Social Inclusion and Cultural Identity of Roma Communities in South-Eastern Europe

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Social Inclusion and Cultural Identity of Roma Communities in South-Eastern Europe a per la pace ondation suisse pour la paix ondazione svizzer Schweizerische Friedensstiftung F F Working Paper Foundation Swiss Peace 1 | 2011 Social Inclusion and Cultural Identity of Roma Communities in South-Eastern Europe Gabriela Mirescu, Editor swisspeace swisspeace is an action-oriented peace research Working Papers institute with headquarters in Bern, Switzer- In its working paper series, swisspeace land. It aims to prevent the outbreak of publishes reports by staff members and violent conflicts and to enable sustainable international experts, covering recent issues conflict transformation. of peace research and peacebuilding. Please note our publication list at the end of this swisspeace sees itself as a center of excellence paper or on and an information platform in the areas of conflict analysis and peacebuilding. We conduct research on the causes of war and The views expressed in this publication are violent conflict, develop tools for early those of the author(s) and do not necessarily recognition of tensions, and formulate reflect the views of swisspeace. conflict mitigation and peacebuilding strategies. swisspeace contributes to information exchange and networking on current issues of peace and security policy through its analyses and reports as well as meetings and conferences. swisspeace was founded in 1988 as the “Swiss Peace Foundation” with the goal of promoting independent peace research in . Switzerland. Today swisspeace engages about 30 staff members. Its most important clients include the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) and the Swiss National Science Foundation. Its activities are further assisted by contributions from its Support Association. The supreme swisspeace body is the Foundation Council, which is comprised of representatives from politics, science, and the government. Publisher: swisspeace Design: Leib&Gut, Visuelle Gestaltung, Bern Print: CopyQuick Printing Center, Bern Copies: 300 Ordering information: swisspeace, Sonnenbergstrasse 17 PO Box, 3000 Bern 7, Switzerland © 2011 swisspeace ISBN 978-3-908230-79-3 Working Paper 1 | 2011 Social Inclusion and Cultural Identity of Roma Communities in South-Eastern Europe Gabriela Mirescu, Editor With contributions by: Andrea Boscoboinik Monique Frey Christian Giordano Nadia Imgrüt Angela Kocze Stéphane Laederich Geri Meili Reiner Mattern Azbija Memedova Gabriela Mirescu April 2011 About the Editor Stéphane Laederich, Ph.D., is executive director of the Gabriela Mirescu Gruber studied Journalism in Timisoara Rroma Foundation. He has worked on Roma projects since (Romania) and Political Science, Media and Communication the early 1990s in all Eastern European countries. Together Science, and Sociology at the University of Fribourg with Lev Tcherenkov, he is the author of a reference book on (Switzerland). Before joining swisspeace, she worked at the Roma (The Rroma, Schwabe Verlag) as well as several other International Research and Consulting Centre of the Institute articles and conference reports on this topic. of Federalism (University of Fribourg) and at the Rroma Foundation (Zurich). Her research interests cover issues related to minority and human rights, conflict transformative Rainer Mattern, lawyer and ethnologist, has worked in legal mechanisms, and promotion of democratic dialogue. aid centers for asylum seekers in various cantons of Switzerland. During the Balkan wars, he had many encounters with refugees from South-Eastern Europe. Since About the Contributors 2001 he has been responsible for country analysis at the Swiss Refugee Council, focusing on the Balkans region, Eastern Europe, and some Asian countries. He has written Andrea Boscoboinik, Ph.D., studied Social Anthropology several articles reflecting the situation of Roma in Kosovo, and Sociology at the Universities of Buenos Aires and Serbia, and Macedonia. Fribourg. She is a research and teaching fellow at the University of Fribourg, and her research topics relate to the Gerhard Meili is an economist, involved for more than 20 social construction of catastrophes and the identity strategies years in international cooperation. Since 2003 he has run a of Roma communities in Eastern Europe. She coordinates Caritas program responsible for Kosovo. He succeeded in comprehensive research projects on Roma in Bulgaria, the transforming the former reconstruction program of Caritas Republic of Macedonia, Romania, and the Republic of Switzerland into a long-term development program focused Moldova, published in the Ethnobarometer working paper on integration of minorities, education, and economic series. development. One of his most interesting experiences has been support of an innovative pre-school