hnician th Carolina State University3 Student Newspaper Since 19 flLtBRARW Volume lXXl, Number 19 Friday, October 6,1989 Raleigh,

Page says society is not educatin

Former NFL player speaks at 1989 Honors COnvocation Wednesday By Heather Muir “l‘m not down on athletics. and I under- Staff Writer stand that academics and athletics can go together, but when they can't, academics Society is not properly educating its have to be what is stressed,“ he empha- children. former National Football sized. League player Alan Page told 1.700 peo— In his speech, Page hit upon everything ple gathered for NC. State's fourth annu- from his background, to the effects of al honors convocation Wednesday morn— sports on athletics. to the future of the ing. world. “fins eUNtiUcm’r “lt is us, a society. not educating our The faculty recognition and student children." Page said. “We devote entire recognition followed Pagc's speech. “iii: 5:5‘1A?’ . p ’ sections of the newspaper to athletics. The teachers receiving the Academy of Where do we find the academics?" Outstanding Teachers Awards were rec- x - “With an education, the future belongs ognized, as well as NCSU's to our children," he said. Distinguished Professorships. Awards Page said he has been fortunate were also presented for university profes- because, as a former successful football sorships, Alumni distinguished graduate player. he can be a role model to young professors, Alumni Faculty Research people. His speech moved from his Awards, Sigma Chi Young Scientist hometown, where “football was every— Research Awards and Special thing‘’, to the NFL where four out of nine Presentations. of his teammates could not read an NFL Graduate students were recognized for Myra rid/Start playbook. their outstanding scholarly achievements While Page was playing in the NFL, he in the Phi Kappa Phi Graduate 1989-90 Honors Convocation in Wednesday. Over 1,700 was also attending law-school as a full Fellowship. Students were awarded the people attended the annual ceremony which honors achievement at NCSU. time student and he is able to appreciate Graduate Dean African-American the amount of time that athletics takes Academic Achievement Award. the ”“3. Phi Kappa Phi Academic Civic Symphony led by conductor MyoeHol/Stofl from academics. National Defense Science and Achievement Awards and the Phi Kappa Jonathan C. Kramer. He made the point several times howev— Engineering Graduate Fellows, the Phi Essay Contest Awards. Dale Sayers, who presided over the cer- Alan Page was the guest speaker at the 1989-90 er, that it is not just the athletes that have Academy of Outstanding Teacher emonies said the exercise was held “to Honors Convocation Wednesday. Page is a former problems with education, but all of Undergraduate Scholarships. The The Convocation ceremonies opened recognize the significant scholarly NFL football player and lawyer from Minnesota. soéiety. Distinguished Academic Achievement, with the Performance of the Raleigh achievements of faculty and students."

NCSU wrestlers charged in September assault

By Wade Baboock NCSU's vice chancellor for university rela— him in a telephone conversation that there property. . the truck and drove off. nd Raeanne Jones tions, said Guzzo had suspended the stu- were justifiable reasons for not telling Stafford said any other actions regarding People who had come out of the Grey's Staff Writers dents from the team. administrators. the accused students would be taken after townhouse to talk to the tow truck driver, Interim Vice Chancellor Larry Monteith ~He said Valvano told him the he didn't the courts had handled the case and if the saw three men urinating in the front yard. Seven NC. State wrestlers and one former said Thursday he was upset that NCSU’s report the incident because the students had students posed a direct threat to the campus. The neighbor said one of the female guests wrestler were charged with simple assault administration had not been told about the not been officially charged until According to a neighbor who asked not to yelled at the men. “Don't get it on our Wednesday in connection with a Sept. 1 incident until it appeared in the press Wednesday. be identified. the attack occurred after ll cars!" and the men starting yelling profani- incident in which two men and a woman Wednesday. Valvano was out of town Thursday and pm. when a station wagon full of men was ties at her. were severely beaten outside a townhouse “If I’m to be held accountable for ath- could not be reached for comment. driving through the area. When Mr. Grey told the men to leave, at 1811 Fox Sterling Drive. letes...l must be informed," Monteith said at Monteith said Guzzo originally gave the The neighbor, who lives next door to Bill “two guys picked him up and threw him on One of the victims suffered a broken eye- meeting with reporters. “He (Valvano) wrestlers an earlier curfew and stiffer study and Charlotte Grey. two of the victims. said the back of my car." the neighbor said. Mr. socket and cheekbone, and a doctor had to knows that I’m distressed.” requirements when he first learned of the the Greys had several overnight guests. Grey got back up again but the men staned insert plate into his head.- A neighbor who Guzzo suspended the wrestlers in incident. He suspended the wrestlers after The neighbor said he went next door to punching him and throwing him around, he saw the incident said the victims were September, according to Lanier’s prepared he learned the seriousness of the charges. tell the Greys that a tow truck was going to said. The men threw Mr. Grey on the kicked in the head and hit with beer bottles. statement, and Valvano failed to tell former Thomas Stafford, vice chancellor for tow away a Blazer that belonged to one of ground and then onto another car. It took the police several weeks to identify Chancellor Bruce Poulton about it. Student Affairs, said the student judicial their guests. The neighbor said Mr. Grey was lying on the suspects. Monteith said Valvano is sending him a policy, as prescribed by the Student Code of According to the neighbor, two men in the the ground motionless while the men kicked NCSU wrestling coach Bob Guzzo could letter describing the full incident and his Conduct and The Student Athlete‘s station wagon got out and began to harass not be reached for comment Thursday. knowledge of it.~ Handbook, is to not take any action because the tow truck driver. The driver chased W In a prepared statement, Albert Lanier, The interim chancelldr said Valvano told the event was not on campus or university them away with a tire tool and then got in

Senate considers raising

football camping to 48 hours

By Shannon Morrison No discussion is allowed on that Wednesday’s meeting was the first Senior Staff Writer type of motion and the senate voted meeting with all of the newly elect- 28 to 15 not to suspend the rules. ed senators, and so they were offi- N.C. State’s Student Senate is A similar amendment was voted cially sworn in during the meeting. considering altering the football down Sept. 20. In other business, the senate voted ticket distribution policy. In an interview Thursday, Holm 37 to 18 to give a student organiza- The senate heard the first reading said he proposed the new amend— tion more money than recommend- of an amendment Wednesday to ment because, “I have found some ed by the senate‘s finance commit- increase the length of time students infomtation that leads me to believe tee. $l,700, $500 more than sug- can camp out for tickets from 18 that the camping out policy should gested, was given to the NCSU hours to 48 hours. be 48 hours." chapter of the Public Relations The senate also heard the first He refused to comment on any Student Society of America for ieading of a proposed men’s basket- further details but said, “1 believe them to attend their national con- ball ticket distribution policy. The the senate will be persuaded to vention in Dallas. policy proposed is the same as last change the policy to 48 hours." Most groups only receive the rec- season'spolicy. The amendment will be voted on ommended amount. Athletics Committee Chairman at the senate‘s next meeting, sched- Other finance bills the senate have Holm submitted the amend- uled for Oct. 18. passed included a $300 reimburse- the football ticket distribu- The proposal concerning the ment to the Poultry Science ment to men's ticket policy Association because the senate was tion policy. involves this season‘s ticket pick-up unable to give it to them when they Many students were angered earli- schedule. requested it last year. er this semester when they were Six game day pick—ups are sched- The senate appropriated over prevented from camping out for uled. including the Clemson game $3,000 to two different speech com- tickets more than 18 hours in which is during Christmas break. munications clubs so their members advance. They said they were Holm said the senate will not vote could attend a national convention unaware of the policy, which was on the basketball policy until there in San Francisco. passed in April. has been an open forum between In hopes of getting the change interested students and the athletics Phi Psi. a professional textile fra- implemented quickly, Holm committee. ternity, received just under $1,000 motioned to have the rules suspend- He said the forum will be within to help finance their 1989 National ed so the senate could vote on the the next three weeks. The time and Convention. to be held in Raleigh amendment. place will be announced later. this year.

Homecoming might not happen Student Government's adviser. In relation to Homecoming, the By Shannon Morrison “The old chairman was just not senate voted to move the 300 seats Senior Staff Writer interested in being the new chair— allotted for band alumni at the man." he said. Homecoming game. NC. State might not have Homecoming this year. Borden said the old chairperson Traditionally. the band alumni sit had left if tip to l‘oi’iiier (‘hancellor behind the current band at the Senator Van Cooke told the Bruce l’otiltoii to pick a new chair- Homecoming game, and then fol- Student Senate Wednesday night person, but l’oiilton did not appoint low them onto the field to play at that so far this year. there are no one llL'lHlt‘ he stepped down halftime plans of having a homecoming Saturday Butter or cream cheese? mun or other activities. Because the band section ‘wtt‘. Altei some debate the senate recentlv changed to \L’t'llttll 8 of “it's sad but l1",1|L" siid Mike decided that ll‘» (Litiipiis Affairs ('iiitei l‘llll) Stadium. the \(‘llttlL‘ l (tll’l‘lll' ‘Hl'lldlf'N lidut-ls ft” students «ll the «.t-iling bagels tomplete With butter and (ream Bonk-ii Nt'51's Assistant Diitctoi ('oiiiiiiitiv-i- would ll\ to llllll a thlttl tlll'dllllllizni In} to mow.- the lll‘ ll‘itt" titlli lllllilt'l list-stliiy Brllt’ggt'l \"dh ( hot-w tn passcrs-hy. ot Snidtiit 1):.velopmtnt. Borden l group to t‘l the pinii‘it hmd tot.ilUll 15. 2A Or tober 6, I‘JB‘) l(’(l111I( tan “.t-w

