current medical literature contains ample text approaches and pearls of wisdom. In addition national team of experienced clinicians. A unique addressing the topics of trauma and critical care. to unusual presentations of common diseases, it feature of the book is that it largely consists of lon- However, there are few texts existing that specifi- includes discussions about rare diseases, complex gitudinal facial and palatal growth studies of dental cally address the common surgical problems encoun- cases, surprising diagnoses, therapeutic challenges casts, photographs, panorexes, and cephalographs tered by practicing acute care surgeons. Common and other important features. Becoming acquainted from birth to adolescence. Throughout the discus- Problems in Acute Care Surgery provides a com- with such unusual cases will provide the dermatolo- sion of growth and treatment concepts, the impor- prehensive, evidence-based review of the most com- gist with increased knowledge, a wider perspective, tance of differential diagnosis in treatment planning mon clinical problems encountered by acute care and innovative techniques that can be used to solve is underscored. The underlying argument is that all surgeons. Focusing on the clinical care of the patient, diagnostic dilemmas. Readers will improve their way the treatment goals – good speech, facial aesthetics, this volume explores the general principles of acute of thinking and data analysis, and will be able to[...] dental occlusion, and psychological development – care surgery and the specific disease states that are may be realized without the[...] commonly encountered by acute care surgeons. The Features work also touches upon the ethical issues and sys- Features Challenging Cases in Dermatology provides a strate- tems development behind acute care[...] gic and analytic way of thinking about unusual Cleft Lip and Palate: Diagnosis and Management dermatologic presentations. Every case presented is an unparalleled review of treatment concepts in Features within this book is a unique story, but the clinical all areas of cleft involvement presented by an inter- The current medical literature contains ample text decision pathways used to reach an appropriate solu- national team of experienced clinicians. A unique addressing the topics of trauma and critical care. tion are similar. A wide range of cases are covered feature of the book is that it largely consists of lon- However, there are few texts existing that specifically including many extremely rare diseases and rare pre- gitudinal facial and palatal growth studies of dental address the common surgical problems encountered sentations of diseases that are not, themselves, [..] casts, photographs, panorexes, and cephalographs by practicing acute care surgeons. Common Prob- from birth to adolescence. Throughout the [..] lems in Acute Care Surgery provides a comprehen- Contents sive, evidence-based review of the most common Contents Genodermatoses.- Neutrophilic dermatoses and clinical problems encountered by acute care sur- FACIAL EMBRYOLOGY AND NEONATAL related disorders.- Vascular disorders and vasculitis.- geons. [..] Vascular malformations and tumors.- Cutaneous PALATAL CLEFT MORPHOLOGY.- TYPES lymphomas & lymphocytic infiltrate.- Metabolic and OF CLEFTS.- FACIAL GROWTH IN CLEFT Contents Nutritional disorders.- Infections of the skin.- Dis- PALATE CHILDREN.- AUDIOLOGY/OTOLOGY.- The Careful Art of Resuscitation.- The Evaluation orders of connective tissues.- Tumors of skin sur- EFFECTS OF SURGERY AND HOW IT WAS of the Acute Abdomen.- Perioperative Considera- face and skin appendages.- Lichenoid disorders.- UTILIZED.- LIP AND PALATE SURGERY: MIL- tions for Surgical Emergencies.- Damage Control Pigmentary disorders.- Blistering disorders.- Sys- LARD-BERKOWITZ PROTOCOL.- ANOTHER Laparotomy in Surgical Sepsis.- Surgical Procedures temic diseases and the skin.- Neurogenic disorders TESTED GOOD SURGICAL PROCEDURE.- in the Intensive Care Unit.- Early Management of and tumors.- Fibrohistiocytic tumors.- Eosinophilic FACIAL GROWTH – TIME IS THE PATIENT’S Sepsis, Severe Sepsis, and Septic Shock in the Surgi- disorders.- Histiocytoses.- Metastatic tumors of the ALLY.- PRESURGICAL ORTHOPEDICS.- MID- cal Patient.- Multiple Organ Failure.- Acute Lung skin. FACIAL ORTHODONTIC/ORTHOPEDIC Injury in the Acute Care Surgery Patient.- Nutrition CHANGES.- ORTHOGNATHIC SURGERY.- DIS- in the Surgical Patient.- Acute Renal Insufficiency Fields of interest TRACTION OSTEOGENESIS.- SPEECH.- THIRD (Failure).- Surgical Site Infections.- Hemorrhage and Dermatologie; Pathologie WORLD CLEFT TREATMENT.- PSYCHOLOGI- Transfusions in the Surgical Patient.- Obtaining a CAL/TEAM FUNCTION.- MULTICENTER Surgical Airway.- Esophageal[...] Target groups CLINICAL REPORTS.- RECORDING PATIENT Professional/practitioner ORTHODONTIC-SURGICAL FINDINGS.- Fields of interest THE[...] Allgemeinchirurgie; Intensivmedizin; Notfallmedizin Type of publication Atlas Fields of interest Target groups More on Mund-, Kiefer-, Gesichtschirurgie; Plastische Professional/practitioner Chirurgie; Zahnmedizin Hardcover Type of publication 2013. XV, 763 p. 823 illus., 799 in color. Target groups Professional book 181,85 € Professional/practitioner ISBN 978-1-4471-4248-5 More on Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Type of publication Hardcover Contributed volume 2013. XVII, 527 p. 160 illus., 87 in color. More on 149,75 € ISBN 978-1-4614-6122-7 Hardcover Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 2013. XXX, 982 p. 498 illus., 180 in color. 319,93 € ISBN 978-3-642-30769-0 Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. 64 Medizin

S. Schmidt, Ladenburg, Germany; M. Döbele, Mörlenbach, Ger- R.B. Taylor, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR, E. Bonifazi, University of Bari, Italy many USA Differential Diagnosis in Pediatric Demenzbegleiter Diagnostic Principles and Dermatology Leitfaden für zusätzliche Betreuungskräfte in der Pflege Applications

Der Begleiter für BegleiterMit alten Menschen Musik Avoiding Medical Errors, Passing Board Exams, and Providing This book is devoted exclusively to differential diag- Informed Patient Care hören, spazieren gehen, im Garten arbeiten - wer nosis in pediatric dermatology. It covers the full range of relevant conditions: inherited skin dis- hat dazu heute schon Zeit?Doch Demenzkranke This book fills the need for a resource presenting orders; nevi; viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic zu begleiten, ist eine große psychische und physis- important diagnostic facts that clinicians should infections; acne; allergic diseases; autoimmune che Herausforderung – für ehrenamtlich Tätige wie have learned during their classroom lectures and skin disorders; connective tissue diseases; tumors; für professionell Pflegende. In diesem Leitfaden subsequent clinical training, but often didn’t. The and miscellaneous conditions. Each comparison finden Begleiter von demenzkranken Menschen content will be literature-based information that can addresses the differential diagnosis between two (or und Teilnehmer der Fortbildung kurz, knapp und help the clinician avoid diagnostic errors. Most other occasionally three or four) dermatological condi- leicht verständlich die wichtigsten Grundlagen, um diagnosis books on the market are either “physical tions, containing between two and six images and demenzkranken Menschen zu helfen, ihren Alltag zu diagnosis” texts targeting student readers or “differ- a short text emphasizing the clinical differences bewältigen. Hinweise zur Selbstpflege geben Anre- ential diagnosis” books intended for use by practic- between the diseases in question. At the end of each gungen, wie sie selbst mit diesen Anforderungen ing physicians, though both types of books aim to chapter, a summary highlights one or two character- umgehen können.Plus: Tipps für das Praktikum - be comprehensive. What sets this book apart from istics essential for the differential[...] Checklisten zur Vorbereitung und ReflexionAuf- other diagnosis books is that it is a curated collection bauend auf dem[...] of facts, tailored specifically to address common gaps Features in clinical[...] Features Differential diagnosis in pediatric dermatology requires not only a direct experience in the field, but Der Begleiter für Begleiter – jetzt in 2. AuflageMit Features also an inclination to symptoms observations and dementen Menschen Musik hören, spazieren gehen, Which disease should you consider when a young analysis.This book, the first exclusively devoted to sich an vergangene Zeiten erinnern – wer hat dazu adult has localized bone pain that is dramatically this topic, covers the full range of relevant condi- schon Zeit? Doch gerade für sie ist es besonders relieved by aspirin? What is sometimes the only tions: inherited skin disorders; nevi; viral, bacterial, wichtig, ihre Lebenssituation durch Zuwendung zu physical manifestation of bulimia nervosa? These so- fungal, and parasitic infections; acne; allergic dis- verbessern. Dies erfordert neben Zeit und Geduld called "old fashioned" historical clues and physical eases; autoimmune skin disorders; connective [..] auch viel Verständnis für die Betroffenen und deren signs are not only part of our medical heritage; their Angehörige.Aktualisiert und [..] deployment can often spell the difference between Contents prompt clinical diagnosis versus a costly [..] Contents Inherited Skin Disorders.- Nevi.- Viral Infections.- Bacterial Infections.- Fungal Infections.- Parasitic Demenz.- Psychische Erkrankungen.- Umgang mit Contents Infestations.- Acne.- Allergic Diseases.- Autoim- dementen Menschen.- Alterserkrankungen.- Pflege Undifferentiated problems.- Infants and children.- mune Skin Disorders.- Miscellaneous Items.- Con- und Dokumentation.- Betreuung von dementen The nervous system.- The eye.- The ear, nose and nective Tissue Diseases.- Tumors. Menschen.- Ernährung.- Hauswirtschaft.- Erste throat.- The cardiovascular system.- The respiratory Hilfe.- Rechtskunde.- Kooperation.- Ausblick.- system.- The digestive system.- The kidney and male Fields of interest Anhang. genitourinary system.- The female reproductive sys- Dermatologie; Pädiatrie tem.- The musculoskeletal system.- The skin and Fields of interest subcutaneous tissues.- The endocrine and metabolic Target groups Krankenpflege systems.- Blood and hematologic system.- Infections Professional/practitioner Target groups and infestations.- Mental health problems.- Labora- Type of publication Professional/practitioner tory and imaging diagnostics.- Appendix: Glossary of statistical terms used in this book. Monograph Type of publication More on Professional book Fields of interest Allgemeinmedizin; Hausärztliche Medizin; Medizin Hardcover More on (allgemein) 2013. XVI, 152 p. 202 illus., 200 in color. Softcover 106,99 € 2013. XII, 212 S. 64 Abb., 9 in Farbe. Target groups ISBN 978-88-470-2858-6 19,99 € Professional/practitioner Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. ISBN 978-3-642-34283-7 Type of publication Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Professional book More on Softcover 2013. XX, 416 p. 106 illus., 66 in color. 32,09 € ISBN 978-1-4614-1110-9 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Medizin 65

N. Constantini, Hadassah-Hebrew UMC, Jerusalem, Israel; A.C. R.M. Trüeb, Center for Dermatology and Hair Diseases, Hackney, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA (Eds.) Walisellen-Zurich, Switzerland Encyclopedia of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery Endocrinology of Physical Activity Female Alopecia

and Sport Guide to Successful Management Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery is the med- ical and surgical specialty addressing disorders of Second Edition Few dermatologic problems carry as many emotional the head and neck in both adult and pediatric pop- overtones as hair loss in women, which is by far the Understanding the influence and interaction ulations. The goal of the encyclopedia is to serve most common hair problem encountered in daily between physical activity and the endocrine system as a single and comprehensive source of all the clinical practice. Fortunately, a specific diagnosis are of paramount importance in dealing with a mul- information that is essential for students and prac- can usually be established through the application of titude of health problems. In Endocrinology of Phys- titioners of the specialty. The vast amount of infor- appropriate examinations and tests, and treatment ical Activity and Sport, renowned physicians and mation included in the encyclopedia is divided into suited to the diagnosis is likely to control the prob- researchers provide a comprehensive and expanded 5 volumes in line with the subspecialties of general lem. This comprehensively illustrated monograph update on the scientific, clinical and practical com- otolaryngology, head and neck surgery, pediatric provides both specialists and primary care physicians ponents of endocrinology as related to sport and otolaryngology, otology–neurotology, and facial with the practical know-how required for success- exercise. The authors thoroughly review what is plastics. All volume editors are internationally recog- ful management of hair loss in female patients of all known about how such activity effects the endocrine nized otolaryngologists with experience in publish- ages. The book opens by critically examining vari- system and how in turn these hormonal responses ing. Each section editor recruited[...] ous myths about hair loss. The different examination affect many other organs and systems of the body. In techniques are then[...] Features addition, aspects of endocrinology in non-glandular The encyclopedia of otolaryngology-head and neck tissue which have endocrine actions are[...] Features surgery will be a comprehensive collection of works Few dermatologic problems carry as many emotional Features that will serve as a complete source of information overtones as hair loss in women, which is by far the Understanding the influence and interaction for all otolaryngologists, including the ones in train- most common hair problem encountered in daily between physical activity and the endocrine system ing and interested medical students or health care clinical practice. Fortunately, a specific diagnosis can are of paramount importance in dealing with a mul- personnel.This reference work will be multivolume, usually be established through a detailed patient his- titude of health problems. In Endocrinology of Phys- divided into 5 distinct sections, each section approxi- tory, examination of the scalp and pattern of hair ical Activity and Sport, renowned physicians and mately 1000 pages long. Each volume will [..] loss, a simple pull test, dermoscopy of the scalp and researchers provide a comprehensive and expanded hair (trichoscopy), a few pertinent screening [..] Contents update on the scientific, clinical and practical com- General Otolaryngology.- Pediatric Otolaryngology.- ponents of endocrinology as related to sport and Contents Head and Neck Surgery.- Otology-Neurotology.- exercise. The [..] Introduction.- Historical Myths: Experiments Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. on Hair Loss Cures.- Age Old Myths: Popular or Contents Layman’s Myths.- Physician’s Myths: Don’t Believe Methodological Considerations in Exercise Fields of interest Everything you Hear on Hair.- Examining Hair Loss Endocrinology.- Exercise and Endogenous Opiates.- HNO; Kopf-Hals-Chirurgie; Pädiatrie; Plastische in Women.- Patient History.- Clinical Examina- The Effect of Exercise on the Hypothalamo-Pitu- Chirurgie tion.- Trichoscopy.- Trichogram.- Laboratory Work- itary-Adrenal Axis.- Impact of Chronic Training on Up.- Scalp Biopsy.- Quantifying Hair Loss.- Diagno- Target groups Pituitary Hormone Secretion in the Human.-Exer- sis and Treatment.- Telogen Effluvium.- Iron Defi- Professional/practitioner cise and the GH-IGF-I axis.- Exercise and Thyroid ciency.- Female Pattern Hair Loss.- Postpartal Hair Function.- The Male Reproductive System, Exercise Loss.- Menopause.- Seasonal Hair Shedding.- Effect Type of publication and Training: Endocrine Adaptations.- Exercise and of Cigarette Smoking and UV Radiation.- Senescent Encyclop(a)edia the Hypothalamus. Ovulatory Adaptations.- Adren- Alopecia.- Alopecia with Scarring Phenomena.-[...] More on ergic Regulation of Energy Metabolism.- Energy Balance and Weight Control (male and female): Hardcover Fields of interest Considerations.-Exercise Training in the Normal Dermatologie; Gynäkologie; Innere Medizin 2013. LIV, 3082 p. 1467 illus., 909 in color. Female: Effects of[...] 1.819,00 € Target groups ISBN 978-3-642-23498-9 Fields of interest Professional/practitioner Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Endokrinologie; Innere Medizin Type of publication Target groups Monograph Professional/practitioner More on Type of publication Hardcover Contributed volume 2013. XIV, 204 p. 65 illus., 61 in color. More on 149,79 € ISBN 978-3-642-35502-8 Hardcover 2013. XI, 558 p. 56 illus., 10 in color. (Contemporary Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Endocrinology) 160,45 € ISBN 978-1-62703-313-8 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 66 Medizin

M.F. Chernov, Tokyo Women's Medical University, Japan; M. N. Bhattacharya, Department of Regenerative Medicine and A. Giussani, Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, Neuherberg, Ger- Hayashi, Tokyo Women's Medical University, Japan; J.C. Ganz, Translational Science, Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine, Cal- many; C. Hoeschen, Helmholtz Zentrum München, Neuherberg, Ulverston, UK; K. Takakura, Tokyo Women's Medical University, cutta, West Bengal, India; P. Stubblefield, Boston University Med- Germany (Eds.) Japan (Eds.) ical Centre, Boston, MA, USA (Eds.) Imaging in Nuclear Medicine Gamma Knife Neurosurgery in Human Fetal Tissue the Management of Intracranial Transplantation This volume addresses a wide range of issues in the Disorders field of nuclear medicine imaging, with an emphasis Many diseases earlier considered to be incurable are on the latest research findings. Initial chapters set the now being treated with modern innovations involv- scene by considering the role of imaging in nuclear The articles in this volume cover the various options ing fetal tissue transplants and stem cells derived medicine from the medical perspective and dis- of the optimal management of brain tumors, vas- from fetal tissues. Fetal tissues are the richest source cussing the implications of novel agents and appli- cular lesions, and functional disorders. They pro- of fetal stem cells as well as other varying states of cations for imaging. The physics at the basis of the vide a good balance between microneurosurgery differentiated cells and support or stromal cells. The most modern imaging systems is described, and the and radiosurgery, presenting also alternative sur- activity of such stem cells is at their peak provided reader is introduced to the latest advances in image gical and radiosurgical treatment options with dis- they are given the correct niche. Stem cells, as we reconstruction and noise correction. Various novel cussions on their advantages and disadvantages. know, are immortal cells with the capacity to regen- concepts are then discussed, including those devel- The presentation of multiple treatment methods erate into any kind of differentiated cell as per niche- oped within the framework of the EURATOM FP7 will help to provide better service to patients. Some guidance. As such, fetal tissues have the potential MADEIRA research project on the optimization of papers, specifically highlighting alternative treatment capacity to mend, regenerate and repair damaged imaging procedures in order to[...] options, are accompanied by editorials prepared by cells or tissues in adults, when directly transplanted recognized experts in the field. Additional emphasis Features to[...] is put on importance of the advanced neuroimaging This volume addresses a wide range of issues in the techniques for radiosurgical treatment[...] Features field of nuclear medicine imaging, with an emphasis Over the past decade there have been major advances on the latest research findings. Initial chapters set the Features in the field of regenerative medicine with the scene by considering the role of imaging in nuclear The articles in this volume cover the various options promise to bring to reality, cures for debilitating dis- medicine from the medical perspective and dis- of the optimal management of brain tumors, vas- eases such as diabetes, heart failure, and Parkinson’s cussing the implications of novel agents and appli- cular lesions, and functional disorders. They pro- disease. Cellular products from a variety of sources cations for imaging. The physics at the basis of the vide a good balance between microneurosurgery and are being evaluated for their ability to replace dam- most modern imaging systems is described, and [..] radiosurgery, presenting also alternative surgical and aged tissue.Fetal tissues consist of stem cells and radiosurgical treatment options with discussions on Contents progenitor cells which have undergone [..] their advantages and disadvantages. The presenta- Imaging in nuclear medicine.- The role of imaging in tion of multiple treatment methods will help to pro- Fields of interest nuclear medicine: the medical perspective.- Physics vide [..] Hematologie; Pathologie of imaging in nuclear medicine.- Tomographic and hybrid imaging in nuclear medicine.- Perspectives Contents Target groups in nuclear medicine tomography: a physicist’s point Practice of Gamma Knife surgery: Concept of Research of view.- Reconstruction algorithms and scanning robotic Gamma Knife microradiosurgery and geometries in tomographic imaging.- Advances results of its clinical application in benign skull base Type of publication in SPECT image reconstruction.- New tumors.- Contemporary role of microsurgery, radio- Contributed volume approaches to quality assurance in medical surgery, and stereotactic radiotherapy in manage- More on imaging.- The EURATOM FP7 collaborative project ment of vestibular schwannomas.- Whether Gamma MADEIRA.- Image magnification with an insert Knife radiosurgery is really necessary for treatment Hardcover PET probe. of patients with vestibular schwannomas?- Do we 2013. XXIX, 462 p. 124 illus., 92 in color. really still need an open surgery for treatment of 181,85 € Fields of interest patients with vestibular schwannomas?-Stereotac- ISBN 978-1-4471-4170-9 Nuklearmedizin; Bildgebende Verfahren / Radiolo- tic radiosurgery and hypofractionated stereotactic Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. gie; Medizinische und Strahlenphysik radiotherapy for management of vestibular schwan- nomas:[...] Target groups Professional/practitioner Fields of interest Neurochirurgie Type of publication Contributed volume Target groups More on Professional/practitioner Hardcover Type of publication 2013. VI, 237 p. 109 illus., 60 in color. Proceedings 106,99 € More on ISBN 978-3-642-31414-8 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Hardcover 2013. XIII, 216 p. 83 illus., 50 in color. (Acta Neurochirur- gica Supplement, Band 116) 192,55 € ISBN 978-3-7091-1375-2 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Medizin 67

J. Dargent, Polyclinique Rillieux, Lyon, France M.W.J. Strachan, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, UK; B.M. E. Kaiser, Frankfurt am Main (Ed.) Frier, University of Edinburgh, UK Innovative Technologies and Non- Komplikationsmanagement im Invasive Procedures in Bariatric Insulin Therapy Herzkatheterlabor Surgery A Pocket Guide The aim of this book is to provide clear and concise Das Komplikationsmanagement im Herzkatheter- labor systematisch aufbereitet für den angehen- The majority of the obese population still does not information about the safe prescribing of insulin den interventionellen Kardiologen und bereits take advantage of the available surgical possibili- both subcutaneously and intravenously. It provides bestehende „Heart-Teams“.Betreuung des Patien- ties. Clinical research should be oriented towards information on the different types of insulin, the ten- Risikostratifizierung- Patientenvorbereitung- less invasive procedures that could be accepted delivery devices, side effects of insulin and, most Rechtssichere Aufklärung und Dokumentation- by the mainstream. In 2012, most non-invasive importantly, on rational dose adjustment. Nachbetreuung des PatientenProzedurale Komp- bariatric techniques are still not standardized or likationen- Punktionsstellenbezogen- Bei der Draht- sufficiently assessed, but they are being constantly Features platzierung- Bei der Katheterplatzierung- PTCA upgraded. The purpose of this book is to spark a dis- Diabetes is extremely common, with approximately assoziiert, Stent assoziiert- Medikamentöses und cussion between experts from around the world, 171 million people affected worldwide. The major- mechanisches ThrombusmanagementPeriproze- and to gather relevant information on new technolo- ity of people with diabetes are cared for in primary durale Komplikationen- Hämodynamisches Man- gies that will make it possible to enlarge the vision of care. Primary health care professionals are usually agement- Atemwegsmanagement- Conscious bariatric care to a growing number of morbid obese adept at dealing with the lifestyle measures and tablet sedation im Katheterlabor- Kontrastmittelallergie and non-morbid obese patients. treatments for diabetes, but generally have limited expertise in the initiation and management of insulin und Nephropathie- CPR im KatheterlaborFehler- Features therapy. Insulin therapy has also become more [..] management-[...] The majority of the obese population still does not Features take advantage of the available surgical possibili- Contents Das Komplikationsmanagement im Herzkatheter- ties. Clinical research should be oriented towards 1. History, Normal Physiology and Production of labor systematisch aufbereitet für den angehen- less invasive procedures that could be accepted Insulin.- 2. Insulins and Regimens in Current Use.- den interventionellen Kardiologen und bereits by the mainstream. In 2012, most non-invasive 3. Subcutaneous Insulin Administration.- 4. Ini- bestehende „Heart-Teams“.Betreuung des Patien- bariatric techniques are still not standardized or tiating and Adjusting Insulin.- 5. Side-Effects of ten- Risikostratifizierung- Patientenvorbereitung- sufficiently assessed, but they are being constantly Insulin.- 6. Intravenous Insulin.- 7. Use of Insulin in Rechtssichere Aufklärung und Dokumentation- upgraded. The purpose of this book is to spark a dis- Hospitals. Nachbetreuung des PatientenProzedurale Komplika- cussion [..] Fields of interest tionen- [..] Contents Innere Medizin; Diabetologie; Endokrinologie Contents ABILITI™ System.- Anaesthesia: Less invasive Target groups Teil 1 Prozedurale Komplikationen (workflow-bezo- approach in the obese patient.- Anaesthesiology for Professional/practitioner gene).- Punktionsstellenbezogene Komplikatio- non invasive bariatric surgery.- Anti-reflux endo- nen.- Komplikationen an der abdominellen und scopic procedures.- Anubis.- Banding.- Bench- Type of publication thorakalen Aorta.- Komplikationen bei der Katheter- marking of novel technologies in bariatric surgery.- Professional book platzierung.- Komplikationen bei der Koronardraht- Cooperation between the bariatric surgeon and the platzierung.- PTCA assoziierte Komplikationen.- endoscopist.- Duodeno-jejunal bypass sleeve: a novel More on Stent assoziierte Komplikationen.- Thrombusman- approach for type 2 diabetes.- Endoflip system for Softcover agement.- Teil 2 Periprozedurale Komplikationen.- band adjustment.- Endoluminal vacuum therapy.- 2013. VII, 82 p. 11 illus., 9 in color. Grundlagen der Teamarbeit im Herzkatheterlabor.- Endoscopic Re-do for failed Gastric Bypass.- Endo- 32,09 € Fehlerkultur versus Blamierkultur.- Was können wir scopic Re-do for failed Sleeve Gastrectomy.- Endo- ISBN 978-1-4471-4759-6 aus der Luftfahrt lernen?- Hämodynamisches Man- scopic stapling for morbid obesity.- Endoscopic[...] Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. agement.- Atemwegsmanagement.- Kontrastmitte- Fields of interest lallergie und[...] Viscerealchirurgie; Gastroenterologie; Minimal Inva- Fields of interest sive Chirurgie Kardiologie; Angiologie; Gefäßchirurgie; Interven- Target groups tionelle Radiologie; Management Praxis Professional/practitioner Target groups Type of publication Professional/practitioner Atlas Type of publication More on Professional book Hardcover More on 2013. IX, 93 p. 39 illus., 5 in color. Hardcover 106,95 € 2013. XVI, 140 S. 76 Abb. in Farbe. ISBN 978-2-8178-0403-3 99,99 € Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. ISBN 978-3-642-25600-4 Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. 68 Medizin

J.C. Pedrozo Pupo, Respire, Santa Marta, Magdalena, Colombia S. Pluntke, Potsdam, Deutschland A. Ferrari, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy; S. Rever- (Ed.) beri, IRCCS Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova, Reggio Emilia, Italy; M.G. Benedetti, Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna, Italy (Eds.) Lehrrettungsassistent und Dozent Learning Chest Imaging im Rettungsdienst L’arto inferiore nella paralisi

Radiology of the thorax forms an indispensable Für die Aus- und Weiterbildung cerebrale infantile element of the basic diagnostic process for many Die Qualifizierung zum Lehrrettungsassistenten ist Semeiotica e chirurgia funzionale conditions and is of key importance in a variety of die häufigste Weiterbildung von Rettungsassisten- medical disciplines. This user-friendly book pro- ten in Deutschland. Lehrrettungsassistenten sind Partendo dall’analisi del segno il testo affronta i vides an overview of the imaging techniques used für die Ausbildung von Rettungsassistenten mitver- principali difetti (impairment) che possono interes- in chest radiology and presents numerous instruc- antwortlich. Sie müssen nicht nur fachlich versiert sare l’arto inferiore nel bambino affetto da paralisi tive case-based images with accompanying explana- sein, sondern auch über ein hohes Maß an päda- cerebrale infantile. Per ciascuna delle tre principali tory text. A wide range of clinical conditions and gogisch, didaktischer Kompetenz verfügen. Der stazioni di movimento (piede, ginocchio e anca) circumstances are covered with the aim of enabling Autor vermittelt sowohl dem Lehrrettungsassis- vengono considerate le possibili cause del segno, le the reader to confidently interpret chest images by tenten in Ausbildung als auch dem bereits tätigen manovre di semeiotica clinica e strumentale (gait correctly identifying structures of interest and the Lehrrettungsassistenten die pädagogischen Grundla- analysis) in grado di evidenziarle, le proposte di causes of abnormalities. This book, which will be an gen der Ausbildungs- und Unterrichtstätigkeit, u.a. chirurgia funzionale più praticate capaci di modifi- invaluable learning tool, forms part of the Learning Unterrichtsmethoden, Unterrichtsmedien, Planung carle. Per ciascun intervento chirurgico viene fornita Imaging series for medical students,[...] des Unterrichts, Lernziele definieren und Lerner- una descrizione sintetica della procedura e dei tempi di interdizione dal carico, il protocollo di addestra- Features folge messen. Neben klassischen pädagogischen The- men[...] mento fisioterapico nell’immediato postoperatorio e Radiology of the thorax forms an indispensable ele- quello da[...] ment of the basic diagnostic process for many condi- Features tions and is of key importance in a variety of medical Ø Sie möchten Lehrrettungsassistent werden und Features disciplines. This user-friendly book provides an helfen, jüngere, unerfahrenere Kollegen mit auszu- Partendo dall’analisi del segno il testo affronta i overview of the imaging techniques used in chest bilden? Ø Sie sind bereits Lehrrettungsassistent, principali difetti (impairment) che possono interes- radiology and presents numerous instructive case- wollen sich Ideen für Ihre tägliche Arbeit holen sare l’arto inferiore nel bambino affetto da paralisi based images with accompanying explanatory text. A oder Dozent an einer Rettungsdienstschule wer- cerebrale infantile. Per ciascuna delle tre principali wide range of clinical conditions and circumstances den? Lesen Sie hier alles Wichtige über die Aus- und stazioni di movimento (piede, ginocchio e anca) are [..] Weiterbildung des LRA, u.a.· Unterrichtsmetho- vengono considerate le possibili cause del segno, le den und [..] manovre di semeiotica clinica e strumentale (gait Contents analysis) in grado di evidenziarle, le proposte di [..] Pleural and Pleural Space.- Diaphragm.- Medi- Contents astinum and Pulmonary Circulation.- Air Space, Qualifikationen im Rettungsdienst.- Bildungssystem Contents and Bronchi I.- Air Space, and Bronchi II.- Trachea der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.- Grundbegriffe PARTE I PIEDE.- 1 Eccessiva flessione plantare and Airway.- Heart and Great Vessels.- Chest Wall der Erwachsenenbildung.- Grundlagen des Lernens.- (equinus).- 2 Eccessiva flessione dorsale (calcaneous) and Soft Tissues.- Pulmonary Interstitium.- Medical Gedächtnis.- Organisation und Förderung des Ler- o talismo.- 3 Valgismo del retropiede, pronazione ed Device, and Monitoring of the Chest. nens.- Unterrichten und Ausbilden.- Lernziele.- eversione dell’avampiede.- 4 Varismo del retropiede – supinazione o inversione dell’avampiede.- 5 Defor- Fields of interest Planung von Aus- und Weiterbildung.- Unter- richtsmethoden.- Unterrichtsmedien.- Lernkon- mità in cavismo del piede.- 6 Deformità delle dita Bildgebende Verfahren / Radiologie; Diagnostische del piede.- 7 Alluce valgo.- 8 Trattamento fisioter- Radiologie; Pneumologie trollen und Beurteilungen.- Soziales Management.- Grundlagen des Arbeitsrechts. apico postoperatorio.- PARTE II GINOCCHIO.- 9 Ginocchio flesso.- 10 Ginocchio esteso, ginocchio Target groups rigido, ginocchio recurvato.- 11 Varismo (bow leg) Professional/practitioner Fields of interest Medizin (allgemein); Intensivmedizin; Hausärztliche e valgismo (knock knee).- 12 Instabilità sagittale o Type of publication Medizin frontale.- 13 Torsione[...] Professional book Target groups Fields of interest More on Professional/practitioner Rehabilitationsmedizin Softcover Target groups 2013. XIV, 242 p. 411 illus., 51 in color. (Learning Imag- Type of publication Professional/practitioner ing) Professional book 42,75 € More on Type of publication ISBN 978-3-642-34146-5 Softcover Monograph Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. 2013. VIII, 240 S. More on 29,99 € ISBN 978-3-642-34939-3 Softcover 2013. Ca. 400 pagg. Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. 72,01 € ISBN 978-88-470-2813-5 Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Medizin 69

D. Papamichael, Bank of Cyprus Oncology Centre, Nicosia, L. Cheng, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, C. Urban, Positivo University, Curitiba, Brazil; M. Rietjens, Euro- Cyprus; R.A. Audisio, University of Liverpool, UK (Eds.) USA; D.Y. Zhang, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY, pean Institute of Oncology, Milano, Italy (Eds.) USA; J.N. Eble, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapo- lis, IN, USA (Eds.) Management of Colorectal Cancers Oncoplastic and Reconstructive in Older People Molecular Genetic Pathology Breast Surgery

This book aims to provide an up-to-date review of Molecular Genetic Pathology, Second Edition Oncoplastic and reconstructive surgery combines the literature in each of the major areas relating to presents up-to-date material containing fundamental the most up-to-date techniques in plastic surgery the management of older colorectal cancers patients, information relevant to the clinical practice of mole- with surgery for breast cancer, providing optimal and makes recommendations for best practice and cular genetic pathology. Fully updated in each area oncologic and aesthetic results by means of a single future research. The authors come from a broad geo- and expanded to include identification of new infec- procedure. This book demonstrates why oncoplas- graphic spread including the UK, mainland Europe tious agents (H1N1), new diagnostic biomarkers and tic surgery represents such an exciting tool for sur- and North America to ensure a worldwide relevance. biomarkers for targeted cancer therapy. This edition geons who undertake breast surgery. Fundamental is also expanded to include the many new technolo- principles and basic concepts are clearly outlined, Features gies that have become available in the past few years and diverse techniques are presented by acknowl- The risk of cancer increases with age and the num- such as microarray (AmpliChip) and high through- edged experts from across the world. The emphasis is ber of older adults seeking treatment is rising dra- put deep sequencing, which will certainly change the very much on a “how to do” approach, with detailed matically in line with the aging population. The care clinical practice of molecular genetic pathology. Part guidance and advice on the various techniques. The of older patients differs from that of younger adults I examines the clinical aspects of molecular biology informative text is supported by a wealth of color because of variation in the biology of the tumor, age- and technology, genomics.[...] illustrations, and accompanying videos of[...] related variation in host physiology, co-morbidity burden and psychosocial issues, which might impact Features Features the efficacy and side effects of cancer [..] Molecular Genetic Pathology, Second Edition Oncoplastic and reconstructive surgery combines presents up-to-date material containing fundamental the most up-to-date techniques in plastic surgery Contents information relevant to the clinical practice of mole- with surgery for breast cancer, providing opti- 1. The Epidemiology of Colorectal Cancer in Older cular genetic pathology. Fully updated in each area mal oncologic and aesthetic results by means of a Patients.- 2. Genetic Alterations in Colorectal Cancer and expanded to include identification of new infec- single procedure. In recent years, it has attracted in Older Patients.- 3. Co-morbidity, Disability, and tious agents (H1N1), new diagnostic biomarkers and widespread attention worldwide and is now being Geriatric Syndromes.- 4. CRC: Diagnosis, Staging, biomarkers for targeted cancer therapy. This edition used ever more frequently and for a wider range of and Patient Assessment.- 5. Comprehensive Geri- is also expanded to include the many new [..] indications. This book demonstrates why oncoplastic atric Assessment.- 6. Surgical Treatment of Colorec- [..] tal Cancer in Older Patients.- 7. Palliative Surgical Contents Approaches for Older Patients with Colorectal Can- Principles of Clinical Molecular Biology.- Princi- Contents cer. 8. Surgery for Liver Metastases.- 9. Rectal Cancer ples of Clinical Cytogenetics.- Conceptual Evolution SECTION 1: Basic Principles for Oncoplastic and Radiotherapy and Older Patients: Evidence-Based or in Cancer Biology.- Genetic Inheritance and Popu- Reconstructive Breast Surgery.- SECTION 2: Partial Opinion-Based Treatment?.- 10. Adjuvant Therapy lation Genetics.- Clonality Analysis and Tumor of Breast Reconstruction.- SECTION 3: Breast Recon- of Colorectal Cancer in Older[...] Unknown Primary: Applications in Modern Oncol- struction After Mastectomy.- SECTION 4: Manage- ogy and Surgical Pathology.- Modern Immunohisto- ment of Complications.- SECTION 5: Refinements Fields of interest chemistry in Targeted Therapy.- Systems Pathology.- After Breast Reconstruction.- SECTION 6: Breast Onkologie; Geriatrie / Gerontologie; Chirurgische Diagnostic Methodology and Technology.- Clinical Reconstruction in Special Populations.- SECTION 7: Onkologie Flow Cytometry.- Clinical Genomics in Oncology.- Other Special Considerations. Clinical Proteomics.- Nanotechnology in Molecular Target groups Fields of interest Diagnostics.- Gene Therapy: Vector Technology and Professional/practitioner Plastische Chirurgie; Chirurgische Onkologie; Allge- Clinical Applications.- Instrumentation for[...] meinchirurgie Type of publication Fields of interest Contributed volume Target groups Pathologie; Onkologie; Hematologie; Labormedizin More on Professional/practitioner Target groups Hardcover Type of publication Professional/practitioner 2013. VIII, 178 p. 12 illus., 8 in color. Contributed volume 149,75 € Type of publication ISBN 978-0-85729-983-3 More on Handbook Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Hardcover More on 2013. XX, 461 p. 409 illus., 360 in color. 2013. XIII, 1132 p. 442 illus., 347 in color. eReference. 181,85 € 166,54 € ISBN 978-88-470-2651-3 ISBN 978-1-4614-4800-6 Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Erscheinungstermin: March 27, 2013 70 Medizin

E. Lawson, University of California, La Jolla, CA, USA; M.". Back- F.E. Johnson, Saint Louis University School of Medicine, St. Louis S. Radovick, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA; onja, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA (Eds.) VA Medical Center, St. Louis, MO, USA; Y. Maehara, Kyushu Uni- M.H. MacGillivray, Children's Hospital of Buffalo, NY, USA (Eds.) versity, Fukuoka, Japan; G.P. Browman, BC Cancer Agency, Van- couver Island Centre, Victoria, BC, Canada; J.A. Margenthaler, Painful Diabetic Polyneuropathy Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA; R.A. Audisio, Whiston Pediatric Endocrinology Hospital- Prescot, Merseyside, UK; J.F. Thompson, Royal Prince A Comprehensive Guide for Clinicians Alfred Hospital, Sydney, Australia; D.Y. Johnson, C.C. Earle, Dana- A Practical Clinical Guide, Second Edition Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA, USA; K.S. Virgo, Saint Louis Painful diabetic polyneuropathy is the most common University, St. Louis, MO, USA (Eds.) A state-of-the-art and concise guide to the clini- and disturbing of painful conditions experienced by cal management of pediatric endocrine disorders, people with diabetes. As the diabetes rate continues Patient Surveillance After Cancer the second edition of the highly regarded Pediatric to grow, the number of people suffering from painful Endocrinology: A Practical Clinical Guide covers the diabetic polyneuropathy will as well – increasing Treatment most common and challenging conditions seen by both patient suffering and demands on healthcare practicing endocrinologists and primary care physi- resources. Painful Diabetic Polyneuropathy cov- cians, including growth, hypothalamic, pituitary, Patient Surveillance After Cancer Treatment cov- ers all aspects of these painful disorders from patho- adrenal, thyroid, calcium and bone, and reproduc- ers the history of cancer patient surveillance after physiology and diagnosis, treatment and prevention, tive disorders, as well as metabolic syndromes. This curative-intent treatment, the rationale, the method- future approaches and the nursing perspective, to expanded second edition includes new topics being ologies used in the past and at present, the method- billing issues and the patient’s experience. Written seen more commonly in pediatric endocrinology ologies that will probably emerge in the future, the by experts in their fields, each chapter presents the practices related to obesity and type 2 diabetes mel- costs of surveillance, the definitions of various terms full perspective of these painful disorders with an litus and lipid disorders. Each chapter contains an used in the field, and how those who are interested in emphasis on[...] introductory discussion of the problem, a[...] the topic can get more information about it from the Features internet. The secondary focus of the book is to publi- Features Painful diabetic polyneuropathy is the most common cize the need for well-designed, adequately powered A state-of-the-art and concise guide to the clini- and disturbing of painful conditions experienced by randomized clinical trials comparing two (or more) cal management of pediatric endocrine disorders, people with diabetes. As the diabetes rate continues surveillance strategies for each type of cancer.The the second edition of the highly regarded Pediatric to grow, the number of people suffering from painful audience includes all oncologists, cancer researchers, Endocrinology: A Practical Clinical Guide covers the diabetic polyneuropathy will as well – increasing medical[...] most common and challenging conditions seen by both patient suffering and demands on healthcare practicing endocrinologists and primary care physi- Features resources. Painful Diabetic Polyneuropathy covers cians, including growth, hypothalamic, pituitary, Patient Surveillance After Cancer Treatment cov- all aspects of these [..] adrenal, thyroid, calcium and bone, and reproductive ers the history of cancer patient surveillance after [..] Contents curative-intent treatment, the rationale, the method- Epidemiology and Scope of Impact of Painful Dia- ologies used in the past and at present, the method- Contents betic Neuropathy.- Biology and Pathophysiology of ologies that will probably emerge in the future, the Childhood Growth Hormone Deficiency and Painful Diabetic Neuropathy.- Diagnosis of Painful costs of surveillance, the definitions of various terms Hypopituitarism.- Growth Hormone Insensitiv- Diabetic Neuropathy.- Prevention and Control of used in the field, and how those who are interested in ity.- Skeletal Dysplasias.- Idiopathic Short Stature.- Painful Diabetic Neuropathy.- Medical Treatments the topic can get more information about it [..] Growth Hormone Treatment Of The Short Child for Painful Diabetic Neuropathy.- Physical ther- Born Small For Gestational Age.- Growth Hor- Contents apy for Painful Diabetic Neuropathy.- Psycholog- mone Therapy in Children with Prader-Willi Syn- 1. Overview.- 2. Introduction to Cancer Surveillance ical treatment for Painful Diabetic Neuropathy.- drome.- Turner Syndrome.- Management of Adult Strategies.- 3. Using Decision Analysis to Model Acupuncture and Alternative Treatments for Painful with Childhood Onset Growth Hormone Defi- Cancer Surveillance.- 4. Cancer Survivorship: Mon- Diabetic Neuropathy.- Interventional and Invasive ciency.- Diabetes Insipidus.- Management of Acute itoring the Long-Term and Late Effects of Treat- treatment for Painful Diabetic Neuropathy.- Billing, and Late Endocrine Effects Following Childhood ment.- 5. Upper Aerodigestive Tract Carcinoma.- 6. Reimbursement, and Healthcare Utilization for[...] Cancer Treatment.- Endocrinologic Sequelae of Upper Aerodigestive Tract Carcinoma Surveillance Anorexia Nervosa.- Adrenal Insufficiency .- Congen- Counterpoint: Europe.- 7. Upper Aerodigestive Tract Fields of interest ital Adrenal Hyperplasia.- Cushing[...] Schmerztherapie; Diabetologie; Neurologie; Allge- Carcinoma Surveillance Counterpoint: Japan.- 8. meinmedizin; Innere Medizin; Endokrinologie Upper Aerodigestive Tract Carcinoma Surveillance Fields of interest Counterpoint: Canada.- 9. Thyroid (Papillary, Follic- Endokrinologie; Pädiatrie; Hausärztliche Medizin; Target groups ular, Medullary, Hürthle Cell) Carcinoma.- 10. Thy- Innere Medizin Professional/practitioner roid (Papillary, Follicular, Medullary,[...] Target groups Type of publication Fields of interest Professional/practitioner Contributed volume Onkologie; Chirurgische Onkologie; Strahlenthera- pie; Krebsforschung More on Type of publication Contributed volume Hardcover Target groups 2013. XV, 204 p. 8 illus., 4 in color. Research More on 149,75 € Hardcover ISBN 978-1-4614-6298-9 Type of publication 2013. XV, 624 p. 82 illus., 33 in color. (Contemporary Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Contributed volume Endocrinology) More on 149,75 € ISBN 978-1-60761-394-7 Hardcover 2013. XXI, 538 p. 10 illus., 8 in color. (Current Clinical Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Oncology) 192,55 € ISBN 978-1-60327-968-0 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Medizin 71

P.E. Spiess, Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa, FL, USA (Ed.) M. Lucioni, Vittorio Veneto, Italy M.V. Sauer, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA (Ed.)

Penile Cancer Practical Guide to Neck Dissection Principles of Oocyte and Embryo

Diagnosis and Treatment Focusing on the Larynx Donation

Penile Cancer: Diagnosis and Management provides This is the second edition of a superbly illustrated The versatility of oocyte and embryo donation has a comprehensive overview of penile cancer for med- manual on neck dissection that will serve as a proven to be extremely valuable to both patients and ical and surgical urologists oncologists, and other roadmap for advanced surgeons and beginners alike. doctors engaged in reproductive medicine. Origi- healthcare professionals. This book highlights many The reader is guided through the various cervi- nally thought to be applicable only to a rather small of the significant advances made in this field, which cal structures in a series of chapters depicting the subset of infertile women, today busy practices com- include a discussion of penile-sparing surgical and methods employed by surgeons operating in vivo. monly recommend the procedure and it is estimated radiotherapeutic approaches to select primary penile The illustrations provide an overview of all surgi- that nearly all of the 400 or more IVF programs in tumors typically of lower stage and grade as well cal anatomy relevant to the treatment of oncologic the United States provide these services. Oocyte and as advances in our understanding of the epidemi- patients. Compared with the first edition, revisions embryo donation has established itself as a mainstay ology, risk factors, and pathophysiology of penile have been made when appropriate and an impor- procedure within assisted reproductive care, and the cancer. The book also addresses many of the novel tant new chapter has been added on microscopic breadth, depth and complexity of practice is deserv- diagnostic and therapeutic surgical approaches to anatomy and laryngeal cancer. This chapter, which ing of focused attention. Much has changed within inguinal lymph nodes, including dynamic sentinel will also be of interest to pathologists, documents the the field of oocyte and embryo donation since the node biopsy and minimally invasive[...] microscopic anatomy of the larynx, presents[...] publication of the first[...] Features Features Features Penile Cancer: Diagnosis and Management provides This is the second edition of a superbly illustrated The versatility of oocyte and embryo donation has a comprehensive overview of penile cancer for med- manual on neck dissection that will serve as a proven to be extremely valuable to both patients and ical and surgical urologists oncologists, and other roadmap for advanced surgeons and beginners doctors engaged in reproductive medicine. Origi- healthcare professionals. This book highlights many alike. The reader is guided through the various cer- nally thought to be applicable only to a rather small of the significant advances made in this field, which vical structures in a series of practical step-by-step subset of infertile women, today busy practices com- include a discussion of penile-sparing surgical and chapters that depict the methods employed by sur- monly recommend the procedure and it is estimated radiotherapeutic approaches to select primary penile geons operating in vivo. The illustrations provide an that nearly all of the 400 or more IVF programs in tumors typically of lower stage and grade [..] overview of all surgical anatomy relevant to the treat- the United States provide these services. Oocyte and ment [..] Contents [..] 1. Epidemiology and Risk Factors for Penile Can- Contents Contents cer.- 2. Staging and Risk Stratification in Penile Can- Introduction to Dissection.- General Anatomical Part I. PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS FOR cer.- 3. Pathology of Penile Cancer and Its Precursor Layout.- Superficial Dissection.- Parotid Region.- PATIENTS AND CLINICIANS.- History of the Lesions.- 4. Evolving Imaging Modalities in the Submandibular–Submental Region (Robbins Level Technique and its Importance to Understanding Diagnosis and Staging of Penile Cancer.- 5. Penile- I) .- Laterocervical Region (Supraclavicular Region Modern Methodology.- Indications for Egg and Sparing Approaches to Primary Penile Tumors.- 6. – Robbins Level V).- Laterocervical Region (Stern- Embryo Donation.- Success and Anticipated Preg- Surgical Concepts and Considerations of Inguinal ocleidomastoid or Carotid Region – Robbins Levels nancy Outcomes for Oocyte and Embryo Dona- Lymph Node Dissection for Penile Cancer.- 7. Min- II, III, and IV).- Anterior Region (Robbins Level VI tion.- Selecting and Screening Donors.- Selecting and imally Invasive Surgical Approaches to Penile Can- – Inferior Part) .- Anterior Region (Robbins Level Screening Recipients: Diminished Ovarian Reserve cer.- 8. Applications of Radiation Therapy in the VI – Superior Part).- Prevertebral Region.- Micro- and Premature Ovarian Failure.- Chapter 6 – Select- Management of Penile Cancer.- 9. Multimodal scopic Anatomy of the Larynx.- Pattern of Spreading ing and Screening Recipients: Advanced Reproduc- Approach to the Management of Locally Advanced of Larynx Cancer.- Concerning Endoscopy, Imaging, tive Age.- Genetic Aspects of Donor Selection.- Part and[...] and Surgical Options in Larynx Cancer.-[...] II. PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF CLINICAL CARE.- Fields of interest Fields of interest Sychronization of Donors and Recipients:[...] Urologie / Andrologie; Onkologie; Chirurgische HNO; Kopf-Hals-Chirurgie; Allgemeinchirurgie; Fields of interest Onkologie Onkologie; Bildgebende Verfahren / Radiologie; Reproduktionsmedizin; Endokrinologie; Gynäkolo- Pathologie Target groups gie; Geburtshilfe / Perinatologie Professional/practitioner Target groups Target groups Professional/practitioner Type of publication Professional/practitioner Contributed volume Type of publication Type of publication Monograph More on Contributed volume More on Hardcover More on 2013. X, 162 p. 50 illus., 47 in color. (Current Clinical Hardcover Hardcover Urology) 2013. XXII, 268 p. 259 illus., 247 in color. 2013. XXI, 426 p. 43 illus., 35 in color. 149,79 € 106,95 € 160,49 € ISBN 978-1-62703-366-4 ISBN 978-3-642-33976-9 ISBN 978-1-4471-2391-0 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 72 Medizin

J.Y. Wu, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, USA (Ed.) A.P. Zbar, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, Israel; K.R. Aigner, Medias Klinikum Burghausen, FRG; F.O. Stephens, R.D. Madoff, University of Minnesota Hospitals, Minneapolis, MN, University of Sydney, NSW, Australia; Th.J. Vogl, Universität- USA; S. Wexner, Cleveland Clinic, FL, USA (Eds.) sklinikum Frankfurt, FRG; W. Padberg, Universitätsklinikum RNA and Cancer Gießen (Eds.) Reconstructive Surgery of the Accumulating evidence supports the role of defects Rectum, Anus and Perineum Regionale Therapie maligner in post-transcriptional gene regulation in the devel- Tumoren opment of cancer. RNA and Cancer examines the recent advances in our understanding of post-tran- Reconstructive Surgery of the Rectum, Anus and scriptional gene regulation, especially RNA pro- Perineum provides the reader with a didactic discus- Die regionale Chemotherapie (RCT), eine örtlich cessing and its role in cancer development and sion of complex problems which require re-operative auf den Tumor begrenzte Chemotherapie, kann teil- treatment. A particular focus is mRNA splicing, but surgery; including details of preoperative investiga- weise der erste Schritt innerhalb eines umfassenden other topics such as microRNAs, mRNA stability, tion, postoperative follow-up and a detailed opera- Therapieplans sein. Hier wird dem soliden Tumor the perinucleolar compartment, and oligonucleotide tive approach. This comprehensive and detailed text das Medikament über die versorgende Arterie zuge- therapeutics are also covered in detail. All chap- uses a formulated algorithm approach to these com- führt mit dem Ziel, den Tumor vor der Operation ters have been written by internationally renowned plicated cases using operative photographs and com- zu verkleinern. Die Herausgeber und Autoren sind experts. The book is intended for all with an interest posite explanatory line drawings which complement national und international renommierte Spezialis- in gene regulation and cancer biology, and especially ‘how-to’ guides in describing the operative techni- ten auf dem Gebiet der RCT und beschäftigen sich for those not directly working on RNA[...] cal tips and pitfalls from experienced commentators. seit vielen Jahren mit dieser Technik. Sie stellen die Reconstructive Surgery of the Rectum, Anus and ganze Bandbreite der Behandlungsmöglichkeiten Features Perineum, is written by leading world experts in the vor und zeigen sowohl die Vorteile als auch die In the last decade, it has become increasingly clear field of colorectal surgery and is a[...] Grenzen des Behandlungskonzeptes und der RCT that RNA is not simply a messenger molecule direct- auf: Begrenzung auf eine kleine Körperregionen; ing protein synthesis. Rather, it has multiple, versa- Features geringe[...] tile functional roles in cells, especially in mammalian Reconstructive Surgery of the Rectum, Anus and gene regulation, and thereby influences almost Perineum provides the reader with a didactic discus- Features every aspect of cellular life. This book reviews recent sion of complex problems which require re-operative Die regionale Chemotherapie (RCT), eine örtlich progress in selected areas of RNA processing in surgery; including details of preoperative investiga- auf den Tumor begrenzte Chemotherapie, kann teil- which information of particular [..] tion, postoperative follow-up and a detailed opera- weise der erste Schritt innerhalb eines umfassenden tive approach. This comprehensive and detailed text Therapieplans sein. Hier wird dem soliden Tumor Contents uses a formulated algorithm approach to these com- das Medikament über die versorgende Arterie zuge- Coupling between transcription and alternative plicated cases using operative photographs [..] führt mit dem Ziel, den Tumor vor der Operation splicing.- Detection of alternatively spliced or zu verkleinern.Die Herausgeber und Autoren sind processed RNAs in cancer using oligonucleotide Contents national und international renommierte Spezialisten microarray.- Cancer-associated perturbations in 1. The Role of Conventional Radiography.- 2. auf dem [..] alternative pre-messenger RNA splicing.- Alterna- Defaecography.- 3. Endoluminal Endosonography tive splicing of tumor suppressors and oncogenes.- (Including 3D).- 4. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contents MicroRNAs in cancer.-The perinucleolar compart- of Anorectal Diseases.- 5. Endoscopic Evaluation in Einleitung Übersicht, Geschichte, Terminologie und ment: RNA metabolism and cancer.- Regulation of Colorectal Re-operation.- 6. Manometry, Compli- frühe klinische Erfahrungen.- Das Dosis-Wirkung- ARE-mRNA stability by cellular signaling: impli- ance Assessment, and Neurophysiologic Testing in Prinzip in Verbindung mit der Zufuhr von Antineo- cations for human cancer.- Alternative pre-mRNA the Reoperative Case.- 7. Vector Volume Manometry plastika.- Wirkstoffeliminationssysteme und Induk- splicing, cell death and cancer.- Oligonucleotide and Neurophysiologic Assessment in the Reopera- tionschemotherapie.- Kryotherapie.- Lokale und therapeutics in cancer.- Clinical perspective on[...] tive Case: Recommendations.- 8. Surgical Aspects of regionale Hyperthermie.- Die Rolle der Hypoxie Rectal Reconstruction – Alternatives in the Ultralow und Hyperthermie in der Chemotherapie.- Inter- Fields of interest Anastomosis.- 9. Neorectal Reservoirs and Their ventionell radiologische Verfahren zur Portka- Onkologie; Krebsforschung; Humangenetik; Medi- Revision.- 10. Reconstructing the Irradiated Rec- theter-Implantation.- Induktionschemotherapie zinische Biochemie tum.- 11.[...] bei Kopf-Hals-Tumoren.- Isolierte Thoraxperfu- sion mit Infusion der A. carotis bei fortgeschrittenen Target groups Fields of interest chemoresistenten Tumoren der Glandula Parotis.- Professional/practitioner Kolorektale Chirurgie; Allgemeinchirurgie; Systemische[...] Gynäkologie; Chirurgie Type of publication Fields of interest Contributed volume Target groups Onkologie More on Professional/practitioner Target groups Hardcover Type of publication Professional/practitioner 2013. XIII, 245 p. 23 illus., 5 in color. (Cancer Treatment Contributed volume and Research) Type of publication More on 160,45 € Contributed volume ISBN 978-3-642-31658-6 Hardcover More on Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 2013. XXIII, 606 p. 236 illus., 116 in color. With online files/update. Hardcover 181,89 € 2013. XVIII, 426 S. 139 Abb., 88 in Farbe. ISBN 978-1-84882-412-6 129,99 € Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Vorbestellpreis gültig bis 31. Juli 2013 99,99 € ISBN 978-3-642-35013-9 Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Medizin 73

L.K. Golightly, University of Colorado Hospital, Aurora, CO USA; H.P. Attarian, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, USA; M. Viola- G. Lucignani, Azienda Ospedaliera San Paolo, Milano, Italy (Ed.) I. Teitelbaum, University of Colorado Hospital, Aurora, CO USA; Saltzman, NorthShore University Health System, Glenview, IL, T.H. Kiser, University of Colorado Hospital, Aurora, CO USA; D.A. USA (Eds.) Levin, University of Colorado Hospital, Aurora, CO USA; G.R. Bar- Sperimentazione e registrazione ber, University of Colorado Hospital, Aurora, CO USA; M.A. Jones, University of Colorado Hospital, Aurora, CO USA; N.M. Stolpman, Sleep Disorders in Women dei radiofarmaci University of Colorado Hospital, Aurora, CO USA; K.S. Lundin, Uni- Normative e procedure versity of Colorado Hospital, Aurora, CO USA (Eds.) A Guide to Practical Management

In Sleep Disorders in Women: A Guide to Practical La sperimentazione clinica dei prodotti farmaceutici, Renal Pharmacotherapy Management, 2nd Edition, a multidisciplinary panel e quindi anche dei radiofarmaci, è regolata a livello of eminent researchers and practicing clinicians nazionale da decreti legislativi emessi per recepire Dosage Adjustment of Medications Eliminated by the Kidneys comprehensively updates the multifaceted aspects of specifiche Direttive europee in materia di buona pratica di sperimentazione, e da norme di radiopro- As the population of patients with acute or chronic sleep disorders in women at different stages of life, tezione, in attuazione di direttive Euratom, in mate- kidney disease grows, healthcare professionals need a illuminating the unique impact that each reproduc- ria di radiazioni ionizzanti. In Italia molti aspetti resource that optimizes drug effectiveness while min- tive and endocrine stage has on both normal sleep applicativi del comune quadro giuridico europeo, imizing potential toxicity. Renal Pharmacotherapy is and sleep disorders. This title not only introduces peraltro focalizzato principalmente sulle attività a comprehensive listing of dosage recommendations primary care physicians and health care providers to svolte in ambito industriale, sono intervenuti su una for patients with compromised renal function. This the discipline of sleep disorders in women, it also will normativa pregressa, talora obsoleta, di interpre- up-to-date and evidence-based reference closes sev- appeal to a broader set of specialists as it summarizes tazione non sempre univoca e senza una visione inte- eral identified knowledge gaps concerning medica- the latest, cutting-edge research and presents it in a grata che considerasse nel loro insieme le legislazioni tions eliminated by the kidneys. Conveniently listed succinct and clinically relevant manner. The goal of farmaceutiche e[...] alphabetically by generic drug name, each drug has this book[...] its own face page featuring typical dosing ranges, Features Features alternative dosing adjustments by strata of renal In Sleep Disorders in Women: A Guide to Practical La sperimentazione clinica dei prodotti farmaceutici, function, specific dosing for dialysis and other dos- Management, 2nd Edition, a multidisciplinary panel e quindi anche dei radiofarmaci, è regolata a livello ing schemes. This work[...] of eminent researchers and practicing clinicians nazionale da decreti legislativi emessi per recepire specifiche Direttive europee in materia di buona Features comprehensively updates the multifaceted aspects of pratica di sperimentazione, e da norme di radiopro- As the population of patients with acute or chronic sleep disorders in women at different stages of life, tezione, in attuazione di direttive Euratom, in mate- kidney disease grows, healthcare professionals need a illuminating the unique impact that each reproduc- ria di radiazioni ionizzanti. In Italia molti aspetti resource that optimizes drug effectiveness while min- tive and endocrine stage has on both normal sleep applicativi del comune quadro giuridico [..] imizing potential toxicity. Renal Pharmacotherapy is and sleep disorders. This title not [..] a comprehensive listing of dosage recommendations Fields of interest Contents for patients with compromised renal function. This Neurologie; Geburtshilfe / Perinatologie; Gynäkolo- Perché sperimentare e registrare i radiofarmaci?.- up-to-date and evidence-based reference closes sev- gie; Innere Medizin; Psychiatrie; Pädiatrie Normativa europea e normative nazionali sui radio eral identified knowledge gaps [..] farmaci.- Normativa europea e nazionale sui radio- Target groups farmaci: la sperimentazione clinica.- Classificazione Contents Professional/practitioner dei radio farmaci.- I radiofarmaci e la farmacopea.- A.- B.- C.- D.- E.- F.- G.- H.- I.- J.- K.- L.- M.- N.- Sperimentazione preclinica di radio farmaci.- Speri- O.- P.- Q.- R.- S.- T.- V.-Z. Type of publication mentazioni cliniche con radio farmaci.- Le Norme di Contributed volume Fields of interest Buona Pratica di Laboratorio.- Le Norme di Buona Nephrologie; Innere Medizin; Arzneimit- More on Pratica Clinica e le responsabilità dello sperimenta- tore.- La preparazione di un Investigational Medici- telforschung / -technologie; Pharmakologie / Hardcover Toxikologie; Arzneimittelresistenz; Pharmacother- nal Product Dossier (IMPD).- Ruolo e funzioni dei 2013. XVII, 348 p. 18 illus., 6 in color. (Current Clinical Comitati etici nelle[...] apy Neurology) 160,49 € Target groups Fields of interest ISBN 978-1-62703-323-7 Professional/practitioner Nuklearmedizin Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Type of publication Target groups Professional book Professional/practitioner More on Type of publication Softcover Contributed volume 2013. XXIII, 752 p. 1 illus. More on 53,45 € Softcover ISBN 978-1-4614-5799-2 2013. Ca. 200 pagg. (Imaging & Formazione) Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 25,71 € ISBN 978-88-470-2873-9 Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. 74 Philosophie

