Sixtieth Report 1968
P.A.C. NO. 216 (FOURTH LOK SABHA) SIXTIETH REPORT AppROpRS 41 'ON ACCOUNTS *AILWAYS), AND AUDIT REPORT (RA:LWAYS) 1968 LOX SABXSA SECRETARIAT N Ern .DELfiI. LIST OF AUTHORISED AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF LOK SABRA SECRETARIAT PUBLICATIONS S1. Nunc:of A@nt Nnme'of A&cnt No. %? Et. No. - . I ANDHRA' PRADESH xn. Ch~rlca~Lem~& Com- 30 pany, ror, Mahatma I. ;~ndhri ~nivcrshy Geneivl 8 Gandhi Road, Opposite r Coopcratlve Stora Ltd., Clock Tom, Fort, W.ttoir(vi~ptnam). Bombay. 3. G.R.Lnkshmipathy 'Cherty The Current Book House, 60 and Sons, Gend My- Mwti Lane, Raghunath chants md News Agents, DPdaji Sttett, Bombay-:. Newpet, Qmndragiri, Chinoor District. Deem Book Stall, FCE 65 won Coliego Road, P00nr-4. 3. Wutgn Bod; .Depot, PM Mls. Ushr Book Depot. S Bpypy, Gauhau. 8jlA Chim Razar,l(knn KouS c. Girgnurn Road, Bombay-z BR. Mla. Peoples Book House, 16 Opp. Jaganmohan Palace, Mysoex. 5, Vijrg Stores, Station Road, AnmJ, 17. Information Ccnrre, 6. New Ordq Boot 63 Govemmcnf of hbsthm, Canpmy, EUtr BoJge, Tripolia, Jaipur City. Ahmedsbd-6. at. Nm& C~~WY 44 d.,3, Old fhtrt kbuse 21 ' htr~~t.G~N- 26 . % rj. Wr. MadBooL HOW 1 BB, W Lwr, (5) (f) lt~ignalin,:u It signallingtt . I3 "appointment " "apportionment" 26 compliedlr 6 "a h4adI1 "ma terali seit "ou tlayln;It tldirnentionsfl l1 speciafi cally" Commi s sionI1 "utili sation" llhoulagefl 'teirernessu 5 .t Feletn "all 2 "bogiet'" 27 It drown" 28 surplul" UsurplusN 1 (Thixi Lok Sabha,"I1Third Lok " % jabha) ;lt 3 Six" I* 2 11 1969" " 1959" sub para 2 3.31 7 I% 1,04 lakhsU I% 1.04 lakhsVt 3.53 35 19 at." tlastl ' ' "regradedu 4.3 2 !!regradingn 4.8 16 ''regrading" 4.8 lest "Appendix I 1.
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