> •

Avcragt D i^ Nat Pfaai IHa Waathtf Far tta. fCtikaaiM . r o n M of 0. • . WMrtkta j Mair n t ^ r n m ForUr «*wiy UNitgfct. oMo moralag fog, Loir M ta 1t> Wn^mm4uf riooOy, w fm tr , fcB0> 12;925 torod oftoTB^ igniworo NMl^. ItaBtar «f tiM Ao«t Kigii m to ta. Bw« m of OhroBlotloa M aneheBt^r-^A City of yM o 0 m C h \

VOL. LXXVm, NO. M3 (IXIUriTEEN PAGES) M a n c h e st e r , CONN., Tu e s d a y . Se p t e m b e r j . iss (taaemiea AavortMag oa Pago PRICE FIVE CENTS Ike Melts ^ Pra|mganda on U.S« Radio 3 Received $750f000 Nikita to T For Assisting Trujillo ■) i

,, Washinjfton, Sept. 1 (A*) .■•^da favorable to the Dominican Re-, Three former officials of Mu­ public, (/p\_^PrMi.Oga !ture of conciliation and friend- The indictment gaid the foreign London, ship to Poland, largest of the Baet tual Broadcasting system principale who were repre­ \ Idant Ei restated a Etreopean Communiet eateilitee. were accused today of ac­ sented in thle country.by the tjiree strong •id by Prime Min- ' e cniety German leader broad- cepting 3750,000 to put opt Mutual officials .ware Vega,' Gen- MacmiUan for an meeeage of peace and friend- political propaganda favorable eralieslmo Rafael Leonidas Tru­ summit eonference with shljp to the Poles on the eve of the to the jillo Molin^-I^orfio Riibirosa and 20ih anniversary of Hitler’s at­ the Dominican Republic govem- the Soviet Union, high diplo­ tack on Poland. Adenauer apolo- over the radio network. menL/^ Military Chiefs Quii^ matic sources reported U^ay. ^sed for the Nazi aCt. , The accusation waa made in an TTijjillo is the long-time Domini- The American leader insisted [in Russia, Premier Nikita S, indtotment charging them With jrBn Rapubllr dictator. Vega, one that any decision on top-level knrushchev made an unusual dec­ failure to register with the- of his chief alde^ was formerly at­ laration of trust in Eisenhower. lice Department as agent tached .to the Dominican Republic- talks must await the outcome "The Presi«^ent of the United foreign principal. embassy here. of his meetings with Soviet States realizes the main thing now Atty. Gen. William.-^ Rogers .. Rublrosa is a well-knownriigure Premier Nikita Khrushchev. is to ensure peace;” , Khrushchev announced thal.tlw^hdlctmefil, re­ in international night club society. said. "In this we'have no differ­ turned'by a federal grand jWry,, He waa once married 'to wealth.v New Delhi, Sept. 1 (A>—Indian sources sktii.tonight Prime By MARVIN AJtBOWSMlTH named the folibwing'. Barbara Hutton. At the'ttme of ences. . the alleged employment of the Mii- Minister Nehru may shake up his cahjnet to 8olv4ia reported London, Sept. 1 (A^)—Pres­ . In Britain', Elsenhower’s initia­ Internatfonal flrtanCler Alexan­ clash between Defense Minister V. K.'Khrishna M«non RBd tive on the peace, front coupled der L ^ u te rm a who ,w‘aa Mutual'a tual officials, Rublrosa was the ident Eisenhower took a rest with his vigorous appearance ap­ nre^Ment during the early months Dominican ambassador to . He' J his three military sertlre-chiefs ovej- promotions. from diplomacy today, his Eu­ •of this year; , • is now ambassador to Belgium. The nation, beset by Red Chinese aggressive moves, ,Mta» parently had removed fears ttml Guterma,'Roach and Culpepper ropean tour BO far a triumph America waa fumbling the^^fCee Hal Roach Jr., former Mutual thrown into crisis by reports*that Menon. controversial oiie-^ world's leadership. board chairman; both politically and personally. Garlahd L. Culpepper Jr„ one­ (Continued on Pnge Three) time Indian delegate-to the United Nations, has offered to From both side* of the Iron Cur­ His talks with Priror Mhiisler quit and that t>ie Army, Navy and Air Force staff chiefs tain came eigne, that 'Kteenhpwer’e Hanold Maomillan jwdr except for time director of the radio eystem. miselon to thaw the Ice of the CoW social meetings,^ the President The Indictment named as co- are resigning. - War waa bringing reeulte. planned epCTd today on ro u ti^ consplrstors, • but not as defend­ Informants close to the Indian White House, t)te reaidenee In Germany, Chancellor Konrad ants, MBS Inc. and Radio New* Full Campaign of President Rajendra Prasad, said Nehru may announce.the (Contoned oii ’Page.Thred) Service Corp., described as having Adenauer made an unexpected been organized by the "three in­ i- P I resignation of his full cabinet to parliament tomorrow. dicted Mutual otficlals.’ Against Haiti Then he might announce the formation of a new i»binet Also named as a co-conspirator leaving out Menon or giving him a new portfolio, these in­ was,Otto Vega.- an official of the formants said. Dominican Republic government. In Cuba Paper Official confirmation was lacking. 1,400 Extra Police In New York, Robert F. Hu'r- Menon, himself when queried about reports of his proferred lelgh, president of Mutual, Issued Havana, Sept, 1 (A6—The semi­ ADMIRAL KAt a r i KHRIRHNA MENON this statement: official newspaper Revolucion resignation said “Is that so? Who said it?” • "The . present m'anagement of opened a full-scale campaign today' ’-Top governing. Congress partyv ...... ' ...... ,.n——.■■ ■ Oh Gotham Streets the Mutual Network, its owners against Haiti, 'the. move appeared a leadn's in paiilament said they had and employes have no knowledge prelude to breaking diplomatic re- heard Menon had given Prime ^ ...... — ■ ■ 1 of or connection with the matters Jatlons with the regime of Presi­ Miniater Nehru a letter containing G>nferees rFail New Yorit. Sept. 1 —fftata heitia have not. gone. above the man legislator. State Rep. Robert by a majority of locals represent­ Hitler Gives the Word: ’ Policemen will be everywhere' fa IVext Weekend kneel as some .alarmists cried. In S. Orcutt o f Guilford, save Con­ ing a majority of the union's mem­ evidence again over tbe~XRbor Dlors shortest extremes, a mkh- necticut lawmakers, having voted bership in the Company's 11 plants. Day weekend, as thev were (hir- ' 'hequin can just nrianage to show themselves' a 400..per c4nt pay The-old contracts, which expired liig the FoOrth of July hoOday. . . Chicago, Sept. 1 (;P) — The Na­ all het kneecap if she cockjs her booat, should . consider thMr jobs at midnight'Monday,..provided for . Commissioner Leo J. Midealiy tional Safety Council estimated to­ leg at a provocative angle; The ,“fuli time onea” and not Strive to straight time hourly wages --of Meet Force with Force said today 460 regular offlesvA day that traffic accidents might happy , medium for the season is c,ut down on their workload. $2.61. '"plus 460 auklllailes<,all of tSem, Three men who police say were In 'unlfomi, will be on duty kill 460 persons during' next two pr three inchea-below thellcnee; The Goodyear settlement couldf ^ e k e n d ’s 3-day Labor Day holi- By now the pSrtissne have involved in a $25,000 stolen car , ^ NOTB--lt was to have beenf tt^ibied about- what the future throughout the State. Tto taten-^ ' day. made jheir chqijce: Elizabeth Tay­ ring, bound over to Superior Court .set a pattern in the rubber Indus-Hnje, but for months held. 'sifled' traffic safety effort wtD The estimate, covering 78 hours lor likes Dior's; short skirts and. aftbr appearing in Waterbury City the world/vslted and watched, ! For weeks. Germans sensed that start at 4 p.m'. Thursday sad from 6 p.m. Friday, to midnight Court/ . . „ East Meadow, N. Y. ■mr • ■ g-v. _ C f ' eyes focused fociisM On Hitler’s HernBerlin. Hitler intended to go to-war. The continue afound-the-clocdi unt’l"" has bought 10/of thenv, and Bar­ Nazi propagMda machine^ stead­ Monday (local time), is 30 higher bara Hutton h u gone for Lanvin'e police a tt^ p tln g to find singer I V i n g s o a l e ; Would He give the wnrilT Then; 29 8 a.m. Tiiesdav. ily building up a series of alleged ■ h - than the actual toll^for Labor Day long look in a/n even-bigger wxy- Donna Lynn to inform her that ■g ^ • . •.. m , j years ago today. It came—and ' weekend last year.' '1 her mother is ill in Meadowbrook in Camhodian riot with it the end of a worW. Here frontier incidents, had seen To NIKITA ENTOURAGE AT lifiO The council said,, virtually all the Hospital. " . Associated Pres# cqrrespond- that. Rut at the same time, moat V Washlagto'n, Sept. 1 (JPh~A (Oontinned on Page Two) ent who covered this momentous Germans had hoped the.ivar ten­ T1 million motor vehicles in thd —T -rr-:., .j.. Oklahomans can taata legal Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Sept. 1 Russian entoorage of aropkd tJn l^ States, are expected to be| liquor for first time in 62 years to­ events vividly recaptures IJie sion would all .end in another of KM, Including Soviet Foreign (jD —The king and queen of^pam- scene. Hitler’s diplomatic blitzes—ks In «n the rOad, rolling up,about,.seven day. . . . Hawaii's new State Leg­ bodia-.narrowTy eacaped death last the ease of the Rhineland, Aus­ Minister Andrei A. Gromyko a]^ billion -miles of trave), during the Iron Curtain Slvles islature begins work on statutes night when a bomb disguised as a hlp^wrife, will accompany Nikita needed to reorganize the island By RDB’IN SHANKE^ tria, Sudetenlan'd, Czechoslovakia, S^Khnishchcv to the United v^ekend. Last year, it estimated 68 gift went .off at the royal palace. and Mfihel. million 'vahlcles " went 6.6 billion Bar Knobby ^Knees government from territorial . sta­ (Associated Press Staff-Writer)'" SQues. Thlii waa aanouaced by Three of the pa|ac« staff were kill­ Berliners awoke early on the Hope was shattered on that miles on. Labor Day weekend. tus, • • ed and three others- injured. sunny,, late summer day. the State . Departosent today. While posting Its expectation of Stephen N. .Wyckoff, 68, one of ipoming*of Sept, l.l 1939,' to the Praasl officer Uacoln White said ^ Ry CAI|1, HARTMAN King Norodom Suramarit and blare of brassy military marches Relative telephoned relative. 460 .deaths,..the council said, “It is .Leipzig, 'East Germany; Sept. 1 West's beet known forest scienr Queen Sisowath Kossanak looked Erlend called on friend. "Did you 60-odd Russians will 'he la the entirely , reasonable to hope that tlsts, dies of dancer at hie Berkley, on their radios . instead of - gay - officlat party and another 88 are (4*)—There will be ho knobby knees on as the acting protdeat dtlef, waltzes and soft symphonies. • i hear -from Hans lately? Is he in the toll can be held far below such showing on the ^(^ommunist aide of Calif., home. . . . New London be­ Norodom. Vakrlvin, began optning the'iEast?” "E!rlch‘ was called up newsmcR assigned tp cover tbo a figure and, in facti' olose To the the Iron Curtain if tho-fashloii gins jnSTpplng plans for weThoming the package. It w-as addressed to “They've marched. haven’t this morning." "The mili'taiy re­ visit.' . toll, of 360 immediate deaths, that authorities at the Leipzig Fair Rrltiah submarine squadron and the queen and wsia marked "From they?" my German landlady Mk- quisitioned our car." "Do you would be expected for a 3-day hon- its ..fender, due -te ' arrive next ed, anxiously. . . • ULAIM TYPHOON KILLED 110 ave anything- t-o say about it — a Hong Konjfe^ friend." think will last long?” “What ,Tokyb,., Sept. I (45 — Hod hbliday weekend at thU time of d they probably 'do. mqhth for'informal visit. ■ Suddenly-tne kin|; said.he must Aiid In a . mome'nt she had f her will England and France -do?” year.” Montreal health officials'puskled. answer. China, ' aleeady hard h it, by tThe fair'(T‘international fashion received his deputy prime minis­ Fanfares burst forth qn the ra­ "Will America act?" The epuncil' urged upon motor- sKpw. Tone : of- the biggest in the and shocked by theft of -75,(HN) ter, who la leaving today'to repre­ "Surety the West will qome to \ floo)^ drought and food abpilr tsU sobriety and obedience of traf- shots of - emergency Salk vatdne dio. A solemn-voiced announcer ...... a)(es,' dlsclosiBd today that ty- Cohamuniit blod,, opened yester- sent-to.help check polio epidemic., sent Cambodia at the United Na­ read Adolf Hitler'^ j>rder of the terma with Hitler when he showa' flet laws. ^ daj^ .There was not a knee j^ight-. tions. He told the queen to follow hTa'milita«Y power by'cniBhlng“f^ -1 pl»«^p Jri; _ hll.led 72o persoas S tate Masde Nation . . .National Council of Churches day to hia army, air. force and and left 9p6 missing in a savago And\ no uneven hem-ltnesT spyen- utges nation to unite in, prayer him. navy to "meet force .with force.” land.’’ Connecticut continued te' lead eights lenjfth tunics or other frills A few feconds after the couple S o . the German mind began! sweep across Fukien Provtace the nation during the first half of next Sunday'for an Md to the Hours earlier, while th e, Poles' .4ng. 23. The Comniunist Now from Paris. steel strike. , . -t left the room, a laud expiosloif slept, Nazi armored colqnuis and fybrking, resigned as usual but j ' the year with the lowest) traffic No sacks, either, IhiAigh East sh(W)k ths building and ripped fearful,. ' j China news ageacy said 8l8 -Black mohajr band l)ol^' Film stSu's Millie Perkins and the Luftwaffe had struck at ■ Po­ persons were injlir^ ,by the tx>* death rate. German Communist leader Waltet puffed al(irt At the knees m Dean Stockwell' sanotince their through the walls and floor of the land. . '1 Later thst morning, 1 .went to j This was achieved despite an Hlbricht recently said, the sack this autUmii'and winter suit engagement but no da|e''has been room. — I "The world War took my hus­ t|ie Kroll (jperq House in the Tl-‘j phoon, wbleh pfaw stroeb*.'N(gr^" upward turn in the number of was all right — .if the wearer from Chrlatikn Dior .salon iii (sat for the-wedding. ....President PrliMje VaHrivin.and a servant band." ray landlady" said. "I'm gergaftyn J^Fk of cpntrsl Berlin ttonaMst Formosa a^fifOMfiRg . highway deaths in the state. 'As could affoM it.. . Paris. . The red wool suit Eisenhower s'igns-AAlcjtall $977,- were killed Jnstantly, Hie king's afraid this ona will lAke niy 'war to hear Hiller address hie rubber Maw. The lateaV IHwEl aoR- t t July 1 Oonnectiout had 118 . About 1,.600 epectatpril paid, up' fea^Utca a very Short jacket 845,808 ap)ir4pAatloii MU to . - fi­ vaiet died during the night. ^ - baby.’. He’s somewhere on that etAhip Reiehetag. hnHted nharply With HMt; ageR* over the puffed skirt,/ lAP nance numerous government agen- Three persons in the room tSolow Polish frMit, you know ’ ep’a r«iart Aug. 84 tki8 THa (OoattaiMd aai Page Mlaa) '* (CMtiBIMd OR Four) Photofsx). ciee. ' • j wore ijroundod. She turned te her housework. (OonHatwd or Fsga Fo«r) UUed 18 pareoRB aRd

