FOCUS SPORTS WEATHER M - MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday. July 17, 1985 CONNECTICUT New prosecutor says 11 Firefighter’s wife Americans are alive, Mostly clear tonight; OPPORTUNITIES there’ll be no trouble Mwins at chill festival Int’Is out In LL play sunny, warm Friday ... page 15 ... page 2 REAL ESTA page 9 ... page 11 REAL ESTATE THIS WEEK featuring: Joyce G. Epstein r «JL| Realty SELL-SELL-SELL iianrhfHtPr l^rral^ 349 EAST CENTER ST...... * Thtjrsdav.Thursday, July July 10, 1985 — Single copy: 25C fU Owner of this 3-4 bedroom Colonial In the Bower Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm MANCHESTER, CT. School district Is moving sooni Priced reduced - a. eO's. 647-8895 -WE GUARANTEE OUR HOU8ESr'...M6-2482 When' the incli\idiKil iittention Violations Tlials what we hclicvc sets us PREMIER RANCH a[)art from all the rest. VX. illi our Ramble through thli custom built brick arid cedar home In Senate leader one of Manchester! newest executive areas. 3000 sq. ft of iti{liv idualizfd st-rvicc, we take living space all on the 1st floor Dream kitchen w. fireplace. quaUty cabinets, random width oak flooring, and the most don’t spur th(‘ time to lislfii to all your real modern of appliances available. 24' cedar solar room, 32' estate needs. So. when your "Qreat Room" with a beautiful view of the Lookout Mount­ ain and a brook through a 12' bay window, formal dining TlW i thinkitif; ol real estate, think room and 3 huge bedrooms. Extras such as central air and is pessimistic vac. Intercom A telephone In every room and a 3 cargaragel quick action ahoul us! Call for private showing "WE GUARANTEE OUR HOUSESI" .646-2482 WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE 3 bedroom, 2 bath Ranch In South Farms. Immacu­ Thitikinfi ol sidling; — your late condition Florida room. deck. etc. Barry Baskcrville, a tenant In a four-family home with us. Our Af-enev will -WE GUARANTEE OUR HOU8E8r...646-2482 house on Spruce Street, said today he has failed in about budget repealed appeals to town officials to gel building fiet von the results you want. ‘‘WE GUARANTEE OUR HOUSES!" code violations corrected at the quiekly. easily am lastle free. Baskervillc said he has tried repeatedly lo get By Elaine S. Povich ’’Morning News " program today. the owner of the lo complete reconstruction Blanchard & Rossetto € g ) United Press International Domenici said, ’’We re not imm;l- Dee Wolf. Nan ey von Hollini. \'alaire Chase, Shirley Sehoenhu r(>er COMMERCIAL CREDIT work on the front porch, started more than two 646-2482 lure. Wc understand that we don’t years ago. He also said that the electricity in the Seated .loyee (1 Kpslein. Del) Owens RNANOAL NETWORK WASHINGTON - With hiidgi-l want the chaos that’s going lo REAL ESTATE 189 Weil Center SI. corner ol McKee St. Senior Cttiieni Oiscounti house was inadequate, wilh loo many units on the Fr.ilun* of lhi> Woi-k P.nd hv ihi- hrster Hrr.tld v: negotiations virtually collapsed. result from no budget and there same electrical panel, that there are no shut-off Senate Budget Committee Chair­ will be chaos So, we’ll try valves in the plumbing, and that water is leaking in man Pete Domenici said today he something” the house, which is located at 124-126 Spruce St. in in/ Lindsey Real Estat was pessimistic of a revival and a But when asked when the confe­ the downtown area. Reagan administration spokes­ rees would resume negotiations, Manchester General Manager Robert Weiss, 519 Center Street man attacked Congress for being Domenici said. who has met with Baskcrville. said this morning he afraid to face more spending cuts. 'HRVAI ^ irr.xl Manchester, CT 06040 "At the moment I’m very V 4 il will check on the matter immediately. He said he The talks between House and pessimistic, but I would say that if was under the impression that repairs to the house 1 ^ 649-4000______Senate negotiators broke off Wed­ the House really is at their bottom were being made. nesday in an atmosphere of heated line, if they’re not going to cut Weiss said it may be necessary for the town lo charges, many directed at the some more domestic programs relocate the tenants, have I he repairs made and bill White House budget compromise that arc not poverty programs ... if the owner of the house. Stanley Ogrodnik of II M formulated last week in an altcmpl they’re not going to do that, then Bates Road. to bring the parties together wc’ro not going lo get a budget ” The town Building Department has suggested in "N«w UitlRf” "We’ll call you back as soon as While House chief of stuff the past that the town make the repairs and charge MancliMtar $144,900 we have something to talk about," Donald Regan, in a podium­ the owner, but the Board of Directors has Porter Street area, cuatom four a bitter Domenici said after an pounding attack on Congress, told bedroom Colonial. Den, sun discouraged the move. porch, 2 fireplaces, rec room, unusually disagreeable session. a breakfast meeting of the U S. "I may have no choice but lo do it. ” Weiss said, vinyl sided, and nice flat lotll In an interview on the CBS Chamber of Commerce the im­ describing the condilion of the house us Don't misa this unique homel passe is "ridiculous” "intolerable” ’’The Congress is about to recess Russell Davidson, chief building inspector, said for the summer at theendof July, ” this morning he had made several unsuccessful Reagan he said. ”Al the current rate, attempts in the past few days to contact the owner. they'll have no budget at all. " A Herald reporter could not reach Ogrodnik today SOUTH WINDSOR Regan, who has assumed major either at his home or his office. Enjoy the large In-ground pool that goes with this charming 8 room Co­ "Country Sotting A powers at the White House since The question of incompleled work on the front lonial. 4 bedrooms, (amlly room. 2'4 baths, large lot. $129,900 ELLINGTON COLONIAL the president has been hospital­ porch of the four-family house was called to the Convoniont Location” ‘feeling ized, argued that if the problem is This 8 room, 4 bedroom home is in very nice attention of town officials in June by Robert condition! Approximatey 4 acres of prop­ South Wlnd8or SllO'o not dealt wilh the administration Faucher, who lives in the area. Faucher wrote a erty, 2 car garage, aluminum sided, 2 full On new seven room Ralshed would be unfairly blamed for the letter complaining about what he termed neglect of baths, cathedral ceilings in living and din­ Ranch, apacloua family room, great’ growing deficit "Who’s racking up the property. ing rooms. A lovely MUST SEE home! three nice bedrooms, 2 R, DR, deficits?" he asked. "Who’s not 1^* Baskcrville said this morning he had recently ESK, deck, patio and many being responsible? ” discussed his complaint with Weiss and had been A s k in g ‘ 184,900. other fine featuresi See this By Helen Thomas “No budget has been passed by U&R REALTY CO. great homel referred to the building inspector. United Press International the Congress," he shouted, charg­ STRANO REAL ESTATE ing that lawmakers refused to face About three weeks ago, Davidson said he had 6 4 3 - 2 6 9 1 l.',(, f. ( KMKH s r , M\V:ilK.MKIt, cr. WASHINGTON - Placed on a more spending cuts. talked to Ogrodnik. who said he would resume work ^Robert D. Murdock, Realtor liquid diet that features Popsicles ’They’re afraid lo come to grips on the house. CALL TODAY - 647-SOLD^« and Jello, President Reagan said with that and I challenge them to Today, Baskcrville said only three days’ work Hut Number 1 to work tor you.^ today, "I’m feeling great, ” and do it,” he told the crowd of about have been done in the past three weeks. arranged to meet with his national 400 business leaders, encouraging Davidson confirmed today that there are housing security adviser Robert McFar- them lo push for cuts. Herald photo by Tarqutnlo code violations in the building. OFt:Cr HOURS nzi'-VT AVTOHF'/ s.-.- n r .-.t '. AV T" i->.‘ 243 MAIN STREETsMANCHESTER lane while recuperating from his "If you don't speak up now, it will Baskcrville said the Building Department has 647-8400 . A . , TJ ______fTt 643-1591 cancer surgery. be loo late in 48 hours,” he said. given Ogrodnik some time to make the repairs and 168 Main Street, Maneheater In a written press statement, "That conference is teetering. It Cooling the haulers "then some more time and some more” Sines VERNON CIRCLE • VERNON deputy press secretary Larry could well break off” About three weeks ago, Ogrodnik applied for a Don Jackson Rosemary Viola Jackaon THE KUMD COMIVvS-, | | n 1 1 , . M(1 ( i . i r t i r n .s 871-1400 Speakes said the president ”is in But despite his calls for a Charlotte Carter, left, and Amanda Hamm are probably wishing for a nice new permit to complete work on the porch and Bob Kiernan Richard Bialeck Chris Corcoran good spirits and began the day by solution. Regan also insisted that Davidson said he would allow some latitude if work reading the newspapers,” in his taxes not be increased and re­ tall glass of water from the cooler they're hauling at Camp Merrie-V\/ood. The girls are part of Brownie Unit One and that five-gallon container will progressed on the project suite at Bethesda Naval Hospital. pealed there is only one answer to Baskcrville today, and Faucher, in his June 13 He said Reagan arose early after the problem: "Cut federal spend­ provide water tor hand-washing and drinking tor the unit. The Girl Scout letter, both said they fell that the condition would sleeping through the night and was ing. Cut federal spending. Cut day camp is at 650 Gardner St. About 240 girls will attend the camp this not be allowed lo continue if it were in a more examined at 8 a.m. EDT by his federal spending ” prestigious area of town. doctors, House budget conferees said the summer. "Vital signs are excellent and his While House and Senate leaders recovery continues unimpeded," torpedoed the budget conference Speakp^said. by "moving the target” several He said Reagan’s breakfast times. Those changes included menu included clear liquids and he President Reagan’s rejection of a GNP rate slower than forecast STADDLEBROOK FARM N »w LI$Ung N 0W L M In g is continuing to walk around his Senate-passed version that would Manchtalar $104,900 South WIndaor $131,900 suite. have scrapped Social Security By Denis G. G ulino said. final sales increasing 5.1 percent, I Andover, CT 2-famlly home with two complete modern kitchens and Spacious, 9-room home with many cuatom features. economy, not just consumers. A very unique propiTtv offering lots of charm A privacN T NEW LISTING!! "I’m feeling great," Speakes cost-of-living raises next year, United Press International Last year’s first half grew al a much of it was still satisfied by Kxcellenl investment properlv! t-3 Room \pts.plun single batha In Immaculte condton One of tha units has 3 Flrat-floor family room, 2'A batha, 4 bedrooms, formal The report showed again the Room Ranch wilh separale gueisi collage anti appro quoted Reagan as saying. after he had accepted it. 8 famiK m rear. Great condilion, super income. Don't miss rooms with a huge living room. The other has 5 rooms dining room, spacious living room, 1it-lloor laundry vigorous 8.6 percent rale. imported goods, the figures influence on the economy of the aerra. Trotil Hiream. wihl flowern and Io I h. lo ts nr all together o ut ( j II us today!! Offered al I160/K)0. room and a beautiful Vermont marble fireplace. The president’s visitors list Senate leaders denied the accu­ WASHINGTON - The nation’s To reach the administration’s showed. delay in income lax refunds from Offered by Jackson A Jackson al $173,000 included his wife, Nancy, who sations, charging it was the gros.s national product limped current forecast for 1985 of 3.9 The 1.7 percent in the the first quarter to the second visited the aircraft carrier USS House’s fault the talks were not along at a 1.7 percent annual rale percent would make necessary a GNP was in inflation-adjusted quarter. Adjusted for inflation, America off the coast of Maryland progressing because the House in the second quarter, slower than blistering second half growth rale dollars. In dollars not adjusted for disposal income dropped 1.6 per­ Wednesday, and White House chief refused to make significant budget expected despite strong sales and of 6.9 percent, and that was inflation, the value of all the cent in the first quarter and then, III of staff Donald Regan. cuts. Budget conferees have been weaker imports, government considered hardly likely, accord­ nation’s goods and services was as refunds began lo arrive in bulk, Reagan is expected to remain al trying to reach agreement for economists said today. ing lo forecasters in an out of $3 853.) trillion, 4.6 percent higher .shot up 9.3 percent in the second the hospital through the weekend. nearly six weeks. The figure was far short of the 3.1 government. than the first quarter. quarter. AtabreakfastmeetingoftheU.S. A recuperating Reagan and percent "flash” estimate issued Because imports diminished The broad measure of inflation Chamber of Commerce, Regan congressional leaders had hoped late last month and was also below during the' second quarter, the reflected by the government’s said he had spoken with the for agreement by the week’s end lo the 2.5 percent that most leading trade figures were not as much a "implicit price deflator" was Ju»tR»due»d M aw L M In g president and Reagan was "up and gel the spending blueprint through forecasters anticipated burden on the economy as in the running at a rate of only 2.8 percent Inside Today Manchostar $06,000 Manchaatar $156,900 rarin’ to go this morning” both chambers by the start of the The combination of the nearly first quarter. Instead businesses, in the second quarter, after a 5.4 CHFA ASSUMABLE MORTGAGE!! SPACIOUS & GRACIOUS!! Spacious Colonial In ultra-dealrable Forest Hills area Regan said the president was monthlong recess Aug. 2. But that imperceptible 0.3 percent advance seeing customers carrying fewer One floor living is hard to heal! Fidl haHenienl. fireplace, Exceptional 6 Room Ranch on nark-like lot in verv desira­ Colonial with large rooms, firsplaced living room gar­ Firsplaced Ut-floor family room, 4 bedrooms 2'/i percent rate in the first quarter. __ 12 Obituarle!. nice lot, energk efficient and it's priced in the mid 70's, age. formal dining room and let floor laundry and "not only in great spirits, but he’s hope appeared lo be dimming, in the first quarter and the second American-made products out the An accompanying price mea­ Area lown9 . ___ 2 Opinion ble neighborhood. (!Iean as a whistle’! Offered in lh e ^ )’s beautiful patio. batha. In-ground pool, Jacuzzi and 3 rooms downstairs Cltiiified.^ .18-19 Peopletalk. Including rec room. been watching the Humphrey Domenici, H-N.M., said he would quarter’s weaker-lhan-expecled door, sharply reduced their inven­ sure, referred to by government ComIC!. . 0 SportA_ Bogart movies that have been try to formulate a new budget to rebound meant the entire January- tory purchases. economists as the GNP fixed- Entertainment__ 12 Televialon . playing this week" on a local present lo the conference but was June first half eVpanded only 1 While overall demand in the weighted price index, showed a 3.8 Lottery — - 2 Weather _ television station. extremely pessimistic. percent, government analysis economy remained strong, with percent inflation rate for the whole Joyce G . Epstein 349 EAST CENTER ST. ______MANCHESTER (fff_ 7 r«__ 16., Onluij^ Pick itf) iho Realty 647-8895 phono niul (dll WHERE THE INDIVIDUAL GETS ATTENTION = Scope of firehouse petition drive spurs questions JACKSTON-SHOWCASE 646-I:II6 By Alex Glrelll ^ be convinced” appears unlikely in view of the during a general election in which system is designed to avoid a predicted this morning the Repub­ Come to Herald Reporter If he is not convinced. Penny stand the six Democrats, who only voters could vote on the problem if the decision is that only lican drive is "going to backfire on EAST HARTFORD $79,900 said, "I’ll take the question to control the nine-member board, firehouse question. , town fire district voters have a say. them .” NEW ON THE MARKETI Spotless and well maintained 6 room Cape Merlborough Country That procedure would involve The petition drive stemmed In move-ln condition with 2/3 bedrooms, dining room, all The question of who would be litigation." have taken so far. He called attention to what he appliances Including dishwasher, washer & dryer plus lovely yard "U * Dutch Colonial with 214 eligible to vote on whether the town Kevin O’Brien, the town attor­ If the directors merely allow the having separate machines for that from a resolution passed hy the said were “after the fact con­ Call tor details. ___ 643-4060 should sell its firehouse in Buck- ney, said this morning he has not 45 days in which they can act after question in those voting districts Republican Town Committee last cerns" over the petition by Ronald Mvmgroom and master bed- land is being studied by officials made a decision about what receiving a petition to lapse, the which include both residents of the month Osella, the Republican who is '“ "y •PPlUnced kitchen, while the Republican Party pre­ opinion he will issue on the matter. town clerk cannot call the fire­ Eighth l.'tilities District and the The Eighth District has tried lo coordinating the petition drive. lat floor family room and base­ house election m time for Nov. 5 fire district. I- ment rec room, sliders to palto pares to circulate petitions to force In anticipation of the question buy the station but has been On Wednesday Osella said that rirdwood dack and Inviting a vote on such a sale. about who can vote, the Republi­ Town Clerk Edward Tomkiel Stevenson said he planned to rebuffed hy the Democrats on the two questions must be addressed in Manchaatar Reduced for Quick Sata tax uon The tirehouse, located on Tol­ cans plan to use two colors for their and O’Brien both said today that check with the office of the Board of Directors. The station connection wilh the proposed fire­ Newly dacoratsd and remodeled 6 room. 2 bedroom 2 b a th ^ iJ e ^ land Turnpike, is owned by the petition forms — one lo be used in Town Charter provisions for popu­ Secretary of the State to sec was built during the late 1970s house sale. One is whether there whether that can be done legally. IVte'ihwfn*^ * thopplng. Call today to7prl- Town of Manchester Fire District the Eighth Utilities District and lar initiation of legislation, which while the town and district were will be job security for paid and non by the town as a whole. one to be used in the town fire are in Section .3-10. do apply lo The town fire district disputing in court who had the firefighters in the Town of Man­ That fact has raised the question of district matters involving the Town of all residents of Manchester who do right lo provide protection in chester Fire Department and the SOUTH WINDSOR $ 99,500 Put Number 1 to work for you.” whether the vote should he res­ The district fire department has Manchester Fire District. But not live in the Eighth District, an Buckland, the northwestern sec­ other is whether adequate fire JUST LISTEDI Estate aettlemenW Spacious 7 room Raltad Ranch with 3 trict^ to the residents of the town the right lo provide fire protection neither was ready to say whether independent fire and sewer author­ tion of Manchester protection will be provided in the bedrooms. 2 batha. 2 fireplaces, family room and 2 car garage Needs fire (mthet. around the station. But the peti­ only voters of the town fire district ity whose territory is north of The district won the court suit in Bryan Farms area in the northeast some coamstics. Call lor an appointment. 643-4060 Stephen Penny, leader of the tions seek lo force the town to sell would be eligible to cast ballots on Middle Turnpike. 1978, corner of town. The area is served Democratic majority on the Board the station lo the highest bidder firehouse sale question. More recently, plans by the from the town’s Buckland station. M eneheater of Directors, said today it is his over $400,000. Herbert Stevenson, the Demo­ ASKED WHO HE THOUGHT district to build a satellite station Penny said the fact that the FREE MARKET EVALUATION , Juat Listed personal opinion that only voters cratic registrar of voters, said might be eligible to vote, Donald on Tolland Turnpike two lots west questions only come up now is Immaculate 6 year old H. Ranch, who are in the fire district sould be THE SALE QUESTION cannot today that it would be technically Kuehl, vice chairman of the of the town station have contrib­ evidence of a lack of preparation vinyl sided, llreplaced family permitted to vote. he put on the town election ballot possible to hold an election in Republican Town Committee, this uted lo the tensions that continu­ on the part of town Republicans. teem, 3 bedrooms, plus beee- Penny, a lawyer, said he will this Nov. 5 unless the majority of which only town fire district voters morning called it a "sticky legal ally mark relations bet,ween the Penny said the Republicans ment bedroom and rec room, the Board of Directors voluntarily question." M anchM ttr hardwood floora, ahows one await a legal opinion by the town partiepated. It also would be town and district. never gave any thought to (ire REAL ESTATE SERVICES Where else will $62,900 boy you's large 't' $92,900 owner pride In landecaptatg and attorney, but added: "I’ll have lo decides lo put it there. That possible lo hold the referendum He said tin- two-color petition MAJORITY LEADER PENNY protection in Bryan Farms. large bright kitchen, formal dl ' ” bedrooms. 2* baths, central air custom reeturas. lAiBO 63 East Center St., Manchester, 643-4060 plus pool and tennis courti ■ finished rec room. All this 1985 — 3,. t — MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. July 18. 1985 DOT officials say ‘countermeasures’ planned on Route 6 Summer courses canceled Manchester it has available. Though the DOT In brief build back up again shortly after expressway, saying it may pose an By Kevin Flood The proposed changes met wilji sense to lower the speed lim it," he has much more money than it has alternative roads are built. environmental threat to both Con­ Herald Reporter little opposition from the approxi­ said. "Most courts don't even want had in previous years, he said, as students fail to register to see anyone unless they were necticut and Rhode Island. Ber­ Paperwork buries town clerk mately 30 residents who turned out man predicted that state and such projects as bypass lanes and ANDOVER — State Department for the meeting at Andover Ele­ caught going at least 15 miles per new intersections must wait either ONE OF THE MOST VOCAL federal officials may not decide By Susan Vaughn The other five courses offered for and the "College for K ids" for Fiscal 1985, which ended June 30. was the of Transportation officials met mentary School. The residents hour over the speed lim it." because they have to be put out to speakers at the meeting was South whether or not to go ahead with the Herald Reporter that age group which had to lx- about four years. busiest year in the town clerk's history. Some with area residents Wednesday mainly seemed concerned about DOT statistics indicate that only bid or because the money for them Windsor attorney Jon Berman, a project until the 1990’s. "That’s canceled were introduction to Advertising for the programs 7,900 documents were recorded, conqiared with evening to outline plans for up­ finding ways to keep cars and a small percentage of traffic on has been set aside in a future representative for the Eastern why we need to come up with more Summer courses offered by Spanish, calligraphy, nature and was done through a brochure 7,400 the previous year, according to Town Clerk grading Route 6 and to listen to trucks from speeding along the Route 6 falls into that category, Connecticut Citizen Action Group. long-term solutions to the prob­ budget. Manchester Community College the arts, drama and theater distributed with the college’s tab­ Edward 'Tonikiel concerns about safety along the two-lane road. Peace said. He added, however, Berman repeatedly asked Peace if lems on Route 6 now," he said. "But you don't have too long to have not proven as popular this games, and word processing. loid of regular summer credit Although the office no longer keeps an road. that state officials {Ban to make the wait," Lazarek said of the repav­ year as they have in the past, and In addition, many adult non- programs. The brochure was aLso accounting of the different types of documents, The DOT officials said they plan variety of speed limits now posted he knew how the accident rate along Route 6 compared to other ing program. "It'll all be done by some of them had to be canceled credit courses had to be canceled placed in public places throughout most of those recorded were house transfers. to build bypass lanes, rebuild “ I WONDER IF YOU KNOW the along the road more uniform. BOLTON FIRST SELECTMAN next spring. That’s a promise” He for lack of interest. for lack of enrollment. the town, Perna said. Tomkiel said. He attributed the large number of intersections, and install traffic percentage of trucks that go less Several people at the meeting highways in the .state. Peace replied that he had no Douglas Cheney said h'e wanted to said the section between Bolton Beverly Perna, coordinator of They included courses on per­ house sales in the town to the lower interest rales signals in several spots along the than 75 miles per hour on Route 6," suggested that a proposed express­ In contrast to the courses offered know why the DOT plans to begin Notch and the Andover town line non-credit programs for the col­ sonal computers, conversalional on mortgages. "It’s both a buyer’s and a seller’s lO'A-mile stretch of the road joked William Hutchinson of way that would run parallel to such statistics on hand. by MCC, other summer enrich­ When Berman persisted. Peace the work — particularly the has already been done, while the lege Community Services Div­ Italian, Spanish for travelers, m arket." he said. between Bolton and Route 66 in Andover. Route 6 would help alleviate ment programs for students were repaving — in scattered spots section between Route 87 |n ision, said today that it has been picture framing and matting, Fees collected by the town clerk tins p.isl year Columbia. They said they also plan "Since most of that road runs speeding along the road and said only: "W e think some of the filled. Courses were offered by along the road. "W hy not just begin Andover and Route 66 in Columbia "an unusual summer" in that the horse care, writing, makeup, fa­ were $22,700 more than the previous year’s fees of to repave and better illuminate through a residential area, it provide an alternative route for the changes we are planning will be both the Lutz Children’s Museum effective countermeasures to the at one end and go straight through will be done this fall. The remain­ same enrichment courses that shion and aerobics. Courses that $243,800 •— the highest amount the office had nearly all of the road. seems strange that the average large trucks that now travel the and the public schools. to the other end?" he asked. ing middle section in Andover will often have been filled in the spring did fill up were word processing, collected, Tomkiel said DOT traffic engineer William speed limit on it is only five miles road. traffic problems on this road.” With the current schedule. Che­ be done next spring, he said. and fall and in previous summers m ini-travel, biofeedback and At the Lutz, an employee said the Peace said much of the work will an hour less than it is for an Deputy DOT Commissioner Wil­ Berman said later that the ney said, the DOT runs the risk of Lazerek said this morning that did not attract students. American Indian art. 30 or so classes were swamped and be concentrated on the section of interstate highway," said Don liam Lazarek told those present DOT'S proposed changes are only blocking traffic at two ends of the he is not sure when all the Perna said she had no explana­ Perna said this summer’s pro­ had to be limited to museum New students should register Route 6 in front of the Andover Forcash, who also lives in that the proposed expressway — If "Band-aid” solutions to the road’s road — where much of the initial improvements will be finished, tion ot why the courses did not gram was the biggest the college members. Students in grades 10 through 1’2 who will be Shopping Center and Columbia's Andover built — would eliminate much of problems. "W e need a more work will be done — and prevent­ adding that larger projects such as has attempted, but that low At Manchester High School, transferring to Manchester High School in town dump, fn both places, he said, Peace replied that lowering the the truck traffic on Route 6. but comprehensive plan for Route 6,” catch on. ing use of the middle section. the Route 316 intersection ’’are Typing for teens and pre-teens enrollment will force the Commun­ about 60 students, age 10 and over, September should make an apiminlmcnl during the DOT plans to build bypass speed limit on the road probably would only have a temporary he said. "It has problems that Lazarek told Cheney that the probably a year or better away.” was the only course in the "College ity Services Division to reconsider were enrolled in five two-week the summer to register and meet with a counselor lanes to alleviate congested traf­ would not solve the speeding effect on the overall volume of require much more uniform and department’s priorities in the He also said DOT officials are still for Kids” program which was its offerings. The adult programs courses, said Peter Boudo, coordi­ fic, The DOT also plans to reBiItfd^ problem. "Unless you've got peo- traffic on the road. Past expe­ comprehensive soiutions.” by culling Carol Hunt al 647 :1.537 improvement program depend lar­ uncertain of the total cost of the filled this summer. Perna said. for many years nator of the summer program. the intersection of Routes 