Adam Tanel

Ward - 29 Occupation - Lawyer Cyclist - Daily commuter and wannabe triathlete.


I am mildly obsessed with , our city, and my dog Elvis. I am a lawyer who represents cyclists injured as a result of motorist negligence and/or inadequate . Find out more at:

Why I want to Join the Board

I want to work with CycleTO to make cycling safer and more accessible. As a result of my day job, I am all too familiar with the carnage on ’s streets. In 2014, this concern led me to run for City Council. My campaign team developed a robust cycling policy that greatly exceeded the "minimum grid" pledge. My policy platform called for more new cycling infrastructure than any other candidate running in 2014.

Skills & experience

I am familiar with the legal landscape, and how the law can be used as a tool to make cycling safer. I am on good terms with many of the important voices at City Hall. I have experience in law, politics, marketing, fundraising and NGO Boards.

Adrian Currie

Ward - 18 Occupation - Cycling Advocate, Actor & Film Maker Cyclist - Daily commuter


I am a Cycling Advocate, Actor & Film Maker who was born in Jamaica but grew up in Toronto. I have a BA in Economics and a BA in History both from McGill University. I presently sit on the Cycle Toronto Advocacy Committee and I am one of the co-chairs of the newly formed, Working Group. I am also a board member of the Community Bicycle Network and I am a past chair.

Why I want to join the Board I want to join the CT Board of Directors because I would like to add diversity, solid cycling experience and energy to further cycling . As a person of colour, I feel that I can add a perspective that may be lacking from the discussions about cycling in Toronto and perhaps I can help to attract more people from different cultures and backgrounds to help strengthen CT's board of directors, committees and it's overall effort to make cycling inclusive and representative of all Torontonians.

Skills & experience Through my experience as a CBN board member since 2002 and as a Chair for many years, I have developed strong interpersonal skills and the ability to work effectively with a wide range of people in a team setting. I have a strong background in community/city building, politics, transportation and grassroots advocacy as demonstrated by my position on the former Toronto Cycling Advisory Committee. My most recent roles as a member of the Cycle Toronto Advocacy Committee and as a co-chair of the Bike Parking Working Group has consisted of significant program development, community engagement, research and communication with may different stakeholders in the Toronto cycling community.

Andrew Domacina

Ward - 19 Occupation - Security Management Professional Cyclist - Daily commuter; weekend warrior; long range mountain bike terrain / camping


I am a security management professional with a passion for making Toronto better. Growing up in the downtown core, I have always been inspired by the possibilities of the bicycle. From daily commuting, to leading camping expeditions, our two wheel friends are at the core of who I am and what Toronto needs as we move towards a future of sustainability.

Why I want to join the Board

Having served on the Board of Directors for the Community Bicycle Network, I have worked in the trenches of . I have heard our community's cries for support; have been touched by cycling tragedy; and have learned the nuances of navigating the difficult realm of cycling politics. Cycle Toronto is at the forefront of that battle. I relish an opportunity to join the good fight alongside you.

Skills & experience

I am currently a manager of security at the Art Gallery of Ontario. My expertise in risk assessment, emergency response, project management and public safety are well established. My years of board experience have seasoned my ability to work diplomatically with conflicting opinions, cope with budget crisis, manage marketing campaigns / events, and formulate / implement strategic plans. Ashley Quan

Ward - 27 Occupation - Development and Communications Coordinator Cyclist - Daily all-season commuter


Before moving to Toronto, I grew up in a city that’s so car-oriented, you drive from one big box store to another in the same shopping complex. In the span of 5 years, I’ve gone from “too scared to bike down Harbord on a clear spring day” to “winter Foodora courier in the financial district is my side hustle”.

Why I want to join the Board

Shortly before the Bloor bike lanes were installed, a man in a pick-up truck threatened to “turn me into roadkill” for having the audacity to take the lane, which really got me up in arms. The pilot has totally transformed the experience of riding on Bloor, and I want to help Cycle TO advocate for more essential infrastructure that keeps cyclists safer.

Skills & experience

In my current job, I write fundraising appeals and blog posts, design collateral, and handle social media and web design. In undergrad, I helped to start a bike-sharing co- operative and community garden, and advocated for a sustainability master plan and local food procurement. I also have experience in event planning, marketing, and community engagement.

