Atomic Energy of Canada Limited




Chalk River, Revised January 1970



Page I. General 1 II. Nuclear Properties, Core Design 4 III. Fuel and Fuelling Machines 6 IV. Heat Transport, Moderator and Auxiliary Systems 10 V. Control and Instrumentation 11 VI. Materials and Construction Problems 13 VII. Operation and Safety Experience 15 Authors 19 NPD: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PUBLISHED LITERATURE by D. Radley and F.S. Armstrong


? Canada's first nuclear power reactor, located on the Ottawa River IS miles upstream fromthe Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories went critical in;April, 1962 and first fed power into the Ontario Hydro grid on June 4, 1962. This bibliography, with author index,, lists publications on the Nuclear Power Demonstration reactor by date, up to January 1, 1970. A design study of nuclear reactors for the economic production of electricity was begun at Chalk River early in 1954 by a group from various Canadian companies and Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL). As a result, a joint project to build a demonstration nuclear power reactor was undertaken in 1955 with AECL responsible for development/Canadian General Electric Co. for detailed design and construction, and Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario for the site, turbines and generators, and operation of the completed station. The original Nuclear Power Demonstration reactor CNPD-1) was designed for a vertical pressure vessel. In 1957 construction was halted in favour of another design, NPD-2, which uses horizontal pressure tubes and has an output of 25 MW(e). This present reactor and generating station is now known simply as NPD. It was converted to a boiling water regime in the heat transport system in 1968. The following abbreviations are used in identifying authors: CGE - Canadian General Electric Co., Ltd., Peterborough, Ontario HEPC - Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario, Rolphton, Ontario. Most of the publications listed may be obtained from the Scientific Document Distribution Office, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Chalk River, Ontario, Canada.

Chalk River, Ontario Revised January 1970

AECL-2205 (Rev) Bibliographie annotée des publications réiatives au NPD

•*•'••• .•..•.-.. par D. Radley et F.S. Armstrong

Le réacteur du NPD, la premiere centrale nucléaire du Canada, située en bordure de l'Outaouais à 15 milles en amont des Laboratoires nucléaires de Chalk River, a divergé en avril 1962 et il a fourni pour la première fois de l'électricité au réseau ontarien le 4*juin 1962. Cette bibliographie, qui compo-te un index d'auteurs, énumere chronologiquement les publications ayant paru au sujet du NFD jusqu'au Ie' janvier 1970. Une étude préliminaire visant à mettre au point un réacteur nucléaire capable de produire à bon compte de l'électricité a été entreprise a Chalk River au début de 1954 par des ingénieurs de diverses entreprises canadiennes et de l'EACL. Un projet conjoint a résulté de cette étude: celui de construire, en 1955, un réacteur électronucléaire de démonstration. L'EACL était responsable du développement, la Canadian General Electric (CGE) de la conception des détails et de la construction et la Commission électrique de l'Ontario du site, des turbines, des génératrices et de l'exploitation éventuelle de la centrale.

Le réacteur original, NPD-1, de la centrale NPD devait avoir une cuve sous pression verticale. En 1957, on a préféré un autre concept, le NPD-2, utilisant des tubes horizontaux et ayant une puissance de 25 MWe. Ce réacteur qui alimente la centrale actuelle s'appelle simplement NPD. En 1968, son système de calopôrtage a été converti a l'eau bouillante.

Les abréviations suivantes servent à identifier les auteurs:

CGE - Canadian General Electric Company Limited Peterborough, Ontario HEPC - Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario Rolphton, Ontario ka plupart des publications ënumêrées peuvent être obtenues a l'adresse suivante:

Service de diffusion des documents officiels L'Energie Atomique du Canada, Liniitêe Chalk River, Ontario, Canada

L'Energie Atomique du Canada, Limitée Chalk River, Ontario Révisé en janvier 1970 AECL-2205 (Révise) - 1 -

NOTE: All documentr vxth AECL-numbers are issued by Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Chalk River, Ontario.


1. H.A. Smith, The Preliminary Design for NPD, AECL-240 25 pp., 1955": e y * '

2. Canadian General Electric Company Limited, Canada's First Nuclear Power Station, brochure, also issued as AECL-356" 48 pp., 1956.

3. I.N. MacKay, The Canadian NPD-2 Nuclear Power Station Proc. 2nd. UN~Tntl. Conf. Peaceful Uses Atomic Energy 8.: 313-321, 1958; also issued as AECL-619. 3F. I.N. MacKay, Lia centrale nuclëoélectrique canadienne. Actes de là 2i€me conférence internationale des Nations UniessurlVutilisatxon de l'énergie atomique à des fins pacifiques ,£: 253-262,1958; aussi comme AECL-619-F. 4. Power Reactors in Canada, Nuclear Engineering, 3: 334-338, 1958. ~*

5. J.S. Foster, Progress in the Power Reactor Program, AECL-799, pp. 7.1-7.7; Ï958. 6. I.L. Wilson, Design of NPD and CANDU, AECL-799, pp. 11.1- 11.15, 1958. " 7. Canadian General Electric Company Limited, NPD-2 Design Description, brochure, also issued as AECL-952, 27 ppT, 1958.

8. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Nuclear Power Demonstration Station, in Plant Data, 1: 1Z1-1Z4, 1959. " 9. I.N> l^acKày, Engirieoring the NPD-2 Power Plant, AECL-990, pp. 9.1-9/8, 19o6. 10, , J.G, MeIvIn, . Proc. Conf. Small ; and Medium Power Reactors (IAEÂ, Vienna, 1960), 1: 127-138, Ï961; previously issued as AECL-1063, 1960. llr. Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Research, Development, Isotopes, ÀECL-1168, 11 pp., 1961. About two pages are devoted to NPD. - 2 -

11F. Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Recherches, Développements, Radioéléments, AECL-1168F, 20 pp.!, 1962. ; '

Environ de trois pages sont consacrées au sujet du NPD.

12. Sargent and Lundy, Engineering Evaluation Studies, Heavy Water Moderated Power Reactor Plants, TIP-13067," [U.S. Atomic Energy Conimission, Oak Ridge, Tenn.) , 217 pp., 1961.

13. J.L. Olsen, Description of NPD, AECL-1318, pp. 1,1-1.8, 1961; also issued by Canadian General Electric Company Limited, Peterborough, Ontario, as CAPD-10.

