
Tropical Marine CAS BI 569 Echinodermata by J. R. Finnerty

Porifera Deuterostomia Chordata Arthropoda Annelida Hemichordata Echinodermata *Nematoda *Platyhelminthes Acoelomorpha Calcispongia Silicispongiae PROTOSTOMIA Phylum Phylum Phylum CHORDATA ECHINODERMATA HEMICHORDATA

Blastopore -> anus Radial / equal cleavage forms by

! = blastopore contributes to the mouth blastopore mouth


! = blastopore becomes anus blastopore anus

mouth Halocynthia, a (Urochordata)

Coelom Formation


Deuterostomes: Enterocoely Enterocoely in a sea star

Axocoel (protocoel) Gives rise to small portion of . Hydrocoel (mesocoel) Gives rise to water vascular system.

Somatocoel (metacoel) Gives rise to lining of adult body cavity. Metamorphosis ECHINODERM FEATURES Water vascular system and Pentaradial symmetry Coelom formation by enterocoely

Water Vascular System Tube Foot


Crinoidea Asteroidea Ophiuroidea Holothuroidea Echinoidea “sea lilies” “sea stars” “brittle stars” “sea cucumbers” “urchins, sand dollars”

Group Form & Habit Habitat Ossicles Feeding Special Characteristics 5-200 arms, stalked epifaunal Internal skeleton suspension mouth upward; mucous & Of each arm feeders secreting glands on sessile podia Ophiuroids usually 5 thin arms, epifaunal ossicles in arms deposit feeders act and appear like vertebrae Asteroids usually 5 stout arms epifaunal uniformly covered predators gonads extend into each except ambulacral arm grooves stomach extrusion Echinoids regular urchins epifaunal joined to form grazers Aristotle’s lantern- /radial; irregular rigid test or deposit special grazing jaw (sand dollars— feeders bilaterally symmetrical.) Holothuroids soft-bodied, worm- epifaunal microscopic & deposit feeders -branched respiratory like, elongated oral- or embedded in body structures (tree) aboral axis, lack infanual wall -evisceration arms;

Echniodermata: Crinoidea


ambulacral groove with cilia

tube feet

coelom gonad ossicl e

Echinodermata: Holothuroidea Oral & Aboral surfaces