6 and 316 'T>le going way over 55 miles per rience, he said, has shown that The ECCAG has been battling At registration, the students must present a the DOT over plans to build the gely on the money and manpower improvements. year-end report card from the most recent school in Andover, he said. hour^it really doesn't make much traffic on older roads begins to they have attended or have ,i tr.inscri|)l Crestfleld problems go on forwarded to the high school prior to the appointment. A lranscri()l is re(|Uired (or Weather students entering grade 12 I’ rool of immiiniz.i P^ppletalk lion must also be provided Raise denial called punitive Students who have left MILS and wish to return in the fall register and see I’ rincipal Jacob Today’s forecast Ludes during the week of Aug 19 To make ;in Marion revisits Norman appointment with Ludes. they should call I’al Producer back to school Connecticut, Massachusetts W orkers at the Crestfield- labor complaint against the home. Relations Board in Washington, Garoppolo at 647-3.5,30. Call him Professor Papp. The most famous guest of the Bates Motel and Rhode Island; Sunny today Fenwood nursing home on Vernon ’’We’re going to demand that DC. W ilcox said em ployees at Appointments should be made bi'lween 9 a m Broadway producer Joseph Papp will be returned to the "Psycho" set Tuesday. except partly sunny on Cape Cod Street plan to petition manage­ they give us a response this time.” Crestfield-Fenwood have tradi­ and noon or 1 and 3 p.m , Monday through joining the faculty of Florida State University in Janet Leigh, who played Marlon Crane in the and the islands. Highs in the 70s ment for an annual raise that they Wilcox said. A previous petition tionally been given across-the- Thursday and until 2:30 p iii on Fridays the fall, coaching original "Psycho" 25 years ago, visited the on the coast to the mid 80s inland. say was denied this year because calling on owners of the home to drop challenges to certification of board raises each July 1. When student actors and Universal set where Anthony Perkins is making Mostly clear tonight. Lows in the they voted to unionize the union and begin negotiating employees asked the administra­ directors and lec­ "Psycho III” mid 50s to mid 60s. M ostly sunny District hosts demonstration Tracy Wilcox, a nurse’s aide at with employees went unanswered, tor of the home this year about the turing on the "I didn’t fare too well the first time I was here,” and warm Friday. Highs 85 to 90 Crestfield-Fenwood. said Wednes­ she said. raise, they were told that an About 55 firefighters from five departments theater. Leigh said, recalling her character’s bloody except in the mid 70s to low er 80s Papp was busy in demise at the hands of Perkins’s Norman Bates. day that workers will present the Workers at the nursing home attorney for the home’s owners watched a 3'/i-hour demonstration Monday night on Cape Cod and the islands. had advised that no raise could be New York, oversee­ Perkins is the director of "Psycho I II ” as well administrator of the home today voted lust December 46 to 40 to on centrifugal pumps for fighting fires Maine and New Hampshire: ing his production of as its star and is using the same Bates house that with a petition signed by about 90 have District 1199 represent them granted until the case before the The demonstration was given by Heinz Gee of Sunny today. High in the 70s to Shakespeare's was seen in the earlier "Psychos” employees asking forthe raise. If it in contract negotiations. NLRB was settled. the Wuterous Co of South St I’aul, Minn . a mid 80s. Clear tonight. Low 50 to "Measure for Mea­ is not answered, she said, However, the nursing home’s Gary Spieker, the nursing maker of pumps and other firefighting sure," but made an 60. Sunny Friday but clouding up members of the New England owners have challenged certifica­ home’s administrator, could not be equipment. appearance at the in the afternoon north. High from Health Care Employees Union, tion of the union. That case is now reached for comment this Gee spoke on the use, care, and maintenance of Tallahassee news the mid 70s to near 90. District 1199, will consider filing a pending before the National Labor morning. centrifugal pumps, the type of fire pum() most conference by Love In the soap Vermont: Sunny today and commonly used in this part of the country means of videotape. Friday. Clear and cool tonight. He used a special demonstration truck " I ’ve always taken What makes soap-opera characters fall in love? Highs today in the low and mid equipped with various pumps in the the theater se­ Whatever will keep viewers interested and 80s. Lows tonight 45 to 55. A bit Lydall reports earnings up demonstration riously," he said. producers give it a great deal of thought. m ore humid Friday with highs in Sunny and warm again The demonstration was held in the Mtiin Street "It must have a "Conflict is good in the beginning but you hope the mid to upper 80s. firehouse of the Eighth Utilities District Fire the audience can see through the conflict” and Today: Sunny. High 80 to 85. Wind north around 10 mph. Tonight: basis, the earnings translated to 38 1984. Department Firefighters from Hartford, East social function. It Mostly clear. Low around 80. Light and variable wind. Friday: Mostly Lydall Inc. of Manchester has must serve people realize the characters are meant for each other, announced second-quarter earn­ cents, compared with 30 cents per The company, which has head­ Hartford, Vernon. North Coventry and the sunny and warm. High In the mid to upper 80s. Saturday: Partly Heralfj photo by Pinto — all people. I think Al Rabin, supervising producer of "Days of Our Extended outlook ings that were 27 percent greater share during the comparable quar­ quarters on Colonial Road, manu­ district attended / Lives," told TV Guide. sunny. High 85 to 90. Today’s weather picture was drawn by Allen factures specialty fiber materials I ’d like to pass this Extended outlook for New than those during the second ter in 1984. Tom Palmer, casting director of CBS’s "The Boutin, 10, of Rachel Road, who attends Robertson School. The second-quarter earnings and elastomer and fiber compo­ on.” Joseph Papp England Saturday through quarter of 1984. Young and the Restless,” says "physical On the move came on slightly lower sales than nents for industrial use. It had Cavey’8 has to Improvise Papp will get a Monday: The company earned $1.1 million chemistry" also is important. Palm er said in in the same period the previous sales in 1984 of $102 million. salary of $60,000 and plans to donate it to the New Connecticut, Massachusetts Justin Smith of Manchester iooks for during the quarter that ended June Although the two Cavey's restaurants on some cases an actor can have too much sizzle, as 30, compared with $879,000 in the year. Lydall had sales of $27.5 The company reported that Its Center Street are open for business after being York Shapespeare Festival, which he runs. and Rhode Island: Partly cloudy some adventure Wednesday while at " I don’t think we can have a better person on evidenced by Ashley Abbott, played by tall, torrid second quarter of 1984, company million in the second quarter of this Fiber Materials Group had an closed for two weeks, renovations to the bar and Saturday. Chance of showers our campus representing the whole of theater Eileen Davidson. Globe Hollow Pool with his mother. The President Millard H. Pryor said in year, compared with sales of $29 especially strong second quarter, lounge will not be completed (or at least another and thunderstorms Sunday and than Joseph Papp," the school’s theater dean. Gll He acknowledged difficulty in casting someone 14-month-old lives on Ridge Street. a news On a per-sKare million in the second quarter of with record sales and earnings in week, according to owner-m;inager Steven Lazier, said. "H e is first and foremost the most who can play effectively against Abbott. "She Monday. W arm with highs in the May. Cavagnaro Jr. successful theatrical producer in the world. He’s tends to eat up her leading men," he said. 80s and lower 90s Saturday and "We have had to im provise," Cavagnaro sid been called the most important force in American Sunday and in the upper 70s and Wednesday. The downstairs service bar will be theater and possibly world theater today.” 80s Monday. Lows in the 60s. used as both a bar and ;i service area for both Vermont: Warm and humid Town home for girls to get more state money restaurants until the lounge renovations are with a chance of thunderstorms completed, he said Saturday and Sunday. Highs in New Hope Manor Inc., a residential from $21.20 to $24.73 a day. The increase said. The money comes in addition to a facility’s directors, and state Rep. Cavagnaro said he hopes the lounge and a new A lot of lacocca the 80s. Dry and cooler Monday. treatment facility for adolescent girls means an additional $8,000 this year for $67,000 grant received earlier this year James R. McCavanagh, D-Manchester, private dining room will be open for business by Bantam Books printed the 2 millionth copy of Highs in the 70s. Lows in the 60s with alcohol or drug problems, has the Hartford Road facility, he said. from CADAC, he said. Senatore said. next Wednesday. Quote of the day Chrysler Chairman Lee lacocca’s book, ’’la­ through the period. received some good financial news, its The actual cost of housing and The additional DCYS and CADAC New Hope’s total budget this year is The extensive interior renovations - estimated New Hampshire and Maine: executive director said Wednesday. treating each client has been pegged at funds will help pay for an expanding over $300,000, Senatore said. The to cost more than $100,000 — involve uncovering Middlesex, N.J., prosecutor Alan Rockoff, on cocca: An Autobiography, ’’ Wednesday, just nine Chance of showers north and fair Executive Director Vincent Senatore more than $30 a day. program that is now at capacity, he facility has operated at a deficit for the an old fieldstone fireplace in the lounge, us well as the actions of seven teenagers charged with using months after it hit the bookstores. That makes it south Saturday. Chance of show­ said the Department of Children and New Hope also has received an said past two years, but its Board of providing for the new dining area. A new lighter their home computers to exchange stolen credit the first adult non-reference, non-fiction hard­ Youth Services has decided to boost its additional $19,000 from the Commission New Hope is a residential treatment Directors has never considered closing menu will also be introduced in the lounge when it card numbers and information on making free cover to have that many copies in print in 33 ers Sunday. Clearing north and rate of reimbursement for each client on Alcohol and,Drug Abuse, Senatore facility for adolescent girls between the it or reducing the staff, he said last is reopened. long distance telephone calls, and to call coded years. chance of showers south Mon­ ages of 12 and 18. It is currently at month. phone numbers at the Pentagon: The only other books to pass the 2 million figure day. Lows in the 50s to lower 60s. SatalUte view capacity with 15 girls living there. New Hope is one of only two "Though it may sound like a copycat of (the are "Power of Positive Thinking” by Norman High in the upper 70s and 80s. Commerce Department satellite photo taken at 4 a m. EDT shows The DCYS and CADAC are among the residential facilities in the state that movie) ’WarGames,' things like this are Vincent Peale, "Jonathon Livingstone Seagull," clouds producing scattered showers and thunderstorms from the facility’s three main sources of funding. specializes in the treatment of adoles­ happening in our society ” by Richard Bach, and Margaret Mitchell’s "Gone Fire Calls With the Wind." Across the nation Southwest to the upper Mississippi Valley. The most Intense The other source is fees from boards of cent girls with alcohol and drug For the Record thunderstorms are present over Nebraska. Scattered light showers education in towns that send students to problems, he said. Thunderstorms will be scat­ dot the QuK states and the Gulf of Mexico. Monday, 12:19p.m. — medical call, 42 Paramedics). New Hope. The facility’s directors are currently tered from upper Michigan Monday, 6:31 p.m. — electrical fire, "Our major funding people have planning a major fund-raising drive Robert Turcotte, a dispatcher for the Eighth District across the northern half of the Virginia Road CTown). Monday, 2:17 p.m. — medical call, 41 81 Mountain Road (Town). come through," Senatore said. that will tap both the business and Fire Department, has announced his resignation His plains. Scattered, mostly after­ first name was listed incorrectly in the Herald Center Street (Town) Monday, 9:48 p.m. — service call. 26 The facility’s DCYS reimbursement residential community, Senatore said. noon and evening showers and Monday, 3:09 p.m. — car fire. Thompson Road (Town). is re-evaluated each July 1, he said. The CADAC and DCYS funds will make Tuesday and Wednesday. thunderstorms will reach from Interstate 84, between exits 60 and 62 Monday, 11:46 p.m. — medical call, Although New Hope was due for only New Hope’s financial picture a little bit Florida and southern Georgia Lee Ann Mullen has been elected secretary of F)ngine (Eighth District). 215 Hillstown Road (Town). about a 6 percent increase this year, brighter in the meantime, he said. across the Gulf coast region and Monday, 6:05 p.m. — medical call. Tuesday, 3:24 a.m. — false alarm. 102 more was obtained through the efforts "It really turned around quickly," Co. 1 of the Eighth District Fire Department. Her over the southern two thirds of 226C New State Road (Eighth District, Colonial Road (Town). of Theodore T. Cummings, one of the Senatore said. name was spelled incorrectly in Wednesdtiy’s Herald. the plateau and the central Rockies. Most of the nation will have high temperatures in the 80s and 90s. Highs w ill be in the 60s and 70s along the Pacific coast with the 70s over North Dakota, northern Minnesota and parts of New England. Tempera­ tures will climb to near 100 degrees over northern and west­ GOODPRKL ern sections of Texas with readings between 100 and 105 degrees across inland portions of mon.-9at $AM-$ MM; $un, i AM • 6 [^ ;> ljSHOWtWS^ fJow California and the desert uei WEATHER FOTOCAST ® southwest. FREEADVKL I USDA CHOICE BEEF LOIN BONELESS National toracaat High and low During early Friday morning showers are forecast for parts of the Unlike many discount and fast photo stores. The Camera Shops are SIRLOIN STEAKS...... *3.29. The highest temperature re­ Central Plains, the upper Mississippi Valley and parts of the Great ported Wednesday by the Na­ Lakes region. Also, parts of the southern Atlantic coast states. staffed by camera professionals Vvho know and enjoy photography. tional Weather Service, exclud­ Elsewhere, the weather will be fair. Minimum temperatures will Get the answers to your questions at The Camera Shops. 1 VANITY FAIR UPl photo ing Alaska and Hawaii, was 110 Include (maximum temperatures In parenthesis): Atlanta 71(90), degrees at Bullhead City, Ariz. Boston 05(87), Chicago 70(87), Cleveland 63(07), Dallas 75(90), J PAPER TOWELS...... 2/*l Today In history Today’s low was 41 degrees at Denver 63(84), Duluth 54(78), Houston 73(93), Jacksonville 73(87) SAVE OH EVERY O U T M P U S IN STOCK! Jackson and Yellowstone Park, Kansas City 71(89), Little Rock 71(93), Los Angeles 63(72), Miami 77(86), Minneapolis 65(83), New Orleans 74(93), New York 09(88), NEW EASTERN SHORE ALL PURPOSE On July 18, 1938, Douglas Corrigan Wyo., and Cutbank, Mont. X California after a flight from New York. Phoenix 82(104), St. Louis 70(93), San Francisco 54(71), Seattle OLYMPUS OMG w/Olympus SOmm FI.8 lens earned the nickname "Wrong Way" He was photographed with his plane at 59(90), Washington 71(91). /. / WHITE POTATOES...... ^ 1 . 4 9 l 0 l b . bag ^ when he landed in Ireland instead of Floyd Bennett Airport in New York. SALEI $ 169.95 Lottery Manchester Herald Fastest, strongest, lightest, brightest SLR In lu clast. Choose auto­ n HOOD Richard M. Diamond, Publisher matic or manual exposure control. ORANGE JUICE...... * 1 . 6 9 . , . . r Almanac O M P C w/ O lym pus 50mm FI 8 lens S A tfl SI9 9 95 1 Penny Sadd Mark F. Abraitis OM25 w/ Olympus 50mm FI.0 lens S A tfl S249 95 Connecticut daily Associate Publisher OM4- Body Only S A tfl $399 95 Business Manager SEALTEST Today Is Thursday, July 18, the On this date in history: special panel on Central America Wednesday: 150 AFL Autofocus SALii $129 95 1 199th day of 1985 with 166 to follow. In 1938, Douglas Corrigan policy. USPS 327-500 VOL. CIV, No. 244 The moon is approaching its first earned the nickname "Wrong In 1984, Walter Mondale won the Play Four: 1361 Free Introductory photography course and i ICE CREAM (all flavors)...... *1.79. ,.i 1 quarter. W ay" when he landed in Ireland Democratic presidential nomina­ Publlshtd dallv except Sunday Suggested carrier rates are W.20 coupon book worth $100 when you btiy The morning stars are Venus, instead of California after a flight tion by acclamation. A gunman and certain holidays by the Man­ weekly, SS.12 for one month, S1S.35 ariy 3Smm SLR camera. Mars and Jupiter. other numbers drawn Wed­ chester Publishing Co., 16 Bralnard tor three months, $30.70 for six NATIVE from New York. opened fire at a McDonald’s Place, Monchester, Conn. 06M0. monthsand $61.40for one year. Moll The evening stars are Mercury, In 1940, President Franklin D. restaurant in San Ysidro, Calif., nesday in New England: Second class postage paid ot Man­ rates are available on request. Sale ends Saturday! Mars and Saturn. Roosevelt was nominated unanim­ killing 21 people — the worst New Hampshire dally: 7400. chester, Conn. POSTMASTER: GREEN BEANS------...... 6 9 C |b . Those bom on this date are under Rhode Island daily: 5007. Send address changes to the Man­ ously for a third term with Henry one-day slaughter by a lone chester Herald, P.O. Box »1, To place a claultled or display the sign of Cancer. They include Wallace as his running mate. They assailant in U.S. history. Rhode Island weekly: 171, Manchester, Conn. 06040. advertisement, or to report a news WESTFARMS • farmingion • S?l /lO / English novelist William Make­ won In November. 3400, 00304, 0T7007. Item, story or picture Idea, coll CtDNNECIICUI 317 Highland Street GUARANTEED DELIVERY. If 643-2711. Office hours are l : X a.m. WE THERSFIELD • S^6 Silas Deane Hwy • S^9 peace Thackery In 1811, comedian In 1936, the Spanish Civil War Maine daily; 000, 7401. you don’t receive your Herald by 5 to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. CROMWELL • Cffxnwell Square • CX)^0 Manchester HARTFORD • 10/ neari Swrei • JfH 8f>94 Red Skelton in 1913 (age 72), began with an army revolt led by A thought for the day: Novelist Vermont daily: 700. p.m. weekdays or 7:30. a.m. Sotur- MASSACHLfSE T TS HIGHLAND PARK MARKET | dav, please telephone your carrier. NEW BRITAIN • 6S Mam Sheer • 2?^ 0/00 actress Harriet (Hilliard) Nelson Francisco Franco. William Thackeray said: "T o see a Massachusetts Megabucks: 3- AMHERST • 9B Pleasant Sheet • 4>Si 10 J9 646-4277 If you’re unoble to reach your The Manchester Herald Is a NEW HAVE N • 14> IS C riapei Sheer • /H/ J99fl in 1914 (age 71), astronaut-senator young couple loving each other is HOLYOKE • InqiesKJe Mall • S J / l*>flT* In 1977, Vietnam was admitted 7-14-00-00-35. carrier, call subscriber service at subscriber to United Press Interno- SMS0URY • I ^^6 HopmradtTW Sheet • 6*>8 M 9 / John Glenn In 1921 (age 64), and 643-2711 by 7 p.m. weekdoys or 10 N O R TH A M P T O N • 4»19 M am Sheer • SH4 (A )*0 as a member of the United Nations. no wonder; but to see an old couple Massachusetts daily: 0500. tlonol news services and Is a V t K O N O Tfi City P ia /a » 8 /l /09i' actor James Brolin in 1942 (age a.m. Saturdays for guaranteed member of the Audit Bureau of COOOPMCLfREEAmnCL SPRINCiflELD • Baystaie W eV • / T9 4 4 9 / In 1983, President Reagan loving each other is the best sight Massachusetts weekly: Yel­ delivery In-Manchester. • Naiiqaux h Valley M all* /SS n * 2 43). of all." Circulations. named Henry Kissinger to head a low 455, Blue 07, White 3. MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursday. July 18, 1985-----^ « - MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursday. July 18, 1985 Visit to ship iifts first iady’s spirits Balloons and services to remember POWs and Ml As in Connecticut U.S./World In Brief The keynote speaker for the A priv ite memorial service will HARTFORD (UPI) - Thou­ part of the nationwide observance. More than 800 people are ex­ U.S. possessions Although the most attention has ceremony will be Edward J, be held at the Chapel on the sands of balloons will be released "We want people to realize there pected to attend the program, centered on soldiers who didn't Giering of Clinton, state com- Thames at the submarine base in Women’s confab a battleground into the air and people will gather are people missing and the only which will include a presentation return from Vietnam, Bruning mandi r of an organization of honor of the nine Navy men from She hopes case for services Friday as Connecticut way to do that is to have of the colors, followed by speeches the state listed as missing in action NAIROBI, Kenya - President Reagan came under attack and the release of balloons repres­ said the ceremony is to remember former prisoners of war and a remembers those soldiers who are ceremonies," said Dominic Ro­ in Vietnam. from delegates from the Soviet Union and other communist enting prisoners of war and people people missing in action or held veteran of World War II and the reported missing in action from mano, state adjutant of the Vete­ Korean and Vietnam wars. In Shelton, 2,463 red. white and nations on the third day of the U.N. Women's Decade conference will alert others the nation's wars. rans of Foreign Wars. listed as missing in action. prisoner in all wars, "This is for all wars," he said. Ceremonies also are planned blue balloons one for each of the that has turned into a political battleground. Gov. William A, O'Neill has "We feel it's very important," Michael Bruning. chief volun­ soldiers missing in action in Virtually every delegation that took the floor Wednesday spoke tary service officer at the 180-bed "Unfortunately I think (people Friday at the Veterans Adminis­ By Norman D. Sandler designated Friday as National said Romano, who will attend tration Medical Center in West Vietnam will lie released at of political issues, frorti South Africa's strict racial separation POW-MIA Recognition Day in the ceremonies planned Friday after­ medical center, said one balloon think most of the Vietnam War) United Press International because it's the most recent war Haven, the U.S. Navy Submarine Riverview Uark A black balloon policies known as apartheid to the treatment of Palestinians in state and events are planned at noon at the U.S. Veterans Adminis­ will be released for each of the 39 action that we've had in this Base in New London and in the will tie rele.ised (or iiiissiiig from areas occupied by Israel. veterans hospitals, a submarine tration Medical Center in state residents listed as missing WASHINGTON - First lady Nancy Reagan, her country " town of Shelton. other w.irs Soviet delegates blasted President Reagan's "Star Wars" spirits lifted by a daylong visit with 5,000 men at .sea. base and in at least one town as Newington. and one for each of the states and anti-missile program, and representatives from Afghanistan says she hopes her husband's medical problems will said Washington was mounting "a genocidal war" against its raise the nation's consciousness about cancer. Soviet-backed government. During a visit Wednesday to the USS America, a Vietnam accu.sed the Washington of aggression around the 78,500-ton aircraft carrier some 20 miles off the coast world and the Chinese delegation condemned both the Soviet of Maryland, the first lady described President Union and the United States for "bullying" smaller countries like Reagan as “ very upbeat" and discussed his condition Afghanistan and Nicaragua for the first time, "He's fine. I'm fine, everything will be fine," Mrs, Reagan told reporters during a brief exchange that Cease-fire takes hold in Beirut occurred along a line of flight-ready F-14 Tomcat fighters and A-6 Intruder attack planes. BEIRUT, U'banon - Christian and Moslem militiamen Just four days after doctors removed a cancerous exchanged artillery, rocket and mortar fire in a firefight that growth from his lower intestine, the president raged for 10 hours before a cease-fire put an end to the fighting "cannot wait to go home," Mrs. Reagan said, adding early today, military sources said. she was doing her best to ensure he has a thorough President Amin Gemayel told vistors to the presidential palace recovery period. the battles along the Green Line of bombed-out buildings that Mrs. Reagan never mentioned the word "cancer" m separates Moslem west Beirut from the Christian eastern sector but said she hoped the president's case has helped ; "resem bles a burning fuse which can set everything ablaze ‘ alert other people to the disease "I think it has, " she The fighting stopped only after a third cease-fire gradually said. "I hope it has. " took hold at dawn, apparently after top-level contacts involving i Because of the publicity given her husband's case, Syrian army officers supervising implementation of a security Mrs. Reagan said more Americans are consulting plan in Moslem west Beirut, government sources said. their physicians "about this sort of thing. Her advice for other families? "Go early for a African leaders at summit checkup," she said. The tour of the America, replete with demonstra­ UPl photo ADDIS ABABA. .Ethiopia — With violence flaring in South tions of naval firepower, warm welcomes from the Africa and famine threatening millions of people on the crew and a serenade from the ship's chorus, came at First Lady Nancy Reagan tries on a flight jacket during her Thursday continent, African heads of state gathered today for the 21st what Mrs, Reagan called "the right time" in her own tour of the aircraft carrier USS America. Capt. Richard Allen helps her annual Organization of African Unity summit. recovery from the emotional impact of the surgery with the jacket. The summit was expected to concentrate on economic issues last weekend. but has taken on a political tone with strongly worded resolutions on South Africa, where blacks — 70 percent of the population — "This is great therapy," she told the ship]^ officers shortly after her arrival. To reporte^ are denied even a token voice in government. Nancy agrees with doctors remarked, "It's an upper." In advance of the summit, the Council of Ministers of the Mrs. Reagan was accompanied by Navy Secretary 50-nation OAU passed resolutions Tuesday night praising the John Lehman and her brother. Dr. Richard Davis, speculation continues that White House U.S. Congress for voting to impose sanctions on South Africa and WASHINGTON (UPI) - Nancy Reagan who was credited by an aide to the first lady with being physicians should have recommended a criticizing President Reagan's "constructive engagement" says she goes along with what the "doctors "very helpful " to her "through this whole thing — this more thorough checkup when doctors found policy toward the white minority government in Pretoria. say" and believes in the privacy of the ordeal with the president." doctor-patient relationship. the first of two polyps in the president's intestine. Amid the briefings, tours, meals and displays of The first lady also said she thought the president's intestinal cancer surgery will Police hunt more ‘hackers’ naval weaponry were constant reminders of the The New York Times reported today that prove "helpful to other families," by president's health. a Navy doctor who examined Mr. Reagan NEW BRUNSWICK. N.J — Authorities investigating the stressing the importance of "thorough The crew presented Mrs. Reagan with a huge card said a team of doctors recommended in alleged illegal use by youths of home computers for free bearing the message "Get Well Soon Mr. President." checkups." Mrs. Reagan made the remarks Wednes­ March that Reagan receive a thorough telephone and information services will examine 9 million signed by thousands of the 5,000 sailors and airmen examination of his colon as soon as possible. computer discs in their search for more suspects. aboard the ship. "If that doesn't get him well." she day during a tour of the USS America, an Middlesex County Prosecutor Alan Rockoff said Wednesday said, "nothing will." aircraft carrier located 20 miles off the coast The Times said Dr Walter W. Karney, an seven youths used their computers and electronic "bulletin Later, as the USS Pharris, a fast frigate assigned to of Maryland. internist at Bethesda Naval Hospital who boards" to exchange information obtained without authoriza­ the America, pulled alongside and fired a salute from As for second-guessing the doctors on coordinates the president's physical exami­ tion, including codes that would cause communications satellites its 5-inch gun, its commanding officer asked Mrs. whether the president should have had a nations, claims the examining team called T to “ change position" and possibly interrupt intercontinental Reagan by radio to pass aloqg the best wishes of his complete intestinal examination earlier. for prompt action in March communications. crew to their commander in Chief. Mrs. Reagan said, "I go along with what the According to thu Times. Karney said Dr. I Prosecutors said more arrests may be made. Investigators other doctors say." "I will," she replied. '^He'll appreciate it. 1 Edward Cattau, a member of the examining still had "six more computers and 9 million floppy discs" to look appreciate it." “ You have to understand," she said, “ I'm team, had "strongly urged" that Reagan be through. As Mrs. Reagan spoke to reporters for