14. I.N. MacKay, Implications of NPD Design, AECL-1318, pp. 2.1-2.5, TWT

15. Canadian General Electric Company Limited, NPD-Canada's First Nuclear Power Station, Can. Nuclear Tech., 1^(.3J : 7-10, 1962; also issued as AECL-1438.

16. Atomr'c Energy of Canada Limited, Nuclear Power Demonstration : Canada's First. Nuclear Power Station, AECL-1458, 1Z pp., 1962.

16F. Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, LeNPD: la première centrale nucléoélectrique du Canada, AECL-1458-r., 12 pp., 1962.

• 17. A. Wya'tt, NPD-2, Canada's Prototype Power Reactor, Nuclear Energy 1_: 192-201, 1962. ~" ,

18. Nuclear Power Demonstration Reactor, Nuclear Engineering, TT~"!5S3-406, 196Z; also issued as AECL-1634.

19. Reactors on the Line No. 13-NPD. Nucleonics, 20_: 47-52, Nov. 1962. ~

20. J.L. Gray, Developments and Trends in Nuclear Power in Canada, AECL-1675, 9 pp., 1962. i i 21. NPD-Nuclear Power Demonstration, illustrated brochure, AECL-1681, 14 pp., 19ÔZ.

22. I.N. MacKay, General Description of the, Nuclear Power Demonstration Plant,. AfcCL-1682AECL- . pp. 1-9. 1962: summary in Trans. AmerTTftrcTear Soc. S: 445-445, 1962.

23, Nuclear Power Demonstration Station in Directory of Nuclear Reactors, 4: 151-156, IAEA 1962; supersedes entry in 1: 97-102, IAEA 1959; also issued as AECL-1330(Rev.). 24. . Nuclear Power Development in Canada, Atomics 16: 6-18 (Jan. - Feb. 1963). 25. J.W. Greenwood and J.N. Fairlie, Nuclear Power in Canada. AECL-195O, 81 pp., 1964. L 25F. J.W.1 Greenwood et J.N. Fairlie, Energie Nucléo-Electriques au Canada, AECL-1950-F, 81 pp., 1964. m^cz: 26. Nuclear Power Demonstration Plant, Selected Power Reactor Projects in Canada and the United'states of America. ^~ Technical Report Series No. 36, STI/DOC/10/36, (.IAEA, Vienna), pp. 3-9, Nov. 1964. 27. J.L. Gray, Canada's Nuclear Stations NPD and Douglas Point Status Report ... Chalk River, Ont., CRL-83, 9 pp., 1963. • " . From 2nd Annual Japan-Canada Technical Conference on Atomic Energy, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 15-16, 1963, 28. E. Vincens, Electric Power Systems of Foreign Nuclear Power Plants, Nuclear Safety, 5_: (3) 240-9, Spring, 1964. A brief review and evaluation of NPD is included. 29. Nuclear Power Readied for Base Loads, Mod. Power Eng., Wl 68-71, Dec. 1965. The function of NPD in the Canadian Nuclear Power program is examined briefly. 30. Nucleonics Handbook of Reactor Research and Technology. 255 pp. New York, Nucleonics (1965). Data and Diagrams of NPD reactor are presented in one section, . . . 31. J.W.1 Beaver (HEPC) Status and Performance of NPD and Douglas Point. Preprint CNA-216, 17 pp. CONF-&5"0515-4, From International Conference of Canadian Nuclear Assoc- Quebec, May, 1965. 32. A.M. Aikin, J. Howieson, J. Pawliw, Evaluation of ÇANDU: PHW Fuels, 66-CNA-312, 7 pp., 1966. "(Conf-66(J4l0-«). Prom Annual Conference on Organic and Heavy WateT Reactors, Winnipeg, Canada. Economic and future trends of NPD and other reactors are briefly considered. k-. 4 -

33. Inst, of Electrical and Electronics Engineerst Control and Instrumentation of Major Nùcleàr^Power Reactors. Bibliography, Paper No. 51PP66-525, Z7 pp., 1966. (CONF-660708-8). From IEEE Sununer Power Meeting, New Orleans. A few references are made to NPD. 34. Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, The Eleventh AECL Symposium on Atomic Power Held at Toronto. Ontario, October 15-14, 1966, AECl-2486, 156 pp., 1966. (CONF-661026) The status of NPD as a nuclear power project is given along with that of other reactors. 35. G.Rv Howey, Nuclear Training at Ontario Hydro,jPower Eng., 71_: 46-50, May, 1967. 36. A.M. Aikin, Experience with CANDÛ Reactors andTheir Potential, AECL-Z795, 15 pp.~Nov. 1967. tCONF-671ZlO-7) . From Conference on Prospects and Problems of Nuclear Power Applications in Developing Countries, Santiago, Chile. 37. J.S. Foster, The CANDU-PHW Nuclear Power System, AECL-3067, pp. 1-19, April 1968. This is a general review of nuclear power plants in Canada • with references to NPD;

II. NUCLEAR PROPERTIES, CORE DESIGN 38. D.W. Hone, E. Critoph, M.F. Duret, R.E. Green, A. Okazaki, R.M. Pearce, L. Pease, Natural- Heavy-Water Lattices, Experiment and Theory, Proc. 2nd UN Intl. Conf. Peaceful Uses Atomic Energyv 12: 351-363, 1958; also issued as AECL-622. 38F. D.W. Hone, E. Critoph, M.F. Duret, R.E. Green, A. Okazaki, R,M. Pearce, L. Pease, Expériences et théorie sur les réseaux d^uranium naturel et d*eau lourde, Actes de la 2iëmeconférence internationale des Nations.Unies sur i à des fins pacifiques, {£aussIxcbiiime ABCL-622-F^ 39. L.P. Robertson and R.E. Green, Some Fluxpeàking Experiments in Cluster Type fuel Rods, AECL-&Z5* 18 pp.,1959. Estimates are given for the flux rise expected in 7-element bundles. - s -

