Etn1961 Vol07 17

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Etn1961 Vol07 17 ..\. ) r .. :· t:- I \ I ,. ~ -~\ ~<-. \ I I\" 't-;; .~•l ! ,;, t . ' '-I t ,1 .. ~ ' 1 I~ i ·1·'•:r 0 -'•:.. t ·. ) , {. ~ ,;;., ~ , - -j 'i J~ ' , i.'. - '• I ' • ~ , ~ • •!, t ) ' >'· - :"\' l ~ . _ 1 , , \\ ._,, , ) : i , \ ,. c l ,; _) t , ., ~ · , , _ \ ,; \ 1 1 . ,1 I _, . also KY1ownas I' , (:!~!!OK~l!.~c~) .·~ .. I' \ f . ,' 1 l Vol. 7, No. 17 - April 5, ..1961 Semi-Monthly $6 pcir year qy first class mail 1 Edited by Hal Batem',ln · · Page 129 I ,,, I {.., \ J, . , NATIONAL INDOOR NEWS < :, 1 1 . 1 KANSAS STAtE INIDOORINVITATIONAL, Manhattan, Kansas ,, March 18:1300', Heatli (Co}d) 31. O; Strong (Okla, S~);: Qav,is (Kansas). 75, McCu~ (Kansas) ·1. 6; Skinner (Doane); · .' \, Washington (Empo~ia St)\ 7~HH,-Stucker (Kansas St) 9. O; Brodie .(Arkansas); McClirtton ' (Kan~ ·, sas). 600, Toomey (Colo) 1:11.1; Hagan (Kansas,); Corbin \(Drake). 75LH, StucJ(er 8. O; \ Lee (Kansas); Covert (Okla. St). 3000m, Mills (Kansas) 8:27 :2; Nelson ' (Arkansa~). J::!.!L ' 1 tie, Pegues (Okla. St) and Hudson (Ft. H~ys St) 6'5", PV, Meyers (Colo) 14'4"s. Distance MedleyR, Kansas (Stoddart, Thornton, Mills,-, Dotson) 10:06, 1; Kan~as St.; Okla. St. ·Spri.nt ( MedleyR, Okla. St. (Mann, Smith, Graham, Haraughty) 3:2_6. 2; Dr~ke; ,Kansas .. 2 MileR, Drake (Hutchinson, Lunford, Saunders, Durant) 7:37.4; Kansas; Arkansas. MileR, Okla. 1 St. (Covert, Mann, Stone, Strong) 3:17. 4; Drake; Coloratio. : 1 ·. · . , t / , :CEN'.fRAb AAU, Chicago, March 25: B. Johnson (UCTC) 6. 2; Vlest. (No~thwestern) , . 1 1: ~2: 9 r,ivest ran 1: 12. 3 in llea9; O'Hara (Loyo}a) 2: 12. 6; Sulliv~~ (St. George H. S,) 4: lit,2; Williams (UCTC) 14:.29. ,8 (3 nules) ; Brown (UCTC) 14:40. Sn; Higdon (UCTC) 9: 18. O (300.Q_SC)i Howard {una) 7. 4 ,(60tUi); Hpyle (UCTC) 14 '7", · · ' . , . 1 , , : · BOWLING GREgN 20 AT WESTERN MICHIGAN 86, March 25~ Littlejohn (WM) 6'5f"; , Bork (VIM) l:5i. 2; Ashmore (WM) 14:07, 5 (3 miles exhibition)~ ' · · ,, . NATIONAL ' OUTDOOR ,!'. NEV'lS I / '\. OREGON/STATE 101½ AT FRESNO STATE 29½,"March 21: Marsh (OS) 9. 7; Whittle (OS) 21.1, 9. 9n; ·"Johnson (OS) 21. 3~, 47. 3n; Bach (OS) 21. 5n,. 47. Sn; Monr,oe .(OS) 47. 1; 1 Kuocke (FS) '47. 9; Hel!;n (FS) 1:53. •5;1 Hoffman (00) 4i14. 3; ·Cuddihy (O,q) 4: 14. 6n, 9;20. ln; ' J 1 Fones (OS) :1:14. 7n;, Boyd (OS) fr.06. 4; Fors '(OS) 14, 5, 23. Sn; Horri (OS) 22. 8, 24'3"; 1 Schaefer (FS) 14'; Likens (OS) 227'2f'; Oregon State 13:17,,2; Frtisno St~te 3:17.4. CAMP PENDLETpN ,43 AT ARIZONA 88,March 21: 1'.'"e.µ'len(CP) 6 16"; Burke (A)' 1 1 1 51'3½", 172 10½"; Sikorsky .(CP) 225 8"; Johnstone (A) 176'5¼''; Glover (A) 14'¾"; Tork (CP) 14'¾"; Dunn (A) 9.7; Lucky (A) 14.3, 24.0; Hudson (A) 1:51.4. ', · ' OREGON STATE ,98 1/3 AT CAL POLY (SAN,LUIS OBiSPO) 312/3, March 23: Marsh ,' '\ (OS) 9. 6, 21. O; Hoffman (OS) 1:51. 