• Integrity - we act honestly, Building and morally and ethically strengthening • Excellence - we strive to be outstanding opportunities for • Passion - we are committed all. to being the best we can be • Equality - we offer status, rights and opportunities

• Nurturing - we strive to care for an encourage growth and development


• We will oversee commitment, • We will foster leadership and relationship building mentoring

• We will have a sustainable • We will consult, listen and be and effective management transparent structure overseen by a strategic-driven Board • We will develop a governance framework that will support • We will create agreed the business outcomes • We will have a risk analysis • We will have concise and up procedure to date policies that will drive the business mode • We will advocate, educate and inform sports on the • We will develop needs and wants of the encompassing pathways deaf and hard of hearing communities

• We will host, conduct, manage and oversee National competitions and participate in International competitions

OUR PRIORITIES Our Stakeholders – Our Services – Our Resources – Our Communication

Deaf Sports Australia | Annual Report 2017 - 2018 3 4 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT 1. Ensure Leadership Effective • Developing digital media social and plan to branches becoming bodies Sport Deaf • State Committee Sports year of Deaf all National • Second financial reports Committees’ Sports Deaf • State financial reports Committees’ Sports Deaf • National • Establishing strategies business to maintain and which plan financial sustainability our • Monitoring Appetite Risk our Risk and • Monitoring Enterprise Outcomes: Outcomes: Enterprise Deaf Sports in Australia Sports Deaf to thepromotion and of growth 2. Encourage Contribute and 2. significant deaf sport including eventoutcomes deaf sport significant events, updates of sporting of promotion support and DSRV term such long NSWDS, as sustainability source), and ASC’s Sporting Schools Program which gained traction 2018 in early in various States report. report. levels. retain staffing under the DSA umbrella to DSA under the ensure financial internal structure. membership DSA under the DSRQ. the ASC’s commitment in funds (our commitment core funding ASC’s the Report. Report. being audited included and DSA’s in the Financial being audited included and DSA’s in the financial innovation in technology. in football, cricket basketball. and Management and Assessment Plan. and Management of Business of Business and Management has been trimmed due to the shifting landscape of of landscape to due shifting the trimmed has been Welcome to Deaf Sports Australia’s Annual General which we endeavour to deliver to the wider Deaf Sports financial year which continues on from2016/2017. this organisation with many like-minded and hardworking hardworking and like-minded many with organisation this Report. Another year for Deaf Sports Australia (DSA) has Community in Australia. My report is asnapshot of the last people. We have seen initiatives being adopted and ended and as the Chair, it has been my honour to lead recognised by the Australian Sports Commission (ASC) • Conducting surveys with the Deaflympic Deaflympic the with surveys • Conducting our to with stakeholders our • Maintaining eNews • Continuing to maintain grow and Active the Deaf • Projecting ahead and planning for the 2021 • Projecting planning and ahead 2021 for the ensured and • Managed Australian the Team Deaf 2018 Organising • The Australian Games Deaf Australian Deaf Sports people people Australian Sports Deaf Australian Deaf Games to ensureAustralian improved Games an Deaf plan Australian Team Deaf in the participants and Deaf Sports Events Sports Deaf Coordinate of participate venues and collaborating closely with the ICSD venues ICSD collaborating and the with closely contribution from those stakeholders in stakeholders providing those from contribution 3. To3. and Manage Oversee, and other stakeholders with astronger high- with stakeholders other and as member wellas for DSA survey annual an as (29 athletes) at competed 2017 the in Deaflympics own contribution to contribution various to news other outlets own organising of the Albury/Wodonga ADG event held ADG organising Albury/Wodonga of the provide a balanced view on communication tools tools provide communication view abalanced on pathways and organisation requirements. requirements. organisation pathways and participation fundraising, program, performance Community and the local community. community. local the and Community and has completed management the Committee in and National International Samsun, Turkey.Samsun, Deaflympics with our monitoring of possible future monitoringour future possible of with Deaflympics for children older and people. funding and liaison opportunities between the Deaf Deaf the between funding liaison and opportunities / Games AustralianDeaf Deaflympics next for the brand brand in January 2018. DSA appreciates 2018. DSA significant the in January incentives for improvement. Deaf Sports Australia | Annual Report 2017 -2018 Report |Annual Australia Sports Deaf Deaf Sports Australia | Annual Report 2017 -2018 Report |Annual Australia Sports Deaf • Together current with prospective and new well as as SDSOs and NDSCs both • Working with various organisations with such as • Partnering Australia Oceania the to with continues work • DSA ANZLSA, various governmental departments on a a on various departments governmental ANZLSA, 4. To4. Foster and Develop • DSA continues to regular continues attend meetings and •DSA Stakeholders staying membership entering or DSA are being KPIs and met. sense, empowering Australian the Community. Deaf relationships with all with all relationships our own members. members. own our platform. astepping as program using and ADG in Oceania Caulfield Grammar School who support and share andshare support who School Grammar Caulfield ongoing and meaningful meaningful ongoing and Deaf Society, State Deaf Sports Organisations, Organisations, Society,Deaf Sports Deaf State Australian Connexu Hearing, Forum, Deafness DSA members highlight members associate of use the the DSA and University Latrobe Llewellyn Communications, their hearing counterparts to ensure sustainability to ensure sustainability counterparts hearing their in abroader does objectives that DSA same the federal state and level, corporate organisations, and Commission, Australian the with Sports forums membership category as a means of support in in of support ameans as category membership Foundation, Ai-Media, Expression Australia, NSW Australia, NSW Expression Ai-Media, Foundation, development to establishFoundation asport • Increase all media social reaches by 10% pa digital methods, connect • Develop community media the in • IncludingADG profile of beyond• Bid processes 2022 such as • Inclusion of emerging new sports • To develop operational and amanagement plan Australian Games Deaf technological developments technological awareness programs and database tools database and programs awareness endeavour to establish a 2022 ADG GOC by end by end GOC ADG endeavour to establish a2022 reach via digital expansion reach and of January 2019. of January 5. To5. continue to oversee growth and management of the of the andgrowth management 6. To6. ensure its DSA increases triathlons triathlons requirementsto oversee –we all of aspects ADG

5 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT (CONT) This year has seen us continue with the Nikolas Schlie (DSRQ), Jamie Howell (DSRQ), strengthening of our innovative membership James Hale (DSRV) and Sherrie Beaver (DSA) have structure, and the re-introduction of our associate demonstrated innovation, passion and energy to an membership to encourage emerging sports such organisation that is gaining momentum as a well- as sailing, chess and mountain cycling. This year respected national organisation. I give thanks to our is the second year for all the National Deaf Sport Patron, Kevin Gosper for his continued interest in the Committees going forward with a view to working organisation with salient advice upon request. more closely with their hearing counterparts or as a standalone Committee under Deaf Sports Australia, As I come to my conclusion, I would like to focusing more on members and sporting programs. congratulate the Australian Deaflympics Team Further, this is the first year for State Deaf Sports upon their attendance at the Deaflympics held in bodies such as NSWDS, DSRQ and DSRV to be Samsun, Turkey and hope that their experience rebranded as branches of DSA and the first time has empowered themselves to realise that Deaf their financial reports are included in our DSA people can achieve a lot in sport. I would like financial report as well as the National Deaf Sports to congratulate the 2018 ADG GOC for their Committees. contribution to make the 2018 ADG a success in Albury/Wodonga. For all the participants in the With the Deaflympics 2017, I would like to thank Deaflympics and Australian Deaf Games, (first the Australian Deaf Team for their dedication to timers and returning participants) I hope you realise their respective sports, the administrators and the that the Australian Deaf Sports Community is proud Chef de Mission, Bryn Davies for leading the Team. of your achievements as is the Deaf Sports Australia While the Australian Deaf Team did not come home Board. with medals, I am sure they are enriched by the experience and this will give them the motivation A special mention for our esteemed past staff and determination to lead active and inspiring lives. member, Irena Farinacci. After 9 years with Special mention goes to Brent Kirchner for his hard Deaf Sports Australia, Irena decided to take up work securing corporate sponsorship with Chemist employment with in December 2017. Warehouse. Deaf Sports Australia recognised With her DSA role, she was the acting manager from this at the Australian Deaf Games 2018 in Albury/ 2008 to 2009 before DSA was able to find a full time Wodonga with the Volunteer of the Year award manager in which Irena was able to move her focus which was accepted by his lovely wife, Libby. Alex, to what we consider her greatest achievement in

MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT (CONT) FROM MESSAGE their son, won the respect of his older opponents DSA which was the DSA School Education Program in the pool and around the world with a very which evolved into the Active Deaf Kids program. impressive personal best, placing 4th in the 50m This made a significant impact on the wellbeing of and 100m backstroke at the age of 14. young children and gave parents insight into what deaf/hoh people can do. Irena was able to obtain a Further, I would like to congratulate Judy Buehow grant to kickstart this program and it has gone from from , who represented Australia in strength to strength under Irena’s guidance with Ten Pin Bowling at the Deaflympics. She is special Irena obtaining $500K over the years to maintain because she was the oldest participant and this program. It is certainly Irena’s initiative with this went into the Deaflympics history as the oldest program that DSA wishes to continue with Irena’s athlete at 80 years of age. She is the epitome of legacy. determination, good sportsmanship, courage and endurance. Indeed, the youngest athlete from It is not only the ADK that Irena has managed in India at 13 years old, attending the Deaflympics her role as Sports Development Manager for DSA. said this of Judy, “I hope to have a long career in She has also started the Active Deaf Sports Club sport as long as Judy Buehow’s.” Congratulations concept which is to work with sport clubs who have to an inspiring lady. She also attended the 2018 deaf members to establish deafness awareness Australian Deaf Games in Albury/Wodonga and won training for coaches and players. Irena has been a gold, which I was proud and honoured to bestow on big factor in the Australian Deaflympics Team for her personally being a fellow Queenslander. 2009, 2013 and 2017. She has helped organise the administration, considered the practical aspects I would like to thank the Board and staff for their and boosted the morale for the Australian Deaf energy and dedication throughout the year. Our Team for the Deaflympics. She was the first to think staff, Garry West-Bail(DSA), Julie Lyons (DSRQ), of establishing a Deaflympics Club for the alumni,

6 Deaf Sports Australia | Annual Report 2017 - 2018 and was a participant herself in the 2005 Deaflympics. Irena had delivered the sports and logistics program for the 2012 Australian Deaf Games.

She was a tireless campaigner for women to be included in sports and obtained funds to host Deaf Women in Sports Leadership workshops as well as attending numerous mainstream women inclusion seminars and forums. Deaf Sports Australia wishes to thank Irena for her faith, passion and energy put into her own work with Deaf Sports Australia. We hope to carry through your legacy of the ADK and the Active Deaf Sports Clubs from success to success. Personally, I have learnt a lot from you over the years I have been a Board Director for DSA and often, your insights have provided invaluable guidance for me.

To all our wonderful volunteers and staff, your tireless work is so much appreciated and one of the key reasons this organisation functions as well as it does. Thank you so much for your support. The key areas of management, secretarial responsibilities, committee, finances, etc - I would like to acknowledge all your contributions. Thanks to our wonderful support base consisting of parents, members and people interested in supporting their sport. You are an important part of our organisation and we always appreciate your support.

Upon this note, I wish all the Board, staff and members all the best for the future. THE PRESIDENT (CONT) FROM MESSAGE

Kathryn Armfield Chairperson

Deaf Sports Australia | Annual Report 2017 - 2018 7 8 MESSAGE FROM The AIS has launched anew Athlete AIS The Wellbeing athletes Engagement supporting and to team, focused on transition is redefining its AIS role too, leading The united a collaborativeandsystem Australianfor high sport. performance 2030, in this country, in for outlined sport Sport vision aligns AustralianThis the with long-term Government’s Australia more generally. for and Australian sport We, owe involved to it everyone and athletes, the in sport, silvers one and two haulAustralia Winter of three Olympics in medals PyeongChang, successful equalled most its Australia in 2017-18. success enjoyed genuine sporting Commonwealth In challenging Coast Gold the times, Australia’s level, fundamental At the Sport and, more Australians focus will getting moving on be through sport John Wylie AM Wylie John years. continued success and progress and success together.continued volunteers, andthe public fans officials, coaches, at large ensureto is thatandfair and Australianclean, is sport and contribution to Australian sport, and your and enthusiasm for building to contribution Australianand sport, amore active Australia. to forward We look to fair be seen clean. and athletes, in our best saw this very and the display of to spirit is their integrity and sure to start give best the them we Games, Coast Gold the At themselves. whatour in athletestheyhowand carry spirit,for stand confidence is naturally to body other that no do. positioned performance sporting to improve capability, we sports workforce so and will the with working continue We governance partnerships. and ensure is anational physical priority. activity Games helped restoreGames Australia’s athletes. and faith sports in our preparation for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic and preparation Games. Olympic Tokyo for the 2020 plan. in outlined thispriorities national sport want to help sports innovate,want to existing help with sports connect digital in new and the participants era provide and products that We also had some outstanding performances at the PyeongChang Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games. Paralympic and Winter Games. Olympic at PyeongChang the performances We outstanding had also some will big doing the focused on be frontiers system-level things of AIS the ethical the on Working in partnerships, We organisations to are need ensure equipped sporting to of arenewed make most the interest in physical activity, We thank all of our partners –including We athletes, all administrators and partners of thank our board members coaches, –for your effort released in August Australia 2018 Bridget will McKenzie. by central be to Sport Minister delivering for Sport the Chair Sport integrity has justifiably gained additional focus in the past year, and is a very important priority for Sport Sport gained additionalfor has justifiably integrity the past in focus year,priority Sport important and is a very will measured be bySuccess Australians consistently winning international at medals major events, in the also but national pride inspiration and generated by athletes. our Sport AustraliaSport through their sporting careers and connect with their communities. We want sporting champions to be positive to champions We positive be want their communities. sporting with connect and careers through their sporting bronze matching medal result 2014. the in Sochi result It was best our in also 16 at aParalympic Winter Games background physical and ability. We to sectors will education and to continue health in build the partnerships broadly, physical activity. We want to inspire activating and across age, people every race, gender, cultural meet current expectations. current meet Positions on the podium are wonderful to celebrate, are podium the wonderful on Positions narrative the but humility, is incomplete of without generosity influences.

active sporting nation, known for its integrity, renewed vision for Australia to be the world’s most public-facing brand -Sport Australia –with a We’ve Commission. new launched a Sports It has been awatershed year for the Australian sporting success and world-leading sports industry. sports world-leading and success sporting Deaf Sports Australia | Annual Report 2017 -2018 Report |Annual Australia Sports Deaf

2017/18 was an exciting and successful year on many fronts and measures but it has occurred under the uncertainty of future Australian Sports Commission (ASC) funding. Again, Deaf Sports Australia (DSA) received a high positive rating for the 2017/18 year from the ASC (via the Annual Sports Performance Review) highlighting our sustainable and strong business model but our ongoing reliance on Government funding is our major weakness and indeed our greatest short-term risk.

