
MI65CH19-Hackett ARI 27 July 2011 8:43

Dinoflagellate Evolution

Jennifer H. Wisecaver and Jeremiah D. Hackett

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721; email: [email protected]

Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2011. 65:369–87 Keywords First published online as a Review in Advance on endosymbiosis, trans-splicing, transfer, , June 14, 2011 The Annual Review of Microbiology is online at Abstract micro.annualreviews.org The dinoflagellates are an ecologically important group of microbial eu-

by University of Arizona Library on 11/07/11. For personal use only. This article’s doi: karyotes that have evolved many novel genomic characteristics. They 10.1146/annurev-micro-090110-102841 possess some of the largest nuclear among arranged Copyright c 2011 by Annual Reviews. Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2011.65:369-387. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org ⃝ on permanently condensed liquid-crystalline chromosomes. Recent ad- All rights reserved vances have revealed the presence of arranged in tandem arrays, 0066-4227/11/1013-0369$20.00 trans-splicing of messenger , and a reduced role for transcrip- tional regulation compared to other eukaryotes. In contrast, the mito- chondrial and genomes have the smallest gene content among functional eukaryotic . Dinoflagellate biology and genome evolution have been dramatically influenced by lateral transfer of in- dividual genes and large-scale transfer of genes through endosymbio- sis. Next-generation sequencing technologies have only recently made genome-scale analyses of these organisms possible, and these new meth- ods are helping researchers better understand the biology and evolution of this enigmatic group of eukaryotes.

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a complete genome sequence. Next-generation Contents sequencing technologies have finally placed a complete genome sequence of a dinoflagellate INTRODUCTION...... 370 within reach and are already helping to eluci- date the biology and evolution of these enig- ...... 370 matic organisms. NUCLEARBIOLOGY...... 372 Nuclear Genome Organization and Evolution ...... 372 DINOFLAGELLATE ORGANELLAR GENOMES...... 376 PHYLOGENETICS The Mitochondrial Genome...... 376 Dinoflagellates, apicomplexans, and are Dinoflagellate the dominant phyla of the well-supported su- and Their Genomes...... 377 perphylum Alveolata, named for the flattened EVOLUTION OF vesicles (cortical alveoli) that form a contin- DINOFLAGELLATE GENE uous layer just under the plasma membrane CONTENT...... 378 (21). The ciliates are predominantly unicellu- Endosymbiotic Gene Transfer in the lar heterotrophs that exhibit nuclear dimor- Evolution of Dinoflagellate phism and show deviations from the universal Genomes ...... 379 (87, 90, 113). Apicomplexans are Lateral Gene Transfer mostly intracellular parasites (54) and contain from ...... 380 a nonphotosynthetic plastid (the ) in- CONCLUDING REMARKS ...... 380 volved in production of fatty acids, isoprene, heme, and iron-sulfur clusters (119). Phyloge- netic analyses are inconclusive but suggest alve- INTRODUCTION olates are related to stramenopiles (e.g., diatoms Dinoflagellates are ecologically and economi- and kelp) and rhizarians (e.g., forams and ra- cally important organisms in aquatic environ- diolarians) (18, 19). Within the , di- ments. They display tremendous morphologi- noflagellates are sister to the apicomplexans cal diversity and have one of the most extensive (29). Alveolate that do not fall within fossil records among microbial eukaryotes due these three phyla are important for inferring to the formation of robust cysts by a large num- ancestral conditions. For example, the oyster ber of species (33). In marine environments they marinus is sister to dinoflag- are important primary producers, both as free- ellates and retains many typical eukaryotic char-

by University of Arizona Library on 11/07/11. For personal use only. living phytoplankton and as symbionts of reef- acteristics (91), whereas the free-living marine forming corals. Many species are heterotrophic phototroph is sister to the para-

Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2011.65:369-387. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org ormixotrophicandareprolificgrazersofplank- sitic apicomplexans (70). Molecular clock analy- tonic organisms. Dinoflagellates also produce ses indicate the dinoflagellates and apicomplex- a wide variety of secondary metabolites in- ans diverged 800–900 million years ago (11, 37), cluding a diverse array of toxins that have a consistent with fossils attributed to dinoflagel- significant impact on marine ecosystems and lates appearing as early as the late Mesoprotero- fisheries. zoic (65). Whereas some aspects of eukaryotes’ (par- The dinoflagellates can be divided into three ticularly microbial lineages) genomes differ main groups based on molecular phylogenies: from canonical eukaryotic traits, the dinoflag- Oxyrrhinales, , and the core di- ellates are notable for the extreme and noflagellates comprising the majority of char- Plastid: organelles of sheer number of novel genome characteristics. acterized species (67) (Figure 1). A large un- eukaryotes involved in They are perhaps the most ancient and diverse culturable diversity of marine dinoflagellates, group of eukaryotes for which there is not yet termed Marine Alveolates Group I (MAGI),

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Important phylogenetic nodes Durinskia 1 Alveolates baltica 2 Dinofagellates 3 Syndiniales Galeidiniium 4 Core dinofagellates Kryptoperidinium 5 Gonyaulacoids D brevis 6 -- Durinskia (GPP complex) Peridiniopsis Karenia H Prorocentrum Plastid replacements in dinofagellates sp. D Dinotom dinofagellates have diatom-derived plastids Prorocentrum Peridinium H Fucoxanthin dinofagellates have 6 Peridinium -derived plastids sp. G Lepidodinium, the green dinofagellate, Woloszynskia has a prasinophyte-derived plastid G Lepidodinium K species have temporary Akashiwo cryptophyte plastids (kleptoplasts) Symbiodinium Pfesteria sp. Protoceratium 5 Akashiwo sanguinea Alexandrium peridinin Fragilidium 4 Crypthecodinium Blastodinium Ceratium longipes Heterocapsa Noctiluca -like proteins K Dinophysis 2 Alexandrium catenella Amoebophrya 3 Trans-splicing Form II RuBisCO Plastid polyurdylylation MAGI Dinophysis Perkinsus sp. 1 Chromera Ciliates Oxyrrhis Stramenopiles marina

by University of Arizona Library on 11/07/11. For personal use only.

