• THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. combe said, and he looked It. Surgery --- TMUaSDAT. JUNE 37. for mmsm ItSl Umpire - C-4 , “Those were real tape-measure jy p - —m—Lr —l_ ALLENTOWN. Pa.. June 27 . MAJOR (/t) 39-year-old Jobs.” LEAGUE BOX SCORES —Jim Honochick, ! Where do Jaycees MILLER FIELDS BUICK umpire, may the fit ln? Well, they're staging a cam- Tfte area's newest Buick dealer Busby Says YANKS, 3; INDIANS, 1 PIRATES, 15-5; CUBS, 5-5 WHITE SOX, 7; RED SOX, be operated on today for a kid- New Power 5 paign ney to elect a president and Cleveland. A.H.O.A. New Verb. A.H.O.A. FIRST OAME ('hirst# A.H.O.A. Boot** A.H.O.A. ailment. He was stricken they’re doing it Smith.3b 4 10 1 Rl'dson,2b Slid 1 Pittsburgh A.H.O.A. Chieagu AHOA Aparlclo.ss 4 o 5 4 piersall.cf 4 () 4 (I at beginning of 1 around and in Raines.2b A 1 2 4 McD Id.is 4 0 2 1 I Maz'aki.'.’b 8 2 15 Morgan.2b 3 o o 1 Fox,2b 512 3 Klaus.ss 53 1 the the Cleve- the hotel 1 . 2 5 downtown where the Swing Werti,lb 3210 0 Mantle.cl 32 4 0) Vlrdon,cf 5 2 2 (> Wise.2b 101 I l Mtnoso.lf 4 1 4 Ii Williams.lf 3 110 I land-New York game ln Yankee Is to .VWilliam on Collins, lb 2 ofl o• IPen'on.rf 1 0 0 u 4Bolger 1 n 0 0 Doby.cf 3 3 1 (I Vernon,lb Dodgers are staying. This cam- Due Loose II 5 1 10 0 Tuesday 1 J ] | Stadium night. Woodllnglf 40 10 Bauer.rf 30*2 O > Fondy.lb 5 4 16 0 Walls.cf 5 15 01 Dropo.lb 40 6 Malxone.3b 521 3 paign never gets into high gear (/ ).— Maris.4)4o Berra.c 3150 ) Thomas,lf 83 0 0 Tanner.lf 432 I)II Moss.c 3 2 2 I) S'phens.rf 4 2 3 0 BALTIMORE. June 27 P Colavlto.rf 4 I) 3 0 Howard.lf 2 0 0 0 5 10 2 Phillips.rf 4 2 2 0 Lepclo.'Jb 4 3 3 3 until after midnight Car'queLss I Groat.ss 1 Banks.3b 4 12 2 Tgeson Daley.c and doesn't See us before JULY and we’ll show Jim Busby, fancy fielding out- 3 2 3 4 lKubek.lt 0000 i Prltch'd.ss 10 2 1 Monrn.rf 3 12 oii 1 l 100 4 0 3 0 peter Nlxon.c 4 112 Carey.3b 2 0 12 • Baker.2b 5 1 3 6 Long.lb 4 2 7 (1 LaPalme.n 0 o o o Ntxon.p loot) ! out until 4 or 5 am. you we fielder dealt off by the Indians ) I 2Slaughter noon D DODGERS WHY top all daols at 4Kuhn o 0 o 0 ! Mell.rt-cf A 4 1 o Neeman.c 4 16 0o Es'sito.Ub 5 15 1 Susce.D o o o o The 13 days ago, brought along some I Lemon.p 3 0 0 2 CoMurn.Ub 0 0 12 r Rand.c 3 12 0 LlttrelLss 3 0 111 Wilson.n 4 2 0 () "Mauch 11 Dll Continued From Page C-lL area around the hotel MiHer Fields. For the best Pltula.p o 0 0 4 3 0 1 () Howell.p 0 0 0 Cbakales.p (tool deal—see power-laden bats 0 Kucks.n L , Law.p 4 10 2 Kindall.es 1 o l il 0 , coach, ejected sounds like Times Square in addition to 3Altobelll 110 0 Ortm.p u o o 0 ) Poholsky.P 0000 > Rivera.rf 0 0 0 0 .IZauchln 10 0 0 were from the ! on the new wheels. A large stock of his glove when he reported to > I ; Brosnan.p 1 0 o o0 P’erfleld.p 0000 ; game ln the seventh for arguing New Eve. Totals 35 824 13 Totals 18 727 12• Ltt'fleld.p icon n 4Jensfin 1100 1 Year’s As If the din new and ustd cars to choosa from. the Orioles. 