A. Governance The yearly review of the Strategic Plan occurred Our national database is still a work in progress but with its key pillars discussed at each Board Meeting. the need for an effective base is very important to Risk assessments, skill audits and board evaluations the overall success of the DSA business model. were completed. Clearly our Active Deaf programs have a strong The roll out of the National Deaf Sports Committee foundation and footprint that will be the cornerstone (NDSC) structure continued with DSA providing of the success of DSA in the future. This includes administration support as well as the financial Active Deaf Kids via the ASC Sporting Schools

reporting for the fifteen NDSCs. They are now Program (SSP) and the Active Deaf Sports Club GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT able to concentrate on developing their sport, program. The Active Deaf High-Performance the pathways and overseeing their National Program is operating but there is a good deal Championships. A number of key issues that centre of work required to ensure maximum results are on financial reporting – controlling entity – and the achieved by developing an effective oversight ability of DSA to oversee and sign off on contracts committee and a clearly supported pathway for that are required by NDSCs are now being worked athletes to achieve at the highest level. through. A new more robust MOU between DSA We thank the ASC for providing funds to work on and individual NDSCs is now being developed. pilot studies to incorporate the ADK programs into At State level DSRQ and NSW Deaf Sports the SSP. It should be a good fit; we thank Cricket (NSWDS) are now operating as State branches – Australia, and Touch Football funding is now provided to DSA from the two State Australian for their support in developing the Governments to operate these branches with each linkages and programs. Time is required to achieve State having their own strategic plan and KPIs with the required results; we will see whether we have Government. In addition, the members of Deaf enough time Sports Recreation Victoria (DSRV) in late 2017 agreed to wind up the DSRV legal entity and to become a branch of DSA. Pleasingly this occurred without too many issues. DSA now employs staff in Victoria and Queensland who run and coordinate DSA programs. These same programs occur in NSW under the supervision of DSA and a hard- working committee. DSA owns the DSRV and DSRQ business names. For these structures to operate more efficiently and to be more connected to local issues and Sate based members we need to have small State based committees in VIC and QLD.

Deaf Sports Australia | Annual Report 2017 - 2018 9 10 GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT (CONT) • • • • • • • • • • • • The 2018 Australian Deaf Games (ADG) that occurred in Albury Wodonga in January 2018 2018 were Wodonga (ADG) inThe January that occurred Australian agreat in Games Albury Deaf B. 2018 Australian Games Deaf success. Under a very hot sun over 920 participants were participants sun over hot involved Aseparate avery 920 Under Games. insuccess. the more detailed report is located elsewhere in this annual report, but I would like to specifically thank the following very much is Iwould but located elsewhere likemuch inthe this report following report, annual thank tovery specifically for their support and commitment to Games: the commitment and for their support The local and regional communities of Albury and Wodonga who embraced Games Wodonga and the who of Albury regional and communities local The Wodonga and many venues spreadThe Albury throughout media local The Zealand Fiji and New from teams The by led Alex Jones Organising Committee Games The Australian Hearing Australian Volunteers City of Albury and City of Wodonga City and of Albury City Sport ConvenorsSport Key sponsors of the Games and Games Expo Games and Key Games of the sponsors DSRV and NSW Deaf Sports for their support of the Games of the for their support Sports Deaf NSW and DSRV Recreation Victoria via Victorian Sport Government the and NSW Destination Deaf Sports Australia | Annual Report 2017 -2018 Report |Annual Australia Sports Deaf Deaf Sports Australia | Annual Report 2017 -2018 Report |Annual Australia Sports Deaf • • • • • • • • • C. 2017 Deaflympics The Victorian, NSW and Queensland Governments provided Governments Queensland and grants team Warehouse Chemist and Victorian, NSW The –athletics, competed the who following in sports 29 athletesand officials with departed finally team The July 2017July event; A number of recommendations for future Games have for future provided Games been of recommendations A number by –these Chef deMission the of fundraisingA number initiatives swim the were in particular members team and developed by sports cover – the need for early and clear selection guidelines, media officials to attend the Games andtravel Games the guidelines,to attend selection clear and forcover early media officials need –the and uniform suggestions; uniform and officials. Under the Active Deaf High-Performance Plan Plan individual andtraining team programs were put the High-Performance UnderActive Deaf officials. provided acorporate sponsorship; Congratulations to all team members for their commitment to be the best they could possibly be and and to they be possibly best could the be Congratulations to for their commitment all members team Congratulations towho captainsbearersand flag were the appointed team Games; the at who oversawwho all requirements; logistics team management and With the team travelling team the With to Turkey extensive an plan risk management was into put place 18 for the –30 thanks to all team officials led by CdM Bryn Davies - a difficult job done; well Davies -a difficult Bryn led CdM by tothanks all officials team team; Results were mixed but all team members performed to of their best abilities; the wereResults mixed performed all but members team badminton, basketball, tennis; table and swimming into placeGrammar.Davies that included at Caulfield Mission appointed acamp was De Chef the as Bryn 2016, early in initially aimingcommenced to have50 athletesand a Planning of Deaflympics for the team

11 GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT (CONT) 12 GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT (CONT) • • • • • • • • D. Initiatives, Challenges and Developments D. Developments and Initiatives, Challenges The Queensland Government, Victorian Government and NSW Governments via their Sport and and via their Sport Governments NSW and Victorian Government Government, Queensland The There have been a number of developments in the AFL arena of discussions –anumber have haveThere of developments anumber AFL been in the policies suite are continually ofThe being DSA reviewed, updated addressed; and Strategic was Plan updated DSA The Forum; 2018 in early feedback Members after the from States’ funding audited willThe included be now financial statements; DSA in the A small window of opportunity developed just before the commencement of the 2018 of the developed Australian just before Deaf commencement the A small window of opportunity can providecan outcomes; beneficial mutually an increasingan traction; at beginning Active ofacknowledge the the program Kids year success Deaf of provided the and the occurred between DSA and Deaf Children and the AFL covering participation programs and promotion covering Children programs participation Deaf and promotion and AFL the and DSA occurred between Government’s Australia Sports Outreach Program – a possibility of being involved in sport development of being Outreach development Program involved –apossibility AustraliaGovernment’s in sport Sports Federal the by supported Partnerships Sports Pacific the with discussions commenced Games; Whilst there continues to be uncertainty regarding the funding dollars from the ASC, the ASC did did regarding ASC the funding ASC, the the to there from dollars Whilst continues uncertainty be run programs in each State under the DSRQ, DSRV and NSW Deaf Sports banners. The funding will The banners. be Sports Deaf NSW and DSRV programsrun DSRQ, in each under the State now connections; now toused achieve indicators jointly set key that are centred performance around Active programs Deaf that DSA is continually seeking opportunities to create partnerships with the corporate world, a difficult task task to create corporate the world, with adifficult opportunities is continually seeking partnerships DSA funding to develop pilot for ADK Sporting Schools Programs; cricket, Schools funding basketball to Sporting develop pilot touch and football for ADK were Recreation Departments now provide participation and development funding to DSA, enabling DSA to to enabling provide now DSA development and participation funding toRecreation Departments DSA, but an absolute necessity as we continue to front uncertainties of future Government funding. DSA does does of future funding. Government we as to continue DSA front uncertainties absolute necessity an but in the Oceania Region. At this Region. stage limited Oceania in the resources have allowed not any developments there but are interpreters games; at their home are providing now FC Collingwood and captioning FC initiatives. and Melbourne FC, In addition St.Kilda in a is greatrollingthere been the has programs;but first out support NSO at Slowly eachand identified States; the increase throughout numbers participation have Active under the brand Deaf of that properties anumber warrant apartnership, arelationship that Deaf Sports Australia | Annual Report 2017 -2018 Report |Annual Australia Sports Deaf