E. Benenson, University of Cologne, Germany P. Liamputtong, La Trobe University, Bundoora, VIC, Australia (Ed.) Philosophie Syndrome-based Approach to Women, Motherhood and Living Diagnosis Th.B. Mooney, Singapore Management University, Singapore; M. with HIV/AIDS Nowacki, Singapore Management University, Singapore (Eds.) A Practical Guide A Cross-Cultural Perspective Many young, inexperienced doctors, have difficultly Aquinas, Education and the East pinpointing a diagnosis: Is it a condition to which There are about 34 million people worldwide living certain diseases could belong, or a disease definable with HIV/AIDS. Half are women. There has been a in line with certain criteria? How can I apply my dramatic global increase in the rates of women living A confluence of scholarly interest has resulted in a basic knowledge of diseases to a real patient? How with HIV/AIDS. Among young women, especially revival of Thomistic scholarship across the world. can I find the correct diagnosis for a disease that I in developing countries, infection rates are rapidly Several areas in the investigation of St. Thomas am seeing for the very first time? The traditional increasing. Many of these women are also moth- Aquinas, however, remain under-explored. This diagnostic pathways conveyed by current methods ers with young infants. When a woman is labeled as volume contributes to two of these neglected areas. of teaching, from visual identification of the disease, having HIV, she is treated with suspicion and her First, the volume evaluates the contemporary rele- knowledge of diseases, understanding of symptoms morality is being questioned. Previous research has vance of St. Thomas's views for the philosophy and or patterns to diagnosis, leave certain diagnostic suggested that women living with HIV/AIDS can practice of education. The second area explored questions unanswered, especially on first experi- be affected by delay in diagnosis, inferior access to involves the intersections of the Angelic Doctor’s ence of such a clinical pattern. Syndrome-based health care services, internalized stigma and a poor thought and the numerous cultures and intellectual Approach to Diagnosis: A[...] utilization of health services. This makes it extremely traditions of the East. Contributors to this section difficult for women to take care[...] examine the reception, creative appropriation, and Features various points of convergence between St. Thomas Many young, inexperienced doctors, have difficultly Features and the East. pinpointing a diagnosis: Is it a condition to which There are about 34 million people worldwide living certain diseases could belong, or a disease definable with HIV/AIDS. Half are women. There has been a Features in line with certain criteria? How can I apply my dramatic global increase in the rates of women living A confluence of scholarly interest has resulted in a basic knowledge of diseases to a real patient? How with HIV/AIDS. Among young women, especially revival of Thomistic scholarship across the world. can I find the correct diagnosis for a disease that I am in developing countries, infection rates are rapidly Several areas in the investigation of St. Thomas seeing for the very first time? The traditional diag- increasing. Many of these women are also mothers Aquinas, however, remain under-explored. This nostic pathways conveyed by current [..] with young infants. When a woman is labeled as hav- volume contributes to two of these neglected areas. ing HIV, she is treated with suspicion and her moral- First, the volume evaluates the contemporary rele- Contents ity is [..] vance of St. Thomas's views for the philosophy and 1. Two principles and two diagnostic pathways for practice of education. The second area explored clinical teaching and practice.- 2. Clinical didac- Contents involves the [..] tics and the systemic problems of clinical teaching.- Preface.- Chapter 1. Women, Motherhood and 3. Objectives central to clinical teaching.- 4. Prac- Living with HIV/AIDS: An Introduction.- Part I. Fields of interest tice-oriented, basic knowledge of a clinical discipline Women, Reproduction and HIV.- Chapter 2. Grow- Philosophie des Mittelalters; Philosophie der or the curriculum of practical clinical teaching.- 5. ing Confidence? Family-Planning by HIV-Posi- Erziehung; Nicht-westliche Philosophie; Philosophie Training levels to dictate the standard of education.- tive Mothers in a South African Urban Setting; Ray der Erziehung; Geschichte der Philosophie 6. New didactic approaches to clinical teaching.- 7. Lazarus, Helen Struthers and Avy Violari.- Chapter Manuals for active self-study.- 8. ‘Diagnose to target’ 3. Pregnancy and Motherhood in the Narratives of Target groups in the setting of decision trees. Women with HIV Infection from the Metropolitan Research Area of Buenos Aires, Argentina; Mónica Gogna, Sil- Type of publication Fields of interest via Fernández, Paula di Corrado and María Julieta Contributed volume Medizin (allgemein); Medizinische Bildung Obiols.- Chapter 4. Making Decisions in Pregnancy about HIV Testing and Treatment: The Experience More on Target groups of Burmese Migrant[...] Hardcover Professional/practitioner 2013. XIV, 192 p. (Sophia Studies in Cross-cultural Phi- Fields of interest losophy of Traditions and Cultures, Band 4) Type of publication Gesundheitswesen; Lebensqualitätsforschung; 106,95 € Monograph Interkulturelle Psychologie; Anthropologie ISBN 978-94-007-5260-3 More on Target groups Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Hardcover Research 2013. XVII, 112 p. 17 illus., 16 in color. 106,99 € Type of publication ISBN 978-1-4471-4732-9 Contributed volume Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. More on Hardcover 2013. XXII, 314 p. 5 illus. 106,95 € ISBN 978-94-007-5886-5 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Philosophie 75

P. Huneman, IHPST (CNRS), Paris, France (Ed.) M. Coeckelbergh, University of Twente, Enschede, The Nether- J. Friedl, Universität Graz; H. Rutte, Forschungsstelle und Doku- lands mentationszentrum für österreichische Philosophie, Graz (Eds.) Functions: selection and mechanisms Human Being @ Risk Moritz Schlick. Enhancement, Technology, and the Evaluation of Vulnerabil- Erkenntnistheoretische Schriften ity Transformations This volume handles in various perspectives the 1926-1936 concept of function and the nature of functional Whereas standard approaches to risk and vulnerabil- explanations, topics much discussed since two major ity presuppose a strict separation between humans Der vorliegende, mit Einleitungen und Kom- and conflicting accounts have been raised by Larry and their world, this book develops an existen- mentaren versehene Band enthält Schriften Sch- Wright and Robert Cummins’ papers in the 1970s. tial-phenomenological approach according to which licks aus der Phase des Wiener Kreises, die zu Here, both Wright’s ‘etiological theory of functions’ we are always already beings-at-risk. Moreover, it seinen Lebzeiten aus verschiedenen Gründen and Cummins’ ‘systemic’ conception of functions are is argued that in our struggle against vulnerabil- unveröffentlicht geblieben sind. Zusammen mit den refined and elaborated in the light of current scien- ity, we create new vulnerabilities and thereby trans- Arbeiten, die in Band I/6 der MSGA vereinigt sind, tific practice, with papers showing how the ‘etiologi- form ourselves as much as we transform the world. bieten sie ein umfassendes Bild der Entwicklung von cal’ theory faces several objections and may in reply Responding to the discussion about human enhance- Schlicks (im weiten Sinn verstandener) Erkennt- be revisited, while its counterpart became ever more ment and information technologies, the book then nistheorie in ihrer letzten Periode. Am Beginn des sophisticated, as researchers discovered fresh appli- shows that this dynamic-relational approach has Bandes stehen einige bislang gänzlich unbekannte, cations for it. Relying on a firm knowledge of the important implications for the evaluation of new Schlicks publiziertes Werk ergänzende Arbeiten. original positions[...] technologies and their risks. It calls for a normative Dem folgt die umfangreiche Abhandlung „Form and anthropology of vulnerability that does not[...] Content“, die an die Stelle von Schlicks Hauptwerk, Features der Allgemeinen Erkenntnislehre, treten sollte. Das This volume handles in various perspectives the Features letzte Drittel[...] concept of function and the nature of functional Whereas standard approaches to risk and vulnerabil- explanations, topics much discussed since two major ity presuppose a strict separation between humans Features and conflicting accounts have been raised by Larry and their world, this book develops an existen- Der vorliegende, mit Einleitungen und Kom- Wright and Robert Cummins’s papers in the 1970s. tial-phenomenological approach according to which mentaren versehene Band enthält Schriften Sch- Here, both Wright’s ‘etiological theory of functions’ we are always already beings-at-risk. Moreover, it licks aus der Phase des Wiener Kreises, die zu and Cummins’s ‘systemic’ conception of functions is argued that in our struggle against vulnerability, seinen Lebzeiten aus verschiedenen Gründen are refined and elaborated in the light of current [..] we create new vulnerabilities and thereby transform unveröffentlicht geblieben sind. Zusammen mit den ourselves as much as we transform the world. [..] Arbeiten, die in Band I/6 der Moritz Schlick Gesam- Contents tausgabe vereinigt sind, bieten sie ein umfassendes Introduction.- Section I. Biological functions and Contents Bild der Entwicklung von Schlicks (im weiten Sinn functional explanations: genes, cells, organisms and Part I Descriptive Anthropology of Vulnerability.- verstandener) Erkenntnistheorie [..] ecosystems.- Part 1.A. Functions, organization and Chapter 1. The Transhumanist Challenge.- Chap- development in life sciences.- Chapter 1. William C. ter 2. An Anthropology of Vulnerability.- Chapter 3. Contents Wimsatt. Evolution and the Stability of Functional Cultures and Transformations of Vulnerability.- Part Vorwort der Herausgeber.- Verzeichnis der Siglen, Architectures.- Chapter 2. Denis M. Walsh. Teleo- II Normative Anthropology of Vulnerability.- Chap- Abkürzungen, Zeichen und Indizes.- Einleitung, logical Emergence: The Autonomy of Evo-Devo.- ter 4. Ethics of Vulnerability (1): Implications for Einleitung in die Philosophie der Zukunft.- Does Chapter 3. Jean Gayon. Does oxygen have a function, ethics of technology.- Chapter 5. Ethics of Vulnera- Science Describe or Explain?- Vorrede (zu Wais- or: where should the regress of biological functions bility (2): Imagining the Posthuman future.- Chap- mann).- Die Überwindung des Konventionalismus.- stop?.- Part 1.B. Functional pluralism for biologists? ter 6. Ethics of Vulnerability (3): Vulnerability in the Erkenntnis als Ausdruck.- Philosophy as Pursuit of Chapter 4. Frédéric Bouchard. How ecosystem evo- Information Age.- Chapter 7. Politics of Vulnerabil- Meaning.- Form and Content.- Über die Beziehung lution strengthens the case for[...] ity: Freedom, Justice, and the Public/Private distinc- zwischen den psychologischen und physikalischen tion.- Chapter 8. Normative[...] Begriffen.- Introduction (zu Sur le fondement de Fields of interest la connaissance).- Tatsachen und Aussagen.- Über Metaphysik; Wissenschaftstheorie; Evolutionsbiolo- Fields of interest "Konstatierungen".- Weltall und Menschengeist.- gie; Neurowissenschaften; Anthropologie Philosophie des Menschen; Phänomenologie; Metaphysiker und Dogmatiker.- Anhang. Philosophie der Technik; Ethik Target groups Fields of interest Research Target groups Philosophie (allgemein) Research Type of publication Target groups Contributed volume Type of publication Research More on Monograph Type of publication Hardcover More on Monograph 2013. VIII, 243 p. 6 illus. (Synthese Library, Band 363) Hardcover 106,95 € 2013. XIV, 218 p. (Philosophy of Engineering and Tech- More on ISBN 978-94-007-5303-7 nology, Band 12) Hardcover Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 106,99 € 2013. XII, 566 S. (Abteilung II: Nachgelassene Schriften, ISBN 978-94-007-6024-0 Band 1.2) Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 97,26 € ISBN 978-3-7091-1508-4 Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. 76 Physik

N. Milkov, Universität Paderborn, Germany; V. Peckhaus, Univer- J. Turri (Ed.) sität Paderborn, Germany (Eds.) Physik Virtuous Thoughts: The Philosophy The Berlin Group and the of Ernest Sosa U. Amaldi, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland; N. Angert, Helmholtzzen- Philosophy of Logical Empiricism trum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany; K. Bethge, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt/M., Germany; F. Bor- This collection is a major contribution to the under- dry, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland; W. Herr, CERN, Geneva, Switzer- The Berlin Group for scientific philosophy was standing and evaluation of Ernest Sosa’s profound land; F. Caspers, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland; J.-P. Delahaye, active between 1928 and 1933 and was closely related and wide-ranging philosophy, in epistemology and CERN, Geneva, Switzerland; W. Fischer, Brookhaven National to the Vienna Circle. In 1930, the leaders of the beyond. A balanced, fair and critical volume, it offers Lab., Upton NY,USA; E. Forest, KEK, Ibaraki, Japan; B. Goddard, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland; M. Brugger, CERN, Geneva, Switzer- two Groups, Hans Reichenbach and Rudolf Car- a sensitive appreciation of his wide philosophi- land; H. Burkhardt, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland; S. Guiducci, nap, launched the journal Erkenntnis. However, cal purview, a nuanced assessment of the detail of INFN, Frascati, Italy; K. Hanke, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland; J. between the Berlin Group and the Vienna Circle, his thought, and a spur to exploring the linkages Hinton, University of Leicester, United Kingdom; W. Hofmann, there was not only close relatedness but also signif- between the varied topics explored by the subtle MPI f. Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany; S.D. Holmes, Fermilab, icant difference. Above all, while the Berlin Group mind of this great American scholar.The papers Batavia IL 60510-5011, USA; K. Hübner, CERN, Geneva, Switzer- explored philosophical problems of the actual prac- explore a wealth of Sosa’s academic interests, includ- land; Y. Kadi, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland; M. Lamont, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland; R.W. Assmann, CERN, Geneva, Switzer- tice of science, the Vienna Circle, closely following ing his work on philosophical method, the philoso- land; O. Brüning, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland; R. Garoby, CERN, Wittgenstein, was more interested in problems of the phy of mind and language, metaphysics, and value Geneva, Switzerland; R. Steinhagen, CERN, Geneva, Switzer- language of science. The book includes first discus- theory, in addition to his output on epistemology land; R. Tomás García, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland; J. Wenninger, sion ever (in three chapters) on Walter Dubislav’s itself. It offers, for example, a[...] CERN, Geneva, Switzerland; L.B. Bottura, CERN, Geneva, Switzer- logic and philosophy. Two chapters are[...] land; J.-P. Burnet, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland; E. Jensen, CERN, Features Geneva, Switzerland; J.M. Jimenez, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland; Features This collection is a major contribution to the under- O.R. Jones, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland; B. Holzer, CERN, Geneva, The Berlin Group for scientific philosophy was active standing and evaluation of Ernest Sosa’s profound Switzerland; J. Jowett, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland; L. Rivkin, between 1928 and 1933 and was closely related to Paul Scherrer Inst., Villingen, Switzerland; M. Lindroos, CERN, and wide-ranging philosophy, in epistemology and Geneva, Switzerland; E. Metral, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland; G. the Vienna Circle. In 1930, the leaders of the two beyond. A balanced, fair and critical volume, it offers Rumolo, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland; K. Oide, KEK, Ibaraki, Japan; Groups, Hans Reichenbach and Rudolf Carnap, a sensitive appreciation of his wide philosophi- Th. Roser, BNL, Upton NY 11973-5000, USA; J. Rossbach, DESY, launched the journal Erkenntnis. However, between cal purview, a nuanced assessment of the detail of Hamburg, Germany; M. Dohlus, DESY, Hamburg, Germany; P. the Berlin Group and the Vienna Circle, there was his thought, and a spur to exploring the linkages Schmüser, DESY, Hamburg, Germany; F. Willeke, BNL, Upton, not only close relatedness but also significant differ- between the varied topics explored by the subtle NY 11973-5000, USA; J.T. Seeman, SLAC, Nat.Accel. Lab., Menlo ence. Above all, while the Berlin Group explored [..] Park, CA 94025-7015, USA; A. Grudiev, CERN, Geneva, Switzer- mind [..] land; G. Krafft, CASA, TJNAF, Newport News, VA 23606, USA; A. Latina, Fermilab, Batavia, IL 60510-5011, USA; I. Papaphilippou, Contents Contents CERN, Geneva, Switzerland; N. Phinney, SLAC Nat. Accel. Lab., Preface; Milkov, Peckhaus.- Part I. Introductory Preface.- Virtue, Intuition and Philosophical Menlo Park, CA 94025-7015, USA; M. Ross, Fermilab, Batavia, Chapters.- Part II. Historical-Theoretical Con- Methodology; Jonathan Jenkins Ichikawa.- Objec- IL 60510-5011, USA; D. Schulte, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland; A. text.- Part III. Hans Reichenbach.- Part IV. Wal- tive Value and Requirements; Noah Lemos.- Real- Seryi, SLAC Nat. Accel. Lab., Menlo Park, CA 94025-7015, USA; A. ter Dubislav.- Part V. Kurt Grelling and Alexander ism and Relativism; Allan Hazlett.- The Metaphysics Yamamoto, KEK, Ibaraki, Japan; V. Shiltsev, Fermilab, Batavia, IL Herzberg.- Part VI. Carl Hempel und Paul Oppen- 60510-5011, USA; E.J.N. Wilson, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland; V. of Persons; Gary Rosenkrantz.- Self-Conception: Mertens, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland; D. Missiaen, CERN, Geneva, heim. Sosa on De Se Thought; Manuel García-Carpin- Switzerland; L.J. Tavian, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland; D. Tom- tero.- Introspective Justification and the Fineness of masini, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland; J.-P. Burnet, CERN, Geneva, Fields of interest Grain of Experience: Sosa on Specked Hens; Michael Switzerland; M. Brugger, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland; A. Cald- Wissenschaftstheorie Pace.- Truth and Epistemology; Matt McGrath and well, Werner-Heisenberg Institut, München, Germany; O. Boine- Jeremy Fantl.- Bi-Level Virtue Epistemology; John Frankenheim, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany; H. Schopper, CERN, Target groups Geneva, Switzerland; S. Myers, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland (Eds.) Turri.- Safety and Epistemic Frankfurt Cases; Juan Professional/practitioner Comesaña.- Reflective Knowledge and the Pyrrhon- Type of publication ian[...] Accelerators and Colliders Contributed volume Fields of interest More on Erkenntnistheorie; Metaphysik; Philosophie des After a historical consideration of the types and evo- lution of accelerators the physics of particle beams Hardcover Geistes; Ontologie; Ethik; Sprachphilosophie is provided in detail. Topics dealt with comprise lin- 2013. X, 332 p. 15 illus. (Boston Studies in the Philoso- Target groups ear and nonlinear beam dynamics, collective phe- phy and History of Science, Band 273) Research nomena in beams, and interactions of beams with 106,95 € the surroundings. The design and principles of syn- ISBN 978-94-007-5484-3 Type of publication chrotrons, circular and linear colliders, and of linear Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Contributed volume accelerators are discussed next. Also technological More on aspects of accelerators (magnets, RF cavities, cryo- genics, power supply, vacuum, beam instrumenta- Hardcover tion, injection and extraction) are reviewed, as well 2013. VIII, 240 p. 5 illus. (Philosophical Studies Series, as accelerator operation (parameter control, beam Band 119) feedback system, orbit correction, luminosity opti- 106,95 € mization). After introducing[...] ISBN 978-94-007-5933-6 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Features After a historical consideration of the types and evo- lution of accelerators the physics of particle beams is provided in detail. Topics dealt with comprise lin- ear and nonlinear beam dynamics, collective phe- nomena in beams, and interactions of beams with the surroundings. The design and principles of syn- chrotrons, circular and linear colliders, and of linear accelerators are discussed next. Also [..]

Fields of interest Physik (allgemein); Elementarteilchen- und Kern- physik Physik 77

Target groups S. Schikora, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany C. Rockstuhl, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena, Germany; T. Research Scharf, Ecole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne, Neuchâtel, Switzerland (Eds.) All-Optical Noninvasive Delayed Type of publication Reference work Feedback Control of Semiconductor Amorphous Nanophotonics More on Lasers Hardcover This book represents the first comprehensive 2013. 680 p. (Elementary Particles, Nuclei and Atoms, The stabilization of unstable states hidden in the overview over amorphous nano-optical and nano- Teilband 21C) dynamics of a system, in particular the control of photonic systems. Nanophotonics is a burgeoning 3.734,30 € chaos, received much attention in the last years. branch of optics that enables many applications by ISBN 978-3-642-23052-3 In this work, a well-known control method called steering the mould of light on length scales smaller Erscheinungstermin: January 21, 2013 delayed feedback control is applied for the first time than the wavelength with devoted nanostructures. entirely in the all-optical domain. A multisection Amorphous nanophotonics exploits self-organiza- semiconductor laser receives optical feedback from tion mechanisms based on bottom-up approaches an external Fabry-Perot interferometer. The control to fabricate nanooptical systems. The resulting struc- signal is a phase-tunable superposition of the laser tures presented in the book are characterized by a signal, and provokes the laser to operate in an oth- deterministic unit cell with tailored geometries; but erwise unstable periodic state with a period equal to their spatial arrangement is not controlled. Instead of the time delay. The control is noninvasive, because periodic, the structures appear either amorphous or the reflected signal tends to zero when the target random. The aim of this book is to discuss[...] state is reached. Features Features This book represents the first comprehensive The stabilization of unstable states hidden in the overview over amorphous nano-optical and nano- dynamics of a system, in particular the control of photonic systems. Nanophotonics is a burgeoning chaos, has received much attention in the last years. branch of optics that enables many applications by Sylvia Schikora for the first time applies a well- steering the mould of light on length scales smaller known control method called delayed feedback con- than the wavelength with devoted nanostructures. trol entirely in the all-optical domain. A multisection Amorphous nanophotonics exploits self-organiza- semiconductor laser receives optical feedback from tion mechanisms based on bottom-up approaches to an external Fabry-Perot interferometer. The [..] fabricate nanooptical [..]

Contents Contents All-Optical Control Setup.- Stable States with Reso- Dielectric amorphous photonics materials and struc- nant Fabry-Perot Feedback.- Control of an Unstable tures.- Photonic quasi-crystals.- Solar cells with scat- Stationary State.- Control of Unstable Self-Pulsa- tering and nanostructures.- Disordered photonic tions.- Controlling Chaos.- Control of a Torsionfree crystals.- Light localization in dielectric media.- Orbit. Amorphous plasmonics.- Fabrication methods.- Structural characterization techniques.- Numerical Fields of interest means to describe optics in amorphous media.- Ana- Lasertechnik und - physik, Photonik ; Angewandte lytical and quasi-analytical treatment.- Homogeniza- Optik, Optoelektronik tion techniques and the problem of how to deal with different length scales.- Electromagnetic characteri- Target groups zation techniques.- New physical (electromagnetic) Research phenomena emerging due to[...]

Type of publication Fields of interest Monograph Nanobereichwissenschaft und -technologie; Optische More on und elektronische Werkstoffe; Nanotechnologie und Mikrotechnik; Angewandte und technische Physik; Softcover Klassische Elektrodynamik, Wellen und Felder 2013. XIX, 118 p. 59 illus. 69,99 € Target groups ISBN 978-3-658-01539-8 Research Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Type of publication Monograph More on Hardcover 2013. XVIII, 372 p. 193 illus., 102 in color. (Nano-Optics and Nanophotonics) 139,05 € ISBN 978-3-642-32474-1 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 78 Physik

S.G. Stavrinides, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece; S. R. Diez Muino, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Donostia-San W. Demtröder, Universität Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Ger- Banerjee, Institute for Mathematical Research; S.H. Caglar, Istan- Sebastián, Guipúzcoa, Spain; H.F. Busnengo, CONICET-UNR, many bul Kultur University, Turkey; M. Ozer, Istanbul Kultur University, Rosario, Santa Fé, Argentina (Eds.) Turkey (Eds.) Experimentalphysik 2 Dynamics of Gas-Surface Chaos and Complex Systems Interactions Elektrizität und Optik Proceedings of the 4th International Interdisciplinary Chaos Die komplett neu überarbeitete und ergänzte 6. Symposium Atomic-level Understanding of Scattering Processes at Sur- faces Auflage der Elektrizität und Optik ist der zweite von vier Bänden zur Experimentalphysik von Pro- Complexity Science and Chaos Theory are fascinat- This book gives a representative survey of the state fessor Demtröder. Durchgerechnete Beispiele im ing areas of scientific research with wide-ranging of the art of research on gas-surface interactions. It Text, Kapitelzusammenfassungen sowie Übungsauf- applications. The interdisciplinary nature and ubiq- provides an overview of the current understanding of gaben mit ausführlichen Lösungen am Schluß des uity of complexity and chaos are features that pro- gas surface dynamics and, in particular, of the reac- Buches helfen dabei, den Stoff zu bewältigen, und vides scientists with a motivation to pursue general tive and non-reactive processes of atoms and small regen zu eigener Mitarbeit an. Die Lehrinhalte des theoretical tools and frameworks. Complex systems molecules at surfaces. Leading scientists in the field, zweiten Semesters Physik werden nach dem Konzept give rise to emergent behaviors, which in turn pro- both from the theoretical and the experimental sides, des ersten Bandes leicht verständlich und dabei duce novel and interesting phenomena in science, write in this book about their most recent advances. möglichst quantitativ präsentiert. Wichtige Def- engineering, as well as in the socio-economic sci- Surface science grew as an interdisciplinary research initionen und Formeln sowie alle Abbildungen ences. The aim of all Symposia on Chaos and Com- area over the last decades, mostly because of new und Tabellen wurden zweifarbig gestaltet, um das plex Systems (CCS) is to bring together scientists, experimental technologies (ultra-high vacuum, for Wesentliche deutlicher herauszustellen. Viele Illus- engineers, economists and social scientists, and to instance), as well as because of a novel paradigm, the trationen sowie[...] discuss the latest insights and results obtained in the ‘surface science’ approach. The book describes the area of corresponding[...] second[...] Features Die komplett neu überarbeitete und ergänzte 6. Features Features Auflage der Elektrizität und Optik ist der zweite von Complexity Science and Chaos Theory are fascinat- This book gives a representative survey of the state vier Bänden zur Experimentalphysik von Professor ing areas of scientific research with wide-ranging of the art of research on gas-surface interactions. It Demtröder. Die Lehrinhalte des zweiten Semesters applications. The interdisciplinary nature and ubiq- provides an overview of the current understanding of Physik werden nach dem Konzept des ersten Ban- uity of complexity and chaos are features that pro- gas surface dynamics and, in particular, of the reac- des leicht verständlich und dabei möglichst quantita- vides scientists with a motivation to pursue general tive and non-reactive processes of atoms and small tiv präsentiert. Wichtige Definitionen und Formeln theoretical tools and frameworks. Complex systems molecules at surfaces. Leading scientists in the field, sowie alle Abbildungen und Tabellen wurden zwei- give rise to emergent behaviors, which in turn pro- both from the theoretical and the experimental sides, farbig gestaltet, [..] duce novel and interesting phenomena in science, [..] write in this book about their most [..] Contents Contents Contents Elektrostatik.- Der elektrische Strom.- Statische Two Element Chaotic and Hyperchaotic Supersonic molecular beams studies of surfaces.- Magnetfelder.- Zeitlich veränderliche Felder.- Elek- Circuits.- Lempel–Ziv Model of Dynamical-chaotic Potential energy surfaces for the dynamics of ele- trotechnische Anwendungen.- Elektromagnetische and Fibonacci-quasiperiodic Systems .- A Novel mentary gas-surface processes.- Thermal energy Schwingungen und die Entstehung elektromag- Numerical Approach for Determining Chaotic Lev- atomic and molecular beam diffraction from solid netischer Wellen.- Elektromagnetische Wellen im els in Stadium Billiards.- Fault-tolerant Tracker surfaces.- Using molecular reflectivity to explore Vakuum.- Elektromagnetische Wellen in Materie.- for Interconnected Large-scale Nonlinear systems reaction dynamics at metal surfaces.- Hydrogen dis- Geometrische Optik.- Interferenz, Beugung und with Input Constraint. -Non-equilibrium Systems sociation on stepped metal surfaces.- Dynamics of Streuung.- Optische Instrumente.- Neue Techniken and Mechanics of Structured Particles.- Discovery the H2 interaction with bimetallic surface alloys in der Optik.- Lösungen der Übungsaufgaben.- of Dozy Chaos and Discovery of Quanta: Anal- from first principles..- Hydrogen recombination on Farbtafeln.- Literaturverzeichnis.- Sachwortverzeich- ogy Being in Scienceand Perhaps in Human graphitic surfaces.- State-selective reactivity of mol- nis. Progress.- Stability Boundaries of Transiently Non- ecules at surfaces.- The effects of lattice motion on Autonomous Chaotic NonlinearSystem : Graphical gas-surface reactions.- Reaction[...] Fields of interest Approach.- Chaos[...] Klassische Elektrodynamik, Wellen und Felder ; Fields of interest Angewandte Optik, Optoelektronik Fields of interest Oberflächen- und Grenzflächenforschung, dünne Statistische Physik, dynamische Systeme und Kom- Schichten; Oberflächen und Verbindungen, Target groups plexität; Komplexität; Complex Systems Dünnschichten; Physikalische Chemie; Angewandte Lower undergraduate und technische Physik; Atom-, Molekül-, optische Target groups Type of publication und Plasmaphysik Research Undergraduate textbook Type of publication Target groups More on Research Proceedings Softcover More on Type of publication 2013. XVI, 482 S. 690 Abb., 300 in Farbe. (Springer- Lehrbuch) Hardcover Monograph 39,95 € 2013. XV, 581 p. 236 illus. More on ISBN 978-3-642-29943-8 203,25 € Hardcover ISBN 978-3-642-33913-4 Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. 2013. XX, 428 p. 175 illus., 113 in color. (Springer Series Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. in Surface Sciences, Band 50) 139,05 € ISBN 978-3-642-32954-8 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Physik 79

N. Picqué, Université de Paris-Sud, France; G. Guelachvili (Ed.) V. Astapenko, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Rus- J. Lequeux, Paris Observatory, France sia H2O (HOH) γ Le Verrier—Magnificent and Interaction of Ultrashort Detestable Astronomer Electromagnetic Pulses with Matter Fields of interest Physik (allgemein) Le Verrier was a superb scientist. His discovery The book is devoted to the theory describing the of Neptune in 1846 made him the most famous Target groups interaction of ultra-short electromagnetic pulses astronomer of his time. He produced a complete Research (USP) with matter, including both classical and theory of the motions of the planets which served quantum cases. This theme is a hot topic in modern as a basis for planetary ephemeris for a full century. Type of publication physics because of the great achievements in gener- Doing this, he discovered an anomaly in the motion Reference work ating USP. Special attention is given to the peculiari- of Mercury which later became the first proof of ties of UPS-matter interaction. One of the important General Relativity. He also founded European mete- More on items of this book is the derivation and applications orology. However his arrogance and bad temper cre- Hardcover of a new formula which describes the total photo- ated many enemies, and he was even fired from his 2013. Approx. 515 p. (Molecules and Radicals, Teil process probability under the action of USP in the position of Director of the Paris Observatory. 20C1g) framework of perturbation theory. Strong field-mat- ca. 4.590,30 € ter interaction is also considered with the use of the Features ISBN 978-3-642-32187-0 Bloch formalism in a two-level approximation for Le Verrier was a superb scientist. His discovery Erscheinungstermin: January 7, 2013 UPS with variable characteristics. of Neptune in 1846 made him the most famous astronomer of his time. He produced a complete Features theory of the motions of the planets which served The book is devoted to the theory describing the as a basis for planetary ephemeris for a full century. interaction of ultra-short electromagnetic pulses Doing this, he discovered an anomaly in the motion (USP) with matter, including both classical and of Mercury which later became the first proof of quantum cases. This theme is a hot topic in modern General Relativity. He also founded European mete- physics because of the great achievements in gener- orology. However [..] ating USP. Special attention is given to the peculiari- ties of UPS-matter interaction. One of the important Contents items of this book is the derivation and applications The young years (1811-1845).- Neptune’s discov- of [..] ery (1845-1846).- Waiting for the Paris Observa- tory (1847-1843).- Director of the Observatory Contents (1844-1870).- The dictator.- The fall (1870-1872).- Oscillator in an Electromagnetic field.- Interaction of The second reign (1873-1877).- Longitudes via tele- Ultrashort Electromagnetic Pulses with a Substance: graph.- The creator of European meteorology.- Le Description in the Framework of Perturbation The- Verrier’s heritage. ory.- Two-Level System in the Field of Ultrashort Electromagnetic Pulses. Fields of interest Astronomie, Beobachtungen und Techniken; Wis- Fields of interest senschaftsgeschichte; Geschichte und philosophische Wechselwirkung mit starken Feldern, Laser-Mat- Grundlagen der Physik ter-Interaction; Lasertechnik und - physik, Pho- tonik ; Klassische Elektrodynamik, Wellen und Target groups Felder Research

Target groups Type of publication Research Monograph More on Type of publication Brief Hardcover 2013. XV, 337 p. 182 illus., 25 in color. (Astrophysics and More on Space Science Library, Band 397) Softcover 139,05 € 2013. VIII, 94 p. 44 illus., 40 in color. (SpringerBriefs in ISBN 978-1-4614-5564-6 Physics) Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 53,49 € ISBN 978-3-642-35968-2 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 80 Physik

I.S. McLean, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA (Ed.) H.E. Bond, Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD, USA L.M. French, Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington, IL, USA; P. (Ed.) Kalas, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA (Eds.) Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems Volume 1: Telescopes and Instrumentation Volume 2: Astronomical Techniques, Software, and Data Volume 3: Solar and Stellar Planetary Systems This is volume 1 of Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems, a six-volume compendium of modern astronomi- This is volume 2 of Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems, This is volume 3 of Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems, cal research, covering subjects of key interest to the a six-volume compendium of modern astronomi- a six-volume compendium of modern astronomi- main fields of contemporary astronomy. This vol- cal research, covering subjects of key interest to the cal research covering subjects of key interest to the ume on “Telescopes and Instrumentation” edited main fields of contemporary astronomy. This vol- main fields of contemporary astronomy. This vol- by Ian S. McLean presents, after a general Intro- ume on “Astronomical Techniques, Software, and ume on “Solar and Stellar Planetary Systems” edited duction to Telescopes, accessible review chapters Data” edited by Howard E. Bond presents accessi- by Linda French and Paul Kalas presents accessible on Robotic and Survey Telescopes, Segmented Mir- ble review chapters on Astronomical Photometry, review chapters From Disks to Planets, Dynamical ror Telescopes, Honeycomb Mirrors for Large Tele- Astronomical Spectroscopy, Infrared Astronomy Evolution of Planetary Systems, The Terrestrial Plan- scopes, Active Thin-Mirror Telescopes, Optical and Fundamentals, Astronomical Polarimetry: Polarized ets, Gas and Ice Giant Interiors, Atmospheres of Jov- Infrared Interferometers, Submillimeter Telescopes, Views of Stars and Planets, Sky Surveys,Techniques ian Planets, Planetary Magnetospheres, Planetary Radio Telescopes, Space Telescopes in the Ultravi- of Radio Astronomy,Radio and Optical Interferom- Rings, An Overview of the Asteroids and Meteorites, olet, Optical, and Infrared (UV/O/IR), CMB Tele- etry: Basic Observing Techniques and Data Analy- Dusty Planetary Systems and Exoplanet Detection scopes and Optical Systems, Very- High-Energy[...] sis, Absolute Calibration of Spectrophotometric Methods. All chapters of the handbook were written Standard Stars,Virtual Observatories, Data Mining, by practicing professionals. They[...] Features and[...] This is volume 1 of Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems, Features a six-volume compendium of modern astronomi- Features This is volume 3 of Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems, cal research, covering subjects of key interest to the This is volume 2 of Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems, a six-volume compendium of modern astronomi- main fields of contemporary astronomy. This vol- a six-volume compendium of modern astronomi- cal research covering subjects of key interest to the ume on “Telescopes and Instrumentation” edited cal research, covering subjects of key interest to the main fields of contemporary astronomy. This vol- by Ian S. McLean presents, after a general Introduc- main fields of contemporary astronomy. This vol- ume on “Solar and Stellar Planetary Systems” edited tion to Telescopes, accessible review chapters on ume on “Astronomical Techniques, Software, and by Linda French and Paul Kalas presents accessible Robotic and Survey Telescopes, Segmented Mirror Data” edited by Howard E. Bond presents accessible review chapters From Disks to Planets, Dynamical Telescopes, [..] review chapters on Astronomical Photometry, Astro- Evolution of Planetary Systems, The Terrestrial Plan- nomical Spectroscopy, Infrared Astronomy Funda- ets, [..] Contents mentals, [..] 1.Introduction to Telescopes. 2. Robotic and Sur- Contents vey Telescopes. 3. Segmented Mirror Telescopes. 4. Contents 1.From Disks to Planets. 2. Dynamical evolution of Honeycomb Mirrors for Large Telescopes. 5. Active 1. Astronomical Photometry. 2. Astronomical Spec- planetary systems. 3.The Terrestrial Planets.4. Gas Thin-Mirror Telescopes. 6. Optical and Infrared troscopy. 3. Infrared Astronomy Fundamentals. 4. and Ice Giant Interiors. 5. Atmospheres of Jovian Interferometers. 7. Submillimeter Telescopes. 8. Astronomical Polarimetry: Polarized Views of Stars Planets. 6.Planetary Magnetosphere. 7.Planetary Radio Telescopes. 9. Space Telescopes in the Ultra- and Planets. 5. Sky Surveys. 6. Techniques of Radio Rings. 8.An Overview of the Asteroids and Mete- violet, Optical, and Infrared (UV/O/IR). 10. CMB Astronomy 7. Radio and Optical Interferometry: orites. 9. Dusty Planetary Systems. 10. Exoplanet Telescopes and Optical Systems. 11. Very High- Basic Observing Techniques and Data Analysis. 8. Detection Methods. Energy Gamma-Ray Telescopes. 12. Instrumentation Absolute Calibration of Spectrophotometric Stan- and Detectors. 13. Silicon-Based Image Sensors. 14. dard Stars. 9. Virtual Observatories, Data Mining, Fields of interest Long Wavelength Infrared Detectors. 15. Astronom- and Astroinformatics. 10. Statistical Methods for Astrophysik und Astroteilchenphysik; Planetolo- ical Spectrographs. Astronomy. 11. Numerical Techniques in Astro- gie; Astrobiologie ; Astronomie, Beobachtungen und physics. Techniken Fields of interest Astronomie, Beobachtungen und Techniken; Fields of interest Target groups Extraterrestrische Physik, Weltraumwissenschaften Astronomie, Beobachtungen und Techniken; Professional/practitioner Hochfrequenztechnik und optische Nachrichten- Target groups technik; Statistik in Technik, Physik, Informatik, Type of publication Professional/practitioner Chemie, Geowissenschaften; Data Mining und Wis- Handbook sensgewinnung; Numerische und Computerphysik More on Type of publication Handbook Target groups 2013. XVI, 548 p. 239 illus., 138 in color. eReference. Professional/practitioner 451,01 € More on ISBN 978-94-007-5606-9 Hardcover Type of publication Erscheinungstermin: February 15, 2013 2013. XVII, 627 p. 251 illus., 113 in color. Print + eRefer- Handbook ence. Hardcover More on 507,18 € 2013. XVI, 548 p. 239 illus., 138 in color. Print + eRefer- ISBN 978-94-007-5622-9 Hardcover ence. Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. 2013. XVI, 508 p. 124 illus., 39 in color. Print + eRefer- 507,18 € ence. ISBN 978-94-007-5607-6 507,18 € Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. ISBN 978-94-007-5619-9 Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Physik 81

M.A. Barstow, Leicester University, UK (Ed.) G. Gilmore, Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge, UK (Ed.) W.C. Keel, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, USA (Ed.)

Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems

Volume 4: Stellar Structure and Evolution Volume 5: Galactic Structure and Stellar Populations Volume 6: Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology

This is volume 4 of Planets, Stars and Stellar Sys- This is volume 5 of Planets, Stars and Stellar Sys- This is volume 6 of Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems, tems, a six-volume compendium of modern astro- tems, a six-volume compendium of modern astro- a six-volume compendium of modern astronomi- nomical research, covering subjects of key interest nomical research, covering subjects of key interest cal research, covering subjects of key interest to the to the main fields of contemporary astronomy. This to the main fields of contemporary astronomy. This main fields of contemporary astronomy. This vol- volume on “Stellar Structure and Evolution” edited volume on “Galactic Structure and Stellar Popula- ume on “Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology” by Martin A. Barstow presents accessible review tions”, edited by Gerard F. Gilmore, presents accessi- edited by William C. Keel presents accessible review chapters on Stellar Structure, Stellar Atmospheres, ble review chapters on Stellar Populations, Chemical chapters on Galaxy Morphology, Elliptical and Disk The Sun as a Star, Asteroseismology, Star Forma- Abundances as Population Tracers, Metal-Poor Galaxy Structure and Modern Scaling Laws, Star tion, Young Stellar Objects and Protostellar Disks, Stars and the Chemical Enrichment of the Universe, Formation in Galaxies, The Cool ISM in Galaxies, Brown Dwarfs, Evolution of Solar and Intermedi- The Stellar and Sub-Stellar Initial Mass Function The Influence of Environment on Galaxy Evolution, ate- Mass Stars, The Evolution of High Mass Stars, of Simple and Composite Populations, The Galac- Clusters of Galaxies, Active Galactic Nuclei, Large Stellar Activity, White Dwarf Stars, Black Holes and tic Nucleus, The Galactic Bulge, Open Clusters and Scale Structure of the Universe, Distance Scale of Neutron Stars, Binaries and Multiple Stellar Systems, Their Role in the Galaxy, Star Counts and the Nature the Universe, Galaxies in the Cosmological Context, Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts, and[...] of Galactic Thick Disk, The Infrared Galaxy,[...] Evolution of Active Galactic Nuclei, The[...]

Features Features Features This is volume 4 of Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems, This is volume 5 of Planets, Stars and Stellar Sys- This is volume 6 of Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems, a six-volume compendium of modern astronomi- tems, a six-volume compendium of modern astro- a six-volume compendium of modern astronomi- cal research, covering subjects of key interest to the nomical research, covering subjects of key interest cal research, covering subjects of key interest to the main fields of contemporary astronomy. This vol- to the main fields of contemporary astronomy. This main fields of contemporary astronomy. This vol- ume on “Stellar Structure and Evolution” edited by volume on “Galactic Structure and Stellar Popula- ume on “Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology” Martin A. Barstow presents accessible review chap- tions”, edited by Gerard F. Gilmore, presents accessi- edited by William C. Keel presents accessible review ters on Stellar Structure, Stellar Atmospheres, The ble review chapters on Stellar Populations, Chemical chapters on Galaxy Morphology, Elliptical and Disk Sun as a Star, Asteroseismology, Star Formation, Abundances as Population Tracers, Metal-Poor Stars Galaxy Structure and Modern Scaling Laws, Star Young [..] and the [..] Formation [..]

Contents Contents Contents 1. Stellar Structure. 2. Stellar Atmospheres. 3. The 1. Stellar Populations. 2. Chemical abundances as 1. Galaxy Morphology. 2. Elliptical and Disk Galaxy Sun as a Star. 4. Asteroseismology. 5. Star Forma- population tracers. 3. Metal-Poor Stars and the Structure, and Modern Scaling Laws. 3. Star For- tion. 6. Young Stellar Objects and Protostellar Disks. Chemical Enrichment of the Universe. 4. Stellar mation in Galaxies. 4. The Cool ISM in Galaxies. 5. 7. Brown Dwarfs. 8. Evolution of Solar and Interme- and Sub-Stellar Initial Mass Function of Simple and The Influence of Environment on Galaxy Evolution. diate Mass Stars. 9. Evolution of High Mass Stars. Composite Populations. 5.The Galactic Nucleus. 6. Clusters of Galaxies. 7. Active Galactic Nuclei. 8. 10. Stellar Activity. 11. White Dwarfs Stars. 12. Black 6. The Galactic Bulge. 7. Open Clusters and their Large Scale Structure of the Universe. 9. Distance Holes and Neutron Stars. 13. Binaries and Multiple Role in the Galaxy. 8. Star Counts and the Nature Scale of the Universe. 10. Galaxies in the Cosmologi- Stellar Systems. 14. Supernovae and Gamma-Ray of Galactic Thick Disk. 9. The Infrared Galaxy. cal Context. 11. Evolution of Active Galactic Nuclei. Bursts. 15. Stellar Winds. 10. Interstellar PAHs and Dust. 11. Galactic Neu- 12. The Intergalactic Medium. 13.Cosmic Microwave tral Hydrogen. 12. High-Velocity Clouds. 13. Mag- Background. Fields of interest netic Fields in Galaxies. 14. Astrophysics of Galactic Astrophysik und Astroteilchenphysik; Astronomie, Charged Cosmic Rays. 15. Gamma-Ray Emission Fields of interest Beobachtungen und Techniken; Extraterrestrische of[...] Kosmologie; Astrophysik und Astroteilchenphysik; Physik, Weltraumwissenschaften Astronomie, Beobachtungen und Techniken; Fields of interest Extraterrestrische Physik, Weltraumwissenschaften Target groups Astrophysik und Astroteilchenphysik; Astronomie, Professional/practitioner Beobachtungen und Techniken; Extraterrestrische Target groups Physik, Weltraumwissenschaften ; Astrobiologie Professional/practitioner Type of publication Handbook Target groups Type of publication More on Professional/practitioner Handbook More on 2013. XVI, 796 p. 318 illus., 141 in color. eReference. Type of publication 474,81 € Handbook 2013. XVI, 692 p. 312 illus., 165 in color. eReference. ISBN 978-94-007-5615-1 451,01 € More on Erscheinungstermin: February 15, 2013 ISBN 978-94-007-5609-0 2013. XVII, 1131 p. 448 illus., 233 in color. eReference. Erscheinungstermin: November 12, 2012 Hardcover 593,81 € 2013. XVI, 796 p. 318 illus., 141 in color. Print + eRefer- ISBN 978-94-007-5612-0 Hardcover ence. Erscheinungstermin: February 15, 2013 2013. XVI, 692 p. 312 illus., 165 in color. Print + eRefer- 533,93 € ence. ISBN 978-94-007-5616-8 Hardcover 507,18 € Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. 2013. XVII, 1131 p. 448 illus., 233 in color. Print + eRef- ISBN 978-94-007-5610-6 erence. Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. 667,68 € ISBN 978-94-007-5613-7 Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. 82 Physik

M. Ohtsu, The University of Tokyo, Japan (Ed.) R. Portugal, National Laboratory of Scientific Computing (LNCC), M. Steger, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada Petrópolis, Brazil Progress in Nanophotonics 2 Transition-Metal Defects in Silicon Quantum Walks and Search New Insights from Photoluminescence Studies of Highly This book focuses the recent progress in nanopho- Algorithms Enriched 28Si tonics technology to be used to develop novel The fundamental properties of deep luminescence nano-optical devices, fabrication technology, and This book addresses an interesting area of quan- centres in Si associated with transition metals such advanced systems. It begins with a review of near- tum computation called quantum walks, which as Cu, Ag, Au, and Pt have been a focus of interest field excitation dynamics in molecules. Further top- play an important role in building quantum algo- for decades, both as markers for these deleterious ics include: wavelength up-converting a phonon- rithms, in particular search algorithms. Quantum contaminants, and also in the quest for efficient Si- assisted excitation process with degenerate beams walks are the quantum analogue of classical random based light emission. This dissertation presents the and non-degenerate beams in dye grains, a fabrica- walks.It is known that quantum computers have results of ultra-high resolution photoluminescence tion method of semiconductor quantum dots includ- great power for searching unsorted databases. This studies of these centres in specially prepared, highly ing self-assembly of InAs quantum dots based on the power extends to many kinds of searches, particu- enriched 28-Si samples. The greatly improved spec- Stranski-Krastanov growth mode, single-nanotube larly to the problem of finding a specific location in tral resolution due to this enrichment led to the dis- spectroscopy and time-resolved spectroscopy for a spatial layout, which can be modeled by a graph. covery of isotopic fingerprints. These fingerprints studying novel excitonic properties of single-walled The goal is to find a specific node knowing that the have revealed that the detailed constituents of all of carbon nanotubes. The striking features of ecxi- particle uses the edges to jump from one node to the the centres previously studied had been identified tons[...] next.This book is self-contained with main topics incorrectly.[...] that include:Grover's algorithm, describing its[...] Features Features This book focuses the recent progress in nanopho- Features The fundamental properties of deep luminescence tonics technology to be used to develop novel nano- This book addresses an interesting area of quan- centres in Si associated with transition metals such as optical devices, fabrication technology, and advanced tum computation called quantum walks, which Cu, Ag, Au, and Pt have been a focus of interest for systems. It begins with a review of near-field excita- play an important role in building quantum algo- decades, both as markers for these deleterious conta- tion dynamics in molecules. Further topics include: rithms, in particular search algorithms. Quantum minants, and also in the quest for efficient Si-based wavelength up-converting a phonon-assisted excita- walks are the quantum analogue of classical random light emission. This dissertation presents the results tion process with degenerate beams and non-degen- walks.It is known that quantum computers have of ultra-high resolution photoluminescence studies erate beams in dye grains, a fabrication method of great power for searching unsorted databases. This of these centres in specially [..] [..] power extends to many kinds of searches, particu- larly to the problem [..] Contents Contents Introduction and Background.- History of the Near-Field Excitation Dynamics in Molecules: Contents Observed Centres in Silicon.- Experimental Nonuniform Light-Matter Interaction Theory Introduction.- The Postulates of Quantum Mechan- Method.- Results.- Discussion and Conclusion. beyond a Dipole Approximation.- Novel Excitonic ics.- Introduction to Quantum Walks.- Grover's Properties of Carbon Nanotube.- Fabrication of Algorithm and its Generalization.- Quantum Walks Fields of interest Ultrahigh-Density Self-Assembled InAs Quantum on Infinite Graphs.- Quantum Walks on Finite Festkörperphysik; Spektroskopie und Mikroskopie; Dots by Strain Compensation.- Wavelength Up- Graphs.- Limiting Distribution and Mixing Time.- Metallische Werkstoffe; Beschreibung und Auswer- Conversion using a Phonon-Assisted Excitation Spatial Algorithms.- Hitting Time.- Appendix: Lin- tung von Werkstoffen Process and its Application to Optical Pulse-Shape ear Algebra for Quantum Computation. Measurement.- Micro and Extended-Nano Fluidics Target groups and Optics for Chemical and Bioanalytical Technol- Fields of interest Research ogy. Quantenphysik; Quantum Computing; Theorie der Informationsverarbeitung; Quantum Information Type of publication Fields of interest Technology, Spintronics Monograph Lasertechnik und - physik, Photonik ; Nanobereich- wissenschaft und -technologie; Nanotechnologie und Target groups More on Mikrotechnik; Angewandte Optik, Optoelektronik ; Graduate Hardcover Nanotechnologie 2013. XII, 97 p. 35 illus., 19 in color. (Springer Theses) Type of publication 106,99 € Target groups Graduate/advanced undergraduate textbook ISBN 978-3-642-35078-8 Research More on Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Type of publication Hardcover Monograph 2013. XII, 222 p. 37 illus. (Quantum Science and Tech- More on nology) 53,49 € Hardcover ISBN 978-1-4614-6335-1 2013. XIII, 169 p. 131 illus., 34 in color. (Nano-Optics and Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Nanophotonics) 106,99 € ISBN 978-3-642-35718-3 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Psychologie 83

C. Kumar, Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices, K. Stolzenberg, Köln; K. Heberle, Köln Baton Rouge LA USA (Ed.) Psychologie Change Management UV-VIS and Photoluminescence R. Pogaku, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Veränderungsprozesse erfolgreich gestalten - Mitarbeiter Spectroscopy for Nanomaterials Malaysia; R.H. Sarbatly, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, mobilisieren. Vision, Kommunikation, Beteiligung, Quali- Characterization Sabah, Malaysia (Eds.) fizierung Advances in Biofuels In Zeiten des fortschreitenden globalen Wandels Second volume of a 40-volume series on nanoscience sind Veränderungen für Unternehmen an der Tage- and nanotechnology, edited by the renowned sci- sordnung. Während in der Praxis meist die Frage im entist Challa S.S.R. Kumar. This handbook gives a Biofuels will play a key role in the 21st century as Fokus steht, wie eine Veränderung fachlich-struk- comprehensive overview about UV-visible and pho- the world faces two critical problems; volatile fuel turell durchgeführt werden muss, scheitern viele toluminescence spectroscopy for the characterization prices and global climatic changes. Both of these Veränderungsprojekte daran, dass das A und O eines of nanomaterials. Modern applications and state-of- are linked to the overdependence on the fossil fuels: erfolgreichen Change Managements nicht bedacht the-art techniques are covered and make this volume petroleum, natural gas, and coal. Transportation is wird: Wie holt man die betroffenen Mitarbeiter ins essential reading for research scientists in academia almost totally dependent on petroleum based fuels Boot und wie motiviert man sie, die Veränderungen and industry in the related fields. such as gasoline, diesel fuel, liquefied petroleum gas, mitzutragen? In diesem Buch, einem der erfolgreich- and on natural gas. Despite a significant amount of sten Fachbücher zum Change Management, zeigen Features research into biofuels, the field has not been able to zwei erfahrene Organisationsentwickler, wie man Second volume of a 40-volume series on nanoscience replace fossil fuels. Recent advances will change this einen Veränderungsprozess nicht nur fachlich, son- and nanotechnology, edited by the renowned sci- scenario. Extracting fuel from biomass has been very dern auch psychologisch erfolgreich gestaltet: Indem entist Challa S.S.R. Kumar. This handbook gives a expensive (both monetarily and in land usage), time man[...] comprehensive overview about UV-visible and pho- consuming, unusable byproducts, etc. Technology to Features toluminescence spectroscopy for the characterization obtain[...] of nanomaterials. Modern applications and state-of- Change Management – fachlich und psycholo- the-art techniques are covered and make this volume Features gisch professionell gestalten: In Zeiten des globalen essential reading for research scientists in academia Biofuels will play a key role in the 21st century as the wirtschaftlichen Wandels müssen sich Organisa- and [..] world faces two critical problems; volatile fuel prices tionen laufend verändern – in ihren Strukturen, and global climatic changes. Both of these are linked Abläufen und dem sozialen Gefüge. Während meist Contents to the overdependence on the fossil fuels: petroleum, die Frage im Fokus steht, wie eine Veränderung Geometrically Tunable Optical Properties of Metal natural gas, and coal. Transportation is almost totally fachlich-strukturell durchgeführt werden muss, Nanoparticles by Hao Jing, Li Zhang, and Hui dependent on petroleum based fuels such as gaso- scheitern viele Projekte daran, dass ein zentraler Wang.- Optical Properties of Metallic Semishells — line, diesel fuel, liquefied petroleum gas, and on nat- Punkt nicht bedacht wird: Wie [..] breaking the symmetry of plasmonic nanoshells by ural gas. Despite a significant [..] Jian Ye and Pol Van Dorpea.- Exploiting the tunable Contents optical response of metallic nanoshells by Ovidio Contents 1. Vision und Zielvereinbarung.- Analyse der Sit- Peña-Rodrígue and Umapada Pal.- UV-Vis spec- Prospect, Challenges and Opportunities on Bio- uation und Entwicklung einer Vision.- Kommu- troscopy for characterization of metal nanoparti- fuels in Malaysia.- Investment Opportunities at nikation der Vision.- Planung und Umsetzung der cles formed from reduction of metal ions during Palm Oil Industrial Cluster (POIC) Lahad Datu Vision.- 2. Kommunikation.- Planung eines Kom- ultrasonic irradiation by Kenji Okitsu.- Size-depen- with Special Reference to Biofuels.- Biomass Con- munikationskonzeptes.- Umsetzung der Kommu- dent optical properties of metallic nanostructures by version to Fuel (Solid, Liquid and Gas Fuel) .- On- nikationsmaßnahmen.- 3. Beteiligung.- Kriterien zur Lucía B. Scaffardia, Daniel C. Schincaa, Marcelo[...] line Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Sulfur Com- Auswahl von Beteiligungsmaßnahmen definieren.- pounds From Hydrothermal Reactions of Biomass Beteiligungsmaßnahmen ankündigen.- Beteili- Fields of interest Wastes for Hydrogen Production.- Utilization of gungsmaßnahmen durchführen.- Über Ergebnisse Spektroskopie und Mikroskopie; Nanobereichwis- Oil Palm Wastes for Biofuel and Other Added Bio- informieren.- 4. Qualifizierung.- Analyse der betrof- senschaft und -technologie; Spektroskopie / Spek- products: A Holistic Approach to Sustainable Waste fenen Funktionen und Anforderungen.- Ermittlung trometrie; Nanotechnologie Management for the Oil Palm Industry.- In-situ der Qualifizierungsbedarfe.- Umsetzung der Quali- Spectroscopic Monitoring of Straight Vegetable Oils fizierungsmaßnahmen.- 5. Fazit. -[...] Target groups Combustion[...] Research Fields of interest Fields of interest Arbeits-, Organisationspsychologie; Management Type of publication Erneuerbare und grüne Energie; Biochemische Tech- Praxis ; Organisation / Planung; Personalmanage- Handbook nik; Energietechnik ment ; Betriebswirtschaft, Organisation, Material- More on wirtschaft, Logistik und Marketing in der Technik Hardcover Target groups Graduate Target groups 2013. XII, 600 p. 278 illus., 192 in color. Professional/practitioner 266,43 € Type of publication ISBN 978-3-642-27593-7 Contributed volume Type of publication Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Professional book More on More on Hardcover 2013. XX, 268 p. 76 illus., 48 in color. Hardcover 106,95 € 2013. XIII, 269 S. 92 Abb. Mit online files/update. ISBN 978-1-4614-6248-4 39,95 € ISBN 978-3-642-30105-6 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 84 Psychologie

