?ig Band sound comes to lomelbvvn ( OMMt -MtA r ItiNf* NH f WQH^"' Putting you In touch Thursday with your world July 1,1999 Serving the Westland Comrnufiity for) 35 years : a,;"••.•' VOLUME 35 NUMBER 8 WESTLAND, MICHIGAN • 66 PAGES • http://observereccentric.com "SEVENTV-^RV^CeST: .© lW9Ham«To»7i Comtnunicalionj Nrt.'wftrV,.Inc. > • II is The Westland City Council nixed an assisted Plumley of Crabill & Company of Livo living center plan back in April. Its backers nia, commercial real estate agents for . "."• : Focd Road the site, made the presentation. re returned Monday to push the plan, and-met .4 some skepticism. A vote could come as early-as "What is different? You're asking us to approve today what we denied (April s •A: BY fXmtE SKOGLUND . next Tuesday, July 6. 19)," Said .Councilman Richard :...1 - flK-'-Jni STAFF WRITER ,» N BY*EN£E>SKOGLUND by a majority' vote at the April 19 coun LeBlanc. At that time, LeBlanc had
[email protected] favored a more commercial use of the ......... STAFWtoMTEB •: A iC^year-old Westland girl on a cil meeting. "We didn't have enough 0
[email protected] information at the time," said council property. •"""': ^u bike escaped abduction yesterday Rourke said the basic proposal was Approval for a proposed 5.47-acre, $6 President Sandra Cicirelli. when she fought, off- her alleged kid "exactly the same," AygTKia't million assisted liVing center site on During a study session Monday — Will council say yes? napper.' ' Plumley, however,, said he had A proposed'ass'fsied living Merriman Road just south of Cherry evening, council members received a -The girl was riding her bike on undertaken a study of retail vacancies center would have 80 Hill could be granted at the Westland more in-depth presentation of the pro Venoy, just north of Ford, at 5:18 p.m.