40. G.A. Béer, Buckling Measurements for 7-element U02 Clusters rC- iiv ZEEP, AECL-1191, 43 pp., 1561. Lattice parameters for initial NPD-2 are determined. 41. W.M. Bàrss, A ComputerfStudy of Reactor Fuelling, AECL-1528, 50 pp., May, 1962. 42. R.E.. Green, G.A, Beer, B.G. Chidley, C.H. Millar, P.R, Tunnicliffe, Experimental Lattice Parameters for the NPD-2 and CANDU Type Fuel Elements in M, AECL-1640, 27 pp. , 1ÏÏF2; summary in Trans; Amer. Nuclear Soc. _5: 339-40, 1962. 43. R.E, Green, H. Markl, C.B. Bigham, A. Okazaki, J.W. Hilborn, E. Cri toph, Highlights of Chalk River Work on the Physics of_Heavy Water Lattices since the 1959 IAEA Panel Meeting, AECL-168''., 61 pp., 1962. Section V, pp. 47-52 covers information from the start up and early operation of NPD-2. Also-in Heavy Water Lattices: Second Panel Report Technical Reports Series No. 20, (IAEA, Vienna) 1963, pp". 51-92. ." 44. A.C. Whittier (CGE) Nuclear Performance of NPD, TID-7672. (US Atomic Energy Commission, Oak Ridge, Tennessee) pp. 95-122, Sept. 1963. 45. C.E. till and A.C. Whittier, (CGE) Some Nuclear Characteristics of NPD, AECL-2155, 8 pp.; summary in Trans. Amer. Nuclear Soc. 6_: Supplement p. 9, 1963. 46. A.P. Olson, PERIGEEComputer Codes for Reactor Simulation in 3 Dimensions "Using T or 2 Neutron Velocity Groups, AËCL-lÔOl, 57 pp., KebT 1964. The code has been used to simulate the operation of NPD. 47. A.C. Whittier» (CGE) Canadian Reactor Shielding in Reactor Shielding TecEiucal Report Series No. 34 (IAEA, Vienna], pp. 3-12, 1964. 48. J;W. Hilborn, W.M. Barss, M.F, Duret, J.R. Dickinson (CGE), A.C. Whittier (CGE), E. Horton, (HEPC) NPD Startup, • Reactivity Balance and Fuel Management, 13 pp. Paper Â7Ù0NF. 28/P/9 presented to Third U.N. International Conference on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 1964; also" issued as AECL-20Q9, 48F. J.W, Hilborn, W.M. Barss, M.F. Duret, J.R. Dickinson, A.C. Whittier, E. HoTton, Mise en marche du NPD: Bilan de la réactirité et gestion"du combustible, Mémoire A7CÔNP .2é/P/î) présenté a la 3iéme conférence internationale : 'des Nations Unies sur l'utilisation de l'énergie atomique à des fins pacifiques (Genève, 1964); Aussi comme AECL-2009-F - 6 -

49. R.E. Green, C.B. Bigham, I.H. Gibson, R.G. Jarvis, M.J. Halsall, F.Ë. Dfiggers. C.H. Millar. Lattice Studies at Chalk River and their Interpretation, 15 pp. Paper A/CONF.28/P/25 presented to Third UN Intl. Conf. on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva 1964, also issued as AECL-2025. The bibliography on p. 15 of this paper gives a comprehensive list of references on the reactor physics work which influenced decisions in choosing NPD parameters. 49F. R.E. Green, C.B. Bigham, I.H. Gibson, R.G. Jarvis, M.J. Halsall, F.E. Driggers, C.H. Millar, Etudes de neutroniqueT expérimentale 'à Chalk River^etTeurv interprétationy Mémoire À/CONF^28/P/25 présenté à la 3ièmei conférence internationale des Nations Unies sur l'utilisation de 1' énergie atomique à dés fins pacifiques (Genève, 1964) ; aussi comme AECL-2025-F. 50. JiR. Diet ich (General Nuclear Engineering Corp., Dunedin, Fia). The Reactor Core, p; 11-174 of "Technology of Nuclear Reactor Safety" Vol. 1 M.I>T. Press,Cambridge, 1964. NPD is discussed briefly in the power reactor examples.

51. R.E. Green, ZED-2 Experiments with^an Enriched UP2 Fuel Bundle in an NPD Lattice, AECL-2157, 31 pp.,1965.

III. FUEL AND FUELLING MACHINES 52. W.B. Lewi's, Fuelling System for Natural Uranium Reactor with Long Rods for High Burn-up without Re-cycling, ~ AECL-436, 16 pp., 1957. Fuelling of the original design for NPD-1 is discussed. 53. J. Howieson, Report on the First NPD-1 Single Element Irradiation and Failure, AECL-552, 85 pp., 1958. 54. .'.'Gl.H. ;Chalder, N.F.H. Bright, D.L. Paterson, L.C. Watson, The Fabrication and Properties of Uranium Dioxide Fuel, Prpc. 2nd UN Intl. Conf. Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy 6_: 590-604, 1958; also issued as AECL-602. Uranium dioxide is compared to other reactor fuels with only brief reference to NPD. 54F. G^H. Chalder, N.F.H. Bright, D.L. Paterson, L.C. Watson, Fabrication et ^propriétés du combustible bioxyde d'uranium, Actes de la 2iéme conference internationale des Nations Unies sur l'utilisation de l'énergie atomique à des fins pacifiques, 4: 294-309, 1958; aussi comme AECL-602-*. - 7 -

55. W.M. Campbell, Reactor Fuel, AECL-799. pp. 5.1-5.11, 1958. 56. G.H. Chalder, Fuel Fabrication Studies Related to NPD Reactor, AECL-83b, 33 pp., 195't). ~~~ 57. A.J. Mooradian, Problems in Fuel Element Design, in AECL-990, pp. 14.1-14.16, 19607 58. J.S. Foster, W.M, Brown, H.E, Tilbe (CGE), On-Power Refuelling^ Nucleonics 18: 66-68, Oct. 1960. 59. A .G. Cracknell, Effect of Flux Peaking on the Temperature Distributioistribution in à"TulgI Rod Element, R59CAP36, 60 £p., I960 60. L.H. Mansforth and I.D. Yonemitsu, Pressure Drop Measurements at Reactor Operating Pressure and Temperature of an NPD-2 Fuel Channel Mock-up"with Nine 7-element Fuel Bundles, R60CAP5, 18 pp., 1960. " 61. L.H. Mansforth and I.D. Yonemitsu, Seven Element Fuel Bundle Flow Studies, R60CAP25, 11 pp., 1960. 62. G.H. Chalder, Problems in the Use of Thin Zircaloy Cladding for.Uranium Dioxide Fuel, Proc. Symp. Fuel Element Fabrication, 1: 57-78 (IAEA, Vienna; 1961); also issued as AECL-1145, Development, testing and manufacture ox fuel for NPD-2 are described.