" ^CT T W 0 ' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, l^ANCHESTER. C O ^ TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 19» Ike Melts 1,400 Extra Police FISK IjfocktsUie Tempest on a Knee^p SheiBwoW' on Bridge Gol^War Rt^altu Resigns from Posts Short Shift V8, Long? On Gotham Streets TIRE t w o -b id ‘ (OsBtlBnsd from Pngs One) ILS GAME J (OaallBssej trsai Poga Ihm) itnlawfitl assamhiy. Dlax and With Oty, Regioiml Planners WiBie Hnurn buotaess which has 1 ..M Z two, man poMce said had informa- ^ Alfred HfcehnjpM aUed up slnoe he left -Washington SERVICE Style Spat Roars On Masters Team CwamiiloB ^ . NONm ■ « « ihl timr m the cass were held ta $50,- Iba TWiCBStten M WtUUitiftliat six bids wem r«mivsd.fbr a 4 < uwt Week. 1 ^ ™ 0 0 « bail e a c h as matartal wltness- In certain hands, each side can id ♦ 6 5 A personal high spot of Biaen- f"'* RS. Pooee sstd ill those held HAR TFOR D pdehass ef Windsor has said Balmain showed . solks\f ths best do very, wall at lU own bast trump JidO 8 7 1 howsr's toiif rnnies tonight: when i invalykd. Th. two »my* '«*'*•*’ , Were Puerto Rlcaps OMiunMm aad ills O sp t»k ^ ^ | Council approved 'psyrnsnt of thesel. suit If both sides enter the auc­ A • Av - he plays host st a stag (hnner for ssv^ai oO i^ An assistant I distrlrt a'Hnmey she'won't wear them that short, ; sfild. W h e n a group or Fuerta Ri- M A N C H E S m R«(1 g ; l men who wore his Sasoctatei In ' can boys armsd irlth knives st- If ho rsmsinsd free simouncsd at Uid Clty^>wncHf the Fisk recl^tlon ‘ tacked sight teenagers ta a' play nsstlnf last nl(ht. - , hulldihs a n i^ mother has ssiil she will, proving hues at the' hem j Cardin oto claim a big advantage because It-^'fiisy V 3 • VA7 World War n. Mayor Harmaa O l ^ ap-1 ^ .^ h r ls t o n , that motlisr love Is somsthtag spd- a monopoly oivtaess, but tho Men bluff the opponents ritot-out. ♦ 0862 J 4- - Among the guertis lit Wjnffeld ' ground. Pollrs gave this version: 14,000 Mnkf Wntrh^* •olii*tsd AMarmm laiUisr Trouton payment o n a O ^ and Mall bill del. ^ Is aura tq spread). South’s opening, md of two 4 K » 3 3 JQxti Housei' tlie U.S. amhsaagdorial•aaadorial mN-rwo* Co rtpiacs Rdi^klus on ths Plaiu TunlO-effects (everybody' did hearts will spem. sutoge to those Menre viiere Etaenho'lower in stay- The gang Vat mlt to rsvetige s for l ijo for esrp^nu^at ths judir«a Ths DiichssS also sslff, sS she *10 8 4 ! supposed insult to Joss ( Fronchv > ' B e t an Con, Francs French nlnir Oommisaion. He baa not im bench plus $25 for atafr'^wAa was thomjv^ who use rttodard bidding meth- tag,, will be MaemtWan. Bir Wln- arose with a sigh from her spindly Wuvnly lined hut aleevsieaa V K Q J 8 4.^ ' Cordoro. 18. He wss one of the mamifarturero ■ of Watches and made to appolntinent In the^re- also aulKorlsed Thei $2 1fMs«aS the «ds. Tils trddiUonal two-Wd \ . ston Churchill, and Field Marshals Kiona) group. ^ gold chair- at ths Dior opening^ nvsr-vssta . ------(a bright Idea of Oiiy shows frsmendoua strength; the four charged with homicide. clocks are turning out more then USED Montgomeiy tod Alanbrooke. Both lAdd and Hall bid on tha.carpetr 4 10 6 Cordero w4s walking elong thg ’ 9.000,OOP timepieces a year, for Rogahu' lestfnaUon '^was ar- tag U H. v i^ e icumltnre store! o|>entng, "That’s the hardest thiiv “Ftok” two-Wd shows only a Wart Nfirfh I mI of the latter had critical things to espied with coiMdera^ regret hv Elbow-length bell aleevesBvea 'firong suit ta a hand tlist is al­ j street In Manhattan's Weal Side which they get about 1,17.000.000. hid $180, ^ \ f ievar sat on.’’ A thouasnA^toh- 2 V Fsm 4 V An Ah* say about Eisenhower’s milltaiy Besancon has 100 of th^ .‘VOO Ilia Council. M a y ^ PUjon'^Id |*ell(» CommIbOw,Report algnd*I I>y -lulcs CrahWay. tl most, but not quite, worth a nor­ ‘ about s month ago when he saw allbvp'H or not- -It's a I-ep* tto wiitars have Mghsd the same Opcaifig lead — 4K gWll'ty In recent memoirs. ; Mrs. fflesnor Dias. $8. attting on manufaotursys and Is the center Rogalus was "tn ^ of the ai»k as they get up from Identical Nina RICei eollsctlon). mal opening bid. ' The new note.of warmth in West working people/we ever had oi Aldemian John J .'^ k u lK a re- B, In .fart the King "f All the designers waiit for black, the steps outside tenement. of the Indiistry. which emploj-s that a police telephone la the'-’bgpJrechlAme, King Srian spindly gold chalra^ll oyer Paris ''"'-The weak opening bid allows Germany’s approach , to the.Com- 14.000 Skilled wortuirs and «X; PUa CommlaaldR.” In hla letter browii, gray and.^beife fdr day North .to steal the hand. .North (wsaJi), tod the next player tnufilst East was attributed ta Mie said Frenohy.'a boy with a installed In the center .for .^comifii: to Manchester every' fashion' seirifm. wear. Hairy e^ trse-barK wodl- Idt of bushy black hair, long slde- ports their hnnllHrork to 65 omita p e s lg n a W o n ***** *** ,ct with the police sution, irtorfe the thousands of models cannot he^ sura that his hand will passes. Tdu hold; Spadso*—A J 8 part at least tu Elsenhower/s In­ tries. M O ST SIZBSI resign*n8 ^^***** *>* personal rlr- brlve-In^^eater totaorrpw- sns for auits-^ and coats were 5 2; HssrtS"A 7; Diamonds—J 4; ! burns and a receding chin, offered ’ and bPwerg" are belSg cspnsWeced Walt Dlsne>*s Darby OT.Ul shown this .Mm# here are the main give South a reasonabls play for fluence. In talking -with^Aden- cumstan^. Ir equalled In popularity by satin and Clube—^ J 7 o2. IVhat to you ' her eome maripiana, and she rs -: Appointed to the city's Redevel-1 —i., and ths Llttls Petole.. In tech- trends tbdt may be expected to velvet for evening. tsn tricks, birt^hc does know;Ulat auar ta Bonn last week, the Presi­ fiMed. t "7* MOST BRAH0SI opment Agency last night were PfrkeU for contact h> the poll nloQ|or will be shtayn first at kbow up ta' the wardrobes of wom­ South has very little dsfeni 'toy? , ■ dent urg.ed * forward looking ap- Just then her iwn John, 18. esm* i ’American buskers bought pmwe Answer: Pssa Unless ypu-havs Aldermen lOirl Hewitt and Jo**" p , , „ , nownewica has 8:30 p.m. en who Vke to keep up wfth the thto Over before In Paris this sea­ against a spade ooh ti^ . Sta£S| prtoch ta dealtag with the Com­ . elong. heard Rboiit thb offpr,nar, anaand StoUphsek. Their appointments by CaptiUn Peter j. powgewica nas styles: son, but Jacques Helm, president North likewise has llttle.^defense,' very good distributional Support, munists. The following day Aden.* an argument i developed ' . Was M BM Ufi 95 •M ayor'- i^nlsta...... the... ^ ' rairly sUfh tube dresses for dsiy of the High Paahion Syndicate, he jumps to''four hearta-dlrA two- don’t raise a wSak two-btd without suer wrote irv, fonclllatorj' tone to apparently got the better i isf the up her agency, wearr (HalHi called calk his sllbQUstte says It'a atlll only a drop ta ths way proposition: .FarUy to shut substantially mors'thM ths valhs the fiovieta asserting that no one argument, and Qordero i lit in^ ; ?l^^ToX?T c ls ^ iy o n i SouthW indsor the opponents ort^i^ partly ta ths. in tits West German government laat Octobar. Other members are, - ___ ."Test Tubs” ) bucket compared to what ■ they qf a. normal opening ' Wd. Ordi­ Shattered^.-Para rest quietly on the Wilbur Cross Highway while suited Cordero later roitadod un AMarman Claranca McCarthy, ‘^• Wtadaw ^ e . irocdde or lame suits for cock- make out of reproducing French hops of mshk^g-a game. narily, partner will make gs;me if ■ wants revenge on Ihs Comanunist soma friei^ and went, leoking for, B u t for Germany’a te.rriLorial tik.>ir thFee occupants real quietly ta beds at Manchester Memo- Ooorga Bannstt, sxecuUvs ^ r e - rtismed (iall'"Mid dlniw time .(Chanel and styles. . ' i%s jump' bid has the desired you nave an opening'Wd faciiighls risi kllMOital. 'I’he car upside down In the foiegrpund had been Dias. Wfhen they couldn't hpd tary of the RockvlUe Area Cham- m ! *Morals Case effsdL ...-'EMt Is silenced. Bast {opening bid. If his hand Is not loaase at the end of the war. hf^tag south before-n crossed the esplanade and collided with him. they attsekod the others. ber of Commerce, end Harry I ? i P*’**^*”' “ Maple St. 1 may,.-*t>f course, suspect that he quite worth an opening hid, ymi Adenauer followed this. laat jhe car in the background ne'ar the Manchester Motel. (Herold Robert - irotmg and Anthony Rrse- Ritnails la^B^g Jobbed—^but how can he night with his broadcast express- rumm. imalnesaman, who la chair- ^ at " (must have enough more to take GarsjCDlKde H^adon Photo by Oflar.a I . ■ ■ ■ sinsk'l '.wsrel stabbed to death. man. Ends in Fines Covem -risk a bid at so high a level? up the alack. tag hope the Poles and Germans ______Dthen aitaoeted yeetsrday on ffNE LENOX Union end Orchard Sts. came from I South easily mokes four hearts, Inadeqnnte Wnmlag Alderman Schllphpck. who noted' 1 (Copyright 1058,'- ; may one dav-be good neighbors. / {homicide c'hlrgcs In the case were An ipadequsts warning prevent- losing' only one spade, one heart, aeneral'‘Fsaturea Gorp. J.^ \Jta Comniiihiat Bast Germany, on a charge of tampering with a nett 'was chaiged with tampering Rogello RotA 17. like Cbrtoro, a PHARMACY 95 the intersection has. been the loca­ A iMal couple received fines and and one club. If East played the ad action being taken at a special tion of a number of aecidenta. Special Meeting Set to Hear \ ' , ^ m^inwhile, the Red-controlled Na- 0n Rt. 15, Three Hurt motor vehicle. .Btrrhcll - pleaded and with theft, but the theft charge j laborer; and\ Francisco CjnK tod 299 E. CENTER ST. 6.7ftvlA etty meeting last night. The meet- suspended jrtl( sentences In s. loVe hand'at four apades, however, he tlonalFront observed the 20th an- guilty to this charge' but riot in a was dropped by Prossciitor John \satnr'Ksrnandes. bo^ 16-ysar- Mpyor Olson replied that “ton V Ct>filP«l A m o n g S toi^a tag was cauad to authoriae the ta- many traiflc lights imped# traffic," tiishgle. ,csfe at Mondsy night's 1.1' would score' a game for his side, nlversarv'bf-World War Il’s algrt charge of theft as indicated in The N. Tompardo before the court seS-jo)it factory vrorkers. i Ml 9-0894 IM% UnM ■utag of $710,000 in bonds for the Town Court session, despite s plea Application by Hand Tract losing only two diamonds shdrone by accusing ^ 'Wast GermtoY'^ of Herald. When arrested, ■ Bur- slon. I Five ether youths wore hsM for I and aald that a good law enforce­ Peabody, Maoa.—Included In sanrage trsatment plant but be- ment program is need to alert by the woman-that sh* planned to club. plotting a new conflict. Knbher, Llfi^' eangg the wording was not specific Bach side can, thus, make gams plans for a Peabody shopping can­ The Front,, a collertkin of 'politi­ drivers. ' "Traffic lights on every get a divorce and marry the man. There will be' s apsclsl towr^eiertrdnics achool at .Keefler Air rt ' 4 ' ter is s religious project. It is bs- aettq man w«we aerioualy iifjured knocked Time Oaaraattod •oongh to meet ttie requirements comer wouldn't stop the acci­ atdts own best trump Auit, cal" organi*atlons./charged that -8 eg .the federal government another Judge Benedict Kupchunos meeting-St 3 p.m. Sept. IS-ta the Foi^e..JBaae'in Biloxi. Mias. If Sou'th . uses traditionsl bid­ tievsd'to be the'first'of'its kind. West German militarists want to this morning in a hesdon crash of shield, dents," the mayor remarked. Meetings Frea Mmiating ipasUng will have to ba callad. A claim has been received by found A lden .p. AronsOn and. auditorium of ' the Robertson ding, methodsi he must.paas. West Cartnellte priests will be In ehaiEe “revise their'defeat In World V/kr. two cars on the Wiltair Cross ■ -ph, di^er of the other car was The Ripubllcsn Town CJommit- of a chapel, conference rooms, and Highway. Edward Schrandt,. 42. of Worcea- The law firm of Day,. Barry Mrs. ‘Emma Skinner, widow of a Evelyn Ogrert; both Of 866 School to act on sstablishtng the and North will likewise pass, .and n with ntfelear weapons and long­ I and Howard advlsad Mayor Olaon former policeman, for payments Pleasant yalley Rd-. giitlty of tas will mbrt at 8 p.m. today East will ' a car he was pass­ under a $100 bond to superior St. Jude Fourth Assembly Coun­ "might of the-USSR,” g at 8 p.m. Ig City Hall for ths tlon received by him indicates that Court- after a lengthy exposition. the cast by Laksf Warngumbaug^ South may sacrifice by bidding ing. and bis car had been bumped TUBED aid cil KofC will meet at 7:30 p.m, to- Oraw8 $25 Fine out of control, dama purpoaa. ahe Is not eli|^ble. The fund pro­ According to State police testi­ oh the south by ,Dake Wsmgum- five hearts, settling for a small IF YOU LIKE MOHEY ' iiMyar ObNa advised Council’ vides*'benefits for widows or chil­ -baug’ and property of Graham and, taMTow at St. Mary's Roman loss. Schrandt suffered an injured mony the accused, Ple'rre'La Rose, Catholic Cihureh hall. Propaganda on U.S.Racli,000 treated at Manchester Memorial nenta. cil meeting to aak for conttau- fires, to light streets, to plant and Paidtee Little, telephone Pilgrim Lake three weeks ago was finsd a Hand that is not quite worth a 3 R eceived 6.76x18 ahee of Itaour parking restriCr 'Valley Rd. The accusece ever seen. " ' Correcli'on 8.56x14 had to be made. , 'Other dispositions Included: Providing the petition; Is ap­ ENDS TONIGHT—A DRUGHTFUL PICTURE City on charged of falling to make Alderman Bemasd Oreud oom' ta a temporary Injunction on the time: week ago and pleaded innocent to But the commission conttoded UOntod N. . BvSatklswics, V 38. proved, action has'been asked for Boats and motors- 1.6 per cent ClirtoB Webb, Jane Wyman—•‘HOLIDAY FOR LOVERS” 8:86 required reports to the securities that .serious, sulistsnttal frauds plained again last night about the dump^ Judge Thomas E. Troltod' the approval to name the district the reckless operation charge. and exchahgV cbnimlsslon in con­ The Herald erred in its pre.senfa-- told rtty offlclals they must In­ Trinity Oollege, operating a motor of the retail price; furs, precious Yesterday the second charge was were involved. lion of the court diaposition yes- amount of time the Public Works vehicle without.a,license, flnSd $6; and choose necessary officers to nection with ms Intern***” "* ' ‘‘P**'' IF YOU LIRE MTnRa Y00R>MErf WORIIJOUlt Utt'OlWYT 7 IM W TII TUM TYPE WITH Department is spending on the stall, the hydrant even If, they have stones todi metals costing more added and he also pleaded inno­ The Immigratlort Servi«'e mean­ •lerdav of David A.. Burnett, 17 of Ruth A. McElroy; 58, New Haven, hold office^ until the flrsjt annual V STARTS TOMORROW EVENING Stiops In high'finance. while haa h^n looking into^ tiie Lottie n k Memorial Building on to borrow money to do It. The ttito $25—13 per cent ssled tax; cent. Catalano claimed he had his Todai’ s . Indictment contained 133 Main St., who was fined $60 represented by Atty. Steven meeting,- to fix date of the annual perfume,' clologne and other beau- FEgTURi^ RAOWN 8:66—CO-HIT SHOWN 7 ♦5-8:55 background "of the American citi­ FREE TUBE Pose IBIL He declared that the cost has been estimated at $10,- meeting of the voters for jthe elec­ craft under control and had turnad three emmta of lailing to regtater Knight, causing damage to private tifiers—2.2l per cent tax on all cos­ to watch the water skiier. when zenship- Guterma acquired' two_ atraats nbed aweeptag. Tha Public OfliJ). S B foreign agents, and conspiring property, caae nolled, not put to tion of district officers, as well es metics or itollet- articles carrying the accident happened. years ago. BEST RIDE. .’ . CARRIES OR TUBiUSS Works amployea are on call for the The HeslUi Committee will con plea; - Joasph. M. Hayes, 28. 82 transact other neceSsary-ibusiness to wilfully fall toVo|riJter Mutual recraaUoa projset, a plan set up fer with the Selectmen tonight; to the federal government 10. per Guterma reportedly was born in Seamen Circle, Manchester, disre- before an annual meeting.'' as d' foreigh agent/count' I Siberia. He started his financial YOU AS CAREFULLV AS to lower the coat of th»~|60,000 get their cooperation in the tast cent tax; jliotel and motel rooms- carries possible maximum penal STUDENTS bulldtng. ’arding‘ a stop‘sign,'fined $6, and Bleed Unit ^ 3 per cent of the rent: air con­ lum pepai-, orient and came to ' IT PAMPERS YOUR ter, and will also contact tb* allure to carry- rsgiatralipn. fined A bloodmbblla unit wlH be at ‘ ;blue ties of five . years priaonmentunited States in in.’M). He has ? ditioners—3 per cent of retail The Department has ordsrsd 50 water company and dsvelopars $3; and Joseph Kasheta.Msin St., the Nathan Hale Community Cen­ .EAST HMITFOM and a $10,000 fine. DOjAARS "The sasootkesl, PREMIUM tans of bulk salt for winter road along the proposed line. The Rock­ price. , . had interests in oil. uranium. South • Windipr., breach of the ter Sept; 21 from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. The first count of Rie indict­ 1 chemicals. ' soap powders, hotels most quiet, softest riding osr in work. The salt was obtained for ville Water,, and Aqueduct Co. Capt. Walter S. Keller, Ret. USN, Taxea boosted: Motor vehicles-^ denjin'' ment named Guterma and Roach. 813 s ton in bulk form, compared peace, sentenced to 15 days In Jail. ■from l.I-per cent'to 1.5 per cent; and advertising. water line d ^ not now extend Is. blood procurement chairman. CAROL BRANOOM named its price slats," That’s the way NYLON CORD .to |33 a ton wljen purchased by as far as the dump on West kt.. - The case of Alex F, Sullivani, radio and television seta—from 2.2 .—v — 1 Gulerma's dame was linked with who pleaded innocent' to charges The quota- is 150 pints. Appoint­ X MOTOR TRR>D^tgatins the- hag'last year. ments may be made with Capt per cent to 3 per cent plus hew Tl'BBLESS TIRE.S Aldaman Trouton asked the of breach of the |teace and db levies on major parts; whisky, gin, ‘ 'VhA taVirt^^^^^^^^ the three j tedeATtam deseribes Cbevrolet’f^ esm - Turkuh Pupil* Incrpaae Struction- of private property, was Keller. All 8.-MIPF / LYNLEy-delLDE created a New York oorporationj.M Coimell to consider buying a anow Rotary Meets Tomorrow rum, other liquors and wine—up Kirk D«ssU« Is MACDONALO MARSHg smooth rids. It’s way mors'fna, Siz6 *Btack White! loader at $18000 as he feared the continued so he-.epn obtain legal 20 per cent;; utilities, except tele­ known as Radio News fraud. t or 3 RIK^ The Rotary Club.w***'** Speaerr Tracy/ Is Corp. which was to supply Mutual to sample than i« rood about praMnt one might not last through Ankara — During the 1858-58 eounael. phone fees—up 20 per cent; cor­ Birreil Is. in Brazil! which has no IMxH 18.9.1 22.9*1 academic year then were 8$04,: Johiiibn IkHTfuaed 6:46 p.m, tomorrow fof a dinner "IIBOKEN LA^CK" with Dominican propaganda "un­ NOTEtOOKS thoiigfa.'f^t out in a Chevy and .tha winter. Mayor Olaon aaid now meeting ffi the vestry of th* First poration franchise taxea—up 22 m -M T extradition treaty wAth the United ^00x14^_____ j20‘ 9.i___^^24.95 that the city has nine trucks It 877 boys and girls enrdlled In per cent for two years and another — VedaMdifr — der the guise of honaflde and gen- tea whit Full I'xnl springs do. Reglstrkl’ o f ‘ Voters Harold F: Congregational Caiurch. , . States. Brazil. howe\Vr..,has order­ l a iTgr s e l e c t io n •nON’T OIVE ITPyTHE SHIF’ "'can afford to hire a payloader If 31,464 primary schools ta Turkey, Jphnaon of Main St. was endorsed 33 per cant increase tor this year OhinMASeope illne news Itema." BEST BRAKES . . . STOP 8..x0xl 4______22.9.5 . 26.95 Richard Upton and 'Nelson J; Tpiili« !• Bampfr Oab Klta The "grand Jury ssid this ar­ ed Birreil to leave, a move that he ALL PRirr,s BEST ENBINE . . .YOU naeaasary this yesr. He ssid the an increase of 125,811 pupils and as the Democratic candidate for Bearce, president, will be in charge only; natural "gasr l -5 per cent is fighting. ^ ' BEST STYLE^,. .. «:fbV l5_____ lff.9,5__ ^22.9l>1 818000 could not be spent this year 681 schools over the 1857-58 fig­ new tax on the vatus,, of gas >LUS^-P*RATES AND A TREASURE ISLAND rangement was to have been car­ ON A DIME AND GIVE COULD SPEND JARSFUL tax collector at a meeting of the of the’ entertainment program, ” 'X. ried out under the agreement with Guterma has an estate In Green­ BEAUTY, TH^AT hut should be planned on for next ures. Turkey expacU to build 800 Democfatic Town Committee held Alvin.R. gpodwln waa recently bought by the first purchaser DEWEY-RICHMAN VOU MORE STOPS PER OF JACK AND NOT GET '7.1 Ox I S____^ 20 .95__ 24.95 ;yaar. new primary schools In as many the Dominican Republic on a con­ wich. Conn,.-and an apartment in Monday night at the Town Hall. Sleeted "secretary' of the' group. .(severance beneficiary), aimed New York City. He Ik married and 767 MAIN ST. DOLLAR They're higger. loo. DOESN’T DEMAND A V8 LIKE CHEVY’> 7.60X1.5____^22l95__ 26.95 [ The Plre Committee reported vlUsgea this year. A member of the DTC, he previ mainly at pipelines. fidential basis, Walter E. Tedford. county editor of OtiI#rms, 44,. first aUrseted haa three children. A BIG BANK ROLL Talking shout dur tiandsl'd as oualy aOrved as a Justice of the the_ Mto'chosler Eventag Herald, Wjlh ’em, ChevT out-slopped CoOxlS 24.95 28.95 peace. waa'admltted to Rotary last week. all competitori in iti. field in The expert* st POPIT..8R well ss„Corvefte V8’t, SPORTS . 8.20x15 SCIK.NCR magsxine Now retired, Johnson was for­ : Meeting Delayed CARS JI.U’STR.ATF.D ssyi. 7 KISITES riSfi 'k z k 'k ^ a N.\SCAR*-condiicted test of looked them all o«er and merly employed by John Hancock The First Congregational Qhurch "Indeed, this device "i*' surely ^ ALL THIS W U K Inaurance Co. Cairistlan Board of EducatlMi will a$T MUTFOrn repeated stops from highway said that '*. in its price A meeting of the local Dem­ m'eet at 8 p.m.'Sept. 11, instead of ENDR speeds. cists, Chevy establitnes t the BsosI wonderfully respon- MANSFIELD TONITE LU--. L- . : z ocratic Platform Committee will this Friday, at the home- of Mrs. . -*• mnu/MUffH if Mickey Kcaacy n h r Swt Cm A *. new high in daring -stTl. ttwt engine available tedsy at SPORTS CAR FREE PONY RIDES be held Friday at 7:30 p.m. at the ■Valentine Dynes, cmalrman, on ■■mo OFBBATION” n S . ing." Ljievy’i leadership Town- Hall. Mstabers of the com­ South St. . Jaha Ways* . William WalSea “ BF-AT OENEBATION” ( In tale* for ’.S9 says s lot AT T H E - mittee Include; R ^ 'ir U n g Town Teachers to Meet “ HOME SOLOIEM” Tech. for its looks loo! TIR t^ — WedaeaSay — . p t ; s Treasurer ' FVed I)bqcy; Town There -will be a special orienta­ “ ANATOMY OF A WEDNESDAY 2 P.M. ALL (UZEB 5.20x18 Clark Charles Enas 'and Town tion meeting Friday at 2 p m,^ at '•FACE o r A rromvE*'' t««-ii.. MURDER” Xtty„ Edwin A. Lassman. Coventa*y Grammar -School for new Tnaitc Ip Bamper Olab Mite DOORS O fEN1:1S THROrOH 5.tJlxl6 teachers of the local school system. STATE PARKADE ' OE8 Notea " Wed.. “ NOBTH BY NOBTHWEST^: ^ HLACK MMITF A Joint.-’ teachers' meeting la BESI AHEAD Of IHE RESI 2-8 PM, DAILY Evargteen Wood Chapter OES' scheduled 'for 10 a.m. Sept. 8 OF will observe Robert Morris night ta ^ Z L 12-4 P.M. SATURDAY preparation for the opening of \ . 17.88 21.88 Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the Ma­ school the following day. After the sonic Temple Tor the first meeting session the teachrts 'vrill meet In THF-.nlC ARFj,.>insK‘ HPORTfi of the season. Mr. and Mrs. John their respective buildings. SPECIALS, SrPEh BIPED I Felton will be in charge of refresh­ Church Unit td Meet, TREAD PATTT.RN. UFET1>IB ments. ■' m ovrw . The Second Congregational last bio OIAHT O l’A^A.NTF.E. The Chapter wilt sponsor a Church Religious Education Com- chicken barbecue September 26. -mlttee will ipeet at 7:30 p.m. SHOW OF THE SUMMER r n e r s The coaomittee In .rharge will be Thursday in the church basement. D H iiw -9a^kea&te FRONT Mrs. Marjorie Madsen, Mrs. Wil­ _ , 4-H Note# BoL-rOM NOTC7H BEST ROOM . . . NO liam'' Fbeter and Mrs. William The Jolly Garden Workers 4rH E M I Francis'. CRAMPED QUARTERS Club will meet at 7 p;m. Friday at ENDS TONIGHT BEST ECONOMY...SOpK Wheel Charter Unit Frogresa the hemne of Jamea T^-^JAldlaw, •rPHE b e a t GENERATION"—•'THE BIG OPERATOR" LITTLE M USIC SHOPPE Let's take the oftirial figures filed Tha. Ipcal charter committee, leader, on a program "F fepq^g .Alignment with ihe Automobile Maniifse- BESTTRADE.|Nr^. .YOU GET MORE DOLLARS AWAY.YOUR CHEVY-^V. 'whipiL ^vAs establishetl to stream­ Vegetables for Storing." ' ' m u o im ty j - NOW line South Windsor’s town govern­ New Voters Made >— STARTS TOMORROW turers Association. They, show BACK FOR YOUR CHEVY last year, for example. INGS As Hire pa 'lwn ('iievy Si seal won thslir class in thi't ONLY ment "Win prpbably hold a aeries A total -of 47 new votera were ; 2 RIO HITS ON ONE SHOW — Cheyrolrl’ii front seat hjp room "fSievroIrt used car prieea araraged np IO'|t^ highw of four public hearing's starting in made Saturday at the Sotdh Cov­ ■ WALT-DISNEY FOOCY^HIDREN UNDER 6 FREE ■jrr year's Mnhilgas Friinomy Run., InelnfiiM Toe Adittelmoni' November, according to Commis entry firehouse. Of this number 20 CHIMIREN 6 to 12 YEARS S5o—ADULTS 75e MUSOMOU-- up to 5.*) rhehrs wider than in than comparable models sf ethef maksa. Jutl'Sheek th'a si'pn Chairman John ‘Madden. Me 875 MAIN STREET ABOVE PUNN'S STQRE snmpartble ears. Count on real gelling the heat mileage' pf any Camber and Cnatto registered as Republican^, 15 as NADA* Guide Rook. . " Adjiiatmeat announced -today that It was de Democrats, and 12 Indicated no comfort. ' •^ummwl Ammurnim, fiillaiat earl * elded to postpone further meetings party preference.. d a r b y O’GILL WILL to avoid politics being used In‘ the The breakdown follows:; First BE SHOWN FIRST rwssawa CART2 2 £y "S’” non-partisan group, ' District 20 Repybileans,'ll Dem­ TONIGHT AT 8:80 ocrats.and 11 no party 'preference; Manchesler Eventag HeMjd Second District, four Democrats PLUS 8 STOOGES COMEDY goutli Windsor oerrsspeadentent EJ- and one no party preference. AT 8:18 P.M. 8 more O,. Burnham, telephone There will be. a similar session Mltebell 4-M14. Sept. 12 from 8 a.m, to 8"p.m. at X the North Coveptry firehouse. " AND FOR THE / The 2-hour session Oct-3 will be. '•rrv held In South- Coventry for only ADULTS! ! ! Wict Is in Oroup thoee whose rights msturs from. Sept. 12. / ' OiCh^ber Heads Laivton on Leave ■ '■ ’ ■■a -' Airman Third CIoos Russell W, John W irt,.(execuUva president Lawton is speeding a two week# of the ..-Camber of Commerce,' has .leave at tha home of his parents, Mr. tod Mrs. Edwin H. Lawton, on accepted 'an ta’^tatlnn to serve’ on Goose Lane. He is attending an •' ^ INCLUDING ALL INSTRUCTION METHODS FOR the membership eojiunlttee of the VOICt, ORGAN. PIANO AND iALL OTHER INSTRUMENTS' 1 . tOm SmC* aa /mgsis fpart 8s4an ...tm tti Mk mi*t if ’$». American. Chsmbcs.^of Commerce 1 V ■ ‘ • . 'i . ■ • X •v~. BxocUtiv|na (ACCE) , .. ALSO'SECULAR AND SACRED SQNGS ■ ■ ■ . .-m ^ , ' >. ■ Purpose'of ths committee'is to - ' ■ . ■ ■ * '.^f' *' ■ ‘ ■ V ■ tfijiid apd maintain the' men^er- E f I S T U J O O D R E l POPULAR SHEET MUSIC AND POPULAR BOOKS ^ee your local fiuthorized Chevrolet Dea'ler-^you might 8* well get the most! ship of’ ACCE to assure it ade­ a 11 ii.mi l*i - • - SERVICE quate manpower tod financial .re­ ALL COTl MCKMUME sources. ^ . Fraak Htaatra ■ MUSIC AVAH.ABilEl.'F^TINY LIHLE FINGERS'" . ■ A , few days -ago,, Wiet also KSw. O. Beblsus M i T A E K I E M -- . , . To t h e ADVANCED VIRTUOSO 91 CENTER ST. ^ e e d to serve ais a member of ■ ' . . . 1 ■ - ■ 4 Ibe National Inter-Chamber Fire "HOLE IN THE HEAD‘S SsIMiW lllWTDlSNEvil’ NKELMmCK Ml 3.2444 Safety* Contest’ Committee for Alee Seel MeCree OPEN FROM I P.M. tp 5 P.M. DAILY fiitj THURSDAY EVENINGS 1^8-60, This conrupittee ' Is com­ •OCN FIOBT AT DODOB OTV” Mailt t Uiit M wai lox posed of Chamber 'exscutlyeS” tod .r ’ >• S:U CARTER CHEVROLET COMPANY^ INC •tl PARK ‘8T., H A M P O m DariviMin '• i . bustass^en, and promotes > parti­ lU, f*— Jk iiimiiiiivibw * cipation tn.thq firo safpty contests JBUWlfiMphyc* 4 .'-'"V .GHogsl-6.6861 -. .-T-, • i2 2 f m i A m m MAMCHOm.^ pONM. M t9 -i2 3 i which tjis Chainbor has sponsored 'DmmmamsiaJ 04, MABIj(nir» DBPAB9MBNT SVORB ..I'l"— for 87 years. O p O R M F M - P j WRLDOM^ DRUef iTORB' Read Harald Advi. v U