the first time a doctor's daughter. My father never given a colonoscopy "as soon as possible." since the president entered the hospital last Friday, believed he should talk about another her words at times came haltingly . The exception was doctor's case." Her father was the late Dr. The White House denies the military lucres rejects talk delegation her firm response to a question on whether her Loyal Davis, a prominent Chicago doctors who examined the president made any urgent recommendation for an exami­ JERUSALEM — Prime Minister Shimon Peres rejected a list husband remained in full command of the White neurosurgeon. nation of the president's intestinal tract by of proposed members for a Jordariian-Palestinian delegation to House while hospitalized. Some of those "other doctors" disagree on colonoscope. Middle East peace talks, and his foreign minister urged the "You bet, " the first lady shot back the quality of the president's care, and United States to give up its bid to renew peace efforts. Foreign Minister Yitzhak Shamir told Israel television Wednesday Washington should give up initiating contacts MISSES’ between the joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation and the First space products United States. "I think the United States government and the King of Jordan should abandon this path," Shamir said. “ They should return to are tiny piastic beads FOUR • FAMOUS MAKER SPORTSWEAR • PANTS the King's highway — in a double sense — of direct negotiations • T-TOPS • WOVEN SHIRTS between Israel and Jord a n " WASHINGTON (UPI) - Eight products likely to come along soon. • SKIRTS • SHORTS • MISSES’ & PETITES’ * SHOES & SANDALS companies, a government agency Beggs said, are pure drugs "to DAYS and a university have made the fight age-old diseases," perfect • COORDINATES • DRESSY BLOUSES DRESSES & SUNDRESSES Moscow sends NATO warning first purchase of products made in crystals larger than any made on (Misses' swimwear not included) MOSCOW — Moscow marked the 40th anniversary of the space — millions of tiny plastic Earth, thin films for industrial Potsdam Conference that set Eastern Europe's postwar borders beads to be used as microscopic uses and new alloys. ONLY! by warning that any move to alter the East-West dividing lines "yardsticks." The polystyrene beads are 10 JUNIORS’ would be "fraught with the danger of a new w ar." The spheres are so small 18,000 microns — about one-2,500th of an could fit on the head of a pin. Foreign Ministry spokesman Vladimir Lomeiko Wednesday inch — in diameter and are more The National Bureau of Stand­ accused the West of violating the Potsdam agreement by spherical than any that size made ards announced Wednesday that it on Earth. allowing West Germany to rearm and warned against any move We found a beautiful has sold 29 vials of spheres for $384 The spheres were made aboard to unite Germany. DRESSES a vial, or $11,136 for the lot. Each the space shuttle Challenger by a SHORTS • WOVEN SHIRTS • SKIRTS "Any attempts to loosen the territorial and political realities of vial contains about 30 million of the chemical process developed by Dr. • KNIT TOPS • RELATED SEPARATES the postwar arrangement in Europe undertaken by militarist way to retire. • PANTS “ mlcroballs" and the government John Vanderhoff and assocFates at Thursday (Juniors' swimwear not included) and revanchist forces in the NATO countries mean undermining has 571 vials left. Lehigh University in Bethlehem, As a Cooenant Village Chaplain as through the foundations of peace in Europe and are fraught with the The proceeds will be split by the Pa. Perfect spheres the 10 micron being well caled for ourselves. well as resident, I feel I have a danger of a new war," Lomeiko said, National Aeronautics and Space size are virtually impossible to Aside from the ample facilities double reason to recommend this there is the satisfying relationship Sunday MEN’S Administration, which manufac­ make on Earth because of the tured the spheres, and the National retirement community to others. with the staff and fellow residents. interference of gravity. My wife, Tena. and I enjoy being July 18-19-20-21 Walt would have been pleased Bureau of Standards, which mea­ This makes our life here so satisfy­ Stanley Rasberry, chief of the able to reach out to others and at ing and complete. sured and packaged them for use ANAHEIM, Calif. — Walt Disney would have been pleased by bureau of standards' reference the same time we are assured of Rev. John C. Bengtson as reference standards. materials office, said they will be the 30th birthday bash at his fantasy land. "This material is the first of Fireworks, light shows, electrical parades and more than useful in helping manufacturers • DRESS & CASUAL SLACKS • SILK TIES what we expect will be a long line of keep particles within specifica­ • TROPICAL SUITS 30,000 mouse-shaped balloons provided afn explosion of color as products to carry a made-in-space tions. The space spheres will be • SPORT COATS • SPORT, KNIT, & DRESS SHIRTS • SHORTS & SWIM TRUNKS Mickey and Minnie Mouse greeted some 80,000 visitors from label." said NASA administrator In 1886 the Evangelical Covenant Church opened its first used to calibrate instruments for caring community in Chicago. Today, nearly 100 years later, • SHORTY PAJAMAS • TANK TOPS around the world to the 24-hour party at Disneyland. James M. Beggs. measuring the size of particles in • OUTERWEAR Among other promising space the products. not-for-profit Covenant Village Retirement Communities have spread throughout the United States and have grown to include 12 completely self contained retirement commu­ YOUNG MEN’S nities serving over three thousand retirees with Christian fellowship and care. Ear-piercing. Retirement at lovely, modern Covenant Village of Crom­ well provides a beautiful life-style. Your apartment is mainte­ It has to be done right. nance and care-free. A strong sense of security is present at SPORT & KNIT SHIRTS • SWIM & ACTIVE SHORTS • CASUAL SLACKS • SPORT COATS And we have the professionals all times. Continuing health care is available at all times. Fully prepared dinners are served daily in a comfortable cen­ to do yours. tral dining room. At Covenant Village of Cromwell you enjoy CHILDREN’S personal freedom to pursue any interest you desire but most important, you share your retirement with others who have • GIRLS’ 4-6X, 7-14; Infants & Toddlers your interests, faith and heritage in a beautiful environment • KNIT SHIRTS & SHORTS of meaningful Christian fellowship. To obtain additional in­ • LIGHTWEIGHT OUTERWEAR • SUNDRESSES • SWIMWEAR formation about Covenant Village of Cromwell please call »8“.Saturday July 20 collect or fill out and mail the coupon below. • BOYS’ 4-7, 8-20 • SWIMWEAR & ACTIVEWEAR • SPORTSWEAR • SLEEPWEAR You can have your ears pierced by a licensed • KNIT, SPORT, & DRESS SHIRTS • DRESS & CASUAL SLACKS • SUNSUITS • SHORT SETS medical nurse. It's done with 24-karat gold plate non-allergenic surgical stainless steel earlngs. INTIMATE APPAREL

A continuing care retirement community owr>e(j ar>d operated by The Evangelical Cover>ant Church. The Place: 7 8 5 Main St., Manchester • PETTIES • SLEEPWEAR • ROBES • LOUNGEWEAR 643-8484 Covenant Vllage of Cromwell MH716 The Time: Saturday July 20 52 Miislorwry Road. Cromwell, CT 06416 203 635 2690 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Please serxl Information to: YEARS Parental consent required lor persons under 18 Name • FAMOUS MAKER JEWELRY 25% off all earrings Street • BELTS • SCARVES • SUNGLASSES • HANDBAGS • PURSE ACCESSORIES • COSTUME JEWELRY All plerced-Mr ttylet and you can choose from City State MOST D&L STORES OPEN MON. THROUGH FRI. NIGHTS AND SUNDAYS 12 TO 5 our entire stock. Tailored ball and hoop atyle for z ip ---- Telephone Corbina Corner, Meriden, New I^ndon and Crystal Mall also open Saturday nights. (New Britain open Thurs. night only and closed Sundavs) daytime, dramatic drops for evenings, all at great • CORBINS CORNER • MERIDEN • AVON • VERNON • MANCHESTER • BRISTOL • NEW BRITAIN • GROTON ^ savings. Sale prices effective thru Sat. July 20. • NEW LONDON • CRYSTAL MALL • D&L FOR CHILDREN, VERNON • D&L FOR CHILDREN WETHERSFIELD A MEMBER OF TME AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF HOMES FOR TNE AGING. WASH., DC MANCHESTER HERALD. Thur«dav. July 18. 1985 - 7 t - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday, July 18, 1985 Richard M. Diamond, Publisher Douglas A. Bevins, Managing Editor OPINION James P. Sacks. City Editor i t TvTi k ’) i : r V ' Freedom for all irrelevant to pack Jack W liability of less than $10,000 and turned it into a We Americans are fond of saying "It's a free guilty verdict and 18 months in a federal Anderson country." and of course in many important prison.” respects it is. But we really ought to stop kidding ourselves that we are, culturally speaking, THE COMIC THING is that, according to the especially tolerant of unorthodox views. On the William government’s theory of the case. Moon — whose contrary, holding and expressing them can take worldwide Unification Church owns and a lot of courage in this Land of the Free. Rusher manages businesses involving hundreds of Back in the 1920s, not long after the Palmer millions of dollars — conspired to evade $7,300 in Raids, H.L. Mencken remarked that he felt taxes over a period of three years. AFTER INVENTORY positively sorry for his communist Or take the still more recent experience of L. T rickery all acquaintances, "because at any moment they Ron Hubbard's Church of Scientology, one of may be swinging from a convenient tree." those California whatizzits that has taken hold Closer to our own time, membership in the John sentence meted out a couple of years back to and spread around during the past 30 years. In goes to waste Birch Society in the early 1960s was a one-way Rev. Sun Myung Moon. 1979, with her mother’s permission, a young ticket to social ostracism as far as a large Hatch, who is one of the Senate’s ablest legal woman in Oregon joined this church, allegedly because she had been promised it would improve segment of liberal (and therefore smugly minds, is chairman of its judiciary committee's WASHINGTON — Call it "Shootout at the 0|L' subcommittee on the Constitution. her mind and her eyesight. Nine months later “ tolerant” ) opinion was concerned. Dump.” But our severest social penalties are reserved In a letter to the noted Washington attorney she was "deprogrammed” by the notorious Ted for the holders of novel religious views. Joseph Edward Bennett Williams, he pointed to "what Patrick at her mother's behest and sued the Two giant waste-disposal companies and their hired Smith, who founded the Mormon Church in New to my mind is an alarming pattern of general church. A Portland jury recently awarded her a guns are dueling in the press and in hearing rooms across the country, trying to influence the Environ­ CLEARANCE! York in 1830, had to take his followers to Ohio intolerance on the part of our government cool $39 million — quite obviously with the mental Protection Agency. Each side has accused the All Sunglasses, and then to Missouri to avoid persecution. From toward Rev. Moon and his church. This great intention of doing the world a favor by putting ^ Select Group Missouri they fled to Illinois, where Smith and country of ours prosecuted a man of the cloth on the Church of Scientology out oHousiness other of misrepresentation and other dirty tricks — Suntan Lotions, ^ of Luggage his brother, Hyrum, were jailed on charges of a very dubious charge of tax avoidance and took altogether. ^ and each insists the other started it. Oils & Sunscreens precious few, if any. steps to safeguard our own Years ago on "Meet the Press," saucy little treason. On June 27. 1844, a mob of armed men The unseemly mud-slinging involves a matter of 4.88 to 66.72 Name brandsi stormed the jail and killed them both. The cherished concepts of religious freedom in the May Craig asked the late John L. Lewis why he serious public interest — how best to get rid of Ortg,'7.74to 88.97 •Opt! Ray •Foatar Grant process. We charged a non-English speaking wouldn’t condemn Jimmy Hoffa. Mormons moved on, to find peace at last amid dangerous industrial wastes. But the tactics used Name brands! Samsonite, •Jordache *Jacquar the tawny hills of Utah. alien with criminal tax evasion charges on the "Because I ’m not a joiner. Miss Craig, ” Lewis both sides are attempts to distort the democratic American Tourister and I *BBln De Solell •Sea & Ski first tax returns he filed in this country. We replied calmly. "The pack is after Jimmy Hoffa, process. Here’s the story uncovered by our associate Universal Trav-lor, I •Cbppertone & more. THAT, NO DOUBT, is one good reason why didn't seek a civil penalty as an initial means of and I’m not going to join the pack." Corky Johnson: •Httermidlate markdowM taken. Not a t ^ ft colora tn atl atoraa. Not all Items In ali ataree- Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah, who is himself a redress, We didn’t give him the benefit of any May I always have the guts to follow his The EPA is considering the disposal of hazardous ft|pra ateck only, no ralnohaeka. Store stock only, no rainohecks. shining example. Mormon, has given careful thought to the prison doubt. Rather, we took a novel theory of tax wastes by burning them at sea in special incinerator ships, instead of burning them on land, and other disposal methods. One of the rival firms. Waste, Guest editorial Management Inc., has the capability to incinerate at Flannel Sheets Vinyl-Wrapped sea. The other doesn’t. Folding Chair Twin Rat or A OkCk Fitted, Reg. 8.99 S ' WASTE MANAGEMENT’S RIVAL, Rollins Envir­ Reg. 19.99 . 1 3 b9 7 Assorted solids and prints. onmental Services, operates several land-based With colorful plastic arms, •Full Flat or Fitted ^ incinerators. Obviously, if EPA were to decide that braced patio tip lags plus OurReg. 11.99...... 0.99 Live Aid: ocean incineration is the wave of the future, Rollins" durable &sturdyPvC tubing. I *Queen Flat or Fitted _ 27% OFF Vlnyl-Wrepped would be hurt. Our Reg. 13.99 ;....8.99 Folding Chalae So Rollins hired former Rep. Tom Evans, R-Del., '•P illow Cm o * (2-Pk.) Our Rag. 36.99 .88 Now resuits now a Washington lawyer. Evans in turn hired ' Our Reg. 8 .9 9 ...... 4.99 National Strategies Marketing Group, a Washington political consulting firm run by Walter Mondale’s former deputy campaign manager, Robert Beckel. Live Aid was a smasher. Estimates of the ‘Genesis’ Vinyl Strap proceeds vary widely. Telethon pledges in Beckel set up a telephone bank to make calls tol Solid or Print PVC Stacking Chairs residents of Brownsville, Texas, one of the ports where' response to the Philadelphia-London twin Our O O EPA is thinking of putting a dock for loading Piisciiia Curtains concerts may reach $50 million, organizers EXAMPLE: Reg. 49.99 . £ > 9 a 9 f incinerator ships. FANS, DEHUMIDIFIERS CALCULATORS Full contoured seat & back,: say. An umbrella of 14 satellites beamed the According to the phone script we obtained, Beckel‘S“ 96"x84' 4 0 O O Reg. 28.99.. I O i9 9 AND AIR CONDITIONERS plus wide PVC frame and show to some 1.5 billion people in more than solicitors said, “ Hello, this is (name of caller) calling ; •TEXAS INSTRUMENTS Slide Rule tri-tone color combinations,* Dress up yqpr home & save. Calculator #TI35II, Reg. 21.70 1 6 .7 0 140 countries. for the Alliance toSave the Ocean. ’ ’ The "Alliance” is a ■ •GALAXY 9" Desk Fan _ _ _ 34% OFF ’Qenesls’ PVC . Made of machine washable #2156C, Reg. 14.97 9 .9 9 • CASIO Hand-Held Printing paper organization created by Beckel. The caller 1 fabrics for easy care. Calculator #FR90/95, Reg. 24.97 1 9.8 8 Stack Chaise The hoped-for reunion of the Beatles didn’t would urge residents to help stop EPA’s plans to buriil •GALAXY 9" Oscillating Fan . . _ _ Our Rag. 99.99 ...... 8 6 8 •134 fteeea per store, no ralncfteeka. #2154, Reg. 19.97...... 1 4 .9 7 happen. But members of The Who got back "highly toxic PCBs" off the Brownsville coast. .X •GALAXY 12" 2 Speed Box Fan together in London, asdid Crosby, Stills, Nash Beckel also sent agents to cities where EPA plannetf" #3712, Reg. 19.97...... l 0 . 7 U CLOCK RADIOS, RADIOS and Young at JFK Stadium in Philadelphia. to hold hearings. The Beckel operatives offered their • GALAXY 12" Deluxe Fan n A -ri\ & CASSETTE RECORDERS And in the first satellite transmission of rock help as consultants to citizens’ groups that were '.‘4 ’ #2152, Reg. 29.97 ...... ^ 4 . f\J All Nylon-Llne ‘ music from Moscow, a band called Autograph opposed to ocean burning. •GALAXY 20" Wind Machine _ _ • AM/FM Digital Clock Radios Malf Price on #3521, Reg. 34.97 ...... Z / .4 U Orig.- 17.9910 24.99 1 4 .7 0 to 1 9 .7C Electric Trimmers played. Sue Ann Fruge of the Gulf Coast Coalition said the Beckel agent did not reveal that he was working on Ail SIMPLICITY •GALAXY 9" Window Fan • AM/FM AC/DC Cassette l^corders #2122, Reg. 32.97 ...... 2 7 .4 0 Orlg.’ 49.99 to 64.99 3 4 .7 0 to 3 9 . 7C 19.9 7 » 4 7 .8 8 The huge international telethon is still behalf of Rollins. The coalition rejected the outside Patterns, TALON Our Reg. 24.99 to S9.99 , help anyhow. Fruge said her group had organized a ,”' • GALAXY 16" Window Fan •AM/FM Cassettes with another reminder that space-age technology Trims and Zippers #2155, Reg. 49.97 ...... 3 9 . 7 0 Headphones, Orig." 39.99 ...... Ea. 2 9 . 7C Featuring Black & Decker, ^ turnout of 6,000 angry residents at an earlier EP)^ can serve to forge links between peoples and 50% off Talon trims • HOLMES 6" 2 Speed Desk Fan _ _ _ •AM/FM AC/DC Dual Paramount and Toro. hearing and she resented industry’s paid gunslingersr;, cut by the yard only. #HATF-6, Reg. 12.97 ...... 7 .9 9 Cassettes, Orig.’ 99.99 ...... Ea. 5 9 .7 C EXAMPLE; BU CK A DECKER nations, and create the sense that there is butting in. 10' Dahixa Trtmar, Rag. 49.90 NM tnMMM* M W v m M .. L*vlRo«ll • HOLMES 7" Oscillating Fan •AM/FM Phono Cassette n r indeed a genuine world community. or ftebyfdn atorsa. #HAOF-7, Reg. 16.87 ...... 1 0 .7 0 Players, Orig.’ 99.99...... Ea.5 9 .9 : Attar 810 Rabata*, . . 29.99. Washington Window *Sea ^erk far datirita. But there's one obvious question as the dust IN SAN FRANCISCO, Beckel created the Oceaa'i •h o l m e s 12" Oscillating Fan _ _ _ •AM/FM Phono Cassette Tourism Council, and hired two consultants to drum u'p' #HAOF-12, Reg. 27.97 . . : ...... 1 9 .7 0 Recorders, Orig.’ 99.99 ...... Ea. 7 9 .9 : settles. What’s the eventual fate of the funds? support from the tourism industry. The consultants •PATTON 14" High Velocity Fan Bob Geldof, the musician who masterminded also testified on behalf of the "Council” at the EPA #UZ-1485, Reg. 54.97...... 4 2 . 7 0 the event, says that because ticket sales and hearing, without disclosing that they were connected' All NON-STOP •EDISON 25 Pt. Dehumidifier TELEVISION SETS & VIDEO All Frisbees corporate sponsorship covered the $4 million House delegations’ votes to Rollins. Watches #DHE25, Reg. 219.99...... ^.187 CASSETTE RECORDERS by WHAM-0 •G.E. 4,000 BTU Air Conditioner i staging costs (let’s hope so), all pledged Beckel said he sees nothing wrong with his lobbying and Novelties #AT604, Reg. 259.99 (Not m Nr •tat«). . S209 •RCA 19" Diagonal Cable-Ready Color TV techniques. Meanwhile, Waste Management was money will go directly to relief: Food, •G.E. 4,000 BTU Air Conditioner #FJR465, OurReg. 389.97 ...... * 2 9 7 i.ii»4.4r.^ chronicling Beckel’s moves in a background paper it medical supplies, farm equipment. « 2 » 8 7 7.5 EER #AT204, Reg. 269.99,...... ,S219 • PANASONIC 25" Diagonal Console Color TV OurReg. 1.49 to 5.99 can usually be predicted distributed to congressional committees. •G.E. 5,000 BTU Air Conditioner Our Reg. 2.97 to 9.97 #CTF2502, OurReg. 549.97 4 49 .9 7 Family fun at the beach, Africa needs help. It is the only region of the But Waste Management hired its own political #AT505, Reg. 289.99 (Noi m nv naia). . $238 Choose from handy stfck-on •PANASONIC VHS Video Cassette Recorder park Of anywhere. Includes world where food production is losing a race Bv Robert Shepard as many as six conservative Connecticut delegation where the consulting firm to promote the ocean incineration view clock, chiciets, wa tte s, pen • G.E. 5,000 BTU Air Conditioner Pocket, Odyssey & Master, 7.5 EER #AT905, Reg. 299.99,...... ,$248 #PV1225, OurReg. 379.97 2 97 .6 0 Cto9rs&9 swr9ttookwWytoe» lwrkHtis. with population growth. It is 150 years behind Democrats frequently side with three Democrats and three Repub­ at EPA hearings. Telephone banks were used and watch, travel alarm & more. Stock up & save over 30%) 'Intermediate markdowns have been taken Clearance— store atock only, sorry no ramchecks Europe in health care — and getting worse. WASHINGTON - Voting on the GOP. licans frequently vote alike, taking operatives were sent to the five EPA hearing cities to -'■A seek support. Will the Live Aid money actually reach its issues large and small, the 435 Texas is one of the states where the Democratic view more often In addition. Waste Management paid the travel intended beneficiaries? Emergency relief has members of the House find them­ Democrats in recent years suf­ than not. selves arrayed in all sorts of fered the intense embarassment of Maryland’s six-member Demo­ expenses, including some hotel bills, for about 15 All Car Seats had a mixed success record in Africa. Success people who appeared to testify in favor of ocean Ail 4-Pack combinations and patterns, but seeing one of their members, Phil cratic delegation often splits 4-2, Glassware Plus is generally impeded by politics, corruption one of the most persistent reflects Gramm, formally abandon the with Reps. Beverly Byron and Roy burning. None of the speakers mentioned that the 15.19.. 55.19 and inefficiency. The last two require the various slates they represent. parly and become a Republican. Dyson reflecting the conservative company was paying their expenses. Clipper Glasses Our Reg. 18.99 to 98.99 Companies doing business with Waste Management constant vigilance. Political obstruction, as Currently there are 252 Demo­ . He later moved on to the Senate. nature of their districts and voting and Stemware For infants and toddlers. also gave their support. The president of a Mexico City evidenced by the Ethiopian government’s crats and 182 Republicans in the It was that kind of voting pattern with the state’s two Republicans. Meets all state/led. regs. waste-disposal firm, for example, testified in favor of continuing effort to sabotage the humanitar­ House (and one vacant seat). that produced the label "boll Delegations from the country’s 144»1549 EXAMPLE: Those political ties weigh heavily weevils.” a reference to southern heartland show interesting diver­ ocean incineration—withoutdisclosinghiscompany’s Our Reg, a.19 to 24.99 GERICO ‘Quardlan' ian aid flowing to ’’rebel ” areas, must be ties to Waste Management. when it comes time to vole on conservative Democrats who sity in their votes. Name brands! Libbw. Our Reg. 69.99 __S5.19 identified and decried in every world forum In an interview with a Mexican newspaper, two headline issues such as defense, sided with the GOP in President Anchor Hoddng and Durand, Cieereitoet Srere moi until, out of sheer shame, those blocking the Waste Management employees were described as SANYO Deluxe Compact Some noor modeto. t the budget, or foreign affairs, but Reagan’s first term. IOWA REPUBLICANS fre­ swr. Mwk «iiy: M> r*MM)i*cttt. ALL SMALL APPLIANCES AND help get out of the way. party loyalty varies from state to The 11-member Massachusetts quently split 3-1, with liberal Jim officials of a trade association. Acompany official. Bill . MUcrowave Oven 6 4 O O delegation is solidly Democratic, Brown, said it was a mix-up caused by the language FLOOR-CARE APPLIANCESI ^ Live Aid was spectacular. To make it a state. In some states that loyalty is Leach voting with the state’s 0«rlllirri79.»7 ...... with the exception of veteran Democrats. The six-member De­ barrier. ", -afNirin. timer with aulo-off. Hi-visibllity see- Choose from: General Electric ^ ' spectacular success, those who attended and fanatical, while other delegations seem hardly aware of their party. Republican Rep. Silvio Conte. But mocratic delegation from Missouri A Waste Management official estimates that the Select Group of thru door; 0 6 cu. ft. capacity. #EM1 103 •Hamilton Beach aProctor •Sunbeam those who pledged should insist that their Conte, who is the senior Republi­ often sees Reps. Ike Skelton and company spent about $250,000 on the EPA hearings. •Conair •Sassoon •Pollenex •Norelco Hand-Woven The California delegation is the ! Cookware Seta . •ISO OFF SANYO Deluxe 1 .SjCu. Ft. Micro­ money is put to effective use. can on the powerful House Appro­ Harold Volkmer siding with Re­ •Hoover •Eureka •Regina •Dazey, more Maize Auto largest in the House and as such its wave Oven #EM3522, Rag. 299.70.. $ 2 4 9 priations Committee, has a habit of publicans on defense or foreign £x«cuf/v« nwmo 27.d9toiS9.99 UmN6|to»»>ewi; semefkXKesmplM . Stem slockonfyt weletnctiecIn. a*l« H*mt not indudM. Slock Mock only: no roinotioekk. Seat Cushions \ representatives might be expected voting like a Democrat, which issues. Our Reg. 39,99 to W.«» < ’ — New York Daily News to show more diversity of opinion The Secret Service has added upthecostof providing Our probably explains why he has been Pennnsylvania’s 13 Democrats A wide choice of atyles) and independence from party protection for the presidential candidates during the Rag. 0.99 4.89 re-elected so often in a state that is are a fairly liberal group, but Rep, positions, but on the big issues both long campaign that began Nov. 11,1983, and ended qp Comfortable and stylish! \ so overwhelmingly Democratic. John Murtha can often be found 25%OFFAIIWolc8(8ts SELECT GROUP OF Durable: maintains shape. the 27 Democrats and 18 Republi­ Inauguration Day 1985. The service spent about $25 7.49to2ft.24 Cteereneei ttor* atocii only. Bony. M rakwfiMRa, V voting with Republicans on key million In primary and election campaign security for LIFESTYLE FURNITURE cans usually vote the party line. PARTY LINES are unshakable Owlto9>9'Jtoto34.M ' defense or foreign affairs issues. the hopefuls; $2 million for the two national The New York delegation, with in some smaller states. If Oregon’s 't/ '-s' EXAMPLES FROM OUR HUGE SELECTION: The administration has many conventions and $1 million during the Inaugural -\ 34 members, also usually splits three liberal Democrats ever find •Bentwood Stool ft <4 HOW ABOUT GOP loyalists who vote the White events, for a grand total of $28.6 million. along party lines, but with two themselves voting the same as "it.-*# ' "'V;; Our Orig. *81.97...... ^ 1 * 1 House position on most key issues, The Rev. Jesse Jackson's overseas trips — to" colorful exceptions. their two conservative Republican •Bemwood Rocker ftO il RYOBI Graphite k L ITT L E but one of the most consistent is Damascus, Syria; Frankfurt, West Germany; Setact Group of colleagues it almost certainly is a Our Orig. *99.97...... MG1 &MG2 Reels i Wyoming’s lone Rep. Dick Cheney, Shannon, Ireland; Panama City, Panama; San Qantiant Saga PRIVACY, REP. SAM STRATTON, from mistake. who served as White House chief of Folding Oeeign-A-Bed CaldorRag...... Ea. 34,99 Salvador, El Salvador; Havana, Cuba; and Managua, Our Rag. 89.97...... upstate New York, holds a much Colorado’s two Democrats staff under President Ford. ft Storage Boxes CaldorSala...... Ea, 27,49. Nicaragua — cost the taxpayers $181,000 for Secret EXAI6NJE8; Caidor Rabata^ FOLKS ? more conservative view than most rarely side with their four GOP •Velauede Chair aaa* of his 18 fellow Empire Stale Service bodyguards and other security measures. •AeitooDtowof ^2 Our Reg. 49.97 ...... This is a colleagues on the headline issues. Shepard reports from Washing­ ; '8uita^'iieg.i.99.6.29 •36* Round Table ^ A T E . . , ,Ea. 1 7 » 4 $ ' Democrats and usually ends up A different pattern is seen in the ton for United Press International. being the odd man out. But while «10-8fteW;4wctowery Seg Our Orig. *99.07 ...... ^ O I 25% OFF SMegt Qrouft vk, ^ the 15 New York Republicans pick ore-OraanttCttoet.'^ ‘hrtermedlte markdowne may have baan taken, d aaianeel Tackle Boxea Our Reg. t«.98....11.99 Not atl Kama in aft storaa; stare atock only. Not in Whrarside ites .1.69io39.9t up Stratton’s vote with some There is a basic conflict between politician and press store. Some Name raquife aeaembly '•MCkHktorMMU, regularity they find liberal GOP Letters to the editor that is built into the American system. Consider the SIB** MO*# Wily, w, Rep. Bill Green, from Manhattan’s experience of Thomas Jefferson, who was savaged by silk stocking district, siding with The Manchester Herald welcomes original letters to the editor. the press. He was the target of scurrilous attacks; he the Democrats just as often. Letters should be brief and to the point. They should be typed or was called a liar, a fiKher and a traitor. He responded neatly handwritten, and, for ease in editing, should be angrily, saying of one newspaper that only the VERNON Texas, another large delegation, MANCHESTER double-spaced. Letters must be signed. Tri-City Shopping Center offers a more diverse voting advertising was worthy of belief. Yet Jefferson put the 1145 Tolland Turnpike The Herald reserves the right to edit letters in the interests of principles of freedom ahead of his own feelings, pattern, at least on the Democratic brevity, clarity and taste. side. While Texas Republicans declaring that If he bad to choose between a Address letters to: Open Forum, Manchester Herald, P.O. Box government without newspapers and newspapen STORE HOURS: MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 10 AM TO 9:30 PM » SATURDAY 9 AM TO 9:30 PM • SUNDAY 10 AM TO 5 PM • PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAY generally vote together on issues of 591, Manchester, CT 06040. defense, foreign affairs or budget. without a government, he would take his inoraliV~ paper. MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. July 18, 1985---- 9_ 8 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday, July IB, 1985 CAPTAIN EASY by Crooks A Casale l a t e r t h a t Thursday T V AFTERNOON... g ) Milford veteran replaces McGuigan as top prosecutor