2 Will 10 0 0 Mlnarcln.p 0000 a call at second base by Um- ' enough - 1 Ran tor Howard In 7th. Kaiser .p 0000 pire weren’t to rattle a mute. Sank GMAC financing .When he left the Indians 2 H(t sacrifice fly for Carey Ifi 7th. aspeake 1100 ! Totals 37 13 27 8 Totals 38 14 27 12 Stan Landes. availabla. June 14 In an even-up swap for 3 Singled tor Pltula in Bth. 1 Singled for Phillips in Oth. “Newk had very good stuff out . some wag even put tear gas in 4 Ran for Nixon in Bth. Totals 47 18 27 15 Total* 37 27 , 2 Singled for Busce In sth. Dick Williams, Busby was - 5 Ran tor Werta In Bth. 10 5* •") Piled out for Chaktles In flth. there tonight,” Alston said. “He the hotel’s air conditioning MILLER FIELDS lUICK 1 Ran for Vlrdon la 7th. 4 Slntled i sys-j 9 ting .189 as a centerfield i 2 Safe on for Littlefield In 7th. for Porterfield In Bth. wins when his stuff is lousy and tem Tuesday night. Rockville, Md, re- Cleveland 000 000 001—1 , 3 Tripled for In Bth. I j placement Rookie Ik New York 000 010 20x—3 Kaiser Chicaeo 023 010 001—7 when for Roger • 4 Orounded out tor Wise In Bth. Boston 100 011 020—6 loses it’s good.” The Dodgers hoped to get daily $ 0.m.-9 p.m. Pittsburgh - ( Maris. Manager Kerby Farrell Runs Kuhn. Richardson. Mantle. . 005 240 400—15 “My doctor to get In I Chicago . -- 000 > —Mlmso, Doby, Dropo. (7), told me . some shuteye the wee hours ! (3). I 002 012— 5 Phillips. Esposito. Moss plenty Sun. after church of the Tribe said the speedy Bus- BK iflililS{Collins. Errors —Smith Runs batted > Runs—Msseroskl (2i. Vlrdon. Pendle- . Plerssll, Kleus. Mal- of rest and' take things i this morning, but when their! ¦ In—Raines, (2). Slaughter. Two- ' ton Fondy (3). (2), , Stephens. Lepclo. $ by Bauer <2t. Thomas Baker June, Runs bntted In— easy.” 'til p.m. didn’t have a strong enough i base hit*—Smith. Richardson. Three- ' Mejias 12), Rand. Law. Tanner (2), Vernon. Klaus. Dsley. Lepclo (2). Moss. said Braves’ Manager bus pulled up in front Phillip* (71. ¦ of the throwing arm to play regularly. uase hits— Carraequel. Mantle. Stolen 1 Banks. Neeman. Bpcakr. Errors—Littrell. . Fox. Wilson. Torgeson. Fred Haney, who looked he hotel bases—Smith. Mantle. Sacrifice —Me- ' Mazeroski. Runs batted In Vlrdon. . i »» Bsnoslto hit Into double i a few minutes after mid- ¦ PO. 2-4391 HA. 7-7494 Manager Paul Dougald Sacrifice files—Bauer (2). • Fondy, (4). Mejias (3). Pj»») Two-bate hits—Doby (2). Lepclo, had been put through a wringer. night, Richards plays—Carraaouel Thomas Oroat. the clamor was in full! shrugged off the low batting Slaughter Double to > Law (2). Mazeroski (2). Banks. Long. ¦ Mlnoso. Three-base hit—Stephens. Home “I’m still av- Rtlnes to Wertx: to Mc- ' Speake. : runs Phillips, Lepclo shell shocked,” New- swing. Richardson Baker. Bolter. Tanner Two- Stolen MOSS. Klmi*. erage, knowing that Busby had Dougald to Collins. 