Corrections and Clarifications Wolfline parking, service altered for Fair The Happenings Top Billings (alendxr printed in iN'ednt-sday’s The Wolfline park and ride lot at the N.( ‘. State Veterinary Medicine routc. ('ars mrrst display a ownch expense. edition of left out the Matt price for tit kids to the Iaitgrotmrl on Iilne Ridge and Trinity Roads Will blue temporary parking pass that ma). he All vehicles may resume parking at the Blue Paul Winter and is ( onsort toncercdulL-d for 8 pm. Friday be closed to students and staff from Monday to obtained free from the ('ollege of Veterinary Ridge Road and Trinity Road lot on Oct. 24. Tickets are $7 for students. SH for IhUptthlic. I ()tt 33 because ol the North ('aroltrra State I'arr Medicine bits operator or front the Din-iron of The College of Veterinary Medicine bus will The College of Veterinary Medicine btis rotrtc 'I‘tansportation offite in the Ailtnirrstiative travel \ia Ilillsborough Street to Faircloth Street A'story printed in last friilay’s gditioryggfgchnri ian intorrectly that serves this lot will be rerouted during the Services Building on Sullivan Drive. to Wade Avenue to the Vet School both to and said a 1987 Faculty Senate resolution did not pass. The resolution, two week period. It will travel as far as the Vet People using the parkandrt‘ide lot may park in from Main Campus between Oct. 13 and Oct. 20. designed to restrict student participation in extrai urricr lar at tivi» School parking lot. their turn around there and the parking area designated near Ilillshorough During this time. the Hillsborough and Gonnan ties if they are in academic trouble, did pass the ‘senaf‘e but was return to main campus via Ilillsborough Street. Street and William Moore Drive on the Vet park-and ride stop will be moved to the east side never implemented because N.C. State’s administration did not Two alternate parking areas are being provided School campus. Cars there rrrust display a red of the intersection. Riders travelling to campus, approve it. for people who need to get to campus. Both areas temporary parking pass that may he obtained free will hoard in front of the Gulf Station on wrll require parking passes. from the receptionist's desk at the Vet School. Ilillsborough Street. Riders coming from campus Technician is committed to fairness and accuracy. 1f \ou spot an Wolllinc park-antlrriders may park at the All vehicles must be removed front the fair will deboard on Faircloth Street by the Crown error in our cow-rage, call our neWsroom at 7372-111, llillshorongh and (iorman Streets park~and»ride ground parking lot by midnight tonight. Any Station. extension 26. lot. This lot is also served by the ('ollcgc of vehicles left in this lot will be towed at the The Wolllinc will not operate over Fall Break. SPECIAL EVENTS Will bc the single larocst rnforma tiorial resource during the atatlermt Parents welcome at Open House A Student Health assessment will year. All interested groups lltict‘c\1~ be given at the Strident (‘enter ed in participating should contact Plaza today from 10:30 a.m. to Student Government offices no By John Hurt form each college and school of ties available to students at NCSU. 2:30 pm. Activtttes include cholcsn later than Oct. 11. Staff Writer design." Bull said. To further demonstrate the variety terol screening and rrreasuring All of NCSU‘s colleges and of opportunities available at NCSU. Oct. 6, 1989 height. weight. percentage body The l.csltl;tt)A(i;t_\ Student Union Parents of N C. State students will schools will be represented by fac- parents and students are being IMPORTANT DATES AND fat. blood pressure. strengh. and is sponsoring the National Coming be able to sec what happens at the ulty and upper-level administration. offered a diverse schedule of activi— ANNOUNCEMENTS flexibility. There will also he lllftlt‘" Out Day. which is Wednesday. university during the annual He added that this interaction is ties, ranging from cultural to athlet- mation on fitness and weight con— Parents’ Day Saturday. special because it allows parents to ic events. Fall Break begins Friday. Oct. 13 trol. For more information call SEMINARS/SESSIONS/WOBKSHOPS “Parents' Day. which is jointly do “something near and dear to Parents and students can attend at I p.m. Classes resume Marianne Turnhull at 7 372563. James C. Shields. sclt proclaimed sponsored by the North Carolina their hearts and to feel that they cultural activities such as the Paul Wednesday. Oct. IX at 7:50 a.m. “Grand Lizard" of the N.C. Civil State University and the NCSU have contributed to their child’s Winter Consort Ensemble: Blend of Students for the Iithical Liberties Union, will address the Parent‘s Association, will give par- education." Jazz and classical music and the Students interested in going to Treatment of Animals will hold its Young Democrats of N.C. State on ents of enrolled students the oppor- “Parents start to feel that they are “Radio Show”, featuring authentic Washington for the Ilousing Now (‘orrrpassionate Living Iiair Friday Wednesday. He will discuss topical tunity to learn about more activities pan of the university family," Bull 1940s radio scripts tonight. March for affordable housing for from 11 a.m. to 4 pm. and issues of concern to NCSU stu— available at NCSU and to meet and said. Parents must purchase tickets for the homeless on Saturday need to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4:30 pm. dents. and tell why students should talk with faculty and administrators The Chancellor's Reception is fol- the Paul Winter Consort Ensemble contact Sarah Shutt of the in front of the liree Iixprcssion support the N(‘.(‘I.U. The session of NCSU." said Joseph Bull. lowed at 10:30 by the Parents’ Day and the “Radio Show". Tickets to Volunteer Services office. Tunnel. The fair will move to the will be held at 8:30 pm. in the Director of Gift Planning and Program, which is being held in the the N.C. State Wolfpack game Interested persons can stop by Student 'Center Courtyard on Student Center Board Room. Director of the N.C. State Student Center’s Stewart Theatre. against Middle Tennessee State room 3112 of the University Sunday from 11 a.m. to noon. with Foundation. The program features addresses by University are also going to be a special appearance by Rue The NCSU Dept. of Psychology Parcnts’ day begins at 9 a.m. Brian Nixon, the NCSU Student available for parents to purchase. Student Center or call 737—3193. McClanahan. star of NBC—TV's will present a colloquium on Saturday with the Chancellor’s Body President. and Bob Kiennel, Bull said the directors of Parent’s The College of Veterinary Golden Girls. The fair will show Friday, Oct. 13 at 9 a.m. in 634 Poe Reception. The reception and all the president of the NCSU Parents Day want to give parents the feel Medicine will have a representative which cosmetics. household prod- Hall. Jim Keene will speak on the other Parent’s Day programs will be Association. The program also fea~ and flavor that NCSU students can at the University Student Center to ucts and personal care items people topic of “Overview of located in the Ballroom of the tures a performance by the New really get involved in a variety of advise students on the Doctor of can buy that are not tested on ani< Developmental Disabilitcs." University Student Center. Horizons Choir. a folk and gospel diverse and stupendous activities. Veterinary Medicine program. A trials. “The Chancellor’s Reception group from NCSU directed by “Most of all,” Bull said, “Parents’ representative will be there on most The NCSU Dept. of Psychology gives parents and students an excel— Alania Ward. Day is designed to allow parents to The liarth Day 1990 Coalition will present a lecture by Cynthia lent opportunity to have personal Bull said the goal of the programs see the quality of administration, Wednesdays through Nov. 2‘). Call will hold an organizational meeting Howard on the topic of interactions with the faculty mem— is to demonstrate to parents the faculty and student body our uni- the Admissions Office at 829—4205 on Monday at 5:30 Come find “Implications of PL 99—457" on bers and upper level administrators diversity of people and opportuni- versity has to offer.” for specific dates. out how to get involved. They will Oct. 27 at 9 a.m. in 634 Poe Hall. Gain experience in actual finan- convene in the lounge of ('aldwell beating and friend of the Grey‘s, Kwortnik of 2717 Western cial market operations. strengthen llall. All students, faculty. and staff Wrestlers tried to help his friends and got a Boulevard; David Zettlemoyer and your business skills by buying anti are invited to attend. I‘or triore The NCSU Dept. of Psychology broken jaw and a broken eye socket Jeffrey Kwortnik of 734 Ryan York information, call I’aul McKcn/ie at will present a colloquium at 3:45 in the scuffle. The Greys‘ next door Court; and Steve Pagliughi and selling real stocks on the New 832-7349. pm. on Oct. 30 in 636 Poe Hall. Continuedfrom Page 1A neighbor said Bentley had three James Best of 2834 Western Stock Exchange through your own Craig Blakely from Texas A & M bones in his face broken and had to Boulevard, Apt. 302. personal broker. Make real portfo- On Oct. 25. NC'Sll's Student University will discuss the topic. have a plate put in his face. The Norton was also charged with lio management decisions with Government will host “The Student “Federal Education Policy: A him in the head. neighbor said that one of the men assault on a female. your own $500.00 brokerage Involvenrent Fair" on the Study of telr Iiducation Block When Mrs. Grey went to help her hit Bentley over the head with a The students were released on account. Here is your chance to Brickyard. Tire Fair will begin at Grant (I£.C.F.A., Chapter 2) and Its husband, a man stepped in front of beer bottle. written promises to appear in court participate in the largest collegiate 10 a.m. and end at 3 pm. More Impact on Local School District her. She hit him and the man hit her The police charged these students on Nov. 14. competition in the country. Contact than 300 student organizations Practices" back in the mouth. Mrs. Grey need- each with two counts of simple your on-campus representative. have been invited to participate by ed seven stitches for injuries she assault Wednesday: Simple assualt is misdeamnor Tom Roberts, 856-9357, to save $3 staffing information tables. This —Compiled by Jay Patel sustained. Robert Boyer. Garrett Boggs. with a maximum punishment of 30 on your entry fee. Rodney Bentley, a witness to the Michael Norton and Christopher days in jail and a $50 fine.


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Fiitfs Iih'd 1I I“ . 1 "By'StaftWtitar61111111swam. . :4.3" I_ rainy It . {2. present "T0 the Peopic.i11 {m ‘1. 1;.- I "" ’1" ’.1.111:111r 115 I1“'.1;i\“:’1€S$, 56V: “751mb” Saturday CVt'iiih (1111;; .1 ‘ 1 if If" If Vim haven't decided thH H“? .'1. ‘1111 . 111 :ii- unmet“; (Umbiiulmii Mi 11111 11._ .1.:.:..' M1! 1. ~:,1. you'il‘c fining m“ \u'mnil “-x 11111 11111111.; 1 1111.111: .131.- us'c of dance 11".: I1r1-1...-:.1I_11.1-I1'~ ». 1111~ " 1. mvihgtcs'tmthmg (01k). “It” .111:I'..11|'11 1 1'11-1 l~ I iii-2'11' .tt‘lil 1iltl- ZlUdlL‘llse‘ U111 :". ‘ «lid fourth 1“)”qu “SpuldoFifilh'ui tut 1), 11111111.. ‘1 111 1lit: .11 invites. umund the I‘I‘iulK‘ the Animatn".gTri11ngle Animli "W .1111l \i, . h ""' Il’u“'*‘-'d '1' Tholail 111111111 111 111.1i1~:1..1; 1». .1:1 Matthias-hits something"(Hut 1111 ”“11"“?7'” "II" i R' ' “'3 gm)" uppeatuitie L'I». it»; ‘.l~ 111.1: . I}:1 . 11 . . 1, 1“!igt‘e“unweliemlgml’imfmi \“'I"i‘="‘.‘J'Sl *1\l l \"‘"'-'hih. 111411'1‘ ~.,rx'utsored. mapLogguiit}'. '1~ :..~.: 1 ”I.1 In... . b. we Cultuté and 1‘";th Mn 1.111 :‘.1~:‘11' .'IIIII‘11111211111'11IY this {mm “mi! 11). .1 ‘1l' .. . :1 , oiiflt’atién and NC State. "'"I""""""‘" 1:1111I.\l1(“ “n“ paf'ffll'lhiJiLC In; ‘11 Students for the Ethiral Treatment 1.11111! -. 11. 1111. he i". the .. acshtoundjlutu. d.‘ P369“:“616””?will attract-u, Tom011121Regan2.01) ("“‘i"'"’s'11111i11: \111"‘""1.r1.1h:iii[WW-"V.\ aF3”strongon ‘ 1hdc MLJHM'l' . ' 1 111-.1V" ”I ' 1 ~11.- President of the ('uliitic 111111 "”""" "' ‘ """""1I"h“ :ix-tiiiioixffiijl}. W1 1. 1, Animals Foundation ‘.. .' 1. '1 '1.111. 111. \kf1- 1eLinaihnnFriil' aparthcio‘1 1 11-' ‘1111-" : ' ' 1' . 1‘ .\~ People from 'mnre1 than 30 511111-11 ‘11 '.' 1*1Iji‘11. .1'1'"I”‘-1i I1' 1 I13! mm“ “hm \1111: 1w; 1.1: 1-1;”, will be i'epICSCnicd. and some “Iii ‘ ' ' 1 I1 “1‘ ”I“ i-‘l'h' {mm are C‘\L'l\‘ min.- .1' . 1 .. 1.1 1, be coming its far away to. 511131111111 ‘ ‘ "‘ ' ‘i' I "- "Mk“ h.“ from thi§l1eil11111111111 1 1.1'1 Friday, Oct. 11 '1 ‘- i i and 1111)! AS‘ part'of the i'es'ivwi 11m»: .1.... 1.1-. 21111411214 ~1lie M" . every ‘afternoon' ‘1 ziiljaccni H111 l|l1.'‘ ' 1 1 1 'l.1 I 1 ~ 1'1~1~11 ‘1111'1'111Il1i'h' All $3 for ‘mdwm' b00k_siore is the (‘nnipasstonniv "" ‘ ' " [112117.11111i11s'411f "There 11.1». “NH 1 1‘1”: '11'1 . l2 pin.4 p.m. :Registration (Ballroom tool». . Living [jair sponsored by N(S“ ‘l""l‘ ‘-’" 1""“""~" . attempt. in 1.11x1z1wi1111.Ila. .111" 11 University Student Center) _' ._ 3 " SEIA. 3]., ‘1 I ‘ ii 11 "1111k1fiii Stewart rights lll\1\‘t‘llic1:_ 1'1. '1 ll a.111.14pm; . ' "LtiiliégsFair (adjacent ilk1il:c.“11“~l 1111411 this weekemi TOI ilCllh oi 111111;..1. 1. ,..11.1 to Ncsusooksturiefits U SETA) ‘. WWW-”"0119“?Wfiflmnmnmmmmfree’~-prod '1.111111 111111111 11111.11 1'11‘1...1i.2iitmcnt. l”' m INN?“. . ~1n11‘111'1-I-1 , 1' , 1 g.1"I\ d‘ 4.30 p.m.-530 p'mkmeption(easi1 Bar 11.111r11111111 «- " 0w."“(mmtimfdir t. I (1:1H» H"“'.113};l ' '.'.' ' ':1.1 H\‘1-11' r‘ ("HIV-Uri ignoran. . ex 11111in. .I1" 111 1121'.1 5:30 pm.--:7 l5pf.mI: Dinner Honoring P1111] IUD/31:11:, open ynur eyes says Séfi‘ p“.\l “'1” M12 1 1111 1 11-11 11 0.1 :11ny . un‘nformcd It‘ili'h' i1" . (Ballroom) . dcni Barbara 1oftus, “You ii1111'i'1‘1H ’1 ' 1x11.1111l1 ”I11"1 ”U?“--'- ‘0‘”~ ' V'IS“ U“|'.‘ii‘1.'. .1.Hi.. ' 11 R p.m. :The Paul Winter Consort, (Stewaii li11.111 have to compromise quality or 1.311- 1-1.1‘1i 11111.11.1.' 11.111 '1. Dedicated to 13'?“an ”'1" 111‘ ‘ ' (sponsored by NCSU SETA) E ty to buy cruelty free products." II~1.1_11I 1;‘1,11{ liiL‘ .111111111111 IHUVCHKHIlli\‘(‘ '1111i 111111111~11iii» 5111‘.» 1III ii) p..m-mid.night: Social Gathering 1L.ish 11:11 I lt‘s_imimriunt m “menu,“ 1111.11 11 1.1 1 .1..I1 1. 1111.11I11i1. [Iiic 1 ~ -1 Ballroom) {":1?{*1}1» when y(llilJLt1 1' k' "l LUIVI 'I'h'J~11 . U 11 I 'i1“--1'". (‘1‘?!. 1‘5 Theme‘ t'exii..11 11'. 11 i ,, .. ., hatudents’ sentlitii.y a message to the 1'1111111.1 ""1" ""‘ 1‘ ""'i"""""‘“'"' "1‘55 (’3 “"5“ "' i1.1;1111.11-: I i i 7:” tiles that make the products 11111 I" ' ’I I" “" "”"C'm' 5'7 pelunintomu-d11151111 Saturday. Oct? buy. says Lot'tus. The fair c1111 111.1111 "I” 1'I1' I‘1'11t'1'al public. F 1r n 111- 11111 11111 11 1,.- 9 a.m.—12 pm. 'Registration(Ballroom LOhi‘tV) Ii 1 .Ill11.de111 iiNJII t'I; menu1-. t "l'0 illltiyou asfeelat that0095“anyou makeyOtl11(till.(11111111111111.“110'. h. "‘I"‘:""‘f"'II"'I‘.1111: l 1 . ""‘I'I'1 1I 11i .'é’I"1i,\llit."LI Kl"(til .5.,7‘9 1‘ ‘ 111 ‘ I ‘1 ' ""' ‘ ‘ 10 a.m.—:430p.m._":Compassionate1 Living [1161: (1111 ‘ 111'' 111' "I‘ at 11.111 cent to NCSU B fiorgd by NCSl1 S!l\ . . 1 . . 9:30amtwain“ 1; 1%. “Animal i<1I1_1111‘ ' {‘1 \l f It 11 t k ‘l a h bb 11nd Environment Ethics"(Ballroom) i ‘n..—é 00 a P'yers a e llp L ()gglng S a 0 V 2:30 pm.~3130 9.121.;‘Dfi-Elllubfllh Atwood i1111\1'1'111 ' | 1,: 13119 $1“ ”#331,“. 5.; ..._ . "Rodeo: An Anthropologicfempective” (Bitiiiornmi 'I . 4 pm.—5: 15 ngrn1f§Franecs Mooic l11p]. .1 '1I 1'11 111 (11an Hill 1218;; week- 3‘ ' ‘ Dial Pratt] ‘RediscoveringA saga.Ts.Values”I(Pullen Mt11111111 '11» aiilctjdfl henr UNC. 1:51:51 ,. . , Baptist Church 1 flabhofqfighs i .. 1.).l'1l;1'111)n forthch’ttmsL’luIb. , 8 p..m :Maxine KlBi'ri‘. “ToThe People To The 111111 ‘3 ' 11111111111 1”“ ‘iilylftg ihaHhc foot- 111.- i)1ed Pretty Show :11 T11: 1111mm 1.1.1 s111111.1I1 hosted by Rue. Mgflim‘afim (sponsored hv N(V i 111 clogging to envhnnceIplayer : : 11111;. excellent Whoever 1111111111 it 1111111111 $111111 :21-11: SETA) ‘ E A A enhancedthat porwmi I M1 1 1 11 1 trient.0ut(}f12’t0iir. dates. in thr- l1'1‘Iiie1i1 “11111“ W: 11111.1 lo p'ln‘midnight' SIOCial IGathcr'ng (L‘1‘11 R' i {”11}ch (it Li-l‘iiUtbu" player higher"Db gava:!hat [JCT-SO" bnxys (I! {'11- 1 .'. i1. l iliilnilZPL’l: plcked Ratclghi hiid J hHH‘CJU" ' 'l H '1‘ Ballroom) 1-11:1": 1 1,1111% he liked it. i guess dogs. l hope he feels like I do after 121111131 11111:». 1 1 1‘43"» "'1'“er the show 11nd 1‘ W1" 1‘ "“0“ “5”" ‘ ‘1 1. 111 1.11; 11111 ihunIIgettingeloggedI I y 1 . . . . . _ 1 I 1. 1. I . i » . ' Whokits thehast.1hotdtigs.1nyw115" l‘1 11“In/11,11,111 All 11I1Ic 2.11317111ch 1:11:11; Iool.I.1I\ 1111.1I1111I.1.I.I111I1 '1 '1' Sunday, UGLB" ‘ , I'1 1 1 to 111:1111' parents when vou 0” Glermood1 gets my vote “‘mL PHIL ' H ~ V “(k1.1‘A vii‘oqimore thoircutsrriavmg1:111 111becausee orethis Icy151111.11'1..1'~.1'1....1~ - 1.1.1111.1.-1 '73 [leié~. s.1'1§~"~-"'1 .i 111 to take up clogging".1 I 1‘ ThereI . Mm the house Ch'l.‘ and ”PP“'..' " "H “‘ ""'111'.1" " ‘ .1!‘ " ‘l'1 0111.11_1f tiiL‘ ginis. told in: thcv. hail1 '11 1 ..111111 oi-11.1' i1— 111 1 [0 31m””am" :1‘ 2193! To me ‘h‘ 1 1 1 ino 11111111115 at their kid FareonWestern BnUlzv‘WdI“e! '1 ”1: 11 . I,“ ' . , 11111'1 111 l;iii'opc. A1 The 1&11'111111. Il11". 1111". 1‘. .1i111111 Animals: APoctryfientfin (3815‘qu 1. I1;1Huge [m 'hinki’130f‘3l03":.11 win bocpusr: i went 1 ere at lilidlll}. 11 1 11. 1-1.1 111 .:1 1,111 1111-1111111. _ l0 am-3 p.:n.t Wronate Living Fair. 1111111111111 ; magnchlh mgcold. Anythinv. ti111_.1-1 1.1.11 1 1 . 8“)me ' . m“ in mi iIICIi'oi1'11111111: 3.1 ;' 1Oi’i‘mfifnuiifikm umtwgzgrghcgffiigdsiiiUL$11\ 1.\11' 1111:,11111111: {mtswhwi {Mgr» 1 11111251,3 M 1.1111111. ' l I 1 The"‘.We"! '~-*0 D~L-h¢fw131hc 11.11.1111 I 1”11111 McCianahan‘ (at'the;Compassropate Living 1111 ..11 1 . 1 111.1111» 4.11.1111ng 1 ,7 1-. I .Wnds 11111412111111K mm! .11" 111 11 "1'1. ,1. 11111DC.11 r17infected.“mg dflmThe groupa great“SWIMdeal because11111111 1....they 'i.'111'111111i11111.1. C1211 to N31;8U453mkfl9m) 6}Se1 “I “A‘ A I 1~ 11 1 1i111i. mixing; iCit!) 83$;1.1 ’11. ..‘i 1i -‘ --. red {niobiumtfltqt‘aorctigni1111111 1.1111111' 1'11'1'110 Lola‘ ““1"“‘i ‘. Whilet‘iduig. . m. the 1.1.11 11111111 hath-11111 111 MW 0 1115 111111 ‘ . .II.’ -. Neva: AVideoiii‘resiint‘gtiorii‘(Sittilriziom)g i 1 11111111111165 .1.-1111111 thosé ~ 1 4 new «15111111111: “It?!“womb.11191111111 111 cant;.'1i; 111 1h 8 P-m. The 1119111111111:115an and Ballet (‘1111111'; =~1111WWN11: Iin talkingabout 1 of Amrica"They have everything fibm Pup R1111.11 L‘)Taming1 h‘ Mm" «1.1'n1QWyhm cb:.II:‘iII1II1;.I:1IIIII I -. 1..111II1III1I1I.1‘ hi {SET\I ' .1111 111loro1lso you cant860 thehandy 11111111122111.» on your tongut 11111111111111 1'111111 111 . . (Stewart flea”)“WWW C-SILI E .1 1 i hone LillpS. Ive always. stomx‘fieXplodeifyOuktnnk100111111111 (Hit 1'1.1 11 OU' ' F‘bmury’ .' l 11i<111nio dye these thihgn to Comet for I20 cemq‘'The 111111iy is 11111:" . ~1"1 . . _ ,_ . can 737“Nanak“mmm ' ‘ '1'" “CU-910“ 'afld' hOPCIit. 8taic',htlIlVIvhoc1Itres. liliSSlltfflh Cht‘fll) "1 '33 1"“ ‘a’c‘m8 ‘0 l‘mt N” ‘1“ buy 1‘ h‘” ""4