7; Jones (CP) 6 17¼"; Likens (OS) 229 11ott; Pagani (CP) 55'; . Betz (OS) 14\ , · · , · 1 ~· . \ HOUSTON 37, TEXAS TECH ·32, MINNESOTA 24 AT ABILENE CHRISTIAN 65, Marcq 25: Houston 42.2; ACC 42,4n; Ricqardson (ACC) 9.6w, ,\22,2tw; OOegard (M)°14. 1 2w, 23, lnw; Cassell (H) 21. 8~ .; Cooley (ACC) 22. 9w; Culver (ACC) 14'4"; , Clohessy (H) 9:26, 1;Abilene · Christian 3:16. 5-, _ , 1 { , \ ~ ·· EASTER ,RELAYS, ~anta Barbara, Calif., March 25: DT,Carr (UCLA) 179'3"; Wade , , 1 1 (SC) 175 5"; Johnstone (Arizona) 172'7"; Putnam (UCLA) 171'.100, Watson (Arizona ' St) 9. 5w; . • l. Smith (Oxy) 9, 6w; Dunn (Arizona) 9. 7w. HT, Pagani (Cal -Poly, SLO) 185'5"; -Pryde (UC, ' Santa Barbara) 178'11". 440R, Southern Calif. (Weeks, Bates, Pierce, Munn) 41.6; ,UCLA 41, 8; Occidental 41. 8, ..fil,_Kirkpatrick (UC Santa Barbara) 24'10¼'\v; Hayes (SC) 24 '6½"w; Visser (UG,Santa Barbara) 24'2½"w; Wilson (Pepperdine) 24 11''.. Distance MedleyR, .UCLA , (Dun~ell, Jackson, Webb, Dahl) 10:08. 6; SC 10:21. 6; 1qxy 10:29. 2. HSl, Jackson (LA ,St) ' 1 146' ,3} " •• ~ileR, Southet:,q C~lifornia (State~ 48.2, Balzarett 47. 7, Hoga1,147.1 ,, <;awley 4l·6) ,_1/'.andAr1~qna ,State _(B·4r~1c~ .48.2, Scpreiner 47,-·6~/MeltSpence ,::J,7.0. , MalSpe,nce 01'lt_,B) f 1'' ,/ } , Jie · fo~ 1 st ~ ~:_10; 6; An~ona 3:.16,\9,-~ ~flkinson , (R~~i~nds) 23.S'l0f ~;-~ang; _(YCLA) ;·, ,,, ~·,, 17 1 1 , .\., ' I Page 130 . April 5, 1961 1 229 8½";-Sbordone (SC) 22,4'1"; Cole (Nevada) 220'8½". PV 1 Brewer (SC) 15'2½"; Hein .(SC) .14'7"; HelJ;ns (Oxy) 14 17"; tie, Rose (Arizona St) and Jeisy (Arizona 'St) 14' .• 120HH, Green (Arizona St) 14. 2w; Polkinghorne (SC) 14. 2w; Cawley (SC) 14. 3w; Pierce (SC) M. 3w, BL.tie, · Grw1dy (SC), Howard (Long Beach St) and Jones (Cal Poly, SLO) 6 1 6½". 2 MileR, Oxy (Dornan, Farmer, Moon, Cerveny) 7:54, 5; Los Angeles St. 7:57, l; Arizona 7:57, 3. SP, Long (SC) 62'5"; Branson (UCLA) 58'2½"; Conkle (Laverne) 56'9"; Pagani (Cal P9ly 1 SLO) 54'6", 880R, Southern Calif. (Cawley, Bates, Staten', Munn) 1:25, l; Arizona St. 1:26. 8;. UCLA 1:27, 1. Mile, Hudson (Arizona) 4: 19, 3; Dragila (San Diego St) 4:21. 6; Larrieu (Cal Poly, Pomona) 4:25. 4. OREGON STATE 75½, FRESNO STATE 25 AT STANFORD 61½, March 25: Monroe (OS) . 47'. 2, 22, Ont; Johnson (OS) 47. 8n; Marsh (OS) 9, 8, 21, 9t; Hoffman (OS) 1:53, 3; Batchelder (S) 218'3"; Boyd (OS) 9: 09. 8; Cuddihy (OS1 9: 16. 9n; White -(S)14'4£''; Betz (OS) 14'; Schaefer (FS) 1 i4 ; Weill (S) 163'6½"; Barth (S) 23'104"; Oregon State 3:12. 5. SAN JOSE STATE 76½ AT CALIFORNIA 54½, March 25: Maggard (C) 56'2"; Ramos (SJS) 47.9, 22.0n; R. Davis (SJS) 4:17,5; Clark(SJS) 4:17.6n 1 9:23,0n; Studney (SJS) 216'2½", - e. 163'½"; Johnson (SJS) 9, 5, 2.1, 5; Williams (SJS) 9. 6n, 21. 5n; Russ (C) 24'; Edwards (SJS) 164 12½''; Chase (SJS) lt! 16"; Gear (SJS) 14 '6"; Kimmell (SJS) 14 '6"; Gaylord (C) 9: 14. 0. __ LAMAR TECH 70, SAM 1-IOUSTDNST. 20 AT TEXAS A&M 80, March 25: Roberts (fAM) 9,5w, 21.4w; Stewart (LT) 9:23.8. -,;- . DENTON , TEXAS, March .25: Hill (SMU) 9.5w; Johnson (SMU) 14. 