> • Avcragt D i^ Nat Pfaai IHa Waathtf Far tta. fCtikaaiM . r o n M of 0. • . WMrtkta j Mair n t ^ r n m ForUr «*wiy UNitgfct. oMo moralag fog, Loir M ta 1t> Wn^mm4uf riooOy, w fm tr , fcB0> 12;925 torod oftoTB^ igniworo NMl^. ItaBtar «f tiM Ao«t Kigii m to ta. Bw« m of OhroBlotloa M aneheBt^r-^A City of yM o 0 m C h \ VOL. LXXVm, NO. M3 (IXIUriTEEN PAGES) M a n c h e st e r , CONN., Tu e s d a y . Se p t e m b e r j . iss (taaemiea AavortMag oa Pago PRICE FIVE CENTS Ike Melts ^ Pra|mganda on U.S« Radio 3 Received $750f000 Nikita to T For Assisting Trujillo ■) i ,, Washinjfton, Sept. 1 (A*) .■•^da favorable to the Dominican Re-, Three former officials of Mu­ public, (/p\_^PrMi.Oga !ture of conciliation and friend- The indictment gaid the foreign London, ship to Poland, largest of the Baet tual Broadcasting system principale who were repre­ \ Idant Ei restated a Etreopean Communiet eateilitee. were accused today of ac­ sented in thle country.by the tjiree strong •id by Prime Min- ' e cniety German leader broad- cepting 3750,000 to put opt Mutual officials .ware Vega,' Gen- MacmiUan for an meeeage of peace and friend- political propaganda favorable eralieslmo Rafael Leonidas Tru­ summit eonference with shljp to the Poles on the eve of the to the Dominican Republic jillo Molin^-I^orfio Riibirosa and 20ih anniversary of Hitler’s at­ the Dominican Republic govem- the Soviet Union, high diplo­ tack on Poland. Adenauer apolo- over the radio network. menL/^ Military Chiefs Quii^ matic sources reported U^ay. ^sed for the Nazi aCt. , The accusation waa made in an TTijjillo is the long-time Domini- The American leader insisted [in Russia, Premier Nikita S, indtotment charging them With jrBn Rapubllr dictator. Vega, one that any decision on top-level knrushchev made an unusual dec­ failure to register with the- of his chief alde^ was formerly at­ laration of trust in Eisenhower. lice Department as agent tached .to the Dominican Republic- talks must await the outcome "The Presi«^ent of the United foreign principal. embassy here. of his meetings with Soviet States realizes the main thing now Atty. Gen. William.-^ Rogers .. Rublrosa is a well-knownriigure Premier Nikita Khrushchev. is to ensure peace;” , Khrushchev announced thal.tlw^hdlctmefil, re­ in international night club society. said. "In this we'have no differ­ turned'by a federal grand jWry,, He waa once married 'to wealth.v New Delhi, Sept. 1 (A>—Indian sources sktii.tonight Prime By MARVIN AJtBOWSMlTH named the folibwing'. Barbara Hutton. At the'ttme of ences. the alleged employment of the Mii- Minister Nehru may shake up his cahjnet to 8olv4ia reported London, Sept. 1 (A^)—Pres­ . In Britain', Elsenhower’s initia­ Internatfonal flrtanCler Alexan­ clash between Defense Minister V. K.'Khrishna M«non RBd tive on the peace, front coupled der L ^ u te rm a who ,w‘aa Mutual'a tual officials, Rublrosa was the ident Eisenhower took a rest with his vigorous appearance ap­ nre^Ment during the early months Dominican ambassador to Cuba. He' J his three military sertlre-chiefs ovej- promotions. from diplomacy today, his Eu­ •of this year; , • is now ambassador to Belgium. The nation, beset by Red Chinese aggressive moves, ,Mta» parently had removed fears ttml Guterma,'Roach and Culpepper ropean tour BO far a triumph America waa fumbling the^^fCee Hal Roach Jr., former Mutual thrown into crisis by reports*that Menon. controversial oiie-^ world's leadership. board chairman; both politically and personally. Garlahd L. Culpepper Jr„ one­ (Continued on Pnge Three) time Indian delegate-to the United Nations, has offered to From both side* of the Iron Cur­ His talks with Priror Mhiisler quit and that t>ie Army, Navy and Air Force staff chiefs tain came eigne, that 'Kteenhpwer’e Hanold Maomillan jwdr except for time director of the radio eystem. miselon to thaw the Ice of the CoW social meetings,^ the President The Indictment named as co- are resigning. - War waa bringing reeulte. planned epCTd today on ro u ti^ consplrstors, • but not as defend­ Informants close to the Indian White House, t)te reaidenee In Germany, Chancellor Konrad ants, MBS Inc. and Radio New* Full Campaign of President Rajendra Prasad, said Nehru may announce.the (Contoned oii ’Page.Thred) Service Corp., described as having Adenauer made an unexpected been organized by the "three in­ i- P I resignation of his full cabinet to parliament tomorrow. dicted Mutual otficlals.’ Against Haiti Then he might announce the formation of a new i»binet Also named as a co-conspirator leaving out Menon or giving him a new portfolio, these in­ was,Otto Vega.- an official of the formants said. Dominican Republic government. In Cuba Paper Official confirmation was lacking. 