FOCUS SPORTS WEATHER M - MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday. July 17, 1985 CONNECTICUT New prosecutor says 11 Firefighter’s wife Americans are alive, Mostly clear tonight; OPPORTUNITIES there’ll be no trouble Mwins at chill festival Int’Is out In LL play sunny, warm Friday ... page 15 ... page 2 REAL ESTA page 9 ... page 11 REAL ESTATE THIS WEEK featuring: Joyce G. Epstein r «JL| Realty SELL-SELL-SELL iianrhfHtPr l^rral^ 349 EAST CENTER ST. ....... * Thtjrsdav.Thursday, July July 10, 1985 — Single copy: 25C fU Owner of this 3-4 bedroom Colonial In the Bower Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm MANCHESTER, CT. School district Is moving sooni Priced reduced - a. eO's. 647-8895 -WE GUARANTEE OUR HOU8ESr'...M6-2482 When' the incli\idiKil iittention Violations Tlials what we hclicvc sets us PREMIER RANCH a[)art from all the rest. VX. illi our Ramble through thli custom built brick arid cedar home In Senate leader one of Manchester! newest executive areas. 3000 sq. ft of iti{liv idualizfd st-rvicc, we take living space all on the 1st floor Dream kitchen w. fireplace. quaUty cabinets, random width oak flooring, and the most don’t spur th(‘ time to lislfii to all your real modern of appliances available. 24' cedar solar room, 32' estate needs. So. when your "Qreat Room" with a beautiful view of the Lookout Mount­ ain and a brook through a 12' bay window, formal dining TlW i thinkitif; ol real estate, think room and 3 huge bedrooms. Extras such as central air and is pessimistic vac. Intercom A telephone In every room and a 3 cargaragel quick action ahoul us! Call for private showing "WE GUARANTEE OUR HOUSESI" .646-2482 WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE 3 bedroom, 2 bath Ranch In South Farms. Immacu­ Thitikinfi ol sidling; — l.ist your late condition Florida room. deck. etc. Barry Baskcrville, a tenant In a four-family home with us. Our Af-enev will -WE GUARANTEE OUR HOU8E8r...646-2482 house on Spruce Street, said today he has failed in about budget repealed appeals to town officials to gel building fiet von the results you want. ‘‘WE GUARANTEE OUR HOUSES!" code violations corrected at the hou.se. quiekly. easily am lastle free. Baskervillc said he has tried repeatedly lo get By Elaine S. Povich ’’Morning News " program today. the owner of the hou.se lo complete reconstruction Blanchard & Rossetto € g ) United Press International Domenici said, ’’We re not imm;l- Dee Wolf. Nan ey von Hollini. \'alaire Chase, Shirley Sehoenhu r(>er COMMERCIAL CREDIT work on the front porch, started more than two 646-2482 lure. Wc understand that we don’t years ago. He also said that the electricity in the Seated .loyee (1 Kpslein. Del) Owens RNANOAL NETWORK WASHINGTON - With hiidgi-l want the chaos that’s going lo REAL ESTATE 189 Weil Center SI. corner ol McKee St. Senior Cttiieni Oiscounti house was inadequate, wilh loo many units on the Fr.ilun* of lhi> Woi-k P.nd hv ihi- M.mt hrster Hrr.tld v: negotiations virtually collapsed. result from no budget and there same electrical panel, that there are no shut-off Senate Budget Committee Chair­ will be chaos So, we’ll try valves in the plumbing, and that water is leaking in man Pete Domenici said today he something” the house, which is located at 124-126 Spruce St. in in/ Lindsey Real Estat was pessimistic of a revival and a But when asked when the confe­ the downtown area. Reagan administration spokes­ rees would resume negotiations, Manchester General Manager Robert Weiss, 519 Center Street man attacked Congress for being Domenici said. who has met with Baskcrville. said this morning he afraid to face more spending cuts. 'HRVAI ^ irr.xl Manchester, CT 06040 "At the moment I’m very V 4 il will check on the matter immediately. He said he The talks between House and pessimistic, but I would say that if was under the impression that repairs to the house 1 ^ 649-4000_______ Senate negotiators broke off Wed­ the House really is at their bottom were being made. nesday in an atmosphere of heated line, if they’re not going to cut Weiss said it may be necessary for the town lo charges, many directed at the some more domestic programs relocate the tenants, have I he repairs made and bill White House budget compromise that arc not poverty programs ... if the owner of the house. Stanley Ogrodnik of II M formulated last week in an altcmpl they’re not going to do that, then Bates Road. to bring the parties together wc’ro not going lo get a budget ” The town Building Department has suggested in "N«w UitlRf” "We’ll call you back as soon as While House chief of stuff the past that the town make the repairs and