Deaf Sports Australia | Annual Report 2017 -2018 Report |Annual Australia Sports Deaf Thank you Beaver to understanding, Sherrie for her Thank keen and hard passion interest work, in ensuring DSA the 2018) –Cindy Bailey –Lu (up to February Leonie David Committee Debbie and Larkin, Sports Deaf NSW The you for your patience support. and Thank at DSRV. Hale -Julie Lyons, James and you to staff State our Howell Nikolas and Thank Jamie Schlie at DSRQ is –it estate much appreciated. kind donation for the Mann you to Alan the Thank understanding, for the you patience to embracing the and all Members Thank our new of Membership the who of 2018 Organising you to hard the Australian commitment Thank Committee and Games working Deaf to our commitment and for their support Commission at Australian the Sports you to staff the Thank Acknowledgments Jackson, Matthew Thornley and Gemma Galea have Galea to continued develop Gemma and Thornley astrong footprint in their State. Jackson, Matthew After 9 years Irena Farinacci left DSA for a great work opportunity at Tennis for agreat 9years Irena opportunity work DSA FarinacciAfter Australia. sure left Iam Iand many of

support the DSA programs pathways. and DSA the Active brands The Deaf aresupport agreat sustainable legacy that Irena I would like to thank the DSA Board of Directors for their support and commitment through a difficult year in in year through a difficult commitment and ofI would Directors Board like for their support DSA to the thank our members and stakeholders would stakeholders and like members our to to Irena thank great for her dedication commitment and work, Games. the oversaw off success the organisation. pursing best practices overseen by good governance principles so the organisation can come out of these pursing practices best of these overseen governance out by principles good organisation come the so can positive programs initiatives and provide and of astrong uncertainties anumber advocacy members for our Well done and thanks. Well thanks. and done Structure and their and wantStructure to to their ability provide focus on improved deliverables. General Manager West-Bail Garry to all is stakeholders of our ahigh standard. to develop we Whilst to model. sustainable business continue our developtrying enhance and of anumber brand and Australian Deaf Games social media, communication networks and the overall presentation of DSA overall the and networks presentation of DSA communication media, social brand Australian and Games Deaf Deaf Sports Australia Sports Deaf has left at DSA. at DSA. has left winds. head to to needs maintain commitment Board its The have foundations our networks. and on effect adetrimental

13 GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT (CONT) 14 SPORTS & MEMBERSHIP The ADG had so many supporters and they cannot go unnoticed because without their support it would not be would it be not their support without because unnoticed go they and cannot had many so supporters ADG The Thank you. Apart from the above amazing events Deaf Sports Australia have events above the from Sports amazing managed, Deaf organisation the on is focussed also Apart Organising Committee, National Deaf Sports Committees and their Sport Convenors, the team from each state and each from team state the and Convenors, their and Sport Committees Sports Deaf National Organising Committee, 23rd Summer Deaflympics. Our respective athletes Deaflympics. represented Summer Australia23rd participated in swimming, basketball, courses for the local community. Everywhere we went, retailers community. were Everywhere restaurant and local for the able to staff in courses communicate athletes. It is anew exciting and that, only we are to Not on. hard work working with is area committed Board the at this how program made be to available can look committee for working elite Activean High Performing Deaf for individual creatingand athletes opportunities to teams and participate in international events. It is critical we interpreters. and across 7-days the 18 than Games less to of the with prepare. months commitment the It was without possible not sign language, Wodonga deaf community, adeaf-friendly the as town. deaf culture Albury about and media coverage had also deaf athletes, amazing exposure and Games, the ADG about The Albury-Wodonga. as bringsign can to language cities able to or such clearly. communicate ADG to what the see It was game-changing legacy by Awareness established abrand-new Deaf offering Training Games These attendees. Auslan and at international an level.sports athletics, shooting. Congratulations and to golf Richard Pearce (Athletics), Adam Gavin Mac and (Golf) Balharrie In the same financial financial year, same In the hosted whichthe saw (ADG) Games Australian Deaf Albury-Wodonga over18th 1,000 I would like three Australians supported to Board that Deaflympics’ as the acknowledge also Directors Technical for events programs and made available by members. our ensure pathway levels the is well as well to encouraging as established across high-performing all sports, our (Shooting) role in deaf obtain such aprestigious makes it and proud us counterparts to our important and see our websiteour well as providing We as media social and platforms strive support. to them improve this by re-sharing organisations. in to various Active state-based incorporate activities Kids with members our arange Deaf of sports Wodonga; Australian ran to efficiently.the of ensure Hearing;For Albury many and Games sponsors other the possible to have such a successful event: Destination NSW and Sports Recreation Victoria; both city councils councils Recreation Victoria; city both topossible have Sports and event: such asuccessful NSW Destination worked very hardworked towards very fundraising initiatives to athletes our send abroad. We saw Australian our Team Davies) by (Bryn led Chef deMission our their trekking way Turkey to Samsun, for the first time in the history of ADG, the Games Organising Committee was formed with representatives from two two with representatives was formed Organising from Committee Games the ADG, of the in history time first States (NSW and VIC) and both States supported the delivery of the Games. The Games saw 18 events Games sporting The Games. of the delivery the VIC) and supported States both and (NSW States not have happened without the effort and support by our staff: Garry West-Bail, and Irena and West-Bail, Farinacci has now who Garry by staff: our support and havenot effort the happened without national members and their activities. These activities range from state-wide competitions to national championship to national championship competitions activities range state-wide from their and activities. These national members Kids areKids future. our to We ensure hard members are our information is with very frequently working updated on territory, team managers, and the Deaf community’s support by attending the Games as spectators, volunteers, spectators, as volunteers, by attending Games territory, the support community’s Deaf managers, team the and especially and to each managers for athlete theirthe support, representing Australia at competing and your best. families friends and in Australia many and Beaver to thanks this Sherrie for happen. making Coverage would also and I would like andthank haveandfamilies tofriendswho Deaflympics to attend acknowledge members team bowling, athleticsten-pin badminton. and Fortunately, we were able of to our secure some small grants to support members to participate in sports for fun to lead a healthy lifestyle. The Board have commenced to establish to have establish Board to for fun lead to The ahealthy lifestyle. participate commenced members in sports For the very first time we had amazing international sports media coverage on our social media platforms for mediacoverage for internationalmediasocial time our we had amazing on platforms first sports very the For left to work with Tennis to with work left for leading Australian Australia. the want Team Ialso to Bryn thank safely, to Samsun all reach their dreams. opportunities to pave the way for our young deaf athletes to Australian Sports Commission did not stop us from seizing The challenges of not having secured funding by the This was ahuge, exciting and challenging year. Deaf Sports Australia | Annual Report 2017 -2018 Report |Annual Australia Sports Deaf

