LEEDS UNIVERSITY "Ce POLYTECHNIC STUDENTS There is a new "Leeds Student" Newsdesk in the Union Executive Office. Open 1 - 2pm Monday - Wednesday PLEASE tell us about society events, gigs, news or views.

After "desperately close" count: RECORD SHOP CASSIDY AND HILL TO CLOSE WIN THROUGH The University Union record over and is in no way • shop will be closed down responsible for the problems. Mary Cassidy has been elected President of at the end of this term Andy Kershaw said of the Leeds University Union • but only just, after making record losses of closure: "I fail between two £18.000 last year. The limes stools on this one; being a After a desperately close finish, she became only have been blamed on the gen- music fan I think it is a the third woman ever to hold the post. Paul eral recession in the music bus- tragic loss to the Union. I Hill has been elected Deputy President. iness and a period of bad man• love to have a record shop here, agement. but as Tresurer 1 can't afford Full advantage bad to be tak- good publicity. We campaigned to keep a service that loses en of the Union's Proportional together and I'm sure we will Executive Caine to their deci• £18,000 per year." Representation voting system. work together well. I do hope sion to close the shop over Suggestions have been made The final result was not that the bitchiness of this two weeks ago, and already- for the future of the record certain until the votes from year's Ewe. will not continue the stock is being sold off at shop. The profitable cards and the last contestant to be dim. next year. bargain prices. No firm decision posters will he kept en. and it mated, Malcolm Rispin, had A total of 2230 votes were has yet been reached as to what is thought that the Sportswear been transferred. After the first east, which represents 22% of the shop will become. will be moved downalairs from count, Miss Cassidy was ahead the student population. Roger The record shop started gett- the overcrowded stationary of 68 votes. Before the last Holland. the surprise runner- ing into serious. difficulties shop_ transfer, she had increased up. condemned the turn-out. last year. Union Treasurer In tine with the Union policy this lead to 200, although, in ''I'm sick-us a parrot. I blame Andy Kershaw told Leeds Stu- of no redundancies all the muff the end, the final margin was the result *WarAttly,'turd the dent' that the previous ustautiter will he kept or, in she shop. narrower. Concerv:i ives, who were too it. sr at. puitty or (•101-tivqty ovn- ilerate to understand the trans- stocking at a time when the be the nsanageress 4 that is - Miss Cassidy. outspoken fer-vote syst em.' industry was in serious decline. ing taken over by the stationary President of Amnesty Internat- Paul Earnshew. who came It has been emphasised that shop). but she will be found ,ot ional and a French/111story fourth. ssti vow the figure stongly, and she wants The posts of Publicity Secre- week were scrapped after need for open a•eess to 1. duration to push for better access for tary and Education Secretary only one candidate for each for people wishing to refrain in disabled students. She attribut- for 1982-3 have also been filled job was put forward by the mid-career. or actuator them %elves NAZIS AT ed her success to the fact that this week. Martin Glacy and nominations deadline. tsrtit new ideas and ler hnalos! • she worked harder than the Andy Graham respectively The exec had no option 3- Grant v. of her candidates, were elected unopposed. but to elect them unopposed. Grant% inue- that probably CHARLIE MO "Paul ,Hill) and I had very AI ISON HOMEWOOD. Pete Godwin, a 20 year old fet . Is Aim/I:MI mast. Tht% year's second year Fine Art student ' Mcrea 1%. unacceptable when Election candidates cam is to become president. "I %rodent% caste ore increasing. under fire from extreme right- was disappointed - I would Coupled with the freezing of the wingers at the Charles Morris have liked to have fought paternal cern tribui ion Ai- ales. the hustings last Friday. aha an election," he told Leeds VeTa Mel, I 'A oropf/Arlis are a The spokesmen for left-win Student. His deputy will be 22 r utrrerrrd attack on student's candidates Paul Earnshaw and year old John Cregan, a law hying tundards.. and on their Brian Parkin faced a barrag student. No one has formally rrhiliti to of interruptions as right-win offered to stand as treasurer students forced them to express as yet, although other exec 4, Studeni Involvement. their views on Fascism. posts are to be contested. 14-'t' will do everything 11.r Can ra They attacked the elections Below we print a statement .61310 the active involvement of for being undemocratic, as they by the President and Deputy Vterfenh within the On trM. This didn't give fascists a political President 'elect' of the Poly (-on be inAleved through effective platform. Union. and energette Whilleater 11 Of Speaking later Paul Earn- t'nran offee'ers. shaw invited the right-wingers Student Orion involvement in to conic into the Union and Thi% statement is intended lo the community ts one area fat present their case to the Union Ore members of the Polytechnic which Mere Is considerable serape Executive. an indication of oar intentions and for totprovem•ni. slur lurk% with Their exclusion from the hopes for our term of office. the froth' 1 'mom hour suffered Union was democratic decision I. .4 dminisiration- l'eCen111`. and 41.T could ellsro trace reached at an 0.G.M. It has IVe !flied 10 I-MIMIC (and b•trei r r.rrPrtie t st Irk the been Union policy for a number hopetirll• ionprov,.; the ,:ood work al th4 it oil, %lore- of years to ban Fascist done 1t1 this 1 are .If organisation from the Union. efficient a:IF/lin/sit al 11,, siror•rtlrr rilZ• ke' I/ it'll I if frili taw Paul Earnshaw said that it allows Lawn eit prof• te, de, rei areas. Piet: ari main rillwr, 11 was a worrying situation that ',wt.,. flare 1r, r,tJ r en ea , - h I In in In 110-lher there is a growing prescence ■limper/ gns. t,elfart - Year are h•r?;:fh, ue slutll hr i:41111rIble" of fascist supporters in Charles nl al ,oh OW re) s01,14•?, ( thy ( OH ' ,VI( at. nI Morris. There has been an in- I. hilt all ern•s tie /1■Ipc /ri .er t err crease of Swastikas and fascist rite eat, ttr 1 ell? I 410,•r Ire: re' barn and liccit row idot t graffitti in communal areas. the main evacern the% :71r. We (,t11111 l\ 10111 PENNY JACKSON. will commute to oppose them and C'RLG Page Two EXTERNAL AFFAIRS LEEDS UNIVERSITY UNION ELECTION FOR EXECUTIVE POSTS,


Nuticy is hereby given that the following candidates have been nominated for Ow above elections: The main job of an External Affairs See. is to he PI BIM 111 S•( RI. I AR5 the Inllrittultd,auidRl lee dui), elected. responsible for Union Campaigns- This means organising ,•niv one nomin at tort id. I licreils campaigns in the best interests of ALL students, and having Al AR I IN (il.AINC`i a United Exec. not intent on Political wrangling. If you want commonsense ideas on important issues; ()(GM -PI. kl• tt - VOTE NICK TURNER FOR E.A.S. ho ch‘ J.cLurt the toll-wing candidate dills. elected: -1s ortl■one thintiomion tv.s. rec.:Red, I CR:111'01 51 \I .I

55 ELF ARE SttlIF RBI Proposer Seconder 1)11 II s. Paul Gareth Cassir1%. ticanitis .1 (•1-1nd, Phillip tosYs cll. Haute I) EXTERNAL AFFAIRS SECRETARY KIR I l.I I'hristopher Ciraliato, Andlcia CANDIDATE: PETER WHITELEY Vi EBB. Philip Keith Limes. Jilltit I 1101 sl ( RI !AR) Proposer: Andy Graham kitilress (0)01.1111.111. 1);I■IL1 1•1 Seconder: Mark Bettene III 1 I III'S • \ mIren Stuart .1 .1 II s, John Friends Donn. Cicullrel •1 C11;111:1111. in,Intt R \51, ()lalunde ( hand. Philip I :1111.,11.1k1. Paul (i I An RNA!. 11. FAIRS SIC RI I AR\ Students need the N.U.S. but at the moment it is too Is 1 RI I.. ( hristopher John (11,rod. Plot ll ISC I shay, \ odre)t bureaucratic and inefficient, CHANGES NEED TO BE MADE1 1 114 /.1 K. 11. hris lames. 111,:lt.icl ( 0[111 tCampaigns will be all the more important as the Gover 511 ■Douce PI lest . Alai k \ nment imposes more and more education cuts. I t RN1 R. Nicolas I larie This is why SENSIBLE REPRESENTATION is needed. 55111 ELI Pt. 1.tairve Peter ( 1litlic I 11;:ticncy. Mark 11. For t his reason • VOTE WHITELEY 1/ISCIPLIN1R1 11(1111 sr 11, ( II %IRA! \''s V Al. E7V1 I NE. Chrtroph•r Iln.11 55 a Isli. (Ai 1,1. Thui 11 ils,111. 11liltew TEATS. Peter Derek 1.111s. litho) .1 I ecrick. Pclet 1 r 11, RI I ‘R) aril l I i e 11 11 1'01 I l'st, I, %11 I I %HI ,1 \ $ 1 14 •% 1 11■ 1 1110. 5 I " \S"'ll !Ake place on N1011,1.11, ill, 311■1 l nesdak 'lilt 11.1i, Ii i9N' ..1 iii. 1“11,,k 11, •i 111,01, .11 OR EXTERNAL AFFAIRS SECRETARY HOULDSWORTH SCHOOL FOYER I ' I %-,1 15 `till H Alt( I I 1052 IN! 5 io, I P. _H... .1 I I• , CANDIDATE: CHRIS MULARCZYK pm I I I Proposer: Mike James LEVEI. 7. NEW MEDICAL SCHOOL & ST JAMES HOSPITAL Attrsl) I. Seconder: Colin Watts UNION BUILDING FOYER Ho' I L.41, 11Nt...1,11• trot ;'.• "■•1..1...itt, 111, II, Members is ho are 1.1 11.ate Ihe times Mated ma% inal.cp,r+nsial applie.dion I,. the Weltrrnine efllicet. helm: The Close ul poll, It's going to be a hard year next year in which we cord-Hie, It Ott 111, f .MO11(111311, JOILI will have to face issues which the old dogma's cannot %mine will he b. means of a •tatlIrl on fill' VlIfirollt I Mall I aril And n ill I,, la solve. WE need a committed, realistic and united executive 191'3,1. 1101C thin 3 NH1111'111 sill 1., prt111111t-d orth to face them. An external affairs secretary must: tat he Carrie.. a eurreni 1.11 inn • t wan C Jed. • Keep us in touch.with N115 - organize key campaigns (Bud! STEVE BROWN do his • her bit to help with publicity • work together with other members of exec whatever Returning Officer - 22nd February 1982 their political views are - represent students nut just political theories O.G.M. SPEAKER

