Present: Bob Thompson (BT) – Community Member (Chair) Nick Bardsley (NB) – Council Member Lisa Crossley (LC) – Telford & Wrekin CYPS Roger Evans (RE) – Council Member

In attendance: Phil Wilson (PW) – Shropshire Local Authority Carol Sneddon (CS) Shropshire Local Authority Ruth Griffiths (RG) - Shropshire Local Authority

Apologies: Phil Adams (PA) – Own Admissions Authority Schools Head Teacher Karen Morris (KM) – Primary School Head Teacher Karen Bradshaw (KB) – Shropshire Local Authority Sabrina Hobbs (SH) – Special School Representative Philip Sell (PS) – Hereford Diocese Carol Morgan (CM) – Diocesan Boards of Education -

Date: Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Venue: Ludlow Room, Shirehall, Shrewsbury

No. Action Owner 1. Apologies for absence

Apologies were confirmed as above.

2 Welcome to new members

CS stated that she is continuing to seek a parent representative.

3. Declaration of interest in agenda items

BT explained that this is a standard item and asked members to declare their interest, as and when relevant.

4. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 28 November 2017

The minutes were read and agreed as an accurate record.


5. Matters arising from the minutes

5.1 – Nick Bardsley apologised that he was not able to send his apologies prior to the meeting held on 28 November.

5.2 – Summer Born Children – CS has now scheduled a date for attending the Early Year’s Forum meeting. In addition, Claire Gaskin will raise the issue at the CPG meeting. It is important that parents are aware of the longer term implications as opposed to just the child care issues.

6 Determination of Admissions Arrangements 2019/20

a) Shropshire Council admission arrangements – Paper 6B

CS stated that the changes to the admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools in Shropshire are fairly small – three schools are requesting a change to their published admission number and there are minor alignments of designated catchment areas. Copies of the maps showing the proposed changes were shared at the last LAF meeting but were also projected on the wall for members to see.

Map A – Bomere Heath (Shrewsbury/Corbet) – BT expressed an interest in this proposal as he was a former Head at the Corbet School, however he felt it was a very sensible proposal. This was agreed by the group.

Map B – Hoptonheath (Clunbury/Bucknell Primary) – CS explained that whilst the 17 properties would transfer from the Clunbury Primary School catchment area to Bucknell Primary School catchment area, their nearest school would remain Clunbury. Transport would be provided to either the nearest or catchment primary school, if it was more than a 2 mile walking distance. RE questioned where the initial request to revisit catchment areas came from. CS explained that it was highlighted by a parent in Map D area when they moved from one secondary catchment area to another but remained within the same primary catchment and it became apparent that the primary/secondary catchment boundary lines did not align. RE was concerned about any potential impact on pupil numbers at Clunbury – CS explained that in part, parents would have a greater choice because Clunbury would continue to be their nearest school. RE stated that the LA is currently looking at ways to reduce its transport budget – his agreement to this proposal therefore is on the understanding that transport would continue to be offered to both Clunbury and Bucknell Primary Schools providing the transport eligibility criteria was met.

Map C – Clunbury (Ludlow School/Bishop’s Castle Community College) – There were no objections to Map C.

Map D – Cockshutt (Lakelands /) – RE questioned the letter submitted by the Headteacher at Thomas Adams highlighting a particular case where a family would now have to pay for transport to Thomas Adams. CS explained that this is incorrect - they would be entitled to transport to both their nearest and catchment school. In this situation Thomas Adams would be the nearest school, whilst Lakelands would be the catchment school. She explained that the proposals would take affect from September 2019.


This proposal was supported by the group. Again RE asked that it be minuted that his agreement is on the understanding that transport would continue to be offered to both schools providing the transport eligibility criteria was met.

Map E – Morville (Bridgnorth Endowed/) – Discussion took place regarding the concern raised by a resident that it could affect future generations of children living in Atterley. CS explained that currently just over a third of pupils attending William Brookes School live in the Telford & Wrekin area. Therefore, residents in Atterley would be likely to be successful in being offered a place. The group agreed the proposals highlighted in Map E.

Map F – Pennerley (Bishop’s Castle Community College/Mary Webb) – RE explained that as a Governor at Mary Webb School he has an interest in this proposal and would therefore make no comment. Remaining LAF members agreed this proposal.

Map G – Stanwardine (Corbet School/) – BT explained that as a former Headteacher at the Corbet School he has an interest in this proposal. NB stated that as Local Councillor for the area, it seems a sensible re-alignment. This proposal was supported by LAF members.

Other considerations – Letter received from Castlefield’s resident requesting that the LA reconsider the policy where catchment children are considered before those living out of catchment but with a sibling at the school. CS explained that Castlefields Primary School is part of an academy trust, who must determine their own admission arrangements and she has therefore passed the letter to the Governors to respond. However it should be noted that Shropshire Council has no plans to amend the Council’s own policy to raise the priority of those living out of catchment with a sibling at the school above those who live in the catchment area.

Changes to PAN – The following schools have requested an increase to their PAN;

John Wilkinson School – an increase from 25 to 28 Stottesdon CE Primary School – an increase from 12 to 15.

Where a reduction to the PAN is proposed, the admission authority must consult on the proposed changes and their admission arrangements in entirety. Crowmoor Primary School, which is a foundation school and therefore an admission authority in its own right, has proposed a reduction to their PAN from 34 to 30. Shropshire Council Members will be considering this at its Cabinet meeting on 14 February.

Admission Arrangements

 Barrow 1618 Free School are in the process of revisiting their policy, particularly in light of the priority given to children of teaching staff.  Similarly, Ellesmere Primary is revisiting its policy, particularly in light of comments made by LAF members.  Copies of the Shrewsbury Cathedral Catholic Primary School Admission Policy 2019-2020 were tabled for the group. It was noted that this policy gives priority


to children of staff in each of the individual categories – there are essentially sub-categories for each oversubscription criteria. BT said that it would be interesting to see if this approach is adopted by other Catholic schools.

7. Application Update for 2018

CS reported that whilst the team are still in the checking stages and exchanging files with other neighbouring authorities, it is looking as though three of the four Shrewsbury secondary schools will be oversubscribed. However, outside of Shrewsbury, there seem to be places available in the market towns.

The closing date for primary applications was 15 January and schools/nurseries have worked exceptionally hard to remind parents of the need to apply for a school place.

RE questioned the allocation of secondary places in the Shrewsbury area. CS reported that whilst the four Shrewsbury secondary schools share one overall catchment area, a higher criteria is given for your nearest school. This is measured as a straight line distance. RE was concerned about the significant amount of house building taking place at Sutton Road, Radbrook and Copthorne Barracks. PW stated that the LA has had initial discussions with all of the four Shrewsbury secondary schools regarding place planning and where there will be a need to increase capacity. Further discussions will take place later this term. CS confirmed that currently there are sufficient places in Shrewsbury to meet the need of Shrewsbury residents however, NB will take RE’s points on board for future Council discussions.

8. Date and time of next meeting

The next meeting will take place on Tuesday, 12 June at 5.00 pm at The Shirehall. The meeting closed at 6.05 pm.