Craft Center offe1. ting foreveryi‘ne "‘ ‘"’ _.__._ "-1 1=-i'='1 Iefl W“ i have 111111111111 111. 1 ~~ 1111111111ients to PilT’Ch‘ctHC‘1 thefifth'aw Cum.C;é't,11c1 gyflw ColebI register. 1 1,1Iif thev 1111-. taking 1119111133;raidsqmwtn takg'pin't'c on ~ ta m" The ('1.111 1 '1 1:11M1111. liinplovees 116i. ,Nov 18 11113111121012.1111. id's-p.111. This ' ‘ 1 Anyone interested in taking individual 1111.1 .11 Amountwithout a is 11190 ut’ictcetlpfit opportunity 11:1 CHA‘NSAW R K instructive courses‘ or exploring to participate in 11111 1.1111h1p. while alumni (this view the 111111111115 grail item: in:11k; . high“ cre'iiivit in the fine arts don’i 1111111 111 111 11 ~11 .1 :11'11 111111111111ii1'1'1lly hv pn'niciptintszmil many items may Saturda Ni M£1 t:a ”Ge/(l; m 1801 r12), further than the classes. ’1111 11.. ~ . 11.111111 «11111111111; 1‘111' mpwchased tit this time. y 1.1g. $13 1 NC. State CraftCamplocated in still pay .1 1.1.11 1"."""' 1. The Craft Center's hours ot'opeme J 11111 Thom 50"Building ~ fees. 11.11111 11 111.- 1 . 1 1-1 1'1-111111 also 1111-11111 varL 111111 are: Monday,”chnesdIay1 and p $i5101|1l111i1111 '1‘ \‘1111i.~.li11I1'1 :1111l i'1111:1_v. '3 p.111“) p.111. iii\"in) 111! The (graft Center offers beginning worltiiii1 11:111 '- ‘ 1 111 . 3'11 11111 ziiii'nilanis 11 'lli111'xdiiy. ‘) a.111.— Ii) p.111. (only 11nd advanced courses for the ubliZ‘ the pollen 1.1'1 11 1~ .1111l t‘\[\(‘ll 1111.11'111'ii11n (ixiiii'iw‘ 1V poitt'iy 1111 'll11111.1lI.i\1 . u ‘ I I itlld students in 331338 80011 asguint- edge. Hi \\111'1.1‘111 .15 .ullL'lCLi. L'imlr.11\| litt.“~i.' and weekends. i3: ‘30 inl. ill , 1 ea 'é “AIRS! Y Ll‘N(; in?" photograph)“ pot‘erv' wood, pk‘llt)” “l 1ll| l‘l' 1 ”,“1 ll'.‘ l'qUianCnl i0 IhOSC p."|. Tl) I'L’IQ‘Ii‘JCl', Vl'xil lilt‘ (‘lilli ' 6/7” ' . : 1 . 1 I \HIrking Maw—working uhd weav— Nitlixlii ' 11'. 11‘1.'1'1.1l 11111l1shops‘ (umI‘ 1111 ilie limit it VL'i 111 :111' . “AIR i,)i'..\i(r1\.\ i“ )i\ mg.' [~07.‘ Ucunemf NCSU students and 11nd- ll.\( ii 1 1.11 1 1:111111-1 nil).1 I iut'tllik ihnm son BUlidefl iIi:luv. ‘5. ‘ V ' t N 1 1 1 their SPOIISCS. [he Center Offers a 50 CI' THICX Anti lili' '1' "1‘ ‘.:viii Wish {0 VICW Th8 'I'lmmpwnw 1013i1mm Lit (1px 5 & (, 4L8 percent discount on class fees. ”‘0 111'“ “1""“"' ' ""l‘'" ") W“I “"c'ld'"“5 31151 Dunn {mm “0933“: Drive. WALK-INS ‘VEIA ‘UNH: Average fees run about $30 after PUWIWM‘ -' 1'" ‘1' '1 “"1" "3““)!prem'fififiwWm. 1' ' 1 student discounts. semester 1111 \' ‘1' 1.11111 "f setti1‘11'ciii/1'111.”1'11 1 1 111.1111. Fl1c(1«IntentUliiit‘lyMt“)hours-f 73'1 ‘ "' ‘ 83 . 1909 Classes. which continue six to Mellthl‘hinII 1 1 1 1. 111-: (11111111. A small {944 Western Blvd. (Next to ticsi l’11111111 ix .1 eight weeks, take place on Nonstiitli‘iiis 11.1111 1 "-1‘i“‘-"'1I1I"\<. mums and . weeknights and some Saturday thi. 50 [11111-11111 . 1111 11111 11111111 111 1111- I110rnings. MW bQ8.IIIII'1 i 1.1-1,”1 “311’”?-habit; 1|:'-i\ l1~ 1.1111.(‘3, :flt'h: 11-3}: ' l, .‘ ‘“ :‘g‘fiif 19:13."..—. ‘. . It. Ii“:,,, 1. ‘. I 1.I;I1;. y' .2.. . 1“ 1, 11?1’“'1..3 ‘1 " '1 ’ '1“, ._. ‘ ' ‘ " AL- ‘ "uLiIf;V\\ '-"':"‘I‘t¢1""‘"' 1 . .1....“- \ ———-———-—~ST11.1.1,; 11111 Direct 3118 SeiVice To and From Campus 111111 .... 111 -311 Great OifC- ampus Living.- i '11; Hit/.11 Only $88.00 per month i'LuIitiwil ll1‘1'ii‘l WClL l "I 1 1, 1.1l ' . . .. .11; mt-11'11 1 ‘mny . ‘ 131‘ 11' Tugimqsill I“? 1 I . _II . . .1 . . " 1 £111}:ii the Eit-ltitno‘l‘hvw 1110.411 l1 1 "N11 IIyfiiII hOUSIiig costs WHY d'VV-l' COLDA BEER sitinl' 1111'‘ . $’11..~111 Rtfluliiiu Wm. 11p in tour s111r11'~.-11 1 1 ' '- 1i-1 1. most complete- 111311111111 501,111 plfiglittli' Year 11.111111 1-1111111u111 1Writiniing pool plush 1'1111111-111111'1 LL SEATS $2 Saunas. exWCW-f' f .11 1 1‘ 1.11111 1111111110! porii Modern 1111 ' 2:1;11Htiisbutou hat. ' 'WQDQGKM‘HI plan = 1' .4111111: 111111111) 11111) carpet HBO and 1911131 Nth-l 11.- Humor. ,0. turntiuroand available 0611111 51.. 111111;» 1.1 II'JSU on ram. 15 For complete I""'\\ 755-1223 inimmatiott and apo‘oi;v.11. 11 modal .1 1 irtmcntl ', 1 . . .Z 1 “19‘? .‘1! "L31“ “'18., ’ 511'‘\‘02.!-\\ '9‘ vow.» " 9 MonthLeasIeII8 Av” , table! n?! 1 . .1 it'Mi-ttiiu m: . t 1}- I 1"!”‘. (W; 111- I 1 ”III 1 '"‘1 1“ '9' iniirismI?mimgitw 1111 '11. 6321:1353 l 1111 1',1-' ‘BIUIO 6/1216' (”wa'reaLLCIV‘I I’(llii 380063-1'11 "111' “1.1.1 11112-1 THE MANY FACES or Jim BAKKER...

