Leith Granton Davidson's Mains Corstorphine Craiglockhart

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Leith Granton Davidson's Mains Corstorphine Craiglockhart quE Granton FCw Leith Davidson's Mains Crr LEi rHs Dav lcc Primary bHs ran EDa Dru nMa Secondary Corstorphine nPG zOO Portobello Other Centre LyT Ncc riD Tyn tol rCs sTb sbr Duddingston POr DaL THO Car nHH Cra bOr ssC rCs For information about bus Gorgie nEL nHH routes to our centres contact bru Craigmillar FOr jGH CaM Lothian Buses on 0131 555 Cas 6363, view their website at wHE wol Morningside www.lothianbuses.com or Craiglockhart contact First Bus on Fir 0871 200 2233. Colinton Liberton Lib Gilmerton PEn gNC Cur Fairmilehead GiL baL Designed by the City of Edinburgh Council • Corporate Governance • 15.222/GC/2015 COMMuniTy LEarninG anD DEvelopmenT aDult EDuCaTiOn PrOGraMME Day, Evening and Weekend Courses 2016 cure you se r p l Winter, spring and early summer to a c e e n i l n o k o o b www.edinburgh.gov.uk/adultcourses Enrolment Form PLEasE complete in block CaPiTaLs Section 2: reDuceD/conceSSionarY FeeS Please tick if you would like next term’s brochure posted to you if you qualify for a fee reduction please give the information requested below. you must be eligible for the concessionary fee at the time of enrolment and provide evidence. Section 1: Your DetailS reDuceD: i am 16 or 17 years old. My date of birth is or i am a full time student. My matriculation number is Title (Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr etc) or i receive Disability allowance, PiP or Carer’s allowance. name My ni number is i am over 60, retired, not in employment. My ni number is address i am applying for a concession (see below). My NI number is CONCESSion: i am in receipt of one of the following benefits. incapacity benefit Council Tax income support NASS support Postcode reduction scheme* Pension Credit Employment support Housing benefit allowance Email income based jobseekers allowance working Tax Credit universal Credit Tel Day Evening *nb: not single person/occupancy discount. Section 4: courSe DetailS anD PaYMent Section 3 SuPPort/acceSS Course Title Venue Start Level Day Time Fee Fee £ Please check wheelchair access ( ) Date band for the class before applying. (Example) Spanish BOR 22/9 BEG TUE 19.00-21.00 RL £60.00* i require the following: Level/ramped access Few steps/short walk Large print accompanied by escort/assistant Other (please specify below) If my course is full, my second choice is: Or I would like you to find me a similar alternative (please tick) Total amount paid: * You will need to look this up using the table. PoSTAL BooKinGS CAN onlY Be PaiD BY cHeQue. For CARD PaYMentS PleaSe BooK online. Please print your name and address clearly on the back of your cheque and make payable to The City of Edinburgh Council. (separate cheques for each course). send completed enrolment form to: Adult Education Bookings, PO Box 167, Edinburgh, EH1 3XB. Declaration i declare Data Protection: The City of Edinburgh Council observes all statutory requirements including the Data Protection act (1998) in all its transactions. that the information i have given is true. __________________________ # Fee Table Fee std red Con Venues, codes and addresses rb 30 15 15 LIB liberton High, 328 Gilmerton rd, EH17 7PT Fee std red Con rC 42 21 20 BAL Balerno community High, bridge rd, EH14 7AQ LYT lyceum theatre, 30b Grindlay st, EH3 9aX as 30 30 30 rD 54 27 20 BOR Boroughmuir High, viewforth, EH10 4Lr NCC northfield community centre, 10 northfield rd, EH8 7PP ba 42 21 15 rF 36 18 15 BHS Broughton High, 29 East Fettes ave, EH4 1EG NEL nelson Hall, 5 spittalfield Crescent, EH8 9qz bb 60 40 35 rG 45 22.50 15 BRU Bruntsfield Primary, Montpelier, EH10 4NA NHH newhailes House, newhailes, Musselburgh, EH21 6RY bC 63 31.50 15 ri 81 40.50 20 CAM cameron House centre, Prestonfield ave, EH16 5Eu NMA national Gallery of Modern art, belford rd, EH4 3Dr bD 66 33 15 rk 48 24 15 CAR carrickvale community ctr, 2 saughton Mns st, EH11 3rq NMS national Museum of Scotland, Chambers st, EH1 1jF bE 78 39 15 rL 60 30 15 CAS castlebrae community High, Greendykes rd, EH16 4DP NPG national Portrait Gallery, 1 queen st, EH2 1jD bF 79 79 79 rM 84 42 20 CRR craigroyston community High, Pennywell rd, EH4 4nL PEN Pentland community centre, Oxgangs brae, EH13 9Ls bG 34 22 25 rn 108 54 20 CUR currie community High, Dolphin ave, EH14 5rD POR Portobello High, Duddingston rd, EH15 1nF bH 98 56 29 rO 15 15 15 CEN central library, 7–9 George iv bridge, EH1 