OGM. SPEAKER EXTERNAL AFFAIRS SECRETARY HOUSE SECRETARY CANDIDATE: GRAHAM WALL CANDIDATE; CHRIS KARLE CANDIDATE; ANDY BLYTHIN •-• Proposer: Martin Etherturt. Proposer . Phil Chan Proposer: Andy Kershaw Sewnder: David Patterson Seconder. And) Kershay. Seiiintler; Dave Goodman

As speaker I would: I . keep order - give everyone a fair hearing make sure matters get discussed - 1 would not allow It is time that this Union became mutt iiivols.-11 in any Filibustering campaigns local]; and nationally. 3. try and get the ordinary student to participate more. Let's bring hack democracy to the most vital policy making I can put us firmly in the front line of the campaigns As some one who spends most of his fret: time around body in this Unkm. that you want fought the Union- I believe I know what moat people want from CHOOSE WELL....CHOOSE WALL For a competent candidate who cures: - it and v. ays to improve it. VOTE CHRIS KARL E AREAS FOR IMPROVEMENT: Tarim Bat. Debating LInonber. Disabled Facilities, Locution. voTE FOR Sf1MEONE WHO •AREN ABOI: I OUR UNION WELFARE SECRETARY HOUSE SECRETARY VOTE ANDY BLIT} I PS WELFARE SECRE7ARY CANDIDATE: PHILIP WEBB D.T. CHAIRPERSON Proposer: John James Seconder. Andy Graham ...RS 7 HOUSE SECRETARY CANDIDATE: JOHN JAMES Welfare is the MUM important function of this Union. The Welfare Officer must deal with the problems of students Proposer. Geoff Dunn relating to Grants. Rents. Supplementary Benefits and Housing. Seconder And., (in)iam D.T. CHAIRPERSON For a committed Welfare Officer CANDIDATE.; PETER TEAMS VOTE PHIL WEBB I

Ploposcr- Brian Ellis Seconder; Peter Fecrick WELFARE SECRETARY II is essential that the union ha, a FhiliM_ S...1,J1:11•• CANDIDATE: CHRISTOPHER KIRTLEY prepared to fight to preserve and upgrade its facilitit' • and not get side tracked by other political issues. For a Proposer: Pbtl ("hand House, Sec prepared it, champion measures because the, Sceonder Elaine Goswcll maintain and 111113r(1%1! the Lnion and not to grind an. pnllttul asea pietist- ‘ote. AS t am St/Inclhxly without tthUi) fixed and um:hanging ideas or views, 1 would like to believe that I hat-,. alt .10FIN AN1ES As a Sledie• with expef ience of dealing with Students' :pen mind. which seems to be the most important asset profflenis t=n MSRC, I think make a capable and for the tot, telialde Welfare Stuetar_). VOTEF—ATS I With emphasis on prevention of eiploilation in private accorrimi‘dation. reducing Link mit y rents. Student health. and fighting Cuts. 1 tl tell you your lights I VOTE FOR ME& I WON'T LET YOU DOWN!! HOUSE SOCKET AR CANDIDATE: ruNITE SARAKI I Y.T • CHAIRPERSON W ELFARE SECRETARY' Prerso,er Phil (*hand CANDIDATE CHRISTOPHER B. VALENTINE' CANDIDATE, PAUL. DAVIES !ie.:muter Paul 1-...arrothos 1 1st' ipbet ..1.1..Wa I h Proposer- Marc Sip.olitl•t A Carl Wilson. Seconder, Seamus r.olIcrl

Stop the Re) Fikiht tor Iran and heanti■•f4151.11 I wril campaigri for au EFFECTIVE union fighting on out budding whets e,ealb. mil loin dies end at 2 a.m. under It (11',, f_5prrier.c..-c of Cenpte anti other littwerall) A NT w LILA, .S. Bar license Oust one in WO New Prepesiiki prolevt *indent RIGHTS and WELFARE COITIMItIt-c-N. tic invaluable m chatring this tribunal & • vat.- lied an liolve and effective management el 4,,,t V.6-flying or Tealbalc itrant* union temeilter the illtfdse upittaink of Ir., members to To NI A lN1 AIN sort ices tor a VITAL 1..1 fro Coll rime and ACCESSIBLE union DIE I ASK IS MINE: THE VOTE IS mts. ot'F'OSE L' TS rind RE.DUNDANCIES VOTE TUNLIE I FORA LIVELY UNION. For ltit-ltf ASP.) union INVOLVEMENT in the community F•.; Action Not Apathy - VOTEDAVIES I No More Recruitment for Apartheid The series of occupations last ion or political beliefs, and an year against recruitment for employer who does not on 'outlir Africa on the University request give such an undertak- campus appear to have been ing will be denied the facilities of completely successful, the University", On 18t.h February the Uni- It was almost exactly 12 versity Council passed a resolu- months ago that the Union tion that will stop any Company started campaigning on this that discriminates on grounds of issue. On separate occasions sex, race or creed from using both the Careers Service and the University facilities to recruit. Mining department were The text of Ihe resolution occupied because companies read: -That an employer wish- were recruiting graduates to ing to recruit students of the work in South Africa or University must, if required. Namihia. undertake in writing that for any It would seem that pressure post advertised within the Uni- by the Union was hugely versity and for which University responsible for bringing about Facilities are provided, all appl- this new policy. icants will he considered irres- pective of their sex, race, relig- JAMES MATES !'r. roi. , %toed/ on ver oaieia• 1'141 A o%,iit tioetio-e,/ above) 11/(f(e(tted rl 1 110) Ndal III o oar meta hem pal I fr.!: Irtlurt e le, lu 'Nil !ti" !uitari%! 15 50 012 S eage\-7-"--'\ W 1-1- , NO' p ll ll If a 10 Ra. r 411/(7 11 bt• ill- IZE199(es3 coLt_ecrep WoRKs , f .•,,,rov•d I h t' h011 IMM c s 11-(/.1. Ito! well 1-EA1/1-7 -T46 foiSr- 111 1:1 ■nrdlrlIlk a 11)11 hOIC. ■J. HALF 1-/(20 -Ii-e(rsiKirsict yrs hit t:I ICU 41 041111 11111 i4I 1, 111711411i — Nindr a .‘1.1(11,. i ..v ma n fia 1:vent 5. 1 , A r ; 'if, • it/ pelf t)/ //• (1//i/ ■it . k sTred a larger a a( i t' . AS- KAn-TAL CHAND 2.5% for PYTHON HIT Lecturers IN

Friday February 12th was a Lecturers in Britain's Col- memorable night for acting leges and Polytechnics have LEEDS Events Sec. Phil Chant! ... he been offered a pay rise of only ended up with stitches in a 2.5% by the Local Authorities. Terry Jones, famous for his wound above his eve. Mr. Peter Dawson, of the involvement in the v:Ir 1, ■11, He got the inuir, hen lie was t•11.11 as••-larion set Monts Ps Ih,1n p, trying to -fear the Tartan Bar of Teachers in Further and Higher visiting the University this people followine a gig by Education, rejected the offer as Monday to talk about his hook 'Aeons Colionn' and the 'Fall 'contemptible'. Chaucer's Knight. which has r. s' reeentk been rele.is1 tor the "1 asked someone to leave, ,or week Teachers acre first rime in paperback. LIBRARY WORK-INS who later turned out to he a offered only 3.4f;., and N A ITHE had warned that art Softly, softly... that was the incident. Virtually all library member of the Agons Column Those who expect a dose of offer that small would he unac- watchword for Monday even- staff, sonic wearing anti-cuts lighting etew, but I didn't realise Python type lunacy, though will ceptable. To the Union's sur- ing's work in at the Brotherton stickers, remained during the this at the time. Ile then hit me: he disappointed. The hook is a prise the offer was even smaller_ Library. protest. over the head with a glass, or a historical debunking of the scho- The Local Authorities claim The two hour action. in pro- The university authorities beer can, and I hit my head on larly myth that Chaucer's that 2.5% is the most they can test at the reduction of library decided to shorten opening the table-. Knight was a gentle courtly afford without being forced into hours involved about 71) stu- hours at a meeting last term. It's Three others were struck dur- character. In fact. Jones main- compulsory redundancies. dents. been claimed that the sole alter- ing the incident which resulted tains, he was an upwardly aspir- The lecturers had claimed They streamed through the native was to reduce the books in the Police being called. ing, mercenary with very few 12%, and a flat payment to aid Brotherton turnstiles with arm- budget. Mr. Chand was taken to principles. but with a large lower paid staff. The offer of fuls of books minutes before the The work-in, one of the first Leeds General Infirmary where number of bloody massacres 2.5% will mean an increase of 8 pm closing time. they joined decisions from the recently he was given six stitches to an behind him. the few already at their desks for elected union campaigns com- eye wound. about. 300 per year on an aver- mittee, is planned for every He will not he pressing age salary, although lecturers on 120 minutes of silent productive One thing that Python fans Monday until term ends. charges. a minimum salary will get as lit- defiance. may recognise in the hook is the RAY CASTLE JENNIFER SYKES tle as £3 per week Closing time passed without eve for historical detail and accuracy, and the lack of affec- tion for popular myths tthat were so much a part of works like The Life of Brian and The Holy Grail.