October 6, 1989 Iliotrghli,A IMP"the”'“lm"In"””"’/VIn (Illrl”WInfor[WWWIllt‘’way0/[htlifeJim/I‘ll!of[he rumpushut/y becomes(Irerrgislered.u! once Ilu-CollegeofficialIifr-"mu/iwtlhmrrthroughI/tflIIIIHu/it [in ItitIht‘blunt Trc/mirluti, vol. I, no /, I'r/n‘trrrr't. /, [’1le

THERE is A Finish Century I first ive years and $200 million -— that's how much time and money the DiNGY university intends to spend on its Century ll Campaign to help COURTROOM alleviate national college education problems, including a national at I NDLtNG DEFENDANT shortage of scientists, engineers and qualified teachers. TELEVtSioN That’s fine, but what happens to the problems we already have? av Former UNC-system President William Friday said that “We (the SLICKSTER university) must press forward. ...” That is true. However, the biggest difficulty in pressing forward is getting through current problems. For instance, what is to be done about the parking situation here on campus? The Dan Allen Drive parking deck is already months behind schedule and falling further. Parking spaces elsewhere are in shorter supply than ever before, and with more and more students living off campus and driving to school, still more spaces will be needed. Perhaps some of the g ADMtTTED money allotted for the Century ll Campaign should be used to alleviate this Com/terse problem. JOUSTER FELON The problems with the parking deck call to mind a more general problem — t construction. A prime example is the long-awaited and still uncompleted addition to DH. Hill Library. Construction was originally scheduled to be completed two years ago, and the way things look right now, it won’t be finished for another year. In addition, it took far too long for campus roads to be repaired. By the ACLU is an institution to be proud of time they were finally repaved, they were almost unusable. Driving through a Many people have forgotten what does not support child pornography either. mine field would probably be easier and safer. principles this country was founded on. David Ch Instead, they favor harsh penalties for those Delays in construction aren‘t the only problem. The timing for reroofing These principles included freedom of sick people who exploit children and residence halls has religion, separation of church and state and historically been lousy. The university could easily freedom of speech. Fortunately, one Opinion Columnist, violate the children‘s civil rights. contract for the work to be done during summer months, when there are organization has not forgotten about our The ACLU is also a group which has fewer students on campus. founding fathers‘ intentions. This made many contributions to our country’s Beyond construction, there are multiple difficulties in academics at NC organization is the ACLU (American Civil left-wing groups they sympathize with. history and protects the rights of ordinary State. Liberties Union). True, one member of the NCCLU (North people. Since its inception in the l920$, this Too many students are not graduating in four years. Recently. the ACLU has been criticized Carolina Civil Liberties Union) did not group has participated in the Scopes Whether this is due to for its involvement in banning pregame approve of the possibility of a Ku Klux Monkey Trial and the Watergate poor teaching or heavy semester class loads, something needs to be done to prayer at public high school football games Klan adopt—a-highway plan. However, he is investigations. During WW II, they were rectify the problem. Establishment of a five-year curriculum is the most in Georgia. l‘il‘Sl, the ACLU did not initiate only one member out of 4,000 in the the only organization to openly protest the obvious solution, but the quality of the NCSU faculty also leaves room for the lawsuit against the public school system NCCLU and NCCLU officially denounces internment of Japanese-American citizens. improvement. iti Georgia. Neither did the ACLU governmental discrimination against any The ACLU has also fought for the rights of Too many members of the faculty are devoting too much of their time to haphazardly pick Georgia as a state to group, regardless of political ideology. The poor people to have an attorney. Perhaps for research and ignoring their commitment to the students who are in their indoctrinate their views. Instead, the parents ACLU has always defended freedom of these reasons, people like Harry Truman. of an agnostic son in Georgia filed a lawsuit speech for right—wing extremists. For Dwight Eisenhower and General Douglas Whit.firl‘amm.7...:MW‘ classes. The university needs to set its academic priorities, starting with a against their school system because their example, in 1978, the ACLU supported the McArthur were members of the ACLU. greater emphasis on teaching. son had to participate in a locker room rights of Nee—Nazis to march in the Currently, most of the ACLU's clients are Speaking of academic priorities, NCSU also needs to straighten out the pregame prayer. The ACLU merely predominately Jewish town of Stokie, IL. not political activists. Instead, they are 5am.., athletics department before anyone “presses forward.” Recent scandal has represented these people because The NCCLU also supported the rights of ordinary people. For example, the ACLU mandatory prayer in public schools is a children in Durham to wear the Stars and represented a schoolteacher who was fired weakened the department’s reputation, and that damage must be repaired violation of the separation of church and Bars on their clothes at school. because she wrote a letter to an editor. The before the university can go anywhere. state. Since the game was a public high in addition, the ACLU has worked with ACLU also helped a couple who were In short, there is much to be done before beginning a new century. Looking school sponsored event, having a pregame mainstream conservatives. They filed denied a mortgage loan because the wife .ii‘lfriéts‘WW“. to the future is what gives NCSU the edge over so many other schools, but prayer brought religion into the public defense briefs for former Reagan aide Lyn wasn’t allowed to list her income on the “i. ignoring the problems of the present will only serve to set the university back schools. Remember that people, including Nofziger and also worked with Republicans loan form. Finally, the ACLU handles more in the long run. agnostics, immigrated to America to to fight the campaign spending 'limits voting-rights cases and discrimination cases practice their religious beliefs freely and because they felt campaign spending limits than any other group in the country. not have other religious views inflicted on would violate free speech. Finally, the them. Because of the religious differences ACLU has helped fight for the rights of The ACLU is an organization whose sole Dan Allen deck a problem in this country, public schools and their Ollie North to have a fair trial. The ACLU purpose is to preserve the true meaning of sponsored events should be religiously places civil rights above political views. the Bill of Rights. Their philosophy can be hile we are on the subject of problems, particularly parking neutral and therefore, not have religious They are not hypocrites. summed up in the immortal words of activities. The ACLU does not want to The ACLU has also been criticized for its Voltaire: “I may not agree with your problems, the Dan Allen Drive parking deck is becoming more of suppress your right to religious freedom, defense of pornography and its “support" of opinions, but I will defend to the death your .jr-nT-Loa.. a problem than an asset. they merely want you to practice it at home child pornography. The ACLU does not right to express them." The university made a big mistake in selling “DD" stickers, at $150 each, or in your church. support pomogi‘aphy anymore than it does before construction of the deck was finished. Now the commuter lot at the Likewise, many people believe the ACLU the Nee-Nazis. However, they simply don’t David Cherry is a sophomore majoring corner of Cates Avenue and Dan Allen Drive has been appropriated for those only wants to promote the civil libeities of want pornography censored. The ACLU in industrial engineering. reconstituting/WW1;,.r who bought DD stickers, leaving many commuters with no place to park. To add fuel to the firing tempers of commuter-sticker owners, the NC. State Department of Transportation allows drivers with DD stickers to park in commuter spaces but tickets commuter cars parked in DD spaces. notch high school is going to be easy, but it indifferent to it. But after awhile when your Students definitely will be a step in the right academics begin to dominate a large portion Commuters who arrive for classes at about 10 am. often find commuter take heart direction. of your day, it gets to you. After time, the spaces filled by cars with DD stickers. The commuters then have no place to After reading Jennifer Holland’s column, dominant groups ways become the ways of park, since they are unable to park in DD spaces; ironically, many DD spaces “Country bumpkin ignorant of bagel faults Vijay Srinivasan the class. You adjust and fit in as much as remain empty throughout the day. rural education system," i thought that I Freshman, CSC you can. Still the times when you start to might ptit in a few words of hope for those express yourself, you are met with the looks While it is true that the students who bought DD stickers paid more than who might have resigned themselves to an that say “I thought he was different, you those with commuter stickers, they are not entitled to use commuter spaces. 800 on the SAT. In particular, I would like We are all equal know, not like them." The most efficient solution to the problem would be to refund the owners of to focus on the high school I graduated from At first I thought that the situation with The support groups and organizations DD stickers $30 and allow them to park in commuter lots along with regular —~ (‘hapel Hill High School. North Carolina students being the worst on offer one an opportunity to get a solid grip commuters. First, the raw facts about CHHS: Average the SAT was merely a statiflical fluctuation. on what is happening academically and SAT score : l000+, seniors going on to socially. A Transportation officials made a mistake in preselling deck stickers and college 2 80 percent. Now, if that doesn‘t But now I know that it is true. You may ask chance to let you know there are overselling commuter spaces, and now their oh-so—typical how I know this to be true. Well, it seems others out there with your same interests lack of foresight is say something about the high school, that the person responsible for Monday’s and goals. Most importantly they offer retuming to haunt them. The department has no right to give one group of nothing will! editorial cartoon was really weak on the encouragement and help to others to students with stickers precedence over another. The course offerings included an array of section on relationships. A racist group may increase and retain the numbers of Everyone paid their money, and none of those who paid for spaces are at AP courses that would boggle the mind of be a summit group, but a support group minorities in certain fields and curriculums. the common “counti'y btimpkin." The AP is Imagine talking fault. The university must admit its mistake and take steps to correct it math course was one packed with year- not a racist group. about Public Enemy and immediately. 0K, l guess the truth has come out. The free electron lasers to another person and roitnd action and wasn't designed for National Society of Black Engineers is them having a coherent understanding of students who had nothing better to do after group of militants that want to send both topics. To most it means nothing, but trigonometry and Algebra II. The teachers “whitey" back to to me, it gets me through a year. Support were totally committed to their jobs. In fact, Europe. During minority groups and QUOTE OF THE DAY:“Don ‘I burn the flag; wash it.” we used to have two math teachers come in review sessions, l emphasize that “white" organizations offer the -Norman Tomas (1884»l 968) physics poisons the mind and society. And opportunity to meet and have a at 7th) nut. to conduct a review for the yes, the Society of Women Engineers talk conversation with that person. (‘ttlciiltts li(‘ exam. constantly about ridding the society of Don't get me wrong, I don’t advocate The students in AP German had a unclean male vermin. If you believe keeping to one's kind and not learning to professor front UNC—(‘hapel liill come iii any of relate to other races. TECHNICIAN once it week to talk to them. This introduced the aforementioned BS, then I am sure that That is definitely Serving North CarolinaStrm' University since 920 you too are a reason for our State’s low wrong especially with today’s society. It is the atmosphere of a true college-level SAT scores. You have no reasoning ability just that until the numbers of people in all Editor in Chief Managing Editor course. All the other AP courses were whatsoever. sectors of society reflect the true nature of Dwuan lune Suzanne Perez intense and demanding on the students ~~ While it is true that racist groups are a what America is supposed to be about, Executive News Editor ...... ,...... Paul Woolverton Systems Editor...... l’aul lowell AP biology students had to come iii on subclass of support groups that there will be a need for support groups to News Editor ...... Wade Bnbtock Service Engineer...... _...... Duane- Wltilt'ltllisi some Saturdays to take exams! feel that encourage those few that Assistant News Editor .....A l.t(-‘p(‘n5, A Cottlter Advertismg The their race is superior to all other races, the want to branch out Editorial Page Editor...... 8rian Littlt‘ Advertising Manager...... ttm llliiiygtriti teachers were conscientiously support groups and organizations at NCSU into different sectors ofsociety. Features Editor ...... lennte raft Sales Manager...... ( tndy snwym sclcclcd so as to ensure that we were being serve a purpose that is far removed from We are all equal, no more, no less. Assistant Features Editor A ...... Tor till/ant Credit Manager...... Mit ttt‘llt' I’lr-ill't-r taught only by the cream of the crop. Many race superiority. 0n the contrary, they Sometimes, given the environment, one Sports Editor...... Lisa (‘oston Advertising Coordinator...... Mllt h \iyt'tu had master's degrees and there may have needs to hear and know that Assistant Sports Editors....l‘. Olsen, L. Montgomery Sales...... tfrtr Snintrlt-rs. been at l’h.l) or two thrown iii. liven run~of- emphasize race equality. That is a fact that once in awhile. Entertainment Editor...... Dan i’awlowskt Kristal Crutch eid, Roberto l (illl.tlllll.ts people must open their minds too, instead Science Editor...... Mark S. lninan Ad Production Manager...... Alan Nolan the-null cotiiscs like health and Pli. were no of showing their ignorance. Lewis Johnson Assistant Science Editor...... Mark Schalfer Ad Graphic Artist...... Ntithnn (my pushover. with people from UNC coming Senior, PY/EE Photo Editor ...... Mike Russell Ad Desagners.... Meredith Shuford, Mary Stoplirn‘» in to lcctuic and answer questions that Let's state some simple facts. NCSU is an Assistant Photo Editor, ...... Cl’ttts. Hondros lenttifer (infiney, Bl Reynolds, lt‘llllllt'f Rurlistll, students ting-lit have. lixtrzt credit lltt‘ltlll institution composed of a majority of white Graphics Editor...... ,...... (..ieol llrooks tracy von llnrten, Samantha Arlrtnnt r males, which in itself is a large support Chief (Iopy t'ditors ...... lodi Zinnanti, Rob futile Classifieds Manager. Ann Sullivan exactly what ll is supposed to mcurr work group for the majority. In many curricula Forum policy Copy Editors. ,. ...Amy Brat ken, ltm Mauser, Typesetter ...... lt'lilltit‘t Rtltll‘dll \titii'scll to a bone before the teacher parted the number of Technician welcomes Forum letters. They are Christina Btltotius, [inn Stewart, Lynette Bouknight Production \Hlll one iticttslv point! blacks, women and other likely to be printed iflhey: Personnel Director. .. , ..l’htl Taylor Manager ...... Dnud Krnuw minority groups is low. Finally it is a - deal with significant issues, breaking news or Payroll Director ...... Larry Dixon layout Mtifitl...... Bol) Olsen, lr-tiy Askew, All tlll‘. iittcnstvc preparation is clearly known fact that the group in the majority interest, public Typesetters ...... llnrbra Hit it, Jennifer Laughter, Fth Smith, Diittt‘lt Dii’itfltti, ltit't tut/iii, rcllt'ctt'tl lll lltt' |.I\\ \llll|\Ilt‘\. lliglt SAT dictates (except in South Africa). So why - ate typed or printed legihly and double spaced, ltrniny lovelace lr., Karen McNeary, Krista Howard, Peggy \.tl\.|litit' scores, hit'h ;vt.tdu;itton rates and high are support groups ticetlcd'.’ - are limited to 100 Words, and l.iy l’ntt-l, Annette Raynor, Kristi blt‘phenson Proofreaders...... loanne Kermit-ii, .iltttt ll.tll coll ' 't' l'illttlllllt‘lli. St), Niiillt ('ilt‘tillttzt. I know that l constantly attend classes in are signed Wlllt the writer's address, phone number technician tUSPS 455-030,- li the official student newspaper of NC. State and ll published every Monday, don't and. it the writer is a studenl. his classification and Wednesday and tridav throughout the academic year from August through May except during scheduled holiday and dcspiut. You might h.t\e sonic tintst) which I'm the only black tn the class. ciiiiictilutti. examination periods. the summer edition is published every Wednuday from May through August. Oititn are stunning lll"l| schools «.t : :tr-tetl llltttlntl llic lirittyinc the feeling of looking around an All letters become the property ofTechnician and located in Suites tt 10-1121 of the University Student (enter, Cates Avenue, Weigh, NC 27607. Mailing address is plittc, but llicst' institutions ll£l\L' bipt academic situation that delei‘iiiincs your Will not he returned to the .ttltlttil‘. lctlct's should be Box 8606, Raleigh, N( 27695-8608. Subscription coat $45 per year. Printed by Hinton Press” Mebanr, Nt liltilllt'lS ill-.t‘ ('hnpt-l llill lllt'li, l-inltit- and tutuit- iitid bciiit: the only one of your brought by Student ( ciilci Sttitt' illtlot tiiailed to POSIMASTER: Sr-nd any address (hangers to technician, Box 8608, Raleigh, N.(. HHS-8008. others that ill:\ t.tll lt-xtiti .t Htcttt deal lioiii ”kind" ..iotind, I guess that l have been in ’lcchiiiciziti. l .ttci‘s lo the Editor PO. Box 300x llll‘. docs not iitt'.tii t'llllllllllllt' .i top sllll.llt

