Brewer, Florence B. TITLE the American Community College
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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 389 384 JC 960 032 AUTHOR Cohen, Arthur M.; Brewer, Florence B. TITLE The American Community College. Third Edition. The Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education Series. INSTITUTION ERIC Clearinghouse for Community Colleges, Los Angeles, CA. SPONS AGENCY Office of Educational Research and Improvement (ED), Washington, DC. REPORT NO ISBN-0-7879-0189-X PUB DATE 96 CONTRACT RR93002003 NOTE 539p.; For the second edition, see ED 309 828. AVAILABLE FROM Jossey-Bass, Inc., 350 Sansome Street, San Francisco, CA 94104 ($38.95). PUB TYPE Books (010) Information Analyses - ERIC Clearinghouse Products (071) EDRS PRICE MF02/PC22 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Adult Education; *College Administration; *College Curriculum; *College Faculty; College Instruction; *College Role; *Community Colleges; Compensatory Education; Educational Finance; Educational History; Educational Objectives; Futures (of Society); General 'Education; Governance; Liberal Arts; Student Personnel Services; Teaching Methods; Two Year Colleges; *Two Year College Students; Vocational Education ABSTRACT This book provides a comprehensive overview of community college education in the United States, emphasizing trends affecting two-year colleges in the past decade. Chapter I identifies social forces contributing to the development and expansion of community colleges and the continuing changes in institutional purpose. Chapter 2 examines shifting patterns in student characteristics and goals, reasons for the predominance of part-time attendance, participation and achievement among minority students, attrition issues, and the most recent data on student transfer rates. Chapter 3 utilizes national data to illustrate differences between full- and part-time faculty and discusses issues related to tenure, salary, workload, faculty evaluation and preparation, moonlighting, and burnout. Chapter 4 reviews modifications in college management stemming from changes in institutional size, the advent of collective bargaining, reductions in available funds, and changes in governance and control. Chapter 5 describes funding patterns and their relationship to organizational shifts. Chapter 6 discusses the stability of the colleges' instructional forms and the use of instructional technology. Chapter 7 considers student personnel functions, including counseling, guidance, recruitment, retention, orientation, and extracurricular activities. Chapter 8 traces the rise of occupational education toward a central position in the curriculum. Chapter 9 focuses on remedial and developmental programs and addresses controversies surrounding student mainstreaming and restrictive programming. Chapter 10 examines adult and continuing education, lifelong learning, and community services. Chapters 11 and 12 examine cUrricular trends and controversies in the liberal arts and general education. Chapter 13 describes research öfforts in and about community colleges, while chapter 14 addresses philosophical and practical questions regarding the transfer function and the colleges' role in nhancing progress toward higher degrees. Fibally, chapter 15 offers projections for college demographics, organization, curriculum, instruction, and student services. Contains 45 pages of Faerfinclis!,(MAB)_ <I" 00 Cn C\ 00 VI U S DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office of Educahonai Research and Improvement al EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION fil CENTER (ERIC) *Thisdocument has been reproduced as received from the person or organizahon originating it : 0 Minor changes have been madeto improve reproduction quality Points of view or opinions statedin this document do not necessarily represent a official OERIposition or policy A a t A a ia I , t , BEST COPY AVAILABLE The erican Community College Third Edition In this completely revised and updated version of their classic work, Arthur M. Cohen and Florence B. Brawer provide a comprehensive analysis of the most recent findings and up-to- date information on the American community college.They describe in detail how community colleges fit into the American educational system, the services they provide, and the effects they have on their students and the community. Using pertinent new data on students,faculty, instruction, and curriculum, the authors analyze and critique recent enrollment trends, hiring practices and faculty issues, instructional methods and technologies, and academic needs and programs. And in an all-new chapter on research in and about the community college, they review the groups that conduct research, the types of research they report, and the external mandates that affect their studies, as well as revealing some of their findings. This comprehensive one-volume text will be useiul to anyone concerned with the role and purpose of two-year institutions in American higher education.The descriptions and analyses (continued on bock flop) The American Community College Third Edition Arthur M. Cohen Florence B. Brawer The American Community College Third Edition Jossey-Bass Publishers San Francisco Copyright t 1996 by Jitssey-Bass Inc., Publishers, 150 Sansome Street, San Francisco, California 94104. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced. stored in a retrieval system,r transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic,mechanical, photo- copying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permissionof the publishers. Substantial discounts on bulk quantities of Jtr.sey-Bass hooks are available to corporations, priilessional associations, and other organi:ations. Fordetails and dis- count Information, contact the special sales department at Jossey-BassInc., Publishers (415) 433-1740; Fax (800) 605- 2665. For sales outside thelimed Stares. please comact ytur Ic,il Sinum & Schuster Int emit! tonal (ffice. Tibles 1.2 and i.3 reprinted frilm Torsten I losen and T. Neville Pi istlet hwaite (eds.). The International iMcyclopedia of Eclat-talon. Secoild Edition, Vol. 2. (:or:right 1994. Pages 894 and 896, with kind permission from Elsevier St len( e Ltd, The Boulevard, Lingtord Line, Ktdlington OX5 lOB, UK Manufactured in the L.lnited Statesit America Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data ( Awn. Arthur NI. The American yommunity colkge / Arthur Florence B. Bram er. ed. al. Josseya...11/2..ler11 and adult education series) Inc lude. biblu 'graphical relerenc es and index. ISBN 0.7870.01)9-X 1. :onununit. college... 1. inited States.I. Brawer, Hotent e date.II. Title. Id. Serie.. C55 1906 dc. 0-; W93 C1P 1111 Punting I 7 6 -5 4 3 2 I The Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education Series Clearinghouse for Community Colleges The inaterial in thus publication is based ,m work ponsored wholly or in part by th,. office ot Educatumal Research and Impnwement. U.S. Department of Education, tinder contract number RI9 3-00-200Its contents do not necessarily reflect the VIM, of the l \Tart ment or any other agency of the U.S. Uovernment. Contents Foreword to the First Edition, by John Lombardi xi Preface xvii The Authors xxvii 1.Background: Evolving Priorities and Expectations of the Community College 2.Students: Diverse Backgrounds, Purposes, and Outcomes 39 3.Faculty: Building a Professional Identity 73 4.Governance and Administration: Managing the Contemporary College 101 5.Finances: Sustaining and Allocating Resources 137 6.Instruction: Methods, Media, and Efkcts 161 7.Student Services: Supporting Educational Objectives 191 8.Career Education: Occupational Entry, Change, and Development 213 9.Developmental Education: Enhancing Literacy and Basic Skills 247 10.Comnumity Education: Extending College Services and Training 275 ix 0 Contents 11.Collegiate Function- Transfer and the Liberal Arts 307 12.General Education: Knowledge for Personal and Civic Life 335 13.Scholarship: Research In and About the Colleges367 14. The Social Role: A Response to the Critics 389 15. Toward the Future: Trends, Challenges, and Obligations 417 References 449 Index 495 Foreword to the First Edition This book appears at a time of great significanceto the community college. The decade of the 1980s will marka turning point in its history. It is already evident that the community collegeis experi- encing the effects of lean years, following an unusually longsuc- cession of fat years when a new college appeared each week and double-digit enrollment increaseswere announced annually. Espe- cially threatening are the public's effortsto curtail spending by propositions such as 13 (California) and 2V (Massachusetts) and by caps on enrollment. Significant for the future may be the end of the campaign to transmute the community college intoa new kind of initution, neither college nor high schoolan idea espoused by Edmund J. Gleazer, who recently retiredas president of the Amer- ican Association of Community and Junior Colleges. These devel- opments and many others mentioned by Cohen and Brawermay denote for the community college maturity,as well as the end of the Golden Age. (;ohen and Br.twer's hook will take its place alongside books by such community college giantsas Koos, Eel ls, Bogue, and Medsker. Their comprehensive, incisive, interpretive analysis of thecom- munity colleges covers nearly all facets of the college. Theystart with a historical analysis of the origins and development of the col- lege and end with a critique of the college'scritics. In bet ween, chapters are devoted to administrators, students, and faculty.Four xi BEST COPYAVAILABLE xii Foreword to the First Edition chapters, almost one-third of the book, are devoted tothe curricu- lum