'I have only begun to scratch 2nd Year Students the surface'. he comments on the book "there are many layers of eighteenth century gift, Vic- torian enamel and twentieth century brown paint to be Now's the time to make plans WC can scraped off before sec the pure metal of Chaucer's meaning, shining bright as the for a job in the Summer of '82... day he wrote the lines", The lecture at Leeds promises an extra dash of interest in the form of a battle between discip- lines. When the hook was first published, a certain member of the English department pro- duced a rather less than favour- able review, in contrast with a colleague from the School of nu] F: History who gave the work a yoU 01" 11:4 i glowing repon. limit y ,.^:heit you I 0,1-: In I eiu lllrel • ,,h4,14.•nt.% ii hwi 7.1 HIAA'111 ,!ladd Ian', ri • A ai eh/. avn • ••and a career in '83 DON WATSON 0 LEEDS WU. L.0 U. UNIVERSITY (d) UNION lelecbionsj


104..*C t; Lei ?ctions-1 elections FlecEiorl

41■ LEEDS UNIVERSITY UNION LEEDS UNIVERSITY UNION ELECTION OF PRESIDENT AND BYE ELECTION FOR: DEPUTY PRESIDENT FOR 1982/83 3 OPEN SEATS; 1 SEAT FOR SCIENCE As Returning Officer in the above election, I hereby give notice that the FACULTY; 1 SEAT FOR ENGINEERING number of ballot papers issued was 2323. percentage poll 20.4. PRESIDENT FACULTY; 1 SEAT FOR MEDICAL Papers were issued as follows: UNION FOYER 2102 Total papers returned 2276 FACULTY MEDICAL SCHOOL 82 Spoilt Papers IS HOULDSWORTH 81 Total Valid Vote 2258 Fht. h,ll'ntinC canclidAtes been nominated for the above elections: ST JAMES 11 Quota: 1130 °PIN SLAV, Propusers Seconders V,r) Total 2323 CLL 171-..12111:Ck. Mork lir. , '0, COOPER, Rosalind 11111. Paul The candidates were ELIMINATED as follows:- ('ORCORliN, John Edward Ket,hay.. Andre•A. Ril hard Svartiu. 1 11m-rat!. 2nd stage - JOHN CLAYTON - ELIMINATED 1)A1.11. Alargaret 1- 11/alleth Ann I 1-1.1V1 Olt Ell, kink. Alarparet 121,pm. '61 11,..:111,n 3rd stage - TONY CROOKS ELIMINATED KAHLE, Christopher 4th stage - STEVE WILCOX - ELI AIINATED LANE. Stephen !)amid Croswell. I lain.• It 5th stage - ALAN DIGGLE - ELIMINATED \\ PRIES1. 1.1.71, Mark Alan !o/d. NI.Iri:A1,,r1 1 iiinor. Nicolas 11 61h stage - ALLAN COLLINS - ELIMINATED S( IENC• 1:AC111.EN (11 7th stage - PAUL EARNSI-IAW - ELIMINATED CORC ORAN. John Edward Dm, N;e01 I I laon - 8th stage - MALCOLM RISPIN - El I \I1 SATED 11E11INtiW knne Lode► Cal CN W., . I 1.ola AntirL Mcl.()1. 6111.1N, Aileen I' I ,irvidIayy Pao! ‘Y....trnir: 1 9th stage - ROGER HOLLAND - 1.1 IMIN \TED N-1E1-1110011, Ishrat I., iglu:soot:7n. Ni‘iial Stcpiwns, Le.slo I hereby declare MARY CASSIDY duly elected as PRESIDENT for session ENtilNL.1- RINI; FN(. 1,1.1) 1982/83 ta,11 ISM AN. (;,try Paul Lios.w11, 1 lame I) Itlisenhlinii NI 01 i IA 1211-1. Michael James Tweedie, KCVIrl 1.L t) iii .1 DEPUTY PRESIDENT MEDIC kl. ENI 1 1 II (11 Papers were issued as follows: Ovi 1 Vs. Michael DaYid O'Clei-y et. 1-ciesa la•.1,1r, Nicholas UNION FOYER 2066 Total papers returned 2224 10111.1 1 'It, Chresiopher Lewis. Valentine, Chrisl•phet MEDICAL SCHOOL 78 'spoilt Papers 32 POI i I sot • fit; thy... OrLt tom, %%in I.46t pare nn MOMIlly. I SI and luesilwe Intl March 19112. •d HO1 `L1)5WORTI-1 70 total Valid Note 2192 the rodline slut IIAV: jt the limy% ,,tatt,I• SI JAWS 10 Quota: 1(197 MOULDSWORTH SCHOCH. 12 iI ■itri 2ptit II t AY. 2nd March 148..! +)\i S!.., Nch!!ol shldtnta orth. "IAA 2323 NEW MEMCAL SCHOCH. SI JAMES' HOSPITAL 12 no,.11 21,ni ,lt WIND► Ry, RI March 19h2 I he candidates were ELIMINMED as follows: st 2nd stage - TONY CROOKS - ELIMINATED UNION RIMMING FOYER 1".■111.5 tit T Illy in. ••rt both day.- hIr Aii ..thet 'students:not lot 3rd stage - .IOIIN CLAYTON - E,LIMINATED lieulli, Snidely!. .Ind iti•ineeritq: Ilt.itIcitA.orittStodmis tttltstile rtlr hint:, toiled ubl •ye 4th stage - BRIAN PARKIN - ELIMINATED 5th stage - AIICHAEL (;ASKELL - ELIMINATED 'voting will he h} means ot a stamp on the curreni I !moo t al d And will heir; accordance with (he (rowalintion and Bye Laws, 6th stage - JOEIN P timmvn ELimiNATED Pleirse note rhal u sondem will hr pertifitt‘-‘1 to •0t, ooh it he carrIVS a CU/1'1M' 1 hereby declare PAUL HILL duly elected as DEPUTY PRESIDENT for session erlirit:At..(1!nitin Card 1982/83. 1S9t11 STEVE BROWN (Spl) STEVE BROWA Ratio:meg Officer - 22nd February 1982 Return:rt.:: Offictr - 24th February 1982 ■ Page Five Personal TINT IN LLITLRS I ■■I iiII5 ■■ Philippa - how many men can 1.1 • Edifar Q, to the you fit in your bed? 10 Louis Sivdink **lc** 155 kfrocihoketia EDITOR Cath and Fifi lightly clad in • • Latc15 night of soggy ceilings. II N,,, 44./ All contributions must be received ***** by the Sunday before publication. John... why is your index 1 I • G finger sore?? i:44.(sNe.: ***** Bev • is Julian really 26"? il • III * * *** ii Rosemary's appreciation soc- • il 11 ■•■ 1 NURSERY iety lives G1/1, ■■ ■ * * * * When S.A.'s not there, 21E1 a PERSPECTIVE Paul doesn't despair, there's always her room Dear Editor, a letter to parents (saying) ".... mate. •al he doesn't care. I ial The decision of L.P.U. Exec- regretfully the executive comm- utive to close down the Union ittee felt that the Union ***** 2.5 Nursery must be placed in pers- could no longer afford to run ■■■ Gay, depressed? Contact I i i pective of recent developments. the nursery". and that it would Marc Greig on 1451335. Current Union Policy manda- have to close by Easter!! ***** ACROSS DOWN tes the executive to negotiate According to the constitution Mark thought life was slip- I Canc. or beat. as it's said i5i I. Missed net. slips, and fulls to with the Council for them the President is responsible ping Katy a length, until he 4. 8) . or round at Om speaker. MI the bottom-191 to subsidise the Nursery. If "with the co-operation of discovered Southern Com- 9. Exposed and used around ends 2. Envious of Notts. opener after end. these negotiations failed, then executive the efficient implem- fort. right peculiar. (9) less gluttony. IS/ 10, It's taken heck with article as stat- 3. Almost luny expected. but started L.P.U. would still finance a entation of the policies of the ***** utory payment. 151 again. (7) Nursery. Union". S - was the curry as good as 11. He's simple! (5) 4. Made lo get in line. (71 These negotiations have so Finally staff have been told the teacakes? - M. 12.Famous explorer with a hole in S. Not a chap of words, but a doll all far been purely cosmetic. that they will soon be receiving middle! 15.41 the same! (6.3) ***** 13.Deer without chap returns with 6. (Jo one better, not in a party There has been little or no redundancy notices. This is eq- SHAG poses the following new lag. 171 43,2). attempt by the current Execut- ually unconstitutional in that it questions. IS. A thousand is indeed slow's 7. Over the moon with poems from a long ive to increase student aware- also breaks Union policy and 1 Which bastard came over fallen. (7) way back .17.6.) ness of the issues involved, encourages staff feelings of 17. Make up your mind to work it out 8. Deploy 19 pickle • that's a hit too the mermaid in the bog? again. (71 much. tb.3.41. and no form of direct action insecurity. Yet one of the 2. Why is Jenny son wearing 19.Rene lost her head in the tub, and 14. Speak evil of workers likely to has been considered to support arguments put forward by exec. a scarf around her neck? went under! (7) cause death. 01 negotiations. officers has been that "staff 3. Did Dave feel a right tit in 20. Your hangtng around funny gems. lb. Novice, in beginning. is shocking! laddic! (9) 19/ Secondly the executive has feel that they don't enjoy the morning? begun the process of closing job security." I hope students 22. Freely available to pat no backs. 18. Went into tip 'c rented. Answers on a postcard to.. 12.31- 19.- Salubri" • strange death rituals down the Nusery before such a take these factors into account ***** 24. Tarmac-removing code? i4.51 (71 change in policy has been red- when considering this issue. 25. Judy pleased about delayed be- 21.1 1. Nut stammers whence such fied by a general meeting. Yours sincerely. Swap you Rob! Your books heading! ail time arises (51. for my ear-rings, tr isn't that For Sean Morris to write BEN CRIBB. 26. Initially, Simon Peck rodent giv- 22. It's nut so drole, getting more Socialist enough for you? ing a twig. 451 ancient. (Si. ***** Mark gives bed baths at No 28. FIGHT BACK BY ***** w A R HousE Sorry Wetherby Terrace, DEMONSTRATING IN nothing in it about you this week! Maybe next week, BRITAIN'S MOST EXCITING NEW LONDON watch this space! NUS GRANTS DEMO ***** FASHION RETAILER The Jolly Green Giant loves FRI. 5th MARCH Niblets. JEFF BANKS FASHION SHOWS Coach tickets f 3.00 from Travel Bureau ***** Could someone please bring and Exec. SATURDAY FEBRUARY 27TH a rise into Vince's drooping sex lifel 1100 1230 200 330

PHILIPS GROUP EXHIBITION (Philips, RAC, Stanford Maritime, Osprey, Squadron & Signal) 11/1APS, GLOBES, GUIDES, ATLASES. IVATIGATION & MILITARIA PeCibe06/710ekb6 othooks 58 62 Francis St. Leeds 7 at jAeo'tudent3elzoice AUSTICKS ARCHWAY BOOKSHOP dirt Soocl clV2slit Out 12 Great George Street, Mon to Sat 930-2.00am Sundays930-Midnight 22nd February to 6th March Mon. to Sat. 9a.m. to 5.30p.m.

