GVC Holdings PLC (“GVC” Or the “Company” and Together with Its Subsidiary Undertakings, the “Group”)
THIS ANNOUNCEMENT DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A PROSPECTUS OR PROSPECTUS EQUIVALENT DOCUMENT AND NEITHER THIS ANNOUNCEMENT NOR ANYTHING HEREIN FORMS THE BASIS FOR ANY OFFER TO PURCHASE OR SUBSCRIBE FOR ANY SHARES OR OTHER SECURITIES IN THE COMPANY NOR SHALL IT FORM THE BASIS FOR ANY CONTRACT OR COMMITMENT WHATSOEVER GVC Holdings PLC (“GVC” or the “Company” and together with its subsidiary undertakings, the “Group”) NOTIFICATION OF TRANSFER TO A PREMIUM LISTING GVC announces that it is proposing to transfer the listing category of all of its ordinary shares from a standardlisting(shares)ontheOfficialListtoapremiumlisting(commercialcompany)ontheOfficialList inaccordancewithListingRule5.4AoftheListingRules(the“Transfer”).ItisanticipatedthattheTransfer willtakeeffectat8.00a.m.on 1August 2016,conditionalupontheapprovaloftheUKListingAuthority (“UKLA”). ThisannouncementisbeingmadeinaccordancewithListingRule5.4A.5.Noshareholdervoteisrequired inordertoeffecttheTransfer. 1. Background to and reasons for the Transfer GVCisaleadinge-gamingoperatorinbothb2candb2bmarkets.GVChasfourmainproductverticalsand its core brands are CasinoClub, Betboo, Sportingbet, bwin, partypoker, partycasino, Gioco Digitale, FoxyBingo and Cheeky Bingo. GVC acquired bwin.party digital entertainment plc (“bwin” or “bwin.party”) on 1 February 2016.The Group is headquartered in the Isle of Man and has licences in Austria,Belgium,Bulgaria,France,Italy,Denmark,Germany(Schleswig-Holstein),Gibraltar,Spain,Malta, Denmark,Romania,UK,SouthAfrica,andtheDutchCaribbean.Intheyearended31 December2015,GVC
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