1-est on basas— ; base hits Thomas (2). Fondy (2). dim—Plerssll Doufile plays— * 12: New York. 14. Bases on Klaus to Vernon; Klaus Lepclo to hit better than .280 Cleveland. Rand. Tanner. Three-base hit*—Vlrdon. ¦ Vernon; to in three pre- balls—Off Lemon. 8; off Pltula. 1; off Mejias. Banks. Speake. Home runs ; Fox to Aparlclo to Dropo. 2; vious out— By 1: by tO Fox Dropo: Kucks. 5 Struck Lemon. Ff—fj . to Malsone to seasons, and inserted him by I. Thomas. Msseroskl. Mejias. Tanner. 10 'I. Pltula. I: by Kucks. 4: Grim. ; —Thomas. plays— ! “S* ,}? Vernon. Left on bases—Chi- Into the starting lineup. lilts—Off lemon, 6 , off Doublt O on Since In 7Va Groat to Msseroskl to Fondy. Left on I Off5« W,. .Bases balls— then Jinfhas hit Pltula. 1 in 14s Innings; off Kucks. 8 1 bases—Pittsburgh. 10: Chicago, 8. Bases Wilson. 2: off LaPalme. 1: off Nixon. .348 and batted innings (faced 2 in 8th); off Grim. Poholsky, Forterfield. 1 : In 8 ; on balls—Off 2; off Brosnan. 2e, out—By off In 10 runs. 1 In 1 . Runs and earned runs— l; off Littlefield, off Law, I M'W. 2 Struck .Wilson. 2; JIM BUSBY Off 3-3: off Pltula. 0-0; offr out—By PohoUky, 2: i. struck !• bvM ) the Lemon. Winning 1: by Broanan, 2; by I nnrcln. Hits—- Since Orioles came home Swinging Easy Kucks. 1-1; off Grim. U-U. [ Uttlefleld, by ' *7 7 4 innlnwa; off Howell. Busby (5-Bi. Losing nltcher— Poholsky. 3: Law. 2. Hits—Off I in 1 June 18, has put on a i vltcher—Kucks Umpires—Summers. , fl In 2(s Innings; off Brosnan. LaPalme. Lemon (5-5 1 . Fla- A 14, ; !. nnh?f,' h In 2 inkling* (faced show for herty. Stevens. Chvlak. Tim*—2:sl. in lnnint: off Littlefield. 7 la 3 lnnint): off Alice, 4 Baltimore fans. He does-it technique for his new- innings: off Kaiser. 1 In 2 lnnint*. il•"DSVInnings: has safely Attenoance—B,l72. Runs and off Chaksles. 0 In l innlne: hit in nine straight earned runs—Off Poholsky. ' 1 !" 9 Innings: Mlnsr- games, power. J -4: off Kaiser, 0-0; off Brosnan, 5-5: ?in nff blasted three home runs -found PHILLIES, II; CARDS, 3 off Law, 5-5; off Littlefield, 5-6. Wln- in his five games j “I’m swinging loose and easy, —Law (4-3). Losing pitcher last and shows! • Phil*. A.H.O.A. St. Louis A.H.O.A, nlK.- Poholsky Umipres K 4 average 5 3 11 Bgame.2b 4 1 8 S I r , u-.'l). Venzon. :s§®?Vc“.. o‘Ti.ffpUt. a .412 over instead of straining hit J*ckow,kl r“ that span to tAshburn.efHamner.2b 8 0 14 Dark.ss 4 o l d 1 snd Crawford. o with 14 hits in 34 homers the Indians B'chee.lb 5212 0 Musial.lb 4u » 1 tries. as l * ,p ' wanted •.'Block.lb OHIO Ennis.rf 4110 I . I Steen 4 Gtmr o.'