J. Staab, Biebergemünd J. Rosellón, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, I. Horwath, Linz, Österreich Mexico; T. Kristiansen, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil (Eds.) Erneuerbare Energien in Gleichstellung im Feuerwehrwesen Financial Transmission Rights Kommunen „Gut Wehr!“ und die HeldInnen von heute Analysis, Experiences and Prospects Energiegenossenschaften gründen, führen und beraten In den letzten Jahrzehnten sind Frauen sukzessive Whilst financial rights have appeared as a success- in vormals rein männerdominierte Berufsbere- Energiegenossenschaften erleben derzeit einen ras- ful ingredient in North-American power markets, iche eingetreten. Eine solche Männerdomäne stellt anten Zuwachs, denn sie sind starke Einkaufsge- they have their shortcomings both theoretically and auch das Feuerwehrwesen dar: Während Freiwillige meinschaften und bieten ihren Mitgliedern günstige in practice. Financial Transmission Rights: Analy- Feuerwehren zum Teil regen Zulauf von Frauen Tarife.Auf Grundlage des Erneuerbare-Energien- sis, Experiences and Prospects present a systematic und Mädchen verzeichnen, sind höhere Funktio- Gesetzes (EEG) werden die Genossenschaften and comprehensive overview of financial transmis- nen und berufliche Positionen im Feuerwehrwesen auch immer öfter selbst zu Energieproduzen- sion rights (FTRS).Following a general introduction noch weitgehend männlich besetzt. Ilona Horwath ten. Sie stellen jedoch zahlreiche Anforderungen to FTRs, including chapters to explain transmission untersucht die Gründe dafür und analysiert die an das Management sowie an die Rechts- und pricing and the general properties of FTRS, experts Entwicklung von Gleichstellungsprozessen auf inter- Steuerberatung.Dieses Buch begleitet Sie bei Grün- in the field provide discussions on wide scope of top- nationaler, nationaler und regionaler Ebene. Die dung, Führung und Beratung solch eingetragener ics. These include:Varying perspectives on FTRS: Autorin präsentiert Ergebnisse einer regionalen Fall- Genossenschaften (eG). Es klärt über geeignete from electrical engineers to economists,Different studie, die mit qualitativen und quantitativen Meth- Tätigkeitsfelder, Finanzierung und Projektmanage- mathematical formulations of FTRSFinancial Hedg- oden nachzeichnet, wie es zur Vergeschlechtlichung ment auf und bietet darüber hinaus praxistaugliche ing using FTRS, andAlternative[...] dieser[...] Checklisten und Fallbeispiele für erfolgreiche Akteure auf kommunaler Ebene.Die[...] Features Features Whilst financial rights have appeared as a success- In den letzten Jahrzehnten sind Frauen sukzessive Features ful ingredient in North-American power markets, in vormals rein männerdominierte Berufsbere- Energiegenossenschaften erleben derzeit einen ras- they have their shortcomings both theoretically and iche eingetreten. Eine solche Männerdomäne stellt anten Zuwachs, denn sie sind starke Einkaufsge- in practice. Financial Transmission Rights: Analy- auch das Feuerwehrwesen dar: Während Freiwillige meinschaften und bieten ihren Mitgliedern günstige sis, Experiences and Prospects present a systematic Feuerwehren zum Teil regen Zulauf von Frauen Tarife.Auf Grundlage des Erneuerbare-Energien- and comprehensive overview of financial transmis- und Mädchen verzeichnen, sind höhere Funktionen Gesetzes (EEG) werden die Genossenschaften sion rights (FTRS).Following a general introduction und berufliche Positionen im Feuerwehrwesen noch auch immer öfter selbst zu Energieproduzen- to FTRs, including chapters to explain [..] weitgehend männlich besetzt. Ilona Horwath unter- ten. Sie stellen jedoch zahlreiche Anforderungen sucht die Gründe dafür und [..] an das Management sowie an die Rechts- und Contents Steuerberatung.Dieses [..] 1.Financial Transmission Rights: Point-to Point Contents Formulations.- 2.Transmission Pricing.- 3.Point Grundzüge der Organisation des Feuerwehrwesens.- Contents to Point and Flow-based Financial Transmission Internationale Erfahrungen und Forschungsstand Grundlagen der Energiegenossenschaft.- eG als ide- Rights: Revenue Adequacy and Performance Incen- zur Integration von Frauen und Minderheiten ins ale Rechtsform.- Geeignete Projekte: Photovoltaik, tives.- 4.A Joint Energy and Transmission Rights professionelle Feuerwehrwesen.- Theoretische Per- Biomasse, Biogas und Wind.- Netzübernahmen, Auction on a Network with Nonlinear Constraints: spektiven.- Frauen und Mädchen in der Freiwilligen Energieeffizienz und Energiesparen.- Finanzierung Design, Pricing and Revenue Adequacy.- 5.Genera- Feuerwehr.- Ergebnisse aus den Freiwilligen Feuer- und Versicherung der Vorhaben.- Vorteile der kom- tor Ownership of Financial Transmission Rights and wehren.- Ergebnisse aus der Berufsfeuerwehr.- Eine munalen Wertschöpfung.- Rentabilität der Projekte.- Market Power.- 6.A Merchant Mechanism for Elec- Typologie der Gleichstellungsorientierungen im Projektmanagment für Energiegenossenschaften.- tricity Transmission Expansion.- 7.Mechanisms for Feuerwehrwesen.- Empfehlungen für die Freiwilligen Generalversammlung und Ausschüttungspolitik.- the Optimal Expansion of Electricity Transmission Feuerwehren bzw. das Feuerwehrwesen.- Spezielle Beispiele für erfolgreiche Genossenschaften.- Check- Networks.- 8.Long Term Financial Transportation Empfehlungen für die Berufsfeuerwehr. listen und Beispiele für Satzungen, Geschäftsordnun- Rights: An[...] gen und Verträge. Fields of interest Fields of interest Geschlechterforschung Fields of interest Energiepolitik, -wirtschaft und -management; Energiepolitik, -wirtschaft und -management; Energiewirtschaft ; Industrieökonomik Target groups Steuerlehre Research Target groups Target groups Research Type of publication Professional/practitioner Monograph Type of publication Type of publication More on Monograph Professional book Softcover More on More on 2013. XII, 372 S. 43 Abb. Hardcover 49,99 € Softcover 2013. XXX, 418 p. 66 illus., 23 in color. (Lecture Notes in ISBN 978-3-658-00913-7 2013. XIV, 247 S. 12 Abb. Energy, Band 7) 49,99 € Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 139,05 € ISBN 978-3-8349-4403-0 ISBN 978-1-4471-4786-2 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Psychologie 85

E. Giampieri, Università degli Studi di Milano, italy; M. Clerici, Uni- L. Bellardita, Istituto dei tumori, Milano, Italy; T. Magnani, Istituto M. Janczyk, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg; R. Pfister, versità degli Studi di Milano, Italy (Eds.) dei tumori, Milano, Italy; R. Valdagni, Istituto dei tumori, Milano, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg Italy (Eds.) Il suicidio oggi Inferenzstatistik verstehen Il tumore alla prostata Implicazioni sociali e psicopatologiche Von A wie Signifikanztest bis Z wie Konfidenzintervall Paziente, familiari e medici: esperienze narrate Dai dati segnalati dall’OMS negli ultimi anni è Was bedeutet eigentlich dieser p-Wert? Und was emerso che il suicidio costituisce oggi un grave prob- In che modo la diagnosi di tumore alla prostata heißt es, zu sagen: „Das Ergebnis ist signifikant!“? lema di sanità pubblica: nei Paesi occidentali rapp- impatta sull’equilibrio familiare, sulla vita di coppia Dieses Buch bietet eine kompakte und verständ- resenta infatti la seconda-terza causa di morte nei e sui progetti di vita? Come viene gestita da parte dei nisorientierte Einführung in die Inferenzstatistik mit giovani e l’ottava-nona nei soggetti anziani. Nel 2000 clinici, medici e psicologi, la complessità della malat- dem Ziel, solche Fragen korrekt beantworten zu kön- circa un milione di individui si è tolto la vita, men- tia nel caso del tumore alla prostata? Sono queste nen. Der Schwerpunkt des Buches liegt dabei auf der tre circa 15 milioni di persone hanno tentato il sui- alcune tra le domande a cui gli Autori hanno cercato Logik, die der Inferenzstatistik und dem Hypothe- cidio. Ciò significa, in media, una morte per suicidio di rispondere attraverso un testo strutturato come sentesten zugrunde liegt. Damit wird es der Leserin ogni 40 secondi e un tentativo di suicidio ogni 3 sec- una serie di “riflessioni”, nel duplice significato di und dem Leser ermöglicht, die Tücken der Date- ondi. Il suicidio è un atto complesso, non ascrivibile “pensiero su” e di immagine riflessa. Uno spaccato nauswertung kennenzulernen und Ergebnisse richtig a una sola causa. Secondo i più recenti studi, infatti, sulle emozioni del paziente e sulle relazioni con part- zu interpretieren. Darüber hinaus wird diese Logik le motivazioni alla base di questo fenomeno derivano ner, figli, medico curante, psicologi, che chiude con il auf die am häufigsten verwendeten Verfahren (t- da un’interazione di fattori biologici e ambientali, punto di vista del paziente che ci racconta la ”sua” Test, Varianzanalyse mit und ohne Messwiederhol- che[...] verità.Una narrazione che vuole portare alla luce ung, Korrelation/Regression) übertragen. Ergänzt[...] gli[...] Features Features Dai dati segnalati dall’OMS negli ultimi anni è Features Was bedeutet eigentlich dieser p-Wert? Und was emerso che il suicidio costituisce oggi un grave prob- In che modo la diagnosi di tumore alla prostata heißt es, zu sagen: „Das Ergebnis ist signifikant!“? lema di sanità pubblica: nei Paesi occidentali rapp- impatta sull’equilibrio familiare, sulla vita di coppia Dieses Buch bietet eine kompakte und verständ- resenta infatti la seconda-terza causa di morte nei e sui progetti di vita? Come viene gestita da parte dei nisorientierte Einführung in die Inferenzstatistik mit giovani e l’ottava-nona nei soggetti anziani. Nel 2000 clinici, medici e psicologi, la complessità della malat- dem Ziel, solche Fragen korrekt beantworten zu kön- circa un milione di individui si è tolto la vita, mentre tia nel caso del tumore alla prostata? Sono queste nen. Der Schwerpunkt des Buches liegt dabei auf der circa 15 milioni di persone hanno tentato il suicidio. alcune tra le domande a cui gli Autori hanno cercato Logik, die der Inferenzstatistik und dem Hypothe- Ciò significa, in media, una morte per [..] di rispondere attraverso un testo strutturato come sentesten zugrunde liegt. Damit wird es der Leserin una serie di “riflessioni”, nel [..] und dem [..] Contents Introduzione: dalla sociologia alla medicina.- Parte Contents Contents I I fattori di rischio sociodemografici 1 Suicidio e Introduzione. La complessità della gestione del Einführung und deskriptive Statistik.- Grundlagen genere.- 2 Suicidio e stato civile.- 3 Suicidio e con- tumore alla prostata: un approccio centrato sul der Inferenzstatistik 1: Zufallsvariablen.- Grundla- dizione socioeconomica.- 4 Suicidio e condizione paziente.- 1 Il fratello.- 2 La moglie.- 3 Dalla visita gen der Inferenzstatistik 2: Population und Parame- urbana e rurale.- 5 Suicidio e religione.- Parte II I multidisciplinare alla riunione collegiale.- 4 Il terschätzung.- Hypothesentests und Signifikanz.- fattori di rischio clinici 6 Suicidio e patologia psichi- medico di medicina generale.- 5 Gli amici.- 6 Unterschiedshypothesen bei maximal zwei Gruppen: atrica.- 7 Suicidio e patologia medica.- 8 Suicidio e Comunque il paziente sono io. Giovanni, tumore alla t-Tests. Konfidenzintervalle.- Fehlertypen, Effekt- comorbidità.- Parte III Alcuni spunti eziopatoge- prostata. stärke und Power.- Einfaktorielle Varianzanalyse.- netici 9 Suicidio e psicobiologia.- 10 L’approccio Mehrfaktorielle Varianzanalyse.- Variananalyse mit psicodinamico al suicidio.- 11 Suicidio e aspetti Fields of interest Messwiederholung.- Zusammenhangshypothesen: relazionali.- 12 La teoria interpersonale-psicologica Gesundheitspsychologie; Onkologie Korrelation und Regression.- Anmerkungen zum del suicidio.-[...] Schluss. Target groups Fields of interest Popular/general Fields of interest Klinische Psychologie; Psychiatrie; Sozialwis- Psychologie (allgemein); Statistik in Sozial-, Type of publication senschaften (allgemein) Erziehungs-, Rechtswiss., Politik und Gesetzgebung; Contributed volume Methoden und Theorien der Sozialwissenschaften Target groups More on Professional/practitioner Target groups Softcover Research Type of publication 2013. X, 76 pagg. 10 figg. Contributed volume 20,57 € Type of publication ISBN 978-88-470-2432-8 German textbook More on Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Softcover More on 2013. XIV, 290 pagg. Softcover 30,86 € 2013. X, 175 S. 52 Abb., 15 in Farbe. (Springer-Lehrbuch ISBN 978-88-470-2714-5 Masterclass) Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. 19,99 € ISBN 978-3-642-34824-2 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 86 Psychologie

W.-C. Hong, Oriental Institute of Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan A. McGrady, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH, USA; D. Moss, J.J. Randolph, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, NH, USA School of Mind-Body Medicine, Saybrook University, San Fran- (Ed.) cisco, CA, USA Intelligent Energy Demand Positive Neuropsychology Forecasting Pathways to Illness, Pathways to Health Evidence-Based Perspectives on Promoting Cognitive Health As industrial, commercial, and residential demands Psychology and many of its subfields have seen a sig- increase and with the rise of privatization and dereg- nificant shift over the past 10-12 years toward a focus This book, designed for professionals, introduces a ulation of the electric energy industry around the on hope, positive attributes, and character strengths psychobiological model for understanding the paths world, it is necessary to improve the performance through the positive psychology movement. This that lead people to illness and provides recommen- of electric operational management. Intelligent book provides a blueprint for a burgeoning subfield dations for alterations of maladaptive pathways so Energy Demand Forecasting offers approaches in neuropsychology—positive neuropsychology. It that health is regained. Research findings are incor- and methods to calculate optimal electric energy proposes an alternative, evidence-based perspective porated to identify causal variables for illness that allocation to reach equilibrium of the supply and on neuropsychology that incorporates positive psy- can be targets for change. Evidence based recom- demand. Evolutionary algorithms and intelligent chology principles and a focus on promotion of cog- mendations for healthy behaviors and therapies are analytical tools to improve energy demand forecast- nitive health. It synthesizes existing research and described. Throughout the book, the authors empha- ing accuracy are explored and explained in relation provides novel perspectives on promotion of cog- size recognition of turning points on the path to ill- to existing methods. To provide clearer picture of nitive health in clinical, nonclinical, and academic ness that, through informed decision making and how these hybridized evolutionary algorithms and settings. This work is a resource and reference for implementation of behavioral change, can be re- intelligent analytical tools are processed,[...] neuropsychologists, allied[...] directed to pathways to health. This book presents Features case material to illustrate the[...] Features As industrial, commercial, and residential demands Positive psychology--the study and promotion of Features increase and with the rise of privatization and dereg- character strengths, positive emotion, and opti- Why is this person healthy when that one is ill? ulation of the electric energy industry around the mism--has gained considerable momentum and The trained provider is well schooled in the roles of world, it is necessary to improve the performance of support in recent years. Yet despite its application genetics, environment, lifestyle choices, and pure electric operational management. Intelligent Energy to various specialty areas within the broader field luck in individuals' well-being. But now a ground- Demand Forecasting offers approaches and meth- of psychology, neuropsychology has been slow to breaking new book clearly identifies the turning ods to calculate optimal electric energy allocation to adopt and adapt its ideas. The contributors to Posi- points that lead from wellness to disease--and how reach equilibrium of the supply and [..] tive Neuropsychology assert that neuropsychology as patients can be re-routed back to health. Pathways to a [..] Contents Illness, Pathways [..] 1.Introduction.- 2.Modeling for Energy Demand Contents Contents Forecasting.- 3.Evolutionary Algorithms in SVR’s 1.What is Positive Neuropsychology?.- 2.Coping in Part 1: Basic Concepts of Health and Illness.- Intro- Parameters Determination.- 4.Chaos/Cloud Theories Neurological Disorders.- 3.Modifiable Lifestyle Fac- ducing the Pathways Model.- Genetic Etiology to Avoid Trapping into Local Optimum.- 5.Recur- tors and Cognition Through Midlife.- 4.Promotion of Illness.- Psychosocial Etiology of Illness.- Psy- rent/Seasonal Mechanism to Improve the Accurate of Cognitive Health Through Prevention: The Case chophysiological Etiology of Illness.- Assessment Level of Forecasting. of Sports Concussion.- 5. Promoting the Executive in the Pathways Model.- Interventions in the Path- Functions: Core Foundations, Assessment Consid- Fields of interest ways Model.- Part 2: Applications to Common Ill- erations, and Practical Applications.- 6. Promoting Energiepolitik, -wirtschaft und -management; nesses.- Substance Abuse Disorders.- Depression and Psychosocial and Cognitive Wellness in the Work- Energietechnik; Simulation and Modellierung; Anxiety.- Diabetes and Obesity.- Hypertension and place: The Emerging Neuroscience of Leadership Energiewirtschaft Syncope.- Headache and Back Pain.- Fibromyalgia.- Development.- 7.Lifestyle Factors and Successful Gastrointestinal Disorders.- Sleep Disorders.- Part 3: Cognitive Aging in Older Adults.- 8.Technologies for Target groups Personalizing the Path to Health and Wellness.- Sim- Health Assessment, Promotion, and Assistance:[...] Graduate ple Pathways to Health and Wellness.-[...] Fields of interest Type of publication Fields of interest Neuropsychologie; Geriatrie / Gerontologie; Monograph Gesundheitspsychologie; Allgemeinmedizin; Gesundheitspsychologie; Rehabilitation More on Gesundheitsförderung und Krankheitsvorbeugung; Gesundheit und Lebensqualität Hardcover Target groups Professional/practitioner 2013. XIII, 189 p. 70 illus. (Lecture Notes in Energy, Band Target groups 10) Professional/practitioner Type of publication 106,99 € Professional book ISBN 978-1-4471-4967-5 Type of publication Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Monograph More on More on Hardcover 2013. XIV, 178 p. 7 illus. Hardcover 53,45 € 2013. XIV, 263 p. 1 illus. ISBN 978-1-4614-6604-8 106,95 € ISBN 978-1-4419-1378-4 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Rechtswissenschaft 87

J. Broitman, San Francisco Psychotherapy Research Group, CA, G. Steins, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Deutschland; P.A. Weber, USA; J.M. Davis, California State University, East Bay, CA, USA Universität Duisburg-Essen, Deutschland; V. Welling, Universität Rechtswissenschaft (Eds.) Duisburg-Essen, Deutschland

Treating NVLD in Children Von der Psychiatrie zurück in I. Richelle, HEC-University of Liège, Belgium; W. Schön, Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance, Munich, Ger- Professional Collaborations for Positive Outcomes die Schule: Reintegration bei many; E. Traversa, Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la- Schulvermeidung Neuve, Belgium (Eds.) Children with nonverbal learning disabilities (NVLD) have needs that can take many forms and Konzepte - Begründungen - Materialien Allocating Taxing Powers within may, over time, require consultation and collabora- tion with professionals from several fields. Given that Das Phänomen der Schulvermeidung ist facettenre- the European Union multiple specialists may be involved in working with ich und erfordert bei psychisch erkrankten Kindern children with NVLD – as well as the array of treat- und Jugendlichen effektive Maßnahmen der schulis- ment variables – even seasoned practitioners may chen Wiedereingliederung von der Psychiatrie The contributions to this volume try to overcome the find themselves in confusing situations. Treating zurück in die Regelschule. Für diese verantwor- traditional approach of the judicature of the Euro- NVLD in Children takes a developmental view of tungsvolle Aufgabe bedarf es erprobter Rück- pean Court of Justice regarding the application of how the problems and needs of young people with führungskonzepte. Eine Auswahl an aktuellen the fundamental freedoms in direct taxation that is nonverbal learning disabilities evolve and offers a Schulreintegrationskonzepten wird in diesem largely built on a non-discrimination test. In this vol- concise guide for professionals who are likely to con- Buch einander gegenüber gestellt. Selbst entwick- ume, outstanding authors cover various aspects of tribute to treatment. Expert practitioners across spe- elte Materialien, die während einer dreijährigen the national and international tax order when Euro- cialties in psychology, education, and[...] Forschungsarbeit konzipiert wurden, werden bereit pean law meets domestic taxation. This includes test- gestellt und mit Hilfe von Fallvignetten exemplarisch ing traditional pillars of income taxation – ability-to- Features veranschaulicht. pay, source and residence, abuse of law, arm’s length Children with nonverbal learning disabilities standard – with respect to their place in the emerg- (NVLD) have needs that can take many forms and Features ing European tax order as well as substantial matters may, over time, require consultation and collabora- Das Phänomen der Schulvermeidung ist facettenre- of co-existence between different tax systems that are tion with professionals from several fields. Given that ich und erfordert bei psychisch erkrankten Kindern not[...] multiple specialists may be involved in working with und Jugendlichen effektive Maßnahmen der schulis- children with NVLD – as well as the array of treat- chen Wiedereingliederung von der Psychiatrie Features ment variables – even seasoned practitioners may zurück in die Regelschule. Für diese verantwor- The contributions to this volume try to overcome the find themselves in confusing [..] tungsvolle Aufgabe bedarf es erprobter Rück- traditional approach of the judicature of the Euro- führungskonzepte. Eine Auswahl an aktuellen pean Court of Justice regarding the application of Contents Schulreintegrationskonzepten wird in diesem Buch the fundamental freedoms in direct taxation that is 1. Introduction.- 2. Overview of NVLD.- 3. The Role einander gegenüber gestellt. Selbst [..] largely built on a non-discrimination test. In this vol- of the Occupational Therapist.- 4. Nonverbal Learn- ume, outstanding authors cover various aspects of ing Disabilities: A Speech-Language Pathologist’s Contents the national and international tax order when Euro- Perspective.- 5. Psychological Assessments for Schulvermeidung.- Psychiatrische Konzepte zur pean law meets domestic taxation. This includes [..] NVLD.- 6. The Physician’s Role in Treating NVLD.- Behandlung bei Schulvermeidung.- Schulreintegra- 7. Coaching: Addressing the Psychosocial and Exec- tionskonzepte.- Materialien.- Ausblick. Contents utive Functioning Challenges of NVLD in K–12 and A.G. Prats: Revisiting "Schumacker": Source, Resi- the Transition to Adulthood.- 8. The Role of the Fields of interest dence and Citizenshipin the ECJ Case Low on Direct Educational Therapist - Academic Interventions for Pädagogische Psychologie Taxation.- M. Greggi: Revisiting "Schumacker": Reading and Writing.- 9. The Educational Therapist The Role of Limited Tax Liability in EU Law.- D. Target groups and Mathematics.- 10. Promoting Social Emotional Gutmann: How to avoid Double Taxation in the Professional/practitioner Competency in Children with NVLD.- 11.[...] European Union?- W. Schön: Transfer Pricing, the Arm's Length Standard and European Union Type of publication Fields of interest Law.- I. Richelle: Cross-Border Loss Compensa- Professional book Kinderpsychologie; Psychologie der Erziehung; Pädi- tion: State and Critique of the Judicature.- T. Hack- atrie; Sozialarbeit; Psychiatrie; Family More on emann: Group Taxation in the European Union.- V.R. Almendral: Tax Avoidance, the "Balanced Allo- Softcover Target groups cation of Taxing Powers" and the Arm's Length Stan- 2013. XVII, 256 S. 20 Abb. (Psychologie in Bildung und Professional/practitioner dard: and odd[...] Erziehung: Vom Wissen zum Handeln) Type of publication 39,99 € Fields of interest Contributed volume ISBN 978-3-531-19858-3 Europarecht; Finanz- / Abgaben- / Steuerrecht; Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Europäische Integration ; Finanzwissenschaft; More on Steuerlehre Hardcover 2013. XX, 366 p. 13 illus., 5 in color. Target groups 48,10 € Research ISBN 978-1-4614-6178-4 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Type of publication Contributed volume More on Hardcover 2013. XI, 220 p. 2 illus. (MPI Studies in Tax Law and Pub- lic Finance, Band 2) 106,99 € ISBN 978-3-642-34918-8 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 88 Rechtswissenschaft

N. Ismail, Quotient Consulting, London, UK; E.L. Yong Cieh, O. Ola, Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, VI, Australia W. Fikentscher, Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property Christopher Lee & Co, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia (Eds.) and Competition Law, Munich, Germany; P. Hacker, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany; R. Podszun, Max Planck Institute for Copyright Collective Administration Intellectual Property and Competition Law, Munich, Germany Beyond Data Protection in Nigeria Strategic Case Studies and Practical Guidance FairEconomy Lessons for Africa The book deals with data protection issues from Crises, Culture, Competition and the Role of Law This work explores the operation and regulation of practical viewpoints. 40% of the content focus on copyright collective management in Nigeria. The the Malaysian Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) FairEconomy is a concept for a free and fair mar- nexus between creativity and copyright and how 2010 progress, whilst 60% of the content focus on ket economy. In response to the financial and eco- creativity has played a pivotal role in development leading comparative practical guidance from Europe. nomic crises of the past years, the authors develop is explained. The need to balance the interests of Part of the PDPA provisions is mirrored from Euro- fundamental ideas of how a market economy works, authors and users is discussed and the societies pean approaches and practices. The approach of this what rules markets need and who safeguards fair- representing the interest of copyright owners are book is straightforward, handy and readable and is ness and equal opportunity in such an economy. The illustrated.Further, Nigeria’s legal framework for col- supplemented by practical applications, illustrations, book sets out the design of a sustainable market lective management is enunciated from a pre-inde- tables and diagrams. Practical examples highlighted order: Going back to the very roots of doing busi- pendence and post-independence perspective. In the in this book range from cloud computing, radio ness it offers a fascinating insight into the cultural course of this regulatory challenges encountered in frequency identification technology, social media and anthropological premises of the market econ- the administration of collective management organi- networks and information security to basic related omy. Fairness and free competition can be identified zations, steps so far taken to address the problems, aspects of data protection issues[...] as key elements of successful markets, sometimes legislative reforms and judicial[...] neglected in politics and business. Legal rules need to Features ensure that fairness and economic[...] Features The book deals with data protection issues from This work explores the operation and regulation of practical viewpoints. 40% of the content focus on Features copyright collective management in Nigeria. The the Malaysian Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) FairEconomy is a concept for a free and fair market nexus between creativity and copyright and how 2010 progress, whilst 60% of the content focus on economy. In response to the financial and economic creativity has played a pivotal role in development leading comparative practical guidance from Europe. crises of the past years, the authors develop funda- is explained. The need to balance the interests of Part of the PDPA provisions is mirrored from Euro- mental ideas of how a market economy works, what authors and users is discussed and the societies pean approaches and practices. The approach of this rules markets need and who safeguards fairness and representing the interest of copyright owners are book is straightforward, handy and readable and is equal opportunity in such an economy. The book illustrated. Further, Nigeria’s legal framework for [..] sets out the design of a sustainable market order: collective [..] Going back to the very roots of doing business it Contents offers a [..] Contents Noriswadi Ismail, Introduction.- Edwin Lee Yong Introduction.- Tracing the Evolution of Collec- Cieh, Personal Data Protection and Privacy law in Contents tive Management Organisations in Nigeria.- Legal Malaysia.- Edwin Lee Yong Cieh, Personal Data Pro- Anthropological and Economic Foundations of Framework for Collective Management in Nigeria.- tection Act 2010 : An Overview Analysis.- Edwin FairEconomy.- Rules on Competition after the Cri- Regulatory Challenges of Collective Management in Lee Yong Cieh, Limitations Of The Personal Data sis.- A Matter of Risk and Balance - Discussing a Sys- Nigeria.- Conclusion Nigerian Collective Manage- Protection Act 2010 and Personal Data Protection tem of Liability for Financial Products.- Sanctions ment of Copyright: in the Right Direction or Going in Selected Sectors.- Noriswadi Ismail, Technol- and Procedure.- Conclusion: the Concept of FairE- Amiss?. ogy and ‘Actors’ In Data Protection.- Noriswadi conomy. Ismail, Selected Technologies’ Appraisal from The Fields of interest Fields of interest PDPA 2010’s Lens.- Noriswadi Ismail, Acclaiming IPR, Internationales und ausländisches Recht, Internationales Wirtschafts- und Handelsrecht; Accountability. Preaching Best Practices.- Eduardo Rechtsvergleichung; Internationales IT- und Medi- Ethik; Recht und Ökonomie; Rechtstheorie, Recht- Ustaran, The Scope of Application of EU Data Pro- enrecht, Geistiges Eigentum; Medien, Medienman- sphilosophie, Rechtsgeschichte; Rechtsphilosophie tection[...] agement Target groups Fields of interest Target groups Research IPR, Internationales und ausländisches Recht, Research Rechtsvergleichung; Internationales IT- und Medi- Type of publication enrecht, Geistiges Eigentum; Rechtliche Aspekte der Type of publication Monograph Datenverarbeitung Brief More on More on Target groups Hardcover Professional/practitioner Softcover 2013. XIII, 157 p. 1 illus. (MPI Studies on Intellectual 2013. X, 110 p. (SpringerBriefs in Law) Property and Competition Law, Band 19) Type of publication 53,49 € 106,99 € Professional book ISBN 978-3-642-35818-0 ISBN 978-3-642-36106-7 More on Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Hardcover 2013. IX, 271 p. 23 illus., 16 in color. 85,55 € ISBN 978-3-642-33080-3 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Rechtswissenschaft 89

R.M. Olwan, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Bris- N. Boschiero, University of Milan, Italy; T. Scovazzi, University of M. Viola de Azevedo Cunha, Brazilian Insurance Industry Confed- bane, QLD, Australia Milan, Italy; C. Pitea, University of Parma, Italy; C. Ragni, Univer- eration, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil sity of Milan, Italy (Eds.) Intellectual Property and Market Integration Through Data Development International Courts and the Protection Development of International Law Theory and Practice An Analysis of the Insurance and Financial Industries in the EU Essays in Honour of Tullio Treves The book examines the correlation between Intel- In the context of the continuous advance of informa- lectual Property Law – notably copyright – on the This book contains a collection of essays by lead- tion technologies and biomedicine, and of the cre- one hand and social and economic development on ing experts linked to the outstanding characteristics ation of economic blocs, this work analyzes the role the other. The main focus of the initial overview is of the scholar in honour of whom it is published, that data protection plays in the integration of mar- on historical, legal, economic and cultural aspects. Tullio Treves, who combines his academic back- kets. It puts special emphasis on financial and insur- Building on that, the work subsequently investi- ground with his practical experiences of a negotiator ance services. Further, it identifies the differences in gates how intellectual property systems have to be of international treaties and a judge of an interna- the data protection systems of EU member states and designed in order to foster social and economic tional tribunal. It covers international public and examines the development of common standards growth in developing countries and puts forward private law related to international courts and the and principles of data protection that could help theoretical and practical solutions that should be development of international law.Under Article 38 build a data protection model for Mercosur. Divided considered and implemented by policy makers, legal of its Statute, the International Court of Justice can into four parts, the book starts out with a discus- experts and the Word Intellectual Property Organi- apply judicial decisions only as a “subsidiary means sion of the evolution of the right to privacy, focusing zation (WIPO). for the determination of rules of law”. However, on the last few decades, and taking into account the there are many reasons to believe that international development of new[...] Features courts and tribunals do[...] The book examines the correlation between Intel- Features lectual Property Law – notably copyright – on the Features In the context of the continuous advance of informa- one hand and social and economic development on This book contains a collection of essays by lead- tion technologies and biomedicine, and of the cre- the other. The main focus of the initial overview is ing experts linked to the outstanding characteristics ation of economic blocs, this work analyzes the role on historical, legal, economic and cultural aspects. of the scholar in honour of whom it is published, that data protection plays in the integration of mar- Building on that, the work subsequently investi- Tullio Treves, who combines his academic back- kets. It puts special emphasis on financial and insur- gates how intellectual property systems have to be ground with his practical experiences of a negotiator ance services. Further, it identifies the differences in designed in order to foster social and economic of international treaties and a judge of an interna- the data protection systems of EU member states and growth in [..] tional tribunal. It covers international public and pri- provides some recommendations for the [..] vate law related to international courts and the [..] Contents Contents Intellectual Property and Development.- Part I: The Contents Introduction.- Chapter I - The Protection Of Per- Theory of Intellectual Property and Social and Eco- Personal Perspective.- General Aspect.- Interna- sonal Data: Evolution And Standards In Europe.- nomic Development: The History of International tional Cours: Jurisdiction and Procedure.- Law of the Chapter II - Data Protection And The Insurance, Intellectual Property and Development.- Intellec- Sea.- Environmental Law.- Human Rights.- Interna- Banking And Credit Reporting Industries.- Chap- tual Property and Economic Development.- Intellec- tional Crimes.- International Economic Law.- Pri- ter III - Data Protection Systems In The European tual Property, Culture and Development.- Part II: vate International Law.- European Union Law.- Union: The French Experience.- Chapter IV - Data The Practice of Intellectual Property and social and Protection Systems In The European Union: The Uk Economic Development: Rethinking the Jordanian Fields of interest Experience.- Chapter V - Data Protection Systems Copyright Law in the Internet Age – A Developmen- Menschenrechte; Seerecht, Luft- und Weltraum- In The European Union: The Italian Experience .- tal Perspective.- Voluntary Mechanisms, Copyright recht; Internationales Umweltrecht; Internationales Chapter VI - The Differences Between The Selected and Development.- Policy Road Map for Intellectual Wirtschafts- und Handelsrecht; Völkerrecht ; IPR, Member States And The Recommendations For A Property and Development.- Conclusions. Internationales und ausländisches Recht, Rechtsver- Further Harmonisation In The Post Lisbon Era. gleichung Fields of interest Fields of interest Internationales IT- und Medienrecht, Geistiges Target groups IPR, Internationales und ausländisches Recht, Eigentum; Entwicklungsökonomie ; Politis- Research Rechtsvergleichung; Europäische Integration ; che Ökonomie; Kulturwissenschaft; Geisteswis- Rechtliche Aspekte der Datenverarbeitung; Euro- Type of publication senschaften parecht; Finanzierung / Banken; Medienrecht Contributed volume Target groups More on Target groups Research Research Hardcover Type of publication 2013. XXXIX, 951 p. Type of publication Monograph 213,95 € Monograph ISBN 978-90-6704-893-4 More on Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. More on Hardcover Hardcover 2013. XX, 392 p. 1 illus. 2013. XIX, 220 p. (Law, Governance and Technology 139,05 € Series, Band 9) ISBN 978-3-642-27906-5 106,95 € Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. ISBN 978-94-007-6084-4 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 90 Sachbuch

B. Schmitz-Luhn, Universität zu Köln; A. Bohmeier, Ruhr-Univer- J.A. Vos, XYNTHEZYX, The Netherlands sität Bochum (Eds.) Sachbuch The Function of Public International Priorisierung in der Medizin Law N. Podbregar, Düsseldorf; D. Lohmann, Düsseldorf Kriterien im Dialog

Stetig ansteigende Kosten und die zunehmende This book addresses fundamental aspects of the con- Im Fokus: Geowissen Knappheit der zur Verfügung stehenden Ressourcen cept of public international law in both theory and Wie funktioniert unser Planet? stellen unser Gesundheitswesen vor Heraus- practice. The argument developed by the author is that, underlying the traditional, horizontal, structure forderungen. Priorisierung zielt auf eine gerechtere Der Boden unter unseren Füßen erscheint uns Verteilung medizinischer Leistungen, indem sie of public international law, a vertical structure of the concept of law may be discerned. This vertical struc- unwandelbar und fest. Aber der Eindruck täuscht. die Entscheidung, welche Leistungen vorrangig zu Denn in Wirklichkeit ist die Erdkruste alles andere gewähren und welche nachrangig sind, auf eine bre- ture is seen unfolding into two, mutually exclusive, frameworks: a framework of obligation, account- als unbeweglich und verlässlich. So sind die Konti- ite demokratische Basis stellt und eine verdeckte nente immer in Bewegung, Gebirge wachsen in den Rationierung vermeidet. In dem vorliegenden Band ing for obligations, and a framework of authoriza- tion, accounting for rights. The problem then arising Himmel, Gesteine bilden sich neu und Meeresbö- werden erstmalig Priorisierungskriterien aus dem den dehnen sich aus. Doch die Plattentektonik ist Blickwinkel der maßgeblichen Disziplinen diskur- is that a concept of public international law which only admits either rights or obligations cannot be nur eines von vielen geologischen Phänomenen, die siv erörtert. Die Schrift bietet einen Einblick in die ihren Ursprung tief im Erdinneren haben. Um zu Arbeit der interdisziplinären DFG-Forschergruppe regarded as coherent. The author, however, takes and substantiates the[...] ergründen, wie unser Planet tickt, haben Geowis- 655, aus der die Beiträge stammen, und regt zur senschaftler in den letzten Jahren fast schon eine weiteren[...] Features Reise zum Mittelpunkt der Erde unternommen. Mithilfe von Satelliten, seismischen Wellen und Features This book addresses fundamental aspects of the con- komplexen Simulationen haben sie dabei viele über- Stetig ansteigende Kosten und die zunehmende cept of public international law in both theory and raschende und[...] Knappheit der zur Verfügung stehenden Ressourcen practice. The argument developed by the author is that, underlying the traditional, horizontal, structure stellen unser Gesundheitswesen vor Heraus- Features forderungen. Priorisierung zielt auf eine gerechtere of public international law, a vertical structure of the concept of law may be discerned. This vertical struc- Der Boden unter unseren Füßen erscheint uns Verteilung medizinischer Leistungen, indem sie unwandelbar und fest. Aber der Eindruck täuscht. die Entscheidung, welche Leistungen vorrangig zu ture is seen unfolding into two, mutually exclusive, frameworks: a framework of obligation, [..] Denn in Wirklichkeit ist die Erdkruste alles andere gewähren und welche nachrangig sind, auf eine bre- als unbeweglich und verlässlich. So sind die Konti- ite demokratische Basis stellt und eine verdeckte Contents nente immer in Bewegung, Gebirge wachsen in den Rationierung vermeidet. [..] Introduction.- Introduction to Part I.- The Frame- Himmel, Gesteine bilden sich neu und Meeresbö- den dehnen sich aus. Doch die Plattentektonik ist Contents work of Obligation and the Framework of Autho- nur eines von vielen geologischen Phänomenen, die C. Katzenmeier: Kriterien der Priorisierung rization in the Case of the S.S. “Lotus” and in ihren Ursprung tief im [..] medizinischer Leistungen – Maßgaben des Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons.- The Framework of Obligation and the Framework Rechts.- H. Raspe: Wirksamkeit, Nutzen- Contents chancen und Schadenrisiken medizinischer of Authorization in General Theory of Law.- The Framework of Obligation and the Framework of Plattentektonik - Kontinente in Bewegung.- Reise Interventionen.- D.R. Friedrich, B. Schöne- zum Mittelpunkt der Erde.- Magnet Erde - Kommt Seifert: Wirksamkeit und Nutzen bei der Prior- Authorization in Theory of Public International Law.- Conclusion to Part I.- Introduction to Part II.- die große Umpolung?- Eine Kartoffel im Weltall - isierung medizinischer Leistungen.- E. Nagel, der irdischen Schwerkraft auf der Spur.- Hawaii - K. Alber, B. Bayerl: Evidenzbasierte Medizin The Concept of General Principles of Law Situated within the Framework of Obligation and the Frame- Tropisches Paradies auf heißem Untergrund.- Ein – Grundlage für eine Prioritätensetzung im Kontinent zerbricht - Das Afrikanische Graben- Gesundheitswesen?- S. Huster, A. Bohmeier: Evi- work of Authorization.- The Concept of Conven- tional[...] system.- Kontinentalränder - Streifzug in Europas denzbasierung als Priorisierungskriterium im Unterwasserreich.- Gebirgsbildung - Wenn Berge in Krankenversicherungsrecht.- S. Felder: Kosten- Fields of interest den Himmel wachsen.- Erosion und Verwitterung Nutzen-Verhältnis als Rationierungskriterium.- A. Völkerrecht ; Rechtsphilosophie - Landschaft im Wandel.- Wind - der unsichtbare Klonschinski: Das[...] Baumeister.- Globale Zirkulationen - Alles im Fluss.- Target groups Organismus Erde? Von der Gaia-Hypothese zum Fields of interest Research System Erde.-[...] Medizinrecht ; Gesundheitswesen; Health Econom- ics; Ethik Type of publication Fields of interest Monograph Sachbuch Natur und Umwelt ; Sachbücher; Geowis- Target groups senschaften (allgemein); Geologie Research More on Hardcover Target groups Type of publication 2013. X, 304 p. Popular/general Contributed volume 106,99 € More on ISBN 978-90-6704-860-6 Type of publication Popular science Hardcover Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 2013. XV, 298 S. 9 Abb. (Kölner Schriften zum Medizin- More on recht, Band 11) Softcover 89,99 € 2013. IX, 186 S. 17 Abb. in Farbe. (Naturwissenschaften ISBN 978-3-642-35447-2 im Fokus) Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. 19,95 € ISBN 978-3-642-34790-0 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Sozialwissenschaften 91

M.C. Schulte von Drach, Kissing A. Schrauwers, Amsterdam, Netherlands; B. Poolman, University of Groningen, Netherlands Sozialwissenschaften Mythos Synthetische Biologie - Der Mensch N. Schofield, Washington University in Saint Louis, MO, USA; Eine Expedition ins Herz des Dschungels. Eine Reise als Schöpfer? G. Caballero, University of Vigo, Spain; D. Kselman, Juan March an den Anfang und das Ende des Glaubens. Eine Institute, Madrid, Spain (Eds.) abenteuerliche Auseinandersetzung mit der Reli- Synthetische Biologie ist ein neuer Wissenschaft- gion und der Evolution. Im Jahr 1539 begegnet der szweig, der große Hoffnungen auf Fortschritte in Advances in Political Economy spanische Konquistador Juan de la Torre im Ama- der Medizin, in der Landwirtschaft und in den zonasdschungel dem Teufel. Als fast 500 Jahre später Energie-, Ernährungs- und Gesundheitswirtss- Institutions, Modelling and Empirical Analysis die deutsche Schriftkundlerin Nora Tilly im Indien- chaftszweigen weckt. Zurzeit ist die Forschung so This book presents latest research in the field of archiv von Sevilla auf Dokumente des Spaniers stößt, weit, dass man - wenn auch noch recht primitiv Political Economy, dealing with the integration of entdeckt sie Hinweise auf einen Inka-Schatz. Doch - neues Leben erschaffen kann.Obwohl moleku- economics and politics and the way institutions bald muss sie feststellen, dass sie nicht die einzige ist, lare Genetik kein Alltagsthema ist, wird sie hier so affect social decisions. The focus is on innovative die sich auf den Weg macht, um das Gold zu finden. dargestellt, dass ein breites Publikum sie leicht ver- topics such as an institutional analysis based on case Die irische Journalistin Brea MacLoughlin reist mit stehen kann. Es wird erzählt, wie das Erbgut, die studies; the influence of activists on political deci- einer Delegation katholischer Geistlicher ebenfalls DNA, entschlüsselt wurde und wie man sie heute sions; new techniques for analyzing elections, involv- nach Peru, um ein angebliches[...] synthetisch produzieren kann. Dabei werden die ing game theory and empirical methods. Risiken und philosophisch/ethische Bedenken nicht Features verschwiegen.Dieses Buch führt den Leser anhand Eine Expedition ins Herz des Dschungels. Eine Reise Features von Fragen durch[...] an den Anfang und das Ende des Glaubens. Eine This book presents latest research in the field of Political Economy, dealing with the integration of abenteuerliche Auseinandersetzung mit der Reli- Features economics and politics and the way institutions gion und der Evolution. Im Jahr 1539 begegnet der U4-Texte zu Schrauwers/Poolman , Synthetis- affect social decisions. The focus is on innovative spanische Konquistador Juan de la Torre im Ama- che Biologie- Was ist Synthetische Biologie? topics such as an institutional analysis based on case zonasdschungel dem Teufel. Als fast 500 Jahre später Ein Wissenschaftsjournalist und ein renom- studies; the influence of activists on political deci- die deutsche Schriftkundlerin Nora Tilly im Indien- mierter Molekularbiologe beschreiben auf ver- sions; new techniques for analyzing elections, involv- archiv von Sevilla auf Dokumente des Spaniers [..] ständliche Weise Chancen und Risiken dieses ing game theory and empirical methods. neuen Forschungsgebietes- Kann der Men- Contents sch neues Leben schaffen? Im Bildbandformat mit 1 Entrada.- 2 Aenigmata.- 3 Matararo.- Nachwort. Contents großzügigem Layout wird dieser Frage [..] Institutions.- Modelling.- Empirical Analysis. Fields of interest Contents Sachbuch Natur und Umwelt ; Sachbücher; Evolu- Fields of interest Vorwort: Wissen, das das Leben verändert hat.- tionsbiologie; Philosophie (allgemein); Religionswis- Politische Ökonomie; Finanzwissenschaft Einleitung: Die Zukunft des Lebens und die große senschaft Stille.- 1 Was ist Leben?.- 2 Wie ist das Leben ent- Target groups Target groups standen?.- 3 Können wir neues Leben erschaffen?.- 4 Research Popular/general Sind wir an DNA-artige Systeme gebunden?.- 5 Was wissen wir über die lebende Zelle?.- 6 Wie stehen die Type of publication Type of publication Chancen der synthetischen Biologie?.- 7 Synthetische Contributed volume Popular science Biologie in der (Labor-)Praxis.- 8 Was können wir More on erwarten?.- 9 Was sind die Risiken?. More on Hardcover Hardcover Fields of interest 2013. XVII, 392 p. 46 illus. 2013. VI, 570 S. Sachbuch Medizin und Gesundheit ; Sachbücher; 139,09 € 29,95 € Zellbiologie; Transgenik ISBN 978-3-642-35238-6 ISBN 978-3-642-34774-0 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Target groups Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Popular/general

Type of publication Popular science More on Softcover 2013. Etwa 215 S. 216 Abb. in Farbe. 29,95 € ISBN 978-3-642-34592-0 Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. 92 Sozialwissenschaften

J. Kang, KAIST, Daejeon, South Korea (Ed.) S. Hess, University of Bridgeport, CT, USA D.L. Martin, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV, USA; R.P. Har- rod, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV, USA; V.R. Pérez, Univer- sity of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, USA Assessment of the Nuclear Authoritarian Landscapes

Programs of Iran and North Korea Popular Mobilization and the Institutional Sources of Bioarchaeology Resilience in Nondemocracies An Integrated Approach to Working with Human Remains When we are looking at proliferation cases, there are The turbulent year of 2011 has brought the appear- a number of lessons – positive and negative – learnt. ance of mass popular unrest and the collapse of long Bioarchaeology is the analysis of human remains First, facts reported by the IAEA are essential for lived autocratic regimes in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and within an interpretative framework, including a wide the international community in assessing the com- possibly Syria. The sudden and unanticipated fall range of contextual information. This comprehen- pliance and risks of possible clandestine activities. of these regimes – often thought of as exemplars of sive and much-needed manual provides both a start- Second, the IAEA verification scheme is biting when authoritarian resilience - has brought much of the ing point and a reference for archaeologists working it fully exercises its verification rights, and when it conventional wisdom on the durability and vulnera- in this integrative field. The authors cover a range is provided with the requisite cooperation. Third, bility of nondemocratic regimes into question. This of bioarchaeological methods and theory including: when countries face questions raised by the IAEA, book seeks to advance the existing literature by treat- · Ethical issues involved in dealing with human those that chose to turn the course and / or cooper- ing the autocratic state not as a unitary actor char- remains, specifically related to NAGPRA· Field ated to remove concerns and ambiguities resolved acterized by strength or weakness but rather as a and taphonomic clues· Lab and Forensic tech- their nuclear dossiers in a satisfactory manner and structure or terrain that can alternatively inhibit or niques· Best practices methods for Excavation fairly swiftly. Fourth, when states adopt the course of facilitate the appearance of national level forms of techniques· Special applications of Bioarchaeol- confrontation,[...] protests. In the[...] ogy· Theoretical frameworks of Bioarchaeology- With case[...] Features Features When we are looking at proliferation cases, there are The turbulent year of 2011 has brought the appear- Features a number of lessons – positive and negative – learnt. ance of mass popular unrest and the collapse of long Bioarchaeology is the analysis of human remains First, facts reported by the IAEA are essential for lived autocratic regimes in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and within an interpretative framework that includes the international community in assessing the com- possibly Syria. The sudden and unanticipated fall contextual information. This comprehensive and pliance and risks of possible clandestine activities. of these regimes – often thought of as exemplars of much-needed manual provides both a starting point Second, the IAEA verification scheme is biting when authoritarian resilience - has brought much of the and a reference for archaeologists, bioarchaeolo- it fully exercises its verification rights, and when it is conventional wisdom on the durability and vulnera- gists and others working in this integrative field. The provided with the requisite cooperation. [..] bility of nondemocratic regimes into question. This authors cover a range of bioarchaeological methods [..] and theory including: Ethical issues involved in [..] Contents Preface by Olli Heinonen.- Introduction by Jungmin Contents Contents Kang.- Part One: North Korea.- Part Two: Iran.- Part Introduction.- Authoritarian Landscapes .- Sin- History and Current State of Bioarchaeology.- Three: North Korea – Iran Connection. gle-Party Regimes.- Taiwan.- China.- Personalist Ethics and Research that Matters.- What Integra- Regimes.- The Philippines.- Kazakhstan.- Conclu- tion Means.- Taphonomic Signatures.- Burial Prat- Fields of interest sion.- Bibliography. ices and Mortuary Ritual.- Excavation Techniques.- Politikwissenschaft, allgemein; Sozialpolitik ; Nuk- Demography and Disease.- Reconstruction of Diet learenergie; Nukleartechnik Fields of interest and Nutrition.- Reconstucting Ancestry, Migration, Politikwissenschaft, allgemein; Vergleichende Poli- and Relatedness.- Osteobiography.- Sex, Organi- Target groups tikwissenschaften; Politische Theorie zation, and Stratification.- Trauma and Violence.- Research Body Modifications and Ornamentation.- Behavior, Target groups Type of publication Ritual, and Patterned Complexity.- Process and Pop- Research Monograph ulation. More on Type of publication Fields of interest Monograph Hardcover Archäologie; Biologische Techniken; Anthropologie 2013. XII, 131 p. 19 illus. More on Target groups 106,95 € Hardcover Research ISBN 978-94-007-6018-9 2013. X, 244 p. 7 illus. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 106,99 € Type of publication ISBN 978-1-4614-6536-2 Monograph Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. More on Hardcover 2013. XVII, 262 p. 30 illus., 10 in color. (Manuals in Archaeological Method, Theory and Technique) 139,09 € ISBN 978-1-4614-6377-1 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Sozialwissenschaften 93

S. Sonnenburg, Karlshochschule International University, Karl- K. Masser, Speyer; A. Pistoia, Speyer; P. Nitzsche, Speyer L.R. Lozny, Hunter College, New York, NY, USA (Ed.) sruhe, Germany; L. Baker, FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences, Graz, Austria (Eds.) Bürgerbeteiligung und Web 2.0 Continuity and Change in

Branded Spaces Potentiale und Risiken webgestützter Bürgerhaushalte Cultural Adaptation to Mountain Environments Experience Enactments and Entanglements Nach einer ersten Welle von Bürgerhaushalten vor 20 Jahren erlebt diese Form der Bürgerbeteiligung From Prehistory to Contemporary Threats Sweeping transformation of brands has led to a zur Zeit einen zweiten Frühling. Ursachen sind die warranted need to conquer space for brand perfor- neuen Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten des Web 2.0 Up until now, mountain ecosystems have not been mances. Branded spaces emplace agents like con- und das große Interesse an neuen Formen der Bürg- closely studies by social scientists as they do not offer sumers or other stakeholders to have an experience erbeteiligung. Doch was ist übriggeblieben von der a readily defined set of problems for human exploita- that is in multisensual association with a brand. In ursprünglichen Idee, die Bürgerinnen und Bürger tion as, do for instance, tropical forests or arctic a fast changing world, branded spaces are becom- in den Prozess der kommunalen Haushaltsaufstel- habitats. But the archaeological evidence had shown ing lighthouses for brands, for their image and for lung einbeziehen zu wollen? Gelingt es tatsächlich, that humans have been living in this type of habitat their relationship to agents. Additionally, the editors die Bürger an den zentralen kommunalpolitischen for thousands of year. From this evidence we can and contributors often use a story-like framework to Weichenstellungen zu beteiligen, oder handelt es also see that mountainous regions are often frontier explore how branded spaces are approached as well sich lediglich um eine von vielen politischen Mod- zones of competing polities and form refuge areas for as to what degree they afford success. Management, eerscheinungen, die bald wieder verschwunden sein dissident communities as they often are inherently branding, marketing, sociology, psychology, and phi- wird? difficult to control by centralized authorities. As a losophy are some of the disciplines that deal with consequence they fuel or contribute disproportion- branded spaces. To address the[...] Features ately to political violence. But we are now witnessing Nach einer ersten Welle von Bürgerhaushalten vor changes[...] Features 20 Jahren erlebt diese Form der Bürgerbeteiligung Sweeping transformation of brands has led to a zurzeit einen zweiten Frühling. Ursachen sind die Features warranted need to conquer space for brand perfor- neuen Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten des Web 2.0 Continuity and Change in Cultural Mountain Adap- mances. Branded spaces emplace agents like con- und das große Interesse an neuen Formen der Bürg- tations: From Prehistory to Contemporary Threats sumers or other stakeholders to have an experience erbeteiligung. Doch was ist übriggeblieben von der presents an international and interdisciplinary that is in multisensual association with a brand. In ursprünglichen Idee, die Bürgerinnen und Bürger in account of human cultural adaptation to mountain- a fast changing world, branded spaces are becoming den Prozess der kommunalen Haushaltsaufstellung ous environments over time. Mountain ecosystems lighthouses for brands, for their image and for their einbeziehen zu [..] are critical to the wellbeing of sizable populations in relationship to agents. Additionally, the editors and Eurasia, the Americas, and Africa. The book presents [..] Contents the evidence on continuity of human cultural [..] Bürgerpartizipation.- Bürgerhaushalt.- Web 2.0.- Contents Repräsentative Demokratie.- Kommunalpolitik.- Fields of interest Places and Possibilities.- Facts and Figures.- Senses Soziale Netzwerke. Anthropologie; Ökosysteme; Humangeographie and Sensualities.- Stories and Situations.- Critiques and Consequences. Fields of interest Target groups Sozialwissenschaften (allgemein); Politikwis- Research Fields of interest senschaft, allgemein Organisationssoziologie, Wirtschaftssoziologie Type of publication Target groups Contributed volume Target groups Research More on Research Type of publication Hardcover Type of publication Monograph 2013. X, 410 p. 151 illus., 104 in color. (Studies in Monograph Human Ecology and Adaptation, 7) More on More on 106,95 € Softcover ISBN 978-1-4614-5701-5 Softcover 2013. XV, 181 S. 64 Abb. (Theorie und Praxis der Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 2013. VII, 278 p. 75 illus. (Management – Culture – öffentlichen Verwaltung) Interpretation) 34,99 € 39,99 € ISBN 978-3-658-01035-5 ISBN 978-3-658-01560-2 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 94 Sozialwissenschaften

N.M. Schöneck, Universität Bremen, Deutschland; W. Voß, Uni- M. Steinmetz, Jena, Deutschland K. Brummer, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, versität Bochum, Deutschland Deutschland Der überforderte Abiturient im Das Forschungsprojekt Fach Deutsch Die Innenpolitik der Außenpolitik Planung, Durchführung und Auswertung einer quantitativen Die Große Koalition, „Governmental Politics“ und Ausland- Studie Eine qualitativ-empirische Studie zur Realisierbarkeit von Bil- seinsätze der Bundeswehr dungsstandards Dieses Lehrbuch richtet sich an alle, die (erstmals) Welchen Einfluss haben die Interessen einzelner Michael Steinmetz hinterfragt in seiner Studie, über ein eigenes empirisches Forschungsprojekt durch- Regierungsmitglieder auf die Formulierung der welche Kompetenzen die Schülerinnen und Schüler führen. Erklärt werden die Grundlagen, alle wichti- Mandate für Auslandseinsätze der Bundeswehr? der gymnasialen Oberstufe verfügen müssen, um gen Arbeitsschritte und mögliche Fehlerquellen. Bei strukturalistischen Erklärungen deutscher Literatur in einer Prüfungssituation interpretieren Zudem wird das Buch ergänzt durch Online-Materi- Außenpolitik, z. B. auf der Grundlage des Rol- zu können. Sein Ziel ist es, das Sollen im Lichte alien, die u.a. einen Beispieldatensatz ebenso wie eine lenkonzepts der „Zivilmacht Deutschland“, ger- des Könnens auf den Prüfstand zu stellen, statt kurze Einführung in SPSS und eine Statistik-Formel- aten der Einfluss individueller Entscheidungsträger wie sonst üblich das Können im Licht des Sollens sammlung enthalten. sowie innenpolitische Entscheidungsprozesse aus zu beurteilen. Aus dieser Perspektive gelingt es dem Blick. Dieser Band rückt hingegen die maßge- dem Autor, die dauernde Klage über die Defizite Features blichen Entscheidungsträger innerhalb der Bun- der Schülerinnen und Schüler in eine Kritik an Das ForschungsprojektDieses Lehrbuch richtet desregierung (Bundeskanzler, Außenminister und den gestellten Anforderungen zu transformieren. sich an alle, die (erstmals) ein eigenes empirisches Verteidigungsminister) und deren Zusammenspiel Auf Basis einer empirischen Untersuchung von Forschungsprojekt durchführen. Erklärt werden im Entscheidungsprozess in den Mittelpunkt der Abiturprüfungsleistungen gewinnt Michael Stein- die Grundlagen, alle wichtigen Arbeitsschritte und Untersuchung. Auf der Grundlage einer erweiterten metz fundierte Argumente dafür, die bestehenden mögliche Fehlerquellen. Zudem wird das Buch Variante des von Graham Allison[...] ergänzt durch Online-Materialien, die u. a. einen Ansprüche an[...] Beispieldatensatz ebenso wie eine kurze Einführung Features Features in SPSS und eine Statistik-Formelsammlung [..] Welchen Einfluss haben die Interessen einzelner Michael Steinmetz hinterfragt in seiner Studie, über Regierungsmitglieder auf die Formulierung der welche Kompetenzen die Schülerinnen und Schüler Contents Mandate für Auslandseinsätze der Bundeswehr? Bei der gymnasialen Oberstufe verfügen müssen, um Wie finde ich zu einem Forschungsthema?.- strukturalistischen Erklärungen deutscher Außen- Literatur in einer Prüfungssituation interpretieren Welches Forschungsdesign plane ich?.- Wie politik, z. B. auf der Grundlage des Rollenkonzepts zu können. Sein Ziel ist es, das Sollen im Lichte manage ich mein Forschungsprojekt?.- Wie der „Zivilmacht Deutschland“, geraten der Einfluss des Könnens auf den Prüfstand zu stellen, statt wie bereite ich mein Forschungsprojekt inhaltlich individueller Entscheidungsträger sowie innenpoli- sonst üblich das Können im Licht des Sollens zu vor?.- Wen soll ich befragen?.- Wie soll ich fra- tische Entscheidungsprozesse aus dem Blick. Dieser beurteilen. Aus dieser Perspektive gelingt es dem gen?.- Vom Fragebogen zum Computer.- Die Band rückt [..] Präsentation von Daten.- Charakterisierende Autor, die [..] Maßzahlen.- Die Erzeugung neuer Daten.- Die Contents Contents Überprüfung der Repräsentativität.- Weitere Analytischer Rahmen: das „Governmental Poli- Bildungsstandards Deutsch.- Einheitliche Prü- Hypothesentests.- Art und Stärke des statistischen tics“-Modell.- EUFOR RD Congo: „Zu Weihnachten fungsanforderungen in der Abiturprüfung Deutsch.- Zusammenhangs.- Dimensionsreduktion. ist die Truppe wieder daheim“.- UNIFIL II: „Ein Ein- Realisierbarkeit.- Merkmale guter Bildungsstan- satz von historischer Dimension“.- UNAMID: „Das, dards.- Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse.- Interpretation- Fields of interest was wir für die Afrikanische Union machen, das skompetenz. Soziologie, allgemein; Sozialwissenschaften (allge- können wir nicht bei den Vereinten Nationen ver- mein); Communication Studies Fields of interest weigern“.- EUFOR Tchad/RCA und MINURCAT: „Deutschland wird sich dem politisch nicht ver- Target groups Sozialwissenschaften (allgemein); Frühkindliche Erziehung weigern, aber nicht daran teilnehmen“.- EU NAV- Upper undergraduate FOR ATALANTA: „Wir haben ein Interesse an einem freien Seehandel“.- Bilanz und Ausblick. Type of publication Target groups Research German textbook Fields of interest More on Type of publication Politikwissenschaft, allgemein; Internationale Beziehungen Softcover Monograph 2013. X, 234 S. 60 Abb. More on Target groups 24,99 € Softcover Professional/practitioner ISBN 978-3-531-19501-8 2013. 346 S. 52 Abb., 8 in Farbe. Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. 49,99 € Type of publication ISBN 978-3-658-00424-8 Monograph Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. More on Softcover 2013. XIII, 295 S. 3 Abb. 39,99 € ISBN 978-3-658-01506-0 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Sozialwissenschaften 95

B.V. Pieper, Potsdam, Deutschland J. Mehne, Berlin, Deutschland A. Busch, Hamburg, Deutschland