To create into fields an inclusive field sporting andfor equitabledeaf all hardand hearing of athletes. This our is have Australia’s members example our are achieved of some outcomes WeThese Sports Deaf are with support. exciting very areThere such providing as some to bid Australia the win outcomes World for the Golf support Deaf membership has had its own membership restructureThe to and transition legal from committee-based entity Alex Jones Deaf Sports Australia | Annual Report 2017 -2018 Report |Annual Australia Sports Deaf growth and management of the Australian Deaf Games. The Australian Deaf Games is a pivotal part of the Active Active of the is apivotal part Australian Games The Deaf Australian of management the and Games. Deaf growth challenges where we require structure to reporting improved. be to improve It area is an we are committed on and excel.and for everyone. We health life leads want participation and also to to good and good ensure deaf sports athletes in order to demonstrateensureto to fundingthere our why financial support bodies weequitable an need is towards working also improving by arange national database of our collection deaf hard identifying and of hearing events such as Asia Pacific Deaf Games and Deaflympics. Thisthe is pathwayDeaflympics. andaim we toevents nurture, Games Deaf preserve, grow such Pacific Asia as passion. Thisfuturefutureyou, playingour andabout is generation.your members. our field for Sports &Membership Sports Deaf High Performing program of to players where High selection Performing representDeaf at occurs ADG Australia at international in Macquarie Newcastle 2022. and in Lake Australian 19th the and Games Deaf in Championship 2022 Golf Deaf through memorandum of understanding, structure,through memorandum reporting information sharing more. and including more pillars: digital two the focus on expansion the technological developments, and to and oversee DSA Board Director Board DSA Finally, inspires also it have to Board that me the see adopted arevised four-year Strategic (2018 Plan –2021) by

15 GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT (CONT) 16 1. RISK ANALYSES AND EVALUATION • • • • • • • • The following areThe 2018 key the the from Analysis: Risk Board outcomes The DSA Board is to working Board noted the improve strengths conversely and is it DSA developing maximise and The new A. Strengths A.

During theyear theDSA of Board anumber conducted reviews, two of which are detailed below:two of which detailed are strategies that at aim mitigating partnerships and highlighted the risks B. High Risk High B. the DSA pathways DSA the services and Ongoing Corporate PoliciesOngoing including Plans and agovernance overview DSA responsible for contracts / finances of NDSCs responsible of for contracts /finances DSA of individual that provides collection Data members trends information on funds reliance ASC on DSA having limitedMembers funds to develop improve and services to used be that promote can Adoption Active of the aplatform Brand and provides Deaf properties branch new and State structures (NDSC) Committee Sports Deaf National terms of reference StrategicEffective Committees Board and Plan Deaf Sports Australia | Annual Report 2017 -2018 Report |Annual Australia Sports Deaf

Deaf Sports Australia | Annual Report 2017 -2018 Report |Annual Australia Sports Deaf 1. 1. The Board evaluated Board followingThe the on rating: issues the overall of the following outcomes: isThe asummary following areThe appraisal Board key the from that was –the completed by outcomes each Member Board 7. 4. 4.

group individual plus individual’s the how an from work saw group the dynamic perspective. 2. 2. appraisal was evaluated individual by the how as operating each saw herself member or himself within the General Comments: Financial acumen/strategic Comments: General is greatly required. Directors financial Board planning with 3. 3. 8. 6. 0. 5. 5. Networking with organisations is to be maintained and developed for new sports/dying sports for adaption / for adaption / organisations with is to sports developed and maintained be for new sports/dying Networking background. innovation knowledge are necessary for organisation to function as well as staff who have who for organisation well to as financial/accounting function staff as are necessary knowledge


Strongly agreeStrongly disagreeStrongly Disagree required/balance of workload torequired/balance of workload monitored be members for Board DILIGENCE to. adhered deadlines MEETINGS operational and issues. for portfolio Board TEAMWORK AND LEADERSHIP provisions health in place mental with Manager General is appropriate/need to salary and more aware be prioritised for succession of requirements for future GENERAL MANAGER AND SUCCESSION against benchmarks toneed like-organisation monitor company performance MONITORING AND SUPERVISION revision/adaption to changes made in legalis field well represented POLICY byunderstood all directors directors for strategic planning/measurement for succession direction to implemented be and STRATEGIC DIRECTION AND PLANNING advice to sought be STRUCTURE AND SKILLS Somewhat disagree Somewhat Somewhat agree Somewhat

–(rated 2017/18 av. –strong representation 3/5) regarding Board on policy development and

(rated 2017/18 av. for to Calendar onset meetings and the planned be from 4/5) (rated 2017/18 av. Financial strategies 4/5) to adopted/stakeholder be management

– (rated 2017/18 –av. Training 3.5/5) for directors needed/independent (rated 2017/18 av. on person contact to about clear be Need 4/5) (rated 2017/18 av. direction Board Operational and is 4/5) clear/ –(rated 2017/18 av. –financial acumen for 2.5/5) (rated 2017/18 av. Financial planning 4/5) be should


Opportunities for All”. Deaf Sports Australia Sports in accordance withDeaf Plan its Strategic has the Vision of theorganisation: “Building and Strengthening identified the followingidentified priority and pillars objectives to achieve Short Term Short Long Term and outcomes. Strategy: mentoring in deaf sports. Strategy: international to local events host for NDSCs Support Games. Deaf Australian funding 2022 for the well as City stakeholders Local securing and as Government State Strategy: channels. communication Strategy: risk assessment plan. Strategy: Club program. Sports the theDeaf out and roll of Active NSOs with identified databases specific Strategy: developingand practical deaf friendly agreements workable and environments. and Strategy: directed Members. at Active the Brands DSA and Deaf Strategy: Achieve asustainable governance approach management and that fosters leadership and organisations. deaf identified and relationshipsFoster mainstream sports with events. deaf sporting host and Oversee programs. and services DSA of the Improve promotion and communication Ensure leadership effective management. and advocate,Continually structure. educate mainstream inform and sporting the To foster, educate promote and deaf people’s in sport. participation Achieved through monitoring and working towards best practice procedures procedures practice towards best working and monitoring Achieved through Achieved by developing relationships working that createoutcomes. beneficial mutually Achieved policies, programs development through the guidelines and of support for all Achieved development, continue through to the roll access and of all forms out Achieved through review continual of update and strategic of the plan and sport database with together Classification National Development of a DSA Organisations (NSO) Achieved Sporting National through with working Achieved review continued through the development and of policies plans and Deaf Sports Australia | Annual Report 2017 -2018 Report |Annual Australia Sports Deaf

Deaf Sports Australia | Annual Report 2017 -2018 Report |Annual Australia Sports Deaf financial financial budgets to actual expenditure. through detailed operational plans, committee terms of that references are processes directly through detailed operational plans, budgetary and committee budgetary reports are supplied to the Audit Sub-Committee on a monthly basis to compare and monitor basis to amonthly monitor and on compare are supplied reports to Audit the budgetary Sub-Committee Management, monitoring and performance measurement of the objectives of Deaf Sports Australia occur Australia occur objectives of measurement the Sports of Deaf monitoring performance and Management, linked to the plans of the organisation. The General Manager reports to the Board of Directors monthly whilst linked to of whilst Directors Board the monthly reports to Manager plans organisation. General of the the The

19 5. MEASUREMENTS OF SUCCESS 20 6. PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES • • • • • • 1. The principal activities of Deaf Sports Australia principal during financial the The year were Sports activitiespolicies, of Deaf the in with line The following activities in wereThe pursuit strategies of the undertaken noted below: 4. All above activities contributed to the short and long-term objectives of Deaf Sports Australia. objectives Sports of Deaf long-term and aboveAll activities contributed to short the

2. 3. regulations and constitution of the organisation categorized be ofregulations the can and main constitution and in five key areas: result 5.


