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’. Technician North Carolina State University's Student Newspaper Since 1920 Volume LXlll, Number % Wednesday, August 4, 1&2 Raleigh, North Carolina Phone maul-2412 Proposal Set to revise immigration standards by Shelley Hendrickson proud of both the reputation “Immigration can continue Assistant News Editor and the history of this coun- to serve the national in- Editors note: new bill is be- try as a land of opportunity terests, if the law is ing introduced into the and refuge. We believe that' reasonably amended to be ap- Senate that would affect the this reputation and history propriate for contemporary legal imigration of foreign have generally had a positive conditions and if the law can students. In part one of this effect on America." be enforced. This will in no article (“Immigration bill af- Simpson believes that the way be inconsistent with fects state students”) original Act is outdated. American tradition." ‘citizenship’ was used incor- “Current U.S. immigration _ Regulation of immigration rectly in place of ‘permanent policy is no longer adequate is not a new concept, accor- residence’. A foreign student to deal with modern condi- ding to Simpson. must be a permanent resi- tions, including the growing “Immigration to the dent for five years before immigration pressure on the United States has been they can apply for citizen- United States," he said. limited in various ways for ship. “Immigration to the U.S. is more than a century and has The goal of the new Senate ‘out of control’ and it is been subject to forms of bill, called 8.2222, is to revise perceived that way at all numerical limitation for over and reform the already ex- sixty years," he said. isting Immigration and Na- ‘Current U.S. im- Although the words on the tionality Act, thus dealing migration policy is no Statue of Liberty welcome people, America does not with many immigrants, not longer adequate . ’ foreign students singularly. have as much space as it used “The Committee bill is in- to and because of this, tended to increase control SenatorAlan K. something must be done in over both illegal and legal im- Simpson the way of control, according Staff photo by Patrick Chapman migration,” Senator Alan K. to Simpson. “It is imperative...that Current legislation could send foreign students back to their native Simpson 0f Wyoming said in levels of government and by country for two years after graduation. Only after this two-year Americans perceive that this the report. the American people - in- period could the individual apply for permanent residence. Simpson thinks that the deed by people all over the great country is no longer U.S.‘s attraction to people of world.” one vast, underdeveloped immigrants can be an at- are allowed to enter will seek other nations has caused the Simpson said he feels that space and resources, with a tribute to America, but to assimilate into American need to revise the entire Im- reform is absolutely relatively small population. because of our technology, society, adopting and suppor- migration and Nationality necessary if America is to re- “In an earlier t1me" he policy should be very select. ting the public values, beliefs Act. main stable. However, he said, “the nation could “Immigrants scan "' benefit and customs underlying “No other country in the said he does not believe that welcome millions of America, but only if they are America’s success." world attracts potential im- the U.S. should isolate itself. newcomers many of whom limited to an appropriate According to Simpson, if migrants as strongly as the “The committee believes brought few skills, but did number (and have) skills foreigners who wish to United States of America."' that reform is imperative. bring a willingness to work which would truly serve the become citizens do not adapt Simpson said.“No other coun- This does not mean the U.S. hard. In a smaller America interest of a highly to the community, then it will try approaches the United must isolate itself from the with a simpler, labor- developed nation," he said. cause an instablity that could States in the number of legal rest of the world,” Simpson intensive economy and a According to Simpson, the tremble throughout the na- immigrants accepted or said. labor shortage. that was government is under obliga- tion. refugees permanently reset- Simpson believes that if often quite enough that, tion to do something about “If immigation is continued tled. the immigration law ' lus their intense drive to immigration control and the at a high level, yet a substan- “The Committee believes amended it will not affeflecome Americans." immigrants are under obliga- tial portion of these new per- that most Americans are American practice. Simpson said he feels that tion to learn how to be sons and their descendants Americans. do not assimilate into the “The Committee believes society, they have the poten- inside that the paramount obliga- tial