HISTORY British Columbia Journal of the British Columbia Historical Federation | Vol.41 No. 1 | $5.00 This Issue: Gold! | Telegraphs | Music | Books | and more British Columbia History British Columbia Historical Federation Journal of the British Columbia Historical A charitable society under the Income Tax Act Organized 31 October 1922 Federation Published four times a year. ISSN: print 1710-7881 online 1710-792X PO Box 5254, Station B., Victoria BC V8R 6N4 British Columbia History welcomes stories, studies, Under the Distinguished Patronage of His Honour and news items dealing with any aspect of the The Honourable Steven L. Point, OBC history of British Columbia, and British Columbians. Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia Please submit manuscripts for publication to the Honorary President Editor, British Columbia History, Ron Hyde John Atkin, 921 Princess Avenue, Vancouver BC V6A 3E8 e-mail:
[email protected] Officers Book reviews for British Columbia History, President: Ron Greene Frances Gundry, Book Review Editor, PO Box 1351, Victoria V8W 2W7 BC Historical News, Phone 250.598.1835 Fax 250.598.5539 P.O. Box 5254, Station B., Victoria, BC V8R 6N4
[email protected] e-mail:
[email protected] Subscription & subscription information: First Vice President: Gordon Miller Alice Marwood Pilot Bay 1126 Morrell Circle, Nanaimo V9R 6K6 211 - 14981 - 101A Avenue Surrey BC V3R 0T1
[email protected] Phone 604-582-1548 email:
[email protected] Second Vice President: Tom Lymbery 1979 Chainsaw Ave., Gray Creek V0B 1S0 Subscriptions: $18.00 per year Phone 250.227.9448 Fax 250.227.9449
[email protected] For addresses outside Canada add $10.00 Secretary: Janet M.