Die Kunst des Clusterns Die Nachrichtenjournale Die berufliche

Wissensvorsprung und Wettbewerbsvorteile kunstvoll vere- tagesthemen und heute journal Geschlechtersegregation in inen Deutschland Wie arbeiten die Redaktionen von tagesthemen und Die Erhaltung von Innovations- und Wettbewerbs- Ursachen, Reproduktion, Folgen fähigkeit fordert im Zuge intersystemischer Wissens- heute journal? Was macht ihre Sendungen beson- generierung neue grenzüberschreitende Formen der ders? Worin unterscheiden sie sich von den übrigen Auf dem deutschen Arbeitsmarkt erweist sich die Zusammenarbeit. Als erfolgsversprechende Interor- Nachrichtenangeboten? Johannes Mehne charak- berufliche Geschlechtersegregation als erstaunlich ganisationsformen kollektiver Kapitalbildung und terisiert die Fernsehnachrichtenjournale tages- stabil. Sie gilt zudem als wichtige Dimension Wertschöpfung rücken Cluster zunehmend in die themen und heute journal in Abgrenzung zu den sozialer Ungleichheit zwischen Frauen und Män- Intermediäre von Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Poli- Hauptnachrichten von ARD und ZDF. Dafür unter- nern im Erwerbsleben. Daher bedarf es einer tik. Britta Verena Pieper entwickelt Grundlagen sucht er die Arbeitsweisen der Redaktionen, die wissenschaftlichen Klärung jener zeitlichen Per- und skizziert Modelle für eine sozioökonomische Inhalte der Sendungen und ihre Präsentation. Als sistenz sowie der Folgen der Segregation für Clustertheorie. Sie erweitert den vorherrschenden Grundlage der Studie dienen Leitfadeninterviews geschlechtsspezifische Chancendisparitäten. Unter wirtschaftsgeographisch determinierten Clusterbe- mit den ModeratorInnen, Redaktionsleitungen und Anwendung verschiedener Theorieperspektiven griff um eine soziokulturelle Dimension und ver- ChefredakteurInnen der Sendungen (, und neuerer Methoden der Längsschnittanalyse anschaulicht Cluster als performativästhetische Ulrich Deppendorf, Kai Gniffke, Claus Kleber, Caren untersucht Anne Busch Ursachen jener Segrega- Interaktionsmedien kooperativen Lernens und Wis- Miosga, Elmar Theveßen,...). Den Abschluss bilden tion, Mechanismen ihrer Reproduktion im Erwerb- sens. Die Autorin[...] Diskussionen über[...] sverlauf sowie die Folgen für den "gender pay gap". Wirkungszusammenhänge sucht sie dabei sowohl Features Features auf der Individual- als auch auf der[...] Die Erhaltung von Innovations- und Wettbewerbs- Wie arbeiten die Redaktionen von tagesthemen und fähigkeit fordert im Zuge intersystemischer Wissens- heute journal? Was macht ihre Sendungen beson- Features generierung neue grenzüberschreitende Formen der ders? Worin unterscheiden sie sich von den übrigen Auf dem deutschen Arbeitsmarkt erweist sich die Zusammenarbeit. Als erfolgsversprechende Interor- Nachrichtenangeboten? Johannes Mehne charakter- berufliche Geschlechtersegregation als erstaunlich ganisationsformen kollektiver Kapitalbildung und isiert die Fernsehnachrichtenjournale tagesthemen stabil. Sie gilt zudem als wichtige Dimension Wertschöpfung rücken Cluster zunehmend in die und heute journal in Abgrenzung zu den Haupt- sozialer Ungleichheit zwischen Frauen und Män- Intermediäre von Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Poli- nachrichten von ARD und ZDF. Dafür untersucht er nern im Erwerbsleben. Daher bedarf es einer tik. Britta Verena Pieper entwickelt Grundlagen und die Arbeitsweisen der Redaktionen, die Inhalte [..] wissenschaftlichen Klärung jener zeitlichen Per- skizziert Modelle [..] sistenz sowie der Folgen der Segregation für Contents geschlechtsspezifische Chancendisparitäten. Unter Nachrichten.- Fernsehnachrichten.- Fernsehnachrichtenjournal.- tagesthemen.- heute Contents Anwendung verschiedener [..] Im Delta von Wissensavantgarden und Cluster-Kün- journal. sten.- Die Topologie der Performativität.- Kunst als Contents Fields of interest ideologische Präkonfiguration.- Wissen: Abstrak- Die Segregation als Ergebnis gesellschaftlicher Sozialwissenschaften (allgemein); Medienforschung tionen -Konstruktionen -Korrelationen.- Cluster: Arbeitsteilung und als Dimension sozialer Ungle- Grundriss für neue Wissenskonstruktionen.- Lern- Target groups ichheit.- Theorien zu den Ursachen der beru- und Wissenscluster als intermediäre Corpus Cop- Research flichen Geschlechtersegregation: Angebotsseitige ula.-Wissensökonomik in Statu Nascendi-Clus- Theorien.- Theorien zur Reproduktion der beru- ter-Figuren und Cluster-Figurationen im Raume.- Type of publication flichen Geschlechtersegregation: Institutionen und Vom Szenario zur Szenerie.- Modellage eines neuen Monograph Interaktionen.- Theorien zu den Folgen der beru- performativen Cluster-Managements. flichen Geschlechtersegregation (Fokus Verdien- More on ste).- Kontrolldimension Organisationsmerkmale.- Fields of interest Softcover Ursachen, Reproduktion, Folgen der beruflichen Sozialwissenschaften (allgemein); Organisationssozi- 2013. VIII, 192 S. Geschlechtersegregation: Forschungsfragen und ana- ologie, Wirtschaftssoziologie 34,99 € lytisches Vorgehen.- Die berufliche Geschlechterseg- ISBN 978-3-658-01649-4 regation in[...] Target groups Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Research Fields of interest Geschlechterforschung Type of publication Professional book Target groups More on Research Softcover Type of publication 2013. I, 374 S. 6 Abb. Monograph 39,99 € ISBN 978-3-531-18444-9 More on Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Softcover 2013. XVII, 358 S. 32 Abb. 49,99 € ISBN 978-3-658-01706-4 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 96 Sozialwissenschaften

F. Heschl, Arbeiterkammer Steiermark, Graz, Österreich I. Raehlmann, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, Deutschland S. Fleckinger, Universität Bremen, Deutschland

Die politische Rhetorik der Dienst am Menschen - unter Wert? Ehrenamtlichkeit in Palliative Care

Europäischen Kommission Entgelt für personenbezogene Dienstleistungen Zwischen hospizlich-palliativer Sorgekultur und institutional- isierter Dienstleistung Geld bzw. Entgelt gewinnt mit der Durchsetzung Es gehört mittlerweile zum einigermaßen gesicherten der kapitalistischen Wirtschaftsgesellschaft eine her- Die Ehrenamtlichkeit in Palliative Care erfüllt Wissensbestand der Soziologie der europäischen ausragende Bedeutung. So spiegelt sich in der Höhe wichtige, differenzierte Aufgaben und Funktionen Integration, dass im durch eine spezifische institu- des Entgelts gesellschaftliche Anerkennung und im Rahmen der gesundheitlichen und sozialen Ver- tionelle Architektur geprägten Entscheidungsgefüge Wertschätzung, gesellschaftlicher Status und Sozial- sorgungsstrukturen. Die Herausforderung für die der Europäischen Union gesellschaftliche Konflikte prestige des Erwerbstätigen wider. Mit dem Wandel ehrenamtliche Arbeit in Palliative Care besteht darin, wie Verteilungs-, Interessen- und Wertkonflikte zur Dienstleistungsgesellschaft entwickeln sich in sich in den veränderten organisationalen Strukturen weitgehend entpolitisiert werden. An die Stelle von der Bundesrepublik Deutschland personenbezogene zu positionieren und diese mit Blick auf eine hospi- „Politik“ treten dadurch vermehrt „technokratische Dienstleistungen zu einem wachsenden Segment des zlich-palliative Sorgekultur zu reflektieren. Susanne Lösungen“ und „sachbezogene Verwaltung“, diese Arbeitsmarktes, in dem überwiegend Frauen mit Fleckinger versteht Palliative Care als Raum, in dem beiden werden wiederum permanent von „politis- vergleichsweise geringem Einkommen beschäftigt Ehrenamtlichkeit und Hauptamtlichkeit komple- cher Rhetorik“ überlagert. Gegenwärtig ist in der sind. Die Studie untersucht aus unterschiedlichen mentär präsent sind und aus dessen Mitte für Ster- Europasoziologie immer deutlicher die Ansicht zu Perspektiven die Gründe dafür. Sie präsentiert bende und ihre Zugehörigen neue, evidenzbasierte finden, dass gerade der Analyse dieser „politischen“ als Ergebnis ein komplexes Erklärungsmuster für Versorgungsstrukturen entwickelt werden können, oder „europapolitischen Rhetoriken“[...] diese[...] welche die demografischen und[...] Features Features Features Es gehört mittlerweile zum einigermaßen gesicherten Geld bzw. Entgelt gewinnt mit der Durchsetzung Die Ehrenamtlichkeit in Palliative Care erfüllt Wissensbestand der Soziologie der europäischen der kapitalistischen Wirtschaftsgesellschaft eine her- wichtige, differenzierte Aufgaben und Funktionen Integration, dass im durch eine spezifische institu- ausragende Bedeutung. So spiegelt sich in der Höhe im Rahmen der gesundheitlichen und sozialen Ver- tionelle Architektur geprägten Entscheidungsgefüge des Entgelts gesellschaftliche Anerkennung und sorgungsstrukturen. Die Herausforderung für die der Europäischen Union gesellschaftliche Konflikte Wertschätzung, gesellschaftlicher Status und Sozial- ehrenamtliche Arbeit in Palliative Care besteht darin, wie Verteilungs-, Interessen- und Wertkonflikte prestige des Erwerbstätigen wider. Mit dem Wandel sich in den veränderten organisationalen Strukturen weitgehend entpolitisiert werden. An die Stelle von zur Dienstleistungsgesellschaft entwickeln sich in der zu positionieren und diese mit Blick auf eine hospi- „Politik“ treten dadurch vermehrt „technokratische Bundesrepublik Deutschland personenbezogene [..] zlich-palliative Sorgekultur zu reflektieren. Susanne [..] [..] Contents Contents Entgelt - Voraussetzungen und Verfahren.- Entgelt- Contents Die Soziologie der europäischen Integration im systeme als Gegenstand eines zukunftsorientierten Entwicklung der Analysekriterien.- Zu den deutschen Sprachraum.- Der Integrationsprozess als Diskurses.- Höheres Entgelt für personenbezogene “Wurzeln” von Palliative Care: Cicely Saunders Fortschrittsprojekt.- Der „Bürger“ als Subjekt des Dienstleitungen - eine überfällige Korrektur? Wirken für eine hospizlich-palliative Sorgekultur europäischen Integrationsprozesses und die Rolle der Ehrenamtlichkeit darin.- Ehre- Fields of interest namtlichkeit im Entwicklungsprozess von Modell- Fields of interest Sozialwissenschaften (allgemein); Soziologie, allge- projekten der Hospizarbeit und Palliativmedizin Soziologie, allgemein; Sozialwissenschaften (allge- mein; Organisationssoziologie, Wirtschaftssoziologie zur Palliativ-Regelversorgung “Palliative Care”.- mein); Politische Theorie Zu den zivilgesellschaftlichen “Funktionen” der Target groups Target groups Ehrenamtlichkeit in Palliative Care.- Stärkung der Professional/practitioner Professional/practitioner Demokratie und Sicherung sozialer Integration.- Beitrag zur Werte- und Normenbildung sowie zur Type of publication Type of publication Wohlfahrtsproduktion. Professional book Professional book More on Fields of interest More on Sozialarbeit; Sozialwissenschaften (allgemein) Softcover Softcover 2013. VII, 164 S. 2 Abb. 2013. XI, 480 S. 2 Abb. (Europa – Politik – Gesellschaft) Target groups 24,99 € 49,99 € Research ISBN 978-3-531-18781-5 ISBN 978-3-658-01098-0 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Type of publication Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Monograph More on Softcover 2013. VIII, 98 S. 29,99 € ISBN 978-3-658-01762-0 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Sozialwissenschaften 97

T. Beichelt, Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt Oder, Ger- I.-J. Werkner, Universität Heidelberg, Deutschland; A. Liedhe- R. Lehmann, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg; F. Öchsner, Univer- many; B. Chołuj, Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt Oder, gener, Universität Luzern, Schweiz (Eds.) sität Erlangen-Nürnberg; G. Sebald, Universität Erlangen-Nürn- Germany; G.C. Rowe, Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt berg (Eds.) Oder, Germany; H.-J. Wagener, Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt Oder, Germany (Eds.) Europäische Religionspolitik Formen und Funktionen sozialen Religiöse Identitätsbezüge, rechtliche Regelungen und politis- Europa-Studien che Ausgestaltung Erinnerns

Eine Einführung Die Europäische Union galt lange Zeit als rein säku- Sozial- und kulturwissenschaftliche Analysen lare politische Gemeinschaft, in der Religion nicht zu Theorien sozialer Gedächtnisse moderner Die in den vergangenen Jahren stark gewachsenen thematisieren sei. Mit der viel beschworenen Rück- Gesellschaften stehen vor dem Problem, soziale Europa-Studien unterscheiden sich von der EU- kehr der Religionen und der Idee der postsäkularen Dynamiken und Differenzierungsprozesse zu inte- Integrationswissenschaft. Europa-Studien beschäfti- Gesellschaft stellt sich diese Frage ganz neu. Die ver- grieren und dabei sowohl interaktionistisch konstitu- gen sich stärker mit historischen und kulturellen stärkte Aufmerksamkeit für die gesellschaftliche ierende Gruppengedächtnisse als auch höherstufige Kontexten, und sie setzen sich mit der politischen, Bedeutung von Religion speist sich mittlerweile aber Gedächtnisformen (Systeme, Diskurse, Nation rechtlichen und wirtschaftlichen Integration nicht auch aus dem europäischen Integrationsprozess etc.) im Blick zu behalten. Dieser Band versammelt allein auf der EU-Ebene auseinander. Das Zusam- selbst. In dem Maße, wie sich die EU nicht mehr nur theoretische Konzepte und empirische Forschun- menwachsen Europas hat viele Facetten, deswegen als wirtschaftliches Projekt versteht, sondern auch gen und eröffnet theoretische Verknüpfungen und haben Europa-Studien einen multidisziplinären als politische Union und Wertegemeinschaft, kommt Anschlussmöglichkeiten. Dabei widmet er sich Anspruch. Dieses Buch nähert sich dem Phänomen der Frage nach dem gesellschaftlichen Zusammen- Funktionen wie Vergessen, Identität und Gedächt- der Integration Europas auf fünf Ebenen: Kultur, halt Europas – gerade in wirtschaftlichen Krisen- nispolitik sowie Formierungen und Medien sozialer Politik, Recht, Wirtschaft, Integration. Konzip- zeiten – eine wachsende Bedeutung zu.[...] iert ist der Band als Einführung und Einstieg in die Gedächtnisse. Vielgestaltigkeit der wissenschaftlichen Auseinan- Features Features dersetzung[...] Die Europäische Union galt lange Zeit als rein säku- Theorien sozialer Gedächtnisse moderner lare politische Gemeinschaft, in der Religion nicht zu Gesellschaften stehen vor dem Problem, soziale Features thematisieren sei. Mit der viel beschworenen Rück- Dynamiken und Differenzierungsprozesse zu inte- Die in den vergangenen Jahren stark gewachsenen kehr der Religionen und der Idee der postsäkularen grieren und dabei sowohl interaktionistisch konstitu- Europa-Studien unterscheiden sich von der EU-Inte- Gesellschaft stellt sich diese Frage ganz neu. Die ver- ierende Gruppengedächtnisse als auch höherstufige grationswissenschaft. Europa-Studien beschäftigen stärkte Aufmerksamkeit für die gesellschaftliche Gedächtnisformen (Systeme, Diskurse, Nation etc.) sich stärker mit historischen und kulturellen Kontex- Bedeutung von Religion speist sich mittlerweile aber im Blick zu behalten. Dieser Band versammelt theo- ten und setzen sich mit der politischen, rechtlichen auch aus dem europäischen Integrationsprozess [..] und wirtschaftlichen Integration nicht allein auf der retische Konzepte und empirische Forschungen und EU-Ebene auseinander. Das Zusammenwachsen Contents eröffnet theoretische [..] Europas hat viele Facetten, deswegen haben Europa- Religion und europäische Identität.- Religion und Contents Studien [..] Religionsgemeinschaften im geltenden Recht der Mit Beiträgen von: Gerd Sebald, René Lehmann Europäischen Union.- Religionspolitik der Europäis- und Florian Öchsner.- Oliver Dimbath.- Jiří Šubrt Contents chen Union und ihr Verhältnis zur Staatenwelt.- und Štěpánka Pfeiferová.- Elena Esposito.- Carsten Aufgaben und Ziele der Europa-Studien.- Kulturelle Mit Beiträgen von Mariano Barbato, Matthias Belafi, Heinze.- Thorsten Benkel.- Stefan Nicolae.- Cornelia und historische Grundlagen der EU-Integration.- Peter Bender, Michael Droege, Björn Griebel, Ans- Siebeck.- Yvonne Robel.- Stephen Welch und Ruth Europäische Politik und Politik in Europa.- Ent- gar Hense, Antonius Liedhegener, Lazaros Miliopou- Wittlinger.- Takemitsu Morikawa.- Hanna Haag.- grenzung und differenzierte Integration.- Euro- los, Gert Pickel, Christian Polke, Heinrich Schneider, René Lehmann.- Daniel Schläppi. parecht und rechtliche Integration.- Sozialpolitik Carina Sprungk, Ludger Viefhues-Bailey, Ines- und Soziales Europa.- Wirtschaftspolitik im Kon- Jacqueline Werkner. Fields of interest text der Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion Soziologie, allgemein Fields of interest Fields of interest Politikwissenschaft, allgemein; Vergleichende Poli- Target groups Politikwissenschaft, allgemein tikwissenschaften Upper undergraduate Target groups Target groups Type of publication Upper undergraduate Research German textbook Type of publication Type of publication More on German textbook Monograph Softcover More on More on 2013. VI, 272 S. 2 Abb. (Soziales Gedächtnis, Erinnern und Vergessen – Memory Studies) Softcover Softcover 29,99 € 2013. VII, 444 S. 6 Abb. 2013. VI, 312 S. 5 Abb. (Politik und Religion, Band 14) ISBN 978-3-658-00600-6 39,99 € 39,99 € ISBN 978-3-531-19863-7 ISBN 978-3-658-00958-8 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 98 Sozialwissenschaften

U. Müller, Universität Bielefeld, Deutschland; B. Riegraf, Univer- C. Neuberger, Universität München, Deutschland; P. Kapern, W. Schweiger, A. Fahr (Eds.) sität Paderborn, Deutschland; S.M. Wilz, FernUniversität Hagen, Deutschlandfunk, Köln, Deutschland Deutschland (Eds.) Handbuch Grundlagen des Journalismus Geschlecht und Organisation Medienwirkungsforschung

Journalismus und Journalismusforschung: Meistens Der Band bietet mit 33 Beiträgen einen umfassenden Die Debatten über den Zusammenhang von stehen beide Bereiche unverbunden nebeneinan- Überblick über den Stand der Medienwirkungs- „Geschlecht und Organisation“ erleben seit den der. Hier setzt das Autorenteam dieses Bandes an: forschung. In den sechs Teilen gibt es jeweils einen 1970er Jahren einen bemerkenswerten Aufschwung, Es greift zentrale Fragen und Probleme der jour- Grundlagenbeitrag und mehrere Vertiefungstexte seit einiger Zeit auch im deutschsprachigen Raum. nalistischen Praxis auf, die mit Beispielen illustriert zu folgenden Feldern: (1) kommunikationswis- So werden immer mehr Organisationstypen – werden, und analysiert sie mit Hilfe von Theorien senschaftliche Grundlagen und disziplinäre Zugänge Hochschulen, Sportvereine oder Unternehmen – und empirischen Ergebnissen der Kommunikation- zur Medienwirkungsforschung, (2) Informationsver- und Organisationseinheiten – wie z.B. Personal- swissenschaft. Was ist Qualität im Journalismus, arbeitung, Wissen und Lernen, (3) Emotionen abteilungen – darauf hin befragt, welche Rolle das wie lässt sie sich messen und sicherstellen? Welche und Erleben, (4) Einstellung und Verhalten, (5) Geschlecht der Beschäftigten im Alltag der Organi- Erwartungen hat das Publikum, und über welche Öffentlichkeit und Gesellschaft sowie (6) Methoden sationen spielt und in welchen Erscheinungsformen Kanäle haben die Redaktionen Zugang zu ihrem der Medienwirkungsforschung. Die Zusammenstel- der „Herstellungsprozess“ von Geschlechterdifferen- Publikum? Außerdem geht der Band auf die drän- lung präsentiert nicht nur aktuelle Theorien und zen verläuft, die sich in horizontalen und vertikalen genden Zukunftsfragen des Jour-nalismus ein. Der Befunde, sondern reflektiert auch die in der Medien- Segregationen von Arbeit und Karriere auswirken. Band richtet sich an Berufsvertreter und all jene, die wirkungsforschung dominierenden Forschungsfra- Sind Organisationen demnach als durch Geschlecht den Beruf[...] strukturierte[...] gen, Vorstellungen und[...] Features Features Features Journalismus und Journalismusforschung: Meistens Der Band bietet mit 33 Beiträgen einen umfassenden Die Debatten über den Zusammenhang von „Organ- stehen beide Bereiche unverbunden nebeneinan- Überblick über den Stand der Medienwirkungs- isation und Geschlecht“ erleben seit den 1970er der. Hier setzt das Autorenteam dieses Bandes an: forschung. In den sechs Teilen gibt es jeweils einen Jahren auch im deutschsprachigen Raum einen Es greift zentrale Fragen und Probleme der journalis- Grundlagenbeitrag und mehrere Vertiefungstexte bemerkenswerten Aufschwung. So werden immer tischen Praxis auf, die mit Beispielen illustriert wer- zu folgenden Feldern: (1) kommunikationswis- mehr Organisationstypen, Hochschulen, Sportvere- den, und analysiert sie mit Hilfe von Theorien und senschaftliche Grundlagen und disziplinäre Zugänge ine oder Unternehmen und Organisationseinheiten empirischen Ergebnissen der Kommunikationswis- zur Medienwirkungsforschung, (2) Informationsver- wie Personalabteilungen, darauf hin analysiert, senschaft. Was ist Qualität im Journalismus, wie lässt arbeitung, Wissen und Lernen, (3) Emotionen und welche Rolle das Geschlecht der Beschäftigten im sie sich [..] Alltag der Organisationen spielt und [..] Erleben, (4) Einstellung [..] Contents Contents Contents Einführung: Journalismusbilder.- Wie viel Macht Kommunikationswissenschaftliche Grundlagen Theoretische Erörterungen.- Theoretische haben Journalisten?- Sind Journalisten autonom?- und disziplinäre Zugänge.- Informationsverar- Weichenstellungen: Klassikerinnen.- Theoretische Was ist guter Journalismus?- Was ist schlechter Jour- beitung und Wissen und Lernen.- Sozioemotionales Weichenstellungen im Anschluss an die Klassik- nalismus?- Was weiß der Journalist über sein Pub- Erleben.- Einstellung und Verhalten.- Öffentlichkeit erinnen.- Themenschwerpunkte.- Arbeitsorgani- likum?- Wann sind Journalisten "objektiv"?- Wer und Gesellschaft.- Methoden der Medienwirkungs- sation und Geschlechterpolitik.- Asymmetrische braucht noch Journalisten? Geschlechterkultur in Organisationen.- Geschlecht, forschung. Sexualität und Organisationen.- Organisationale Fields of interest Fields of interest Prozesse: Arbeitsteilung und Segregation.- Wandel Communication Studies; Medienforschung; Sozial- Communication Studies; Politikwissenschaft, allge- als Kontinuität. Bilanz und Ausblick. wissenschaften (allgemein); Politikwissenschaft, all- mein; Soziologie, allgemein; Erziehungswissenschaft gemein Fields of interest (allgemein); Medienforschung Soziologie, allgemein; Sozialwissenschaften (allge- Target groups Target groups mein); Geschlechterforschung Upper undergraduate Professional/practitioner Target groups Type of publication Type of publication Professional/practitioner German textbook Handbook More on Type of publication More on Professional book Softcover Hardcover 2013. XII, 217 S. 1 Abb. (Kompaktwissen Journalismus) More on 2013. XII, 659 S. 16 Abb. 19,99 € 49,99 € Softcover ISBN 978-3-531-16017-7 ISBN 978-3-531-18158-5 2013. VIII, 541 S. 1 Abb. (Geschlecht und Gesellschaft, Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Band 45) Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. 39,99 € ISBN 978-3-531-14308-8 Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Sozialwissenschaften 99

F. Decker, Universität Bonn, Deutschland; V. Neu, Konrad-Ade- T. Diemer, Düsseldorf, Deutschland E. Ruiz Ben, Berlin, Deutschland nauer-Stiftung, Berlin, Deutschland (Eds.) Innerschulische Wirklichkeiten Internationale Professionalität Handbuch der deutschen Parteien neuer Steuerung Transformation der Arbeit und des Wissens in transnationalen Arbeitsfeldern Das Handbuch der deutschen Parteien schließt Zur Nutzung zentraler Lernstandserhebungen eine Lücke in der Parteienliteratur. Erstmals wieder Die internationale Verteilung von Erwerbsar- In den deutschen Schulsystemen sind in der werden alle wichtigen Parteien in der jüngeren beit mit Unterstützung von Informations- und jüngeren Vergangenheit verschiedene neue Geschichte und Gegenwart der Bundesrepublik, ins- Telekommunikationstechnologien (IT) hat neue Steuerungsinstrumente eingeführt worden, mit gesamt 95, umfassend und systematisch in einem Herausforderungen für die Arbeitsorganisa- denen die Erwartung eines Paradigmenwechsels Band behandelt. Neben die Porträts der einzelnen tion und ihre institutionelle Ordnung gebracht. einhergeht. Hierzu zählen auch jeweils bundes- Parteien treten Beiträge, die die Einzeldarstellungen Esther Ruiz Ben zeigt, welche verschiedenen Pro- landweite, zentrale Lernstandserhebungen, die in in einen größeren Zusammenhang einordnen. fessionalitätsformen in transnationalen Arbeits- besonderer Weise auf die Steuerungsebenen der feldern entstehen, um Unsicherheiten und neue Einzelschule und der Unterrichtsgestaltung aus- Features Möglichkeiten der Arbeitspraxis und Wissenstrans- gerichtet sind. Tobias Diemer untersucht, wie die Das Handbuch der deutschen Parteien schließt formation zu konfrontieren. Wie die Ergebnisse Ergebnisse solcher zentraler Lernstandserhebun- eine Lücke in der Parteienliteratur. Erstmals wieder der empirischen Untersuchung in sechs multina- gen in Schulen genutzt und inwiefern wesentliche werden alle wichtigen Parteien in der jüngeren tionalen IT Unternehmen zeigen, entwickeln sich Prinzipien des neuen Steuerungsparadigmas real- Geschichte und Gegenwart der Bundesrepublik, ins- unterschiedliche Professionalitätsformen in engem isiert werden. Eine zentrale Rolle spielt hierbei das gesamt 95, umfassend und systematisch in einem Zusammenhang mit Karrieren und Segregations- Prinzip der Outputorientierung, das im theoretis- Band behandelt. Neben die Porträts der einzelnen mustern. Wissens- und Innovationsbedürfnisse[...] Parteien treten Beiträge, die die Einzeldarstellungen chen Teil einer eingehenden[...] in einen größeren Zusammenhang einordnen.Der Features Features [..] Die internationale Verteilung von Erwerbsarbeit In den deutschen Schulsystemen sind in der mit Unterstützung von Informations- und Telekom- jüngeren Vergangenheit verschiedene neue Contents munikationstechnologien (IT) hat neue Heraus- Steuerungsinstrumente eingeführt worden, mit Allgemeiner Teil.- Parteiendemokratie im forderungen für die Arbeitsorganisation und ihre denen die Erwartung eines Paradigmenwechsels Wandel.- Zur Typologie der politischen institutionelle Ordnung gebracht. Esther Ruiz Ben einhergeht. Hierzu zählen auch jeweils bundes- Parteien.- Rechtliche Grundlagen der Parteien- zeigt, welche verschiedenen Professionalitätsfor- landweite, zentrale Lernstandserhebungen, die in demokratie.- Die Entwicklung des bundesdeutschen men in transnationalen Arbeitsfeldern entstehen, um besonderer Weise auf die Steuerungsebenen der Parteiensystems.- Lexikalischer Teil: Die Parteien Unsicherheiten und neue Möglichkeiten der Arbeit- Einzelschule und der Unterrichtsgestaltung aus- von A – Z. spraxis und [..] gerichtet sind. Tobias Diemer untersucht, wie die [..] Fields of interest Contents Contents Politikwissenschaft, allgemein; Communication Theoretische Grundlagen.- Theoretischer Rahmen Begriff und Diskurs neuer Steuerung seit den 1980er Studies für die Analyse der Arbeitsorganisation in interna- Jahren.- Zentrale Lernstandserhebungen als Teil tionalen Arbeitsfeldern.- Empirische Untersuchung: und Modell neuer Steuerung.- Organisationssozi- Target groups Internationalisierung von Informationsarbeit und ologische Grundlagen und Bedingungen neuer Professional/practitioner Implikationen für die Arbeitsorganisation.- Diskus- Steuerung.- Empirische Dimensionen der Nutzung sion der Ergebnisse: Formen internationaler Profes- zentraler Lernstandserhebungen.- Realisierungen Type of publication sionalität und implizite Mitarbeiterasymmetrien. Handbook unterschiedlicher Steuerungsmodi bei der inner- schulischen Ableitung von Entscheidungen aus More on Fields of interest Testergebnissen.- Kontrastierende Fallstudien zur Soziologie, allgemein Softcover Selbststeuerung von Schulen auf Grundlage der 2013. XVII, 424 S. 8 Abb. Ergebnisse zentraler Lernstandserhebungen. Target groups 29,99 € Research ISBN 978-3-658-00962-5 Fields of interest Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Sozialwissenschaften (allgemein) Type of publication Monograph Target groups Research More on Softcover Type of publication 2013. XXX, 528 S. 3 Abb. Monograph 39,95 € More on ISBN 978-3-531-17973-5 Softcover Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 2013. XIV, 403 S. 10 Abb. 49,99 € ISBN 978-3-658-00703-4 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 100 Sozialwissenschaften

L. Kramp, Universität Bremen, Deutschland; L. Novy, Berlin, E.M. Piller, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Basel, Schweiz; S. B. Dreer, Wiesbaden Deutschland; D. Ballwieser, Hamburg, Deutschland; K. Wenzlaff, Schnurr, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Basel, Schweiz (Eds.) Berlin, Deutschland (Eds.) Kompetenzen von Lehrpersonen im Kinder- und Jugendhilfe in der Bereich Berufsorientierung Journalismus in der digitalen Schweiz Moderne Beschreibung, Messung und Förderung Forschung und Diskurse Einsichten - Ansichten - Aussichten LehrerInnen sind zentrale Akteure für die Gestaltung In der Schweiz hat sich ein ausdifferenziertes Sys- schulischer Berufsorientierung. Benjamin Dreer geht Das Internet, soziale Medien und Technologien tem der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe entwickelt, über der Frage nach, wie Lehrpersonen systematisch auf mobiler Kommunikation stehen für grundlegende das jedoch immer noch zu wenig Wissen verfüg- die damit verbundenen anforderungsreichen Auf- Umwälzungen, die etablierte Medienorganisa- bar ist. Erst in den letzten Jahren ist die Kinder- gaben vorbereitet werden können. Dies wird in drei tionen unter massiven Anpassungsdruck setzen. und Jugendhilfe der Schweiz endlich auch ver- Schritten dargelegt: Zunächst berichtet der Autor Neue Strukturen entstehen, die Geschäftsmodelle mehrt zu einem Thema der Forschung gewor- Ergebnisse einer Studie, in der notwendige Kompe- und Denkweisen herausfordern. Das Buch liefert den. Dieser Sammelband bietet nun erstmals einen tenzen von Lehrpersonen für die schulische Beruf- eine facettenreiche Analyse der Veränderungen, empirisch fundierten und thematisch breiten Ein- sorientierung identifiziert wurden. Danach wird die sich aus der Verbreitung digitaler Medien für blick in Handlungsfelder und fachliche Diskurse der ein Bildungsprogramm vorgestellt, das entlang evi- Nachrichtenorganisationen und den Journalismus schweizerischen Kinder- und Jugendhilfe. Ergebnisse denzbasierter hochschuldidaktischer Konzepte mit als Kernelement modernder Demokratien ergeben. ausgewählter Forschungsprojekte werden in kom- dem Ziel entwickelt wurde, die identifizierten Kom- Es behandelt die Pressekrise und diskutiert innova- pakter und verständlicher Form vorgestellt und petenzen in der ersten Phase der Lehrerbildung zu tive Ansätze der Finanzierung und Produktion von mit Blick auf Ansätze zur Weiterentwicklung guter fördern. Abschließend erfolgt die Darstellung[...] Journalismus, der sich an den gesellschaftlichen und Praxis diskutiert. technologischen Realitäten des 21. Jahrhunderts neu Features ausrichten muss. Features LehrerInnen sind zentrale Akteure für die Gestaltung In der Schweiz hat sich ein ausdifferenziertes Sys- schulischer Berufsorientierung. Benjamin Dreer geht Features tem der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe entwickelt, über der Frage nach, wie Lehrpersonen systematisch auf Das Internet, soziale Medien und Technologien das jedoch immer noch zu wenig Wissen verfüg- die damit verbundenen anforderungsreichen Auf- mobiler Kommunikation stehen für grundlegende bar ist. Erst in den letzten Jahren ist die Kinder- gaben vorbereitet werden können. Dies wird in drei Umwälzungen, die etablierte Medienorganisa- und Jugendhilfe der Schweiz endlich auch vermehrt Schritten dargelegt: Zunächst berichtet der Autor tionen unter massiven Anpassungsdruck setzen. zu einem Thema der Forschung geworden. Dieser Ergebnisse einer Studie, in der notwendige Kompe- Neue Strukturen entstehen, die Geschäftsmodelle Sammelband bietet nun erstmals einen empirisch tenzen von Lehrpersonen für die schulische Beruf- und Denkweisen herausfordern. Das Buch liefert fundierten und thematisch breiten Einblick in Hand- sorientierung [..] eine facettenreiche Analyse der Veränderungen, lungsfelder und [..] die sich aus der Verbreitung digitaler Medien für Contents Nachrichtenorganisationen [..] Contents Berufswahl im 21. Jahrhundert: Unterstützungs- Kindesschutz, Heimerziehung und Pflegekinder- bedarf und -möglichkeiten der beruflichen Contents hilfe.- Kinder- und Jugendhilfe im Kontext der Entwicklung Jugendlicher (Fokus: Schule und Teil I: Einsichten.- Teil II: Ansichten.- Teil III: Aus- Schule.- Ambulante Dienste.- Offene Jugendarbeit.- Lehrer).- Explorative Delphistudie zur Beschreibung sichten.- Fazit: Journalismus in der digitalen Mod- Lebenslagen von Jugendlichen und jungen Erwach- notwendiger Lehrerkompetenzen.- Intervention zur erne: Aufbruch in eine ungewisse Zukunft. senen.- Kinder- und Jugendhilfe in historischer Per- Förderung identifizierter Kompetenzen.- Evaluation spektive. der Intervention. Fields of interest Sozialwissenschaften (allgemein); Communication Fields of interest Fields of interest Studies; Medienforschung Sozialarbeit Sozialwissenschaften (allgemein)

Target groups Target groups Target groups Professional/practitioner Professional/practitioner Research

Type of publication Type of publication Type of publication Professional book Professional book Monograph More on More on More on Softcover Softcover Softcover 2013. VI, 245 S. 2013. VI, 382 S. 20 Abb. 2013. XVI, 342 S. 23 Abb. 29,99 € 44,99 € 49,99 € ISBN 978-3-658-01143-7 ISBN 978-3-531-18459-3 ISBN 978-3-658-01756-9 Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Sozialwissenschaften 101

H. Trescher, Frankfurt/Main, Deutschland M.P. Reich, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Deutschland C.M. Schmidt, Turku, Finnland; A. Dimants, Riga, Lettland; J. Lehtonen, Riga, Lettland; M. Nielsen, Aarhus, Dänemark (Eds.) Kotexte des Lebens Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft in Deutschland Kulturspezifik in der europäischen Lebenssituation demenziell erkrankter Menschen im Heim Wirtschaftskommunikation Hendrik Trescher legt die Lebensverhältnisse Hype oder Zukunftschance der Stadtentwicklung? demenziell erkrankter Menschen im Heim dar. Kann die Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft (KKW) die Thema des Sammelbandes ist das Kommunika- Gegenständlich werden u.a. die Themen ‚Total- in den letzten Jahren in sie gesetzten Erwartungen tionsverhalten in neuen und alten Medien. Neben ität und Würdeerhalt im Heim‘‚ ‚Umgang mit dem für die Stadtentwicklung erfüllen oder handelt es grundsätzlichen Problemen der Entwicklung Tod‘ und ‚Demenz als Hospitalisierungseffekt‘. sich nur um eine vorübergehende Modeerschein- von Kommunikationsstrategien widmen sich die Er zieht Parallelen zwischen seinen Befunden und ung? Um diese Frage zu beantworten, gibt Mathias Autoren der Frage, in welcher Weise Unternehmen Strukturen, die in der Geistigbehindertenpädagogik Peter Reich zunächst einen Überblick über den Kon- ihre länderspezifischen Kommunikationsweisen bereits seit Jahrzehnten zurückgebaut werden. Sch- text des gesellschaftlichen Wandels und des kultur- in Bezug auf potentielle Zielgruppen verwirk- ließlich diskutiert er die verschiedenen, von ihm her- politischen Rahmens und skizziert Theorien und lichen und effektiver gestalten können. Zu diesem ausgearbeiteten Demütigungsstrukturen anhand Konzeptionen zur kreativen Stadt. Auf der Grund- Zweck befassen sich die Autoren neben allge- von verschiedenen praxisleitenden Konzepten der lage aktueller KKW-Berichte von Bund, Ländern meinen unternehmensinternen und -externen Pflegewissenschaft. Dabei stellt er fest, dass die prak- und Städten/ Regionen analysiert er vergleichend Fragen der Kommunikationsgestaltung vor allem tische Pflegewissenschaft mitunter bereits in der positive und negative Effekte, Erfolgs-und Hemm- mit verschiedenen Formen textbasierter Kommu- Theorie strukturell massive Demütigungen vorsieht. faktoren, Chancen und Risiken sowie Handlungs- nikationspraxis im europäischen Umfeld. Kul- Der Autor regt[...] felder der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft. turspezifische Aspekte werden somit in ihrer Features interkulturellen Relevanz methodisch einsichtig und Features Hendrik Trescher legt die Lebensverhältnisse für die[...] Kann die Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft (KKW) die demenziell erkrankter Menschen im Heim dar. in den letzten Jahren in sie gesetzten Erwartungen Features Gegenständlich werden u.a. die Themen ‚Total- für die Stadtentwicklung erfüllen oder handelt es sich Thema des Sammelbandes ist das Kommunika- ität und Würdeerhalt im Heim‘‚ ‚Umgang mit dem nur um eine vorübergehende Modeerscheinung? tionsverhalten in neuen und alten Medien. Neben Tod‘ und ‚Demenz als Hospitalisierungseffekt‘. Um diese Frage zu beantworten, gibt Mathias Peter grundsätzlichen Problemen der Entwicklung Er zieht Parallelen zwischen seinen Befunden und Reich zunächst einen Überblick über den Kontext von Kommunikationsstrategien widmen sich die Strukturen, die in der Geistigbehindertenpädagogik des gesellschaftlichen Wandels und des kulturpolitis- Autoren der Frage, in welcher Weise Unternehmen bereits seit Jahrzehnten zurückgebaut werden. Sch- chen Rahmens und skizziert Theorien und Konzep- ihre länderspezifischen Kommunikationsweisen in ließlich diskutiert er die [..] tionen zur [..] Bezug auf potentielle Zielgruppen verwirklichen Contents und effektiver gestalten können. Zu diesem Zweck Contents Demenz.- Objektive Hermeneutik.- Würde.- Demü- befassen sich die Autoren neben [..] Definition, Abgrenzung und Strukturmerkmale der tigungen.- Tod.- Hospitalisierung. Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft.- Gesellschaftlicher Contents Fields of interest Wandel und kulturpolitischer Rahmen.- Die kreative SECRETS DE CHEZ NOUS: Die Vermittlung von Social Structure, Social Inequality Stadt Vergleichende Analyse aktueller Kultur- und Lokalität in Markennamen.- Textual Analysis in Kreativwirtschaftsberichte von Bund, Ländern und the Crossroad of National and Corporate Culture.- Target groups Städten/ Regionen.- Perspektiven der Kultur- und Beziehungspflege im Twitter: Wie Unternehmen den Research Kreativwirtschaft. Micro-Blogging-Service nutzen.- Business Commu- nication and Social Media: Tendencies, Problems, Type of publication Fields of interest and Future in Latvia. Monograph Kulturmanagement; Soziologie, allgemein Fields of interest More on Target groups Sozialwissenschaften (allgemein) Softcover Research 2013. I, 398 S. Target groups 49,99 € Type of publication Research ISBN 978-3-658-01859-7 Monograph Type of publication Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. More on Monograph Softcover 2013. X, 103 S. 12 Abb. More on 29,99 € Softcover ISBN 978-3-658-01806-1 2013. VI, 226 S. 17 Abb., 6 in Farbe. (Europäische Kul- Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. turen in der Wirtschaftskommunikation, Band 22) 39,99 € ISBN 978-3-658-01235-9 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 102 Sozialwissenschaften

U.M. Stalder, Osnabrück B. Egner, Darmstadt, Germany; D. Sweeting, Bristol, UK; P.-J. Klok, B. von dem Berge, University of Mannheim, Germany; Th. Enschede, Netherlands (Eds.) Poguntke, Heinrich-Heine-University, Düsseldorf, Germany; P. Obert, University of Mannheim, Germany; D. Tipei, University of Leselust in Risikogruppen Mannheim, Germany Local Councillors in Europe Gruppenspezifische Wirkungszusammenhänge Measuring Intra-Party Democracy Vorliegende Untersuchung kann verdeutlichen, dass Councillors are the essence of local representa- sich die betrachteten Untergruppen (soziale Schicht, tive democracy, linking ordinary citizens and deci- A Guide for the Content Analysis of Party Statutes with Exam- Migrationshintergrund, Geschlecht) hinsichtlich der sion-makers in municipal arenas. In cross-national ples from Hungary, Slovakia and Romania Wirkstrukturen zur Erklärung der Lesekompetenz perspective, and taking in countries from across This book presents an integrated approach to mea- unterscheiden. Obwohl die Steigerung der bekannten Europe, this book analyses the recruitment patterns, suring the level of intra-party democracy through Faktoren - wie beispielsweise der Lesemotivation career, party associations, role perceptions, and atti- deductive and standardized content analysis of party - allen Schülerinnen und Schülern zugutekommt, tudes to democracy, representation, and participa- statutes. Following the two main criteria of intra- zeichnen sich dennoch deutliche Unterschiede oder tion of local councillors. Matters such as gender, party democracy – inclusiveness and decentraliza- unterschiedliche Gewichtungen im Hinblick auf parties, institutions, municipal reform, functions in tion – three main categories of intra-party democ- die Förderung der Lesekompetenz ab. Die Studie governance networks, and councillor influence are racy are theoretically derived: members’ rights, zeigt, dass die wohlgemeinte Aufforderung zum considered using data collected in an international organizational structure and decision-making. On Lesen nicht nur der Motivation und dem Aufbau survey, covering some 12,000 members of the local the basis of theoretical considerations further sub- eines lesebezogenen Selbstkonzeptes entgegenwirkt, political elite. Drawing on diverse and eclectic litera- categories and individual items are deduced from sondern insbesondere bei Jugendlichen aus einem ture, the contributions in[...] these main categories and put together into a com- sozial[...] Features prehensive coding scheme. Furthermore, precise Features Councillors are the essence of local representa- coding instructions are presented. Since it is the ulti- Viele Jugendliche verlassen die Schule mit so tive democracy, linking ordinary citizens and deci- mate aim of this book to present an approach[...] geringen Lesekompetenzen, dass sie – so ist zu sion-makers in municipal arenas. In cross-national Features befürchten – nur in begrenztem Maße dazu in der perspective, and taking in countries from across This book presents an integrated approach to mea- Lage sind, die auf sie zukommenden beruflichen Europe, this book analyses the recruitment patterns, suring the level of intra-party democracy through und gesellschaftlichen Anforderungen zu bewälti- career, party associations, role perceptions, and atti- deductive and standardized content analysis of party gen. Ursula Maria Stalder verdeutlicht, dass sich die tudes to democracy, representation, and participa- statutes. Following the two main criteria of intra- betrachteten Untergruppen (soziale Schicht, Migra- tion of local councillors. Matters such as gender, [..] party democracy – inclusiveness and decentraliza- tionshintergrund, Geschlecht) hinsichtlich der Wirk- tion – three main categories of intra-party democ- strukturen zur [..] Contents Local Councillors in Comparative Perspective.- racy are theoretically derived: members’ rights, Contents Political Recruitment and Career Development of organizational structure and decision-making. On Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Leseanforderung Local Councillors in Europe.- Councillors and their the basis of [..] und Lesekompetenz. - Verstehensprozesse beim Parties.- The Roles Councillors Play.- Councillors Contents Lesen. - Bedeutung der Anschlusskommunikation and Democracy.- Who do the Local Councillors Preface.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Deduction of the Cod- für das Leseverstehen. - Lesemotivation. - Theorien of Europe Represent?.- Councillors, Participation, ing Scheme.- 3 The Coding Scheme.- 4 The Coding der Lesekompetenz. - Integration der theoretischen and Local Democracy.- Municipal Councillors as Procedure.- 5 The Proof of the Pudding: Arriving at Ansätze in einem Prozessmodell. - Gruppenspezi- Interest Mediators.- European Mayors and Council- Numbers.- 6 Summary and Outlook.- Appendices. fische Unterschiede in der Lesekompetenz. - Grup- lors: The gender gap among local representatives.- penspezifische Unterschiede in der Lesemotivation Local councillors in different governance network Fields of interest und der Anschlusskompetenz. - Fragestellung und arrangements.- Local councillors and administrative Vergleichende Politikwissenschaften zu prüfendes Modell. - Methodik und Forschungsde- reforms.- Municipal priorities in urban planning[...] sign. - Erhebungsinstrumente. - Ergebnisse. Target groups Fields of interest Research Fields of interest Vergleichende Politikwissenschaften Sozialwissenschaften (allgemein) Type of publication Target groups Brief Target groups Research Research More on Type of publication Softcover Type of publication Monograph 2013. IX, 65 p. 5 illus. (SpringerBriefs in Political Science) Monograph More on 53,45 € ISBN 978-3-642-36032-9 More on Softcover Softcover 2013. X, 270 p. 37 illus. (Urban and Regional Research Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 2013. IX, 355 S. 75 Abb. International, 14) 49,99 € 59,99 € ISBN 978-3-658-01700-2 ISBN 978-3-658-01856-6 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Sozialwissenschaften 103

T. Thaler, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Deutsch- L.K. Schürmann, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürn- A. Zerfaß, Leipzig, Deutschland; L. Rademacher, München, land berg, Deutschland Deutschland; S. Wehmeier, Greifswald, Deutschland (Eds.)

Methodologie sozialpädagogischer Motivation und Anerkennung im Organisationskommunikation und Forschung freiwilligen Engagement Public Relations

Kampagnen und ihre Umsetzung in Internet und Social Media Forschungsparadigmen und neue Perspektiven Tilman Thaler zeigt einen Systema- tisierungsvorschlag in Bezug auf Methoden Fast ein Viertel aller EuropäerInnen über 15 Jahren Der Band diskutiert ein zentrales Thema für die sozialpädagogischer Forschung. Grundlage übt ein freiwilliges Engagement aus. In Deutsch- Kommunikationswissenschaft und Organisations- dafür sind methodologische Betrachtungen aus land ist es sogar mehr als ein Drittel. Das Thema ist forschung: Das Verhältnis von Konzeptionen der den Perspektiven Allgemeiner Pädagogik und in den letzten Jahren verstärkt in der Öffentlichkeit Organisationskommunikation und Public Relations. Sozialer Arbeit sowie Bezüge zwischen empirischer präsent: sei es in Print-, Radio- und TV-Beiträgen Die Autoren legen die Entwicklungslinien von PR- Sozialforschung (Quantitativer und Qualita- oder anlässlich von Preisverleihungen an Ehre- Theorien und Organisationskommunikation offen, tiver Sozialforschung), Wissenschaftstheorie und namtliche. Vor diesem Hintergrund ernannte der präsentieren neue Ansätze zur Kombination beider Sozialpädagogik. Ausgehend von „Grundproblemen Rat der Europäischen Union das Jahr 2011 zum Richtungen und stellen neue Untersuchungsfelder der Pädagogik“ macht der Autor methodologische „Europäischen Jahr der Freiwilligentätigkeit“. Lisa sowie empirische Zugänge zur internen Kommu- Zusammenhänge sichtbar und konkretisiert diese Katrin Schürmann analysiert drei Kampagnen nikation von Organisationen vor. hinsichtlich sozialpädagogischer Fragestellungen. anlässlich dieses Schwerpunktjahres aus Deutsch- land, Schweden und der Schweiz. Aus den Ergeb- Features Features nissen entwickelt sie einen Praxisleitfaden für Non- Der Band diskutiert ein zentrales Thema für die Tilman Thaler zeigt einen Systema- Profit-Organisationen. Mit diesem kann eine[...] Kommunikationswissenschaft und Organisations- tisierungsvorschlag in Bezug auf Methoden forschung: das Verhältnis von Konzeptionen der sozialpädagogischer Forschung. Grundlage Features Organisationskommunikation und Public Relations. dafür sind methodologische Betrachtungen aus Fast ein Viertel aller EuropäerInnen über 15 Jahren Public Relations wird in der Regel als spezifische den Perspektiven Allgemeiner Pädagogik und übt ein freiwilliges Engagement aus. In Deutsch- Form oder Funktion der Kommunikation einer Sozialer Arbeit sowie Bezüge zwischen empirischer land ist es sogar mehr als ein Drittel. Das Thema ist Organisation verstanden. Dennoch lassen sich PR- Sozialforschung (Quantitativer und Qualita- in den letzten Jahren verstärkt in der Öffentlichkeit Praxis und selbst PR-Forschung betreiben, ohne dass tiver Sozialforschung), Wissenschaftstheorie und präsent: sei es in Print-, Radio- und TV-Beiträgen ein expliziter Bezug auf [..] Sozialpädagogik. Ausgehend von „Grundproblemen oder anlässlich von Preisverleihungen an Ehre- der Pädagogik“ [..] namtliche. Vor diesem Hintergrund ernannte der Contents Rat der Europäischen Union das Jahr 2011 zum Grundlagen und Forschungsperspektiven.- Theorien Contents „Europäischen [..] und Konzepte.- Forschungsparadigmen zwischen Allgemeine Pädagogik und Theorie und Praxis. Sozialforschung.- Sozialforschung und Philoso- Contents phie.- Sozialpädagogische Forschung.- Über die Freiwilliges Engagement in der Gesellschaft.- Inter- Fields of interest Erforschung „Sozialer Tatbestände“. net und Social Web und die Motivation zum Engage- Communication Studies; Marketing ment.- Theorien aus der Motivationspsychologie.- Fields of interest Analyse der drei Kampagnen zum „Europäischen Target groups Sozialarbeit Jahr der Freiwilligentätigkeit“.- Online-Kommunika- Professional/practitioner tion mit (zukünftigen) Freiwilligen. Target groups Type of publication Research Fields of interest Professional book Sozialwissenschaften (allgemein) More on Type of publication Monograph Target groups Softcover Research 2013. VI, 328 S. 13 Abb. More on 39,99 € Softcover Type of publication ISBN 978-3-531-18098-4 2013. VII, 212 S. (Soziale Arbeit in Theorie und Wis- Monograph Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. senschaft) More on 34,99 € ISBN 978-3-658-00215-2 Softcover Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 2013. XI, 109 S. 13 Abb. 29,99 € ISBN 978-3-658-01752-1 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 104 Sozialwissenschaften

B. Scheu, Feldkirchen, Österreich; O. Autrata, Feldkirchen, Öster- D. Lange, Hannover, Deutschland; H. Onken, Oldenburg, N. Warren, Monash University, VIC, Australia; L. Manderson, reich Deutschland; A. Slopinski, Oldenburg, Deutschland Monash University, VIC, Australia (Eds.)

Partizipation und Soziale Arbeit Politisches Interesse und Politische Reframing Disability and Quality of

Einflussnahme auf das subjektiv Ganze Bildung Life

Partizipation ist zu einem omnipräsenten Stichwort Zum Stand des Bürgerbewusstseins Jugendlicher und junger A Global Perspective Erwachsener in der Sozialen Arbeit geworden. Dabei wurde allerd- This volume brings together two parallel fields of ings Partizipation zu einer Leerformel: Was genau Welche Faktoren bewirken, dass Jugendliche und interest. One is the understanding among psychol- eigentlich gemeint wird, wenn von Partizipation junge Erwachsene politischen Entwicklungen ein ogists and other social scientists of the limits to gesprochen oder geschrieben wird, ist kaum mehr gewisses Maß an Aufmerksamkeit schenken? An psychometric measurement, and the challenges in erkennbar. Bringfriede Scheu und Otger Autrata welcher Stelle gibt es besonderen Bedarf für die poli- generating information about quality of life and well- leiten ein grundlegendes Verständnis von Partizipa- tische Bildung das politische Interesse junger Men- being that enable comparison across time and place, tion her und erläutern es: Partizipation ist als Gestal- schen zu steigern? Anhand einer Erhebung unter at both individual and population levels. The second tung des Sozialen und als Einflussnahme auf ein mehr als 1200 SchülerInnen im Alter zwischen 17 is the interest among anthropologists and others in subjektiv Ganzes zu definieren. Daraus ergeben sich und 24 Jahren gehen die Autoren diesen Fragen the lived experience of chronic illness and disability, neue Perspektiven für Soziale Arbeit in disziplinärer nach. Zudem wurden die Forschungsfragen mit including the unpredictable fluctuations in perceived und professioneller Hinsicht. dem sozio-ökonomischen Hintergrund, Aspekten health and capability. Chronic conditions and phys- der politischen Sozialisation und den individuellen Features ical impairments are assumed to impact negatively Zukunftserwartungen der Befragten verknüpft. Partizipation ist zu einem omnipräsenten Stichwort on people’s quality of life, affecting them psychologi- cally, socially[...] in der Sozialen Arbeit geworden. Dabei wurde allerd- Features ings Partizipation zu einer Leerformel: Was genau Welche Faktoren bewirken, dass Jugendliche und Features eigentlich gemeint wird, wenn von Partizipation junge Erwachsene politischen Entwicklungen ein Chronic conditions and physical impairments can gesprochen oder geschrieben wird, ist kaum mehr gewisses Maß an Aufmerksamkeit schenken? An take a psychological, social and economic toll, and erkennbar. Bringfriede Scheu und Otger Autrata welcher Stelle gibt es besonderen Bedarf für die poli- are assumed to diminish a person’s quality of life. leiten ein grundlegendes Verständnis von Partizipa- tische Bildung das politische Interesse junger Men- But ‘quality of life’ is an ambiguous phrase. Some use tion her und erläutern es: Partizipation ist als Gestal- schen zu steigern? Anhand einer Erhebung unter the term as an indicator for successful and high qual- tung des [..] mehr als 1200 SchülerInnen im Alter zwischen 17 ity health services, including good access to medical und 24 Jahren gehen die Autoren diesen Fragen Contents attention and surgery; others use the term to argue nach. Zudem wurden die [..] Partizipation und Partizipationsforschung.- Soziale against medical interventions that are seen [..] Arbeit und Partizipation.- Historische Herange- Contents Contents hensweise zur Erklärung von Partizipation.- Grund- Empirische Analysen des politischen Interesses Preface and Acknowledgements.- List of Tables.- List lagen der Partizipation: Mensch, Gesellschaft und und der politischen Einstellungen Jugendlicher und of Figures.- Prologue - Devva Kasnitz.- Reframing Soziales.- Partizipation als Gestaltung des Sozialen.- junger Erwachsener.- Theoretischer Rahmen. disability and quality of life: Contextual nuances - Partizipation und Soziale Arbeit: Neues Verständnis. Narelle Warren and Lenore Manderson.- Stroke and Fields of interest aphasia in a South African Township - Carol Legg Fields of interest Politikwissenschaft, allgemein Sozialarbeit and Claire Penn.- Disability and wellbeing in North- ern Nigeria - Elisha P. Renne.- Children’s dignity Target groups of life: How to evaluate bodies’ (im)permeability - Target groups Research Research Rafael Wainer.- Who, how and what? Quality of life Type of publication and cancer research - Helle Ploug Hansen and Tine Type of publication Monograph Tjørnhøj-Thomsen.- Quality of life and end of life Monograph decisions after brain injury -[...] More on More on Softcover Fields of interest Softcover 2013. X, 110 S. (Bürgerbewusstsein. Schriften zur Politis- Lebensqualitätsforschung; Gesundheit und Leben- 2013. I, 319 S. (Forschung, Innovation und Soziale chen Kultur und Politischen Bildung, Band 6) squalität; Gesundheitspsychologie Arbeit) 29,99 € Target groups 39,99 € ISBN 978-3-658-01943-3 ISBN 978-3-658-01715-6 Research Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Type of publication Contributed volume More on Hardcover 2013. XV, 243 p. 9 illus. (Social Indicators Research Series, Band 52) 106,95 € ISBN 978-94-007-3017-5 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Sozialwissenschaften 105

M. Naum, Lund University, Sweden; J.M. Nordin, National Histori- J.E. Niermann, Wien, Österreich S. Bailer, ETH Zürich, Schweiz; P. Meißner, Universität Konstanz, cal Museum, Stockholm, Sweden (Eds.) Deutschland; T. Ohmura, ETH Zürich, Schweiz; P. Selb, Universität Konstanz, Deutschland Schlingensief und das Operndorf Scandinavian Colonialism and the Afrika Rise of Modernity Seiteneinsteiger im Deutschen Analysen der Alterität Bundestag Small Time Agents in a Global Arena Alterität wird in Lateinamerika zusehends unter In Scandinavian Colonialism and the dem Schlagwort des Dekolonialismus aufgerollt. Die hier dargestellte Studie erforscht politische Seit- Rise of Modernity: Small Time Agents in a Global Einer der „Vordenker“ dieser Eurozentrismuskritik eneinsteiger im Deutschen Bundestag. Von Seitene- Arena, archaeologists, anthropologists, and histori- ist der argentinische Befreiungsphilosoph Enrique insteigern, die nicht die klassische Parteiochsentour ans present case studies that focus on the scope and Dussel. Ihm kommt eine entscheidende – im absolvierten, um an ihr Mandat zu gelangen, erhofft impact of Scandinavian colonial expansion in the deutschsprachigen Diskurs jedoch kaum beachtete man sich berufliche und gesellschaftliche Perspek- North, Africa, Asia and America as well as within – Rolle in der Konzeptualisierung von Alterität tiven, die von denen der Berufspolitiker abweichen. Scandinavia itsself. They discuss early modern think- im Hinblick auf deren emanzipatorische Neufor- Dies vor dem Hintergrund einer zunehmenden Poli- ing and theories made valid and developed in early mulierung zu. Auch hierzulande ist die Alteritäts- tikverdrossenheit, die zum Teil auf Berufspolitiker modern Scandinavia that justified and propagated debatte komplex. Sie entzündet sich vor allem in und deren mangelnde Erfahrung in Wirtschaft und participation in colonial expansion. The volume der Kontroverse um die Herrschaftlichkeit des Sub- gesellschaftlichem Leben zurückgeführt werden. In demonstrates a broad and comprehensive spectrum jekts. Das Buch analysiert neben den kulturwis- einem ersten Schritt identifizierten wir Seitenein- of archaeological, anthropological and historical senschaftlichen, philosophischen und soziologischen steiger im Bundestag als Gruppe; in einem zweiten research, which engages with a variation of themes Theorien zur Alterität das implizite Alteritätsver- Schritt beleuchteten wir ihre Arbeitsweise, Einstel- relevant for the understanding of[...] ständnis in[...] lungen und ihre Herausforderungen[...]