! 41 ' I-oslng pitcher— During the home stand, the me to do,” Busby said. ! son It 2 Boyer.cf 4 1 2 0 ) A.H.O.A. Chlrate A.H.O.A. wwil TrY? 1 s Berry. And 2 10 • (I UmD .tlf —Tabacchi. Orioles of “They kept hammering JaH'mon.lf 0 0 2 o Moon.lt 4 12 0 M s’ski.2o 6 2 6 5 Wlll.cf 4 2 4 Time—'.' 55. Attena- have won seven the at me s IRep ski rt 4 2 2 0 H. Bmlth.c 3 3 3 1 Vlrdon.cl 421 II Morgen.2b 8 113 | nine games to move there keep trying for fences. Jones 3b 4 112 Kasko.lib 32 0 2 ; 2 O'Brien 0 0 0 o Tunner.lf 3 12 0 within lVa to the , 1. 1 00 0 0 McDaniel.p 11 L Arroyo.p 1 II I) o 7 Bolter,lf 1 1o o games ,4Haddix 2O 0(I (I | of fifth-place Boston. Two or three persons told me Il Ka’ski.ab it o 0 1 Schmldt.p o 0 0 0 ) Kline.q 1 Banks.'lb 4 I 0 3 GIANTrs7r7rREDS77 Busby ought ; ILopata.c 513 11 Cooper lo o o i JP'dlrton ] ii 0I) Morvn.rf 40 2 0 I New York A HO A Cincinnati aTh o A won two of the last to be able to clout 15 > 14 Merritt.p 00 0 1 IjSwanson.p 00 0 1 Long.lb 3 0 n Temple.'lb 3 Fender.sa 34 Fondy,lb Fannlng.c 112 I sn.Tb 53 7 52 2 four games with home runs, the Greenberg (gen- - Simmons.p 4 10 0 Miller.o 0 0 0 0 !1 B 3Hi 1 4 14 0IOC53n 2 7 Hoak 3b 413 3 homers—Hank - T-mas.lf-cf 6 1 3 0 5 o o n ob• 1.7 Mays.cf SCO 71 providing 0 Hillman Belief 39 latest Baltimore with eral manager) for one—and as 5 Totals 40 18 27 13 Totals JlTb 27 18 2 Bouchee in Bth. iPolfes.c 1 " •’* Burgess.c 0| last ing so hard and lost my co- Ran for Trimble.p 418 1 Klndall.ss 20 2 2 : SP*9. clt*s 226 3 Ran for Anderson in oth. 2 111 Dr'b'sky.n 10 2 0 I VirtU-tb 539 0 5 Lynch.c 112 0 Busby a new easy- ordination with the in Oth. p ", 11 Lown.p Thomas.e 4 13 o attributes bat.” 4 Ran for W. Jones rSK: .. 90 0000 I 1 Fost.rf 4 1 2 11 Skl er.lf 210 0 6 Walls o 0 0 0 I 29!r* I D 70 0 1 McMtl'n.ss 30 0 5 Philadelphia 000 103 403—11 MUler.p 2 0 0 0 Henrlch.ss (I O (I 1 . St. 010 000 200— 3 I Both clubs scored twice in the Louis Nuxhall d 10 0 1 Totals 4lTlT:i:i"ls Totals 36 833 14 Kllp'*t*n.p o o o o BASEBALL ; nightcap. Runs—Ashburn. Hsmner. Bouchee. 1 Struck out Pkce m Jeffcoat.p ninth to deadlock the * Blaylock, Anderson (3), Harmon, He- for 7th. o o o o 2 Ran for Vlrdon In 7th. Powler.p 2 0 0 0 Continued Page C-l Three sacrifice flies, by w. Jones, Haddix. Ennis. Boyer. r< n From two loon. Error —L. McDanial. Runs batted I 25?, iK 9*4 out, for Kline m lith. 6ulskl. Kasko (2). W. Jones. 4 Walked for Littrell in Bth. Totals 46 20 27 12 Totals 34 11 27 13 McDaniel a fourth defeat. Rookie , won for the Yanks In—H. Smith. (3(. 5 Ran for Pannlne In Bth. . Anderson. Fernandes Bouchee (2), , 6 Walked 1 Ran Harry Johnny Kucks won his fifth with Repulskl (2). Lopata. (Anderson scored and scored for Lown tn Oth. for Bell In 7th. Anderson broke a 1-all tie l >th). 