TO ALL BONA - FIDE STUDENTS GDaqtfario Do you know that from March 1st 1982 until DOOMS- DAY we at Pizzeria PIZZALAND ITALIAN SPECIALITIES 104 Briggate. Leeds are offering a full 10% discount on all our menu items incl. Pizzas, Booze, etc. 105/107 THE HEADROW, LEEDS Why not try us out Weare open from 9 30a m until 1 1. 30p in TEL LEEDS 460390/450809 Seven days a week All you OPENING TIMES: have to do is produce a valid S U card and however much Noon to 2.30p.m for tittle) you spend, we will give Evening 6p.m. to 11.30p.m. Pl17.1111111th you a 10% discount. Sunday Lunch - Closed P.S. For your 'Mutest our waitresses no longer wear the green waistcoats Sunday evening 6p_rn. to 11.30p.m which made us famous or should we say INFAMOUS P.P.S. They now wear our specially designed T-Shirts that we are selling for a MEASLEY 200 pennies Page Six

AMNESTYrelief to prisoners of con- IN vided thy have not used or advocated violence. These science and their families. are termed 'Prisoners of This can be in the form of KIP WINTER, Conscience'. money, clothes, books, or Amnesty International help with legal, educa- MARK advocates fair and prompt tional and similar costs. CLUTTERBUCK trials for all political pris- Amnesty International oners and works on behalf has consultative status ARTICLE 3: "Everyone has the right and J. KAY of those persons detained with the United Nations ARTICLE 5: "No-one shall be subject REPORT ON without charge or without (ECOSOC), UNESCO degrading treatment or pur trial. They oppose the and the Council of Europe. ARTICLE 9: "No-one shall be subject THE WORK OF It also has co-operative ARTICLE 18: "Everyone has the right relations with the Inter- religion; this right includes AMNESTY American Commission on INTER- Human Rights of the freedom, either alone or in Organisation of American private, to manifest his relii NATIONAL & States and is a member of and observance". THE PLIGHT OF the co-ordinating commit- ARTICLE 19: "Everyone has the right tee of the Bureau for the right includes freedom to PRISONERS OF Placement and Education of African Refugees of the seek receive and impart inl CONSCIENCE Organisation of African regardless of frontiers". Unity. In 1977 Amnesty This declaration was adopted by the International was awarded 10th December, 1948 as a "Common the Nobel Peace Prize and all nations" in preserving the dignity WHAT IS in 1978 the United Nations Human Rights AMNESTY Prize. INTER- pressure from societies to carry out the arrest or like Amnesty Interna- abduction and a handful of NATIONAL - DISAPPEARANCE tional, some of those who others to interrogate, tor- have 'disappeared' even- ture and even kill the vic- Imagine that you wake tually re-appear with tales tim in a hidden place. Amnesty International up one day to find that a of violent arrest, torture The prisoners them- death penalty, the use of was founded in Britain in member of your family or a and secret imprisonment. selves arc not the only vic- torture or any other cruel. 1961, as an' organisation close friend has suddenly The bodies of others are tims of 'disappearances'. inhuman or degrading based on the belief that disappeared. You are discovered later in mass Their families suffer treatment of prisoners. every person has the right faced with various graves, but for many the immeasurably and in many to hold and freely express Amnesty acts on the rumours as to their where- truth can only be guessed cases are the real targets of their convictions and basis of the United Nations abouts and the likelihood at, the governments involved beliefs and has an obliga- Universal Declaration of that they have been taken The particular circums- - the real motive of a 'dis- tion to extend the same Human Rights. Through by government security tances of 'disappearances' appearance' can some- freedom to others. It is practical work for prison- forces. What can you do have varied from country times he the punishment or now a worldwide human ers Amnesty works to next? You can contact the to country and the 'disap- intimidation of other fam- rights movement which is promote and protect government. even issue peared' themselves have ily members. independent of any gov- human rights in civil, polit- writs of habias corpus, but included doctors, lawyers. In 1941, the Nazi Field ernment, political group- ical, economic, social and when the government con- priests. nuns, university Marshall, Wilhelm Keitel ing, ideology, economic cultural areas. tinues to deny all responsi- lecturers and students. and argued that "Effective interest or religious creed. Amnesty organises mis- bility, there is little more trade unionists - covering a intimidation can only be you can do. spectrum that includes achieved either by capital The activities of the sions to the coutries it is concerned with, and sends former senior government punishment or by meas- organisation focus strictly The problem is hope- ministers in Ethiopia to ures by which the relatives on prisoners. Amnesty representatives to speak to less, families live indefi- governments. Whenever peasant farmers in the Sal- of the criminal and the seeks the release of men nitely with the uncertainty vadorian countryside. population do not know and women detained any- possible or whorthwhile of the whereabouts of their observers are sent to trials. The main reason why so his fate". Over forty years where for their beliefs. loved ones and the gov- many governments make later this same policy is still colour, sex, ethnic origin. lf necessary Amnesty ernment remains silent. people 'disappear' is that it being applied for the same language or religion, pro- International provides Occasionally, following is a convenient way to sil- reason by countries sup- ence or rid themselves of posedly pledged to uphold political opponents. the Universal Declaration whether real or imagined. of Human Rights. Convenient because it Here at L.U.U. we have does not require any decided to take up the change in legislation, such cases of two men who have as the introduction of 'disappeared', among the emergency legislation; many which are known to also because it requires no Amnesty International. legal formalities, such as having to produce evi- VANISHING dence or obtain a convic- tion from a competent PHILAPPINO court. It requires only a PETRONILO TORNO handful of ruthless agents Since 1975. 'disappear-

• John C/eese one of Amnesty's best known supporters, along with the winning caption from a recent competition run in The Times' in aid of Amnesty International. Page Seven rE NIVI'IONAL., while many others have ERSAL DECLARATION been arrested or detained. Some are abducted from AMNESTY RIGHTS their homes. their work or in the street, while others INTERNATIONAL have simply 'disappeared' ife, liberty and security of person". from prisons where they ACTION WEEK AT to torture or to cruel, inhuman or had previously been receiving regular visits LEEDS UNIVERSITY iment". from friends and relations. to arbitary arrest, detention or exile". Those in danger of freedom of thought, conscience and arrest or of 'disappearing' TUES. 2nd MARCH FILM "QUESTION OF !dom to change his religion or belief, and are particularly: people in TORTURE" lProblems of Iceland) community with others, and in public or opposition to the govern- WED 3rd MARCH - 3 CORNERED DEBATE - ri or belief in teaching, practice, worship ment who are suspected of AMNESTY CONSIDERS THE DEATH PENALTY spying or of having contact & DEFENDS ITSELF AGAINST CI AIMS OF with foreign governments INEFFECTIVENESS (FI H Evans Lounge, freedom of opinion and expression; this or even with foreigners in I opinions without interference and to general; people who are, THURS: 4th MARCH - FILM "ELL SALVADOR nation and ideas through any media and or are believed to he, criti- ANOTHER VIETNAM' cal of the government and SAT 6th & SUN 7th - AMNESTY STUDENT its policies. CONFERENCE (Watkshops. discussions. films, leral Assembly of the United Nations on When people 'disap- etc .I ndard of achievement for all peoples and pear' in the P.D.R.Y., DURING WEEK THERE WILL BE A STALL IN THE I worth of the human person. enquiries made by families nit and friends are met by a set UNION WITH PETITIONS SUPPORTING PRISONERS of 'stock' official replies. OF CONSCIENCE BADGES & POSTERS WILL BE ON Those who have left the SALE ances' have become members of his union at country or who have been increasingly common in the "Blue Bar Coconut shot as intruders while the Philippines. They are Philippines Incorporated" attempting to cross the IF YOU WANT TO HELP: particularly common in factory in Tiaong. Two border into Saudi Arabia THE BEST WAY TO HELP IS TO JOIN A I EITHER THE areas where there are other people at the meet- or the Yemen Arak NATIONAL ORGANISATION, OR THE UNION'S OWN military counter- ing were shot dead Republic. GROUP IF YOU WANT TO DO SO OR JUST WRITE A insurgency operations allegedly for trying to Although many of the LETTER TO HELP COME TO THE STALL IN THE UNION against the New People's escape arrest. Petronilo 'disappeared' are indeed DURING THE WEEK tsi 5th MARCH Army (NPA) and the Torno was taken to Camp probably dead. rumours Moro National Liberation Ciuillerno Nakar in Lucena from released prisoners Front (MNLF). city, where he was held and hints from officials the country and study relatives have made fre- In the Philippines, a until his release on May lead us to believe that large abroad, but was refused quent inquiries to the 'disappearance' can take 27th. numbers of prisoners are permission. authorities, but to no avail. several forms. Some peo- Eight days later on 5th being held on Socotma In March 1972 he got However, just after his ple never re-appear; June 1980, Torno was Island, 351) kilometres off married. A week later, he 'disappearance', Bahadin others are found dead and taken from his home. His the mainland in the Ara- went to his eldest sister's Muhammad's sister was mutilated in isolated areas, wife was at work at the bian Sea. Ordinary house to show her the offered 200 shillings a victims of a practice known time but his children say Yemeni citizens are for- wedding photographs. He month, which, according in the Philippines as 'sal- that the people who took bidden to go there. went to answer a knock at to Amnesty's information, vaging". Another method their father away iden- One such person to have the door and did not is the sum usually offered involves the abduction of tified themselves as mem- 'disappeared' is Bahadin return. He was last seen as compensation to rela- victims followed by their bers of the Philippine Con- Ahmad Muhammad, a being driven off in a jeep. tives of someone who has confinement in a secret stabulary, the National teacher in a technical Bahadin Ahmad been judicially executed. •safehouse where they are paramilitary police. school, who was last seen Muhammad was only one Since then, the authorities interrogated, often under Since his 'disappear- between the 11-13 March of about 19 people of the P.D.R.Y. have con- torture. After a period in ance' efforts made by 1972. reported to have 'disap- sistently denied any know- this safe house, detainees Torno's wife to trace him Muhammad horn in peared' on that night. His ledge of his existence. may be.released, sent to a have met with total failure. 1938 or 1939, spent long regular detention centre or nothing has been seen or periods of time studying in simply never seen again. heard of him for eighteen England before finally Petronilo Torno, Presi- months. returning to Aden in 1967. dent of the Blue Bar Work During 1968 and 1969 -ers' Union. lived in he was arrested for short Quezon Province. an area THE PEOPLE'S periods and held in Al where military campaigns DEMOCRATIC Mansurs prison. No reason are being conducted REPUBLIC OF was given, although he is against the MPA. There is, said to have been ques- however, absolutely no YEMEN tioned about his relations evidence linking Torno The People's Democra- with foreigners. particu- with the MPA. tic Republic of Yemen larly Americans living in On 13th March 1980. became an independant Aden. He was also thought Petronilo Torno was state in 1967. to have been tortured: arrested during a Union Since that time hun- there were marks on his meeting, with several dreds of people have 'dis- fingernails and back. others, most of them appeared' without trace, In 1970 he tried to leave

• Bahadin Ahmed Muhammad. Page Eight

Pretty Boys in the Refectory.. Shivering & Shaking at the

the least personality. The strik• ing exception to this was the lead singer, with his peculiar Gigs style of dancing which looked as if his legs had been dis- DEPECHE MODE connected from his body. Refectory. 19th February. At least he looked happy, The support . Blanc though, and his suit looked mange, had been knocked stra- pretty. The crowd put up a good ight out of a familiar mould - impression of being devoted two-piece band in two-piece fans, but fell down somewhat suits, one tall, one short. by recognising the The music, of the all-to- only when the title line popular "I can't explain" and was reached. 'I m so angry" (repeat ad This is not to say that nauseum) type was enough the singing and playing was to cast the necessary gloom not of the highest quality, over the audience. This effect but it was rather too perfect. however was totally destroyed The group cannot expect to be by the vocalist, who was too admired for their virtuosity much of a nice bloke to he when they display its artifici- cool, and couldn't help break- ality so prominently with a mas- ing into an embarrassed and ter-tape. The boys and the set winsome grin from time to looked smart, and the light time. show was unusual, but only The star of the Depeche for five minutes at a time. Mode show was definitely the We then resorted to arguing master tape, which occupied about how their name should a prominent spot at the centre he pronounced of the stage, with the other Unless you enjoy being crus- members of the group arranged hed and vomited over, you around it like Kraftwork. They would have been better off seemed to be competing as to at home listening to one of who could move about the least their L.P.s. and who could demonstrate ANGIE WARNER.

