SchionningSchionning DesignsDesigns SCHIONNING DESIGNS PTY LTD PO Box 42, Lemon Tree Passage, NSW, 2319, Australia Ph: (Int 61) 02 4982 5599 Fax: (Int 61) 02 4982 5499
[email protected] ContentsContents Radical Bay 8000 Notes From The Designers ...........2 Design Profile and Description ......................4 Construction Overview ................5 Pre-cut Kit Options ......................6 Basic Materials List ......................8 Multi v's Mono ..............................9 ABOUT US... Material Choice .............................10 Hello and thank you for showing interest in our multihull de- signs. We would like this opportunity to introduce ourselves and to give you some information on our backgrounds so you may More about Balsa ..........................12 better judge our ability to design your boat. I was born in South Africa in 1946. My father was from an engineering background and had a very competitive spirit. He More about DuFlex .......................13 raced motorcycles, power boats and finally designed and built racing dinghies which he and I both sailed competitively. So I grew up in a boat building environment from an early age and Construction Photos .....................15 enjoyed working with boat design and building with my dad. From school I trained as a land surveyor and enjoyed the com- bination of outdoor work, complex mathematics and high accu- Payload Explanation.....................16 racy levels, whilst continuing to design, build and race yachts in my spare time. I was drawn back to serious boat building and started a yard (Lucky Bean Boat Yard - Knysna, S.Africa) spe- Steering Options ...........................17 cialising in cold moulded and composite yachts, building a num- ber of boats between 20’ - 45’ feet.