63. C.A. Seger (CGE), Sintered UO2 Fuel Pellets, AECL-1382, 95 pp., 1961. 64. E. Lewis, Test Rig for NPD Fuelling Machines, DF61CAP27, 9 pp., 1961. 65. H. Chapman, Fabrication Data for Simulated Fuel Bundle for Temperature Calibration Test, DF61CAP65, 5 pp., 1961. 66. V.J, Isaak, The Commissioning of a Modified Fuelling Machine Test Facility, R61CAP58, 10pp., 1961. 67. J. Christie, A.S. Bain, Dimensional Measurements on Irradiated Fuel Bundles Using Differential Transformer Instruments, AËCL-1603, 17 pp., 1562.

68. W.M. Brown (CGE), The NPD On-Power Fuelling System, AECL-1682, pp. 27-51, 1967,; summary in Trans. Amer. Nuclear Soc, 5: 447-448, 1962. - 8 -

69. J.G. Matthew. Fuel Màriufâcturtng^pëyëlopmerit for the NFD Reactor, AECL-1682, ppv 53-69, 1962; summary in Trans. Amer. Nuclear Sbc., _5_: 446-447, 1962. 7.0. G.E. Shaw, Compression Test Rig for Fuel Bundles, AECL-1783, 15 pp., 1963. • 71. H. Chapman (CGE), Protection of Ceramic Reactor Fuel during Welding, Welding Journal £2: 201-206, March 1963. ._.,;_ The special procedures in welding NPD fuel pellets are described. ?2. A.J. Mooradian, First NPD Fuel Charge: Present Performance and Basis for Continued Confidence, AECL-1789, 2"T~pp., 1963. Presented at Can. Nuclear AssoCi-Gonf^ Montreal, May, 1963r : * —;-r 73. R.A. Ward and G.R. Andrews, The NPD Refuelling Control System, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, New York. Preprint CP 63-710 (CONF-4-1) 9 pp., 1963, 74. A.D. Lane, G.T. Leaist, R.D. Page, R.J. Klock, The Thermal and Hydraulic Characteristics of Power Reactor Fuel : ~~ Bundle Designs, Can. J. Chem. Eng., 41*1 226-234, 1963. 75. J. Pawliw (CGE), Compatibility of NPD Fuel with Fuel Handling, USAEC reference CONF-234-45, 16 pp. Summary in Trans. Amer. Nuclear Soc, Supplement to Vol. 6, pp. 1-2, 1963. The conclusion is drawn that the strength of NPD fuel bundles meets requirements of on-power fuelling. 76. A.S. Bain, J. Christie, A.R. Daniel, Trefoil Bundles of NPD 7-Element Size Fuel Irradiated to 9100 MWd/tonne U, AECL-1895, 70 pp., 1964. : 77. R.D. Page, D.G. Hardy, A.J.. Mooradian, J. Howieson, G.R. Fanjoy, D.B. Nazzer, Engineering and Performance of UQ2 Fuel Assemblies. Paper A/CONF.28/P/18 presented ^ to Third UN Intl. Conf. on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 1964; also issued as AECL-2018, 12 pp. Fuel designs in NPD and CANDU are discussed. 77F. R.D. Page, D.G. Hardy, A.J. Mooradian, J. Howieson, G.R. Fanjoy, D.B. Nazzer, Technologie et comportement des éléments combustibles t*52 Mémoire A/CONF.28/P/18 présenté à la 3iëme conférence internationale des Nations Unies sur l'utilisation è l'énergie atomique à des fins pacifiques (Genève, 1964) ; aussi comme AECL-2018-F. - 9 -

78. R.D. MacDonald and A.S. Bain, 10000 MWd/tonne From U02 Clad in Thin Zircaloy, Tran. Am. Nucl. Soc" 7:—4~ïïï^5~0 Nov. 1964. - 79. J. Pawliw, G.H.Chalder, R.T. Popple, CANDU Fuel Performance in NPD, Trans. Amer ; Nucl. Sac.,"BT~ 361-3, Nov. 1965. ~ Fuel performance to July 1965 is reviewed. 80. R.T. Popple,.G.H. Chalder, The Examination of Defected NPD Fuel Bundle 099 2, AECL-2608, 16pp., Aug. 1966. (EXP-NPD-205). The bundle operated in a defected condition for 28 months without significant deterioration. 81. M.J, Halsall, Graphs and Tables of the Isotopic Composition of Produced in Canadian DgO Cooled and Moderated Reactors, AECL-2631, 28 pp., Oct. 1966" . (.ÇRRP-12.45) . ~ Data for NPD is given. 32. G.R. Fàrijby, Fuel Scheduling Experience at NPD, Trans. Amer. Nucl. Soc ., 9_: 535-6, Oct.-Nov. 1966. 83. J. Pawliw, G.H. Chalder, R.T. Popple, CANDU Fuel Performance" in NPD, Nucl. Appl. 2^: 50^9, Dec. "1966; also issued as AECL-2480. 84. A.G. Ward, Fuel Burnup and Reactivity Changes, AECL-2865, 16 pp ., Mar. 1967. CCONF-670418-1). From IAEA Meeting on Fuel Burnup Predictions in Thermal Reactors, Vienna, Austria. 85. j;. Griffiths, M.Lounsbury.R.W. Durhamï Uranium and Plutonium Isotopes in NPD Fuel Bundle 1016, AECL-2695, 1§ pp., Mar. 1967. CCRRP-1246). ~~~~~^ 86. J.A. SRaget, A Survey of Technical Considerations App 1 icat»le to an On-line Refueling System for Large HTtesT GA-8075, 1Ô8 pp., June 30, 1967. NPD is briefly mentioned. 87. Z. Domaratzki, Canadian Experience with Wire Wrapped Fuel for Power Reactors, AECL-3089, 25 pp., May, 19*6"8. (GÔKFf-6ÔÔ512-f) . Prom EIC 82nd Annual General Meeting, Halifax, Nova Scotia. - 10 -

88. Dilworthi, , Secord,, Meagheg r and Associatec s JLtd.; ; The State of Technologhl y off ^uelllife^lllfe^ Reactors ana a Program for Further Research and Development, Tito-24679 (Vol. 1)! 99 pp., May, 196ft. "~ Reference is made to .NPD as one of"'reactors'. 89. Dilworth, Secord, Meagher and Associates Ltd., The State of Technology of Fuelling Systems for Heavy Water Reactors ana a Program for Further Research and Development, TTb-24679 (Vol. 2)? 171 pp., May, 1968. 90. A.S. Bain, J.E. LeSurf, Oxidation and Hydriding of Zircaloy in NPD Reactor, AECL-3065, 35 pp., Jan. 1969.

