Alavesa A Privileged Region in the Basque Country One of the World’s Most Highly Rated Europe’s Most Dynamic -Growing Region

The Rewards of Quality

Txakoli The Basque Wine with a Sea View A Special Wine, Deeply Rooted in the Basque Culture A Wine of Increasing Popularity WINES Rioja Qualified Denomination of Origin

Rioja Alavesa is a privileged re- gion in the Basque Country, per- fect for the production of high quality wines.

The Rioja Alavesa number close to 13,000 hect- ares, 21% of the total grape- Rioja Alavesa growing area included in the Rioja Qualified Denomination Quality of origin of Origin.

The acknowledged quality of the wine originates in the land itself: most of the vineyards are situated on southern-facing hills sloping gently down from the foot of the Toloño/Cantab- ria Mountains to the Ebro River. The soil, with its high content of clay and limestone, coupled with the characteristics of the cli- mate, make this an ideal region for grape-growing.

The special personality of these wines comes from the excellent BASQUE COUNTRY grape: both the young wines ob- tained through carbonic macer- ation and the highly appreciated cask-aged crianzas, reserves and gran reserves are richly nuanced RIOJA ALAVESA and expressive.

The most extensive varieties of grape are the for red wines and viura for whites. LOCATION SOIL CLIMATE GRAPE A PRIVILEGED Region RIOJA ALAVESA WINES Rioja Qualified Denomination of Origin TRADITION INNOVATION TECHNOLOGY NVESTMENT Leader Of Quality European Wines

Rioja Alavesa Quality Of Vocation In the past decade, the wine-growing sector of the cultivation and elaboration processes, the applica- Rioja Alavesa region has undergone spectacular tion of high technology, and important investments changes, achieving prominence among European made by the to modernize infrastructures. regions producing quality wines. The legacy born Coordination between public and private agents to of a secular tradition in the art of making wine has promote both long- and short-term strategies for been complemented and balanced with the incor- improving the quality of the wine has also had a sig- poration of expert enologists, innovation in the nificant effect. RIOJA ALAVESA WINES Rioja Qualified Denomination of Origin

The Value of a Name

Rioja Alavesa Rioja Alavesa wines enjoy inter- national recognition. They have Available received numerous awards and distinctions, and are available in in the World’s Best Restaurants the world’s best restaurants. Along with French wines, they are a reference point within the European quality wine-growing sector.

In the last five years, mainly due to the growing market, Ri- oja Alavesa sales have increased 58%, with production now at 100 million bottles.

Thirty percent of total commer- cialization is exported.

One out of every three bottles of the Rioja Denomination is a Rioja Alavesa.

In terms of quality, Rioja Alave- sa wines are currently consid- ered leaders of the Rioja Quali- fied Denomination of Origin.

Customer loyalty to the Rioja brand is the highest in Europe among wines holding a denomi- nation of origin. Rioja Alavesa A Cultural Phenomenon

Market trends towards quality The Rioja Alavesa region now wines have meant a growing social offers unforgettable itineraries interest in the culture of wines: through small villages full of his- wine tourism. tory and rich in cultural heritage, all within a singular landscape. Many of the Rioja Alavesa winer- Gastronomy, wine-tasting, wine ies now show visitors what used to museums, charming hotels and be jealously kept secrets: the art a wide repertoire of diverse ac- of wine-making, from small me- tivities pay tribute to the singular dieval wineries to models of in- product of this land, offering the ternationally famous avant-garde opportunity to get to know this architecture. exceptional grape-growing and wine-making region. , the Basque Wine with a Sea View

Txakoli is a special wine, linked from time immemorial to the culture of the Basque The savoir faire that comes from wise tradition, careful elaboration, meticulous controls people, a young, year-old wine that has existed for centuries. The origin of the word and qualification ratings guarantee their quality and special characteristics. “txakoli” most likely comes from the Basque “etxakoa”, meaning “homemade” or “wine made in the caserio”. Ever since qualifying as a denomination of origin, demand for txakoli has grown year by year. This has helped the grape-growing and wine-making sector improve sustain- The singularity of Txakoli DO wines comes from the natural characteristics of the area able growth and balance, and has meant that txakoli is now available in the most in which the grapes are grown: near the coast, where vineyards have existed for thou- important national hotels and specialized establishments, making it a growing inter- sands of years. Low mountains near the Cantabrian Sea, a gentle Atlantic climate, and national presence. the native grape varieties, ideally suited to the environment in which they are grown, es- pecially the Ondarribi Zuri, give txakoli a special personality, distinct from other wines. Current production has now reached a volume of 4,000,000 bottles. Txakoli de Getaria

