hnician th Carolina State University3 Student Newspaper Since 19 flLtBRARW Volume lXXl, Number 19 Friday, October 6,1989 Raleigh, North Carolina Page says society is not educatin Former NFL player speaks at 1989 Honors COnvocation Wednesday By Heather Muir “l‘m not down on athletics. and I under- Staff Writer stand that academics and athletics can go together, but when they can't, academics Society is not properly educating its have to be what is stressed,“ he empha- children. former National Football sized. League player Alan Page told 1.700 peo— In his speech, Page hit upon everything ple gathered for NC. State's fourth annu- from his background, to the effects of al honors convocation Wednesday morn— sports on athletics. to the future of the ing. world. “fins eUNtiUcm’r “lt is us, a society. not educating our The faculty recognition and student children." Page said. “We devote entire recognition followed Pagc's speech. “iii: 5:5‘1A?’ . p ’ sections of the newspaper to athletics. The teachers receiving the Academy of Where do we find the academics?" Outstanding Teachers Awards were rec- x - “With an education, the future belongs ognized, as well as NCSU's to our children," he said. Distinguished Professorships. Awards Page said he has been fortunate were also presented for university profes- because, as a former successful football sorships, Alumni distinguished graduate player. he can be a role model to young professors, Alumni Faculty Research people. His speech moved from his Awards, Sigma Chi Young Scientist hometown, where “football was every— Research Awards and Special thing‘’, to the NFL where four out of nine Presentations. of his teammates could not read an NFL Graduate students were recognized for Myra rid/Start playbook. their outstanding scholarly achievements While Page was playing in the NFL, he in the Phi Kappa Phi Graduate 1989-90 Honors Convocation in Reynolds Coliseum Wednesday. Over 1,700 was also attending law-school as a full Fellowship. Students were awarded the people attended the annual ceremony which honors achievement at NCSU. time student and he is able to appreciate Graduate Dean African-American the amount of time that athletics takes Academic Achievement Award. the ”“3. Phi Kappa Phi Academic Civic Symphony led by conductor MyoeHol/Stofl from academics. National Defense Science and Achievement Awards and the Phi Kappa Jonathan C. Kramer. He made the point several times howev— Engineering Graduate Fellows, the Phi Essay Contest Awards. Dale Sayers, who presided over the cer- Alan Page was the guest speaker at the 1989-90 er, that it is not just the athletes that have Academy of Outstanding Teacher emonies said the exercise was held “to Honors Convocation Wednesday. Page is a former problems with education, but all of Undergraduate Scholarships. The The Convocation ceremonies opened recognize the significant scholarly NFL football player and lawyer from Minnesota. soéiety. Distinguished Academic Achievement, with the Performance of the Raleigh achievements of faculty and students." NCSU wrestlers charged in September assault By Wade Baboock NCSU's vice chancellor for university rela— him in a telephone conversation that there property. the truck and drove off. nd Raeanne Jones tions, said Guzzo had suspended the stu- were justifiable reasons for not telling Stafford said any other actions regarding People who had come out of the Grey's Staff Writers dents from the team. administrators. the accused students would be taken after townhouse to talk to the tow truck driver, Interim Vice Chancellor Larry Monteith ~He said Valvano told him the he didn't the courts had handled the case and if the saw three men urinating in the front yard. Seven NC. State wrestlers and one former said Thursday he was upset that NCSU’s report the incident because the students had students posed a direct threat to the campus. The neighbor said one of the female guests wrestler were charged with simple assault administration had not been told about the not been officially charged until According to a neighbor who asked not to yelled at the men. “Don't get it on our Wednesday in connection with a Sept. 1 incident until it appeared in the press Wednesday. be identified. the attack occurred after ll cars!" and the men starting yelling profani- incident in which two men and a woman Wednesday. Valvano was out of town Thursday and pm. when a station wagon full of men was ties at her. were severely beaten outside a townhouse “If I’m to be held accountable for ath- could not be reached for comment. driving through the area. When Mr. Grey told the men to leave, at 1811 Fox Sterling Drive. letes...l must be informed," Monteith said at Monteith said Guzzo originally gave the The neighbor, who lives next door to Bill “two guys picked him up and threw him on One of the victims suffered a broken eye- meeting with reporters. “He (Valvano) wrestlers an earlier curfew and stiffer study and Charlotte Grey. two of the victims. said the back of my car." the neighbor said. Mr. socket and cheekbone, and a doctor had to knows that I’m distressed.” requirements when he first learned of the the Greys had several overnight guests. Grey got back up again but the men staned insert plate into his head.