’ 7,' ' ■ ■■ V'I" ■I ■A-: ' '• ‘ (> '' ■; € . : V \

K M A N C H E^R EyENlNO HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., TtTESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1969. ■ ■ ■■* - '■ ' 1 ' ' " ■ ' n > i S B F O ^ - -______' ■ - - - . ------...... ■I I* ... -.r ".■t ■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUf«SDAY. SEPTEMHER J. 195Q PAOB FTVE -yif ‘.' ______■ ■ -■■ ■ r — ^ — -I— ^ U . h on CurtBin 8ty l^ The D ay the W qr Started^^l Promoted 8th D istrict ^ ^ raNci UNef^-f^ts Yott Shbwd Know .r;. knobify Knees H IS S ENCLOSURES 5 ^ • «i J FOR lATW UlS *HI>OftR LOSSES H A IM . . iiwto Fag* Oaa) 'G iv e s 4he, W qrfl: AtHamiltoiii Scrtlpg Plans A rthur^ LeC ^rp hfunoBiUa' BoAot OBd I^OW ERS INSUinVimLAFFlir to 4* .Alaska (fl.40> to the him yoatordiy wltoi It toBM X Five promoUona, three of-them For A larm s ••tt « partOB eaa ItT* hlrniiaU to Showr^Moat of them were w d ln a ^ f affecting MaaeheMer area mOff, Meet Foiiee with ForiCe feat. off the ittoitM on4 a « t 'GlSAs does a beaut^ui job for .iufih, have bedn announced by Hamilton eMc cinwi, ta« lAtMM." LMpsl^ra,- to Judge by the' itoab I ThaX'm tlM •fftaton of Attjr. lethal bunks of metal - flytog puipe*** in your bathroom. Eaay to Standard, dtvlslnn of Unltad Atf-~ A "'miminderstanding of intof* 3 u d u r v . Si. o( M Aim Bast Buropahn look of tjialf own! wire acrosb tiny takto in the parka through tho air. ", / ,,, eraft. jnation” hat caiiaod tho Ith-Dto- (Cmthiaad fraai Paga A Bioca of the aluMMl e a » t eiaan. Never wear# out. But h« addi « nOU of can clothto. A good half^wdr* man. j to eupport camoullaga''making U OesuUd G. Rirharile, Andover Wrt to scrap, it* plans for aildInF •He ahouMn’t apratd They sat for ovgr "two hours in ! Hitler's brawn clad ' dapuUet. more difficult for enemy fHeni to Joo«& K, :H0notU. 1 8 ^ 0 * ^ Opeh • Daya A W eeto^ AJM, to • PAL- Lake Rd., Andovir.' haa been pr> side oc tha abdonawi. WolMfiri'o- moled to chief On^ecr; Stanley 10 or- 12 new alarm boxes to Its ‘ttoiL, That only hurta hi* aflttttto-f Leipsig's main poncert halt to see summoned from Uiatr bods In th* orient themaelvea i»aa'”- d v ar-^ nuipVers from Hast and In a schoolyard, - vetartnartans Hce XMOhQooititd RsMliffs da- Beat, 58 Coburn Rd., to thq .pMt fire alarm syatem, but It will at Without ormdlns hiiaa^r M>,. Waal <3e^tony, Poland, Ho'lland, | wee hours of tho night, packed the vrara toamlrflr^ hundreds of horaas seriboil thX w um It mads as "big Of chief of technical atsiff vacated toast be able Jto extend' box alarmc thill, the aofupekaii; peraonh^''ia- ' France #(id the Soviet Union. Most hall. Thera was ati empty ssa t in before, they Wert sent to yie front. enough ta put a ftaB hi." by RiahardB; and C. Dean# Mc- to the four cchbola to Its area. taaiwy and chairman of the ■oaM caip^dntm E ast Clarmany. the di)pk»nau gallery' where the "We'^e a mdtdrited army." said Th# w u I" 3 1 1 ^ St.^lieiM Ml f-7322 CariHy. 341 HoUtater St.; to chief Diotriet Director Philip Bur­ «r Tax.Review has h u ilt^ n«! A Jaaa quartet played wMlem Polish ambassador usually sat. a jkillcemsh, "but Wc ntod the fair condltlim ab Watoitoiry Hos­ tovel^ment engineer. gess last' night aald overhrod atandln* record of eervloo^ Hiilto as the msmnequine paraded Then sharply at 10 a.m.', Hitler horsa* becaitoo..the Pols# doh-'t pital aftkr an amer|ency opora- '' Promoted to aaaistant engineer­ 'Wires for leaae.. by the SouUurn Chester life. down a raised platfarm. strode In with his entourage have the roads we'Ve got. There's don. , . ing manager is Thomaa B. Mlnea New England Itoiephone Co. aro Much of it has to«n to hi*H I * rcd a - nothing huf.'sand sAd mud over McbtefU was standing about 30 of Gtaatonoury and Louis A. Urban ecitv to a volexaa member w the y»abh skirt Was aimnat exactl.v.j crowding behind him. As he passed "'Uiot heavy enOtigh to carry the es- the aama length, about an Inch sjid ' down the aisle, ths deputies robe thero.^ feet from tha touncMng point In of Granby has been named aanior tsndod alarm ayttom. 'Company 400IDENTS HURT TWIDE uMIcan M.-He'a leader f the OOP Tom Committee's watched from a little farther-away week, head a list of major changea Donald O. Richards ilanley Beat coutd be leased for tho purpoM • 1 1 4 nackllnea were prim. Anything' It was a fAmUtar sightt-wlth stores, They cMtched newly issued ^ ___ _ but company engineer* recently Thff pein end diaeomfort of en eccident is bid execuiUva imJt . . ^ . . . • food ration cards. Berliners also .Z*'’* unhurt, One w as his broUle|^^ to the engineer department an: Mee OiMM«vto TTto that dropped half way down the one small axoaptlon demonstrating . T/Wn 151 tonrf thto nlHtoto waa • nnunced today... aaid new wires would have to be afaouldar blades was described as the lengths and daUil to which crowded toto other shops hoping tot••'d the other was. a North American, iS-70 enough, but the bHto esn hurt too! An Mci* With hl» party; f m ^ o a t in.mind, rig cm I m o iik ie y Richards attended the public strung. and without cwhment on the prto- "deep decollete Hitler had gone in planning the buy up stUi unrattoned artlctos -T nalgkbor, .Lm Us Bheldon. Jg, sinee December of laitJ^r. ,, •The new estim ate o f ' four ad­ «it Den\ocratlc ipvernment » Moat modals looked easy to wear:*fw4i'. For the f irs t time, he and his anj^lng at all—against the toicar- Ranslow. aaid the devica was achools of Lincoln, HI., Lincolh Rhlnes, a native otowatertofm', dent policy won’t relieve the.pain, bnt it will pnijr, made from a length of metal tub­ Junior College and.was graduated ditional. boxes. to the system la Mapches^, he eaya the COP OolPra were'mostly autumnal. adJutanU appoared in wall-tsillqr- toln future, N. Y., ia a g r a d i ^ of Phlfllpf still ahead of the original, oiatrlct iii:: There ware only two French ex- ed outfits meda of the field gray ■ Policeman knocked en'doors with ing. using a mixture of potaaaium from 'IhO University of Illinois Academy, and ofi- Massachvjetts the bills. an excellerrt chance of winnlnit to nitrate, ainc, and sulfur for fuel. tMwiwrfb t’a with a degree in mechanical engl- expectation of only two n5«t hox- IWth^locally." . . hlbltora '' Aatran of Neuilly, who cloth the Naxl army wore instead j cell-up orders. Nasi wardheelari InsUtute of 'Bkhnology^' He ea. ■ . \ , apeClalised In coat*, a.nd Valerie of the brown party uniform. IP**^®** through apartment houses The boy haa mads rockets in the nearing In 1939. He obtained his joined United /ireraft'a research UCIalre Wmahlf was a casualty iMiiM up a wide experience tai in- master’s degree from- the Univer­ Now that t amount of the to three hWl* for office itnce IBiS. syranoe work. Lanrent, who brought only 10 num­ "I have never desired anything (Jq^tog inatrocti^s^ SM orders — past and launched 13 of them aue- dirim ent In MS? as an aertnaTi^ ThlH. imporUnt ooverege -Is gvsile);dr in tho- bers. They were not especially ae- more than to serve the suiie as a ' •‘eep, batlitMhs flUad with water, cessfuUy, Ranslow said. sity of Connecticut. in 1948. He extension has U derided Oiu tha 3 f ■ a cnee the Staft lAftolMtire mfA Bentmi to iBU new UtHhenT jotoed Hamilton Standard in 1989 Ucto engineer and transferred to district will adi ,l4e tor bidaiUila « Hartford ticket, once for the M.an- In IBU. LaOairc, #41' # relative tonishing but they drew a lot of soldier," Hitler declared in « ;pl*ce a pail of send and of water HaVnilton S ta n ^ d -a # an autotknt MBW NON-CANCELLABLE^-A^tn* Accident ' dieeter Btord of Wreefors. anM aplktiee, pert oMt for a mannequin strong voice. "1. am putting oh the on each stairc|ule landing to fight as a test engineer, and has served engineer In 1969. He week for the se[ ratH Jobs i of nea-cooiar to MSnehaator. ran un- successively m analytical engi­ atringlng addltioni^I be sn d iin - policy. AND, it’g low coat: ibo. Cifill us now for . once foe the local Board of Educt* sucoaasfully in. the Republican adth atriklng purplish hair. uniform end 1 shall take It off only fire in the'event of an air raid. ■ucceasiviriy « chief'**prodncuoh Riding ho(ne that, night in a bua, i Sm your convnhnt Connecticut Battk. neer, aenlor analytical engineer, iX« ■Mon. . ' primary for nomlnatlofi to the The most daring .numbers came In victory or death.” asatotant project engineer, proj­ engineer, developmeot,_.a[L*. "Would he trv acain In 1N07 from Moda Polaka. of Warsaw. The Relehetag rose to its feet. I apoke English to an .acquaint-' glneer, stoiatant chief, engineef etched full detsUs. Board eg Directors.. Tha^ was the and Trust Company o0ieo M wt . ect engineer, chief mechanical trtet meet­ !i!!i *T haven’t ewn conaldered It," year three ' esndidatet without Several had the full skirt, nsrrow A roar of "ateg hell", (hall vic­ ance. ■ SURGICAL and aa chief engineer. He is a i it the hem, much shown in the .'•’In Germany, We apeak Ger-; metallurgist, chief of vibration ing oit up to dteefusk j^ifnchlng of ^ hte reply. OOP Town Committee favor en­ tory) echoed through the bail. and mechanical metallurgy and aa member of tlw -Soctety cd ..Auto­ 'At any rate. LeClalre haape a tered the primary and knocked oOt west a ^Itear or so ago. Hitler finished hli war tirade man," snapped a man aernea the Improvementa like a bright, riew modern kllxhen add motive Engineers^-and the Insti­ Varioito capital', projects', designed hlrt interest tn.tom ifovemme M o s c o w 's ' House of Models ■aisle. "W e h(ive enough spies al­ -value to: your home. More then this, they mean chief of technical services. r bX dtiVctors before the annual three of the six endorsed esndi- without a formal declaraflon of EQUIPMENT Richards la a member of the tute of the Aeronautical Sciences. snd aspecislly to the subjack or showed 30 Itefns, some eiirprieingly war. A cot1eagiie_ and I walkied ready. If you -don't speak German I pletoanter everyday living for, your family. CIvie Minded d(itoUng June 24, . consolidattoir »the Eighth.OMJftlea graceful and' elegant to western I'll cnil the police." - ; American Society for Testing Ms- y Jjinqther hid to be; advi'i^ied John H. LaBpen, Inc. so to Ton don’t have to waif. Get ycur plans and eatf- IMstrlct %llh the to m , _tto tan achera Assn. Urban has been, wfth^GJamllton Cilirord Vfimey (1,»24) and Al­ called ‘‘Anthrarite,”. would not Ing It off. Dorens of other care Many Interoato- 'Standard since 1954.V He recelv- hak drawn up apeeifiqktJma for which he chairs. In any revalua- have been out of place at a good The caption read; "The enimy WHEEL CHAIRS monthly payments over a period of tima. Of coarse, C. 1 iMcOaHky the^ new pumpef which, hd aaid,-, Open Thursday Evenings Until 9:06 'ttoii y«tr tuch'M wW, h# -RRy*. bert J. "Podd 1 1,4*41, leaving also parked .along the shsuly Tier­ Is liatenlng." ^ Best, a native of Chicago, joined {ed hla bachelor of setotme degree Harrj’ Firato. Jacob F. MUler, and Paris show. At least one Russian _ _ V COMMODES life insurance is included free. Hamilton standard in 1940 after, fc. Industrial efegiprorlngvfrom Co­ he hopes to keep .within Ui*. Ildr* i f - ’ snd Ssturdsyfl Until Noon nine peraona rath er. than... .three sports ensemble was up . to west­ garten streets already bore army Wa l k e r s LaBeUe^^^ A itotn^ should he named to Serve on it. Harold A.Tiifkinglon U ike Ideittifications. Tomorrow! .The Jtosls grab Den- graduating from Purdue * Univer­ lumbia Unlvenmy in 1950' and a of the offUto, explaining servii atloOated for the purcliaie. ii!!!l . ern standards. TRAOtlON APPARATUS performed hr the agenc) v.Tlie $16,000 wa# approved, by An IndsRcndent Agent Serves You B e s t atee l;M t.Appeals ^ elate with the ••insurgpn.taT. All "These are cars* requisitions fqr *'g. ’ . CRUTCHES sity with a degree, in mechanloal maatt^'s degree yrom that school V 'iohn i). LaBehe o\, ManI er today Mcame Hartford County's ’■fit' were later elecfed. ' One feature that would not have engineering. He began in the-.vl-. T h e b a c k ^ rd "Big 'fqpV khoi vdtera June 34. Also approved at ^ Leaaire recalls that over l.OOO been seen at a western fashion the general staff," the soldieo- ex-' ULTRA VIQLET LAMPS in 19J4':';i. Prior to his promotion W20UV skald's attorney sini tonw dayi,' \Me was sworn In by iill . HIgheet vole recorded in '|hat plained. bration department and successive he hne\ lj«iv.projecrr«ngineerr en­ openrt'with X parade of 'the com* thkt tithe was 94;0Q0 tor extension '\Ae*ociateate JusticeJusUdp willian |Hea,\arso df' J^nchesier.'ln a brtiff- ii!!!''::;::;;: property-owners appeal^ to the show; Several items, mostly from INFRA RED LAMPS promotions led. to his becoming of the fire alarm system jto i t toiist hoard In IBM after they lafnied df. OOP primary was 2,081. t "But there m ust be borne mis­ gine \welopraent. keremony in thA county bulldihg, Friends, relatives and public LeClalre and McKeon beckme East Germany, .described in the BED TABLES chief of analysis, the position he . r,' ------‘ . two schools in the diejtridt. \ \ iiiiiiKiii'lliHiiiifiiiii the new taxahie valuations given program as for "mature'' apd take," we protested. "We’re for-' NEBULIZERS Icials, \includlrtj Chief Juatldp'. Raymond B' Baldwin o f' ths toeociated for the pracUoe of tgw held until appointed chief of the \ Burgees teat night eaUhiited idr urt,'- atlendedXlhsNcenBmony. (Herald Photo their property. LeClalre’t S-year “atronger” womeh. By western sign newspepOrmen and havm^f VAPORIZERS dition of four boxes at . $8,000 ahemo- .Uon to o M ^ in a S-way primary good 150 to 180 pounds. 8)iperior, accepted our explanation trained horse, Cathy and Patty contest for two seats on the Board' 38 Offirro Serving 18 (iohitecticut CommimlUea Standard as a test engineer after Badger, ef>own by Pamela Siegal; 'Slbitlty the boxes can be Installed crata In power. and off we drove. We had unwit- 844 MAIN. 9TREET receiving his B.S. degree to electri­ y Fire Alarm'Suparintendent Ar- But generally, he believee the of Education. LeClaire, eliminated, U n ^ parked in a Section of the LIFE 8p.3 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER' ^"^lKe\ Uie 'mtijlgets in the old a trained tiger act, with Ronnie cal engineering from Pennsylvania l)iir \Worgan and Aeeiatant Super' town is “moving in the right dl- had 1,317 yotSa; Robert Barnes, street set aslda for an army oar NORTH BRANCH—15 N. MAIN ST, ' RlnjrMnC circus car ant, nine Msn- Bayer and Caihy Badger wearing S 1JM9; and .Frank ’BhsJdon, .1,910 in Zioti Ladies^ Aid State University In 1940. He was cheatekmrla spilled out of one car the. stripes, shown by Eddie Fire- intendent Granville Ungard at i ptoUaH^ in the efforts P«*i’ awarded a master's degt-ro ip me­ coat cheaper than that of poaaibla Its “Devrtoptoeiit conimisamn a primary whose iMgHeab'vata Vaa Work alreatW had' etoppect on chanical engineering at 'the 'llni- yeaterifBjl^irt' front of the Children's etone; acrobatic dancing by Linda 3,084. In the following election. Services, Uf Connecticut office at Bayer, Sandra Smith and Cathy dutalde bidders. jt*d Chamber «»r Commerce to at­ Resumes Sept. 9 the great rebuilding schemes veralty of Connecticut in 1943. Mc­ Bids will be available a t the FEDDERS tract new huMnass and industrial Barnes was defeated < and Sheldon planned by Hitler on an hertilc Carthy ha* aerved the division as 57Y-Main SlSy McPartland, assistedby Elaine gained a aeat tbafika loathe town'a The yeungsters delivered to Cole; jimgle gym tricks in unison North End fire house, directors FABULOUS TEENAGE JJe- The Ladies' AJd of Zion Evan­ scale to convert Berlip into a ca­ assistant project' engineer, project said. »■^.LieClalre himself Is a member minority repraaSntation provision gelical LutheranXchurch will re- pital he eonsldered worthy of his m B u m iw m o M u m u m engineer, senior project engineer Miss ^arjfaret Parker, director,, by P atty Badger snd Joyce Cole: the eSuunber of Commerce, h^v- for the achopl board. That year, #ume its. meetUtg^oUowing the dreime for a thousand years mrnmu r'74t§ and, moat' recently, development $4.5fi fleeted at a benefit back­ baton twirling duet by Barbara aarvad onia committee which LeClaire ud'«ll other faithful Ra- yard •'clriwa they had staged ,1n Rayburn and Blaine Cole. Barbara MR CONDITIONERS FASHION SHOW AT August recess cm ths Wednesday. Relih. ■ ^ engineer. He has been systems itWlaed its bylaws. publlcans will recall, aatv the land', manager in charge of Hamilton their own'wghborhood. The diflB* Rayburn also showed tricks by her Area Men'Named 'After Labor Day. Sept. 9, Instead On all sides, the shift to a war tor thanked the girls for their/-cnn- pet poodle and Beth Ferris and AH QUIET AH A MOUSE . . . g'jThe attorney, whoae law offlea slide i^hich brought victory to the ^ the first Wednesdiv of the basis was going ahead almost Standard's development of an en­ WEARING SPONGE RUBBER SHOES Ig with that of his partner. John Democrats for the first time In! gine Inlet control system for the tributions and took them on.# tour Sandra Smith wore tlje clowns' month which is the ua(ia1 meet­ automatically. The German war baggy pants. To State Boards McKeon. at 653 Main St., also town hlstdry. '' • 1ing tline. machine had gone into high gear Mlonga to the Manchester Lodge .Play*'a . I Plana for the njxt quai\er will with hartUy a shudder. The young performers all live S « ^ $«rvte«d ofid InstcHM Masons and is moderator of the .^When heag« The nine-member council la em­ hers that any Clothing and shoes' to commemorate the 1870 Qer- GOING OUT OnOW N? powered to adopt recommenda­ » Hia ettde aarvim^.aiaA..lni i*tor. H I M M County Bar. Con to be sent abroad for the riellef of vlclory over the French.' It 'O ttaw a — Only 35 per cent of tions of mini mum standards for REFRIGERATION CO. JtiemberMp on fne axe '1tofcticut''fifaW Bar, pnd Amerlogn The needy should Be. brought to i Berlin landmark but dressed isouncil of. the Maneheatir Qonn- Bur A im the university students in Can­ apprenticeship, encourage training MANCHESTER Mi 4-1111 of'PTAa and the Nathan Hale the rear porch of *lon parish In Kqck th'e_glint ho longer would ada' receive aseiatance in the programs and Isaue certificates to H is svife Is 'Uu^fbrraer Msy J. house. Women of thq congregation attrac^enemy •'planes like a be|- t A. Ho It l^past vlce-Mtoid^nt Smyth of West llartford. 'nielr form of scholarships, bursaries, those who satisfactorily complete the Lions tSuB: a forme^ Ipart- 'toho are- not yet m em b^e and coo...... or loans from GoVertiihent or oth­ terms of apprenticeship. COMMERCIAL dauihter Norms. 33, is t business ';^her gue#(a are invited to kttanil. AND dlBie Instructor of law a t the Uni- teacher at Manchester High More wwkmen were string^Jv er sources. This compares ' with The governor also reappointed AIB CONDITIONING ^dnlty of Connecticut extension School. Jean. 30, ia a UfegustiM ------80 per sent in Great Britain and Phlljp I.' Holw.ay' of Coventry to Mi’ Hartford; chaiiman of the Man- a t Ciphe Hollow swimming pobl more than 50 per cent in Aus­ the board df trustees of the Nor­ MANCHESTER SHORRINS PARKADE S toster poho drive In'lBXZ. aiid a and will eiiiter her jUifler year at tralia. wich State Hoapital. Jnember'of the Cancer Society un- the University of Connecticut this ______„ ______^.thls year. fall, studying physical therapy. card to lua wallet says alao Arthur III will be. entering the <1. . , v ..'.- < ^t he'a a mtunher of the gal- eighth grade at Barnard Jr. High' DUBAU 3 0 k n blood doner's club. this Thursday night In our center window | Bom tn Ofafton, Mass,; LeCIklre Window Shades Sim a acholarahlp and waited on MUSIC cE irm t trom 6 to 7 e'eleek. Informol modoltnq inside tohlea (O'earn an AtB. Megrae cum 186 W. MIDDLE TURNPIKE—MIOfr62(W M cmI* t e O r d « r Sfepde from Amherst - Collage In BROWBYNMHT the store from 7 till 9. jW7. Be was president of Delta Through Eveatog Study REGISTRATION ALL THIS . A1.SO lntlt:’DeIta National Prateraity, toftito in extra-curricular affairs. ELEGTRONIU 1:00 fo 6:00 f.M. VENE^I^N rlinds .played basketball, soccer, and Offers Opportoalty LESSONS ON ACCORMON. PIANO, Bring . ynor Old, rotters to sfid Mseball. In 1949. he aerved as-one ^ra Opportoalty Cnmnlited save lOa per ahada. , / for Ev«ryea«.' GUITAR. ORGAN, CLARINET. JDRUMS \ \ the ’ captains of ' a Hartford - • For furtker hriermatlna • Professional AAodels ttom raising the Amherri' Second | rnntact C^tury Fund. . >■1 ' ^>After graduation, he worked for THE WARD SCHOOL • Adwable Styles B h National Fire Qroupu until " OP'EfcECTRONICS ■ Sib4. when he became a claims MANCHESTER SHOPPING PARKADE lister with the Hartford Aeci- 44 NUea St„ Hartford I^ANCHESTER SHOPPING PARKADE K t and Indemnity Company. Tel. JA 2-8084 2^ Admitted te Bar eSaseea begta week of Sept. 31' OPEN MONDAY Thrii SATURDAY It ie 10 « ^ 1940, he gntddated cum laude Former Chenev ^ m the University of ConnecU- .. Milla D O N T MISS m Wt school of law and was imme- Hartford Road . n tely admitted to the State Ban MS then became claims superin­ N G l t l and Pine St. mi tendent, foe .OwM i^ut with the M anchester, Cpnn.: Xadmnfb'' toinirimce Cotilpany of •Cli North America and later, attorney ^ Plenl.y Of . . •ad claims supervisor for the Hart- i Free ParkinM^ - ford claims division of the Cen Parcel Pickup wry Indemnity^. _ spanky ■ While In H a^ord, LeClaire.iwaa - tSilly eoto. V Service To Bident of the Toimg RepphU* vB tito Ifffsa Vpur Car E. A. JOHNSOH % s ^ A a d t o 1 Club and one of Ita oigaalaara. Ifo a fw h s a l I was also president of the Bart- ★ ONE DAY SPECIALS -A pants Bord Adjustera’ Assn, and while at PUNT CO. w UConB law school, president of ■ MR MAi4?-(’S'r^’-' the student council, FOR W EDNESDAY ONLY from 13 to 20 j-Hie first unsuccasaftil bid for S 7 2 .0 0 PHONE Ml '6*4 ^ 1 6 9 c to S5c n ^ v a office came in 1948 In gtotford-^a strongly CtonocraUc NEW LOW PRICE WF"- Ip tho following year, ha IMtosMf iNf toto C*e«M| Made in dimple knit With rein­ Wne to Maj^ester to Join. the fiu ovsr avsM e esilat FUVOR QUEEN forced crotch, all elastic leg Big Newsl—you can have Iniw firm of L«asner, Rottner. Karp bawL •tardily coa- "and waist. Soft picot ruffles for AiGroobert at 821 Main St., and. In etracesd. latoy deaaed. LOAF. TALK THINGS OVER BY ' an extra touch'. Quick, washing, - ■,:I W tober 1958. -set iip his own prac- no ironing. Choice of plain or ^ a t 983 Main St. ' - $ I 1 .M printed. . , ■ your very own fr- main intertot m law, he , Use in the Inveottgatlon. f* LONG DIStANOE TONIGHT! adjustment and settlement of all waioN Mui'ao. ^ accldenu and wwtanan’a . iatostlsiii Dsoler !... ■ ■Bmiieiisatlon riabna, for which he Ml MAIN ST—Ml StoaSl U.KD.A. TOP CHOICE Charge Account, BAR-B-qUE TKere’a no friendlier, fastef way to mfike plans for a visit than Ijy long distance. _A phone call & shows your thoughtfulnesa .... gets things'settled GWIGK for sure with folks out of town, tnexpensive, 'too; at" BEFORE TOO BUT, SEE BILL TUN DiKV FOB STEAKS 49! just look at the rates. Storm Wtnd^DWA and'f-' AwnUios r i-i COLONIAL MASTER COOKED Boys-' Garter THUVLT SLICED ' S it hc«t> Utile it eotte te . SALE! famous i^Playtex" Underwear ¥f BOILED Soft combed cotton un­ h m MMIIIIMIH to J j n ^ *tL i5** derwear tailored to fit •iW the' needs of active 3 X N M OAMPBiGLl-'S PORK and BRNSTtR.,' OONN. | .gO ^ .10 Gotton-i boys., V MILWAUXEC, WM.” 1,80 f .85 , NgW TOJIK, N. Y. r .46 .16 boys' 'T.-$hirf 89c f 1 8 nz.. WaiMIltKSTON, 3. C. - .76 ; .20 sizes 3 to 12 Awatoga ter windows, CA.NS WHikRn porcbes, doors and patio*. IRBMBPORT, |9H N . .40 — ' .lO :z>r $3.99 ; boys' T-shirt |.00 7 eolbrs; roll up^for ea*y sizes’ 14 to 20l tbrage. . ■ 1 -^ ' ' . I/' ■ ' ■ \ - : AND STORM DOORS 1 TkM* rates are far itatie*4e-atotie*aells. after j.>' rttgy!«Hy.|2.50 *ach • W i. a » 4 a 4sr Biiii4w. T W 4 o todad* boys' brifif.^BSc ■ OAIX n Dw f o r o u r CAM- NOW H>R OUR M LOOK WHAT Sue WILL BUY sizes 2 to 12 MANCWEST^R SHOPPING PARKADE EXTRA BPECIAL the M YE Is4s»al wwfae tox. For rates te ^ e r ExperOy' constructed.,#! points, oif strain , . . the full EXTRA SPECIAL LOW- c a LH'o r n ia h e e Ri .e s ,w •' ' ' . • -----aae Ihs torot MMS’sf rm r direetorr- elastic diaphragm band gives yoti breathe-euy comfort. LOW BUMMEB PBlCESt 8U9IMER p r i c e s : boys' brief“95c' GRAPBFRUIT . bo. . Stay# fresh and crisp, still, fit# like new . . ; even after . stoes 14 to 30 - \ p m ISTIMATES • E.R TERMSI" 'countlesa washings. Stoet 32-A to 40-C. B NATIvi GREEN PEFFQRI , . 7 ,. ,. N, SEE JCM ORROW ^ NIGHT? pf>EN.EVERmiGHT THIS WEEK TILL 9! OPEN EVERY NIGHT THIS WEEK TILL 91 lILL TUNSKY....MI H-NK SWEET POTATOES Lb. , (except Sejfu^ayJ (except Seturday) . PAPER .FOR. FULL DETAIiS

