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Morrison Sbts 0207D 10387.Pdf Copyright © 2017 John David Morrison All rights reserved. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary has permission to reproduce and disseminate this document in any form by any means for purposes chosen by the Seminary, including, without limitation, preservation or instruction. MINISTER TO THE BODY: RICHARD GREENHAM AND THE OTHER SIDE OF PURITAN PASTORAL PRACTICE __________________ A Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary __________________ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy __________________ by John David Morrison May 2017 APPROVAL SHEET MINISTER TO THE BODY: RICHARD GREENHAM AND THE OTHER SIDE OF PURITAN PASTORAL PRACTICE John David Morrison Read and Approved by: ____________________________________________ Shawn D. Wright, Chair ____________________________________________ David L. Puckett ____________________________________________ Gregg R. Allison Date________________________________ To my wife, Dori, for her unceasing love and support TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS..........................................................................................VII PREFACE...................................................................................................................... VIII Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................1 Richard Greenham and His Legacy ....................................................................1 Typical Picture of Puritan Pastoral Ministry.....................................................17 Preacher of the Word............................................................................... 18 Assurer of Souls....................................................................................... 31 Minister to the Body .........................................................................................38 Thesis and Outline ............................................................................................44 2. GREENHAM’S ANTHROPOLOGY IN ITS INTELLECTUAL CONTEXT.............................................................................46 Greenham’s Understanding of Body and Soul .................................................46 Union of Body and Soul .......................................................................... 47 Christology Guides Anthropology........................................................... 55 Body and Soul in Sixteenth-Century Thought..................................................65 Philosophical Views of the Body ............................................................ 66 Therapeutic Knowledge of the Body....................................................... 69 Theological Understandings of the Body ................................................ 73 Conclusion ........................................................................................................94 3. COUNSELING FOR LIFE IN THE BODY........................................................95 iv Chapter Page Foundations for Embodied Spirituality.............................................................96 Pilgrims in this World.............................................................................. 96 Thanksgiving to Glory........................................................................... 101 The Examined Life ................................................................................ 105 Daily Life ........................................................................................................110 Diet ........................................................................................................ 111 Clothing ................................................................................................. 117 Work ...................................................................................................... 119 Rest ........................................................................................................ 122 Marriage and Sexuality ...................................................................................125 Considerations before Marriage ............................................................ 126 Due Benevolence in Marriage ............................................................... 128 Death, Judgment, and the Afterlife .................................................................133 The Spiritual Life of the Body ........................................................................140 Sanctify the Whole Person .................................................................... 140 Means of Grace...................................................................................... 143 Conclusion ......................................................................................................165 4. CARING FOR THE AFFLICTED BODY ........................................................166 Afflictions: An Expected Part of the Christian Life .......................................167 Origins of Affliction........................................................................................169 Purpose of Affliction.......................................................................................176 Predestined Purpose............................................................................... 177 Humbles the Elect.................................................................................. 181 Increases Dependence on God............................................................... 191 Spiritual Response to Bodily Affliction..........................................................196 Reflect.................................................................................................... 196 v Chapter Page Repent.................................................................................................... 203 Read ....................................................................................................... 205 Pray........................................................................................................ 208 Wait ....................................................................................................... 211 Conclusion ......................................................................................................217 5. SPECIFIC COUNSEL FOR BODILY AFFLICTIONS ....................................219 Poverty ............................................................................................................220 Sixteenth-Century Poverty .................................................................... 220 Danger of Wealth................................................................................... 224 Contentment in All Circumstances........................................................ 227 Caring for Those in Need ...................................................................... 231 Prosperity ........................................................................................................242 Danger of Prosperity.............................................................................. 242 Use Prosperity for Good ........................................................................ 245 Warning for the Prosperous................................................................... 246 Handle Prosperity in Faith..................................................................... 247 Sickness...........................................................................................................251 Types of Sickness .................................................................................. 252 Remedies of Sickness ............................................................................ 255 Conclusion ......................................................................................................267 6. CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................268 BIBLIOGRAPHY........................................................................................................... 272 vi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS BCP Brian Cummings, ed., The Book of Common Prayer: The Texts of 1549, 1559, and 1662 Inst. John Calvin, Institutio Christianae Religionis, ed. John T. McNeill, trans. Ford Lewis Battles, under the title Institutes of the Christian Religion LCC The Library of Christian Classics, ed. J. Baille et al. LW Martin Luther, Luther’s Works, American Edition, ed. Jaroslav Pelikan and Helmut T. Lehmann, 55 vols. REM Rylands English Manuscript 524 WRG Richard Greenham, The Workes of the Reverend and Faithfull Servant of Jesus Christ M. Richard Greenham, ed. Henry Holland, 5th ed. vii PREFACE I first encountered Richard Greenham nearly a decade ago in J. I. Packer’s Quest for Godliness and was immediately struck by the fervor with which he undertook his pastoral duties and his tragic assessment of the influence of his ministry in Dry Drayton when he left for London. The roots of this project go much deeper as for years teachers and professors have engendered in me a love for early modern England. As I have taught high school for two years in the midst of researching and writing this project, I also have become acutely aware of the deep debt of gratitude I owe those who taught me how to write. To that end, I must thank Mr. McNiff and Doc Swanson from McCallie for first exposing me to the treasures within this era and for stressing the importance
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