Until recently, Txakoli de Getaria characteristic slight acidity. It is tra- DO included the production of three ditionally served by pouring it high coastal towns: Getaria, and into the glass. Thus, the full range of . It now includes other munici- fruity aromas of this lightly carbonic palities of . wine can be fully appreciated. TXAKOLI DE GETARIA Denomination of Origin The Ondarribi Zuri grape, used for A characteristic in the elaboration , makes up 95% of pro- of Getaria txakoli is that, after fer- duction, with the Ondarribi Beltza mentation, it reposes on the . To grape making up the other 5%, for maintain the slight bubbly quality, the less-extended elaboration of the wine is not moved but is clari- and red wines. fied by natural sedimentation in the original vat. Getaria Txakoli is a young, straw- colored, fruity wine with an average Average annual production of Ge- alcohol content of 11 percent and a taria txakoli is 2,200,000 bottles. Txakoli de Bizkaia Txakoli de Álava Grown in small vineyards scattered and herbal hints. Slightly acid pal- Álava Txakolí DO is geographically The most widespread type of txakoli is throughout the territory of Bizkaia, ate, fresh and balanced. limited to the Ayala region, made up white: its color ranges from pale yellow usually situated on low, southern- of 5 municipalities: Aiara, Artzini- to green to straw yellow. It is clean and facing hillsides near the coast. Other types of txakoli produced un- ega, , Laudio and . bright, with a hint of natural minerality. TXAKOLI DE BIZKAIA TXAKOLI DE ÁLAVA der the Txakoli de Bizkaia Denomi- This region is located in northern Medium-bodied, predominantly fruity Denomination of Origin Denomination of Origin Average alcohol content of the txa- nation of Origin are: cask-ferment- Álava where the main varieties of with floral and herbal hints. Slightly koli de Bizkaia is approximately 11º. ed white, rosé – sometimes referred native grapevines such as the Ond- acidic palate, fresh and crisp. to as ojo de gallo – and red. arribi Zuri and the Ondarribi Beltza White txakoli predominates: a young are perfectly adapted to the Atlantic The commercialization of Álava txa- wine, elaborated using the white Average annual production is climate. koli has multiplied by five in only two Ondarrabi Zuri and Ondarrabi Zuri 1,500,000 bottles. decades. Zerratia and the Mune Mahatsa. Documented references describing The color varies between pale yel- A reflection of the growing interest the cultivation of wine in the Ayala Currently, average production of low and straw yellow, with the pos- in txakoli is the Txakoli Museum, Valley date from the first century. this Denomination of Origin wine sibility of green tones. Clean and found in the new headquarters of the is 380,000 bottles. bright. Direct aroma, predomi- Txakoli de Bizkaia Governing Body nantly fruity coupled with floral in . FOR MORE INFORMATION

BASQUE GOVERNMENT Ministry of Environment, Planning, Agriculture and Fisheries Tel.: 0034 945 019 682/4 – [email protected]

Designation of Origin Advisory Committee Arabako Txakolina – Txakoli de Álava Tel.: 0034 656 789 372 – [email protected]

Designation of Origin Advisory Committee – Txakoli de Bizkaia Tfno.: 0034 946 076 071 – [email protected]

Designation of Origin Advisory Committee – Txakoli de Getaria Tel.: 0034 943 140 383 – [email protected]

Association of Rioja Alavesa Wineries. A.B.R.A. Tel.: 0034 945 600 278 – [email protected]

Araex-Rioja Alavesa, S.L. Tel.: 0034 945 150 588 – [email protected]

Exba-7 Export Consortium AIE. Tel.: 0034 945 600 559 – [email protected]

SEA Bodegas Rioja Alavesa. Tel.: 0034 945 000 400 – [email protected]

This Edition: 3– 2011

1,500 copies

© Copyright Administration of the Basque Autonomous Community Ministry of Environment, Planning, Agriculture and Fisheries

Published by: Basque Government Ministry of Environment, Planning, Agriculture and Fisheries

Photographs: © Archive Basque Government by Mikel Arrazola © Archive Ministry of Environment, Planning, Agriculture and Fisheries by Txomin Sáez © Quintas Fotógrafos © Aitor Ortiz

Traslation: Sheila Ingrisano

Design: Hélice creativos

Printed by: Gráficas Dosbi, S. L. D.L.: VI-69/08 Basque Country