Towing Asteroids Into Earth Orbits For
LATEST DEVELOPMENTS IN SPACE INDUSTRIALIZATION, SATELLITE SOLAR POWER, AND SPACE HABITATS richer sources of materials. The "heretical" approach skips the lunar surface and goes directly to the asteroids. Even more outrageous things will be reported in coming months-laser launched rockets ($2O/kg to geosynch) and high performance solar sails, etc. But for now .... Towing Asteroids into Earth Orbits for Exploration and Exploitation Special Session of the Eighth Lunar All but the newest readers of the Science Conference, March 16, 1977 L-5 News are familiar with the organized by Dr. David Criswell "orthodox" aporoach to space habitation/industrialization. In this Two recent developments encourage approach, the lunar surface is used to immediate consideration of the supply new materials, though mention is possibility of bringing asteroids into given to the later use of asteroids as orbits about the Earth for exploration Published monthly by L-5 Society, Inc., at 1620 N. Park Ave., Tucson, AZ 85719, Subscription price: L-5 Society members, $3.00 per year, included in dues ($20.00 per year, students $10.00 per year). Subscription price to non-members available on request. Single copies, when available, $1.00 each. Send Form 3579, ADDRESS CHANGES AND SUBSCRIPTION ORDERS to L-5 SOCIETY. 1620 N. PARK AVE., TUCSON, AZ 85719. Second class postage paid at Tucson, Arizona. ¢1977 L-5 Society. All Rights Reserved. and exploitation: per year of new electrical generating and allow industrially significant (1) The distribution of crater sizes on capacity.) The first remotely located production of synthetic fuels for the Moon, Mars, Mercury, and the Earth, ground/sea stations are designed to immediate input to the U.S.
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