Advocacy Governance relationships (Competitions) various with Members. National external stakeholders and DSA the term. plan incorporateslonger This programs individuals, and for teams forging together with and other term World levelincludingshort the in events 2019Games the Deafthe in Pacific Asia Promotion) and Development, and Communication (Competitions Australian Games Deaf mediums (Development Communication and Promotion). Club Program (increasenew Active retention and in Sports participation Deaf in sports). sport). (Increased in the participation that have foundationsthe networks and developed been Active under the Program Kids Deaf Structure,Membership categories Membership agreements and member (Improved Governance). Development of the Active Deaf High-Performance Plan in preparation Plan for future International events ActiveDevelopment of the High-Performance Deaf 2018 managing and Overseeing sent team to the the 2017management of andthe the Deaflympics development website ofContinued the all improved and communication with social connection the to and clubs schools from relationship via aworking Development of NSOs a connection with to maintain trying time at same Program the with Schools Sporting Pilot programs ASC in the reviewContinued updating and of policies including and limited not but to areview of the Development, Communication and Promotion and Development, Communication Participation Deaf Sports Australia | Annual Report 2017 -2018 Report |Annual Australia Sports Deaf

Deaf Sports Australia | Annual Report 2017 -2018 Report |Annual Australia Sports Deaf

NATIONAL MEMBERS: STATE MEMBERS: Western Australian Recreation Association Deaf Deaf TouchDeaf Australia Futsal Deaf RugbyDeaf Australia RugbyDeaf 7Australia VolleyballDeaf Australia TenpinDeaf Australia Bowling TennisDeaf Australia Aquatics AustraliaDeaf Netball AustraliaDeaf Australia Golf Deaf EightDeaf Ball Australia Australia Darts Deaf CricketDeaf Australia Australia Bowls Deaf BasketballDeaf Australia Athletics AustraliaDeaf Deaf ACT Deaf Recreation Victoria Sports Deaf Australia Recreation South Sports Deaf Recreation Queensland Sports Deaf NSW Deaf Sport Committee Sport Deaf NSW Committee Sports Deaf NT

James Hale James Transport and Logistics Alex Jones

Volunteers 2018 AUSTRALIAN DEAF GAMES COMMITTEE GAMES Cindy-Lu Bailey and Hannah Britton Bailey Hannah and Cindy-Lu Ceremonies and Social Program Social and Ceremonies Chair Sherrie BeaverSherrie Sport and Venues and Sport Leonie Jackson and Carla Anderson Carla and Jackson Leonie Debra Swann Registrations Liasion and Oceania Phil Harper Media and CommunicationsMedia

21 7. MEMBERS Board Member No. of Meetings Held No. of Meetings Attended

Kathryn O’Brien - Chair 5 5

Rick Bryan 5 4

Darren Howell 5 4

Tracey Corbin - Matchett 5 5

Alex Jones 5` 5

Hannah Britton 5 5

Katie Kelly *** 5 4 8. BOARD ATTENDANCE 8. BOARD

*** - Available online at all meetings

Two further offline meetings were held during the year where all Board Members were involved in discussions and approvals

22 Deaf Sports Australia | Annual Report 2017 - 2018 Deaf Sports Australia | Annual Report 2017 -2018 Report |Annual Australia Sports Deaf ATHLETICS Jordan Woolmer Jamie Howell Andrew Green Green Andrew

BASKETBALL Callan Brooks Shane Crick Samuel Quinn Samuel Cartledge Sekou Kanneh Brent Reid(Coach) Lachlan Jackson Ben Robins Rodney Crick(BasketballManager) Ramunas McRae(Assistantcoach) Halil Durnaoglu Patrick Lane Morgan Williams Mark Bilyj (Athletics Manager)


SWIMMING Judith Buehow Brent Kirchner(SwimmingManager) Henry Hughes Hannah Britton Melissa Klamt(Coach) Monique Beckwith(CCFLAGBEARER) SUPPORT TEAM Mitchell Davis BADMINTON Mark Quinn(Interpreter) Daniel Vukovic(Physio) Bryn Davies(CdM) David Hayward(OCFLAGBEAER) Kirchner


as of 31st June 2018 as of 31st June 2018 5,744 likes (123% increase) 1,303 followers (100% increase)

Since the upgrade of DSA website, we have seen better engagement with users who have found the new website easier to navigate and to find information. This has resulted in an increase of 1,200 visits compared to previous statistics associated with the old website.

Reach – 45,933 people (an increase of 40% since prior to the Games) Engagement – 73,172 people Videos – 44,824 views 2018 AUSTRALIAN Likes – 2,427 as of 1st February 2018 DEAF GAMES

2017 Deaflympic Games Reach – 117,026 people Engagement – 65,702 Videos – 74,017 views DEAFLYMPICS

24 Deaf Sports Australia | Annual Report 2017 - 2018

26 STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENDITURE AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME ABN: 18071 006 147 Travel expense Total comprehensiveincomefortheyear For the Year Ended June 30 2018 Auditor's remuneration Other expensesOther Interpreting services expenseInsurance Grants to NDSC's and SDC's and Grants to NDSC's Surplus/(deficit) fortheyear Depreciation and amortisation expense amortisation Depreciation and Employeeexpense benefits Event expenses (direct costs) Rental expense Revenue Fundraising and marketing expenses marketing and Fundraising The accompanying notes form part of these financial financial statements. of these accompanying notes part form The Deaf Sports Australia | Annual Report 2017 -2018 Report |Annual Australia Sports Deaf Note 2 (164,504) (321,583) (125,366) 2018 ($) 2018 (33,213) (14,500) (30,017) (69,318) (21,733) 701,992 (15,801) (8,500) (8,539) (5,089) (9,195) (321,645) (180,252) (10,933) (29,672) (15,072) (12,431) (57,274) 697,257 2017($) (8,000) (5,200) (9,390) 8,701 8,701


Deaf Sports Australia | Annual Report 2017 -2018 Report |Annual Australia Sports Deaf financial statements. of these accompanying notes part form The As at June 30 2018 ABN: 18071 006 147 TOTAL EQUITY TOTAL LIABILITIES Total currentliabilities Trade andotherpayables TOTAL ASSETS Total non-currentassets Total currentassets Trade receivables other and ASSETS Other assets Other liabilities Intangible assets Current liabilities equivalents cash and Cash Current assets Employee benefits Retained earnings Reserves EQUITY NET ASSETS Property, plantandequipment LIABILITIES Financial assets NON-CURRENT ASSETS NON-CURRENT Note 10 14 12 11 9 6 8 5 4 7 264,568 264,568 380,926 2018 ($) 2018 188,892 116,358 116,358 227,923 365,311 117,869 85,596 19,868 10,894 75,676 14,733 15,615 15,615 4,746 - 595,866 590,570 195,250 195,250 2017 ($) 2017 325,932 400,616 400,616 149,622 274,475 174,913 110,711 45,628 43,573 30,471 31,111 5,296 5,096 200

