Annual Report

September 1, 2018 – August 31, 2019

CONTACT US: Parry Sound Muskoka Community Network 100 Muskoka Road South, Unit D P.O. Box 524 Gravenhurst, ON P1P 1T8 PHONE: 705.646.9044 EMAIL: [email protected] General inquiries Message from the Chair of the Board of Directors

A vision and mission statement are only effective if they have meaning for everyone in an organization and equally importantly, for everyone who comes in contact with that organization. PMCN has spent the past year living its vision and mission, and establishing alliances across the two Districts it serves - Parry Sound and Muskoka. Never before have PMCN's alliances been so strong and its work so well understood and appreciated.

Our vision is TO FOSTER INNOVATION IN OUR COMMUNITIES, and we do that by acting on our mission: "We create economic value by building digital technology capacity through community Maureen Cubberley partnerships."

As you peruse this report, you will read about the dozens of partnerships PMCN has created, all of which have contributed to our communities' individual and collective ability to make gains by using technology. This work has spanned all 3 sectors of society - private, public and social - and has created the unique kind of strength and synergy that results only when engagement and support is shared.

I applaud PMCN's Directors for setting the policy framework that enables this level of success, and our Executive Director for his constant creativity and unfailing ability to recognize the potential in nascent initiatives and the value in strong partnerships.

PMCN has worked extensively with youth this year. Hundreds of young people across Muskoka and Parry Sound have participated in the PMCN-supported Robotics and Minecraft programmes, the Discovery and Innovation Youth Tour and the Spring Technology Expo, and through these activities their sense of possibility has been awakened. Director John Cooper has been central to the success of these projects for young people.

Business success has been acknowledged and rewarded through the IMPACT Awards, held in partnership with the Muskoka Founders' Circle, which finds a Muskoka-based entrepreneur/innovator with the best idea and plan for a successful business. I extend sincere thanks to Rick Dalmazzi for his leadership with the Founders.

This year, PMCN has also supported and encouraged the establishment of a Parry Sound Founders' Circle, with many thanks to Director Nicole Saulnier for her work in making this new group a reality.

PMCN has once again been a strong supporter of the Women of Distinction Awards, acknowledging the accomplishments of women across the Muskoka.

In a unique approach to establishing partnerships at an organizational level, PMCN, working with the support of OMAFRA, brought together more than 50 organizations from across the two Districts to form The Regional Innovation Strategy, a high-level think tank working to promote business and social sector development through the use of innovative technologies.

2 This past year saw the completion of our 4th and final BEAM programme, which helped more than 700 businesses from all sectors and in every part of the two Districts to use ICT to make their businesses more productive and competitive. This year PMCN secured funding from the Trillium Foundation to support even more progress and development.

We are constantly grateful to FedNor for their ongoing support, which enables PMCN to achieve the work it does. In addition to the financial support, we are most grateful for the commitment to PMCN shown by FedNor's Initiatives Officer Ron Begin, and we thank him for his support, insights and commitment to our success.

In October we look forward to our new mandate to take us through to December 31, 2022 and a new grant program, which will be announced shortly.

I wish to acknowledge our appreciation to Stuart Morley, Executive Director, and his dedicated team. All Left to right: Gayle Dempsey, Lance DeCaire, Renato Roman in, John of PMCN's projects are Coper, Nicole Saulnier, George Young and Maureen Cubberley significant pieces of work and some are enormous undertakings. Our communities and clients are benefitting in real and measurable ways thanks to Stuart's leadership and dedication, combined with his team's commitment.

Under the leadership of incoming Chair, Lance DeCaire, I wish PMCN great success as we roll out our new direction focused on collaborating with local stakeholders to assess ICT trends and talent gaps, identify and implement solutions to increase skilled talent to support digital industries, co-ordinate local and regional broadband deployment, and help increase digital technology adoption and awareness.

On behalf of the Board of Directors it gives me great pleasure to present the 2018/2019 annual report. It has been a year of building on success, creating new initiatives and achieving momentum; PMCN is strong and well positioned to launch its next 3-year cycle.


Maureen Cubberley


3 Muskoka Founders Circle Winner 2018 & SheEO Winner 2019

Kim Aitken was the first Muskoka Founders Circle winner in 2018.

Maureen Cubberley is the PMCN representative Activator for SheEO and it was great to have Kim as one of the winners!

Rick Dalmazzi and Kim Aitken (who became a Founder in 2019) presented the 2019 Muskoka Founders Award to Katherine Homuth and Natalie Catania from Sheertex


Message from Executive Director

What a great year for Parry Sound Muskoka!

Some of the highlights include:

In September we hosted a Joint Chamber event with the Bracebridge, Gravenhurst and Muskoka Lakes Chambers). The 2-day event included presenters Ryan D'Mello, Partner Enablement Manager for Google and Andrew Faridani, CEO & owner of BreezeMaxWeb. The event attracted 125 businesses from across the region. The group was welcomed by John Cooper (PMCN Stuart Morley Secretary / Treasurer).

