Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1956-06-09
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" , .. at ; • Serving The State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City vuaotisl1ed to Ilida-Flve Cents a Copy Member or ASSi'ciated Pre s-AP Leased Wtre and Wirepboto ServIce Iowa City, Iowa, satUrday, Ju.oe 9, 1956 Demos Pray for Ike .j " f r'o ams I , .'~ , Russi,a Asks 'Degrees to 1,091; Hear i iioop (ul 1 In. Germany " Hancher Talk In archi", (or opportunities WASHINGTON I.f\-Soviet Pre tor advancement, Ihis y ar' col· mier Bulganin, In a Jetter to lege graduates are I.hinking in terms o( "positive contributions" President EisenlJower made public faU\('r than o( "protection again. t Friday night, called on the· United dangt'r" through orllanized secur· States, Britain and France 10 join ity plans, Arthur S. Adams told with Russia in withdrawing some 1.091 graduaw of S I Friday, of their armed (orces from Ger· Adal1'\!. who I pre Id nt of lhe Am rlcan Council on FAucat ion, many. spokt' on "How Secur C D We "This ' undQl!~te~y would pre· Be?" at SUI's spring Q)mmenCt'· pare the erounct fOf /lIpre decisi ve ment exerrl~ In tt Unlv r: ty steps in this ~lIl~r," Oulganin FI Idhol . said In the letter dated June 6 "In a number o( r('C('nt n(\INs· and dellvered here Thursday. paper and ma, lin article n Enclosed in the letter, as made good deal has been said aboul the public by the White House, was concern or you", people {or taking lbe Soviet Union's May 14 state a job whIch 0(( rs urity, and it ment aMOIIJlclnJ RIISSilJn plans for may w II be that such concern reducing the slce or the Soviel have been much In your minds." armed (oree. by 1.1 mUlion men. Adam! told the deer candidates. BulganJn's letter: declared that While acree1ng that II Is Impor- lhe Unlt~ , NaUon~: Disarmament toall, I ....an 'Phi' '" La• ." D.,.I tant to be prudent in mo.king pro subcommittee, whlcpt pas been try THE SUI FIELDHOUSE wa, packed to capacity Friday morning a. more than the 942 Slraduated In the IprinSi of 1f5S. Parente, r 'atln., tection against the hazard of the 1.091 graduating senior. listened to commencement addre.ses by Ar. Mure, Adams !tr ed that "the (AP Wlr.pholo) ing to solve the dlsarAlament prob· and friends of graduate. lI,tened to the c.mmencement exercise. ,DELEGATES TO the Massachusett. State Damocratic cenventlon lem for years, aell¥li\Y "is retard· thur S, Adams. president of the American Council on Education, and Ir W t security 11 In the pru· 19S6 150 the of ,.u.. for a moment of silent !trayer for the health of P,..sldent ing progress In Uds I1l$lter." SUI Pre.ldent VirSlil M. Hancher. The clus include ...bout from sldes the Fieldhouse. dence oC th lndivfdu I. rather thon on his r IiAllce on what som body D,wlght D, Eisenhower shortly after the convention opened Friuy. He said "it'l. difficult to expect" The President wal stricken earlier In th, day with an Intastlnal Db- else Ls going to provid Cor his se· anY "concrete resulu .in the area curity, " strvction. o( disarmament In the very near President Hospitalized with Obstructed Intestine- I "The old·(ashion d qualiU s of '" fulure" as a result a( lhese talks. industrlou ne ,of uming r· Bulganih proposed what he de· sponsibillly for on's self and for scribed as "a new approach." He one's family strike me a$ being ~· ike' 5 Illness Will" said thllt IIntH an International just as important to one's s curily agreement gn diSllrj1lament is as total d pendenc upon or,an· 1 .: . reac)1ed, eacll COUntry could take ized security plan ," Dr, Adams "concrete measures for reducing on a.m~. Operat ·Ike at 12:30 said. Affect armaments" on Its own . "It is encouragini to note Ihot As a starter, he proposed that • LATE BULLETIN 'lolent SCOULS' {rom induslry who the United mates, gritain and ' WASIIINGTON I.4'I-Physicians decided cnrly today to pcrCorm an 1m· By DOUGLAS D. CORNELL Th W h recruit coli g graduates almort France join WIth RUSSia in cut· Ike's Illness e eat er m diale explornlory operation on Presld nt Dwight D. Ei nhower to unanimously r port tills y ar that WASHINGTON ~Howcver serious or slight it may turn out to be tin¥ back th,e sl~ ot .their armed relieve "the caus " of an obstruction in th lower Inltslln s. the first thing stud nts arc lookln President'Eisenhower's latest ilIn(!ss can be ' expected to have an in): (or,::es in Germany, He cited the "~ Pre id nlial Pre s S crelary (or Is opportunity for advance ~c~ on the 1056 campaign wars, " ' _. " Soviet propos!)) to ,withdraw 30,000 B · S t k Fair r-: ('::-:- James C. Hagerty told r porter ment," he continued. , i!:.ve~ if the Presjdent recovers swifUy, the issue of his heaJlh mig,bt men from £&6t ~e(nlany and r.lngs OC :..