HS/S3/08/19/A HEALTH AND SPORT COMMITTEE AGENDA 19th Meeting, 2008 (Session 3) Wednesday 25 June 2008 The Committee will meet at 10.15 am in the Smith and Wallace Suite, Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh. 1. Pathways into sport inquiry: The Committee will take evidence from–– Jim Hamilton, Edinburgh Rugby; Donna Kennedy, Coach, Scottish Women’s Rugby Union Academy; Peter Wright, Director of Rugby, Glasgow Hawks; and then from–– Gordon McKie, Chief Executive, Scottish Rugby; Kenny Murray, Senior Sports Development Officer, Glasgow City Council; Colin Thomson, Head of Community Rugby, Scottish Rugby; Gregor Townsend, Scottish Institute of Sport Foundation. 2. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to consider in private drafts of its interim report on pathways into sport at future meetings. Tracey White Clerk to the Committee Room T3.60 Ext 85410 Email:
[email protected] HS/S3/08/19/A The following papers are attached for this meeting: Agenda Item 1: Note by the Clerk HS/S3/08/19/1 Agenda Item 1 HS/S3/08/19/1 18 June 2008 Health and Sport Committee Pathways into Sport Inquiry Introduction 1. Further to its away day in August 2007, the Committee agreed on 3 October 2007 to undertake an inquiry into pathways into sport that would embrace aspects of both increasing participation in sport and supporting excellence. The Committee decided that the key questions to be answered would be— • To what extent progress is being made in developing sport pathways • What the key barriers are to achieving sport pathways • Whether there is best practice elsewhere that would improve pathways.