IV. HEAT TRANSPORT, MODERATOR AND AUXILIARY SYSTEMS 91. E.E. Winter and L.G. Cornett, Deuteration and Dedeuteration of Prototype NPD-2 Resin Columns, AKCL-1094, ZZ pp., ]96Q. 92. E. Brundrett, Experimental Investigatioigati n of Water Injection Emergency Cooling in a Simulated NPD-NPD-22' Coolant Channel, i. Chafk River, Ont., NEI-133 Rev., 24 pp., 1960. 93. E. Siddall, Modifications to NPD, August 1, 1958 for Additional Emergency Cooling... Toronto, Ont., M"ISC(CAN)23, Z3 pp. , n.d. 94. Canadian General Electric Company Limited, Description of a Full Scale Test of NPD-2 Primary Coolant Pumps, R61CAP46, 74 pp., 1961. 95. P«A. Ross-Ross, Experiments on the Consequences of Bursting Pressure Tubes in a Simulated NPD Reactor Arrangement, AECL-1736, 80pp., 1963. 96. A.R. Bancroft, S.R. Hatcher, C.A. McKerlie, Chemistry of the NPD Heavy-Water Systems, AECL-1841, 6 pp., 1963; summary in Trans. Amer. Nuclear Soc, 6_: Suppl., 43, 1963. 97. A.C. Hoy le _(CGE) and G.R. Howey (HEPC) Experience in Fabrication, Pressure Testing and Early Operation of High- Pressure Heavy-Water Systems at NPD, AECL-Z049, 15 pp., Oct. 1963; summary in Trans. Amer. Nuclear Soc. 6: Suppl. 47, Oct. 1963. ~ 98. Dilworth, Secord and Associates Ltd., Toronto, Ont., Analysis of Boiler Room Pressures Following Potential Rupture of the Main Coolant Line in the Nuclear Power" Démonstration (NPD-ZJ Plant, AECL-195Ô. 11 pp., June 1964. - 11 -

99. D.G. Dalrymple, Measurement of Elliptical NPD Primary Coolant Pump SeaI*"Deflection, AËCL-1988, ll pp.. May. 1964 ."^

100. H.K. Rae, G.M. Allison, A.R. Bancroft, W.D. MacKintosh, J.F. Palmer, E.E. Winter, J.E. LeSurf and S.R. Hatcher, Experience with the Chemistry of Water in Moderator and Coolant Systems. Paper A/CONF.28/P/ZO presented to the third International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, Sept. 1964; also issued as AECL-2O2O, 10 pp., 1964, Chemistry of the water systems of NRX, NRU and NPD and of in-pile loops is discussed. 100F. H.K. Rae, G.M. Allison, A.R. Bancroft, W.D. MacKintosh, J.F. Palmer, E.E. Winter, J.E.:LeSurf and S.R. Hatcher, Experience acquise avec la chimie de l'eau dans les circuits de • raient issement et de ca1op or t a geT Mémoire A/CONF,28/P/20 présenté a la 3ième conférence internationale des Nations Unies sur l'utilisation de l'énergie atomique à des fins pacifiques (Genève, 1964) ; aussi comme AECL-2020-F. 101. A.C '. Hoyle, The CPI, A Source of Nuclear Power Engineers, Chem. Eng. Progr., élr 75-7, Nov. 1965. The NPD "process sy)>terns are described. 102. I.JI. J.. BillingtonBillington,, T.ET.E.. FitzsimmonsFitzsimmons,, FinaFin l Report on Shaft Se al D7_e velopmentjpment, AECL-2549AECL- 2 549,, 2266 pp.pp.,, MarMar.. 191966( . (DSM-203-358(Rev.)). The performance of a self energized seal in a primary coolant pump is examined. 103. W.S. Brown, Emergency Cooling Systems in Nuclear Plants, I ï Trans. Amer. Nucl. Soc, 11: 258, June, 1968. From 14th Annual Meeting ÔT the American Nuclear Society, Toronto; see CONF-680601 . : X0A. G.M. Allison, Fission Gases, Radioiodines and Activation Products in the" NPD Primary "Coolant During the First Five Years of Operation, AECL-3085, 22 ppT, Mar. 1968.

V. CONTROL AND INSTRUMENTATION 105. P.R. tunnicliffe, Comments on Fuel Element Sheath Failure Monitoring Problems in NPD, AECL-560, 20 pp., 19'56; reprinted 1959. 106. l.G. Elliott, et al.Progress Report.Apr. 1 - June 30, 1959> Physics Division y AECI- 88$V 4 PJP • Some research in the electronics branch is concerned with the safety devices for NPD. Short references to instrumentation also occur in AECL-995, p. 57 and in AECL-1069, p. 56; 1960. 107. V.H. Allen, A Contamination MonitoT for Reactor Fuel Rods, AECL-1107, 15 pp., 1960. ~~ This monitor was developed for NPD fuel rods. 108. J.H. Otf.evangers and P.G. Mallory, Instrumentation for Shaft Seal Pumo Leakage Measurement, DF59CAP58, 5 pp., 1960. 'w 109. WIW.ÎCliffe.tFlQW^Mohltoring System Primary Elements for NPD-2, R60TÂP69V ITlpp.^ 1960. : 110. J.S.H. Smithy Seal Face Re-finishing Tool ? NPD-2, 0F61CAP45, 6 pp",, 1961. 111. Warren S. Brown, Reactor Control of NPD. AECL-1682, pp. 11-25, Nov. 1962; summary in Trans. Amer. Nuclear Soc. 5_: 448-449, 1962. 112. R.A. Brown (CGE), The Nuclear Power Station Electrical System and the Statistical Approach to its Design, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers , New York. IEEE Trans, on Power Apparatus and Systems 82: No. 65, 11-18, Apr. 1963; also as preprint paper 62-13T3, 1962. 113. B.A. Oliver (CGE), The NfD Nuclear Power Station Control Area, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, New York. Preprint No. CP-62-1364, 15pp., 1962. 114. Walter Mitchell III, Moderator-Level Control, Power Reactor,Technol. ]_: 385-400,, 1964. " " NPD is referred to briefly as an example of reactor control systems. 115. K.E. Elston, Some Control Features of Canadian Nuclear Generating Stations. Paper 3-2 of Eighth National Power Instrumentation Symposium, Pittsburgh, Instrument Society of America, 1965.