1EG QUE Queensferry community High, sth queensferry, EH30 9jn bi 104 104 104 rq 15 10 10 CRA craigmount High, Craigs rd, EH12 8nH RAN rannoch community centre, 6 rannoch Terr, EH4 7Er bk 52 52 52 sa 62 38 29 DAL Dalmahoy Golf course, kirknewton, EH27 8Eb RCS royal college of Surgeons, nicolson st, EH8 9Dn Ca 41 41 41 sb 72 48 38 DAV Davidsons Mains Primary, Corbiehill rd, EH4 5Dz RHS royal High, East barnton ave, EH4 6jP CC 9 4.50 2.25 sE 34 34 34 DRU Drummond community High, bellevue Pl, EH7 4bs SBR South Bridge resource centre, infirmary st, EH1 1LT CD 18 9 4.50 sF 22 11 11 EDA edinburgh academy, 42 Henderson row, EH3 5bL SSC South Side community centre, nicolson st, EH8 9Er Ha 31 19 19 sG 24 12 12 FCW Fort community Wing, north Fort st, EH6 4HF STB St Bride’s community centre, 10 Orwell Terr, EH11 2Dz Hb 37 22 22 sH 40 20 20 FIR Firrhill High, Oxgangs rd north, EH14 1DP STM St Mary’s RC Primary, Leith Links Gardens, EH6 7jG HD 68 41 34 sj 48 24 24 FOR Forrester High, 212 broomhouse rd, EH12 9aE TOL tollcross community centre, Fountainbridge, EH3 9qG HF 43 25 22 sk 55 31 31 GIL Gilmerton community centre, 4 Drum st, EH17 8qG THO St thomas of aquin’s High, Chalmers st, EH3 9Es HG 52 29.50 22 wa 22 11 11 GNC Goodtrees n’hood centre, Moredunvale Pl, EH17 7Lb TYN tynecastle High, McLeod st, EH11 2nD HH 77 45.50 34 wb 44 22 22 JGH James Gillespies High, Lauderdale st, EH9 1DD WHE Wester Hailes education centre, Murrayburn Dr, EH14 2su Hi 95 54.50 34 wD 29 18 18 LCC leith community centre, new kirkgate, EH6 6aD WOL Water of leith Heritage centre, Lanark rd, EH14 1Tq Hk 55 31 22 wE 51 29 29 LEI leith academy, 20 academy Park, EH6 8jq ZOO edinburgh Zoo, Corstorphine rd, EH12 6Ts wF 30 30 15 HL 67 37 22 concessions (con) apply to those in receipt of any of HM 98 56 34 ww 78 39 20 Course Fees the following benefits; Council Tax reduction scheme Hn 122 68 34 wz 40.50 20.25 15 The table above provides information on our fees. (not single person/occupancy discount); Employment HO 98 49 34 XX 72 36 15 Standard Fees (Std) are payable unless you are eligible support allowance; Housing benefit; incapacity benefit; HP 115 57.50 40 yb 63 63 63 for reduced or concessionary rates. Proof is required. income based jobseekers allowance; income support; Mi 54 27 15 yC 34 17 15 reduced Fees (red) apply to 16 and 17 year olds; full PH 32 32 32 yG 27 13.50 15 NASS support; Pension Credit; universal Credit or time students; over 60, retired people not in employment; working Tax Credit. ra 24 15 15 those in receipt of Disability allowance, PiP or Carer’s allowance. Full course descriptions for all courses are available From 14 December 2015: at all the centres listed User Guide on our website: www.edinburgh.gov.uk/adultcourses under ‘How to Contact us’. all City of Edinburgh Council adult education courses information is correct at the time of print. Please 4. By telephone: on 9th, 10th & 11th December, (including those previously listed separately for check the website for the most up to date information. 10.00am to 4.00pm – for all courses in this booklet Community High schools) are now listed together in on: Tel: (0131) 477 7733 (balerno Community High) this booklet. How to Enrol Tel: (0131) 553 2810 (Leith academy) Courses are listed by day, evening, weekend, and From 14 December 2015: at all the centres listed at alphabetically under subject category, eg art, Please do not book for the same course by different all the venues listed under ‘How to Contact us’ Languages. methods as the registration fee will not be refunded for cancellations. iMPORTANT – no postal, telephone or in person Course information is given in this order: bookings will be processed between 22 December 2015 Course Title; Level; start Date; Day; Time; number of Please try to enrol at least a week before your course and 5 january 2016, but you can still book online. weeks; Disabled access; Course fee; and venue Code, is due to start, as decisions about whether courses eg Cra (Craigmount High school). can run will be made then. How to Contact Us a list of venue codes and fees is on the inside cover. 1. Online from wednesday 9 December 2015 through For further information about courses in the booklet our website: www.edinburgh.gov.uk/adultcourses - with contact any of the following: Key to Abbreviations a credit/debit card. This is the quickest and most Balerno community High, 5 bridge road, EH14 7AQ; bEG beginner, with little or no knowledge of efficient way of booking.
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