Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1961-08-11
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.. co-cham pi, ns of the The Weather - Bums, , vill be the fo,(I Wins Parity cleudy ""-lIt tonltht wIttt smt.rM appear be fore sporU 20th Game showers fIVer most of the It.,. tecMy: Cooler "P"'P""~' radj 0 and TV. fIVer ~ ..... centr.1 tod.y _ tonight. Hi" tecMy 7S .... Further outlook .... s.tvrdey: Day." It will again - See Page 4 ·oi owo·n P.rtty deudy _ ml .... Seroing the State University of Iowa and th6 Peop~ of Iowa City between 1 0:15 a.m. Eltabllsbed In 1868 Herald Tribune News Service Fea~ Friday, August 11, 1961, Iowa City, Iowa cbcs and p' ayers, the session. Photos of day - SeI't. 1. The I be No.1 in the natioo will (, • • pen their Sept. 3~). * * enne ers Ir Ine uar 5 * * * * * * may again order 'Lunatics' Blamed Football,D which Newest Skyiacker , is printt!d mainly In Last 2 Thefts free to persons ill Remains in Havana WASHINGTON (AP) - President Kennedy ordered armed copies for BO cents. ' MIAM£, Fla. (AP) - American justice mov d swiftly U.S. border patrolmen aboard an indefinite number of domestic and international fljghts Thursday in an attempt to halt plabe to Sports Info~tion 1 Thursday against a young Frenchman for his hijacking of a Pan American World Airways DCB jetliner. But there was no hijacking. He also wants cockpit doors kept locked. assurance it would ever catch up with him. Th jet age successors to the picturesque stagecoach guards than 30 picturos and The man, Albert Charles' Cadon, hijacked the $5-million of the old Wild West immediately historical records, airliner with a cocked pistol Wed took off on their new assignments. lor hi Peace Corps and. said that sections of ,basic nesday above Mexico and forced it The Govern.ment wa n't tipping if Congress approves the money Three of them were diverted to its hand, though on how many requcsted for it. 2.700 volunteers 10 Havana with 82 persons aboard. Havana but only one still is being However, Prime Minister Fidel airborne patrolmen there will be wiJI be serving in the fiscal year action shot oF COo held there - an Eastern Air Lines or on which nights they will ride. that began July 1. Castro released the plane a few Electra that was captured July 24. the line on a bours later. Its passengers and crew were de Kennedy .ttrlbuted tn. lut two The third _tit was Cldon, 21, .n itinerant artist tained only briefly, however. rhilacki",,1 to a "Iunatic: fringe!' that he _ has • report from a with • reform school and ment.1 .nd nDt to Cuban Prime Minllter panel of expert., filled wi1fl N- Institut. b.ckground, was charg' Converwly, Cubans fleeing the Fidel Castro. And he cautioned cret InfornNItlon, on tnis coun. III before U.S. Commission.r Castro Government have hijacked members of C;ongres. and others try's ability to ctetec:t and identify Roge' E. Oavil here with crime or flDwn 24 of his planes to thil ..alnst getting overlllc:it" end nuclear 'Xplosionl. nces' l on the high was - which has country - .net tn. 25tn hlj.ck. ing was thwarted Wednesday In _ncl"" off "when our Infonna· "This report," Kennedy said. brok.n down into two separate tion Is .. f.uIty, .. Incompl.... " "has made me feel more urgent.. ....ult ch.rge., puni.h.ble by a an .erlal gun b.ttle tnat claimed Tourney' ~ thr" live •. The announcoment about the Iy than ever that without an in- m.xlmum 15 years In prison. patrolmen came at a Presidential spection systcm ~f the kind pro However, Cadon remained in . None of five hijackers involved Fladoos is expected to pia, in tbe four American seizures since news conference. The session pro- posed by the United States and in loday's third round. Cuba. where he was held when the duced other neWs nuggets, too. for the United Kingdom at Geneta, airliner was freed with the other May 1 have been Cuban citizens, and there has been no evidence a record turnout of 433 t porters. no country in the world can. over 72 passengers and 9 crew mem Kennedy sald that: be ure that a natioll ~th a closed Durl", Ih_ hot _ bers. There was no indication that Castro's Government insU mB afternOON _ gated the hijackings. -He has set the tage for a society is not con~uclini ljeercL whetber the Castro Government quick showdown with the Sovi t nuclear tests." In for a cool .1aIt II would turn him over to U.S. au At least one passenger aboard tbe Pan American jet, Mrs. cm· Union