HOW TO PLACE A TECHNICIAN CLASSIFIED AD ACT IN TV Commercials... High Pay No McDONALD‘S OF NUCLEAR DESTRUCTION, toxic MA to re a n ca Techn/‘cr’an now offers DISCOUNTS for EXTRA WORDS and Experience... All ages kids. teens young needs a few good men and women We COHIernaIIOn. and the ruthless slaughter townhouse in Hunters Crook Fully furniahed EXTRA RUN DAYS. adults, families, mature people, animals. etc. olfer flexible hours, competitive wages and ol animals threaten the ecological balance 1 1/2 mile; trorn campus .160 month + Call nowI Charm Studios. 1-800-447-1530 free Meals Come by today and see Martha and the existence of our planet YOU can 1/3 Util 969-5537 The minimum is 6-10 words Ior $2 50 Alter 10 words RATES GO DOWN ext. 7%. for an intervrew make a dullerancal Work wnh Greenpeace every two words, so the longer your ad is the CHEAPER it IS Also. the PAID VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Males and MEDICAL RECORDS 18 Hours per week Action, the grassroots lobbying arm oi the ROOMMATE NEEDED Fully lurnished LONGER your ad runs the LESS EXPENSIVE it gets to reach more people Females age 18 and over with asthma on Monday through Friday Occasional International Greenpeace movement. to apartment, except bedroom Free DUI inhaled steroids for a ma investigational weekends. Transportation necessary Filing. educate and protest about anvrronmental serv-co to NCSU Rent tIM/mo plus 1/2 Rate Table study. For more information contact Telephone Responsibilities, Copying, come dangers and nuclear war Hours 2 to 10 utilities Call 756-0348/876-4796 zone 1 I10 10 word!) 12.50day 24.84days 36days60 4 days 5 days 6 days per day Carolina Allergy and Asthma Consultants at p m Student part~tirne position available zone 2 (10-15 words) 300 5 76 7.65 8948 10.20 11.76 (.90) 787-5997, 493-6680, or 933-2044. COMPUTER OPERATOR MICROFILM Earn $17510 3250 per week Call Chris at For Rent ' zone 3 (15-20 words) 3 76 7 20 9.60 12.1672 14.4011.55 13.14 (.B5I PART TIME RECEPTIONIST For North OPERATOR NEEDED 6 MONTHS TO 1 YEAR 834 6585 between 10 am and 2 pm EFFICIENCIES IN LIKE-NEW highrise Fully zone 4 (20-25 words) 4 40 8.40 11 25 14.20 16.76 16.32 (.601 Raleigh Law Firm. Evening hours Hourly EXPERIENCE PREFERRED BUT WILL TRAIN OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS Part Time Illlnlshod. Each has lull kitchen and zone 6 (25-30 words) 492 9 36 12.60 15.84 18.90 (.55) Pa . CALL 782—3416 MON-FRI. THE RIGHT INDIVIDUAL CALL 821-2215 Opportunities 6200-400 per week working Air. carpet, security, laundry. bath zone 6 (over 30 words) (.76) I 70) I 65) (.601 18.60(.55) 20.88 (.50) PART-TIME WAITRESSES NEEDED COULD YOU USE the extra money a part- evenings from 59 P M and or Saturdays Easy access to (.50) (.46) weekday lunch, weekends - 10 minutes time lob can give? If so, Goodberry‘s Sales, Promotion, DIIDIDY. Marketing. and campus On CAT and routes From Irorn NCSU. Don Murray's Barbecue and Creamery may be the place for you We are Management DOSIIIODB For personal 4325 WESTGROVE TOWER 869-21CXJ canWords like ”'is“ and "a~ count the same as "unlurnished' and 'uncomplicated.‘ Words that Seafood 872-8270 or in person at 2751 looking lor mature, cheerful people able to InterVIew call 268-0841 900 AM - 900 NCSU TOWNHOUSE 1200 sq /ft 2-BR 21/2 numbers,be abbreviated without spaces, such as "wash/dry/AC“ count as one word. Phone Worth Blvd. work day or evening hours throughout the Bath Deck 5% (PL 9475/th 0200 Deposit street addresses and prices count as one word, See Rate Table above. PERFECT PART TIME JOB 6-9230 55-315 hr, week Must be writing to work hard in return Tarhoel Management Call Kathy 833-4757 Deadline lor ad is 12 pm the previous ptlblicallon day, All ads must be prepaid. Bring ad to: Walk to Work in Cameron Village Call for good salary Interested? Call 878-8159 and leave manage Technlcran Classrlieds, Suite 3125, NCSU Student Center lmmod.829-1001 J or 467-2386 PARKING CLOSE to classes Limited PERFECT PART TIME Job for students COUNTER SALES - Drycfaantng plant in NW COMPUTER APPLE MACINTOSH 128K number at private spaces Hell block lrom Flexible hours. tS/hr. Guaranteed $6- Raleigh needs person with IBIBII experience APPLE IMAGE WRITER/PRINTER 0700 B76- library Yurly rentals only Call 362-6243 or WORD—Fm SIO/Hr after training. Call 781-8580 alter and outgoing personality to work afternoons 0921 382-9411 TvTiintt resumes, reports. graduate papers, mailing 1:00pm. and evenings Possuble Saturday heurs PFRSONAL COMPUTERS. PRINTERS. A, ABC WORD PROCESSING'S resumes are labels, etc. IBM compatible; letter quality SPRING BREAK 1990 - INDIVIDUAL OR Good a . Call 781-5111 Ask for Tim modems. cables. diskettes. keyboards. laser or letter quality printed with storage printer. Pick-up available. Please call Kathy STUDENT ORGANIZATION NEEDED TO ENJOY FLEXIBLE HOURS AND FRIENDLY monitors. l/O cards, power Supplies. cases. Personals for later revisions. B. Cover letters have at 481-1156. PROMOTE OUR SPRING BREAK TRIPS. PEOPLE AT LANDLUBBER'S. THE BEST drives Everything for personal computers FALL BREAKII Whitewater Rafting in W choice of stationary, C. Experienced typing WORD PROCESSING Academic, projects, EARN MONEY, FREE TRIPS AND VALUABLE SEAFOOD RESTAURANT IN RAlFlGH ALL village Computer, 2nd lloor, Wardlaw Bldg , Virginia. 3 nights only 099 001 Myrtle Beach of ' Research Papers, Theses, and resumes, laser printing, fax service. WORK EXPERIENCE APPLY NOWI CALL POSITIONS, FULL OR PART-TIME LUNCH. iiillsborough St. across from the bell J Nights in ocean Villas 699 OOI Cell SBT Manuscripts. Dfleasonable rates. 846-0489 Resonable rates. Typing Solutions. 848- INTER-CAMPUS PROGRAMS: 1-800-327- DINNER, AND WEEKENDS. CALL 790-1200 tower. 832 5166, 10 em - 6 pm Travel I “638-6788 LOWEST RATESI Term papers. resumes, 3689. 6013. ANYTIME: We have seven uaed PC/XT compatible etc. Pickup/Del. possible Mary Ann 787- WORD PROCESSING by Hannah. SPECIAL THINK SPRING - OUT GOING? WELL EXTRA MONEYI JOB VARIETY. computers wrth 640K. 20MbHD. just 8729 1523. RATES FOR STUDENTS. Professional ORGANIZED? PROMOTE 8r ESCORT OUR COMPETITIVE WAGES, CONVENIENT village Computer 832-5166 Misc TYPING -- FAST -- ACCURATE services in the preparation of resumes. FLORIDA SPRING BREAK TRIP. GOOD PAY LOCATIONS AND MORE. UNIVERSITY ABORTION- PRIVATE AND Confidental Care REASONABLE. Technical, Scientific, Simple; cover letters, papers, theses. dissertations. 8r FUN. CALL CAMPUS MARKETING. 1-800- DINING IS HIRING NOW AT ALL Free Pregnancy Testing and Counseling Long. Short. 828-6612. and manuscripts. Editing and copy service 423-6264. LOCATIONS. CALL PAUL CAPPS 737-7012 Autos For Sale Weekday and Saturday apporntments TYPlNG/WORD PROCESSING of term available. Campus pick-up and delivery. FOR INFORMATION. CAN YOU BUY Jeeps. Cars, 4X4'a Sorted in available Chapel Hill location, 30 mm papers, thesis, dissertations, reports, etc. 783-8468 VAN DRIVER NEEDED. Dependable person FULL TIME FINANCIAL AID COUNSELOR drug raids for under 0100? Call lor facts Raleigh Call lor information 1800 443- Resumes/cover letters, Laser printer. Xerox to drive VAN taking Handicapped Students needed for local Junior College. Experience today 806-644-9533 Dept 331 2930 copies. Writing/editing by M.Ed. degreed to/lrorn classes on NCSU Campus. Class-B preferred but not necessary Detail oriented Learn to Soarl Glider rides and instruction staff. Fax. 2233 Avent Ferry Rd. Mission Help Wanted License required 737-7863 and able to handle pressure. Call Angie at 833-4588 496-2224 Valley Shopping Center (near Kerr Drugs), A FREE GIFT JUST FOR CALLING PLUS JOIN OUR TEAMI Catering needs energetic 828-7291. Rooms Roommates PARKING AVAILABLE AT 9 DIXIE TRAIL 834-7162. 8a.m.-8p.m.,M-F. 9a.m.~3p.m., RAISE UP TO $1,700.00 IN ONLY TEN hardworking people. Competetive pay, HEALTHY MALES. 18-36. NEEDED TO FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED to share ONE BLOCK OFF CAMPUS .26 MONTH OR Sat. MC/VlSA/AMERICAN EXPRESS. DAYSIStudent groups. fraternities and meals. extremely flexible scheduling and you PARTICIPATE IN AIR POLLUTION RESEARCH 3BDR/28 townhouse in Crabtree area 080 SEMESTER CALL GLENN AT 848-1499 TYPlNG/WORD PROCESSING. Term papers, sororities needed for marketing project on work with great peoplel Call Eric at 737- STUDIES AT UNC CHAPEL HILL. N0 Furnished except for your bedroom All RESEARCH PAPER 18.27 availablol thesis. dissertations, Resumes, cover letters. campus. For details plus a FREE GIFT, group 202“ TODAYI ALLERGIES OR HAYFEVER. EARN 8700+ appliances. W/D, AC, Irreplace; NBS/mo Catalag $200 Reloarch, 11322 Idaho, IBM equipment, laser printer. VISA/MC. officers call 1-800-950-8472. ext. 30. LIFEGUARD NEEDED 11-1 M-F ADV. HOUR. CALL 929-9993, COLLECT. plus 1/3 utilities Call 487-8000 ext 6411 NZOBXT, Lol Angelo: W26 Toll Free (BM) Close to campus. Rogers Word Service. P/T WANTED. CONST. SITE CLEAN UP. LIFESAVING OR WSI GARNER ROAD YMCA Computer days, 782-5387 or hta. 361 -0222. Ext 33 VISA/MC or COD. 834-0000. 608 St. Mary's St. ERRANDS. FLEXIBLE. 5.50/HR 782-5661 Contact Joan Wyatt 833-1256 Work. Will Train. Call Kathy RODMMATE WANTED MIG/mo. plus 1/3 SCUBA CLASSESI SIGN UP NOW FOR Dalton 872-4860 x295 utilities. Contact Paul Damon at 834-0841 CLASSES IN RALEIGH, DURHAM. AND FEMALE STUDENT SHARE FURNISHED 2 CHAPEL HILL BE CERTIFIED BEFORE “YES, THERE IS llFE BEDROOM 2 1/2 BATH CONDO. WESTERN THANKSGIVING BREAK CALL WATER AFTER MANOR (HOLDS 4, ONE SPACE LEFT) WORLD 881 9966, 596-8185. WALK TO NCSU. WASHER/DRYER. POOL. THE CORRECT NUMBER OF CASSE I'TES IN BREAST CANCER. "BO/M0 787-3662. EVES, WEEKEND. THE 1989 SPRING PONTIAC MUSICMOBILE I R M2710CLARK 866-0028 WAS 46.158 AND THAT’S THE WHOLE POINT.” —AnnJillian A lot til Wrillll‘II ill't‘ so .‘IIl’a'lld til lirt-tisl t'ruit't-r IIIt'y don't wont to lit-or ilIJIIIlI il. Aiirl lltril‘s WIliII lriglilt'tis Illt’. . Iit't‘r’IIISt' those women won't proc- licc hrt'nst St‘II-(‘Xr‘llllillillIUII rt-gttlnrly. 'I'Itost- worm-n. |)ill‘lll'|llill’ly lhosr- ovr-r 35. Won‘l risk their doctor about .‘t ninnitnogrritn. 4a. Yt-l that's what‘s. required for breast cancer to I)(' (It'lt‘l‘lt’d curly. When the (1er rate is till"... And when there‘s it good t'ht’lilt't' it won't involve the loss _ ()Iit lirt-nst. Iiul no Illillll‘l' whnI it involves. take it lnini someone who‘s been through it all. - Life is just too wonrlcrlul to give up on. And. as l lotttid out. you don't have Woodsy Owl tor to give up on any of it. Not work, ttot play. not even romance. Gleam Water Karrie-areone.ow;‘’J. Oh, there is one thing. though. You dohave to give up being afraid to takecare ol yourself. (let a checkup. l.ll(’ is wortltI it,

GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK! BOWL ONE NIGHT A WEEK !‘.w..‘-w. °Men's/Ladies Leagues I °Mixed Leagues °Youth Leagues °NCSU Bowling Club (Fridays 3:30 pm) °Moonligltt Bowlin (Friday 8: Saturday 11:30pm) °Sunday Special $1. Per game WESTERN LANES 2512 Hillsborough St. 832-353

VILLAGE INN PIZZA PARLOR WISHES AII - You - Can- Eat fl... unso- $®Q@@ DINNER BUFFET Includes pizza, spaghetti, lasagna, soup. salad bar, garlic bread, and one cone of Ice cream GOOD FOR I - 4 PEOPLE ANYDAYI 3993 Western Blvd. Explres 10/13/89 851 {>994

MANOR CONDOMINIUM SENIORS 5 Minutes to NCSU ACTIVITY #2 Quiet Section Available On the Bus Line Great Amenities HOSPITALITY TENT 2 & 3 Bedroom Units Available Furnished Units Arranged 85I-5I23 11:00AM 'TIL KICKOFF AT 2:00PM I I26 Schaub Dr for Visiting Professors AT THE MIDDLE TENNESSEE ST. vs. N.C.STATE GAME OCTOBER 7, 1989

A Residential Condominium MEN'S AVAILABI E FREE: HOT DOGS, HAMBURGERS, DRINKS, SNACKS, *Like-New Condition STADIUM CUPS, AND SENIOR LOGO BUTTONS! lIiitficiencies, 3&2 Bdrns ‘Fully Furnished ALSO: DOOR PRIZES INCLUDING CHOICE OF CLASS *Eleven-story Building *Adjoins NCSU Campus *Free 81's to Classes RING OR SEMESTER'S TUITION! *0n Iiolfline & CAT Rots-s; ll'On-Site Management LOOK FOR THE BIG RED &WHITE TENT AND BALLOONS *llight Security Personnel Ilrdundry Facilities NEAR GATE A ON TRINITY ROAD AT THE STADIUM! *Farpeted & Air (‘ondlfionud' 4700 Mangrove St. REMEMBER TO BRING YOUR (Beltline at \M‘stem Blvd.) 859-2100 "SENIOR RED CARD!" WESTG ROVE TOWER 6A Technician October 6, 1989 Serious Page

Captain Fantasy/Greg Wilson The Brickyard/ HenQ Garrou , KNOH re, ANON YE,TH\7 NAM : ([1; Jr» {Mfr-ff1'a”if" T, " " ' 1 THE“MT 45 ANDFive T‘HtRTrHUNDRED— ‘ ”A" ,uu .. wtu. Two FORM, 0; Mi " YLE,JfliMu 'ITSFINISHHRS" atticm- junm _ wi'turns?11-"- M'fl[OJMELiTA'Tlr‘AEE INWILLME35NAMEMAJE -_ ,' /".:',,‘-‘, we :.-gg,

HELPLESSKNOW YE.CRY' AT EVERYBE OFHEARDsomeav THE EARSHERO. ‘ileumuARflOui999 Bert Matt Maynard 7" ’—WV“ v__>i_~ //“V “H 7 777" s. [/(flllr war . , WIN 1 (mm TYPE \\ “""'—"‘—“‘—‘<;p1, .. THEN I MmEVE/Weir:WEI NEW hill/Mn!7m wt mtw’m}! x / (/PgtlLLl-‘I’INTM: (”luv-(Hmp MAM ‘ 10 my: elm/OM! 60 ran :a/nr M57 ...AnA class ‘1MIN/A 'lturrLE'.”_’» rpm-113, not!\ s \. (or-It! , , 70 m5 mes. .. if we Cm‘l’lflll «‘35FL, // Ml?5wM/r ,w/uIvmlsf'llNE‘AK \ ’ ‘-—*"_/i "1.r 'rl Mfi‘rtu’mn Exit . ’3t r'/ i i “7 “WA A;4/,:- xabvafrztth Q

'Nlbuflh '1.éi’,_“.¥2’.-fihfc (1ern 1‘) (M‘flt YaYa Rodeo / Geof Brooks T {AT THE Ya‘la Announce) COLLECTOR'S CONVENTION”, Inn 7n Mir/12' , 77,2AND.T/LEA/T4/!,i’qygfi/Wfluflfl‘fflaoLefi M5 [Ill/K’Afld,01" U117“?#14!” '1 ’41AMm (vi/Ln b" //aw _


pay In»: ! so wHAT DO AEADY TO w3-wayWANTFIRST7°7 \ WAMTpawn?

- y ., ‘v “ “Mutts ; .I a i it." Z2“: roman...“ . Til-l I t'l'illlfié. -- ' ”=7:- ' Stateside Tim Cox Metcow /Eric Brandstadter

Thousands of high school stu« have displays, demonstrations and performances and a musical per- l\ LAMB to 3LAUOHTER dents. parents and teachers from visitor participation events at foimance will be offered from l0 across the state are expected to Reynolds Coliseum, which is the am. to l p.m. visit N.(‘. State during the univer— focal point of Open House. sity's ()pen House ‘8‘) on Saturday. livents will range from a video Various buildings around campus “Open House is a day when the presentation ol‘ robotics and testing, will also be open for parents and college literally opens its doors to oi l'ireprool' and bulletproof fabrics students to view. the public," said George Bostic. to liantls~on computer demonstra- N(‘Sl l's Open House chairman. tions and poultry exhibits. Visitors “Students and their patents will ()pen house activities showcasing will also sample l'ood, watch laser have the opportunity to see more academic, research. extension and surgery demonstrations and tour about the programs offered by the student lite programs will begin at campus greenhouses. University," Bostic said. it: it) run. and end at '2 pm. Special attractions such as Tae --John Hurt liostic said that all colleges will KWon Do demonstrations, dance Senior Council hosts hospitality tent at game The Senior (‘onncil will sponsor a hospitality tent of free hamburgers, hot dogs, drinks. snacks and stadi- dining! Saturday's football game against Middle um cups. Also, T—sliirts with the senior logo will be 'l'ennessee State. available for $5. 'l'lie tent, located on the N.('. State Fairgrounds. will open to all seniors ltotn ll a.m. to 2 pm. Seniors will Warner said seniors will fill out a card when first he required to present their red senior activity cards to entering, and, il' lucky, may win either one paid participate. semester ol~ school, or a class ring. Door prizes will According to Senior ('onncil chairperson (‘hailes also be given out. Warner. the red and white tent, decorated with hal This is the largest of two events sponsored by the loons. Will he near (late A. Seniors cart take advantage Senior Council. says :

DIPPING IS FOR DZPS. DON'I USt; Sta ll t ( no l ll WING tomcco PREVENT FOREST FIRES! finality, erlrrl, ”ll/lilo d Col/zit; ' e if??? Attorneys at Law f"/ i i “a ll 4. -n‘Wits» Ma- . EV, i Look out l Handling DWI and Traffic Cases l below Come in for a Free Consultation Call for an Appointment XIMKQ‘Ac'é) Raleigh 829-0323 Durham 683-9667 530 North Person St. Chapel-Hill 942-9600

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Technician October 6, 1989 18

Wolfpack to face stingyBlue R defense \ By Lee Montgomery face the lSth-ranked N.C. State Wolfpack. team speed. they have more weapons. has an established pioanow yards per game and l5.4 points per game. Assistant Sports Editor In case you missed it. Donnelly jokingly Middle Tennessee is going to he more dilli— what they're doing." The Blue Raider offense has struggled offered to forfeit the game against the cult for us than Kent State." The Blue Raider defense has been excel- behind three quarterbacks. (Phil lionside. It’s Friday now and Middle Tennessee Wolfpack if Dick Sheridan would send him Those who saw the Wolfpack beat tlte lent this season. giving up only 20 total Jeff Taylor and Dino Stafford ~~ all three State head coach Boots Donnelly hasn't for— the money that Middle Tennessee would get Golden Flashes 43—32 know how difficult points in their three wins over Tennessee could play against State). averaging only feited yet. for travelling to Raleigh. that game was. And Middle Tennessee is State. liast Tennessee State and ‘l‘ennessec- 267 yards per game. And he’s not likely to do so in the next 24 But the joking is over and the teams will better’.’ Chattanooga. Middle Tennessee is a Division 1 AA hours. get serious tomorrow afternoon. "Regardless of what Boots is saying. But Middle Tennessee lost Iran to school. but Sheridan ever the petsiinist The Blue Raiders invade Caner-Finley “Our players know that we‘re playing bet- they‘re coming in here knowing they‘ve got Western Kentucky and 264) to Georgia said that is no advantage for the Stadium Saturday afternoon at 2 pm. to ter personnel than we played against Kent a heck of a chance to beat us." Sheridan Southern fora 3-2 record. State." Sheridan said. “They have more said. “Roots has been there a long time and Overall. the defense is surrendering 275 St't' FIE Page 38

Houston intimidating on field,

but quiet ‘good ol’ boy’ off field By Sharon Chaney hard working student and a kid at us. it does. Staff Writer heart. “It's going to be sad to lease lirom llyattsville. Mil, llouston everybody. .. ()n the licld. he's a fine—tuned. joined the State football program Although an extended foothill hard hitting machine. It's hit or he five years ago. despite never having career is quite possible for hit. and he'd rather do the hitting. heard of the Wolfpack until his Houston. he does not like to specu Off the field. N.C. State senior junior year at l)eMatha High. late. outside lineback« A starting defensiVe player since "Football is a game where l C.l'l er Bobby last season. Houston credits much play. hurt myself. and there ends lloirstorr is an of his success to his new family ,_ — my season. possibly my career." he average ()2. 223 a family composed of tackles. nose said. "I'm going to play each game pound student. guards. backs and. of course. as hard as I can and let the chips Although his linebackers. tall where they tnay." size is intimidat- “We‘re just a great big family. We Wherever the chips may fall. ing to many peo- look out for each other." Houston Houston intends to have an income ple. opposing lobby said. “We wouldn‘t let anyone harm to fall back on. Although he plans defenses includ— Houston or defame someone else on the to receive his accounting degree irt ed. Houston insists he is a down—to- learn." May. the recent student-athlete con— earth. “good ol‘ boy" ~ 7 who is It is that player respect and team troversy has caused added pressure often misunderstood. spirit which led the Wolfpack to a for Houston. W88 Peach Bowl win. and as of Besides tackling practices and “I am not the smallest guy in the yet. an undefeated season in With). games. Houston must tackle equal- world. I can't hide that." Houston Ilouston insists. however. that the ly important opponents 7* classes said. “People assume that I‘m cllort put into each game. not the and studies. mean. I‘m proud of the fact that barrels received. is most important. Tutors are supplied for athletes I‘m an athlete. birt I'd like pt‘ttplc The fans are what matter most to and wcck‘dtty cutlets s hate been to know tne for who I am. not what Houston. established. True knowledge. l am." “I walk out into (’arter Finley. and So. who is Hotiston‘.’ see the stands full .- it's cshilriatr He‘s a dedicated team player. a trig. People think it doesn't affect Sec W“, Page 38