- at 12:15 a.m. (Jowa tim ) that he "When one thinks in terms o{ ad· very likely become' an increased talking point in the campaign. How 'it ~id: ' ~ ,, { expecled the operaLioll to begin Vancerm>ot DDe ~ I.h1nlUng o{ po i· might acrect the altitudes of run· -- ,,: 'The wiU;~II~a! ,';m Germany M k and .•;,~ ....."y ~ ', \. \ "wlWn (he oexl 15 nifnules," Uve contribUtion rath r thlIn o( o(·tlle·mill voter$ is anybody's ~ of lhe saiil,number tJ~ Soviet troops ,ar et Drop -,:'"". ~.:I lie said a four-man operating protection a,ainst danger, " Dr. gUe~s. Up 10 nQw tbey have been Specialist Sa 'Ik' .. ' does not 'SI)lve tile quest.lon entire· S :i.I~:~ ~\. ~ leam oC surg ons, wilh two otll r , Adorns conclUded, pretty much IncLined to ignore I I YS . Iy. • NEW YORK 1M _ Presfdent Ei. Warm \'{ •• :.,,~ "'c\~ physicians in atiel'ldance, arranged SUI Pre51d at Virgil M, lIanch· e:, r deUv red the tradllional Com Pl'1'sseuSe,id. ential healtb as an e,leCtiOn "This measufe or the Soviet "oV- senh "II j It d th t k / .> ............ 10 perform the exploratory surgery Could Be Able To' , . • ower s I ness 0 e e S oc l..". --~ on the third floor of th main build- mencement charge to the gradu· • Jf. the illness should prove severe ernment Is onlY ,the first step. mar kel Frl' d ay into ILS worst d . Continued fair and pleasanl1y ing at Walter Reed Army 110 pitat. ates aad wclcom d !.hem to til ' ·'However. we b..... our thinking II . 0 b an d. pro Ionge, d lh ere wou Id inevlt· c ne SInce ct. 10 ul a sll'ong warm weathcr is expecled in the Hagerly said in announcing III ranks o( the more than 52,000 liv ' ap;se .. the bl'g questl'on as to COnll"DUe H,"s Work on the premise that..,. If lhe govern- II the I C' d Ing alumnJ of lhe University. ably •• W •• f h t1 ...... ra y near close trimmed loss· owa Ity area 10 ay with the decision: "It Is the consid red ..,"I ·.. eth"'r ~ Ei>ftnhower"'" would stay 'In Imen.., d 0 t e n..... :u h Slates,h Eng· es, h'Igh 's ranglcg. from 80-88 d egrees. opinion of the physicians In allen· Among the n w graduates upon the presidential race. He has sal'd, an and France, w Ie have their Tb h U k ( whom he con (erred degr 5 was By FRANK CAREY troops ' ''·" •.o-·t Id An esll'mated loss of 31 L bl'lllon e weal er ou 00 or Iowa dance that since the pre\llou Iy and repealed, that he would not reo r . on ....rma .. "" .. lory, wou n II f r t l ia! his daug~ter, Mary Susan, who main In the presidency iC he felt he Associated Pr... Scion.. Jtep ••I., for, their ?art .ilO take steps to doLiars was sustained in lhe quoled • ca IS °h emhpera uresWncdar ndor. mentioned part obstruction in earned \.he B.A , degree In I men , . reduce their armed (0 c I "A value of securl'll'es Il'sted on lhe ma t roug next e nes ay the terminal porLion of the small w.asn:t physically up to handling l't, WASHINGTON Iil'l - A W:lsOIn\!- . res, n ""r- 'th d f" t t d d th . l ti h . led I tary education. t t' I . I' t 'd F'd many 'han this wO"ld n"oubted "'ew "ork Stock Exchange, WI no e 101 e ren s an c tn e ne as persl , an cxp ora· and~ V/ould so inform the people in. t on rn es rna specla IS sal n ay , v..... u U u ..,. Ib'lil r f I Itt . i Referring to Ihe Bibl 's t Dch n'tly. President Eisenhower'S partial ob. ly prepare the lfoulld tor more de. POSS I Y 0 a ew oca s lowers or-y operation s necessary." 8t"tA ' I I lh' The Assqeiated Press average of about Monday. ~Ia gerty said in response to ings as sound doctrine in S('cular '. O{ COurse, there have been no in. struction oC the intestine could 'be CIS ve s.teps h 18. malter." 6O-stocks (ell $3 to $177. Ljlst Ocl. I , as w II as spiritual liCe, Jlaneh r dicatibns In the last few hours tbat due to a form of ileitis oC unknown Dispatches from abroad said 10 il Cell $4.60 in lhe lhird sharp questions thaI at no time has he SIDELIGHTS- the' President was even so much as cause.