7 Slntled for Tenner In Oth. . on double pity In Two-base hits , New York Bob Grim's relief help tn the • Jones. Fernandes. Ath- Pittsburgh 100 010 102 00—5 161 037 500—17 with a hammer that triggered , —H. Smith. W Chicago , Cincinnati no 020 — a ninth. Bob Lemon lost it, los- • burn (2(. Repulskl Three-base hits— 000 003 002 00—5 030 7 Double Called end of 11th duo to three- inning. The I Bouchee. —Anderson. , Baker. Runs batted In—Vlr- —Jeffcoat. Robinson. Temple Runs : don. Fondy. haded In—Mays «4), (5). Vir- ended at four. a >A L Me Banks 2. WIU. Msseroskl. gil (2) Thomson batted in. got four more in the 1 & 3;^Bc°h 'R L: Folles. Skinner. Morgan. Bolter. Two- Thomas, Robinson (2). Temple. nm!S‘V o« hase Hits—Fondv. wt' Burses*. O’Connell 2. Lockman. out—By Jim Wilson won his eighth for Miller. 3. Struck Stmaona. 2. Baker. Three-base S£?(Thomas scored seventh. Then they tagged Bob by L L. Mc- hit—Morean Home suns—Vlrdon. Banks. on Robinson's error In the White Sox. but needed | McDaniel. 2. Hits—Off. Folles. Skinner. Mazeroski. nth). (Virgil scored on Jeffcoat'o error he -1 Daniel. 8 In B innings (faced 3 batters Stolen base— In 6th(. Miller, and 18-year-old, $25,000 , In 7th): off Schmidt. 3 In 1 Inning: off Banks Sacrifice* Drabowsky. Will. Post. Henrich. Two-base hits—- relief help after Bubba Phillips I Double plays—Baker to Msseroskl ' - Spencer. Burgess (2). Bell. Merritt. 1 In 1 nning: off R. L. Miller. Fondy (2) to Thomson.M*** bonus kid making his debut, with ] homered in the to give him inning. Left on bases—Pittsburgh. 11; Three-base hits—Robinson. fifth I 3 In 1 Run* and earned runs— Chicaeo. » Bases on balls—Off Mays. Post Home runs—Thomas. Thom- Off Simmons. 3-3: off L. McDaniel. 7-5. Drabowsky. Trim- *®,n bases—Temple. Mays (2). three runs in the three a 6-1 lead. Willard Nixon lost ' 1-i; Merritt, R ble, 5; off 2; off Face, 2: - Btplen ninth on i off Schmidt. off o-u: off Arroyo. Virgil. Sacrifices—Bell. ; Winning nltcher—Sim- off I: off Slaton. I: off Kline. Miller. Sacrifice his fourth as the Red Sox L. Miller. 3-3. 1; Struck out—By by flies—Crowe. Henrich. Double playk- hits and three walks. mons <7-3). Losing pitcher—L. Mc- Trimble. 3: Dra- to Temple dropped straight Smith. bowsky. 3; by Arroyo. 4; by Lown. 1: Hoak to Crowe. Virgil to O i their seventh ' Daniel <7-4). Umpires—Delmore. by Connell to Giants Get Hot Conlan. Donatelll Time—2:2s. At- Swanson. 1. Hits—Off Trimble. 5 In Lockman Left on bases—l to Chicago. 5*5 Innings: off Face. 1 in tnnlng: J*ew York. 7; Cincinnati. B Bases on, tendance—l4JlV2. off Arroyo. 1 In 2‘- balls—Off Gomez. 3; q» Nuxhall. 2: The Giants won their 11th in j Innings: off Kline. KUppstetn Jim Busby homered in the 1 In I*, innings off Swanson. 