Atomic Energy of Canada Limited NPD: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PUBLISHED LITERATURE by D. RADLEY and F.S. ARMSTRONG Chalk River, Ontario Revised January 1970 AECU2205 (R«v) NPD: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PUBLISHED LITERATURE CONTENTS Page I. General 1 II. Nuclear Properties, Core Design 4 III. Fuel and Fuelling Machines 6 IV. Heat Transport, Moderator and Auxiliary Systems 10 V. Control and Instrumentation 11 VI. Materials and Construction Problems 13 VII. Operation and Safety Experience 15 Authors 19 NPD: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PUBLISHED LITERATURE by D. Radley and F.S. Armstrong FOREWORD ? Canada's first nuclear power reactor, located on the Ottawa River IS miles upstream fromthe Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories went critical in;April, 1962 and first fed power into the Ontario Hydro grid on June 4, 1962. This bibliography, with author index,, lists publications on the Nuclear Power Demonstration reactor by date, up to January 1, 1970. A design study of nuclear reactors for the economic production of electricity was begun at Chalk River early in 1954 by a group from various Canadian companies and Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL). As a result, a joint project to build a demonstration nuclear power reactor was undertaken in 1955 with AECL responsible for development/Canadian General Electric Co. for detailed design and construction, and Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario for the site, turbines and generators, and operation of the completed station. The original Nuclear Power Demonstration reactor CNPD-1) was designed for a vertical pressure vessel. In 1957 construction was halted in favour of another design, NPD-2, which uses horizontal pressure tubes and has an output of 25 MW(e). This present reactor and generating station is now known simply as NPD. It was converted to a boiling water regime in the heat transport system in 1968. The following abbreviations are used in identifying authors: CGE - Canadian General Electric Co., Ltd., Peterborough, Ontario HEPC - Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario, Rolphton, Ontario. Most of the publications listed may be obtained from the Scientific Document Distribution Office, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Chalk River, Ontario, Canada. Chalk River, Ontario Revised January 1970 AECL-2205 (Rev) Bibliographie annotée des publications réiatives au NPD •*•'••• .•..•.-.. par D. Radley et F.S. Armstrong Le réacteur du NPD, la premiere centrale nucléaire du Canada, située en bordure de l'Outaouais à 15 milles en amont des Laboratoires nucléaires de Chalk River, a divergé en avril 1962 et il a fourni pour la première fois de l'électricité au réseau ontarien le 4*juin 1962. Cette bibliographie, qui compo-te un index d'auteurs, énumere chronologiquement les publications ayant paru au sujet du NFD jusqu'au Ie' janvier 1970. Une étude préliminaire visant à mettre au point un réacteur nucléaire capable de produire à bon compte de l'électricité a été entreprise a Chalk River au début de 1954 par des ingénieurs de diverses entreprises canadiennes et de l'EACL. Un projet conjoint a résulté de cette étude: celui de construire, en 1955, un réacteur électronucléaire de démonstration. L'EACL était responsable du développement, la Canadian General Electric (CGE) de la conception des détails et de la construction et la Commission électrique de l'Ontario du site, des turbines, des génératrices et de l'exploitation éventuelle de la centrale. Le réacteur original, NPD-1, de la centrale NPD devait avoir une cuve sous pression verticale. En 1957, on a préféré un autre concept, le NPD-2, utilisant des tubes horizontaux et ayant une puissance de 25 MWe. Ce réacteur qui alimente la centrale actuelle s'appelle simplement NPD. En 1968, son système de calopôrtage a été converti a l'eau bouillante. Les abréviations suivantes servent à identifier les auteurs: CGE - Canadian General Electric Company Limited Peterborough, Ontario HEPC - Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario Rolphton, Ontario ka plupart des publications ënumêrées peuvent être obtenues a l'adresse suivante: Service de diffusion des documents officiels L'Energie Atomique du Canada, Liniitêe Chalk River, Ontario, Canada L'Energie Atomique du Canada, Limitée Chalk River, Ontario Révisé en janvier 1970 AECL-2205 (Révise) - 1 - NOTE: All documentr vxth AECL-numbers are issued by Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Chalk River, Ontario. I. GENERAL 1. H.A. Smith, The Preliminary Design for NPD, AECL-240 25 pp., 1955": e y * ' 2. Canadian General Electric Company Limited, Canada's First Nuclear Power Station, brochure, also issued as AECL-356" 48 pp., 1956. 3. I.N. MacKay, The Canadian NPD-2 Nuclear Power Station Proc. 2nd. UN~Tntl. Conf. Peaceful Uses Atomic Energy 8.: 313-321, 1958; also issued as AECL-619. 