Figure 1 Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2011.65:369-387. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org A phylogenetic model of dinoflagellate evolutionary relationships based on molecular data. Branches uniting supported clades are indicated with numbers. Plastid replacements are indicated with letters. Arrows indicate the most likely branch for the origin of some distinctive characteristics of dinoflagellates. Micrographs were obtained from the micro∗scope Web site (http://starcentral.mbl.edu/ microscope/portal.php)andusedwithpermission.Imagecopyrights:Durinskia baltica (S. Murray, M. Hoppenrath, J. Larsen & D. Patterson); Karenia brevis, Prorocentrum sp., Ceratium longipes, Alexandrium catenella,andDinophysis sp. (R. Andersen & D. Patterson); Peridinium sp. (M. Bahr & D. Patterson); Symbiodinium sp. (D. Patterson & M. Farmer); Akashiwo sanguinea (H. Su Yoon); Oxyrrhis marina (R. Moore & M.V. Sanchez-Puerta). Abbreviation: MAGI, Marine Alveolates Group I.

has been described by 18S rDNA environ- heterotrophic Oxyrrhinales contain just one mental surveys and appears to be composed of morphospecies, Oxyrrhis marina (61). These primarily parasitic species (60, 69, 105). Syn- heterotrophic taxa (MAGI, the Syndiniales, and diniales, such as Amoebophrya,arealsopredom- Oxyrrhis) occupy a basal position in the di- inantly parasitic species. The free-living and noflagellate tree (41, 95, 97, 124). However,

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phylogenetic analyses have not determined the Nuclear Genome Organization positions of these groups relative to each other, and Evolution leaving the deepest branches of the dinoflagel- Dinotoms: Most dinoflagellates have dinokaryotic nuclei, late tree unresolved. This is problematic when dinoflagllates with distinguished by permanently condensed chro- attempting to infer ancestral states of some of diatom mosomes that are attached to the nuclear enve- plastids, which are the more unusual dinoflagellate characteristics lope and lack nucleosomes (12). Amazingly, the minimally reduced and discussed below. chromosome structure appears to be the result retain the diatom Within the core dinoflagellates, the tra- nucleus and other of DNA liquid crystal formation in the nucleus ditional orders were based on morphologi- organelles (15, 32, 59) (Figure 2a). The nuclear DNA cal characters such as thecal plate tabulation : armored is associated with basic nuclear proteins, or patterns or the absence of theca altogether plates composed of histone-like proteins (HLPs). These proteins (31). Molecular phylogenetics has shown that cellulose or other have a secondary structure similar to that of bac- polysaccharides many of these orders are poly- and paraphyletic terial HLPs; however, dinoflagellate HLPs can- formed within the and that thecal characteristics have evolved not complement the bacterial proteins in vivo cortical alveoli of multiple times within the core dinoflagel- dinoflagellates (22). Dinoflagellate HLPs are associated with lates (67, 124). Resolving the internal relation- the nucleolus and loops of DNA that extend Dinokaryon: nuclear ships among dinoflagellates has been difficult. organization specific from the condensed liquid-crystalline chromo- Figure 1 shows the few supported clades within to core dinoflagellates somes (22, 94). The interior of the chromo- the core dinoflagellates, including monophyly characterized by somes comprising the majority of DNA in the permanently of the gonyaulacoids, the Gymnodiniales- nucleus is likely too dense to allow transcrip- condensed Peridiniales-Prorocentrales complex taxa, and tion, which is thought to occur instead from chromosomes that lack groups with more recently acquired plastids nucleosomes genes located on the extrachromosomal loops such as the dinotom and fucoxanthin dinoflag- (103). HLPs affect the compaction of DNA in Histone-like protein ellates. The parasitic Blastodiniales and free- (HLP): basic nuclear aconcentration-dependentmanner,suggesting living, heterotrophic are particu- protein found that they play some role in regulating the con- larly unstable in phylogenies, appearing as basal associated with the densation of these loops of DNA and the acces- nuclear DNA of lineages in some gene trees and highly derived sibility of genes to transcription factors (22, 94) dinoflagellates in others (35, 41, 97, 99). (Figure 2a). Transcriptome: the All core dinoflagellates appear to have this complete set of RNAs NUCLEAR BIOLOGY transcribed from the dinokaryotic nuclear structure during some or genome of an Dinoflagellate nuclear structure and biology all stages of their life cycle. Outside of this clade, organism are among the most divergent in the eukary- the presence of these characters is less clear. otic , leading Dodge (26) to consider Oxyrrhis appears to have HLPs and lack his- by University of Arizona Library on 11/07/11. For personal use only. them mesokaryotes, an intermediate between tones, but it does not have permanently con- prokaryotes and eukaryotes, until molecular densed chromosomes. The structure of the nu- Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2011.65:369-387. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org phylogenetics confirmed their membership in cleus in the Syndiniales has not been thoroughly the Alveolata. The primary reason for this des- investigated. Positive chemical tests for basic ignation is the distinctive chromosomes that re- nuclear proteins in these organisms have been main permanently condensed throughout the interpreted as evidence of either the presence cycle without the aid of nucleosomes. Di- of (20) or HLPs (92). noflagellate genomes are among the largest of Dinoflagellates were thought to have com- any organism and contain the unusual nucle- pletely lost histones; however, recent transcrip- obase hydroxymethyluracil. Recent advances in tome analyses have identified transcripts for all dinoflagellate genome research include the dis- core histones (H2A, H2B, H3, H4) as well as coveries of tandem gene arrays, trans-spliced several variants (H2A.X and H2A.Z) (36, 57, mRNAs, and a reduced role of transcriptional 80). These proteins are clearly not involved in regulation compared to other eukaryotes. packaging the majority of the nuclear DNA,