0 In 1 off 1; offl Jeffcoat. 1. Struck 1 last 15 games—that's the , IRAVES, 13; DODGERS, 9 Inning: out—By Gomes. 2: by Nuxhall 2; by the fifth for Baltimore’s latest off Drabowsky. n in 8 Innings Fowler. 2 B*4 in a Brooklyn. (Faced 2 batters in oth); off Lown. 1 .Hits—Off Gomes. 8 In 4>s nn .t Auto—• a pace the Cards set in their jump , AHOA. Milwaukee. A.H.O.A 3 in 4*, Innings: i Tin. time Western surge that has carried within 1 in I lnnint: off Elston. 2 tn 2 Innings 2®, M off Bobby lVi Gilliam.2b 4 u 3 0 Bruton cl A 2 3 n Nuxhall 6 In 4«,Jller.lnnlnsa: off Klippstein, Your Choice Sale. You choose either from sixth—as Thompson!: o 2 1 Runs-earnrd runs—Off Trimble, 3-3: I Inning (laced games of fifth place. Johnson, Heese.3b 411 Aaron.rf 42 Drabowsky. * nth): ' 4 <• 5 3 , off 5-5: off Face. ; “jn'i 2 batters In the safety nylon tube type drove in five runs and ' Snider.cf l 2 M'hews.ab n u Arroyo, 0-0: off ! ln *s inning; Fowler YJTSTUi’” extra of or Willie Amoros.lf Cov ston 2-2: off Loser. 0-0; off Elston. off who beat the A s 2-0, with a two- lion If 5210 0-0; off Kline. 0-0; Bwanaon, innin*». Runs «na earned runs the extra safety of rayon tubelt** con- Mays four. Both were 4-for-6 in . i.lb 4 15 4 Torre.lb 5 111 off 0-0. ( J* J®'Oomes, 5-5: 2-2; off hitter earlier this season, struck an.u 5 Winning pitcher Trimble. Losing off Miller. Nux- struction in safest line tire made 20-hit barrage that nailed l-cf 5 12 0 Lot 13 1 pitcher Face. Umpires hall. 5-5: off Klippstein. 2-2: off Jeff-l the first a 3 1 2 o Mant la.Jb 3 13 1 Ballanftnt. * out four and walked none. S' .rs Jackowskl. Crawford. Venzon. Time—- 5-5: off Povier. 5-4 Wlnnint! —the Davis Silent Sentry. Priced the Johnny Klippstein with a sev-i, ' Neal.ss 3 2 2 1 Saw'tski.c 3 211 u 3:25. Pitcher—Miller (2-3). Losing pitcher' Baltimore’s other two hits l Camp'la.c 3 14 1 3De Merit 1 o o 0 i Attendance—7.4oo. —Klippstein (2-71. Umpires—Dixon Mmc NOW! enth Stu Miller were o loss. won his singles, off Portocarrero, who ,; Newc be.p 2 0 2 2 Jolly.p o o o Burkhart. Gorman. Time—2:4l. At-1 1 Labine.p 20 11 Trowb se.p lo O o ORIOLES, 1; ATHLETICS. 0 J tendance—l4.oß7 second in relief. Seven runs in j p 0 0 Johnson.p o o o savings on and whitewalls. pitched his first Besseni 00 1 City. PrHt Similar other aixci the sixth junked a 5-5 tie. The I l Crandall 1 n O 0 K. AHOA. BaHluswre. AHOA in nine starts since September Conley, p 110 0 Lopez,3b 4 10 5 Oardner.'Jb 2 o 2 3 rally started to pay off with • 2Pafko 1 o o o Martyn.lf 3 0 2 0 Boyd.lb 3 014 0 TIRES MOUNTED 7. 1955. He lost the last one. Rlcess 0 0 2 0 5 Th'spon 1 0 0 0 Good'n,3b 3 0 12 Hernando Seeded No. 1 Ozzie Virgil’s two-run single and • Martln.2b 3 0 0 2 FUa'eUr.rf 3 0 10 Specially buil, for the 2-1, to New York. KillBusby.cf BURLINGAME, June 27 AAA Included a two-run sacrifice bunt! Totals 35 824 8 Totals 40 15 27 4 Smiths 3 1 3 n C»IU.. EASY TERMS 1 Grounded out for Johnson tn 4th. Power lb 30 8 1 Durham,ll 3 100 UP).