to create in America a — Waste not want not. Page 4. tion of any nation's govern- measure of the same social, ment, indeed the very reason political, and economic pro The Best Little for its existence and the blems which exist in the ' Whorehouse in Texas. Page justification for its power, is countries from which they 5. to promote the national in- have chosen to depart," terest — the long-term Simpson said. - The Sword and the welfare of the majority of its “Furthermore, if language Sorcerer. Page 6. citizens and their descen- and cultural separatism rise dants. above a certain level, the uni- Kicking the morning bfues with Gongaware. Page 8. “No one seeking to enter ty and political stability of the United States should be the nation will — in time — discriminated against be seriously diminished. — Cheerleading. Page 10. because of race, color, or Pluralism, within a united religion, as has sometimes American nation, has been happened in the past," he the single greatest strength — t Raise your spirits. Photo'5 page 11. said. of this country. “This nation does have a “This unity comes from a right, however, to expect common language and a core — Football preview. Page 12. that anyone wishing to ob- of public culture of certain the. tain the freedom and oppor- shared values, beliefs, and Chapman hoto byPatrick — The Serious Page. Page 15. tunity which is to be found in customs which make us skills at summer camp. See Prospective cheerleaders sharpen their America will apply lawfully distinctly ‘Americans,’ ” he story on page 10. for entry, and that those who said. 2 I August 4, 182 / Technician / News Shark, squid, stingray possible menu items by Thomas Robertson Caulde took the idea to the Staff Writer School A of Design where Austin Lowrey. an associate Shark. eel. stingray. and professor, showed great in- squid. Seunds like the cast of terest in the project. The Undersea World of Jae- Lowrey’s ~ class worked up ques Cousteau. right? 1 plans to encourage students Well. if Sea Grant gets its to eat the non-traditional way. Cousteau might like to seafood items. come to State's dining hall Caulde said that all of the . for a meal or two. people involved with the pro The. University Dining ject were extremely pleased system has been approached with the professional level of by Sea Grant, 11 college pro work done by the students. gram within the University If the project does get of North Carolina system. underway the School of with a proposal to introduce Design would be1n charge of. “exotic”. seafood into the promoting and advertising students? . menu. according to the program. .Thomas said. Nida Vance of University Under the current pro Dining. posal. a different species of rmwmammmmmmnormucummmmmu “Sea Grant came to find seafood would be featured . out what they could do (with one day every week for- ap- seafoodl." Vance said. proximately one month, However. putting unusual. coastal resources." he said. terest in harvesting and Theproject Thomas said. items on students’ menus is .“The program is interested sales of these under-utilized said. could. inclulde ‘The goal . is to :1; fat-hail! just one. way Sea Grant pro in promoting the use of seafoods,’'Thomas Caulde said. “These fish u— n u s u a promote wide use of a ese. motes the use of underused. underused species" species. Sea Grant also offers Caulde said that these are not now being caught mm as: ...... ....m... - - 2:25:23: educational and advice ser- resources “were going to becau there currently1s no mentioned ~Nethaudle beincluded 'on vices for coastal industries. waste.” By promoting new marke for them." Caulde said. varieties of seafood the ailing Caulde added that by not l‘bxvcecording . 'I Communications lttmsfizldezntg fishing industry could be using this plentiful resource. to Dr. Samuel . S“ Gm‘ could select “The goal of Sea Grant is greatly helped. an important source of pro A Thomas of . them if they to promote wide use of - “We’re trying to get in- tein is being wasted. Sea Food Labs. certain wished. The students who logistical problems still need did try these dishes would be '- to he worked out. Vance. asked to. evaluate the food. Briefs_______________..___ Thomas and; Neil Caulde. The results. if favorable. Communications Director for could be used to encourage Sea Grant. will meetwithin commercial projects. , ..apply now ' According to The Scholar ternships based on specific ‘ ship Bank. students can the next couple of weeks to for privateaid answers on the question- work out some of the details. Thomas said that the cam- .- receive a print-out of the hairs The Scholarship Bank . Caulde said. pus was a good place to try Students now in summer financial aid sources tbeyare cooperates with college Thomas said that the plan, the program out because school shOuld be applying to qualified for if they send a financial-aid offices and sup- if accepted 'by University most students are fairly the thousands of private business-size stamped.