., ;.i!' ^ R___^ _


■radomlnmnt differttwe that ex­ undmTSLleulate dlthar our foeee or tnduung the MU. oppofired M of day M weeth to B ie ______th a opportunity tlnta provided •ei^. Mi isted between the diepoeat of bur fUm rl^ritrr our will. favor of Um MU. WhetlMr tUs «as Hoyo Full Campaign Connecticut eanfiy bashfulnooo, or over sfglit, not elweys need, end aameUnMlfi it _ dnlMOMi MMWMlf.’ *^Vhet piping Lydall Brook effluent and thoee af Other mills in Indian Cabinet Crisis Loca I School Pioneer Ctmtittg ifrr^ Ws do not batiava the Rusetaaa a oacond hoarlng date waa tlM« aot la nhueed But one noM ha.va Itttls a fMftX Mwfi hoan. Oeaap|alhla|r to CrmneetJcut. That was the sis* of are engaged la *ny mad drive to­ At thla aeoonfi boarlag, doubt. If, as is now balng dlseuesed, Um this rain wee «MMng Orait EaitirR ConitristifiR the body ef water bite which the Against Haiti ward war. In any case,_hoerevar, laglalatora tsvolvod attU tbe.liefMiAtbre wars gtven afime my M|f hMM. V tho rein had net effluent was expelled. Ota Yankee ffraafc Peltaften Beee they have^ver for an (nStant had thair own moaauro. But tbo haad of dlaeretten aa to ' whet mettera g U M m O m M fM ta r f # r Cure Swirls Around Menon Elisa heih BennetDies B f a . h . o . Uio particular ontorpriao for whMi should fseeivt committee keerinfi*, in tho rahhan gun, I wouM have It .was afiaarent that despite In Cuba Paper any reaaon to repeat Hitler's do- tho MU had boon introducod did ap- whet the strategy of ths sponsor of Wiled, and never reeched I ipM i m E our pregreaMve reduction in sus­ Dlraciom Not Mcothif (Oeatte—i ftoos Pag* Oae) Mte* Misoheth M. Bennet. 78, lurion—that nobody had atthar poar and prossnt a tuavo doserip- the meAsure we 'have ineiitledad end fiunBy.’* Ptpliif. t^pitell Atwk from th«>the Colmiial Board Company In pended eoHds and BOD out ef our tram Fog* Obm) R aU jr early tat the 1M19 session, /dAfi'w FodMs Paper Co. inW the retired sclioot principal, died early feres or will to oppooe madnsas. To Uon of tho bill as a mors or leot would have been.' Why have k ielMi K Neobert N X 1913. The first naCHed 'is one of clariftera, the effeeUVe suspended, N* maatlnga of tha Board qf resignations wee published by th* ths contrary, we suapect they havt ws bscams intsrsetsd In an unob- routine and perfunctory thing hearing on a routine alx-flguA ith XMstriet sanitary hewer the leading producers of epecialty solids and BOD*in ths brook it­ fraqiiently hie friendship with the this morning In MencHeeter Me­ r - trtMivs HtUo mssaurr which shall ^ ta m rvts Seen today mMhe only bexkoard hi the Eoet and Hat* as Oiracten ar* schodUIad for to­ Britieh-oOmed 8tateen(aiir~<^Cal- 1- bad tlialr own moments, when they wMcb should also rseaivs that grab? T self waa actually rising as the night or next Tuesday night. Haltibo govemmeilt and hi* sup* morial Hoepitel after a long Ill­ rsmais nnidenlifted. Also uniden­ kind of eommlttos m ro v al and itaaBbMrg, Ttriigro linked T hope ef ever elimlnathv Die odof it* cuatonMhs tome of the leading dilution waa lowered. These fig­ eutta and Nosr'^lelhl. IS JiS w lUU MXtT wdre the ones who were afraid of f , Th* next meeting will b* on pert for It* tyrannical regime." ness. tified. Shalt remain the young nM* leglslaUvs passagu. 'niore waa a E ,rhteh pUguea North Endera at inpuatrlea in Connecticut such a* ures will iHiistrate the point: 'in Sept. 15 at the usual Um* and i t s a ^ tfie army ehtef of etaff, what somebody else might do. Ilttls committee questioning, po­ Hamburg, 'Oetmaay—Hamburg 1 hot dry tlmiwof'the year. Intentatfonal SUver,’^ the Stanley 1938, the first year that the Man­ Revoliiclon accused Haitian dlp- Th* veteran educator oame 49-' kTKi)S*PIUM phjrte legislators Who were con­ ROCK SHRKES pIane>-8 p.m. In th* hearing tX yO ih . K. 8. Thlmayysi had de­ Manchester in 1908 a* a tea^s^ to Finally, no now live In an' era In lite and delicate, sinee everybody A Tbouiiiit for To^Bf and Tskyn are new HnM .'WltB R rrtshdsestntnrssMsslsrefihntgtveo Jn n IcngUly report to General 'Works, Chaae Brass, Fofnlr Bear­ chester Water Company metered lomajla IMng abroad of acting ss Tb« nected with Its Introduction. Our twlee-n-weeff air sarvlea ever the R room of the Municipal Building. cided to resign after repeated dlf train other teacher*, bvtHt was ^ Um ««• a( *« , which nobody, contemplating war, connectod with tho MU waa cor- . BMMimoh.** RMpntafStrtatatsxtwshnsnll Hanager^chord Martin, the, L y ing and Arrow, Hart and Hege- water, the average dally een- apis* for Trnjlllo. Among th* ac­ •fl„ ■•K«»<>» aimwciwf 0^1 wistful theory conceminc thorn Is tatnly on tho right Mdo of tho po^ Narth Pole, a dieUaeo af 8,480 ferenees with Msnoil and that -her ' devoted work . wifth sebsel ■ot utkan'tK„ craditatf to Utfitut wwtr ran leglUmately vleualtie even sur­ I ' ehans of nntnml shahsa. Naw' Hall ^ ro u ld a and.Colpnlal Board ihan—to name a few.' Some con­ kumptlon of the Eighth Behool cused were Heltl'a amhassaddf to £ 4 5 5 a(ra« MM that they wets lnno6nt. If they lltical fonce, but the <|ueotlaning mUee. is ths lln| dirset Mr I pnjnfM out their importance to sumer products, that you may be and Utilities District was '860,OOU and Foulda Paper Compsuty and children which also, endeared her klwTtM »d« «» » iWI*h«« vival. let alone \*lotory. Mankind Navy and Air Force commanders Cuba, Arnsud Merceron. who re­ to tliousand* of Mencheater reaU j!n Hftiti it 'r*pubi>B«^ of allow worta't InuMont, they havo at least was also a little wise, too, aa If tho ssrvtee betwssn Wset Oermany Jifie community, aummed up th« familiar with, marketed In JSoxes gallons per day. In 1958 this had the Colonial Board cqmpany. likely would do" Ilkewla*.

PACji-KlGHT UANCHESTER'EVENING HERALD,"MANCHRWKR, COKN-TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER '1, 19W MANGHl^riai EVENING H B R A ^ MANCtf^TER. C O tfR], TU^DAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 19M PA G E n i n e DAILY CROSSWORD PU/J6LB BUGS BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE w ith 'MAJOK HOOPLI)^ Boltoji * j Nonrici VOU’VE n CAN' IVIN MM Tratfic muths PoHoShoto ALL THIS WtBK INtTAtuCPJIA^AMri. w m ;5VLVR^ Antwtr to PrrriouB VOUK CSTAVUMMINtj lAT SIMCCYR THcnr lAicirhKy Church Uodtr E^iidson Awarded Contra W Seen 450 Mandatory ACaOM UC«avatihtlter BiiUd Firehouse A^ddilion N€p^^;^eekenjd In Elm City COVERED WAGON 1 Church IcMter. ®* / A T THE Po m ----- oftMUr joSit M Funetlooi O. Vi EflAhdiOn o( HEbrnn Rd.aahnw, N*hcy Thnrp tnd BhArm New' Haven, SepL^T - The Win A'YArdM the ermtmrt to Wsrrem New Haven BosrrI of Education IHc^i---- . ’ DOWN tiAM ir AfM Itllt ih*v4 . th r cicetad Pop* IJoke Mlaa Lacey's lilaaa niimbors 34 has approvMy mandaievy polio eonatiwt the prAfifliAd eddiUnn to to ta l t t f t flia 3 ^ 'ptriod in IMS. in IBM S C itr In New pupils and each of the others,- 25. Shota for'aH^aMMil children, . PARKADK a He tuecMdfld York ttate the Bedtnn flrehmiee. Krinndbnn Two claaslMi of M pudlie each have ThB. OMhfictl^ rauo wu 2A DAILY 2-1 PA4. PofM------X II SD eter ■Uhndtted a hid nf ri7,4lD, > The been planned for (JrAde 7. daatha for aach loo.ooo.oob miiaa The bberd’a action yeaterday 13 Charice LafilB 4 BurnicM town hM nppmprlated U7,.500 for Aeeiimed to Room IB with Mar-> travolad, according to atatistiei came miring a day In which four It Entf Uh ' wood aprite 30 He w a s------II Faneto* vin Shlfrin p t' teacher eref Rob­ pubUatia^ .y«atorday by the Na­ new^ eaaea were reported In the • H *»w— faatival I Catuary to succeed to poeltlon the project ert Bosw^th, Ctrefory Dwyer, tional Salaty GOuneil. OanfiaeUeut ««y. ------...... * H I tH iilrws ^ •« 14 Iriih river 6 Spanith hill the Papacy h^ IBHlpcap* ErlendgorCe fifipire wee the low? Ronald .GTeorEetti, Timothy Orose, had the naUon'a lowast rata In 'The new eaaea were not among II Dispatched 7 Scryer theCoUefCof SIRsqpoae eat of elRht hide received and 196B. the etatewide total of 52 reported Cardinals 41 Jewel Robert Lodi, James Loereoh, Rob­ A U .^ x O O P BY V. T. HAMMN II Pemala la'lnt 8 Prefix A'pened .by the full Bnerd of Fire ert Moran. David ParesluhA, VVtt- Next came' Rhoda laland with by the State Health Department Ftr Homt RtmorfRliRg With ImafiRitImi / (ab.) I Presser 2.7 Grieved 42 Omamtntrf Commiseloneiy leat nUht. Pareni for Auguat The monthly total was ...n x JU6T haws LnTLE 25 Peaceful vensri ham Peaola, Henry ReydtOlds, 2.5 and NAw Jlraay wtth 2A. Lika WELWIFXXI V rp aiyr><»trvw>3/OH,i''xD O II Was borne lOTJnfastened Brother! o f. Roolivllle bid t^4,62B: Wtyne Rogers, Pred Souer, JOhn ConnMtieuL thaeo two atatea hava 89 more than for Augnist 1958. . t)0NT>MM; o o p A s r po; 31Bli(ht II He was a SSDotaie 47 Corrode HnrtforfL BZ6.026; Atlas Builders WiUlameon, Cerol Belch, Daisy in effect. Ariaona had thh cation said It will require ell stti- It^BCnCRKSET 33 Genua of form er — 35 Coasts 41 Ultl* (PR) Corp. of Hartford. B28.41E: w. O. Dimock, . Leanora ' Pava, Bonnii _ leat rate with f j . dente entering keheel this fail to' RIDESIGN THE M ONT OF YOUR water MeNaHy and Sons nf-^ Manchester, Fogarty, Cheryl Lopefe, Martorfe Connecticut baa been euspend- have at leeat the first shot, and 1 E aeorpinna 121,345; Lavoie .And Aubin of Luke, Marlene McLoughlin, j^ th - ins licihaee of eohvMfad spGMiera they will need all three shots hy ^ HOME WITH lEAUTIFUL 34 German lyric 5 it r South 'Windsor, (30,943.91; Joseph eiine Nelllgan, Gall Nlck|w; Sher­ since 1965, On July 1 the atate next June. Students enrolling next - N X 31 Uncommon . Kovaroviea Of Mansfield Depot, rie Reop^, MabgaiWF Peace, Mile# adopteci a tighter law en fall will have to have three shots. , 31 Mister (Ger.) r 120,621; and A. Santos of Bolton, Judith Rose, CynthUpBteele, Joyce forceinent program — including Other new polio cases during the T r . 31 M t.PiitariU 119,970. Stevenson and Jajria Williamson. uee of unmarkM police ears—and past week, the State Health De­ OlENSTONE PRE-CRST 30 Twilisht time* r . M o r o o v 's Arnold Lawrence, architect for Michael Tobin's class, in Room the etate’s traffic death rata da partment eald. Included two others ' C ,AR6UIM S 31 Louse e u the addition, will prepare the con­ 17, will include Ktnt Baglin, Rich­ dined. ■ V from New Haven and one each Wl,.,,. I> vJlTM TME BEAR* 33 Acfir'a Wife tract fpr sigTialure by the^CJom- ard BshlUtdi Randall Cote, James from Hertford,- . New Britain, p STONE VENEER 'B (myth.) The etate'e highway math roll K K miaslonera and R rlandd^ It will Covensky, Ronald Dufretne. Rob­ atood at .145 today, 12 above the Lttqhfield and Burlington. Fqr That Tnurh af Glamour and Elagnnre! 33 Sties be aubmltted to Towti Coiinael 34 Elevator ert dWI*, Wayne Hobby, William number killed in accidents during 1 1 Invantor • Harold Garrlty for approval be­ :chlnson, Michael Kutsavage, the tame period leat year. CRASH VIOriM DIBS PHONE Ml 3-4271 •>l fore It la algned. BrImndEon set a ohn McDermott. Norman Nichols, CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER ttnnalmusiciiL Waterbu^, S ^ . 1 (F)—Bufene "Tour Om Call Home Ramodeltag Ourtrartor" pamsiw,..' completion date of 10 wi^fca from John Roberts, John Rothwell, Don­ Boudreau,' 71, noapect, died last 0 0 37 R evvBetate alSTilnR of the contract.*^.-' ald Souer, Willard Warren, Don-^ Deaths Ixist Night night In St. Mary's HoepItAl of A. V. “B .rt" LindMy, President end Own.r SlCotmcilor Obaerve AnniveiM^ na Calhoun, Roxanne Calkins, Injurtee Buffered in is 2-car - -ac­ R 85 OAK ST., MANCHESTER, CONN. R PIJISCILLA’S POP BY AL VKRMKKR lAdored - Mr. and- Mra. kefinfiy. Tlutchln- Linda Fraser, Donna Orififtn, cident In. Preepeet Sundayt . 44 Swedish eOn celebratafT theif 40th TMeddins; Theresa Orous, Carolyn Kil­ IM THK ASBOCIATKb iPIISSB 1 PAM PERED, w eifht patrick, Pearl Olmsted, Patricia Waahington—Harold 8. . Vmce, AND ^^ABIED annlvareary Sijiiday' and* were hon. Aid for Rockville^8 Elderly ______.... 41 Iroquoian orad at a party; at the home o fl^Rorcherdn, ”'^' Karen Prindje, Joanna 59, an atomic energy commlaeioner l a s t SPR IN G 1 PED IT/ Indian Janioe. Scanloii, . Claire since 1955, died Mcmday from acute DID eVERyTNING) their daiitrhter, Mre. Norman, j.t"''* * ' Mrs. Rudolph Schmidt chairman of the Rockville Community WATERED 43 Accomplice II * Southerlln, Donna-Marie Tedford. pneumonia following ^^bdom lnal Council for Senior' Cttiaens talks with an siderly man who ap- FOR MY IT M ftiority Preuga of Bolton Center Rd. Mrg. operation. Before he Joined the Preligg and Miag Bllzabeth Deer Sandra Williams and Sandra paared at -^SvcouncU’s office at the Old High School at School LAWN! r (prefix) Wood. ACC, Vanfce was .chairman of the and Park SU. yesterday morning shortly after the new council SO Greek portico r of Mancheater,.. glgter of Mr*- To Appear oa TV executive commttt^of the Stude- opened its dooia. Mre. Rudolph Schmidt, council chairman helps 31 Exact R Hulchlngon, were hoateggea for the baker-Packarti Oirp. He had been event. , ■ ' Renee Calhoun, S-year old him with a form for housing. In the background, Mrs. Stuart IS Moray (pi.) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray­ with the company eince 1911 and TInkham, director of employment works, on setting up ftlea. More than 100 giieata Attended to retired aaprasldent in 1964. reminisce about the-.^{:eremony on mond Calhoun of Flora Rd., will The office Is open on Mondays from 9:30 to noon and on Thura* appear on televiaion tomorrow at Baltimofe—Arthur H. Parsons Aky* from 1 to 4 p.m. I t *^ll be closed on Labor Day, (Herald 80, 1919 at which Bolton na­ JrV d lr e ^ r of the Enoch Pratt M C T K fm SHORT RIBS BY PRANK O’NBAt. tive Hutchinson and the former 4:30 p.m. on Channel 18’s Ctub- Photo by Satemls), ' ‘ c.o>w>Trw, houee 18 show with Ralph K an n v liL u S .il^‘^ U ll'’ di!i^‘’s u ^ ^ ^ 9cys, WHAT Miaa Ullian Deer of Union City. Th- I. ‘*‘•1* Sunday Of a A»TH*8i*« I'M 30ST N. J. were marripd at St. Michael'a The television appearance la ..the' heart attack. He was director of 0PttWfat«; BULV StWEDASAW!; A HBAU! . Monastery In that city by the Rev. result of a first place awarci''won ti>a Omaha Public Library for eav- Justin Tobin. by the trio with which Renee en years before coming to Balti­ O h Both Sides Of T he River ' Miss Deer and Maxwell Hutchin­ sings, in competltlop,. at Lake more two years ago. AiUMtNUM SIDING son of Andover, brother of the Compounce Saturday afternoon Celina, Ohio—S. B. (Storm) bridegrOom, were the wedding at­ The trio of girls, pupile of Mrs. Haarbye, 81, who dfvoted a half •TAINT NO MORE" LONG SAM BY AL CAPP and BOB LUBBERS tendants. Hugh Clancy Of “East Hartford, century-to the eteei-induetry In The couple first lived In Jersey have made other TV appaarances production, engineering and tales Dtsl dirtet with the men who will apply the AT EVERY SCHOOL FOR MILES AROUND City Heights, H. J. Whhfe' their particularly with thWr rendition of work, died Monday. He had been baked eiwmel pldminum clapboards to your two ehOdren ■ were born. And.rew, the. '"Chipmunk Song'* featuring associated with Stamco, Inc., a hom^ i m sure of -exceUent. workmanship, their,tm y bdn, died In 1943 While Renee ae "Alvin.'^ They will sing steel products firm, from 1928 until guaranteed materials, and, a rauM able price. "Ragtime Cowboy^Joe" tomorrow. his retirement in 1942. He was a .eidet ' In ■ the U.8. ,'Naval Air Complete insurance coverage..; Tor a quick, Corps.'The'Hutchlnsons moved to Bullejn Board born in Oslo, Norway. ''Manchester in 1932 andhavvllved The, B o a r^ o f Selectmen will Kansas City—J. H. Staley, M, free estimate. - -In Bolton since 1939. , They have meet tonight at 8 o’clock at the founder of the Staley .Milling Co., ^c m h fioMfr' three grandchildren,- sons' of their Community Hall. ’ one of the -nation's largest feed PHONE Ml T-1243 P IN M U l IF HE daughter, Bneanor.''They are Nor- The , Board ' of -Education -will milling firms, died Monday. Staley, jnan J. Jr., Carl and Tommy. hold^ts September meeting tomor­ a former banker at SprinjHleld and ALUMINUM S li^ O CO. OP CONN. SPELLS m « m Carthage, Mo., founded the feed W.THAT llie «oupIe have been very ac­ row at 8 p.m. a t the school. The tive In wommunlty alfaire. Hutch­ Bhlton Fire Department will hold company In 1925. MALWM inson Is In his 12th year as town- Its regular meeting tomorrow at PIT treasurer. Both are Orange mjn.enl- the firehouse at the eame'time. Suitfi Aak $350,000 TJi M. PiL^M AKIN*!' hers and past fnaaters of the Rol The executive ooipmlttee of St. e IW Yy WIA Iw^ rOUKNO^ *•/ at United Aircraft Corp. in East ton correapondenA Doris M. 000 suit filed yesterday In U. S. OR A HEW library. BUT YOU'VE Hartford. IFItalla, telephone Mitehell 8-554A District Court, said he tumbled MIicheIl/S-4i68 BOYS GIRLS GOT TOGO Olaaa Asalgnaieate Made SHOE ■fMERE l iril.E SPORTS BY ROUSON from a moving freight ear. in the you$t‘ Pupil assignments to the three. Cedar Hill freight yards in North I F O R A N LOAN seii‘ TM-WwW lifla* lr reofhS'hirae been announced by Copter. Service MR.SAXON - The auit charges that tha yard I clothes,'books, tuition. Tims for sh O l f l y (y Principal Richard B. Mather of the was Improperly lighted and that ^ TLoaal ...... I Just T.^ call .ull ...ut . , . upon approval you elementary School. There, are T5 For New Haven Hommick was unable to eee that a pick up your eaihl - Pay back la •mall month­ sns from pupils now rsglatered for Grade 1 step on the csr wae broken. Mem- I ly initallmonti you choeao. 826 to 8500 and 50. for Grade 7. Washington, Sept. 1 (Fi The mick wss A brskeman at the yards Assigned to Room Z, taught by u!hlef examiner of the Civil at ,lhs time. I Qur monoeer llkst to My, 'Your loon Js ekoyl'' J X I A'^iio. St list. e«H JM.tS wSm S»«"itW 'MeW I* Miss Tvonha . Lacey, are Stevsn nautles Board is in fsvor of allow-, SYederjek W.. Brown of Bethany, maatHlir tnifollmtsH toeb, Albaai, Thomas Andrial, Joseph ing New York Airways to provide conductor in a freight tirain that BjUtarachev Thomas FuHfir, Leo ■ ■'llcopter service between New derailed st Bridgeport In July 983 Main Street; Manchester | M •tv Gauthier, Thomas Gigllo, Tim­ York City and New Haven, Conn. 1958, filed a suit for 8150.000. -He j othy Hagan, John Harris, James Freneis W. Brown, chiefs, ex- claims to have suffered a back B. C. BY JO H N N Y H A R T McDonald, Irwin Post, William aminsF of the CAB, held hearings injury. / ^ 6 t ^ i. T y Releherh Paul Santos, , Richard on the proposal In March. Yester­ PREFERRED FINANCE BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE I WISH FOR A LONG AND I WISH Few A lit tle Tlerleaky. Joseph Wood, Oonha day his decision to recommend lyiTER, BMK ON and HAf’PV LIFE ! Re l i e f f r o m t h is • $ j * • Clafro, TYanjy Carnell, Mieheie CAB approval of the plan was an­ •s w e l t e r in g m e a t ! Ftano, Barbara Fish.' Carole Lan- nounced In New Haven by Mayor flllLET eri, Diane LaPihe, PstrirJa Mas- Richard C. Lea; - v r i eoilnt, Beverly Riley, Nora Shea. The 'CAB is afxpected to take final- action on the petition this my.' HOIES! j • • Mary Souer, Hellen Verfsllle and Jean Webb. fall. If approval Is granted — and all uviv TIKRk'S expects It will b e - the first MMvrami Children assigned to Room .5, You can have VBUBWM Miss T’erry. Intlude Wepdell Bith- helicopters carrying 1.5 passengers HEARING AID r TWVIRTER, er ,Ir., Raymond Boyd. Marc spiece:. should be opersting be­ jof.fivwie Davis. Scott Laonard. John Man- tween tha two cities next spring..^, money-in-the-bank W P BETTER niss, Jeffrey Melxell, Robert Mi­ Lee said there would, be three FICKJT ner, Philip Papin. Stephen Phll- trips for pasaengeri each day and UP, one for cargo.. New Haven plans „ltiiiaMwry,V>3W^;is^ ■ limore. Richard Stevenson, David to buy and pay fpr ' .Wafnock, Dennis Wo-vi, Carol a heliport near the downtown area. Barrett, Marie Huberte Basta- The New York end pf the line quality rache, Robyn Berry, Kathleen would h^ Lr. O.tiardia FUh). anything you w ant... Danbur.t Conn., is among other AHIH'IY M EEK LE BY DICK CAVALLl Bucksdn,-Suaan Dowds, Patricia p r e m i e r Fonseca, Kathleen Geer, Martha cities within short flying diatapes ITiBTIMeTOWINOUP Hlltofi, Wenda Minds. Gloria KII- of New York that asked for baht just by MEEKXe.VOUiRE MY VACATION- I'M BACK eoptSti: service. Brown said Ka MICKEY FINN ■v. BY LA N K LEO N A RD atrlck, Grace Ntckse, Catherine AN INCOMreTENT IN GCX306HAPEA8NN/ tone and Alsna Tomlineon. .couldn't rwommand approval pf BUCKETHEAD.F MEEKLE, YOU RE S this patitkm now because It would writing checks! Mrs.'Llndemah’s’claea, Room 5„ Substantially increase the .'Min- . ■iHassSnliaii _ will . Ineluda Michael Clark, •k, TramlMorf I \ Michael Crpokett, Stephen Crow- pany'a need for subsidy. I 1^. Joeeph Plmock, Bnice Dixon, dr Bey tMfanr IdMr faalaral AN INCOMPETENT ' Howard Jansen, .Andrew Lelner, Ifl« Royatg tairgealJ;,, David Mattien, Edward Mlkelip,,, -- ,' '.f ■' IHSTMtTimFfl John Mutph.v,. Roger Schaller, Hmighten, Mich, -m The largest w aaaw iABoW'^ X w i a ^ AMC Dougina .Salble, Richard Thoms. isIaiM in Lake Biiperior- is Isle m BUCKET Walter Traschuk, Jessica Conley, Royaie, ai5ce .l945 a national .Mrk, QiliiR’t Phailliicy - Martha Jean Danielson, Holly Gor­ It is about. 45 mites long and tiigr ICHQ ton, Andraa Matthews, Deborah miles acrosk at Its a-idest point. It . "578 m a in STPi ' i m McCann, Nancy McDerinott, Sara is eurround.ed by mbrs than, 200 V f t M Miner, NanOy Remington, Holly small Islands. Wanf^a neV color T'V... or new hi-fi etjuip- c ILI IT * HEAC>// ment. or maybe • a new-range... or. a n ^ O iw» >T»«« SioiM. It. fjf Aw- cs. eu a*. fall wardrobe... or money for back-to-school ('API AfN EASY BY LESLIE TURNER expenses? INSTANT MONEY, the Connecticut Bank and Trust Company’s conftnwmp Oredit J EVEHyTHlUG KPEKieNceP o x REAP l» KlisLTi iMTD ArTEtipysHMlhl? **s 6m UK. ABERNATHY BY RAI,STON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY , ^ STORED IN THE SUgCOMSClOliSl AMPA POBLiazpP CASES OP 'SUBJECT* CONFUSaa TONIGHT HAS A HyPNO- )0P THe BEST! SELDOM plan sets you up with money to pay for any­ <»F* HOW CAn\*WPUOTIIEO PtRSOH IS IN AN A«N0*MAL RECAILIUG EVENTS N THINGS HM XP Tisr TO EUTBRTAIN u s yPKPOtfMS a t PWVATft UNIVERSITY thing you wantr...; right on the spot! ISU ESSJ. , H ^ b s is TAKE \*TATE OF COMCEMTRATiON.;.(APABLE OF AFOaMeRUPB.,SUCH R M B A TA N EA ^^ THE'g r e a t S H A N P u i/ p a r t ie s , ITWASSBEINfl ArH «iid Sci®iic;®s ; Mail the coupon now for ybiir application A PERSON iSACKi5ECALUNG .THEM,IF.PR0Pfia7 P«ECTBPl AS BtlPsy MlKPH/fv /aEi WI^TH HIS ONM HIM IN PARISi YEARS EVENING EDfiAR HOOVER TO EVENTS LONG " tiii ^ --'-leNces! AGO. THAT STARTED and full information-or phone or call at any COU.BQE Connecticut Bank and Trust Company office. Ar You do N0T_have to be a depositor to qualtfy for INSTANT MONEY. ^