Darnel Harris

Ward - 21 Occupation - Urban Planner Cyclist - Commuter


I am a community advocate who enjoys animating spaces and leading innovative sustainability projects. I received my B.A. (Honours) from Glendon College, and earned my Master of Environmental Studies (Planning) from . My Master's Major Project, Breaking Down the Barriers to Biking in the Black Creek Area, created a community action plan for practical suburban biking, and led to approving a Community Bike Center near York University. My sustainability efforts to combine a wide protected bike pathway with rain gardens to make a space efficient yet flood proof roadside barrier was honored with the 2016 Green Talents Award from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. My proposal to run a $250,000 pilot to use Cargo Bikes to Deliver Goods and Transport People has advanced to the Top 13 in 2017’s Ontario Budget Talks Public Call for Ideas.

Why I want to join the Board

Cycle Toronto identified in it's call for nominations a need for people of color with lived experience outside the downtown core, who have prior board experience, can aid with fundraising and plan strategically. As a proud member of the Canadian-Caribbean community, a record of advocacy in North York, and success in both fundraising and strategic planning, I believe I will be able to serve Cycle Toronto well.

Skills & experience

I have five years of non-profit Board experience, five years of community organization leadership experience and a track record of achievement. I served two years on the Board of Governors of York University, grew a small campus non-profit from a budget of a few thousand a year to a stable quarter million a year over five years, and have been a key figure in raising over $50,000+ for environmental initiatives.

Francesca Allodi-Ross

Ward - 19 Occupation - Lawyer Cyclist - Daily commuter


Weekdays I work for community legal clinics in Etobicoke and west Toronto, providing free legal advice to low-income people about their rights at work. Other times I’m organizing for social change around income inequality and racial justice. I love salsa dancing and spending time with my adorable niece and nephew.

Why I want to join the Board

We need cycling to play a key role in improving transportation in this city and we need Cycle Toronto to make that happen! I’ve been a member since 2011, helped recruit friends and family in Refer-a-Rider campaigns, and look forward to lending my skills and experience to further support the organization.

Skills & experience

I am an experienced facilitator, from chairing simple meetings to designing organizational visioning processes and would love to use those skills to help the Board function effectively. As an employment lawyer, I could provide insight regarding human resources issues for the organization. I also have some experience in non-profit/charity law.

Jessica Rosenberg

Ward - 18 Occupation - Environmental Lawyer Cyclist - Daily Commuter (former mountain biker)


I spend my days practicing environmental law, and my spare time cycling around this great city. I am a member of the CycleTO Ward 18 group, and I co-organized a custard tart tour for Bike Month (it was sTARTlingly delicious). I was born and raised in Toronto, and have been transported by bicycle since before I could walk.

Why I want to join the Board

I truly believe in CycleTO's mission and vision, and the important work the organization engages in. Having experienced cycling safety hazards firsthand (as so many of us have), I’m keen to provide meaningful support a board member using the skills and experiences I’ve acquired, outlined below.

Skills & experience a) Ward 18 member: I have been dedicated to the organization at a grassroots level. b) Environmental law and policy: my background has prepared me to bring detail- oriented and pointed input to the organization as a Board member. c) ENGO experience: I've volunteered and worked with two ENGOs, giving me insight into their operation and management.

Josef Zankowicz

Ward - 32 Occupation - Entrepreneur Cyclist - Daily commuter; recreational mountain biker


I’m a tech entrepreneur, communications and management consultant. I’ve been doing this for the past 30 years. This summer I will officially become a senior citizen, although I never intend to retire. As I live downtown I started riding my bike to work during the past five years. I also use my mountain bike on trails throughout the city and elsewhere. The riding has changed my life and perspective of the city. IMO, the car as we know it is a dead beast. It’s sensory depriving.

Why I want to join the Board

The challenges facing a non-profit organization that is becoming increasingly influential are many not least of which is membership recruitment and funding. I would like to work with the Board to identify new ways to attract new members from a wider demographic, retain them, and generate new revenue opportunities.