Rick und A J Michael Learned 1980 Rated PG DISNEY Disney Channel (57) Golden Years of Television YOU'D M ABEYA afternoon by Gov. William A. December release of ;i one-man area since 1978 iespnI I'M NOUO& F oe IM A X I MOVIE: 'Zulu Dawn' Queen Vic ESPN Sports Network PE0FE:66I0NAL- grand jury report that sharply O'Neill, who had urged Metiui- Home Box Office HBOl (61) Ironside 6 H 0 C k D t ^ p / A M A T T U E a . ^ C'Ncill and said he would begin tofia s forces battle against African tribes H 6 0 MAN. m ax! work immediately as chict state's criticized slate police investiga­ gun to resign amid the feuding, men Peter O'Toole. Burt Lancaster, Sim on CINEMAX Cinemax [CN N ] Larry King Live Movie Channel ITMCI tive techniques. said he was hopeful the |)rohlems Ward Rated PG TMC [D ISl MOVIE: 'Vanishing Wilderness’ attorney overseeing prosecution of USA USA Network lUSA Slate police later accused between the ehiet stale's allot' i T M C l M O V IE ; 'C la s s ' A lustful teen has This documentary shows tho animals and criminal cases in Conncclicut the chance to lose his innocence to an terrain of North America from the Ever­ The state Criminal Justice Com­ Mctiiiigan of mishandling the ney's office and slate police have glades to the Arctic 1974 Rated G investigation into allegations that older woman, but complications arise of The M ikado' by murdering one of the mission announced their unanim­ ended. when he discovers w ho she really is guests of honor (R) (60 min ) 9 : 3 0 P M <22) (30) N ight Court Dan de­ ous selection ofKclIy as chid former Assistant State's Attorney "1 think it's certainly going to Jacqueline Bisset, Rob Lowe. Andrew c=ia Cl) PM Magazine cides to marry a homely but rich heiress in slate's attorney several hours Arthur M McDonald accepted maintain and improve the public McCarthy 1983 Rated R order to overcome his financial problems earlier on Wednesday. bribes as a prosecutor in Water­ confidence in the criminal justice lU SA ) USA Cartoon Express C D (40) M O V IE : The G oodbye Girl' (CC) (R| UPt photo A head strong actor and an ex-dancer be­ Kelly. 43, stale's attorney for the bury Superior Court. system." O'Neill said Tm very 6:30 P M CID O ne D a y at a Tim e come unlikely roommates Marsha M ason, 1 0 : 0 0 P M CD Knot's Landing (CC) John J. Kelly (left) is sw orn in by Gov. W illiam A. O'Neill W ednesday. Kelly, who began work as a happy the committee did its work, Grog sets out to ruin Gary. A bby puts a Ansonia-Milford Judicial I)istricl, (iD Benson RicharrI Dreyfuss, Quinn Cummings 1977 temporary halt to the Empire Valley pro will serve an 11 month interim part-time prosecutor in 1967, is did it expeditiously and I think CD N e w s (2^ Bosom Buddies )0Ct, Mack begrudgingly supports Karen in term that runs through next June. serving as special prosecutor for a well." lS2) (30) N B C N ightly N e w s (11) MOVIE: 'Play Dirty' Exconvici her search for Vai s babies (R) (60 mm ) ALLEY OOP ‘ by Dave Graue one-man grand jury investigation Forst welcomed the commis­ troops set out across the North African de­ "I can understand it. " McGui­ (24) Nightly Business Report CD N e w s looking into the allegations against sion's decision lo appoint Kelly, sert to destroy Rommel's supplies Mi WHAT ARE / YOU'LL Y...YOU MELTED YEP.' INTO I Stormy tenure comes to an end gan told WKSB-TV after Kelly was ^d) Jeffersons chael Caine, Nujel Green, Harry Andrew s CD (40) 2 0 / 2 0 (CC) YOU GOING V SEE! ALL THE GOLD / SOLID BLOl sworn in "I labored long and hard McDontild and Metiuigan's han­ which came during a brief meeting (40) A B C N e w s (CC) 1969 (20) Harry O K TO D O ? X Hj^ I E C E S ' in public service and I accept the dling of the case and affirmed an informal decision By M ark A. Dupuis to the Criminal Justice Commis­ state's attorney because of the (41) Noticiero S IN (2b) MOVIE; 'The McKenzie Break' (ier (22) (30) Hill Street Blues Fabian s mother fact that sometimes things don't Kelly said he expects no prob­ made by the panel Monday night mans plot an escape at a prisoner of war United Press International sion, created last year to appoint feuding between the office and the (Bt) P hyllis tries to re gam custody Frank senses a work out " lems with police as chief state's "1 congratulate him on his camp in Scotland during World War II payoff m a hit and run accident that killed a other prosecutors. state police [CNN] Showbiz Today Brian Keith. Helmut Griem. Ian Mcndry State Police Commander Col attorney, noting he has been selection and look forward to family, and Hunter is back on the road HARTFORD - Austin J. McGui­ McGuigan, one of nine finalists The Legislature also voted this [D ISl Adv. of Ozzie and Harriet 1970 again (R) (60 mm ) Lester J Korst and Gov William working daily with two troopers as working closely with him and till gan, who so often has been in the chosen by the commission for the year to create a special 14-mcmbcr [ESPN ] ESPN's Horse Racing Weekly (22) (30) C o sb y S h o w Cliff tries to teach A O'Neill welcomed Kelly's ap­ special prosecutor for the grand other members of the criminal (24) Jean Sh epherd Am erica (CC) Chi public eye in recent years, was out 11-nionth interim appointment, committee to investigate the crim­ Thoo the value of an riducation when the cago. Chicago. Thai Toddlin' Town ' Chi pointment iind said they looked jury investigation justice system lo give the people of 7:00 P M CD CBS News boy claims that grades have nothing to do of the office when the decision to said he understood the commis­ inal justice system, including the cago native Studs Terkel helps Jean salute forward to working with him Standing next to O'Neill at the Connecticut the protection and CD ^ M * A 'S 'H with getting a good job (R) the W indy City replace him was made. sion's decision to replace him. chief state's attorney's office, The Criminal Justice Committee swearing-in ceremony, Kelly said service they need and deserve. " CD ABC News (CC) (24) Great Railway Journeys of the (^) Odd Couple "I'm not sure whether he'll be "I can understand it," he told state police and one-man grand W orld received '20 applications for the he applied for the chief state's Forst said. ( D Sale of the Century ^ ) Dancing Days back in the office or not." the WFSB-TV Wednesday afternoon. jury system. (3®‘MOVIE: The Seven Ups' A special post of chief stale's attorney and attorney's job because he thought Murphy said the commission (11) Jeffersons $7) M yste ry! (CC) Reilly -Ace of Spies "1 labored long and hard in public Lawmakers also agreed to set squad pursues criminals whoso offenses woman who answered the phone in he had something lo offer after 18 was under no outside pre.ssure lo Gambit ' Reilly travels to M o sc o w with fm the 11-month interim term for chief narrowed the ticld to nine finalists, (20) Barney M iller call for seven years or more in prison Roy McGuigan's office at the Division service and 1 accept the fact that ancial reinforcements for the overthrow of including McGuigan. years as a prosecutor replace McGuigan and had not Scheider. Victor Arnold. Jerry Loon 1973 of Criminal Justice in Wallingford sometimes things don't work out." state's attorney to allow tor (22) W h e e l of Fortune the Bolsheviks |R) (60 mm ) Commission Chairman James J Tm a systems person I've been informed anyone, including MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour (41) Bianca Vidal told a caller. While the unanimous choice of possible changes in the position (24) $'0 THE BORN LOSER ®by Art Bansom Murphy Jr. said the panel felt in the system for 18 years. I O'Neill, of its decision until the the commission, Kelly also may that could result from the commit­ (3^ Family Feud (5^ Innovation McGuigan, who served as chief Kelly was the best-qualified appli­ thought I could make a contribu­ vote was taken. [CNN] Evening News not have a secure future as chief tee's study. (4d) B enson (61) Bonanza oowjnni$.wpcF(amEi», due,two, t h r e e ,p o o r , < HCU ONLW aDUUTED Y IF IT'6 RI6KT TWAT FAR, state's attorney in Connecticut (HBOl MOVIE: 'Now and Forever' A since 1978, may be back in the (4l) Topacio [CNN] Prime News couple s perfect relationship is shattered ■i^iTHE^etiCU^^lOO. ty^?m...C¥ES-vo^l (5^ Nightly Business Report [ESPN] Trapshooting Coverage of when the husband is accused and con­ office, but it won't be his office and Jackie Stewart s Rolex Celebrity Challenge victed of rape Cheryl Ladd. Robert Coleby, (Bi) Starsky and Hutch he won't be there as Connecticut's IS presented from London Carmen Duncan 1982 Rated R V top prosecutor. [CNN] Moneyline [HBOl MOVIE: 'Purple Hearts' A Navy [ M A X ] M O V IE : 'Y o u C a n 't Take It W ith The state Criminal Justice Com­ (DISl MOVIE: For the Love of doctor and a nurse fall in love amid the You' A couple who wish to be married mission voted 6-0 Wednesday to Willadean' A city-slickor and a country mayhem of Vietnam Ken Wahl, Cheryl must first introduce the two families rogue compote for the attentions of a Ladd Rated R James Stewart. Lionel Barrymore. Spring appoint John J. Kelly, state's farmer's daughter Ed Wynn, Terry Burn­ Bymgton 1938 attorney for the Ansonia-Milford ham. Billy M um y 1964 [M AX] MOVIE: The Magic of Lassie' La ssie 's young owner loses her to a weal [TMC] MOVIE: 'Neverending Story' Judicial District, as chief state's [ESPN ] Sportscenter GROSSmRfl'S thy landowner James Stewart, Mickey (CC) The mythical land of Fantasia is m attorney for an 11-month term [USA] Radio 1990 Rooney, Alice Faye 1978 Rated G danger of being destroyed unless a young warrior can complete a quest Barret beginning immediately. 7:30 P M CD PM Magazine [T M C l MOVIE: 'Smokey and the Bandit The meeting at the state Capitol ftn Cf5) evans p r o d u c ts company III' A sheriff is challenged to a c ro ss­ Oliver, Noah Hathaway, Gerald M cRaney CD Archie Bunker's Place country race by two wily brothers Jackie 1984 Rated PG took only a matter of minutes. CD Wheel of Fortune Gleason, Paul Williams. Pat McCormick [U SA] Gangster Chronicles There were no speeches, nothing to 1983 Rated PG CD Bosom Buddies 1 0 :3 0 P M (3'D independent News FRANK AND ERNEST '^by Bob Thavea mark the controversy that sur­ [USA] MOVIE: God's Gun' (11) Independent News (2^ Alfred Hitchcock rounded McGuigan in recent (2B) All In the Family 8:30 P M ( D Carol Burnett Sporting Life Mongo Santamana months or the triumphs of his (22) M * A * S * H D House Calls Santamaria’s career spans four decades earlier years as chief state's from hit records and Grammy Awards to ^ Entertainment Tonight (22) (3^ Fam ily Ties Part 2 of 2 Steven 7 ~ i / YoLl'pg AN IMPOFTANT attorney, finds himself stuck at home as Elyse is giv­ lazz festivals and films ^fS) @B) Barney M iller ' " I wish Mr, Kelly well and 1 hope ing birth at the TV station (R) (3D Dick Van Dyke C O (5 IJV o u p MACHIN/t, Wild World of Animals to work with him in having a Soapbox (ll) 24 Horas [CNN] Crossfire smooth transition." McGuigan [D IS] Mousterpiece Theater e L X W O p T H , g u T told WFSB-TV in Hartford, adding [ESPN] ESPN's Speedweek 1 1 :00 P M ® (3D S2i (SD SD dr) [ESPN] 1985 British Open Golf N e w s that he could understand the [USA] Dragnet Championship from Sandwich, England CD W KRP in Cincinnati (SO/NG 50L.IP ^ T A T E . - First Round commission's decision. 8:00 P M CD M a g n u m , P.l. A terrorist CD Bizarre Under McGuigan, the chief group threatens to rum Higgins' production 9:00 P M C3) Simon 8. Simon (CC) (3l) Odd Couple state's attorney's office in recent (2^ All In the Family T'IS years has vigorously pursued cr-.' (24) D r W h o government corruption on the M*A*S*H local and state levels as well as MOVIE; The World in My Corner- Medicaid fraud and economic Im pressed by wealth, a slum-bred boy WINTHROP '^by Dick Cavalll crime. agrees to throw a fight, but changes his Investigations led to the convic­ For the Bargain- CHEERS______mind and wins the championship Audie Murphy, Barbara Rush. John Meintire DON’T VOU HATE THOSE A N D W H EN TH EY COMB W IT H SCMBOFTHB tions of two former state commis­ Dr. Frasier Crane (Kelsey 1956 TV SHOWS TFIAT s a y BACK,THEYJU'3T SHOWS r WATCH,THATfe sioners on corruption charges as Hunter in You Crammer. I ) and Diane [CNN] Moneyline " WE'LL BE RIGHTBACK'.'.. SAY "GOODBYE"? THB BEST RAPT- well as local officials in corruption cases in cities including New Top Quality (Shelley Long) discuss the [D ISl Wilderness Bound / surprising romance between [USA] Gong Show L. Britain and Norwalk. 2x3x8' STUD his mentor and Carla, in the But earlier this year, McGuigan, 1 1 :1 5 P M (11) Reporter 41 Partially air dried For all construction "Whodunit” episode of NBC's whose office targeted officials in Self-selection "Cheers." which airs THURS­ 1 1 ;30 P M CD three's Company iU criminal investigations over the DAY, JULY 18 CD Kojak years, found himself a target in a 4x8x'/n" Top Quality CD (46) ABC News Nightline feud between his office and the WAFERBOARD SHEATHING CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME CD Off Track Betting state police. Agency certified Exterior grade Span (13) Honeym ooners WQt The feud erupted when Hartford rating 24/0 Use indoors or out (20) N ight Gallery H i - Superior Court Judge John D. (22) Best of Carson Tonight's guests Brennan, working with McGui­ 2 " x 8 ” x 1 6 " are Richard Pryor. Laura Branigan and gan's office as a one-man grand Todd Christensen |R) (60 mm ) PATIO RLOCK Jury, released a report attacking Natural For building patios, walkways (2j|) Hogan's Heroes Astrograph the ability of state police to Non-skid back Approximate size ^7) MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour investigate sensitive matters. [CNN] Sports Tonight - A few weeks later, state police 8 " x 8 " x 1 6 " Crossword [ESPN ] Sportscenter You might not be thinking as clearly as be too tolerant of one another. Should a accused McGuigan's office of CONCRETE RLOCK [HBOl MOVIE: 'The Last Starfighter' you should. disagreement arise, don't air It in public. . mishandling an investigation into For small construction jobs, building (CC) A video game wizard is recruited by ^ o u r VIRQO (Aug. 23-8ept. 22) You may have PISCES (Fob. 20-March 20) Pace your«t allegations that former Assistant walls, foundations and more Answer to Previous Puzzle an alien to help fight a war to save the a tendency to create problems for your­ self wisely today or you're likely to push ACROSS 4 Motoring asso­ universe Robert Preston, Lance Guest, State's Attorney Arthur M. McDo­ ciation (abbr.) Dan O'Herlihy 1984 Rated PG ‘Birthday self today. It you keep this In mind, frus­ both your mental and physical energloai nald took bribes while a prosecutor 2 4 " L a u a n M E A T trations can be avoided. beyond their limits. Do fewer things. buT 1 Diving bird 5 Wall painting [U SAl Make Me Laugh in Waterbury Superior Court. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) It may be wise do them well. ^ INTERIOR DOOR UNIT 4 Manchurian bor­ 6 Extinct wild ox M E C T 0 The exchanges escalated feud­ 1 1 : 4 5 P M U t MCI MOVIE: The July 19.1965 to avoid attending functions this evening ARIES (March 21-April 19) Relax and' Prehung. Casing and lockset extra der river 7 Runway D H 0 W Omega M an' The lone human survivor of where you could run into people with don't take yourself or events too seriol^ ing between the two law enforce­ • 28' ,30 '.32 ”.36 "...... 36 99 6 Cburch pulpit 8 Swiss rivor Partnerships will play Important roles in L 0 P s an atomic war battles a group of robed your affairs in the year following your whom you've had disagreements. These ly today, especially social situations. If' ment agencies to the point where 9 French river zombies Charlton Heston, Rosalind Cash. 12 Measure of E matters are not yet resolved. you get uptight, it'll spoil everyone's fun.., Gov. William A. O'Neill suggested 2nd Clear-16" White Tony Zerbe 1971 Rated PG birthday. Be careful, however, that new land 10 Reward TAURUS (April 20-May 20) It's best not M Y M A N alliances aren't established that lead you SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) Today your that McGuigan would "probably CEDAR SHINGLES 13 Distinctive air 11 Start 1 2 : 0 0 A M CD New Avengers to begin do-it-yourself projects aroq^y to disregard relationships of long stand- ego could more vulnerable than usual. do himself a service" by resigning. Use indoors or out Stain or leave natural 14 Vast period of 19 Dine M 0 0 1 C A mg. the house late In the afternoon. You ( D Bamaby Jones Don't expect accolades from others If But McGuigan stood firm and Bundle covers 25 sq ft at 5” exposure time 21 Female saint A T T M E M 0 might disrupt things more than improvlrn)" CD Hawaii Five-0 CANCER (Juna 21-July 22) It behooves none are due. Chief Justice Ellen A. Peters, who 15 Compass point (abbr.) them. N A S C CiD Star Trek you to give some serious thought today SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dm :. 21) Instead had the power of appointing and 16 Cuckoopint 24 Noun suffix of looking for the faults In friends today, GEMINI (May 21-Juna 20) If you go dOt* 'Testrite' 7 Pc. Rechargeable 26 Period of 1 (2^) M O V IE ; 'B a ttle T a xi' Story of heli­ to how you intend to clean up old obliga­ on the town this evening and make II ai removing the chief state's attor­ 17 Baseball points tions you owe to different parlies. Figure try to focus on their good points. If you POWER SCREWDRIVER SET historical time Q L 1 N copter rescue units operating behind the late night, don’t try to recapture lost thnOv ney, said she could find no basis 18 Small island enemy lines during the Korean War Ster­ out a program. Major changes are ahead begin to criticize them, you won’t like IncI 2 crosspoint, 2 regular, 1 drill bit 27 Poetic by speeding home. Drive carefully. n under the law to remove 20 Snakes E A s E ling Hayden, Arthur Franz, Marshall for Cancers in the coming year. Send for their response. • 5 Pc. Attachment Set...... 3.99 contraction 22 Petition E D A M Thompson 1955 your Astro-Graph predictions today. Mail CAPRICORN (Doc. 22-J«n. 19) Pals will McGuigan. 28 Burmese 23 Ave ^ ) Divorce Court $1 to Astro-Graph. Box 489, Radio City resent it if you are too curious about their At Peters' recommendation, the Reg. 12.99 Gallon c u p « i»i o l 29 Ethereal S E R A 25 Small anvil (40) C h a rlie 's A n ge l% Station. New York. NY 10019. Be sure to confidential affairs today. Don't probe for Legislature passed a law this year 30 1501, Roman WOOD PRESERVATIVE 27 Make joyful state your zodiac sign. information where your questions are Self-confidence is what lets yo(i giving the responsibility for ap­ 33 Exclamation of 41 The (Gar.) 50 Italian volcano [CNNI Newsnight Clear Fights against mildew and rot For 29 American LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Don't allow impet­ unwelcomed. persuade yourself that the pizza sauc^ pointing the chief state's attorney disgust 44 Dancer [D IS] Big Bands at Disneyland uous associates to coerce you into mak­ all untreated wood (abbr) 53 Sweet potatoes AQUARIUS (Jon. 20-Fob. 19) Later in the dribbled on your costume is just 35 Shrimp Charisse [ESPN] Splash: Swimwear '85 ing important decisions late in the day. day neither you nor your mate are apt to 31 Water (Fr.) 54 Night (Fr.) touch needed for perfection 36 Dutch 46 Bleat [ m a x ] MOVIE: 'Going Berserk' A 4x8xV3j" Reg. 5.99 32 Regretted 56 Bara commune 47 Keenly desirous chauffeur/night club drummer is kid­ W A U PANELING 34 VeHly 57 Put to proof napped by a cult after he falls for the 37 Born 46 Resort city in Senators doubt 'Tan Bark Hickory’ A light simulated 38 Cairo's river 59 Bitter vetch daughter of a congressman John Candy, 39 Organ for Florida Joe Flaherty. Eugene Levy. Rated R woodgrain finish 40 Battery plate hearing 49 Went astray 61 Curious Bridge safety of burning 42 Cooling [USA] Radio 1990 1 2 3 8 9 11 beverage 10 1 2 :3 0 A M (J) Naked city WASHINGTON (UPI) - Envir Your Project Store for Great Values to Complete All Your Prpjects 43 Sore IS) CHiPs Patrol 12 14 N O R T H 7 18-85 Declarer won the king, played A-K of onmental Protection Agency offi­ 45 Master of ^ Lata N igh t w ith D a vid Letterm an To- ♦ 10 4 3 2 Clearing spades and then led the club queen.' cials, who favor approving com­ ceremonies night's guests are Gilda Radner and Jay 15 V 8 6 5 Meanwhile West was involved in the mercial burning of hazardous CUPWNO- 1 Leno (R) (60 mm ) 47 Polishing stone ♦ 763 a channel aforementioned grueling work of wastes at sea, are stirring growing ( 3 ) M a u d e 50 Sendarac tree 16 19 22 ♦ J32 defense, which involves thinking. H* doubts among senators who fear it 51 Melody (1^ Star Hustler/Sign Off W E S T E lA S T By James Jacoby finally decided that declarer had poses risks to residents of coastal 52 Force unit 23 26 [E SP N ] Bowling: Bud Hall of Fame Cov­ ♦ Q O S ♦ S sUrted with three clubs, so he let areas. 55 Close relative erage of this bowling tournament is pre­ It's always fun to see a lot of face ♦ J 10 7 3 V Q 0 4 2 South win the club queen. Declarar Testifying at Senate hearings 58 Railroad station 27 26 sented from Clayton. MO cards and aces when you sort your ♦ 85 ♦ K 10 942 could get to dummy once, with the Wednesday, EPA officials said c ^ ^ (Fr.) [U SA ] HeartUght City ♦ AKOS ♦876 hand. After all, bidding and playing 399 6 spade 10, to take the diamond fineaae, burning toxic wastes at sea is M79 60 Vehicle 31 j 34 38 36 37 the hand are more enjoyable than the 1 : 0 0 A M (3 3 m o v i e : ’Berm uda SOUTH but that wasn't enough. r u m y 6'x6'8" Aluminum Pressure Treated 5 Gal.-Coal Tar 'IKO' Armour Glass cupptiNOL Rsg. 17.99 Gal. .40 Pressure Treated 62 Street (Fr.) grueling work of defense. Still there is preferable to storing them on land. Depths' When government scientists ex­ ♦ A K J 8 7 63 Wife of 38 38 42 And Garrett Brown Jr., acting PATIO DOOR 3x5x8’ TIMBER DRIVEWAY SEALER ROOF SHINGLES WOOD PHESEHVATIVE 2x4x8’ STUD plore the deep waters off Bermuda in an ♦ a k a disadvantage in having too many To guarantee two entries to dum­ Cuchulain deputy administrator of the Mari­ White or bronze. With safety C C A treated timbers last Preserve asphalt surfaces Fiberglass. Covers 33'/» s/f. Semi-transparent oil-base Use in ground contact, fresh attempt to unravel the mysteries of the re­ ♦ A Q J face cards. You may be forced to lead my so that diamonds can be led twice 46 gion. they discover a phantom woman. time Administration, said his glass, hdwe Screen extra longer Resists rot, decay Resists gas and oil spills 20 yr limited warranty Resists rot. Stock colors. water Safe for p>lantB, people. 64 Psyche ♦ Q104 out of your hand when you would from the North hand, declarer needs 65 Billboards Burl Ives. Leigh McClosky, Carl Weathers much rather be in dummy. agency sees the construction of 47 48 49 1977 to be alert at trick one. He must 66 Gets shed of Vulnerable: Neither incinerator ships as opening "an N a w t unblock the club queen on the first 67 South African (3D Dealer: South South opened with an artificial important market for American 51 1 53 54 1 66 66 67 trick. Now an astute defender can IW village (3D Joe Franklin Show strong two clubs and rebid two spades Wetl North Eait Sow U i longer deny him passage to dummy sh ip yard ." 1 MOST ITEMS M THS AO AM Af MOUCIO PCtS AU OTKAS MPMSfNI 66 Tennis (iD Barrtay Millar over North's negative two-diamond •M.M. LxaulNT EVWrOAT lOW PWCES AEOAAA FWCE5 MAY VAXV fPOM STOW 66 69 60 61 ! 62 2 ^ But three Democratic senators Prices in Effect thru Saturday, July 20th To STOW M ttiU W THI NSKT TQ LICT OUAWmifS TO DCAUAS F ish response. The two no-tnunp bid by with the club jack. equipment Pass 24 Pass 2 ^ from coastal states, Lloyd Bentsen North was a second negative DOWN 63 64 65 8 9 Film/Sign Off Pass 2 NT Pass 3 N T of Texas, Frank Lautenberg of Pass 4^ Pass P a s s response, but North then felt it right MMOUTU NEWM6T0N HM TFOn Dnu. 1 Egyptian deity University Perspective New Jersey and Joseph Biden of P a s s to correct South's three no-trump to 14S tpNHCir tlTMl 3127 l•rttn TurnpAc 3200 Ht. Mato t t 70 Hazam S Falawi 66 67 66 [CNN ] Crossfire The one sure way to save for IMaware remained unconvinced. S 4 S J )1 M 2 Pots four spades, a good choice. S 2 s - t a u 741-22M [ESPN] ESPN's Speedweek vacation is to gel a cash advance • • AH th n e said there are questions 3 Drag under West opened the club king, and all ship Opening lead: 4 K your credit card, then pat it In tfct OMiratUl want answered. (C)19BS by NEA Inc 16 1 :1 5 A M (HBOl MOVIE: 'Foaes' played low. Now a heart was played. piggy bank. 10 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursday. July 18, 1985 MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursday. July IB. 1985 - 11 Driver held Connecticut In Brief after police 1 FOCUS / F a m ily Inspector urges opera closing GLEWWE Y HARTFORD — A state (ire inspector has recommended the historic Thomaston Opera House be closed until serious fire code fin d d ru g s violations are corrected. HOME CENTER State Trooper Ronnie Greenman, a fire inspector in the slate A police officer who saw a man fire marshal's office, said Wednesday there were numerous driving erratically on Adams violations in the lOl-year-old opera house, including a lack of safe Street early Wednesday morning fire exits and (ire-protected doors and walls. stopped the vehicle and found The opera house, on the second and third floors of town hall, is small amounts of suspected co­ SUMMER SAVINGS!! being used for reportory theater this summer and has a capacity caine and marijuana in the man's of 564. possession, police said this In related developments. Gov. William O'Neill Wednesday morning. CLEARANCE SPECIAL appointed a 17-member task force to improve fire safety training The driver, identified as Alberto in Connecticut and a state codes committee will hold special Matos, 29, of 342B Charter Oak St., OVERHEAD Fir and Hamlock meetings in two weeks to address fire safety problems. was charged with possession of cocaine, possession of less than GARAGE DOOR DOORS four ounces of marijuana, Post office changes addresses sion of drug paraphernalia, operat­ 3/0 X 6 /8 ing a motor vehicle under the Diamond Light X-Buck lia i HARTFORD — The I'.S. Postal Service has announced pUms influence of alcohol and operating SA LE *14855 Reg *129 95 to change mail service for more than 1.000 eastern Connecticut a motor vehicle while under Reg. M 63.95 SALE residents whose mailing addresses are in a town other than the suspension. 6 0 M 7 0. 