27 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION 28 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY ABN: 18071 006 147 Transfers reserves to/from Transfers reserves to/from For the Year Ended June 30 2018 ADG reserves ADG The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements. financial these of part form notes accompanying The Surplus/(deficit) the for year Reserves SDC Surplus/(deficit) the for year Balance at 2017 1July Balance Deaflympics &APDGReserve at 2016 1July Balance at 2018 1July Balance at 2017 1July Balance NDSC Reserves NDSC 2017 2018 Earnings ($) Earnings ($) Earnings Retained Retained Retained (125,366) (20,303) 158,236 (18,967) 45,628 45,628 75,676 11,862 69,318 895

Deaf Sports Australia | Annual Report 2017 -2018 Report |Annual Australia Sports Deaf Development Development Earnings ($) Earnings ($) Earnings 113,927 113,927 113,927 113,927 ------

NDSC/SDSC NDSC/SDSC Reserves ($) Reserves ($ (11,862) 15,773 3,911 3,911 3,911 - - - - -


Deaf Sports Australia | Annual Report 2017 -2018 Report |Annual Australia Sports Deaf statements. financial these of part form notes accompanying The Reserve ($) Reserve ($) 18,967 31,784 31,784 31,784 50,751 ADG ADG ADG ------

Deaflympics Deaflympics Reserve ($) Reserve ($) & APDG & APDG & (11,862) (895) 895 ------

Reserves Reserves SDC SDC ($) ($) ------

(125,366) 195,250 195,250 264,568 320,615 69,318 Total Total ($) ($) - - - -

29 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY (CONT) 30 STATEMENT OF CASH FLOW ABN: 18071 006 147 For the Year Ended June 30 2018 The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements. financial these of part form notes accompanying The Interest received Interest Cash andcashequivalentsatendoffinancialyear Cash andcashequivalentsatbeginningofyear CASH FLOWSFROMINVESTING ACTIVITIES: CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES: Receipts from donors and customers and Receipts donors from Redemption/(placement) oftermdeposits Net increase/(decrease)incashandequivalentsheld Net cashusedbyinvestingactivities provided cash Net by/(used in) operating activities Payment forproperty,plantandequipment employees and to suppliers Payments Deaf Sports Australia | Annual Report 2017 -2018 Report |Annual Australia Sports Deaf Note 15 4 (568,581) 2018 ($) 2018 468,370 (15,408) 5,44) (57,04 (88,188) 117,869 174,913 46,552 12,023 31,144 (419,755) 502,968 2017 ($) 2017 101,937 174,913 72,976 91,802 5,296 5,096 8,589 200 -

ABN: 18 006 071 147 For the Year Ended 30 June 2018


The directors have prepared the financial statements on the basis that the company is a non-reporting entity because there are no users who are dependent on its annual financial statements. These financial statements are therefore special purpose financial statements that have been prepared in order to meet the requirements of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012. The company is a not-for-profit entity for financial reporting purposes under Australian Accounting Standards.

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the mandatory Australian Accounting Standards applicable to entities reporting under the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012 and the significant accounting policies disclosed below, which the directors have determined are appropriate to meet the needs of members. Such accounting policies are consistent with those of previous periods unless stated otherwise.

The financial statements, except for the cash flow information, have been prepared on an accruals basis and are based on historical costs unless otherwise stated in the notes. Material accounting policies adopted in the preparation of these financial statements are presented below and have been consistently applied unless stated otherwise. The amounts presented in the financial statements have been rounded to the nearest dollar.

The financial statements were authorised and approved for issue on the date stated in the Director's Declaration.

(a) Revenue NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL TO NOTES STATEMENTS Grant revenue is recognised in profit or loss when the entity obtains control of the grant and it is probable that the economic benefits gained from the grant will flow to the entity and the amount of the grant can be measured reliably. If conditions are attached to the grant which must be satisfied before it is eligible to obtain control of the grant, the recognition of the grant as revenue will be deferred until those conditions are satisfied. Grant revenue specifically related to future events is deferred until the event occurs except to the extent that there are directly attributable expenses expended against the grant revenue.

Refundable athlete registration fees are recognised in the period the games occur.

(b) Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Revenues, expenses and assets are recognised net of the amount of GST, except where the amount of GST incurred is not recoverable from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).

Receivables and payables are stated inclusive of the amount of GST receivable or payable. The net amount of GST recoverable from, or payable to, the ATO is included with other receivables or payables in the statement of financial position.

Cash flows are presented on a gross basis. The GST components of cash flows arising from investing or financing activities which are recoverable from, or payable to, the ATO are presented as operating cash flows included in receipts from customers or payments to suppliers.

32 Deaf Sports Australia | Annual Report 2017 - 2018 ABN: 18 006 071 147 For the Year Ended 30 June 2018


(c) Income Tax

No provision for income tax has been raised as the company is exempt from income tax under Division 50 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997. The company is a registered charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission.

(d) Cash and Cash Equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand, deposits held at call with banks, other short-term highly liquid investments with original maturities of three months or less and bank overdrafts.

(e) Trade and other receivables

Trade and other receivables include amounts due from donors and any outstanding grant receipts. Receivables expected to be collected within 12 months of the end of the reporting period are classified as current assets. All other receivables are classified as non-current assets.


Plant and equipment are measured at cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses.


The depreciable amount of all fixed assets is depreciated on a straight-line basis over the asset’s useful life to the entity commencing from the time the asset is held ready for use.

The depreciation rates used for each class of property, plant and equipment are: Office Equipment 20-33%

The assets' residual values and useful lives are reviewed, and adjusted if appropriate, at the end of each reporting period.

An assets' carrying amount is written down immediately to its recoverable amount if the asset’s carrying amount is greater than its estimated recoverable amount.

Gains and losses on disposals are determined by comparing proceeds with the carrying amount. These gains or losses are recognised immediately in income or expenditure.

(g) Intangible Assets


Software is recorded at cost. Software has a finite life and is carried at cost less any accumulated amortisation andimpairment losses. The company has applied an estimated useful life of three years.

Deaf Sports Australia | Annual Report 2017 - 2018 33 34 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ABN: 18071 006 147 For the Year Ended June 30 2018 1. STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES At the end of each reporting period, end directors ofAt each the reporting values review of tangible its intangible and carrying the assets Australian Deaf Sports Federation Limited is dependent on the Australian Sports Commission for the majority majority for the Commission Australian Limited Federation is the dependent on Sports Australian Sports Deaf consecutive years of continuous employment. Long service leave measured at (undiscounted) has been the service Long employment. years ofconsecutive continuous amounts expectedamounts to obligation paid the be when is settled. expected (undiscounted). to liability is paidthe be settled when leave five is accrued after service Long have period.measuredemployees Employeeamounts to benefits reporting endthe ofbeen at the the of revenue its to used operate date At directors the business. the the of this have report to reason no believe Commission will not continue to support Australian Deaf Sports Federation Limited. Federation Australian Sports will to Deaf continue not support Commission are to made employee an Contributions by superannuation are and fund entity the charged expenses as when incurred.when Where requiredWhere by comparative Accounting Standards, figures have been adjusted changes with conform to (k) Comparative Figures Comparative (k) dependence Economic (j) Benefits Employee (i) Assets of (h) Impairment use, is compared to the asset's carrying value. value over excess Any use, carrying recoverable carrying is its to compared asset's the asset's of the the Australianthe Sports recoverablethe being asset, fair of higher to the the asset's value of sell costs the amount value and less in to determine there is whether any have assets indication that those impaired. been If indication such an exists, in presentation current for the financial year. renderedProvision is arising made company’sservices for the from liability forby employee benefits expenditure. or is recognised in income Deaf Sports Australia | Annual Report 2017 -2018 Report |Annual Australia Sports Deaf Deaf Sports Australia | Annual Report 2017 -2018 Report |Annual Australia Sports Deaf ABN: 18071 006 147 The resultfortheyearincludesfollowingspecificexpenses: TOTAL REVENUE For the Year Ended June 30 2018 Australian DeafGames government grants -Other grants Government Queensland - grants Commission -Australian Sports 4. CASH AND CASHEQUIVALENTS Operating revenue Operating Cash atbank-SDCs Cash atbank-NDSCs Cash atbank Cash onhand Short-term bankdeposits Deaflympics Deaf Games'eventexpenses Deaf Games'eventincome 2. REVENUE2. 3. EXPENSES - Deaflympics - AustralianDeafGames - Otherincome - Donations - Interestrevenue 13 13 145,000 2018 ($) 2018 348,927 155,349 701,992 149,556 339,891 193,578 212,545 190,618 174,913 102,139 60,061 24,715 57,041 47,111 9,985 3,232 7,976 500