Features Features Features In Scandinavian Colonialism and the Alterität wird in Lateinamerika zunehmend in Die hier dargestellte Studie erforscht politische Seit- Rise of Modernity: Small Time Agents in a Global Verbindung mit dem Dekolonialismus thema- eneinsteiger im Deutschen Bundestag. Von Seitene- Arena, archaeologists, anthropologists, and histori- tisiert. Einer der „Vordenker“ dieser Eurozentris- insteigern, die nicht die klassische Parteiochsentour ans present case studies that focus on the scope and muskritik ist der argentinische Befreiungsphilosoph absolvierten, um an ihr Mandat zu gelangen, erhofft impact of Scandinavian colonial expansion in the Enrique Dussel. Ihm kommt eine entscheidende - im man sich berufliche und gesellschaftliche Perspek- North, Africa, Asia and America as well as within deutschsprachigen Diskurs jedoch bisher noch kaum tiven, die von denen der Berufspolitiker abwe- Scandinavia itsself. They discuss early modern think- beachtete - Rolle in der emanzipatorischen Neu- ichen. Dies geschieht vor dem Hintergrund einer ing and theories made valid and [..] Konzeptualisierung von Alterität zu. Auch hierzu- zunehmenden Politikverdrossenheit, die zum Teil lande ist die [..] auf [..] Contents Introduction Colonialism and Swedish history – Contents Contents unthinkable connections? Black on white: Danish Alterität.- Transmoderne.- Subjekttheorie.- Kultur- Seiteneinsteiger im Deutschen Bundestag.- Rekru- colonialism, Iceland, and the Caribbean Icelandic theorie.- Postkoloniale Theorie.- Philosophie der tierung und Kompetenzen von Bundestagsabge- archaeology and the ambiguities of colonialism Cir- Befreiung. ordneten.- Werdegang, Verhalten und Ansichten cumventing colonial policies – consumption and verschiedener Karrieretypen.- Karriereweg, family life as social practice in the early 19th cen- Fields of interest Arbeitsweise und Herausfordeungen von Seitenein- tury Disco Bay, Greenland Colonial education and Sozialwissenschaften (allgemein) steigern. Saami resistance in early modern Sweden The For- rest Finns in the 17th century Sweden and America Target groups Fields of interest Sweden in Delaware Valley: everyday life and identi- Research Politikwissenschaft, allgemein; Vergleichende Poli- ties in New Sweden Borderland in the Middle: The tikwissenschaften Delaware Colony on the Atlantic[...] Type of publication Monograph Target groups Fields of interest More on Research Archäologie; Anthropologie; Kulturelles Erbe Softcover Type of publication Target groups 2013. XIII, 278 S. Monograph 39,99 € Research More on ISBN 978-3-658-01054-6 Type of publication Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Softcover Contributed volume 2013. XIII, 137 S. 16 Abb., 10 in Farbe. 29,99 € More on ISBN 978-3-658-01025-6 Hardcover Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 2013. X, 327 p. 68 illus., 39 in color. (Contributions To Global Historical Archaeology, Band 37) 106,95 € ISBN 978-1-4614-6201-9 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 106 Sozialwissenschaften

M.S. Archer, EPFL Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, S. Morse, University of Surrey, Guilford, UK; N. McNamara, Mis- G. Bitsch, Stuttgart, Deutschland Switzerland (Ed.) sionary Sisters of the Holy Rosary, Dublin, Ireland Theoretische Fundierung einer Social Morphogenesis Sustainable Livelihood Approach Coaching-Wissenschaft A Critique of Theory and Practice The rate of social change has speeded up in the last Coaching als Wissensgebiet steht derzeit im Span- three decades, but how do we explain this? This vol- We all view the ubiquitous term ‘sustainability’ as nungsfeld zwischen Praxeologie, Forschungsgebiet ume ventures what the generative mechanism is that a worthwhile goal. But how can we apply the princi- und Wissenschaft. Die ausgebildeten heterogenen produces such rapid change and discusses how this ples of sustainability in the real world, at the sharp Ansätze des Coachings referenzieren dabei nur pas- differs from late Modernity. Contributors examine end of communities in developing nations where siv auf wissenschaftstheoretische Grundstrukturen. if an intensification of morphogenesis (positive feed- income insecurity is the troubled norm? This volume Günter Bitsch untersucht am Beispiel des person- back that results in a change in social form) and a provides some practical answers, explaining the pre- zentrierten und des systemischen Ansatzes, ob und corresponding reduction in morphostasis (negative cepts of the ‘sustainable livelihood approach’ (SLA) welche wissenschaftstheoretische Fundierungen feedback that restores or reproduces the form of the through the case study of a microfinance scheme in möglich sind und wie diese proaktiv zum Fortschritt social order) best captures the process involved. This Africa. The case study, centered around the work of einer Coaching-Wissenschaft beitragen können. volume resists proclaiming a new social formation as the Catholic Church’s Diocesan Development Ser- vices organization, involved an SLA implemented so many books written by empiricists have done by Features over two years designed in part to help enhance its extrapolating from empirical data. Until we can con- Coaching als Wissensgebiet steht derzeit im Span- existing microfinance operation through closer links vincingly[...] nungsfeld zwischen Praxeologie, Forschungsgebiet between local communities and[...] und Wissenschaft. Die ausgebildeten heterogenen Features Ansätze des Coachings referenzieren dabei nur pas- The rate of social change has speeded up in the last Features siv auf wissenschaftstheoretische Grundstrukturen. three decades, but how do we explain this? This vol- We all view the ubiquitous term ‘sustainability’ as Günter Bitsch untersucht am Beispiel des person- ume ventures what the generative mechanism is that a worthwhile goal. But how can we apply the princi- zentrierten und des systemischen Ansatzes, ob und produces such rapid change and discusses how this ples of sustainability in the real world, at the sharp welche wissenschaftstheoretische Fundierungen differs from late Modernity. Contributors examine end of communities in developing nations where möglich sind und wie [..] if an intensification of morphogenesis (positive feed- income insecurity is the troubled norm? This volume provides some practical answers, explaining the pre- back that results in a change in social form) and a Contents cepts of the ‘sustainable livelihood approach’ (SLA) corresponding reduction in morphostasis (negative Theoriereflexion.- Analyse und Dekonstruktion through the case study of a microfinance [..] [..] der Coaching-Konzepte aus wissenschaftstheoretis- cher Perspektive.- Fit der wissenschaftstheoretischen Contents Contents Ansätze zu den Coaching-Ansätzen.- Exemplar- Chapter 1. Introduction: Social Morphogenesis Foreword.- Acknowledgements.- Chapter 1: Sus- ische Konstruktion einer wissenschaftstheoretischen and the Prospects of Morphogenic Society; Mar- tainability and Sustainable Livelihoods.- Chapter Begründung. garet S. Archer.- PART I. SOCIAL CHANGE AS 2: The Theory Behind the Sustainable Livelihood Approach.- Chapter 3: Context of the Sustainable MORPHOGENESIS.- Chapter 2. Morphogenesis Fields of interest Livelihood Approach.- Chapter 4: The Sustainable and Social Change; Douglas V. Porpora.- Chapter 3. Sozialwissenschaften (allgemein) The Morphogenetic Approach and the Idea of Mor- Livelihood Approach in Practice.- Chapter 5: Liveli- phogenetic Society. The Role of Regularities; Andrea hood into Livestyle. Target groups M. Maccarini.- Chapter 4. Emergence and Morphog- Research nesis: Causal Reduction and Downward Causation; Fields of interest Tony Lawson.- Chapter 5 Morphogenesis, Continu- Humangeographie; Nachhaltige Entwicklung; Land- Type of publication ity and Change in the International Political System; schafts-, Raum-, und Stadtplanung Monograph Colin Wight.- PART II. SOCIAL FORMATIONS Target groups More on AND THEIR RE-FORMATION.-[...] Research Softcover Fields of interest 2013. XV, 98 S. 10 Abb. in Farbe. Type of publication Soziologie, allgemein; Internationale Beziehungen 29,99 € Monograph ISBN 978-3-531-19790-6 Target groups More on Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Research Hardcover Type of publication 2013. XVIII, 190 p. 36 illus. Contributed volume 106,99 € ISBN 978-94-007-6267-1 More on Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Hardcover 2013. VI, 231 p. 17 illus. 106,99 € ISBN 978-94-007-6127-8 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Sozialwissenschaften 107

W. Rothmann, Berlin, Deutschland D. Randoll, Alfter und Darmstadt, Deutschland; M. da Veiga, A. Al-Ani, Hertie School of Governance Alfter, Deutschland (Eds.) Wahrnehmung des strategischen Widerstand in Organisationen. Handlungsspielraumes Waldorfpädagogik in Praxis und Organisationen im Widerstand Ausbildung Die verlegerische Entwicklung deutscher Qualität- Virtuelle Plattformen, Edupunks und der nachfolgende Staat stageszeitungen seit 2001 Zwischen Tradition und notwendigen Reformen Die Zeit scheint reif für eine neue Bewertung des Seit inzwischen mehr als zehn Jahren befinden sich Die Freien Waldorfschulen sehen sich in Deutsch- Individuums in Organisationen. Neue Technolo- die überregionalen Qualitätstageszeitungen Deutsch- land erstmals seit Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs mit gien und globalisierte Rahmenbedingungen verlan- lands in einer schweren Branchenkrise: Leserzahlen dem Problem stagnierender bis leicht rückläufiger gen äußerst kreative Anstrengungen im Rahmen und Anzeigeneinnahmen sinken gleichermaßen und Schülerzahlen konfrontiert. Das Vertrauen auf die von Freiräumen, die die neuen netzwerkartigen erschweren die Produktion von Qualitätsinhalten. Tradition der Waldorfpädagogik und die Hoffnung Organisationsformen nun erstmals ermöglichen. Bei näherer Betrachtung wird schnell deutlich, dass auf Seit Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs sehen sich Geläufige Management- und Organisationsansätze ein früheres strategisches Erfolgsmuster der Verlage die Freien Waldorfschulen in Deutschland erstmals stehen der Frage, wie Individualität und Führung seit 2001 zur kritischen Pfadabhängigkeit gewor- mit dem Problem stagnierender bis leicht rückläu- solcher divergenter Interessen und Talente unter den ist. Zwar hat die Branche in Reaktion auf die figer Schülerzahlen konfrontiert. Das Vertrauen in einen Hut zu bringen seien, noch ratlos gegenüber. Krise einige Innovationen vorangetrieben, allerdings die Tradition der Waldorfpädagogik und die Hoff- Dieses Buchprojekt soll skizzieren, wie die vor uns ohne damit eine nachhaltige wirtschaftliche Basis für nung auf Bildungsalternativen reichen zur Position- liegende Transformationsphase sowohl auf der täglichen Qualitätsjournalismus schaffen zu können. ierung dieser Schulform offensichtlich nicht mehr Ebene der Organisation und Führung, aber auch in Haben sie die Chancen der Digitalisierung verkannt aus. Vielmehr ist eine kritische und zugleich kon- den Sphären der gesellschaftlichen Institutionen, oder hat täglicher[...] struktive Besinnung gefordert.[...] und hier insbesondere[...]

Features Features Features Seit inzwischen mehr als zehn Jahren befinden sich Seit Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs sehen sich die Die Zeit scheint reif für eine neue Bewertung des die überregionalen Qualitätstageszeitungen Deutsch- Freien Waldorfschulen in Deutschland erstmals Individuums in Organisationen. Neue Technolo- lands in einer schweren Branchenkrise: Leserzahlen mit dem Problem stagnierender bis leicht rückläu- gien und globalisierte Rahmenbedingungen verlan- und Anzeigeneinnahmen sinken gleichermaßen und figer Schülerzahlen konfrontiert. Das Vertrauen in gen äußerst kreative Anstrengungen im Rahmen von erschweren die Produktion von Qualitätsinhalten. die Tradition der Waldorfpädagogik und die Hoff- Freiräumen, die die neuen netzwerkartigen Organi- Bei näherer Betrachtung wird schnell deutlich, dass nung auf Bildungsalternativen reichen zur Position- sationsformen nun erstmals ermöglichen. Geläufige ein früheres strategisches Erfolgsmuster der Verlage ierung dieser Schulform offensichtlich nicht mehr Management- und Organisationsansätze stehen der seit 2001 zur kritischen Pfadabhängigkeit geworden aus. Vielmehr ist eine kritische und zugleich kon- Frage, wie Individualität und Führung solcher diver- ist. [..] struktive Besinnung [..] genter Interessen und [..]

Contents Contents Contents Management im Lock-in und die Wahrnehmung Waldorfschulen als Beispiel gelebter Die Organisation von Individualität.- Führung des strategischen Handlungsspielraumes.- Theoretis- Schulautonomie.- Die Qualität von Waldorfschulen, in Netzwerken.- „To resist is to create“: Das Indi- che Grundlagen: Minimaler Handlungsspielraum im ihrer Entwicklung und Sicherung.- Empirische viduum als Motor von Innovationen strategischen Lock-in.- Methode und Daten.- Ana- Forschungen zur waldorfpädagogischen lytische Vorarbeit: Fälle, Pfad und Rationality Shift.- Praxis.- Waldorflehrerausbildung: von den Anfän- Fields of interest Analyse Teil I: Strategisches Handeln im Lock-in.- gen bis heute.- Zur gegenwärtigen Neuposition- Soziologie, allgemein; Sozialwissenschaften (allge- Analyse Teil II: Organisationale Subjektivität und ierung der Waldorflehrerausbildung: Chancen und mein); Organisationssoziologie, Wirtschaftssoziolo- Invisibilisierung: Die Wahrnehmung des strategis- Gefahren der Akademisierung.- Anthroposophie gie chen Handlungsspielraumes.- Diskussion. im Dialog: Waldorflehrerausbildung an der Alanus Hochschule für Kunst und Gesellschaft. Target groups Fields of interest Professional/practitioner Sozialwissenschaften (allgemein) Fields of interest Sozialwissenschaften (allgemein) Type of publication Target groups Professional book Research Target groups More on Research Type of publication Softcover Monograph Type of publication 2013. XIII, 285 S. 9 Abb., 3 in Farbe. (Organisation und Gesellschaft) More on Monograph 39,99 € More on Softcover ISBN 978-3-531-18789-1 2013. XIX, 253 S. 10 Abb. (Organisation und Softcover Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Gesellschaft) 2013. VII, 147 S. 3 Abb. 39,99 € 34,99 € ISBN 978-3-658-01223-6 ISBN 978-3-658-01704-0 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 108 Sozialwissenschaften

J. Gerhards, Freie Universität Berlin, Deutschland; H. Lengfeld, U. Menon, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, USA J. Maeße, University of Warwick, Großbritannien (Ed.) Universität Hamburg, Deutschland Women, Wellbeing, and the Ethics Ökonomie, Diskurs, Regierung Wir, ein europäisches Volk? of Domesticity in an Odia Hindu Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven Sozialintegration Europas und die Idee der Gleichheit aller Temple Town europäischen Bürger Ökonomisches Wissen übt einen großen Einfluss auf unterschiedliche Bereiche der Gesellschaft aus. Die Eurokrise ist eine der schwersten Krisen der This book is a detailed ethnography of traditional, Während die Wirtschaftssoziologie die Bedeu- EU seit ihrer Gründung. Bei ihrer Lösung geht es predominantly upper-caste, sequestered Hindu tung der Wirtschaftswissenschaft für die perfor- nicht allein um den Erfolg von konkreten wirtschaft- women in the temple town of Bhubaneswar in mative Konstruktion von Märkten hervorgehoben spolitischen Maßnahmen, sondern um den Zusam- Odisha, a state in south-eastern India. It elabo- hat, zeigt sich der Einfluss der Ökonomie auch in menhalt zwischen den Bürgern der verschiedenen rates on a distinctive paradigm of domesticity and anderen Bereichen wie etwa dem des Staates oder der Mitgliedsländer. Jürgen Gerhards und Holger explicates a particular model of human wellbeing Öffentlichkeit. Ausgehend von Foucault kann diese Lengfeld entwickeln ein Konzept einer sozial inte- among this category. Part of the growing literature Einflussnahme als „Regierung mit Wissen“ bezeich- grierten europäischen Gesellschaft, das auf der in “third wave” or “multicultural feminism”, it seeks net werden. Damit Wissen Einfluss nehmen kann, Annahme beruht, dass sich die EU-Bürger unab- to broaden the parameters of feminist discourse muss es allerdings diskursive verfügbar gemacht hängig von ihrer jeweils konkreten nationalen by going beyond questions of individual liberty or werden. Demnach sind Diskurse das Scharnier zwis- Herkunft als Gleiche anerkennen. Anhand von gender equality to examine the potential for female chen ökonomischer Wissenschaft und regierter Daten einer Umfrage aus vier Ländern prüfen sie, empowerment that exists in the context of these Gesellschaft. Die Beiträge des Bandes gehen diesem in welchem Maße die Europäer diese Idee einer women’s lives. Its aims are twofold: first, to represent komplexen[...] europäisierten Chancengleichheit unterstützen oder these women in ways that they themselves[...] ob sie weiterhin einem[...] Features Features Ökonomisches Wissen übt einen großen Einfluss Features This book is a detailed ethnography of traditional, auf unterschiedliche Bereiche der Gesellschaft aus. Die Eurokrise ist eine der schwersten Krisen der predominantly upper-caste, sequestered Hindu Während die Wirtschaftssoziologie die Bedeu- EU seit ihrer Gründung. Bei ihrer Lösung geht es women in the temple town of Bhubaneswar in tung der Wirtschaftswissenschaft für die perfor- nicht allein um den Erfolg von konkreten wirtschaft- Odisha, a state in south-eastern India. It elabo- mative Konstruktion von Märkten hervorgehoben spolitischen Maßnahmen, sondern um den Zusam- rates on a distinctive paradigm of domesticity and hat, zeigt sich der Einfluss der Ökonomie auch in menhalt zwischen den Bürgern der verschiedenen explicates a particular model of human wellbeing anderen Bereichen wie etwa dem des Staates oder der Mitgliedsländer. Jürgen Gerhards und Holger among this category. Part of the growing literature in Öffentlichkeit. Ausgehend von Foucault kann diese Lengfeld entwickeln ein Konzept einer sozial inte- “third wave” or “multicultural feminism”, it seeks to Einflussnahme als [..] grierten europäischen Gesellschaft, das auf der broaden the [..] Annahme beruht, dass sich die [..] Contents Contents Die politische Ökonomie der Märkte.- Der Contents Chapter 1: Women, Wellbeing and the Ethics of ökonomische Diskurs der Öffentlichkeit.- Die Die Krise der Europäischen Union und die Heraus- Domesticity: An Introduction.- Chapter 2: Entering diskursive Politik der Wissenschaften. forderungen an die Sozialintegration Europas.- Sys- the Temple Town of Bhubaneswar.- Chapter 3: Odia temintegration und Sozialintegration in Europa: Hindu Ways of Thinking.- Chapter 4: Perceptions of Fields of interest Der theoretische Rahmen.- Das Europa der Markt- Femaleness.- Chapter 5: Images of the Life Course.- Politikwissenschaft, allgemein; Politische Ökonomie bürger, der Staatsbürger und der Solidarbürger.- Die Chapter 6: Managing the Household: Achieving Zukunft des europäischen Integrationsprojekts. Control, Being Productive, Distributing Resources.- Target groups Chapter 7: The Auspicious Heart: Dominance, Pro- Professional/practitioner Fields of interest ductivity, and Coherence.- Chapter 8: Managing Life Soziologie, allgemein; Sozialwissenschaften (allge- Type of publication and its Processes.- Chapter 9: The Temple Town as a mein); Politikwissenschaft, allgemein Monograph Microcosm.- Chapter 10: Conclusions. More on Target groups Fields of interest Research Softcover Anthropologie; Geschlechterforschung; Regionen 2013. VII, 313 S. 26 Abb. (Globale Politische Ökonomie) und Kulturen Type of publication 34,99 € Monograph Target groups ISBN 978-3-658-01293-9 More on Research Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Hardcover Type of publication 2013. VII, 249 S. 1 Abb. (Neue Bibliothek der Sozialwis- Monograph senschaften) 29,99 € More on ISBN 978-3-658-01529-9 Hardcover Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. 2013. XIX, 244 p. 9 illus. 106,95 € ISBN 978-81-322-0884-6 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Sprachwissenschaft 109

B. Arsenijević, Higher Council for Scientific Research, Madrid, Sprachwissenschaft Spain; B. Gehrke, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain; R. Statistik Marín, University of Lille 3, France (Eds.)

P. Spyns, Nederlandse Taalunie, The Hague, The Netherlands; J. Studies in the Composition and T. Desai, Adani Institute of Infrastructure Management, Ahmed- Odijk, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands (Eds.) Decomposition of Event Predicates abad, India Essential Speech and Language A Multiple-Testing Approach to This detailed, perceptive addition to the linguistics Technology for Dutch literature analyzes the semantic components of event the Multivariate Behrens-Fisher Results by the STEVIN-programme predicates, exploring their fine-grained elements Problem as well as their agency in linguistic processing. The The book provides an overview of more than a papers go beyond pure semantics to consider their with Simulations and Examples in SAS® decade of joint R&D efforts in the Low Countries on varying influences of event predicates on argument In statistics, the Behrens–Fisher problem is the HLT for Dutch. It not only presents the state of the structure, aspect, scalarity, and event structure.The problem of interval estimation and hypothesis test- art of HLT for Dutch in the areas covered, but, even volume shows how advances in the linguistic theory ing concerning the difference between the means more importantly, a description of the resources of event predicates, which have spawned Davidson- of two normally distributed populations when the (data and tools) for Dutch that have been created ian and neo-Davidsonian notions of event argu- variances of the two populations are not assumed are now available for both academia and industry ments, in addition to ‘event structure’ frameworks to be equal, based on two independent samples. In worldwide. The contributions cover many areas of and mereological models for the eventuality domain, his 1935 paper, Fisher outlined an approach to the human language technology (for Dutch): corpus col- have sidelined research on specific sets of entail- Behrens-Fisher problem. Since high-speed comput- lection (including IPR issues) and building (in par- ments that support a typology[...] ers were not available in Fisher’s time, this approach ticular one corpus aiming at a collection of 500M was not implementable and was soon forgotten. For- word tokens), lexicology, anaphora resolution, a Features tunately, now that high-speed computers are avail- semantic network, parsing technology, speech recog- This detailed, perceptive addition to the linguistics able, this approach can easily be implemented using nition, machine translation, text[...] literature analyzes the semantic components of event predicates, exploring their fine-grained elements just a desktop or a laptop computer. Furthermore, Features as well as their agency in linguistic processing. The Fisher’s approach was proposed[...] The book provides an overview of more than a papers go beyond pure semantics to consider their Features decade of joint R&D efforts in the Low Countries on varying influences of event predicates on argument In statistics, the Behrens–Fisher problem is the HLT for Dutch. It not only presents the state of the structure, aspect, scalarity, and event structure.The problem of interval estimation and hypothesis test- art of HLT for Dutch in the areas covered, but, even volume shows how advances in the [..] ing concerning the difference between the means more importantly, a description of the resources of two normally distributed populations when the (data and tools) for Dutch that have been created Contents variances of the two populations are not assumed are now available for both academia and industry 1. Boban Arsenijević, Berit Gehrke & Rafael Marín: to be equal, based on two independent samples. In worldwide. The contributions cover many areas [..] Introduction: The (De)composition of Event Pred- icates .- 2. Anita Mittwoch: On the Criteria for Dis- his 1935 paper, Fisher outlined an approach to the Contents tinguishing Accomplishments from Activities, and Behrens-Fisher problem. Since high-speed comput- Foreword. by Linde van den Bosch.- Introduc- Two Types of Aspectual Misfits .- 3. Beth Levin & ers were [..] tion.- Peter Spyns.- Part I. How it started.- 2.The Malka Rappaport Hovav: Lexicalized Meaning and Contents STEVIN Programme: Result of Five Years Cross- Manner/Result Complementarity .- 4. Fabienne Introduction.- On Testing for Multivariate Normal- Border HLT for Dutch Policy Preparation. P.Spyns Martin: Oriented Adverbs and Object Experiencer ity.- On Testing Equality of Covariance Matrices.- and E.D’Halleweyn.- Part II. HLT Resource-project Psych-verbs .- 5. M. Ryan Bochnak: Two Sources On Heteroscedastic MANOVA.- References. Related Papers.- 3.The JASMIN Speech Corpus: of Scalarity within the Verb Phrase .- 6. Jens Fleis- chhauer: Interaction of Telicity and Degree Grada- Recordings of Children, Non-Natives and Elderly Fields of interest tion in Change of State Verbs .- 7. Kyle Rawlins: People. C. Cucchiarini and H. Van Hamme.- Statistische Theorie und Methoden ; Statistik (allge- On[...] 4.Resources Developed in the Autonomata Projects. mein); Hochleistungsrechnen in der Statistik H.van den Heuvel, J-P.Martens, G.Bloothooft, Fields of interest M.Schraagen, N.Konings, K.D’hanens, and Q.Yang.- Target groups Semantik; Syntax 5.STEVIN can Praat. D.Weenink.- 6.SPRAAK: Research Speech Processing, Recognition[...] Target groups Type of publication Research Fields of interest Brief Computerlinguistik; Germanische Sprachen; Kün- Type of publication More on stliche Intelligenz (einschl. Roboter); Spezielle Meth- Contributed volume oden des Rechnereinsatzes Softcover More on 2013. V, 55 p. (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Target groups Hardcover 42,75 € Research 2013. VIII, 252 p. 21 illus. (Studies in Linguistics and Phi- ISBN 978-1-4614-6442-6 losophy, Band 93) Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Type of publication 106,99 € Contributed volume ISBN 978-94-007-5982-4 More on Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Hardcover 2013. XVII, 413 p. 59 illus., 35 in color. (Theory and Applications of Natural Language Processing) 53,45 € ISBN 978-3-642-30909-0 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 110 Technik

M. Ahsanullah, Rider University, Lawrenceville, NJ, USA; V.B. Nev- Á. Rocha, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal; A.M. Correia, zorov, St. Petersburg State University, Russia; M. Shakil, Miami Technik New University of Lisbon, Portugal; T. Wilson, Sheffield, UK; K.A. Dade College, FL, USA Stroetmann, Empirica GmbH, Bonn, Germany (Eds.)

An Introduction to Order Statistics A.S. Sidhu, Curtin University, Miri, Malaysia; S.K. Dhillon, Univer- Advances in Information Systems sity of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Eds.) and Technologies A lot of statisticians, actuarial mathematicians , reliability engineers, meteorologists, hydrologists, Advances in Biomedical This book contains a selection of articles from The economists. Business and sport analysts deal with Infrastructure 2013 2013 World Conference on Information Systems and order statistics which play an important role in vari- Technologies (WorldCIST'13), a global forum for ous fields of statistics and its application. This book Proceedings of International Symposium on Biomedical Data researchers and practitioners to present and discuss enables a reader to check his/her level of understand- Infrastructure (BDI 2013) the most recent innovations, trends, results, expe- ing of the theory of order statistics. We give basic Current Biomedical Databases are independently riences and concerns in the several perspectives of formulae which are more important in the theory administered in geographically distinct locations, Information Systems and Technologies.The main and present a lot of examples which illustrate the lending them almost ideally to adoption of intelligent topics covered are: Information and Knowledge theoretical statements. For a beginner in order statis- data management approaches. This book focuses on Management; Organizational Models and Informa- tics, as well as for graduate students it study our book research issues, problems and opportunities in Bio- tion Systems; Intelligent and Decision Support Sys- to have the basic knowledge of the subject. A more medical Data Infrastructure identifying new issues tems; Software Systems, Architectures, Applications advanced reader can use our book to polish his/her and directions for future research in Biomedical Data and Tools; Computer Networks, Mobility and Per- knowledge .[...] and Information Retrieval, Semantics in Biomedi- vasive Systems; Radar Technologies; and Human- Features cine, and Biomedical Data Modeling and Analysis. Computer Interaction. A lot of statisticians, actuarial mathematicians , The book will be a useful guide for researchers, prac- Features reliability engineers, meteorologists, hydrologists, titioners, and graduate-level students interested in This book contains a selection of articles from The economists. Business and sport analysts deal with learning state-of-the-art development in biomedical 2013 World Conference on Information Systems and order statistics which play an important role in vari- data management. Technologies (WorldCIST'13), a global forum for ous fields of statistics and its application. This book Features researchers and practitioners to present and discuss enables a reader to check his/her level of understand- Current Biomedical Databases are independently the most recent innovations, trends, results, expe- ing of the theory of order statistics. We give basic administered in geographically distinct locations, riences and concerns in the several perspectives of formulae which are more important in the [..] lending them almost ideally to adoption of intelligent Information Systems and Technologies.The main Contents data management approaches. This book focuses on topics covered are: Information and Knowledge [..] Basic definitions.- Distributions of order statis- research issues, problems and opportunities in Bio- Contents tics.- Sample quantiles and ranges.- Representations medical Data Infrastructure identifying new issues Information and Knowledge Management.- Orga- for order statistics.- Conditional distributions of and directions for future research in Biomedical Data nizational Models and Information Systems.- Intel- order statistics.-Order statistics for discrete distri- and Information Retrieval, Semantics in Biomedi- ligent and Decision Support Systems.- Software butions.- Moments of order statistics: general rela- cine, [..] Systems, Architectures, Applications and Tools.- tions.- Moments of uniform and exponential order Contents Computer Networks, Mobility and Pervasive Sys- statistics.- Moment relations for order statistics: nor- From the Contents: Integrative approaches for Drug tems.- Radar Technologies.- Human-Computer mal distribution.- Asymptotic behavior of the mid- discovery – PPAR gamma as a case study.- Bio- Interaction. dle and intermediate order statistics.- Asymptotic medical Informatics and the Future of Medicine.- behavior of the extreme order statistics.- Some prop- Inferring E. coli SOS Response Pathway from Gene Fields of interest erties of estimators based on order statistics.- Mini- Expression Data Using IST-DBN with Time Lag Maschinelle Intelligenz; Künstliche Intelligenz (ein- mum variance linear[...] Estimation.- Framework for Biodiversity Informa- schl. Roboter) Fields of interest tion Retrieval in Malaysia.- Using Ant Colony Opti- mization (ACO) on Kinetic Modeling of the Acetoin Target groups Statistische Theorie und Methoden ; Statistik in Research Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Finanzmathematik, Production in Lactococcus lactis C7. Versicherungen ; Statistik in Technik, Physik, Fields of interest Type of publication Informatik, Chemie, Geowissenschaften; Statistik Maschinelle Intelligenz; Biomedizinische Technik Proceedings (allgemein); Ökonometrie ; Biostatistik More on Target groups Target groups Softcover Research Upper undergraduate 2013. XXII, 1160 p. 390 illus. (Advances in Intelligent Type of publication Systems and Computing, Band 206) Type of publication Monograph 373,43 € Graduate/advanced undergraduate textbook ISBN 978-3-642-36980-3 More on More on Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Hardcover Hardcover 2013. VIII, 139 p. 52 illus. (Studies in Computational 2013. X, 244 p. (Atlantis Studies in Probability and Intelligence, Band 477) Statistics, Band 3) 106,99 € 53,49 € ISBN 978-3-642-37136-3 ISBN 978-94-91216-82-4 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Technik 111

B. Bandyopadhyay, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India; C.M. Schlick, RWTH Aachen University, Germany; E. Frieling, Uni- A.D. Dimarogonas, Formerly of the University of Patras, Greece; S. Janardhanan, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India; S.K. versity of Kassel, Germany; J. Wegge, Technical University of S.A. Paipetis, University of Patras, Greece; Th.G. Chondros, Uni- Spurgeon, University of Kent, UK (Eds.) Dresden, Germany (Eds.) versity of Patras, Greece

Advances in Sliding Mode Control Age-Differentiated Work Systems Analytical Methods in Rotor

Concept, Theory and Implementation Dynamics The disproportionate aging of the population of Second Edition The sliding mode control paradigm has become working age in many nations around the world is a mature technique for the design of robust con- a unique occurrence in the history of humankind. The design and construction of rotating machinery trollers for a wide class of systems including non- In the light of demographic change, it is becom- operating at supercritical speeds was, in the 1920s, an linear, uncertain and time-delayed systems. This ing increasingly important to develop and use the event of revolutionary importance for the then new book is a collection of plenary and invited talks deliv- potential of older employees. This edited volume branch of dynamics known as rotor dynamics. In the ered at the 12th IEEEInternational Workshop on Age-differentiated Work Systems provides a final 1960s, another revolution occurred: In less than a Variable Structure System held at the Indian Insti- report on a six-year priority program funded by the decade, imposed by operational and economic needs, tute of Technology, Mumbai, India in January 2012. German Research Foundation (DFG) and presents an increase in the power of turbomachinery by one After the workshop, these researchers were invited selected research findings of 17 interdisciplinary order of magnitude took place. Dynamic analysis of to develop book chapters for this edited collection in project teams. The idea is that it will serve both as complex rotor forms became a necessity, while the order to reflect the latest results and open research a reference book and overview of the current state importance of approximate methods for dynamic questions in the area.The contributed chapters have of research in ergonomics, occupational psychology analysis was stressed. Finally, the emergence of frac- been organized by the editors to reflect the various and related disciplines. It provides new models,[...] ture mechanics, as a new branch of applied mechan- themes of sliding mode control[...] ics, provided analytical tools to investigate crack Features influence on the dynamic[...] Features The disproportionate aging of the population of The sliding mode control paradigm has become working age in many nations around the world is Features a mature technique for the design of robust con- a unique occurrence in the history of humankind. The design and construction of rotating machinery trollers for a wide class of systems including nonlin- In the light of demographic change, it is becoming operating at supercritical speeds was, in the 1920s, an ear, uncertain and time-delayed systems. This book increasingly important to develop and use the poten- event of revolutionary importance for the then new is a collection of plenary and invited talks delivered tial of older employees. This edited volume Age-dif- branch of dynamics known as rotor dynamics. In the at the 12th IEEEInternational Workshop on Vari- ferentiated Work Systems provides a final report on 1960s, another revolution occurred: In less than a able Structure System held at the Indian Institute of a six-year priority program funded by the [..] decade, imposed by operational and economic needs, Technology, Mumbai, India in January [..] an increase in the power of turbomachinery by one Contents order of magnitude took place. Dynamic analysis of Contents From the contents: Age-Differentiated Work Sys- [..] Comprehensive Approach to Sliding Mode Design tems Enhance Productivity and Retention of Old and Analysis in Linear Systems.- Adaptive Sliding Employees.- Development and Evaluation of Work- Contents Mode Control.- Decentralised Variable Structure ing-time Models for the Ageing Workforce. Lessons Preface to the Second Edition.- Preface.- 1. Approx- Control for Time Delay Interconnected Systems.- Learned from the KRONOS Research Project.- imate Evaluation Of Eigenfrequencies.- 2. Variable On the Second Order Sliding Mode Approach to Effects of an Ageing Workforce on the Performance Elasticity Effects in Rotating Machinery.- 3. Math- Distributed and Boundary Control of Uncertain of Assembly Systems.- Age Diversity and Team ematical Models for Rotor Dynamic Analysis.- 4. Parabolic PDEs.- Practical relative degree approach Effectiveness.- Age Differences in Motivation and Flow-Induced Vibration of Rotating Shafts.- 5. Heat- in sliding- mode control.- Higher Order Sliding Stress at Work.- Age-related Differences in the Emo- Flow-Induced Vibration of Rotating Shafts - The Mode Based Accurate Tracking of Unmatched Per- tion Regulation of Teachers in the Classroom.-Suc- Newkirk Effect.- 6. Dynamics of Cracked Shafts.- 7. turbed Outputs.- On the Second Order Sliding Mode cessful Aging Strategies in Nursing: The Example of Identification of Cracks in Rotors and other Struc- Approach to Distributed and Boundary Control of Selective Optimization with Compensation.- Assem- tures by Vibration Analysis.- 8. Thermal Effects Due Uncertain Parabolic PDEs.- Practical relative degree bly Tasks in the[...] to Vibration of Shafts.- 9. Variational Formulation of approach in[...] Consistent – Continuous Cracked Structural Mem- Fields of interest bers.- 10. The Variational[...] Fields of interest Betriebswirtschaft, Organisation, Materialwirtschaft, Mess- und Regelungstechnik; Systemtheorie, Logistik und Marketing in der Technik ; Lebensqual- Fields of interest Steuerungstheorie itätsforschung; Organisation / Planung Vibrationen, Dynamische Systeme und Kontrolle ; Maschinen und Maschinenelemente ; Dynamische Target groups Target groups Systeme und Ergodentheorie Research Research Target groups Type of publication Type of publication Research Monograph Monograph More on More on Type of publication Monograph Softcover Hardcover 2013. XXII, 381 p. 139 illus. (Lecture Notes in Control 2013. XIX, 448 p. 128 illus., 40 in color. More on and Information Sciences, Band 440) 139,05 € Hardcover 128,39 € ISBN 978-3-642-35056-6 2013. XIV, 274 p. 111 illus., 3 in color. (Mechanisms and ISBN 978-3-642-36985-8 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Machine Science, Band 9) Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 139,05 € ISBN 978-94-007-5904-6 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 112 Technik

W. Weißbach, Braunschweig, Deutschland; M. Dahms, FH Flens- W. Li, Coventry University, UK; J. Mehnen, Cranfield University, R.Y.M. Li, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, China; S.W. Poon, Uni- burg; W. Weißbach, Braunschweig, Deutschland (Ed.) UK (Eds.) versity of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, China

Aufgabensammlung Cloud Manufacturing Construction Safety

Werkstoffkunde Distributed Computing Technologies for Global and Sustain- able Manufacturing A close-to-ideal blend of suburb and city, speedy Fragen - Antworten construction of towers of Babylon, the sparkling pro- Global networks, which are the primary pillars of the Diese Aufgabensammlung enthält Fragen und portion of glass and steel buildings’ facade at night modern manufacturing industry and supply chains, Aufgaben, die inhaltlich mit dem Aufbau des showcase the wisdom of humans. They also witness can only cope with the new challenges, requirements Lehrbuches korrespondieren. Dadurch kann nicht the footsteps, sweats and tears of architects and engi- and demands when supported by new computing nur zur Frage die Antwort, sondern auch der zuge- neers. Unfortunately, these signatures of human and Internet-based technologies. Cloud Manufactur- hörige Lernstoff schnell gefunden werden. Das Buch civilizations are swathed in towering figures of con- ing: Distributed Computing Technologies for Global ermöglicht, Aussagen über Werkstoffbehandlung struction accidents. Fretting about these on sites, dif- and Sustainable Manufacturing introduces a new und Werkstoffauswahl zu treffen, Werkstoffe und ferent countries adopt different measures on sites. paradigm for scalable service-oriented sustainable Verfahren zu bewerten. Mit Hilfe der Lösungen ist This book firstly sketches the construction accidents and globally distributed manufacturing systems. The eine selbstständige Lernkontrolle möglich. In der on sites, followed by a review on safety measures in eleven chapters in this book provide an updated aktuellen Auflage wurden insbesondere die Kapitel some of the developing countries such as Bermuda, overview of the latest technological development and "Überlegungen zur Werkstoffauswahl und Vergüten" Egypt, Kuwait and China; as well as developed coun- applications in relevant research areas. Following an erweitert. tries, for example,[...] introduction to the essential features of Cloud Com- Features puting, chapters cover a range of[...] Features Diese Aufgabensammlung enthält Fragen und A close-to-ideal blend of suburb and city, speedy Features Aufgaben, die inhaltlich mit dem Aufbau des construction of towers of Babylon, the sparkling pro- Global networks, which are the primary pillars of the Lehrbuches korrespondieren. Dadurch kann nicht portion of glass and steel buildings’ facade at night modern manufacturing industry and supply chains, nur zur Frage die Antwort, sondern auch der zuge- showcase the wisdom of humans. They also witness can only cope with the new challenges, requirements hörige Lernstoff schnell gefunden werden. Das Buch the footsteps, sweats and tears of architects and engi- and demands when supported by new computing ermöglicht, Aussagen über Werkstoffbehandlung neers. Unfortunately, these signatures of human and Internet-based technologies. Cloud Manufactur- und Werkstoffauswahl zu treffen, Werkstoffe und civilizations are swathed in towering figures of con- ing: Distributed Computing Technologies for Global Verfahren zu bewerten. Mit Hilfe der Lösungen ist struction accidents. Fretting about these on sites, [..] and Sustainable Manufacturing introduces a new eine selbstständige Lernkontrolle [..] paradigm for scalable service-oriented sustainable Contents Contents and [..] A literature review on the causes of construction Metallische Werkstoffe.- Die Legierung Eisen- accidents.- Why do accidents happen? A critical Contents Kohlenstoff.- Stähle.- Wärmebehandlung des review on the evolution of the construction acci- 1.ICMS: A Cloud-based Manufacturing System.- Stahles.- Eisen-Gusswerkstoffe.- NE-Metalle.- Anor- dent causation models.- Supply of safety measures 2 A Distributed Selective Disassembly Planning ganisch-nichtmetallische Werkstoffe.- Kunststoffe.- in developing and developed countries: a global per- Service for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equip- Verbundstrukturen und -werkstoffe.- Werkstoffe spective.- Effectiveness of safety measures in reduc- ment with Case Studies on Liquid Crystal Display.- besonderer Herstellung oder Eigenschaften.- Kor- ing construction accident rates.- Senior and junior 3.Cloud Machining Community: a Method to Use rosionsbeanspruchung und -schutz.- Tribologische construction personnel’s point of view on construc- Socialized Production Resources for Outsourcing Beanspruchung und werkstofftechnische Maßnah- tion safety.- Case studies on safety measures imple- Machining Processes and Parts.- 4.Factors Affecting men.- Überlegungen zur Werkstoffauswahl.- Werk- mentation.- Using Web 2.0 to share the knowledge Cloud Technology Adoption: Potential User’s Per- stoffprüfung. of construction safety as a public good in nature spective.- 5.Manufacturing Paradigm Shift towards among researchers: the fable of economic[...] Fields of interest Better Sustainability.- 6.Lifecycle Sustainable Infor- Maschinenbau; Produktion und Fertigung; Beschrei- mation Management for Waste Electrical and Elec- Fields of interest bung und Auswertung von Werkstoffen tronic Equipment.- 7.A Streaming Technology of 3D Baubetrieb, Bauwirtschaft ; Lebensqualitäts- Design[...] forschung; Arbeitsmedizin; Technologieman- Target groups agement ; Qualitätskontrolle, Sicherheit und Upper undergraduate Fields of interest Zuverlässigkeit Fertigungsanlagen und -maschinen ; Spezielle Type of publication Anwendersysteme; Technologiemanagement Target groups German textbook Professional/practitioner Target groups More on Research Type of publication Softcover Professional book Type of publication 2013. X, 156 S. Mit online files/update. More on 19,99 € Monograph ISBN 978-3-658-01265-6 More on Hardcover 2013. XII, 159 p. 42 illus., 35 in color. (Risk Engineering) Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Hardcover 106,99 € 2013. X, 259 p. 97 illus., 5 in color. (Springer Series in ISBN 978-3-642-35045-0 Advanced Manufacturing) Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 106,99 € ISBN 978-1-4471-4934-7 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Technik 113

E.W. Chaves, Castilla la Mancha University, Ciudad Real, Spain J.L. Pons, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Madrid, R. Senani, Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology, New Delhi, Spain; D. Torricelli, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), India; D.R. Bhaskar, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India; A.K. Madrid, Spain; M. Pajaro, Spanish National Research Council Singh, ITS Engineering College, Greater Noida, India; V.K. Singh, Continuum Mechanics (CSIC), Madrid, Spain (Eds.) Institute of Engineering and Technology, Lucknow, India

Fundamental Concepts and Constitutive Equations Converging Clinical and Current Feedback Operational This publication is aimed at students, teachers, Engineering Research on Amplifiers and Their Applications and researchers of Continuum Mechanics and focused extensively on stating and developing Ini- Neurorehabilitation tial Boundary Value equations used to solve physical This book describes a variety of current feedback problems. With respect to notation, the tensor- operational amplifier (CFOA) architectures and Restoring human motor and cognitive function has ial, indicial and Voigt notations have been used their applications in analog signal processing/gen- been a fascinating research area during the last cen- indiscriminately. The book is divided into twelve eration. Coverage includes a comprehensive survey tury. Interfacing the human nervous system with chapters with the following topics: Tensors, Con- of commercially available, off-the-shelf integrated electro-mechanical rehabilitation machines is facing tinuum Kinematics, Stress, The Objectivity of Ten- circuit CFOAs, as well as recent advances made on its crucial passage from research to clinical practice, sors, The Fundamental Equations of Continuum the design of CFOAs, including design innovations enhancing the potentiality of therapists, clinicians Mechanics, An Introduction to Constitutive Equa- for bipolar and CMOS CFOAs. This book serves and researchers to rehabilitate, diagnose and gener- tions, Linear Elasticity, Hyperelasticity, Plasticity as a single-source reference to the topic, as well ate knowledge. The 2012 International Conference (small and large deformations), Thermoelasticity as a catalog of over 200 application circuits which on Neurorehabilitation (ICNR2012) brings together (small and large deformations), Damage Mechanics would be useful not only for students, educators and researchers and students from the fields of Clini- (small and[...] researchers in apprising them about the recent devel- cal Rehabilitation, Applied Neurophysiology and opments in the area but would also serve as a com- Biomedical Engineering, covering a wide range of Features prehensive repertoire of useful circuits[...] This publication is aimed at students, teachers, research topics: · Clinical Impact of Technology · [...] and researchers of Continuum Mechanics and Features Features focused extensively on stating and developing Ini- This book describes a variety of current feedback Restoring human motor and cognitive function has tial Boundary Value equations used to solve physical operational amplifier (CFOA) architectures and been a fascinating research area during the last cen- problems. With respect to notation, the tensor- their applications in analog signal processing/gener- tury. Interfacing the human nervous system with ial, indicial and Voigt notations have been used ation. Coverage includes a comprehensive survey of electro-mechanical rehabilitation machines is facing indiscriminately. The book is divided into twelve commercially available, off-the-shelf integrated cir- its crucial passage from research to clinical practice, chapters with the following topics: [..] cuit CFOAs, as well as recent advances made on the enhancing the potentiality of therapists, clinicians design of CFOAs, including design innovations for and researchers to rehabilitate, diagnose and gener- Contents bipolar and CMOS CFOAs. This book serves as a ate knowledge. The 2012 [..] Preface.- Abbreviations.- Operators And Symbols.- single-source [..] Si-Units.- Introduction.- 1 Mechanics.- 2 What Is Contents Continuum Mechanics.- 3 Scales Of Material Stud- Contents Theme 1 - Neurorobotics & prosthetics.- Theme 2 - ies.- 4 The Initial Boundary Value Problem (Ibvp).- CFOAs: merits, demerits, basic circuits and avail- Neurosignals modeling and processing.- Theme 3 - 1 Tensors.- 1.1 Introduction.- 1.2 Algebraic Oper- able varieties.- Simulation of inductors and other Brain-neural interfaces.- Theme 4 - Biomechanics & ations With Vectors.- 1.3 Coordinate Systems.- 1.4 types of impedances using CFOAs.- Design of Filters movement analysis.- Theme 5 - Novel rehabilitation Indicial Notation.- 1.5 Algebraic Operations With using CFOAs.- Synthesis of Sinusoidal oscillators paradigms.- Workshops (WS). Tensors.- 1.6 The Tensor-Valued Tensor Function.- using CFOAs.- Miscellaneous Linear and Nonlinear 1.7 The Voigt Notation.- 1.8 Tensor Fields.- 1.9 The- Fields of interest applications of CFOAs.- Realization of other build- orems Involving Integrals.- Appendix A: A Graphi- Biomedizinische Technik ; Rehabilitationsmedizin; ing blocks using CFOAs.- Advances in the design cal Representation Of A Second-Order Tensor.- A.1 Robotik und Automatisierung; Neurowissenschaften of Bipolar/CMOS CFOAs and future directions of Projecting A Second-Order Tensor Onto A[...] research on CFOAs. Target groups Fields of interest Research Fields of interest Kontinuums- und Werkstoffmechanik ; Technis- Schaltkreise und Systeme; Elektronik und Mikroelek- che Thermodynamik, Wärme- und Stoffaustausch; Type of publication tronik ; Signal-, Bild- und Sprachverarbeitung Mechanik Proceedings Target groups Target groups More on Research Research Hardcover 2013. LVI, 1396 p. 402 illus. (Biosystems & Biorobotics, Type of publication Type of publication Band 1) Monograph Graduate/advanced undergraduate textbook 373,43 € More on More on ISBN 978-3-642-34545-6 Hardcover Hardcover Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 2013. XVII, 249 p. 219 illus. (Analog Circuits and Signal 2014. 700 p. 220 illus. (Lecture Notes on Numerical Processing) Methods in Engineering and Sciences, Band 4) 106,99 € 96,29 € ISBN 978-1-4614-5187-7 ISBN 978-94-007-5985-5 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. 114 Technik

R. Yao, The University of Reading, UK (Ed.) M. Haddar, National School of Engineers of Sfax, Tunisia; L. T. Nicosevici, University of Girona, Spain; R. Garcia, University of Romdhane, National School of Engineers of Sousse, Tunisia; Girona, Spain J. Louati, National School of Engineers of Sfax, Tunisia; A. Ben Design and Management of Amara, National School of Engineers of Monastir, Tunisia (Eds.) Sustainable Built Environments Efficient 3D Scene Modeling and Design and Modeling of Mechanical Mosaicing Climate change is believed to be a great challenge Systems to built environment professionals in design and This book proposes a complete pipeline for monoc- management. An integrated approach in delivering a Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference Design ular (single camera) based 3D mapping of terrestrial and Modeling of Mechanical Systems, CMSM´2013, Djerba, and underwater environments. The aim is to pro- sustainable built environment is desired by the built Tunisia, March 25-27, 2013 environment professional institutions. The aim of vide a solution to large-scale scene modeling that this book is to provide an advanced understanding of The 5th International Congress on Design and Mod- is both accurate and efficient. To this end, we have the key subjects required for the design and manage- eling of Mechanical Systems (CMSM) was held in developed a novel Structure from Motion algorithm ment of modern built environments to meet carbon Djerba, Tunisia on March 25-27, 2013 and followed that increases mapping accuracy by registering cam- emission reduction targets. In Design and Manage- four previous successful editions, which brought era views directly with the maps. The camera regis- ment of Sustainable Built Environments, an interna- together international experts in the fields of design tration uses a dual approach that adapts to the type tional group of experts provide comprehensive and and modeling of mechanical systems, thus con- of environment being mapped. In order to further the most up-to-date knowledge, covering sustainable tributing to the exchange of information and skills increase the accuracy of the resulting maps, a new urban and building design, management and assess- and leading to a considerable progress in research method is presented, allowing detection of images ment. The best practice case studies[...] among the participating teams. The fifth edition of corresponding to the same scene region (crossovers). the congress (CMSM´2013), organized by the Unit of Crossovers then used in conjunction[...] Features Mechanics, Modeling and Manufacturing (U2MP) of Features Climate change is believed to be a great challenge the National School of Engineers of Sfax, Tunisia, the This book proposes a complete pipeline for monoc- to built environment professionals in design and Mechanical Engineering Laboratory (MBL) of the ular (single camera) based 3D mapping of terrestrial management. An integrated approach in delivering a National School of Engineers of Monastir,[...] sustainable built environment is desired by the built and underwater environments. The aim is to provide environment professional institutions. The aim of Features a solution to large-scale scene modeling that is both this book is to provide an advanced understanding of The 5th International Congress on Design and Mod- accurate and efficient. To this end, we have devel- the key subjects required for the design and manage- eling of Mechanical Systems (CMSM) was held in oped a novel Structure from Motion algorithm that ment of modern built environments to meet carbon Djerba, Tunisia on March 25-27, 2013 and followed increases mapping accuracy by registering camera [..] four previous successful editions, which brought views directly with the maps. The camera registra- together international experts in the fields of design tion [..] Contents and modeling of mechanical systems, thus contribut- Contents Sustainability in the built environment.- Build- ing to the exchange of information and skills and Introduction.- Literature Review.- Direct Structure ings and climate change.- Low carbon sustainable leading to a considerable progress in research [..] urban scale master-planning.- Urban microcircula- from Motion.- Online Loop Detection.- Online 3D tion.- Urban microclimates and simulation.- Urban Contents Model Simplification.- Conclusions. acoustic environment.- Management of urban sur- Part 1 Mechatronics and Robotics.- Part 2 Dynamics Fields of interest face water.- Urban waste management.- Design of of Mechanical Systems.- Part 3 Fluid structure inter- Robotik und Automatisierung; Künstliche Intelli- the indoor environment.- Energy efficient building action and vibroacoustics.- Part 4 Modelling and genz (einschl. Roboter); Bildverarbeitung und Com- design.- Renewable energy for buildings.- Building analysis of materials and structures.- Part 5 Design puter Vision simulation.- CFD simulation for sustainable building and manufacturing of mechanical systems. design.- Occupancy behaviour and building perfor- Target groups mance.- Facilities management.- Information man- Fields of interest Research agement for sustainable building projects.-[...] Konstruktionslehre, Produktentwicklung ; Vibra- tionen, Dynamische Systeme und Kontrolle ; Ferti- Type of publication Fields of interest gungsanlagen und -maschinen Monograph Baubetrieb, Bauwirtschaft ; Nachhaltige Entwick- lung; Landschafts-, Raum-, und Stadtplanung; Target groups More on Energieeffizienz (inkl. Gebäude); Baumaterialien / Research Hardcover Baumaterialforschung; Urbanismus 2013. XXII, 161 p. 101 illus. (Springer Tracts in Advanced Type of publication Robotics, Band 87) Target groups Proceedings 90,94 € Research More on ISBN 978-3-642-36417-4 Type of publication Hardcover Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Monograph 2013. XIV, 665 p. 454 illus. (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering) More on 266,43 € Hardcover ISBN 978-3-642-37142-4 2013. XIX, 432 p. 160 illus., 54 in color. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 181,85 € ISBN 978-1-4471-4780-0 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Technik 115

A. Kampker, RWTH Aachen; D. Vallée, RWTH Aachen; A. Schnet- M. Losurdo, National Council of Research (CNR-IMIP) Bari, Italy; K. A. Bahadori, Southern Cross University, Lismore, NSW, Australia; tler, RWTH Aachen (Eds.) Hingerl, Johannes Kepler Universität, Linz, Austria (Eds.) M. Clark, Southern Cross University, Lismore, NSW, Australia; B. Boyd, Southern Cross University, Lismore, NSW, Australia Elektromobilität Ellipsometry at the Nanoscale Essentials of Water Systems Design Grundlagen einer Zukunftstechnologie This book presents and introduces ellipsometry in in the Oil, Gas, and Chemical Das Buch gibt einen umfassenden Überblick über nanoscience and nanotechnology making a bridge Processing Industries die Herausforderungen und Lösungen zum Thema between the classical and nanoscale optical behav- Elektromobilität. Von Gestaltungshinweisen bei iour of materials. It delineates the role of the non- der Konstruktion des Antriebsstrangs bis hin zu destructive and non-invasive optical diagnostics of Essentials of Water Systems Design in the Oil, Gas Ansätzen zum Aufbau der Infrastruktur wird ein ellipsometry in improving science and technology of and Chemical Processing Industries provides valu- breites Feld an Themen beleuchtet. Das Buch nanomaterials and related processes by illustrating able insight for decision makers by outlining key gliedert sich in fünf Kapitel. In einem Grundla- its exploitation, ranging from fundamental studies of technical considerations and requirements of four genkapitel werden die Herausforderungen der Elek- the physics and chemistry of nanostructures to the critical systems in industrial processing plants— tromobilität sowie der Ansatz einer integrierten ultimate goal of turnkey manufacturing control. This water treatment systems, raw water and plant water Produkt-, Prozess- und Infrastrukturentwicklung book is written for a broad readership: materials sci- systems, cooling water distribution and return skizziert. Im Kapitel Elektromobilproduktion wird entists, researchers, engineers, as well as students and systems, and fire water distribution and storage der Prozess der Industrialisierung eines Produk- nanotechnology operators who want to deepen their facilities. The authors identify the key technical tes und die Produktion der Antriebskomponenten knowledge about both[...] issues and minimum requirements related to the dargestellt. Ansätze des Innovationsmanagements process design and selection of various water supply und das Thema wirtschaftlicher[...] Features systems used in the oil, gas, and chemical processing This book presents and introduces ellipsometry in industries. This book is an ideal, multidisciplinary Features nanoscience and nanotechnology making a bridge work for mechanical engineers,[...] Das Buch gibt einen umfassenden Überblick über between the classical and nanoscale optical behav- die Herausforderungen und Lösungen zum Thema iour of materials. It delineates the role of the non- Features Elektromobilität. Von Gestaltungshinweisen bei destructive and non-invasive optical diagnostics of Essentials of Water Systems Design in the Oil, Gas der Konstruktion des Antriebsstrangs bis hin zu ellipsometry in improving science and technology of and Chemical Processing Industries provides valu- Ansätzen zum Aufbau der Infrastruktur wird ein nanomaterials and related processes by illustrating able insight for decision makers by outlining key breites Feld an Themen beleuchtet. Das Buch its exploitation, ranging from fundamental studies of technical considerations and requirements of four gliedert sich in fünf Kapitel. In einem Grundla- the [..] critical systems in industrial processing plants— genkapitel werden die Herausforderungen der Elek- water treatment systems, raw water and plant water tromobilität sowie der Ansatz einer [..] Contents systems, cooling water distribution and return Preamble.- Preface.- A Brief History and State of the systems, and fire water distribution and storage Contents Art of Ellipsometry.-Advanced Mueller Ellipsometry facilities. The [..] Einleitung.- Grundlagen.- Infrastruktur.- Instrumentation and Data Analysis.- Data Analysis Geschäftsmodelle entlang der elektromobilen for Nanomaterials: Effective Medium Approxima- Contents Wertschöpfungskette.- Fahrzeugkonzeption für tion, its Limits and Implementations.- Relationship Water Treatment Systems.- Process Design of Water die Elektromobilität.- Entwicklung von elektro- between Surface Morphology and Effective Medium Systems.- Raw Water and plant water systems.- fahrzeugspezifischen Systemen. Roughness.- Plasmonics and Effective-Medium Water pollution in oil, gas and Chemical Industries.- Theory.- Thin films of Nanostructured Plasmonic Fire Water Storage Facilities and Distribution in Oil, Fields of interest Noble Metals.- Spectroscopic Ellipsometry on Gas and Chemical Industries. Fahrzeugtechnik; Management Praxis ; Energietech- Metallic Gratings.- Mueller matrix applied to nanos- Fields of interest nik; Produktion und Fertigung; Technische Thermo- tructures.- Spectroscopic Ellipsometry and Mag- Produktion und Fertigung; Erneuerbare und grüne dynamik, Wärme- und Stoffaustausch; Transport neto-Optical Kerr Spectroscopy of Magnetic Garnet Energie; Abwassertechnik / Gewässerschutz / Thin[...] Target groups Wasserwirtschaft Professional/practitioner Fields of interest Target groups Nanotechnologie und Mikrotechnik; Messmethoden Type of publication Research und -instrumente ; Beschreibung und Auswertung Professional book von Werkstoffen; Nanotechnologie Type of publication More on Brief Target groups Hardcover Professional/practitioner More on 2013. XII, 334 S. 194 Abb. Softcover 99,99 € Type of publication 2013. XI, 102 p. 12 illus., 8 in color. (SpringerBriefs in ISBN 978-3-642-31985-3 Monograph Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Applied Sciences and Technology) More on 53,49 € Hardcover ISBN 978-1-4614-6515-7 2013. XXIV, 730 p. 423 illus., 106 in color. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 213,95 € ISBN 978-3-642-33955-4 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 116 Technik

M. Brand, ZbW St. Gallen, Schweiz E. Dubrova, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Kista, Sweden G.C. Garriga, INRIA Lille Nord Europe, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France