4 panalt wida. 4 tactlono high, complata with all har<^ $ 0 0 9 5 one they live in. Officer John Pikiell said in his wara, ona faction glaiad S A V E 46% Officials said Wednesday the redistricting will transfer report that he was sitting in a responsibility for distributing mail oa about 45 rural routes from parked police cruiser on Adams what had been considered the most convenient station tothe post Street shortly after tarn. Wednes­ DECORATOR office in the customers' towns of residence day when he looked in his rear­ CLASSIC II CASEMENT Officials said 21 post offices will be affected by the changes view mirror to sec Mtitos's car ordered after a federal tally of customers along rural routes moving toward him in an erratic SCREEN DOOR manner BOW WINDOW throughout the state. Pikiell said he pulled forward to 32x80 or 36x80 1 Many of the changes occur along RFDs 1 and 2 in Windham. In avoid being struck by the car and addition. Mansfield. Columbia and Lebanon residents who then stopped Matos. Matos ap­ SALE $ 2 0 9 0 0 previously had Willimantic addresses now will have mailing peared intoxicated, Pikiell said, White Enamel Finish Reg. $329.00 ID addresses that reflect where they live. and failed sobriety tests. A search of Matos revealed an $ 2 1 8 7 Reg. $25.50 Complete with screen, root, roto operated side undisclosed amount of a white vents, IR.O 5'11" x 3'6’V Model 31-DCB Three contracts still unsettled powdery substance wrapped in a HARTFORD — Contracts with three unions representing page ripped from a magazine 10,000 state workers remains unsettled, only four days before a along with traces of the same special legislative session will act on slate bargaining substance in a 2-inch straw. Pikiell LOOKIN’ GOOD SOLID THERMADTRU’ agreements. said. A test later indicated that the CORE INSULATED INSULATED STEEL /■ ,\ Among those without a tentiitive agreement is the substance was cocaine. In addition. Matos had been SAFETY GLASS VINYL DOOR UNIT John H. Bremser Sr. tries to smother 7,500-member Connecticut Employees Union Independent, • All the baautv of wood with carrying a cigarette containing a COVERED nont of fht probitm i. which represents slate highway worlters. substance that tests showed was • Thrte flm tt fho Iniuloflon volu* of a the flames in his stove at the Salvatore J. Ferruccio, president of the CEIU, said Wednesday convenflonol wood door. marijuana. Pikiell said. Also found • Stains. DOfnts and trim s like wood statewide chili cook-off on the state has made it difficult to reach agreement STORM DOORS • Ptones and stains like wood. was a package of cigarette rolling • Natural wood grolnlno- "Whoever is calling the signals seems to have every intention papers. • Quick and eosv InstoHotlon. ‘ Saturday. His stove caught fire of putting the blue-collar workers down." said Ferruccio. "We Matos was held overnight at just won't capitulate to them." police headquarters on a $19,000 SALE $12787 SALE 35.50 about an hour before the chili was Also without contracts are The Connecticut State Employees Rea $isn so bond. Police set the bond unusually Reg $148.75 FREE - Keyed Entry Lock done. Luckily, he came prepared Association which represents about 900 teachers and counselors high, Pikiell's report said, because With Eyery Steel Door. in state institutions and an American Federation of State, County of problems identifying him. 6 Panel Colonial with an extra stove. and Municipal Employees local representing 1,700 Department Pikiell had charged Matos with Full view, tits openings 35Vi to 38H - 79V. to 81 -FREE 3/Ox6/0 of Correction guards. driving under the influence May Model 2002 II Harald photos by Pappaa 14. his report said, but Matos said Strike barrier brings arrests following his arrest Monday that it was his brother Gilberto who was PRICE-PFISTER BRIDGEPORT — Eight striking textile workers were arrested arrested. Matos was not carrying for allegedly bloeking trucks from crossing a picket line during any photo identification of himself incidents the union claimed were provoked by company at the time of his arrest, Pikiell FAUCETS Manchester spices up the Chili Festival management. said. Police said six workers from the American Fabrics Co. were Over 50 Styles to taken into custody about 10:20 a m Wednesday after they A 38-year-old man was arrested By Nancy Pappas refused an order to move away from the tractor-trailer Two early this morning after allegedly Choose From Herald Reporter more workers were arrested about a half-hour later. creating a disturbance in the The strikers were charged with breach of the peace and were emergency room of Manchester Smokey the Bear came all the expected to be released on $100 bond each, police said Memorial Hospital and knocking way from the Rocky Mountains to Local 240 of United Textile Workers of America charged the over a motorcycle in a parking lot 15% help a Manchester family win a company sent non-union truckers across the picket line to outside the hospital, police said prize at Saturday's statewide chili provoke workers and obtain an injunction to halt the protest. this morning cook-offs in Farmington. The man. whose address was OFF At least that was the story being given as the homeless shelter circulated by Gloria Kissmann of -Lawyers can’t stop eviction operated by the Manchester Area 60 Carpenter Road, Thanks in part Conference of Churches, went to to a 6-foot tall Smokey, her booth FAIRFIELD — Legal aid lawyers say there is little they can do the emergency room and asked to won the Showmanship Award at for an unemployed blind man and his mother who (ace eviction be admitted tothe hospital because Siz* R t f . SALE the Great Connecticut Chili from their duplex apartment in a dispute over $109 they deducted he fell "his life wasn't worth 14x25 13.85 11.77 Festival. The bear’s famous firefighting from the rent. living." a police report said. When 14x35 10.75 14.24 Brian Perkowski, 26, claims he subtracted the money from his hospital officials turned the man DURACO skills might have helped anqther $575 rent last month with the consent of his landlord because he away, he began screaming obscen­ 1 14x39 17.75 18.09 Manchester resident at the festi­ paid to replace a shower head, toilet seat and stove parts. ities at them as he left, a police 14x43 19.50 16.88 val, John H. Bremser Sr., of 107 usne SHUTTE Spruce St., who was Manchester’s Use W.A. Engel, who owns the house, maintains that only the report said. 14x47 20.50 17.43 stove repairs were authorized and she has initiated eviction A witness called police shortly official entrant in the statewide before 2 a.m , the report said, when 14x51 21.75 18.49 contest, had hotter chili than he’d proceedings in state housing court. *White or Black- planned. Since Perkowski and his mother have no written lease, the best he left the emergency room to find 14x55 22.75 19.34 his motorcycle knocked over and they can hope for is more time to find a new home, says William Woodgrain Finish 14x59 24.25 2a81 ABOUT AN HOUR before the Garfinkle. a University of Bridgeport law instructor. saw the man walkingquickly away from it. Police said they found the 14x63 28.00 23.80 chili samples were to be collected man walking along Main Street a 14x71 30.25 for judging. Bremser's stove 28.71 caught fire. After a few minutes of Teenager held In girl’s slaying short time later 14x81 He was charged with two counts 34.00 28.00 scrambling, Bremser smothered WATERTOWN — A teenage man is being held in police of third-degree criminal mischief. the (ire and resumed cooking. This custody in Waterbury Hospital with slashed wrists after his He remained in police custody time he used a spare stove he’d WATTA CRETE brought from home. girlfriend was found dead, stabbed several times in the back, until his court appearance this KILN-DRIED arms and chest with a buck knife. morning on a $500 bond. Fortunately, the chili was not REDI MIX affected by the qhaos, said Preston Schmerhorn, 19, of Watertown was charged with ECONOMY STUDS Bremser, who won the chili cook­ murder Tuesday night after the stabbing death of Natalie Guay. CONCRETE Spruce off at the Bicentennial Band Shell 17, several hours earlier. 60 lb. bag 2x4x8 on June 23. Unfortunately, his chili Police arrested Schermerhorn in the woods about three miles Obituaries did not take a ribbon In Saturday's from the Guy home after a resident saw him and alerted police. contest. When police apprehended Schermerhorn he had slashed his $ 2 4 9 Bremser and his support team, wrists minutes before, police said. SALE featuring Peter Ready, Wendy Police said he will be charged with murder and held in lieu of Elizabeth Lamer 99C tich Clark, and wife Donna Bremser, $200,000 bond when he is released. Elizabeth (Dotson) Lamer, 89, Reg. $1.23 kept the trappings to a minimum. of 15 Juniper Drive. Coventry, Reg. $2.99 Bremser, Manchester’s official representative to the The cook's "costume" consisted of Security tight for envoy’s visit widow of John C. Lamer, died Just Add Water a Western hat and an apron which Wednesday at Rockville General Great Connecticut Chili Festival, wears an apron which said "I’ll get an audience---- Hospital. DANBURY — Police will provide tight security this weekend says,‘Til get an audience — Even if I have to feed’em." He Even if I have to feed ’em." The Jodi Kissmann, 13, Is the first contestant afternoon, the llling Junior High School when Lebanon's ambassador to the United States speaks to She was bom Dec. 4,1895, in Blue brought his wife, daughter and granddaughter to cheer booth was arranged more (or Creek. W.Va. She and her husband to fall into a vat of gelatin in a contest student won the Miss Chili Pepper Maronitc Catholics from around the nation. PRESSURE TREATED him on. Abdallah Bauhabib will address the National Apostolate of owned and operated Larner's Please turn to page 12 sponsored by WTIC-FM. Later in the contest. Maronite Catholics, the official lay organization of the Diocese of Garden Center. Bolton, for many JENNITE Saint Maron, on Saturday. The five-day convention started years. DRIVEWAY SEALER LUMBER Wednesday She is survived by two sons. James A. Lamer of Lakeland. 2x4-8 "The amount of media coverage given to the convention, given Latex Fortified the situation in the Middle East, has caused us to take Fla., and Rodney A. Lamer of SALE appropriate action," said Police Lt. Arthur Sullo, without Coventry; three daughters, i Anti-Skid Formula ‘2.29 Evelyn Brown of-Windsor Locks, elaborating on security measures. ■lennB* Reg. $2.81 Five grown children add to mother’s education Kathlyn Nixon of Hartford and ■ 12 Ethlyn Hockla of Storrs; and 5 Qal. Pail 3 : 14 I f several grandchildren and great­ 1-46.. $ 0 7 9 2x4 2.29 2.27 4.09 i.a s Visting my friends, he announced that I wrote friendly but interesting old city. In Judge rejects negligence verdict t x t five grown 1 grandchildren. Reg. $12.75 4.04 $.04 9.47- $.7$ f-t2 a regular food column. It was true both places, I was considered a NEW HAVEN — A jury made a mistake when it foun]^ a youth 4x4 $.2$ 7M children has then, but I would hav-e preferred if The outhouse is a vigorous ciimb up a The funeral will be Friday at 11 9.49 _ l L i | given me “Yankee" as soon as I opened by camp negligent but not liable for damages in the drowning of a a.m. at the Potter Funeral Home, •40 CCA Ratantton he hadn't mentioned it. The meal steep bank and behind a bouider in the mouth. Greenwich boy, a federal judge has ruled in ordering a new trial. 456 Jackson St., Willimantic. Bur­ glimpses of was not my best, but they were so For more than 20 years I've had U.S. District Judge Ellen B. Burns overturned the April verdict ial will be in the Willington Hill many J o u r n e y s hungry from hours of loading and woods. The toiiet paper is in an old at least one child (Bob or Shirley or Cemetery. Calling hours are to­ PLYWOOD lifestyles. unloading furniture, and carrying both) In the Boston area, a great in the 1979 death of Michael Kane-Parry, 12, saying the The primitive M a rg a re t breadbox. six-member jury acted "contrary to the great weight of night from 7 to 9. it up and down stairs, they enjoyed place for a weekend If you can SHEATHING house next to a H a y d e n it any way. That’s so the raccoons and skunks won’t evidence." RD0FIN6 SHINGLES New Hamp­ avoid the downtown traffic. We The jury found Taylor Camp Co.. the owner of Camp Ahmed in usually did. My country kids found 4 Ply - Agency Certified shire forest of­ I still remember Gerry’s com­ unwind It, Ma,’ he told me. Ontario, was negligent but did not specify why the negligence 4x6x’4 CDX fered a wel­ many parks and riverside walking was not the "proximate cause" of the boy's death. EMERGENCY mune friends who gave me such a trails in and near Boston. Fire — Police — Medical come retreat big welcome. They were starved The victim's attorney mother, Patricia Kane-Parry, appealed from daily living. for mothering! Many of their Only one, Richard, remained in the decision on claims that a finding of negligence required the * Bundle coyers 33V3 Sq. Ft. The Midwestern college town His life is a bit primitive even range for the funeral of one of her DIAL 911 otherwise. parents had disassociated them­ though he’s put a hand pump children, notify the father who was Connecticut. But I have enjoyed camp to be found responsible for her son's death. • 20 Year Warranty provided another kind of escape. It has been an education. selves from them, emphasizing visiting him and his family as they In Manchester • Class A Fire Rating Different, too, were the U.S, Navy inside. The outhouse is a vigorous at sea, call relatives on the West their disapproval. One girl looked climb up a steep bank and behind a Coast, and find other Navy wives to finally settled into rural living In neh family communities of Norfork, ONCE I OFFERED to cook a so sad when she told me she had not Union. Va., Newport, R.I., and San Diego, boulder in the woods. The toilet meet them at the airport. In the Reg. $11.38 meal for my son Gerry and many seen her parents for two years. paper is in an old breadbox. many ports on both sides of the Having a child in a distant state Slugs ugly at baach Calif. of his friends who were helping him gives the needed initiative to save ALAMEDA, Calif. (UPI) - And I'll never forget sleeping in "That’s so the raccoons and country, Jean made friends, estab­ move into a house. No one told me ALL HAVE MATURED and skunks won’t unwind it. Ma," he lished homes, knowing they would money for an airplane ticket. I Thousands of slimy, foot-long sea DRIVEWAY SEALING student dormitories of daughters the oven went to 500 degree soon changed through the years but told me. treasure memories on the West slugs who died after mating are in Boston, Mass., and Hudson, be temporary. She misses some of after it was turned on. The only Gerry’s reversals of lifestyles these homes and friends and so do Coast, Virginia and the Midwest, being washed along San Francisco — Quality Work for Less — N.Y. Or talking gardening with control was to keep turning it on an have been more dramatic than the Jean's life as a Navy wife but I relish the Idea that today four Bay area beaches. W.G. GLENNEY CO commune residents, or staying in a I. • Ov«r 10 YMr. Mp«rl»nc« by off, making the baking of a meal a others. presents many challenges and are all within a comforUble drive Bfett JOReS low-rent apartment in Boston and challenge. No one told me there This son who wanted to live with requlred-her to grow up fast after and the fifth will be soon. "Sure spoiled my lunch," com­ • inturwd ^ ^ _ 336 NO. MAIN ST„ MANCHESTERrtSi - praying with a group in a refuge for IOWA WELCOMED ME. As I was no strainer for the gravy, a houseful of friends and rejected she married a sailor when she was walked around in Ames, a univer­ mented Judy Coates of Oakland, • •stlmatM 643 “ 1 639 street kids. either. Naturally, it lumped more higher education now has re­ a 20-year-old student nurse. Navy Shirley has remained in the who was eating a sandwich when As they struggled with the sity town, I chatted with friendly Boston area for the last IS years. m m 649-5253 than usual. treated to the woods to live alone. wives cope with all sorts of Midwesterners. Son Bob gave me a someone carrying one of the giant *Your driveway is cleaned, repaired and sealed with turbulent 1970s, my children The fact that several cars full of He's also returned to full-time complications while their men are Richard lives in Union. Jean and sea slugs walked up to ask if changed their thinking and their tour of the University of Iowa, Gerry have been living in New Lalexite, u high-quality sealer! Store Hours: Mon.-Tuos.-Wed. 8am-6pm — Thurs.-FrI. 'til 6:30 — Sat. 8am-8pm people arrived two hours late college as he continues full-time at sea for months. where he worked and studied, and anyone knew what it was. lifestyles. I've enjoyed being part didn't help. But everyone ate the work. He welcomes visits from The bond between wives is great. Hampshire for a few years and Bob "They look like livers," she said. of their households. I've seen more the other poInU of interest. The two Is In the process of moving from .S A ^ ITEMS CASH & CARRY SALE ENDS JULY 24, 1965 meal, anyway. relatives when they can be fit At one visit to Jean in Newport, visiU to the midwest each followed of the country than I would have When Gerry introduced me to his between work and classes. •he helped another mother ar­ Minnesota to New Hampshire. a week with Jean In Norfolk, a less Welcome back! » - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday, July 18, 1985 Renovations begin It’s hard to decide Advice at Lake Compounce to neuter a female Owners of fe­ BRISTOL (UPI) — Dignitaries the century through the 1920s, with male pets often Mom fears we’re teaching GADGET-CRAZY launched a $21 million restoration upgrading of the rides, wonder of Lake Compounce by picking up “ It would a mistake to try to whether to brushes and helping paint the lead clone any other park in the n eu ter their P e t F o r u m horse of the 140-year-old amuse­ country,” Serff said, ” It has its % of U.S. homes having a: charges. With i ment park’s carousel. own tradition, its own heritage and kids to be too suspicious all the expert with the most beautiful setting of advice around, Allan Leventhal, D.V.M. The Hershey Entertainment and any park I ’ve been at.” retired five years ago, and from Radio it’s no wonder DEAR Resort Co. recently purchased the ” We intend to keep the best of the that time on he started to act the decision is ABBY: This is 90-acre amusement park from the old and mix that with a little bit of strange. He keeps all the blinds so difficult. in response to Norton family, which had held the the new,” he said. and drapes closed night and day. I Talaviuian (any) Veterinar­ the letter from land since it was deeded to it by the Serff said he hoped to retain the am never allowed to open them. ians generally ‘'Concerned Indian chief Compounce in 1684. tradition of the Crocodile Club, uterus-accumulated fluid becomes It’s so depressing living in dar­ agree that female dogs and cats Mom,” who, Dear Abb^ Color TV Company Vice President Paul formed in 1875. At the annual infected and it’s necessary to spay kness. Our houseplants have all should be spayed before their first while shopping Serff said Wednesday that Lake meeting of the club, politicians her at an age and condition where died from lack of light. heat for the following reasons: with her 5-year- Compounce will be restored by gather for a picnic and to talk the results can sometimes be Abigail Van Buren I am not allowed to Invite anyone 1. Greater surgical safety. With old daughter, Starao ayatam Hershey as a turn-of-the century about anything but serious politics. over. We have no friends anymore. age and after a heat (or heats) or unsatisfactory encountered a theme park, with an expected "W e’ re really trying to make The only time I talk to people is pregnancies, the uterus and its Last year I bad to spay a ' friendly reopening date of May 1986. sure the Crocodile tradition is 15-year-old poodle with a severe when I go to the shopping center. Black-and-whita TV accompanying blood vessels be­ stranger offer­ Serff said, " I t ’s going to be a maintained," Serff said, calling it He doesn’t even want me to talk on If it's electronic come larger and more prone to uterine infection It took special ing a few coins family-oriented theme ameuse- "an important tradition that’s procedures and intensive care with ' to her child. "Concerned Mom" their sight while shopping. the. phone. If anyone calls, he hemorrhage. Before maturity, Vidao game and entertaining, ment park.” been here at Lake Compounce for IV fluids, antibiotics, etc . to pull explained to the stranger that she listens to every word I say. these vessels and organs are Edward J. Book, chairman and 109 years." her through was trying to teach her child not to DEAR ABBY; 1 took my kids to What is wrong with this man? He Americans want it. relatively small and less of a chief executive officer of Hershey, But with the annual meeting date 7. Cost, UsuaHy” less simply ~ talk to strangers or accept any Disneyland last week. My little boy never used to be this way. Vidaocaaaatta problem, For example, nearly said the rejuvenated park will set for mid-August, Serff said, because it’s an e a ^ T . shorter gifts from them. She said, "He is 2- tape, then tie the other end to a removing rust or ink spots from r J ’‘P'5!:e*’» (PO) 12. 2:15, 4:30, 7:10, Shifflira 3 -4’ *10** in a solution of 1 tablespoon salt, 2 12:45,3,5:10, .matoaa, ate. Also bedding :l -1 piece of doweling or an ice-cream hands or clothing. Rub the spot 7:30, 9:45. — Cocoon (PG-13) 12:15, tablespoons boric acid and 1 cup • DRESSES • Hlbltcui 3-4’ * 8*” geraniums In Moom, pe- stick rested across the top of the with the juice, then rinse tho­ 2:30, 4:45, 7:10, 9:40. — Bock to the tunlss, Impstlerts, marigolds, 410 Burnham St. water (or 12 hours. Allow it to dry Future (PC) 12:15,2:30,4:45,7:20,9:45 salvia, ate. Pack m mold. Many molds made specifi­ roughly with cold water. completely. To make a wick, braid — Mod Max Beyond Thunderdome Oliandir 3 -4’ » 8” Manchester, Ct. cally for candlemaking have a JEAN (PG-13) 12:30, 2:45, 5, 7:30, 1 0 ^ PmJ • TERRY ROBES • ; Magenta, that brilliant red ani­ three strands of the dried, pre­ small hole in the bottom through Rider (R) 12:15, 2:35, 4:50, 7:30, 10:10 line dye derived from coal tar. was 644-1395 soaked cotton. — Rambo: First B lo^ Part II (R) 1, 3, Coeplili iiliellin ■( Homo 6 Folligi Plmb, which the end of the wick is passed, Pygmies are noted for having discovered in 1859. It was named I( you’re pouring your melted 7*45# lOtlO. — E.T., th# Extro- 168 Woodlend St., Manchester “ — t4 (i then the wick is knotted to keep it the highest human basal metabo­ Ten-estrlal (PG) FrI ond Sat 12, 2:15, for the bloodv battle of Magenta, Bird Foodari, Bird Food, Bowl. Bolls. Poltory, candlewax into molds, you'll need from pulling back through the hole. lism rate in the world. 4:30,7:10,9:40,11:50. where the AuRfians were defeated Flint Food. Drlid Mitirlolt, Cnfl Books ind Oir- Mancbofter Jonjn£j2NktJ2£o^^ •".SSI 643-8474 UA Tbeoters lo s t — Beverly Hills We now carry wide width shoes. by the Frenclrand Sardinians, Coo (R) 2,4:15,7; 10,9:40. - Brem ter j Millions (PG) 2:20,4:40,7:15,9:30 —% Vige to jj Kill (PG) 2, 4:25, 7, 9:45. Thoughts J r i ^ u x Celleoa Twin — The Eme- (K) 7,9; 10. — Porls, Texos (R) 7.— The TSitttpaJliotu Blues Brothers (R) 9:45. Ghandi took a unique and very member of the untouchable caste. VtCIIMI VBINON - VEimOII CIRCLE 649-4430 ...ITS SPRING. personal approach to the caste He changed his name to Harijan, a into His family as one of His O f ^ 9 * * America ( R) 7:10, 9:05. — A View to a KIM (PG) 7, 9:30. AVOW— Bt.M.fMdwH^ mmm problem in India. He was a word that means ’’child of God.” children. member of the higher caste. He God offers us the s ame opportun­ was morally repulsed by the idea lo s t Windsor — A view to a KIM (PG) ■— ity. Regardless of what we have 9:30 with Teachers (R) 10:40. wim eowD— ■■Bw of some people being untouchable, done, how isolated or untouchable Rev. Dr. Shephard S. Johnson Moncliasler — Reopens Friday. Time To Get Growing!,,. so be adopted into his own family a Mansfield — Coll theater for DMOOUTOWfN— we may feel. God wants us to come South United Methodist Church schedule. MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. July 18, 1985 - Ij. I« - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thurgdav. July 18, 1985 About Town Coluncll Installs SPORTS grand knight District Deputy Claude Ruel of Bolton Americans alive, and Monsignor Edward J. Reardon, chaplain of Campbell Council, Knights of Columbus, recently installed Law­ Internationals rence J. Aceto of 76 Joan Circle as grand knight for a one-year term. Other new officers in­ are eliminated stalled include: Bren­ dan M. Moriarty, deputy District Eight Little League stole third and scored on ,a grand knight: Henry J. All-Star action Wednesday night groundout. Nadeau, chancellor; Ed­ saw the Manchester American Winning pitcher Jason Oatway ward F. Boland, record­ All-Stars remain alive by whipping was in conimaml, striking out 14, ing secretary: James Somers, 14-1, in a loser’s bracket walking two and allowing just four Higgins Jr,, advocate: hits. Somers plated its only run in Lawrence Aceto outing in Somers. The Manchester Robert R. Lucas, treas­ Internationals, however, weren’s the third inning urer; Frank Berlinski, as fortunate as they were elimi­ Blaekman. Mark Massaro and warden; Lawrence M. Colvin, Ronald C. Cote and nated by homestanding Stafford, Justin Bolduc each eolleeted two James R. Moore Jr., guards; and Leo McNamara, 4-0. hits for the Americans trustee. . . . . , Manchester Americans will re Joseph E. McCarthy was reappointed financial iMMhi \ \ turn to the diamond Monday night secretary by Supreme Knight Virgil C. Dechant. Americans 14, Somers 1 against the loser of the Windsor At Somers, the Americans un­ Locks-Enfield National contest Audubon Society sets programs X loaded 11 hits in staying in scheduled Friday The Americans X contention in the double elimina­ will visit the loser of that winner's GLASTON B UR Y — Connecticut Audubon Society tion tourney. Manchester scored bracket affair will offer introductory sessions on orienteering, the six runs in the first inning on three art of exploring the woods with compass and map. and walks, three Somers errors and \ another course on dinosaurs at the society s Holland three hits with key blows being an Stafford 4, Internationals 0 Brook Nature Center, 1361 Main St. RBI single by Eric Blackman and Sessions include: two-run single by Craig Girard. At Stafford, winning pitcher Sal Orienteering for those over age 12 — July 27 from 2 The Silk Towners added seven Papalardo allowed just two hits to 4 p.m.; $4 for members and $6 for non-members. runs in the second inning with key He fanned seven while striking out Orienteering for those 9 to 12 — Aug 13 from 9:30 hits being a bases-clearing triple three. Leland Boutilier and Lind­ a.m. to noon: $7 for members and $9 for . by Blackman and a two-run double sey Boutilier had the lone hits for non-members. by Matt Ryan. The Americans the Internationals, a single and Fossils, dinosaurs and tracks — For children 9 to 12; added their final run in the third double respectively. Lindsey Bou- Aug. 25 from 9:30 a.m. to noon; $7 for members and$9 inning. Andy Buccino singled and tilier highlighted the defensive for non-members. took second as Girard reached on effort for Manchester at shortstop catcher’s interference. Buccino with six putouts ^ -fc »► To register, call 633-8402. \

Herald photos by Pinto Lifesaving class starts Sunday UPl photo Kennedy campers dance The Recreation Department will hold advanced Goose Gossage of the San Diego Padres was one of five All-star Game. It's to be seen if baseball will be stopped Legion kicks away lifesaving classes for people 15 or older on Sundays dead in its tracks when the Aug. 6 strike deadline arrives. and Mondays, starting Sunday, from 6 to 8 p.m.. for National League pitchers who stopped the American Bob Phelps and Vanessa Baker help themselves at the buffet dance begins. Baker and Nordquist are among 30 counselors at five weeks at Globe Hollow Pool. The fee is $25. For League's top guns dead In their tracks in Tuesday's Tuesday during Camp Kennedy’s annual dinner dance. Right, the day camp for the mentally retarded. The camp, which is run more information, call Walt Adamy or Kathy O’Neill Zone Eight clash Charles Lhada and Kim Nordquist share a moment before the by the town recreation department, is in its 23rd season. at 647-3295. Defense has been a foundation markers Major Leagues face big ‘If for the Manchester Legion base­ Manchester dips to 12-4 in Zone ball team this summer. Some Eight action and 21-12 overall with Private dumping iikely to hurt municipai teaching hospitais costly holes, however, developed the loss. The locals return to action Wednesday night at MCC’s Cougar tonight in a non-zone affair against By Gerry Monigan ever, winning 10 of their last 11 Bryn Smith is 10-3 and reliever game, winning 12 ol their last 15. Field as the Post 102 contingent Moosup at Cougar Field at 6 parts,” the report concluded, Pedro Guerrero has lit the fuse By GIno Del Guercio doctors are trained there. These caid patients will not be accepted current hospital payment system, smaller than average proportion of United Press International games. The offense, dormant in Mike Reardon has been impres­ kicked away a 7-6 decision to Sean McCarthy and Larry Stan­ "Moreover, the new system of with a record home-run tear in United Press Internotlonal hospitals also treat a large propor­ to community hospitals and will called diagnostic related groups or the patients at municipal teaching June, finally bolstered the steady sive for Montreal, which is 3'h Windsor Locks in Zone Eight ford each had two hits to pace tion of the country’s urban poor. find themselves with no place to go DRGs, does not take into account hospitals. When hospitals have a reimbursement may create incen­ One word describes the pennant pitching. Dwight Gooden, 13-3, has games back. Injuries have deci­ June. The offense has finally given action. Manchester. Fernando Valenzuela, 10-8, a fight­ BOSTON — Municipal teaching Municipal teaching hospitals except municipal hospitals, the the severity of a patient’s illness, high proportion of Medicare pa­ tives for voluntary or community races shaping up in the second half actually improved on his Rookie of mated the Cubs. 7'A back. Four Manchester errors directly hospitals to pass along uninsured ing chance. hospitals are in for hard times will be hurl to a greater extent than report said. the sickest and most expensive tients, the burden of austerity of the major league baseball the Year form of last season, and In the American League East, led to five of the Windsor Lock’s Windsor Locks 200 230 7-7-5 ahead private hospitals other hospitals under current Medicaid is a state and federal patients will be sent to municipal measures tends to be lessened patients and those with more season. Ron Darling, 9-2, and Ed Lynch, the Yankees have become the runs. Two miscues in the fourth Manchester 310 020 6-7-4 J Aside from LaMarr Hoyt, 12-4, expensive illnesses to municipal Ludden, Wlnlorskl (5) and Golden; will begin dumping unprofitable federal attempts to reduce the public health plan that pays teaching hospitals, which cannot slightly. If. 7-5, have won their last three juggernaut they perenniallly the Padres’ starting rotation has inning accounted for two runs and institutions, and thus compound Archombdult, Powers (5), Helln (6) patients as a result of the federal rising costs of medical care for a medical and hospital costs for the refuse to take them. "This is going to dilute the The spectre of a players’ strike starts. threaten to become. Ron Guidry. soured. San Diego has won three of two more bobbles in the fifth and B. McCarthy. their problem” government's new cost-cutting variety of reasons, said a special poor. "The situation is that the sickest quality of care these hospitals can has darkened the prospects for The St. Louis Cardinals, who 12-3, is beginning to resemble his its last 10 games, giving third- accounted for three other WP- Ludden, LP- Archombdult. measures, medical specialists said article published in this week’s "We’re going to find a lot of those patients in need of the most provide,” said Schwartz, an expert some intriguing races. surprised the National League Cy Young Award year of 1978. place Cincinnati new heart. today. New England Journal of Medicine. patients dumped on municipal sophisticated care will be put into on health care costs. “ I think we’re The warring factions will meet East by storming past the Mets, Rickey Henderson is instant of­ The AL West is sad, but the Hospitals such as New York “The future looks far more bleak institutions," said the article’s hospitals already under fiscal heading toward a two-tier system EMERGENCY Thursday to attempt a break­ Cubs and Expos for the lead, gave fense and the middle of the lineup California Angels are crying all the City's Bellevue Hospital, Chica­ tor municipal teaching hospitals,’’ primary author. Dr. William B. pressure, and at present carrying of medical care if this trend through. But if there is insufficient ground grudgingly to the Mets. is scary. way to the top. The Angels have said the report. Schwartz, professor of medicine at continues in the country.” Fire — Police — Medical Winning 13 of their last 17 games, The Toronto Blue Jays are still Yankees get Allen go’s Cook County Hospital. County a much higher burden of charity progress over the next three lost just twice in their last 13 games Hospital in Los Angeles and Boston Of primary concern is that as Tufts University Medical School in care and bad debt," said Schwartz. "The situation of municipal weeks, baseball could disappear St. Louis holds a 2>A-game lead. up by 2'/i games but went 8-7 in and their six-game lead is largest U City Hospital are extremely im­ Medicaid eligibility is cut back, Medford, Mass. And finally, Medicare, the fed­ teaching hospitals as a group is D IA L 9 1 1 into the summer haze Aug. 6 — the Joaquin Andujar, 15-4, is off to their last 15 games before the in club history. Ron Romanick is portant to the quality of U.S. health which is a tendency around the The second problem is that eral health program that helps pay much more precarious than that of In Manchester strike deadline set by the players. his best start, Danny Cox is 11-4 break. After Dave Stieb. 