TWO SPEECHES by FREDERICK DOUGLASS 1857 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection
Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection TWO SPEECHES BY FREDERICK DOUGLASS 1857 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection r FREDERICK STRECKER Cx fibrh _J Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection TWO SPEECHES, i FREDERICK DOUGLASS; § 1^)1 ,11! \ W ONE ON WEST INDIA EMANCIPATION, DELIVERED AT CANANDAIGTTA, AUG. 4TH, AND THE OTHER ON THE DRED SCOTT DECISION, DELIVERED IN NEW YORE, ON THE OCCASION OF THE ANNIVERSARY OP THE AMERICAN ABOLITION SOCIETY, MAY, 1857. ROCHESTER, N.Y.: O. P. DEWEY, PRINTER, AMERICAN OFFICE. 1857. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection TWO SPEECHES, FREDERICK DOUGLASS, ONE ON WEST INDIA EMANCIPATION, DELIVERED AT CANANDAIGUA, AUG. 4TH, AND THE OTHER OK THE DRED SCOTT DECISION, DELIVERED IN" NEW YORE, ON" THE OCCASION" OF THE ANNIVERSARY OF THE AMERICAN" ABOLITION SOCIETY, MAY, 1857. KOCHESTEK,N.Y.: C. P. DEWEY, PRINTER, AMERICAN" OFFICE. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Mr. CHAIRMAN, FRIEKDS, AND' FELLOW CITIZENS : In coining before you to speak a few words, bearing on the great question of human freedom, and having some relation to the sublime event which has brought us together, I am cheered by your num- bers, and deeply gratified by the 'cordial, generous, and earnest recep- tion with which you have been pleased to greet me. I sincerely thank you for this manifestation of your kindly feeling, and if I had as many voices and hearts as you have, I would give as many evidences of my pleasure in meeting you as you have given me, of your pleasure at my appearance before you to-day.
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