Marny Mowat, S and y Lockhart, Norah Fountain and Ka telyn Broad welc oming gu ests Ryan D ’Mello from Google

John Cooper assisted by Brenda Rhodes


In October we started the Minecraft Gravenhurst project with a $74,500 grant from Ontario Trillium Foundation. The grant was used to fund the next phase of the Minecraft Gravenhurst program with the Network (a nonprofit co-working space in Gravenhurst) and the Gravenhurst High School to enable students to digitally animate the historic and current design of Gravenhurst using Minecraft technology and to 3D print some of the buildings in Gravenhurst. This initiative is to help the preservation and animation of cultural heritage and have an impact on the lives of people in the community.

PMCN (formerly Muskoka Community Network) was one of the original sponsors of the Minecraft project when it was started by the Network in 2015 sponsored by Lakeland Energy, Michaelski Nielsen and Associates, the Business Enterprise Resource Network, Muskoka Community Futures, Muskoka Community Network, Budget Propane, Norm Rippon, Cedarbuilt Homes, the Rotary Club of Gravenhurst and the Town of Gravenhurst Terrance Haight Fund. It was the success of this initial project with Gravenhurst High school student in an after- school program that was the basis for PMCN to secure the Ontario Trillium Grant.

On April 12 Norm Miller (Parry Sound Muskoka’s MPP) visited the Minecraft Gravenhurst Program. In the photo are Jacki McPherson (English Teacher & Head .of School Improvement) PMCN board member John Cooper, Norm Miller and Gravenhurst High School students: Tim Losee, Jacob Edger, Zach Berry, Neleh Berry, Rowan Armstrong and Cam Sedore.

In October we sponsored a 2 Day Discovery & Innovation Youth Tour organized by Kyle Boyko from Inspire Tech Canada for students and teachers from eight schools in Simcoe, Muskoka and Parry Sound to visit Georgian College Makerspace, Innovation Automation Inc. in Barrie, Lofthouse Manufacturing in Burk’s Falls and Muskoka Rock Company Limited in Gravenhurst.


In March, we were successful in securing a $3,000 Terrance Haight Fund grant from the Town of Gravenhurst towards the Gravenhurst Robotics Club.

In the photo are (left to right) John Cooper (Secretary / Treasurer of PMCN), Graeme McNeice, Ellie Winger, Councilor Shawn Klinck, Thomas Battistini, Iggy Van Kooten, Randy Jorgenson (Terrance Haight Committee) and Pete LeMoine (Director of PMCN).

In October we held a Regional Innovation Strategy day at the Log Cabin Inn in Parry Sound. The meeting was facilitated by Catherine Oosterbaan from the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. Representatives of various organizations attended including: PMCN, Economic Development Officers, Chamber of Commerce Executive Directors, Ontario Centres of Excellence, Muskoka Futures, Business Development Bank of Canada, YWCA of Muskoka, Northern Ontario Heritage Fund, District Municipality of Muskoka, IION – Innovation Initiatives Ontario North, Industrial Research Assistance Program, Muskoka Community Foundation, BIAs, FedNor, The Business Centre Nipissing Parry Sound and Simcoe Muskoka Workforce Development Board.

In March we supported the high school robotics competition in North Bay. In the photo is the Huntsville Robotics Team organized by Ian McTavish


Muskoka Founders Circle Winner 2019 Katherine Homuth (Hague) is the Founder and CEO of Sheertex, a startup behind the world's first pair of indestructible pantyhose based in Bracebridge. Sheertex was the Muskoka Founders Circle $15,000 Founders Choice winner at the IMPACT Awards in April.

Katherine has been named one of the Women to Watch in Wearables, one of Canada’s Top 100 Most Powerful Women and one of Flare’s Sixty Under 30.

Started the business in 2018 in Bracebridge. The rapid growth from 3 employees to 14 within 6 months was to keep up with demand all over the world. About half the sales are in the US, 25% in Canada, and the rest are spread across dozens of countries around the world. It turns out pantyhose ripping and tearing is truly a global problem!

Melina Zytaruk , founder and CEO of Tooketree Passive Homes in Dwight was the $5,000 Muskoka Founders Choice Award winner at the IMPACT Awards in April. Tooketree Passive Homes president and CEO Melinda Zytaruk (left) and chief financial officer Rick Zytaruk say production on several projects is already underway at their Baysville factory.


Maureen Cubberley, Chair of the Parry Sound Muskoka Community Network and secretary/treasurer John Cooper presented the PMCN Innovation Awards at the IMPACT Awards. The awards were:

Innovation with Customers (two winners — $1,000 each), Muskoka Yarn Connection — Michelle Meadows — Bracebridge. Shining Water Soap — Linda J Howes-Smyth — Gravenhurst.

Innovation with Suppliers/Partners ($1,000 award), Muskoka Fire Pits — Pascal Garrido — Gravenhurst.

Innovation with Employees ($1,000 award) 30 pt Design — Julie Haist — Parry Sound.

Innovation with the Public ($1,000 award) Parry Sound Public Library — Rita Orr, Kristina Brics, Hartley Hutchinson.