9-5, the 10-4 and Donnie Moore has deve­ starting pitching is suspect, and to bolster bullpen care. Many of this country’s young country. As a result, many Medi- because the federal government’s for care of the elderly, pays for a their non-municipal counter­ For several teams, the All-Star and John Tudor 10-7. Willie McGee loped into the bullpen stopper. Game was an unwelcome break in and Tommy Herr have battled for too many starters have played momentum. In the two weeks the batting lead and rookie Vince without rest because of a weak At least one team might not mind before the break, the two hottest Coleman has become a terror on bench. Detroit is 3'h back and a strike, though. The Cleveland ST. LOUIS (UPI) - The St. LANACORT teams in baseball belonged to New the basepaths. Baltimore 7'/i. Indians have a .326 winning Louis Cardinals have given Neil CUTEX SUMMER York. New faces on the Expos like In the NL West, the Los Angeles percentage and are 24 games out of Allen a chance to emerge from the X 1 CREAM Dodgers have overtaken the de­ first place. Some things never shadows of Keith Hernandez and RAVE n a CLAIROL HXOnOCORTISOHE The Mets finished their first half Hubie Brooks and Mike Fitzgerald Nall fending champion Padres by a half change. Bruce Sutter. L Pump or BLOND Condition MEUCXnOH ,50 OZ. with the most successful road trip have eased the loss of Gary Carter. Polish The Cardinals Wednesday dealt Aerosol H llr Shampoo Toothpaste the seldom-used reliever to the Hairspray Remover Llght«n«r All Types Strike looms over players’ heads New York Yankees for a minor- All Types All Types All Types 15 o z . 250 OFFII league player to be named later. 7 o z . \ 4 o z . Kit Regular After coming to St. Louis with 7 o z . great fanfare in the June 1983 deal $167 for Hernandez, the Cardinals have $ 1 5 7 Baseball faces perilous three weeks practically given Allen away. The 27-year-old right-hander is "I sawSparky in the hallway and 1-4 with two saves — none since By Mike Tullv " I ’m very optimistic about the ties, the players would consider April 20 — and a 5.59 ERA. He we both just said the players get United Press International Brewers," Milwaukee third base- that factor in negotiations. appeared in just six games and you here either way,” Williams man Paul Molitor said. “ But if Until the next meeting, however, pitched only 8 2-3 innings since W E T ONES said. "This is really a sweet night GILLETTE MINNEAPOLIS — Having es­ we’re not playing after Aug, 6, I ’ll fans can contemplate one of May, including a start in Pitts­ Towelettes for me. I didn’t win any games as GILLETTE caped the terrors of the Metro- go home early and forget about it. ’ ’ baseball’s most perplexing ques­ burgh when he was shelled in a 13-2 PERMASOFT an American Leaguer and I got my TRAC II ^ Porta Pack dome, major-league baseball now The sides held separate meet­ tions — why the N L dominates the defeat. l-KTIU SmNGTIt PFRMA I S h a m p o o maiden tonight. Some of my TRAC II 30's enters a perilous three weeks that ings during the All-Star break. All-Star Game. Allen believed St. Louis fans Cartridge All Types players know how much I really G a s -X Razor could result in a strike. Player representatives met in "I know why they won tonight. It blamed him for the loss of the Tablets Blades 8 o z . Tablets The National League defeated Chicago on Monday to set the was the way they pitched," said wanted to win” popular Hernandez. He was also NEIL ALLEN Detroit manager Sparky Ander­ 36’s 5’s 4 8 ’s the American League 6-1 Tuesday strike deadline. Before the All-Star under pressure when Sutter went the staff before becoming a short Game, management negotiators son, who missed becoming the first LaMarr Hoyt, the Game’s MVP, $299 night in a relatively calm All-Star said complete athletes help the NL to Atlanta as a free agent before reliever with left-hander Dave Game — much calmer, in fact, gathered and discussed the strike manager to win an All-Star Game aA loa dominate. this season. Righetti returning to the starting than the second half of the season deadline. in both leagues. St. Louis has rid itself of a rotation. "Maybe it’s just that the Na­ may prove. The next significant meeting of "The American League had big contract in which Allen will earn Allen, who showed up in a tional League is a little more When the regular season re­ the parties should occur Thursday hoppers out there, and they can be $750,000 this season, $900,000 next Yankees cap in the Cardinals’ relaxed than we are because sumes Thursday, players and in New York, when owners’ pitched to,” Hoyt said. "We have year and $1,260,000 in 1987. The clubhouse before Sunday’s game, they’ve had so much success in this management face a strike dead­ negotiator Lee MacPhail expects great athletes who can hit for Cardinals reportedly agreed to pay is expected to be in full uniform ZENDIUM game,” said George Brett, whose DRAMAMINE line of Aug. 6. union economists to comment on average, for home runs, and they an average of $400,000 each year of Thursday when the Yankess open a Fluoride sacrifice fly produced the only AL Unless they reach an agreement financial data provided by the can run and throw," Allen’s salary. four-game series in Minnesota Toothpaste STAYFREE FEENAMINT DIGEL Motion by then, they risk the second owners. run. "Maybe there’s more pres­ “ It was just one thing after Allen collected 67 saves from Super IREVLON sure on our side. "I thought there No home runs were hit in the 2.3 o z. Sickness mid-season strike in the last four Management has claimed that another,” Allen said at Lambert 1979 to 1982 with the Mets but G u m Tablets was a lot of vim and vigor on our game, a surprising development Maxi Pads Regular or Colorsilk years and the possible fan wrath sharply rising salaries are endan­ Field as he prepared to leave St. became a starter In St. Louis Tablets side” considering the presence of so Rag. or Daodorant Lemon Orange that goes with it. gering the financial structure of Louis Wednesday. "I couldn’t because the Cardinals had Suiter 30's __ 16’s 36’8 H aircolor 'T i l play every game as hard as the game. MacPhall indi'eates that San Diego manager Dick Willi­ many power hitters and the eO’B ams avoided the question on sta d iu m ’ s reputation as a bounce back. I was at a mental in the bullpen. Allen had a 10-6 I always do,” Cincinnati outfielder player recognition of financial standstill in St. Louis." record and a 3.70 ER A in 1983 He relative league' strength. He "Homerdome” $299 Dave Parker said. “ But on Aug. 6, problems is important in the Allen, who lives in New York, returned to the bullpen last year $509 stressed instead how much he Nor were their any disastrous 1 1 ” we’ll do what we have to do. bargaining process. asked to be traded. and was 9-6 with a 3.55 ERA and appreicated notching his first sequences involving fly balls hieing "They (owners) have to sit down Union head Don Fehr has said if "I wanted him, asked for him three saves. All-Star victory. lost in the lights. \ at the table and negotiate with us.” owners can show financial difficul­ and think he will be of great help to On opening day, Allen gave up a us in our stretch run," Yankees game-winning homer to Gary manager Billy Martin said. Carter of the Mets in the 10th Allen said Martin told him he inning. The next day he issued a TAMPAX SCHICK O’Connor early leader at British Open would gradually work his way into bases-loaded walk. Tampons Double Edge JOHSNOtrS USTERMINT SEABREEZE - GRECIAN By Mark Burton nine today to reach the turn at 5- yard par 70 Royal St. George’s links on the northeast coast of Platinum Plus Baby OH England, returned a one-under- with Flourlde Antiseptic FORMUU 16 United Press International under 30 in the first round of the links with a birdie outburst to top All Types 4 o z . 28% more freel 114th British Open Golf the early leader board.. par 69. 18 o z . Blades Lbmi3S. I) Liquid SANDWICH, England — Christy Championship. Peter Jacobsen, who shared the "Fo r me the conditions were a Club Championship oil 16 o z . 10’8 5's 8 o z . O'Connor J r „ with two bogeys on The 38-year-old Irishman first round lead at St. Andrew’s lot easier than in practice," his first three holes, fashioned five started bogey, birdie, bogey, bir­ last year, was one shot behind on Whelan said after playing his straight birdies on the outward die, but then assaulted the 6,857- four under after 12 holes. The round. 31-year-old American played a But he warned that while the set for weekend flawless front nine to reach the wind had proved less of a problem Athletes need financial eld turn in 4-under-par 31, at the start of his round, it was Semifinals and finals in the viously. McNamara came the He birdied the third, the 470- rising as he played the last few prestigious Men's Club Cham­ closest, being runner-up In 1970. pionship at Manchester Country Rencurrel Is a 16-year-old stu­ All four girls have competed for yard, bunker-ridden fourth, the holes. A stronger wind would Manchester Athletic Club will Club will be conducted this dent at Rockville High. He was Available at participating the MAC single its inception in 1984 sixth and the seventh before negate the effect of dry weather Crown Pharmacy have four athletes competing in the weekend. medalist at the recently held VALUE PLUS STORES! 1985 Junior Olympic Track Ji Field and recently won the Connecticut playing five holes in regulation par that was expected to greet the Prescription Center at Lenox Pharmacy The semifinals, set for 18 Northern SectlonI Qualifying in Not all items available Championship Meet scheduled TAC championships in both the 4 X as he set about matching his day’s late starters. 208 W. Center St. all stores. 299 E. Center St. PERMASOFT VAGISIL achievement in last year’s Open. American Larry Nelson also holes, will be Saturday with Tim the Connecticut State Golf Asso­ GILLETTE July 25-25 in battle. Wash. 100 and 4 X 200 relays. McNamara vs. Gary Rencurrel ciation Junior Championship at Not responsible for The MAC is accepting donations In 1984, Jacobsen covered the made a promising start, returning Manchester Manchester Hairspray Feminine Four girls, Margaret Annino, and Jamie Smith vs. Tom Hop Meadow. Vecsey Is a typographical errors. to help defray the trip to Seattle for Old Course at St. Andrew's in 5- a level par 70. ►¥?> Yvette Glasper, Debbie Martin Vecsey. Tee off time is a.m. second-year member of MCC ATRA All Types under-par 67 to share the first day Of the leading contenders, only 8 Powder and Regina Stallings have ad­ its competitors. Contributions may The finals will be 38 holes and has done well In Connecti­ Razor lead with Greg Norman and Americans Tom Kite, Lee Trevino Health & 7 oz. 6 o z . vanced to the national competition be sent to the MAC, c/o P.O. Box match play Sunday morning cut Golf Association state ama­ as a 4 X 100 meter relay team 1864, Manchester, Ct., 06040; or in Britain's Bill Longmulr. and Tom Watson made early Beauty Aids Kay Drug Co. Brooks Pharmacy Quinn’s Pharmacy O’Connor's pace was four starting at 8 a.m. teur play. Smith's father, Dick, following winning performances at care of Dick Brimley, 27 Deborah starts. Kite was three over par 14 Main St., 585 Enfield Ave., $309 strokes ahead of the early leader, A first-time Club Champion­ Was a finalist two years ago. Sale PricesI 873 Main St. $J89 both the state and regional levels. Drive, East Hartford, 06118. Brim- going to the last after a double­ David Whelan, who had completed ship will be crowned as none of Defending champ was Lon EFFECTIVE East Hartford Enfield Manchester OUaper also qualified Individually ley is the women's coach of the bogey at the 14th, while Trevino, at his round. The 23- year-old Briton, the four semlflnallsts won pre­ Annum. tar OM nationals in the 100 meter MAC with George Suitor the men's 45 bidding for his third Open title, July 18-20 coach. who plays his golf on a windswept reached the turn at two over. U - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. July 18. 1985 MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. July 18. 1985 — 17 Bettor^s moment of truth: 7fs almost post time' Americans are bypassing British Open en masse often get a more lucrative return about horse racing. As former but will go postward with one of horses as well as the jockeys, Editor's note; U PI's Fred Down handlcappers in the United States, by finding a couple of longshots to • Nicklaus said. "This is a hard Nicklaus said he spoke about this jockey Ted Atkinson once said, 'it’s considerably less talent, one might trainers and owners. He is familiar Bv Martin Lader But of even more note is the" pion, was even more emotional overriding factor, Watson menti­ has prepared a two-part series “ The $2 bet makes the fan a place to come to. the only accom­ a few days ago with Deane Bemon, with the condition of the racing bet with him in the Exacta. United Press International absence of 12 of the top 20 money when asked to rationalize the oned the extra time required to based on discussions with noted participant in the game, which is a game you don't play on the change his original handicapping, commisioner of the PGA Tour, and 5. The daily double is one of the winners on this year’s PGA earn­ absence of so many of his prepare tor the Open as another modation they can have is to rent a the main difference between going corner lot,’ Before making a final 3, Late scratches: “ Scratches surface itself and can offer sound New York newspaper handicapper best bets in racing because you are SANDWICH, England - In this ings list, headed by Curtis Strange, compatriots. factor. house, and the price for renting a he expects Beman to announce a to the races compared to going to a selection or placing a bet, the new can change the makeup of a race guidelines for occasional visitors Russ Harris about horse betting. In getting two bets for the price o f" quaint com er on the southeast the runaway leader with $527,581. ” I don’t think there’s any tourna­ " I ’m slightly disappointed, 1 feel house is pretty steep. It’s a lot of points system that would encour­ baseball or football game, fan should remember that while dramatically,” says Harris, "Sup­ to the track. For example, in many age golfers to play more with the today's concluding article, Harris one. You can have a few combinar., coait of England, there is deep ment in the world I enjoy playing we should be better represented," dollars and cents.” "Once a new racing fan learns his first choice may be his best pose you have chosen a late-closer races, half the horses don’t have a chance of earning bonuses. tells how conditions on race day tions, say two horses in one races concern about the unexpected Also passing up the Open, which more than this one,” he said. "I the five-time Open titlist said. "But Nicklaus contends there is a how to read the past performan­ choice, there are a number of because there were three speed chance to win,” can affect selections and presents and four in another and have a absence of cherished friends. many consider to be the world’s think the Open championship is the I know it takes me time to prepare problem in the United States as ces, he’ll find he learns a lot more things that can happen that would horses (likely to burn each other " I love horses, in fact animals in his nine rules for betting. chance for a good return, or you most prestigious golf champion­ granddaddy of them all. This is the over here, and that could be the well in attracting many of the top For the veteran Americans who about handicapping every time he make it adviseable to change a out) in the original entries. You general,” says Harris, who, in The defection of a number of might ’wheel’ what appears a solid ship, are Raymond Floyd, Calvin mecca. This is where we come and reason many of them didn’t players to tournaments, did make the journey to Sandwich, goes to the track. One possible way selection." might want to change if two of the conclusion offers his nine rules for Americans from the British Open horse in one event with all the ^ Peete, Hal Sutton, U.S. Open worship and I would play in it come," "Our prize money has grown the prestige of the British Open far to learn is by buying a newspaper speed horses are scratched," enjoying a day at the races: has become a prime subject of By Fred Down horses or most of the horses in the champion Andy North, former regardless of how I ’m playing or Both Trevino and Nicklaus esti­ leaps and bounds in the last few overrides the monetary value or a and checking the selections of an The following are considerations 4, If observation of the early (xmversation, with serious ques­ United Press International 1, "You can’t win if you bet every other half of the double. British and U.S, Open champion how I feel. mated that their week in Britain years," Nicklaus said. “ It’s be­ possible loss. experienced handicapper,” Harris Harris says can change the mind of races shows that the track is tions arising about the future of race, Johnny Miller, Fred Couples, Hale " I ’m as surprised as everyone could cost as much as $12,000. The come a very difficult problem NEW YORK - It's 10 minutes says, a handicapper or bettor as post favoring speed horses, the bettor 6. "Ignore the Triple except on - this major championship. Irwin and Jerry Pate. "T o me the Open is THE could consider changing his earlier 2, “ If you must bet every race, else they’re not coming. I thought total purse for the Open has been trying to get players to play. If you before post time. The average "Now the fan can check out how time approaches. Implicit in Har­ very special occasions. The 25 tournament," Trevino said. "1 bet only $2 on most of them and When the 114th Open begins " I don’t see why some of the there were some players capable increased to $715,500, with Grst don’t pay enough money, they bettor has studied the selections of his selections compare. He may ris’ advice is the notion the bettor selection. The same might be true would come to play if I had to leave save your $20 bets for races on percent takeout is too high and the.™ Thursday, 32 Americans are ex­ Americans didn’t come over,” of winning, such as Curtis Strange. prize of $87,750. But by the time you won’t play, and if you pay them the on-track newspaper handi­ have overlooked a horse or two; should wait until shortly before if the horses are unexpectedly V a month before and swim. The which you have a strong opinion. fields are usually the worst of the , pected among the field of 153. Crenshaw said Wednesday. "H ere They’ll be missed, but the tourna­ get to sixth place, the value is only enough, they’ll win the money and capper. He has agreed with some why did the pro choose a different any race before placing a bet. running into the wind, A strong younger generation in America wind against the field favors a This can turn out to be annoying if day. . Included are such favorites as I am having the worst year ever ment will go on and 1 think it opens $27,000. go home. and made some of his own. He horse? The fan may decide he has 1. Weather and track conditions: 7. "If have have a couple of has so many tournaments and so late-closer who will be shielded by you win the $2 bets and lose me $20 Jack Nicklaus, Tom Watson. and I wouldn’t miss this for the the field a bit more." "The guys look at that and you " I t ’s a problem, but they’re reaches confidently for his wallet. made a sounder selection on one It may be advisable to change a losers, don’t try to double up and much money and maybe they don’t the front runners most of the trip. wagers, but it’s a good rule over Fuzzy Zoelier, Lee Trevino and world." Although the consensus of opin­ know if you don’t finish in the top 3 entertainers and you can’t really This, he says to himself, is my day. race but may have missed an angle selection if the race was handi­ catch up; the so-called progression realize how important it is." Horses running into the wind are the long run. Ben Crenshaw. Trevino, a two-time Open cham- ion points to money as the or 4 you’re going to lose money," fault them,” But is it? on another contest. In any event, capped anticipating clear and fast betting is the surest way to he can reappraise his work before conditions and it is raining the day likely to tire. 3, "N ever take less than 7-5 odds "The biggest pleasure in going to except in very special situations bankruoptcy, ^ . he wagers, of the race. Another tip; European "Rem em ber that the role of the the races is to study the past such as a major stakes where the 8. "Lim it your losses but don’t ; performances, analyze the race “ Most of us learn a lot about horses generally run better than handicapper is to make the races Athletes more interesting for the ob­ class and ability of the horses are limit your winnings. i Dana Kirk and make a selection," says Russ baseball, football and basketball U.S. horses on soft grass. 9. " I f the track is muddy, go to a J Sports In Brief when we're kids," he went on. “ But 2. A change of jockeys: If a server," Harris emphasizes, “ He well-documented. Harris of the New York Daily 4, If you like a favorite, you can m ovie.” ! News, one of the best newspaper few young people learn anything cpiooiior, ha.sed on a top rider is a daily observer, knows the to take Charity golf tourney on Tuesday may testify Manchester Country Club and the American Cancer Society will co-sponsor a charity golf tournament Tuesday at the In probe easy way Manchester Country Club with play slated to begin at 1 p.m. A golf clinic by PGA Tour professional Mike Reid will be presented NEW ORLEANS (UPI) - Mem­ By United Press International SCOREBOARD at 6 p.m. phis State coach Dana Kirk could A significant number of Texas’ Proceeds from the tournament go to Camp Rising Sun, a camp be subpoenaed as a defense best high school football players for youngsters with cancer. witness in the trial of former American League atandinga Tulane University basketball star plan to take easier classes this fall Those wishing to enter may do so by contacting the American to avoid falling victim to the state’s 8 Cancer Society, 237 E. Center St., Manchester, or by contacint John "Hot Rod” Williams. Rec Basketball East * Lawyers for Williams filed a controversial "no-pass, no-play" Softball W L Pet. GB ; MCC golf professional Ralph DeNicolo. Entry fee is $60 and that’s eligibility rule, according to a 53 35 .602 — . for golf, dinner and prizes. motion Wednesday at a pretrial 49 36 .576 2'/z • hearing for their client asking that survey conducted by a statewide football magazine. TONIOHT'S GAMES 48 37 .565 3Vz * Kirk be subpoenaed to appear at Southern 44 41 .518 7Vz ; Pub/MMH vt. HPMarket, 6 — F ltl- the trial scheduled for Aug. 5. Of 205 students responding to the gtrold 45 42 .517 7Vz . Nutmegger receives award from ND Colt 45s 77 (Nell PtachInskI 20, Ken 37 47 .440 14 • Williams is to be tried that day on poll by Texas Football magazine, Ztm brow skl’s v im Main Pub, 7:M — Brennan 17, Eric Gillian 14), Kerry F ltis tro ld X 58 .326 24 * SOUTH BEND, Ind. — James A. Mello, a starting fullback on charges stemming from a point­ 78 — 38 percent — said they Blue 54 (Mo Harrison 17, Dennis W #tf * planned to take easier classes this PoMct V I . Oil Heat, 6 — Robertion McCoy 10). two national champion Notre Dame football teams, has been shaving scheme that led to the Irlih V I. O lenn'i, 7:30 — Robertion California 52 25 .598 — . Manchester Athletic Club 35 (Nick Oakland 46 41 .529 6 * cancellation of Tulane’s men’s season. And of the 78 coaches T alaga'i V I. Renn'i, 4 — Charter Oak Foran 14), Smoke 29 (Vito Perrone 10). named this year’s winner of the Harvey Foster Award by the Stephenion'i vi. Purdv'i, 6 — Kee­ Kansos CItv 44 42 .512 7Va - 'basketball program. responding to the survey, 67 expect Chlcogo 42 42 .500 8Vz j university’s alumni association. ney K irk’s testimony could be impor­ at least some of their players to E lk i V I. Belllveau, 4 — PaeanI Eaatern Seattle 42 45 .483 10 , Mello, a physical education specialist at the Mansfield follow that plan. JC 'i V I. Jone'i, 7:30 — Pasani Minnesota 40 45 .471 11 Training School in Connecticut who has worked with mentally tant because Tulane’s home game B . A . Club V I. N e lio n 'i, 4 — Nike Fred's Auto Parts 42 (Mike McKenna Texos 32 56 .364 XVz ■ with Memphis State on Feb. 20 is "When it comes down to a 11, Fred Hughs 11, Doug Marshall 10), Wednesday's (Tames handicapped children and adults for 26 years, will be honored in Brand Rex vi. Sullivan, 7:30— Nike chance of missing a sport you Panthers 38 (Shawn Kennedy 13, Chris No games scheduled ceremonies at halftime of the Notre Dame-Army game on Oct. one of two college contests al­ legedly fixed in the,scheme involv­ really like, the smart thing to do is Mateya 12). Thursday’s (Tames 19. Nike New England Furniture 53 (BIN (All Times EDT) ing Williams, two of his teammates change yourschedule,” said defen­ PolettI 17, Mike Baum 10), Hungry New York (Whitson 5-6) at Minnesota • Nels Johnson Insurance was outhit Tiger 46 (Mike Burdick 18, Rick Mlus (Smithson 67), 1:15p.m. and four non-athletes. sive lineman Terry Price of Plano, bv a 12*4 count but hod the runs for a 2-1 12). Cleveland (Ruble 2-4) ot Chicago , Morgan withdraws from Open Williams’ request came one day a Dallas suburb. " I t ’s a chance victory over Stevenson’s Texaco Wed- (Burns9-6),2:Xp.m. after another figure in the case you’ve got to take.” nesdov night at Nike Field. Randy Texas (Hough 7-10) at Detroit (Tanana " Williamson's sacrifice fly plated Bill 4-8), 7:35 p.m. , SANDWICH, England — Gil Morgan withdrew from the pleaded guilty to two counts of The no-pass, no-play rule, which Frottoroll with the winning m arker for Oakland (C od iroll 3-5) at To- . British Open Thursday because of a torn shoulder muscle, conspiracy to commit sports brib­ was passed by the Texas Legisla­ the Insuroncemen. John Purcell and ronto (Alexander 8-6), 7:35 p.m. . Bill Donovan each socked three hits reducing the American contingent to 31. ery and 10 counts of sports bribery. ture in 1984 and upheld as constitu­ and Pete Heard a pair for Stevenson's. Soccer Kansas CItv (Saberhogen 10-4) at * Morgan’s place in the field of 153 was taken by Briton Gary Sources close to the investiga­ tional last week by the Texas Baltimore (McGregor 7-7), 7:35 p.m. tion have described Gary Kranz of Supreme Court, requires students Colltornla (Romonlck 10-4) at Boston . Smith. Rec (Hurst 67), 7:35 p.m. New Rochelle, N.Y., 21, as one of who fall at least one course with a Seattle (Moore 7-5) at Mllwau- ' the originators of the point-shaving grade under 70 to be suspended Manchester Pizza scored four runs Poo Wees UPI photo with two outs In the seventh Inning for a kee (Darwin 69), 8:35 p.m. , Cram may pull out of race plan. In exchange for the guilty from extracurricular activities for 12-11 come-from-behind victory over liling: Mustangs 2 (Joson Blakesley pleas Kranz entered Tuesday, six weeks. Porter Cable at Nike Field. Kevin 2), Dolphins 1 (Matt Wright). Friday's (Tames LONDON — Steve Cram, back in Britain after Tuesday’s 1,500 prosecutors dropped one bribery Chris Evert Lloyd made short work of Cathy Cummings J Morse and Don Greenwood each Panthers 4 (Brent Marlar 2, Scott New York at Minnesota, night Not surprisingly, the rule was Rugonis, Jamie Mendola), Meteors 0. Cleveland at Chlcogo, night m eter world record-breaking run in Nice, may pull out of his zipped tour hits, Tom Rooney three and count and 10 drug counts against in their first round match at Virginia Slims of Newport universally unpopular among the Bill Hart, Joe Bober, Dave Scranton MCC: Aztecs 1 (Jamie Lazzarls), Boston at Milwaukee, night scheduled clash with Olympic champion Sebastian Coe at the him. ond Ted C lifford two apiece for PIzzo. Hornets 0. Texas at Detroit, night ToOrnament Wednesday. Chris needed just 41 minutes 205 players and 78 coaches who Shawn Doherty and Don Case each had Timbers 2 (Jason Bevans, Timmy Oakland at Toronto, night Puegeot Talbot Grand Prix meet in London Friday. Three defendants in the case responded to the survey. Every four hits ond Ned Wells, Joe Volcano, Emore), Corriers 0. Kansas City at Baltimore, night Cram, who lowered British rival Steve Ovett’s world record previously reached plea-bargain for 6-0, 6-1 victory. Californio at Boston, night one of the coaches and more than Don B arry and Len RIccIo two apiece time to 3 minutes, 30.77 seconds, is troubled by a calf injury which agreements with prosecutors. for Porter. Pizza outhit Porter, 24-20. Midgets 90 percent of the players respond­ has affected him all season. One count of conspiracy to ing said they objected to the law’s Independent Girls: Corlbous 1 (Shoron Rockow), Eaatern League