3097 Hon. Robert A. Weygand Hon. William O. Lipinski
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February 24, 1999 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 3097 In Europe, with the end of the Cold War, we anti-Semitism within their ranks. In addition, ceive more for providing care to their children have unfortunately seen a resurrection of rac- this resolution commends President Yeltsin and aging parents. ist attitudes and activities that had not been and other members of the Russian Govern- This legislation will provide much needed fi- eradicated with the defeat of Nazism, just driv- ment for their forceful rejection of such state- nancial assistance to working families for their en underground. ments. Finally, this resolution reiterates the child care needs. For example, Elaine, a sin- In Russia, a nation whose past has seen firm belief of the Congress that peace and jus- gle mother in Rhode Island, earns $28,000 a terrible instances of anti-Semitism both in the tice cannot be achieved as long as govern- year as a clerk for a local utility company. Her Tsarist and Communist eras, anti-Semitism ments and legislatures promote policies based salary puts her just above the amount with had seemingly been exiled to the pages of upon anti-Semitism, racism, and xenophobia. which she would be eligible for assistance rabidly nationalistic newspapers catering only Mr. Speaker, I urge all my colleagues to join from the state to help pay for the child care to the political fringes. Unfortunately, anti- us in support of this resolution. needs of her two children. Unfortunately, the Semitism has now come in out of the cold into f weekly cost for quality care for her two chil- more comfortable confines—specifically into dren amounts to more than $200. Assuming the halls of the Russian State Duma, the lower THE CARE GIVERS TAX her children are in day care for 52 weeks of house of the Russian Parliament. In fairness, REDUCTION ACT the year, her child care costs would amount to I should say that anti-Semitism has found ref- over $10,000. This situation occurs far too fre- uge in the ranks of one particular political HON. ROBERT A. WEYGAND quently, with parents earning too much to party in the Duma—the Communist Party. Last OF RHODE ISLAND qualify for assistance but not enough to afford October, at two public rallies, a Communist IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES quality child care without any assistance. Party member of the Duma, Albert Makashov, Wednesday, February 24, 1999 Currently, Elaine would receive the max- threatened ‘‘the Yids’’ and other ‘‘reformers imum tax credit of $1,440 to help her pay for and democrats’’ with physical retribution for al- Mr. WEYGAND. Mr. Speaker, today, I rise child care expenses. However, if she had no legedly causing Russia’s current problems. to introduce the Care Givers Tax Reduction tax liability, which is often the case with lower Incidentally, I have seen films of Mr. Act, which will update the Dependent Care income workers, she would not be able to re- Makashov’s performance. It is quite sobering. Tax Credit to more accurately reflect the costs ceive a refund for her expenses. Under my When conscientious members of the Duma of providing care to loved ones. legislation, Elaine would be eligible for a re- attempted to censure Mr. Makashov, the Com- A great deal has happened in this country fundable tax credit of $2,080. munist Party majority voted down the resolu- since 1982, including the price working fami- This legislation will make child care more af- tion, and substituted a watered down resolu- lies pay to care for their children or aging par- fordable for Elaine’s family and other working tion condemning ethnic hatred in general. ents. While the cost of quality care has dra- families of our country. I ask my colleagues to In early December, at hearings in the Duma, matically increased, the amount families can join with me in support of updating this tax Communist Party member and chairman of take as a tax credit has eroded during the credit so more families can benefit. the Defense Committee, Victor Ilyukhin past seventeen years. In fact, inflation has f blamed President Yeltsin’s ‘‘Jewish entourage’’ eroded 60 percent of the value of the current for alleged ‘‘genocide against the Russian credit since it was last adjusted. It is time for EAGLE SCOUTS HONORED people.’’ In response to the public outcry, both Congress to update the tax credit to more ac- in Russia and abroad, Communist Party chair- curately reflect the true costs of providing care HON. WILLIAM O. LIPINSKI man Zyuganov explained that the Party had for families in our districts. OF ILLINOIS nothing against ‘‘Jews,’’ just ‘‘Zionism.’’ Our workforce is rapidly changing and mid- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, it would be hypocritical for me dle aged adults are becoming members of the or any other member of this body to pretend sandwich generation—providing care for both Wednesday, February 24, 1999 that racism and anti-Semitism do not occa- their children and their aging parents. Cur- Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, it gives me sionally rear their ugly heads in our own polit- rently, the federal tax credit available to pro- great pleasure to bring to the attention of my ical process. However, the leadership of the vide financial assistance for care is the De- colleagues, twenty-seven outstanding young two major American political parties consist- pendent Care Tax Credit. This credit is cur- individuals from the 3rd Congressional District ently rejects racist or anti-Semitic individuals rently non-refundable so families with no tax li- of Illinois, who have completed a major goal in as officeholders or candidates for office. For ability are not able to benefit from the depend- their scouting career. instance, the national Republican Party leader- ent care tax credit. The following young men of the 3rd Con- ship has disassociated itself from a former The tax credit has not been adjusted for in- gressional District of Illinois have earned the member of the Ku Klux Klan running for office flation since 1982. Currently, the tax credit high rank of Eagle Scout in the past months: on the Republican Party ballot in Louisiana. only allows taxpayers to use the first $2,400 of Christopher Jesionowski, Gerald Reid, Jr., Similarly, when a local Klan leader in Cali- expenses for one child or dependent and the Charles R. Dattilo, David W. Kurzawski, Ken- fornia ran for Congress on the Democratic first $4,800 of expenses for two or more chil- neth R. Cechura, Matthew J. Tiffy, Carl Party ticket a few years ago, the national party dren or dependents. These levels are woefully Marcanti, Adam Ramm, Daniel David leadership repudiated his candidacy and re- low and do not reflect the real costs in our dis- Grabacki, Brian T. Meyer, James Joseph fused to support him. That is why it is so dis- tricts. The Care Givers Tax Reduction Act of Pesavento, Andrew Paul Marhoul, Corey G. appointing to see the leadership of the Com- 1999 will update this credit and raise the lev- Zadlo, Joshua S. Anderson, Jacob P. Ander- munist Party in Russia attempt to rationalize els to more accurately reflect the cost of pro- son, William (Bill) Skobutt, Gregory Prawdzik, anti-Semitic statements made by its members. viding care—$4,000 for one child or depend- Mark Tatara, Jason M. Wolff, Richard J. Incidentally, I should add that since these ent and $8,000 for two or more children or de- Michals, Matthew A. Nemchausky, Tomasz incidents Mr. Makashov and Mr. Ilyukhin have pendents. Finally, my legislation ties future Sokolowski, William F. Urso, Eric Michael stated that in the next parliamentary elections amounts of the tax credit to inflation. Dusik, Paul Mervine, Prenston Gale, and Keith they will run on a ticket separate from the Furthermore, my legislation would allow the Klikas. These young men have demonstrated Communist Party. maximum tax credit of 30% to families with an their commitment to their communities, and In any event, I believe the Congress should adjusted gross income of $18,000. For every have perpetuated the principles of scouting. It unequivocally condemn the anti-Semitic state- $3,000 more of adjusted gross income, the is important to note that less than two percent ments made by members of the Russian percentage of the tax credit would be reduced of all young men in America attain the rank of Duma. With this in mind, today I am intro- by one. The phaseout would end at 12% for Eagle Scout. This high honor can only be ducing, along with Mr. HOYER, Mr. WOLF, Ms. families earning over $69,000 in adjusted earned by those scouts demonstrating extraor- SLAUGHTER, Mr. PORTER, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. gross income. Under my proposal, a family of dinary leadership abilities. MARKEY, and Mr. SALMON, a resolution which four with two children in child care earning In light of the commendable leadership and condemns anti-Semitic statements made by $32,000 will see their taxes reduced by courageous activities performed by these fine members of the Russian Duma while com- $2,000. My legislation would not diminish any young men, I ask my colleagues to join me in mending actions taken by fair-minded mem- credit a family currently receives but would honoring the above scouts for attaining the bers of the Duma to censure the purveyors of allow low and middle income families to re- highest honor in Scouting—the Rank of Eagle. VerDate Aug 04 2004 14:32 Sep 27, 2004 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR99\E24FE9.000 E24FE9 3098 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS February 24, 1999 Let us wish them the very best in all of their a safe street and send their children to safe at the White House Conference on Child Care future endeavors.