Okajimas Folia Anat. Jpn., 77(2-3): 47-52, August, 2000

An Anatomical Study of the Retroaortic Left Renal


Kazuya YOSHINAGA, Katsushi KAWAI and Kodo KODAMA

Department of Anatomy, Kumamoto University School of Medicine, 2-2-1 Honjo, Kumamoto 860-0811, Japan Department of Anatomy, Miyazaki Medical College, Kiyotake, Miyazaki 889-1692, Japan

- Received for Publication, March 1, 2000 -

Key Words: Retroaortic left , Inferior vena cava, Gross anatomy, Human

Summary: Retroaortic left renal vein was found in a 55-year-old male cadaver during a student course anatomical dis- section. This anomaly coursed dorsal to the abdominal aorta and opened into the inferior vena cava at the upper level of the 3rd lumbar vertebra. This retroaortic left renal vein connected directly to the azygos vein system and the 3rd lumbar vein. It also received the posterior suprarenal and posterior inferior phrenic .

Because of its anatomical location, the retro- embryological significance. aortic left renal vein, and anomalous left renal vein coursing behind the abdominal aorta, has received a clinical attention for the surgical retroperitoneal Materials and Methods operations and the misinterpretation of clinical di- agnosis (Thomas, 1970; Brener et aL , 1974; Moul et A total of 203 Japanese bodies were dissected in al., 1992) as well as the rise in internal pressure of the anatomical practice during a period of 1993 the left renal vein. This anomaly has been detect- through 1999 at the Kumamoto University School able by clinicians using computerized tomography, of Medicine. In this period, an anomalous left renal magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound exam- vein was found in the cadaver of a 55-year-old Jap- ination, and thus, reported recently in many clini- anese male who died from cancer of the rectum. cal cases (Hoeltl et al., 1990; Moul et al., 1992). This anomaly and its related vessels in the retro- Since the development of the retroperitoneal veins peritoneal cavity were carefully examined, and the including the left renal vein is highly complex findings were recorded by line drawings and photo- (McClure and Butler, 1925), a full understanding graphs. of the regional anatomy of this anomaly and its re- lated veins is imperative not only for surgical oper- ations but also for the knowledge of the venous Observations morphogenesis. However, the retroaortic left renal vein has been described in detail by only 3 dis- A single left renal vein emerging from the renal sected cases in the anatomical literature (Kitamura hilum at the middle level of the 2nd lumbar verte- et al., 1979; Izumiyama and Horiguchi, 1997). bra ran horizontally for a distance of 25 mm, then Recently, we have found the retroaortic left course obliquely caudal and dorsal to the abdomi- renal vein during a student course dissection. nal aorta, and finally opened into the left margin of Since this anomaly is not only rare case but also is the inferior vena cava (IVC) at the upper level of seemed to be significant for understanding the de- the 3rd lumbar vertebra (Figs. 1, 2). This opening velopment of the retroperitoneal venous system, we was 40 mm distal to the caudal side of the opening report here a detailed anatomy of this anomaly and for the right renal vein and 22 mm in diameter, its related vessels, and discuss its anatomical and while the diameter of the IVC was 25 mm. The

* Correspondence: Kazuya Yoshinaga, Department of Anatomy, Miyazaki Medical College, Kiyotake, Miyazaki 889-1692. Japan. E-mail: [email protected]

