Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Errata
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CATALOGUE OF PALAEARCTIC COLEOPTERA I. LÖBL & A. SMETANA ERRATA New taxa and new replacement names published within the Errata chapters of some volumes may have been overlooked, therefore they are here listed separately: Pterostichus gaturs Davies , nom. nov. [Carabidae, published in vol. 2, December 31, 2004] Pterostichus bhunetansis Davies , nom. nov. [Carabidae, published in vol. 2, December 31, 2004] Pterostichus bucciperis Davies , nom. nov. [Carabidae, published in vol. 2, December 31, 2004] Pterostichus parkwon Davies , nom. nov. [Carabidae, published in vol. 2, December 31, 2004] Pterostichus gonar Davies , nom. nov. [Carabidae, published in vol. 2, December 31, 2004] Pterostichus asinubas Davies, nom. nov . [Carabidae, published in vol. 2, December 31, 2004] Pterostichus cunibakus Davies , nom. nov. [Carabidae, published in vol. 2, December 31, 2004] Pterostichus setosicus Davies , nom. nov. [Carabidae, published in vol. 2, December 31, 2004] Cissidium matthewsi Johnson sp. nov . [Ptiliidae, published in vol. 4, June 30, 2007] Acrotrichis (A.) williamsi Johnson, sp. nov . [Ptiliidae, published in vol. 4, June 30, 2007] Cardiophorus gurjevae Cate, nom. nov . (for Cardiophorus gracilis Gurjeva, 1966, nec Cardiophorus gracilis (Wollaston, 1864) [Elateridae, published in vol. 6, February 22, 2010] Autosilis Kazantsev, gen. nov. type species Cantharis nitidula Fabricius, 1792 [Cantharidae, published in vol. 7, February 15, 2011] Blepephaeus puae Lin, nom. nov . (for Blepephaeus undulatus Pu, 1999 nec Blepephaeus undulatus (Pic, 1930) [Cerambycidae, published in vol. 7, February 15, 2011] Labidostomis centrisculpta kafiristanica Regalin & L. N. Medvedev, nom. nov. (for Labidostomis nuristanica afghanica Lopatin & Nesterova, 2007, nec L. nuristanica afghanica L. N. Medvedev, 1978) [Chrysomelidae, published in vol. 7, February 15, 2011] ERRATA for VOLUME 1 Sphaeriusidae p. 26, add AB to distribution of Sphaerius acaroides Waltl, 1838 Gyrinidae p. 26, add original combination ( Gyrinus ) to Aulonogyrus concinnus Klug, 1833 p. 27, correct author, year and page of Gyrinus from O. F. Müller, 1764: xvii to Gyrinus Geoffroy, 1762: 193 [see ICZN, Opinion 1754] p. 27, add: guernei Méquignon, 1942: 9 in synonymy with Gyrinus distinctus Aubé, 1838 p. 29, correct spelling of Orectochilus allax Peschet, 1923 to fallax Peschet, 1923 p. 29, add original combination ( Gyrinus ) to Orectochilus villosus villosus O. F. Müller Trachypachidae p. 33, add CT to distribution of Trachypachus zetterstedti Gyllenhal, 1827 Hygrobiidae p. 35, add SZ to distribution of Hygrobia hermanni Fabricius, 1775 Noteridae p. 33, add N: TU AFR to distribution of Canthydrus diophthalmus (Reiche & Saulcy, 1855) p. 34, remove AFR from distribution of Canthydrus laetabilis (Walker, 1858) p. 34, add A: IQ SA SY to distribution of Canthydrus luctuosus (Aubé, 1838) p. 34, add ORR to distribution of Canthydrus nitidulus Sharp, 1882, and add bifasciatus Régimbart, 1889b: 148 to its synonymy p. 34, add AFR to distribution of Canthydrus notula (Erichson, 1843) p. 34, remove Neohydrocoptus angolensis (Peschet, 1925), the Palaearctic records refer to N. jaechi p. 34, add: N: EG A: SI to distribution of Neohydrocoptus jaechi (Wewalka, 1989) pp. 25/26, remove incorrect statement concerning Lepidopteryx Hope, 1840: Trogosita squamosa Gray, 1832 [not Hope, 1840] is not a junior synonym of Peltis squamulata Gebler, 1830 as indicated in the Errata to volume 4 in volume 6 of the Palaearctic Catalogue (p. 26). It is a junior synonym of Trogosita varia Fabricius, 1801 of Africa as pointed out by Léveillé (1888: cxciii) in the Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (6e série), volume 8. This brings about that Lepidopteryx Hope, 1840 is not a senior synonym of Leperina Erichson, 1844 as listed in the Errata (P. 25) but a junior synonym of Gymnocheilis Dejean, 1835 and that Leperina Erichson, 1844 is the valid name for the genus including Trogosita decorata Erichson, 1842 as listed in volume 4 of the Palaearctic Catalogue (p. 364) p. 42, Microarthron komarowi (Dohrn, 1885): the original spelling of the species epithet is komaroffi , a patronym in honour of General Komaroff. The spelling " komarowi " is not in prevailing usage, see e.g., Plavilstshikov, 1932, 1936; Kostin, 1973; Lobanov et al., 1981; Danilevsky, 1975, 1984; Švácha, 1987, and others who used the spelling " komarovi ". Therefore, the original spelling komaroffi should be maintained p. 44, Dorcadion sulcipenne argonauta Suvorov, 1913: the changed rank was previously published, see Lazarev M. A. 2008: Zametki po spornym voprosam sistematiki i rasprostranenia zhukov-usachey (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) Rossii i sopredelnykh