TheIowa Bandmaster Magazine Fall Issue 2016 Iowa Bandmaster Magazine Deadlines Winter Issue ................................ January 6, 2017 Conference Issue ........................... March 3, 2017 Summer Issue ................................... June 9, 2017 Magazine Staff Editor Advertising Dick Redman Chad Allard 1016 Fountain View Dr. 434 Stoney Creek Rd. NW Pella, Iowa 50219 Cedar Rapids, IA 52405 641-628-9380 319-550-6109 (H)
[email protected] 319-558-4602 (S)
[email protected] Festival Results Denise Graettinger District News 1307 Country Meadows Dr. Elaine Menke Waverly, IA 50677 1130 Rolling Hills Ct. 319-352-4003 (H) Norwalk, Iowa 50211 319-352-2087 (S) 515-981-0557 (H)
[email protected] 515-987-5196, ext. 2233 (S)
[email protected] The Iowa Bandmaster 1 Iowa Bandmasters Association, Inc. World’s Finest Bandmasters Organization PAST PRESIDENT PRESIDENT PRESIDENT-ELECT SECRETARY MICHAEL GOLEMO RUSSELL KRAMER MYRON PETERSON STEVEN COOK 1206 DIAMOND COURT 7005 FRANKLIN AVE. MAGAZINE EDITOR MASON CITY, IA 50401-6997 WINDSOR HEIGHTS, IA 50324 TREASURER COMMITTEE CHAIRS DICK REDMAN AARON NUSS CONFERENCE EQUIPMENT JAYSON GERTH IBA MAGAZINE-OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE IOWA BANDMASTERS ASSOCIATION NATHAN SLETTEN VOL. 75 published by Pella Printing Co., Inc., Pella, Iowa 50219 NO. 2 CONFERENCE EXHIBITS CHRIS STROHMAIER JENNIFER WILLIAMS CONTENTS ELECTIONS President’s Message........................................................... 4 JERRY BERTRAND President-Elect’s Thoughts ..................................................... 5 HISTORIAN On a Mission – Affinity Diagram ...............................................6-7 MARY CRANDELL Meet the IBA District Presidents..............................................10-11 PARLIAMENTARIAN FRED STARK Iowa Alliance for Arts Education ................................................12 WEBMASTER In the Spotlight – Alta-Aurelia Community Schools ..............................13-15 ELIZABETH FRITZ Welcome to IBA – First Year Band Directors .