Skills & experience

As an entrepreneur who has helped start many successful tech businesses I bring experience of taking ideas and turning them into reality whether it’s launching a new company or product, securing multiple millions of dollars to grow organizations, or raising public awareness on a local or global scale. As a former partner in a Toronto architectural firm I’ve also come to appreciate city living from a design, planning and development perspective. These are some of the skills and experiences I plan to lever in my participation on the Board.

Joseph Travers

Ward - 31 Occupation - Database management and visualization & Knowledge Transfer Cyclist - Daily Commuter


I’ve been commuting to work by bike in Toronto since 2005. For the past 11 years I've run the website where I shares news, events and photos of great bike stuff in Toronto. I'm currently a co-captain of the Ward 31 advocacy group, a co-chair of the Danforth Loves Bikes campaign as well as a volunteer member of Cycle Toronto’s Fundraising Committee. Professionally, I work in the research and evaluation field in database management, analysis and visualization.

Why I want to join the Board

I’d like to become even more involved in fundraising to help Cycle Toronto’s finances, allowing us to do more and better things. I also have an interest in creating even more engagement with our members to involve them more in advocacy, but also Toronto businesses and local politicians to help create a city that *always* thinks about how bikes benefit everyone.

Skills & experience

I’m particularly interested in using my skills in collecting, managing and visualizing data as well as program evaluation principles to help Cycle Toronto develop and improve programs and initiatives by aiding and informing decision making. I also have experience in social media, website content creation and curation, event planning and project management.

JP Solmes

Ward - 19 Occupation - Associate Director, Business Development, First Quantum Minerals Cyclist - Daily commuter; road cyclist; racing


I am a 37 year old father of two who is passionate about cycling. I commute every day by bike (sun, rain or snow) and so have a direct interest in the cycling infrastructure of Toronto. When family and work commitments allow, I also ride and race (road).

Why I want to join the Board

Because I am passionate about cycling and becoming more active in the push to make Toronto become a world class cycling city. I also believe I have a strong skill set to bring to the CycleTO board and can help the organization move forward on its key initiatives and objectives.

Skills & experience

First and foremost I bring a passion about cycling both from personal experience and with the mindset of a father. This, together with my professional background of finance, accounting and business development skills as well as previous board experience makes me an ideal fit for the position. I am a chartered professional accountant.

Maggie Garratt

Ward - 18 Occupation - Fundraiser at Ladies Learning Code Cyclist - Daily commuter


I’m a fundraiser at the Toronto-based non-profit, Ladies Learning Code and a passionate advocate for all things education, cycling, and equity related. Having grown up, and lived, in various neighbourhoods around the city - and cycling through them all - Toronto is as much a part of me as my bike.

Why I want to join the Board

I’m a fierce believer in the value of cycling on a personal, societal, and economic level. My goal is that all Torontonians see cycling as accessible, fun and safe. I want to work with Cycle Toronto to propel cycling to the forefront of public consciousness and affect meaningful, city-wide change.

Skills & experience

I have almost ten years in experience education and advocacy, having worked for a number of non-profits, unions, and educational institutions. In my current role as a fundraiser, I manage a large profile of corporate partners and have extensive experience in strategic partnerships, business development and donor relations.

Mark Klein

Ward - 20 Occupation - PR, media and government relations Cyclist - Daily commuter; mountain biking


I am a downtown (Ward 20) resident and an all-year cyclist. I enjoy commuting, cycling for errands, mountain biking, and riding on paved paths and city streets.

Why I want to join the Board

I would like to be on the Board because I have a passion to promote cycling in the city. I would also like to enhance my communications and Board of Directors skills, and to expand my personal and professional networks.

Skills & experience

I have 25 years of PR, media and government relations, and issues management experience which I would be happy to share with Cycle Toronto.

Michael Chung

Ward - 19 Occupation - Smart Commute Toronto, City of Toronto – Program Coordinator Cyclist - Daily, all seasons commuter cyclist


I am an avid commuter cyclist who is crazy for cities, transportation, and socialism. I make a living by working with business and organizations to maximize transportation options for their employees. On the side, I enjoy lifting, water polo, and long walks on the beach. Oh, I'm also pro at making dumplings.

