AUSTRALIAN SPORTING CAR CLUB INC Est 1930 NEWSLETTER MARCH 2015 ISSUE # 137 PETER SKULANDER’S 1970 JAGUAR "E" TYPE AT THE RECENT GNOO BLAS CLASSIC CAR SHOW It's the cars that bring us together, but the cars owners that "keep" us together! "FT" AUSTRALIAN SPORTING CAR CLUB INC Est 1930 PO Box 1937 ORANGE NSW 2800 AUSTRALIA Email:
[email protected] CLUB DIRECTORY 2015 PRESIDENT: Charles Stammers 6365 1351 mailto:
[email protected] SECRETARY: Chris Olson 6331. 5757 mailto:
[email protected] VICE PRESIDENT: John Donohoe 6362 3911 mailto:
[email protected] TREASURER: Alan Mitchell 6362. 8998 mailto:
[email protected] (ASCC Direct Payment details: Bank- NAB; BSB-082-774; Account No-75-231-2103) PUBLIC OFFICER: C. Stammers 6365 1351 & A Mitchell 6362 8998 ( joint custodians.) MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY: Paul Hingston 6362. 4094 mailto:
[email protected] LIBRARIAN: P Skulander 6362 1426 mailto:
[email protected] CONDITIONAL PLATE REGISTRAR: R. Gardoll 6362 8437 mailto:
[email protected] REGALIA OFFICER: S Blowes 6366 5154 mailto:
[email protected] EVENT Peter Harper 6334 2554 mailto:
[email protected] CO-ORDINATORS Mick Buckler 6365 6188 mailto:
[email protected] NEWSLETTER EDITOR: P Moras 6331 1013 mailto:
[email protected] REGIONAL LIAISON OFFICERS: BATHURST: Peter Harper 6334 2554: Cowra: Vacant. DUBBO: Jim Mather 6884 6316 & Barry Young. 02 58060131: Lithgow: Rod Rossi. 6351 4044: MUDGEE: vacant Oberon: Ken Wilcox. 6336 1616 Parkes: vacant Sydney: Bob Dabbs 9774 3100 Trangie: Vacant Wellington: Vacant Young: Vacant Grenfell: Justyn Armstrong. 6343 1283 ACT: Geoff Barrett: To open the ASCC Shannon’s Website Click on logo For full instructions on how to use this hyperlink, go to the member secretary’s report on page eleven (11) ASCC News 2 PRESIDENT’S REPORT Gee, where has the time gone, with two months of the new year now past as we enter the third month; autumn already? It is hard to believe that by the end of this month, the year will already be one quarter gone.