atandinga commit sports bribery, one count six-week suspension period. Stallions 0. ^ I- of possession of cocaine and nine Chris works fast “ Somebody is going to be killed Nassiff Arms did the bulk of the Whitecaps 3 (Anissa Barbato 3), counts of cocaine distribution damoge In the middle frames as It Chieftains 1 (Missy Jolly). w L Pet. O B : Cowboys Ink No. 1 pick because of that rule," said Randy H overpowered Wilson Electric, 10-3, at Chiefs 3 (Karen Rattakan 2, Jen Waterbury 52 39 .571 — . against Kranz have been dis­ Emery,football coach in the afflu­ Fltzgerold Field. Merrill Myers hod Moir), Stars 1 (Brenda Rockwood). Albany 52 39 .571 — - THOUSAND OAKS, Calif. — The Dallas Cowboys have signed missed. Criminal District Court Herald photo by Pinto New Britain 51 40 .560 1 ■ ent Dallas suburb of Highland three hits and Poul Frenette, Rick their No. 1 draft choice, Michigan defensive end Kevin Brooks, to Judge Alvin Oser has ordered a in opening match Nicola, Bruce Tracy, George Honlon Nashua 44 45 .494 7 ‘ Park. “ If a kid drops out of school Juniors a four-year contract, club officials announced. and Steve ClancI two apiece for Vermont 45 48 .484 8 . pre-sentencing investigation into because he can’t play football, and Nassttf's. One of Frenette's blows was Boys: Strikers3(StuartSherrell, Jim Putting a kick Into the game Glens Falls 41 51 .446 11’/^ The 6-foot-7 262-pounder and his agent, Mike Trope, drove from Kranz’s background, due to be Reading X 49 .437 12 ' By Frederick Waterman Zealand, 6-4, 6-3 in a second-round he robs a 7-Eleven and shoots a grandslam homer. Pout OstunI and Curry, Shelby Joy), Apaches 0. Los Angeles to Thousand Oaks Wednesday to sign the completed by Oct. 16, Andy Gona each blistered two hits for Cyclones 1 (Fronk Woodbury), Dips Pittsfield 40 52 .435 12Vj ' United Press International match. somebody, that’s a direct result of Wilson's. Brian Schwarz (left) and Travis Holly- Wednesday night at Kennedy Road Wednesday's Results agreement. Trope said the contract includes an option by the Kranz faces a maximum sent­ 0. Jordan, whose world ranking no-pass, no-play,” Vermont 2, Pittsfield 1,1st, 10 Innings . ence of 2'h years in prison and a field of the Apaches follow the bouncing field. The Apaches didn’t fare well on the Pittsfield 15, Vermont 2,2nd '■ Cowboys to renew for one additional year. NEWPORT, R.I. - After win­ recently fell from 12 to 16, said, A few students, though, felt the Charter Oak $5,000 fine on each of the conspi­ soccer ball in Manchester Rec Depart- scoresheet, however, losing 3-0 to the Reading 10, New Britain 1,1st ) ning more than 1,000 pro tourna­ "M y tennis is fine. I ’ve just run into law should stand, regardless of the L Reading 2, New Britain 0, 2nd , racy counts, as well as a five-year LoStroda Pizza raced to a 4-0 lead ment matches, Chris E vert Lloyd a couple of players recently who six-week suspension period. ond held off o seventh Inning ra lly by mentjuniorsoccerjuniordivision action Strikers. Glens Falls 9, Albany 2 Jack Nicklaus Jr. In running maximum sentence and a $10,000 Nashua 9, W aterbury 0 ' has lost her patience. were hot and went through me like “ If you can’t excel in the MCC Vets for o 4-2 decision at Basketball fine on each bribery count. Fitzgerald. Bill FInnegon and Jeff Thursday's (Tames The winner of 16 Grand Slam a train,” classroom, you shouldn’t expect to Albany at Glens Falls ! COAL VALLEY, 111. — Jack Nicklaus Jr. will be going for his Keegan each had three hits and Jim singles titles needed just 41 min­ excel outside it," said Curt Rles- Poole a pair for Pizza. Pete Ramey ond Biubiil^tlitlttlci Colltornla 1610 3625 21-7 61 Pittsfield at Vermont first win on the pro circuit as a competing amateur in the $300,OCO " I ’ve always said there whs 1314 29-X 11-14 61 Waterbury at Nashua Bud Durand each roped two hits for the USBL standings Chicago Quad Cities Open which opens today. utes Wednesday to eliminate Kat­ depth on the women’s tour, I just ter, an all-state Class 3A kicker Vets. Cleveland 1321 1537 7-17 14 Reading ot New Britain ■ from San Antonio Cole. " I f you Baseball ThroughT vo u g hthe lM All-Star j Game Detroit 1613 3024 2011 56 Friday's (Tames Nicklaus and more than 100 other golfers will compete on the hleen Cummings 6-0, 6-1 in the first wish someone else was proving it tm rerArrfx'ir Albany at Waterbury round of a $150,000 women’s pro want to excel in sports, you should w L Pet. OB (Listing records'ot home, en the rood, Kansas City 11-15 3327 1419 35 6,588-yard, par-70 Oakwood Country Club course. Mike Torrez instead of me,” commented PaganI vs. Bast teams and vs. West teams) Milwaukee 9 X 2627 1016 2-6 Nashua at Glens Falls tennis tournament. put out that little extra In yourself Springfield 17 6 .739 _ The open will be the first professional tournament in which Jordan. New Jersey 17 6 .739 _ Major League leaders National League Minnesota 1012 30X 1413 33 New Britain at Vermont Manchester Cycle parlayed a pair of heme rood east west New York 2015 X-21 1313 38 PIttstleld at Reading "M y patience runs out faster the to do well In the cUseroom, too.” Connecticut 10 10 .500 5 '/ 2 Nicklaus, 23, has played without his father as well as his first as a Evert Lloyd, who has won four-run frames Into an 11-3 win over Atlanta 23-27 16-20 17-25 22-22 (Oakland 2512 21-29 1412 55 calls It quits older I get,” said Evert, 30, a Aldo's Pizza at PaganI Field. Bob Rhode Island 10 12 .455 6V2 competing amateur. Because the younger Nicklaus still is an $619,869 this year, said Wednes­ Long Island 9 13 .409 7Va Batting Chlcogo 27-17 18-24 23-21 22-20 Seattle 910 3335 17-10 52 13-year veteran of the tour. Plaster hod a grandslam homer, Sam Cincinnati 22-21 22-20 23-19 21-22 Texas 617 2639 417 1-5 day’s upsets and the rise of Coscovtch, Paul Solomonson and Rob Westchester 7 13 .350 8'/2 National League amateur, he will not be eligible for prize money. In other matches. No. 2 seed Wildwood i 16 .773 lOVj g Ob r h pet. Houston 24-25 19-X 20-23 23-22 Toronto 19-15 34X 17-13 91 CLEARWATER, Fla. (UPI) - younger players may be proof that Pllver each added three hits for Cycle. Los Angeles 21-16 27-21 23-20 25-17 Pam Shriver eliminated Lisa Ed Bombardier ond a pair of doubles WadnMday'i Rawlt* McGee, StL 79 306 55 104 .340 Mike Torrez couldn’t stare at the the women’s tour is finally acquir­ Rhode Island 179, Wildwood 119 Herr. StL 84 317 51 106 .334 Montreal 26-17 23-22 26-18 23-21 phone any longer. Spain-Short of Moultrie, Ga.. 6-4, and Mike CorrentI and Chief Berman Guerrero, LA 81 292 56 91 .312 New York 25-13 25-23 21-23 29-13 National League ing good, lower-ranked playen singled twice for Aldo's. Westchester 96, Soringtield 89 home G olf Globetrotters select finalists A former 20-game winner in the 6-3, in a second-round meeting and CALDW ELL Thursday's Oomes Parker, CIn 85 335 44 102 .304 Phllodelphla 25-21 12-28 2^21 15-28 capable of upsetting the top 10. Gwynn, SD 83 341 48 103 .302 Pittsburgh 19-29 10-27 13r30 16-26 Atlanto No. 3 Wendy Turnbull of Australia, Wildwood vs. Westchester at Long Chlcogo majors now toiling for the Class A Waat Side Island Moreland, Chi 85 302 38 91 .301 St. Louis 32-13 20-20 25-17 27-16 ' CHARLOTTE, N.C. — One of eight finalists seeking to become in her first match, won 6-3, 6-1 over "U p until this year you could say Cruz, Hou 75 291 31 87 .299 San Diego 23-14 26-25 23-20 26-19 Cincinnati Miami Marlins, Torrez has been OIL INC. Springfield at Long Island Houston the first woman basketball player for the Harlem Globetrotters Grace Kim, a 17-year-old from Ward Manufacturing scored eorly New Jersey at Connecticut Raines, Mtl 82 319 60 94 .295 San Francisco 19-19 14-36 18-25 15-30 MInnechaug waiting for a call from a major- there wasn’t enough depth and that and often In whipping Red-Lee, 16-S, at Templeton, SD 84 291 35 85 .292 American League Los Angeles says the decision to add a female to the razzle- dazzle team will Ridgewood, N.J. we needed new faces on the Friday's Gomes Montreal league executive interested in his PaganI Field. Rick Mllka and Corby Connecticut at Rhode Island Sondberg, Chi 79 320 60 93 .291 home rood east west MEN'S CLUB — Arizona Scramble ; open other doors to women athletes. Using her precise ground- horizon. Now we do have quality, Shaw each lashed three hits and John American League Baltimore 24-20 20-21 16-21 28-X New York — Team low grou- Nason-Erickson-. services. On Wednesday night, the Westchester at Wildwood Phllodelphla "I feel great, fantastic,” Sandra Hodge, a former University of strokes, top-seeded Evert Lloyd we do have depth, just look al 86.9 McAvoy, Stu Lehren and Steve Long Island at Springfield 0 Ob r h pet. Boston 23-14 22-38 23-15 23-27 Luster-Armata 66, Caley-Sawyer- > durable 185-game winner an­ McCanon two opiece for Ward's. Andy Brett, KC 80 288 53 103 .358 California 30-» 23-15 29-20 23-15 P ittsb u rg Dukett-Wleliczka 66, Cosgrove-* New Orleans standout, said Wednesday. "I have another per gal. C. O. D. St. Louis nounced his retirement. carved up her first victim since Gabriela Sabatinl and Steffi Luff had three hits and Mike Gordon a Henderson, NY 71 277 77 99 .357 Chicago 21-16 21-36 24-22 18-20 Bedlack-Osborne-Phllllps 67,' opportunity to come back and really show what I can do” pair for Red-Lee. Boggs. Bos 86 342 48 117 .342 Cleveland 17-30 11-28 12-24 16-34 San Diego Quesnel-Fecko-Colhoun-McCartnev. The 38-year-old right-hander will losing the Wimbledon final. After, Graf,” said Evert Lloyd. Cooper, MU 80 325 41 102 .314 (}etrolt 23-19 25-18 24-13 24-24 San Francisco 67, Bedlack-Skinner-Davis-Lopak 67, • Players selected to attend a final tryout cam p this fall in Los end a 20-year involvement with she explained her method of American League She expects Shriver to be her 649-8841 Molltor, MU 82 328 59 102 .311 Konsos City 31-19 23-23 24-24 20-18 Fitzsimmons-Coombs-Cheney-Ferrier' ' Angeles were: Hodge, Candy Lucas of North Carolina- Charlotte, professional baseball with a Flor­ avoiding early-round losses. Northern Bradley, Sea 86 345 48 107 .310 Mllwoukee 19-19 18-28 17-20 20-27 home 68; Closest to pin- Bedlack-Skinner- * biggest challenge here, but is 14-4 Pam McGee of Southern Cal, Lori Scott of Louisiana Tech, Joyce "Concentration is my biggest Prlcai Subfact to Changa • Trosh-Awav used a poir of five-run Transactions Whitaker, Det 81 327 62 101 .309 Minnesota 23-16 18-29 20-26 20-19 Davls-Lopok at 5th hole, Fitzsimmons-1 ida State League start against the against the 23-year-ol(I from Lu­ bursts to dump Bob & M orle's Pizza, Mattingly, NY 83 337 41 104 .309 New York 33-13 17-23 17-20 3M6 Folberg-Jones-Berllerson at 13th hole. • ' Walker of LSU, Valerie Walker of Cheney University, Jackie Clearwater Phillies Thursday asset. It’s won a lot of matches for therville, Md. 11-(, dt Robertson Pork. Bob SImler, Butler, Clev 86 347 54 106 .305 (Oakland 29-21 17-20 27-22 19-19 me. Now, if my mind starts to Davis. Oak 83 299 58 90 .301 Seattle 27-24 15-21 24-26 18-19 White of Cal State-Long Beach, and Lynette Woodard of Kansas. night. Torrez is 7-7 with a 2.95 ERA Jeff Nelson, Joy McConviile, Roger wander, I just tell myself, ’It’s only Lolole, Bob Lombardo and Tom Baseball Home Runs Texas 19-25 13-31 17-33 15-23 in the FSL. Chlcogo (AL) — Sent outfielder Ron Notional League — Murphy, Atl 23; Toronto 26-13 27-23 33-18 30-17 LP6A atatlatlca for an hour or an hour and a half.’’’ Zownir each collected two hits for the Kittle to Buffalo of the American He leaves the sport a puzzled, winners. Barry Berstein, Bob Green, Guerrero, LA 21; Clark, StL 17; Parker, (Listing records vs. lett-handed Of Cummings, ranked No. 109 in EXPANDING TO BETTER SERVE YOU AssoclatlonlAAAlforlnlurvrehobllltotlo CIn 16; Horner, Atl 15. gitchers, vs. rtght-handers, on gross and Connors not going anywhere frustrated man with a healthy Rob Vogt and BUI Tedford each n. stroked two hits for B&M. American League — Fisk, Chi 23; enortHIcMturt) right arm. Torrez pitched for the world, Evert Lloyd said, “ I had Miami (Florida State League) — Kingman, Oak 21; Brunansky, Minn 19; National League l-op«?/!8. I Alice Miller* never played her, so I asked In the nightcap. Dean Machine Pilcher Mike Torrez retired. ^ B/odley 71J5. 4, Potty' WASHINGTON — Jimmy Connors, 32, is tired of hearing that seven clubs in his IS years in the erupted for nine runs In the sixth Inning Presley, Sea, Evans and Gibson, Det and LHP RHP eross art. around. I didn’t quite know what to to overwhelm Barrocllffe's Amoco, Now York (AL) — Acquired pitcher Bell, Tor 18. Atlanta 9-10 3037 27-35 12-13 »<• he should think about retirement. majors, winning 20 games with 11-3. John Johnson belled three hits Nell Allen from St. Louis for a minor- Runs Bdtted In Chicago IMO 33-31 33-26 13-15 Betsy King72.X.7,JoAnneComer72.3S.8,’ ‘‘Don’t rush me out of the game. I enjoy it,” said Connors Baltimore in 1975. During a six- expect. It turneii out that she has league player; sent pitcher Mike Notional League — Murphy Atl, 69; Cincinnati 10-10 34-31 10-15 34-26 A y o k i ^ i ^ o 72.39.9, Judy Clark 7247.' and BUI Monroe, John Kunz, Bob 10, Beth Daniel 72.60, Wednesday after dispatching pesky Swede Stefan Eriksson, 6-3, year stretch from 1974-79, Torrez good groundstrokes but she needs Lulpold, Tom Lentinl and ,R)hn Bon- ArmstrongtoColumbusotthelnternatlon Herr, StL68; Clork, StL63; Parker, Cln62; Houston 19-15 2430 13-12 3033 al League (AAA). Wilson, Phil 61. Los Angeles 143 34-39 33-27 15-10 SuliporrMNiai 6-4, In the second round of a $200,000 clay court tournament. won at least 15 games each season to work on her serve and move­ V >1 II '-r- neau two apiece to r Dean. Bob Walsh St. Louis — Purchased pitcher Joe 1, Alice Miller 44.2, Pot Bradley X . 6 homered, Mike Anderson zipped three American Loogue — Mattingly, NY69; Montreal 14-13 35-26 12-9 37-30 ‘T m not In any hurry,” added Connors. "When I can't wake up and he was 2-0 for the New York ment around the court.” Boever from Louisville of the American Gibson, Det 61; Baylor, NY and Ripken, New York 23-12 27-24 36-19 14-17 Nancy Looez X. 4, Betsy King 3). S, hits ond Kent Smith and John Chidester Association (AAA). Yankees in the 1977 World Series. Cummings, 23, from Catonsville, m r WINDSOR LOCKS—VERNON two apiece tor Barroclitte's. Balt 60, Bell, Tor and Murray, Balt 58. Phllodelphl 16-13 2136 M 8 35-31 Nitlonal League ttandingi Judv Cl^37^ 6, Potty Sheets ai^ and go out there and win matches like that today, then I'll stop.” Basketball Stolen Bases Pittsburgh 9-18 2 038 6-16 23-40 Jane Blalock X . 8, Jan Stephenson 25.9,. His lifetime record in the majors is Md., is trying to improve her L.l. Knights (USBL) — Signed guard Natlonol Leogue — Coleman, StL 63; St. Louis 18-13 34X 107 4026 Ayako Okamoto and Muffin Spencer- 185-160 for more than 3,000 innings serve, but never held it and only — 623-6982 W. Duaty Billy Goodwin. Son Dlogo 19-11 30-X 35-27 14-12 Devlln 34. McGee, StL 36; Lopes, Chi 33; Redus, CIn Bast pitched. once managed to reach deuce Automatic delivery, budget plans, senior citizen College 31; Samuel, Phil 30. San Fronclsc 1016 2339 2633 7-22 W L Pet. OB TegMPlMsliae Site set for Holmes-Spinks bout Army, and Navy took oyer fare Missouri Valley Conference — Named Americon Leogue — Henderson, NY American League St. Louis 52 33 .612 — 1, Nancy Lopez 14. TX Pat Bradley " I ’m proud of the career I ’ve while serving. She broke Evert discount, service plans, tank protection plans, Innings to overwhelm Draco Dragons, Dave Phillips supervisor of basketball 41; Pettis, Cal 30; Butler, Clev 27; LHP RHP gross art. Now York 7*** Alice MUIw 16 APotty Sheehan 11.7 Lloyd’s serve in the third game of 27-4, at Keeney Field. Dayton Stimson officials. X 36 .581 2'/i Amy Alcott and Betsy King 10. 7, Judy LAS VEGAS, Nev. — Larry Holmes’ Sept. 21 International had,” said Torrez, leaning against will-call delivery, 24-hour emergency service. Collins, Oak 25; Wilson, KC 24. Baltimore 15-11 2930 3S35 96 Montreal 49 39 .557 4'/i the second set for her only game. and Andy Santinl each clubbed four Notre Dome — Named Michele Pitching Boston 14-17 31-2$ 3734 88 Chicago 45 41 .523 r/7 Clork 9. 8, Kathy Postlewdt 7. T9, Bye Boxing Federation heavyweight titie defense against iight the left field fence prior to the Now Serving: Manchester, East Hartford, Bolton, hits to pace A&N ’s 24-hlt attack. Carl Geltman women's tennis coach. Victories California 166 3629 4333 93 Phllodelphla 37 49 .4X IS’/z players with 6. heavyweight champion Michael Spinks wiil take piace at the Mlaml-Clearwater game Wednes­ Wednesday’s upset victims were Bryant collected three hits for Draco. Slippery Rock — Named John Papa National Leogue — Andular, StL 15-4; Chicago 11-10 31-32 3735 5-7 Pittsburgh Putts per re mpB No. 4 Kathy Jordan and No. 5 North Coventry, Vernon, Tolland, Staf­ aulstant coach tor men's ond women's X 56 .341 X I, Jotllnksljr »41. X Muffin Spencer- ;■ Riviera Hotel in Las Vegas, resort officials anounced day night. “ I would have liked to Gooden, NY 13-3; Mahler, Atl 13-7; Hoyt, cievolond 11-16 17-42 2449 4-9 W ftt Alycla Moulton, the defending ford, Somers, Enfield, East Windsor, Ell­ Woman'a Rec track and field. SD 12-4; Hawkins, SD 11-2, Cox, StL 11-4. Detroit 149 3428 4132 7-5 Los Angeles ' 48 37 .565 — p ^ ln » .£ . X Judy Bllse X40. 4, Beth " Wednesday. have gotten 200 wins but it doesn’t Feelball American League — Guidry, NY 12-3; Konsos CItv 11-13 3330 18-18 3624 Son Diego 49 39 .557 '/■ Sojon^ »44. $, Jane Crofter xjs. 6, look like I ’m gonna get the champion. Moulton, of Sacra­ ington, South Windsor, Suffield, East Dallas — Signed defensive end Kevin Hungry Tiger Restaurant was Boyd, Bos 11-7; Romonlck, Cal, Mllwaukse 1315 2432 32-38 59 Cincinnati 44 41 .518 4 opportunity. I ’ve done everything I mento, Calif., lost her opening Granby, Windsor Locks & Windsor. awarded a 7-0 forfeit win oyer Buffalo Brooks. Soberhogen, KC and Terrell Det 10-4; Minnesota 8-13 3332 17-21 2324 Houston 43 45 .489 6'/^ Water Tayern when the latter failed to Indianapolis — Signed tight end Mark Morris, Det 106; Viola, Minn 107; Boyd, New York 1611 31-25 4430 56 Marino and Myra Blockwelder XA6. possibly could do to get back to the match 7-6 (9-7), 4-6, 6-4 to Lea Boyer. Atlanta » 47 .453 9'/i Hall of Fame game set field a team at Charter Oak Field. Petry, Det 108. Oakland 1610 2831 4431 MO San Francisco X 55 .375 16W major leagues. I can still pitch and Antonoplis of Glendora, Calif. Wilson F. Cloukey New Orleans — Signed wide receiver li A1Ic9 M llltr 3.90. % Noficy Lopti Seattle 1514 2731 1315 3930 Wednesday's Omnee : NEW YORK — The NBA champion Los Angeles Lakers will Jordan, of King of Prussia, Pa., Tyrone Young. ■omed Run Average Texas 615 2441 29-47 39 No games scheduled X6&M Bradley and p X lh M lS I ’d even consider going to Triple A Vice President-Service Manager Senior GIrla NY Giants — Signed quarterback Phil (Based on 1 Inning x number of gomes Toronto 1313 41-23 2017 3318 Thursday's Oomes " play the Indiana Pacers in the annual Hall of Fame exhibition because it’s a step closer.” lost to Belinda Cordwell of New (lormor owner of Buporlor Heating Cara) Simms and wide receiver Stocv Robinson. Spenew ^lln^XO L 7, Jull Inkster XflO. 8, Manchester ’2’ trimmed Marlbo­ each team has ptaved) (LIslIng reesrBs hi day gomes, night (All Thnee BDT) game Oct. 21 at the Springfield (Mass.) Civic Center. National League — Gooden, NY 1.68; gams6 i-run gomes and extro-inning rough, 9-4, In tost pitch action Wednes­ NY Jets — Signed cornerback Donnie Chlcogo (Eckersley 7-5) at San *“•**': It will mark the 13th year the NBA has held an exhibition game day night at Charter Oak Field. Kathy Dravecky, SD 2.17; Sanderson, Chi 2.26; games) Francisco (Krukow67),3:05p.m. Full Oil Burner & Heating System Service, Repair Elder and defensive end Brad Whiteto a Tudor, StL 2.27; Volenzuela, LA 2.U. Nottenal League Templeton had two hits and two RBI to series of l-year contracts. Pittsburgh (Reuschel 62) at Son Diego - to benefit the Hall of Fame and the fifth straight year the game & Installation. Oil Fired Water Heaters, Tankless pace Manchester. Kim Johns also American League — Stieb, Tor 1.87; Day Night 1-ntn x-inn (Drovecky 65), 4:05 p,m. Phllodelphla — Signed defensive end Guidry, NY 2.58; Soberhogen, KC 2.78; Atlanta 1312 3635 911 65 has featured the defending champion. ROBERT J. SMITH, inc. chipped In two hits for the winners. Tom Strouthers. AUanto (M, Mdhier 167) at New York Coils Installed-Acid Cleaned, Hot Water Storage Key, Tor 2.85; Lelbrandt, KC 2.87. Chicago 2927 1614 1513 35 (Aguilera 62), 7:35 p.m, B ^ ey ^ Ayako Okamoto 1 T7, 14 San Diego — Signed cornerback John Ihikeouts Cincinnati 1617 3634 17-10 7-2 Houston (NIekro 7-7) at Mont­ ployers wlth 4 . Tanks. Hendv. National League — (jooden, NY 153; Houston 67 3538 1313 310 real (Hesketh 64), 7:35 p.m, Soahawkt give Hebert tryout Seattle — Signed guard Reggie Ryan, Hou 130; Volenzuela, LA 121; Soto, Los Angelss 1914 2923 19-12 64 1, Alice Miller inojE^TNoncy (jopei. INSURANSMITHS SINCE McKenzie, tight end Mike Tice, safety CIn 120; DeLeon, Pitt 114, Montreal 21-15 2634 1511 94 Philadelphia (Koosman 62) at Cincin­ Special Expansion Offer Jim Rodgers, wide receiver Byron Americon League — Blyleven, Cle and New York 1613 3323 21-18 7-7 nati (Soto 610), 7:35 p.m. g & ’',ra,5t:5RS^,S2 * SEATTLE — While trying to downplay their interest, the Howell, quorterback John Connor ond Morris, Det 111; Bannister, Chi 101; Phllodelphl 1316 2533 1421 35 St. Louis (Andular 154) at Los Angeles Seattle Seahawks have confirmed they will give a tryout linebacker Louis Cooper. Boyd, Bos 97; Witt, Cal 96. Pittsburgh 523 2433 13X 46 (Hershlser 8G), 10:3$3S p.m. 1914 Carlin CRD Miser $99795 Radio, TV Washington — Signed Oanzell Lee, St. Louis 1517 37-16 1311 46 Friday'ss 0amOami__ s8 481.09. W, Jan Stepheneen 4X.X. Thursday to Bobby Hebert, one of the top quarterbacks in the Jamie Horris, Lionel Vital, Barry Notional League — Reardon, Mtl 22; Son Diego 1915 3024 1615 4S Houston at Montreal, night U.S. Football League. Oil Burner...... ^ ^ Wilburn, Mitch Geler, Terry Orr, ond Smith, Chi 19; Gossoge, SD 18; Power, Son Frondsc 25X 6 » 11-X 74 Garry Kimble. Atlanta at New York, night Hebert became a free agent Sunday night after his Oakland TONIGHT CInn 16; Sutter, Atl 15. American League Philadelphia at Cincinnati, night 7:30 Red Sox vs. Angels, WTIC rodlo. Hockey rMsSS&iaaai 649-5241 American League — Hernandez, Det _ . Day Ntght 1-rwn x4nn St. Louis at Los Angeles, nidht A k e tt^ X B e ^ IUIW2X 7, JeewBWe* - b V B ^ rs dropped a 28-24 decision to the Baltimore Stars in the 7:30 Mets vs. Braves,SportsChannel, Los Angeles— Homed Dovid Courtney 19; Howell, Oak 18; James, Chi, Moore, BoUlmore 1611 2830 11-13 1-6 30. X Bath DanM 17.7, Kalliv I 65 E. C«nt«r 8tr««t public relations director. Pittsburgh at San Diego, night U V L championship game. Fuel Oil 150 Qel. MlntB«aa«B*SBBaaaBaBBaaa 0 ^ ^ ^ WKHT Cal 17andQulsenberry, KC 17. Boston 1616 29X 1513 y 4 3 Chicago ot San FrcHicfsco, nl()ht IS. 10, Jon SNBheneen 14. Manchastar, Ct. MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursduv, July IB. 1985 — 19 |g - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday, July 18, 1985 Mass to commemorate McDonalds massacre anniversary CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 Garcia, a mental health worker at satisfied with what the police did depicted in a television mini­ Friends and family of the began his killing orgy. series, with segments shot in San the San Ysidro Clinic. “ It's a SAN DIEGO (UPl) - The Police say they were afraid there andVith the way they reacted." constant reminder of that tragedy. still-grieving survivors and friends victims will gather at Our Lady of Ysidro, but when word of the series may have been hostages inside the Ironically, the officers them­ The films were too soon." KIT 'N' CARLYLE ‘ by Larry Wright of the victims of the nation's worst Mount Carmel Catholic Church to selves still suffer from post- leaked, community leaders pro­ pray for the innocent men, women restaurant. tested and the producer dropped single-day mass murder plan to By the time a marksman got the traumatic stress, characterized by Among those who regard them; HOMES HOMES and children who were cut down by the project. gather tonight for a special mass to green light to shoot at Huberty, the nightmares, withdrawal, difficulty selves as living victims of t ^ FOR SALE FOR SALE commemorate the first anniver­ the fusillade of bullets. HD sleeping, memory loss and guilt carnage is Huberty's widow, HD one-time welder and security A Home Box Office documentary sary of the so-called McDonalds “It's been a year," said Dr. BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY guard was gulping soft drinks and feelings. on American violence featured a moved her two daughters 20 miles Manchester — Just Massacre. Arlen Versteg, director of the Sell-Sell-Sell — Owner of listening to rock music on a One officer gets ill at the sight of segment on the incident, but public away. Listed. Immaculate6year this 3-4 bedroom Colonial It was one year ago today that county mental health department. hamburgers, another started "Time heals." portable radio, having turned the protest prompted the local cable It has been a troubled year for old Raised Ranch, vinyl In the Bower School dis­ unemployed welder James Oliver restaurant into a slaughterhouse. shaking when he came upon the company to black out the program sided, fireplaced family trict Is moving soon I SERVICES SERVICES PAINTING/ c q I BUILDING/ Huberty slaughtered 21 people at But amid recriminations and Etna Huberty, whose girls were "We are not reconciled," said scene of an accident and blamed in San Ysidro. prevented from re-enrolling in a room, 3 bedrooms, plus Priced reduced- 80's. We iO l I fOFFERED OFFERED PAPERING HlGONTRAqTING the McDonalds restaurant in San continuing controversy, the heal­ HD Bertha Gonzales, a community his uncontrollable reaction on San Ysidro school and who sayj bosement bedroom B rec Guarantee Our Houses 1 Ysidro near the Mexican border. ing process is far from complete. memories of all the bodies in San "The films that were coming out room, hardwood floors, Blanchard & Rossetto Residents are still angry at the leader. "We have a lot of pain in delayed or interfered with the someone broke her cat's jaw and^ Odd lobs. Trucking. Nome your own price — Forrond Remodeling — Nineteen people were wounded Ysidro. shows one owner pride In Real Estate, 646-2482. Cabinets, roofing, gut­ delay in killing Huberty, who was our lives. We get angry and upset healing process," said Piedad pulled out her dog's teeth. Home repairs. You name HOUSEGLEANING Father and son. Fast, before the gunman was slain by a at the questions. We are not The massacre was to have been landscaping and custom dependable service. ters, room additions, not shot until 77 minutes after he features. $98,900. Century it, we do It. Free estl- Looking (or a better way? Try police sniper. motes. Insured. 643-0304. US. W6 personalize our ser* Painting, Paperhanging decks, oil types ot remo­ 21 Jockston-Showcose, qoiCONDDMINIUMS vices for your home, Bonded B Removal. Call 646-5761. deling and repairs. FREE 646-1316. ^ ‘ I fd r s a le Lownmovyers repaired - and Insured. Manchester and estimates. Fully Insured. Free pick up ond delivery. surroundlnp towns. THE Exterior and Interior, Telephone 643-6017, otter Manchester— $84,900. Re­ HOUSEWORKS. 647-3777 6pm, 647-8509. duced for Quick Sale. 10 percent senior dis­ Wallpapering and Ceil­ Newly decorated and BOUTH WINDSOR count. Expert service. ings. Fully Insured,' free Exceptional 2 bedroom Free estimates. Economy estimates. Jim Jobln,649- Leon Cleszynskl Builder remodeled 6 room, 2 bed­ Condo. 2 full baths, beau- — New homes, additions, room, 2 both Cope on Lawn Mower, 647-3660. 3423, Matt Gluhosky, 643- « ■ ■ . .643-2711 lllully decorated, full ap­ 9242. remodeling, rec rooms, large wooded lot near Classified.. pliances. Pool and tennis Howkes Tree Service — Experienced Domfstic garages, kitchens remo­ Store OMice Space 44 Household Goods 62 highway, busline, and Business Opportunities 22 For advertisem ents to be available. $63,500 Will Cleon your house or deled, ceilings, both tile, Resort Property Misc (or Sole 63 Rates shopping. Coll today for Bucket Truck B Chipper. Notices Situation Wanted 23 45 published Monday, the dead 644-1608 Anytime Stump Removal. Free Es­ apartment weekly or bi­ dormers, roofing. Resi­ M is c tor Rent 46 Home ond Garden 64 Minimum Charge; private showing. Joyce G. BUILDING/ Lost/Found 01 Employment Info 24 line IS 2 30 p m on Friday timates. Special consider­ weekly. References avail­ dential or commercial. 47 65 S3.00 (or one day Epstein Real Estate, 647- CONTRACTING 649-4291. V - ' Personals 02 Instruction 25 Wonted to Rent Pels ation for Elderly and Han­ able. Call 875-5293. Musical Items 66 Per W ord; 8895. Announcements 03 Roommotes Wonted 48 dicapped. 647-7553. Recreoliono' itenis 67 12 days 20C Read Your Ad 331LDTS/LAND Robert E. Jarvis, 04 Manchester — $92,900. Carpentry and remodel­ Auctions FOR SALE Delivering rich loam — 5 Building-Remodeling Real Estate Antiques 66 3 5 days 18C Ciossitied odvertisements Best Buy. Where else will ing services — Complete Services yards, $65 plus tax. Sand, Specialist. Additions, gar­ Homes for Sole 31 Tog Sales 69 6 days 16C ore taken by telephone os a $92,900 buy you 3 large home repairs and remo­ 51 Wanted to Duv 70 26 dovs 12C bedrooms, 2+ baths, cen­ Non-conformino Lot for gravel, B stone. 643-9504. Odd Jobs — Pointing, deling. Quality work. Ref­ ages, roofing, siding, kit­ CELEBRITY CIPHER Financial Condominiums 32 Services Offered convenience Moving, Landscaping, chens, bathrooms, re- CBlobfMy Ciphsr cryplograms are created Irom quotslions liy tral air, large bright kit­ sole owned by the Town of erences, licensed and In­ famous people, past and present Each letter in the cipher stands Lots/Land for Sale 33 Pointing / PoDcring 52 Happy Ads; The Manchester Herald is A. Henry Personalized plocement AAortgages 11 chen, tormpi dining room Andover located on west etc. Coll tor tree estimate. sured. Coll 646-6165. lor another Today's c(u« J(Kjuals Y . Investment Property 34 Building/Controcting 53 S3 00 per column inch responsible only tor one incor side of Birch Drive. For Lawn Core. Looking for 647-1226 offer 4pm, windows/doors. 