Why I want to join the Board

I am passionate about Cycle Toronto's mission and message and want to contribute my time, efforts, and skills to help sustain and grow the organization. I seek to boost the profile of Cycle Toronto through innovative marketing and push for even more members to join our great cause.

Skills & experience

As a LGBT identified individual and a person of colour, I believe I can bring the much needed diversity to Cycle Toronto's Board. I have volunteered, worked for, and partnered with Cycle Toronto closely for the past 5 years and can bring unique knowledge and skills to the position. Michael Longfield

Ward - 18 Occupation - Database Administrator, Aga Khan Museum Cyclist - Daily commuter; road racer


I've had a passion for cycling since I was young child biking up and down the street that I lived on. Today, I am the President of Midweek Cycling Club, a Toronto based non- profit affiliated with the Ontario Cycling Association. We support and encourage riders of all ages and abilities with a focus on long-term athlete development and athletes for life. I currently work as the Database Administrator for the Aga Khan Museum.

Why I want to join the Board

I started commuting by bike regularly as a grad student living downtown attending at York University—it was a revelation realizing it was faster by bike than by transit. (Even if parts of the trip were definitely not bike friendly!) A charity ride got me hooked on the speed and excitement of road racing. I'm a strong believer in the mental, emotional, and physical benefits of sport and exercise. I believe the more cyclists focus on what unites us the more the community can accomplish. As the bicycle is beautifully versatile machine, cyclists can wear many hats (or helmets).

Skills & Experience

I have 4+ years experience on the Board of Directors of Midweek, including the past two as club President. I have experience with budgeting, databases, and marketing. I have many personal and professional connections with other cycling clubs and related shops and businesses.

Nithya Vijayakumar

Ward - 14 Occupation - Transportation Planner Cyclist - Commuter


I’m a transportation planner with experience working on sustainable travel projects across Canada, the U.S. and UK. Growing up I lived in many car dependent cities like Atlanta, Milwaukee and Calgary. I moved to Montreal for university and found it so liberating getting around on my bike and have since had the goal to never live anywhere I would be required to own a car. In 2015 I wrote a report for Pembina Institute, Cycle Cities, which compared cycling investments in Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Vancouver and Calgary.

Why I want to join the Board

It’s a really exciting time for cycling in Toronto. There have been a lot of great projects like the Richmond-Adelaide cycle track and the Bloor bike lanes pilot. The City is on the right track for expanding cycling with a long term plan and a increased cycling budget, but it’s important to have external groups act as a watchdog and ensure that this momentum keeps up. Cycle Toronto has a vital role in ensuring cycling investments serve diverse populations, communities outside of downtown and cyclists of all abilities.

Skills & experience

As a planner specializing in transportation demand management, I have extensive experience designing marketing campaigns to target specific populations to encourage sustainable travel choices. I can use my research and communication skills to support messaging and delivery of Cycling Toronto campaigns and programs.

Priyanka Vittal

Ward - 19 Occupation - Environmental Lawyer Cyclist - Daily commuter (all season); weekend recreationalist; new to touring


A Third Culture Kid (TCK) I am a Canadian born in India, raised in Singapore, living in Toronto. I am an environmental lawyer by trade and passion. Outside of that I identify myself as a thrift shopper and walking tour aficionado. Around the world the bicycle has been my trusty partner. Since moving to Toronto, I’ve found that cycling has become a greater part of my identity and has been a significant factor in my everyday life.

Why I want to join the Board

I support Cycle Toronto’s vision for a sustainable transportation network in the city. It’s difficult to live an environmentally sustainable lifestyle in our world of overconsumption however cycling, as a means of transport, helps to reduce our carbon footprint. Cycle Toronto has a strong voice in advocating for this vision and I’d like to help continue to make it a reality.

Skills & experience

Currently I work for a donor based not-for-profit so I have insight into not-for-profit governance and function. Before that I practiced with a law firm where I worked with the province’s planning policies and the municipal laws of the City of Toronto. I was also a board member for a Toronto based charity where I helped review finances, update policies and by-laws, recruit board members, fundraise and develop new strategies. To this position I bring my not-for-profit experience, knowledge of the laws that could apply to cycling infrastructure, and previous board experience.