Tarantini refuses to View 1989

as rebuilding year for Wolfpaek By Toddrik M. Pfalzgraf Staff Witter Despite their injuries and their youth. George Tararitini thinks his t. Wolfpack men's soccer team has a FlePhoto legitimate shot at the A(‘(' title. He disagrees with those who have Linebacker was a Sporting News all-American and an all-ACC selection been calling this a rebuilding .sca. during his senior year at State. Johnson had 144 tackles that season. sort for the program. "I really don't like that term (rebuilding year)." 'l‘arantrni said. "This team is always giving ltltl Johnson now one of best in NFL per cent and drivrrrg for the A('C championship. l'ni very impressed By Fred Hartman miere inside linebackers in the tion that commanded the attention with the maturity of the players." Staff Writer . of others. 'l‘arantini not only expects IOO As a former I983 Sporting NeWS Perhaps one of his most mearr— percent from his players on the all-American. Johnson once ingful compliments came from field. but in the classroom as well. ' . t 6 feet 3 inches and roamed the field at Carter-Finley former State head football coach “They get tip early in the morn- 245 pounds, Vaughan Stadium as one of the best Tom Reed. ing for training. go to classes all Johnson knew he pos- linebackers ever to wear an N.C. “in my l7 years of coaching. and day. report to practice and then sessed the natural State unifomt. that includes four years at they have a two~hour study hall." . abilities to become a He was voted first—team all-ACC Michigan. Vaughan is the finest he said. “I‘ve told my recruits that dominant force in the football his senior year after massing an linebacker that I‘ve seen or ever the number one reason to come to world. With an intense work ethic incredible I44 tackles (13 per been associated with.“ Reed said. NCSH is to get a degree soccer and a strong belief in God. he has game). Johnson played with a is always secondary. gone on to become one of the pre- level of commitment and dedica- See EARNING, Page 23 “That way the players have a chance to excel and still play on a team with other great players." ’l'arantini said. “My players know that a degree is the first priority Womntmtemead to and they should never let anything tourney interfere with that." 'l‘arantiirr has directed the By Tim Zettel champion of the sixteen team season- ending injury or illness. Woll'pack men's soccer team to a Staff Writer event Fellow starter Fabienne Gareau The team will be playing without was also hardshipped earlier this lid! I record this season. He is senior Jill Rutten for the remainder season because of mono. now in his totrrth year as the ’The seventh-ranked N.C. State of the year. Sophomore Mary Pitera will Wolfpack head coach and iii that women‘s soccer team will have a The decision has been made to inherit Rutten‘s center halfback tiriie he has compiled a Ail-lfir'l busy weekend as it participates in hardship Rutten because she has position for the remainder of the record and led the team to the the Vodicka Tournament in Fairfax. not recovered fully from mononu- year. The downside of this move is N(‘AA tournament twice. Virginia. cleosis. A player can be hard‘ it takes away the Pack‘s fastest 'l'arantirri launched his coaching The Wolfpack will play two shipped when they have played in career in I‘f/(r at Arlington High on less than twenty percent of (it-orge laiantrni liaise» llic lit-Iii ssith llario llrtrst' alter the Rutgers i games on Saturday and one their - See WEHEWS. Page 3 St't' INJURIES, I’rlgr’ Hi game. latantriri is Ill his fourth ytsu .is head ”It'll". sot ( t'! (oath. l Sunday. State is the defending team‘s games and have suffered a l Wolfpack football fans should not get prematurely overconfident Call this column “Scrooge Comes to Tennessee State. the Pack takes a week oil anothcr' trip to the Palmetto State to play a teammates because the right field fence at Football Season" if you wish. but it's time Bruce Winkworth and then goes to Clemson. a game some pretty good South ('arolina tcatn is on the Dorik licld. where Shirrgledccker's blast left to put a stop — at least for a few weeks — people are taking for granted as a \Vollpack agenda, l'hcn Virginia, Duke and Virginia the park. is dossnhill front home plate. to a little premature speculation about N.C. Sptirts Columnist witt. based on recent history. close out the schedule. ls'nowrng any sports columnist is on the State football. If you paid close attention to the Kent After live learns that are .1 l8 l and look for a major scoop. Steve recently gave With each additional win by the Wolfpack The Wolfpack's three other victories have State game. which is recent history of a Mtiltllt‘ ’l‘cttltt‘sst'c Sittlt‘. lltc lt'vcl til tutti iis .t hot tip that the Wollpatk will compile this season. talk around town and campus come against teams that have yet to win at more relevant nature. you stoiilrlri't even petition on State's l‘llt‘) loothall st ltetlirle a 73 0 record (counting tall and spring grows stronger that an undefeated season all. is 0-3. Wake Forest is ()7- take Middle 'l‘cimesscc State lor granted. takes a tlrairiatic upturn, 'l'liifre's no rcasort games) this year and 3 Citrus Bowl matchup with Notre 3-l (with a tie against Rice. which is l—Z ll. much less (‘letn'on in Death Valley to think this isn't a wry good N.('. State informed that college teams are Dame for the national championship are not and Kent State's 0—5 record has already Maybe this Wollpack tt-rrrri \erll be one of football team. htrt it's a long ways to the limited by the N('AA to If) tall games and only in the works. but are manifest destiny. been mentioned. those that plays to the level ol lilt' opposr (rims Howl, lolks on spring games. Shingledecker scaled Who are we trying to kid here? The sea- This is not meant to belittle the Wolfpack tron. With the exception ol the ioirt of the . . . down his ploicction to a much more belieV» son isn't yet half over and the Wolfpack‘s or the way the learn has played. Neither the thoroughly hapless Tar Heels. llrc l‘atk has ll we new play trig word association and i iihle 7lHl. and remember folks. you heard it five wins haven't exactly set the world of coaching staff nor the team asked for this been just good enough to skin .illtl not mirth said ”.7 Its I." what would you say.’ Mack ltcrt' ftrst. on its ear. schedule. and no one's asking them to ltt'llt'l’. lirown’ Take a look. The five teams State has defend it. All they have to do with the At every ltllll. head coach |)it k Sheridan . . . . l ast spring. Steve's lovrng brother. Gary. beaten so far have a combined record of 2- schedule is play it. and they've done that tclls anyone he thinks \vrll ltslt'tl this is not l‘Hl those til you who don't think lett- called our hero "a complete jerk" in a local lS-l. quite nicely so far. Winning all five games art o\i-rpo\sctlitg lt'ttttt llral iloriirrralcs pco lr.urilcis are just a little ditlcient from the sports "raga/inc. t learly leavrng Steve with One of the two wins was North Carolina‘s to date. pic at the line of sci‘iriiiiiage. and he's right rest of tltc world. we present Steve deep enmtronal scars that may well make romp over Virginia Military. which now But the Wolfpack has soundly beaten rust Sheridan has till the cvrileiitt' oii lll‘» side. Shiiigleilcckct. lcltltartilctl relief pitcher and him even rnoie lcl'tliaiitlctl than the rest of sports a snappy 0-5 mark of its own. one team. North (farolina, and has had to litil trii ortt' sr‘i'ttts lo lit- llslt‘itrrt” IIH‘\'It' l'l‘-l‘~\llllt‘ lclt llL‘itll‘l loi the State baseball the lt-ltharrtled part or this crazy world of Maryland is l4 wttlr a win over Western light for its lite to defeat three ssrnless i. .o lino. l.lli.llll’ .tlltllll Notrc llairrt- lt'.llll. UNIX Michigan. which is 372 with Wins over tcanis and a team With one win otct a l\.l-l lyso \sccks ltorrr litllliillit=.s in l li'ili‘~Hll, \lrictl this fall Ill a prolortt't'tl -l for ,7 Temple (05). Louisiana Tech (lvll) and team. we'll start to get .i handle on that hot» i'tIHtl slump. \lllllr'it'llt‘s lrt’l is the t’ltfy‘ who had Hts tltltilt.‘\ hopefully \HH become a regu- Kent State thfir. After tomorrow‘s game With \fl‘ltlll‘ this [cant really i. \ xii-cl. .llli‘t ( lvirr. ill. his only lioint' irrii i.t'sl u‘llllltl tlistiiisscil by lar part ol this spilt'l' 28 October s, 1989 Technician Sports

Earning the respect of NFL peers important to Johnson Continuedjroml’aage!!! I?“4 53hnsoulghoIs now in his fourth year with he stated. emphatically. ‘He is absolutely the epitome Each week the t as quickly jumped to the top of As a player for West Carteret High School of what an National Football league player panelTechnicuinselectsTopthe20 “I don‘t deny that." Johnson saidIn a thrie his game. He has led the team in tackles for in Morehead City, N.C.. Johnson knew he should be." nation's IO 20 interview Thursday from New Orleans ‘the past two seasons with I I4 and 87, respec- wanted to play college ball and to eventually During the offseason Johnson plans on stay- collegeteams. A firstootballplace not one to brag. you know. but I've been tively. try to make the pros. He also knew that unless ing in shape, but at the same time he wants to vote receives 20 survivor. I‘m all about . He and fellow linebackers . he got a scholarship. that dream would never recuperate and be with his family. placepoints.l9 pointssecondand hard work and thriving.“ and have been come true. “I‘m all about the family." he said. “By the so on. First place It‘s that strong zest for affectionately tagged the for “I got the grades." Johnson said. “I worked end of the season. I really need some time off. parenthesis.votes are In life that has earned their tenacious brand of defense. so hard to try and improve myself —— I feel I’ll work for my father‘s business, Monroe Johnson his slice of the Johnson doesn‘t deny that the DP. has been real good about that. and Johnson construction, back home in Rank Team Votes LW pie intheNFL enjoying good play. but he would rather hear "I‘m a God-trusting person. I wouldn‘t be Morehead. 1. Notre Dame 4-0 178 E7) The ‘ . about the success of the whole team. here if it wasn’t for Jesus Christ." “That kind of keeps me in shape.” 2. lami 4-0 .165 I) acquired him as a number- , “It’s not all about the Dome Patrol.“ Johnson. who was offered scholarships by Vaughan Johnson knows where his priorities 2. Nebraska 4-0 one draft choice in the’ 5 Johnson said. “It's about the New Orleans several colleges, was sold by the State coach- lie and where his heart should be. In conclu- .4. Colorado4-0 I984 USFL supplemental Saints. I love it here. I enjoy the place. I enjoy es on the idea of playing for the Wolfpack. sion. he asked to make one statement. 5. Tennessee 4-0 draft. Johnson played for the people and I‘m having a lot of fun." “The guys at State showed me around and “I just want to tell all of my friends and a. . n 2.4! " gv.,,.":;:.';§: the USFL Jacksonville Bulls during 1984-85 Johnson looks to constantly improve him- made me feel real comfortable and confident. family that I love them very much," Johnson 7. Arkansas 3-0 8.. . Pittsburgh34.02% before signing with the Saints in 1986. self on the field and off. He is very apprecia- I liked that." said. “I appreciate their support and thank the 9. West Virginia 4-0-1 Why did Johnson choose the USFL Bulls tive about being in the pros and is proud of Today. when considering NFL linebackers. Lord for all that he has done for me." '10. AirForoeM . . over the NFL? his standing around the league. Johnson's name is often right at the top of the 11. Houston 30 “A lot of people felt like the money was the “Now that I'm here it’s all about priorities. list with names such as Lawrence Taylor. Editor's Note: Going Pro is a recurring ' 12. N.C. State 5-0 real deal." Johnson said. “I just did what I felt The most important thing to me is to be Dexter Manley or Mike Singletary. Who series thatfeaturesformer Wolfpack athletes 13. Auburn 2-1 _’ like was right for me. I admit. Florida. sun- respected around the league. by the guys that stands at the top of Johnson‘s list of great who have pursued careers in professional : 14:3, 50mm 3'1. 7-: linebackers? “Jack Lambert.” 15. , Clemson 4-1 shine — it looked good.” I play with and the ones that I play against." Johnson said sports. 16.: Alabama' ~ 17. Oklahoma 3-1 fiSyracussZest-- . 19. Ore on 3-1 team falls to UNC, hosts Texas A&M tonight 105 ', :VI It‘d. Otherteams recelvlng votes. Washington St.I7; By Joe Johnson knew what had hit them. fell victim to numerous serving as they jumped. out to an early 6-0 Friday night. State hosts Southwest CarolinaMichigan2:St.FastI2:Carolina-lllinios ll:7; DukeArizonal; Navyll: SouthI. Staff Writer “It can be overwhelming for a errors and ineffective passing. The lead. The team was able to execute Conference foe Texas A&M at 7:30 Washington I. young team to play in Carmichael result was another sound defeat as its plays effectively and then make pm. in Carmichael Gymnasium. This past Tuesday. the N.C. State Auditorium." State head coach Judy State fell 3-l5. good transitions to defense. “Texas A&M is a very dynamic volleyball team traveled to Chapel Martino said. “Carolina came out “We tried substituting to break team with good hitters,” said Hill for a tough match against the serving strongly. and that put a lot their momentum. but we couldn‘t State, however, let the Tar Heels Martino. “They are one of the top- The men’s soccer team Tar Heels. of pressure on us.‘ pull it together." Martino said. “It back into the match. and eventually 30 teams in the country. and they hosts Virginia Sunday at 2 The Wolfpack‘s hopes for a victo- The Wolfpack dropped the first takes a great deal of mental tough- lost it in a close third game by a return a large number of experi- ry. however. were quickly dashed as game byascoreon- l5. ness to play at the level we want score of l3-15. enced players.” pm. at Method Road Carolina came out smoking. and we weren‘t there tonight.“ The Pack’s record now stands at “It will be a tough match, and_, Soccer Stadium. The Heels jumped out to a 4-0 In the next game. things did not go The third game opened with a 7-6 overall and l-2 in the ACC. everyone will have to be up for lead in the first game before State much better for the Pack, as they glimmer of hope for the Wolfpack The Wolfpack returns to action on it,“Martino said.

Hurricane Hugo wrecks Panelists’ records; Jake stillIn first place Hurricane Hugo had some devas- race. and currently works for WKIX elist’s career is the ple’5 picks. except when Im not tating side effects besides leveling Brian “Yes I picked Navy" Nixon radio. Lou was also the fourth man Maryland/Georgia Tech match--up. sure’’CostonIS looking for a cou- Charlotte. The hurricane left all the is hot on the assistant sports editors on the moon and some people think Believe it or not, Carolina has won ple breaks to pass Evelyn and catch prognosticates in a Hugo funk and heels. so to speak with a 50-23-2 he's still there. one more conference game than the up with Jake. the best record posted was 8-5-2 record. And speaking of guests, this Jackets in the last year. and some Bore Bowl I, the UNC versus last week. Larry “It‘s time to make my move week‘s guest is none other than the think it‘s about time the Jackets get Wake Forest match-up, should be Jake “I'm still in first anyway“ now" Campbell put some distance infamous Mark “The guests will one. The Maryland Turtles, after a this week’s thriller. Where else can Thompson is still out in front with between him and the guests. romp this week again" Bockleman. sluggish start are hoping to turn one watch a battle of teams with a 55-!8-2 mark. Durham Herald Sports editor Ron Sports lnforrnation Director for the their season around. more dropping expectations than Evelyn “Ladies First" Reiman is dynamic duo of Lee Montgomery “Huh?" Morris dropped behind the Pack. The Jakester is going out on a passes dropped by Carolina? still one back from ole Jack. Lisa “I and Tom Olsen. Lee “Watch how guests and Rick “Every sports cast- Mark is a lovely human who limb on several match -ups this did my picks before Ron Morris to pick games. Olsen“ and Tom er will have his day” Sullivan. The wouldn‘t hurt a fly and is loved by week, hoping to catch the rest of This week’s game of the week is this week" Coston is tied in third “It's not my fault everyone tied" guests and Sully are at 46-27—2. one and all. the panel with their pants down, so the Slippery Rock at Shippensburg with WRAL‘s own Tom “See you are going out on a limb on several So Mark, can we get another pass to speak. contest. We’ve decided to give any- suckers in the winners circle“ picks this week. looking for the For those who don‘t know who for basketball season? He’s lboking for big things from one an extra bonus null point if Suiter with a 52-2l-2 mark. elusive dark horse pick to propel last week’s guest was. Lou Bello is And now for this week‘ analysis. Washington State and BYU. anyone can figure out where t Suiter bolted passed the Tech's them back into the heart of the hot a fixture in the Wolfpack press box The game to make or break a pan- Lisa “I do not look at other peo- Slippery Rock is.