Some of the main control features are described and protective and regulating system experience at NPD is reviewed. - 13 -

116. A.C. Whitticr, Reactivity Measurements on NPD. Physics Measurements in Operating Power Reactors, ~3in~33, 1967; also issued as AECL-2869. From Proceedings of Physics Measurements in Operating Power Reactors, Rome.

VI. MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION PROBLEMS 117. J.S. Foster and L.J. Bissell, Safety Aspects of NPD, CGE-110000T.1856, 23 pp., 1956. ' 118. P.G. Beston, Development of the Zircaloy Coolant Tube to End Fitting Joint for NPD Iï, AECL-2671, 35 PP., Aug. 13, 1959. (R59GAP15) . ':<"•' • 119. W.M. Brown (CGE), Thé NPD-2 Calandria, AECL-990, pp. 10.1-10.15, 1960, 120. W.R. Thomas, Reactor Materials, AECL-990, pp. 8.1-8.13, 1960. F 121. J.A. Weller, The Metalworking behind Canada's First Nuclear Power"Station, Can. Machinery Metalworking 71 : •(.8.) 114-11?r ; t9J 84-88 ; (10) 112-116; (11) 76-81; I960. Reprinted as AECL-ÏÏ90. 122. W.A. Wolfey Burst Tests Help Set Design Stress for NPD Pressure Tubjs, Nucleonics 181 9.6, Oct. 1960. 123. R.H. Tuxworth, A Study of Preferred Orientation^in Extruded Zircaloy-2 Pressure Tubes, AECL-1174, Z8 pp., 1960. 124. William J. Burns, Aluminum Welding: A report on the welding of NPD-2 reactor components, 143 pp. (Apparatus Dept. CGE, Peterborough, Ont.) 1960; USAEC reference number NP-12539. 125. J. Veeder, Tensile Properties of NPD-2 Pressure Tubes, AECL-1247, 27 pp., 1963 . '. " ',

126. William J. Burns, (CGE)t Welding Aluminum for the Nuclear Power Industry, Canadian Welder 52: 13-15, Oct. 1961. 127. H.E. Tilbe, (CGE), Development for NPD, AECL-131-8, pp. 4.1-4.12, Sept. 1961. 128. I.N. MacKay, (CGE), Laboratory Testing of NPD Components, AECL-1599, pp. 7-20, Sept, 1962. -.14 -

129. R.J.Graham, (CGE), Construction of HPD, AECL-1499, pp. 32-39, Sept. 1967" ~ : 130. J.L. Olsen, -fCGE) . "Uprated NP1) or 'HWR-80', AECL-1599, pp. 43-53, Sept. 196Z" 131. C.L. Willcox, (CGE), Manufacture of NPD Components, - AECL-1599, pp. 21-31, Sept. 1962; summary in Trans. Amer. Nuclear Soc. 5j 446-447, 1962, 132. U.K. Rae and E. Yatabe, Conditioning Carbon-Steel-Water Systems, TID-7641 (U.S. Atomic Energy Commission), pp. 326 - 352 , Oct; 1962. Some reference is made to corrosion problems in the coolant circuit of NPD. 133. Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, The Engineering Design and Operation of NPD Reactor, AECL-16827 162 pp. From Winter Meeting of the American Nuclear Society, Wash., D.C., November, 1962. 134. W.R. Thomas, The Performance °f Nuclear Structural Materials for*Power Reactors, AECL-1789, 18 pp., May, 1963. 135. W.R. Thomas, S.B. Dalgaard, W. Evans, V. Fidleris, G.W. Parry, P.A. Ross-Ross, Irradiation Experiencewith Zircaloy-2, Paper A/CONF.28/P/21 presented at the Third UN Intl. Conf. on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 1964; also issued as AECL-2021, 15 pp. Neutron radiation effects on Zircaloy-2 fuel cladding and pressure tubes are described. 135F. W.R. Thomas, S.B. Dalgaard, W. Evans, V. Fidleris, G.W. Parry-, P. A. Ross-Ross, Experience acquise dans l'irradiation du Zircaloy-2T Mémoire A/CONF.28/P/Z1 présenté à la 3iëmë conférence internationale des, . Nations Unies sur l'utilisation de l'énergie atomique à des fins pacifiques (Genève, 1964); aussi comme AECL-2021-F. 136. A.C. Whittier and J.W. Hilborn, NFD Bulk Shield, R64CAP15. 27 pp., 1964. ; •*" 137. E.G. Bazeley, Manufacture of Nuclear Reactor Components, Eng. J. (Montreal), 50: 22-8, Mar. 1967. Components in NPD and other reactors are considered. - 15 -