Innovation in Small Communities ($1,000 award) Muskoka Chautauqua — Gayle Dempsey and Gary Froude — Port Carling.

Community Focused Innovation Through Social Enterprise ($1,000 award). This innovation award was presented to Tea Beards — Alissa and Johnny Ahsome — Gravenhurst by Elly Green of The Social Enterprise Network of Central Ontario (SENCO), together with Lindsay Leney (Your Local HVAC Team) who is a Muskoka rep on SENCO.

In April we supported a Robotics Fair when Gravenhurst Public School hosted 26 schools.. Students from Gravenhurst High School provided support, led by Iggi Van Kooten and Jacki McPherson.


In May we negotiated to become a pilot project for the Community4E community portal managed by Wakhal as part of the Regional Innovation Strategy to help connect businesses in the community. Community4E merges mainstream social media, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Eventbrite, offering access to all accounts on one platform.

In November we sponsored a Robotics demo in Parry Sound that included the First Robotics Lego League with Bots of the Bay team organized by PMCN board director Nicole Saulnier and a Botcamp with Shawn Lim and Tony Lam. There was also Vex teams from Orillia. The event was organized by Kyle Boyko of Inspire Tech Canada.

Nicole Saulnier (PMCN Board member) with her Bots of the Bay First Robotics team.


In November we were sponsors of the Almaguin Highlands Chamber of Commerce event in South River attended by more than 60 people to support the Chamber’s continued support of the economic development committee to implement a Regional Economic Development Plan.

In November we attended the presentation of the first Vital Signs Report by Muskoka Community Foundation on the health of Muskoka as a community. PMCN was one of the sponsors of the report.

In May we attended the Collision Technology Conference with 25,000 attendees from over 100 countries to showcase 1100 early stage companies over 4 days.

In December we were sponsors of the League Tournament at the Huntsville High School organized by Ian McTavish from Huntsville High School.


In October we sponsored a BOT Camp day for Grade 7 & 8 students in Bracebridge that was organized by Inspire Tech Canada.

We had interest from Innovation Automotive, RBC Royal Bank and Trillium Lakelands District School Board and a visit from MPP Tony Clement.

In October we sponsored the YWCA Women of Distinction Awards and presented the Business Innovation and John Cooper presented the Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship Award to Michele Meadows from Muskoka Yarn Connection.

In September we sponsored the Huntsville High School annual Robotics Camp at Camp Big Canoe where more than 50 students from Gravenhurst, Bracebridge and Huntsville participated.


In October we sponsored the Social Enterprise Network fund raiser for Senco’s Muskoka Traction Grants and Muskoka Breweries Venture Fund. The event included the screening of The Social Shift documentary on business for the common good. On the panel was Elly Green Program Manager for Senco, Kelly Ebbs from Muskoka North Good Food Co-op, Melinda Zytaruk from Fourth Pig, Kelly Watson from Muskoka Brewery Community Venture Fund, Kim Aitken from Aitken Frame Homes and Heather Elliot on behalf of the Impact Café of Gravenhurst.

In August we were sponsors of the Huntville /Lake of Bays Flavours of Ontario event to showcase young Chefs to the local community.


In October we were supporters of the Many Villages, One Voice evening with keynote speaker Roger Brooks at the Armour, Ryerson and Burks Falls Memorial Arena.

Andy Mitchel was one of the consultants that presented the Almaguin Highlands Regional Economic Development Plan (RED).

In August, Marco Mendicino, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Infrastructure and Communities, on behalf of the Honourable Bernadette Jordan, Minister of Rural Economic Development came to Parry Sound and announced funding of $2.2 million for new or improved high-speed Internet access and capacity to four communities in rural Ontario.

As a result of this investment, residents in the Georgian Bay region—specifically the Moose Deer Point First Nation, Dillon, Snug Harbour and Killbear Park—will be able to connect with family and friends, do business online, participate in distance education and take advantage of the opportunities afforded by the digital age.

In February we were sponsors of the 25th Bracebridge Chamber of Commerce Outstanding Bracebridge Business Achievement Awards.


In May, we sponsored the 2nd annual Spring Technology Expo organized by Inspire Tech Canada, in partnership with West Parry Sound at the Charles W. Stockey Centre for the Performing Arts with students from across Parry Sound and Muskoka.

A special thank you to our board and board chair, Maureen Cubberley, who volunteer many hours every year and attend numerous events to help develop our community.

We also appreciate the help of Ron Begin from FedNor who goes beyond the call of duty to support our events and guide us as we move forward over the next three years.

At PMCN, we are stepping up our game, year after year, to do our part. We are our region’s advocate to foster innovation through the adoption of technology and, together with business owners and our community stakeholders, we strive to make a difference.

Stuart Morley Executive Director



Students of the Foley Gravenhurst High School showcase their robot “Hal” to the IMPACT Award guests. From left to right are Ashley Rye, Thomas Battastini, Iggy van Kooten, Aiden Bagshaw and Hayden

Rachel and Lori Ault from Live Love Lake sponsored gifts at the IMPACT Awards