3F. I.N. MacKay, Lia centrale nuclëoélectrique canadienne. Actes de là 2i€me conférence internationale des Nations UniessurlVutilisatxon de l'énergie atomique à des fins pacifiques ,£: 253-262,1958; aussi comme AECL-619-F. 4. Power Reactors in Canada, Nuclear Engineering, 3: 334-338, 1958. ~* 5. J.S. Foster, Progress in the Power Reactor Program, AECL-799, pp. 7.1-7.7; Ï958. 6. I.L. Wilson, Design of NPD and CANDU, AECL-799, pp. 11.1- 11.15, 1958. " 7. Canadian General Electric Company Limited, NPD-2 Design Description, brochure, also issued as AECL-952, 27 ppT, 1958. 8. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Nuclear Power Demonstration Station, in Nuclear Reactor Plant Data, 1: 1Z1-1Z4, 1959. " 9. I.N> l^acKày, Engirieoring the NPD-2 Power Plant, AECL-990, pp. 9.1-9/8, 19o6. 10, , J.G, MeIvIn, Nuclear Power in Canada. Proc. Conf. Small ; and Medium Power Reactors (IAEÂ, Vienna, 1960), 1: 127-138, Ï961; previously issued as AECL-1063, 1960. llr. Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Research, Development, Isotopes, ÀECL-1168, 11 pp., 1961. About two pages are devoted to NPD. - 2 - 11F. Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Recherches, Développements, Radioéléments, AECL-1168F, 20 pp.!, 1962. ; ' Environ de trois pages sont consacrées au sujet du NPD. 12. Sargent and Lundy, Engineering Evaluation Studies, Heavy Water Moderated Power Reactor Plants, TIP-13067," [U.S. Atomic Energy Conimission, Oak Ridge, Tenn.) , 217 pp., 1961. 13. J.L. Olsen, Description of NPD, AECL-1318, pp. 1,1-1.8, 1961; also issued by Canadian General Electric Company Limited, Peterborough, Ontario, as CAPD-10. 14. I.N. MacKay, Implications of NPD Design, AECL-1318, pp. 2.1-2.5, TWT 15. Canadian General Electric Company Limited, NPD-Canada's First Nuclear Power Station, Can. Nuclear Tech., 1^(.3J : 7-10, 1962; also issued as AECL-1438. 16. Atomr'c Energy of Canada Limited, Nuclear Power Demonstration : Canada's First. Nuclear Power Station, AECL-1458, 1Z pp., 1962. 16F. Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, LeNPD: la première centrale nucléoélectrique du Canada, AECL-1458-r., 12 pp., 1962. • 17. A. Wya'tt, NPD-2, Canada's Prototype Power Reactor, Nuclear Energy 1_: 192-201, 1962. ~" , 18. Nuclear Power Demonstration Reactor, Nuclear Engineering, TT~"!5S3-406, 196Z; also issued as AECL-1634. 19. Reactors on the Line No. 13-NPD. Nucleonics, 20_: 47-52, Nov. 1962. ~ 20. J.L. Gray, Developments and Trends in Nuclear Power in Canada, AECL-1675, 9 pp., 1962. i i 21. NPD-Nuclear Power Demonstration, illustrated brochure, AECL-1681, 14 pp., 19ÔZ. 22. I.N. MacKay, General Description of the, Nuclear Power Demonstration Plant,. AfcCL-1682AECL- . pp. 1-9. 1962: summary in Trans. AmerTTftrcTear Soc. S: 445-445, 1962. 23, Nuclear Power Demonstration Station in Directory of Nuclear Reactors, 4: 151-156, IAEA 1962; supersedes entry in 1: 97-102, IAEA 1959; also issued as AECL-1330(Rev.). 24. Nuclear Power Development in Canada, Atomics 16: 6-18 (Jan. - Feb. 1963). 25. J.W. Greenwood and J.N. Fairlie, Nuclear Power in Canada. AECL-195O, 81 pp., 1964. L 25F. J.W.1 Greenwood et J.N. Fairlie, Energie Nucléo-Electriques au Canada, AECL-1950-F, 81 pp., 1964. m^cz: 26. Nuclear Power Demonstration Plant, Selected Power Reactor Projects in Canada and the United'states of America. ^~ Technical Report Series No. 36, STI/DOC/10/36, (.IAEA, Vienna), pp. 3-9, Nov. 1964. 27. J.L. Gray, Canada's Nuclear Stations NPD and Douglas Point Status Report ... Chalk River, Ont., CRL-83, 9 pp., 1963. • " . From 2nd Annual Japan-Canada Technical Conference on Atomic Energy, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 15-16, 1963, 28. E. Vincens, Electric Power Systems of Foreign Nuclear Power Plants, Nuclear Safety, 5_: (3) 240-9, Spring, 1964. A brief review and evaluation of NPD is included. 29. Nuclear Power Readied for Base Loads, Mod. Power Eng., Wl 68-71, Dec. 1965. The function of NPD in the Canadian Nuclear Power program is examined briefly. 30. Nucleonics Handbook of Reactor Research and Technology. 255 pp. New York, Nucleonics (1965). Data and Diagrams of NPD reactor are presented in one section, . 31. J.W.1 Beaver (HEPC) Status and Performance of NPD and Douglas Point. Preprint CNA-216, 17 pp. CONF-&5"0515-4, From International Conference of Canadian Nuclear Assoc- Quebec, May, 1965. 32. A.M. Aikin, J. Howieson, J. Pawliw, Evaluation of ÇANDU: PHW Fuels, 66-CNA-312, 7 pp., 1966. "(Conf-66(J4l0-«). Prom Annual Conference on Organic and Heavy WateT Reactors, Winnipeg, Canada. Economic and future trends of NPD and other reactors are briefly considered. k-. 4 - 33. Inst, of Electrical and Electronics Engineerst Control and Instrumentation of Major Nùcleàr^Power Reactors. Bibliography, Paper No. 51PP66-525, Z7 pp., 1966. (CONF-660708-8). From IEEE Sununer Power Meeting, New Orleans. A few references are made to NPD. 34. Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, The Eleventh AECL Symposium on Atomic Power Held at Toronto. Ontario, October 15-14, 1966, AECl-2486, 156 pp., 1966. (CONF-661026) The status of NPD as a nuclear power project is given along with that of other reactors.
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