Pack offense needs to mix run and pass from Page 18 everything just right . ., we're vulnerable to Barbour‘s absence. Barbour. out with a knee ACC anybody we play." Sheridan said. “We're not injury. practiced this week and is questionable Wolfpack. going to physically overpower anybody on for Middle Tennessee. “I dont think anybody understands better titan offense or defense." Gomez Virginia (4-1 overall 2-0 in momma-1’24)? ; our staff the similarities in personnel thIt are In other words, the Pack has to mix the run The State kicking game had a tough time Time: 2:30 p.m . going out there Saturday“ he said.‘““lheres just with the pass. against Kent State. as Sheridan used four place- Site: Clemson Memorial Stadium (79.575) in Clemson. S.C. not that big a difference The passing game has been very effective in kickers. Damon Hartman had a extra point and a Series: Clemson loads 28--0. including a 10-7 win at “When you have a program that's established the five wins. Quarterback Shane Montgomery is field goal blocked and Bryan Caner missed an Charlottesvillc 1988 , .. like Middle Tennes:ec States theres I Lonfi- averaging 230 yards per game and has thrown extra point TV: cos, live ‘ dence when you go into any hallgame that for IO touchdowns and just four . Toby Symonds. Hartman and Caner. in that This game has ACC championship implications. A Ccvolor Vio- you've had enough overall success that you can Five receivers have caught at least l0 passes. order. kicked off. Sheridan went to the “sky tory would help them keep pace with N.0. State and would put go in and play against anybody When they see led by Mike Kavulic‘s 22 receptions and Chris kick" and Caner is the most proficient at that. Clemson in a very poor position with two 108393. A Clemson win the Kent State film theyre going to be even Corders‘ 20 catches. Kavulic is averaging l5.9 The sky kick is an attempt to put the ball high in would create a three-way tie for second place between ' more confident." yards per play and Corders l5.4 yards. Corders the air and short (around the 20—yard line). so the Clemson, Virginia and Duke. Virginia has never beaten Cbmccn Sheridan, youll recall. coached at Division I 2— leads the team with four touchdowns. coverage team can arrive at the same time the in its history and has lost 15 in a row at Clemson. The Tigers are A Furman, a school that regularly thrashed The running game was effective last week ball does. coming off Division I I—A schools. Like N.(‘. State. against Kent State, with Tyrone Jackson rushing Sheridan doesn't know what Ihc‘kicking game a stinging loss at Duke. Both teams sport sitcom “If we tailbacks: Terry Allen for Clemson and Marcus Wilson for don't play without mistakes and do for 129 yards in starting tailback Anthony will look like on Saturday. Virginia. Allen is averaging 111 yards per game and Wilson 100.6. Virginia 08 Shawn Moore could be the deciding W for the Cavaliers. Moore is third in the country in passing efficiency. Injuries force Tarantini to change attack behind only Ty Definer of Brigham Young and Major Harris of West Virginia. games. need to fill in the gaps for us to succeed," he Technician prediction: Virginia 21 -17 Continued from Page 18 This year‘s team is fonified with youth. With said. “When you play against the country‘s best four freshmen and five sophomores in the start- teams you have to be ready for challenges like Game: Maryland (1-4, 0-2) at Georgia Tech (03 0-2) School in New York, where his team subse- ing lineup. State obviously has little experience this." quently went IS—l and won the Section I title. to rely on. This year the Wolfpack is scheduled to play I0 Time: 1 pm. During the next four years he was an assistant Tarantini said his team's youth has some advan- teams ranked in the nation's top 20. Site: Bobby Dodd Stadium/Grant Field (46.00) in Atlanta coach at Dutchcss Community College in tages. Tarantini remains confident about his team's Series: 1-0 Maryland, including a 13-8 win at College Park Poughkeepsie, NY. “We're good now, but in two years we‘ll be chances. In l98l Tarantini sewed as coordinator of the very competitive in the ACC. We have six fresh- “By the time of the ACC tournament this team Georgia Tech head coach Bobby Ross is still looking for his first New York State youth soccer program while men who play very well for us," he said. “In the will be healthy and ready." he said. “We'll be a ACC win and will have lots of trouble against a tired-up Maryland coaching New York State's IInIIer~I9 team, last four years, three ACC teams have won the national contender by then. If the students give team. The Tarps have lost two in a row to national powers which went on to defeat the US. National Youth national championship. Winning the ACC is very us an opportunity and we have adequate support— Clemson and Michigan. Maryland QB Neil O'Donnell has thrown team. important, and we are capable ofdoing just that." ers it would not be surprising to see us go quite for 908 yards and is a threat to run also. Tech counters with 03 In I983 he was an assistant coach for the US The Wolfpack has been crippled by injuries this far. Shawn Jonas. another all-around quarterback. The Jackets also National Youth team that played in Mexico season, he added. “I believe this team is much better when we have running back Jerry Mays, who has rushed for 339 yards against various intemational squads. “This year we‘ve really been hurt by injuries. have support. The players perform much better and two touchdowns. The Tech defense has been quite gonor- Tarantini was selected as an assistant coach for Tommy Tanner is the best offensive player we when their peers see them play." ous. giving up 402 yards per game. This should be a wide-open. the US Soccer Federation National Team in have,” he said. “We‘ve decided to redshirt him.” Tarantini leads the Wolfpack now. but what 1985. In I986 he became head men’s soccer Tanner has undergone reconstructive knee about in twenty years? high-scoring contest. coach at State. surgery for an injury sustained last year. “I would really like to coach the kids of the Technician prediction: Maryland 42-24 Tarantini states that his team's primary goal for “Henry (Gutierrez) broke his leg this past sum- players on the team now." he said. “In particular the year is “to be competitive in the ACC. If we mer and he‘s been pushing real hard lately to get I’d like to coach Tab‘Ramos' children." Game: Wake Forest (0-3-1, 0-1) at North Carolina (1-3. 0-1) can win in the ACC we have an excellent shot at back to 100 per cent,” Tarantini said. “Dario 11m: Noon the national championship." (Brose) had a tear in his right calf muscle and Ramos completed his eligibility in I987. Site: Kenan Stadium (52.000), Chapel Hill Tarantini cites the play of several players as should be 100 per cent by the ACC toumamcnt. When asked about possibly coaching a World Series: UNC 55-28-2. including a 24—22 loss at Wake in '88 Wolfpack strengths. “David Bohannon had severe ligament damage. Cup team, Tarantini suprcssed a laugh. TV: ACC-Jefferson Pilot, live “This year our kids have done a great job -— His injury was very similar to Tommy’s “Perhaps one day I'll compete on the intema- Allrcd, Campbell and Schweitzer have stepped in (Tanner). He’s playing with a knee brace and tional level. Maybe when our Olympic team Call it Bore Bowl '89. Both teams are coming off poor parlor. since the first day and done a great job," he said. doing an excellent job." holds several NC. State players." he said. “But “We’re an offensive team. but we haven’t scored The injuries have caused Tarantini to change right now the farthest ahead I‘m looking is next mances last week. Wake was tied by Rice and the Tar Heels lost well this year. That’3 been our problem." his attack formation. week." to Navy. Both offenses have been particularly weak in 1989. The After this weekend‘s contest with Clemson the “I've now moved (Chris) Szanto to midfield The Pack hosts Virginia Sunday at 2 pm. at Deacons are averaging 14.5 points per game and the Tar Heels Wolfpack has scored only IO goals in nine and (Curt) Johnson is now a sweeper. These two Method Road Soccer Stadium. are averaging 6.3 points per contest in the last three games (UNC managed 49 points against Division i-AA Virginia Miliatry for their only win). Wake freshman QB Phil Barnhlll has lost Women’s soccer team to play three key some of his touch the last couple of weeks. but still has excellent Houston enjoys receivers in Ricky Proehl, Steve Brown and Bobby Jones UNC contests this weekend in Virginia has flipped-flopped their quarterbacks between senior Jonathan 3, order to not miss a day ofschool. work at YMCA Hall and true freshman Chuckie Burnotte. Hall has completed '- ‘ .. Continuedfrom Page 18 “In terms of postseason. this weekend is crit- only 20 of 51 passes (39.2 percent), while Bumette has been ical,” Gross said. worse (17 of 54, 31 .5percent). defender in Pitera. With so many teams being in the same place Continuedfrom Page 18 Technician prediction: Wake Forest 21~17 The Wolfpack’s first game on Saturday will it is important to play well for many reasons. though, is learned from professors. be at 11 a.m. against Hartford, which head One reason is many of the top recruits in the According to Houston. many professors seem hes; Game: Army (2-1) at Duke (2-3) coach Larry Gross. calls a very good team. nation come to this toumament to watch the itant to give athletes a break. when they normally Time: 1:30 p.m. Gross said this is a cause game for thir- teams. In fact, all of the current Wolfpack would for other students. Site: Wallace Wade Stadium (33.941)in Durham teenth-ranked Hartford because only twelve freshmen were at this tournament last year. “It‘s hard to have a personal relationship with the Series: Army leads 8-4-1. including a 13-9 win in 1984 teams are taken for the NCAA Tournament. A About 80 percent of the current team watched professors right now. They don't want to be win over State would greatly enhance past State teams in the Vodicka Tournament. accused of trying to get an athlete through school," The Blue Devils have to suffer some type of letdown following Hartford’s chance of getting a bid to the tour— Gross also said he is very pleased with the he said. their "one-in-a-million” win over Clemson last week. it's how nament. attitude and work ethic of the team heading Football and studies aside, in less serious much of a letdown that worries Blue Devil head coach Steve State must come back at 4 pm. on Saturday into the action at Fairfax. moments, Houston can be found listening to music, Spurrier. Duke wide receiver Clarkston Hines moved his name to and play the Wildcats of Villanova. While this The Pack returns home to host Duke or knocking down his most recent foes —— bowling the top of the record books last week. He grabbed six passes for will be the Pack’s second game within hours. Wednesday at 3:30 pm. pins. ACC career Villanova will be playing their first game of Being a kid at heart, Houston also enjoys working 96 yards to take over first place on the all-time the day. ' State striker was named with children. Working at the local YMCA since yardage list. Hines and running back Roger Boone are quarter- State will wrap up the weekend on Sunday ACC player of the week for her performances I987, the linebacker has become quite an actor. back Billy Ray‘s favorite targets. Ray is eighth in the nation and by playing Division III Marymount (.‘ollegc. against Colorado College and Maryland last To the laughter of his young audience. Houston. first in the ACC in total offense at 257.6 yards per game. Army The Pack WI” ”"3" hm" home even though week. with bunnies attached to each hand. performs his runs the WIShbone offense, led by 08 Mchlilams. the championship game 0f [he tournament '5 In the Pack‘s loss to Colorado College, own rendition of “Little Bunny Fu-Fu.“ HallbaCk 8099' Mayweather I5 ")9 leadmg ground gamer '0' 0“ Monday. Hooper scored two goals. Her four goals and “Hey. this big football player is a lot of fun, too," team that Is seventh In the nation in rushing. DUKB. moanwblbl I3 Gross said because of health and academics, one assist led the Pack to a 7-0 romp of Houston laughed. eighth in the nation in passing. it is not in his team’s best interest to stay for Maryland. The big Wolfpack hitter, it seems, is an all-around Technician prediction: Duke 28-24 the championship game. He said many other Hooper currently leads the conference in hit. goals with II, and is second in points with 23.

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ANNOUNCEMENTS Judo Club Metcalf, Sig Ep among Winners Volleyball play begins Monday. October l). By Max Hall By Jeff Vukovich pin-.I ii to lit‘ the closest of the ,4 i Staff Writer Still VViitrgr I l)clt;i Sig. Sigma (Iii, SP5, If interested in being a volleyball official, come by thc and l .iiiil'ida (In all won easily. Intramural Office in Carmichael on Tuesdays between 3- On Saturday, the NCSU Judo Allt'l another rain out oi~ .I\I"il I» 5 pm. Pay is $4 per hour. Club hosted the first strictly inter- flag loothall play t"llllil1"I w. Ii: 'Illlt'l Ill. lion. Farmhouse nipped collegiate tournament to be held in 'l'ttesday \wnia M 3 ti. Sigma Nu outscored Carmichael Gym's Operating Hours for Fall Break: North or South Carolina since 1976. ltt Men's RCSItIL‘lIit' play, M 'l: .:!l ls. 7‘. 1o 7, l .and SAIi heal I)lJ 20—8. Friday. Oct. 13 6 am. to 6 pm; Sat.-Sun., Oct. I4-l5 Participating schools were dcfcalcil litngttw Sll M It IIAI I..:|l l’cntllclon, Rich Sloher, and l to 5 pm: Mon-Tues. Oct. lb-l7 8 rim. to 6 pm. Appalachian State, Duke, Central litigss-ell hcat (ioltl )H I‘) Hi» i Ramomo scored touchdowns For more information. call 737-7488. Piedmont Community College and writncis included All-‘- ll‘tit'l .1 1"t is \I NCSU. 'I'ui'lmgton. 5.1 I ritvimty (' play. Sig lip upscl Cross country registration closes Wed, Oct. I l. Sensei (instructor) Ron Crabtrec In ('o Rut: play. illt.‘ ".lul ‘ .i ‘lr‘!|

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