stran. Pp. 129-136. Aktualnye problemy prioritetnyh napravleniy razvitiya estestvennyh nauk. Sbornik statey . Moskva: Prometey MPGU, 220 pp. p. 44, Agapanthia subnigra Pic, 1890 and A. subchalydaea Reitter, 1898 were previously resurrected by Pesarini & Sabbadini, 2004b pp. 44/45, replace Dorcadion sareptanum kubanicum Plavilstshikov, 1934 by Dorcadion sareptanum euxinum Suvorov, 1915, and replace the discussion by: "According to Plavilstshikov (1958a: 181), the male syntypes of Dorcadion euxinum Suvorov, 1915 (described from Novorossijsk) are D. sareptanum Kraatz, 1873, and at least one type-female is D. cinerarium (Fabricius, 1787)". Consequently, Danilevsky et al., 2005 established the synonymy of D. sareptanum euxinum Suvorov and D. kubanicum Plavilstshikov. In fact, the description of D. euxinum Suvorov, 1915 was based on a single male, and that is the holotype subsequently studied by Plavilstshikov (1958a), but recently (2009) not located. Two females (ZIN – one erroneously considered as a male) were incorrectly designated by Suvorov as types of his D. euxinum , as they are not mentioned in his original description. The female designated by Suvorov as a male cannot by the holotype, as it is much larger (14 mm, while the holotype is given as 11.5 mm), and has many different characters. The name D. euxinum Suvorov was several times published by Plavilstshikov (1921: 111; 1931: 64; 1958: 118 [in volume 6 of the Catalogue]) as a synonym of D. cinerarium, because Plavilstshikov considered the erroneously designated females as the types of D. euxinum Suvorov p. 46, Dorcadion arietinum strandi Plavilstshikov, 1931: the synonymy was previously established by Breuning (1962: 230) who placed "strandi Plav." as a morpha of D. phenax Jakovlev, 1900, and subsequently in Danilevsky M. L. 2009: Species group taxa of longhorned beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) described by N. N. Plavilstshikov and their types preserved in the Zoological Museum of the Moscow State University and in the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 88 : 630–663 [in Russian] and Entomological Review 89 : 689-720 p. 46, Leptura apicalis Motschulsky, 1875: the synonymy was previously established by Lazarev, 2008 (referred to above, see under Dorcadion sulcipenne argonauta Suvorov, 1913) p. 46, Macrorhabdium Plavilstshikov, 1915 and Macrorhabdium ruficolle Plavilstshikov, 1915: the synonymy was previously established by Danilevsky, 2009 (referred to above, see under Dorcadion arietinum strandi Plavilstshikov, 1931 p. 46, Pterolophia multinotata Pic, 1931: the synonymy was previously established by Lazarev, 2008 (referred to above, see under Dorcadion sulcipenne argonauta Suvorov, 1913) p. 47, correct spelling of Poecilium alni elbursense Holzschuh, 1977 to elburzense and treat it as valid; P. alni latenigrum Pic, 1945 is infrasubspecific and therefore not a senior synonym of latter p. 48, Judolia tibialis Marseul, 1876 is to be regarded as a senior synonym of Cortodera pallidipes pallidipes Pic, 1898, and not a nomen dubium (p. 124). p. 49/116, Stictoleptura slamai Sama, 2010 is given as a replacement name for Stictoleptura martini (Sláma), because of Leptura semirufula var. martini Pic, 1945 transferred to Stictoleptura . It was however overlooked that Pic in his paper stated that the varieties he describes may be considered by other as aberrations. Hence, the numerous new "varieties" are infrasubspecific names, and therefore it was unnecessary to replace S. martini (Sláma, 1985) p. 52, correct year for Phytoecia (Blepisanis ) vittipennis leuthneri Ganglbauer to 1886 pp. 53/110, remove Sphenaria Pic, 1911 from synonymy of Pedostrangalia Sokolov, 1897. Sphenaria Pic, 1911 is a misspelling of Sphenalia and is unavailable p. 56, Phytoecia subannulipes by Pic, 1910; Pic, 1910h stated "Cette espèce décrite de Syrie…", and gave a definition; yet the name is a misspelling of P. subannularis Pic, 1901, repeated once more in Pic, 1911a: 9. Later, Pic (1915f: 11) stated that P. subannulipes is a Rumanian variety of P. subannularis. Thus, the name became available in 1915 and is a synonym of P. icterica (Schaller, 1783) p. 60, correct spelling of Dorcadion erytropteron Fischer von Waldheim, 1823 to D. erytropterum p. 77, remove Coptocephala scopolina f. bipunctata Depoli, 1926, f. destituta Depoli, 1926, f. lateremaculata Depoli, 1926, f. scutellaris Depoli, 1926 and f. separata Depoli, 1926; these names are considered infrasubspecific p. 79, correct author of Smaragdina to Chevrolat, 1836 p. 83, Thysbe J. Thomson is currently in synonymy with Colasposoma Laporte, 1833, not Platycorynus Chevrolat, 1836 p. 83, correct spelling of Verna & al., 2005 to Verma & al., 2005 p. 85, remove entry Antinoe J. Thomson, 1864 from synonymy of Distenia [it is a junior homonym replaced by Novantinoe