643-6712. Personal Loans 12 54 and 0 finished rec room. hy (U)NNll WIf N( n Business Property 35 Roofing/Siding rect_msertion and then only All this plus pool & tennis particulars, coll Office of someone reliable and ettl- Frankie. Insurance...... 13 Deadlines clent? Totol lawn core, Dumas Electric — Having Resort Property 36 (Heating /Plum bing 55 lor the size of the original courti Joyce G. Epstein Selectmen, 742-7305. Electrical Problems? “AFYKGAP GV BFEW SFEGAP Wanted to Borrow 14 71 commercial and reslden- HEATING/ Flooring 56 Cors Trucks tor Sole For clossi(ied odvertise in se rtio n Real Estate, 647-8895. Pool Basics — Let me Need A large or a small tlol. Light trucking, free provide cleaning services PLUMBING Income Tox Service 57 Motorcycles Bicycles 72 ments to be published Tues­ E rro rs which do not lessen Repair? We Specialize In YKXA XA FHL SEFXL YEJGAP Rentals East Hartford — $79,900. BUSINESS estimotes, fully insured. for your pool. Vacuum­ Employment Services Wonted 58 Rec Vehicles 73 day through Saturday, the the value vit the advertisement 647-1349. Residential Work. Joseph Auto Services 74 New on the Market I Spot­ PROPERTY ing, skimming ot a low Dumas. Fully Licensed. Fogarty Brothers — Ba­ Rooms for Rent 41 deadline is noon on the dov w ill not be corrected by on N cost. Possess own capital YF PGRW XLBGOW." — HWAX & Education For Sale Autos (or Rent Lease 75 less and well maintained 6 Free Estimates. 646-5253. throom remodeling; In­ Apartments (or Rent 42 before publication additional insertion room Cope In move-ln Experience Mowing and equipment and pool clean­ Holiday/Seosonoi 61 Misc Automotive 76 5,000 so. ft. Medical Build­ trimming and all types of stallation water heaters, Help Wanted ...... 21 Homes (or Rent 43 condition with 2/3 bed­ ing experience. Coll Alex, All types remodeling or garbage disposals; faucet KFEAW. ing on Main Street In lawn maintenance. Coll 643-2031." rooms, dining room, all Manchester. Coll Glenda repairs — Complete kit­ repairs. 649-4539. Vlsa/M- PREVIOUS SOLUTION: “ There are for-profit health care appliances Including dis­ tor tree estimates after Somers, 203-886-0101 tor 4;30pm, 646-8864. chens, baths, garages, od- osterCard accepted. companies opening up like crazy, places called 'Emergi- Real Estate hwasher, washer & dryer Information. dltlons, dormers, Centers' or Surgi-Cenlers. " — .pobin Cook HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED plus lovely yard. Coll for 2 licensed loving mothers r q I PAINTING/ porches, decks. No lob Notices HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED E l HD details. Sentry Real Est­ too large or small. Coll ------J------HD HD HD would like to core tor 0 ^ 1 PAPERING ate, 643-4060. Lorry, 649-3985. FLOORING R 7 | REAL ESTATE children weekdays In Easy assembly worki Custodian II — Part tlme- Maintenance Supervisor HDME8 Manchester. Call 643-1713. LEGAL NOTICE $600.00 per 100. Guaran­ (temporary). Maintain­ Assistant - Coventry Pub­ FOR ALE South Windsor — $98,500. l £ i J WANTED Pointing and Paperhang- Finding a cosh buyer for TOWN OF ANDOVER 0 8 Ing — Exterior and Inte­ Floor sanding — Floors PLANNING A ZONING COMMIttlON PER8DNAL8 teed Payment. No Expe- ing and repairing bulding lic Schools, Salary Range Just Listed I Estate SeHle- the Items you'd like to sell like new. Specializing In PUBLIC HEARINO rlence/No Sales. Details RN — Public Health We hove openings In Sep­ Machinists — 3 years equipment. Second and $16,000 - $19,000 depending mentl Spacious 7 room 24 hour cosh otter on your rior, ceilings repaired. Is easy. Just let our read­ experience required. Able References, fully Insured. older floors, natural and Tired o( Soda Cons and send self-addressed Nurse — For voluntary tember for school bus third shift (or RHAM on quallflcdtlons and ex­ Raised Ranch with 3 bed­ property — Coll: Crockett ers know what you hove stained floors. No waxing The Planning & Zoning Commission of Andover, Connec­ to set up and operate CNC perience. Excellent fringe rooms, 2 baths, 2 firepla­ Licensed Ooy Care ages 2 Quality work. Martin for sale with on od In ticut w ill hold a Public Hearing on Mondov, July 29,1985 at Bottles hangln g around stamped envelope; ELAN home health agency. Full drivers In the towns of Junior-Senior High Realty, 643-1577 for a anymore. John VertolMe. 7:30 p.m. In the lower level of the Town Office Building on the Bolton and Hebron. We Brtdgeports, some pro­ benefits. Two weeks paid ces, family room and 2car and UP. References pro­ Mattsson, evenings, 649- Classified. 643-2711. In your cellar and garage. VITAL-173, 3418 Enter­ time position. Expe­ School. To $6.75 an hour Coventry — Four Room quick deal! Call 646-5750. following petition: will train, give us a coll gramming required. Call depending on experience. vacation after one year of garage. Needs some cos­ vided. 646-3914. 4431. ' V I( so, call Heather at prise Road, Ft. Pierce, FL rienced nurse. Call 872- Ranch with porch. Owner. GILEAD ROAD-Appllcotlon ot Brian and Llso Bllllter for 9163 (or appointment. now, 537-5234, 537-5366. after 3:30pm, 659-2162. Final date for receipt of service. Licenses desira­ metics. Coll for on ap­ 649-0620. 33482. 646-2972. No agents. approval of o Special Permit for a Day Core Center; their EOE. applications, Friday, July ble or experience in the pointment. Sentry Real property being shown on o mop entitled "Property surveyed Sitter Wanted In our home Clerks - Now Hiring full 26th, 1985. Please call areas of carpentry, elec­ Estate, 643-4060. tor Lawrence R, Gordon, Victor Plogge and Robert P. Ful­ time tor third shift and Rontals ler, Gilead Rood, Andover, Connecticut, Scale: 1" - 50', No­ September to June, 8am- Dental Receptionist — 228-9474. tricity, heating, plumb­ I a q j APARTMENTS STORE AND MISCELLANEOUS 71|CARS/TRUCKS part time all other shifts. New Listing, Manchester vember 23, 1963, Hovden L. Griswold, C.E." and filed In the I s D ANN0UNCEMENT8 4pm. One child, own trans­ East of River office. Full ing. Deadline for applica­ ^‘ I for r en t OFFICE SPACE FOR SALE 'U for s a le ottice ot the Town Clerk, Andover, Connecticut. It you're honest, dependa­ tions: July 26, 1985. Send — $156,900. Spacious Co­ 1 0 portation, call 643-0057. time position Includes ex­ Part Time Morning Posi­ Part Time Position avail­ At this Hearing, Interested persons mov appear and be perience necessary. Send tion available for o depen­ ble and like working In a able for mature, dependa­ letter of application de­ Low BO'S. 7 Room Cape lonial In ultra-desirable ROOMS Emergency? In Manches­ fast-paced environment, with attached garage, Manchester — One bed­ 400 Sq. Ft. - Second door, Swim pools warehouse heard and written communications will be received. A copy ter, dial 911 for (Ire, Mortgage Closing Clerk resume to Box G, C/O dable person to perform ble person as TV tailing experience and/or Forest Hills area. Fire­ FOR RENT of the application requesting the opprovol Is on (lie In the of­ apply to manager, X-Tra licenses held to Dr. Na­ fireplace, aluminum placed 1st-floor family room, second door, with 1,000 sq. ft. ground door. forced to dispose ot new fice of the Town Clerk, Town Office Building. police, medical help. for active savings and Manchester Herald. general cleaning services Attendant. Afternoons on/ground, 31 foot long loan office. Knowledge of In a modern office build­ Mart Convenience Store, than Chesler, Superin­ sided, private yard, by room, 4 bedrooms, 2V} stove and refrigerator. Prime location In Man­ Dated In Andover, Connecticut this 18th day of July and and weekend hours. Must Men Only. Central Loca­ chester. One block from pools complete with huge 1983 Hurst/Olds 15th anni­ mortgage loan process­ Permanent Part time ing In the Manchester Hartford Road, Manches­ tendent of Schools, 78 owner. Call 643-7947, 649- baths. Inground pool, Ja­ No pets. Lease and secur­ 25th dov ot July, 1985. be flexible. Retirees are tion. Kitchen privileges. hospital. Professional sundecks, fencing, hl-rate versary edition. T-Tops, ing and underwriting pre­ Tellers — Apply Savings area. Hours are 7:30am - ter, 649-2337. encouraged to apply. Call Ripley Hill Road, Coven­ 7514. cuzzi and 3 rooms down­ ity. $350 per month plus ANDOVER PLANNING 8. ZONING COMMISSION EmDiovmentnploym try, Ct 06238. EOE. stairs Including rec room. Parking available. Secur­ heat. 646-1379. only. Call 522-7291 days, filters, pump, ladders, warranty, $10,750. 640-2286 Kenneth Lester, Chairman ferred. Call Mortgage De­ Bank of Manchester, 923 12pm. Retirees ore en­ 649-16(X) mornings. ity and references re­ after 6pm.______Suzanne Dower, Vice-Chairman partment, 649-4586 tor Like New Dutch Colonial D.W. Fish Realty, 643-1591 646-2730 evenings. warranty, etc. Asking $978 Main Street, Manchester. couraged to apply. Coll quired. 643-2693. complete. Financing & Education appointment. 649-3181 between 9am and with 2'/z baths, 2 cor or 871-1400. Four Room Apartment 1977 Mercury Marquis — 2 053-07 garage, fireplaces In liv­ with appliances. Conve­ available. Call Stan, toll- Clerk Receptionist - 4pm. Manchester — Excellent m R E S O R T free, 1-800-524-0595, door hardtop, air and all Answer phones, light typ­ Clerical - Mature person ing room and mast«r Manchester "New List­ nient location. No pets. options, mint condition In furnished room tor gentle­ References and security. PROPERTY MOTORCYCLES/ Court ot Probate, District of ing, process shipping Clerk — Port Time. Small needed full time to work In Legal Secretary — Tired bedroom, fully ap> ing" $144,900. Porter and out, one owner. Inter- Coventry our new office. Good Soup Kitchen Coordina­ pllanced kitchen, first man. References and se­ $450. 643-4072 otter 4pm. Hand Push lawn mower BICYCLES NOTICE OF HEARINO doliuments In a tost paced office In Manchester seek­ of traffic lams and park­ Street area, custom four curity. $48 weekly. 649- and much more. $28. Ne­ ested, coll 875-1510. ED HD HELP WANTED Bakery Help Wanted — manufacturing environ­ ing someone to work port phone skills a must, some tor — Manchester Area floor family room and bedroom Colonial, den, ESTATE OF ing problems? 3 Man 4003. Monchester — 4 rooms, 2 gotiable. Coll 649-2433 1979 Chevrolet CIO Pickup NICHOLAS MCMAHON Early morning hours, ment. Figure aptitude and time (25 hours per week, computer knowledge Glastonbury Center law Conference of Churches, basement, rec room, slid,- sun porch, 2 fireplaces, Kowosokl, 1984, 9(X) — helpful. Apply 8am-4pm at bedrooms, heat, hot wa­ — 6 cylinder, automatic Pursuant to on order of Hon. Babysitter Wanted — In must be available wee­ pleasant phone personal­ Bom-lpm) to do varied a 20 hours 0 week, $5 on ers to patio, redwood rec room, vinyl sided, and D avid C. Roppe, Judge, office needs full time or V ter, appliances. $490, Call For Sole. Statice straw transmission, power Nlnlo, Red. Low mileage. Squire Village, Manches­ kends. Mature, reliable. ity o must. Monday thru bookkeeping and office L & M Ambulance, 275 time experienced legal hour. Coll 649-2093 for deck and Inviting 20 x 40 nice flat loti I Don't miss Mlsquomlcut, 3 bedroom, doted July 15, 1985 a hcorlnq r r i APARTMENTS 649-2813. flowers, Chinese, lant­ steering, very good condl- One owner. Mint condi­ w ill be held on on application ter area, for 2 girls ages 8 No experience necessary, Friday, Bam-5pm. Com­ work. Good communica­ Newstote Rood, secretary for general more Information. EOE. Inground pool set Into this unique home! Cen­ 2 bath. Walk to beach, tion. Ready to go. Very Manchester. beautiful park like lot set tury 21 Lindsey Real Est­ 12£|F0R RENT erns, many other dried (lon. $2,900. 649-4402. proving for authority to com- and 10. After school and will train. Apply In per­ petitive wage and benefit tion skills, flexibility, light practice. Real Estate and Available weeks ot Au­ (lowers. Perfect (or Reasonable. 643-6474, 646- promlse o doubtful and on holidays and vaca­ son, Highland Park package. Call (or on ap­ typing, ability to work word processing helpful. Babysitter — For 4 year bock for privacy. Priced ate, 649-4000. gust 10 8, August 17. Off 1976 Toyota Corona 3345. disputed claim against old and 4 month old. 8am to Sell - $143,500. Century Manchester — Available wreathes and floral arran­ Richard Grenon and Laura tions. Call 643-0576 after Market, 317 Highland pointment, 646-1737, Pll- with accuracy needed. Coll 633-4617. Season rates September 8< gements. Best otter 646- Wagon — Automatic, olr, L Street, Manchester. lowtex, EOE. Call 643-5151 tor Interview to 6pm, 5 days. Your home 21 Jackston-Showcase, South Windsor "Country Immediately. One, two October. 649-4003, 649- Grenon Infovorof soldestote 6pm. For Rent Manchester — 6754 AM /FM , roof rock, 75,0(X) Harley Davidson Sports­ os In sold application on file appointment with admin­ Full Time Babysitter — or mine. 644-3080 after 646-1316. Setting and Convenient and three bedroom apart­ 9345, miles. Very good condl- ter 1980. 160(X) miles, $2800. more fully appears, at the Port Time - Ideal lob for 6:30pm. Location" $110's. On new Very nice 4 room apart­ istrator. EOE. Waddell School area. 2 ments. $410, $475, $525, Lined Patio Door Drapes. tlon. $1,450. 646-3027. Coll 64 14 after 5, 643- Court of Probate on July 30, students, evenings, 5pm- seven room Ranch, spa­ heat and hot wafer In­ ment, available Imme­ 1985 at 7:00 In the evening. boys, 8 & 12. 649-8348 Manchester, New Listing Custom made, 75" long. 2659 do, Maintenance Crew In­ 8pm, and Saturdays, to Home Health Aide — For cious family room, three cluded. J.D. Real Estate, diately. $425 plus gas heat. ROOMMATES 69 Plymouth Valiant — Bertha E. Roppe, evenings, 528-9703 days, — $104,900. 2-famlly home Call Rose 647-8400 or 646- Light green, $75. Call 649- Clerk structor. Developmen- wash and wax vehicles. ask for Marty. Home Health agency ser­ nice bedrooms, 2R, DR, 646-1980. 0 WANTED Runs Great. First $200 NEWSPAPER CARRIERS NEEDED with two complete mod­ 8646. 9047. Hondo CL125 — Good 055-07 tally disabled adults. Apply at L & M Ambu­ vices In Rockville and ern kitchens and bathe In ESK deck, patio and cosh. 643-7843. condition. $250. Phone649- IN MANCHESTER AREA $9,500 - $11,000. Transpor­ lance, 275 Newstote Road, Secretary/Receptionist surrounding areas. Call Immaculate condition. many other fine features I 24 Locust St. -7 room Young man seeking 7211 after 5pm. Manchester. 872-9163 for appointment. See this greot home I Cen­ apartment. No applian­ Manchester — 2 Bed­ Electric Hedge Clippers tation required. Call Cha­ — Permanent port time One of the units haS"? apartment to share with — 16 Inches. Excellent rles MInnIch, Director of EOE. tury 21 Lindsey Real Est­ ces. No pets. $5% plus room, no utilities. $325 Bluebird Quilt Charter Dak L 27-MD Elm Terrace all position for Manchester rooms with a huge living monthly, no pets, first mole roommate In condition. $30. 643-5314. 8 programs and training. CPA firm. Typing and ate, 649-4000. utilities. Security. Coll W. Middle Tpke„ all High t. MB room. The other has 5 floor. 742--0ld and Naw. Haw You can ba a Harald Area Adviser and handle and Office for rent. 480 Squore csrtoln raal attata at public afternoon, evening and Saturday hours. Requirements: out, sundeck and much Security and references Vornodo Window Fan — dition. 84,800.647-9411. business with the Town, os ta drait tnam; how te maka tbam. auparvlaa our carrier boys & girls. K you Ilka kids - Spacious B Groclousl I more. Warren E. How- required. 643-1570. feet. First door with heat, Intake or exhaust capac­ per Federal Order 11246. tola altuotsd In tha Town of 0-19I— HEIKLOOM HANOlWOKK— want a little Indapandanca and your own Income... U.S. citizen, at least 18yeartofage, highachoolgrsdor Exceptional 6 Room Inquire 143 Main Street. Bid form s, plons and specl- Bolton, County of Tolland as 20 tjfpaa of ntadiawark akllli. equivalent, pass a 30-mlnute written taat. It Intereated, Llcensed Plumber for kHtd, Inc., ^43-1108. ity. Adlustoble to fit 1979 Triumph Spitfire — flcotlons ore ovalloblt at the In sold oopllcatlon on flit aU^r^TO filVE ar KEEF — 40 Cook. Grill — Port time Ranch on pork-llke lot In Apartment In Manchester Mornings only. naadiawark Itami ta maka. call or write: U.S. Dept, of Commerce, Bureau of the small company In Man­ windows. 829. 646-3388. 56,000 miles. Very good General Services' ottice. mors fully oooeart, at tha weekdays and weekends. very desirable netgtiboc- — 3rd floor, 3 rooms, condition. Inca yellow, TOWN OF Court of Probata on July 25, 0-199-CKAMS-M H i*S •( Cenaua, 441 Stuart Street, Boiton, MA 02118. chester. Remodeling and Hourly rote plus gratui­ Get the Wont Ad habit... ta-naka Itam . hood. CleanosawMsHell stove and refrigerator. Free Rent In Monchester Hove Used Wheelchairs racing stripe, luggage MANCHESTER. CT. 1*8$ at 2:30 P.M. a U 4 — SLUMBEftTIMB COVERLin 617-223-7208. EOE. Please Include your telephone repair experience. Coll ties. Will train, must be II. rood and use the little ods ROBERT B. WEISS, Sharon B. Prauai, Offered In the SKrt-Jodi- In C l^ lflo d regularly. For more Information, — Prime space and loca­ and walkers for sole, coll rock, 2 tops. $1,800. Coll — 24 crM and imall bid eullta. CALL 647-9946 or 647-9947 number when writing. 643-4275 8am-4:30pm or Apply Manchester Coun­ son B Jackson Neat l | t - tion. Now. Hurry. 668-1447. GENERAL MANAGER Clark Q"13B->R0SE OUlLTS — dlracUant 649-7069 6pm-9pm. 843-2711. 563-4438 or 529-7858. 528-1990 or 528-0334. 646-3698 otter 60m. 052-07 0564)7 fa r placid and appllqua qvliu. try Club or coll 6464103. ote, 647-8400 Of 666 M d . 20 to - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday, July 18, 1985 MANCHESTER FOCUS U.S./WORLD WEATHER Two firms picked Victorian mansion MIA families gather Partly cloudy tonight; to develop Union land makes fine escape to press for action. Iwarm weekend likely ... page 3 ... page 11 ... page 5 ... page 2 iianrhpstpr Irralh ...... * Fridav.Friday. Julv July 19. 1985 — Single copy: 259 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm She likes Dole wants Dam break death toll help from may be 250

STAVA, Italy (UPI) — An earthen dam barricading a mining pond near a president resort area of northern Italy burst today, unleashing a wall of water and mud that killed at least 50. people as it I Bv Elaine S. Povich swept through hotels and homes, United Press International authorities said. About 50 bodies already were reco­ WASHINGTON — Senate Republican leader Robert vered and Carabinieri paramilitary Dole predicted today Congress will come up with police estimated the death count could "some new idea” to trim the budget deficit without rise to 250 people in the hamlet of Stava tinkering with Social Security, but said President — located in a resort area popular with Reagan's help is essential. Austrians and Italians. Dole, appearing on ABC's “ Good Morning Am er­ ” 1 heard a great roar,” one fright­ ica” program, said lawmakers probably will meet ened woman told Italian radio. Another with Reagan next week after he is released from the witness said she saw a pastry shop Bethesda Naval Hospital where he underwent cancer completely swept away by "a wall of surgery. He said Reagan may hold the key to settling mud and water." the deadlock over a new budget but hinted that chief of Some 250,000 cubic meters of water staff Donald Regan may be part of the problem. roared through the mountain village "W e did a lot of things we didn't want to do,” Dole shortly after noon, sweeping away said of Republicans' attempt to map out an acceptable about 50 homes, three hotels and part of budget. "The White House may have to do some things a mountain health resort where about they don't want to do. This is tough business. It's not 100 children were staying, witnesses easy business. We want to work with the president. We and authorities said. know we can't do it without Ronald Reagan. We could It was not known if the children were probably do it without Don Regan. at the resort at the time of the disaster "Hopefully the president is going to be able next or whether they were hiking in the week to help us get this back on the track. We don't mountains nearby. want to quarrel with the White House. We don't think About 175 people were staying at the they ought to quarrel with Congress. That's not the hotels in Stava and witnesses said way to get this done.” anybody caught inside when they were // Dole was referring to comments made by Regan at swept away and destroyed would have a breakfast meeting of the U.S. Chamber of had no chance of surviving. There was X Herald photo by Pinto Commerce. Regan, in a podium-pounding appear­ no way to tell immediately how many of ance, shouted, 'No budget has been passed by the the hotels' guests were present when Congress" Happy In the grass the water hit. "They're afraid to come to grips with that, and I The disaster occurred when an challenge them to do it,” he said. Matthew Solano of Manchester does "the the crowds at town swimming pools this week earthen dam barricading a mining pond above Stava gave way. The artificial i # jk-4' Dole said the Senate was looking at new ways to n approach the budget. But he said he believes chances crawl” through grass near the Globe Hollow as temperatures rose. The forecast calls for pond is used to purify minerals from a are less than 50-50 Congress will pass a budget by the pool Wednesday. The eight-month-old joined good swimming weather all weekend. nearby fluorite mine. TW.'i start of the Congress recess Aug. 3. "W e're going to come up to some new idea,” Dole said. "W e don't know what it is yet. We're looking for that new idea, something no one's talked about and put on the table.” Judge refuses to dismiss Pagano case But Dole insisted the new package will not include a tax increase nor revisions of the Social Security cost of Meisler and Leo B. Flaherty Jr. — called to testify. ” 1 would love for Judge >4 , living raises. By Kevin Flood Pagano's lawyers based their motion would comment on Shaughnessy's Kremski to get up there on the stand and Regan's comments Thursday rankled Senate Herald Reporter on an affidavit signed by Bristol ruling this morning. " I couldn't say say he thinks it's all right for a lawyer in Republicans who criticized him for not diffentiating Superior Court Judge Julius Kremski, which stated that Kremski had consi­ what our reaction will be until I read the the state of Connecticut to lie to a state between Democrats and Republicans when it A Hartford Superior Court judge trooper, that it's all right for a lawyer to attacked the lack of progress on the budget. Thursday rejected a motion by lawyers dered and rejected professional sanc­ decision,” Flaherty said. tions when he sentenced Pagano on Nor would the attorneys reveal hinder a criminal case against him,” "W e love our leaders, and we're upset at people who for Anthony F. Pagano that would have Charest said. don't agree with them, including Don Regan,” said stopped professional disciplinary hear­ criminal charges. whether they planned to ask Judge Sen. David Durenberger, R-Minn. ings against the Manchester attorney. "What is not clear from the affidavit Kremski to testify. She was referring to police reports filed,” Shaughnessy ruled, "is in what stating that Pagano denied at the scene i ’ ’ Dole said it was up to the House to find more places Kremski sentenced Pagano last fall Pagano's lawyers had been seeking to capacity that consideration was given, of the accident that anyone was with to cut spending. on charges of misconduct with a motor prove that the judge who sentenced him i.e. the imposing punishment as part of him in his Ford Bronco at the time of the As for Regan, who charged Congress with being vehicle in connection with a May 19, in connection with a fatal automobile the criminal proceeding or as a court of accident. It was later learned that unable to "com e to grips with the deficit,” Dole said: 1984, accident in Burlington that killed accident in May 1984 considered and inquiry conducting its own motion as a Pagano did have a passenger with him, “ I didn't write that speech. I would have singled out 31-year-old David Charest, a computer rejected professional sanctions against matter of professional misconduct or a woman named Sharon Rizza, police the House.” science teacher from Fall River, Mass. him, making the current proceedings grievance or both.” said. ■M Pagano pleaded no contest to the improper. Shaughnessy went on to rule that charges. The professional sanction proceed­ But Judge William Shaughnessy, in a Pagano's attorneys still have the option ings against Pagano began last fall, Kremski gave Pagano a one-year FTC five-page decision, Thursday ruled of calling Kremski to testify and when the Grievance Committee of the suspended sentence, put him on proba­ against the lawyers' motion tor a "correct the record of proceedings” in Hartford-New Britain Judicial District tion for two years and ordered him to summary judgment, saying an affi­ an effort to make his intentions in the requested that the state consider pay a $500 fine. The lawyer was also davit from the judge who sentenced earlier conviction clearer, "While imposing professional penalties. likely pick for Pagano left "unclear” whether profes­ testimony of judges is to be avoided as a ordered to perform 150 hours of sional sanctions had been considered. matter of public policy,” the judge community service. Assistant State's Attorney Paul Mur­ The disciplinary proceeding could wrote, ” ... they are not absolutely Charest's widow, Karen, said Thurs­ ray has been handling the the case Stockman post result in censure, suspension, or immune from the duty to testify.” day that she welcomed Shaughnessy's against Pagano. He refused to com­ disbarment for Pagano, formely of the Pagano could not be reached for ruling. "I'm just glad we won another ment this morning on Shaughnessy's Manchester law firm Beck and Pagano. comment on the latest development. battle,” she said. ruling. He has also refused to say i l WASHINGTON — President Reagan was expected The firm is now called Beck and And neither of the two Vernon attorneys But Charest also said she welcomed whether he will seek Pagano's disbar­ to pick a budget director today to replace David Eldergill. representing Pagano — Arthur P. the chance that Kremski would be ment or a lesser penalty. Stockman, with Capitol Hill sources saying the chairman of the Federal Trade Commission will get the job. J^ut theres The White House circulated the name of James C. Miller III on Capitol Hill Thursday, along with a few others on a "short list" of candidates. Miller is a conservative economist who was once dubbed the "deregulation czar” when he served as an assistant director of the Office of Management and one taste they Budget in 1981. Deputy press secretary Larry Speakes indicated White House chief of staff Donald Regan, who was still interviewing people for the job Thursday, may make iia his recommendation to Reagan today. The president could make a final decision later in the day, but the candidate would need to be confirmed by the Senate. ■A years, has announced he will leave government Aug, 1 to join Salomon Brothers, the Wall Street investment banking firm. Former Transportation Secretary Drew Lewis and Commerce Secretary Malcolm Baldrige took them­ UPI photot selves out of contention for the post earlier this week. President Reagan makes a variety of gestures from his Bethesda f^aval Hospital room Thursday. Stockman's deputy, Joseph Wright, withdrew from consideration Wednesday. Miller, 43, has headed the FTC since October 1981, Americas Favorite 100 when he ended a sometimes controversial stint at 0MB as overseer of Reagan's attack on government Reagan returning to top form, aides say regulation and red tape.

WASHINGTON (UPI) - President He said the president stayed up until House. staff Donald Regan and national Reagan, recuperating from cancer almost midnight Thrusday night, read­ Speakes said Reagan "has a rapidly security adviser Robert McFarlane. Inside Today surgery, had a big breakfast today and ing and watching television news improving appetite” and his breakfast "is fast returning to championship programs. today consisted of fresh papaya, In mid-afternoon, the president and form ,” his doctors reported. "H e slept well overnight and this poached eggs, buttered whole wheat his wife Nancy appeared at separate 20 pages, 2 sections In a news release. White House morning has been holding forth with the toast with honey, coffee and skim milk. windows of the hospital and waved to spokesman Larry Speakes said the doctors and nurses in his suite "in an Reagan ate a chicken dinner Thurs­ photographers. The president stuck his Warning; The Surgeon General Has Determined Advic*.. ^ 14 Obituaries- president "continues on course in his animated discussion of current issues.” day night — his first solid food since his head out the window, gave the "O K ” ___20 Opinion—. recovery from surgery” for intestinal Speakes said that Reagan "is anxious operation. Doctors removed the staples sign and indicated he felt fine. Asked C lM t(fl«d____ . 16-10 Peopletalk . when he would return home, Mrs. That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. Comics _ 8 Spoils _ cancer at Bethesda Naval Hospital. to return home and get back on the job from his incision and replaced them Entsftainmont. ___12 Television- “ In the words of his physicians today, as soon as possible.” with Stiri-Slrips. Reagan replied,' "A s soon as we can." Lottwy— _ ____2 Weather___ ‘he is fast returning to championship He has not yet announced when the In stepping up his workload, the It was the first time Reagan appeared form ,'” said Speakes. president will return to the White president met Thursday with chief of publicly since the operation.