47 48 K. Yoshinagaet al. length of the left renal vein was 75 mm. and is not extremely rare anomaly, it is important As indicated in Figure 2, the left renal vein was to be aware of this vein for retroperitoneal sur- formed by confluence of a small dorsal tributary geons and radiologists (Hoeltl et al., 1990; Moul et (1.2 mm in diameter), the posterior renal vein al., 1992). The incidence of this anomaly reported (Okamoto, 1990; PR in Fig. 2), which was located at in the literature ranges from 1.8% to 4.0% on dis- dorsal to the renal pelvis and , and received sections (Seib, 1934; Pick and Anson, 1940; Wein- the ureteric vein (Ur in Fig. 2) and the posterior stein et al., 1942; Davis et al., 1958; Reis and suprarenal vein (Okamoto, 1990; arrowheads in Esenther, 1959; Davis and Lundberg, 1968). In the Fig. 2) from the dorsal part of the left adrenal present study, the frequency is now estimated to be gland. After the confluence, the left renal vein re- 0.49% for Japanese cadavers, although we encoun- ceived the left suprarenal and testicular veins, and tered only one case out of 203 cadavers examined. the left posterior inferior phrenic vein (new defini- In addition, Okamoto (1990) and Izumiyama and tion; double arrowhead in Fig. 2) which descended Horiguchi (1997) reported the incidence to be through the dorsal side of the left renal artery, re- 0.74% and 0.75% in Japanese, respectively. Thus, ceiving blood from the medial crus and left leaf of the low percentage found in the present and previ- the diaphragm. On the dorsal side of the aorta, the ous studies in Japanese may be due to a difference left renal vein communicated with a common root between races. of the azygos and hemiazygos veins at the cranial It is well known that IVC or renal veins are aspect and received the left 3rd lumber vein at the formulated by the embryonal subcardinal, supra- caudal aspect just before the opening into the IVC. cardinal veins and sub-supracardinal anastomosis The azygos and hemiazygos veins communicated (Arey 1974; Bannister et aL, 1995). In the present with the left 2nd lumbar vein and the ascending study, we found that the retroaortic left renal vein . The azygos vein joined with the was directly communicated with other parietal hemiazygos and accessory hemiazygos veins at the veins including the azygos systemic veins and the middle level of the 11th and 9th thoracic vertebrae, lumbar vein, which are derived from the supra- respectively. The most cranial veins draining into cardinal vein. Similar findings have been found in the dorsal side of the IVC were the right 2nd lum- all cases of the retroaortic left renal vein reported bar vein and the azygos vein. (Kitamura et al., 1979; Okamoto, 1990; Morishima The right and left common iliac veins joined to et al., 1996; Izumiyama and Horiguchi, 1997). Oka- form the IVC. The IVC ascended along its normal moto (1990) also found such close relationship be- course to enter the right atrium and received the tween the supracardinal-derived veins and the left 4th, 3rd and 2nd lumbar veins on both sides, except renal vein passing the retro-aortic course of the re- the left 3rd one which drained into the left renal nal collar. Taken together, these findings indicate vein, as described above. The right and left 5th that the part of the retroaortic left renal vein re- lumbar veins emptied into the right and left com- ceiving them is derived from the supracardinal vein. mon iliac veins, respectively. The right renal and We also found that the left renal vein received a testicular veins took normal course to empty into posterior renal vein which was located behind the the IVC. No left IVC was found. renal pelvis and artery. Okamoto (1990) suggested The right and left renal had a normal that the posterior renal vein is the origin from appearance and were branched from the aorta at the connection part between the subcardinal and the level of the disc between the 1st and 2nd lumbar supracardinal veins. Thus, the part of the retro- vertebrae. In addition, the inferior phrenic, supra- aortic left renal vein receiving the posterior renal renal and testicular arteries on right side were vein is considered to be derived from the sub- branched from the right renal artery. On both sides, supracardinal anastomosis. ureters descended along their normal course. The According to a detailed embryological descrip- right kidney was situated slightly higher than the tion of the venous development in man by McClure left one. and Butler (1925), the arrangement of the retro- aortic left renal vein may be explained as follows: the development of the circumaortic venous ring or Discussion the so-called renal collar, which consists of the ventral intersubcardinal, subcardinal-supracardinal, The present study detailed gross anatomical and dorsal intersupracardinal anastomoses, is com- findings concerning an anomalous left renal vein pleted at early stage (8 weeks) of human embryo- passing dorsal to the abdominal aorta and its asso- genesis (Fig. 3A). During normal development, ciated venous system. Although the vein in ques- the intersubcardinal and sub-supracardinal anasto- tion is referred to as a retroaortic left renal vein moses persists and the intersupracardinal anasto- Retroaortic Left Renal Vein 49 Plate I mosis and the left supracardinal vein regresses; the tus venosus and the IVC (Yoshinaga and Kodama, ventral part of the circumaortic ring persists as the 1997). In the present case, the position of the left usual (normal) left renal vein (Fig. 3B). In contrast, renal vein leaving the hilus was the level of the 2nd persistence of the intersupracardinal and the left lumbar vertebra, which was lower than the usual supracardinal vein, as well as regression of the in- (the level of the disc between the 1st and 2nd tersubcardinal anastomosis give rise to a single ret- lumbar vertebrae). In addition, the position of its roaortic left renal vein (Fig. 3C). opening into the IVC was lower than that of the Although the IVC is embryologically subdivided right renal vein. Izumiyama and Horiguchi (1997) into several components such as hepatic, sub- suggested that both the lower and more dorsal cardinal (prerenal), sub-supracardinal anastomosis position of the left renal vein may cause the disap- (renal) or supracardinal (postrenal) segments, their pearance of ventral (normal) route of the left renal borders are not clear yet (Arey, 1974; Bannister, vein. The present findings indicate that the junction 1995). Previous our study of the persistence of the that unites the retroaortic left renal vein and the hepatic segment of the left IVC (left vena re- IVC is included in the supracardinal segment, al- vehens) indicated that the lower boundary of the though the boundary lines of the segment could not hepatic segment is the junction that unites the duc- be determined. Based on the theory concerning the