THE HIGSONS tin dust-bins, and general air Hunter stood out particularly THE WAREHOUSE of unforced gaiety, was an with a fine sax solo in the irresistable blend. They might Jazz opener It starts Here. Warehouse I was not looking forward not be able to cut the ice The empirical element was to this gig. With the splintering of vinyl, but their live per- present in the Inclusion of of punk. modern music had formance was definitely a cake THE MIKE WESTBROOK long lyrical passages from seemed to be polarised into two to savour. Those (including ORCHESTRA PERFORM THE sources as diverse as Swedish The first time 1 saw Buzzz extremes On one hand. the myself) at the front row CORTEGE AT THE folk songs and the works of they were appearing on a Tyne- ultra-conservative and nostalgic went ape, completely surren- PLAYHOUSE Hermann Hesse. The classical Tees television progra • thrashings of the 01"Ptink dering ourselves to the strident. The Playhouse is becoming influence was clearly present mine and being hailed tmainly Moven.eni. on the other Band. urgent 11101ms. and by the a very interesting place during in an arrangement of Blake's by themselves) as "the next a long line of mediocre end of the set we were all the very early hours of Satur- Jerusalem, after which we big thing". They gave an fads followed by mediocre satiated and covered in sweat. day morning. Interesting be- were plunged back into the interview and performed one of fashion-mongerers. with medi- The dedicated Higson fans in cause the bands who have realms of traditional American their songs and the overall ocre bands destined to last the front called them back filled this midnight spot recent- jazz with a rendering of the impression was one of a bright no more than Andy Warhol's for more. I lost count of the ly. Company and now the New Orleans Funeral dirge new band, confident to the poi- "fifteen minutes of fame" number of encores, but each Mike Westbrook Orchestra, Didn't He Ramble. nt of arrogance, selling funk In between was the independ- number enduced in me some- have taxed the musical brain What was surprising was that under the guise of Buzz2-rock. ent scene - which, in 1981. thing akin to an epileptic to the limits this fusion succeded. The var- It was much the same story was a cultural wasteland fit. The Cortege is a compos- ious styles did blend Into at the Warehouse last Satur- of myriad groups with little It was a pity that the ition of Westbrook's 'for voices a whole with no blatant day. about them to remember, majority of the audience merely and jazz orchestra'. The Jazz sense of incongruity. This The venue was full to or get enthused about, On stood back and remained critic Charles Fox has put was due of course to West- capacity. a consequence. no the vinyl front (3 singles aloof, for once captured by the style of this composition brook's brilliant arrangements doubt, of the buzz there has 2 for the Norwich-based Rom- the dynamo of white-hot drums. in a tradition of composers of the various pieces, and it been in the music industry ans in Britain label, and two strident bass. manic percuss- who work empirically, adjusting was significant that he figured about this band It was gone on their label. Waap!) The ion, fierce guitar-work. and to the realities of what works more as conductor than music- twelve o'clock by the time the Higsons seemed to inhabit hypnotic lead vocalist, there best. learning from how their ian, frequently stalking around group came on and they played the vast desert of John Peel was no escape music sounded on the night!! the stage keeping time and for little over an hour. They bands. Most people here, I If you want a good band This element of a musical returning to the piano to hit were fronted by an amazingly suspected, had come on the to make you shiver and shake, experiment is clearly obvious in the odd passing chord seeming- aggressive lead singer who, strength of their single • 'I Don't if you like a continual up- the piece. ly when the mood took him. when he was not accusing the Want To Live With Monkeys", tempo dance-beat, then I To begin with the overall At the end of the night, audience of being posers and which was what had labelled recommend you to see them. sound was a fusion of modern the vast range of style and goading us into dancing, was them by the press the "next I lust can't figure it out jazz and classical styles. The material encompassed within producing some very impress- big thing". So far, they have why their vinyl is so mediocre Orchestra included a rhythm The Cortege left one with a ive vocals indeed. not lived up to that promise. and uninspiring . section of Dave Berry on feeling which was captured Their material, it must be Boy. what a surprise I got! Catch them ....before they drums. Steve Cook on bass perfectly in Charles Fox's said. was not that strong, They took command right from sink into the sands of that and the excellent Brian Gadd- comment. "The moods range though their musicianship was their first number Their com- cultural desert, and disappear ing on guitar. This trio from the solemn to the out- faultless They only played bination of white funk backing forever out of trace set down some heavy jazz rageous. but those extremes six or seven songs in all manic percussive bashes on old TERRY SMITH. riffs. which were overlayed by should surprise nobody with and of these the pick was prob- a swelling big band sound from any experience of the parad- ably the single, ''Sorry My the 12 piece orchestra, and at oxical processof being alive. Dear" Their music is unmista- HEADLINE IN LEEDS STUDENT STATES times notable solos - Chris RICK HOLROYD. kably in the area of funk and soul, and the sooner they drop the awfully pret- LEEDS entious little of Buzzz-rock arid 'STUDENTS FACE admit they are no more than a good funk hand the more POVERTY TRAP' PLAYHOUSE friends they will earn. CHAMPS Calverley Street. Tel: 442111 &tin took the stage thinking THE EX-CATALOGUESHOP MAY BE Book also at Uraversay Union Record shop they were wonderful and were ABLE TO HELP. downright resentful when the ' 3011. audience refused to pour WE SELL MAIL ORDER SURPLUS FROM THE 1HE MATCHMAKER 11..11 N1 JEUX INTERDITS (X) adulation on them They COUNTRY'S LEADING MAIL ORDER .T E Pan tried desperately hard to 1.11 a 8.41•,8•,0418. 4.-11 4...TTT.T.-.8 41 M••■,.1w1 8 Mal ? 10 pm. COMPANY - ALL GOODS ARE PERFECT MAPAI:).1.4r, impress but their provocative jeers at the ciowd and con AND ALL ARE AT BELOW COST PRICE stantly sarcastic banter tended JAZZ Ladies and Gents Clothing and Shoes , ■ to alienate them still further 1 , ••• ••-• 2 'TOP." '" at prices you won't believe By the time the set had FILM THEATRE Ask around the campus - we've made a lot of BOPTET ended the converts to the cause ,1111 '11, ,11:11 80, friends there! T of Buzzz -rock were most defin e YoJimao tely in the minority Most poop CHAMPS A Ftriftil al DORMS BORDERLINE le were either getting down to 111,, Ai II 15p IT. same "serious— posing clf had 5 DUNCAN STREET GLORIA already gone home /nom BRIGGArt 10WARDs THE CORN E,YCHANGE TOOT• ,Ter TjRn.q....1.88• .18r 41. 6-8 The Mr.) St1...18rTtT. RAY O'SHAUGHNESSY. ► Page Nine

Warehouse.. Pulsing at the Poly...... Python man goes straight

om were dancing with the rest through again. Still, at least of the audience confining they did reappear. Gigs themselves to enthusiastic cla- Steele Pulse enjoy themselv- pping after each . Towards es while they played and their large number of members pro- STEEL PULSE the end of the concert the old duce a cohesive and bouncy POLYTECHNIC - CITY SITE audience participation card was played - along the lines of sound Steel Pulse's African singalonga.lead-singer and the influence is quite marked Steele Pulse do not suffer Poly began to gain that cer• and a track of pure percuss- from what is to the uninitiated tain atmosphere that makes a ion showed a versatility that the most common failing concert. reggae groups sometimes seem of reggae bands Their songs Unfortunately, once things to lack are distinctive, and unlike got going Steele Pulse didn't "Commercial'. reggae may some other reggae bands and retreated behind the curt- be heretical to dub devotees Steele Pulse's music refrains ains We did eventually get an but Steel Pulse are commercial from turning into one seeming- encore after a good few in as much as their music ly homogeneous track . minutes of shouting and clapp- is listenable as well as During the hour and a bit ing - why do bands have danceable and bedecked in a that they played, Steele Pulse to stretch out this ritualistic rainbow of colours Steel Pulse played energetically and well, ego trip for so long? Then make good viewing as well as They had quite a job warming Steele Pulse vanished again good listening. an initially somewhat deadpan and the whole charade of audience. at least three of wh- We clap. You wait, was gone ADAM LEBOR.