—Rudy —which had the help of two 2 Ran tor Sawatskl In Btb. Held.lf 2 0 5 0 Trl'dos.c 3 ISO Hernando of Detroit ..... to% d... 3 Fanned for Conley in Bth. 1 Cerv.ef 1 (I o « Miranda as 2 0 14, ||"7 errors. MINOR LEAGUES Oroth.rf 20 7 0 Johnson.p 300 4' yesterday was seeded No. 1 for $5.00 Monthly jBrooklyn 210 330 000— 8 2 Bklvas.rf 1 o 0 O . 15.25, NOW plus fax Milwaukee crunched Don New- ’ Milwaukee 004 030 Udx—l3! !Dem’trl.2b 2 0 3 1 1 the United States Lawn Tennis PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE 3 and old lire $lO 99 aid We Science Wheels FREE! combe with San (11 Hodges <2). Clmoli, Zernlsl 1 0 o o seven runs on five! j Francisco. 61 Los Annies. S Runs—Reese. Hunter,ss II I) (I Association junior Pay Only Weights! llnnlnsai (2). Neal (2R Campanella Port'rero.p 0 t hard court You for homers, one short of the major (2). Aaron (3>. (3). 2 10 1 , 1 Sacramento. Si San Dleto. 3 (10 tn- SirlUoruton Mathews 4 Noren 1 0 0 0 I championships start league record off pitcher ! nines i Covington (2). Mantilla. Sawatskl. De that here ( I one in’ Hollywood. 1. Merit. —J. 1 5: Seattle. Errors—Gilliam. Torre. Runs . 1 1 : Monday. Roger one game. Newk was shelled as; I Portland. S: Vancouver 4. batted In—Hodges (2). Campanella 12). Totals 28 374 Totals is 377 13 Werksman of 1 Gilliam. Neal (3). Sawatskl. ¦ 1 Filed out tor Held In Bth. , Aaron, Newcombe. 7 out Groth in ‘ Angeles, Hank Eddie Mathews' Toronto. 7: Columbus. 6 Mathews (si. Aaron. Covington (3). Orounded for Bth Los winner last year.il (2). 3 Orounded out for DeMaestrl In Bth : estemPluto^ and Covington hit Miami. 5: Buffalo. 1. Bruton. Torre Two-base hits— Wes succes- Mantilla. Bruton. Torre. Home runs— 4 Struck out for Portocarrero In Bth i will1 not defend. 1W— Richmond. A; Montreal. 2. 5 out Martyn sive homers in the fifth to nar- ; Rochester. .1; Havana. 7 Hodges. Campanella. Neal. Sawatskl. Struck for In Bth. i. row Brooklyn’s AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Mathews (21. Aaron. Covington. Double Kansas City 000 000 000—0 lead to 9-7. It' Louisville. H—l: Charleston. l—O i play—Logan to Mantilla. Left on base— Baltimore 000 010 OOx—l was the second time this season i (second game 10 innings). Brooklyn. 5: Milwaukee. 7. Run—Busby —Busby. Minneanolls. 12: Denver. 5. —Off Newcombe. 1: off Labine. 1: off Home run—Busby Double plays—Mi- Newk has given up three in a games postponed. Sesaent. 1: off Trowbridge. 3: off John- randa to to Boyd; Other 1: Conley. out—By Gardner Power to row. bagged TEXAS LEAGUE son. off 2. Struck DeMsestri to Power bases— The Braves it with Dallas. —2: Tulsa. (second Newcombe. 