FEM-Praxis mit SolidWorks Fault-Tolerant Design Formal Methods for Mining

Simulation durch Kontrollrechnung und Messung verifizieren Structured Objects This textbook serves as an introduction to fault-tol- Die Bedeutung von Simulationsprogrammen in erance, intended for upper-division undergradu- In the field of knowledge discovery, graphs of con- der Produktentwicklung nimmt ständig zu. Dieses ate students, graduate-level students and practicing cepts are an expressive and versatile modeling tech- Buch zeigt Studenten und Praktikern anhand von engineers in need of an overview of the field. Read- nique providing ways to reason about information verschiedenen Beispielen, wie man SolidWorks ers will develop skills in modeling and evaluating implicit in a set of data. Interesting examples of this Simulation gewinnbringend im Berechnungs- und fault-tolerant architectures in terms of reliability, can be found under the mathematical theory of for- Produktentwicklungsprozess einsetzen kann. Der availability and safety. They will gain a thorough mal concept analysis, dedicated to the construction Leser wird die FEM-Grundlagen und die Bedienung understanding of fault tolerant computers, including of a lattice of concepts by defining a Galois connec- von SolidWorks Simulation kennenlernen. Diese both the theory of how to design and evaluate them tion on a binary relationship. This book present such Kenntnisse werden dann für verschiedene Festigkeit- and the practical knowledge of achieving fault-toler- graph of concepts under the more complex case of sprobleme angewendet. Jede FEM-Analyse wird mit ance in electronic, communication and software sys- data that comes in a set of structured objects; e.g. a einer ausführlichen analytischen Berechnung veri- tems. Coverage includes fault-tolerance techniques set of sequences, trees or graphs. Nodes of this graph fiziert, damit der Anwender Sicherheit beim Einsatz through hardware, software, information and time will represent patterns in the data and edges will cor- dieser Software erlangt. Die aktuelle Auflage basiert redundancy. The content[...] respond to relationships of specificity. From this auf der Version 2012 und enthält zwei neue ausge- combinatorial[...] führte Praxisbeispiele. Features This textbook serves as an introduction to fault-tol- Features Features erance, intended for upper-division undergradu- In the field of knowledge discovery, graphs of con- Die Bedeutung von Simulationsprogrammen in ate students, graduate-level students and practicing cepts are an expressive and versatile modeling tech- der Produktentwicklung nimmt ständig zu. Dieses engineers in need of an overview of the field. Read- nique providing ways to reason about information Buch zeigt Studenten und Praktikern anhand von ers will develop skills in modeling and evaluating implicit in a set of data. Interesting examples of this verschiedenen Beispielen, wie man SolidWorks fault-tolerant architectures in terms of reliability, can be found under the mathematical theory of for- Simulation effizient im Berechnungs- und Produk- availability and safety. They will gain a thorough mal concept analysis, dedicated to the construction tentwicklungsprozess einsetzen kann. Der Leser wird understanding of fault tolerant computers, [..] of a lattice of concepts by defining a Galois connec- die FEM-Grundlagen und die Bedienung von Solid- tion on a binary relationship. This book present [..] Works Simulation kennenlernen. Diese Kenntnisse Contents Introduction.- Fundamentals of Dependability.- werden dann für verschiedene [..] Contents Dependability Evaluation Techniques.- Hardware Introduction.- Preliminaries.- Horn Axiomatiza- Contents Redundancy.- Information Redundancy.- Time tions for Sequences.- Transformations on Injective Einführung und Grundlagen FEM.- Statisch-lin- Redundancy.- Software Redundancy.- Conclusion. Partial Orders.- Transformations on General Partial eare Simulationen von Einzelteilen und Baugrup- Orders.- Towards Other Structured Data. pen mit SolidWorks Simulation.- Beispiele zu den Fields of interest Schaltkreise und Systeme; Performanz und Zuver- Grundbeanspruchungsarten, der zusammengeset- Fields of interest lässigkeit von Rechnern; Elektronik und Mikroelek- zten Beanspruchung und der Kerbwirkung.- Sim- Maschinelle Intelligenz; Künstliche Intelligenz (ein- tronik ulation von Fachwerken.- Projekt Hebelpresse.- schl. Roboter) Projekt Schweißkonstruktion (Fahrgestell).- Projekt Target groups Hydraulikzylinder (Schraubenberechnung). Target groups Upper undergraduate Research Fields of interest Type of publication Maschinenbau; Konstruktionslehre, Produkten- Type of publication Graduate/advanced undergraduate textbook twicklung Monograph More on Target groups More on Hardcover Upper undergraduate Hardcover 2013. XV, 185 p. 84 illus. 2013. X, 109 p. 51 illus. (Studies in Computational Intel- 74,89 € Type of publication ligence, Band 475) ISBN 978-1-4614-2112-2 German textbook 106,99 € More on Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. ISBN 978-3-642-36680-2 Softcover Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 2013. VIII, 186 S. 20 Abb. 24,99 € ISBN 978-3-8348-1808-9 Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Technik 117

R. Seising, European Centre for Soft Computing, Mieres, Spain; L. Luo, University of Nantes, La Chantrerie, France (Ed.) H. Watter, FH Flensburg M.E. Tabacchi, Università di Palermo, Italy (Eds.) Heat and Mass Transfer Hydraulik und Pneumatik Fuzziness and Medicine: Intensification and Shape Grundlagen und Übungen - Anwendungen und Simulation Philosophical Reflections and Optimization Application Systems in Health Care Dieses Lehr- und Übungsbuch gibt eine anwen- A Multi-scale Approach dungs- und praxisorientierte Darstellung zu A Companion Volume to Sadegh-Zadeh’s Handbook of Ana- hydraulischen und pneumatischen Systemen. lytical Philosophy of Medicine Is the heat and mass transfer intensification defined Wichtige Konstruktionselemente und deren as a new paradigm of process engineering, or is it Regelung sowie die Darstellung von Simula- This book is a collection of contributions written by just a common and old idea, renamed and given the tionsberechnungen ermöglichen einen schnellen philosophers and scientists active in different fields, current taste? Where might intensification occur? Überblick über die behandelte Thematik. Durch such as mathematics, logics, social sciences, com- How to achieve intensification? How the shape opti- zahlreiche Berechnungs- und Übungsbeispiele puter sciences and linguistics. They comment on and mization of thermal and fluidic devices leads to mit Lösungen und ergänzenden Hinweisen ist discuss various parts of and subjects and proposi- intensified heat and mass transfers? To answer these das Buch sehr gut für das Selbststudium geeignet. tions introduced in the Handbook of Analytical Phi- questions, Heat & Mass Transfer Intensification and In der aktuellen dritten Auflage wurden praxis- losophy of Medicine from Kadem Sadegh-Zadeh, Shape Optimization: A Multi-scale Approach clari- nahe Beispiele zu Simulationsuntersuchungen z. B. published by Springer in 2012. This volume reports fies the definition of the intensification by highlight- Druckaufbau in einer Rohrleitung oder dynamis- on the fruitful exchange and debate that arose in the ing the potential role of the multi-scale structures, ches Verhalten von Ventilen ergänzt. Ebenso neu fuzzy community upon the publication of the Hand- the specific interfacial area, the distribution of dri- sind Abschnitte zur dynamischen Schadensanalyse book. This was not only very much appreciated by ving force, the modes of energy supply and the tem- und[...] the community but also seen as a critical starting poral aspects of[...] point for beginning a new discussion. The results of Features this discussion, which involved[...] Features Dieses Lehr- und Übungsbuch gibt eine anwen- Is the heat and mass transfer intensification defined dungs- und praxisorientierte Darstellung zu Features as a new paradigm of process engineering, or is it hydraulischen und pneumatischen Systemen. This book is a collection of contributions written by just a common and old idea, renamed and given the Wichtige Konstruktionselemente und deren philosophers and scientists active in different fields, current taste? Where might intensification occur? Regelung sowie die Darstellung von Simula- such as mathematics, logics, social sciences, com- How to achieve intensification? How the shape opti- tionsberechnungen ermöglichen einen schnellen puter sciences and linguistics. They comment on and mization of thermal and fluidic devices leads to Überblick über die behandelte Thematik. Durch discuss various parts of and subjects and proposi- intensified heat and mass transfers? To answer these zahlreiche Berechnungs- und Übungsbeispiele mit tions introduced in the Handbook of Analytical Phi- questions, Heat & Mass Transfer [..] Lösungen und ergänzenden Hinweisen ist das Buch losophy of Medicine from Kazem Sadegh-Zadeh, sehr gut [..] published by Springer in 2012. This volume reports Contents on [..] 1. General Introduction.- 2. Intensification of Contents Adsorption Process in Porous Media.- 3. Flow Physikalisch-chemische Eigenschaften der Druck- Contents Equipartition and Shape Optimization of Fluidic flüssigkeiten.- Druckflüssigkeitsarten.- Biologisch Part I Introductory chapters.- Part II Ethics, Philoso- Channel Networks.- 4.Design of Compact Heat abbaubare Hydraulikflüssigkeiten.- Druckluft.- phy, and Medicine.- Part III Models, Methods, and Exchangers for Transfer Intensification.- 5.Mass Grundlagen der Fluidmechanik.- Komponenten und Representation.- Part IV Questioning and Reasoning Transfer Intensification in Micro Fluidic Devices.- Bauteile.- Steuern, Regeln, Simulieren.- Anhang mit in Medicine.- Part V Statistical Approaches. 6.Cellular Automaton Method for Heat and Mass Lösungen. Transfer Intensification.- 7.Conclusion and Perspec- Fields of interest tives. Fields of interest Maschinelle Intelligenz; Mathematical and Compu- Mechatronik; Maschinenbau tational Biology; Philosophie der Medizin Fields of interest Technische Thermodynamik, Wärme- und Stoffaus- Target groups Target groups tausch; Thermodynamik ; Strukturmechanik ; Tech- Upper undergraduate Research nische Strömungslehre ; Strukturwerkstoffkunde; Type of publication Type of publication Energieeffizienz (inkl. Gebäude) German textbook Monograph Target groups More on More on Research Softcover Hardcover Type of publication 2013. XII, 250 S. 170 Abb. 2013. XXVI, 447 p. 123 illus. (Studies in Fuzziness and Monograph 24,99 € Soft Computing, Band 302) ISBN 978-3-658-01310-3 139,09 € More on Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. ISBN 978-3-642-36526-3 Hardcover Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 2013. XV, 180 p. 103 illus., 25 in color. 106,95 € ISBN 978-1-4471-4741-1 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 118 Technik

M. Hinsch, Hamburg, Germany; J. Olthoff, Hamburg, Germany V. Manca, Universita’ degli Studi di Verona, Verona, Italy P.L. Gould, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA (Eds.) Infobiotics Introduction to Linear Elasticity Impulsgeber Luftfahrt Information in Biotic Systems Industrial Leadership durch luftfahrtspezifische Aufbau- und Introduction to Linear Elasticity, 3rd Edition pro- Ablaufkonzepte The book presents topics in discrete biomathematics. vides an applications-oriented grounding in the Mathematics has been widely used in modeling bio- tensor-based theory of elasticity for students in Die Luftfahrtindustrie hat innovative betrieb- logical phenomena. However, the molecular and dis- mechanical, civil, aeronautical, biomedical engi- swirtschaftliche Konzepte, Tools und Arbeitsmeth- crete nature of basic life processes suggests that their neering, as well as materials and earth science. The oden hervorgebracht und weiterentwickelt, die in logic follow principles that are intrinsically based on book is distinct from the traditional text aimed at anderen Branchen der Wirtschaft bis heute wenig discrete and informational mechanisms. The ulti- graduate students in solid mechanics by introduc- bekannt, aber für diese sehr wohl geeignet sind. mate reason of polymers, as key element of life, is ing its subject at a level appropriate for advanced Die Autoren, alle Insider der Luftfahrt, rücken die directly based on the computational power of strings, undergraduate and beginning graduate students. betriebswirtschaftliche und operative Innovation- and the intrinsic necessity of metabolism is related The author's presentation allows students to apply skraft der Luftfahrtbranche stärker in den Fokus der to the mathematical notion of multiset. The switch the basic notions of stress analysis and move on to Aufmerksamkeit. Sie beschreiben wegweisende Auf- of the two roots of bioinformatics suggests a change advanced work in continuum mechanics, plastic- bau- und Ablaufkonzepte der Luftfahrt, geben dazu of perspective. In bioinformatics, the biologists ask ity, plate and shell theory, composite materials, and Umsetzungshinweise, benennen kritische Erfolgs- computer scientists to assist them in processing bio- finite method analysis. faktoren und unterstützen so den Wissenstransfer in logical[...] andere Branchen.Dazu gehören Konzepte wie Tech- Features nische Dokumentation, Materialrückverfolgbarkeit, Features Introduction to Linear Elasticity, 3rd Edition, pro- Prozess-[...] The book presents topics in discrete biomathematics. vides an applications-oriented grounding in the Mathematics has been widely used in modeling bio- tensor-based theory of elasticity for students in Features logical phenomena. However, the molecular and dis- mechanical, civil, aeronautical, and biomedical engi- Die Luftfahrtindustrie hat innovative betrieb- crete nature of basic life processes suggests that their neering, as well as materials and earth science. The swirtschaftliche Konzepte, Tools und Arbeitsmeth- logic follow principles that are intrinsically based on book is distinct from the traditional text aimed at oden hervorgebracht und weiterentwickelt, die in discrete and informational mechanisms. The ulti- graduate students in solid mechanics by introducing anderen Branchen der Wirtschaft bis heute wenig mate reason of polymers, as key element of life, is the subject at a level appropriate for [..] bekannt, aber für diese sehr wohl geeignet sind. directly based on the computational power of [..] Die Autoren, alle Insider der Luftfahrt, rücken die Contents betriebswirtschaftliche und operative Innovation- Contents Introduction and Mathematical Preliminaries.- skraftder Luftfahrtbranche stärker in den Fokus der Part I Topics in Discrete Biomathematics.- Part II Traction, Stress and Equilibrium.- Deformations.- Aufmerksamkeit. [..] Discrete Mathematical Backgrounds. Material Behavior.- Formulations, Uniqueness and Solutions Strategies.- Extension, Bending and Tor- Contents Fields of interest sion.- Two-Dimensional Elasticity.- Thin Plates and From the Contents: Qualität und Sicherheit - Erfol- Maschinelle Intelligenz; Künstliche Intelligenz (ein- Shells.- Dynamic Effects.- Viscoelasticity.- Energy gsfaktoren und Markenzeichen der Luftfahrtindus- schl. Roboter); Mathematical and Computational Principles.- Strength and Failure Criteria.- Some- trie.- Zuverlässigkeitsmanagement in der Luftfahrt Biology; Systembiologie thing New. - Basis einer hohen Sicherheit und Einsatzfähigkeit von Verkehrsflugzeugen.- Materialverfolgung - Target groups Fields of interest Steuerung, Nachvollziehbarkeit und Dokumentation Research Kontinuums- und Werkstoffmechanik ; Mechanik ; des Materialflusses von der Quelle bis zur Endver- Strukturmechanik wendung am Beispiel der Luftfahrtzeug-Instandhal- Type of publication tung.- Konfigurationsmanagement - Rückverfolgung Monograph Target groups von Engineering Aktivitäten.- Management Tech- More on Upper undergraduate nischer Dokumentation in der Luftfahrt – Ein Hardcover unternehmenskritischer Supportprozess.- Prozessbe- Type of publication 2013. XVIII, 384 p. 195 illus. (Emergence, Complexity herrschung[...] Graduate/advanced undergraduate textbook and Computation, Band 3) More on Fields of interest 139,09 € Betriebswirtschaft, Organisation, Materialwirtschaft, ISBN 978-3-642-36222-4 Hardcover Logistik und Marketing in der Technik ; Manage- Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 2013. XIX, 346 p. 123 illus., 4 in color. ment Praxis ; Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik 74,85 € ISBN 978-1-4614-4832-7 Target groups Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Professional/practitioner

Type of publication Professional book More on Hardcover 2013. XXVIII, 328 S. 84 Abb. 79,99 € ISBN 978-3-642-32668-4 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Technik 119

T. Bajd, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; M. Mihelj, University of B.S. Yilbas, KFUPM, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia; S.Z. Shuja, KFUPM, S. Baar, Köster AG, Osnabrück; K. Ebeling, Hannover; G.C.O. Ljubljana, Slovenia; M. Munih, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Dhahran, Saudi Arabia Lohmeyer, Hannover

Introduction to Robotics Laser Surface Processing and Model Lohmeyer Stahlbetonbau

Studies Bemessung - Konstruktion - Ausführung This book is focused on geometrical models of robot mechanisms. Rotation and orientation of an Die 9. Auflage wurde hinsichtlich des Eurocode und This book introduces model studies associated with object are described by Rodrigues's formula, rota- den nationalen Anhängen durchgesehen und aktual- laser surface processing such as conduction limited tion matrix and quaternions. Pose and displacement isiert. Dieses Buch erklärt die Anforderungen, die bei heating, surface re-melting, Marangoni flow and its of an object are mathematically dealt with homoge- der Herstellung und Verarbeitung von Stahlbeton effects on the temperature field, re-melting of multi- nous transformation matrices. The geometrical robot zu erfüllen sind. Dazu gehört auch die Bemessung layered surfaces, laser shock processing, and practi- model is based on Denavit Hartenberg parameters. von Stahlbetonbauteilen für Biegung, Zugkraft- cal applications. The book provides insight into the Direct and inverse model of six degrees of freedom deckung, Verankerungsnachweisen und Schub- physical processes involved with laser surface heat- anthropomorphic industrial robots are also pre- decken. Alle erforderlichen Sicherheitsnachweise für ing and phase change in laser irradiated region. It sented. Knicken und Gleiten sind zusätzlich anhand vieler is written for engineers and researchers working on Beispiele dargestellt. Zahlreiche Abbildungen veran- laser surface engineering. Features schaulichen den Zusammenhang zwischen Berech- This book is focused on geometrical models of Features nung und Zeichnung, also zwischen Bemessung robot mechanisms. Rotation and orientation of an This book introduces model studies associated with und Konstruktion. Die Erklärungen sind leicht ver- object are described by Rodrigues's formula, rota- laser surface processing such as conduction limited ständlich und die Beispiele praxisnah gewählt. Den tion matrix and quaternions. Pose and displacement heating, surface re-melting, Marangoni flow and its Abschluss des[...] of an object are mathematically dealt with homoge- effects on the temperature field, re-melting of multi- nous transformation matrices. The geometrical robot Features layered surfaces, laser shock processing, and practi- model is based on Denavit Hartenberg parameters. Die 9. Auflage wurde zu den aktuellen DIN-Nor- cal applications. The book provides insight into the Direct and inverse model of six degrees of freedom men und neuen Eurocodes durchgesehen und aktu- physical processes involved with laser surface heating anthropomorphic [..] alisiert. Das Lehrbuch erklärt die Anforderungen, die and phase change in laser irradiated region. [..] bei der Herstellung und Verarbeitung von Stahlbe- Contents Contents ton zu erfüllen sind. Besonders ausführlich wird die 1 Introduction.- 2 Rotation and Orientation.- 3 Pose Conduction Heating of Solid Surfaces.- Laser Melt- Bemessung von Stahlbetonbauteilen für Biegung, and Displacement.- 4 Geometric Robot Model.- 5 ing of Solid Surfaces.- Laser Melting of Two Layer Zugkraftdeckung, Verankerungsnachweisen und Geometric Model of Anthropomorphic Robot with Materials.- Laser Induced Evaporation at the Sur- Schubdecken. Alle erforderlichen Sicherheitsnach- Spherical Wrist.- Index. face.- Practical Applications of Laser Surface Treat- weise für Knicken und [..] ment. Fields of interest Contents Robotik und Automatisierung; Maschinenbau; Elek- Fields of interest Allgemeines.– Beton.– Betonstahl.– Bewehren trotechnik Fertigungsverfahren, Materialbearbeitung ; von Stahlbetonbauteilen.– Tragfähigkeit.– Dauer- haftigkeit und Gebrauchstauglichkeit.– Biege- Target groups Lasertechnik und - physik, Photonik ; Oberflächen und Verbindungen, Dünnschichten beanspruchte Bauteile.– Stahlbetonplatten.– Research Stahlbetonbalken und Stahlbeton-Plattenbalken.– Biegebeanspruchte Stahlbeton-Stützwände.– Type of publication Target groups Research Druckbeanspruchte Bauteile.– Stahlbetonstützen.– Brief Stahlbetonwände.– Rahmen und Konsolen.– More on Type of publication Torsionsbeanspruchte Bauteile.– Gründungen.– Softcover Monograph Beispiel zur Berechnung eines Geschäftsgebäudes.– Schalung.– Ausführung und Bemessung.– Fer- 2013. VII, 83 p. 42 illus. (SpringerBriefs in Applied More on Sciences and Technology) tigteile.– Herstellung und Montage. – Fugen: Hardcover 53,45 € Anordnung und Konstruktion.– Bauteile aus Spann- 2013. IX, 147 p. 80 illus. (Materials Forming, Machining ISBN 978-94-007-6100-1 beton.–[...] and Tribology) Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 106,99 € Fields of interest ISBN 978-3-642-36628-4 Light Construction, Steel Construction, Timber Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Construction; Tragwerksplanung, Baukonstruktion, Techn. Ausbau ; Bauwesen und Bautechnik

Target groups Upper undergraduate

Type of publication German textbook More on Hardcover 2013. XXII, 960 S. 427 Abb., 11 in Farbe. 59,95 € ISBN 978-3-8348-1839-3 Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. 120 Technik

S.F. Kovacic, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, USA; A. Sousa- T. Fukuda, Nagoya University, Japan; F. Arai, Nagoya University, T. Basten, Embedded Systems Institute, Eindhoven, The Nether- Poza, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, USA (Eds.) Japan; M. Nakajima, Nagoya University, Japan lands; R. Hamberg, Embedded Systems Institute, Eindhoven, The Netherlands; F. Reckers, Embedded Systems Institute, Eind- hoven, The Netherlands; J. Verriet, Embedded Systems Institute, Managing and Engineering in Micro-Nanorobotic Manipulation Eindhoven, The Netherlands (Eds.) Complex Situations Systems and Their Applications Model-Based Design of Adaptive With so many terms available to define the same Micro/Nano Robotics and Automation technolo- Embedded Systems thing, it would seem nearly irresponsible to intro- gies have rapidly grown associated with the growth duce yet another term (complex situation) to of Micro and Nanotechnologies. This book presents This book describes model-based development of describe a phenomenological state of such as a summary of fundamentals in micro-nano scale adaptive embedded systems, which enable improved a system. However, a complex situation infers engineering and the current state of the art of functionality using the same resources. The tech- both a broader meaning and imposes a different these technologies.“Micro-Nanorobotic Manipu- niques presented facilitate design from a higher level perspective. Complex in this context is dependent on lation Systems and their Applications” introduces of abstraction, focusing on the problem domain understanding and reality rather than observer and these advanced technologies from the basics and rather than on the solution domain, thereby increas- knowledge. Situation imposes a gestalt that cannot applications aspects of Micro/Nano-Robotics and ing development efficiency. Models are used to be characterized within a singular perspective that Automation from the prospective micro/nano-scale capture system specifications and to implement relegates paradox to a superior/subordinate hierar- manipulation. The book is organized in 9 chapters (manually or automatically) system functionality. chy. This also infers that complex situation has no including an overview chapter of Micro/Nanorobot- The authors demonstrate the real impact of adaptiv- monotonic definition or each definition is by default ics and Automation technology from the historical ity on engineering of embedded systems by provid- incomplete. Therefore the perennial derivations[...] view and important related research works. Further ing several industrial examples of the models used in chapters are[...] Features the development of adaptive embedded systems. With so many terms available to define the same Features Features thing, it would seem nearly irresponsible to intro- Micro/Nano Robotics and Automation technolo- Today’s embedded systems have to operate in a wide duce yet another term (complex situation) to gies have rapidly grown associated with the growth variety of dynamically changing environmental cir- describe a phenomenological state of such as of Micro and Nanotechnologies. This book presents cumstances. Adaptivity, the ability of a system to a system. However, a complex situation infers a summary of fundamentals in micro-nano scale autonomously adapt itself, is a means to optimise a both a broader meaning and imposes a different engineering and the current state of the art of these system’s behaviour to accommodate changes in its perspective. Complex in this context is dependent on technologies.“Micro-Nanorobotic Manipulation environment. It involves making in-product trade- understanding and reality rather than observer and Systems and their Applications” introduces these offs between system qualities at system level. The knowledge. Situation [..] advanced technologies from the basics and applica- main challenge in the development of adaptive sys- tions aspects of [..] Contents tems is [..] 1 Introduction and Overview; Andres Sousa-Poza; Contents Contents Part I Theory on Wicked Problems and Complex Sit- Introduction of Micro-Nanorobotic Manipulation Adaptivity in Professional Printing Systems.- Aspects uations; 2 Narrative of [Complex] Situations and Sit- Systems.- Physics in Micro-Nano Scale.- Basics of Adaptive Systems Engineering: A Professional uations Theory; Andres Sousa-Poza; 3 PRISM – A of Micro-Nanorobotic Manipulation Systems.- Printing Case.- Piezo Printhead Control: Jetting Any Philosophical Foundation for Complex Situations; Micromanipulation System under Optical Micro- Drop at Any Time.- Adaptive Strategies for Produc- Van Brewer; 4 Understanding and Complex Situa- scope.- Applications of Micromanipulation System tive Toner Printers.- Reasoning with Uncertainty tions; Jose J. Padilla; 5 Gestalt Imperative; Samuel F. under Optical Microscope.- Nanomanipulation Sys- about System Behaviour: Making Printing Systems Kovacic; Part II Description of Wicked Problems; tem under Electron Microscopes.- Applications of Adaptive.- Supporting the Architecting Process of 6 Sustainable Development as a Wicked Problem; Nanomanipulation System under FE-SEM-TEM.- Adaptable Systems.- Model-Driven Design-Space Jonathan Pryshlakivsky and Cory Searcy; 7 Com- Applications of Nanomanipulation System under E- Exploration for Software-Intensive Embedded Sys- plexity and Command at the Operational-Level of SEM. tems.- Engineering Embedded Software: Managing War; Vince Berardini; 8 The Wicked Problem of a Complexity and Evolution.- Reflections on the Octo- Cognitive[...] Fields of interest Robotik und Automatisierung; Künstliche Intelli- pus Project. Fields of interest genz (einschl. Roboter) Fields of interest Komplexität; Sozialwissenschaften (allgemein); Schaltkreise und Systeme; Prozessarchitekturen; Wirtschaftswissenschaften (allgemein) Target groups Research Mess- und Regelungstechnik; Elektronik und Target groups Mikroelektronik Research Type of publication Monograph Target groups Research Type of publication More on Monograph Hardcover Type of publication More on 2013. XIV, 334 p. 248 illus. Monograph Hardcover 139,09 € More on 2013. VI, 267 p. 58 illus., 45 in color. (Topics in Safety, ISBN 978-3-642-36390-0 Hardcover Risk, Reliability and Quality, Band 21) Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 2013. XIII, 306 p. 175 illus., 34 in color. (Embedded Sys- 106,95 € tems, Band 22) ISBN 978-94-007-5514-7 106,99 € Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. ISBN 978-1-4614-4820-4 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Technik 121

U.Y. Ogras, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA; R. K. Mombaur, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany; K. C. Burgess, Australia Marculescu, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA Berns, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany (Eds.) Moon Bound Modeling, Analysis and Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Network-on-Chip Optimization of Bipedal Walking Choosing and Preparing NASA's Lunar Astronauts Communication Architectures Often lost in the shadow of the first group of astro- nauts for the Mercury missions, the second and third The model-based investigation of motions of anthro- groups included the leading figures for NASA's activ- pomorphic systems is an important interdiscipli- Traditionally, design space exploration for Sys- ities for the following two decades. “Moon Bound” nary research topic involving specialists from many tems-on-Chip (SoCs) has focused on the computa- complements the author’s recently published work, fields such as Robotics, Biomechanics, Physiology, tional aspects of the problem at hand. However, as “Selecting the Mercury Seven” (2011), extending the Orthopedics, Psychology, Neurosciences, Sports, the number of components on a single chip and their story of the men who helped to launch human space- Computer Graphics and Applied Mathematics. This performance continue to increase, the communica- flight and broaden the American space program. book presents a study of basic locomotion forms tion architecture plays a major role in the area, per- Although the initial 1959 group became known as such as walking and running is of particular interest formance and energy consumption of the overall the legendary pioneering Mercury astronauts, the due to the high demand on dynamic coordination, system. As a result, a shift from computation-based astronauts of Groups 2 and 3 gave us many house- actuator efficiency and balance control. Mathemati- to communication-based design becomes manda- hold names. Sixteen astronauts from both groups cal models and numerical simulation and optimiza- tory. Towards this end, network-on-chip (NoC) traveled to the Moon in Project Apollo, with several tion techniques are explained, in combination with communication architectures have emerged recently actually walking on the Moon, one of them[...] experimental data, which can help to better under- as a promising alternative to classical bus and point- stand the basic underlying mechanisms of these[...] to-point communication architectures. In this disser- Features Often lost in the shadow of the first group of astro- tation, we study outstanding research problems[...] Features nauts for the Mercury missions, the second and third The model-based investigation of motions of anthro- Features groups included the leading figures for NASA's activ- pomorphic systems is an important interdisciplinary Traditionally, design space exploration for Sys- ities for the following two decades. “Moon Bound” research topic involving specialists from many fields tems-on-Chip (SoCs) has focused on the computa- complements the author’s recently published work, such as Robotics, Biomechanics, Physiology, Ortho- tional aspects of the problem at hand. However, as “Selecting the Mercury Seven” (2011), extending the pedics, Psychology, Neurosciences, Sports, Com- the number of components on a single chip and their story of the men who helped to launch human space- puter Graphics and Applied Mathematics. This book performance continue to increase, the communica- flight and broaden the American space program. presents a study of basic locomotion forms such as tion architecture plays a major role in the area, per- Although [..] walking and running is of particular interest due to formance and energy consumption of the overall the [..] system. As a result, a shift from computation-based Contents Part I Announcements and volunteers.- Screening to [..] Contents the applicants.- The finalists.- The "Next Nine".- Set- From the Contents: Trajectory-Based Dynamic Pro- Contents tling in.- Part II The boy from Barren Run.- Answer- gramming.- Use of Compliant Actuators in Pros- Introduction.- Literature Survey.- Motivational ing the call.- A few exceptionally good men.- The thetic Feet and the Design of the AMP-Foot 2.0.- Example: MPEG-2 Encoder Design.- Target NoC Fourteen.- Patience and Persistence.- "Before this Modeling and Optimization of Human Walking.- Platform.- NoCPerformance Analysis.- Applica- decade is out".- For some, the glory.- Appendices.- Online CPG-based gait monitoring and optimal tion-specific NoC Architecture Custimization using Bibliography.- Index. control of the ankle joint for assisted walking in Long-range Links.- Analysis and Optimization of hemiplegic subjects.- The combined role of motion- Prediction-based Flow Control in Networks-on- Fields of interest related cues and upper body posture for the expres- Chip.- Design and Management of VFI Partition Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik; Sachbuch Astronomie; sion of emotions during human walking. Networks-on-Chip.- Conclusion.- Bibliography.- Wissenschaftsgeschichte; Sachbuch Mathematik / Naturwissenschaften / Technik Appendix A. Tools and FPGA prototype.- Appendix Fields of interest B. Experiments using the Single-chip Cloud Com- Elektrotechnik; Robotik und Automatisierung; Kün- puter (SCC) Platform. Target groups stliche Intelligenz (einschl. Roboter); Systembiolo- Popular/general gie; Biophysik und biologische Physik; Physiological, Fields of interest Cellular and Medical Topics Schaltkreise und Systeme; Prozessarchitekturen Type of publication Popular science Target groups Target groups Research More on Research Softcover Type of publication Type of publication 2013. XXVIII, 371 p. 168 illus. (Space Exploration) Monograph Monograph 48,14 € More on ISBN 978-1-4614-3854-0 More on Hardcover Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Hardcover 2013. VIII, 290 p. 139 illus. (Cognitive Systems Mono- 2013. XIV, 174 p. 67 illus., 10 in color. (Lecture Notes in graphs, Band 18) Electrical Engineering, Band 184) 90,94 € 106,99 € ISBN 978-3-642-36367-2 ISBN 978-94-007-3957-4 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 122 Technik

S. Metkar, College of Engineering, Pune, India; S. Talbar, Shri M. Ding, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China; H. Luo, Shanghai Y. Oka, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan; K. Suzuki, Japan Nuclear Guru Gobind Singhji Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jiao Tong University, China Energy Safety Organization, Tokyo, Japan (Eds.) Nanded, India Multi-point Cooperative Nuclear Reactor Kinetics and Plant Motion Estimation Techniques for Communication Systems: Theory Control Digital Video Coding and Applications Understanding time-dependent behaviors of nuclear The book deals with the development of a methodol- reactors and the methods of their control is essential Multi-point Cooperative Communication Sys- ogy to estimate the motion field between two frames to the operation and safety of nuclear power plants. tems: Theory and Applications mainly discusses for video coding applications. This book proposes an This book provides graduate students, researchers, multi-point cooperative communication technolo- exhaustive study of the motion estimation process and engineers in nuclear engineering comprehen- gies which are used to overcome the long-stand- in the framework of a general video coder. The con- sive information on both the fundamental theory of ing problem of limited transmission rate caused by ceptual explanations are discussed in a simple lan- nuclear reactor kinetics and control and the state- the inter-point interference. Instead of combating guage and with the use of suitable figures. The book of-the-art practice in actual plants, as well as the the interference, recent progress in both academia will serve as a guide for new researchers working in idea of how to bridge the two. The first part focuses and industrial standardizations has evolved to adopt the field of motion estimation techniques. on understanding fundamental nuclear kinetics. the philosophy of “exploiting” the interference to It introduces delayed neutrons, fission chain reac- improve the transmission rate by cooperating among Features tions, point kinetics theory, reactivity feedbacks, and multiple points. This book addresses the multi-point The book deals with the development of a methodol- related measurement techniques. The second part cooperative communication system systematically ogy to estimate the motion field between two frames helps readers to grasp the[...] for video coding applications. This book proposes an giving the readers a clear picture of the technol- exhaustive study of the motion estimation process ogy map and where the discussed schemes may fit. Features in the framework of a general video coder. The con- This[...] Understanding time-dependent behaviors of nuclear ceptual explanations are discussed in a simple lan- reactors and the methods of their control is essential Features guage and with the use of suitable figures. The book to the operation and safety of nuclear power plants. Multi-point Cooperative Communication Systems: will serve as a guide for new researchers working in This book provides graduate students, researchers, Theory and Applications mainly discusses multi- the [..] and engineers in nuclear engineering comprehen- point cooperative communication technologies sive information on both the fundamental theory of which are used to overcome the long-standing prob- Contents nuclear reactor kinetics and control and the state-of- lem of limited transmission rate caused by the inter- Introduction.- Performance Evaluation of Block the-art practice in actual plants, as well as the [..] Matching Algorithms for Video Coding.- Fast point interference. Instead of combating the inter- Motion Estimation using Modified Orthogonal ference, recent progress in both academia and indus- Contents Search Algorithm for Video Compression.- Dynamic trial standardizations has evolved to adopt the [..] Part I Nuclear Reactor Kinetics.- Delay Neutron and Motion Detection Techniques.- Conclusion and Nuclear Reactor Kinetics.- Point Reactor Kinetics.- Contents Research Directions.- Bibliography. Temperature Effect of Reactivity.- Kinetics Parame- Introduction.- Related Work.- The Sixth Category: ters and Reactivity Measurement Experiments.- Part Antenna Selection Technologies.- The Seventh Fields of interest II Actual Nuclear Reactor Plant Control.- Control Category: Advanced Interference Coordination.- Maschinelle Intelligenz; Signal-, Bild- und system basics and PID control.- Reactor Stability The Eighth Category: Joint Precoding with Ideal Sprachverarbeitung ; Bildverarbeitung, Vision, Mus- Study.- Actual Operation Control of Boiling Water Backhaul.- The Eighth Category: Sequential and tererkennung und Computergrafik Reactor.- Actual operation and control of PWR.- Incremental Precoding with Non-ideal Backhaul.- Actual operation and control of fast reactor.- Actual Target groups Coordinated Multi-Point System.- Common Feed- operation and control of high temperature engineer- Research back Framework for Downlink CoMP.- Conclusion. ing test reactor.- New Control Theory and its Appli- Type of publication Fields of interest cation Answers to practice exercises. Brief Kommunikationstechnik und -netze; Signal-, Bild- Fields of interest und Sprachverarbeitung More on Nukleartechnik; Energy Technology Softcover Target groups Target groups 2013. XII, 64 p. 32 illus. (SpringerBriefs in Computa- Research Graduate tional Intelligence) Type of publication 53,49 € Type of publication Monograph ISBN 978-81-322-1096-2 Contributed volume Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. More on More on Hardcover Hardcover 2013. XX, 280 p. 114 illus., 16 in color. (Signals and 2013. XV, 305 p. 181 illus. (An Advanced Course in Communication Technology) Nuclear Engineering) 139,05 € 106,95 € ISBN 978-3-642-34948-5 ISBN 978-4-431-54194-3 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Technik 123

J. Federau, Beckdorf-Nindorf, Deutschland A.J. Erickson, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA; P.T. P. Latorre Carmona, Jaume I University, Castellon de la Plana, Weiss, Valparaiso University, IN, USA; J.S. Gulliver, University of Spain; J.S. Sánchez, Jaume I University, Castellon de la Plana, Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA Spain; A.L.N. Fred, IST - Technical University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Operationsverstärker Portugal (Eds.)

Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch zu angewandten Grundschaltungen Optimizing Stormwater Treatment Practices Pattern Recognition - Applications Der klar strukturierte Aufbau des Buches mit zahlre- and Methods ichen Aufgaben, Vertiefungsübungen und den A Handbook of Assessment and Maintenance entsprechenden ausführlichen Lösungsbeschreibun- International Conference, ICPRAM 2012 Vilamoura, Algarve, gen erleichtert die Verallgemeinerung von Schalt- Optimizing Stormwater Treatment Practices: A Portugal, February 6-8, 2012 Revised Selected Papers prinzipien und die Entwicklung eigener Schaltungen. Handbook of Assessment and Maintenance provides Es ist daher besonders zum Selbststudium und als the information necessary for developing and operat- This edited book includes extended and revised Unterrichtshilfe gut geeignet. Die Inhalte sind exem- ing an effective maintenance program for stormwa- versions of a set of selected papers from the First plarisch und generalisierbar. Zum Verständnis der ter treatment. The book offers instructions on how International Conference on Pattern Recognition einzelnen Abschnitte sind nur grundlegende Kennt- to measure the level of performance of stormwa- (ICPRAM 2012), held in Vilamoura, Algarve, Por- nisse der Elektrotechnik erforderlich. Die aktuelle ter treatment practices directly and bases proposed tugal, from 6 to 8 February, 2012, sponsored by the technische Gegenwärtigkeit des Buches zeigt sich maintenance schedules on actual performance and Institute for Systems and Technologies of Informa- in einer angemessenen Beschreibung zur Schal- historical maintenance efforts and costs. The inspec- tion Control and Communication (INSTICC) and tungssimulation mit der benutzerfreundlichen Soft- tion methods, which are proven in the field and have held in cooperation with the Association for the ware LTspiceIV / SWCADIII. Diese kostenlose been implemented successfully, are necessary as reg- Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) and Software ist[...] ulatory agencies are demanding evaluations of the Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modelling and Computa- performance of stormwater treatment practices. The tional Learning (PASCAL2). The conference brought Features authors have developed a three-tiered approach[...] together researchers, engineers and practitioners Der klar strukturierte Aufbau des Buches mit zahlre- interested on the areas of Pattern Recognition, both ichen Aufgaben, Vertiefungsübungen und den Features from theoretical and application perspectives. entsprechenden ausführlichen Lösungsbeschreibun- Optimizing Stormwater Treatment Practices: A gen erleichtert die Verallgemeinerung von Schalt- Handbook of Assessment and Maintenance provides Features prinzipien und die Entwicklung eigener Schaltungen. the information necessary for developing and operat- This edited book includes extended and revised Es ist daher besonders zum Selbststudium und als ing an effective maintenance program for stormwa- versions of a set of selected papers from the First Unterrichtshilfe gut geeignet. Die Inhalte sind exem- ter treatment. The book offers instructions on how International Conference on Pattern Recognition plarisch und generalisierbar. Zum Verständnis der to measure the level of performance of stormwa- (ICPRAM 2012), held in Vilamoura, Algarve, Por- einzelnen [..] ter treatment practices directly and bases proposed tugal, from 6 to 8 February, 2012, sponsored by the maintenance schedules on actual performance and Institute for Systems and Technologies of Informa- Contents historical [..] tion Control and Communication (INSTICC) and Operationsverstärker: Kenndaten und Funktion.- held in cooperation with the Association for the Grundschaltungen mit Gegenkopplung und Mitkop- Contents Advancement of [..] plung.- Anwendung von Operationsverstärkern Introduction.- Impacts and Composition of Urban in Stromversorgungsgeräten.- Übertragungsver- Stormwater.- Stormwater Treatment Processes.- Contents fahren nach dem Frequency-Shift-Keying-Prinzip.- Stormwater Treatment Practices.- Visual Inspection From the Contents: Pattern Recognition as an Indi- Reale Operationsverstärker: Kenndaten, Verstärkung of Stormwater Treatment Practices.- Capacity Test- cator of Diagnostic Expertise.- Analysis of Factor- und Zeitverhalten, Stabilitätskriterien, Eingangs- ing of Stormwater Treatment Practices.- Synthetic ial Designs with the Consideration of Interactions und Ausgangsgrößen.- Voraussetzungen zur Aus- Runoff Testing of Stormwater Treatment Practices.- via the Stepwise Response Refinement Screener tauschbarkeit von Komparator- und OP-ICs.- Ver- Monitoring of Stormwater Treatment Practices.- (SRRS).- Object Detection with Semi-local Fea- ifizierung der Schaltungen über professionelle PC- Water Budget Measurement.- Water Sampling tures.- Inferring Time Varying Dynamic Linear Simulationsprogramme. Methods.- Analysis of Water and Soils.- Data Analy- Model Parameters from a Mixture Model.- A Perfor- sis.- Maintenance of Stormwater Treatment Prac- mance Evaluation of Mutual Information Estimators Fields of interest tices. for Multivariate Feature Selection.- Modelling and Schaltkreise und Systeme; Elektrotechnik; Elektron- Explaining Online News Preferences.- Combining ische Schaltungen und Bauelemente Fields of interest Graph Seriation and Substructures Mining for Graph Bauwesen und Bautechnik ; Wasserqual- Recognition. Target groups ität/Wasserverschmutzung; Abwassertech- Upper undergraduate nik / Gewässerschutz / Wasserwirtschaft; Fields of interest Umweltüberwachung / -analytik Maschinelle Intelligenz; Künstliche Intelligenz (ein- Type of publication schl. Roboter); Bildverarbeitung, Vision, Muster- German textbook Target groups erkennung und Computergrafik More on Professional/practitioner Target groups Softcover Type of publication Research 2013. XII, 344 S. 587 Abb. Mit Beispielen, Übungen, Auf- Professional book gaben mit Lösungen. Type of publication 29,95 € More on Proceedings ISBN 978-3-8348-1643-6 Hardcover More on Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. 2013. XII, 337 p. 108 illus., 96 in color. 106,95 € Softcover ISBN 978-1-4614-4623-1 2013. XIV, 205 p. 70 illus. (Advances in Intelligent Sys- tems and Computing, Band 204) Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 149,79 € ISBN 978-3-642-36529-4 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 124 Technik

A. Moyal, Afeka Academic College of Engineering, Tel-Aviv, Israel; G.C.O. Lohmeyer, Hannover; M. Post, Hannover Y. Yang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China; M. Ma, Nanyang V. Aharonson, Afeka Academic College of Engineering, Tel-Aviv, Technological University, Singapore (Eds.) Israel; E. Tetariy, Afeka Academic College of Engineering, Tel- Aviv, Israel; M. Gishri, Afeka Academic College of Engineering, Praktische Bauphysik Tel-Aviv, Israel Proceedings of the 2nd Eine Einführung mit Berechnungsbeispielen International Conference on Green Phonetic Search Methods for Large Dieses Lehrbuch soll in die Hauptgebiete der praktis- Communications and Networks Speech Databases chen Bauphysik einführen. Es erklärt die physikalis- chen Grundlagen, beschreibt die bei Planung und 2012 (GCN 2012): Volume 4 Konstruktion auftretenden Probleme und zeigt “Phonetic Search Methods for Large Databases” Wege zu deren Lösung. Die zahlreichen in die The objective of the 2nd International Conference on focuses on Keyword Spotting (KWS) within large Darstellung eingefügten Berechnungsbeispiele Green Communications and Networks 2012 (GCN speech databases. The brief will begin by outlining lassen erkennen, wie sich die bauphysikalischen 2012) is to facilitate an exchange of information the challenges associated with Keyword Spotting Anforderungen und Regeln in der Baukonstruk- on best practices for the latest research advances in within large speech databases using dynamic key- tion auswirken. Dadurch werden die in der Praxis the area of communications, networks and intelli- word vocabularies. It will then continue by high- erforderlichen Maßnahmen für das einwandfreie gence applications. These mainly involve computer lighting the various market segments in need of Funktionieren eines Bauwerkes verdeutlicht. Die science and engineering, informatics, communica- KWS solutions, as well as, the specific requirements einzelnen Abschnitte des Buches erläutern jeweils tions and control, electrical engineering, information of each market segment. The work also includes a auch die erforderlichen Schutzmaßnahmen mit allen computing, and business intelligence and manage- detailed description of the complexity of the task and dazugehörigen rechnerischen Nachweisen. Die ein- ment. Proceedings of the 2nd International Confer- the different methods that are used, including the schlägigen Normen sind[...] ence on Green Communications and Networks 2012 advantages and disadvantages of each method and an (GCN 2012) will focus on green information tech- Features in-depth comparison. The main focus will be on the nology and applications, which will provide in-depth Dieses Lehrbuch soll in die Hauptgebiete der praktis- Phonetic Search method and its efficient[...] insights for engineers and scientists in[...] chen Bauphysik einführen. Es erklärt die physikalis- Features chen Grundlagen, beschreibt die bei Planung und Features “Phonetic Search Methods for Large Databases” Konstruktion auftretenden Probleme und zeigt The objective of the 2nd International Conference on focuses on Keyword Spotting (KWS) within large Wege zu deren Lösung. Die zahlreichen in die Green Communications and Networks 2012 (GCN speech databases. The brief will begin by outlining Darstellung eingefügten Berechnungsbeispiele 2012) is to facilitate an exchange of information on the challenges associated with Keyword Spotting lassen erkennen, wie sich die bauphysikalischen best practices for the latest research advances in the within large speech databases using dynamic key- Anforderungen und Regeln in der Baukonstruktion area of communications, networks and intelligence word vocabularies. It will then continue by highlight- auswirken. Dadurch werden [..] applications. These mainly involve computer science ing the various market segments in need of KWS and engineering, informatics, communications and Contents solutions, as well as, the specific requirements of control, electrical engineering, information [..] each market segment. [..] Physikalische Grundlagen.– Wärmeschutz.– Feucht- eschutz.– Schallschutz.– Tageslicht.– Brandschutz.- Contents Contents Bauphysikalische Zusammenfassung. Intelligent Control.- Efficient Management.- Opti- Keyword Spotting out of Continuous Speech.- mal Design of Access Network Infrastructures.- Fields of interest Introduction.- Problem Formulation: KWS in Home Networks.- Terminal Equipment. Large Speech Databases.- Target Applications of Technik (allgemein); Building Physics, HVAC; Solid Keyword Spotting.- Keyword Spotting Methods.- Construction Fields of interest LVCSR-Based KWS.- Acoustic KWS.- Phonetic Kommunikationstechnik und -netze; Regenerative Target groups Search KWS.- Discussion: Why Phonetic Search?.- Energiequellen; Umwelttechnik / Biotechnologie; Upper undergraduate Response Time.- KWS Performance.- Keyword Flex- Informationssysteme and Kommunikationsdienste ibility.- Phonetic Search.- The Search Mechanism.- Type of publication Using Phonetic Search for KWS.- Computational Target groups German textbook Complexity Analysis.- Search Space Complexity Research Reduction.- Overview.- Complexity Reduction in More on Type of publication Phonetic Search.- Anchor-based Phonetic Search.- Hardcover Proceedings Evaluating Phonetic Search KWS.-[...] 2013. XXII, 807 S. 264 Abb., 13 in Farbe. Mit vollst. über- arb.. More on Fields of interest 54,95 € Signal-, Bild- und Sprachverarbeitung ; Sprachüber- Hardcover ISBN 978-3-8348-1794-5 setzung und Linguistik; Computerlinguistik 2013. XX, 773 p. 131 illus. (Lecture Notes in Electrical Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Engineering, Band 226) Target groups 213,95 € Research ISBN 978-3-642-35439-7 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Type of publication Brief More on Softcover 2013. X, 52 p. 21 illus., 6 in color. (SpringerBriefs in Speech Technology) 53,49 € ISBN 978-1-4614-6488-4 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Technik 125

Z. Zhong, International Conference on Information Engineering Z. Zhong, International Conference on Information Engineering S. Chakraborty, Bengal Engineering and Science University, and Applications, Chongqing, China (Ed.) and Applications, Chongqing, China (Ed.) Howrah, India; G. Bhattacharya, Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur, India (Eds.) Proceedings of the International Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Conference on Information Proceedings of the International Engineering and Applications (IEA) Engineering and Applications (IEA) Symposium on Engineering under 2012 2012 Uncertainty: Safety Assessment and Management (ISEUSAM - 2012) Volume 1 Volume 3

Information engineering and applications is the field Information engineering and applications is the field International Symposium on Engineering under of study concerned with constructing information of study concerned with constructing information Uncertainty: Safety Assessment and Management computing, intelligent systems, mathematical mod- computing, intelligent systems, mathematical mod- (ISEUSAM - 2012) is organized by Bengal Engineer- els, numerical solution techniques, and using com- els, numerical solution techniques, and using com- ing and Science University, India during the first puters and other electronic devices to analyze and puters and other electronic devices to analyze and week of January 2012 at Kolkata. The primary aim of solve natural scientific, social scientific and engi- solve natural scientific, social scientific and engi- ISEUSAM 2012 is to provide a platform to facilitate neering problems. Information engineering is an neering problems. Information engineering is an the discussion for a better understanding and man- important underpinning for techniques used in important underpinning for techniques used in agement of uncertainty and risk, encompassing var- information and computational science and there information and computational science and there ious aspects of safety and reliability of engineering are many unresolved problems worth studying. The are many unresolved problems worth studying. The systems. The conference received an overwhelming Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference response from national as well as international schol- on Information Engineering and Applications (IEA on Information Engineering and Applications (IEA ars, experts and delegates from different parts of the 2012), which was held in Chongqing, China, from 2012), which was held in Chongqing, China, from world. Papers received from authors of several coun- October 26-28, 2012, discusses the most innova- October 26-28, 2012, discusses the most innova- tries including Australia, Canada,[...] tive[...] tive[...] Features Features Features International Symposium on Engineering under Information engineering and applications is the field Information engineering and applications is the field Uncertainty: Safety Assessment and Management of study concerned with constructing information of study concerned with constructing information (ISEUSAM - 2012) is organized by Bengal Engineer- computing, intelligent systems, mathematical mod- computing, intelligent systems, mathematical mod- ing and Science University, India during the first els, numerical solution techniques, and using com- els, numerical solution techniques, and using com- week of January 2012 at Kolkata.The primary aim of puters and other electronic devices to analyze and puters and other electronic devices to analyze and ISEUSAM 2012 is to provide a platform to facilitate solve natural scientific, social scientific and engineer- solve natural scientific, social scientific and engineer- the discussion for a better understanding and man- ing problems. Information engineering is an impor- ing problems. Information engineering is an impor- agement of uncertainty and risk, encompassing vari- tant underpinning for techniques used [..] tant underpinning for techniques used [..] ous aspects of safety [..]

Contents Contents Contents Mechanical Engineering Vocational English Edu- Business Intelligence and Applications.- Control Preface.- About the Editors.- Key Note Papers.- cation Based on ESP Theory.- Efficient Teaching Engineering and Applications.- Web Science, Engi- Invited Theme Papers.- Contributed Papers. Reform Scheme of Aerobic Course.- Online Entre- neering and Applications.- Information Technology preneurship and E-Commerce Experimental Teach- and Applications.- Information Security and Net- Fields of interest ing.- Personalized Teaching Model Based on Moodle work Protection.- Artificial Intelligence.- Mathemat- Qualitätskontrolle, Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit ; Platform.- E-commerce Undergraduate Training ics and Computation.- Information Management Baubetrieb, Bauwirtschaft ; Naturkatastrophen Mode.- Information Literacy Composition and Systems and Software Engineering.- Multimedia Training Strategies of University Teaching Admin- Aechnology and Applications.- Intelligent Evolu- Target groups istrator.- Research of Art Education in High Nor- tionary algorithms.- Manufacturing Engineering and Research mal Schools.- Error Factors and Monitoring Strategy Management. Type of publication in College Teaching Administration.- Teaching Proceedings Management Analysis on Sports Club in Colleges of Fields of interest Vocational Education.-[...] Kommunikationstechnik und -netze; Information- More on ssysteme and Kommunikationsdienste; Regenerative Softcover Fields of interest Energiequellen 2013. XVIII, 1349 p. 617 illus. Kommunikationstechnik und -netze; Anwendung 319,93 € von Informationssystemen (einschl. Internet); Target groups ISBN 978-81-322-0756-6 Regenerative Energiequellen Research Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Target groups Type of publication Research Proceedings More on Type of publication Proceedings Hardcover 2013. XXV, 888 p. 263 illus., 44 in color. (Lecture Notes More on in Electrical Engineering, Band 218) Hardcover 213,95 € 2013. XXV, 910 p. 262 illus., 36 in color. (Lecture Notes ISBN 978-1-4471-4846-3 in Electrical Engineering, Band 216) Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 213,95 € ISBN 978-1-4471-4855-5 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 126 Technik

H. Meier, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany (Ed.) A. Ghasemi, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA; A. R. Malathi, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, India; J. Abedi, University of Maine, Orono, ME, USA; F. Ghasemi, Georgia Krishnan, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, India (Eds.) Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA Product-Service Integration for Sustainable Solutions Recent Advancements in System Propagation Engineering in Radio Modelling Applications Proceedings of the 5th CIRP International Conference on Links Design Industrial Product-Service Systems, Bochum, Germany, March Proceedings of National Systems Conference 2012 14th - 15th, 2013 This book addresses propagation phenomena in The book is a collection of peer-reviewed scien- “An Industrial Product-Service System is charac- satellite, radar, broadcasting, short range , trans- tific papers submitted by active researchers in the terized by the integrated and mutually determined horizon and several recent modes of communica- 36th National System Conference (NSC 2012). NSC planning, development, provision and use of product tions in radio links. Also, it includes some topics on is an annual event of the Systems Society of India and service shares including its immanent software antennas , radio noises and improvement techniques. (SSI), primarily oriented to strengthen the systems components in Business-to-Business applications The book provides the necessary basic matters, as movement and its applications for the welfare of and represents a knowledge-intensive socio-techni- well as experimental results and calculation proce- humanity. A galaxy of academicians, professionals, cal system.” – Meier, Roy, Seliger (2010)Since the dures for radio link design. scientists, statesman and researchers from different first conference in 2009, the CIRP International parts of the country and abroad are invited to attend Conference on Industrial Product-Service Systems Features the Conference. The book presents various research has become a well-established international forum Propagation Engineering in Radio Link Design cov- articles in the area of system modelling in all disci- for the review and discussion of advances, research ers the basic principles of radiowaves propagation in plines of engineering sciences as well as socio-eco- results and industrial improvements. Researchers a practical manner. This fundamental understand- nomic systems. The book can be used as a tool for from all over the world have met at previous IPS² ing enables the readers to design radio links effi- further research. conferences in Cranfield (2009), Linköping[...] ciently. This book elaborates on new achievements as well as recently developed propagation models. This Features Features is in addition to a comprehensive overview of funda- The book is a collection of peer-reviewed scien- “An Industrial Product-Service System is charac- mentals of propagation in various scenarios. It [..] tific papers submitted by active researchers in the terized by the integrated and mutually determined 36th National System Conference (NSC 2012). NSC planning, development, provision and use of product Contents is an annual event of the Systems Society of India and service shares including its immanent software Introduction to Radiowaves Propagation.- Antenna (SSI), primarily oriented to strengthen the systems components in Business-to-Business applications and Passive Reflectors.- Radiowave Propagation in movement and its applications for the welfare of and represents a knowledge-intensive socio-technical Satelliet Communication.- Wireless Broadcasting.- humanity. A galaxy of academicians, professionals, system.” – Meier, Roy, Seliger (2010)Since the first Trans-horizon Radiowaves Propagation.- Propa- scientists, statesman and researchers from different conference in 2009, the CIRP [..] gation of Radar Waves.- Short Range Radio Com- parts of [..] munications.- Noise in Radiowave Propagation.- Contents Improvement Techniques in Radiowave Reception. Contents Keynotes.- Planning and Development - Concept Preface.- Table of Contents.- About the Editors.- and Design.- Planning and Development – Net- Fields of interest Papers.- Author Index. works.- Planning and Development - Methods and Kommunikationstechnik und -netze; Signal-, Bild- Know-how Protection.- Planning and Development und Sprachverarbeitung ; Organisation von Rechner- Fields of interest - Eco Design and Sustainability.- Business Model – systemen und Rechnernetze Maschinelle Intelligenz; Systemtheorie, Steuerungs- Design.- Business Model – Implementation.- Oper- theorie; Elektrotechnik ation.- Service Engineering.- Strategy and Sustain- Target groups ability.- Knowledge Management.- Software and Research Target groups Information Systems.- Modeling and Simulation.- Research Marketing and Economic Aspects - Lifecycle Per- Type of publication spective.- The Human Factor. Monograph Type of publication More on Proceedings Fields of interest Hardcover More on Konstruktionslehre, Produktentwicklung ; Tech- 2013. XVIII, 549 p. 274 illus. Hardcover nologiemanagement ; Qualitätskontrolle, Sicherheit 181,89 € 2013. XIII, 508 p. 322 illus. (Lecture Notes in Electrical und Zuverlässigkeit ; Produktion / Logistik ISBN 978-1-4614-5313-0 Engineering, Band 188) Target groups Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 139,05 € Research ISBN 978-81-322-1034-4 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Type of publication Proceedings More on Hardcover 2013. XIV, 660 p. 217 illus. (Lecture Notes in Production Engineering) 266,43 € ISBN 978-3-642-30819-2 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Technik 127

O. Lavan, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel; H.S. Chang, Sogang University, Seoul, Korea; J. Hu, State Univer- L. Johnson, Madison, Alabama, USA M. De Stefano, University of Florence, Italy (Eds.) sity of New York at Stony Brook, NY, USA; M.C. Fu, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA; S.I. Marcus, University of Mary- land, College Park, MD, USA Sky Alert! Seismic Behaviour and Design When Satellites Fail of Irregular and Complex Civil Simulation-Based Algorithms for Structures Markov Decision Processes “Sky Alert! What Happens When Satellites Fail” explores for the first time what our modern world would be like if we were suddenly to lose most, if Structural irregularities are one of the most frequent Markov decision process (MDP) models are widely not all, of our space assets. The author demonstrates causes of severe damages in buildings, as evidenced used for modeling sequential decision-making prob- humankind’s dependence on space satellites and by the numerous earthquakes in recent years. This lems that arise in engineering, economics, computer show what might happen to various aspects of our issue is of particular importance, since real struc- science, and the social sciences. Many real-world economy, defense, and daily lives if they were sud- tures are almost all irregular. Furthermore, struc- problems modeled by MDPs have huge state and/ denly destroyed. The book opens with a consider- tural irregularities depend on several factors often or action spaces, giving an opening to the curse of ation of how our space assets might be lost in the very difficult to predict. This book is an essential tool dimensionality and so making practical solution of first place: through orbital debris, war, and solar for understanding the problem of structural irregu- the resulting models intractable. In other cases, the storms. The author then looks at what would hap- larities and provides the most up-to-date review on system of interest is too complex to allow explicit pen if our satellites were lost, including the effect on this topic, covering the aspects of ground rotations, specification of some of the MDP model parameters, weather forecasting, and the Global Positioning Sys- analysis, design, control and monitoring of irregular but simulation samples are readily available (e.g., for tem, explaining GPS in detail and its[...] structures. It includes 24 contributions from authors random transitions and costs). For these settings, of 13 countries, giving a complete and international various sampling and population-based algorithms Features view of[...] have been developed to overcome[...] How much do we depend on space satellites? Defense, travel, agriculture, weather forecasting, Features Features mobile phones and broadband, commerce...the list Structural irregularities are one of the most frequent Markov decision process (MDP) models are widely seems endless. But what would our live be like if the causes of severe damages in buildings, as evidenced used for modeling sequential decision-making prob- unimaginable happened and, by accident or design, by the numerous earthquakes in recent years. This lems that arise in engineering, economics, computer those space assets disappeared?Sky Alert! explores issue is of particular importance, since real struc- science, and the social sciences. Many real-world what our world would be like, looking in turn at tures are almost all irregular. Furthermore, structural problems modeled by MDPs have huge state and/ areas where the loss could have catastrophic [..] irregularities depend on several factors often very or action spaces, giving an opening to the curse of difficult to predict. This book is an essential tool for dimensionality and so making practical solution of Contents understanding the problem of structural [..] the resulting models intractable. In other cases, the From the Contents: Part I: How we might lose our system [..] Satellites.- Orbital Debris.- War.-Part II: If we were Contents to lose our satellites.- The Global Positioning System From the Contents: Introduction - State of the art.- Contents (Military Uses).- Economic Fallout from the Losing Strain and rotation seismic waves.- An investigation Markov Decision Processes.- Multi-stage Adaptive the Global Positioning System.- GPS and the Aver- of an external impact conversion into the strained Sampling Algorithms.- Population-based Evolution- age Person.- Spy Satellites and Military Reconnais- rotation inside ancient boulder structures (Solovky ary Approaches.- Model Reference Adaptive Search.- sance.- Communications.- Weather Forecasting.- islands, White Sea).- Numerical analysis of seismic On-line Control Methods via Simulation.- Game- Remote Sensing - Resource Monitoring and Locat- ground rotations from the wave passage effects.- theoretic Methods via Simulation. ing.- Remote Sensing - Environmental Monitoring Effect of angle of incidence of seismic waves on the and Science.- Part III: What Can We Do?.- Reduce inelastic dynamic response of irregular R/C struc- Fields of interest the Growth of Orbital Debris. tures.- Impact of seismic rotational components on Mess- und Regelungstechnik; Systemtheorie, symmetric structures.- The effect of common irreg- Steuerungstheorie; Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Fields of interest ularities on the seismic performance of existing RC Stochastische Prozesse; Planungstheorie, Mathema- Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik; Sachbuch Astronomie; framed buildings.- Influence[...] tisches Programmieren; Analyse von Algorithmen Sicherheitstechnologie; Kommunikationstechnik und Komplexität; Operations Research / Entschei- und -netze; Fernerkundung / Photogrammetrie; Fields of interest dungstheorie Volkswirtschaftslehre Bauwesen und Bautechnik ; Geotechnik & Ange- wandte Geowissenschaften; Gebäudeinstandhaltung Target groups Target groups und -wartung; Strukturmechanik Research Popular/general

