Extensions of Remarks 10681 Extensions of Remarks
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May 24, 1999 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 10681 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TAIWAN RELATIONS ACT Lima Church on November 30, 1941, by Rev. sion into previously uninhabited areas. Efforts James Galvin. A carpenter by trade, Mario has to preserve and protect endangered natural HON. MAURICE D. HINCHEY worked on many of the Rockaway projects areas is vital to the well-being of Georgia’s en- OF NEW YORK such as Hammels Houses, Arvene, Nordeck, vironment. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Dayton and Surfside. Mario Russo has rou- Ossabaw Island is one of the few remaining barrier islands on the Atlantic Coast to remain Monday, May 24, 1999 tinely worked on improving the quality of life of his friends and neighbors in the Rockaways. in an undeveloped state. The fragile eco- Mr. HINCHEY. Mr. Speaker, on the occa- He has served as the head of the Somerville- systems of the island should be preserved so sion of the twentieth anniversary of the Taiwan Arvene Civic Association, President of the that natural areas along the coast will work to Relations Act, I wish to take this opportunity to Arvene Civic Council and been a member of protect estuaries, wildlife, marshes, and coast- congratulate the Republic of China on Taiwan Community Board 14 for the last thirty years. al shorelines. If Ossabaw Island remains in its and its people on the progress they have In addition, Mario Russo, has been an active natural state, it will provide needed protection made since that time. Taiwan has established member of the American Legion, the Rock- for the mainland from Atlantic storms, permit itself as a stable political presence in Asia, an away Civic Association, and his local Chamber the functioning of marshes which provide important economic power, and proof that de- of Commerce. For the last thirty-five years, water and air purification essential to habi- mocracy can work in Asia. At the time of its Mario Russo has conducted a yearly cam- tation of Georgia’s mainland, and provide con- enactment, there were some who believed paign for Earth Day and Plant Up for Trees. ditions not tainted by human intervention for that this new foundation for relations between Jo Ann Francis Celeste Mullaney Shapiro, environmental research. our countries would not work, that our friend- has been an active member of the Rockaway I would like to commend the Ossabaw Is- ship would dissipate, and that Taiwan would community for over fifteen years. Her involve- land Foundation, a public/private partner with be weakened. ment spans from graffiti removal projects, in- the State of Georgia’s Department of Natural But that has not been the case. If anything, creasing our police protection, improving our Resources, for diligently serving as a voice for I believe our friendship and understanding has children’s education, to fighting for our senior the preservation of the island. The Foundation strengthened since that time. Taiwan’s deter- citizens. Jo Ann Shapiro is the Past President has worked to incorporate educational and mination not just to set its own course, but to of the Rockaway Kiwanis Club and an active cultural programs in the island’s historical develop and mature as a nation has grown. Its member of the Rockaway Beach Civic Asso- buildings and to provide appropriate access economic achievements in that time are espe- ciation. She is a founding member of the Far and utilization of the Ossabaw Heritage Pre- cially impressive: no other Asian nation was Rockaway High School based Health Clinic serve. Through the efforts of the Board of Trustees as successful in withstanding the recent eco- and past Chairperson of its advisory board. of the Foundation, Ossabaw Island was in- nomic crisis on that continent. But I continue She is an active member of the Business and cluded on the National Trust for Historic Pres- to believe that its most impressive achieve- Professional Women Club and the Peninsula ervation’s Eleven Most Endangered Properties ment has been the development of a multi- Regular Democratic Club. Jo Ann has worked List of 1995. The island was also listed on the party democracy, and its readiness to share for the New York City Board of Education in National Register of Historic Places by the power among its democratic parties. Community School District 27 and served as I wish to extend my congratulations to Presi- United States Department of the Interior in her school’s U.F.T. Chapter Chairperson. She dent Lee Teng-hu—who once resided in my 1996. is an active member of the Saint Rose of Lima congressional district—on his achievements in The importance of preserving natural habi- Parish