first spokesman of Rock Steady, ae. The best is more insit- REALLY LEEDS POLY on Red Alert, which from the recording studio owner and so- ent and the pace is hotting audience reaction which greet- und system man Duke Reid up, making this the perfect The C.N.D. benefit gig at Records Leeds Poly on Saturday was ed the opening bars seems was its undisputed king. and party record. especially with successful for both the band to be emerging as a strong it is from the wealth of such rude anthems to diss- and organisers alike, as a favourite, other highlights in a GEMS FROM THE TREA- recordings made in his tiny ipation as Wreck a Buddy by fair sized crowd turned out consistently high quality set SURE ISLE Kingston studio that Trojan's the Soul Sisters i"Getting Dru- to give the band an enthus- being Innocence and the storm- TIGHTEN UP VOL 2 Gems From Treasure Isle is nk will do you good'. is about iastic reception, demanding two ing Eat Your Heart Out, (TROJAN) taken, claiming to he 'real the only printable suggestion encores at the end of the lengt- Since their support slot "YOU BETTER GET READY cool Rock Steady' and aiming expressed) and Reggae in Your hy yet enjoyable set. with Elvis Costello last year TO DO ROCK STEADY" to fill a few gaps in even Jeggae (whose sentiments are Obviously Really have built Really have not only made a Announced Alton Ellis in the best collections entirely unprintable) by Dandy up a lot of solid support number of changes in their 1966. ushering in the new (of Message to you Rudy It opens, unsurprisingly with during the relatively short set. they've had a line- dance with a cool arrogance, famei. Alton Ellis's anthem. and time they have been gigging up change, keyboards have an infectious beat and a tenor Side Two opens with Lee continues through a breath- around the Leeds circuit Their been dispensed entirely with solo as smooth as iced rum Perry's gloriously eccentric taking selection. including a main problem at the moment the departure of Grant. and in summertime. Pyllis Dillion track, the classic instrumental Return of Dango is in interesting a record drummer Ansell has been Where had mutated out from the great and continues with a wreckless It's Raining company in their music, and so replaced with Terry Neil (who of the R n B influence lost voices of Jamican music, beat through tracks by the far the elusive deal doesn't also plays with the Volunteers) of Fats Domino and Louis The Three Tops, and an early Kingstonians, Joys Landis, the seem to,be forthcoming, which The new format works well Jordan, Rock Steady was piece of verbal flash from U- Bieechers and the Soulmates is a pity since they are a through giving them a more Jamaica's reply to Tamla Roy. before winding up with another highly proffessional outfit, com- economical and more powerful and Stax sweet soul music, of the Scratch's Upsetters It is a sad-fact that, with mitted to their music, sound_ dominated sound the light which Live Injection. a vocal Their set has developed and It seems, however, that shed on Jamaican music having If you, like me are a which produced some of the gr- Improved consider.t, SI promising Leeds hands such as been dissipated. this album collector of early regae,. eatest dance music ever made, 1 last saw them at one of Keally are unfortunately stuck is aimed so much at musical rock steady. these albums maintaining the loping. slightly their early gigs at the Fan in .a difficult situation so historians_ Even if your famil- are bound to have something melancholy sound of ska but Club. The performance was not long as they are 'without iarity with the area Is low for you If your knowledge of bursting with bitter sweet mel- quite as energetic as the quality a record deal, and have Jamican music begins with odies, sung by some of the you will find Gems From Trea- of the music. Singer Marian little alternative but to continue sure Isle danceable and supre• Marley and the Wailers ' world's great unrecognised Lux's voice is haunting and plugging the Leeds circuit Burnin they provide the perfect singers (like the superb Phyllis mely accessible. emotional and provides art ex- until they get the recognition introduction to the beat that Mon, featured on the first The same applies to Tighten cellent interpretation of her they deserve. caused the heat of these records). Up Vol 2. which fills the gap excellent lyrics, most notably KAREN BUTTERWORTH. If Alton Ellis was the between rock • steady and regg- DON WATSON.

ious crusading victories but shameful expeditions by mer- HE WAS D. H. LAWRENCE SHE WAS HIS LADY CHAFTERLEY cenaries in the pay of Tyrants Books They captured cities for the ric- THEIR EXTRAORDINARY ROMANCE WAS MORE TEMPESTUOUS CHAUCERS KNIGHT hes and massacred innocent THAN ANY HE WROTE. BY civilians. TERRY JONES The unearthing of the histoo- In his book Chaucers Knight, cal and character details of the Terry Jones of Monty Python Knight become a fascinating fame undertake to overturn adventure with numerous quot • ations from writers of the time the main body of scholarly opinion He argues that it such as Froissart, Boccicio, and was not Chaucers intention Gower to portray the Knight as an The philosophical and pout example of chivalry. but to do ical controversies of the period bring into relief some of the a vicious parody of that scour- ge of the age, the mercenary 'hot potatoes' of our own soldier. day It is Ironic in the true His presentation of his case Chaucetian mode. that today is excellent, and his compelling the mercenary ethic in our society is so well instituted arguments throw a new light on the subject, There are sever How the wheel turns, al maps and pictures and a The aaidemics are already chronological table of battles in combat over the controversial which add to his argument. book with troops lining up on There is also a appendix of both sides One can only hope terms The meticulously chosen that common sense and truth words of Chaucers dialogue are will prevail explained for all their amb- Terry Jones Is off crusading iguous and ironic meanings. for his cause against the heath- en academia with a lecture As in life, so in this inter- pretation the beauty lies in the at the university itself on Mon- day 1st of March in L G. revealing of the hidden mean- 19, Arts Block at 5.05 pm. ings. Chaucers brilliance is in his skilful expose of a character I cannot lay bare the essentials of this marvellous hook but through his own mouth. What STANLF,11 Win• A CIIII61Litlitil Terry Jones will fill in the he superficially appears to con- details on Monday. KEITH -JORGE RIVERO • MAURIZIO MERLI done is in reality the most JANET SUZMAN AVA GARDNER. PEN mocking condemnation. "And if you find untruths ad IAN McKELLEN aS IH,1.AURENCE in PRIEST OF LOVE Mr Jones demonstrates that in this my tale I tell; The fault lies in my wit as you A 1st, starring JOHN GIELGUD • JAMES FAULKNER • MIKE GWILYM MASSIMO RA N IER I what Chaucer does not state may guess well. "Let your explitly, through a knowledge advice correct it. all you oiaxibuoc., bye ernstvgast mows UwiTRI of the history, can be shown %razed k!..t1111ISIVIIIER MILLS' amtV.Iiiri& fA1N Atli ihrft-ct! t1iRltillititif "111/3 to be packed with satirical clerks together; And amend thrust. Mr Jones explains what is amiss and make It that the battles in which the better'' . FROM SUNDAY ODEON 1 LEEDS Knight fought were not glor- DERMOT QUIGLEY. Please check Cinema for details

Page Teo • Sport • Sport • Sport • Sport • Sport • SI WATER GOOD SHOW! NARROW DEFEAT WATER POLO found Atkinson whose can- pass from Baraclough VOLLEYBALL affairs, with Birmingham U.A.U. Semi Final nonball shot flew accurately allowed Moody to shoot hard Birmingham University 3 winning the third and Leeds After a disappointing per- into the top right hand corner into the tv corner of the goal Leeds University 2 the fourth. formance against Liverpool of the goal. A prolonged and a cross from the wing Leeds University were nar- And so to the fifth and earlier this week, Leeds period of attacking by Man- saw Dunn rise above his rowly beaten in the quarter deciding set. Both teams bounced back with familiar chester with some good indi- defender to power the ball finals of the student cup last came out hard, but Birming- speed and power to gain a vidual play resulted in three past the stranded Manchester Friday by Birmingham Uni- ham, with some good tactical 16-8 victory over Manchester. gcols that the Leeds defence keeper. versity. The match went to the play by their UAU setter Phil A shock goal in the opening could do nothing to stop. In In the final quarter, Leeds full five sets and took over Roberts, managed to take the moments of the first quarter another man up situation a hustled Manchester, forcing two hours. initial advantage to lead 5-2: gave Manchester an early pass from Jervis found Mack- them to make wild shots or In the first set, Leeds had however, Leeds started to lead. As the quarter progres- rell who blasted it in off the stray passes. Once again, trouble settling down and lost block more effectively, espe- sed the Leeds team were underside of the crossbar, Leeds looked dangerous in 15-8 to a more composed cially through the middle, swinging the ball fluently giving Leeds a 6-4 advantage. attack, with Everest and Mor- Birmingham. The second set where McGaren and Mark across the pool, stretching Leeds began the third quar- ris creating chances for their saw Leeds in a much more showed what they are cap- the Manchester defence and ter with some good attacking forwards. Barraclough was controlled mob and despite able of_ However, despite this creating openings. The quar- play. A quick clearance from particularly effective, scoring one or two lapses they took gallant fight back, Birrning- ter ended 4-1 in favour of defence by Everest enabled a hat-trick spectacularly. The this set 15.10. The third and ham eventually won 15-12. Leeds with Atkinson and Dunn to surge forward draw- first goal came from a quick fourth sets were much closer STEVE WILLIAMS Mackrell scoring two apiece. ing both defender and keeper one, two with Jervis at the The second half was played out of position before pas- near post. The second was a at a fast and exciting pace sing, giving Atkinson the difficult bounce shot that roc- with both teams creating easiest of chances. Manches- keted in from outside the goal many chances. With a place in ter were quick to reply with area. The only reply Man- the final at stake, tensions two fine goals, one a superb chester could muster was two grew with the result that shot from half way, the other goals when Leeds were a man players on both sides were a fast counter. As the quarter down. Two goals from Mack- sent off for forty-five seconds. progressed the Leeds rell and one from Dunn It was while Leeds were a defence, organised by Morris brought the final score to 6-8 man up that a ball from Dunn gained complete control. A in favour of Leeds. OPPOSITION SKITTLED TEN PIN BOWLING win their remaining games result that was expected of U.C.T.B.A. Quarter Final and the B and Ladies' teams them. Leeds Poly 11 completed a wipe out of their In the final analysis, the Liverpool 5 opponents. Poly's domination was con- In an initially tense match The B team finally won by firmed by an overall winning on neutral ground at Sheffield 501 pins overall with excel- margin of 1150 pins. Their last Sunday, Leeds Poly lent scores by Lol Wiles - 577, total pinfall of 9325 is the ended up crushing Liverpool Haryanto - 527, and Andy highest score so far this sea- to reach the semi finals of the Winkett - 507. The Ladies' son by any team and must national competition for the team also won by a huge give them a huge confidence first time in their history. margin, lead by Nikki Bruce boost when they go in the hat With only the B teams and with a 514 series Good per- along with Sheffield, Nottin Ladies' team winning their formances in the C team by gham and Leeds University first games it looked like it Chris Kelly - 555, Chris Davies this coming Sunday at Ikes- might be a close match. How- - 523, and Nick White - 503 ton_ ever, the C team came back to helped them towards the PETE GAFFIKIN