on banning nucle.ar weap- In view of th r pbI:t ,Bnd a.d p thorities or allow him to return ons tests. Since the chances lor longing of the peopl!) f/f the world .BEER voluntarily to this cpuntry, if he ton Shumaker of Miranda. Calif., wife of a United Presbyterian min , agreement look dim, Kennedy Im- (or an effective erld to nuclear FInd out Why 'l'III chose to do so. plkd U18t 'the United Stales may weapons testing. Kennedy said, Annex II knoWD • The United States is unable to ister, said of her enforced stop the frlendll.. pIoca over in Havana: "We were treated Their Last SUI Line? feel compelled to re ume testing. he is asking U.S. negotiator Ar· In tow ... demand his extradition because the -<He stili is hopeful of a ,peace· thur H. Dean to return to Geneva crime with which he is charged oc wonderfully. They even put on a It'. btln s.ld th.t SU I i. jUlt one gre.t big line. Fer m.ny of with placards m.rklng the r.specti.... queues. Oeg'"1 w.,.. musical show for us during our ful solution lo the Berlin problem. Aug. 24 to try to find out whcth· "Doc" Conn.lr. curred outside the country and the above degree candide,.s who gatnered welt of the Field Houw .w.rded to SUlow.nl. The University HOlpit.1 tower I. In wait in the Havana airport." ,to But !he said Soviet Premier Khru- er the Soviet Union is prepared comes under the U.S. maritime prior to Commencem.nt exercises W.dnesday night, It was their the b.ckground. shchev's latest speecllcs and slate- to accept a sac. guard test ban jurisdiction. Such offenses are not Among p.llengers aboard the hijacked pl.na was Colombian last .Th. candid.tes w.re grOUPed according to the degr" received, -D.11y IDwan Photo by Joe lCarplwk ments offered no new propo al. as a necessary and rational means covered by the extradition treaty ~Hc believes the United Stales is of reducing tho likelihood oC nu between the United States and For.ign Minister Julio Ceser 26 E.st Colletl Turb.y Ay.I., a bitter South putting maximum effort into il5 clear war. Cuba which was first signed in space program, In terms of mon- Kennedy did not talk in terms 1904. American foe I'f the Castro r.· gime. ey and manpower that can he em- or a deadline, but he said he think The seizure of the Pan American Hale To Join West Berlin Gets Latin America ployed Usefully and without di- this country wiU be able to tell jetliner as it left Mexico City was Nevertheless, he received the red carpet treatment in Havana from mini hing returns. all'llO.'rt immediately whether the the fourth hijacking of an American "....., ..., it OftOoWWcI _ Soviet Union has made any change commercial plane since May 1. Castro, himself, and the Cuban Govel'nment said th(l plane's quick Reiects Cuban __ to • q-.tion whether he be- in its insistence on an inspections release was in deference to him. Illinois Faculty Retugee a Minuf:e Ii...... the $eviot Union achNIly system over which it would have Cadon took over the pilot's cabin put two ..tronauts Into Oft»1t: veto powers. A new Soviel note. Cuban Hiiack of the jetliner moments after It In February BERLIN fA'! - Refugees stream- of the GDR in all Cielas will show Vote Demands "V... " He HId the O.S.s.R. il delivered only Wednesday took the left Mexico City about 1 p.m. Wed ed inlo West Berlin from the East that the war hysteria ignited in "many months ahNd of us" .... d same old sta~ on that. nesday on a rlight from Houston. Mark Hale. dircctor of the school at the rate of more than one a min- West Germany is madness and PUNTA DEL ESTE. Uruguay fA'! "_ c.n look for Dther .v~" The Pres~ ..id It w.s hi. Tex., to Panama City. Stewardess of social work, announced today ute Thursday and East Germany's completely without sense." - Latin America solidly turned its of thltr IUpertorlty." underst.ndi"" tnat the hljackl"" Try Foiled; Eleanor Weis said the "no smok communist leader. Walter Ulbricht, He called for measures against back on Cuba at the hemispberic But the President also said that of. P.n Anwrlcen jet o.... r Mex· that he will resign his SUI post ef· ing" sign was still on for tbe take called for strengthening the Iron the refugees. economic conference Thursday. It if !be U.S. space program can be ico WednescI.y was done by • fective Feb. 1. 1962. oCf. Curtain to put a stop to the flow. The Communists maintain the did so by rejecting Cuban demands improved, it will be, beCause "we Frend,,_n"who had been n-t.