1: by Labine. 2: by Beaaent. City, Left, an 2 O—3 I by Trowbridge. 5: by Conley. 4; bv Kansas 9; Bsltmore 3. Bases on six in the-eighth off Clem < tame 13 Innings). 1 balls—Off Portocarrero. Labine. Jolly. 2. Hits—Off Newcombe. 8 tn 4 , 1: off Johnson. Austin. 3—l: Shreveport. 2—3. Innings; 4. Run snd earned run—Portocarrero. now 3-4. Mathews had two 4: off Labine. 7 In 3 Innings: off («-8). Houston. San Antonio. O Inning, Trowbridge. lei. Winning pitcher—Johnson. Worth, 6, City. Bessent. u In *x off , Losing (3-3). home run in a 15-hit spree that Fort Oklahoma 4. 4 3)4 Innings: *j pltcheiv-Portocarrero. Um- SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION In off Johnson. O In Plres —Rice. Rommel. Napp, Time —1:45 gave reliever Gene Conley his Birmingham. 4; Mobile. 3 (13 inning: off Conley 3 In 4 Innings: off , nings > In- Jolly. 2 In 1 lnnint. Runs and earned victory. Chattanooga. runs—Off Newcombe 7-7; off Labine. first 1 2: Little Rock. 1. Bessent, 0-0; New Orleans. 8: Atlanta. 3. d-5: off off Trowbridge Fondy Passes Mnsial ! Nashville. 0: Memphis. 1 6-5: off Johnson. 8-0: off Conley 3-3. EASTERN LEAGUE off Jolly, o-o Hit by pitcher—(by La- Pittsburgh's Dee Fondy, Syracuse. Binghamton. (I—l. blne>. Sawatskl. Winning pitcher— who 2—3: (1-41. Losing pitcher—Labine JCASH pinch Tuesday Springfield. 2—l: Reading. I Conlev hit in his first ap- Albany. M; Schenectady. —3. (3-4). Umpires—Dascoll. Secory. Landes. I Baker, AUTO pearance since bein% hit in the WESTERN LEAGUE Time—3:o2 Attendance—3B.2S3. W LOANED Des Moines. 17: Topeka, 4. IN IS MIMTHS M face by a thrown ball last week, Amarillo. 0: Colorado Springs. O. | yesterday Lincoln. 8: Sioux City. 2 m Ahtfhrr vour r»r !<* p«id Ii started and was 7-for- Albuquerque. r for or not SI league 7: Pueblo. S. -11 to take the batting SOUTH ATLANTIC LEAGUE r-BRAKES-1 ISO 00 loan SI.OO *Wk 1 from (.365 Savannah. S: Charlotte. 2. I lead Stan Musial to Columbus. 7: Columbia. 3. WAIT I SIOO.OO Lasts $2.00 gWk | .353) with a 14-point jump. Knoxville, 5: Jacksonville. 3. MUMP WMILI YOU Augusta. 8: Macon. 4. I I.nglls I|l •« NMHHMHI There were 49 hits In the twin - | | J nniQQBI B I'nsinrnls r<|iialls ns l.«« M bill. 31 by the Pirates and 22 Free Lif. , FIGHTSJ LAST NIGHT, i. were good for extra bases. Bill. Adjustment! - - &Hirson Bth 8 0 N.Wjf Mazeroski homered 4 in both CHICAGO—Bobby Boyd. ISO. Chicago, WHEELS SVfl.63 games for outpointed« Rbcky Caatellanl. 180Va. COMPLETE m, DI. 2-4700 J the Pirates, who had Cleveland, ¦ W UP nine for the day. 10. Vem Law won j MlLAN—Duilio Lol. 13A' a . Italy, out- Van 137, SENDERS the opener, scattering 10 hits, if'nointed"Plet Klatcren. Hoi-

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