UNION COUNCIL OPEN MEDICAL OPEN BYE-ELECTION UNION COUNCIL CANDIDATE: CHRIS KARLE BYE-ELECTION UNION COUNCIL -MEDICAL OPEN Proposer; Met, Ishtar CANDIDATEi CHRISTOPHER KIRTLEY BYE-ELECTION Seconder: In Rosenthal Proposer. Dave Lew is CANDIDATE: ROSALIN COOPER , Seconder- Chris Valentine Proposer: Paul Hill Do ynu want a Union that fights hack. against the Cuts. Seconder: Christina Winter racism, etc.?. Few Medics are interested in the Union. I aim to change Do you want a person who represents you? this. This is essential because decisions ate taken which Fur someone who supports positive opposition to all attempts Do you think it's time to get out of the rut created this affect all st u den ts. to erode uur education system. year and have a fresh. fighting start? I hope you'll use MSRC to tell me your views - For someone whose priorities include access for disabled 1 HEN ELECT CHRIS KARLE I .ie fighting especially against Cuts I In% at Worsley b!, students, community involvement, and maintenance of welfare '841. services, minibus and nursery. UNION COUNCIL VOTE K1RT LEY FOR WORSLEY For someone who recognises unponance of issue s like nuclear OPEN disarmament. Third World and human rights. BYE-ELECTION UNION COUNCIL VOTE ROZ COOPER CANDIDATE: MARK PRIESTLEY BYE-ELECTION -MEDICAL Proposer: Manspuart Wood UNION COUNCIL CANDIDATE: M.D. OW ENS Seconder; Nick Turner. Proposer Teresa O'Dwyer OPEN Seconder: N. Spike Taylor BYE•ELECTION Worried about --The Cuts? Women's. safety? Union trading CANDIDATEt MARK CLUITERBUCK operations? Social and sporting facilities? Vote for me. a person with saried Interests and extensive Proposer: Mary Cassidy These issues require art aellkc. fighting union dedicated knowledge of Union affairs_ Someone who can best mutes- Seconder Ann Barran to furthering the interests of ALL students, sin your Interests, Someone with opinions on all the issues TOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT - USE IV that will affect your future. part icularb Health & Educat- * Oppose the Cuts with positive action. VOTE PRIESTLEY. I. * Protect existing vital Union services ion cots. Minibus. Nusery. Welfare. VQII OWNLS I • Press fin better access ro the Union for the Disabled -.The Re goal: /4a 1. and other minority groups. * Secure links with outside community. wereastng the Action ENGINEERING Grant SCIENCE * Continue campaigns of groups like Amnesty. Third World. ( .N_D UNION COUNCIL UNION COUNCIL VOTE MARK sIUTTERBUCK I BYE-ELECTION BYE-ELECTION -ENGINEERING -SCIENCE UNION COUNCIL CANDIDATE: GARY GLICKMAN CANDIDATE: AfiEDI NieLOUGHLIN OPEN Proposer: Paul Earnshaw BYE-ELECTIONS proposer E. Carswell Seconder Seamus Gillen CANDIDATE: MARGARET DALE Seconder. H. Rosenblum Proposer: Seamus Gillen My aims a ill be Seconder: Ann Barran II is time more students were made aware id Union Fight all cuts, ,losuics. redundaniics. tolls in WWII value, ,Nslies and to feel that the Union is relevant to them. Oppose all torros of racialism and diserin Manion . VOLE FOR: As faculty rep. I would ensure that publicity for all Increase DA areuess and involvement and maintain current Continued tfleetiVe action ugurnii the cuts, union activities is displayed in the department interest in Tlitril World issues and th• arms race. `support for groups stun as Af. FION and LASH commitment VOTE. GLICKMAN Maintain Limon scrs;ees and support plans to mar.... Third World and CND Issues. the Union mote accessible in disabled students. UNION COUNCIL . BYE-ELECTION UNION COUNCIL -ENGINEERING UNION COUNCIL BYE ELECTION CANDIDATE' M.J. STOTHA RD OPEN -SCIENCE CANDIDATE: BYE-ELECTIONS Proposer: K. Fweedie ANNE LESLEY HEMINGWAY CANDIDATE: ANNE M. HAWORTH proposer: F. Seconder D. Fewings Cat es' • VAX)L1 Proposer Malcolm Rispm Secmider: A. Graham 0110Cr Geoffrey A Dunn Slop l Radical action by the militant Union Detrimental to For fair and responsible representation for setenee students Engineers and the rest of the Student both of Leeds. HELP YOUR UNION TO HELP YOU BRING THE UNION BACK TO REALITY VOTE HEMINGWAY I VOTE HAWORTH I VOTE M.J.S. Sport • Sport • Sport • Sport • Sport • Spor


Leeds University 1 Again, as so often this Acomb 1 season, Gibson provided them with a virtuoso performance Following the excellent in goal, arid it remains defeat of Nunthorpe in mid- a mystery why he hasn't week, the fourth eleven been selected for higher faced a strong Acomb side teams. on Saturday. A goal-mouth scuffle led Due to the non-appearance to an equalising goal by of two Leeds players, they Acomb and the second half were forced to play with nine was well contested but goal- men. However, early in the less. Gascoigne and Tomlin- first half Homer scored son both played well and were from a penalty corner and unlucky not to score. this raised the Leeds morale. ANDY HOMER. JUDO JOUST Leeds Judo club met with of good performances by team mixed sucess at the British captain Andre Hopper and Student championship at Cry- blue belt Murray Chapman, stal Palace last weekend. the University failed to qualify In the Mens Individuals for the next round. on Saturday, brown belt The Polytechnic team was FIVE-NIL FLOURISH Andre Hopper from the Univ- more sucessful, but was just ersity fought well and seemed beaten to the Bronze medal Leeds Polytechnic 2nd XI 5 style. Day tapping the ball to be in good position for a by Fordenhill College. Brown moves. York University 0 forward, for Coffey to knock medal. His hopes were dashed belt John Spiers and Green Lauffer came on as subs- The beautiful cathedral back to Lever who pushed when he had to retire due to belt Alister Nielson were both titute and after settling. city of York provided the it square to Sinclair. Only provided renewed fight in the a shoulder injury. Andy outstanding in that team. setting for this 2nd XI a misunderstanding between Walsh, also from the Univ- In the Womens individuals Leeds midfield. Goals came team fixture in the Northern Sinclair and Lever stopped quickly from Lever and Day. ersity put up a good fight Carol Isherwood and Susan Universities League. A cold them from scoring. This prov- Duffy scored Leeds' fourth but the opposition proved Rylance both fought well but windless day and a big ed to be the blue-print with a diving header before strong. against top-class opposition flat pitch equipped Leeds with for the first half: poor setting up an easy chance On Sunday the competitions but failed to attain a medal conditions that suited their finishing not complementing for Lauffer after a diagonal were the team contest and the position. open and attacking style of well-worked Leeds moves. run with the ball had Womens In spite SUE RYLANCE. play. At the break, Leeds were taken the York defence This match showed the str- winning by a single goal: out of position. Five nil. ength and depth of Leeds a well headed effort from Day. York occasionally pressed Poly football club. Sinclair The second half saw a more forward trying to play constr- POLY FELL FELLING and Lauffer stepped up from purposeful Leeds team, spur- uctive football but the Leeds the third team to replace red on by captain Sander- defence looked solid through VOLLEYBALL were having a bad time and Ridge and Carter, to turn son, They moved the ball out. Danks, the Leeds' keeper National League Division were quickly down 1-9. in a more than adequate around with precision, penet- had little else to do but Three Then Mark Jones was contributions to a competent rating easily, with Coffey admire what went on at the Leeds Poly 3 subbed on and the mood of overall performance. providing the link up front other end. Felling Armutage 2 the team changed; captain Leeds kicked off in familiar for many of the Leeds A.W.G. The Poly in first place Andy Craig played a vital in Division 3 nearly came un- part with 7 points from ser- stuck against their perrenial vice to bring the score back rivals Felling. to 12-12 and excellent block- In the first set, the Poly ing by Guy Scott saw Leeds WRITE UP HAPPY TO WIN.. slipped up when the score take the set 15-12. was 5-5. Felling played care- The fourth set was a YOUR SPORT - York University 0 ering several comparitively fully and without mistake to titanic struggle, Leeds just IT'S RIGHT UP Leeds Polytechnic 1st Xi 1 easy chances. In defence an 11-6 lead before the Poly wining 17-15. Taylor had little change rallied. But the Poly lost this The final set was an anti YOUR STREET! In a hard dour struggle in his private battle with the first set B-15 and Felling dom- climax after the previous at York, a weakened Leeds York centreforward, but stru- inated the second as Leeds ones. Dewsneip served eight team eventually managed ggled on manfully. struggled through slack serv- times and the block of Huss- to secure both points. York made it clear that ing and poor service recept- ein and Anderson stopped any NEXT DEADLINE From the kick-off Leeds they were not going to give ion to lose the set 5-15. Felling attacks. Leeds finally FOR COPY: gained the initative, putting up until the final whistle Set 3 was vital to us: won the set 15-5, pressure on the York defence. and even hit the post near if this was lost so was the They followed up this win MIDDAY, Sawyers and Paterson played the end when Leeds relaxed. game and Leeds' chances of by beating Grimsby three sets MONDAY 1st. Particularly well, gaining the As keeper Scott sporting promotion would go with it. to nil to maintain their upperhand in the midfield. the most delightful headgear, Felling turned out in full lead in division three. It was Sawyers who set became busier under the up a chance to hit a flow, whilst the Poly team GEORGE BULMAN, mounting pressure Leeds we- 411 thundering right foot shot re very relieved to hear the which glanced the crossbar. final whistle, The Leeds pressure paid off Despite gaining the two just before halftime when points they for, this cer- Humes sweeping pass found tainly was not one of Leeds Fowler who pulled the ball better games. This was sum- back from the byline for med up by manager Tony Cooksey to score clinically. Cloughs profound after match With Carter making his de- comment to his team, "You but replacing Robbins in the wouldn't have been so happy second half, Leeds continued if you had drawn. " to exert the pressure, squand- ROSSJ. CLICHE. ..SAD TO LOSE

