Who Heard the Rhymes, and How: Shakespeare’S Dramaturgical Signals
Oral Tradition, 11/2 (1996): 190-221 Who Heard the Rhymes, and How: Shakespeare’s Dramaturgical Signals Burton Raffel The Audience “The many-headed multitude” was how, in 1601, a contemporary referred to the Shakespearian audience (Salgado 1975:22). “Amazed I stood,” wondered an anonymous versifier in 1609, “to see a crowd/ Of civil throats stretched out so lowd;/ (As at a new play) all the rooms/ Did swarm with gentles mix’d with grooms.”1 This wide-ranging appeal considerably antedated Shakespeare’s plays: though he very significantly shaped its later course, he profited from rather than created the solidly popular status of the Elizabethan and, above all, the London stage, for “London was where the players could perform in their own custom-built playhouses, week after week and year after year. In London there were regular venues, regular audiences, regular incomes.”2 The first playhouses had been built in 1576; at least two professional “playhouses were flourishing in 1577.”3 (Shakespeare was then a country lad of thirteen.) The urgency of clerical denunciations, then as now, provides particularly revealing evidence of the theater’s already well- established place in many Londoners’ hearts.4 1 Idem:29. Festivity was of course a far more important aspect of Elizabethan life. “The popular culture of Elizabethan England . is characterized first and foremost by its general commitment to a world of merriment” (Laroque 1991:33). 2 Gurr 1992:6. And, just as today, those who wielded political power took most seriously the ancillary economic benefits produced by London’s professional theaters. See Harrison 1956:112-14, for the authorities’ immensely positive reaction, when appealed to by the watermen who ferried playgoers back and forth across the Thames, and whose profitable employment was being interfered with.
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