138. A. Williams, Heavy Water Reactor Will Boil, Power Eng.. 72: (ID 78-80, Kov.:iM8" 139. W.J. Langford, Physical Properties of Cold-Worked Zircaloy-2 Pressure Tubes TrradiàTëcr for Five Years in the NPDTëictor, AECL-3516, 33 pp., Jan. 1970. VII. OPERATION AND SAFETY EXPERIENCE 140. L.C. Watson, À.R. Bancroft and C.W. Hoelke, Iodine Contairment by Dousing in NPD-2, AECL-1150, 38 pp., 1960. 141. S.G. Ho/ton (HEPC), Training NPD Staff, AECL-1318, pp. 4.1-5.6, Sept. WF 142. L.G. McConnell (HEPC), Some Operating Aspects of NPD, AECL-1318, pp. 3.1-3.4, Sept. 1961. 143. W.B. Lewis, Operating Experience with Heavy Water Nuclear Power Reactors, AECL-1562, 18 pp., 1962. This is an address to the Engineers Joint Council at the Nuclear Congress, New York, June, 1962. ^ f 144. R. Bruce Trewin (HEPC), The Radiation Protection Programme, Ontario Hydro, Proc. Can. Nuclear Assoc, Conference,- Ottawa, 11 pp., May 1962. A brief account of the safeguards against contamination at NPD is given. 145. L.G. McConnell (HEPC), Commissioning and Operation of NPD, short version in AECL-1599, pp. 40-42, Sept. 1^62; summary in Trans. Amer. Nuclear Soc. 5: 450-451, 1962; ^ complete text and illustrations in AECL-1682, pp. 103-162, Nov.,1962. 146. V.K. He.ckel, G.E. Kennedy and E.C. King (Mine Safety Appliances Research CoTp., Callery, Penn.), An Experimental Study of the Dynamic Response Characteristics.of NPD-2 Vapour Relief System, 44 pp., Jan. 1962. "T"T 147. H.G. Reid, The Inversion Climatology of the Nuclear Power Demonstration Generating Station, Rolphton, Ontario. Progress Report No. 1, CIR-3741, v.p-. , 1962. ^; 148. Canadian^General Electric Co. Ltd.. Power Demonstration Generating Station - Final Hazards Report, AEÇL-1.S13, 162 pp. , 1963. . 149. L.G. McConnell (HEPC), Initial Operating-Experience with the NPD Reactor, Operatin-g Experience with Power Reactors 1: pp, 139-148, (IAEA, Vienna), 1963. 150. L.W. Woodhead (HEPC), Performance and Reliability o£ NPD, USAEC reference CONF-243-26, Gmelin Institute reference AEC-CONF-63-168-18, 31 pp., 1963; summary in Trans. Amer. Nuclear Soc. 6_: Suppl. 37-38, Oct. 1963. Specifications and operating procedures are discussed. •151. G.R. Howey (HEPC), The Technical Training Program for Nuclear Power Station Personnel, report CQNF-69-5, 7 pp., June, 1963. —r— , : 152. S.G. Horton (HEPC), Experience in Operating NPD, AECL-1807, pp. 7-15, Sept. 1963, , • 153. P.J. Fulforc1., Large Scale NPD Containment Experiments, AECL-1932, 11 pp.!, Dec, 1961; reprinted May 1964. 154. A Panorama of Nuclear Canada, Can. Nuclear Tech. 3_: 27-34, Summer 1964. Nuclear power and radioisptope research are reviewed, results from experience with NPD are discussed. 155. W.B. Lewis, Experience with Canada's First Nuclear Power Station ^NPDJ^andthe^ProspecfF for Heavy. Water Power Reactors, J. British Nuclear Energy Soc. 5: 162-172, July, 1964; also issued as AECL-2312. 156. L.W. Wopdhead (HEPC) and W.M. Brown ( CGE-) .Performance and Problems of NPD, Paper A/CONF.28/P/Ç presented at the Third Intl. Conf. on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, Sept. 1964; also issued as AECL-2008, 15 pp. 156F. L.W, Woodhead (HEPC) and W.M. Brown (CGE), Performance et problèmes du NPD, Mémoire A/CONF.28/P/8 présenté à la 3iême conférence internationale des Nations Unies sur l'utilisation de l'énergie atomique â des fins pacifiques (Genève, 1964); aussi comme AECL-20G8-F. 157. Guest Hake, Safety Features of NPD and Their Performance, AECL-2073, 6 pp., Sept. 1964. •• 158. R.C. Johnston, (CGE); Canadian Progress in Nuclear Technology, Eng. J. 47: 28-52, Nov. 1964. About half the article is devoted to NPD. - 17 -

159. Alex Ç. Hoyle (CGE) The Chemical Industry - A Training Ground for Nuclear Power Engineers, CONF-650559-2 Gmelin AED-CONF-65-086-12, 28 pp. From American Inst. of Chemical Engineers 56th National Meeting, San Francisco. (1965), A description of NPD Reactor Process Systems is given to illustrate the conventional chemical engineering and special engineering knowledge applicable to this type of reactor. 160. A.J. Frey (HEPC) Air Conditioned Living in Plastic, CONF-65-CNA-207, 11 pp. From Canadian Nuclear Assoc. , Conf. Quebec, May 1965. An expendible plastic suit cooled with a vortex tube was developed for protection against tritium in the boiler room of NPD where the air temperature reaches 150°F. 161.E.R. Samuels, V.K. Mohindra, Reactor Environment Monitoring for October 1965, NP-15853, 21-33. Data on environmental monitoring are reported. 162. G. Hake, NPD Reactor Operating Experience, Nucl. Safety, 1_\ 106-13; 134, Fall, 1965. Performance up to the end of 1964 is reviewed. 163. E.R. Samuels, V.K. Mohindra, Reactor Environment Monitoring for April, 1965, pp. 27-32 of Data from Radiation Protection Programs, Vol. 3, No. 5, 1965. 164. Department of National Health and Welfare, Data from Radiation Protection Programs, Volume 4, Number 2, February, 1966, NP-JLb9bI, 41 pp. NPD is included in the general survey. 165. Department of National Health and Welfare, Data from Radiation Protection Programs, Volume 4, Number 4, NP-16124, 42 pp., Apr. 1966. Brief reference is made to environmental monitoring. 166. K.K. Brown, NPD Performance Indicates Merit of On-Power Refuelling Power Reactor Technol. , 9_: 180-6, Fall. 1966. 167. L.G. McConnell, Canadian On-Power Fuelling Experience, HEPC-NOD-1, 33 pp., 1966. 168. A.H. Dombra, LocationJO£ Heavy Water Leaks in Canadian Power Reactors, AECL-Z755, ZS'pp., Oct. 1967. lCONF-670713-10) From 3rd Meeting of the Reactor Operations Division of the American Nuclear Society, Atlantic City, N. J. NPD is one of the reactors discussed for a five year operating period. 169. E.P. Horton, NPD Operating Experience, pp. 53-65 of Heavy- Water Power Reactors, I960. From Symposium on Heavy-Water Power- Reactors, Vienna, Austria; see STI/PUB-163; CONF-670917. 170. A.S. Bain, J.E. LeSurf, Oxidation and Hydriding of Zircàloy in NPD Reactor, Trans . Amer. Nucl. Soc., 11: 9-10, : ; ; ;; : r; : ; ;r 3 ;TA •• June,, 1968 < - - '• "*:- '• ' ' . '. • • • ' ' • ' '-' '' ': " ? - ^f From 14thÂnriuaï Meeting of the American Nuclear Society, Toronto ; see CONF-680601. - 19 -


