The Portobello & District Directory
,K,%:\ii; ' { '^f(» %^ JL r 1894=95. THE PORTOBELLO & DISTRICT DIRECTORY. T\«^eiit3 -Seventh itnniial Publication. P O R T O B E L L ( ) .- DOUGLAS & SMAKT, HOUSE AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS AND VALUATORS, 148 HIGH STREET. did M Circulated GRATIS. JExtra Copies, 6d. each. — CHURCH HYMN BOOKS. PIAjSOFOF(TE^, HARJVlOJilUjVl^, AND i'^Ci^ SALE AND HIRE, BY OH }2i EH Pianoforte and Music Seller, <1 BANK BUILDINGS, «^ 119 HIGH STREET. Perf PIANOFORTES FOR SALE from 20gs. upwards By Broadwood, Collard, Hopkinson, Chappell, Allison, Ibach, and OS other First-class London and Continental Makers. OI i-i TERMS OF PURCHASE. CQ Purchasers, in the advantages of Lowness of addition to — Price, may adopt any of the following terms, viz. : 1st Rea]iy Money, for whicli a liberal Discount will be given. ra 2nd—Hire for Six Months (for the purpose of trial) at moderate rates, and if purchased then, no charge made for Hire. 3rd—Pianos Hii-ed out for Three Years at the following rates, after which, and WITHOUT any further Payment, the Pianoforte becomes the Property of the Hii-er. viz. : — 28 Guinea Cottage. £2 10 6 perQuartor. 36 ,, ,, 3 7 6 O 42 ,, ,,: 3 16 6 o 45 „ „ 4 2 o ^^~ Other T7istrnmeints on the same liberal terms. Payments Quarterly. Old rianos taken in exchange. PIANOFORTES FOR HIRE By the Night, Week, Month, or Year, from 7/ to 21/ per Mouth. Parties who find it unsuitable to hire can have the use of a Piano on the Premises at a small weekly charge. -^PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED. -^4- All Music at REDUCED PRICES for Cash.
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