and serves as Assemblywoman Audrey office, and also to Representative Stephen S. tats is a common belief among the members I. Pheffer’s Chief of Staff where she makes F. Chen on the capable job he has done as of the House of Representatives. We must not Rockaway’s issues, her issues. Taiwan’s representative here under the Tai- allow the natural beauty and resourcefulness Each of today’s honorees has long been wan Relations Act. of our nation to be sacrificed for lesser pur- known as innovators and beacons of good will f poses. The benefits of protecting and pre- to all those with whom they come into contact. serving areas of natural habitat range from TRIBUTE TO THE CHURCH OF Through their dedicated efforts, they have aesthetic to practical and must not be ignored. SAINT ROSE OF LIMA each helped to improve my constituents’ qual- Mr. Speaker, I ask that you and my col- ity of life. In recognition of their many accom- leagues join me in recognizing the partnership HON. ANTHONY D. WEINER plishments on behalf of my constituents, I offer and hard work of the Georgia Commissioner OF NEW YORK my congratulations on their being honored by of Natural Resources and the Board of Trust- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Church of Saint Rose of Lima. ees of the Ossabaw Island Foundation. Their Monday, May 24, 1999 f combined efforts have protected and will con- tinue to protect and ensure a healthy environ- Mr. WEINER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to RECOGNITION OF OSSABAW IS- ment on Georgia’s Ossabaw Island for many invite my colleagues to pay tribute to the LAND FOUNDATION AND IMPOR- years to come. Church of Saint Rose of Lima on the occasion TANCE OF WORKING TO PRE- of its Eighth Annual Dinner Dance. SERVE NATURAL HABITATS f The members of the Church of Saint Rose A TRIBUTE TO CALVIN BELLAMY of Lima have long been known for their com- HON. JACK KINGSTON mitment to community service and to enhanc- OF GEORGIA HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY ing the quality of life for all New York resi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF INDIANA dents. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES This year’s Dinner Dance is not only a fes- Monday, May 24, 1999 tive happening, it is a chance for all of us to Mr. KINGSTON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Monday, May 24, 1999 celebrate and pay tribute to a group of individ- recognize the Ossabaw Island Foundation and Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, it is my dis- uals who have dedicated their lives to helping the Georgia Commissioner of Natural Re- tinct honor to commend one of Northwest Indi- others. This year’s honorees truly represent sources for their efforts to preserve Ossabaw ana’s most distinguished citizens, Mr. Calvin the best of what our community has to offer. Island, Georgia’s first Heritage Preserve. Bellamy, of Munster, Indiana. On May 23, Mario Russo and his wife, Diana, met in the Georgia’s high rate of population and eco- 1999, Mr. Bellamy will be honored for his ex- Rockaways and were married at Saint Rose of nomic growth have created statewide expan- emplary and dedicated service to Northwest ● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 04 2004 14:02 Oct 02, 2004 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR99\E24MY9.000 E24MY9 10682 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 24, 1999 Indiana. His praiseworthy efforts will be recog- Semitic statements made by certain members Russian people. Another Communist Party nized at Purdue University Calumet’s Com- of the Russian State Duma, as well as com- member, retired General Albert Makashov, mencement Exercise as he will be receiving mending fair-minded members of the Duma speaking at public rallies, referred to ‘‘the Yids’’ and other ‘‘reformers and democrats’’ an honorary doctor of humane letters degree. for their efforts to condemn such statements. as responsible for Russia’s problems and Calvin Bellamy, a longtime resident of This resolution passed the House of Rep- threatened to make up a list of targets and Northwest Indiana, has dedicated his life to resentatives unanimously. As Chairman of the ‘‘send them to the other world.’’ public service. In 1964, Mr. Bellamy graduated Helsinki Commission, I was proud to have in- Incidentally, I have seen films of Mr. from Indiana University and continued his edu- troduced this resolution in the House, along Makashov’s performance. It is quite sober- cation at the University of Michigan where he with every member of the Helsinki Commis- ing. I can only say, ‘‘Heaven help the Rus- received his Juris Doctor cum laude and Order sion. A companion resolution in the Senate, S. sian people and the world,’’ if he and his ilk of the Coif in 1967.