Target groups Type of publication Type of publication Research Monograph Popular science More on Type of publication More on Monograph Hardcover Softcover 2013. XI, 199 p. 80 illus., 55 in color. (Popular Science) More on 2013. XVII, 229 p. 29 illus., 1 in color. (Communications and Control Engineering) 32,09 € Hardcover 106,99 € ISBN 978-1-4614-1829-0 2013. XIV, 374 p. 206 illus., 91 in color. (Geotechnical, ISBN 978-1-4471-5021-3 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Geological and Earthquake Engineering, Band 24) Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 139,05 € ISBN 978-94-007-5376-1 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 128 Technik

M. Margenstern, University of Lorraine, METZ Cedex 1, France M. Abramovici, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany; R. Stark, S.C. Mukhopadhyay, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Berlin Institute of Technology, Germany (Eds.) Zealand; A. Mason, Liverpool John Moores University, UK (Eds.) Small Universal Cellular Automata in Hyperbolic Spaces Smart Product Engineering Smart Sensors for Real-Time Water Proceedings of the 23rd CIRP Design Conference, Bochum, Quality Monitoring A Collection of Jewels Germany, March 11th - 13th, 2013

Hyperbolic geometry is an essential part of theoret- The collection of papers in this book comprises the Sensors are being utilized to increasing degrees in all ical astrophysics and cosmology. Besides specialists proceedings of the 23rd CIRP Design Conference forms of industry. Researchers and industrial prac- of these domains, many specialists of new domains held between March 11th and March 13th 2013 at titioners in all fields seek to obtain a better under- start to show a growing interestboth to hyperbolic the Ruhr-Universität Bochum in Germany. The standing of appropriate processes so as to improve geometry and to cellular automata. This is especially event was organized in cooperation with the Ger- quality of service and efficiency. The quality of water the case in biology and computer science. This book man Academic Society for Product Development – is no exception, and the water industry is faced with gives the reader a deep and efficient introduction to WiGeP. The focus of the conference was on »Smart a wide array of water quality issues being present an algorithmic approach to hyperbolic geometry. It Product Engineering«, covering two major aspects world-wide. Thus, the need for sensors to tackle this focuses the attention on the possibilities to obtain of modern product creation: the development of diverse subject is paramount. The aim of this book in this frame the power of computing everything a intelligent (“smart”) products as well as the new is to combine, for the first time, international exper- computer can compute, that is to say: universality. (“smart”) approach of engineering, explicitly tak- tise in the area of water quality monitoring using The minimal ways to get universality are investigated ing into account consistent systems integration. smart sensors and systems in order that a better in a large family of tilings of the hyperbolic plane. In Throughout the 97 papers contained in these pro- understanding of the challenges faced and solutions several[...] ceedings, a range of topics are covered, amongst posed[...] them the different[...] Features Features Hyperbolic geometry is an essential part of theoret- Features Sensors are being utilised to increasing degrees in all ical astrophysics and cosmology. Besides specialists The collection of papers in this book comprises forms of industry. Researchers and industrial prac- of these domains, many specialists of new domains the proceedings of the 23rd CIRP Design Confer- titioners in all fields seek to obtain a better under- start to show a growing interestboth to hyperbolic ence held between March 11th and March 13th 2013 standing of appropriate processes so as to improve geometry and to cellular automata. This is especially at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum in Germany. The quality of service and efficiency. The quality of water the case in biology and computer science. This book event was organized in cooperation with the Ger- is no exception, and the water industry is faced with gives the reader a deep and efficient introduction to man Academic Society for Product Development – a wide array of water quality issues being present an algorithmic approach to [..] WiGeP. The focus of the conference was on »Smart world-wide. Thus, the need for [..] Product Engineering«, covering two major aspects of Contents Contents [..] Why hyperbolic geometry?.- Cellular automata and Monitoring pollutants in wastewater: traditional lab the railway model.- Inthepentagrid.- In the hepta- Contents based versus modern real-time approaches.- In situ grid.- In the tilings.- In the dodecagrid.- Strongly Design theory & Research.- Design for/to X.- Design phosphate monitoring in seawater: today and tomor- universal hyperbolic cellular automata.- The help of methods & tools.- Manufacturing.- Management & row.- Fluorescence and phosphorescence chemi- programming. Organization.- PLM.- Systems Engineering.- Vir- cal sensors applied to water samples.- Monitoring tual Reality / Virtual Prototyping.- The Human in wastewater treatment using voltammetric electronic Fields of interest Design. tongues.- Automatic water and wastewater quality Komplexität; Complex Systems monitoring systems.- Development and deployment Fields of interest of a microfluidic platform for water quality monitor- Target groups Konstruktionslehre, Produktentwicklung ; Com- ing.- Nitrate anion sensors, their applications and a Research putergestützte Systeme (CAD,CAE) und Comput- case study of their status in waste water from selected areas of coastal Guyana via a[...] Type of publication ergestütztes Design; Produktion und Fertigung; Technologiemanagement Monograph Fields of interest More on Target groups Elektronik und Mikroelektronik ; Abwassertechnik / Gewässerschutz / Wasserwirtschaft; Hydrogeologie Hardcover Research 2013. X, 320 p. 168 illus. (Emergence, Complexity and Type of publication Target groups Computation, Band 4) Proceedings Research 139,09 € ISBN 978-3-642-36662-8 More on Type of publication Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Hardcover Monograph 2013. XX, 1011 p. 447 illus. (Lecture Notes in Production More on Engineering) 319,93 € Hardcover ISBN 978-3-642-30816-1 2013. X, 285 p. 123 illus. (Smart Sensors, Measurement and Instrumentation) Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 106,99 € ISBN 978-3-642-37005-2 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Technik 129

D. Cetindamar, Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey; T. Daim, H.A. Richard, Universität Paderborn; M. Sander, Universität Ros- A.S.C. Fernandes, Técnico Lisboa, Porto Salvo, Portugal Portland State University, OR, USA; B. Beyhan, METU University, tock Cankaya, Turkey; N. Basoglu, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey (Eds.) The Contribution of Technology to Technische Mechanik. Added Value Strategic Planning Decisions in the Festigkeitslehre High Tech Industry Lehrbuch mit Praxisbeispielen, Klausuraufgaben und Lösun- There is a wide consensus that introduction of tech- gen nology to the production process contributes to an overall economic value, however, confusion between The scale and complexity of research and practices of Dieses Lehr- und Übungsbuch vermittelt durch technology, knowledge and capital often makes value open innovation mandate a correspondingly sophis- Praxisbeispiele anschaulich und anwendungsnah calculations ambiguous and non-objective. The Con- ticated form of decision making. Strategic Planning die wesentlichen Grundlagen der Festigkeitslehre. tribution of Technology to Added Value addresses Decisions brings together a number of tools that ease Es beschäftigt sich insbesondere mit Spannungen not only this issue of definition but also provides a the decision process in technology companies, pro- und Verzerrungen von verformbaren Körpern. production model to assess the value contribution viding both conceptual frameworks and practical Durchgerechnete Übungsbeispiele, ausgewählte of technology within the production process.A clar- applications.Innovative approaches are presented Klausuraufgaben und viele selbsterklärende Abbil- ification of fundamental semantics provides a sig- such as an ontology-based model where all the rele- dungen ermöglichen das erfolgreiche Selbststudium. nificant taxonomy for technology dependence, and vant aspects of a potential technology are interrelated Für die aktuelle Auflage wurde der Übungsteil mit allows understanding and modeling of how knowl- to provide a comprehensive and logically connected Klausuraufgaben erweitert. edge, technology and capital individually contribute data pool for decision makers. Divided into two sec- to production and to value adding. A[...] tions, Strategic Planning Decisions describe both Features Dieses Lehr- und Übungsbuch vermittelt an Prax- strategic approaches using the decision tools, and Features isbeispielen anschaulich und anwendungsnah tactical approaches. Some of[...] There is a wide consensus that introduction of tech- die wesentlichen Grundlagen der Festigkeitslehre nology to the production process contributes to an Features in kurzer und prägnanter Form. Ausführlich overall economic value, however, confusion between The scale and complexity of research and practices of durchgerechnete Übungsbeispiele, ausgewählte technology, knowledge and capital often makes value open innovation mandate a correspondingly sophis- Klausuraufgaben und viele selbst erklärende Abbil- calculations ambiguous and non-objective. The Con- ticated form of decision making. Strategic Planning dungen ermöglichen ein erfolgreiches Selbststudium. tribution of Technology to Added Value addresses Decisions brings together a number of tools that ease Für die aktuelle Auflage wurde der Übungsteil not only this issue of definition but also provides a the decision process in technology companies, pro- erweitert.Der [..] production model to assess the value [..] viding both conceptual frameworks and practical Contents applications.Innovative approaches are presented Contents Fragestellungen der Festigkeitslehre.- Grundprinzip- such as an ontology-based model where all [..] 1.Introduction.- 2.Technology in Growth Models.- ien einer Festigkeitsbetrachtung.- Spannungen, 3.A Model to Measure Technology.- 4.The Value Contents Verzerrungen, Stoffgesetze.- Stäbe und Stabsys- Added by Technology.- 5.Technology Dependence 1.Strategic Planning Decisions: An Overview.- PART teme.- Biegung von Balken und balkenartigen Trag- Taxonomy.- 6.Value Representing Technology and I.Strategic Approaches.- 2.No Escape from the Dom- werken.- Schubbeanspruchungen.- Torsion von Knowledge.- 7.Key Conclusions. inant Theories: The Analysis of Intellectual Pillars Wellen und Tragstrukturen.- Mehrachsige und über- of Technology Management in Developing Coun- lagerte Beanspruchungen.- Stabilitätsprobleme bei Fields of interest tries.- 3.Ontology- and Function-based Technology Stäben und Balken.- Energiemethoden.- Klausurauf- Betriebswirtschaft, Organisation, Materialwirtschaft, Model for decision making in new Product Develop- gaben. Logistik und Marketing in der Technik ; Konstruk- ment.- 4.Strategic Foresight Methodology to Iden- tionslehre, Produktentwicklung tifying Business Opportunities and Technology Fields of interest Trends.- 5.Strategic Planning for Research Institu- Theoretische und technische Mechanik ; Maschinen- Target groups tions.- 6.Platform Emergence in Double Unknown.- bau Research 7.Imovator’s Dilemma: How to Decide When to be Offensive and When to be Defensive?.- 8.Technol- Target groups Type of publication ogy[...] Upper undergraduate Monograph More on Fields of interest Type of publication Betriebswirtschaft, Organisation, Materialwirtschaft, German textbook Hardcover Logistik und Marketing in der Technik ; Operations More on 2013. VIII, 104 p. 29 illus. Research / Entscheidungstheorie; Organisation / Pla- 106,99 € Softcover nung ISBN 978-1-4471-5000-8 2013. X, 219 S. 116 Abb. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Target groups 19,99 € Professional/practitioner ISBN 978-3-658-01476-6 Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Type of publication Monograph More on Hardcover 2013. VI, 259 p. 71 illus., 6 in color. 106,95 € ISBN 978-1-4471-4886-9 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 130 Technik

C. Lardier, Air and Cosmos, Paris, France; S. Barensky, Jaillans, P. Szcześniak, University of Zielona Góra, Poland S. Gevorgian, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, France Sweden; A.K. Tagantsev, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland; A.K. Vorobiev, Chalmers University of Three-phase AC-AC Power Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden The Soyuz Launch Vehicle Converters Based on Matrix The Two Lives of an Engineering Triumph Converter Topology Tuneable Film Bulk Acoustic Wave Resonators “The Soyuz Launch Vehicle” tells the story, for the Matrix-reactance frequency converters concept first time in a single English-language book, of the extremely successful Soyuz launch vehicle. Built AC voltage frequency changes is one of the most To handle many standards and ever increasing band- as the world’s first intercontinental ballistic mis- important functions of solid state power converters. width requirements, large number of filters and sile (ICBM), Soyuz was adapted to launch not only The most desirable features in frequency convert- switches are used in transceivers of modern wireless Sputnik but also the first man to orbit Earth, and ers are the ability to generate load voltages with arbi- communications systems. It makes the cost, perfor- has been in service for over fifty years in a variety of trary amplitude and frequency, sinusoidal currents mance, form factor, and power consumption of these forms. It has launched all Soviet manned spacecraft and voltages waveforms; the possibility of providing systems, including cellular phones, critical issues. and is now the only means of reaching the Inter- unity power factor for any load; and, finally, a simple At present, the fixed frequency filter banks based on national Space Station. It was also the workhorse and compact power circuit. Over the past decades, a Film Bulk Acoustic Resonators (FBAR) are regarded for launching satellites and space probes and has number of different frequency converter topologies as one of the most promising technologies to address recently been given a second life in French Guiana, have appeared in the literature, but only the convert- performance -form factor-cost issues. Even though fulfilling a commercial role in a joint venture with ers with either a voltage or current DC link are com- the FBARs improve the overall performances the France. No other launch[...] monly used in industrial applications. Improvements complexity of these systems remains high. Attempts in power semiconductor switches over recent years are being made to exclude some of the filters by Features have resulted in[...] bringing the digital signal[...] The Soyuz launch vehicle has had a long and illustri- ous history. Built as the world's first intercontinental Features Features missile, it took the first man into space in April 1961, AC voltage frequency changes is one of the most To handle many standards and ever increasing band- before becoming the workhorse of Russian space- important functions of solid state power converters. width requirements, large number of filters and flight, launching satellites, interplanetary probes, The most desirable features in frequency convert- switches are used in transceivers of modern wireless every cosmonaut from Gagarin onwards, and, now, ers are the ability to generate load voltages with arbi- communications systems. It makes the cost, perfor- the multinational crews of the International Space trary amplitude and frequency, sinusoidal currents mance, form factor, and power consumption of these Station.This remarkable book [..] and voltages waveforms; the possibility of providing systems, including cellular phones, critical issues. unity power factor for any load; and, finally, a simple At present, the fixed frequency filter banks based on Contents and compact power circuit. Over the past [..] Film Bulk Acoustic Resonators (FBAR) are regarded Part I: Soyuz in the East.- The V-2’s heir.- Design- as [..] ing the Semyorka.- The Council of Chief Designers.- Contents Korolev’s Subsidiaries.- The Various Versions.- The Introduction.- Review of AC-AC frequency convert- Contents Launch Bases.- Part II: Soyuz in the West.- A Fantasy ers.- Concept of matrix-reactance frequency con- Dielectric and Acoustic Properties of Ferroelectrics Launcher.- East meets West.- Genesis of Starsem.- verters.- Modeling of matrix-reactance frequency and Piezoelectrics.- Models of FBARs.- Making Non- Europeans on the Steppe.- Russians in the Jungle.- converters.- Property analysis.- Experimental inves- tuneable FBARs Tuneable.- FBARs Utilising Induced Soyuz – Launcher of the Future. tigation.- Summary. Piezoelectric Effect.- Designs of Tuneable FBARs.- Fabrication Processes and Measurements of FBARs.- Fields of interest Fields of interest Circuit Applications.- Conclusion and Challenges. Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik; Sachbuch Mathe- Leistungselektronik, Elektrische Maschinen und Net- matik / Naturwissenschaften / Technik ; Sachbuch zwerke; Energiespeicher; Elektronische Schaltungen Fields of interest Astronomie und Bauelemente Schaltkreise und Systeme; Optische und elektronis- che Werkstoffe; Hochfrequenztechnik und optische Target groups Target groups Nachrichtentechnik Popular/general Research Target groups Type of publication Type of publication Research Popular science Monograph More on More on Type of publication Monograph Softcover Hardcover 2013. XII, 500 p. 233 illus., 111 in color. (Space Explo- 2013. XII, 174 p. 141 illus., 42 in color. (Power Systems) More on ration) 106,95 € Hardcover 48,14 € ISBN 978-1-4471-4895-1 2013. XVIII, 243 p. 107 illus., 38 in color. (Engineering ISBN 978-1-4614-5458-8 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Materials and Processes) Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 106,99 € ISBN 978-1-4471-4943-9 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Umweltwissenschaften 131

C. Azcona Murillo, University of Zaragoza, Spain; B. Calvo Lopez, J.R. Smith, University of Washington (Ed.) University of Zaragoza, Spain; S.C. Pueyo, University of Zaragoza, Umweltwissenschaften Spain Wirelessly Powered Sensor

Voltage-to-Frequency Converters Networks and Computational RFID T.M. Nakanishi, The University of Tokyo, Japan; K. Tanoi, The Uni- versity of Tokyo, Japan (Eds.) CMOS Design and Implementation The Wireless Identification and Sensing Platform This book develops voltage-to-frequency converter (WISP) is the first of a new class of RF-powered Agricultural Implications of the (VFC) solutions integrated in standard CMOS sensing and computing systems. Rather than being Fukushima Nuclear Accident technology to be used as a part of a microcon- powered by batteries, these sensor systems are pow- troller-based, multisensor interface in the environ- ered by radio waves that are either deliberately ment of portable applications, particularly within a broadcast or ambient. Enabled by ongoing exponen- Following the Fukushima nuclear accident, a large WSN node. Coverage includes the total design flow tial improvements in the energy efficiency of micro- volume of monitoring data has been collected about of monolithic VFCs, according to the target applica- electronics, RF-powered sensing and computing is the soil, air, dust, and seawater, along with data tion, as well as the analysis, design and implemen- rapidly moving along a trajectory from impossible about an immense number of foods supplied to the tation of the main VFC blocks, revealing the main (in the recent past), to feasible (today), toward prac- market. Little is known, however, about the effect of challenges and solutions encountered during the tical and commonplace (in the near future). This radioactive fallout on agriculture, information about design of such high performance cells. Four com- book is a collection of key papers on RF-powered which is vital. Although more than 80% of the dam- plete VFCs, each temperature compensated, are sensing and computing systems including the WISP. aged area is related to agriculture, in situ informa- fully designed and evaluated: a programmable VFC Several of the papers grew out of the WISP[...] tion specifically for agriculture is scarce. This book that includes an offset frequency and a sleep/mode provides data about the actual movement and accu- enable[...] Features mulation of radioactivity in the ecological system— The Wireless Identification and Sensing Platform for example, whether debris deposited on mountains Features (WISP) is the first of a new class of RF-powered can be a cause of secondary contamination, under This book develops voltage-to-frequency converter sensing and computing systems. Rather than being what conditions plants[...] (VFC) solutions integrated in standard CMOS powered by batteries, these sensor systems are pow- technology to be used as a part of a microcon- ered by radio waves that are either deliberately Features troller-based, multisensor interface in the environ- broadcast or ambient. Enabled by ongoing exponen- Following the Fukushima nuclear accident, a large ment of portable applications, particularly within a tial improvements in the energy efficiency of micro- volume of monitoring data has been collected about WSN node. Coverage includes the total design flow electronics, RF-powered sensing and computing is the soil, air, dust, and seawater, along with data of monolithic VFCs, according to the target applica- rapidly moving [..] about an immense number of foods supplied to the tion, as well as the analysis, design and implementa- market. Little is known, however, about the effect of tion of the main [..] Contents radioactive fallout on agriculture, information about Preface.- Range Scaling of Wirelessly Powered Sen- which is vital. Although more than 80% of the dam- Contents sor Systems.- History of the WISP Program.- The aged area is related to agriculture, in situ [..] Introduction.- VFC Fundamentals.- Basic VFC Wireless Identification and Sensing Platform.- Sys- Cells.- VFC Architectures.- Conclusions.- Appendix tem-On-Chip WISP: A 9 micro-Amp, Addressable Contents A: UMC 0.18-µm Mixed-Mode/RF CMOS Process.- Gen 2 Sensor Tag for BioSignal Acquisition.- Bat- 1. The overview of our research (Tomoko M. Nakan- Appendix B: V-I Converters: Small Signal Analysis. tery-less wireless sensors based on low power UHF ishi).- 2. Behavior of radiocesium adsorbed by the RFID tags.- Passive RFID-based Wake-up Radios leaves and stems of wheat plant during the first year Fields of interest for Wireless Sensor Networks.- BAT: Backscatter after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant Schaltkreise und Systeme; Elektronik und Mikroelek- Anything-to-Tag Communication.- Implementing accident (K. Tanoi).- 3. Radiocesium Absorption tronik ; Signal-, Bild- und Sprachverarbeitung the Gen 2 MAC on the Intel WISP.- WISP Monitor- by Rice in Paddy Field Ecosystems (K. Nemoto and ing and Debugging.- Maximalist Cryptography and J. Abe).- 4. Cesium uptake in rice: possible trans- Target groups Computation on the WISP UHF RFID Tag.- Security porter, distribution and variation (T. Fujiwara).- 5. Research Enhanced WISPs:[...] Time-course Analysis of Radiocesium Uptake and Translocation in Rice by Radioisotope Imaging (N. Type of publication Fields of interest I. Kobayashi).- 6. Vertical migration of Radiocesium Monograph Kommunikationstechnik und -netze fallout in soil in Fukushima (S.[...] More on Target groups Fields of interest Hardcover Research Umweltüberwachung / -analytik; Agrar- 2013. XVIII, 139 p. 95 illus., 42 in color. (Analog Circuits wissenschaften; Lebensmittelwissenschaft; and Signal Processing) Type of publication Pflanzenökologie; Tierökologie; Meeres- und 106,95 € Monograph Süßwasserforschung ISBN 978-1-4614-6236-1 More on Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Target groups Hardcover Research 2013. XIV, 271 p. 149 illus., 95 in color. 106,95 € Type of publication ISBN 978-1-4419-6165-5 Monograph Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. More on Hardcover 2013. X, 204 p. 96 illus., 69 in color. 53,49 € ISBN 978-4-431-54327-5 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 132 Umweltwissenschaften

C. Sheppard, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK (Ed.) J. MacDonald Gibson, Gillings School of Global Public Health, D. Cocks, CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Crace, ACT, Australia Chapel Hill, NC, USA; A. Brammer, Gillings School of Global Pub- lic Health, Chapel Hill, NC, USA; C. Davidson, Gillings School of Coral Reefs of the United Kingdom Global Public Health, Chapel Hill, NC, USA; T. Folley, Gillings Global Overshoot School of Global Public Health, Chapel Hill, NC, USA; F. Launay, Overseas Territories Environment Agency Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia; J. Thomsen, Contemplating the World's Converging Problems Health Authority Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia Global Overshoot is a multidisciplinary analysis The tropical UK Territories have extensive coral (including history and pre-history) from an eco- reefs. Huge parts of these areas are exceptionally Environmental Burden of Disease logical and evolutionary perspective of the con- rich, productive and diverse. Their marine biodi- Assessment temporary world system. This book compares versity exceeds that of the UK itself, and several are and critiques attitudes held by people with differ- already, or are planned to be, strictly protected. ent world views to the hypothetical prospect of Some of these areas serve as reference sites for many This publication characterizes the environmen- large widespread falls in quality of life. It also draws other countries with damaged reefs and they are tal burden of disease in the United Arab Emirates insights from these two analyses to develop and oases of tropical marine biodiversity in a fast-degrad- (UAE), measured by the excess number of deaths suggest a philosophy of Ecohumanism to people of ing world. This book reviews all of the UK reefs, and illnesses in the population due to exposure to good will who want to think constructively about the from those scarcely known to those where substan- environmental hazards. The robust methods used world’s converging problems, i.e. think altruistically tial research has already been performed. in this risk analysis can be applied to any country or and ‘think like an evolving ecosystem.’ region. This publication documents the systematic, Features multi-step process used to identify environmental Features The tropical UK Territories have extensive coral priorities and the detailed methods used to quantify Global Overshoot is a multidisciplinary analysis reefs. Huge parts of these areas are exceptionally the disease burden attributable to each risk. Based on (including history and pre-history) from an eco- rich, productive and diverse. Their marine biodi- the results of the burden of disease assessment, the logical and evolutionary perspective of the con- versity exceeds that of the UK itself, and several are publication summarizes the subsequent steps that are temporary world system. This book compares already, or are planned to be, strictly protected. recommended to further reduce the burden of dis- and critiques attitudes held by people with differ- Some of these areas serve as reference sites for many ease resulting from various[...] ent world views to the hypothetical prospect of other countries with damaged reefs and they are large widespread falls in quality of life. It also draws oases of tropical marine biodiversity in a [..] Features insights from these two analyses to develop and sug- This publication characterizes the environmen- gest a philosophy of [..] Contents tal burden of disease in the United Arab Emirates 1. An appraisal of the extent and geomorphological (UAE), measured by the excess number of deaths Contents diversity of the coral reefs of the United Kingdom and illnesses in the population due to exposure to The Deep Past: A Story of Pervasive Change.- Stages Dependent Territories.- 2. Coral Reefs of Anguilla.- environmental hazards. The robust methods used in the Evolution of Modern Humans.- Emergence 3. Introduction to reefs and shorelines of the British in this risk analysis can be applied to any country or and Evolution of Complex Societies.- The Road to Virgin Islands.- 4. Marine protected areas and man- region. This publication documents the systematic, High Complexity.- Confronting GLobal Overshoot.- agement in the British Virgin Islands.- 5. Anegada: multi-step process used to identify environmental Ecohumanism and other Stories.- Index. An emergent Pleistocene reef island.- 6. Coral Reefs priorities and [..] of the Cayman Islands.- 7. Biology and ecology of the Fields of interest coral reefs of the Cayman Islands.- 8. Coral Reefs of Contents Umwelt (allgemein); Nachhaltige Entwicklung; Montserrat.- 9. The Reefs of the Turks and Caicos 1. Introduction.- 2. Prioritizing Environmental Risks Humangeographie Islands.- 10. Introduction to Bermuda: Geology, to Health- 3. Assessing the Environmental Burden Oceanography and[...] of Disease: Method Overview.- 4: Burden of Disease Target groups from Outdoor Air Pollution.- 5. Burden of Disease Research Fields of interest from Indoor Air Pollution.- 6. Burden of Disease Meeres- und Süßwasserforschung; Süßwasser- und from Occupational Exposures.- 7. Burden of Disease Type of publication Meeresökologie; Tierökologie; Biodiversität; Ökosys- from Climate.- Change.- 8. Burden of Disease from Monograph teme; Konservationsbiologie / -ökologie Drinking Water Contamination.- 9. Burden of Dis- More on ease from Coastal Water Pollution.- 10. Burden of Target groups Hardcover Disease from Soil and Groundwater Contamination.- Research 2013. XVII, 392 p. 1 illus. in color. 11. Burden of Disease from Produce and Seafood 106,99 € Contamination.- 12: Applying Environmental[...] Type of publication ISBN 978-1-4614-6264-4 Contributed volume Fields of interest Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. More on Umwelthygiene; Gesundheitswesen; Ver- Hardcover schmutzung; Umweltrecht / -politik / -gerechtigkeit 2013. XVI, 323 p. 235 illus., 168 in color. (Coral Reefs of Target groups the World, Band 4) Research 106,95 € ISBN 978-94-007-5964-0 Type of publication Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Monograph More on Hardcover 2013. XXXII, 489 p. 87 illus., 22 in color. (Environmental Science and Technology Library, Band 24) 139,05 € ISBN 978-94-007-5924-4 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Wirtschaftswissenschaften 133

Z. Luo, University of Hong Kong, China (Ed.) M.G. Erechtchoukova, School of Information Technology, Toronto, ON, Canada; P.A. Khaiter, School of Information Tech- Wirtschaftswissenschaften nology, Toronto, ON, Canada; P. Golinska, Poznan University of Mechanism Design for Technology, Poland (Eds.)

Sustainability A. van Aartsengel, Wijk Aan Zee, Netherlands; S. Kurtoglu, Sustainability Appraisal: Bochum, Germany Techniques and Cases Quantitative Methods and This book provides advanced analytics and deci- Mathematical Techniques for A Guide to Continuous sion management techniques and tools for devel- Improvement Transformation oping sustainable competitive advantages in the Environmental Performance studied target context. In order to achieve sustain- Evaluation Concepts, Processes, Implementation able economy, “the capacity to endure,” it is essential to understand and study the mechanisms for interac- This book enables enterprise business leaders - from tions and impact from and among these perspectives. One of the most important issues in developing sus- CEOs to supervisors - to understand what "Contin- tainable management strategies and incorporat- uous Improvement" is, why it is probably the best Features ing ecodesigns in production, manufacturing and answer to improved business performance in years, This book provides advanced analytics and deci- operations management is the assessment of the and how to put it to work in the unique environment sion management techniques and tools for devel- sustainability of business operations and organi- of a specific organization. The book examines what is oping sustainable competitive advantages in the zations’ overall environmental performance. The at the core of "Continuous Improvement" and delves studied target context. In order to achieve sustain- book presents the results of recent studies on sus- deeper into the elements and constituents necessary able economy, “the capacity to endure,” it is essen- tainability assessment. It provides a solid reference to take an organization to the next level to ensure tial to understand and study the mechanisms for for researchers in academia and industrial practition- its continued, long-term existence. It provides guid- interactions and impact from and among these ers on the state-of-the-art in sustainability appraisal ance to enterprise management and to profession- perspectives.The volume is organized in four broad including the development and application of sus- als engaged in the implementation of a "Continuous sections: an [..] tainability indices, quantitative methods, models and Improvement" initiative and enables them to struc- frameworks for the evaluation of current and future ture and manage its[...] Contents welfare outcomes, recommendations on[...] I Introduction.- 1. Introduction to Sustainability Features Mechanisms.- II Mechanism Design Techniques for Features This book enables enterprise business leaders - from Sustainability.- 2. Multi-Criteria Decision Making: One of the most important issues in developing sus- CEOs to supervisors - to understand what "Contin- A Mechanism Design Technique for Sustainabil- tainable management strategies and incorporat- uous Improvement" is, why it is probably the best ity.- 3. Mechanism Design for Allocation of Car- ing ecodesigns in production, manufacturing and answer to improved business performance in years, bon Emission Reduction Units: A Study of Global operations management is the assessment of the and how to put it to work in the unique environment Companies with Strategic Divisions and Partners.- 4. sustainability of business operations and organi- of a specific organization. The book examines what is Six Sigma Methodology for Sustainability: A Study zations’ overall environmental performance. The at the core of "Continuous Improvement" and delves on the Environment Sustainable Development.- 5. book presents the results of recent studies on sus- deeper into the elements and constituents necessary Soft TQM for Sustainability: An Empirical Study on tainability assessment. It provides a solid reference to [..] Indian Cement industry and its Impact on Organiza- for researchers in [..] tional Performance.- III Sustainability[...] Contents Contents Continuous Improvement - Setting the Stage.- Lead- Fields of interest Sustainability indicators: development and appli- ership.- Culture and Values.- Strategic Planning and Nachhaltige Entwicklung; Finanzierung / Banken; cation.- Formal methods for organization’s envi- Management.- Performance Measurement.- Perfor- Regenerative Energiequellen; Software Engineering; ronmental performance evaluation.- Sustainable mance Management.- Alignment, Commitment, Energiepolitik, -wirtschaft und -management; Pro- resource management.- Environmental monitoring Team Development and Management.- Process duktion / Logistik for sustainability assessment.- Quantitative meth- Improvement and Management.- Sustainability.- ods and models for environmental assessment.- Eco- Conclusion. Target groups efficiency and business opportunities for sustainable Professional/practitioner performance.- Environmental-economic accounting. Fields of interest Produktion / Logistik; Organisation / Planung; Qual- Type of publication Fields of interest itätskontrolle, Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit ; Busi- Contributed volume Umwelttechnik / Biotechnologie; Nachhaltige ness Strategy/Leadership; Project Management More on Entwicklung; Umweltwirtschaft Target groups Hardcover Target groups Professional/practitioner 2013. XII, 316 p. 86 illus., 42 in color. Research 106,95 € Type of publication ISBN 978-94-007-5994-7 Type of publication Professional book Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Monograph More on More on Hardcover Hardcover 2013. XIII, 204 p. 28 illus. (Management for Profession- 2013. VIII, 254 p. 48 illus., 22 in color. (EcoProduction) als) 139,09 € 64,19 € ISBN 978-3-642-32080-4 ISBN 978-3-642-35903-3 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 134 Wirtschaftswissenschaften

D. Kaiser, Hochschule Bochum, Deutschland L. Di Gaspero, University of Udine, Italy; A. Schaerf, University of O. Köster, Deloitte AG, Zürich Udine, Italy; Th. Stützle, IRIDIA, Bruxelles, Belgium (Eds.) Advanced Treasury Management Anteilsbasierte Vergütung nach Advances in Metaheuristics Finanzierung und Investition für Fortgeschrittene IFRS 2

Dieses Lehrbuch bietet gut lesbar und ver- Metaheuristics have been a very active research topic Kommentierung der Share-based Payments ständlich aufbereitet prüfungsrelevantes Wissen zu for more than two decades. During this time many Mit Verbreitung des Shareholder-Value-Ansatzes Finanzierung und Investition auf hohem Niveau. new metaheuristic strategies have been devised, they ist auch in der deutschen Unternehmenspraxis Dabei findet eine breite Palette relevanter The- have been experimentally tested and improved on die Bedeutung anteilsbasierter Vergütungsformen men Berücksichtigung: Außenfinanzierungsmix, challenging benchmark problems, and they have nach IFRS 2 gestiegen. Lange Zeit wurden Rech- Rating, Wandelanleihen, Jahresabschlussanalyse, proven to be important tools for tackling optimiza- nungslegungsfragen kontrovers diskutiert und nicht Duration, Derivate, Wirtschaftlichkeitsrechnung tion tasks in a large number of practical applications. zuletzt durch die Finanzmarktkrise sind diese Vergü- unter Berücksichtigung von Steuern und Unsicher- In other words, metaheuristics are nowadays estab- tungsmodelle in den Blickpunkt der Öffentlichkeit heit, Unternehmensbewertung u.v.a. Viele Case lished as one of the main search paradigms for tack- geraten. Der IFRS 2 trägt der zunehmenden Verbre- Studies und Beispiele machen das Wissen greifbar. ling computationally hard problems. Still, there are itung aktienbasierter Vergütungen Rechnung und Studierende mit entsprechendem Vorwissen kön- a large number of research challenges in the area of schafft erhöhte Transparenz und eine bilanzielle nen das Werk auch separat nutzen. Das vorliegende metaheuristics. These challenges range from more Erfassung. Trotz vielfältiger neuer Regelungen und Werk setzt die Einführung "Treasury Management" fundamental questions on theoretical properties and den teilweise damit verbundenen Einschränkungen fort. performance guarantees,[...] bei der Gestaltung anteilsbasierter Vergütungspro- Features Features gramme, dürfte diese Vergütungskomponente auch "Advanced Treasury Management" ist ein Lehrbuch Metaheuristics have been a very active research topic in Zukunft eine[...] für Fortgeschrittene, die ihre Kenntnisse in den for more than two decades. During this time many Features klassischen betriebswirtschaftlichen Lehrgebieten new metaheuristic strategies have been devised, they Anteilsbasierte Vergütung nach IFRS 2Mit Ver- Finanzierung und Investition vertiefen möchten. have been experimentally tested and improved on breitung des Shareholder-Value-Ansatzes ist auch Es ist gleichermaßen als eigenständig bearbeitbare challenging benchmark problems, and they have in der deutschen Unternehmenspraxis die Bedeu- Erstlektüre wie auch als Fortsetzung des Grundla- proven to be important tools for tackling optimiza- tung anteilsbasierter Vergütungsformen nach IFRS gen schaffenden und im gleichen Verlag erschiene- tion tasks in a large number of practical applications. 2 gestiegen. Lange Zeit wurden Rechnungslegungs- nen Werkes "Treasury Management" konzipiert. Wie In other words, metaheuristics are nowadays [..] fragen kontrovers diskutiert und nicht zuletzt rückte dieses setzt das [..] Contents die Finanzmarktkrise diese Vergütungsmodelle in Contents Finite First Hitting Time versus Stochastic conver- den Mittelpunkt. Der IFRS 2 trägt der zunehmenden Teil 1: Hoher Beitrag zur Rentabilität des gence in Particle Swarm Optimisation.- Using Per- [..] Unternehmens.- Teil 2: Sicherung der Zahlungs- formance Profiles for the Analysis and Design of Contents fähigkeit durch hohe Liquidität.- Teil 3: Steuerung Benchmark Experiments.- Real-World Parame- Normzweck und Anwendungsbereich.- Grund- von Risiken. ter Tuning using Factorial Design with Parame- prinzipien der Bilanzierung.- Bewertung.- Besonder- ter Decomposition.- Evolving Pacing Strategies for heiten der Bilanzierung von Vergütungssystemen bei Fields of interest Team Pursuit Track Cycling.- A Dual Mutation Ausgleich durch Eigenkapitalinstrumente.- Vergü- Volkswirtschaftslehre; Finanzmarktökonomie; Operator to Solve the Multi-objective Production tungssysteme mit Barausgleich. Finanzierung / Banken Planning of Perishable Goods.- Brain cine-MRI Registration using MLSDO Dynamic Optimization Target groups Fields of interest Algorithm.- GRASP with Path Relinking for the Rechungswesen / Wirtschaftsprüfung Graduate Two-Echelon Vehicle Routing Problem.- A Hybrid (1+1)-Evolutionary Strategy[...] Type of publication Target groups Professional/practitioner Graduate/advanced undergraduate textbook Fields of interest More on Operations Research / Entscheidungstheorie; Pla- Type of publication nungstheorie, Mathematisches Programmieren Softcover Professional book 2013. XVI, 408 S. 44 Abb. Target groups More on 39,99 € Research Softcover ISBN 978-3-658-01533-6 2013. VII, 65 S. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Type of publication 29,99 € Contributed volume ISBN 978-3-658-01550-3 More on Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Hardcover 2013. XIV, 183 p. 60 illus., 19 in color. (Operations Research/Computer Science Interfaces Series, Band 53) 106,99 € ISBN 978-1-4614-6321-4 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Wirtschaftswissenschaften 135

F.L. Sell, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Neubiberg, M. Ljubicic, Tübingen A. Taschner, ESB Business School, Reutlingen, Germany Deutschland; S. Kermer, Augsburg, Deutschland Bilanzpolitik und Business Cases Aufgaben und Lösungen in der Pensionsverpflichtungen nach IAS Ein anwendungsorientierter Leitfaden Volkswirtschaftslehre 19 Business Cases stellen in der Praxis das wichtigste Arbeitsbuch zu Engelkamp/Sell Eine empirisch-ökonometrische Untersuchung am deutschen Instrument dar, um unternehmerische Entschei- Das Buch wendet sich in erster Linie an Studierende Kapitalmark dungen auf ihre Vorteilhaftigkeit zu analysieren. der wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Disziplinen, aber Um einen adäquaten Business Case zu erstellen, Die Bilanzierung von Pensionsverpflichtungen nach auch an Interessenten anderer Fachrichtungen. reicht allerdings die reine Beherrschung der relevan- IAS 19 gilt seit Jahrzehnten als komplex und sieht Dabei orientiert sich dieses Arbeitsbuch an der ten Methoden der Investitionsrechnung nicht aus. sich daher auch einem stetigen Reformbedarf aus- Struktur der Einführung in die Volkswirtschaft- Andreas Taschner beschreibt detailliert die Voraus- gesetzt. US-amerikanische Studien weisen darauf slehre von Paul Engelkamp und Friedrich L. Sell setzungen und den Prozessablauf eines Business hin, dass die Bilanzierungsvorschriften nach US und deckt dessen gesamten Inhalt ab. Es ist deshalb Case, gibt Anleitungen und Tipps zur Methoden- GAAP genutzt werden, um Bilanzpolitik (Earnings als eine, gerade für die Klausurvorbereitung, sehr wahl und Ergebnisdarstellung und erläutert weit- Management) zu betreiben. Da die US-amerikanis- wertvolle Ergänzung anzusehen. Alle Aufgaben in ergehende Fragen, wie die Berücksichtigung von chen Bilanzierungsvorschriften die nach IAS 19 diesem Buch waren Bestandteil von mündlichen Unsicherheit oder die Einbeziehung nicht-mon- erlaubten Bilanzierungswahlrechte zur Vereinnah- oder schriftlichen Prüfungen. Die Lösungsskizzen etärer Faktoren. Die Orientierung am idealtypischen mung sogenannter versicherungsmathematischer und die Diskussion der Ergebnisse zeigen nochmals Prozess hilft beim Erarbeiten eigener Business Cases Gewinne und Verluste jedoch nicht vorsehen, bleibt die volkswirtschaftlichen Methoden und auch die und liefert[...] dabei die Frage offen, ob und inwieweit das Manage- möglichen Fehlerquellen bei der Beantwortung der ment Bilanzpolitik in unterschiedlichem Ausmaß in Features Fragen[...] Abhängigkeit der jeweiligen Wahlrechtsausnutzung Business Cases stellen in der Praxis das wichtigste Features betreibt. Diese[...] Instrument dar, um unternehmerische Entschei- Das Buch wendet sich in erster Linie an Studierende dungen auf ihre Vorteilhaftigkeit zu analysieren. Features der wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Disziplinen, aber Um einen adäquaten Business Case zu erstellen, Die Bilanzierung von Pensionsverpflichtungen auch an Interessenten anderer Fachrichtungen. reicht allerdings die reine Beherrschung der relevan- nach IAS 19 gilt seit Jahrzehnten als komplex und Dabei orientiert sich dieses Arbeitsbuch an der ten Methoden der Investitionsrechnung nicht aus. sieht sich daher einem stetigen Reformbedarf aus- Struktur der Einführung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre Andreas Taschner beschreibt detailliert die Voraus- gesetzt. Marko Ljubicic legt dar, in welcher Form von Paul Engelkamp und Friedrich L. Sell und deckt setzungen und den Prozessablauf eines Business bilanzpolitische Gestaltungspotenziale im Rah- dessen gesamten Inhalt ab. Es ist deshalb als eine, Case, gibt [..] men der Bilanzierung von Pensionsverpflichtungen gerade für die Klausurvorbereitung, sehr [..] nach IAS 19 existieren und systematisiert deren ver- Contents Contents schiedene Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten. Da die häufig - Der Business Case Prozess.- Die 5 Fragen eines I Grundlagen.- II Mikroökonomie.- III genutzten [..] Business Case.- Organisation, Ressourcenfragen, Makroökonomie.- IV Theorie der Wirtschaftspoli- Modellerstellung und Datensammlung.- Rechnen Contents tik.- V Finanzwissenschaft. des Business Case.- Berücksichtigung von Unsicher- Bilanzierung von Pensionsverpflichtungen.- IAS 19.- heit und sonstigen Faktoren.- Dokumentation und Fields of interest Bilanzpolitik.- Erwarteter Planvermögensertrag.- Präsentation des Business Case Volkswirtschaftslehre; Wirtschaftspoli- Empirische Untersuchung.- Multiariate Regressions- tik ; Makroökonomie / Geld und Währung; analyse. Fields of interest Mikroökonomie ; Spieltheorie / Mathematische Finanzierung / Banken; Rechungswesen / Fields of interest Methoden Wirtschaftsprüfung Rechungswesen / Wirtschaftsprüfung Target groups Target groups Target groups Upper undergraduate Professional/practitioner Research Type of publication Type of publication Type of publication German textbook Professional book Monograph More on More on More on Softcover Softcover Softcover 2013. XII, 308 S. 120 Abb. (Springer-Lehrbuch) 2013. X, 194 S. 41 Abb. 2013. XXIV, 255 S. 21 Abb. 29,99 € 29,99 € 49,99 € ISBN 978-3-642-32421-5 ISBN 978-3-658-00156-8 ISBN 978-3-658-01702-6 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 136 Wirtschaftswissenschaften

M. Pohlmann, University Heidelberg, Germany; J. Yang, B. Gubitz, Erlangen P.P. Eckstein, HTW Berlin Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, South Korea; J.-H. Lee, National Election Broadcasting Debate Commission, Seoul, South Korea (Eds.) Das Ende des Landesbankensektors Datenanalyse mit SPSS

Der Einfluss von Politik, Management und Sparkassen Realdatenbasierte Übungs- und Klausuraufgaben mit voll- Citizenship and Migration in the Era ständigen Lösungen of Globalization Die Finanzmarktkrise hat die strukturellen Sch- wierigkeiten, die in Bezug auf die Geschäftsmodelle Peter P. Eckstein bietet in seinem neuen Lehrbuch The Flow of Migrants and the Perception of Citizenship in Asia der Landesbanken bestehen, deutlich zutage treten eine Vielzahl von Übungs- und Klausuraufgaben and Europe lassen. Die Kosten, die dem Staat bei der Rettung der zur statistischen Datenanalyse mit SPSS an. Die Auf- Institute entstanden sind, sind bis heute wegen laten- gaben sind nach inhaltlichen Schwerpunkten geord- In an age of globalization there is frequent migra- ter Risiken aus Abschirmungskonstruktionen nicht net und decken jedes Anspruchsniveau ab. Basis sind tion across national borders, resulting in a reconsid- abschließend bezifferbar. Erste Erklärungsansätze, reale Daten, die im Kontext von praktischen Prob- eration of the notion, practice and social institution weshalb die Landesbanken so stark von der Finanz- lemstellungen der empirischen Wirtschafts- und of national citizenship. Addressing this phenom- marktkrise betroffen waren, sind jedoch unzure- Sozialforschung erhoben wurden. Vollständige und enon, the book focuses on the exchange between, ichend bzw. zu vereinfachend. Ziel der vorliegenden ausführliche Lösungen zu allen Aufgaben führen zu and responses, of Korea and Germany. In particular, Analyse ist es daher, mittels eines Vergleichs der einer hohen Verständlichkeit des komplexen Stoffes the book deals extensively with citizenship in Korea Landesbanken die jeweilige Bedeutung und Rolle und ermöglichen somit ein effektives Selbststudium where the concept of citizenship is young, and thus von Politik, Management und der Sparkassen für die und eine gezielte Klausurvorbereitung. Für die dritte the study of citizenship is relatively scarce. This book individuelle Leistungsfähigkeit der[...] Auflage wurden alle Aufgaben durchgesehen und das may be the first of its kind, bringing together emi- Spektrum wurde auf insgesamt 135[...] nent Korean and German scholars to analyse various Features aspects of citizenship in Korea. It is hoped that it will Die Finanzmarktkrise hat die strukturellen Sch- Features contribute to scholarship in the fields of citizenship wierigkeiten, die in Bezug auf die Geschäftsmod- Peter P. Eckstein bietet in seinem neuen Lehrbuch and[...] elle der Landesbanken bestehen, deutlich werden eine Vielzahl von Übungs- und Klausuraufgaben lassen. Die Kosten, die dem Staat bei der Rettung zur statistischen Datenanalyse mit SPSS an. Die Auf- Features der Institute entstanden sind, sind bis heute wegen gaben sind nach inhaltlichen Schwerpunkten geord- In an age of globalization there is frequent migra- latenter Risiken aus Abschirmungskonstruktionen net und decken jedes Anspruchsniveau ab. Basis sind tion across national borders, resulting in a reconsid- nicht abschließend bezifferbar. Benjamin Gubitz reale Daten, die im Kontext von praktischen Prob- eration of the notion, practice and social institution beleuchtet durch einen Vergleich einzelner Landes- lemstellungen der empirischen Wirtschafts- und of national citizenship. Addressing this phenom- banken die [..] Sozialforschung erhoben wurden. Vollständige und enon, the book focuses on the exchange between, ausführliche [..] and responses, of Korea and Germany. In particular, Contents the book deals extensively with citizenship in Korea Grundlagen und Herausforderungen des Lan- Contents where the concept of citizenship is young, [..] desbankensektors.- Corporate Governance.- Aufgaben und Lösungen in den Bereichen.- Statistis- Entwicklung des Landesbankensektors.- Rolle und che Grundbegriffe, Datenerhebung, Datendeskrip- Contents Bedeutung des politischen Ebene.- Rolle und Bedeu- tion, SPSS-Datenmanagement.- Stochastik und Introduction.- Part I.- The Idea and Practices of tung der Sparkassen. statistischer Induktion.- Zusammenhangsanalyse, Citizenship in South Korea.- Threats or Leverage Regressionsanalyse, Zeitreihenanalyse, Faktoren- for Korean Civil Society in Contesting Globaliza- Fields of interest analyse, Clusteranalyse und Baumanalyse. tion.- Part II.- The Migration of Elites in a Borderless Business Strategy/Leadership World: Citizenship as an Incentive for Professionals Fields of interest and Managers?.- A Comparative Analysis of Foreign Target groups Spieltheorie / Mathematische Methoden; Statistik in Workers and Citizenship in Korea and Germany.- Research Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Finanzmathematik, Ver- Recent Status of Marriage-based Immigrants and sicherungen their Families in Korea.- Part III.- The Perception of Type of publication Citizenship in Korea: Its Social and Political Varia- Monograph Target groups tions.- Attitudes of local workers towards civil rights More on Lower undergraduate of migrant workers in Korea.-[...] Softcover Type of publication 2013. XXI, 360 S. 6 Abb. Fields of interest German textbook 59,99 € Sozialpolitik ; Recht (allgemein) More on ISBN 978-3-658-01672-2 Target groups Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Softcover Research 2013. VIII, 164 S. 36 Abb. 21,99 € Type of publication ISBN 978-3-658-01361-5 Monograph Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. More on Softcover 2013. XI, 226 p. 30 illus., 19 in color. (Transcultural Research – Heidelberg Studies on Asia and Europe in a Global Context) 106,95 € ISBN 978-3-642-19738-3 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Wirtschaftswissenschaften 137

M. Geißler, Chemnitz S. Ritter, Institut Ritter GmbH, Sangerhausen, Deutschland B. Kampmann, Leopoldshöhe; B. Keller, Mutterstadt; M. Knip- pelmeyer, Bielefeld; F. Wagner, Potsdam (Eds.) Determinanten des Die Entwicklung Ihres Vorgründungsprozesses Unternehmens Die Frauen und das Netz Angebote und Nutzung aus Genderperspektive Einfluss unternehmerischer Chancen und des Gründungskli- Der Weg zu einer wirklich ertragreichen Selbständigkeit mas im Hochschulumfeld Seit das Internet existiert , bestehen zwischen Es gibt viel Literatur zum Management von Frauen und Männern in Zugang und Nutzung- Auf Grundlage aktueller Forschungsarbeiten zur Unternehmen. In den meisten Fällen handelt es sich shäufigkeit signifikante Unterschiede. Dieser Identifikation unternehmerischer Chancen und um sehr theoretische, wissenschaftliche Abhand- Internet Gender Gap scheint heute bei jungen etablierter Theorien zur Gründungsabsicht wird eine lungen, die im Tagesgeschäft eines Unternehmers Frauen weitgehend beseitigt. Allerdings zeigen neue Perspektive des Vorgründungsprozesses erar- begrenzt oder gar nicht weiterbringen. Dieses Buch sich in sämtlichen Altersgruppen noch immer beitet. Es erfolgt eine intensive Aufarbeitung des Lit- ist anders. Es richtet sich in klaren Worten genau geschlechtsspezifische Nutzungsmuster – selbst dort, eraturstandes zu unternehmerischen Chancen und an Sie, den Inhaber einer kleinen, mittleren oder wo neue Anwendungen vielfältigere Möglichkeiten zum absichtsbasierten Vorgründungsprozess. Auf- auch einer größeren Firma! Was behindert tatsäch- erlauben. Dieses Buch liefert einen Überblick über bauend auf der entwickelten Perspektive wird ein lich die weitere Entwicklung Ihres Unternehmens? die Entwicklungslinien, Verhaltensdimensionen neues Modell des Vorgründungsprozesses abgeleitet Wie schaffen Sie es, Ihr Unternehmen wirklich auf und Vernetzungsmöglichkeiten der verschiedenen und empirisch getestet. Hierdurch offenbaren Wachstumskurs zu bringen, ohne hierbei privat Altersgruppen und Nutzerinnensegmente. Anhand sich bisher verborgene Wirkungszusammenhänge auf der Strecke zu bleiben? Steffen Ritter vermit- konkreter Beispiele wird aufgezeigt, wie Frauen das im Vorgründungsprozess. Auf dieser Grundlage telt anschaulich und bewegend zehn Entwicklungss- Innovationspotenzial des Internets zur Gestaltung werden anschließend Chancen und Grenzen der chritte, gleichsam die „Bedienungsanleitung“ für ihrer Lebens- und[...] Einflussnahme von Hochschulen auf den Vorgrün- junge oder[...] dungsprozess bei Studierenden[...] Features Features Seit das Internet existiert, bestehen zwischen Frauen Features Die Entwicklung Ihres UnternehmensSteffen Ritter und Männern in Zugang und Nutzungshäufigkeit Trotz zahlreicher Sensibilisierungs- und Förder- vermittelt anschaulich zehn Entwicklungsschritte, signifikante Unterschiede. Dieser Internet Gen- maßnahmen gelingt es bislang in Deutschland nicht, gleichsam die „Bedienungsanleitung“ für junge der Gap scheint heute bei jungen Frauen weitge- das umfangreich vorhandene Ausgründungspoten- oder bereits tätige Unternehmer, die Sie garantiert hend beseitigt. Allerdings zeigen sich in sämtlichen tial der Hochschulen zu erschließen. Mario Geißler voranbringt. Sie lernen, sich selbst für Ihre Firma Altersgruppen noch immer geschlechtsspezifische legt zu diesem aus praktischer Sicht spannenden bewusst und in den richtigen Aufgaben einzusetzen. Nutzungsmuster – selbst dort, wo neue Anwendun- Feld der Ausgründung aus Hochschulen innovative Sie entwickeln Systeme, mit denen Sie erfolgreiches gen vielfältigere Möglichkeiten erlauben. Dieses Forschungsergebnisse vor. Aus einer verhaltenswis- Wachstum fast nicht mehr [..] Buch liefert einen [..] senschaftlichen Perspektive untersucht er den Vor- Contents gründungsprozess und [..] Contents Gedanken zum Wachstum eines Unternehmens.- Quantitative und qualitative Internetnutzung und Contents Unabhängig vom Chef?.- In zehn Schritten: Bedi- -nichtnutzung der Zielgruppe.- Engagement und Forschungsstand zum absichtsbasierten enungsanleitung für Ihr Unternehmenswachstum.- Sicherheit in Netzwerken.- On- und Offline-Strate- Vorgründungsprozess.- Unternehmerische Der Weg in Ihre Praxis. gien zur Gewinnung der Zielgruppe.- Best-Prac- Chancen in der tise-Modelle aus Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft.- Gründungsforschung.- Unternehmensgründungen Fields of interest Berichte aus der Zielgruppe.- Perspektiven und im Business Strategy/Leadership; Finanzierung / Banken Potenziale: Hemmschwellen abbauen, Inhalte und Hochschulumfeld.- Modellentwicklung.- Empirische Gestaltung vereinfachen, Nutzung erleichtern, Qual- Untersuchung.- Kritische Würdigung und Implika- Target groups ität verbessern.- Zukunftsszenarien. tionen. Professional/practitioner Fields of interest Fields of interest Type of publication Marketing Entrepreneurship Professional book More on Target groups Target groups Professional/practitioner Research Hardcover 2013. XII, 148 S. Type of publication Type of publication 29,99 € Professional book Monograph ISBN 978-3-8349-4522-8 More on More on Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Hardcover Softcover 2013. VIII, 344 S. 50 Abb. 2013. XXI, 252 S. 51 Abb. (Markenkommunikation und 59,95 € Beziehungsmarketing) ISBN 978-3-8349-4128-2 49,99 € ISBN 978-3-658-01664-7 Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 138 Wirtschaftswissenschaften

C. Zydorek, Hochschule Furtwangen P. Engelkamp, DST - Entwicklungszentrum für Schiffstechnik und S.O. Idowu, London Metropolitan University, UK; N. Capaldi, Loy- Transportsysteme e.V., Duisburg, Deutschland; F.L. Sell, Univer- ola University New Orleans, LA, USA; L. Zu, International Labor sität der Bundeswehr München, Neubiberg, Deutschland Organization, Turin, Italy; A. Das Gupta, Indian Institute of Planta- Einführung in die tion Management, Bangalore, India (Eds.) Medienwirtschaftslehre Einführung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre Encyclopedia of Corporate Social Welche medienökonomischen Anknüpfungspunkte Responsibility haben speziell Studierende als Abnehmer und kün- ftige Produzenten von Medien? Diese Einstiegsfrage Dieses Buch wendet sich an Studierende der The role of Corporate Social Responsibility in the verdeutlicht auf einfache Weise die Sinnhaftigkeit Wirtschaftswissenschaften, aber auch an Inter- business world has developed from a fig leaf mar- einer systematischen Durchdringung des The- essenten anderer Fachrichtungen und an Praktiker. keting front into an important aspect of corporate mas Medienökonomie und führt die wichtigsten Vermittelt wird ein Überblick über die Volk- behavior over the past several years. Sustainable Begriffe ein: Medien, Inhalt, Wertschöpfung, Güter, swirtschaftslehre mit dem Ziel, die wichtigsten strategies are valued, desired and deployed more Bedürfnisbefriedigung mit Medien, Medien als Fragestellungen dieser Disziplin aufzuzeigen und die and more by relevant players in many industries all Wirtschafts- und Kulturgüter. Christoph Zydorek Methoden vorzustellen, mit denen man diese Fragen over the world. Both research and corporate prac- stellt die drei Haupt-Akteurstypen (Rezipient, Medi- zu beantworten sucht. In erster Linie geht es darum, tice therefore see CSR as a guiding principle for enunternehmen, werbetreibende Wirtschaft) auf die "ökonomische Intuition" beim Leser zu wecken, business success.The “Encyclopedia of Corporate Medienmärkten mit ihren jeweiligen Handlungsmo- mit den Denkansätzen der Ökonomie vertraut zu Social Responsibility” has been conceived to assist tivationen sowie danach die zentralen Eigenschaften machen und zur weiteren Beschäftigung mit der researchers and practitioners to align business and von Mediengütern vor. Darauf aufbauend können Materie anzuregen. Nach einem kurzen Überblick societal objectives. All actors in the field will find einige[...] über die Grundlagen der Volkswirtschaftslehre steht die Behandlung mikro- und makroökonomischer reliable and up to date definitions and explanations Features Themen im Vordergrund.[...] of the key terms of CSR in this[...] Welche medienökonomischen Anknüpfungspunkte Features haben speziell Studierende als Abnehmer und kün- Features The role of Corporate Social Responsibility in the ftige Produzenten von Medien? Diese Einstiegsfrage Dieses Buch wendet sich an Studierende der business world has developed from a fig leaf mar- verdeutlicht auf einfache Weise die Sinnhaftigkeit Wirtschaftswissenschaften, aber auch an Inter- keting front into an important aspect of corporate einer systematischen Durchdringung des Themas essenten anderer Fachrichtungen und an Praktiker. behavior over the past several years. Sustainable Medienökonomie und führt die wichtigsten Begriffe Vermittelt wird ein Überblick über die Volk- strategies are valued, desired and deployed more ein: Medienträger, Inhalt, Wertschöpfung, Güter, swirtschaftslehre mit dem Ziel, die wichtigsten and more by relevant players in many industries all Bedürfnisbefriedigung mit Medien, Medien als Fragestellungen dieser Disziplin aufzuzeigen und die over the world. Both research and corporate practice Wirtschafts- und [..] Methoden vorzustellen, mit denen man diese Fragen zu beantworten sucht. In erster Linie geht es darum, therefore see CSR as a guiding principle for business Contents die "ökonomische [..] [..] Die Medien- und Kommunikationswirtschaft- Contents slehre als Wissenschaft.- Medieninhalte, Medien- Contents AA1000.- Academy of Business in Society (EABIS) gattungen und Medienformate.- Mediengüter.- 1 Grundlagen.- 2 Mikroökonomie.- 3 ACCA.- Accountability.- AccountAbility.- Acid Akteurstyp 1: Der Abnehmer von Mediengütern auf Makroökonomie.- 4 Theorie der Wirtschaftspolitik.- Rain.- Acidification.- Adam Smith - The Theory dem Rezipientenmarkt.- Akteurstyp 2: Das Medi- 5 Finanzwissenschaft.- Sachwortverzeichnis. of Moral Sentiments and The Wealth of Nations.- enunternehmen als Anbieter.- Akteurstyp 3: Die Fields of interest Advertisment.- Affirmative Action.- African Peer werbetreibende Wirtschaft – der Abnehmer auf dem Volkswirtschaftslehre; Mikroökonomie ; Review Mechanism (APRM).- Ageism.- Agency and Werbemarkt.- Besondere Eigenschaften von Medi- Makroökonomie / Geld und Währung; Spieltheorie / Corporate Governance.- Agency Theory.- Agenda21 engütern.- Erlöspolitik und Preispolitik bei Medi- Mathematische Methoden; Wirtschaftstheorie (UN).- Agglomeration.- Alcohol.- Altruistic CSR.- engütern.- Besonderheiten des Managements von An Aristotelian Approach to Sustainable Man- Mediengütern. Target groups agement.- Anglo-American model v. Continen- Upper undergraduate Fields of interest tal Europe model.- Animal rights.- Animal rights, Medien, Medienmanagement; Betriebswirtschaft- Human rights Environmental Management.- Animal Type of publication testing.-[...] slehre; Volkswirtschaftslehre German textbook Target groups More on Fields of interest Non-Profit Enterprises/Corporate Social Responsi- Lower undergraduate Softcover bility; Umweltwirtschaft; Energiepolitik, -wirtschaft 2013. XXIX, 539 S. (Springer-Lehrbuch) Type of publication und -management; Umwelt (allgemein); Sozialwis- 29,99 € German textbook senschaften (allgemein) ISBN 978-3-642-36521-8 More on Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Target groups Softcover Graduate 2013. XI, 204 S. 59 Abb. 29,99 € Type of publication ISBN 978-3-658-00015-8 Encyclop(a)edia Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. More on 2013. LVI, 2772 p. 226 illus., 108 in color. eReference. 1.428,00 € ISBN 978-3-642-28036-8 Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Wirtschaftswissenschaften 139