u \ ■ }>■ : , ; ; ? • T H ® ' ■ : Our Men Have A Combined PEOGKAMS LSAD TO DfiiBMBS 0« CBRTIFIPLT8S , Donneetieut Banic! 5 Total Of IlO Years Of — ~ ' ANO TRUSr COMPANY In’Manchester Phone MI 8-1171 Shoe Fining Experience! IKFF COBB BY PETE HfyFFMAN • 9i ■?*s» IHE S’lDRY OF MARIHA WAYNE BY-Wii^SON SCRUGGS DON'T M SILLY, 5 A GOLLY, HOW /WELL, I KNOW WHAT p«nr tow b a s ^ refies rnily e»i tlto'ciii^geun? 4»f TMtWWHATAMI ■ ^ X E i n IFTHAfS'/tlLIMCAMID CLARENCE1;,,WKAT SHOULD I - I'LL M IF ANY MORS 7h8RI liMtant Money eredtt you're nctudly wto|f« SUlWStOTDtO yOU--ALLRl6HT,''lU60 WOULD The COUNTRY'S KNOW, MOM'? CRHdS BOOKS ARS tAHi»Y 2 3 •ml you hove up to 34 months tp ropnyl DOMHA, (T WOULD SIMPLY WR T WHEU BUHee <30MCS HOME RIGHT HOw/ MOST 'WANTED" BROUGHT IN HERE yOOR MOTHEtf AMD M M K IF / HERE AMO OEMAMOf criminal BE DOINft ACAWI...I..;WH0'5 •1-. RAMOFFAND, I RETUIb(|toMEMTH OUTSIDE THIS THAT*? E ^fha,' eot iwaasot _ . ■------HIM?' r The Ceifnefticut Bonk and TrM Company vr . -tCCTV INSTANT HONEY, •9S^ain St, V - -■ Manchenter, Conni"’ , rieaiwteiid .foil mformoHon end on INSTANT MONEY application form. I understand H cosh me nothing to open on INSTANT MONEY account. M ANCHmSt RAMCADE IT^SODTH MAIN STtilT MANCHEST^ CONN. WIOT NARTFORD C l l ^ of HARTFORD Mome. *«.«a.e*...eeeeoes«**«SM «e...i Street, O P E N T H IS w e e k OPEN DAII

. .X, vi r;’. ij:.. . , J \ liANGHESfBB EVKNINO. HERALD. IIANCJIJWTRR. CONN* 'a^ESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. 1959 PAGE ELEVEN / 4: f A ^ W H X . KANCHE8TER EV15NIN0 HERALD, MANCHESTER, CO?m., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 19M Sounder Fishing U.S. Stirs Dominate Most of Chance, Wilthanij Mm 8., Sept. 1 B2,Z94 Watch Pitching Masterpiece T ' (JP)—R«7theoft Co. claims it haa developed a tiny depth Pan-Am, Win 26 Medals aoandar that helps' fisher­ men to land the big ones. At Old P ams The unit, aix Inches in diameter and weighing less —The powerful United States’ squad, New York, Sept. 1 (/P)— Turns out Frank Gifford is tod gpod Fan s G iants, — ■ ' t - than five pounds, sends out 18 owning 26 of SO gold medala in the entire show, may see ita ; to Ukrover as the New York Olanta" quarterback— tPd good victory parade slacken a bit in today’s aemifinal round of ■. Forest Hills, N. Y., Sept. 1' ultrasonic signals. Red : at halfback. That’s the verdict from the Giant camp after ------— ’—^—:------ttrack and field. (/P)— Neale Fraser, well-to-do Diller Hanover flashes show up on the dial The West Indies FederatlOB ■son of a prominent Melbourne when the boat passes over ' three exhihKIon games and weeks of intensive training V ^-"whlch Gifford, an All-Pro halfback.* could put a alight dei)t in tha •judgre. waited patiently six Bargain Colt large fish. USA’s monopoly on SoldieF^Field’a 'years for his chance to play in waa given an opportunity to qua! Ties Major League Mar^ The company said Jaett Ify as the No. 1 slgnsl-taller. he was overshadowed bv/Johnny red running atrip tonight. Uniters. Shaw likely win split the a Davis Cup Challenge Round. Vachowski of N a ^ 'e s. AI Sherman, Coach Jim I-ee Three fine West Indies runnera When it came he madq the ,ro»t passing fhores w itftAh* 34-year- Race Ftivorite Maine, landed a fivp-^und Howell s chief aide, sums up the headed by , a Big '-of it. Just as Alex Olm’edo. practi­ old Conerly. '‘BM w hss looked ’ L

\ ■■ ■-.1 .f"