Leeds University 4 progressed unto a two goal Nottingham 5 lead with only five minutes to go. In their first game of the However Leeds hopes were season the womens Lacrosse revived with a brilliant indiv- team were unfortunate to idual goal by Sally Rider lose a closely contested which sparked a dramatic match. Clear ly the lack finish. Unfortunately with of match practice was the vital regular centre Kieran Sykes factor as, although Leeds refereeing the last quarter. took en early lead, Notting- Nottingham were able to hold ham were most consistent on to their slender lead and and levelled the scores before clinch the game 5-4. However half time. Nottingham were this performance does signal definately the more dominant hope for the future. side in the second half and TIM JONES. Page Tweke THIRD WORLD SOC. LEON BRITTAN MP Mon 1st March, 1 pm in RBLT. Speaks for the Conservative Discos Terry Lacey on Causes of soc. on 'The Treasury', RBLT Poverty - plus underde- Fri 26th, 5.30 pm. velopment in the 3rd world. ANTI-APARTHEID LEEDS POLY ENTS Strategy for combatting pov- MOVEMENT SOC. President Ball, Fri 26th, erty and underdev. in 3rd We meet every week at 1.00 Brunswick Terrace. Late bar world. pm in Committee room B, till 12 pm. 8.30 pm - 60p 3RD WORLD/CND BNA every Thursday. All welcome. L.P.E. Picket careers service, Tues Fri 26th Feb, 6.30, RSB LT21, Beckett Park Disco, Fri 26th. 2nd March. Film: 'Portrait of Nelson Late bar - 50p. LEEDS POLY WIND- Mandela' plus talk 1982 UN L.P.E SURFING CLUB Year of Mobilisation for Sanc- Graduation Ball, Sat 27th, Urgent meeting 6 pm. Thurs tions against S. Africa by 8.30 pm. Late bar till 12 pm - March 4th, Longr Rm. Beckett Brian Filling (Chairman of tickets 60p. Poly Union bar Park, £2.50 subs. All new- Scottish Anti Apartheid city site. comers welcome. Movement). FANCY DRESS ENGLISH SOC. AMNESTY INTERNA- Heavy Metal disco, Fri 26th. TIONAL 1st 50 people in, wearing Theatre trips, March 3rd. Tartan Bar, 8 till late - 50p. Week of action: motorbike gear get free Afternoon 'The Beaux'. A NEW VARIETY DISCO Tues 2nd March: Film, 'Pris- T-shirts etc. and there's a Stratagem at Manchester - Coming to your galaxy this oners in N. Ireland'. Time and chance to win 20 freetickets... f2.50 members, £3 others. On Cinema Friday at the Refectory, 8-lam venue to be confirmed - AGM ODEON 1 (30031) sale Eng. Dept, Thurs, Union - members 60p, non- extn Fri 1-2pm, 5 pm Committee Rm B. Until Sat: Fort Apache, The members 80p. £1 after 10.30 LUU EVENTS Wed 3rd March: Debate, A.I. 'HYDE PARK (752045) Bronx. ineffective do-gooders or Until Sat: The Stone Killer, Pm. Presents Wreckless Eric in Next week: The Priest of unrealistic dreamers? Guest 8.45, The Squeeze, 6.50, L.U.U.J. Soc. Tartan Bar, Sat 27th, £1.50. Love. speakers from LUU labour Late show Fri 11 pm: lbsens A 8.30 pm Wed 3rd March Disco Sun: 4.10, 7.10; Week: 2.10, LEEDS POLY ENTS club and LUU conservatives Doll's House. and bar ext. Lipman Building. 5.05, 8.00 Vice Pres. (Mads and Clare). RH Evans lounge . 7,30 pm. Late show Sat 11 pm: Be there, late bar, tickets on ODEON 2 Games night Beckett Park Thurs 4th March: Film, 'El Tommy. door - 50p Until Sat: Flesh Gordon, 2.30, Bar, Late bar. FREE. Tues 2nd Salvador, Another Vietnam?' Sun for 6 days (not Wed). Taxi SOUL SOC. 5.40,8.50. And Jungle Burger, March. A&M video promo. org. by Chile Solidarity Cttee, Driver, 8.25 and Blow Out, Disco, Wed 3rd March, Tartan 4.05. LCP - 7.15, night Poly Union Bar city site, RBLT 7 pm. Stall in the union 6.30. Bar, 8-12, late bar. Members Wed 3rd March, 11am-3pm, Next week: Deathwish II. extn 12-2pm all week. Wed special 2.30 & 6.50: 30p, non-members 50p. on the new big video screen. Sun: 3.00, 5.35, 8.15: Week: Mon 1st March: Marina Kiute and Steelyard Blues. 3.15, 5.40, 8,30. PSYCHOLOGY SOC. LEEDS POLY Disco, Doubles bar, Wed 24th Kanevskaya from Soviet TOWER (458229) ODEON 3 Beckett Park Hoff- Jewry Action Group - LG19 -13 Dressed To Kill, Feb, B till late, bar ext. 60p Until Sat: Until Sat: Lord of the Rings, brauhaus/Bier Keller trip 2. pm. The non-members, 40p members. 4.30 & 8.30, and 2.10, 4.50, 7.40. Thurs 4th March - 50p. Amityville Horror, 2.25. LOP - LUU S. FICTION SOC. Next week: Fort Apache. The ELLERSLIE-LYDDON LEEDS POLY - 6.20. Disco, Fri 26th March, 8.30 Tickets for film festival: Bronx. NUS Grants Action Week. 1 Phantasm Next week: Death Ship. Sun: Sun: 4.10, 7.10: Week: 4.25, Ellerslie. Late bar - 50p until day strike Thurs 4th March, 3.15, 6.30 (LCP). Week: 2.10, 10.30 pm. Star Trek the Movie 7.30 Details from Exec. office. Time after Time 5.25, 8.45 Plus Phobia, Sun: REMEMBER 4.55, 8.10. Week: 3.45, 7.05 COTTAGE ROAD MARCH 1-5TH The Ultimate Warrior (751606) Disco in the refec. Fri 26th 8.30 pm. Boddington Main On sale in union ext. 1-5th (LCP), MONDAY 75p ONLY. Feb, 8-12. bar till 12 pm ABC 1 (451013) This and next week: Arthur. Block, Tom Stoppard's 'The March, 11.30-2.30 and at the Real Inspector Hound' per- SF Library, 27 Cromer Ter- Until Sat: Ghost Story and Until Sat: 5 45, 7.45. Sun: formed by Bodd. Drama Cir- race. Nighthawks. LCP 6.30. 5.20, LCP - 7.25. Week: 6.00, cle. £1 on door or in union Tom Between LOP - 8.00. Next week: Refec. CONSERV. MEET Two Lovers and The Last Late show Fri 26th (tonight): 1 .2prn every weekday. Young Frankenstein, 10.45. IRISH At the Packhorse (upstairs), Snows of Spring. Sun LCP - FREEDOM Tues. 8.00 pm. Talk on the 6,00. Week LCP - 6.50. LOUNGE (751061) FRENCH SOCIETY MOVEMENT role of the FCS by Tim Mack ABC 2 Until Sat: Raiders of the Lost Paris Weekend, 12th 14th Mon 1st March, Bobby Sands Vice Chairman of the nat. Ark, Until Sat. Arthur, LCP 8.05. 5.40, 8.10. March. Only £36 fro Bed & - We Remember You! Com- committee of FCS. Next week: Prince of The City. May be retained next week. Board in Centre of Paris. See memoration of 1st anniver- Sun LCP - 6.00, week LCP Check for details. French Soc Board for details. sary of start of his hunger VEGITARIAN SOC. 7.00. PLAZA (456882) Ali Welcome strike. 4.30 pm Parkinson meeting on Wed 3rd March at The usual stuff. Steps, Leeds Univ. March to the Victoria pub, 8.00 pm. ABC 3 Everybody welcome. Until Sat: Body Heat. LCP - LUU FILM SOC. DO YOU WANT? town centre, rally 6 pm corner 7.45. Fri 26th (tonight!: Rossi's A taste of old England? If so, of Woodhouse Lane/Merrion YOUNG SOCIALISTS St. Next week: Arthur. Babylon, 1980 RBLT then come to a carvery being Students Soc showing of the Sun LCP - 7,25. week LCP - Tues 2nd March: Chess Play- presented on 4th floor CND SOC. award winning film 8.05. ers, 1977 RSLT 21 Restaurant, F-Block. Friday Vigil against military research 'Occupied Palestine', Tues Special premiere of Mad Max Wed 3rd March: Ophul's March 5th, 12-1.30 pm. Book outside Mech Eng, Thurs 4th 2nd March, LT22 RSB 6.30 pm - 25p. II 10,30 Fri 26th (tonight). The Madame De RSLT 21. early to beat the rush. March, 4 pm to 7 pm.

***** Norris sucks camels knackers. Fanny goes pink! Bernard pisses like a cow. Congratulations Chris and ***** ***** ***** Steph, The Click. What a relief, eh, Nick? Who the hell are Tanz and Ou est mon sweatshirt, Ber- Classified ***** Are your pockets lighter now? Koala Jane, Anyway? nard? Reamer is a Barnsley suppor- ***** ***** * **** Andy - congrats on moving to Brentford - 3 bowls of por- We found the brick, Bernard. Stompers ter. ***** education. Have bought spe- ridge is fine with us in number ***** Stompers cial 18" one to celebrate - Phil. four. How about a spit and polish, Stompers Mobile Disco How's the present Tony? Split ***** ***** Bernard? Leeds 620385 ends? ***** He lost it and I nearly missed Felicitations Sooty - to n'es * **** ***** it. Rrraow. plus! Jezebelle. Bernard T seeks new follicles Summer in America? See Bluper-trooper sniffs little ***** ***** with view to forming perma- BUNAC table every Friday in girls bicycle seats. ***** Debbie Mitchell - we love you- Shit hot Bernard, show us nent relationship. Union . Extension. Why do people take their ***** your gumguard! ***** clothes off when they play Charles, keep the black eye, ***** Bernard's got bald knees, squash with the Python? but please could you return You went down with a good now. .Personal ***** my Spanish navel. 'un Bernard. ***** Dead cats wanted. See 'The ***** ***** Nugu, Bernard. Apple' (law) Sellotape wrap- Thanks Phil, I'll bring the Vas- **** * ped preferred. eline - Andy. Happy Birthday Karen, from ***** Ted; have you tried the Indian VIBRATIONS '1.53-1 the Hyde Park, the Faversham Happy Birthday Karen, dear position - Metals Records and Cassettes Q-4/ Midlands Russian dept, the love from your favourite ***** ites, hockey team, Leeds boys' dormer window lover xxx. Wanna zup round for some Current LP's from f1.99 Grammar School, Habitat and ***** fish flan? Hessle Mount. I'll hit the first person who ***** Selection of cassettes from f1.49 ***** calls Dave impatient! Love the Kershaw look, Rob! Collectors Items Happy Birthday David' - love ***** ***** from your favourite (?) Happy birthday Dave. Morals Fanny goes pink 5 Hyde Park Corner theologian xxx. ***** to the wind Yet Again! Records ordered on request ***** ***** Mark Brady. watch this space Cuddlebumps still loves LKF - Love the ear-ring Robin, but ***** will she forgive him? the pair looks better on me. To R - I like pearls too - A. Tel: 743136 Blodwyn the Weather; Bill Bore; K.K.K. * MARTIN KEENER * RADIO AIRE * 5.15 - 8.00p.m. * MON./FR1.

Produced by Hamilton Press Patten Elintdrng. Dock Road. Lytham St A1111011, Lanes Tel: Lytham 738125 Published by Leeds Student 155 Woodhouse Lone. Leeds LS2 350 Tel (0532) 39071 Regmteted with tha Poet Oftrce at a newspaper