1,400 Extra Police In New York, Robert F. Hu'r- Menon, himself when queried about reports of his proferred lelgh, president of Mutual, Issued Havana, Sept, 1 (A6—The semi­ ADMIRAL KAt a r i KHRIRHNA MENON this statement: official newspaper Revolucion resignation said “Is that so? Who said it?” • "The . present m'anagement of opened a full-scale campaign today' ’-Top governing. Congress partyv ........... ' .......... ,.n——.■■ ■ Oh Gotham Streets the Mutual Network, its owners against Haiti, 'the. move appeared a leadn's in paiilament said they had and employes have no knowledge prelude to breaking diplomatic re- heard Menon had given Prime ^ ..........— ■ ■ 1 of or connection with the matters Jatlons with the regime of Presi­ Miniater Nehru a letter containing G>nferees rFail New Yorit. Sept. 1 <A»M-Police, Involving Mr. Guterm'a. Mr. Roach' dent Francois Duvalier. his own reiilignation s-nd givhig Commlseioner Stephen P.- Kennedy or Mr. Culpepper. ■ The organ of Premier Fidel Cas­ Nehru a free hand .to deal with has assigned 1,400 extra police to "Mutual Broadcasting System tro’s 26th of July Movement head­ the situation. In Accord on patrol duty firom .other "Jobs Ih an and none of its present personnel lined an interview with Cuba's am­ The report of the resignations of effort to stop the bloody teenage are involved in these proceedings." bassador to Haiti, Antonhi Rod­ the service chiefs was carried by clashes that have claimed four The indictment charged that riguez Echazabal, wrjth the etate- a newspaper. Labor Controls llves .ln a week. GuteiTba. Roach and Culpepper ment: , There was no Immediate official He^ ^mounced the move last obtained $750,000 from the Domin­ "They ■ assassinate' prisoners in confirmation of either report. Washingt'on, 8«pt. 1 ((PI—Senate- night and at the same time re­ ican government in early Febru­ Haiti.” ' Some Indian newspapers de­ The interview with Rodriguez, manded some weeks ago that the House conferees failed again thla leased statistics showing a steady ary of this year on an understand­ morning to reach agreement on Hi# increase In youthful crime in the ing that Mutual's radio' facilities who returned to. Havana with his controversial Menon resign because city. in the United States would be used family and staff Saturday, .was he had not spoken out against Com­ labor bill but announced that they The figures on arrests for people jto disseminate political propagan- filled with Ini^ectives against Dur munist Chinese actions in bloodily would try again this afternoon. Suppressing the Tibetan revolt. He under 21 rthce the year began valier and his associates. Rodrl-' Sen; John F. Kennedy (D-Maaa), quez said he s.aw no reason to re­ often has been accused of taking a show 67 for murder or manslaugh­ conference chairman,' announced ho ter and 197 for rape. If It’s the Largest, open the Cuban embassy in Port soft approach to communism. Four youths Were .charged with au Prince so long as the present The speaker of the lower bouse had offered sofne new proposala in homicide in the latest outbreak, situation exists. refused to permit debate on the an effort to'breek the stalemate. the fatal stabbing of two 16-year- Texas Can Have It Rodrimez had placed .the care report until Prime Minister Nehru He said there waa no final agree­ old boys in a playground Sunday. of the Tembassy, building In the could be present.,, Nehru went to ment on any of them. Police said the trouble started Austin, Tex.. Sept. 3 liTt -'-Tex­ hands of the - Mexicen Embassy. the'airport today for a brief meet* ’ Kennedy and Ren. Barry (^Id- when an 18-year-old boy offered ans began paying the largest tax 'V\'hen he returned here, a Cuban .i»g with Pakiatan President Mo­ water (R-Ariz), on opposite ndof government spokesman eald Cuba mar^liana to the 89 - year- old bill h ^ h e state’s history- today hammed. Ayub Kahn,. and It was of the fenco on mAH^of- tbe-lesuea mSMiWhiM-anether boy. 4»reak .diptawr*'^ indicated he wotild not appear In Involved, both toU A nffive nonfer* Police are looking for several more than $73 million m new relations■ with Haiti. parliament ' until a tomorrow. Al­ enco they werO trTttk' to nafraw others, Including the leader of the levies go into effect. Revolucion said that perhaps though Menon ^yas in the House, the area of their disagreomoat to attack who wore a black cape. Cigarettes will cost 36 cents ip Haitians or Generalissimo Rafael he refused to say if the report simplify the issue If it is 'finally ' Tt^e of Indignatloii * moat coin machines—they were 30 Tnijillo of the Doihlnican Republic were true.
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