V.1.1Rr.Rv,U..“:1 Humans”, Raleigh
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It’s gratifying to know of pleasure that comes only once on Wednesday night. given favorable. grin with the An appropriate and beautiful spring, President Eddie Knox, that the students fell behind in a college career}: said one of election of J. W. (Willie) York si for the new stadium is lo- has appointed a nine-member The member, who prefers to as chairman of the N. C. Sta- cated at the Raleigh fair- committee to select the cheer- remain anonymous, said that dium Authority. The new sta- grounds, which already has fa- leaders for the comming \year. 2,869 shares of stock in the new dium commonly referred to as cilities for 10,000 cars. Chair- State mascot were sold in tin Senior Class President, Phil two-day registration penod' last the “flip-top” stadium originat-mman York, a Raleigh business Carlton, has been appointed €13: hopes of a “Dixie Tobacco man, stated that it was possible week. That number of shares chairman of the committee and represents approximately -‘ l” for North Carolina. to construct the new stadium at is calling a meeting for all stu- 50% a below-ground level, which of the student body contributing =., The construction of- the “flip- dents interested in trying out I. V :1 at one share per student. top” stadium will be paid by would be similar to the one at for the cheerleader squad. The ‘ North Carolina non-taxable rev- Duke University. meeting is called for Friday at “Monetarily ' speaking, we ,_ue bonds, and all net appro- The estimated seating capac- 12:30 p.m. in the Student Gover- .7 came out much better than had ' riations are to be returned to ity is between 75,000 and 100,- ment office at the '- College been expected after the first day supplement the North Carolina 000. Union. of registration. We took in a budget. The “Dixie Tobacco Bow ” The purpose of _the meeting is total of $729.75. Although_this has been considered by the N. C. practice sessions and = falls short of the goal that the The “flip-top” stadium will Stadium Authority to be spon- to arrange committee set, we do feel cer- not replace Riddick Stadium, but tryouts before the entire com- 'sored on the Saturday between the first of next week. tain that in the second semester it will give the Wolfpack an Christmas and New Year’s. This mittee at , registration, we will be able to easily accessible and “beautiful" date will get the support of Any student who cannot playing field. Dixie Classic fans, and will com- make the short meeting Friday pete with other national bowl should call President Carlton at start them." replied the com- Governor Hodges nobd that sometime before the stadium has “great possi- games. VA 8-6382 mittee member when asked bilities” and if the structure is Assisting York in the project Monday night. about the actual amount of without a removable top “it is vice chairman, Joe Eagles of President Carlton requests . ' money received. ' will disappoint a lot of people.” Wilson. The commission mem- that, “all students,. especially are urged to come out The State Mascot Commitbe Hodges went on to say “no one bers will receive no compensa- freshmen arrived at their goal by adding seems to be opposed to the idea, tion other than travel expenses. for the squad.” the cost of the wolf thus far, _ the cost of building the pen, and the expected food and upkeep The Mascot cost for one year. The wolf costs, including the transport» Group Leaders Arrive Early Jotion from Philadelphia and ship. 07 ping the crate back to the Zoo there, came to $125. Also in- For Freshman Guidance cluded in this total were several State Students Attend long distance telephone calls to .- September 13, started a long morning to meet them. These gins, Ray E. Jones, George W. Dr. Frederick Ulmer, Curator . | " upperclassmen volunteered to Lester, Herbert R. Little. of Mammals at the Philadelphia 332m trying ordeal for State’s Zoological Gardens. 1,700 entering freshmen. One come a week early for the ex- Edwin L. Lowery, Frank S. N.S.A. Convention mm. factor however, made the situa- pressed purpose of helping the Madren, Bobby .W. Meadows, The next large item was the tion for the freshmen quite a freshmen get settled down to Lawrence Moore, John F. Nixon, by Mike Lea With Students,‘ Its Budgeting, construction of the pen for the the fact that the ways here at State. wolf. 'bit nicer. This was Gordon J. Poole, Frederick Rad- “The State Delegation to the Its Internal Structure, and Including the cost of ti. 114 upper classmen were on The group leaders, headed by ford, Mark Raney, Charles San- Honor Systems. materials and also the cost of ’ hand at the Coliseum Monday Chairman Gilbert Alligood as derson, John Seymour, Ronald Twelfth \National Student As- the labor to build it, this item they were called, met with about W. Shearon. sociation Congress discovered The first two days of the came to $400. i many policies that might be a congress were composed of in- 15 new freshmen at different John Sherrill, Clarence Shipp, times during the week. During benefit to our college” Bob formal talks and the next few Estimating the cost of the up- Glendon Smith, Kenneth E. Cooke, the chairman of the dele-. days were concerned with the keep of the wolf for one year, these meetings the group lead- Steppe, James F. Watson, , ers told the new boys of the gation announced this week. drawing up of bills in subcom- the MascOt Committee 5% Robert L. Webster, Richard The Congress is composed of mittees. After the bills were that one dollar per day ‘ rules, systems and other new Whisenant, and Billy M. Wink- 1 and different things that would students from all types of col- drawn up, the entire legislature take care of the food and in- ler. All of these were returning leges from all over the U. S. met and voted on them. cidentals. confront them in their new sur- group leaders. roundings. It meets once a year and dis- Bob Kennedy, the past coun- Therefore, the total estimafi The new group leaders that cusses problems that are of im- for the initial expenses and the ‘ The names of the group lead- did this for the first time this portance to students. This year sel for the Senate Rackets Com- ers who gave of their time and mittee, gave a speech to the 1’1p-keep for one year totaled fall are: Peter B. Archie, Na- the Congress was held on Aug- 890 . went to the trouble to do this than K. Bales, Jacob R. Ballard, ust 24, at the University of Congress on Labor and Profes- are as follows: William K. Bartlett, David C. Illinois. These topics range from sor Arthur Bester of the Uni- Further in his interview wi versity of Illinois History De- The Technician, the Commi Robert L. Beadles, Gordon R. Beam, Donald D. Blizzard, problems that are directly re- partment spoke on Secondary :» Bond, Java 0. Carey, Oren B. George W. Boys, James S. lated to the campus to problems member stated that the Cut; . Cooke, Alan G. Feimster, Robert Browning, Lewis R. Cabe, Hu- of a world-wide nature. Education. mittee for choosing the nu ‘ E. Gagnon, Joyce Hatch, Mon- bert M. Collins. The theme of the congress The Members of the State for the mascot has been named if Gilbert Alligood tague H. Hicks, J. Allen Hug- was “Students in their role as College Delegation to the Con- and that the announcement 11 Harold D. Colston, Edwin A. the name and the contest win- :e Craven, Lowry Daniels, Charles Students.” gress were: Cooke, chairman; Ashley Pearson and Charles ner would be ready for publica- Davis, Robert Dowdy, John E. Cooke, in his statement, also tion by the 28th of September. ‘ ; Eaton, Thomas H. Ech, Blair C. said, “The Congress helped up Russell, Student Government Ellis, Ronald H. Enders, James to recognize the weaknesses and Representatives; J 0 el Ray, “The members of them Campus Crier M. Floyd, James G. Futrell, strengths of our college program. chairman of the Judicial Board; mittee for the Name-chooshg _ Billy vF. Gaifney, James C. It also gave us ideas for pro- Bob Davis, Interfraternity Coun- Contest are Jerry Kriegel, m The first meeting of the Grad. dress for the girls are request- Greiner, James K. Gross. grams that might help the col- cil President; and Jim Hackney, Watson, Mel Poulson, Charlu' uate Student Association Coun- ed.