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a Chromosome liquid crystal structure model Dense dinofagellate nuclear DNA b Trans-splicing of nuclear mRNA self-assembles into liquid crystal 1 The splice-leader gene is 1 Tandem repeated SL gene chromosomes. Transcription occurs encoded in a tandem repeat on peripheral loops. Histone-like consisting of the 22-bp proteins ( ) are associated with SLIntron Spacer splice-leader (SL) sequence, an these loops and are involved in regulation of gene expression. In intron, and spacer region. 2 2 Tandem repeated protein-coding gene Dinofagellate protein-coding the model shown below, the genes also exist in large tandem histone-like proteins hold DNA arrays. 3 The SL sequence is loops open in moderate trans-spliced onto the 5' end of 3 Mature mRNAs concentrations, while the same AAAAAA each gene region. The 3' end is AAAAAA proteins efectively prevent capped with a polyA tail forming a transcription in higher concentra- mature transcript. AAAAAA tions.

LSU cox1

cob cox3

cox3LSUcox1 d Plastid minicircles The peridinin plastid genome of dinofagellates is encoded on c Fragmented and repetitive minicircles. Green arrows show the mitochondrial genome position of genes. Minicircles can Colored boxes represent protein- encode zero, one, or multiple genes coding genes and gene fragments. depending on the species. Black Gray boxes represent fragments of boxes indicate the position of the the large subunit rDNA. Inverted core, which is thought to contain the repeats are found in the intergenic promoter. regions of the genome and are shown as stem-loop stuctures in the Genes reported on minicircles

by University of Arizona Library on 11/07/11. For personal use only. model. atpA, atpB, petB, petD, psaA, psaB, psbA, psbB, psbC, psbD, psbE, psbI, LSU-rRNA, SSU-rRNA, ycf16, ycf24 Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2011.65:369-387. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

Figure 2 Distinctive elements of dinoflagellate nuclear, mitochondrial, and plastid genomes. (a)Amodelof chromosome structure and regulation of extrachromosomal loop compaction. (b) Trans-splicing of nuclear mRNAs. (c) Model of mitochondrial gene organization. (d )Minicirclechromosomesinperidinin-containing dinoflagellates. Abbreviations: LSU, large subunit; SL, splice leader; SSU, small subunit.

at least in the vegetative stage of the life cy- Dinoflagellates have some of the largest cle of core dinoflagellates. These histones may eukaryotic genomes, ranging from 1.5 Gb in be involved in packaging a small portion of the species of the coral symbiont Symbiodinium genome and have, thus far, eluded detection to 185 Gb in Lingulodinium polyedrum (51, or package DNA only in a particular life cycle 107). Extreme , or the proliferation stage (e.g., cysts). of repetitive DNA, does not appear to be

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responsible for the large size of these genomes, role of hydroxymethyluracil in dinoflagellate since DNA reassociation kinetics are similar nuclear biology remains unknown. to that in other eukaryotes (2, 25). A recent Polycistronic transcript: asingle genome survey analyzed 230 kb of the Hete- molecule of mRNA rocapsa triquetra genome, estimated to be 18 Transcription and regulation of gene ex- that contains the to 23 Gb, and found 89.5% of the sequence pression. Several important discoveries have information for the was nonrepetitive, presumably noncoding recently been made regarding dinoflagellate translation of several DNA (64). Chromosome number varies con- transcription. One of the most critical find- proteins siderably among species, ranging from 24 to ings was the discovery of 5′ trans-splicing of Trans-spliced leader: 220 chromosomes that appear to be identical dinoflagellate transcripts. Expressed sequence anoncodingRNA in size and shape within a species (104). In tags (ESTs) from several dinoflagellates re- added to the 5′ end of mature transcripts contrast, a karyotype of the predinoflagellate vealed the presence of the same 22-nt leader during mRNA Perkinsus atlanticus showed an arrangement sequence on the 5′ end of all transcripts processing of just nine chromosomes (110). A karyotype produced from the nucleus (55, 125). So far, of a dinoflagellate was attempted in Pyrocystis trans-splicing has been found in all species lunula by reconstructing a three-dimensional examined, including those outside the core representation of the nucleus from electron dinoflagellates (i.e., Oxyrrhis and Amoebophrya) micrographs of 300 serial sections (101). This and in Perkinsus, indicating that this processing study revealed 49 pairs of chromosomes with arose early in dinoflagellate evolution (7, 47, distinctive size and morphology, suggesting 127) (Figure 1). The same 22-nt sequence diploidy. These results were surprising because is found on all nuclear mRNAs and is con- dinoflagellates are generally considered to served across all species, making it a useful have haploid vegetative cells (31); however, the tool for isolating full-length cDNAs. The authors could not rule out genome replication leader sequences themselves are encoded in without cell division in the cell cultures. tandem gene arrays of unknown number or size The complete sequence of a massive nuclear (Figure 2b). Trans-splicing of an mRNA leader genome from a dinoflagellate has long been out is found for a limited number of mRNAs in of reach because of the high cost of sequencing several other eukaryotes but is used extensively using traditional methods. The decrease in cost and is well studied in the trypanosomes (108). using next-generation methods now makes it Though the extensive use of 5′ trans-splicing in possible to determine the genome sequence of dinoflagellates and trypanosomes is likely the a dinoflagellate. The smallest are near the size of result of convergent evolution, the well-studied the human genome, which currently costs about biology of trypanosomes provides a model for

