


~ TOC"'~"'T"«,", ""ltlcm"nl5dndc<"",~[i"'()f'hc:SibaculfUre.3nE..lyBronzhi. The only wa~ we can d'5<1W Yuozhi Tochnn.n'pocinli.ts.regener.llyre!uc,an,ro.dm",har,h.",wa. 11,1 "",

! 'v. I v; .~'" I~j li: :;s" 1:;0I~I ~, ""5" <{I ~ ~! ~ 0 ~ "" iill could ent ..tho Tarim B.. ,n from eIther the we., or the n"rrh. Of ,he,. tWo Frnally. ahhaugh the Qumul mummies lie beyond aur documen,ary potentlal,ou=sthe""'''l,.urelytheprefe,redopuonbecau,ethemain .vtd.ncofo'llre""rnacularl.ngu~geoofEa"C'I1I"'IAsia._.ullhavea .ourceofSak.,ox"i.Khotanonthe,outhemS,lkRoad,whichwosnoE f ..... hin .... 'awhallangu.geth.ymayhave.poken.Wedo.fo,.xample. rW'\Y3pproacltabled"""tlyfromthenorrhotherlhanalong.de.enn>ad h",,< Tocharran documenrs a mere 150 km 193 miles) rO ,h. woo<- We mighr W'.,h""".lso,eenth.!rilephY'1Calevldencealongrheenrj"""urhem rou," alsonow",caUWernerWin="'uggestionrh",thelanguall"whlch~merged ofth.$J!kRoadback,ntoBacm33ppe;l,..tobem.rkedbyth''''''''~neraJ In wrltt.n ,ources 3S Tochan.n A may bave boen .poke. ra"her to the phy,ical type. Tho ,raJ=<>ry of th,.lndo·Afghantype,the",fon:, i.mo,r norrheast.i.e.inthedifOcllonoftbelaror T"rki,hpen.",monofEasr ...ily ...ignedtoth""e",hocarnedlnd1Co'I'.ni~n(S.kal\.nguage.fmm Centpold. (orHemphll!"peflpheral chronologtcal gap b.twet'n the Qumul mumm", .. dared rO abou, 1000 Be, Qawrighul people) .s the mor~ ltkely onnet.,he,dpartllewoman"he'ScreamBaby·••!C.jdarotoc.60011C and mummr.. and our language horizon. Here '00 rhen one migh, p«>pose B wo are only,ugge>,ing,ha"heybeassodatedwilhalmgu1Stlcsub,rrale north-,outhnwvem.I1Iof.arlyToohanon•. th.tmu"ha.ebeen ..",bh.hedb.foretlte3rdcenturyAD.AsTochanan Tho """knee of a crud. ,I..h from Occam', rator would seem rO ,ugge.. loartworoutmeStltor4thcentun.. pain,ings.we oanno',poak of thotltToch.r1.n occupied ,h. terri'ory most do.ely a,""c,aced Wltlt our Tooharian B doc· AandBdOCllmen,.. Wlnlei,,,diff,,,ul'toknowhowfarbaokwecanextr.­ umen... i,e.aroundKucha.lnOlhe.-wor

Mummygroup5,languagesandbacl conf,nement to fhe of East Central As.ia ,ugg~,,' ,ha' MongolOId Tu'pan Proto.Europ",cl population,enreredl.feandfrom,heeastand",",heaot.Futtbermore.we Indo-Afghon h.....goOdidea"fthe'.nlemen..andcemet.....oftheNeohtlllc¥angohao ""mr~P<:rgh.n. cuhureofno"h.rnChlRawhlchexpandedwestword"n,onelghbouring

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