Ithe Boys' Store
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6, iqo6. LOS ANGELES HERALD: SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 3 When g; MAILBOX THEFTS STILL SERIOUS WOMAN WANDERS Dr. Graves' £ / N Tooth Powder The BAFFLE OFFICERS IN THE BALTIC FROM HER HOME is used twicc-a-day you willhave Boys' Store | white teeth, hard glints,^ clean I mouth, pure breath, jjootl diges- j£ That Always Gives Satisfaction J. 5; (OnMntir.lfrom Patr On«.) CHURCH IS tion, r^W GIRL DISCOVERS AN OPEN troops \rorkmen, nlso MRS. ANNIE B. good health. Listen to your fired on the nnd dentist's advi.ic. lie knows «JJ It's a satisfactory place to buy boys' apparel because "» at the Cetnttefy of the Transflßurntlon, best. stocks so complete and prices reasonable. When *Aw^Jm RECEPTACLE where the majority of the victims were DEMENTED In Imnilj- nirtnt mm or bottle*. 3.V-. «* are Jy^vH •*£ burled. ;* you come here for a certain article you're sure to find fftMyfJ'iPVi I Two wings of tho Sorl.ll Democratic Dr.Graves* ToothPowder Co. a can any- "» party have joined, thn it and invariably betcr grade than you find My^%Shjt\ now workmen's Patient Found Wandering About the 'JZ even "*'2* Crooks Believed to Be Working In otfranlxntlnn In dorlariiifr that they will "JJ where else for the same money. We arc better £TIW I boycott the election!! to tho national Streets Taken Hospital, Where CITY PAINTED HER COAT RED equipped now than we were in the old store and every 'St^i "^ Disguise of Carrier*—Man Re- assembly. The Social Democrats hnve to *2 wUmf IfiwM adopted a series of resolutions. In- I,m article is new and right up io the minute in style. i( W'']ak \u25a0 ported Have Been Seen She Awaits Appearance fa'U'SV 3' to structing the members of Socialist or- Garment Blew Against Freshly Daubed Allthe latest effects in boys' suits and overcoats, "* ganisation" 'J3 WitiimiUnK I not to participate In the of Her Son Hydrant—Now Fair Wearer ;* as well as Taking Letters "police elections," but to tnke every ndvantaptft meeting Wants Damages for It MSMMm I' 5* of such freedom of Spnrlnl to Itcrnld. 11s may allowed to dlseuss The «\u25a0; Boys' Shirts Hoys' Sweaters "* be them the Suffering from temporary derange* niUDarcrouT, Conn,, P&'''jl\ IWii Two mall box thefts within three elections and preach Ihe extension of mont. oC hor mind, Mrs. Annie 11. Jan. 6«—the If Boys' Waists Hoys' Suspenders "^ city (iff upon yMrff fl.iya have arouused the local police the doctrine of armed revolt for t'lo Church, 11rim! fi."> year*, was found \u25a0\vnn- fifllrlnls.of tho called to \>JII? to purpose of completely overturning tho Snntoe decide whether the city Is liable for Fioys' Nightshirts Hoys' Hats and Caps /SpW I|T nnd fedeml authorities an Intense derltiK iilinlcsaly about on young by // Wi 5" degren of Vigilance, Last Tuesday the present government. Only then, the street shortly nftor (• o'clock lust nlßht. diiniiirfos u> a. woman's coat »5 Boys' Pajamas Hoys' Neckwear Bffji' ""» innllVtox located nt the corner of Wll- resolutions pay, will It. be possible to Tho woman Unit Rlii" bud been rmson of her coming In contact with v '•- I'.iWSh "* claimed freshly Boys' Gloves Hoys' Handkerchiefs Shlre boulevard nnd llnuipart street ascertain the real will of the people hoping that Rome police officer would painted flrnhydrant, which bore uMfetfW WM wnn bodily from Its position at through direct, secret universal suf- pick up siml send to 10- no warning hlrh. Boys' Underwear Hoys' Turner Suits stolen hrr her tho shopping •=5 //jM^'JgMWll «* that point. No trace whatever of the frage., where she could rest Mrs. J. U. Wynns wns out Boys' Collars and Cuffs Hoys' Hosiery ""» thtovpH bus us yet been obtained by the \u25a0It Is scinl-onielnllv announced Mint unannnyed by hor rolatlVOS. tecoiitly In her new black broadcloth J Wa Hflif detectives detailed Oil the case. dispatches have born received from Mrs. Church claims Mm baa n Pin unit, and when noiira tirr? hydrant that Thursday afternoon, when a slenoK- Zlatoust", government of Ufa, In the named Oeorfffl Church Hvliir sit SM had .lust received a lurid coat of crlm- Boys raphor was nhout to mall a letter In Ural mountains, saying (tint the fac- South Fifteenth street. As there la no pi.n the wlnrl blew hrr coat flfCnlnnt the Ka-in Coats for the of First hydrant, that the benu« tho box at tlio corner nnd tories there nre in operation and com- such number tho police nnd the matron with the result We're all ready for the boys who want