charge MancliMtar $144,900 we have something to talk about," Donald Regan, in a podium­ the owner, but the Board of Directors has Porter Street area, cuatom four a bitter Domenici said after an pounding attack on Congress, told bedroom Colonial. Den, sun discouraged the move. porch, 2 fireplaces, rec room, unusually disagreeable session. a breakfast meeting of the U S. "I may have no choice but lo do it. ” Weiss said, vinyl sided, and nice flat lotll In an interview on the CBS Chamber of Commerce the im­ describing the condilion of the house us Don't misa this unique homel passe is "ridiculous” "intolerable” ’’The Congress is about to recess Russell Davidson, chief building inspector, said for the summer at theendof July, ” this morning he had made several unsuccessful Reagan he said. ”Al the current rate, attempts in the past few days to contact the owner. they'll have no budget at all. " A Herald reporter could not reach Ogrodnik today SOUTH WINDSOR Regan, who has assumed major either at his home or his office. Enjoy the large In-ground pool that goes with this charming 8 room Co­ "Country Sotting A powers at the White House since The question of incompleled work on the front lonial. 4 bedrooms, (amlly room. 2'4 baths, large lot. $129,900 ELLINGTON COLONIAL the president has been hospital­ porch of the four-family house was called to the Convoniont Location” ‘feeling ized, argued that if the problem is This 8 room, 4 bedroom home is in very nice attention of town officials in June by Robert condition! Approximatey 4 acres of prop­ South Wlnd8or SllO'o not dealt wilh the administration Faucher, who lives in the area. Faucher wrote a erty, 2 car garage, aluminum sided, 2 full On new seven room Ralshed would be unfairly blamed for the letter complaining about what he termed neglect of baths, cathedral ceilings in living and din­ Ranch, apacloua family room, great’ growing deficit "Who’s racking up the property. ing rooms. A lovely MUST SEE home! three nice bedrooms, 2 R, DR, deficits?" he asked. "Who’s not 1^* Baskcrville said this morning he had recently ESK, deck, patio and many being responsible? ” discussed his complaint with Weiss and had been A s k in g ‘ 184,900. other fine featuresi See this By Helen Thomas “No budget has been passed by U&R REALTY CO. great homel referred to the building inspector. United Press International the Congress," he shouted, charg­ STRANO REAL ESTATE ing that lawmakers refused to face About three weeks ago, Davidson said he had 6 4 3 - 2 6 9 1 l.',(, f. ( KMKH s r , M\V:ilK.MKIt, cr. WASHINGTON - Placed on a more spending cuts. talked to Ogrodnik. who said he would resume work ^Robert D. Murdock, Realtor liquid diet that features Popsicles ’They’re afraid lo come to grips on the house. CALL TODAY - 647-SOLD^« and Jello, President Reagan said with that and I challenge them to Today, Baskcrville said only three days’ work Hut Number 1 to work tor you.^ today, "I’m feeling great, ” and do it,” he told the crowd of about have been done in the past three weeks. arranged to meet with his national 400 business leaders, encouraging Davidson confirmed today that there are housing security adviser Robert McFar- them lo push for cuts. Herald photo by Tarqutnlo code violations in the building. OFt:Cr HOURS nzi'-VT AVTOHF'/ s.-.- n r .-.t '. AV T" i->.‘ 243 MAIN STREETsMANCHESTER lane while recuperating from his "If you don't speak up now, it will Baskcrville said the Building Department has 647-8400 . A . , TJ _______ fTt 643-1591 cancer surgery. be loo late in 48 hours,” he said. given Ogrodnik some time to make the repairs and 168 Main Street, Maneheater In a written press statement, "That conference is teetering. It Cooling the haulers "then some more time and some more” Sines VERNON CIRCLE • VERNON deputy press secretary Larry could well break off” About three weeks ago, Ogrodnik applied for a Don Jackson Rosemary Viola Jackaon THE KUMD COMIVvS-, | | n 1 1 , . M(1 ( i . i r t i r n .s 871-1400 Speakes said the president ”is in But despite his calls for a Charlotte Carter, left, and Amanda Hamm are probably wishing for a nice new permit to complete work on the porch and Bob Kiernan Richard Bialeck Chris Corcoran good spirits and began the day by solution. Regan also insisted that Davidson said he would allow some latitude if work reading the newspapers,” in his taxes not be increased and re­ tall glass of water from the cooler they're hauling at Camp Merrie-V\/ood. The girls are part of Brownie Unit One and that five-gallon container will progressed on the project suite at Bethesda Naval Hospital.
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