Name Entry No. Aikin, A.M. 32, 36 Allen, V.H. 107 Allison, G.M. 100, 100F, 104 American Society of Mechanical Engineers 8 Andrews, G.R. 73 Atomic Energy of Canada Limited 11, 11F, 16, 16F, 21, 34, 133 Bain, A.S. 67, 76, 78, 90, 170 Bancroft, A.R. 96, 100, 100F, 140 Barss, W.M. 41, 48, 48F Bazeley, E.G. 137 Beaver* J.W. 31 Beer, G.A. 40, 42 Beston, p.G. 118 Bigham, C.B. 43, 49, 49F Billington, I.J. 102 BisselT, L.J. 117 Bright,; NVF.H, 54, 54F Brown, K.K. 166 Brown, R. A. 112 Brown, W.M. 58, 68, 119, 156, 156F Brown, W.S. 103, 111 Brundrett, E. 92 Burns, W.J. 124, 126 Campbell, W.M. 55 Canadian General Electric Co. Ltd. 2, 7, 15, 94, 148 Chalder, G.H. 54, 54F, 56, 62, 79, 80, 83 IGhapmàn, ;-H. 65, 71 ïChidley, B.G. 42 Christie," J. 67, 76 Cliffe, W.W. 109 Cornett, L.G. 91 Cracknell, A.G. 59 Critoph, E. 38, 38F, 43 palgaard, S.B. 135, 135F t)alrymp 1 e , D. G . 99 Daniel,1 A.R. 76 Ipeptï National Health 5 Welfare 164, 165 bickinsoh, J.R. 48, 48F 50 Dietrrch -, J.R. 88, 89, 98 'Drlwprth, Secord and Associates Ltd. 87 Domàratzki, Z. 168 Dombra, A.H. 49, 49F Driggers, F.E. v 20-

Name Entry No. Duret, M.F. 38, 38F, 48, 48F Durham, R.W. 85 Elliott, L.G. . _ 106 Elston, K.E. 115 Evans, W. 135, 135F Fairlie, J.N. 25, 25F Fanjoy, G.R. 77, 77F, 82 Fidleris, V. 135, 135F Fitzsimmons, T.E. 102 Foster, J.S. 5, 37, 58, 117 Frey, A.J. 160 Fulford, P.J. 153 Gibson, I.H. 49 ,49F Graham, R.J. 129 Gray, J.L. 20, 27 Green, R.E. 38, 38F, 39, 42, 43, 49, 49F, 51 Greenwood, J.W. 25, 25F Griffiths, J. 85 Hake, G. 157, 162 Halsall, M,J. 49, 49F, 81 Hardy, D.G. 77, 77F Hatcher, S.R. 96, 100, 100F Heckel, V.K. 146 Hilborn, J.W. 43, 48, 48F, 136 Hoelke, C.W. 140 Hone, D.W. 38, 38F Horton, E. 48, 48F Horton, E. P. 169 Horton, S.G. 141, 152 Howey, G.R. 35, 97, 151 Howieson, J. 32, 53, 77, 7'7F Hoyle, A.C. 97, 101, 159 Isaak, V.J. 66 Jarvis, R.G Johnson, R.C. 49, 49F Kennedy, G.E. 158 King, E.C. 146 Klock, R.J. 146 Lane, A.D. 74 Langford, W.J. 74 Leaist, G.T. 139 LeSurf, J.E. 74 Lewis, E. 90, 100, 100F, 170 Lewis, W.B. 64 Lounsbury, M. 52, 143, 155 MacDonald, R.D. 85 MacKay, I.N. 78 MacKintosh, W.D. 3, 3F, 9, 14, 22, 128 Mallory, P.G. 100, 100F 108 - 21 -

Name >; Entry No. Mansforth, L.H. 60, 61 Markl, H. 43 Matthew, J.G. 69 McConnell, L.G. 142, 145, 149, 167 McKerlie, C.A. 96 Melvin, J.G. 10 Millar, C.H. 42, 49, 49F Mitchell, W. 114 Mohindra, V.K. 161, 163 Mooradian, A.J. 57, 72, 77, 77F Nazzer, D.B. 77, 77F Okazaki, A. 38, 38F, 43 Oliver, B.A. 113 Olsen, J.L. 13, 130 Olson, A.P. 46 Ottevangers, J.H. 108 Page, R.D, 74, 77, 77F Paget, J;A. 86 Palmér, J. F. 100, 100F Parry, G.W. 135, 135F Pàterspn, D.L. 54, 54F Pawliw, J. 32, 75, 79, 83 Pearce, R.M. 38, 38F Pease, L. 38, 38F Popple, R.T. 79, 80, 83 Rae, H.K. 100, 100F, 132 Reid, H.G. 147 Robertson, L.P. 39 Ross-Ross, P.A. 95, 135, 135F Samuels, E.R. 161, 163 Sargent and Lundy 12 Seger, C,A. 63 Shaw, G.E. 70 Siddall, E. 93 Smith, H.A. 1 Smith, J.S.H. 110 Thomas, W.R. 120, 134, 135, 135F tilbe, H.E. 58, 127 '45 Till, CE. 144 Trewin, R.B. 42, 105 Tunnic1iffe, P.R. 123 Tuxworth, R.H. 125 yëedef, J. 28 yinçens, E. 84 Ward> A.G. 73 VTàrd, R.A. 54, 54F, 140 Watson, L.C. 121 We Her, J.A. Whittier, A.C. 44, 45, 47, 48, 48F, 116, 136 - 22 -

Name Entry No. Willcox, CL. 131 Williams, A. 138 Wilson,*I.L. 6 Winter, E.E. Wolfe, W.A. 91, 100, 100F Woodhead, L.W. 122 Wyatt, A. ISO, 156, 156F Yatabe, E. 17 Yonemitsu, I.D. 132 60, 61