2017 ($) 2017 190,618 190,618 174,913 141,814 151,837 48,804 86,940 48,804 48,804 15,849 19,382 24,861 5,606 8,558 3,194 500

- - - -

35 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 36 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ABN: 18071 006 147 Total intangibleassets Total property,plantandequipment Total officeequipment Term deposits Term deposits Trade receivables For the Year Ended June 30 2018 Accumulated depreciation At cost At cost 7. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT Interest receivable Interest CURRENT CURRENT CURRENT Website development Less accumulatedamortisation NON CURRENT Prepayments PLANT ANDEQUIPMENT 6. FINANCIAL ASSETS 6. 9. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT 5. TRADE AND OTHER RECEIVABLES OTHER AND TRADE 5. 8. INTANGIBLE8. ASSETS Deaf Sports Australia | Annual Report 2017 -2018 Report |Annual Australia Sports Deaf (30,342) 2018 ($) 2018 (39,425) 227,923 227,923 55,040 30,342 11,999 14,773 15,615 15,615 4,746 4,746 2,774 - (34,536) 2017 ($) 2017 (30,142) 274,475 274,475 110,711 110,711 23,650 30,342 39,632 30,471 5,096 5,096 6,821 200 Deaf Sports Australia | Annual Report 2017 -2018 Report |Annual Australia Sports Deaf Trade andotherpayables ABN: 18071 006 147 at 30June2018. reference, whichoperatesabankaccountestablishedbythecompany.Fundsheldintrusttotalled$9,985 A similararrangementhasarisenwithaStateDevelopmentCommittee(SDC)underseparatetermsof company. currently havelegaltitleovertheaccounts.Assuch,thesenotbeenrecognisedasassetsof As at30June2018,anadditional$25,589isheldinNDSCbankaccountswherethecompanydoesnot recognised forfundsheldintrust,totalling$47,111at30June2018. defined byAustralianAccountingStandards)overtheseNDSC's,acorrespondingliabilityhasbeen been recognisedasanassetofthecompany.However,companydoesnotassertcontrol(as company (consistingofbankaccountsheldinthenameonbehalfeachNDSC)have of thecompany.Accordingly,assetseachNDSCpartytoamemorandumunderstandingwith unincorporated sub-entitiesofthecompany.NDSC'shavetheirowngoverningcommittee'sindependent reduce operatingcosts,arestructurehastakenplaceduringtheyearwhichseenNDSC'sbecome administration ofspecificdeafsportsin Australia.Inordertostreamlinesportsadministrationand There arenumerousNationalDeafSportingCommittees(NDSC's)thatresponsibleforthe 13. FUNDSHELDINTRUST 12. OTHERLIABILITIES 11. PROVISIONS 10. TRADE AND OTHERPAYABLES For the Year Ended June 30 2018 Grant incomereceivedinadvance CURRENT CURRENT CURRENT Employee benefits Funds heldintrustforNDSCs Note 13 13 2018 ($) 2018 28,500 85,596 19,868 19,868 10,894 10,894 47,111 9,985 306,550 2017 ($) 2017 325,932 19,382 43,574 43,574 31,111 31,111 -

37 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 38 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES ABN: 18071 006 147 The Asia Pacific Deaf Games Reserve relateReserve Asia and Pacific Games to surplusDeaffunds from previous Deaflympics Pacific Asia The development is for the used of athletes Development Fund Reserve in preparationThe for representative Deaf For the Year Ended June 30 2018 14. RESERVES Australian Deaf Games Reserve relate Reserve to surplusAustralian the previous which funds from Games Deaf Australian Games Deaf Australian (ADG) Games Deaf Reserve are set aside in organisation future for the years. of Australian Games Deaf events to in sporting future run periods. financial subcommittees operations of individual sporting subcommittees. These funds are reserved for the use of use individual funds are for the reserved These subcommittees. operations of individual sporting Games'. Committees in applicable states. Committees work of these organisations of have these and work set aside by funds for use the recently Development established State State Development Committee ("SDC") Reserves relate Reserves to surplus funds received winding the from up of ("SDC") Development Committee State SDC Reserves Deaf Games which are set aside to support the participation of members in the future Deaflympics and Asia Asia and future in Deaflympics the which of are members participation the set aside Games toDeaf support National Deaf Sporting Committee ("NDSC") Reserves relate Reserves to surplus the funds received the from ("NDSC") Committee Sporting Deaf National Pacific Deaf Games. Deaf Pacific state. is continuing company in aparticular the The overseeing bodies deafincorporated sports deaf sporting Deaflympics and Asia Pacific Deaf Games (APDG) Reserve (APDG) Games Deaf Pacific Asia and Deaflympics Development Fund Reserve NDSC Reserves Deaf Sports Australia | Annual Report 2017 -2018 Report |Annual Australia Sports Deaf

Deaf Sports Australia | Annual Report 2017 -2018 Report |Annual Australia Sports Deaf ABN: 18071 006 147 The registeredofficeofthecompanyis: For the Year Ended June 30 2018 17. COMPANY DETAILS 16. EVENTS AFTER THEENDOFREPORTINGPERIOD 15 FLOW INFORMATION CASH Australian DeafSportsFederationLimited

affairs oftheCompanyinfuturefinancialyears. Increase/(decrease) inprovisions Increase/(decrease) inothercurrentliabilities Increase/(decrease) intradeandotherpayables (Increase)/decrease in current other assets (Increase)/decrease in trade receivables other and or maysignificantlyaffecttheoperationsofCompany,resultsthosestate Cashflow fromoperations Changes inassetsandliabilities Surplus/(deficit) the for year East MelbourneVic3002 Level 3,340AlbertStreet amortisation Depreciation and assets of disposal non-current on Loss Registered office operations with from the result for flow year Reconciliation of cash No mattersorcircumstanceshavearisensincetheendoffinancialyearwhichsignificantlyaffected in surplus flows Non-cash

(240,336) 2018 ($) 2018 105,965 (23,705) (20,217) (88,188) 15,698 69,318 5,089 - (125,366) (110,211) 295,868 2017 ($) 2017 (4,508) 10,292 91,802 14,197 9,586 1,944





Deaf Sports Australia | Annual Report 2017 - 2018 41 Deaf Sports Australia

Level 3, 340 Albert Street East Melbourne VIC 3002 T: 03 9473 1191 F: 03 9473 1122 E: [email protected]