Proceedings-Ecology and Management of Annual Rangelands

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Proceedings-Ecology and Management of Annual Rangelands This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. GRASSHOPPERCO~TY RESPONSES TO SHRUB LOSS, ANNUAL GRASSLANDS, AND CRESTED WHEATGRASS SEEDINGS: MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS Dennis J. Fielding MerI~ A. Brusven ABSTRACT grasshoppers to the conversion of native vegetation to an­ nual grasslands has not been studied in detail. Grasshopper density and species composition were sampled There are well over 100 species of grasshoppers in the at 42 sites arrayed along a disturbance gradient. Grasshop­ Intermountain region. Only four or five species attain per density was lowest and species diversity was highest in very high densities and account for most of the outbreak vegetation types with shrub cover. Annual grasslands had populations. One of these, Melanoplus sanguinipes L., is the highest grasshopper densities and the lowest species di­ particularly troublesome. In south-central Idaho, where versity~ and were dominated by generalist species with there is an extensive interface between publicly owned wide diet breadths. Management concerns that arise from rangeland and privately owned irrigated cropland, migra­ the different characteristics (food habits~ migratory propen­ tion of grasshoppers from rangeland to cropland is a ma­ sity) of the dominant grasshopper species associated with jor problem. Melanoplus sanguinipes is well known for the various plant communities were discussed. Manage­ its propensity to migrate (McAnelly and Rankin 1986) ment ofgrasshopper populations by habitat manipulation and its broad range of food plants (Mulkern and others may be a viable alternative strategy. 1969) makes it a threat to a wide variety of crops, as well as rangeland forage species. Another abundant species INTRODUCTION in the Intermountain region is Aulocara eUiotti. It differs from M. sanguinipes in several respects: it is restricted to Grasshopper populations periodically reach outbreak pro­ feeding on grasses only (Mulkern and others 1969) and portions in the Intermountain region (Hewitt and Onsager is seldom found in cultivated crops. 1983). In 1985, during a massive grasshopper outbreak, The objective of the present study is to identify patterns about 2.5 million ha of rangeland across southern Idaho of grasshopper species composition among different vege­ were treated with broad-spectrum insecticides. This type tation types, and to determine whether the conversion of of sledge-hammer approach to the control of insect pests native plant communities to annual grasslands has an af­ applied on a landscape scale is becoming less acceptable. fect on the abundance of the major grasshopper pest spe­ The undesirable aspects of broad-spectrum biocides (effect cies in south-central Idaho. on nontarget arthropods, expense) make it compelling to find ways to manage grasshopper populations so that out­ MATERIALS AND METHODS breaks are less frequent and of smaller extent. This project was undertaken to assess the role that range management Forty-two sites were sampled for plant and grasshopper actions have on grasshopper populations and to provide in­ species composition. These sites were all within the Davis sights into the management of grasshoppers through habi­ Mountain SW USGS 7 .5' quadrangle map (north of Bliss, tat manipulation. ID). This area was selected because a wide spectrum of Like many areas of the Intermountain region, south­ plant communities, from relatively undisturbed to domi­ central Idaho has suffered extensive habitat degradation nance by exotic annual grasses (cheatgrass, Bromus tec­ and shrub loss due to increased fire frequency associated torum, and medusahead, Taeniantherum asperum) and with the invasion of cheatgrass. The diminished resource introduced perennial grasses (primarily crested wheat­ values that result from this process of shrub loss have been grass, Agropyron cristatum), were all present within a documented by many studies. The response of rangeland small geographic area. The small scale of the study was intended to minimize the effects of local weather patterns on grasshopper community composition. The current year's standing crop by plant species was Paper presented at the Symposium on Ecology, Management, and Res­ estimated by the weight-unit method (USDA-SCS 1976). toration of Intermountain Annual Rangelands, Boise, ID, May 18-22, 1992. 2 Dennis J. Fielding is Postdoctoral Fellow and Merlyn A Brusven is Pro­ Ten, 1-m quadrats were estimated at each site in July of fessor of Entomology, Department of Plant, Soil and Entomological Sci­ 1990 and 1991. Both years' data were averaged for subse­ ences, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83843. quent analysis. 