- A neighbor who Guzzo suspended the wrestlers in incident. He suspended the wrestlers after The neighbor said he went next door to punching him and throwing him around, he saw the incident said the victims were September, according to Lanier’s prepared he learned the seriousness of the charges. tell the Greys that a tow truck was going to said. The men threw Mr. Grey on the kicked in the head and hit with beer bottles. statement, and Valvano failed to tell former Thomas Stafford, vice chancellor for tow away a Blazer that belonged to one of ground and then onto another car. It took the police several weeks to identify Chancellor Bruce Poulton about it. Student Affairs, said the student judicial their guests. The neighbor said Mr. Grey was lying on the suspects. Monteith said Valvano is sending him a policy, as prescribed by the Student Code of According to the neighbor, two men in the the ground motionless while the men kicked NCSU wrestling coach Bob Guzzo could letter describing the full incident and his Conduct and The Student Athlete‘s station wagon got out and began to harass not be reached for comment Thursday. knowledge of it.~ Handbook, is to not take any action because the tow truck driver. The driver chased W In a prepared statement, Albert Lanier, The interim chancelldr said Valvano told the event was not on campus or university them away with a tire tool and then got in Senate considers raising football camping to 48 hours By Shannon Morrison No discussion is allowed on that Wednesday’s meeting was the first Senior Staff Writer type of motion and the senate voted meeting with all of the newly elect- 28 to 15 not to suspend the rules. ed senators, and so they were offi- N.C. State’s Student Senate is A similar amendment was voted cially sworn in during the meeting. considering altering the football down Sept. 20. In other business, the senate voted ticket distribution policy. In an interview Thursday, Holm 37 to 18 to give a student organiza- The senate heard the first reading said he proposed the new amend— tion more money than recommend- of an amendment Wednesday to ment because, “I have found some ed by the senate‘s finance commit- increase the length of time students infomtation that leads me to believe tee. $l,700, $500 more than sug- can camp out for tickets from 18 that the camping out policy should gested, was given to the NCSU hours to 48 hours. be 48 hours." chapter of the Public Relations The senate also heard the first He refused to comment on any Student Society of America for ieading of a proposed men’s basket- further details but said, “1 believe them to attend their national con- ball ticket distribution policy. The the senate will be persuaded to vention in Dallas. policy proposed is the same as last change the policy to 48 hours." Most groups only receive the rec- season'spolicy. The amendment will be voted on ommended amount. Athletics Committee Chairman at the senate‘s next meeting, sched- Other finance bills the senate have Holm submitted the amend- uled for Oct. 18. passed included a $300 reimburse- the football ticket distribu- The proposal concerning the ment to the Poultry Science ment to men's basketball ticket policy Association because the senate was tion policy. involves this season‘s ticket pick-up unable to give it to them when they Many students were angered earli- schedule. requested it last year. er this semester when they were Six game day pick—ups are sched- The senate appropriated over prevented from camping out for uled. including the Clemson game $3,000 to two different speech com- tickets more than 18 hours in which is during Christmas break. munications clubs so their members advance. They said they were Holm said the senate will not vote could attend a national convention unaware of the policy, which was on the basketball policy until there in San Francisco. passed in April. has been an open forum between In hopes of getting the change interested students and the athletics Phi Psi. a professional textile fra- implemented quickly, Holm committee. ternity, received just under $1,000 motioned to have the rules suspend- He said the forum will be within to help finance their 1989 National ed so the senate could vote on the the next three weeks.
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