MANCHl&SiP.R WvKisirtG HteKAij>,-4IAN<5MP.srEK, iCUNN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, JW# P A d S - TEEM P A C E W E L V g ■Tr 81 A rH d M F « r 8 r Ia « KoMiHi Wltiiint Bnird S9 Hooswi for Itent 45 HousiM for Sale 72 7 ? Housn tor Sal* 72 Busman I'HKRE OUGHT A HB A LAW llBoi— for Solo RorkvillP’V errijon offtrcd 13 A-P-V-A-N^E Judge Gears Z B R tH HI-Tt, ^QiiDFOnTABLE jarge ■ingle room AVAiLaBI..B Immediately to June s t r o n g STREET~New large 6- CUTE 4 room home in Bolton, ar­ METRO APPLJANCE AervICv Chatro aola. Rt-W AhaHa. broildr LABOR DAY SALE! ’ tvallaMe for Kentleman. Ample 1,-19M. Completely furnished X roora' ranch now under cooatrue- tesian'Wgll, now dtl burner. Call ^paira air-’ make* of rhfrifcera- CUMOft/iMatMD frUl, Hollvwood vibrator, N Bia- Why 'wait till Labor Day for mrkinC. Vary'.cool" In mimmer, bedroom houae. MI 8-3852. ,-tiOn. X .Or 8 bedtooma, fireplac.e, BbtTON—Two year old Rmich — MI 9-2994 M l'•-8300. Stanko, Fines CLASSIFIED tors, freer.ere. wsshinif mkchtflca, mf VACATION ‘ ■ aall »t. after ». thaae fantaftic bargainB? Oii LV v warm In wlnuf, 8 mintitea' from paneling, pluter, ceramic Hie, Located on BottOn Center Rd. One PUC Slates Hearing dryers ranire nil, n a buntera USS^IS^ 87 MAIN ir.-W ell, cared for 2- Day we win ha aa busy as baav. Center. XM K. Middle TpKe. MI hill cellar, shade trees verp odh- acre wooded lot. Two bathroraas, Ml 9-08». All work j^aranteed , artr ao coma nn down now, haf0»« sunken living room, kitchen dinette family tiome, garage. I;ot 70x198. Suburban for Rent . 66 venient location. Call nuUder, Ml Price Bl7,i90. Madeline Smith, MI Two Others CUSAN liOAIil. alao flll. Ml MTIJ. tha crowds .«;«>nte. Thla way yoO'll f M , ..1 ;------^ 9-4291. ' area. Den. Priced for Immediate advertising ClIoTH^BUNE poles, all slxas in- 9-1942. ' have more time to ahop. sale. *22,900. The R. F. Dlmock BlaltW Old pole* reset. Also rha|n BOLTON LAKE-^Attractively fUr- On Veiiion Water Rate 8 ROOM S F U R N l' AnartiMiits— FlatB-~ AA ZONE; Cuatoro 9tk room ranch, Co., Realtor. MI 9^S48. T «’o Manchester iavern em­ jwKv. kn 9-1J53. ' 'TiUhed 8 room winterixed cottage. EXPANDABLE Cape Cod-^-Owner ployes,. charged with uqtqwfiilly CLASSIFIED ADVERTISMENT DEPT. HOURS FOR 8AUC—Farmall, Cub tiictoe, Toncnients 63 builf-ina, recreation-room, awn­ transferred. Aesume l'* % mort­ $9,36 MONTHL All electric jiitchdn, beautiful lake ings. porch, plaMkred garage. II Mlhnji and delivering liquor to a 8:15 A.M. to 4 :30 P.M. LAWN MOWERS ilrntpirtied and ra- and equipmapt, 8828. PI 24181. BRAND^ N E W front, 20 mlmitea to Hartford. gage. Near, shopping center, A public hearing to, establish abn'clqek tonight U) 8u99ri«r Otort paired Free pIck-tip and dell” ery RgasonaMy priced. .Carlton . W. minor, were f)ne<9 1100 eaOk tn Bedroom, living room, dmefta, u a ro e room furnished October J-. to June 1. MI 8-4220 MANCHEiTjCR Green area^ Bin school and bus. City water and water rate for customer* of the, Room isla expectsxpectAd t« lAst snly 8II1I'. Alt work guarsnleed Oaenline en- ONE h e a d b o a r d . 2 art apirtment-,-Iwt water, • heat.' Air- Hutchida, ML 9-8133. aewers Ml 9-794*. To-yvn Court yeaterday, but iKelr < COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED AD\-T. -tablea and other ae- room Ranch,,two baths, attached en^loyer, the tavern proprietor,. newly-formed Vsmon Water Co utes. Voter* srA beiiig siAcsd td A$» (P n ^ overhauled and repaire^ 9x12 tug, 1 Simorift lamp. -Mljriig*. lamps, conditioning. Apply Marlow's, 697 PLEA'SE—Ha-ire 3 school age and haa been scheduled by the Public prove the borrowing of ITM.fMfl tK raaaortes. " - IDEAL FGR email family. Cute garage, full baaement.-Vall to wa’I Wiu acquitted of A aimilar ctajiti'e. ■MOMJAT Thro FRIDAT l#!*0 A.M.—SATI'BDAT 9 K j4 . i Bswi^v^, relnothed and eh^rp- 8-86M after I p-m. Main St. X year old.- Desperately need 5-9 BOLTON CENTER ROAD Utilities Commission. ianUcipstlon of taxos. Th# nioiliy e v e r y t h i n g $222 Cape, 4 rooms, full huem e t, carpetiM, disposal.’' 821,000. The en,P'f^runo Moske, M’ 3-0J71. _X— ------fv ' room' rent. Call 9-87*4. large treed lot. -Sinall cash ' GI- R. F. IXmodc Co., Realtor. Ml Judge Simon Bemat'ein 'OA It will be held 8ept. 18 st U1;.in I* being borrowed s month a ttM t t h r e e r o o m teneiheht. 464 Main PLEfASE READ YOUR AD $ ROOMS FURNITURE • FHA. Only lll.oeO, Robert B. An- V*- Bloomfield said Vt waa "with re­ *.m.''4n Room .885A of th# fitste th4n. luiuai, but the smihuit-tA Um PRESEIvi(^E YO rn drtv^ ay v ith Bosts and AeoMaoriea HI gt., 868 monthly. MI I be- 9-8248. . .? ■ garage, set well back from road. $10.16 MONTHLY - deraon Ageficy. JA 8-0189. luctance” he found Michael Stan- Office Bntldlng in Hartford. "'same aa asked last ytAr-- atnealle *m | mat KYee estimate*. tweer. 9-6. \ Beautiful trees. Almost 400' valu- ko. 82. of Kenalngton. permittee 15 FOOT in b o a r d motor boat in- B R A N D N E W Summer Homes for Rent 67 III Th* rate "proposed by Barney rqiaHtg -lw Fertenn CUmIBm) w “ WaM Ada" t * UhMj iwer “ I* Very reasi^ahlfS^'t'aU Ml -JJIMI MANOrifesTBR — This charming able frontage, Large garden and at the Oak Grill, liinocent. 'The tTBJtitc* The' ad^Trttner ehould read hl« d A V *T K .1 Snow- time etudes trailer and equipment. Bi t^. weitinghonae refrigerator. Hvlr,f RbCKVILtE-24 Grove St, Well fi^ t tree*. Moses, owner of the company. If A _l4-y9'ar-,old . cwtmmsr, wK# APPEABA and REPORT ERRORS In OmT for the ne»t tneer- offer. Alao aaparata boat trailer,' room, bedroom, dinette, ruga, ANDOVER Waterfront cottage, ^ room Cape is Ideal for a BOLTON—New extra large Cape-r judge said he made the Innocent *1 per 1.000 fsllona'usage. Mocea ------funttahed X and 8 light Bouseke^p- family of 8 or 4. In excellent con- won ’1^ 'TodmAmeiU of Ck8>l' Hon. The Hordid t» reeponelWe formrdrrert or omitted ■ " 286. Call MI 2-2281 or Ml 2-M78. ; lumps.- tables-'' and many more ac* - )ng apkrtmetila. Inquire first floor, all modem conveniences. Avatl^ 1 acre wooded lot. Very large oed- finding on the baaU of a 19M also plane to, charge *40 pet^jresr dilion with many extras. Low fuel rooms, full basement, garage, built- GLASTONBI'RY State Supreme Court ruling which ptoft*' In Hartford flunday. 4*111 inserHon for any ad^erttaeniopi'and then only to the extent of a .-♦foiisphnld - V n r l m apartment 9. able Aug. 18-I.abor D ^ . AMb rental on Are hy«fran.U. S r ^ " “ ier«on. ErrofTwhlrh dd not |o,«.n Oie xalne ol X FOB SALE month of September. Call Ml and taxes make . ydur monthly in stoVe and oven. 818,000, The R. ' Oistom built 8 room hom« on held that the proprietor is not re- |.^p«ar in the water r*rAtV*,l OtWred 13-A 12 foot •1“^*™"’ / ‘"""" e v e r y t h i n g $333 payments reasonable. Garage, one floor. Large kitchen with ad-.< Th* Rockville Water and Aque­ m iraday evening at ths muAlrigel IN' advertUentenl wUI hot be corrected hy • make itood" in%ertton, boat. 7H b.p. Elgin, Call MI 4 r o o m APARTMENT—$92 9i(j980. F. Dlmock Co., Ml 9-5246. aponeible for an employe’s actions duct Co. ret* I* 81.78' peir.-t-.000 9-4289. 3 ROOMS FURNITURE ‘ anchor fenced 111 yard. Convenient Joiiiing laundry, ilreplacd, cera-.ilc beyond the scope of hla (the em­ swlmm't^ pool, 'W E A \ T N fl^ hurtle, moth hdle* MISQUAMICUT -y e<aga for to school Slid bus. Financing ar­ tile bath, full basement wHh at­ cubic feet, or 7,500 gatlpns; Th --ewininier* I men's shirt eollsrs reverjed aiiA' Inghouae refrigerator, bedroom, pie St., and George Repettt, 83, of for the 1684 competition.'acCArti- sorielt. 8 months old. Call TR Fall MI 9-4071, MI 9-5770 amesite drive. Near Boweni School mature bearing fruit- trees. Ideal sent hlgh>ch*t,>»f'installation of Aj^nftioblluB for Sale rkplared. Marlow'* I.Ittle. Mend 6-9092 -eVnninga. living* room, dinette, dishes, ruga, Wanted to Rent 68 MANCHESTER — .Older 6 room —complete for 818,400 (first 42 Oak St., employed by Stanko, waterjitfe* U riken Info consldera- Ing to Donald F. Berger, pool"]®*; UkH. and Found 18 io r small family or retired couple. for selling beer and bard ' liquor !i. inc Shop lamp*, table*, blanket* and 7 more between 6-7 p.m. home, oil heat, tile bath, porch. 2- posit holds). R. F. Dimoek Co,, PVshty of land for garden — im­ tlqp-hy ttiolPUC In establtshlng. Kis rector. ED ->-^ean iiaed car*. We'; M C H C o m i,, Aug. 1 to Thomaa N. MoCryatal LO?T-S'erllnp elgUr clip- deluxe aceessorie*. l ^ L E e n g in e e r desires 3 C*r gu fu gt, . shade trees, city Realtor. MI 9-5248. mediate occupancy —' exceptional impsitj’’* water rate. The'youth b#at world rae#r8atai ___ trad^ down or trade ^ y - DICK'S WEATHKRfITftTP------Oom fMOHuurmtt/, HEBRON' CENTER — Six room Jr, 20, of Maple St, Vernon per. nclhltv___ . of W ’ey’s Resia>)v< buy. BnildinR Materiahi 47 - EVERYTHING $444 .room’ unfurnished apartment in water and city sewerage. Priced value 8l(,(POO. Mo*es aJso seeks authorization to th* meet fiunday and In a prarimw rf.i Ihln^Doujtlas Motora, 333 Main. '. pany diKir* and windows. •■uSinm ^•nieiTt, ■ apartment, ucond floor. Call Wil- for quick sale, 814.880. Charled The three accuAed pr rant Painrdav nltht^' Rewat^ work (I iarantecit' Call mllert WII- START YOUR llmantlc AC 8-8148 any time. qnfer residential neighborhood. tSaiie common capital slot-k In the meet held In New- London. terrd NA 3-6«78. tfA S -f" WEEKLY SAVINGS LIST Call Ml 9-6888 evening*. Ijesperanc'e. MI 9-7620. , BOLTON noesnt to tha charges. amount of 85fl,0(>0 and debentures Hmantlr HA S-llM Dutch Door*. from 827.78 qa. MONTHLY PAYMENTS HILLSIDE MANOR, Vernon - . Testimony in the JM kl, which The watsr show will get un<1er> i*ocT_pnir PONTIAC, pxriexrelleol rnndt^ COVENTRY—8 room ratich, 3 bed­ Lovely country setting. Plenty In the amount of 830,000. way at 8 o’clock with leeal talent TV SERVICE — Pottefton'a all Steel Cellar Doors, from 862.00 ad.' < TN OCTOBER ROCKVILLF , WORKING mother and teenage aon Choose your own high wooded lot. wound up ■ y e s ^ i^ y 'a record A gravel-packed 'well drilled Cellar Sash 88.75 c i. Price Includes delivery, set up, seek to share house, or apartment. rooms, FHA approved. 81,2.000. For your new Ranch, Spilt, or '^•o- of' large! trees, (justom built ranch comprising th# main part of tha ^ a L , v X t y •I'""’*'’ ' makf*" HiRhest qimllty .Ruaranteed Privai^iiMtructiong 28 Help Wanted— Male 36 SitnatioM Wantad— Mala 39 of seven rooms, I's baths, excel­ length court sesilon, showed that about a year ago is the source of ment SMire Reward Fleaae ralli. work and parta, over 47 yeafa’ eX- PaaWge Locks 81.54 ea.aervide,.^guarantee, immediate de­ All electric ^appliances In kitbhen Preferably someone who ha* child . 8800 down. Mrs, Cdntessa, Agent. lonlal R. F. Dlmock Co., Realtcr. Stanko had-hot sold any liquor- to event; PI 2-8385. lent home for a large growing th* . company's water! Some 48j ’ Ml IISSS. MODEL AI Ford rnupe-l^fipi-ionre^Farnous for servlOa since U.S. CIVft/'SERVICE testa! Man- WANTBTI —A-1 mechanic. Good EXPERIENCED meat cuHar Mabo^uiy Paneling I6c *q. ft. livery or free storage until needed. (if 3% robm apartment in residen­ for comp'anyr Flimlture If neces- Ml 9-8248. McCrystal and that Stahk’rf had homes have already been hooked upi" ntjr C*47rt Oaaes 44” Birch Plywood 47c aq. ft. " Phone for appointment *arv Bolton or Manchester area. family wanting plenty of space In ''- P a s s Book No 1929 Sav-j halt rebuilt. >tl ♦•IBM.' *•'* i93iy^ hoh e Ml, 9-4.137 for bes* Womep-" 19-92. Start' high at 196 propoaltlon for the right man. Ap­ would like part or hdl-'Um* Job, tial area. Ample parking. Private ADAMS ST.—Three acres of com­ the country. .Lot 9ize la 200x300 ft. not In the tavern for any to th# line from the well.-.Vfnae* Alfred A. Cadoret, 41, of Eaat seMUce. weejtf f’reparalory training un. 1 ply in person, Boland Motors, 899 MI 9-1798. Beet of referencea. Bs m Ifl. SAMUEL ALBERT, HARTFORD picnic area. Near bu* line. Just 18 Write Working Mother, 83 Harlan VI great- length of time when Mo- Hartford, , waa liound over to mfrs ' DeparMnenr Of Ih^p CHEVROLET A. pahet tniek. CeUing Til* lie aq. ft. CH 7-bS«! mercial and'industrial land having plans to serve aiboiit 300 to 400 apfninted. Thousands qf jn^ia open, O ^ter 8t, miiiutea from Hartford bridge by Rd., Manchester. (Jrystal was there. homes, many'of which are now un­ Superior Court yestvAsy aftaY rut Bank A, Trust Gompan\. Ik t sell or tracks,.^ Tnte’resterixfnInterested-'ln jeep.leen. FINISH Holland, window COLLEGE STUDENT. Ope day Disappearing gtalrway* 298.96 ea. See It Day, Or^Night 4 room home oh premises. 811,900. BOLTON—9 room oversized espe. HIGHLAND PARK — Main St ..Office Appllration made /Experience usually unnecessary. Wilbur Crou Highway, Phllbrlck Agency, Ml 9-8464. ^ 41 acre lot. Excellent condition. ■ Spring St. ^ McCrystal and Evelyn Lewie, 18^ der- construction within a year's pleading innocent In Rockville City drill press, poV K sliadeL,aliades, made tn measure. Free Information on jo'bs, salariea, YOUNG MAN for general drug waxing aervice. Prepare your car Pegboard ,.ll>ic, a*t. fl. If vou have no mean* of frang- Experienced preferred. Box Z, ming pool and recreation park. -inew‘ n"w eveplasseseveclasses and rase. Ml . tranamlsSfon. Rond M«riow a. NATIONAL LUMBER. INC. A --L -B —E—R-rT—'S ^ MI 9-4824 TR 5-1166 THREE ACRES—Seven room old bath, dishwasher, copper hood VII three accused. McCrystal la cur­ near the railroad tracks. over. Prosecutor Harry H. L u ff Herald. • 4.i;»5,Allyn St.- Hartf(wd Cnatom built oversized 6. room 3-7207 •' mONlNC DONE In M y home. Doga— Bl.ribi—rPetg 41 881 STATE STREET er home. Chicken ■ coop. 9,200 range fan, enclosed porch, garage rently serving an -Indetermlniife. The franchise ale* of the new saked for the Wndovar. eayliif »t7.1. Call MI 3-2591: o p e n NIGHTS TILL 8 P.M. square feet-. I^Hilly equipped.' Two- Cape Cod, full dormer, baths, Free pirk-iip and ^ livery'. Ml Bond.U'-StockM MortRaRes 31 FULD-TTME service station man. NORTH HAVEN. CONN." THREEE JEOOM apartment. Main with garden, porch, concrete TWO FAMILY (new. Hating) 8 and term at the Cheshire Reformatory water company, approved In the there were other poestbla eounti LOST PASS BOOK No 13157 ’ ^'.^ATURDAY 9 F.M. ’ car garage. 8 miles from Man drive, shade trees. Many extras oak floors, garage, t-arge deep lot. ANTlQtJK 1931 M f^ l A Ford 9-,76«7. Days. Experienced preferr^. f o r SALEr- Poodlas miniature, CHe*tnut'8-2147 ■ St., firat floor, heat, hot water, and 7 duplex. Good location—West for violation of probation, a charge last session of the General As­ pending agalnet Cadoret In other Roticf is hereby ftiven that Pass coupe with pick -up body. Exrel-'^ IMPROVE TO'UR CREDrt' A black. AKC regietered. Champion cheater. East St., Hebron. Mini Owner. Ml 9-9846, end —separate oil burners, two- Plenty of trees. Price 817,010. Book No 13157, issued by First- multitude of AnanValf oa-rniente Honeat, reliable. Reference!, Call stove and refrigerator. Call MI Quick occupancy. resulting from hta-arr«st the night' sembly, Is about one mile square. towns in this county. Bond was set lent rondilion.' 1' ’N. Elm St, Ml M T 9-8198. line.. Call ME L9169. mum down payment. Asking car garage, *16,900. The R. F. he allegedly drank at the Oak Manchester-Offtce, Hartford Na­ may be tumped Into one second Masical Jmtmments 33 -*-2788 before 8 p.m. 814.900 or best offer. I.9wrence F. MANCHESTER .- Moses said he has laid lines undet at *1.00(1. 9.9gon.. X Bulk I— CfMitractint 14 Piamonds—WAtehefl— Dlmock .Co., Realtor,'MI 9-8245. Grill. s Rt. 30 to serve th# Sacred Heart Cecils Singleton, 31,-ef MarldSn tional Bank A Trual Company mortgage 'with payments « only- MAN FOR delivery and store MINIATURE Dachshund. 8 weeks Jewelry. 48 FOUR ROOM upper flat, * Fianb, Broker. MI 3-2766. Paul P WEST SIDE— has been lost, and appHcption has 822.26 for each 11,000 vou need. old. AKC registered. Blaek and 85 Up r ig h t p ia n o s . Looking t r Flano. MI 3-0458, (OFFERS WANTED) Off Hackmatack St. Tn deciding the case*' against Parish building* now under con­ appealed a conviction on takiaf a ANT KIND of carpentry and cabi­ work. Mornings only. Five days hot water heater, no vm Repetti and Mrs. LaRivlere, Judge struction. motor vehicle without Jh# oimar’s ' been made tn said bank for pay- AbJUf^DrtrtnR School 7 -A Dial CH 8-8R97 and ask Frank week. Apply momlngt. Medical red male. Ml 9-6477. LEONARD W. TOST. Jeweler, re­ a good piano? Before you see me, net work done Honest and relia­ look aroundT and compare price*! Birch St., 890. MI 9-4498. Vacant 6 room Jarvis Cape New 7 room split level. 1'4 baths, Bernstein said b 1957. Stale law Meters being Installed In the permission. She claimed she Nad rhent and issuaiiee of. new honk ble workmanship. Call Roscoe Burke or Mrs. Carter iKtw Con­ Pharmacy, 844 Main St, pairs. adjusts watches axpertly MANCHESTER — New 514 room necticut Mortgage Exchanre. 18 FOR SALE--Collie-Shepherd No other piano store offer* the Breezeway and garage garage,.,fu)l basement, combination calling for distribution of majority homes for water service have out­ permission to take the car. After Thompson, MI S-180B for eati- Reasonable prices. Open Tuesday i>lVE ROOM apartment in Vernon, Houses for Sale 72 ranch, basenient garage. Chotie doors and windows. Venetian blinds, Lewis 8t., Haptford.' ROCKVILLE MAN for full-time • month* old. Good home kind of upright and price* that 1 centrally located, modem conven­ Deep wooded lot location, built-in stove and oven, cai'ds to persons over 21 had been side reader*.; Andingding her guilty. Judge Franeia r . ' . ' mates feiTed to money, BU 9-3863. thru Saturday. Thursday evenings. new incinerator, beautiful . black designed expressly to "take , the ^•’9. ^ I I w m . Three instructions N<-watt grocery clerk. Apply .Wednesday, 129 Spruce Street.,MI 9-4897. can otter Open 9:80 a.m-. to 10 iences. i n 9-28i7. ceramic tile bath, amesite drive, Moses believes hts 1* the Arst O’Lo’ughlln Aned her 87,9. She Smiffy Vicinity Burnham St. U p.m.. Monday* through Saturdays, g’A ROOM Cape Cod shed dormer, Asking-814.500. iron grille work In living -room. guesswork out of* the problem of water company In the state to uee Mng. Manchester Driving Acade­ BIDWEIJL HOME Improvettien' Sept. 2 at Connecticut State Em­ tile bath, fire ^ ce , open stair­ completely landscaped lot, 8l7,600. posted bond for appeal to Superior cense tag 23943. Call Ml 3-0758. Help Wanted—Female 35 255 Market St., Hartford. TWO ROOM furnished apartment. Very favorable financing, quick selling liquor to minors, this syatem. my. PI 2-7249. Co. Alterations., additions ga ployment Service.' 9 North Park Live Stock—Vehicles 42 case. Hot water oll'hMt, recrea­ R. F. Dlmock Co., Realtor,. MI occupancy. Court. St.. Elk's Club Carriage House, Gardeii->-F«rm*>-Dairy 'first floor, couple preferred. Call LAWRENCE F. FIANO, 9-5245. . "It'* a Simple task tp ask for a Tax CeflertloDS,. Ikonald Thompson, 18. of 43 FOR SALE—Walnut Victorian tion room, porch. Shade 'trees majority card.” the judge said, -U iPT-At Manrhrstrr High d r iv in g 8chiwI--M^ Aluminuj^" clapbl^ardr STENOGRAPHER - Small East Rockrille between 9:80-3:30. VERNON, CONN. -Stalls rented. Prodnet* 50 .M l 9-3884 evening* between 5-9i roker Current town taxes totaling Village Bt. was found guilty of us­ *"ni ard and automatic dual controlled. fjne.xceu2d J^rkmanahip'. Easy ; Hartford Baldwin acronsonlc piano. Two good condition. Charles Lesper EAST CENTER ST.. "even If it tends to slow service in Brownie flash camera ^id tan 816 per month. Over one acre* of . 'P.m. - ______ance. MI 9-7620. i IX *1,174,831 have been collected by ing a motor vehicle • without Uia cars. Class room instructton* for budget terms. MI 9-6495 dr 'TR; enerai olfic* work. 36 hour week. MAN TO WORK in shade tobacco TOMATOES—Pick your own. 50c a year* ' old. like now. Must Ml 3-2766 Seven, room spacious center the tavern.” The judge added that leather raae. 4 roll* film Inside. falary open. JA 8-9608. Webe'er paddock*, fine graxing land MI aacrifica immediately,, 8980. , Ml Mrs. Florence Ix>verin, town tax owners permission. He waa fload 19-17 year olds. For day and .1-9109. bulk room. Steady work. Wetatone 9-9869. basket. Michael Kurya, French TOUR ROOM apartm^ent off i i(i«,go0-2g WOODBRTDGE S t.-,- MANCHESTER-;-Maln Street loca­ hall colonial, garage, Immaculate testimony showed there wa* no collector since April 1 when they 81A on this count, to which ha had If found return In Pafil Doucette, evening appointments call Mr. A Wehater, Inc. Tobacco Corp., Broad Sf, 3-5298. 8t. in St. James Pannh, 2nd floor ' ■ .PAUL P. FIANO tion. Offered for first time on the condition. Well shrubed yard. question the two minors .were in m* High 8t.. Mgiicheater. I Rd.. Bolton. .1 Spacious older home. 8 rooms became due. pleadsd innocant. Pleading fUUty Early, MI 9-8875. , ' a l l 'TYPES of cameniry work 886. Call MI 3-9200 between 5-5 2 unfinished. Easily conyefle market, this valuable site for either Ideal for the professional man or the tavern nor that they wjsre 9-1841 after 6;15-'pm Reward SCHOOL BUS driver—2-30-4. 8-day | ; p . m . lafge family wanting a preferr-1 served liquor there. .This.leaves only 874,295 uncol­ to two other counts, Tnoaspsan. /done, alteration*. ■ dormer*, roof­ Articles For Sale 45 Wanted—To Buy Into a -.X-famllv, S-car guitge. Lot iVlL5^0458 buaipess or resUtkntiat rentals. lected of the total taxes of 82,- MORTLOtX'S llanchaatar'a lead- ing, porene*, etc. Oa'l Ml-9-8981. REGISTERED mir*a —part-Mme. week. 812.60 per week,. Ml 8-1493 Household Goods 51 Ideal' for office building or com-' location. For more detail* please McCrystal and Miss tjewie testi­ waa Aned 812 for operating with­ / thg driving bcliool. Three aklliep.' Call MI 9-2868; ATTRACrnVK two-room .furnished 99x165. "Marion '-E^^Robertson, 346.099 due the town this year. out a driver's lictnaa, and 13 fpr from 2-4 p.m. ONE REFRIGERATOR, two 9x12 WANTED TO BUY Broker. Ml S-SmsX BOWERS SCHOOL SECTION mercial use. Full price, 820,500. call Stephen F. Rose. MI 3-7308. fied they were driven to Man­ 'Peraonali imurtaoua Inatruetoni. Claaa roqbn wool rugs, one 26” boy's bicycle. apartment. • private hath.>! en­ Call the R. F. Dimock . Co., Ml chester from Rockville the evening ■ During the esme 5-month pert- failure to display rsflstratioa InatmcUons for 15, 16, 17 year WANTED — . Connecticut licensed BLACKSTONE electric dryer, 875 Good iiaed reaalahle furniture, trance, porch, electricfly. ' gas do. Mrs. Loverin has collected plates. He. too. cIsihMd h# had par* JIUM CLBANteS repaired In Roofing—Sidinc 16 nurse, room or apartment avail­ Ml 9-1042. ENGLEWOOD^ DRIVE Immacu­ This charming Colonial home Is 9-5248. J. WATSON BEACH ^ CO. of Aug. 1 snd remained st the Oak nhU. Telaphons Mr. Morilook, MI 8-0005. also small upright and spinet heat and hot water. S4 'Uriion St. late 6,-^rO'om.^rOonn cape, 4 bedrooms, in excellent condition and features Grill for about three hour*. They 820,448 In back taxes, plus Inter­ misaton'of the car’s (Earner, Richard own home shop. Forty yeart R A yS ROOFING CO., shingle and able if de«l>ed. Call TR 8-9121. POWER MOWERS — Toro, Jacob­ pianos. est and lien fees. 11)* toivh's Dion, to us* the car. factory experience. All maxes, low Director of Driver B^caUon. AUTOMOBILE FQUR ROOM and bath, electric'tv ttla,-1(nohen, ceramic, bath, alum­ a large living room, attractive din­ JA 2-2115 were ser-ved beer at a table by MI e-7398. ,Mi|t-iip. roofs, gutter and rdnduc- sen. TtKio and Snapping Turtle. SLIP COVERS — Sofas 849.96; ing room, womlerful family room, Ascal year ended yeaterday. The esse of Pearl Lhke,. 41, ef rates, free eatlmatea, free picklip BOOKKEEPER for general office ahd best, near bus line. Call MI inum storms, may assume 1H% Mrs. LaRivlere, a< part-time wait­ , lor w'ork; roof, chimney repair*. Reel and rotary. Alao riding mow­ chairs 829.95 including fabric* Watkins Used Furniture , extra large bedrooms, dishw'asher MANCHESTER—9 room Cape Cod 21 Central Row, Hartford INstrtet Taxes 100 Village St, was contlausd and delivery. Mr. MUlar,' JA work. Steady position for reliab^. MECHANICS (print* and texture*). Cu*tom 'cut 8-2467. ; ______- ■ _ mortgage, excellent value. 814,801. ress, they said. McCrystal added LARSON'S Connecticut a first « - ■ R a v Hagenow. Ml 9-2214; Ray er*. Parts and nervicq. Capitol Exchange Paul J. Correnti. Ml 3-8893, and-disposal. G.E. heating system 3 or 4 bedrooms, good condition, he was served hard liquor a* well All but 810.60 of 1658 real es­ without date because k dlvdree ac­ 2-9904. and trustworthy person. Call /I l ’f. Equipment- Co.. .18 Main St., Man- and fitted in your home. Limited cenaed driving achdol trained Jackson. Ml 3-8825. 3-2791 for appointment. 15 Oak Street IH ROOM apartment; heat and hot and a ” park-like yard.” Please call excellent family home with large BE?T LOCATION in M anchester- by Repetti, the bartender. tate taxes In the Vernon Fire Dis­ tion waa said to be pending. He Is Certified and appytoved^.je' now of­ Why not Join a succeaaful , cheater. Ml 8-'f958. time only. Wa'tkln* Brothers, Inc., 812,B()0—8 room Cape, aluminum for other particulars. yard for children. Selling under 6'4 room ranch, 24 foot living charged with non-support. 28c WASH. 10c DH t—Do it your- COUGHLIN ROOFINa Company. Ml 8-5171 985 Main St. -water. Gentleman pj-eferred. MI The three accused testified they trict have been paid, -Tax Collec­ aell. Lucky Lady. Self-Servlca fering claasroom ',Jthd behind REGISTERED nurse or L.P.N. for, orgAnlxation. otie that'* here to _ WE BUT and aeil antique and u4e§ ■*-1988,^‘AD 8-4798.,;^ ' combinations, neat, clean, amesite FHA appraisal. Priced at only roonl with fireplace, 1*4 baths, had not remembered seeing Mc'- tor^.Ffedertck S. Paisley reports. Roceo.Girard, 22. of 80uth*rlck, wheel inatruotioo for teenager*. Inc Aluminum' siding, aaphalt- FOR SALE—Used lumber, plumb , 812,600, R. F. Dlmock Go., MI Laundry, 11 Maple 8t facroee relief shift, 4 day week, in con-' stay,. Immediate opening for an ing and electrical euppliea. Al*o Two love *eate 180 'and 890 each furniture, china, glaa*. ailver. pic­ drive, - wooded lot,. near bus, ELVA TYLER. Realtor screened porch, ** acre wooded Cr>’stal or the girl in, the tavern lx accounts comprise the un­ Mass., was Aned 8103 for operating MI 9-8076. asbeatos roofing. Alao aluminum. valescent home. Call Rockrille TR I experienced mechanic to work ture fremea, guna, attic contents, FOR RENT^Five room flat, sec, stores school. Carlton W. 9-5245, - . lot, *18,500! 4'f,% FHA- loan. ■ from Firm National Store Parking jC------, gcivanixed or copper gutters and door*,, windows, hot water heal-1 Electric range *80.. Ml 9-4469 or MI 9-5051 that night. Stanko said he kni paid real estate taxes, due a year a motor vehlcla while Ma OoniMctt* LotL 6-4291. „ j tn a General Motors deslership. whole estate*. FumtUire refln- ond floor)'oil burner, steam heat, Hutchins, MI 9-5132, Owner. MI 3-6133. Close to school McCrystal by sight from having ago today. The total taxea due was cut license was undsr suapsoalar, leader*. Ml 8-7707. era. gas filed floor furnace*. Gen-' 8 p<’. sectional aofa *50. XI 1 • *• eral Electric hot water fumac a .Dining room table and 5 chair* 8*6 iahed and repaired. Furniture Re- „ autojnnatlc hot water, Ruscn. storm MANCHESTER'-ind vicinity -- 15 and shopping. Immediate occu­ seen him " o n the 'strSeULdn the 818,827. and 86 for piasaing a a ^ lilg n . H* w a n t e d —Ride from yiclntty f B u a ^ ie ^ liServices .Offered 13 C l ^ K m i ^REDEMPTION ROCKVILLE—3, family house. Very ROOFING, S lD m c ,: painting Car­ and modern radiators. Choman'*' Small' dropleaf tabl* -gnd 4 chair* pair Service and Sales, Talcott- Windows, ' Venetian . blinds. Ga-' minutes fjorti town,, 8’ 4 jtoom es pancy. past. Repetti and MwT'i.tRlviere Seven real estate lien* were Alsd pleaded guilty, buL-skid he con­ ' Weet Middle Tpke. and B rc^ to center, Applv in person to Mr*. 1| BENEFITS villa. rage rent 875. Adults only. MI good condition. Good size bam. VERNON—New 5»4 room ranch, at TAMKIR t r e e Removal - land pentry. AlteraOone and additions. Stone. S A H Green Stamp C o.,'I -c HouaeWrecking. Stock Place, off of *80, . ' Large lot with fruit trees. Good tate,. l\ i baths, garage. small tached garage'. 1 acre lot. built-in OAKLAND ST.—2-famlIy, 4-4. extra said they hsd n or known Me by the tax collector on these six sidered he was,driving with hla Hartford, vicinity Fox'*. Hours cleared, firew'ood cut. Inbured. 3-7995. Ceilings.. Workmanship guaran­ 946 Main St., downstairs. I BU.TE. CRO.SS AND CMS ^ North Main St. Open daily 8:30 to •WATKINS investment propert.V. Monthly in. barnj4 ROOM RANCH, like new, fire storm window*; good loca^lc' an^and the fact that testimony showed The tax collector spoke hlghjy Ha is charged with Intocicatlon and perience. 90 day* guarantee on all model). Marlow's, 897 Main 9t. Open Thursday evening* until wood fence, basement ^garage. cleaners MI 8-6305. / ' i OV 4-8980. FOR RENT 8 room apartment. Owner moving. Qiiick.ydccupancV. 812,990. Many more from 86,500 place ceramic tile bk(h. amesite Price 813,500. Call owneri''’'^ M I; the tavern •employes had been of the support glvjen to district ac-" baliig''^a common drunkard. Ha work. Potterton'*. MI 9-4537. ROOFING—Speclalixlng » repairing JUST THREE hour* a day-.i- ran (Up to $90 per week) Closed Monday* up. Call , the Ellsworth "-Mitten "emphatically” instructed in Iden­ ■ I ' - - SUMXfBR SALE—on fertile .tone Inquire 226 Center St. • Must be seen to appreciated. drive, attached garage, full pri 9-66Sr. tivitlea by -the prompt payment of claimed he wanted to go to a cHnlfl roof* of all kinds. New roofs, gut­ earn you 830 a week'in your spare FOR SALE Florence ga* *tove.: R ^ M JIT H kitchen privilege*. Agency, Realtors, MI 3-6930 ^ *11,900 R. F. Dimock Co., Realtor, tification requirement* for persons taxes by most taxpayer*. FLOOR SANDING and leflnlahlng. ter work, chimneys cleaned, re­ SICK LEAVE less loam Also, sand atone, Priced below apprkiaed value. For for treatment, and has a Job to gs Aotomobne* for Bpecialiilng ta old floors. Ml time selling. Avon Cosmetics, Fra­ Kenmore ga* heater. I.-arge din- Centrally located. Babie* ae- 9-5524. 'A f l 9-8245. MANCHESTER room Ca» e, who appeared, under age. Paisley will be at the Dobson- to. ^ paired. Aluminum siding. "I grances and Chrlstma-s Gifts. It gravel fill. Ml 3-8903. appointment (ilT Katherine Rem- 9-6780. PAID VACATIONS Ing room table. Call MI 9-5828. | cepted. Mr*. Dor»ey, 14 Arch St. THREE ROOM apartment. North kiewlcz; kn''8-6766; fireplace, op«ii'stairway, tile bath, Testimony showed.' Atty. Lew vUle Firehouse every Tuesday Eugene GokUng. 37, NEED A CAR and had your credit years’ experience. Free esti- you need money.' think what a .Main St. J, p. Realty, MI 9-3640. MANCHESTER—Beautiful 8 room ' •c'keen pmfeh. on dead end street. said, that Stankd’a emplo.ve# made metps Call Howley, MI 3-6.151, Ml FISHING BXIT. Minnow*, night | XX thla month from A to 8 p.m. for St., -was Aned |30 for IntooUeatldn. turned down? Shori; on down pay­ M A M RUBBISH Removal Serv­ tremendous difference this can FLORENCE kitchen heater, white. pleaaant room for g4 ROOM , FULLY fumls)M3 ' ths, breezeway two 9-PSr night’s meeting .of the grAup opM’ator’s Ileanse. cial*, flxit yourself cars, always State Employment Serrice, 9 .1 4 ’X 48” . 84 each. B oy'a hockey j atove/w ith extra*, ■lightly used. 1 free parking. lO ICheatm it 81. light housekeeping. .Apply ’ apsrt- j acres land, 516 frontage, on Route carar _aithchea gafage. Built-ins. Im- whether Stgnko had knowledge of which waa appointed at ,a town A $38 bond waa set in the case Shops, 207 N. Main.St. Ml 9-6324.. private work. ''TI beautiful conditmn, lovely'lot with the sales made to McC>,ystaI that A good selection. Look behind our North Park St., Elk'a Hub Car­ Tmir 'Oldamobile dealef' skate* *i*e 1. G irl'* w hite figure j * 10(1. M I 8-7954. tnent 4, 10 D^mt Square. 6. Calf PI 2-7427 or AC 8-3401.1. j iaetuate occupancy, o *22,900. R. F. VERNON-i>AcroBS from new scliool. meeting thi* aummejs; .Atty. Har­ of Kenneth H. Johnaon. 81. of Bol­ ''^office. Douglas'Motor*. 888 Main. PLEASANT large heated mom, trees, assume 414% mortgage. night. riage Houae, Rorjiville. .112 WEST CENTER,gT. free "parking.. on bu* line. 145 Cen­ Small cash.' Onlv 818.500. Carlton 'Iniock (3o.. Realtor, Ml 9-5245. I's acre IotsNM,500,-4 rooms, 3 ifiember* wifi be Able to attend the forfeited by out of thq motor- ond car, 8550 or heat offer. MI TYPEWRITERS - Repaired, ront- S tora ge 20 New Model I,aundrv. 73 Summit s e t . * 40. M aple crib. * 15. ^V ^on, I tachm ent*. M I 3- 9715. 7 room English CoJOhial. Recrea­ FOR FURTHER information or VALLEY FALLS RD Venjon. Ix>t to Identify those who served him. 9-2154. floor front, on bu* line. Reefati- SIX ROOM duplex, centrally lo- years old. Oil heat, combination, meeting"4o that a division of work tsU. -ed. " O l d and serviced 479 E. St. 86. 21 Conwav Rd. M I iM 984, rant nejtrby. Parking, MI 8.80(>2. storm windows, 2-car garage with tion room, I ’ t ^ th s , AA zone. 30- appointment to see these homes 175,foot frontage; 640 feeUNjeep, McCrystal waa arrested tn Rock­ / Middle Turpplke. Ml 9-3477, AUS'HN A CHAMBERS tVXocaJ WILI, TRADE Westlnghouse re -: ,-<:ated. Available now. Gall MI dSy occuparmyr *r00O. MI >8620. can^-be arranged.and siibcommit- Hospital Netek S-4097. > attached patio. Must be seeii 1 call Richard F Dlmock, MI 9-6003 ville Aug. 2 for Intoxication and a moving, packing, storage. l-iow RELIABLE ,a-EANTNG woman frigerator and chest typ^- freeser I be. appreciated. Call oWneir MI Robert D.. Murdock, MI 3-6472 S q u i n t |■nv•stlg:ttoTl;^ There will not be Admitted yesterday: Mary Qua- CONNIE’S TV and Radio Service, everv Friday. Call after 8 p.m. 829.00<)'*^lfioncord Rd. Beautiful b u il d in g l o t located on Lydall rate* on long' distance move* to Salesmen Wanted 36-A! n 6 r GE FREEZER/for **1*. *1*5. ' for recent model-2-door retriger*-, FIVE- ROOM duplex, bath shower, 9-0279. - Price *26,000.. ’ 'Principals Daniel G. Saunders. TR 6-2828, 0ie514 rooip ranch Veraon a « l Talnotriilfe now* la ritory. -Starting salary, 8250 per STORE 1 2 stone .'fireplaces ASHFORD IJtKE—Cleared water­ MANCHESTER Package Delivery. TYPIST--. FOR order departmeht j month plu* tenu* and car allo’'V MashiM CleaMsd Bh • small Investment. haadMd threogb The BALDWIN ROAD‘ “ •.a BAn -Ptaelered walls front lot, sandy beach, driveway. Light trucking and package deliv- In warehouae and transportation ' ance. Excellent advarreemeni np- flepUe Tnnbe. Dry Wallet Aewer 818.600-(Grcen Manor. Six roqm ^ iit - ln appliances Call Marlon E. Robertson, Broker. RoekvUle, 7 W. Mata 88., ' ery.P Refrigerators, washeVs and offire. Must be capable and ac-' | pnrtunitv. State age send resume FOR RENT Line* Installed— Cellar Mater- ranch, *Bttached garage. Tw’d’o min- Aluminum combini MI S-8983. - - Vie^. He W. iKckerson Resigns TReoMMt 9-S136. It MAPLE ST Six room brick veneer single. Aluminum combinations ' stove moving apectalty. Folding curate. .Permanent poaitidn ’ 'vHI' of education and exparienc* pi^fU ig Done. Business LocstlaM utes froip Buckley School. All elc Large screened-ih porch chairs for rent. MI 9-07.12, ' many benefit*. Hartford Denpatch — APPLY Clean .5s a whistle. Shown by ap­ box H, Herald. K V. TONOREN , for Rent 64 pointment onlyr . , ' ' trical app |ices, full baseroeht, -Basement garage and Warehovwe C o^ Tpc.. 226 REAL ESTATE BROKER MondMitcr 8 • , screened in ircj^'30-day pecupan- '• • Over 2' acres land Suburban fop- Sale/ ''75 From Congregational Posts Prospect -St., Ea*t/H*riford. JA MfKINNEY BROS. Office Stair Fetes “ Anything In Real Estate 1” Sdnfings and Loon ROMMEIRCIAD business or office ARTHUR A. KNOFLAr ey. ■ '• High elevation . / Painting— Paoering , 21 '6-2641- Hlelp W anted-^/ S*w*Fag» Dispotal Co. > space for rent. Up to 6800 square Now only *16,700. . TOUjAND—5 room bungafow type, 1907 MAIN 5IT. REALTOR 823.900- r-Brand .new'7--fqrniljv-Ui The resignation of the Rev.-Ptheir annual trip to Cape Cod Dr. Peckham, Wife Male or Femgte . Ml 3^6321 I tiO-ISX Pearl M .— M 8- 6*96 'feet. Will au'b-dlvide. Main Street. .2 bedrooms, sunpqeCh, ( garage. PAINTING . AND paperhanginp-. MI 3-5440 * MI 9-5938 rooms eatUi. incobi*' with 'Beautifully landscaped. Approxl- where they spent *' wi>ek Help Wanted— Male' -*I6 Located near Center.- Plenty of small investment. l a w r b :n c e f . f ia n o , Herbert '\^^ pickerson, pastor of Good dean workmanship at ,.rc'(- iL mately »■ aece. Main hard - road. Mr. and Mntr"Stanley'K, Nygren annabln rates. 30 veara lh Man------^------. parking. Phqne MI 9-5229 or MI ^ ^ S T SIDE—Gambotatl built 8 , Broker _ ■ . the united Hebron and Gilead Con­ Dr. and Mr*. Charlas H. Psek- 1 RESPONSIBLE apptlranl* tn oper- 89,S0o;89;S0C George -J. Coleman, Rock- and bhildren are also spending a ham. 21 (3ttmatoek Rd.. ware entar- rhcaier., Raymond Fj*ke. Ml TURRET LATHE operator* able to I ate *rhool brnte* in Manchester room cape, fireplace, dormers, VERNON , gregational- Churches, ’'Uma sub­ vacation st their summer camp in 9-9237 ' ' *et up and operate short nin lot* alufnthum storms, 120 frontage, .MI 3-2761. ville. TH 8^-4710, T R 8-;0.45, tained at a farewell 6tniiar at I and Vernon. 7<80-*:3n a.m. 2:15- ^ISW OLD S'i'k EB^T~^ “ C-ommer- mitted Sunday, after a pastorate Vermont. Cavey'a ReatsUirant'last 'Alfht ly /W ilco Machine Tool Co.. Route 5 3..10 p.mJ k jr 9-0852, Ml 8-2813. bus,' only *14;500. Carlton W. 818.900— -Lake St. Just over Man-, Bocks Visit Town EXTERIOR and interior nalntingr' A 44. Bolton. • SEPTIC TANKS 3*lal garage, approximately 1,100 Hutchins. MI 9-5132. cheater line. (?ustnrh built beautiful P A m P. FIANO of less than two-^ years. the- nuraes and aecratary tof hia oi- ULCANE® and INRTALLED FOR complete HOilE REMODELINfi j^quare feet. Call MI 9-4889, 8,a.ih.‘ all plastered large 9- rexim Cap6. fanted—^Real Est.’ite 77 The Rev. John Beck, his wife and Gelling* refinlahed Papernaniging. MI •8-Q458 He accepted the call to Hebron .four children wet# cajlers here on i flea. Wallpaper book*. Eatlmatea given. AMESITE SEAL Coating"^ EgtI- ril p.m. ' NEW 7 room ranch In Manchester, TWo fulkperamtc tile baths.'** sore SELLING YOUR HOME? For Dr. Peckham- '»'**o is retiring aa nialor and salesman. 47A Main, Situations Wmntctl--> m 2 full' baths, built-in oven and and Gilead in January, 1958. He former parishioners and'frlends re­ Fully covered' by inaurance. Gall • SEWERS IN THE MANCHESTER area call lot) Excellent.financing. Immediate DOANE STREET—Bowers School. prompt, efficient, courteous serv­ goes from here to the Greenville chief o f obstetrics and aaaociata Edward R; Pne’e. MI 9-1003. St., Hartford,'Conit. ■ CH 7-8(82 Fcmalt 38 frORE FdR rent at 84 Oak St. range, recreation room with fire­ occupahev. cently. 'The R4fv. Mr. Beck wa* pas­ M A U H I^ CI.EANP'® oApproximately 18’x40’ , Heat in') Modified ranch, 8 rooii^,.,, bath, ice and appraising without obliga­ Congregational Church, 'Norwich. tor of the Hebron snd.Gilead yoked •o fO'riyculogy Mancheater Me* , from 9!io a.m. intfrvlewa.' place, 2-c'tr garage. Excellent lo­ tion, call S. A,, Bee'chler, Realtor., mori'al HoaplUI. waa present9(l PAINTnfG AND paperhangihg., Jluded. Rent reasonable. For I"- cation. This nous* has»over 1500 By appjmntrnent .only. Call garage. 1200 square feet living His resignation, though nbtt unex­ .Congregational churches a few First c)aa* Work. Available now.. AM a r o u n d machinist with lob ' • INSTALUtlON jormalion call MI 9(1690. -area, plus finished basement red) MI 3-6969 or Wesley R. Smith, As­ pected. ,i* regretted b y parishion­ ypars ago. He I4 now chaplain of a with a desk set! Mrs. Peckham PRACTICAL NURSE to live in. ME JA C K KERIN square' feet all 'finished, livlrg sociate. MI 9-8952.'Member Multi­ Fully Inaurcd. Call ahv tinie. '*hnp experience Call Ml 3-M26. SPECIALIST area *20,900. Down payment'.re­ L D. REALTY reation .room, aldminum -...fom- ers and friends of the area; Com­ 'Boys'' School In.-Rbcheater, N. Y... was given an brchld corsage. 8-1360. ■ * DORMERR ROOFINO itR-OONDrrtONEDiNprrtoi 8-room office: bination windows, hot water oil ple"Listing Service. The Peckhami- will ll've bn k Ml 9-IJ326 " I Mr. Kirk. BATHS quired, *2,900. Philbrkk, Agency, ing close on the heels of the res- ‘where he also'teaches. He IS also TONE POReHER ^00% MsipMkin StreetSti location. Park- MI 9-3640 ^ heat, attic fan, walking distance ranch in Aetna. .Calif,, and the RBC ROOMS rOIlNDATlONK MI 9-8464. '* ( ' MULTIPLE LISTING Igniition o t the .Rev. Douglas F. "in chiarge of a church there. INSIDE AND outatde ' pa ml ing. j 1VANTED—Experienced meat cut Tawa aad Oauatry |ng, MarltSr'e, 897 Main St. ■4rt. - - ■ all schools, bu*. Occupincy Dec. Pimm from the pulpit of St. Segregation Paper-Arrive* doctor will hrtd a Bart-Um#: peat- esti- ter.. Exeellent working conditions. a d d it io n s SIDINO MANCHESTER — *T,10d. Six room 1. *17,900. Owner Ml 9-9.187.' - 2686 fheiin workmanship. Free MI 9-1896 MANCHESTER —If you want 1 IS FOR YOU! Peter's Episcopal Church, the .Rev. Copies bf ,:T he Petal Papers." tlpn with -the Unlveralty e i mates. No job loo '*malf. John ; Write Box U, Herald. MI 8-6M9 frORB FOR RENT, excellent house. Just off'Main St. ' Garage, Draiaasa Oa. JJAtlon 500 square ft., alr-condl.- comfortable 2 bedroomidro ranch Mr. Dickerson's departure Will a Mississippi publication, have California ta a dlraatqr ef statlatt*. VerfaJHe, Ml 8-2.121, Wtth large rooms,, fun cellar, ex ggrdeD) Housa sets in rear of 31 COVe NTR'Y lAKE-Adorable year Whether buying or (felling take cal research. He came-to Manchea" .1___ TELEV'ISION . technician. Muat tOAM UP TO SEVEN YEAH^ PINANCINO ARRANGED slloned optional! Tel, 'Ml S-fl*!,; Eldrldge St.. Inquire owner any 'round home, 4'4 rooms, 21 bed- leive the town without a settled been received from Mrs. Kenneth Ml 9.4143 cellent location on wooded lot, ca'l advantage 'of the Multiple Listing minister, though steps will be K. Kolb of Tlicaon. Ariz., and sre ter tn 1948, THOMAS -HARRISON -- Palhlmg ' have )i year's experience practical OCLITVATED. (ILEAN H” )*. ______• ^ • brooms, fireplace, extra lot . 86.980. TO LEASE—Building 98x48 feet. the Iximaa A Nettleton Co., CH PI 2-8124. Services offered through the Jar.vis taken* to; All! Both vacancies. He at" th* Douglas Library. These pa­ and decorating. Equipped and bench work. Top salary paid. Call TOBACCO FIELD LOAM- 9-6211. Evenings Mr. Handler, MI Realty Co. Check our Multiple List- fully insured for large and' ai*nall PI 5-6062, concrete, flooh, suitable for any 883 KEENEY ST.—Cape Cod, full will leave for, his. new charges pers put great emphasis on the Wfiitian A ttache»* TEL. Ml 9.0650 kind o( small business. Inquire ef “9-7618, Mr. Gaffey. JA 8-0666, — shed dormer, 9 large’’ rooms; 3 OWNER transferred. Superior itype ing Board in our aif-condit'loned of­ Negro questions,.especially a* con­ _ 's __ job,* Workmanship guaia'nieed Mr. Booth, AD 8-8441. fice at your leisure. - Lisjltig "our Sept. 30, with reasohable price*. Ml .1-4854. DUMP TRUCK driver, laborer -ex- AFTER S P.M. " ler; 72 Matale St. bedrooms, baths, fireplace, I Ranch house for sale. Six extra The Hebron and Gilead Church cerns segregation, strongly bp-' I 'p5rieh( cd only. Age 26-40. Apply home .with Jarvis will a.sSUre you Preston Dr. Home r- EAST CENTER St. area—6 room heat, hot water.-Owner MI 9-054t large rooms. Valentine built. Well ■Coimcihi will meet Wednesday at posed by the editor. - x - ,.. - ,------i ■ .'■' ^ Thoma* Colla Co..-2.11 Broad Sf, shaded one acr*. lot ' with 200’ of Prompt action. Buying a home The paper, which consislSBr-of «) (jolonial, hot water heat, gqod froW Jarvis will assure yt>u,r,of a 8 p.m. in Hebrori. Sunday Schools r Houses for Rent 65 FIVE ROOM ranches — 9 and T frontage, on top of a hill. .State about four pages, is printed on',s' Properly at 37 PraaUm Ur fcw- 8345 ------^ ------condition , inside, 4 garages, room (Ckilonials. For further de quality home at falV market value." of the two churches will resume Read Heralfl .\iJvs. *1B;200, CjTitOn W. Hutchins, Ml atbeked trput stream arid swjm-' Sunday, Sept. 20. ■ poor quality of "paper and the print owned by Salvatore LauretU hat tO-M BREE ROOM cottage; suitable tails call Charles Le6f>erance, MI ming.pool at 'foot of hill. School If you are having financing prob­ is also p oor an " •ectriclty. YeAr 'round home. MANGHES’I'EI^ GREEN Attrac- f'ree arid - without any obligation. voter making-session^will he Sept. 10. at Hartfoed. Also on Sept.. 13 Anpe C«bot, Msnrheater Evening . prfsertll.V connected to Its a.vatcm. ■ The- General Manager's- Office We will Interview between 89,300—CUTE 6 bedroom ranch, terprises. Phene Bob Agnew,. MI Wp also, buy property for cash. Tha,.‘|aw firm of L'eaana.r.. For . lat-clasa maiJlng add 10c qOOD |AY bvfSTIMI OFFOStUNiniS . ; , FRINGI BfNIFITS M l MI.9-2850. 4-0988 or MI 3-9878., v ' live 4 beoroom hb'me. New ' oil 1^, 9 ,a.m. th 6 p.m. th* ■ pilgrim Leadf r*’'' Conferences Herald. 1150 AVE. OF AMERI-( and .(2i-for aiirhority to issue cnm-| The Controller's Offire, t?l2 and X-S. aluminum storms, amealte drive, . Member Multiple Listing Rottner. Karp and Groohart ia for each pattern. Prmt Name. Ad­ large frees. Carlton W,! Hutchins, heat', "Quick sale urgent. for re­ Vacalibneni R e^n wdll meet at Sharbn, -.Somers, and CAS, NEW YORK 86, ,\ .V .5 'o r i pion capital stock in the ampunt;; both in'the Municipal Building, . ROOM Cape, furnished across 82 TREBBE DRIVE—Appealing 6 STANLEY BRAY, Realtor , representing Mrs. Lauretti. dress with Zone, Style No, and l*t-claw JuaUlng "hd 10c for each ; of ISfllOOO and • debentlirSa in ttir 41 Center St. ’ . jlrom St. James'James S''*''-'''School. ■; One MI y ili3 . tired couple. - October 1 occupan­ ‘Mrs. Oertnide, M. Hough and CSiester. ! , room Cape. A-1 condition, rec­ cy. MI 8-6807..Ou'cer*^ ______BRAE-BURN REALTY Biie.. pattern. Print name, address with ; ahiounjt of $.10,(H)p. or. ' LaHdSlOastCoe MAL TbOL & ENGINEERIKG CO. |m ^l«a!sa..^«a!sa. AAvailable J. D. Real ^M1 3-927P-.L her Idaughters,'idai Mrs. Mavjorle The n«w f*Jl * Wtntem^ iMue--zone apd Pattern“ Number ■ ' PUBWe UTILFnf:S'4T)M- 'The Police station ' I,AROE 7 roolh . Cape on 8 aorea reation room, atofmi, acreena, ga­ Keefe, Mrs,, Ciharlea N. Fillmore, ' MaarJkeetM- EvaiitB^ Herald He- 99fty-finir par cent of paraaoa MI 9-8940 \ rage, porch. Attractivaly land- 21 CONWAY fiB.—Blx^room ranch, . ....—------of ButeRatr FuhiolITAJihifM 'i\lir our fasranattng ^ UHave ...•>.* you "the *ICir'5ff AlbumA fkn coh- •$nfisioN Applications accepted In 12 mid­ Mit4ilMll Or., MaaV'. , ■