D. Royer, Hamburg, Germany R. Norén, Mid Sweden University, Östersund, Sweden H. Schramm-Klein, Siegen (Ed.)

Enterprise Identity Management Equilibrium Models in an Applied European Retail Research

Towards an Investment Decision Support Approach Framework 2012, Volume 26, Issue II

The introduction of Enterprise Identity Management Industrial Structure and Transformation The aim of EUROPEAN RETAIL RESEARCH is to Systems (EIdMS) in organizations even beyond the publish interesting manuscripts of high quality and This book gives the historical development, explana- purely technological level is a costly and challeng- innovativeness with a focus on retail researchers, tions of technical specifications, and a basic under- ing endeavor. However, for decision makers it seems retail lecturers, retail students and retail executives. standing of how to use different equilibrium models difficult to fully understand the impacts and oppor- As it has always been, retail executives are part of the in an applied framework. It contains an accessible tunities arising from the introduction of EIdMS. target group and the knowledge transfer between analytical survey of economic equilibrium mod- This book explores the relevant aspects for an ex- retail research and retail management remains a part els, including multi-sector programming models ante evaluation of EIdMS. Therefore it examines this of the publication’s concept. EUROPEAN RETAIL (linear and quadratic) and the computable general domain by employing a qualitative expert interview RESEARCH welcomes manuscripts on original theo- equilibrium (CGE) model. The book introduces the study to better understand the nature of EIdMS, as retical or conceptual contributions as well as empir- importance of disinvestment, and hence, a model they are situated between security and productive ical research – based either on large-scale empirical of economic transformation is developed. Finally, IT systems. To this regard, the focus is put on the data or on the case-study method. Following the the globalisation process of the production system is general nature of EIdMS projects and the constructs state of the art in retail research, articles on any examined. The equilibrium models in this book are being relevant for analyzing[...] major issues that concern the[...] presented in an easy way. Although the book is pri- Features marily written for advanced undergraduates[...] Features The introduction of Enterprise Identity Management The aim of EUROPEAN RETAIL RESEARCH is to Features Systems (EIdMS) in organizations even beyond the publish interesting manuscripts of high quality and This book gives the historical development, explana- purely technological level is a costly and challeng- innovativeness with a focus on retail researchers, tions of technical specifications, and a basic under- ing endeavor. However, for decision makers it seems retail lecturers, retail students and retail executives. standing of how to use different equilibrium models difficult to fully understand the impacts and oppor- As it has always been, retail executives are part of the in an applied framework. It contains an accessible tunities arising from the introduction of EIdMS. target group and the knowledge transfer between analytical survey of economic equilibrium models, This book explores the relevant aspects for an ex- retail research and retail management remains a part including multi-sector programming models (linear ante evaluation of EIdMS. Therefore it examines this of the publication’s concept. EUROPEAN RETAIL and quadratic) and the computable general equilib- domain [..] [..] rium (CGE) model. The book introduces the impor- Contents tance of [..] Contents Introduction.- Scientific Positioning and Research Brand-Driven Leadership in Retailing.- Store Envi- Contents Approach.- EIdM: Concepts, Technologies, and ronment.- Trade Promotion.- Word of Mouth and Introduction: The Issue of Structure and Transfor- Application Fields.- Evaluation of EIdMS Invest- Customer Satisfaction.- Country Reports Lithunia mation.- The Input-Output Model - A Studie of the ments.- A Decision Support Model for the Introduc- and Sweden. Interindustry Structure.- The Outlook of the Sover- tion of EIdMS Systems.- Prototype Implementation eign Planner: The Linear Activity Model.- The Plan- of an EIdMS Decision Support System.- Empirical Fields of interest ner and the Market: The Takayama Judge Activity Evaluation of the Theoretical Model.- Conclusion Sales/Distribution/Call Center/Customer Service Model.- Appendix: The Reformulation of the Wal- and Outlook. ras-Cassel Model.- Tables of Applications.- A Mar- Target groups Fields of interest ket with Autonomous Economic Decision Makers: Research Wirtschaftsinformatik; System- und Datensicherheit; Features of the CGE Model.- Appendix: A Summary Verwaltung von Rechner- und Informationssyste- of Models Presented.- An Applied Model - The CGE Type of publication men; Technologiemanagement Mini Model.- Appendix: The Mathematical Equa- Monograph tions of the Model.- Some Parameters Assignments More on Target groups of the Model.-[...] Research Softcover Fields of interest 2013. VII, 166 p. 11 illus. Type of publication Mikroökonomie ; Wirtschaftstheorie; Simulation 64,19 € Monograph and Modellierung; Industrieökonomik ISBN 978-3-658-00716-4 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. More on Target groups Hardcover Graduate 2013. XX, 219 p. 63 illus. (Progress in IS) 106,99 € Type of publication ISBN 978-3-642-35039-9 Graduate/advanced undergraduate textbook Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. More on Softcover 2013. XVI, 136 p. (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Band 667) 74,85 € ISBN 978-3-642-34993-5 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 140 Wirtschaftswissenschaften

L.H. Wallast, Vlissingen, The Netherlands K. Hishida (Ed.) J. Isenschmid, Merlischachen

Evolvodynamics - The Mathematical Fulfilling the Promise of Führen – In der Einfachheit liegt die Theory of Economic Evolution Technology Transfer Stärke

A Coherent Way of Interpreting Time, Scarceness, Value and Fostering Innovation for the Benefit of Society Mit 7 Verhaltensparametern zum gemeinsamen Erfolg Economic Growth Universities and research institutes are increasingly Alle Führungswerkzeuge dieser Welt, alle Ablauf- Dissatisfied with the flaws of orthodox economics, expected to contribute to society by creating inno- pläne, alle Checklisten, alle Hard- und Software the author proposes to base economic theory on vation from the returns of their research results and und alles theoretische Wissen nützen einem the three principles of Darwinian evolution (varia- the establishment of new technologies. Toward that Unternehmen nichts, wenn ihre Führungskräfte tion, inheritance, selection). Pursuing a suggestion goal, Keio University in Japan held an international nicht die wichtigste Voraussetzung zum Mitarbeit- of E.T. Jaynes of 1991, the innovation is in treating symposium titled “Fulfilling the Promise of Tech- erführen haben. Jürg Isenschmid zeigt, dass nicht economic behavior as chance events of selection. nology Transfer: Fostering Innovation for the Bene- überdurchschnittliche Intelligenz, außerordentliches This involves abandoning the methods of main- fit of Society.” From that symposium the following Fachwissen oder übertriebene „Coolness“ der Sch- stream economics and to apply instead the methods contents are included in the present volume: 1) A lüssel zum Erfolg ist. Gesunder Menschenverstand, by which Claude E. Shannon analyzed information showcase of ideas and case studies to promote future Fingerspitzengefühl und Mut sind die wichtigeren transport over a stationary channel. As economic creation of innovation by universities and research Tugenden, um den angestrebten Endzustand zu processes are non-stationary, the author clarifies first institutes worldwide, including information on the erreichen. Mit Hilfe von 7 Verhaltensparametern how the Shannon-system must be reshaped in a sys- R&D value chain, licensing, income generation, und von praktischen Beispielen wird aufgezeigt, wie tem capable to describe economic evolution mathe- start-ups and mechanisms to[...] im Führungsalltag mit einfachen „Instrumenten“ matically. As economic processes are[...] umgegangen wird. Der[...] Features Features Universities and research institutes are increasingly Features Dissatisfied with the flaws of orthodox economics, expected to contribute to society by creating inno- Führen und managen kann man nicht ausschließlich the author proposes to base economic theory on vation from the returns of their research results and in hochintellektuellen Ablauf- und Entscheidungsdi- the three principles of Darwinian evolution (varia- the establishment of new technologies. Toward that agrammen aufzeigen, darstellen und lernen. Führung tion, inheritance, selection). Pursuing a suggestion goal, Keio University in Japan held an international besteht auch nicht ausschließlich aus elektronis- of E.T. Jaynes of 1991, the innovation is in treating symposium titled “Fulfilling the Promise of Technol- chen Signalen. Menschliche Werte, persönliches economic behavior as chance events of selection. ogy Transfer: Fostering Innovation for the Benefit of Verhalten,Fingerspitzengefühl und Anstand werden This involves abandoning the methods of main- Society.” From that symposium the following [..] auch in Zukunft das entscheidende Fundament für stream economics and to apply instead the methods ein solides und erfolgreiches Miteinander sein. Jürg by which [..] Fields of interest Isenschmid [..] F & E / Technologiepolitik; Internationales IT- und Contents Medienrecht, Geistiges Eigentum; Entrepreneurship; Contents Darwin- and Shannon-Inspired Dynamic Economic Technologiemanagement Faszinationsfähigkeit.- Öffnungsfähigkeit.- Ord- Selection.- Sets of Entropy, Selection, Venn Dia- nungsfähigkeit.- Integrationsfähigkeit.- Finales grams and Bitpulses.- The Road from Generalized Target groups Denken.- Durchsetzungsfähigkeit.- Angemessenheit. Darwinism to Evolvodynamics.- Exchange and the Research Circulation of Entropy.- The Interpretation of the Fields of interest Economic Variables.- Money and Liquidity, Time, Type of publication Management Praxis ; Personalmanagement ; Betrieb- Work and Effectiveness.- Calculation.- Theory and Contributed volume swirtschaftslehre Confirmation.- Appendices. More on Target groups Fields of interest Hardcover Professional/practitioner Wachstum ; Wirtschaftstheorie; Sozio- und Ökono- 2013. VIII, 128 p. 39 illus., 28 in color. physik, Bevölkerungs- und evolutionäre Modelle; 53,49 € Type of publication Makroökonomie / Geld und Währung; Spieltheorie, ISBN 978-4-431-54305-3 Professional book Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Sozial- und Verhaltens- Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. More on forschung; Komplexität Softcover Target groups 2013. XI, 131 S. 42 Abb. Research 29,99 € ISBN 978-3-658-00616-7 Type of publication Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Monograph More on Softcover 2013. VIII, 279 p. 23 illus. (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Band 665) 74,85 € ISBN 978-3-642-34055-0 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Wirtschaftswissenschaften 141

W. Boysen, Koblenz B.T. Denton, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA (Ed.) S.A.H. Akbari, Saint Mary's University, Halifax, NS, Canada

Grenzgänge im Management Handbook of Healthcare Operations Immigrants in Regional Labour

Quellen für neue Lösungsansätze Management Markets of Host Nations

Welche Parallelen lassen sich zwischen dem Methods and Applications Some Evidence from Atlantic Canada Triathlon und dem Managen von Unternehmen From the Preface:Collectively, the chapters in this This book is the first to present a detailed analysis ziehen? Welche Erkenntnisse für gutes Manage- book address application domains including inpa- of economic integration of immigrants in smaller ment können aus der Stauforschung gewonnen tient and outpatient services, public health net- areas of their host nations. It uses Atlantic Canada werden? Was haben psychosomatische Störungen works, supply chain management, and resource as a case in point and uses unpublished data based und managementbedingte Fehlentwicklungen in constrained settings in developing countries. Many on several databases of Statistics Canada and Citizen- Unternehmen gemeinsam? Diese und 17 weitere s- of the chapters provide specific examples or case ship and Immigration, Canada. It identifies best pol- pannende Analogien greift Werner Boysen in seinem studies illustrating the applications of operations icy practices that can also be used in other countries Buch auf, um Impulse für ganzheitlich angelegtes, research methods across the globe, including Africa, to address demographic challenges similar to those nachhaltiges Management zu geben.Der Blick über Australia, Belgium, Canada, the United Kingdom, facing Canada, for example population ageing and den eigenen Tellerrand hinaus sowie übergreifendes and the United States.Chapters 1-4 review operations youth out-migration from smaller regions to larger Denken und Handeln werden in einer dynamischen research methods that are most commonly applied regions, through immigration. Economic integra- und komplexen Wirtschaftswelt zum wesentlichen to health care operations management including: tion of immigrants in Atlantic Canada is faster and Erfolgsfaktor. Neben den betriebswirtschaftlichen queuing, simulation, and mathematical program- better than it is nationally. An overarching result is Grundlagen und dem sicheren Umgang[...] ming. Chapters 5-7 address challenges related to[...] that an analysis of[...] Features Features Features Welche Parallelen lassen sich zwischen dem From the Preface:Collectively, the chapters in this This book is the first to present a detailed analysis Triathlon und dem Managen von Unternehmen book address application domains including inpa- of economic integration of immigrants in smaller ziehen? Was haben psychosomatische Störun- tient and outpatient services, public health net- areas of their host nations. It uses Atlantic Canada gen und managementbedingte Fehlentwicklungen works, supply chain management, and resource as a case in point and uses unpublished data based gemeinsam? Diese und 18 weitere spannende Analo- constrained settings in developing countries. Many on several databases of Statistics Canada and Citizen- gien greift Werner Boysen in seinem Buch auf, um of the chapters provide specific examples or case ship and Immigration, Canada. It identifies best pol- Impulse für ganzheitliches und nachhaltiges Man- studies illustrating the applications of operations icy practices that can also be used in other countries agement zu geben.Der Blick über den eigenen Teller- research methods across the globe, including Africa, to address demographic challenges similar [..] rand sowie übergreifendes Denken und [..] [..] Contents Contents Contents List of charts.- List of tables.- Acknowledgements.- Analogien zum Management bspw. Sport und Man- Improving Access to Healthcare: Models of Adaptive Foreword.- Chapter1: Introduction.- Chapter 2: agement.- Was macht große Musik aus, was zeichnet Behavior.- Queueing Models for Healthcare Opera- Some Demographic Trends in Atlantic Canada: großes Management aus?.- Überlebensstrategien in tions.- Applications of Agent-Based Modeling and Potential Consequences and Policy Response.- der Natur und betriebliche Existenzsicherung.- Wege Simulation to Healthcare Operations Management.- Chapter 3: Immigration Trends in Atlantic Canada.- zu kreativen Geschäftsansätzen.- Kreativitätstech- Optimization in Healthcare Delivery Modeling: Chapter 4: Immigrants in the Labour Force of niken. Methods and Applications.- Operating Room Plan- Atlantic Canada.- Chapter 5: International Students Fields of interest ning and Scheduling.- The Modeling, Analysis, and in Atlantic Canada.- Chapter 6: Summary and Policy Betriebswirtschaftslehre; Management Praxis ; Busi- Management of Intensive Care Units.- Improving Recommendations.- List of References. ness Strategy/Leadership the Flow of Patients through Healthcare Organiza- tions.- Capacity Allocation and Flexibility in Primary Fields of interest Target groups Care.- Improving Scheduling and Flow in Complex Bevölkerungsökonomie ; Migration; Professional/practitioner Outpatient Clinics.- No-show Modeling for Adult[...] Bevölkerungswissenschaft; Arbeitsmarktökonomie

Type of publication Fields of interest Target groups Professional book Operations Research / Entscheidungstheorie; Ver- Research waltung und Organisation im Gesundheitswesen; More on Planungstheorie, Mathematisches Programmieren Type of publication Softcover Brief 2013. XII, 191 S. 24 Abb. Target groups More on 39,99 € Research Softcover ISBN 978-3-658-01023-2 Type of publication 2013. X, 95 p. 28 illus. (SpringerBriefs in Population Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Handbook Studies) 53,49 € More on ISBN 978-94-007-6243-5 Hardcover Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 2013. X, 536 p. 102 illus., 67 in color. (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, Band 184) 181,85 € ISBN 978-1-4614-5884-5 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 142 Wirtschaftswissenschaften

M. Schneider, Köln (Ed.) D. Zitzlsperger, Kaiserslautern Th. Ehrmann, University of Muenster, Germany; J. Windsperger, University of Vienna, Austria; G. Cliquet, University of Rennes, France; G. Hendrikse, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Nether- Management von NBD-Prognosemodelle im lands (Eds.) Medienunternehmen Kundenbeziehungsmanagement Network Governance Digitale Innovationen - crossmediale Strategien Einordnung, Implementierung und praktische Anwen- dungsempfehlung Alliances, Cooperatives and Franchise Chains Die Digitalisierung hat die Distribution von Medien- inhalten in den letzten 20 Jahren revolutioniert. Die Prognose von Kundenverhalten ist eine zentrale The current book on Nework Governance con- digitalen Übertragungswege zur Verbreitung von Aufgabe des Kundenbeziehungsmanagements. In tributes to the literature by offering new perspectives Medieninhalten werden kontinuierlich verbessert: nicht vertraglich geregelten Kundenbeziehungen on network goals and performance, inter-organiza- hochauflösendes TV, mobile Endgeräte, drahtlose werden Instrumente der Prognose benötigt, um das tional learning and trust in alliances, corporate gov- Datenverbindungen, Video-on-Demand-Plattfor- Kundenverhalten einzugrenzen. Diese Instrumente ernance issues in cooperatives, governance of cross- men, Home Entertainment sind dabei die wichtig- sind vielfältig und reichen von einfachen Daumen- border retail networks, contract design and gover- sten Schlagworte. Was bedeutet das nun für die regeln bis hin zu komplexen Modellen. Zur Prog- nance innovations in cooperatives and fanchising. Redaktionen sowie für die Prozessorganisation eines nose gehört, ob Kunden als solche weiterhin aktiv Medienunternehmens? Das vorliegende Fachbuch sein werden, welche zukünftigen Kauftransaktionen Features liefert einen aktuellen Überblick über die Entwick- zu erwarten sind sowie eine entsprechende Segmen- The current book on Nework Governance con- lungen im Rezipientenmarkt, den Hardwaremarkt, tierung der Kunden. David Zitzlsperger widmet sich tributes to the literature by offering new perspectives den Lizenzmarkt, den Werbemarkt und E-Com- vollstochastischen Prognosemodellen, welche einzig on network goals and performance, inter-organiza- merce. Außerdem werden die internen Prozesse auf auf Informationen zum vergangenen Kaufverhal- tional learning and trust in alliances, corporate gov- den Prüfstand gestellt:[...] ten aufbauen und mit Hilfe der negativen Binomi- ernance issues in cooperatives, governance of cross- alverteilung (NBD)[...] border retail networks, contract design and gover- Features nance innovations in cooperatives and fanchising. Die Digitalisierung hat die Distribution von Medien- Features inhalten in den letzten 20 Jahren revolutioniert. Die Prognose von Kundenverhalten ist eine zentrale Contents digitalen Übertragungswege zur Verbreitung von Aufgabe des Kundenbeziehungsmanagements. In Alliances.- Cooperatives.- Franchise Chains. Medieninhalten werden kontinuierlich verbessert: nicht vertraglich geregelten Kundenbeziehungen hochauflösendes TV, HbbTV, mobile Endgeräte, werden Instrumente der Prognose benötigt, um das Fields of interest Apps, Video-on-Demand-Plattformen und Home Kundenverhalten einzugrenzen. Diese Instrumente Entrepreneurship; Marketing; Organisation / Pla- Entertainment sind dabei die wichtigsten Sch- sind vielfältig und reichen von einfachen Daumen- nung; Personalmanagement ; Komplexität; Indus- lagworte. Das vorliegende Fachbuch liefert einen regeln bis hin zu komplexen Modellen. Zur Prognose trieökonomik aktuellen Überblick [..] gehört, ob Kunden als solche weiterhin aktiv sein werden, welche zukünftigen [..] Target groups Contents Research Märkte.- Führungsprozesse Contents (Unternehmensführung/-strategie).- Controlling Grundlagen des Kundenbeziehungsman- Type of publication & Accounting.- Redaktion/Einkauf, Programm- agements.- Vorhersage von Kunden- Contributed volume planung.- Distribution.- B2B-Marketing.- B2C- transaktionen.- Vollstochastische RFM- More on Prognosemodelle.- Implementierung ausgewählter Marketing.- Supportprozesse: Legal, Personal, IT/ Hardcover NBD-Modelle Organisation. 2013. X, 334 p. 25 illus. (Contributions to Management Science) Fields of interest Fields of interest 139,05 € Medien, Medienmanagement; Technologiemanage- Marketing ISBN 978-3-7908-2866-5 ment ; Organisation / Planung Target groups Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Target groups Research Professional/practitioner Type of publication Type of publication Ph.D. thesis Professional book More on More on Softcover Softcover 2013. XX, 275 S. 78 Abb. 2013. Etwa 300 S. 20 Abb. 59,99 € 49,95 € ISBN 978-3-8349-3223-5 ISBN 978-3-8349-4255-5 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Wirtschaftswissenschaften 143

J. Sydow, Freie Universität Berlin; S. Duschek, Helmut-Sch- D. Schwenger, Ingolstadt N. Kammerlander, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland midt-Universität, Hamburg (Eds.) Organisation internationaler Organizational Adaptation to Netzwerkzeuge Nichtregierungsorganisationen Discontinuous Technological Tools für das Netzwerkmanagement Aufbau und Koordination von NGOs im System der Vereinten Change Nationen Der Band präsentiert Netzwerkzeuge, die in Form The Effects of Family Influence and Organizational Identity von Instrumenten, Methoden oder Tools das Man- Vor dem Hintergrund der Globalisierung von agement von Allianzen, vor allem aber von Netzw- Adaptation to discontinuous technological change Wirtschaftsaktivitäten haben Nichtregierungsor- erken und Clustern unterstützen und deren Bestehen constitutes a major, yet vincible challenge for estab- ganisationen, „Non-Governmental Organizations“ dauerhaft sichern. Thematisiert werden Tools für lished companies. This book reveals crucial differ- oder „NGOs“ weltweit an Bedeutung gewonnen. vier verschiedene Funktionen des Netzwerkmanage- ences between the challenges that family-owned NGOs sind heute zunehmend starken ökonomischen ments: die Selektion von Partnern, die Allokation and managed firms face as compared to non-family Zwängen unterworfen. Ein wachsender Wettbewerb- von Aufgaben und Verantwortlichkeiten, die Regu- firms. Series of case studies in the German retailing sdruck im Sektor fördert die Ökonomisierung und lation der Zusammenarbeit und die Evaluation von and book publishing industries illustrate those differ- das Streben nach betriebswirtschaftlicher Organi- Beziehungen und Netzwerkwirkungen. ences. Empirical evidence as presented in the book sation bei NGOs. Die in dieser Arbeit angewandte further shows how organizational identity affects Betrachtungsperspektive rückt NGOs als inter- Features whether and in what way firms adapt to radical shifts nationale „non-profit“-Unternehmungen in den Das Management von Netzwerken in Form in their environment. von Allianzen, Wertketten, Supply Chains oder betriebswirtschaftlichen Fokus. Zu diesem Zweck langfristigen Geschäftsbeziehungen gehört bei vie- werden NGOs aus der Perspektive des Interna- Features len privaten und öffentlichen Unternehmen inzwis- tionalen Managements nach ihren Aufbauprinzipien Adaptation to discontinuous technological change chen zum Tagesgeschäft. Die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Koordinationsstrukturen beleuchtet.[...] constitutes a major, yet vincible challenge for estab- und Innovationsleistung einer ganzen Reihe von lished companies. Nadine Kammerlander reveals Features Branchen ist nicht mehr ohne eine nachhaltige Ver- crucial differences between the challenges that fam- Auch Nichtregierungsorganisationen oder „Non- netzung der Hersteller, Zulieferer, Komplementoren ily-owned and managed firms face as compared to Governmental Organizations“ (NGOs) sind einem und Kunden vorstellbar. Wirklich [..] non-family firms. Series of case studies in the Ger- zunehmenden Wettbewerbsdruck unterworfen, man retailing and book publishing industries illus- der sie zu einem betriebswirtschaftlich orientierten Contents trate those differences. Empirical evidence further Management drängt. Daniel Schwenger stellt NGOs Netzwerkzeuge – Einführung und Überblick.- Net- shows how [..] zwerkzeuge – Zum reflexiven Umgang mit Metho- als „non-profit“-Unternehmungen in den betrieb- den und Instrumenten des Netzwerkmanagements.- swirtschaftlichen Fokus und beleuchtet sie aus der Contents Kollektive Intelligenz in Netzwerken durch Tools Perspektive des Internationalen Managements nach Discontinuous technological change.- Family Busi- reflexiver Netzwerkberatung.- Situative organ- ihren [..] nesses and family influence.- Conceptual framework isatorische Netzwerkanalyse – Ein Instrument zur of family influence and adoption of discontinuous Contents Beratung von Unternehmensnetzwerken.- Gestal- technological change.- Empirical evidence. Markt und Wettbewerb für NGOs.- Aufbau- tung IT-gestützter Netzwerkzeuge - Das Beispiel und Koordination bei internationalen Web 2.0 für ein regionales KMU-Netzwerk.- Innova- Fields of interest NGOs.- Empirische Forschung bei NGOs.- Manage- tionsnetzwerke als Projektschmiede - Werkzeuge zur Betriebswirtschaftslehre ment von NGOs. Realisierung von F&E-Projekten.- Smarte Innova- tionskooperationen – Befunde zur Partnerselektion Target groups Fields of interest Research im Maschinen und[...] Management Praxis Fields of interest Type of publication Target groups Monograph Management Praxis ; Organisation / Planung; Busi- Lower undergraduate ness Strategy/Leadership More on Type of publication Softcover Target groups Monograph Professional/practitioner 2013. XVIII, 334 p. 18 illus. (Familienunternehmen und More on KMU) 69,99 € Type of publication Softcover ISBN 978-3-658-01314-1 Professional book 2013. XXVIII, 452 S. 115 Abb. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. More on 69,99 € ISBN 978-3-658-01544-2 Softcover 2013. VI, 145 S. 29 Abb. Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 49,99 € ISBN 978-3-658-00257-2 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 144 Wirtschaftswissenschaften

K. Seirafi, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria H.-H. Wang, Göttingen O. Kleine, Gernsheim, Deutschland

Organizational Epistemology Orientierung in bekannten und Planung von Strategien gegen

Understanding Knowledge in Organizations unbekannten Ladenumwelten industrielle Produktpiraterie

This book presents an in-depth perspective of Theorie, Befunde und Implikationen Oliver Kleine leistet einen ganzheitlichen Beitrag zur knowledge as a fundamental process of any organi- Eine erfolgreiche Orientierung des Konsumenten Verbesserung der Entscheidungsqualität im Rah- zation rather than just another resource to be man- am Point of Sale (POS) ist die Voraussetzung für men der Planung einer Strategie gegen Produktpi- aged. The author presents a process-oriented theory Kaufrealisierungen während eines Ladenbesuches. raterie. Primäres Ziel ist es, die Lücken im aktuell of creating and applying knowledge directed towards Für eine effektive Verkaufsraumgestaltung ist die verfügbaren Planungsinstrumentarium durch die both researchers and practitioners. In this book the Kenntnis von Orientierungsprozessen und Orien- Entwicklung eines modellgestützten Instruments author develops normative knowledge manage- tierungsaktivitäten des Konsumenten wichtig, um zur quantitativen Analyse und Bewertung des Pira- ment guidelines which draw from a unique view on auf Bedürfnisse unterschiedlicher Konsumenten- terierisikos bzw. geeigneter Gegenstrategien zu knowledge, discussed in the field of philosophy since gruppen einzugehen. Die Arbeit liefert ein Modell schließen. Im Ergebnis wird nicht nur ein strate- Plato but neglected by most knowledge management zu Determinanten und Wirkungen der Orien- gisches Planungsinstrument samt dazugehörigem authors – by applying a philosophically grounded tierung von Konsumenten in Ladenumwelten und Planungsansatz zur Verfügung stellt sondern auch ‘social epistemology’ to organizations. The guidelines ein Messinstrument zur Erfassung der Orientierung ausführlich im Rahmen einer Fallstudie aus den in this book call for an open and reflective space of am POS, das in zwei Einkaufsstätten des Lebens- industriellen Praxis erläutert und validiert. knowledge creation, aligned with goals[...] mitteleinzelhandels getestet wird. Am Beispiel der Features Features Lebensmittelmärkte werden relevante Implikationen Der Charakter des Phänomens Produktpiraterie als This book presents an in-depth perspective of für die Gestaltung von[...] potenziell existenzbedrohendes Risiko ist heute im knowledge as a fundamental process of any organi- Features Allgemeinen ebenso unbestritten wie sein faktischer zation rather than just another resource to be man- Eine erfolgreiche Orientierung des Konsumenten Einfluss auf den industriellen Wettbewerb im Beson- aged. The author presents a process-oriented theory am Point of Sale (POS) ist die Voraussetzung für deren. Oliver Kleine liefert einen ganzheitlichen of creating and applying knowledge directed towards Kaufrealisierungen während eines Ladenbesuches. Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Entscheidungsqualität both researchers and practitioners. In this book the Für eine effektive Verkaufsraumgestaltung ist die im Rahmen der Planung einer Strategie gegen Pro- author develops normative knowledge management Kenntnis von Orientierungsprozessen und Orien- duktpiraterie. Es wird ein strategisches, [..] guidelines which draw from a unique view on knowl- tierungsaktivitäten des Konsumenten wichtig, um edge, discussed [..] auf Bedürfnisse unterschiedlicher Konsumenten- Contents Strategische Planung von Strategien gegen Produkt- Contents gruppen einzugehen. Hsiau-Han Wang liefert ein piraterie.- Konzeptionelle und formale Modellierung Part I Organizational Knowledge.- Part II Epistemol- Modell zu Determinanten und [..] (des Pirateriewettbewerbs).- Implementierung eines ogy.- Part III Organizational Epistemology. Contents Planungsinstruments.- Fallstudie und Anwendung Fields of interest Stand der Forschung zur Orientierung von Kon- des Planungsinstruments. Wirtschaftsinformatik; Erkenntnistheorie; Organ- sumenten in Ladenumwelten.- Modell der Deter- Fields of interest isation / Planung; Organisationssoziologie, minanten und Wirkungen der Orientierung in Produktion / Logistik Wirtschaftssoziologie Ladenumwelten.- Messung und Erfassung der Ori- entierung am Point of Sale. Target groups Target groups Research Research Fields of interest Marketing Type of publication Type of publication Monograph Monograph Target groups Research More on More on Softcover Hardcover Type of publication 2013. XXX, 258 S. 91 Abb. (Produktion und Logistik) 2013. XXVI, 229 p. 80 illus. (Contributions to Manage- Monograph 49,99 € ment Science) More on ISBN 978-3-658-01796-5 106,95 € Softcover ISBN 978-3-642-34193-9 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 2013. XIX, 285 S. (Interaktives Marketing) Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 59,99 € ISBN 978-3-658-01355-4 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Wirtschaftswissenschaften 145

M.J. Holler, University of Hamburg, Germany; H. Nurmi, Univer- F. Ferrucci, University of Wuppertal, Germany M. Bruhn, Basel, Schweiz sity of Turku, Finland (Eds.) Pro-active Dynamic Vehicle Routing Qualitätsmanagement für Power, Voting, and Voting Power: Real-Time Control and Request-Forecasting Approaches to Nonprofit-Organisationen 30 Years After Improve Customer Service Grundlagen – Planung – Umsetzung – Kontrolle This book deals with transportation processes The developments over a thirty-year time span in the Manfred Bruhn liefert Entscheidungsträgern in denoted as the Real-time Distribution of Perishable study of power, especially voting power, are traced Nonprofit-Organisationen wertvolle Hilfestellung Goods (RDOPG). The book presents three contri- in this book, which provides an up-to-date overview bei einer systematischen strategischen Konzeption butions that are made to the field of transportation. of applications of n-person game theory to the study und Implementierung eines ganzheitlichen Qual- First, a model considering the minimization of cus- of power in multimember bodies. Other theories itätsmanagements, das über eine isolierte Anwen- tomer inconvenience is formulated. Second, a pro- that shed light on power distribution (e.g. aggrega- dung von Einzelmaßnahmen zur Messung und active real-time control approach is proposed. Sto- tion theory) are treated as well. The book revisits Steuerung der Qualität von Nonprofit-Leistungen chastic knowledge is generated from past request the themes discussed in the well-known 1982 pub- hinausgeht. Dabei zielt das Buch gleichermaßen information by a new forecasting approach and is lication "Power, Voting and Voting Power" (edited auf ein Qualitätsmanagement für unterschiedliche used in the pro-active approach to guide vehicles to by Manfred J. Holler). Thirty years later this essen- Nonprofit-Bereiche, wie beispielsweise Kranken- request-likely areas before real requests arrive there. tial topic has been taken up again and many of the häuser, Pflegedienste, Museen, Theater, Univer- Various computational results are presented to show authors from its predecessor participate here again sitäten, Kirchen oder Umweltschutzorganisationen. that in many cases the pro-active approach is able to in discussing the state-of-the-art, demonstrating the All jene, die sich mit diesem Thema in Lehre, Wis- achieve significantly improved[...] achievements of three[...] senschaft und Praxis auseinandersetzen, erhalten Features einen vollständigen Überblick[...] Features This book deals with transportation processes The developments over a thirty-year time span in the Features denoted as the Real-time Distribution of Perishable study of power, especially voting power, are traced Manfred Bruhn liefert Entscheidungsträgern in Non- Goods (RDOPG). The book presents three contri- in this book, which provides an up-to-date overview profit-Organisationen wertvolle Hilfestellung bei butions that are made to the field of transportation. of applications of n-person game theory to the study einer systematischen strategischen Konzeption und First, a model considering the minimization of cus- of power in multimember bodies. Other theories Implementierung eines ganzheitlichen Qualitäts- tomer inconvenience is formulated. Second, a pro- that shed light on power distribution (e.g. aggrega- managements, das über eine isolierte Anwendung active real-time control approach is proposed. Sto- tion theory) are treated as well. The book revisits the von Einzelmaßnahmen zur Messung und Steuerung chastic knowledge is generated from past request themes discussed in the well-known 1982 [..] der Qualität von Nonprofit-Leistungen hinausgeht. information by a [..] Dabei zielt das Buch gleichermaßen auf ein Qual- Contents Contents itätsmanagement für [..] Power.- Voting.- The Measurement of Power.- Introduction.- Introduction to Tour Planning: Applications of Voting Power Measures.- Voting Contents Vehicle Routing and Related Problems.- The Con- Power in the European Union.- The Aggregation of Bedeutung des Qualitätsmanagements für Non- sidered RDOPG Applications.- Review of the Preferences. profit-Organisationen.- Grundlagen des Qual- Literature Related to the Considered RDOPG Appli- itätsmanagements für Nonprofit-Organisationen.- cations.- A New Deterministic Real-Time Con- Fields of interest Konzeptionelle Grundlagen eines Qualitätsman- trol Approach for RDOPG Applications.- A New Spieltheorie / Mathematische Methoden; Politis- agements für Nonprofit-Organisationen.- Messung Forecasting Approach for Generating Stochastic che Ökonomie; Finanzwissenschaft; Spieltheorie, der Qualität von Nonprofit-Leistungen.-Strategis- Knowledge.- The Proposed Tabu Search Solution Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Sozial- und Verhaltens- che Ausrichtung des Qualitätsmanagements für Method. .- Computational Results.- Summary and forschung; Staatsphilosophie Nonprofit-Leistungen.- Operative Gestaltung des Outlook on Future Work.- Appendix.- References. Qualitätsmanagements für Nonprofit-Leistungen.-

Target groups Zertifizierung des Qualitätsmanagements von Non- Research Fields of interest profit-Organisationen.- Implementierung des Qual- itätsmanagements für Nonprofit-Organisationen.- Type of publication Operations Research / Entscheidungstheorie; Pro- Qualitätscontrolling für[...] Contributed volume duktion / Logistik; Sales/Distribution/Call Cen- ter/Customer Service; Simulation and Modellierung More on Fields of interest Non-Profit Enterprises/Corporate Social Responsi- Hardcover Target groups bility; Management Praxis ; Marketing 2013. XVI, 762 p. 76 illus. Research 181,89 € Target groups ISBN 978-3-642-35928-6 Type of publication Monograph Professional/practitioner Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. More on Type of publication Hardcover Professional book 2013. LII, 319 p. 121 illus. (Contributions to Manage- More on ment Science) Hardcover 139,05 € 2013. VI, 253 S. ISBN 978-3-642-33471-9 59,95 € Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. ISBN 978-3-658-00353-1 Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. 146 Wirtschaftswissenschaften

R. Billinton, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada; S. Borgert, Münster K. Wittek, Braunschweig R. Karki, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada; A.K. Verma, Stord/Haugesund University College, Haugesund, Nor- way (Eds.) Resilienz im Projektmanagement Standortübergreifende

Bitte anschnallen, Turbulenzen! Erfolgskonzepte adaptiver Programmplanung in flexiblen Reliability and Risk Evaluation of Projekte Produktionsnetzwerken der Wind Integrated Power Systems Jedes komplexe Projekt erlebt turbulente oder Automobilindustrie krisenhafte Phasen. Das Buch enthält eine Ein- führung in die Konzepte der Resilienz und der High The world is witnessing a rapid growth in wind and Automobilhersteller stehen vor einem Spannungs- Reliability Organisationen. Was macht Hochleis- other renewable based electricity generation due to feld aus einerseits dynamischen Märkten mit starken tungssysteme aus? Wie "planen" sie Turbulenzen? environmental concerns associated with electricity Nachfrageschwankungen und andererseits hohen Wie reagieren sie in Krisen? Es wird das H.A.P.- generation from the conventional sources. Wind Investitionen für die analgenintensiven Produktion- Modell (High Adaptive Project) vorgestellt, dass power behaves quite differently than conventional sstandorte. Um diesem Spannungsfeld zu begegnen, auf der Basis der eingeführten Konzepte eine Ori- electric power generating units due to its intermit- erhöhen die Automobilhersteller die Flexibilität in entierung bietet, um Projekte widerstandsfähiger tent and diffuse nature. System planners and oper- ihren Produktionsnetzwerken. Kai Wittek entwick- und gleichzeitig flexibler für störende Einflüsse zu ators face the variability and uncertainty of wind elt vor diesem Hintergrund ein Planungssystem zur machen. Das Modell wird validiert durch Interviews power availability, and therefore, encounter consid- optimalen Nutzung der vorliegenden Flexibilität im mit Projektmanagern, Geschäftsführern, Bereich- erable challenges in making decisions to maintain Rahmen der standortübergreifenden Programmpla- sleitern (u. a. von IBM, Bosch Automotive, Deutsche the adequacy and security of wind integrated power nung. Dieses Themenfeld weist sowohl in der Praxis Telekom, Cassidian, Open Grid Europe), die ihre systems. This volume intends to bring out the origi- als auch in der Forschung eine hohe Bedeutung und Erfahrungen[...] nal research work of researchers from academia and Aktualität auf. industry in understanding,[...] Features Features Fukushima oder Stuttgart 21 führen uns vor Augen: Features Automobilhersteller stehen vor einem Spannungs- Projekte sind verletzlich. Je komplexer und dynamis- With the introduction of various types of incentives feld aus einerseits dynamischen Märkten mit starken cher, desto größer ist die Anfälligkeit für unerwartete for renewable sources based electricity generation, Nachfrageschwankungen und andererseits hohen Störungen und Krisen. Dass man nicht weiß, wann the world is witnessing the rapid growth in wind, Investitionen für die anlagenintensiven Produktion- und wie das Unvorhersehbare auftaucht, liegt in der solar, biomass and other renewable based generation. sstandorte. Um diesem Spannungsfeld zu begegnen, Natur der Sache. Welche Fähigkeiten also brauchen Unlike electricity generation schemes based on con- erhöhen die Automobilhersteller die Flexibilität in Projekte, wenn Planungstools und Kontrollmech- ventional energy sources, wind power systems suffer ihren Produktionsnetzwerken. Kai Wittek entwickelt anismen nicht mehr greifen? Wie organisiert man from the uncertainty of wind availability and vari- ein Planungssystem zur optimalen Nutzung der vor- sich in [..] ability of the wind speed. In this regard, this [..] liegenden [..] Contents Contents Contents Warum Turbulenzen den Projekthorizont erweit- Determining Capacity Credit for Wind Used in Flexibilität in Produktionsnetzwerken der Automo- ern.- Resilienz und ihre Bedeutung für Projekte.- MISO Resource Adequacy.- Wind Power Scenario bilindustrie.- Standortübergreifende Programm- Was Projekte mit Atomkraftwerken gemeinsam Tree Tool: Development and Methodology.- Prob- planung in flexiblen Produktionsnetzwerken.- haben.- Resilienz ist Veränderung.- Mit dem H.A.P.- abilistic Ramp Detection and Forecasting for Wind Entscheidungsunterstützung in der Programmpla- Modell zur Adaptivität.- Adaptive Projekte in der Power Prediction.- Application of Hourly Time nung mittels mathematischer Modellierung. Series Models in Day Ahead Wind Power Commit- Praxis.- Auf dem Weg zu mehr Adaptivität.- Selb- ment.- Probabilistic Guarantees for the N-1 Security sttest: Wie H.A.P.P.I. ist Ihr Projekt? Fields of interest of Systems with Wind Power Generation.- Adequacy Produktion / Logistik Fields of interest and Security Measures in Integrated Intermittent Project Management; Personalmanagement ; Man- Renewable Generation.- Representation of Wind and Target groups agement Praxis Load Correlation in Non-Sequential Monte Carlo Research Reliability Evaluation.- Composite Reliability Assess- Target groups ment of Power[...] Type of publication Professional/practitioner Monograph Fields of interest Type of publication More on Umweltwirtschaft; Qualitätskontrolle, Sicherheit und Professional book Zuverlässigkeit ; Erneuerbare und grüne Energie; Softcover Energy Harvesting; Energiewirtschaft More on 2013. XXVII, 292 S. 75 Abb. (Produktion und Logistik) 59,99 € Softcover ISBN 978-3-658-01837-5 Target groups 2013. VIII, 178 S. 39 Abb. Research 39,99 € Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. ISBN 978-3-658-00999-1 Type of publication Contributed volume Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. More on Hardcover 2013. XIV, 128 p. 64 illus. (Reliable and Sustainable Elec- tric Power and Energy Systems Management) 106,99 € ISBN 978-81-322-0986-7 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Wirtschaftswissenschaften 147

S.G. Wolf, Wiesbaden S. Hollmann, Hannover G. Pieroth, Vallendar

Stellenanzeigen erfolgreich texten Sustainable Leadership Systematische Prognosefehler in

Einstimmen – Überzeugen – Gewinnen Modellentwicklung, empirische Überprüfung und Gestaltung- der Unternehmensplanung shinweise Bewerber um einen Arbeitsplatz möchten persön- Eine ökonomisch-psychologische Analyse lich angesprochen und umworben werden – beides Das Ziel von Sustainable Leadership besteht in können die meisten Stellenanzeigen nicht leisten. einer nachhaltigen Sicherstellung von Leistung und Features Das Buch will Personalern und allen, die im Rekru- Zufriedenheit in der Mitarbeiterführung. Diese Übermäßiger Optimismus bei der Schätzung tierungsprozess tätig sind, zeigen, wie wichtig es ist, Nachhaltigkeit besteht vor allem in einer dauer- von Absatzmengen sowie andere systematische alle Äußerungen des Arbeitgebers konsequent mit haften Balance von Unternehmens- und Mitarbeit- Prognosefehler sind ein häufiges Phänomen der den Augen des Bewerbers zu sehen. Wie man dies erzielen sowie einer auf die Erfüllung des Unterneh- Unternehmensplanung mit einem mehrjähri- – von der Ansprache, dem Aufbau der Anzeige, der menszweckes gerichteten effektiven und effizien- gen Zeithorizont. Guido Pieroth entwickelt ein Tonalität, der Textstrategie bis zum Satzbau und zur ten Steuerung des Mitarbeiterverhaltens durch ökonomisch- psychologisches Modell des Progno- Wortwahl – in der Stellenanzeige umsetzt, erfahren die Führungskraft. Dabei sorgt Sustainable Lead- severhaltens zur Erklärung der Ursachen solcher Sie in diesem Buch. ership für den langfristigen Erhalt der benötigten Prognosefehler. Die ökonomische Theorie unter der Ressourcen: Arbeitskraft und Kapazität der Mitar- Annahme perfekter Prognosefähigkeiten dient [..] Features beiter sowie deren Wissen, Fähigkeiten, Kompeten- Bewerber um einen Arbeitsplatz möchten persön- zen und Motivation. Dieses Buch gibt praxisnahe Contents lich angesprochen und umworben werden – beides Gestaltungshinweise, wie Nachhaltigkeit auf den Herleitung eines allgemeinen Modells zur Erklärung können die meisten Stellenanzeigen nicht leisten. Ebenen der[...] des Prognoseverhaltens.- Modellgestützte Erk- Arbeitgeber unternehmen zwar große Anstren- lärung systematischer Prognosefehler durch Inter- gungen, um den kreativen Auftritt in der Personal- Features essenskonflikte.- Vervollständigung des Modells werbung visuell zu optimieren, sie spielen jedoch Das Ziel von Sustainable Leadership besteht in des Prognoseverhaltens mit begrenzten kognitiven selten die Macht des Wortes voll aus. Besonders der nachhaltigen Sicherstellung von Leistung und Fähigkeiten.- Beispielhafte Bewertung vorhandener in den Branchen, in denen Personaler qualifizierte Zufriedenheit in der Mitarbeiterführung. Nach- Problemlösungsansätze durch das Modell. Fachkräfte aktiv ansprechen [..] haltigkeit besteht in diesem Kontext vor allem in einer dauerhaften Balance von Unternehmens- und Fields of interest Contents Mitarbeiterzielen sowie einer auf die Erfüllung des Wirtschaftswissenschaften (allgemein) Schreiben Sie für Ihren Wunschkandidaten.- Helfen Unternehmenszwecks gerichteten effektiven und Sie dem Leser, sich zu entscheiden.- Sprechen Sie die effizienten Steuerung des Mitarbeiterverhaltens Type of publication Zielgruppen-Sprache.- Behalten Sie den Wettbewerb durch die [..] Ph.D. thesis im Auge. Contents More on Fields of interest Übertragung des Nachhaltigkeitsgedankens auf die Softcover Management Praxis ; Personalmanagement ; Organi- Personalführung.- Situative Führung als Grund- 2013. XXII, 242 S. 30 Abb. (Schriften des Center for Con- sation / Planung lage von Sustainable Leadership.- Erkenntnis und trolling & Management (CCM), Band 47) Nutzung von Persönlichkeit und individueller Moti- 49,99 € Target groups vation.- Nachhaltige Stärkung von Commitment ISBN 978-3-8349-2985-3 Professional/practitioner und Mitarbeiterbindung.- Sicherstellung einer Bal- Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. ance von Leistungsorientierung und Mitarbeit- Type of publication erzufriedenheit.- Nachhaltiger Führungserfolg durch Professional book Partizipation und konsistente Führung. More on Fields of interest Softcover Personalmanagement 2013. VI, 185 S. 1 Abb. 19,99 € Target groups ISBN 978-3-658-00496-5 Research Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Type of publication Monograph More on Softcover 2013. XXV, 350 S. 34 Abb. (Integrierte Unternehmensführung) 59,99 € ISBN 978-3-658-01694-4 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 148 Wirtschaftswissenschaften

P. Hofmann, University of Hohenheim, Germany D. Eberhardt, Institut für Angewandte Psychologie (Ed.) H. Braun, München

The Impact of International Trade Together is better? Venture Capital-Fonds und and FDI on Economic Growth and Die Magie der Teamarbeit entschlüsseln Business Angels Technological Change Im Team geht alles besser! – Wirklich? Team- Entstehung und Effekt von Kooperationen Arbeit ist eine der großen Errungenschaften im Im Mittelpunkt des Forschungsvorhabens steht die Economic globalisation and technological change are Arbeitsleben unserer Industrie- und Dienstleis- Frage nach der Entstehung und dem Effekt von the two issues that concerned people in the past, con- tungsgesellschaft. Und zahllose wissenschaftliche Kooperation zwischen Venture-Capital-Fonds und cern them today and will concern them in the future Arbeiten und Fachbücher befassen sich mit den Rah- Business Angels. Ausgangspunkt zur Beantwortung - all over the world, poor or rich. Traditionally, ques- menbedingungen der Team-Arbeit, ihren Vor-und der Frage in Hinsicht auf die Entstehung bildet die tions about allocative effects are asked: What are Nachteilen. Doch geht durch diese akademische Analyse bestehender Investitionsbeziehungen. Hier the labour market implications? Who loses? Who Sichtweise manchmal der Blick fürs Wesentliche ver- zeigt sich, dass die Wahrscheinlichkeit von Koopera- wins? What is the net aggregate welfare effect after loren: Was sind die tatsächlichen Erfolgsfaktoren tion zwischen den Kapitalgebern im Zusammenhang an adjustment period? However, two points are in der Praxis? – Dieses Buch lässt deshalb Praktiker mit deren Charakteristika besteht. In Hinsicht auf rarely taken into consideration: How do globalisa- zu Wort kommen: Neben Personalentwicklern, und den Effekt wird die Frage durch die Untersuchung tion and technological change interact and what are Beratern aus Wirtschaft und öffentlichem Dienst zweier Fallbeispiele von Kooperation beantwortet. the potential long-run implications for economic wird bewusst Vertretern anderer, in diesem Kontext Anhand von Daten über die Quellen von Investition- growth? This book addresses the interplay of these ungewöhnlicher Branchen, Raum gegeben, u.a. dem smöglichkeiten lässt sich in beiden Fällen ein posi- megatrends. It asks how economic globalisation may Leiter eines[...] tiver Effekt von Kooperation zeigen. Die[...] affect innovation and technology[...] Features Features Features Im Team geht alles besser! – Wirklich…?Team- Wagniskapital spielt eine zentrale Rolle für die Economic globalisation and technological change are Arbeit ist eine der großen Errungenschaften im Finanzierung junger und innovativer Unternehmen the two issues that concerned people in the past, con- Arbeitsleben unserer Industrie- und Dienstleistungs- besonders in frühen Phasen ihrer Entwicklung. Da cern them today and will concern them in the future gesellschaft. Zahllose wissenschaftliche Arbeiten und der gesamte Kapitalbedarf eines Unternehmens in - all over the world, poor or rich. Traditionally, ques- Fachbücher befassen sich mit den Rahmenbedingun- der Regel nicht von einem Investor alleine bereit- tions about allocative effects are asked: What are gen der Team-Arbeit, ihren Vor-und Nachteilen. gestellt wird, ist die Kooperation zwischen Wag- the labour market implications? Who loses? Who Doch was sind die konkreten Erfolgs- und Misserfol- niskapitalgebern von großer Bedeutung. Hendrik wins? What is the net aggregate welfare effect after gsfaktoren in der Praxis? Was nützt am meisten in Braun untersucht in diesem Zusammenhang die an adjustment period? However, two points are [..] der [..] Entstehung und den Effekt von [..] Contents Contents Contents 1 Introduction.- Part I: Theoretical Foundations Die Faszination der Gruppe und des Teams.- Grup- Wagniskapitalgeber.- Kooperation zwischen Wag- and Existing Empirical Evidence.- Part II: Empirical pen- und Teamarbeit.- Flow und Charisma.- Teams niskapitalgebern.- Deskriptive und multivariate Contributions.- Appendices.- References. unter Druck.- Führung von Teams.- Teamarbeit Analyse. als Bestandteil der Unternehmensführung.- Sem- Fields of interest inare leiten bedeutet Teamkultur beeinflussen.- Ein Fields of interest Außenwirtschaft ; Wachstum ; F & E / Technolo- Programm zur Stärkung sozialer Kompetenzen für Management Praxis giepolitik Team- und Projektleitungen im öffentlichen Sektor.- Mit Leadership Circles im Führungsteam miteinan- Target groups Target groups der und voneinander lernen.- Die Entwicklung einer Research Research gemeinsamen Führungslandschaft, mehr als nur Worte.- Vom Sein über die Identität zur Neuorien- Type of publication Type of publication tierung.- Komplexität als Ressource: Das Quer-zur- Monograph Monograph Linie-Team.-[...] More on More on Fields of interest Softcover Hardcover Management Praxis ; Arbeits-, Organisationspsy- 2013. XVIII, 150 S. 13 Abb. (Innovation und Entrepre- 2013. XXII, 301 p. 15 illus. (Contributions to Economics) chologie; Personalmanagement neurship) 139,05 € 49,99 € ISBN 978-3-642-34580-7 Target groups ISBN 978-3-658-01306-6 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Professional/practitioner Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Type of publication Professional book More on Softcover 2013. XXII, 185 S. 17 Abb. 39,99 € ISBN 978-3-642-34436-7 Erscheinungstermin: März 2, 2013 Wissenschaft (allgemein) 149

T. Enzweiler, Münster S. Kaji, E. Ogawa (Eds.) Wissenschaft (allgemein) Wege aus dem Reformstau Who Will Provide the Next Financial

Zentrale Determinanten bei der Akzeptanz wachstumsstärk- Model? A. Meskens, Artesis Hogeschool Antwerpen, Belgium ender Strukturreformen Asia's Financial Muscle and Europe's Financial Maturity Vor allem Ökonomen sehen sich immer wieder mit Practical mathematics in a During the past 4 years, faith in the present finan- dem Problem konfrontiert, dass ihre Empfehlungen cial model has been shaken in terms of policy, reg- commercial metropolis zur Förderung von Wachstum und Wohlstand auf ulation, the financial sector itself, and exchange- erhebliche Ablehnung stoßen. Tasso A. Enzweiler Mathematical life in late 16th century Antwerp rate regimes. Past and present policies of the world’s liefert eine theoretisch basierte Bestimmung jener most respected central banks have come under fire. Einflussfaktoren, die für die Akzeptanz wachstums- Describes the development and the ultimate demise Regulations that defined the system have undergone fördernder Strukturreformen entscheidend sind of the practice of mathematics in sixteenth century major reviews. Complicated financial instruments und zeigt auf, dass die Frage der gesellschaftlichen Antwerp. Against the background of the violent his- that provided new ways of financial intermediation Akzeptanz wachstumsstärkender Strukturreformen tory of the Religious Wars the story of the practice of have been exposed as culprits behind the financial interdisziplinär behandelt werden sollte. mathematics in Antwerp is told through the lives of meltdown. After 10 years of success, Europe’s sin- two protagonists Michiel Coignet and Peeter Heyns. Features gle currency is under threat. In short, the established The book touches on all aspects of practical mathe- Vor allem Ökonomen sehen sich immer wieder mit financial model not only has been unable to prevent matics from teaching and instrument making to the dem Problem konfrontiert, dass ihre Empfehlungen the crisis but, arguably, has been a cause of it.There is practice of building fortifications of the practice of zur Förderung von Wachstum und Wohlstand auf no longer one[...] navigation. erhebliche Ablehnung stoßen. Dies gilt umso mehr, Features je stärker es bei diesen Empfehlungen um mark- Features During the past 4 years, faith in the present finan- twirtschaftlich ausgerichtete Strukturreformen geht, This volumedescribes the development and the ulti- cial model has been shaken in terms of policy, reg- deren beabsichtigte Wirkungen nicht unmittelbar mate demise of the practice of mathematics in six- ulation, the financial sector itself, and exchange- sichtbar werden und die mit einem Verlust von Priv- teenth century Antwerp. Against the background rate regimes. Past and present policies of the world’s ilegien verbunden sind. [..] of the violent history of the Religious Wars the most respected central banks have come under fire. story of the practice of mathematics in Antwerp is Contents Regulations that defined the system have undergone told through the lives of two protagonists Michiel Agenda für wachstumsstärkende Strukturrefor- major reviews. Complicated financial instruments Coignet and Peeter Heyns. The book touches on all men.- Reformstau.- Modifizierung des Homo that provided new ways of financial intermediation aspects of practical mathematics from teaching and Oeconomicus.- Determinanten zur Akzeptanz wach- have [..] instrument [..] stumsstärkender Strukturreformen.- Interdiszi- Fields of interest plinäre Zusammenarbeit zwischen verschiedenen Contents Europäische Integration ; Außenwirtschaft ; Region- Wissenschaftsdisziplinen. 1 Preface.- 2 Introduction.- 3 The Family Coignet.- alwissenschaft ; Wachstum 4 Peeter Heyns and the Nymphs of the Laurel Tree.- Fields of interest 5 The Arithmetic Teacher and his School.- 6 The Target groups Volkswirtschaftslehre Antwerp arithmetic books.- 7 Winegauging.- 8 Graduate Instrumentmakers.- 9 The Art of Navigation.- 10 Target groups Mapping the World.- 11 Looking towards the Stars.- Type of publication Research 12 Ballistics and fortifications.- 13 Conclusion.- Monograph Appendices.- Index. Type of publication More on Monograph Hardcover Fields of interest More on 2013. XIX, 291 p. 82 illus., 44 in color. Wissenschaftsgeschichte; Geschichte der Mathe- 106,95 € matik; Geschichte und philosophische Grundlagen Softcover der Physik; Architekturgeschichte und -theorie 2013. XXVI, 300 S. 16 Abb. ISBN 978-4-431-54281-0 59,99 € Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Target groups ISBN 978-3-658-01221-2 Research Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. Type of publication Monograph More on Hardcover 2013. XV, 258 p. 135 illus. (Archimedes, Band 31) 139,05 € ISBN 978-94-007-5720-2 Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. 150 Zahnmedizin


H. Devlin, University of Manchester, UK; I. Nishimura, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA (Eds.)

Oral and Cranial Implants

Recent Research Developments

Dentists are routinely faced with a huge choice of implant systems from different manufacturers, each of whom claims that its own particular system has advantages over the others. There is consequently a need for an evidence-based review of the field that offers authoritative practical guidance for dental practitioners. Oral and Cranial Implants: Recent Research Developments has been written with this in mind. It brings together all the recent key develop- ments in implant research and discusses the under- lying science relating to implant procedures and failures. Relevant literature is reviewed and clear practical advice is offered. This book will be ideal for dentists wishing to obtain[...]

Features Dentists are routinely faced with a huge choice of implant systems from different manufacturers, each of whom claims that its own particular system has advantages over the others. There is consequently a need for an evidence-based review of the field that offers authoritative practical guidance for dental practitioners. Oral and Cranial Implants: Recent Research Developments has been written [..]

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Fields of interest Zahnmedizin; Mund-, Kiefer-, Gesichtschirurgie; Biowerkstoffe

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