by University of Arizona Library on 11/07/11. For personal use only. $50,000 to sequence, and is rapidly decreasing understanding dinoflagellate genome organi- (13). The first dinoflagellate genome sequence zation and regulation of gene expression. In

Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2011.65:369-387. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org is likely to be completed in the near future and trypanosomes, genes are organized into clus- will help answer many of the questions raised ters and cotranscribed into polycistronic RNAs in this review. that are processed into individual mRNAs by Another distinctive feature of dinoflagellate trans-splicing and polyadenylation. Individual genomes is a large portion (over 35%) of the genes lack promoters and most regulation of

thymine has been replaced by hydroxymethy- gene expression is posttranscriptional. The 5′ luracil in many species (25, 89). This base is trans-spliced leader and other proteins that a natural component of some phage genomes, interact with motifs in the 3′-untranslated such as Bacillus subtilis phages, but in most eu- region are responsible for regulating mRNA karyotes, it is the result of oxidative damage stability and their translation into proteins of thymine or 5-methylcytosine and is quickly (for review see Reference 82). Ongoing and repaired by a DNA glycosylase (14, 40). The future research in this area is focused on testing

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for similarities between trypanosome and ellates. Similarities between trypanosome and dinoflagellate molecular biology. dinoflagellate transcript processing and gene Several other aspects of dinoflagellate structure suggest that dinoflagellates may rely Gene amplification: nuclear genomes are similar to those of try- heavily on posttranscriptional mechanisms the production of panosomes. Genes are often encoded in tandem of gene regulation. Comparative or quan- multiple copies of a arrays encoding virtually identical proteins (6, titative gene expression methods measure gene resulting in 58). Bachvaroff & Place (6) determined the the transcript abundance within the cells increased gene genomic structure of 47 genes, identified by at the time of RNA extraction. Changes in expression EST sequencing, that varied in their expression transcript abundance are often attributed to level as inferred from their frequency in the up- or downregulation of gene transcription. cDNA library. They found that more highly However, transcript abundance is dependent expressed genes tended to be found in large on the rate of transcription and on the rate tandem gene arrays, whereas genes expressed of transcript degradation. When interpreting at a lower level appeared to be encoded by the results of gene expression analyses in only a single gene and to contain more introns. dinoflagellates, it is important to be aware of They also identified a putative polyadenylation this dynamic, especially in light of the similar- signal (AAAAG/C) occurring at the site of ities between dinoflagellate and trypanosome polyadenylation. Gene amplification may be mRNA processing. an important process in the regulation of Several gene expression profiling studies gene expression over evolutionary timescales with dinoflagellates have shown that transcript in dinoflagellates. If the majority of gene abundance for a small but significant portion of expression is regulated posttranscriptionally in the transcriptome does respond to various con- dinoflagellates as in trypanosomes, amplifica- ditions. The first microarray from a dinoflagel- tion of genes on the genome could be a primary late contained 3,500 spotted cDNAs from Py- mechanism for regulating transcript abundance rocystis lunula and was used to identify genes in the cell. Individual genes in these arrays also that respond to the circadian clock and oxidative appear to lack RNA polymerase II promoters. stress (80, 81). About 3% of the genes showed No upstream TATA-box promoter region significant changes in transcript abundance in has been identified near dinoflagellate genes; response to a circadian clock and 4% responded however, a divergent TATA binding protein to oxidative stress. A microarray containing (TBP) was found in Crypthecodinium cohnii that 4,629 unique genes from Karenia brevis showed showed higher affinity for a TTTT binding about 10% of transcripts varying over the diel motif (34). No such promoter region has yet (24-h) cycle and, similar to P. lunula, about 3%

by University of Arizona Library on 11/07/11. For personal use only. been identified; however, most sequenced appeared to be under circadian control (114). intergenic regions from dinoflagellates are cDNA arrays have been used to try to identify

Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2011.65:369-387. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org between gene array members. The promoter genes involved in toxicity by comparing gene may be upstream of the entire array. Because expression levels between toxin-producing and dinoflagellate arrays are composed of the same nontoxic strains of species of Alexandrium minu- gene, rather than different genes as in try- tum and K. brevis (68, 122). Both studies showed panosomes, individual gene families could still small proportions of genes exhibiting signifi- be regulated at the transcriptional level from cantly different transcript abundance (4% and this upstream promoter. The implications of 7%, respectively), although these arrays probed these differences in the arrangement of gene only a fraction of the transcriptome of these arrays in dinoflagellates and trypanosomes organisms. These results are important for un- have not yet been investigated. derstanding the physiological effects of produc- Microarrays and next-generation profiling ing secondary metabolites in these organisms. techniques have also been used to investigate For example, the nontoxic K. brevis showed sig- the regulation of gene expression in dinoflag- nificantly higher transcript abundance (two- to

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threefold increase) for a number of photosys- organellar genomes are among the smallest in tem genes, whereas photosynthesis genes were terms of gene number. Only 3 protein-coding absent from the set of transcripts with decreased genes have been found in the mitochondria, abundance. The relationship between toxin and only 16 genes in the most common plastid, production and photosynthesis is not clear, but containing the photopigment peridinin. Both this study demonstrated that there are signif- organelles must rely on the import of proteins icant physiological differences between toxic (e.g., polymerases, ribosomal proteins) and and nontoxic strains. tRNAs into the for genome repli- The next few years will see a dramatic ex- cation and expression of the few genes that pansion in transcriptome data due to the pro- remain. Each organelle has evolved novel liferation of RNA-seq transcriptome-profiling genome organization and mechanisms of methods. The first attempts at global gene mRNA processing and is a model for under- expression profiling in dinoflagellates used standing genome reduction in mitochondria massively parallel signature sequencing. Two and plastids. studies profiled gene expression in saxitoxin- producing species of Alexandrium,compar- ing global gene expression profiles under The Mitochondrial Genome various nutrient conditions such as nutrient- The biology of dinoflagellate mitochondrial replete conditions, nitrate- and phosphate- genomes was recently reviewed by Waller & limiting conditions, and bacterized xenic cul- Jackson (115), so only the key features are sum- tures (28, 73). These experiments showed that marized here. The mitochondrial genome sur- a large proportion of the transcriptome main- veys of dinoflagellates have uncovered just three tained constant mRNA abundance across dif- protein-coding genes (cob, cox1,andcox3), two ferent conditions, but that a larger proportion highly fragmented rRNAs, and no tRNAs (44, of genes ( 27%) exhibited variable transcript 48, 74) (Figure 2c). In the basal dinoflagellate ∼ levels compared to previous microarray exper- Oxyrrhis,thecob and cox3 genes are fused, reduc- iments. Moustafa et al. (73) identified 40,000 ing the protein-coding gene count to two, pos- unique signatures, providing an estimate for the sibly the fewest mitochondria-encoded genes of number of transcribed genes in Alexandrium, any organism (106). Apicomplexans also code and showed that only a handful of transcripts for the same three protein-coding genes as well were unique to any particular condition. They as fragmented large and small subunit rRNAs identified 56 gene families with more than 100 (30). This is in contrast to the more typical ar- members, supporting the conclusions of other rangement of mitochondrial genomes,

by University of Arizona Library on 11/07/11. For personal use only. studies, suggesting that many dinoflagellate which contain genes for two rRNAs, seven tR- genes are encoded in large tandem arrays. The NAs, and 43 proteins (17, 88). Ciliate genomes

Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2011.65:369-387. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org presence of large gene families also suggests presumably represent the ancestral condition that the large number of transcripts in Alexan- for the more extreme genome configurations drium might represent a significantly smaller within the other alveolates. number of unique proteins. The xenic condi- Whereas dinoflagellates and apicomplexans tion had the highest number of unique tran- share similar mitochondrial gene content, scripts (487) and differentially expressed genes, they have different gene arrangements. The indicating that associated bacteria have a signifi- apicomplexan mitochondrial genome is linear cant impact on the trophic state of Alexandrium. and compactly arranged on a contiguous 6-kb stretch of DNA. In contrast, the dinoflagellate mitochondrial genes are multicopy and the ORGANELLAR GENOMES genome itself is highly fragmented (44, 74, Whereas dinoflagellates have some of the 76). No full-length DNA molecule has been largest nuclear genomes of any , their described because large amounts of inverted

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repeats and other noncoding DNA hamper plastid. The recent discovery of a free-living sequencing and assembly efforts. marine alga, Chromera velia, that is sister to the Several unique processes characterize apicomplexan parasites lends strong support to Plastid minicircle: mitochondrial transcription in dinoflagellates. this hypothesis (45, 70). small circular DNA At least one of the mitochondrial genes, cox3, Most plastid genomes in photosynthetic molecules encoding is encoded in two genomic elements, which eukaryotes are single circular molecules de- several genes that are separately polyadenylated and trans-spliced rived from the genome of a cyanobacterial collectively comprise to create one complete mature transcript (44). and are about 150 kb in length, the plastid genome of peridinin-containing Transcripts also lack canonical start and stop encoding approximately 100 genes. The plastid dinoflagellates codons (44, 74, 106). Mitochondrial mRNA is genome of peridinin-containing dinoflagellates extensively edited, and all but 3 of the 12 possi- is remarkable because it has been broken into ble nucleotide changes have been identified in 2- to 3-kb minicircles, encoding one to several dinoflagellates (44, 48, 56, 74, 126). No mRNA genes and a noncoding core sequence thought editing was found in the basal dinoflagellate to contain the origin of replication (50, 128) Oxyrrhis, suggesting the species diverged prior (Figure 2d). Recent studies suggest that both to the evolution of editing in the group (106). replication and transcription of the plastid The function of mRNA editing in dinoflag- minicircles take place in a rolling circle fashion ellates is unclear. However, the majority of (24, 53). Dang & Green (24) proposed that edits are to either a G or a C, thereby reducing the entire minicircle is transcribed continu- the overall AT content of mitochondrial ously many times around the molecule. The transcripts and potentially making them better resulting RNAs are cleaved by an endonuclease suited for imported cytosolic tRNAs. into long precursor mRNA molecules before finally being processed into a mature mRNA,