.v-» / ^


Thomig UtigamM o( WalUagford, the exacuUva board of the Man- Prospective Bride WM am oag um gnacts. A thrae- R. C. Shows Film L T. WOM OO. cheater Women’a Republican Chib tlgrad wartdtng eake. made'by Mra. About Town will meet a t the' home of Mrd. Tendered Shower Michael Zwlck of Manchester, was At Waddell School IC E r U H T . Jack Mercer. 41T Woodland St., decorated with the original bride •1 N snnx n . H » Rev, Percy Spurrtfr, «•- tomorrow at k p m. and groom flgurea from the A new film on breath ^eauacita- of ttouUi Metlwymit A peraofvU shower for Miss Mar­ Cube$42ruelwd^BU»ck$ aoclete patter couple's bridal eaka Friends and tion will be shown tomorrow at . oiureh. and The Rev. H^an-ey There will be no Seplembar garet O'Reiny was given yesterday relatlvea presented ‘gifts of' flow- Moualey-of Bolton, eupfijmendent meeting of the Manchealer Regla- at the homa of her mother, Mra. era, money and allver. 8 p.m. in the cafeteria at Wad­ of Norwich dlitrict, ^oathern New tered Nureea' Aaan. Charles O'RelUy, 8* Lancaster Rd. dell School, it was announced by Snaland Onference ctf the Metho- The shower was given by Mra. Joseph McCooe, chairman of the dlit ChurcJi. are attending \ Boa^ M r and Mra. Jamea Olaaler. 17 Rudolf Vltali Jr. and Mra. Michael Manclv»ster Red Cross flrat aid too Area Paalore' Aeaemhly at N '^rden fir., have received word Donofrio, both of Meriden. Laurel Club Plans committee'. , OPEN DAILY Geneva Point Camp. Lake Wlnnt- lhat Vtelt *on., Pfc. David A. A buffet waa served In a setting The half-hour flltn. gives a 8A.M;99ff.M. peaankee. N. H. /Olaaler, S d iu 1ie dlacharged in of white flowers. About M friends Plant, Food Sale graphic description of the mouth November. waa drafted In ahd relatives attended the shower. to mouth breathing rescue meth­ SUNDAY, 8 A.M.-tP.M. ■n»e Rotarv Club of Mancheeter December. 1P.S7 ifter graduation Miaa O’Reilly la engaged to od. The film was produced-mt 'nie an n u a l. plant, ^ood and Walter Reed Hospital'in Wash­ PINE PHARMACY «in meet tonight at «:30 p.m. at from Harvard Univeralty. Pfo. marrv-John William Lahda Jr. of treasurM” sale, to ^ sponsored the MaachMter Country Club. .John OTkaler. elat toned In the public in­ Daiaytown, Pa., Sept, 29, In 8t. ington. D. C. The program U • 6M OENTEB 8Ti Baminl wilt preaent a report on by the Laurel Garden Club of East formation ofltre of Heidelberg Jamea Church. Hartford Sept. 12 from 11 a.m. open to the public. 0 ONDISPLAY: A. V. "Bert" Lindsay. President and Owner D M A R L O W ^ Without Flashbulbs SERVICE ON ALL • Royal • Underwood ‘ . 35 OAK BT., MANCHESTER, CONN. TV FOR EVERYTHING! CONVENTIONAL MAKES • Ol^pls • Olivetti R • Remington T s a r • Smith-Corona MORIARTY TTae Oiir Rental Plan and Apply Your Rental Toward the Piirehiuie. BROTHERS The Bank that gives you PLANNED SECURITY 801-815 CENTER ST. TEL. Ml 8-5185 JILOWlS FOR e v e r y t h in g ;

T i p u h H \ SUPER MARKETS SAVINGS sh o u ld WITH THE NEW GRANTS “PARKADE” STORE 3 0 0 0 SPEED FILM GROW as the family gtovos d o u b l e OPEN DAILY O RU) CREENI MONDAY Thru FRIDAY t S1TAMPS M. to 9 f .M. (SATURDAY 10 A.M. to 6 F.M.) MTEDNESDAY MANCHESTER SHOPPING AND THE POLAROID*. PARKADE ^ REPEATING z \ \ Now we have the amaz­ ing 3000-speed Polaroid . Land Aim and the re­ peating wink-light —r the combination that lets you END OF SUMMER CLEARANCE V.-: take indoor pictures any- . where WITHOUT fl a sh ­ bulbs! Nosy indoof pic­ tures are easier, faster, more economical than ever before — and ready S A L E in just 60 seconds besides! 'T h e re ’s a strong feeling of prjde watching your family'grow and develop Come In and see/‘a Buy Now and Save! demonstration today. through the years and you’ll have the ijam*. feeling of acoompHnhnient watching your;dollars GROW witjj our dividends on savings arcounUi. Tha^ 1959 DODGE 4-DOOR nest^-egg ,vou can accumulafe in a few years will.provide sMurity and com- SIERRA STATION.'WAGON. Tprsion- alre ride, heater, defroster, backup - fort for you all, as the needs increase. Ilgtita, dlreetlonal lights. . - ■ - *3195 (i' OAMPBELL'S 1959 DODGE 4-DOOR . H fpM ATO JUICE » t A10B0NKT .SEDAN,. .T orsloiiaire'ride, heater, defrnateri'backup llgnte,'direc- ' fo u r Savings Earn Current Annual Dividend tioniii lights, [ *239 . 'i this t% TNt TIME TO RIV YOU*. White Meat TUNA 29c 1959 DODGE 2-DOOR SOLID PACK In o il . : -. ■ • M^njberJ ■ ■ of■ Fe4erid POLAROID CORONET HARDTOt*. Torslonalre ride,* Depuelt