5, 23. 8; Elldns (SMU) 14'; Cooper (North Texas St) 4:07. 9, , 1 BRIGHAM YOUNG 48 AT NEW MEXICO 83, Waters (NM) 51 71 167'3"; _Plummer (NM) 48. 3,122.1; Blanks (NM) 25'3-;r; Whitfield (NM) 9. 7w; Costa (BYU) 6'6". - . OKLAHQI\,1ASTATE PREVIEW RELA YS,Stillwater, March 25: DT, Lindsay (Okla) 164'7"; Myers (Okla) 159'6½"; Fincher (Emporia St) 153'10". Jf I Denson (Kansas City U) 228'11"; Cockreham (Wichita) 222'10"; Clark (Colo) 217'4½". 120HH, Brodie (Arkansas) 14. 6; Richards (Emporia St); Lee (Kansas). 100 1 Dave Styrori (S. Ill. Salukis) 9, 6; McCue (Kansas); Watson (una). 2 MileR, Kansas (Lindrud, Hagan, Thornton, Dotson) 7:39. 3; Oklahoma; Drake. 440R, Oklahoma (Sinclair, Warrick, Sullivan, Dorsey) 41: 6; Arkansas; Tulsa. Dis­ tance MedleyR, Kansas (Davis, _Covey, Hayward, Mills) 10:18. 0; Kansas St.; Nebraska. - 880R, <;)klahoma (Sinclair, •Sharpe, Sullivan, Dorsey) 1: 27, 6; Arkansas; Drake. SP, Lindsay 53'9"; McCarrier (Wichita'.) 52'8", 440 1 Heath (Colo) 47. 0; Hocker (S. Ill) 48. 9; Toomey (Colo). 4 MileR 1 Okla. St. (Haraughty, 'Metcalf, Smith, Graham) 17:33.1; S. Ill.; Kansas. Sprint MedleyR,Drake (Lunford, Harmon, Johnson, Durant) 3:24.4; Okla. St.; Kansas. Ni._ Watson (una) 25 1 8½"; Certain (Emporia St) 24 1 10½"; Swafford (Okla) 24'½". HJ, tie, Richards­ (Emporia St), Brady (Okla) and Fordham (Emporia St) 6 1 5". 300IH, Toomey 32. 6; Thompson (US Army); Corbin (Drake). PV, Martin (Okla) 15'3"; Graham (una} 14'6"; tie, Hughes (Ark), Meyers (Colo), Kraft (Neb), Stevens (Ka:g,_sas)and Bauer (Emporia St) 13 16'.'. 2 Mile, Mills (Kansas) 9:17. 5; Nelson (Ark); Holn;ian .(una). MileR, Drake (Lunford, Hutchinson, Durant, Saunders) 3:13, 4; Kansas; Oklahoma. · , - FLORIDA ,RELA YS1 Gainesville, March 25: 2 MileR, Furman (Miller, Lloyd, Patter.;; son, Talley) 7:41. 5; Va. Military Institute 7:43. 1; La. Tech 7:46. 7. 120HH, Ablowich (Ga. Tech) 14, 6; Bradshaw (S. Carolina) 14. 7; Anderson (Alabama) 14. 8. MileR, ,Princeton (Ylal­ pole, Azoy ', Gardner, Edmunds) 3:13.1; FloridaStatc 3:16,0;Alaba-ma 3:16.3. PV,Pennel (NE La) 14'5¼"; tie, Crawford (Ga), Mitchell (Princeton), Tiedemann (North Carolina) and Carr (Georgia) 13'5". Sprint MedleyR, NE L~. (Walker, Mouser, Goldsmith, Eiland) 3:25, 3; Auburn 3:25. 5; Florida St. 3:26. 8.J:!1 Willis (Florida) 6'3¾''. 2 Mile, Locke (Kentucky) 9:29. 9; Lunetta (NC) 9:32, 4; \Villiams (l\J'E La) 9:33, 8. DT, Crane (Auburn) 176 12½"; Rogers (NE La) 166'5½"; Hart (Navy) 156'4½". 1}1_Carr (Georgia) ~3'8½"; Moseley (Alabama) 23'3"; Frost (Auburn) 23'½". ,1.;;on,,tie, La. Tech (Farless, Kirkland, Shows, Garrett) and Navy (Shields, Thorell, Prichard, Colwas) 42, 3; NE La. 42. 9:.JL, Kovalakidcs (Md) 227'511, 100, Garrett \ (La. Tech) 9.9; Colwas (Navy) 9.9; Segal '(Furman) 1-0,0. Distance McdfoyR, NorthCaroliµa (Debnam, Brent, Stuver, Everett) 10:05.0;Navy10:12.5;Alabama 10:11 ~6.
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