including polyuridylylation of the 3′ end (117). Dinoflagellate Plastids Thus far, only 16 minicircle-encoded genes and Their Genomes have been described (reviewed in Reference About half of all dinoflagellates are photosyn- 42), making these genomes the smallest plastid thetic (96). The vast majority of these species genomes known. This small plastid-encoded have a plastid surrounded by three membranes gene set was confirmed by sequencing a containing the photopigment peridinin, in ad- cDNA library constructed by isolating poly(U) dition to chlorophylls a and c (10). Phylogenetic mRNAs (117). The genes that remain encoded analyses show that the plastids of all chloro- on the minicircles are 12 core subunits of phyll c–containing (dinoflagellates, stra- the four major components of the photosys-

by University of Arizona Library on 11/07/11. For personal use only. menopiles, , and cryptophytes) are tem (photosystem I and II, cytochrome b6-f monophyletic and derived via endosymbiosis complex, and ATP synthase), two ribosomal

Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2011.65:369-387. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org from (8, 39, 84, 86). Plastids in these proteins, and two conserved hypothetical pro- lineages were thought to be derived from a sin- teins. The remaining genes required for pho- gle secondary endosymbiosis in a common an- tosynthesis have been relocated to the nuclear cestor (i.e., the chromalveolate hypothesis; re- genome (5, 38). It is unclear why such a dra- viewed in Reference 4). However, nuclear gene matic reduction of the plastid genome occurred phylogenies are not congruent with those from in the dinoflagellates, but it appears to have oc- plastid and plastid-targeted genes, suggesting curred early in their evolutionary history (96). a secondary plastid was acquired in one or The extreme reduction of the plastid more lineages and subsequently transferred to genome makes peridinin dinoflagellates a other lineages through tertiary endosymbioses. model for understanding the retention of genes The common ancestor of dinoflagellates and in organelles. Organelle-encoded genes are apicomplexans was likely photosynthetic be- subject to high mutation rates because of cause the apicomplexans also contain a reduced the effects of oxygen free radicals, and they

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accumulate mutations more quickly because CCMP3115, indicating that form II Ru- they are encoded on nonrecombining genomes BisCo was acquired in the common ancestor (62). The genes transferred to the nucleus of dinoflagellates and apicomplexans (45) Kleptoplast: a temporary plastid include 15 genes that are encoded on the (Figure 1). retained from prey plastid genome of every other photosynthetic Dinoflagellates are distinctive among eu- LGT: lateral gene eukaryote (38). The genes that remain can be karyotes in their propensity for plastid replace- transfer explained by the colocalization for redox reg- ment. In addition to the ancestral peridinin ulation hypothesis, which states that genes for plastid, permanent plastids from multiple algal the core components of the photosystem are sources have been acquired by some taxa (102). under selection to remain in the organelle so The plastids of Lepidodinium spp. are derived their products can respond to changes in re- from , whereas Karenia and Karlo- dox conditions (1). If the genes were encoded dinium species have plastids from haptophytes in the nucleus, organisms with multiple plas- (111, 118). The plastids of several related gen- tids would not be able to target gene products era, including Kryptoperidinium and Durinskia to a particular organelle. Therefore, the plas- (the dinotoms), are derived from diatoms and tid genomes of peridinin-containing dinoflag- are unusual in that the diatom nucleus is re- ellates may represent the minimal set of genes tained (23, 43). The plastid genomes of these di- that must remain in the organelle of a photo- noflagellates with more recently acquired plas- synthetic organism to maintain proper redox tids likely have a typical structure (i.e., single regulation. circular molecule). This has been confirmed in Nuclear-encoded plastid genes in dinoflag- Kryptoperidinium and Durinskia,whichhavecir- ellates have a tripartite N-terminal extension cular plastid genomes of 116 kb and 140 kb, containing a signal peptide, a plastid transit respectively (43). Some dinoflagellates, such as peptide, and a hydrophobic region for targeting Dinophysis spp. and Amphidinium poecilchroum, and importing into the three-membrane plastid are kleptoplastidic, retaining temporary plas- (75). The hydrophobic region is believed to tids from photosynthetic prey (100). All the facilitate the insertion of plastid proteins into currently known plastid replacements have re- transport vesicles, which then fuse with the sulted in the loss of characteristics unique to outer membrane of the plastid. These targeting the peridinin plastid (i.e., peridinin, minicir- peptides are a striking example of convergent cle chromosomes, form II RuBisCo). How- evolution. Targeting peptides with a similar ever, many nuclear-encoded genes from the structure have evolved independently in the peridinin-containing ancestor remain in addi- euglenozoan , which also has a three- tion to genes derived from the nucleus of the

by University of Arizona Library on 11/07/11. For personal use only. membrane plastid acquired independently plastid donor (see Endosymbiotic Gene Trans- from green algae (75). Another distinctive fer in the Evolution of Dinoflagellate Genomes,

Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2011.65:369-387. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org aspect of peridinin plastids is the replacement below). of the typical form I ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase (RuBisCO) with a nuclear-encoded form II RuBisCO, which has EVOLUTION OF DINOFLAGELLATE GENE a significantly lower affinity for CO2 than the form I (46, 71, 93). Form II RuBisCo CONTENT is typically found in proteobacteria growing in Gene duplication and lateral gene transfer

high-CO2,low-O2 environments. Dinoflagel- (LGT) are two drivers of genome evolution lates may possess novel carbon-concentrating and the evolution of novel traits. LGT has mechanisms to compensate for the enzyme’s long been recognized to play a major role in

lower affinity for CO2 (9). This protein was the evolution of prokaryotic organisms (e.g., recently identified in two other alveolates, 52, 79, 83). In multicellular eukaryotes, gene Chromera velia and a related unnamed species, duplication plays a major role in the evolution

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of new genes because the isolation of germ cellular processes including disease resistance cells from somatic tissue limits the potential and protein trafficking (63). During secondary for LGT, although some examples are known and tertiary endosymbiosis, in which a pho- Endosymbiotic gene (e.g., 27). The relative contribution of these tosynthetic eukaryote is engulfed by another transfer (EGT): the two processes is less understood in microbial eukaryote, the nucleus of the endosymbiont transfer of genes from eukaryotes, but phylogenomic analyses have is reduced through gene loss and gene trans- an endosymbiont to revealed an important role for gene transfer in fer to the host. These secondary and ter- the host genome these organisms (3, 16, 49, 72, 77). Dinoflagel- tiary endosymbioses present the opportunity lates are no exception; LGT from bacteria and for large-scale gene transfer from one eukary- other eukaryotes has had a major impact on ote to another. The dinoflagellates are remark- gene content in this lineage. There are several able among eukaryotes for their diverse array potential sources for genes acquired through of plastids acquired through multiple endosym- LGT in dinoflagellates. Plastid endosymbiosis bioses. Phylogenomic analyses have begun to has clearly played a major role in the evolution elucidate the role of EGT in dinoflagellate evo- of dinoflagellates and provides the potential lution, but the lack of genome-wide data for for large-scale gene transfer. Dinoflagellates many dinoflagellates and plastid donors com- are also prolific grazers of other organisms and plicates the interpretation of these data. many photosynthetic species are mixotrophic. Analyses of transcriptome data from di- They are also host to many intra- and extra- noflagellates have revealed that their genes cellular bacterial symbionts that could provide are derived from many sources, but EGT has genes through LGT. Determining the relative likely played a large role in the contribution contribution of these potential sources to the of genes to the nuclear genome. So far, EGT evolution of novel traits in dinoflagellates is a has contributed genes primarily of plastid func- major goal of future research. Progress will be tion. The evolutionary history of the peridinin- facilitated by improvements in the depth and containing plastid is unclear, but it is ultimately diversity of genome data from dinoflagellates derived from a red alga, probably through ter- and other microbial eukaryotes. tiary endosymbiosis (4). This uncertainty makes determining the evolutionary history of these genes difficult; however, it is clear that plastid Endosymbiotic Gene Transfer in the genes in peridinin-containing dinoflagellates Evolution of Dinoflagellate Genomes have multiple origins. Because the other mem- Gene transfer from the endosymbiont to the bers of the alveolates (ciliates and apicomplex- host nucleus is a critical process in the reduc- ans) are not photosynthetic, the expected sister

by University of Arizona Library on 11/07/11. For personal use only. tion of an endosymbiont to a plastid. Some group for vertically inherited photosynthesis- genes are retained in the organellar genome, related genes is the stramenopiles (Figure 1).

Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2011.65:369-387. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org but the majority of genes involved in plas- Many nuclear-encoded plastid genes from peri- tid function have been transferred to the nu- dinin dinoflagellates show a sister relationship cleus, a process termed endosymbiotic gene to stramenopiles, but some cluster with green transfer, or EGT (112). The majority of trans- algae and haptophytes as well (38, 116). Di- ferred genes are targeted back to the organelle; noflagellates with more recently acquired plas- however, some genes have been co-opted by tids have a large number of genes from the the host cell to function in novel processes. donor of the most recent organelle; however, The primary endosymbiosis, which gave rise they have genes from other algal sources as well. to the plastids of the Archaeplastidia (e.g., land Karenia and Karlodinium, genera that contain a ), resulted in the transfer of a large num- haptophyte plastid, have plastid-related genes ber of genes from cyanobacteria to eukaryotes. retained from a peridinin-containing ancestor Many of these genes are targeted back to the and those acquired from other algae, in addi- , but some genes function in other tion to genes contributed by the haptophyte