We. \L80 have acid free CHORCHES MOTOR SALES TELLOW NATIVE tomatoes \ CAMERA SHOP YOUR CHRYSLER AND DODGE DEALER '901 MAIN STR E ET '' 80 OAKLAND ST. MANCHESTER M l 8-8851 t ALWAYt P i i ^ OP flM PARKMO i Jl V«‘t TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 19B9 Anrairc Dklly Nat P rt« Ron Th8 Wgathar liattrI;(Bti?r Svpttittg Far tfea Waak B aM Foreeaal of C. A Waattar BarP88 Stay 8Srd. 1888 Thomag FItaganUd of WaUtnfford, Hoatty . elofidy, raotUiaSd waSBI Prosperlive Bride waa amimg the gusats. A three­ R. C. Shows Film LT. WflOD 60. 12,925 foolgliL with morwiog fag. Law tiered wedding rake, made by Mrs. nenr 78;. Thwrwfay elondy OMfe Tendered Shower Michael Zwlck of Manchester, was At Waddell Schtfol I C E P U N T Maashes af tlw Aa .bowers. High n*mr 88. 81 B IS 9 E U . ST. Baraan af OrealKian decorated with the original bride M anchester— A C liy o f V iU iifie Charm A personal shower for Miss Mar­ and groom figures from the A new' fUjtt-i^breath resuscita­ couple’s bridal cake. Friends and Cube»-CrtuhedBlocka garet O'fteiily was given yesterday tion be showiri tDPiorrow |t relatives presented vjifts of flow-, at the liome of har mother, Mrs. ere, money and allVer. « p.m. In the cafeteria at W'ad- VOL. l x x v h l no. sm (TWENTY-WJiR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1>SS (Olaaalflai AgassBalag aa Fags $8) PRICE FIVE CENT8 '•'Hi CTiarles O ^ellly, 3$ I-ancastsr Rd. dell School. It was announced by ''..’'•'»r 17 The ahowbr was given by. 'Mrs. Joseph VLcCoot. chairman of the Rudofr Vltall Jr. and Mrs, Michael Manchester Red Cross first aid I'V A Dodofrlo. both of Meriden. I,aurel'CJuhiPlans committee. • , OPEN DAILY The ITalf-hoiir film gives a A buffet waa served In a setting 8A.M.TOYP.M4 > . Laos Lioses '' *^''"1 IS of white flowers. About 80 friends Pl^ht, Food Sale graphic description of the mouth and relatives sftended the shower. to mouth breathing rescue meth­ SUNDAY. 8 A.M .-8P.M . l4t ,,/'t> Pfj Miss O’Reilly Is engaged to od. The ■ film was ‘produced at " ,l’'‘hltMn- The anmial plant, food, and Walter Reed Hospital in Wash­ PINE PHARMACT^^ marry John william I.,shdii Jr. of "treasuree” aale, to be aponsored A rg u ed on 4 Towiis to Dalsytown,- Pa., ilept, 2#, In St. ington. D C. The program 1s ^ 684 OENTEB^^ Ike; Receives Cheers by the Laurel Garden Club of East Jam es Church. Hartford Sept. 12 from 11 a.m. open to the public. to 4 p.m. on the Wickham Me­ Red Troops morial Library lawn, will benefit L a b o r B ill CoupleObservfs the club’s civic project fund. I VIA,. _ Litter bags, donated by the Wai^inRton, Sept. 2 (AV- Sam Neua, Laos, Sept. 2 (/P) 25lh An ni versa rv Hartford National Bank, will be Sen. John F. Kennedy (D> — Pathet Lao battalions, supr dietributed. LECLERC Mkbs) reported today a eon- ported by regular troops froib . Mr. snd Mrs. John J. Hartl, Mrs. Lloyd J. Biinvham, South FUNERAL H<> atmetton site picketing snag Communist North Viet Nam, ■yaylor St.. Talcottville. - celebrat­ Windsor. Is In charge of the plant booth; Mrp. Herbert E. Twining, had caused a aharp setback to laynched a coordinated attack ed their 2.1th wedding anniversary ERAL in northeastern Safn Neua I SSturday at a catered buffet for Smrth Windsor;" food' chairman; hopes for quick final agree­ I "** tr,!!' 121-gtjeats at their home. Mrs. Arthur C. Holmstrom, Beat ment oh a labor bill. The 14 Sunda,v and captured foui; A high 'Masa ' of Thanksglvln,? Hartford "treasures" table; Mrs. SERVICE eonYerees trying to compro­ towns. ‘.'A ’ Raymond H. Arnold and Mrs. Her­ ■1 First Talks was relebrated Saturday mnimlng Walter N. mise Senate and House bills The outnumbered government L.j-k J 1 '"h. h2 hy the Rev. Ralph Kelly at Sacred bert A. Johnson, both of Eas Leclerc, forces sre drawing back on a Si­ Hartford, co-chalrmen'of the drt^d l^oke up with plans for a H eart Church In Vernon. Mr. and Director mile front toward military hesd- ■ .'1 'V %r mf Mra. Charlea Robblna were vocal- arrangement and driftwopdT’Qiah- final settlement today appar-. qiiartera here. To French Ista and organiat. lers are Mr. and, Myjc^u, Edgar Call Ml 9-5869 ently gone awry. But they The attack along the Nam Ma 1 ' The couple waa married .Sept. 1, Westbrooik, Soutty-Wlndsnr, assist­ 2.3' Maip Street, Manchester I ^^agreed to meet again later in River was at one point supported 1B34 by the late Fr. Hinche.V at ed hy .Oeorge^QdodwIn. Herbert A. :.the afternoon.. by 101 mm howitzers evidently Going WeU St. Bemard'a Church. Rockville. .Iqhnson anid Howard B. Noble, all 'nred from inside North Viet Nsm, They have two chiidreh, Mr.e. of Eiwtl Hartford. Mrs. Carl A. Laotian officers said. I^ter M. King of Weetport. and Strom, East Hartford, la chair­ Wa.shington, Sept. 2 (/P)— The village headman of Miiong man of the sale. Read ITerald Advs. A new compromise •was of- Paris, Sept. 2 Nfrchael Hartl of Talcottville^^,antf Het, acme eight miles from the dent Eisenhower and Preai' two grandchildren. .iohh'< and feref^ today op the one major frontier, who hiked to Sam Neua Jamea King of Weatportr. ' point remaining in dispute in on a wounded leg. said some of dent Charles de Gaulle IwfaB Mra. Hartl'a mald^of honor, Mrs. the attacking troops were shout­ their conferences in Paris the labor regulation bill. It ing In Vietnamese. Pathet Lao roricems picketing at con­ day in a “good and. eneoot- T W nim is a Communist organization aging atmosphere.“ AU THIS WEEK struction sites, which ruled this province in north­ A Runrh of Pninlprs Repiibltcsns ssld before Senate ern Laos until two years ago! 4 They - both described tha "!“« Co. For Onl^r Pennlea A Day and House conferees met for their Brig. Gen. . Ouane Rathikone, first talks in that manner. Rockville OJuntor ChBmher of Commprco mombrni pitched FREE PONY RIDES 12t,h dsy of sessidhs they would be Laotian army commander, said it White HnOse press secretary U*t night to. eUrt. painting two of the claasrooma at thehe Talcmt-___ X A T T H E willing to give binding pledges appeared that at least 80 per cent James Hajrerly. said. '^vlle School for the mentally retarded. Working fe^riahly you can own the that. Congress woilld consider the of the attackers were- 'Vietminh -With the heavy looking on being done by Robert Ouglletti at the construction Industry problems (North Vietnamese) or Thai Paris, Sept. 2 (/P)— Presi­ 'eft frrwn the bottom are P>ahk Forbea, Alan Taylor. Henry fabulous fieto Royal next year if Democtats"3yould drop tribesmen trained in ^brth* Viet I . ij ^rlppa and William Smith. The paintera (Expect to finiah the the,site picketing Issue' In the Nanl.- dent Dwight Eisenhower and • wo mom a hy the day achool opena- andlhen during school vaca- PARKADE pending bill. Refugees from the captured vil­ General Charlei de Gaulle to­ • lon flnian sm-eral other smaller .rooms. (Herald Photo by 2-8 P.M. DAILY lages of Muong Het, Xieng Khb, Satem fsi. FUTURA \ Several of the conferees saek- day re-lived the heady days of ^ 12-6 P.M. SATURDAY IngKto compromise varying Senate Sop Sai and Sop, Bau also said victory in W'orld War II with Vietminh troops were Involved in I PO HTAB LE and^^uae bt'ls said all other is- a triumphal, parade up the aiiea had been aettled In principle. the attack which opened at dawn Have Your Doctor However,' vptea on the language Sunday. majestic Champs Elyaees. carrying out these agreements Two of the villages were report­ The two wartime leaders, stand­ CoN In Yoor Proscription were to be taken In today’s ses­ ed occupied by 2(K1. to 2K) armed ing in an open .car, beamed proud-, sion. Laotians. The other two'wele re­ ly as they rode up the mile and Dotivorod W ithin The front End Senate Democratic conferees Sal Agrbn/left, who police aay Identified himsejf as the cape- ported more lightly held by the on* quarter avenue which extends HAVE GREAT EASTERN CONSTRUCTION have been inaistlng that conatnie- clad "Digcula" Is shown with Tony Luis Hernandez. ,ssld by government forces. from the Place de la Omcorde>- H o u r IM'I Sm • e»W a»4 ilrMwt 4*r*»4 ttoti site, picketing be exempted police tpi hav8 been the ^Umbrella Man.” (AP Photofax). The government troops were, re­ birthplnce Of FYench revolutions Special French President Charles de Gaulle waves as he and President Blaenhower poee for pbotograph- MOOSE* be** *• Si from a general ban on secondary ported falling back to a defense -- to the Arch .of Triumph. Resign the Exterior of Your Homoivith •ml tr»»4om el fbarla awl a AMI boycotts in the bill. line between the Nam Ma River era on the garden steps of the'EIyaes Palace In Paris today. Both presidents had Just completed De.GiuUle wore the wartime (I) ALIGN FRONT F.XD lunch In the palaCe. (AP Photofax via radio from P aris(. RFG. $7.jM) . . . y»l h**t »• a «ael. aaa-pliM The problem arises because and Sam Neua town. brigadier general’s uniform with P!NE PHARMACY *Utfibrella Man^ Also Seized which he .led the Free' French. TTie SSi rENTTR ST. (2) BALANCE FRONT 1 LIFETIME BAKED ENAMEL E av«et Hw4'4 a eeacNral VW.I picketing against one sobcontrac- The town of Sop Hao also Is ' WHRKI.S— REG. $4.00 ihai loa* leitHaa Swe* S»«- tor can close down all operations being evacuated. President was in a dark suit and Mad* Iraw mOOSI SaefawteS at the site and thus affect other The commander in northern soft hat — which he doffed to the (.4) CHECK FRONT WHEEL N crowd. ' ; BEARINGS Oy***ck>tH subcontractors with whom the Laos, Brig. Gen. Amkha Soukh- ALUMINUM GLA9B0ARD Poles,RedsHit|/foii8e Sustains Veto Elsenhower, held up both arms Best Trade-in and ' union has no dispute. — . ‘D racu la’ avong, estimated there are now (4) CHECK BRAKE SYSTEM T • / ^ T' Colors: Rod, swing blue,fSfU“* malse,ITVWlBw 4 in the gesture that ie hit tnule- FOO A LIFETIME OF/ lea fosm and whits “ “ ~ ~ President Eisenhower In hw the equivalent of two Pathet Lao Budget Terms in Town! battaliene inside Sam Neua pro-, mark- Cheer* rippled along the ALL POUR ONLY in all sires. $ January labor message asked Wat E MAINTENANCE FREE OEAUTY! E 4.98 construction site picketing be^ex- vince. ' massed crowd as the open Hmou- a slne pw ed. 4 20 DECORATOR COLORS empted from a ban bn aec9bdary In Killing of 2 Boys Pathet Lao alao attacked the X > P-blic^orks Bill R R Headqiiariera for Sweat Milrla. boyrotta. town of Muong Hiem, aoulhweat Thniisande banked Mi* ^ectS. lYFEwmnBsjIS^ Hnrir.nnlal nr Vyrtiral Sneakem, Gym Socles. Gym of here, and Tha Thom, below the —The in the frenzied police sweep of the seconds. the initial call of names hut Ray­ President Eisenhower vetoed it State Depk^toent today con­ By H’ATBON SIMS 8weet of India's Northeast Frontier city, officers had named him as Ally. Gen. William P. Rogers (Continued on Page Fifteen) burn held off and ordered the re­ firmed a new obthmak nf Oom- the actual killer although four com­ last week because ■ it provided New Delhi, India, Sept. ^ (81 — area. India la pledged to protect and FB I Director J. FiCjgaj: Hoover capitulation. fund* for 67 projects in .32 states miuilst attacks In Loqb nnd said Prime Minlater Nehru told Parlia­ both Sikkim and the adjourning panions have been held on homicide The final tally showed six Dem- "the-situation U of coneern. We charges. ' jointly reported toda.v there were for which his budget program had ment today that Tndla’aVdefense state of Bhutan. an estimated' 1..168,922 ic r I m e li o<'.rals voting with' 132 Republi­ made no provision. It exceeded his are ennrerned abont any ntiack command Is rontinuing unchanged Bhutan’s Premier Jlgme Dorjl The Puerto Rican youth told po­ classified as "Very serious offenses cans to uphold the President, and money requests by about $30 mil­ ngnlnst the tree government o f. despite a rift between Defense d.enied In Calcutta that Chinese lice that he had thrown in a river last year compared with 1,442.281 11 Repiihllcans voting with 263 lion. Laos,” added preM officer Lin- Minister V. K. Khriahna Menon and Communist troops had crossed the the knife he used In the playgroiutcf l\ews Tidbits Dednocrats- to override. eoln White. Bhutanese border. He said the in 1957. ■ . .. - - Seven of Eisenhower'a direct or Lt. Oen. K.. S. Thlmayyp, the army assault. But when he was arrested When the roll call was first Indirect vetoes have come this aitiiaUon -in his country waa quiet There were increases in sll of - Culled from AP Wires , commander he waa Carrying one, officers said. the individual classifications as taken, it appeared the vote had year.. The House came within fou'f c a lc u *tta r io t s r e s u m e Nehru-said. ThlmaVya had re­ TTie triqXwas picked up for been to override the veto. How­ vote* of upsetting his veto 'of a Calcritta, India, gepL 2 OPI— (ConUnned on'Page Mix) quastiohing by two'patrol car of- follows: ‘ ' signed oil Monday in i dispute over Murder. 8,182. In 1918 and 8.0’27 ever, severM •ben riiraj electrification bill last June VIoletice erupted In south Cal­ the promotion of an/ army officer fleera who spotted them loitering. Hu.mber of peraona admitted to cutta again Umight. CommunJaf- in 1917, an inCreksa of 1.9 per Connecticut mental hoapitalv this switched their, votail' and turned hut had withdrawn nia .resignation The three said they had been sleep­ the outcome the other way. (r-ontiniied oil Page KUtoen) led food rioting yeotenhiy re­ at the piime - minister’s i‘equesl. ing in hallway.s of Bronx buildings. cent. i ' year—4.731--tenned highest' ever sulted. In seven killed nnd 8 8 In­ - .The prime mimster gave full Calcutta Riots Agron got hia title of "Dracula” Forcible I rape, 14..161 And 12,886, ...Registrar of Voters makes it jured from police fire. The riot­ hacking .10 KhriaHna Menon. long from Vvearing a nurse’s dark blue 13, per' cent, ; official today — there will be both ers today were believed by. po­ one of hia cloaest/and most contro- cape, making him resemble- -the Robbery, 71,247. and 66.843, I ’l. t ; Oemorratlo and Republican pri- 7*/tc Day the W ar StNm m i declared. , rioting late yesterday In which many decadea ago, "Dracola.” 3.14,972. 1/0.3 per cent. Service to continue research of ef­ AFL-CIO's Industiial Union Pa- appewed to put at rest re- fects of radioisotopes on circulat­ SfM» .'ar W«4 , aeven peraona were killed, and .3U partment today donated f l mil­ I that' Ifihrtshna Menbn would (ronGniied on Page Two) trootlnoed on Page Twelve) ing proteins.. .'William Horowitz ‘Why Die for Danzig?’ lion to the strikiBg Btecil work- mg J '. ' .-.Jt-t _ hurt. removed'/ from the cabinet or Street cars and buses were not of New-Haven unanimously elected .ers, now In the seventh week of I amt sim .4^ :'r shifted, to another post. Nehrii running. Many of the vehicles chairman of the Connecticut Board their, walkout. W alter Benther, gave no Indication that the defenae of Education. ‘ No t e —"W hy die for nanElg?”8rounding area, had been created : fKitiMiS a im tipr^' jcc., wire burned by rioters protest­ Bomarc-B hnti-atreraft i the appeuomeot-mlnded In Europe under the TYeaty of Versaille*; head of-the Industrial Unloa De­ ■ tmehiii'stK minister had. offered to resign, as ing the Bengal state government’s And IVs Telling Stories “ Sleek partment niid the Auto WoHcefs high sources In the nil'bg Con­ missile ahot aloft todar on abort-I cried aa Hitler reached for the! after World War 1 at ■ take iUrtrwv •,*: food policies, Uhlon. snid the sum reptheented gress party had reported. range test flig h t...T h e newspajVer , city and the Polish Corridor. But i slatence. It was placed iinderi merely "n down pnyinent” be­ i ' *“ ■ i': a'*- ’No new '.Incidents were reported, It WM In Danzig that an opening! the protection of the J^pague o f , ffehni called Thlmayya a gal­ today. . The Catholic wants "a cause the steel strike might well •i t a»i pit.--,.' lant soldier but rebi)ked him for chapter of World War ll dramat-j-Natlons. .: . Violence anipted. in various Equator Not Imaginary spokeeman of American Decency” last ‘*11110 the winter.” resigning at a time when India's ically, unfolded 29 years ago— u With it* many tower*. RenalS-; 1»*C ,-4V parts of the city yesterday (after to have equal network time to an.- borde.rs'Were in a state Of anxiety. swer'Soviet Premier Khrushchev, recalled by an Associated Press sance buildings and its austere MRS. PANprr rU ESj HOME clashes between police and a pro- correspondent then stationed "Resigning at this time was not who will speak-on TV during hip Maricnkirche, Danzig w u one of I-ondon; Sept- 3 MtA. the right thing to do,” the prime ceaaion of 10,000 st^ en ts. T^e.v there. . the loveliest cities In northern were, protesting the' uae of chihis Line, Scientist Reports trip in'the-United States." Y’ijaya L. .J^uidlt, Indian high minister ssid. "It was a most ex­ The 82,009 production workers Europe. commlsalmier In London, left ItETE’a a atn rn g fEEling «if prirfs w a lrh in g y n u f famil.v grow ..and ()ev eIo|| traordinary thing to d®. whatever and tear gas Monday' to disperse By LYNN REINZERUNG TTiere had no. mistaking food agitators. of the fibber industry’s big four secreily'hy plane today for Nev tjia circumatajicea.'! " , (Associated Pres* Staff Writer) the approach of war in Danaig thruMgli IhE .vEArn and y»u-ll havg th e sam e fsE ling o f acnnmpUnhmEnt By ALTON BLAKE8LBE 8 Institution of Oceanography, fiS producers will rece4ve 19 cents an The gun* spoke at 4;47 a m.“in Delhi to consult with Prime Min­ .ilhlm ayya .has been commander F o r w'e e k s, .straight - backH ister Nehni, her brother. Pro- (OonttnisM on Page Six) {AP Kcieiire Writer) Jolla, Calif. honr more under new agreements Danrig, puHing the world at thk^m m U tl^bi^ a i the army since May 1867. There Here ie how the ridge la formed: reached between the companies shmnMy she wnnts to exehnage nalrhing >dur dolhrs liROW wjlh nur dividfnda on aaiings arrounts. Thf' ■■ ■■ ' ' w"' '4 - New - York. Sept. 2 (JP)—-The for the second time Jn a genera- taring of the German Wehrmacht Was speculation* whether he would equator is not just an imaginary, The rotation of the Earth puile and the ' United Rubber Workers views with him on the taiterna- btSIrfcs arstSEPN « s remain long In the Job. Personality ■"V’’ „ . X tt.’ ’ had been prowling the eity* Im!- 'ttonal sltiiatinn and Indian de- . naal Egg .vou ran arrumiilalE in a few .vears will provide security and con^^ man-made line drawn around our apart -the'jwarm eurface layers of Union. . .Mrs. Delores Myers, 36, It .was 8ept." -l. 1936, and tte civilian clothes - sir., ■ Siaarf . 4MaMae. clashes between him and Khriahna Trio Deny Charg es Earth.' ■wide" Pacific Oceap water. At the" a mJitker accu.sed of aiding her i shots'' had been expected fenses against Red China’s bord­ <*aW* ligM . , , i fwi fnr .ywa pll. as the neHa inrre^. '*■ Menon have long beep rumored. equator, he explainid. . . leenagW-"son in 600 shoplifting ! for months. " Adolf Hitler was Barbed' -wire had apromed at, er Incursions. Mr*.- Pandit. 89, ,.lt actually exiala;a.a a ridge or strfftegic- positions. A, pontoon" The prime minister made no Of Pay by ^rujillo line on the Pacific Oyepn bottom. Some of it flows north, some forays says she and son did it be- , fulfilling his promise to seliee Dan- departed without even telling mention of the commanders of the It is made out of foaaila and akcle-. south. From down below, deep. cok!« caiiee her famil.vV w—was *"■“hiinerv---- ^i V u u _ ------. bridge had been built ‘ over tthe members nf her staff. £ air-force' and navy, who had been water rises tip to fill the void, and Governor Ribicoff ere Washington,' Sept. 2 (/Pi^-Three tons of thlngr which once lived in. a n - k e l l e V w in s m .\b .y t h o n reported resigning with Thlmayya. fornrer- Mutual Broadcasting Sys­ the sea, then sank when they died. this Told water is very rich lif tiny issue a proclamationtion official]vofficially plac-plan- i man Reich;-Rsixh-.’* ***•* npetU.v from, the cHj to va 1 f4W*IXS-f. Ti.... ^ ChlcAgo. Sept.' 2 ■ — John Reports ofT Thimayya’s' resigna­ tem officials have denied federal This rain of material makes a animal life aqd minerals. in ginto operatlbn .the new State j As the ominous rumble fil q j gun- gun 6eadquarters in the surround- a.>r-w4. t 4>.m iMp ”aMa - tion had caused grave concern be- KeUa>'. 29t.vear.aM - schooltaach- >1 I o u r Seringa Barn Cuhieni Annual Dividend accusations that _ they" accepted-l narrow, delectable line'right whei-e Ultimately this material sinks Department of f’onsumer'Protect ' fi,* "echoed 0^ ^ t^e a l k t X ; o(rt|‘" * . 0 causeiif the occupaftbn by Chtnes.e I760.00() to broadcaat Dominican man drew the equator tm con­ .down along the equator. T aka Mon. . . House votes to reduce fed- Ultv, pigeons cooed from the g a -' '^^.e da.v ’ before it happened, ,er of Groton, Conn., today won Corantiidiat troops of various bits Republic propaganda diagtilaed aa venience^ to divide hia globe into aamp'es. stiiffj'ing the fossils la.ver erat. tax night club fabs-fenm i i,ica of the anciehr houseS;-Win-1 appeared. The ‘the Pan-.-\mcrican marathon. of Ihdian territory along the.bord-’ newa. _ northern and-' s.o'u I h e r n hemiii- -hy Ih.ver, and you'can tell how long- 20 to'lO per,.rent. . .Unite(i IJtatca dows.flevi' up. H itlers Storm I *•'”'*# had been crowded all day er between Tibet and India. Khrlah- .federal ■ grand .jury - indicted pheree. ago'these marine organismsliived,. has given 647lf mlljinh In economic Troopers already were pasting up i'^’'•1' Gbrmins. They had the fINTEGRATION PEACEFUL • 4iaM*M t •■■.w.iNUn Member of FedefsJ n'S Menon had refused to confirm the trio here yeaterday. "niey were . Wifi) 'L could alao draw lines Arrhenius said._ - r aid this yeay torthe three Micidle sign* proclsiming Danzig's return greedy, luxury-Ios'ing glint in thetk ..1 Durham. N, C.. Sept; 3 (8 V - m u m to deny the reports in parliament %~«i.. 1 s * a\is fHNss.$ . ‘ ■’irj THURSOAV Chinese had increased their troop minican ^pubne. Oenerallaaimo This, fascinating, atory was dr- lands sums 80 to 40 ’ million ypars s^edniM) .today In meatpacking The erulaer’a white hull slowly 3-piece German orchestra in tha three echoola. Except ter hoad- ' concentration greatly along the Rafapl Trujillo, a key figura lii the •• ««*IM A S* -•i StA^FMEjarKSiT k 1 V ( NIN(,-, 6 to 8 BOTH BRANCHIS OPEN fRIDAYS fo 8 p.m Bcrlbed. to ths First Intamational ago, Arriienlua ttonUnuad. Industry' 'where threat of an Im­ blackened m the big guns roared. hotel cafe elgned off with a fkwr- •hUls ecottered In front of tero • • . - TK \ ‘ * ir Mtween Tibet and glkklm, Oeeariographie Oongraai py Prof. mediate etrike by two -big unions Tha Free State of Danaig. In- aeliO(olB, (iie apenhign weim tfE h -, : ALWAYS P||lNTY Of Pim PAtKI^R tall Miiil-lndependeBt statA aa Faga Ouataf Arrhenltla of ths Berippgt (OmMUmmI at Paga Ihraa)' has been averted. •todliig the d ty and a amall sur- (OouftMued am Fage Thm) * j ! .- ,