education Monique Frey studied Agriculture at the University of Zurich. programme aimed at supporting integration of Roma / RAE in During one year (2004-2005) she lived with her family in Kosovo. eastern Bosnia as a Caritas delegate for an agricultural project: promoting berry and fruit production. From 2005 to Azbija Memedova, country representative for the Pestalozzi 2010 she was program coordinator for all Caritas projects in Children's Foundation in Macedonia, is a sociologist and has Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH). Familiarity with her team’s country coordinated the Roma Centre in Skopje since 1998. This local in Sarajevo allowed tough discussions with stakeholder NGO aims to integrate the Romani community into groups, authorities, and donors resulting in sustainable Macedonian society by empowering the individual and common projects. The Caritas team has had long experience organizational capacities of Romani civil society. A special in community building and rebuilding in BiH. focus emphasizes Romani women and youth. She is a former consultant for the Roma Women's Initiative, one of the Prof. Christian Giordano, Ph.D., is professor of Social Women’s Network programmes at the Open Society Institute Anthropology at the University of Fribourg, (Switzerland), Dr. in New York. Honoris Causa, of the West University of Timisoara (Romania), permanent guest professor and guest lecturer at a number of universities. His main research interests cover issues like political anthropology, economic anthropology, historical anthropology, and the regions of Southeast Europe, Acknowledgements the Mediterranean area, and Southeast Asia (Malaysia, Singapore). The editor expresses her gratitude to the authors for their valuable contributions and appreciatively acknowledges the Nadia Imgrüt studied Social and Cultural Anthropology and support of following persons at various stages of the editorial International Law at the Universities of Zurich and Barcelona process: Lyn Shepard, Christian Gebhart, Liliana Rossier and with special interest in indigenous peoples and minorities. Jonas Heller. She is the author of a research study investigating a cultural illness concept of the Andean indigenous. In recent years, she The guidance provided by Ursula Keller, Jonathan Sisson and has been working for the Swiss branch of the Society for Didier Péclard is also gratefully recognized and even more Threatened Peoples, where she has coordinated and fully appreciated than words can say. developed Roma projects in Kosovo. Angela Kocze is a research fellow at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. She is a former funding director of the European Roma Information Office (ERIO) and former director of the human rights education programme at the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) in Budapest. She is active in the Romani movement to emancipate Roma in Europe and has a particular research interest in issues of women's political representation and social justice. Table of Contents List of Abbreviations ___________________________________ 3 Abstract/Zusammenfassung/Résumé ______________________ 4 Introduction __________________________________________ 5 Gabriela Mirescu 1 The Roma “Problem”: Ethnicisation or Social Marginalisation? _________________________________ 11 Christian Giordano and Andrea Boscoboinik 1.1 Introduction 11 1.2 Research: Perceptions, Self-Perceptions, and Identity Strategies 12 1.3 From Heterogeneity to Homogeneity: the Ethnicisation Process 13 1.4 Roma and Gypsies, “Us and Them” 16 1.5 Conclusion 17 2 Roma Cultural Identity ____________________________ 19 Stéphane Laederich 2.1 Roma Origins 19 2.2 Language 20 2.3 Social Organisation 22 2.4 The Roma today 25 3 Cultural Identity and Gender Dimension in Macedonia’s Romany Community_______________________________ 29 Azbija Memedova 3.1 Foreword 29 3.2 Roma: The Case of Macedonia 30 3.3 Identity 31 3.4 "Roma" Terminology 33 3.5 Women 34 4 A Look behind the Curtain: Reflections on the “Decade of Roma Inclusion”__________________________________ 36 Angela Kocze and Gabriela Mirescu 4.1 The Decade of Roma Inclusion (2005-2015) 36 4.2 Comparing the „Decade for Women” with the „Decade for Roma” 37 4.3 Identifying Challenges, Looking for Solutions 38 4.4 Conclusion 40 1 5 Roma of Kosovo - Escape, Return, or Stay? ____________ 41 Rainer Mattern 5.1 Background 41 5.2 The Roma Situation before the War 42 5.3 Displacement 42 5.4 The Situation of Returning Roma today 44 6 Working for or with Roma? The Case of lead-contaminated Roma Camps in Northern Kosovo ____________________ 46 Nadia Imgrüt 6.1 Background 46 6.2 Campaign for Roma 47 6.3 From Work for Roma to Work with Roma 47 6.4 Current Situation 48 6.5 Conclusion 48 7 Caritas Switzerland in Kosovo and Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH) __________________________ 50

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