Explanation of Figures

Plate I

Fig. 1. Photograph of the posterior abdominal wall (ventral view). Note the oblique course of the left renal vein (arrow) behind the abdominal aorta (A). IVC: inferior vena cava, K: left kidney. 50 K. Yoshinagaet al.

development of the IVC and renal vein described 1990; 143:1108-1114. above, it is possible that the pro- and retro-aortic 7) Izumiyama M and Horiguchi M. Two cases of the retro- left renal veins coexist. In that case, the retroaortic aortic left renal vein and a morphogenetic consideration of left renal vein must be situated at lower (more the anomalous. vein. Acta Anat Nippon 1997; 72:535-543 (in Japanese). caudal) level than the usual left renal vein. 8) Kitamura S, Sakai A, Yoshioka T, Nakamura T and Chang In conclusion, it is noteworthy that in the present C-H. A rare case of the retroaortic renal vein. Acta Anat case, all cardinal system, a part of the primitive Nippon 1979; 54:129-135 (in Japanese). embryonic venous system, except intersubcardinal 9) McClure CFW and Butler EG. The development of the vena cava inferior in man. Am J Anat 1925; 35:331-383. anastomosis, participate in the formation of the 10) Morishima K, Miyaki T and Ito H. A rare case of a kidney IVC and renal vein including the suprarenal, gona- with an widely opened hilus and supernumerary renal ves- dal and inferior phrenic veins. Furthermore, the sels. Acta Anat Nippon 1996; 71:215-218. present case has very important morphological sig- 11) Moul JW, Maggio MI, Hardy MR and Hartman DS. Ret- nificance to know the junction that unites compo- roaortic left renal vein in testicular cancer patient: potential staging and treatment pitfall. J Urol 1992; 147:454-456. nents of the cardinal system. 12) Okamoto K. The posterior renal vein (new definition), together with its morphological significance. Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn 1990; 67:203-218. References 13) Pick JW and Anson BJ. The renal vascular pedicle. J Urol 1940; 44:411-434. 1) Arey LB. DevelopmentalAnatomy, 7th ed, Saunders, 14) Reis RH and Esenther G. Variations in the pattern of renal Philadelphia,pp 360-370,1974. vessels and their relation to the type of posterior vena cava 2) BannisterLH, BerryMM, Collins P, DysonM, DussekJE in man. Am J Anat 1959; 104:295-318. and FergusonMWJ. Gray's Anatomy, 38th ed, Churchill 15) Seibe GA. The azygos system of veins in American whites Livingstone,New York, pp 320-327,1995. and American negros, including observations on the infe- 3) Brener BJ, DarlingRC, FrederickPL and Linton RR. rior caval venous system. Am J Phys Anthropol 1934; Major venousanomalies complicating abdominal aortic 19:39-163. surgery.Arch Surg 1974; 108:159-165. 16) Thomas TV. Surgical implication of retroaortic left renal 4) Davis0 and LundbergGD. Retroaorticleft renal vein. vein. Arch Surg 1970; 100:738-740. A relativelyfrequent anomaly. Amer J Clin Path 1968; 17) Yoshinaga K and Kodama K. Persistence of the hepatic 50:700-703. segment of the left inferior vena cava in man and its rela- 5) DavisRA, MilloyFM and AnsonBJ. Lumber,renal, and tion to the development. Acta anat 1997; associatedparietal and visceralveins based upon a study of 160:132-138. 100specimens. Surg Gynecol Obstet 1958; 107:1-22. 18) Weinstein BB, Countiss EH and Derbes VJ. Retroaortic 6) HoeltlW, Hruby W and AharinejadS. Renalvein anatomy renal vein. Urol Cutan Rev 1942; 46:17-19. and its implicationsfor retroperitonealsurgery. J Urol

Plate II

Fig. 2. Drawing of the infradiaphragmatic retroperitoneal vessels (ventral view). Note the retroaortic left renal vein (arrow) drain- ing into the inferior vena cva (IVC) at upper level (asterisk) of the 3rd lumbar vertebra and receiving several veins including the left posterior suprarenal (arrowheads), suprarenal (S), testicular (T), posterior inferior phrenic (double arrowhead), and 3rd lumber (L3) veins, as well as the azygos vein (AZ). Inset: Enlargement of the left renal hilum, showing the left posterior suprarenal (arrowhead), posterior renal (PR) and ureteric (Ur) veins. A: abdominal aorta, AG: adrenal grand, K: kidney, R2: right 2nd lumber vein, R3: right 3rd lumber vein, U: ureter. Retroaortic Left Renal Vein 51

Plate H 52 K. Yoshinaga et aL Plate III

Plate III

Fig. 3. Schematic drawings of the transformation of the cardinal system from the renal venous collar at early embryonal stage (A) to the normal development of renal veins in adults (B). C represents the present case with the retroaortic left renal vein (asterisk). IVC: inferior vena cava.