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symbiont (78, 85, 123). Likewise, Lepidodinium as genome data from a diverse assemblage of viride, which has a plastid from prasinophyte green algae, which allowed the identification of green algae, contains nuclear-encoded plastid a large number of diatom genes that branched genes transferred from the symbiont, but it also at the same position within the green algal phy- has genes from other sources (66, 109). logeny. In the near future, the availability of Following endosymbiosis, the transfer of genome-wide data for dinoflagellates and di- large numbers of plastid-targeted genes from verse genome data from potential donor groups the endosymbiont is expected, since these genes such as haptophytes, cryptophytes, and stra- are already adapted to function in the newly ac- menopiles will help to provide a clearer picture quired organelle. The retention of genes from of dinoflagellate gene origin. a peridinin-containing ancestor in species with more recently acquired plastids has been in- terpreted as evidence for plastid replacement, Lateral Gene Transfer from Bacteria rather than complete plastid loss and regain Phylogenomic analyses are revealing an in- (66, 78, 85). However, the discovery of plastid- creasing number of genes transferred from bac- related genes in a heterotrophic dinoflagellate teria into the genomes of microbial eukaryotes indicates that some of these genes could have (3, 49, 77). This process is responsible for some been retained through a heterotrophic period of the most distinctive features of dinoflagel- between plastid loss and acquisition of a new late biology. The histone-like proteins, which organelle (98). The kleptoplastidic dinoflagel- play a role in the unique chromosome structure late Dinophysis acuminata, which has temporary of dinoflagellates, and form II RuBisCO were plastids retained from prey, has a small number both acquired from proteobacteria (36, 45, 71, of nuclear-encoded plastid genes derived from 121). In another case, aroB and an O-methyl multiple algal lineages (120). This organism is transferase gene from cyanobacteria were trans- notable because it does not contain a permanent ferred into dinoflagellates between the diver- plastid, yet it encodes genes for plastid function gence of Perkinsus and Oxyrrhis (116). These in its nucleus. Organisms such as Dinophysis may two genes fused and formed a novel plastid- provide insights into the process of endosym- targeted gene not found in any other eukary- biosis through prey organelle retention. otic lineage. Bacteria have likely contributed Genes contributed by other algal lineages many more genes to the dinoflagellates, and fu- could be the result of sporadic transfers of in- ture whole-genome phylogenomic analyses will dividual genes, perhaps from prey, or they may further clarify the prokaryotic contribution to have been acquired through cryptic endosym- the evolution of novel traits in these enigmatic

by University of Arizona Library on 11/07/11. For personal use only. bioses. Distinguishing between these two pos- eukaryotes. sibilities has, thus far, been difficult in the di-

Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2011.65:369-387. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org noflagellates because of incomplete genome datasets and the limited diversity of data from CONCLUDING REMARKS potential plastid donors. Current phyloge- Next-generation sequencing technologies and netic analyses lack the resolution to determine phylogenomic tools have set the stage for ge- whether significant numbers of genes originate nomics to revolutionize our understanding of from the same donor, as would be expected dinoflagellate genomes, ecology, and evolution. from EGT. Recently, a cryptic endosymbio- The dramatically decreasing cost of produc- sis was suggested to explain a large number of ing genome data has put tools in the hands of genes in diatoms (17% of the proteome) that ap- individual researchers that were only available pear to be derived from green algae (72). This to large consortiums of scientists a few years conclusion was possible because of the availabil- ago. A dinoflagellate genome sequence is no ity of complete genome sequences for the di- longer out of reach and will likely be completed atoms (Thalassiosira and Phaeodactylum)aswell within the next few years, if not months, and

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followed by many others. As an alternative to tinue to be, a critical tool for determining gene genome sequencing, transcriptome sequencing function in the dinoflagellates, which lack a ge- provides a cost-effective way to determine the netic system for experimentation. Future chal- gene complement of these organisms without lenges for scientists will be to develop methods the effort involved in assembling and annotat- to analyze upcoming data to clarify the impor- ing a genome. These methods will be critical tant roles of dinoflagellates in ecology as to expanding the diversity of genomic data for well as their interactions with other organisms, dinoflagellates and other microbial eukaryotes and to understand the processes that have re- that will be critical to phylogenomic studies and sulted in the evolution of so many amazingly resolving the dinoflagellate phylogenetic tree. different solutions to genome structure, orga- Transcriptomics also has been, and will con- nization, and regulation in the dinoflagellates.

SUMMARY POINTS 1. The dinoflagellate nuclear genome has several distinctive characteristics including per- manently condensed liquid-crystalline chromosomes that lack nucleosomes comprising their large genomes. 2. Dinoflagellates have large numbers of genes encoded in tandem gene arrays, suggesting that gene amplification has been an important process in these organisms.

3. 5′ trans-spliced leader addition during mRNA processing may indicate that dinoflagellates rely heavily on posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression. 4. Quantitative gene expression analyses show that a portion of the transcriptome does respond to changing conditions. 5. LGT has played a major role in the evolution of dinoflagellate gene content. 6. EGT has been a major mechanism of genome evolution. 7. Genes transferred from bacteria are involved in some of the most distinctive traits in dinoflagellates. by University of Arizona Library on 11/07/11. For personal use only.

Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2011.65:369-387. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org FUTURE ISSUES 1. When did novel dinoflagellate traits (e.g., dinokaryon, trans-splicing, and plastid mini- circles) evolve? 2. Do the extrachromosomal loops encode gene under active transcription? 3. What are the roles of histones and HLPs in chromosome structure? 4. What are the mechanisms and relative importance of transcriptional and posttranscrip- tional gene regulation? 5. How have LGT and EGT contributed to the evolution of novel dinoflagellate traits?

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DISCLOSURE STATEMENT The authors are not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.

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