162 Grasshoppers were sampled twice per year in June and Table 1-Mean plant aboveground biomass (gram dry weight/ late July and August. Densities were estimated by count­ square meter) by vegetation type ing the number of grasshoppers flushed from 50, O.l-m2 quadrats. Species composition was determined by captur­ Vegetation~~ ing and identifying at least 30 grasshoppers at each site. Artr/ Artr/ Artr/ Agcr/ Taas/ Plant Agsp Agcr Density of individual grasshopper species was estimated Brte Brte Brte by multiplying the species' proportions by overall density Bromus tectorum 5.2 11.5 3.0 5.4 15.0 on the site. Pooled grasshopper data from the four sam­ Bromus japonicus 2.8 1.5 .5 <.1 1.0 pling dates were used for subsequent analysis. Taeniantherum asperum <.1 1.4 .3 1.8 22.2 Plant data were summarized and primary gradients iden­ Agropyron cristatum .4 .7 19.0 21.8 .4 Poa sandbergii .8 tified using detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) (Hill 1.5 4.8 5.7 2.5 Agropyron spicatum 14.9 <.1 <.1 <.1 <.1 1980), an eigenvector ordination technique. Primary gradi­ Other native grasses 1 4.8 .8 <.1 .3 <.1 ents in plant species composition were identified by non­ Artemisia tridentata 34.4 33.6 26.5 2.2 .3 parametric correlation (Spearman's r., Zar 1984) of shrub Chrysothamus spp. 1.9 3.2 4.8 .5 .2 biomass, native perennial grasses (excluding Poa spp.), an­ Annual and biennial forbs .2 .7 .2 1.3 3.4 nual vegetation, and the percent exotic plant species with Perennial forbs .7 <.1 <.1 .3 <.1 plant DCA axis-! scores for the 42 sites. Trends in grass­ Number of plant species 12.1 9.3 5.6 8.0 7.6 hopper community composition were also examined by non­ 11ncludas E/ymus clnereus, Sitsnlon hystrlx, Slips thurberiana, and Agropy- parametric correlation with the plant DCA a.xis-1 scores. ronsmithli. RESULTS The DCA ordination of the vegetation is shown in figure 1. Five somewhat subjective but nonoverlapping vegetation The first axis, which accounted for 53 percent of the varia­ types were delineated on the ordination diagram and were tion in plant data, may be interpreted largely as a distur­ labeled according to the two plant species with the greatest bance gradient. The biomasses of shrubs and native grasses mean aboveground biomass within the vegetation type. were negatively correlated with the plant DCA axis-! scores Table !lists the mean composition of the five vegetation (r. =-0.79 and --0.72, respectively, N =42, P < 0.01), indi­ types. cating less disturbed plant communities at the low end of Grasshopper species composition also differed among axis-! (fig. 1). Biomass of annual vegetation and the percen­ the vegetation types (table 2). Melanoplus sanguinipes tage of aboveground biomass represented by exotic plant showed a strong affinity for the annual grassland sites species were positively correlated (r. =0.59 and 0.91, respec­ where it accounted for 66 percent of all grasshoppers col­ tively, N =42, P < 0.01) with the plant DCA axis-1, indicat­ lected (table 2). Melanoplus sanguinipes did not comprise ing the dominance by introduced plant species at the high more than 15 percent of the population in any of the other end of plant DCA a.xis-1. vegetation types. Density of M. sanguinipes was strongly .-----· ---------------------. Table 2-Mean density and percentages of grasshopper species collected by vegetation type 260 ..... • ·. Agcr/Brte Vegetation type . '/ Artr/ Artr/ Agcr/ Taas/ 200. Density and Artr/ Brte Artr/Agcr • • species Agsp Brte Agcr Brte 0.22 0.31 0.68 1.18 1.63 C\1 150 "' ...... Overall density (per m2) ~ /. ..\ • Percentage of population: < tr/Agspt • .···· • ........ ······~···a; Agensotettix deorum 16 6 2 • 100 ··.··.···I·····-..~··-...· .. ·.~·.··.. -.·.~---··/ • ,./ • .. Amphitomus coloradus 25 2 5 4 ./_..-·· Ta;/Br.·te ~-··' Aulocara elliotti 5 34 50 63 13 50 ··· ... ·-. ... :. .. \ • ~ :.~,~ ~·· ....... Clrcotettix undulatus 14 • .. • I ~r/Brte _./ • Cordillacris occipitalis 8 9 3 oL---~----J-~·~=~·'----~·-~·~··--~--~----~ Cratypedes neglectus 3 0 50 100 150 200 25'0 300 350 Dlssostelra spurcata 2 Axls1 Hespsrotettix viridis 1 10 9 • Melanoplus cinereus 1 • Figure 1-Detrended Correspondence Analysis Melanoplus sanguinipss 13 15 7 15 66 ordination of 42 sites based on plant species Oedaleonotus enigma 8 13 6 5 14 Phoetaliotes nebrascsnsis 1 • • aboveground biomass. Vegetation types are • labeled according to the dominant plant species: Spharagemon equale 2 4 5 Artr, big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata); Agsp. Stenobothrus shastanus 5 • bluebunch wheatgrass (Agropyron spicatum); Trachyrachys kiowa 3 • Agcr. crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum); Trimerotropis gracilis 2 2 Brte. cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum); Taas. me­ Trimerotropis psuedofasciata 1 dusahead wildrye (Taeniantherum asperum). 163 correlated with the plant DCA axis-1 scores (fig. 2). DISCUSSION
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