raincoats. HprhiK Ptreels she noticed that the box plete order prevails. These dispatches at the receiving hospital think tho liful broadcloth *•«\u25a0 Bplotched with Sr" bad no padlock. She Immediately re- contradict tho reports that revolts Woman menus Kast Fifteenth street. uinifnn. Most economical overcoat for boys. Good for fair or ga theft, hnve you to <5 ported the of tho padlock to the tnken place nnd that 11 revolutionary The woman luul been wnlkltiK nronnd "Don't think tb^ wind wns foul weather. Latest styles for boys of all ages from 5j pollco nnd nn oflleer wns ntntlniied to government his boon formed. several hourn when the police found blnme, Matlame7" nskod «'lialrtn.iii — Watch the hnx. While the ottlcer was her and was nearly ex'iHiistrd. Mnrr, of the rlnlms eommlttPß. 5 sto 18 years $5.00 to $20.00. £ absent from thn corner for n few mo- TELL OF ATROCITIES In the anibnliinio nbo tuld the ofTloer "Ido not," aiidwerad the fair Hoekrr ments. 11 tunn dressed in the uniform of who found hor that she hnd boon neiit nfter damafren, "The Urn rommlSßloners v carrlcf went to tho box, took from to the Mercy lionio or the SlstorH* Imme wern to blame for not having n klrh It tha letters that hnd been deposited, Russian Refugees In New York De. by her son In order to Rive hor iv rest, on the hydrant Unit It wns frcuhly but paid no attention to the absence scribe Horrors but tbnt since she had been placed paint od." of tlio lock. Hy Assnclntod Item. there slip was troubled by tt continual "What illrl you pay for tho pnlt?" la this String of "Thlrty-nvp It believed that man dls- NliW YOMK, R.—Hrpoits of visitors. tlollarn." KUlsod as 11 postman Is one of th" .tiiti. how The woman said hrr home nt the ['Couldn't lh(> co:it bo cut down and box the drud atf to terrify Un- crooks who looted tlio other 1111 living mutilated number she riivo wiih burned down not be 11 total Imss?" (|ulz/.cci the bach- boulevard. In ItUMln. were brought here to- a year nun, but that c|(ir WllShlro The Utmost vlKt!- day by itiiHsiaii ali'iut hlio re- chairman. l>y pollca refußPciii vno of whom bullt it. "Mnybo it could, not ivhco Is iiehiß maintained tho nrrivril but tbov nre nud Itis believed that Ihe Raliß will on Hi" Btcnmcr IVnns.vlvaiil.i. When takon to the pollen Btntlnn wciiihiß nhort coats now-a-dnyHi" re- apprehended next days. one woman' told of having soon a youtiff JIl'S. Clllirch Wns well dressed and In tho be In tho few l<ill 1 1 torted fair petitioner, ninrrlod wmnnn hot child mthfli her speech showed slcns of dlctltictlvc "I thought I Rome short In tiinn let the CoHSHckB murder iho in- She '* naw contM LEADING CLOTHIERS fant. refinement nnd culture. claimed Ibc stores, ventured tlio elinlrinnu. % BARRED; that at one time she and her relative* MEN FARM THRIVES Another rrfugfo rclnteti how 'ln tlv: "IBiippone you did, lint ie you know wore (|iiilo wealthy. An nffort In being anytliincr fibout di'edscpi you oiiklil to 337-341 South Spring Street p town Novn ilrunUi'ii % Clark, a of MhscoV flvo made Id locntn her sun, IJeiiißO Church. Ihiit 11 woinini tvo coats— Innovation of Miss Mary Boldlorn liwrrlieil Ihrntigh tho know nas Btro«t4 one Fliorlfor wrather, mid another Michigan Ruralist, Laughed at, ••iiirylng arms, 11. cload haby wllh mild 11 linyoncl run through body Iincrr for Bevere weather." Proves Big Success Its bHn^ FIREMAN SERIOUSLY BURNED "Well, you noli tho 1,1. displayed tit the onrl of each gnu. how much will Sprrlal to Tlio Horn (oat tn thn cMiiunittee for?" l.ohor !,;inil(inilnsl;ci,,1 rlfygoods iii<t- Occurs When Man Lights a OAUEN, Midi., .Inn. H.—Mon farm- rhallt Who liml 20,000 I'oUblod, or nbu'.lt Acident ers laughed In their Hlrevps when mips Jln.noo, Match to Examine Dry The commit teo on eliilma will con- which ho h'nd pnvprl In hls» cxocutlyc Mary Clark, of this place began mint (licht, salil It whs a sider tho Welßhly matter In farm yours Hint common tliinc Burner ciiltlvntinnmi her two ni?o. up !<rssiiin anrl later report t" tlio common JMlph In sec moll strung Toct llrst Hivl In iin (;nisrilby n pnllnctlon liut Clprk had no use for mon lying tb<- mil- rxplowlun council. anyway. a. <ir-fni iilmic: route of tho ill' In <tnr o£ tin: fnnincf'S In Iho . on. n farm She had boon roail. IIf; ami Ilioir liilI nil Don't pra< farmer In raising (if or- left his wifo Amcrlenii olive coinpnny on tho T.oiih Wait—Get InBefore the Raise tho Rtlflslii, ami ciinie hero . in to CHlabllsh $100,000 dinary crops mi her plnce and had made Heni-h line, s.